Cloud and Pour
Cloud and Pour
Cloud and Pour
16-2372-E / 13-2418-E
Cloud and Pour Point
Refrigerator Bench -68C
ASTM D 97; ASTM D 2500; ASTM D 5853
IP 15; IP 219; DIN EN 23015
Cold Filter Plugging Point
Refrigerator Bench -68C
ASTM D 6371; DIN EN 116; IP 309
SIS 155 122 (former DIN 51 428)
Petrotest GmbH
A company of Anton Paar
Ludwig-Erhard-Ring 13
15827 Dahlewitz - Germany
201051 sm
16-2372-E / 13-2418-E
1. Important Notes ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.1. Liability ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2. Warranty ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Service ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.4. General Safety Information ................................................................................................... 5
1.5. Device-specific Safety Information ........................................................................................ 6
1.6. Summary of all Warnings in this Document .......................................................................... 6
2. Technical Specifications of the Device ................................................................................... 7
3. Device Parts .............................................................................................................................. 7
4. Bringing into Service ................................................................................................................ 8
4.1. Preselection of the cooling temperature at the controller ...................................................... 9
5. Scope CAPP ............................................................................................................................ 10
5.1. Accessories CAPP ............................................................................................................. 10
5.2. Spare Parts CAPP .............................................................................................................. 10
6. ASTM D 97 ............................................................................................................................... 11
6.1. Procedure ........................................................................................................................... 11
6.2. Calculation and Report ....................................................................................................... 13
6.3. Precision and Bias .............................................................................................................. 13
7. ASTM D 2500 ........................................................................................................................... 14
7.1. Procedure ........................................................................................................................... 14
7.2. Report ................................................................................................................................ 16
7.3. Precision and Bias .............................................................................................................. 16
8. Scope CFPP ............................................................................................................................ 17
8.1. Accessories CFPP.............................................................................................................. 17
8.2. Spare Parts CFPP .............................................................................................................. 18
9. ASTM D 6371 ........................................................................................................................... 18
9.1. Procedure ........................................................................................................................... 20
9.2. Precision and Bias .............................................................................................................. 22
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1.1. Liability
The device is an electrically operated appliance. It may not be operated unattended or in
areas at risk of explosion or damp locations. Whenever the device is used, a thorough
knowledge of the Instructions for Use and compliance with same is assumed. In all cases the
operator is liable for the safe operation of the device if it is not used according to instructions.
Repair of the device must be carried out only by Petrotest GmbH. Only original Petrotest
parts and replacement parts must be used to operate the device.
Petrotest is not responsible for damage or malfunctions caused by the operator using the
device improperly or contrary to the instructions. We reserve the right to make technical
This device is not to be used in explosive atmospheres!
1.2. Warranty
1. Petrotest products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a
period of one year from the date of purchase.
2. Petrotest will replace or repair products - free of any charge - that fail as a result of
defective materials or workmanship within the warranty period.
3. None of the obligations of Petrotest shall apply to any products which have been
subjected to misuse, neglect, accident or any extreme environmental condition or
improper handling.
4. If defective products are returned to Petrotest, the costs of such return will be borne by
the customer, and those of delivering the repaired or replacement products to the
customer will be borne by Petrotest.
Petrotests sole liability shall be to repair or replace any product which proves to be defective.
In no event shall Petrotest be liable for any special incidental, consequential, indirect or other
similar damages arising from failure of its products.
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1.3. Service
Should you require service, please contact our service department:
Petrotest GmbH
A company of Anton Paar
Ludwig-Erhard-Ring 13
15827 Dahlewitz - Germany
+49 (0)33708 56-300
+49 (0)33708 56-556
16-2372-E / 13-2418-E
201051 sm
201051 sm
16-2372-E / 13-2418-E
Operating range:
ambient to -68C
Dimensions (W x D x H):
120 Kg
Working temperature:
0 to 50C
Storage temperature:
-10 to 70C
Earth leakage
circuit breaker
Power switch
Heating switch
Temperature controller
Graphic 13-2418A
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Graphic 13-2418B
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Power switch
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Heating switch
Temperature controller
Standard test method for pour point for use on any petroleum products (ASTM D 97) and only
petroleum products which are transparent in layers 40 mm. in thickness and with a cloud point
below 49C.
Insulating disks
Thermometer ASTM 5C
Thermometer ASTM 6C
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Insulating disks
Thermometer ASTM 5C
Thermometer ASTM 6C
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6. ASTM D 97
6.1. Procedure
1. Pour the specimen into the test jar to the level mark. When necessary, heat the specimen
in a water bath until it is just sufficiently fluid to pour into the test jar.
When the sample has been heated to a temperature higher than 45C during the
preceding 24 h or when the thermal history of the sample is not known, keep the sample
at room temperature for 24 h before testing it.
2. Close the test jar with the cork carrying the high-pour thermometer. See that the
thermometer and the jar are coaxial, and the thermometer bulb is immersed so the
beginning of the capillary is 3 mm below the surface of the specimen.
If the expected Pour point is above +36C use a higher range thermometer such as
IP63C or ASTM 61C.
High Cloud and Pour
Low Cloud and Pour
Melting Point
Temperature Range
-38 to +50C
-80 to +20C
+32 to +127C
Thermometer Number
3. For the measurement of pour point, subject the specimen in the test jar to the following
preliminary treatment:
1. Samples having Pour Points above -33C
Heat the specimen without stirring to 9C above the expected pour point, but to at
least 45C, in a bath maintained at 12C above the expected pour point, but at least
48C. Transfer the test jar to a water bath maintained at 24C and commences
observations for pour point.
2. Samples having Pour Points of -33C and below
Heat the specimen without stirring to 45C in a bath maintained at 48C and cool to
15C in a water bath maintained at 6C. Remove the high cloud and pour
thermometer and place the low cloud and pour thermometer in position.
4. Clean and dry the disk and the inside of the jacket to avoid frost formation which may
cause erroneous results.
Place the disk in the bottom of the jacket. Place the distance ring around the test jar
25mm from the bottom. Insert the test jar with distance ring in the jacket.
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5. Begin to examine the appearance of the specimen when the temperature of the
specimen is 9C above the expected pour point (estimated as a multiple of 3C). At each
test thermometer reading that is a multiple of 3C below the starting temperature remove
the test jar from the jacket and remove condensed moisture with a clean cloth moistened
in alcohol (ethanol or methanol).
Tilt the jar just enough to ascertain whether there is a movement of the specimen in the
test jar. The complete operation of removal, wiping, and replacement shall require not
more than 3 s.
Take great care not to disturb the mass of specimen nor permit the thermometer to shift
in the specimen; any disturbance of the spongy network of wax crystals will lead to low
and erroneous results.
If the specimen has not ceased to flow when its temperature has reached 27C, transfer
the test jar to the next lower temperature bath per the following schedule:
If the specimen in the jar does not flow when tilted, hold the jar in a horizontal position for
5 s and observe carefully. If the specimen shows any movement, replace the test jar
immediately in the jacket and repeat a test for flow at the next temperature, 3C lower.
6. If the specimen shows no movement when the test jar is held in a horizontal position for
5s. Record the observed reading of the test thermometer.
To determine compliance with existing specifications having pour point limits at
temperatures not divisible by 3C, it is acceptable practice to conduct the pour point
measurement according to the following schedule: Begin to examine the appearance of
the specimen when the temperature of the specimen is 9C above the specification pour
point. Continue observations at 3C intervals as described in 6 and 7 until the
specification temperature is reached. Report the sample as passing or failing the
specification limit.
7. For black specimen, cylinder stock and non-distillate fuel specimen, the result obtained
by the procedure described in 1 through 6 is the upper (maximum) pour point. If required,
determine the lower (minimum) pour point by heating the sample while stirring, to 105C,
pouring it into the jar, and determining the pour point as described in 4 through 6.
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7. ASTM D 2500
7.1. Procedure
1. Bring the sample to a temperature at least 14C above the approximate cloud point.
Remove any moisture present by a method such as filtration through dry lintels filter
paper until the oil is perfectly clear, but make such filtration at a temperature of at least
14C above the approximate cloud point.
In most cases of interference, filtration through dry lintels filter papers is sufficient. In the
case of diesel fuels, however, if the haze is very dense, a fresh portion of the sample
should be dried by shaking 100 mL with 5 g of anhydrous sodium sulphate for at least 5
min and then filtering through dry lintels filter paper. Given sufficient contact time, this
procedure will remove or sufficiently reduce the water haze so that the wax cloud can be
readily discerned. Drying and filtering should be done always at a temperature at least
14C above the approximate cloud point but otherwise not in excess of 49C
2. Pour the sample into the test jar to the level mark.
3. Close the test jar tightly with the cork carrying the thermometer.
The thermometer and the jar are coaxial, and the thermometer bulb is resting on the
bottom of the jar.
If the expected cloud point is above -36C use the High Cloud and Pour Point
Thermometer and the Low Cloud and Pour Point Thermometer if the expected cloud
point is below -36C.
High Cloud and Pour
Low Cloud and Pour
Temperature Range
-38 to +50C
-80 to +20C
Thermometer Number
Thermometers should be checked immediately prior to the test and used only if their ice
points are 0 1C, when the thermometer is immersed to the immersion line in an ice
bath, and when the emergent column temperature does not differ significantly from 21C.
Alternatively, immerse the thermometer to a reading and correct for the resultant cooler
stem temperature.
4. To avoid frost formation which may cause erroneous results see that the disk, distance
ring, and the inside of the jacket are clean and dry.
Place the disk in the bottom of the jacket. The use of a jacket cover while the empty
jacket is cooling is permitted.
Place the distance ring around the test jar, 25 mm from the bottom. Insert the test jar in
the jacket.
5. Maintain the temperature of the cooling bath at 0 1.5C.
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6. At each test thermometer reading that is a multiple of 1C, remove the test jar from the
jacket quickly and without disturbing the oil, inspect for cloud, and replace in the jacket.
This operation shall require not more than 3 s. If the oil does not show a cloud when it
has been cooled to 9C, transfer the test jar to a second bath maintained at a
temperature of -18 1.5 C.
If the oil does not show a cloud when it has been cooled to
-6C, transfer the test jar to a third bath maintained at a temperature of
-33 1.5C. For the determination of very low cloud points additional baths are required,
each bath to be maintained in accordance with the following schedule.
7. Report the cloud point, to the nearest 1C, at which any cloud is observed at the bottom
of the test jar, which is confirmed by continued cooling.
A wax cloud or haze is always noted first at the bottom of the test jar where the
temperature is lowest. A slight haze throughout the entire sample, which slowly becomes
more apparent as the temperature is lowered, is usually due to traces of water in the oil.
Generally this water haze will not interfere with the determination of the wax cloud point.
Dry the sample as described in 1.
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7.2. Report
Report the temperature recorded in 7 as the Cloud Point, Test Method D 2500.
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This test method covers for the determination of the cold filter plugging point temperature of diesel
and domestic heating fuels.
Test jar
Holding ring
Centering rack
Graphic 13-0421A
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test jar
thermometer ASTM 5C
9. ASTM D 6371
Graphics 13-0450C
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Prior to each test, the filtration unit in its individual parts, the test vessel, the pipette and the
thermometer must be washed with heptane.
Afterwards rinse with acetone and all parts are to be dried in a filtered airstream.
The cleaned and dried filtration unit is reassembled as shown in Illustration 13-0430A.
Fig. 13-0430A
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9.1. Procedure
1. A sample of 50 ml is filtered through a dry lint-free filter paper at room temperature
(>15C). Establish the cooling bath temperature at -34 0.5C
2. Place the centering rack in the jacket.
3. The filtered sample is filled into the test jar up to the mark.
The test jar is sealed with a stopper into which the glass pipette with the filtration unit and
the proper thermometer (see table) are inserted.
The lower edge of filtration unit must remain on the bottom of the test jar - see illustration
13-0421 A. The thermometer is not allowed to touch the wall of the test jar or the filtration
Expected CFPP
above -30 C
below -30C
Measuring range
-38C to +50C
-80C to +20C
Do not change thermometers during the test. Adjust the apparatus in such a way that the
bottom of the complete filter apparatus rests on the bottom of the test jar, and position the
thermometer so that its lower end is 1.5 0.2 mm above the bottom of the test jar.
The position of the lower end of the thermometer above the bottom of the test jar can be
indirectly measured by marking the stem of the thermometer flush with the stopper when
the lower end of the thermometer is just touching the bottom of the test jar, and then
pulling the thermometer up such that the reference line is 1.5 0.2 mm above the top of
the stopper.
4. Insert the test jar assembly in a vertical position into the jacket.
5. With the stopcock open to atmosphere; connect the glas pipette to the vacuum system by
means of flexible tubing attached to the stopcock.
6. Switch on the vacuum unit.
The U-tube manometer must indicate a vacuum of 2001 mm.
7. Start the test immediately, but if the cloud point of the sample is known, it is permitted to
wait until the specimen has cooled to a temperature of not less than 5C above its cloud
8. If the temperature of the sample has reached an suitable integer value, the three-way
cock is set to connect the filtration unit with the vacuum system, and the timer is switched
This causes the sample to be drawn through the sieve of the filtration unit into the pipette.
If the sample has reached the mark on the pipette, the three-way cock assumes its
original position and the timer is stopped. Now the sample can flow back into the test jar
If the time required to reach the mark exceeds 60 s on the first attempt, the test
procedure is aborted and repeated with a new sample at a higher starting temperature.
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9. Test result
The measurement is repeated for each of the sample's 1C drop in temperature. If the
temperature has been reached at which the pipette is not filled up to the mark within 60 s,
the temperature at which the last filtration began is recorded as the CFPP. In case the
pipette has not been filled within 60 s, yet upon opening the pipette via the three-way
cock, the sample has not flowed back completely prior to the next intake cycle, the
temperature at the beginning of the last filtration is displayed as the CFPP.
10. In case the CFPP has not yet been reached when the sample temperature is -20C, the
test is to be continued in a second cooling bath in which the temperature is kept at a
constant -511C.
For this the test jar with the filter unit is quickly transferred into a air jacket which is in the
second cooling bath.
11. In case the CFPP has not been reached yet when the sample temperature is -35C, the
test is to be continued in a third cooling bath in which the temperature is kept at a
constant -672C.
12. In case no plugging of the filter occurs when the sample temperature is -51C, the
procedure is aborted. The result is recorded as "Not plugged at -51C".
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