Final Report PDF
Final Report PDF
Final Report PDF
Macaroni and
Marketing Survey
Table of Contents
Page No
Executive summary
Blank Questionnaire
Objectives Output
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With this customer satisfaction survey for Chicken Marconi and Cheese we had
objectives to see the customers really feel about this restaurant. This report
has different important test with charts and graphs that are helpful to
interpret. These charts are the main output for our analysis.
We have divided our report into several parts so that it can present data
analysis and results perfectly. First we have some start up issues with
methodology and company profile. Then we present our main four objectives
are customer satisfaction, dining habits, marketing ideas and customer profile.
For getting detail information on customer satisfaction we divide it into four
sub groups. Those are product, service, cleanliness and dinning environment.
Then we present our data analysis which is the biggest part of this report. We
present it according to our objective. After that we write down the survey
results along with cross tabulations result. Lastly we put conclusion and
couple of recommendation for Chicken Marconi and Cheese restaurant. Like a
professional researcher we also find out some flaws of our survey and we put
those in post survey regrets.
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Chicken Macaroni
and Cheese
Marketing Survey
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Customer Satisfaction
How do you feel about our below service?
Thinking about value for money, how would you describe our
Dining Habits
How much do you usually spend (per person) eating out?
How many times have you visited this restaurant?
Where else do you most frequently dine out?
Main reason for todays dining?
Marketing ideas
Which FM Radio station do you listen to?
Which social media do you use?
How much do you prefer the items as promotional offers?
Customer Profile
How old are you?
What is your current household annual income?
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Dear customer,
Good day! The Chicken Macaroni & Cheese Restaurant is dedicated to improving
customer satisfaction. Through this brief survey, your answers will be helpful in
enhancing our services and meeting your needs. Your confidential responses will only
be used for survey purposes. We would be very grateful if you would spend a couple of
minutes to take part in this survey by completing the questionnaire below.
1. How do you feel about our bellow services?
(Place an X in the box that most closely describes your dining experience at
this restaurant.)
A: Food
6-10 times
11-15 times
16 times or more
3. Where else do you most frequently dine out? (Check only one)
Local food-chain stores
10 | P a g e
$10 - $14.99
$15 - $19.99
$20 More
6. Thinking about value for money, how would you describe our food in general?
Very Poor value
Poor value
Fair value
Good value
Social media
Once in a
Several times
in a day
Google plus
Whats up
Dont listen
Other (Please specify)
11 | P a g e
Not preferable
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Enjoy dining at Chicken
Macaroni & Cheese Restaurant.
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About the
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Objective 1
(Customer Satisfaction)
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Question #2: Thinking about value for money, how would you
describe our food?
32 | P a g e
Objective 2
(Dining Habits)
33 | P a g e
Question #1: How many times have you visited this restaurant?
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Objective 3
(Marketing ideas)
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Objective 4
(Customer Profile)
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Crosstabs 1
(Customer Satisfaction)
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Crosstabs 2
(Dinning Habit)
48 | P a g e
#1: How many times have you visited this restaurant and Main
reason for todays dining?
49 | P a g e
Crosstabs 3
(Marketing Ideas)
50 | P a g e
#1: How old are you and how much do you prefer the items as
Promotional offers?
51 | P a g e
Crosstabs 4
(Customer Profile)
52 | P a g e
#1: Varity of the menu choices and How old are you.
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appearance of the food is very good and 7 people (14%) give their judgment as
good. On the other hand 11 people (22%) believe that this restaurants pleasing
appearance of the food is average. Finally the remaining 2 people; 1 person
thinks as poor (2%) and the last person thinks as very poor (2%) of its pleasing
appearance of the food. So 75% respondents are satisfied with pleasing
appearance of the food of this restaurant which is a good percentage.
Question #1 (B1): Efficiency of service
For the category of efficiency of service out of 50 people, 16 people (32%) state
that Chicken Macaroni and Cheeses efficiency of service is very good whereas
18 people (36%) present their opinion as good. On the other hand 9 (18%)
people consider that this restaurants efficiency of service is average. Lastly the
remaining 7 people (14%) comment as poor efficiency of service for Chicken
Macaroni and Cheese. But none of these 50 people believe that its efficiency of
service is very poor. So it is noticeably seen that around 70% respondents are
satisfied with efficiency of service of this restaurant.
Question #1 (B2): Friendliness of staff
For the question of friendliness of staff out of 50 people, 14 people (28%) state
that Chicken Macaroni and Cheeses friendliness of staff is very good whereas
16 people (32%) present their opinion as good. On the other hand 12 (24%)
people consider that this restaurants friendliness of staff is average. Lastly the
remaining 8 people (16%) comment as poor friendliness of staff for Chicken
Macaroni and Cheese. But none of these 50 people believe that its friendliness
of staff is very poor. So it is clearly seen that 60% respondents are satisfied
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around 65% respondents are satisfied with cleanness of counter areas of this
Question #1 (C2): Cleanness of Eating Areas
For the question of cleanness of eating areas out of 50 people, 19 people (38%)
state that Chicken Macaroni and Cheeses cleanness of eating areas is very
good and 15 people (30%) present their view as good. On the other hand 11
people (22%) believe that this restaurants cleanness of eating areas is average.
Lastly, remain 5 people (10%) remark as poor cleanness of eating areas for
Chicken Macaroni and Cheese. But none of these 50 people believe that its
cleanness of eating areas is very poor. So it is plainly seen that around 70%
respondents are satisfied with cleanness of eating areas of this restaurant.
Question #1 (C3): Cleanness of Restroom
For the question of cleanness of restroom areas out of 50 people, 1 person (2%)
affirms that Chicken Macaroni and Cheeses cleanness of restroom areas is
very good and 14 people (28%) present their judgment as good. On the other
hand 23 people (46%) consider that this restaurants cleanness of restroom
areas is average. Lastly the remaining 12 people (24%) comment as poor
cleanness of restroom areas for Chicken Macaroni and Cheese. However none
of these 50 people believe that its cleanness of restroom areas is very poor. So
it is apparently seen that only 30% respondents are satisfied with cleanness of
restroom areas of this restaurant which is not a satisfied percentage.
Question #1 (D1): Location
For the question of the location out of 50 people, 12 people (24%) state that
Chicken Macaroni and Cheeses location is very good whereas 20 people (40%)
present their opinion as good. On the other hand 9 (18%) people consider that
this restaurants location is average. Finally the remaining 9 people (18%)
comment as poor location of this restaurant. But none of them think its
location as very poor. So it is clearly seen that only 65% respondents are
satisfied with location this restaurant.
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Question #2: How many times have you visited this restaurant?
For this question 11 people (22%) response that they visit this restaurant for
first time and out of 50 people there are 14 people (28%) who come her less
than 5 times. On the other hand 9 people visit this restaurant more than 6
times but less than 10 times. However, 13 respondents are on the category of
11-15 times and in this survey there are 3 people who visit Chicken Macaroni
and Cheese more than 16 times.
Question #3: Where else do you most frequently dine out?
For this question out of 50 respondents, 21 respondents (42%) dine out in local
food-chain stores and 22 (44%) respondents dine out in other local
restaurants. The last 7 respondents (14%) usually dine out in other places.
Question #4: Main reason for todays dining?
For this quarry, 7 respondents visit this restaurant to enjoy their special
occasion. On the other hand, 13 respondents out of 50 dine out here because
this restaurant is close to their residence. However most people, specifically 26
people come here as they think this restaurants value for money spent is good.
Lastly only 4 respondents visit at Chicken Macaroni and Cheese because they
like the taste of its food.
Question #5: How much do you usually spend (per person) eating out?
For this question, 33 respondents (66%) answer that they spend $5 - $9.99 for
eating out and 12 respondents (24%) on an average expend $10 - $14.99 for
per person per visit. The last 5 respondents spend $15 - $19.99 in per visit.
However none of the 50 respondents pay out $20 or more than that for per
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(Cross Tabs)
65 | P a g e
#1: Efficiency of service and How many times visited this restaurant.
For this cross tabs we find that respondents who visit very first time or less
than 5 times they do not like efficiency of service. That is why, there are 8
people who visit this restaurant less than 5 times give their opinion as poor
and average. However respondents who come regularly, they like this
restaurants efficiency of services. For this reason, 12 respondents give opinion
as good and very good who are in 11 15 times category.
How many times have you visited this restaurant and Main reason for
todays dining?
For this cross tab we find that respondents who visit this restaurant on any
special occasion they come less than 5 times. On the other hand 17
respondents (34%) who select value for money spent they visit more than 11
times. And the other two sections are as usual.
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#1: How old are you and how much do you prefer the items as
Promotional offers?
For this cross tab, respondents whose age is 20 24 they want coupon as a
promotional offer. On the other hand people who are in 30 34 category desire
free drinks and coupons and 35 39 age group respondents are more focused
on free drinks with meals. Lastly, who are more than 40 years old they think
free drinks and coupons are best promotional offer for them.
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After analyzing this survey and report we have concluded these bellow points:
For given customer service, customers are also satisfied. They like the
staffs efficiency of services. However some places need to be improved.
Macaroni and
Cheeses customer
rate is not
Most people visit Chicken Macaroni and Cheese for value for money
spent. Most interestingly out of 50 only four people come here because
they like the taste its food.
Maximum people (66%) spend bellow $10 per person per meal. So people
look for low price food items than an expensive one.
For thinking about value for money, customers are satisfied. They think
Chicken Macaroni and Cheese chares fair amount of money from its
For social media people mostly use facebook and the other media are not
that popular.
69 | P a g e
Mostly people listen to fm 95.7; around 55% people. However 32% people
listen to fm 97.3.
As a promotional offer 40% people want free drinks and other 40% want
Chicken Macaroni and Cheeses main customers are middle age people
specifically people whose age above 30 they usually come here to eating
Mid level income people are main customer of Chicken Macaroni and
70 | P a g e
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While analyzing and interpreting this survey of Chicken Macaroni and Cheese,
we find out couple of areas that this restaurants need to upgrade to provide
better customer service. Those are:
Layout of the restaurant needs to change. So that people can move freely.
One of the negative point of Chicken Macaroni and Cheese that we found
is good for eating with children. Children do not like this restaurant as
per this survey. They should install some game facility or add some
menu that children usually like most.
Chicken Macaroni and Cheese should focus on the taste of its food items.
Because only 8% people visit this restaurant because they like the taste
of this food. For product like food, money or price of food is less
important than its quality. So we highly recommend for enhancing its
quality of food.
For social media promotion they should use facebook where they can
post the pictures of Chicken Macaroni and Cheeses delicious menu.
For promotional offer they should offer free drinks with meals or coupons
especially to new customers as Chicken Macaroni and Cheese need to
increase its customer retention rate.
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This project has so many flaws because this research is the first marketing
research of these researchers. From selecting sample size to analyzing data
researchers have problems. Some of these are mentioned bellow:
We know that selecting sample size is one of the main tasks for getting
exact result from a survey. Very beginning of this survey we planned that
we will collect 100 surveys. But later we were able to collect only 52
surveys which is really poor to present the whole survey result.
Even all the 50 questionnaire are not same. The first 8 to 10 copies
are different than rest of questionnaires. As we updated several
times that is why it happened.
There was no promotional offer for those people who participates this
survey. If we could arrange some of those maybe they will fill survey with
full attention.
As before this survey we have no idea about using SPSS, we used only
few types of SPSS analysis. We do not do any descriptive analysis or any
correlation or not even a hypothesis test.
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Lastly, there were some technical problems for using SPSS. That is why
we did whole data entry for two times.
However, if would start our data collection and use our time properly then we
could have complete a batter marketing research.
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Md Mustafizur Rahman
Executive Summary
Objective analysis,
Interoperate of results,
Cross tabulation,
Survey regrets,
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