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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Thesis Program of the Curriculum N790
Doctor of Applied Medical Science
Thomas M. Stulnig, Associate Professor, Clinical Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism,
Department of Internal Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna, Whringer Grtel 18-20,
1090 Vienna, Austria; phone: +43 1 40400 4368; fax: +43 1 40400 7790;
E-mail: thomas.stulnig@meduniwien.ac.at

General Description and Aims

Endocrinology and metabolism are traditionally linked to each other not only in clinical
settings. Due to the importance of hormones to regulate metabolism of individual cells,
tissues and whole organisms, regulatory mechanisms in metabolism and endocrine axes often
follow common mechanisms. Following the elucidation of endocrine regulatory mechanisms
and principal metabolic pathways in the midst of the 20th century, recent developments in
methods of molecular biology and in vivo investigations have now paved the way for further
significant progress in the field of endocrinology and metabolism. Beginning with the
molecular identification of transcription factors for genes implicated in metabolic and
endocrine regulations up to in vivo NMR spectroscopy for analysis of metabolic regulation in
humans these novel methods will facilitate essential contributions for the elucidation of
endocrine and metabolic regulations and enable the development of novel therapeutic
approaches. A prerequisite for this progress to occur in research and clinics is the availability
of trained researchers and clinicians.
The clinical approach to patients suffering from disorders in hormone and metabolic
homeostasis has changed in parallel with basic scientific progress, e.g., by the advancements
in molecular genetics and their application for diagnosis of a multitude of disorders.
Moreover, the prevalence of endocrine and metabolic diseases has shifted, e.g., due to the
increased frequency of obesity and the increasing age in our population. Hence it is expected
that the field of endocrinology and metabolism will be subject to further exciting
developments in the near future.
It is the aim of the Doctoral Program of Applied Medical Science on "Endocrinology
and Metabolism" to train young scientists and professionals practising Endocrinology and
Metabolism in its broadest sense for independent scientific work in medical and associated
professions. The symbiosis of science and practice will be accomplished by combining
scientific experience and guidance with practical seminars. As a result, graduates will be
prepared to apply scientific and practical methods in his/her profession in order to
continuously improve professional practice and effectivity, to take responsibility for changing
situations and to address modern issues of Endocrinolgy and Metabolism by independent
application-oriented research projects. In addition, graduates will be trained in presenting
results to other specialists in the field and to educate laypersons likewise.
Principles of endocrinology and metabolism are not only scientifically and clinically
present in the specialty of internal medicine, but also in gynecology, pediatrics, surgery and
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

nutritional medicine. The lecturers and principal investigators of this doctoral study program
work in diverse areas from basic sciences up to various clinical disciplines and provide
opportunities for scientific research in diverse aspects of the field of endocrinology and
metabolism including nutrition. Thematically, the program comprises mainly applicationoriented theses from translational research up to diagnostics and therapeutic approaches.
Methodologically, the spectrum comprises a broad array of biochemistry and molecular
biology up to in vivo investigations and clinical trials.
In the framework of this doctoral study, the student will scientifically work in a welldefined thematic segment under supervision of an experienced principal investigator. Aim of
the scientific work is the compilation of a doctoral thesis. In addition, the student will have
the possibilities to gain theoretical knowledge in endocrinology and metabolism in its
broadest sense and in various methods for its investigation, e.g. in basic seminars. Own
scientific works will be accompanied by critical discussion of scientific results from other
groups in journal clubs. Current research projects of involved groups will be discussed in
thesis seminars. Practical seminars are specific to the Applied Doctoral Study Program.
Practical seminars will give guidance to professional application of modern achievements and
prepare for dissemination of current knowledge to laypersons. These instruments will put own
scientific work into the context of other scientific and practical achievements to promote
skilled independent work and application of scientific methods. Furthermore, practical and
thesis seminars advance students presentation skills.
The Medical University of Vienna has established a research focus concentrating
scientific resources on various aspects of metabolism including efforts on the investigation of
type 2 diabetes mellitus and the metabolic syndrome, diabetic complications, high-field NMR
spectroscopy of metabolic intermediates, mechanisms of metabolic regulation, interference of
metabolism with immunological and inflammatory mechanisms, inherited metabolic
disorders, and (neuro)endocrine regulation. The Applied Doctoral Study program
"Endocrinology and Metabolism" strengthens these efforts and provides a unique opportunity
for students to promote their graduation while interacting with a critical mass of expert
principal investigators and clinicians.
The participating university teachers belong to three groups according to their roles in
the Applied Doctoral Study Program Endocrinology and Metabolism:
1. Supervisors (S) possess remarkable scientific output and are experienced professionally
and in training doctoral students. They give lectures and supervise students in their thesis
2. Young supervisors (YS) comprise particularly ambitious principal investigators who are
on the way but have not yet achieved a venia docendi (Habilitation). Young
supervisors are supported by experienced supervisors. Students guided by young
supervisors meet more often with the thesis committee, i.e. every 6 months, instead of the
usual yearly meetings to guarantee the highest level of education. Young supervisors
contribute to the courses as do other teachers and students benefit by obtaining insight into
more technical details.
3. Lecturers (L) comprise teachers who currently do not fulfill all criteria or abstain from
supervising students but have considerable knowledge and experience in a given area.
Lecturers contribute to the courses often by presenting a particularly practical approach.
Last but not least it is emphasized that the current version of the program with its
contributing principal investigators and lecturers is regarded as a preliminary nucleus. The
program is designed to integrate more teachers and institutions in order to cover the field of
endocrinology and metabolism and related disciplines in all theoretical and practical aspects.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Recommended Literature

The Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease / Charles R. Scriver (Editor),
William S. Sly (Editor), Barton Childs, Arthur L. Beaudet, David Valle, Kenneth W.
Kinzler, Bert Vogelstein; McGraw-Hill Professional; 8th edition (2000) - 4 volume set,
6338 pages.
Williams Textbook of Endocrinology / P. Reed Larsen et al.; Saunders, Philadelphia, Pa.
[u.a.], 10th ed., 2003. - XXIII, 1927 pages.
Textbook of Endocrine Physiology / ed. by James E. Griffin.; Oxford Univ. Press ,
Oxford, 4th ed., 2000. - X, 479 pages.
Neuroendocrinology in Physiology and Medicine / ed. P.Michael Conn, Marc E. Freeman;
Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, 2000.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

The propedeutics will be an obligatory part of the Applied Medical Science doctoral study.
Six semester hours (SHrs) have to be completed with emphasis on natural science or medical
courses for graduates from medical and non-medical studies, respectively. Please follow
general regulations for the Applied Doctoral Science study as posted.

Basic Seminar
The Basic Seminar is held in winter semsters only (2 semester hours) comprising two
different sets of themes (I and II). In total 4 SHrs must be completed for the thesis program.
The Basic Seminar will provide a broad overview of the field of Endocrinology and
Metabolism including nutritional aspects.
VO Basic Seminar "Endocrinology and
Metabolism [I/II]";
2 SHrs (compulsory course); English; personal
registration by email to Prof. Th. Stulnig

Sabina Baumgartner-Parzer, Christian

Bieglmayer, Martin Bischof, Olaf
Bodamer, Wilfred Druml, Manuela
Fdinger, Clemens Frnsinn, Gabriele
Husler, Jrg Michael Hiesmayr,
Alexandra Kautzky-Willer, Michael
Krebs, Bernhard Ludvik, Anton Luger,
Wolfgang Marktl, Bruno Niederle, Peter
Pietschmann, Gerhard Prager, Erich
Tschugguel, Nicole Unger-Manhart,
Heinrich Vierhapper, Ludwig Wagner,
Kurt Widhalm



Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

S. Baumgartner-Parzer

Modern methods of clinical laboratory analysis

C. Bieglmayer

In vivo studies on hepatic glycogen metabolism

M. Bischof

Stable isotope techniques-basics and applications

O. Bodamer

Clinical Nutrition and Infusion Therapy 1

W. Druml

Molecular methods in research and diagnostics of

metabolic diseases 1

M. Fdinger

Basics for working with experimental animals

C. Frnsinn

Physiology and pathophysiology of growth

G. Husler

Epidemiology of malnutrition

M. Hiesmayr
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Gestational diabetes

A. Kautzky-Willer

Insulin resistance

M. Krebs


B. Ludvik

Physiology of the hypothalamic-pituitary regulation

A. Luger

Physiology of nutrition and pathophysiology of


W. Marktl

Endocrine surgery 1

B. Niederle

Bone biology

P. Pietschmann

Bariatric surgery 1

G. Prager

Protein catabolism, post-aggression phase,

immunonutrition 1

E. Roth

Lipid metabolism and hyperlipidemia

Th. Stulnig

Pathophysiology of estrogen-dependent diseases

W. Tschugguel

D-A-CH Reference values for food intake

N. Unger-Manhart

Adrenal glands

H. Vierhapper

Genes relevant in endocrine tumorigenesis

L. Wagner

Familial hypercholesterolemia in childhood and


K. Widhalm



Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 2

S. Baumgartner-Parzer

Interpretation of endocrinological lab results

C. Bieglmayer

Hypoglycemia counterregulation in type 1 diabetes

M. Bischof

Analytical techniques for quantification of small molecules O. Bodamer

Clinical Nutrition and Infusion Therapy 2

W. Druml

Molecular methods in research and diagnostics of

metabolic diseases 2

M. Fdinger

From cell culture to the whole organism: experimental


C. Frnsinn

Basic scientific aspects of growth

G. Husler

Stresshyperglycemia, nutritive intervention in hospitalized


M. Hiesmayr

Pregnancy in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes


A. Kautzky-Willer

Direct and indirect effects of nutrients on glucose


M. Krebs

Metabolic syndrome

B. Ludvik
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

New developments in the regulation of appetite and body


A. Luger

Physiology of nutrition and pathophysiology of vitamins

and trace elements

W. Marktl

Endocrine surgery 2

B. Niederle

Bariatric surgery 2

G. Prager

Pathogenesis and treatment of osteoporosis

P. Pietschmann

Protein catabolism, post-aggression phase,

immunonutrition 2

E. Roth

Dyslipidemias and polyunsaturated fatty acids

Th. Stulnig

Pathophysiology of endometriosis

W. Tschugguel

Polyphenols: anitoxidants and signalling molecules?

N. Unger-Manhart

Thyroid gland

H. Vierhapper

The beta cell and insulin transcription

L. Wagner

Principles and evidence for a preventive nutrition

K. Widhalm

Journal Club
The Journal Clubs (critical paper reviews) are held on a weekly basis by the programs
teachers. Currently, a single Journal Club is established each term. In total 12 SHrs must be
completed for the thesis program.


SE Journal Club "Endocrinology and Metabolism

2 SHrs (compulsory course); English; personal
registration by email to Prof. Th. Stulnig
Contents: presentation and critical discusssion of
published papers

Sabina Baumgartner-Parzer, Christian

Bieglmayer, Martin Bischof, Olaf
Bodamer, Wilfred Druml, Manuela
Fdinger, Clemens Frnsinn, Gabriele
Husler, Jrg Michael Hiesmayr,
Alexandra Kautzky-Willer, Michael
Krebs, Bernhard Ludvik, Anton Luger,
Wolfgang Marktl, Bruno Niederle, Peter
Pietschmann, Gerhard Prager, Erich
Tschugguel, Nicole Unger-Manhart,
Ludwig Wagner, Kurt Widhalm

Compulsory Optional Courses

According to the curriculum, each student must attend a total of 12 SHrs of Thesis Seminars
and 4 SHrs of Practical Seminars, i.e. a total of 16 SHrs. More elective courses are to be
announced in the future. Please see the current index of courses of the Medical University of
Vienna for details
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"



SE Thesis Seminar "Endocrinology and

Metabolism [Semester]"
2 SHrs; English; personal registration by email to
Prof. T. Stulnig (thomas.stulnig@meduniwien.ac.at)
Contents: presentation and critical discussion of
thesis projects

Sabina Baumgartner-Parzer, Christian

Bieglmayer, Martin Bischof, Olaf
Bodamer, Wilfred Druml, Manuela
Fdinger, Clemens Frnsinn, Gabriele
Krebs, Bernhard Ludvik, Anton Luger,
Wolfgang Marktl, Bruno Niederle, Peter
Pietschmann, Gerhard Prager, Erich Roth,
Thomas Stulnig, Walter Tschugguel,
Nicole Unger-Manhart, Ludwig Wagner,
Kurt Widhalm

SE Practical Seminar "Endocrinology and

Metabolism [Semester]"
2 SHrs; English; personal registration by email to
Prof. T. Stulnig (thomas.stulnig@meduniwien.ac.at)
Contents: Case studies in endocrinology and
metabolism will be presented in an interactive
manner in order to promote analytical thinking and
practical problem solving; depending on the
teaching faculty member, clinical cases or
laboratory problems will be addressed; ethical and
societal issues are to be discussed; another focus
will be made on presentation techniques in order to
teach students to communicate clinical issues and
scientific results in an easy to understand language

Sabina Baumgartner-Parzer, Christian

Bieglmayer, Martin Bischof, Olaf
Bodamer, Wilfred Druml, Manuela
Fdinger, Clemens Frnsinn, Gabriele
Krebs, Bernhard Ludvik, Anton Luger,
Wolfgang Marktl, Bruno Niederle, Peter
Pietschmann, Gerhard Prager, Erich Roth,
Thomas Stulnig, Walter Tschugguel,
Nicole Unger-Manhart, Ludwig Wagner,
Kurt Widhalm

Elective Courses
Please see the current index of courses of the Medical University of Vienna for details on
elective courses for doctoral study programs.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Experimental Techniques


Working groups

in vitro methods
apoptosis / proliferation assays

Baumgartner-Parzer, Unger-Manhart, Roth

bone histomorphometry


cell culture, cell lines

Stulnig, Luger, Wagner, Bodamer, UngerManhart

cell culture, perfusion model


cell culture, primary

Stulnig, Baumgartner-Parzer, Pietschmann,

Luger, Wagner, Bodamer, Husler



FACS - dynamic measurements (calcium etc.)


FACS - immunofluorescence

Stulnig, Baumgartner-Parzer, Pietschmann,

Wagner, Unger-Manhart

fatty acid analysis (GC)


fluorescence microscopy

Stulnig, Wagner

gas chromatography

Stulnig, Bodamer

gene expression profiling (microarrays)

Stulnig, Fdinger

HPLC, FPLC and other chromatographic analyses Wagner, Bodamer, Roth


Baumgartner-Parzer, Husler

immunoassays (ELISA, FIA, RIA etc.)

Pietschmann, Bodamer


Stulnig, Baumgartner-Parzer, Frnsinn,

Krebs, Husler


Stulnig, Wagner

isolated muscle incubation


lipoprotein ultracentrifugation


magnetic cell sorting


mass spektrometry


metabolic labeling

Stulnig, Wagner

metabolic rates with radioactive tracers


mikronukleation in lymphocytes


northern blotting

Stulnig, Baumgartner-Parzer, Frnsinn,

Wagner, Bodamer, Fdinger

PCR, genomic

Baumgartner-Parzer, Fdinger

PCR, on chip

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

PCR, real-time (quantitativ, SNP)

Stulnig, Pietschmann, Wagner, Fdinger,


PCR, reverse transciptase (RT-PCR)

Stulnig, Pietschmann, Wagner, Fdinger

protein expression


protein sequencing


reporter gen assay

Stulnig, Baumgartner-Parzer, Wagner


Baumgartner-Parzer, Fdinger


Baumgartner-Parzer, Fdinger

southern blotting

Baumgartner-Parzer, Fdinger

spectrophotometric enzyme analyses




subcellular fractionation

Stulnig, Wagner

tissue explants (adipose)


transfection, gene expression

Stulnig, Wagner

in vivo methods - animal experiments

effects of antidiabetic drugs in rats


mouse models

Stulnig, Pietschmann, Bodamer, UngerManhart

rat models


stabile isotope application


in vivo methods - experiments in humans

body composition measurement


epidemiology of malnutrition


indirect calorimetry


magnetic resonance spectroscopy, multi-nuclear

Roden, Bischof, Krebs, Bodamer

muscle biopsy


nutritional training, assessment of nutritional


Widhalm, Roth, Unger-Manhart, Druml,


positron emission spectroscopy

Bischof, Krebs

stabile isotope technique (protein turnover,

glucose turnover, gluconeogenesis,
methionine-homocysteine metabolism)

Roden, Bischof, Krebs, Bodamer

tests of endocrine function


tests of insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity

Roden, Bischof, Kautzky-Willer, Krebs

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

incl. contact information and role in the program
Principal investigator


Ao.Univ.Prof.DI.Dr. Sabina BaumgartnerParzer


Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Bieglmayer


Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Bischof


Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Olaf Bodamer


Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilfred Druml


Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manuela Fdinger



Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Clemens Frnsinn


Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gabriele Husler


Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Hiesmayr


Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexandra KautzkyWiller


Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Krebs


Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ludvik


Ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Anton Luger


Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Marktl


Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bruno Niederle


Ao. Univ.Prof. Dr. Peter Pietschmann


Univ.-Doz. Dr. Gerhard Prager


Prim. ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Roden


ao.Univ.-Prof. DI. Dr. Erich Roth


Ao.Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas Stulnig


Ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Walter Tschugguel


Univ.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Nicole Unger-Manhart nicole.unger-manhart@meduniwien.ac.at


Ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Heinrich Vierhapper


Ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Ludwig Wagner


Univ. Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm


* currently assigned roles: S, supervisor; YS, young supervisor; L, lecturer.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Description of thesis projects and CVs of supervisors & lecturers:

Sabina BAUMGARTNER-PARZER ...................................................................................... 12

Christian BIEGLMAYER ........................................................................................................ 19
Martin BISCHOF ..................................................................................................................... 21
Olaf A. BODAMER................................................................................................................. 26
Wilfred DRUML ...................................................................................................................... 34
Manuela FDINGER............................................................................................................... 35
Clemens FRNSINN............................................................................................................... 44
Gabriele HUSLER................................................................................................................. 50
Michael J. HIESMAYR ........................................................................................................... 53
Alexandra KAUTZKY-WILLER ............................................................................................ 57
Michael KREBS....................................................................................................................... 63
Bernhard LUDVIK................................................................................................................... 70
Anton LUGER.......................................................................................................................... 77
Wolfgang MARKTL ................................................................................................................ 84
Bruno NIEDERLE ................................................................................................................... 86
Peter PIETSCHMANN .......................................................................................................... 102
Gerhard PRAGER .................................................................................................................. 111
Michael RODEN .................................................................................................................... 116
Erich ROTH ........................................................................................................................... 126
Thomas M. STULNIG ........................................................................................................... 134
Walter TSCHUGGUEL ......................................................................................................... 142
Nicole UNGER-MANHART................................................................................................. 148
Heinrich VIERHAPPER ........................................................................................................ 153
Ludwig WAGNER................................................................................................................. 154
Kurt M. WIDHALM .............................................................................................................. 161

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Department of Internal Medicine III, Clin. Div. Endocrinology and Metabolism

Diabetes associated micro- and macrovascular dysfunction. Analysis of

cellular and molecular mechanisms.
Long standing diabetes is characterized by diabetic microangiopathy (diabetic retinopathy and
nephropathy) and by premature atherosclerosis. The latter represents the major cause of
morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus, whereas diabetic retinopathy is the
leading cause for blindness in Europe.
Recent data suggest that loss of retinal endothelial cells and pericytes due to apoptosis results
in acellular capillaries and ischemia, providing the basis for the progression of diabetic
retinopathy to the proliferative form of this disease. Accelerated apoptosis of endothelial cells
and vascular smooth muscle cells in atherosclerotic regions is assumed to result in plaque
erosion and plaque rupture and thus to favor atherothrombosis. It was only recently that bone
marrow derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) have been found to contribute to vascular
repair and angiogenesis. In diabetic patients, however, numbers of EPCs circulating in the
blood are reduced when compared to healthy control subjects. Such reduction of EPCs may
contribute to diabetes associated endothelial dysfunction and to the clinical manifestation of
atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is of importance to evaluate the
hypothesis that diabetes associated metabolic abnormalities (hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and
chronic elevation of free (non-esterified) fatty acids (FFA), elevated levels of
proinflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules) cause depletion of EPCs in diabetic
We have previously shown that vasoprotective factors (antioxidants, leptin) prevent, whereas
atherosclerotic risk factors (oxidized/glycated LDL, hyperglycemia, proinflammatory
cytokines, elevated free fatty acids) trigger apoptosis in cultured vascular cells, depending on
stimulus and cell type. Using inhibitors of caspases, of protein kinases and of transcription
factors, we could identify the respective target molecules and signal transduction pathways.
Due to our extensive experience in this field of research, in future studies we want to test the
hypothesis that function (apoptosis, proliferation and secretory profile) of human endothelial
progenitor cells is directly affected by diabetes associated metabolic factors. It will be
evaluated, whether EPCs functional alterations can be modulated by vasoprotective agents
and the respective target molecules and signaling pathways will be characterized.
Thesis Subjects
Modulation of human endothelial progenitor cell function by metabolic factors.
Techniques and infrastructure
Isolation and culture of primary cultures of human vascular cells and of endothelial progenitor
cells, apoptosis and proliferation assays, FACS analysis, Western and Northern blots,
immunocytochemistry, transfection experiments.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Sabina M. Baumgartner-Parzer
Address: Department of Medicine III, Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Medical
University of Vienna, Waehringer Grtel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; Phone +43 1 40400
4368; Fax +43 1 404007790; Email sabina.baumgartner-parzer@meduniwien.ac.at
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Bad Ischl, Austria


Doctoral thesis
Study of biotechnology


Career History


1993 and 1994


Secondary school: Gymnasium der Kreuzschwestern


Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of

Internal Medicine III, Div. Endocrinology & Metabolism,
Medical University of Vienna
Head of the working groups of vascular biology and of
molecular genetics of hereditary endocrine diseases
Habilitation at the University of Vienna
Post-Doc at the Research Laboratories of Department of
Medicine III, Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism,
Medical University of Vienna (former Division of
Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus, 1st Medical
Department, University of Vienna)
2 months Visiting Fellow at the Havard Medical School,
Promotion (Dr. rer.nat.techn)
Thesis at the 1.Dept. of Medicine (Prof. Mannhalter / Prof.
Deutsch), University of Vienna
Graduation (Dipl.-Ing) at the University of Bodenkultur

Career-related Activities
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

2003 -present

Editorial board of the journal Metabolic Syndrome and

Related Disorders
Assistent Editor of the journal Diabetologia
Organization of the EASD Satellite Symposium:"Role of
adhesion molecules in Diabetes Mellitus"



Poster-Prize - Austrian Society of

Science award of Upper Austria
Dr. Karl Schleinzer-Award (University of Bodenkultur)


Award for gifted students

Austrian Diabetes Association (DG),
Austrian Association for Endocrinology and Metabolism (GES),
European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
Gesellschaft fr gute Labor und Analysenpraxis (GALP)
Sources of funding since 2000






Eurasia Pacific
Network (Grant to
FWF(CharlotteBhler-Program to


Vascular dysfunction in diabetes



Nutritional free fatty acids and

diabetic vascular dysfunction.
Analysis of cellular and
molecular mechanisms and
Freie Fettsuren und Diabetes
assoziierte Geferkrankungen




Jubilumsfonds der Costerr. Nationalbank investigator


Jubilumsfonds der Principal

sterr. Nationalbank investigator







Bedeutung von LDLGlykierungsprodukten bei der

Entstehung von Gefkomplikationen im Rahmen des
Diabetes Mellitus
Hyperglykmie und Apoptose
Einflu von Glukose auf ET-1

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"



und EDRF Produktion in

kultivierten humanen
Endothelzellen verschiedener

Supervision of doctoral and diploma students (since 2000)

Diploma students: Andrea Lindenmayer, Kathrin Malits, Ursula Schauer, Magdalena Reithner
PhD students:

Title of thesis

Karin Tobler

Function of endothelial progenitor cells in

gestational diabetes
Heterogeneous regulation by hyperglycemic /
hyperlipidemic states as well as by an adjuvans
in colon cancer therapy (levamisole) of
apoptosis, proliferation and associated
gene/protein expression in vascular endothelial



Dr. rer.

- Biochemische, molekularbiologische Arbeitsmethoden in der Endokrinologie (fr
Wahlfachausbildung gem 13 Studiengesetz Medizin, fr Diplomanden und Dissertanten.
- Experimentelle Arbeiten in Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel (fr Wahlfachausbildung
gem 13 Studiengesetz Medizin, fr Diplomanden und Dissertanten).
- Molekulare Endokrinologie, gemeinsam mit H Cross (Pathophysiologie)
- Eukaryonten - Biogenese von Zellorganellen (Wahlfachvorlesung gem. mit
Prof. Gll) - Externer Lehrauftrag an der Univ. f. Bodenkultur
- Biochemische, molekularbiologische Aspekte der Endokrinologie (Dozentenvorlesung)
- Ringvorlesung - ICP (Interdiscinplinary Cooperation Project of Molecular Medicine) im
SS 1999

44 peer reviewed publications and 3 reviews in scientific journals, 8 invited lectures
Peer reviewed manuscripts since 2000 (original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
M Artwohl, T Hlzenbein, L Wagner, A Freudenthaler, W Waldhusl, SM BaumgartnerParzer. Levamisole induced apoptosis in cultured vascular endothelial cells. Brit J
Pharmacol 131:1577-1583, 2000
SM Baumgartner-Parzer, E Schulze, S Pauschenwein, S Rondot, P Nowotny, W Waldhusl, H
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Vierhapper: Mutational spectrum of the steroid 21-hydroxylase gene in Austria

Identification of a novel missense mutation. J Clin Endocrinol Metabol 86:4771-4775,
SM Baumgartner-Parzer, WK Waldhusl. The endothelium as a metabolic and endocrine
organ: its relation with insulin resistance. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 109 Suppl: 166179, 2001
SM Baumgartner-Parzer, S Pauschenwein, W Waldhusl, K Plzler, P Nowotny, H
Vierhapper. Increased prevalence of heterozygous 21-OH germ line mutations in patients
with adrenal incidentalomas. Clin Endocrinol 56, 811-816, 2002
M Artwohl, M Roden, T Hlzenbein, A Freudenthaler, W Waldhusl, SM BaumgartnerParzer. Modulation by leptin of proliferation and apoptosis in vascular endothelial cells.
Int J Obesity 26:577-580, 2002
SM Baumgartner-Parzer, P Nowotny, W Waldhusl, H Vierhapper. A rare duplicated 21-OH
haplotype and a de novo mutation a family analysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metabol 88:
2794-2796, 2003
M Artwohl, WF Graier, M Roden, M Bischof, A Freudenthaler, W Waldhusl, SM
Baumgartner-Parzer. Diabetic low-density lipoprotein triggers apoptosis in vasular
endothelial cells. Diabetes 52:1240-1247, 2003
M Artwohl, M Roden, W Waldhusl, A Freudenthaler, SM Baumgartner-Parzer. Free fatty
acids trigger apoptosis and inhibit cell cycle progression in human vascular endothelial
cells. FASEB J 18: 146-148, 2004
H Vierhapper, C Bieglmayer, G Heinze, SM Baumgartner-Parzer. Frequency of RETprotooncogene mutations in patients with normal and with moderately elevated (50-100
pg/ml) pentagastrin-stimulated serum concentrations of calcitonin. Thyroid 14:580-583,
SM Baumgartner- Parzer, P Nowotny, W Waldhusl, H Vierhapper. Carrier frequency of
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (21-OH-deficiency) in a Middle European population. J
Clin Endocrinol Metab 90: 775-778, 2004
M Artwohl, C Frnsinn, W.Waldhusl, T Hlzenbein, G Rainer, M Roden, A Freudenthaler,
SM Baumgartner-Parzer. Thiazolidinediones inhibit proliferation of micro- and
macrovascular cells. Evidence for a PPAR-independent mitochondrial mechanism.
Diabetologia, 48:586-594, 2005
M Artwohl, T Hlzenbein, C Frnsinn, A Freudenthaler, N Huttery, W. Waldhusl and SM
Baumgartner-Parzer. Thiazolidinediones inhibit apoptosis and heat shock protein 60
expression in human vascular endothelial cells. Thromb Haemost 93:810-815, 2005
SM Baumgartner-Parzer, R Lang, G Heinze, B Niederle, K Kaserer, W Waldhusl and H
Vierhapper. Polymorphisms in exon 13 and intron 14 of the RET-protooncogene: Genetic
modifiers of medullary thyroid carcinoma? J Clin Endocrinol Metab 90: 6232-6236,
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

H Vierhapper, L Wagner, S Hanslik, B Niederle, S Rondot, E Schulze, C Bieglmayer, K

Kaserer and S Baumgartner-Parzer. Primary hyperparathyroidism in a patient with a
seemingly homozygous Y719F RET mutation. Thyroid 15: 1303-1308, 2005
H Vierhapper, B Niederle, C Bieglmayer, K Kaserer and S Baumgartner-Parzer. Early
diagnosis and curative therapy of medullary thyroid carcinoma by routine measurement of
serum calcitonin in patients with thyroid disorders. Thyroid 15: 1267-1272, 2005
SM Baumgartner-Parzer, G Fischer, H Vierhapper. Predisposition for de novo gene
aberrations in the offspring of mothers with a duplicated CYP21A2 gene. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 90:1164-1167, 2007
M Artwohl, K Muth, Kosulin K, R de Martin, T Hlzenbein, G Rainer, A Freudenthaler, N
Huttary, L Schmetterer, WK Waldhusl, SM Baumgartner-Parzer. R(+)-alpha-lipoic acid
inhibits endothelial apoptosis and proliferation involvement of Akt and Retinoblastoma
protein / E2F. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab Jun 2007 (epub ahead of print)
Co-author manuscripts:
H Frisch, T Battelino, E Schober, SM Baumgartner-Parzer, P Nowotny, H Vierhapper. Salt
wasting in simple virilizing congenital adrenal hyperplasia. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab
14:1649-1655, 2001
AP Szremska, R Stoxreither, L Kenner, M Artwohl, HC Theussl, SM Baumgartner-Parzer, E.
Passegue, EF Wagner, V. Sexl. Jun B inhibits proliferation and transformation in B
lymphoid cells. Blood 102:4159-4165, 2003
W Gartner, T Daneva, I Mineva, SM Baumgartner-Parzer, H Vierhapper, M Weissel, B
Niederle, L Wagner. Identification of a novel SNP within intron 19 of the RET gene by
comparative RFLP analysis of benign and neoplastic endocrine tissue. ncbi.nlm.nih
GenBank Accession AY615726; 2004
W Gartner, T Daneva, I Mineva, S Baumgartner-Parzer, B Niederle, H Vierhapper, M
Weissel, L Wagner. A new identified RET proto-oncogene polymorphism is found in a
high number of endocrine tumor patients. Human Genetics 117:143-153, 2005
D Stoiber, B Kovacic, C Schuster, C Schellack, M Karaghiosoff, R Kreibich, E Weisz,
Artwohl M, OC Kleine, M Mller, S Baumgartner-Parzer, J Ghysdael, M Freissmuth, V
Sexl. Tyk2 is a key regulator for the tumor surveillance of B lymphoid tumors. JCI 114
(11):1650-1658, 2004
F Votava, D Trk, J Kovacs, D Mslinger, SM Baumgartner-Parzer, et al. Estimation of the
false negative rate in the newborn screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Eur J
Endocrinol 152:869-874, 2005
V Dolzan, J Solyom, G Fekete, J Kovacs, V Rakosnikova, F Votava, J Lebl, Z Pribilincova, S
Baumgartner-Parzer, S Riedl, F Waldhauser, H Frisch, M Stopar-Obreza, C Krzisnik, T
Battelino. Mutational spectrum of steroid 21-hydroxylase and the genotype-phenotype
association in Middle European patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Eur J
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Endocrinol 153:99-106, 2005

K Namiranian, F Mittermayer, M Artwohl, J Pleiner, G Schaller, BX Mayer, M Bayerle-Eder,
M Roden, SM Baumgartner-Parzer, M Wolzt. Free fatty acids do not acutely increase
asymmetrical dimmethylarginine concentrations. Horm Metabol Res 37: 768-772
DG Haider, F Mittermayer, G Schaller, M Artwohl, SM Baumgartner-Parzer, G Prager, M
Roden, M Wolzt. Free fatty acids normalize a rosiglitazone-induced vasfatin release. Am
J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 291:E885-890, 2006
Invited Talks:
Hyperglycemia and endothelial cells. XIII. International Donausymposium on Diabetes
mellitus. Vienna 5.-7.10.1995
Apoptose - der programmierte Zelltod. sterr. Biochemische Ges, Biochemisches Institut,
Universitt Graz, 29.6.1996
Role and mechanisms of apoptosis in endothelial cells: Zellkultur-Workshop - European
Tissue Culture Society, Wien 21/02/1997
Effect of tri-iodothyronine on cultured endothelial cells. The Vascular System in Thyroid
Disease. Heidelberg 6.10.1999
Hyperglycemia and endothelial dysfunktion. Donau-Symposium, Zrich 16.10.1999
Molekulargenetische Diagnostik des AGS. Jahrestagung der sterr. Gesellschaft fr
Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel. St. Wolfgang, 19.-21. April 2001
Molekularbiologische Diagnostik bei Nebennierentumoren. Jahrestagung der sterr.
Gesellschaft fr Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel. St. Wolfgang, 25.-27.April 2002
Mechanismen des endothelialen Re-Modeling durch metabolische Faktoren. Potsdamer
Expertengesprche Diabetes. Berlin 26.02.2005

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Clinical Institute for Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics

Curriculum Vitae
Personal data:
Born 09/15/1947, living in Vienna, married, one son.
1965-1974: Study of chemistry at the University of Vienna. Thesis: Function of the
glyoxysomal membrane in the metabolism of growing fat storing plants", PhD graduation and
basic military service.
1972-1974: Half-day employee at the Institute of General Biochemistry, afterwards full-time
university assistant.
1976-1981: Hormone-Laboratory of the 1st Dept. Obstetrics and Gynaecology (General
Hospital of Vienna).
1981-1991: Entrusted with the organisation and direction of the Endocrine Laboratory of the
2nd Dept. Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
1987 "Venia docendi for Biochemistry". 1988 assistant professor and since 1990 tit.a.o. Univ.
1991 till now: manager of the domain Endocrinology at the Clinical Institute for Medical
and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics (KIMCL)
Consultant of WHO in Pyongyang, North-Korea in 1988. QUASTA ring-trial leader for
quality assurance of Fertility Hormones.
Award: "Theodor Krner Award" for "Secretion of gonadotropins by pituitary cell culture" in
Membership: Austrian Biochemical Society (member of the board from 1986 to 1988),
Austrian Society for Clinical Chemistry, Austrian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism
(founder-member and member of the board since 1995) and New York Academy of Science.
Grants: "Fonds zur Frderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung" (1989: "Eicosanoids in
menstrual blood"), "Brgermeisterfonds der Bundeshauptstadt Wien" (1991: "Influence of
cytotoxic drugs on tumor - mucin synthesis" and 1997: "Effects of 5-reductase inhibitors on
androgen metabolism in skin cells").
Scientific work: About 250 articles in scientific periodicals and books: carbohydrate
metabolism in plants, steroid hormone receptors, autoimmune-reactions in pre-eclampsia,
clinical and experimental endocrinology and oncology, bone marker.
Lectures: Fertility Hormones, Bone metabolism, Hormones of the adrenal gland,
Hormones, function tests and tumor markers in gynecology. Modern methods of hormone
analysis, Interpretation of hormone reports. Outside lectures: Principles of radiation
protection and work with radioisotopes in medical laboratories, Biotechnology in diagnostic
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Guidance of 35 students during their diploma work or thesis and final examinations. Guidance
of MDs during their special training in laboratory medicine.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Dept. Internal Medicine III, Clin Div. Endocrinology and Metabolism

Effect of Continuous Subcutaneous Glucose Monitoring and Insulin

Infusion on the Incidence of Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetic Patients
Hypoglycemia is a frequent complication in long-term type 1 diabetes, especially in patients
with low HbA1c-levels. On average, one type 1 diabetic patient attempting to maintain nearnormoglycaemia suffers two episodes of symptomatic hypoglycemia per week and one
episode of severe, at least temporarily disabling, hypoglycemia approximately once a year.
Long-term type 1 diabetic patients often develop hypoglycemia unawareness leading to a
greater risk of severe hypoglycemia since symptom recognition and accurate detection of
extreme blood glucose values are crucial for management of type 1 diabetes.
With subcutaneous glucose sensors continuous blood glucose monitoring is possible. Even
with older systems where glucose levels are not visible for the patient, the increased amount
of blood glucose measurements allowed the physician to optimize insulin therapy resulting in
reduced incidence of hypoglycemia. Only recently an improved system for continuous blood
glucose measurements became available. Glucose levels are visible for the patient and alarm
limits can be set. A randomized study demonstrated that this system reduces the duration of
hypoglycemic episodes by 45%.
The latest innovation in hypoglycemia therapy is the combination of continuous insulin
supply with continuous blood glucose monitoring. This concept was implemented by the
Paradigm Real Time - System which recently became available in Europe. The long-term
effects of this therapeutic option on the incidence of hypoglycemia and the quality of life in
type 1 diabetic patients has not yet been studied.
Thesis Subjects
This study plans to evaluate the hypothesis is that a combination of optimal insulin therapy by
CSII combined with continuous blood glucose monitoring reduces hypoglycemia frequency
and duration in type 1 diabetic patients with frequent hypoglycemia under functional insulin
therapy. Furthermore we hypothesize that this therapy will improve quality of life and reduce
the fear of hypoglycemia.
Techniques and infrastructure
Continous subcutaneous insulin infusion, Continous glucose monitoring systems

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine III, Medical
University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; Phone +43 1
40400 7257 Fax +43 1 40400 7257 email martin.bischof@meduniwien.ac.at
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Vienna, Austria

1987 1996
1979 1987

Certification Internal Medicine

studies of Human Medicine
secondary school

Career History
2004 present

1998 2004



Career-related Activities

Clinical responsibility for the Metabolic Research Unit

Associate Professor of Medicine at the Medical University
of Vienna
Attending Physician at the Div. of Endocrinology &
venia docendi for Internal Medicine
Clinical training and lecturer at the Division of
Endocrinology & Metabolism, Medical University of
Postdoctoral fellow
Department of General and Experimental Pathology,
University of Vienna Medical School
Fellowship Brown University, Rhode Island, USA
Scientific coworker of the group Tumorpathology
Department of General and Experimental Pathology,
University of Vienna Medical School

Management Training for Medical Leaders at the

University of Krems
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Aventis-Preis, University of Vienna Medical Faculty

Legacy Hirtl-Buss, University of Vienna Medical Faculty
(research grant)

Austrian Diabetes Society
European Society for the Study of Diabetes
Austrian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism
Austrian Society for Internal Medicine
Sources of funding (since 2000)


Short Title



FWF (F17980-B11)

Brain metabolism during hypoglycemia in

type 1 DM



Austrian National
Bank Project #10892

Glucose metabolism in GSD 1


Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Period (expected)

Martina Mandl

Measurement of unidirectional
2005 2008
fluxes to ATP in human occipital
lobe using 31PMR saturation


27 peer reviewed publications in scientific journals
Peer reviewed manuscripts since 2000 (original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Bischof-M, Ludwig-C, Hofer-A, Kletter-K, Krebs-M, Stingl-H, Nowotny-P, Waldhusl-W,
Roden-M. Hormonal and Metabolic Counterregulation During and After High-Dose InsulinInduced Hypoglycemia in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Hormone and Metabolic Research (2000)
Bischof-MG, Bernroider-E, Ludwig-C, Kurzemann-S, Kletter-K, Waldhusl-W, Roden-M.
Effect of Near Physiologic Insulin Therapy on Hypoglycemia Counterregulation in Type 1
Diabetes. Hormone Research (2001) 56:151-158.
Bischof-MG, Krssak-M, Krebs-M, Bernroider-E, Stingl-H, Waldhusl-W, Roden-M. Effects
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

of Short-Term Improvement of Insulin Treatment and Glycemia on Hepatic Glycogen

Metabolism in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes (2001) 50: 392-398
Bischof-MG, Bernroider-E, Krssak-M, Krebs-M, Stingl-H, Nowotny-P, Yu-C, Shulman-GI,
Waldhusl-W, Roden-M. Hepatic Glycogen Metabolism in Type 1 Diabetes After Long-Term
Near Normoglycemia. Diabetes (2002) 51: 49-54
Bischof-MG, Mlynarik-V, Brehm-A, Bernroider E, Krssak-M, Bauer-E, Madl-C, Waldhusl
W, Roden-M. Brain Energy Metabolism During Hypoglycemia in Healthy and Type 1
Diabetic Humans. Diabetologia (2004) 47: 648-651
Bischof-MG, Brehm-A, Bernroider-E, Krssak-M, Mlynarik-V, Krebs-M, Roden-M. Cerebral
glutamate metabolism during hypoglycemia in healthy and type 1 diabetic humans. European
Journal of Clinical Investigation (2006) 36:164-169
Bischof-MG, Heize-G, Vierhapper-H. Vitamin D Status in a Healthy Population and its
Relation to Age and BMI. Hormone Research (2006) 66: 211-215
Gessl-A, Bischof-M. Thyroid disorders and the Kidney. Nephro-News (2006) 8: 1-12
Co-author manuscripts:
Krebs-M, Stingl-H, Nowotny-P, Weghuber-D, Bischof-M, Waldhusl-W, Roden-M.
Prevention of in Vitro Lipolysis by Tetrahydrolipstatin. Clinical Chemistry (2000) 46: 950954
Raber-W, Raffesberg-W, Bischof-M, Scheuba-C, Niederle-B, Gasic-S, Waldhusl-W, RodenM. Diagnostic Efficacy of Unconjugated Plasma Metanephrines for the Detection of
Pheochromocytoma. Archives of Internal Medicine (2000) 160: 2957-2963
Cross-HS, Bareis-P, Hofer-H, Bischof-MG, Bajna-E, Kriwanek-S, Bonner-E, Peterlik-M. 25Hydroxyvitamin D3-1-Hydroxylase and Vitamin D Receptor Gene Expression in Human
Colonic Mucosa is Elevated During Early Cancerogenesis. Steroids (2001) 66:287-292
Bareis-P, Bises-G, Bischof-MG, Cross-HS, Peterlik-M. 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D Metabolism
in Human Colon Cancer Cells During Tumor Progression. Biochemical Biophysical Research
Communications (2001) 285: 1012-1017
Stingl-H, Krssak-M, Krebs-M, Bischof-MG, Nowotny-P, Frnsinn-C, Shulman-GI,
Waldhusl-W, Roden-M. Lipid-Dependent Control of Hepatic Glycogen Stores in Healthy
Man. Diabetologia (2001) 44: 48-54
Krebs-M, Krssak-M, Nowotny-P, Weghuber-D, Gruber-S, Mlynarik-V, Bischof-M, Stingl-H,
Frnsinn-C, Waldhusl-W, Roden-M. Free Fatty Acids Inhibit the Glucose-Stimulated
Increase of Intramuscular Glucose-6-Phosphate Concentration in Humans. Journal of
Clinincal Endocrinology and Metabolism (2001) 86: 2153-2160
Bayerle-Eder-M, Fuchsjager-Mayrl-G, Sieder-A, Polska-E, Roden-M, Stulnig-T, BischofMG, Waldhusl-W, Schmetterer-L, Wolzt-M. Effect of Pravastatin on Responsiveness to Nmonomethyl-L-Arginine in Patients With Hypercholesterolaemia. Atherosclerosis (2002) 160:
Bareis-P, Kallay-E, Bischof-MG, Bises-G, Hofer-H, Ptzi-C, Manhardt-T, Bland-R, CrossHS. Clonal Differences in Expression of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3-1-hydroxylase, of 25Hydroxyvitamin D3-24-hydroxylase, and of the Vitamin D Receptor in Human Colon
Carcinoma Cells: Effects of Epidermal Growth Factor and 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3.
Experimental Cell Research (2002) 276:320-327
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Stingl-H, Schnedl-WJ, Krssak-M, Bernroider-E, Bischof-MG, Lahousen-T, Pacini-G, RodenM. Reduction of Hepatic Glycogen Synthesis and Breakdown in Patients with Agenesis of the
Dorsal Pancreas. Journal of Clinincal Endocrinology and Metabolism (2002) 87: 4678-4685
Anderwald-C, Bernroider-E, Krssak-M, Stingl-H, Brehm-A, Bischof-MG, Nowotny-P,
Roden-M, Waldhusl-W. Effects of Insulin Treatment in Type 2 Diabetec Patients on
Intracellular Lipid Content in Liver and Skeletal Muscle. Diabetes (2002) 51: 3025-3032
Artwohl-M, Graier-W, Roden-M, Bischof-M, Freudenthaler-A, Waldhusl-W, BaumgartnerParzer-S. Diabetic Low-densitiy Lipoprotein Triggers Apoptosis in Vascular Endothelial
Cells. Diabetes (2003) 52:1240-1247
Cauza-E, Hanusch-Enserer U, Bischof M, Spak-M, Kostner-K, Dunky-A, Ferenci-P.
Increased C282Y Heterozygosity in Gestational Diabetes. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy (2005)
Weghuber-D, Roden-M, Franz-C, Chmelik-M, Torabia-S, Nowotny-P, Gruber-S, WaldhuslW, Klingler-A, Bischof-M, Widhalm-K. Insulin resistance, but not obesity determines fatty
liver in obese children. Submitted for publication.
Zauner-A, Nimmerrichter-P, Anderwald-C, Bischof-M, Schiefermeier-M, Ratheiser-K,
Schneeweiss-B, Zauner-C. Severity of insulin resistance in critically ill medical patients.
Submitted for publication.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Dept. General Paediatrics

Mechanisms of prematurity - the potential role of genetic and metabolic

Preterm delivery is the worldwide leading cause of infant mortality and morbidity. In the
United States of America between 7 and 8% of live born newborn infants have a birth weight
of 2500 g. About 20% of these weigh 1500 g or less and are mostly born prematurely. The
causes for premature birth and intrauterine growth retardation are closely related and are
multifactorial in origin; many social, environmental, medical and genetic factors have been
suggested. Genetic factors from both mother and fetus probably play a role in determining
gestational length and could confer a possible genetic predisposition towards preterm birth.
Since infections seem to be most prevalent among the identifiable causes of preterm birth, it is
conceivable that genetic factors that predispose to infections may play an important role. A
candidate genetic study focusing on genes that encode cytokines, mediators of apoptosis and
host defense found associations with allelic variants in the genes for interleukin 4 and 10 (IL4,
IL10), the tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF), and the mannose-binding lectin gene (MBL2).
The possible genetic context between infection, inflammation and preterm delivery is also
supported by other findings, in particular for IL4 and TNF. In addition, genetic and dietary
factors conferring metabolic perturbations, such as low cholesterol during early pregnancy
have been associated with adverse outcome including prematurity.
The objectives of our research are twofold: First to identify novel genetic and metabolic
factors that are associated with prematurity and, secondly, to identify and test appropriate
mouse models of prematurity with respect to novel therapeutic approaches.

Thesis Subjects)
Arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) knock-out mice - a model for prematurity and
perinatal asphyxia?
The role of genetic factors for the pathophysiology of prematurity - prospective multi-center,
multi-national study.

Techniques and infrastructure

Mouse model of AGAT deficiency; phenotypic characterization of mice; primary tissue
cultures; enzymatic analysis; molecular analyses (PCR, dHPLC, sequencing); chip arrays; all
required equipment available.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Division of Biochemical and Paediatric Genetics, Department of General Paediatrics, Medical
University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria Phone +43 1 40400
3210; Fax +43 1 4063484; Email olaf.bodamer@meduniwien.ac.at
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Stuttgart, Germany


Specialist in Human Genetics (Medizinische Biologie)

2001 present
1994 - 1997
1989 1992
1982 1989
1974 1982
Career History
2004 present
2004 present

2002 present


Specialist in Inborn Errors of Metabolism

Specialist in Paediatrics
American Board Certification in Medical Genetics
Fellowship Medical Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, USA
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
(ECFMG) test passed
PhD Studies at the University College London, UK
Doctoral thesis MD at the University Medical School
Heidelberg and Saarland
Studies of Human Medicine at the University of
Heidelberg, Germany
secondary school in Stuttgart, Germany

Director of the Austrian National Screening Program

Director of Biochemical and Paediatric Genetics at the
Department of General Paediatrics, Medical University of
Associate Professor at the Department of General
Paediatrics, Medical University of Vienna. Consultant at
the Childrens Hospital Mdling and Prayer Childrens
Hospital Vienna
venia docendi for Paediatrics
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Elected Fellow of the American College of Medical



Assistant Professor at the Department of Human and

Molecular Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,

1997 1999

Fellow at the Department of Human and Molecular Genetics,

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA

1994 1999
1992 1993

Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Child Health,

London, UK
University Assistant at the Division of Paediatric Oncology
and Haematology, Univ.-Childrens Hospital Erlangen,

1989 1992

Doctoral thesis at the University Medical School Heidelberg and


1989 1992

Assistant Childrens Hospital Ludwigshafen, Germany and

different private practices

Career-related Activities
2001 present

Director of quality management at the Division of Biochemical

and Paediatric Genetics, Medical University Vienna

2003 present
2003 present

Director of the interdisciplinary working group at the

University Childrens Hospital Vienna
Director of the National Metabolic Registry

Wissenschaftspreis sterreichische Gesellschaft fr

Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde
Travel award Society of Inbron Errors of Metabolism USA
Stipend of the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer

Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Kinderheilkunde
Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism
British Inherited Metabolic Group, England
American Society of Human Genetics
American College of Medical Genetics
sterreichische Gesellschaft fr Humangenetik
International Society for Neonatal Screening
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Sources of funding (since 2000)



Short Title



Navi Mumbai Institue Incidence of Inborn Errors of Metabolism in

of Research in Mental India
and Neurological



Ministry of Science



Ministry of Health

Neonatal Screening for Lysosomal storage




Hepatocytes and ureacycle function


Threonine Metabolism in individuals with


Diagnostic strategies for the molecular diagnosis

of Lysosomal storage disorders

2006 - 2007 Milupa



2004 - 2009 Genzyme


Morbus Fabry, Development of a novel method

for neonatal screening for lysosomal

2004 - 2008 SHS GmbH

Development of analytical techniques



Neonatal screening for disorders of steroid


Austrian National
Bank (#9572)


Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Period (expected)

Karin Tuschl therapeutic effects of oral


2001 - 2004


Haploid Protein Expression Test

2001 - 2004


Homocysteine and Methionine

Metabolism using stable isotopes

2004 - 2007


Tetrahydrobiopterin in patients with

classical phenylketonuria-a stable
isotope study


Karin Tuschl Stipend Metabolicum ( 15.000)



Maternal PKU

2002 - 2003



Epigenetics and Methylation

2004 2006


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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Tandem MS Screening

2005 - 2007


CDGIK a novel disorder of


2005 -


2006 -


2007 -



Furhan Iqbal AGAT Mousemodel

Ana Ki

Genetics of prematurity

61 and 10 peer reviewed publications and reviews, resp., in scientific journals,
53 invited lectures,
Peer reviewed manuscripts since 2000 (original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Y. Estrov, F. Scaglia, O.A.F. Bodamer. Psychiatric symptoms in inborn errors of metabolism.
J Inher Met Dis 2000; 23:2-6. (Review)
O.A.F. Bodamer, A.Vellodi. Protein, glucose and energy metabolism in Gaucher disease type
I. J Inher Met Dis 2000; 23:86-87.
F. Feillet, O.A.F. Bodamer, S. Sequeira, M. Dixon, J.V.Leonard. Resting energy expenditure
in disorders of propionate metabolism. J. Ped 2000; 136:659-663.
O.A.F. Bodamer, D.Halliday, J.V. Leonard. The effects of L-alanine supplementation in lateonset glycogen storage disease type II. Neurology 2000; 55:710-712.
O.A.F Bodamer, D. Halliday. Uses of stable isotopes in clinical diagnosis and research in the
pediatric population. Arch Dis Child 2001; 84:444-448. (Review)
O.A.F. Bodamer, D.S. Rosenblatt, S.H. Appel, A.L. Beaudet. Late-onset combined
homocystinuria and methylmalonic aciduria (cblC). Neurology 2001; 56:1113.
O.A.F. Bodamer, E.J. Popek, C.A. Bacino. Atypical presentation of amniotic band syndrome.
Am J Med Gen 2001; 100:100-102.
O.A.F. Bodamer, R.M. Bravermann, W.J. Craigen. Diagnosis of autosomal recessive
osteopetrosis: presence of fractures in a 3-month old female. J Paed Child Health
2001; 37:520-522.
O.A.F. Bodamer, S.M. Bloesch, A. Gregg, S. Stckler-Ipsiroglu, W.E. OBrien. Analysis of
guanidinoacetate and creatine by isotope dilution electrospray tandem mass-spectrometry.
Clin Chim Acta 2001; 308:173-178.
O.A.F. Bodamer, E. Wraith, CR Scott, F. Scaglia. A New Variant Type III (Type IIID)
Gaucher Disease Characterized by Dysmorphic Features, Absence of Cardiovascular
Involvement, and Compound Heterozygosity for a Novel Mutation (D409H/C16S) Am J
Med Genet 2002; 109:328-31.
D.L. Smith, O.A.F. Bodamer. Practical management of combined MMA / homocystinuria
O.A.F. Bodamer, D. Mslinger, A. Mhl und S. Stckler-Ipsiroglu. Neugeborenen-screening
in sterreich: Bestandsaufnahme, Neuentwicklungen und Zukunftsperspektiven. Pdiat
Prax 2002; 61:539-549.
O.A.F. Bodamer, D. Haas, M.M.P. Hermans, A.J.J. Reuser, J.V. Leonard, G.F. Hoffmann.
Long-term management of childhood/non-classical infantile Glycogen Storage Disease
Type II (GSD-II) with oral L-alanine supplementation. Ped Neurol 2002; 27:145-147.
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

O.A.F. Bodamer, F. Feillet, R.E. Lane, P.J. Lee, M.A. Dixon, D. Halliday, J.V. Leonard.
Utilisation of cornstarch in glycogen storage disease type Ia. Europ J Gastroenterol
Hepatol 2002; 14:1251-1256.
O.A.F. Bodamer, D. Bercovich, M. Schlabach, C. Ballantyne, D. Zoch, A.L. Beaudet. Use of
Denaturing HPLC to provide efficient detection of mutations causing familial
hypercholesterolemia. Clin Chem 2002; 48:1913-1918.
K. Hussein*, O.A.F. Bodamer*, F.J. Cameron, C. Camacho-Hubner, M.A. Soos, J. Jones, F.
Taylor, S. ORahilly, A. Aynsley-Green. A new syndrome of hemihypertrophy and severe
non-ketotic hypoglycaemia without hyperinsulinism in childhood. Hormone Research
2004; 61:222-227. *joint first author
O.A.F. Bodamer, R. Ratschmann, E. Paschke, T. Voigtlnder, S. Stckler-Ipsiroglu
Recurrent acroparesthesia during febrile infections in a 9 year-old male. Lancet
2004; 363:1698.
O.A.F. Bodamer, S. Gruber, S. Stckler-Ipsiroglu. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
in GCDH deficiency. JIMD 2004; 27:877-883.
K. Tuschl, O.A.F. Bodamer, W. Erwa, A.Mhl. Novel Method for Rapid Analysis of Total
Plasma Homocysteine by Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Clin Chim Acta 2005; 351:139-41.
K. Tuschl, A. Gal, E. Paschke, S. Kircher, S., O.A.F. Bodamer. Mucopolysaccharidosis type
II in females case report and review of literature. Ped Neurol 2005; 32:270-272.
M. Holub, L. Potocki, O.A.F. Bodamer. Oral-Facial-Digital Syndrome Type 1: Review of
Cerebral Malformations. Am J Med Genet 2005; 136:218? (Review).
O.A.F. Bodamer, A. Mhl. Analysis of acylcarnitine ester for the diagnosis of inborn errors of
metabolism using tandem mass-spectrometry. Chem Month 2005; 136:1293-1297.
O.A.F. Bodamer. Genetische Polymorphismen und Prdisposition. Pdiatrie Pdiologie 2005;
1:27-31. (Review).
O.A.F. Bodamer, T Sahoo, A Beaudet, W OBrien, L Sweetman, T Bottiglieri, C Wagner, F
Scaglia. Evidence for impaired creatine synthesis in patients with combined
methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria (cblC) new pathomechanism and rationale
for treatment of disorders of remethylation? Annals of Neurol 2005; 57:557-560.
R. Ratschmann, O.A.F. Bodamer. Genetische Polymorphismen und Prdisposition. Pd. Prax
2005; 66:659-664. (Review).
CB. Item, S. Stckler-Ipsiroglu, C. Willheim, A. Mhl, O.A.F. Bodamer. Use of Denaturing
HPLC to provide efficient detection of mutations causing guanidinoacetate
methyltransferase deficiency. Mol Genet Metab 2005; 86:328-334.
O.A.F. Bodamer, M. Beck, M. Weigl. MPS-I. Iatros Pdiatrie 2005. (Review)
O.A.F. Bodamer, K Hussein, AA Morris, C-D Langhans, D Rating, E Mayatepek, JV
Leonard. Glucose and leucine kinetics in children with idiopathic ketotic hypoinsulinaemic
hypoglycaemia. Arch Dis Child 2006;91:483-6
O.A.F. Bodamer, W. Maurer, G. Mitterer, M.W. Mueller, A. Pollak, W.M. Schmidt.
Mannose-binding lectin (MBL2) polymorphisms and the risk of preterm birth. Genetics in
Medicine 2006;8:518-524
M. Holub, K. Tuschl, R. Ratschmann, K. Strnadova, W. Sperl, A. Mhl, G. Heinze, O.A.F.
Bodamer. Influence of hematokrit and localisation of punch in dried blood spots on levels
of amino acids and acylcarnitines measured by tandem mass spectrometry. Clin Chim Acta
K. Strnadova, M. Holub, A. Mhl, K. Tuschl, F. Waldhauser, O.A.F. Bodamer. Long-term
stability of amino acids and acylcarnitines in dried blood spots used for neonatal screening
by tandem mass spectrometry. Clin Chem 2007;53:717-722

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

K. Tuschl, M. Holub, M. Herle, B. Fritz, R. Stindl, C. Fonatsch, O.A.F. Bodamer. Trisomy

1q42.3-qter and monosomy 21q22.3-qter associated with ear anomaly, facial dysmorphism,
psychomotor retardation and epilepsy. Am J Med Genet 2007 (accepted).
M. Freilinger, D. Kalisch, A. Mhl, O. Haas, A. Moritz, O.A.F. Bodamer. Methylation status
in females with Rett syndrome. J Child Neurol 2007(accepted).
J. Vodopiutz, C.B. Item, M. Husler, H. Korall, O.A.F. Bodamer. Severe speech delay as
presenting symptom of guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency. J Child Neurol
2007 (accepted).
O.A. Bodamer, G.F. Hoffmann, M. Lindner. Expanded Newborn Screening in Europe in
2007. JIMD 2007 (accepted).
Co-author manuscripts:
F. Scaglia, V.R. Sutton, O.A.F. Bodamer, S.K. Shapira. Mitochondrial DNA depletion. J
Child Neurol 2001; 16:136-138.
S.A. Berend, O.A.F. Bodamer, S.K. Shapira, L.G. Shaffer, C.A. Bacino. A familial complex
chromosomal rearrangement resulting in a recombinant chromosome. Am J Med Genet
2002; 109:311-7.
C.B. Item, C. Stromberger, A. Muhl, C. Edlinger, O.A.F. Bodamer, A. Schulze, R. Surtees, V.
Leuzzi, G.S. Salomons, C. Jakobs, S. Stckler-Ipsiroglu. Denaturing gradient gel
electrophoresis for the molecular characterization of six patients with guanidinoacetate
methyltransferase deficiency. Clin Chem 2002; 48:767-9.
C. Stromberger, O.A.F. Bodamer, S. Stckler-Ipsiroglu. Clinical characteristics and
diagnostic clues in inborn errors of creatine metabolism. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2003;26:299308. (Review).
J. Crone, D. Moslinger, O.A.F. Bodamer, W. Schima, WD Huber, E Holme, S. Stockler
Ipsiroglu. Reversibility of cirrhotic regenerative liver nodules upon NTBC treatment in a
child with tyrosinaemia type I. Acta Paediatr. 2003; 92:625-8.
M. Orendac, J. Zeman, S.P. Stabler, R.H. Allen, J.P. Kraus, O.A.F. Bodamer, S. StcklerIpsiroglu, V. Kozich. Homocystinuria due to cystathionine -synthase deficiency: novel
biochemical findings and treatment efficacy JIMD 2003; 26:761-773.
C.B. Item, S. Mercimek-Mahmutoglu, R. Battini, C. Edlinger-Horvat, C. Stromberger, O.A.F.
Bodamer, A. Mhl, M.A. Vilaseca, H. Korall, S. Stckler-Ipsiroglu. Characterisation of 7
novel mutations in seven patients with GAMT deficiency. Hum Mut 2004; 23:524-530.
M. Holub, O.A.F. Bodamer, C. Item, A. Mhl, A. Pollak, S. Stckler-Ipsiroglu. Correlation
between disorders of fatty acid oxidation and HELLP syndrome? Acta Paediat 2005;
G. Mitterer, O.A.F. Bodamer, C. Harwanegg, W. Maurer, M.W. Mueller, W.M. Schmidt.
Performance of Microarray Based SNP Detection in a Routine Clinical Setting. Gene
Testing 2005; 9:6-13.
S. Klkens, I. Harting, S. Sauer, A. Schulze-Bergkamen, J. Zschocke, G. F. Hoffmann, S.
Gruber, O. A. F. Bodamer, S. Klker. Late-onset neurologic disease in two patients with
glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency. Neurology 2005; 64:2142-2144.
M. Huemer, B. Fowler, O.A.F. Bodamer, T. Suormala, B. Simma, J.O. Sass. Pre- and
postnatal treatment in the cblC defect. J Pediatr. 2005; 147:469-472.
K.A. Strnadov, F. Votava, J. Lebl, A. Mhl, C. Item, O.A.F. Bodamer, T. Torresani,
Bouka, F. Waldhauser, W. Sperl. Prevalence of congenital adrenal hyperplasia and inborn
errors of metabolism among sudden infant death in two Middle European countries:
A retrospective analysis. Europ J Ped 2007;166:1-4
S.Fischer, G. Mann, M. Konrad, M. Metzler, G. Ebetsberger, N. Jones, B. Nadel,
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

O. A. Bodamer, O. Haas, K. Schmitt, E. Panzer-Grunmeyer. Lack of leukemia-and clone

Specific markers at birth in children with T cell precursor ALL suggests a predominantly
postnatal origin. Blood 2007 Jun 8; (print)

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Wilfred DRUML
Clinical Division of Nephrology and Dialysis, Department of Internal Medicine III

Curriculum Vitae

Home address:
31. 7. 1949
1969 - 1972
1972 - 1975
1975 - 1991
1985 - 1987
1986 - 1987
since 1991

Prof. Dr. med. Wilfred Johannes DRUML

married with Mrs. Dr. jur. Christiane Druml
3 children (Hephzibah 22, Zino 20, Carl 16)
Gottfried Keller-Gasse 13, A-1030 Vienna, Austria
born in Mauthen/ Carinthia, Austria
Medical training (preclinical part) in Innsbruck, Austria
Medical training (clinical part) Vienna, Austria
Graduation; MD
Residence/ fellow in medicine, Department of Internal Medicine I,
University of Vienna, Austria
Borad certification Internal Medicine
Postdoctoral research fellow Harvard University, Boston, USA
US-certification (ECFMG)
Medical Fellow, Harvard University
(Brigham and Womens Hospital) Boston
Board Certification in Austria : Nephrology
Associate Professor of Medicine
Professor of Medicine, Tenure
Director, Nephrology Intensiv Care Programme
Vienna General Hospital, Vienna, Austria
Board certification: Intensive Care Medicine

Research Focus : Metabolism and nutrition in the critically ill, in patients with renal failure,
development of the first dipeptide-containing amino acid solution worldwide and of many
nutritional programs, intravenous lipids, acute renal failure, continuous renal replacement
therapies, general infusion therapy.
Society (Founding) Member /Officer : Austrian Society of Clinical Nutrition
(AKE)(president, responsible for publication of nutritional recomendations), Austrian
Society of Medical Intensive Care Medicine (president, responsible for consensus reports)
European, Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, European Society of Intensive Care
Congress Organization : Numerous national and international seminars and workshops in
the field of intensive care medicine, clinical nutrition, of acute renal failure
Editor, Editorial Board : Editor-in-Chief of Wiener klinische Wochenschrift (The Middle
European Journal of Medicine),
founder and editor-in-chief of an intensive care newsletter (INTENSIV-News), editorial
board of several national and international journals
Manuscript Reviewer: Regular reviewer for the major journals in the fields of clinical
nutrition, of nephrology and intensive care medicine.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Clinical Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics

Effect of iron therapy on cellular iron homeostasis - safety of iron therapy?

Most patients with chronic renal failure must receive erythropoietic agents and iron to
maintain a hemoglobin level above 11 g/dL. Intravenous iron is more effective than oral iron
substitution. Intravenously iron is mainly supplied as iron sucrose and iron gluconate.
However, non-transferrin bound labile iron can produce side effects possibly by affecting
endothelial cells, polymorphonuclear leukocytes and cytokines. Moreover, labile iron may act
as a catalytic agent in the formation of hydroxyl radicals, and could hence contribute to cell
damage. Therefore, iron must be carefully administered intravenously, particularly when
supplied in high doses.
Data in the literature suggest that iron is an important factor in the process of atherosclerosis,
but exact mechanisms are still unknown. The iron hypothesis suggests that iron depletion
protects against ischemic heart disease. Furthermore, iron promotes bacterial growth and thus
is potentially related to infectious complications.
End-stage renal disease patients require iron therapy to benefit from treatment with
recombinant human erythropoietin or novel erythropoiesis stimulating proteins. Monitoring of
iron status in these patients includes the determination of the percentage of hypochromic red
blood cells and/or the reticulocyte hemoglobin content, in addition to ferritin serum
concentration and transferrin saturation.
Concerning safe and optimal correction of renal anemia by intravenous iron therapy the
principal questions are to be answered are the following: Does intravenous iron application
indeed contribute to 1) atherogenesis, 2) infectious disease, and 3) cell damage?
A first step to clarify these issues is to identify genes that are responsive to intravenous iron
therapy (i.e. up- or down-regulated genes). This is to be accomplished by using gene
expression microarrays in cells isolated from chronic renal failure patients that have received
intravenous iron or not. Identification of genes regulated by iron therapy will provide basic
information to support or reject the hypothesis of an involvement of iron in atherogenesis,
infections, and cell damage.

Thesis Subjects
Effects of intravenous iron therapy on gene expression in human cells
Molecular effects of intravenous iron therapy on oxidative stress in human cells

Techniques and infrastructure

Cell culture, isolation of RNA, microarray analysis; quantitative real-time PCR; all required
equipment available.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Clinical Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical University of
Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; Phone +43 1 40400 5388; Fax
+43 1 40400 6752; Email manuela.foedinger@meduniwien.ac.at
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Steyr, Austria

1997 present

specialist in Laboratory Medicine

1982 1990
1974 1982

International Diploma of Tropical Medicine

studies of Human Medicine
secondary school

Career History
2004 present

2000 present

1992 - present

1991 - 1992

Career-related Activities
2001 2002

Head of the section Molecular Endocrinology,

Pharmacology & Metabolism and medical head of the
division Endocrinology at the Clinical Institute of
Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics
associate Professor at the Clinical Institute of Medical and
Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical University of
venia docendi for Laboratory Medicine
University Assistant, Clinical Institute of Medical and
Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical University of
Research fellow at the Institute of General and
Experimental Pathology and the Institute of Specific
Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine at the (Medical)
University of Vienna

Postgraduate University Course for Medical Leaders at the

University of Salzburg
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Section leader "Science and Development", Austrian

Society for Clinical Chemistry


ERA-EDTA Award of the European Dialysis and

Transplantation Association
Preis der sterreichischen Gesellschaft fr Nephrologie
Award der National Kidney Foundation
Young Investigator Award of the American Society of
Transplant Physicians
Best Scientific Abstract of the International Society of
Peritoneal Dialysis
Preis der sterreichischen Gesellschaft fr Labormedizin



Austrian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism

Austrian Society for Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Chemistry
Austrian Society for Good Analyses and Laboratory Praxis
Society for Nephrology
Sources of funding (since 2000)


Short Title




Effect of homocysteine on vascular

endothelial cells


Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Anita Jallitsch

Molecular background of
Anderson-Fabry disease

2007 (2009)

(Dr. scient.

78 and 13 peer reviewed publications and reviews, resp., in scientific journals,
2 editorials, 3 book contributions
Peer reviewed manuscripts since 2000 (original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Sunder-Plassmann G, Winkelmayer WC, Fdinger M. 2006. Genetic aspects of
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

hyperhomocysteinemia in chronic kidney disease. Semin Nephrol. 26:8-13. (review)

Winkelmayer WC, Kramar R, Sunder-Plassmann G, Fdinger M. 2005. Effects of singlenucleotide polymorphisms in MTHFR and MTRR on mortality and allograft loss in kidney
transplant recipients. Kidney Int. 68:2857-62.
Winkelmayer WC, Huber A, Wagner OF, Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G, Fdinger M. 2005.
Associations between MTHFR 1793G>A and plasma total homocysteine, folate, and vitamin
B in kidney transplant recipients. Kidney Int. 67:1980-5.
Lorenz M, Kletzmayr J, Huber A, Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G, Fdinger M. 2005.
Ironoverload in kidney transplants: prospective analysis of biochemical and genetic markers.
Kidney Int. 67:691-7.
Fritsche-Polanz R, Wallner M, Cohen G, Eberle C, Sunder-Plassmann G, Fdinger M.
2004.Granulocyte function in patients with L-ferritin iron-responsive element (IRE) 39C-->Tpositive hereditary hyperferritinaemia-cataract syndrome. Eur J Clin Invest. 34:701-8.
Sunder-Plassmann G, Fdinger M. 2004. Underuse of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Kidney
Int. 66:1711. (letter)
Winkelmayer WC, Sunder-Plassmann G, Huber A, Fdinger M. 2004. Patterns of cooccurrence of three single nucleotide polymorphisms of the 5,10 methylenetetrahydrofolate
reductase gene in kidney transplant recipients. Eur J Clin Invest. 2004: 613-8.
Feix A, Winkelmayer WC, Eberle C, Sunder-Plassmann G, Fdinger M. 2004. Methionine
synthase reductase MTRR 66A > G has no effect on total homocysteine, folate, and Vitamin
B12 concentrations in renal transplant patients. Atherosclerosis. 2004 174:43-8.
Fdinger M, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2003. Low clinical penetrance of homozygosity for HFE
C282Y: implications for genetic testing? Eur J Clin Invest. 33:737-9. (editorial)
Fdinger M, Veitl M, Skoupy S, Wojcik J, Rohrer C, Hagen W, Puttinger H, Hauser AC,
Vychytil A, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2003. Effect of TCN2 776C>G on vitamin B12 cellular
availability in end-stage renal disease patients. Kidney Int. 64:1095-100.
Winkelmayer WC, Eberle C, Sunder-Plassmann G, Fdinger M. 2003. Effects of the
glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCP2 1561C>T) and reduced folate carrier (RFC1 80G>A)
allelic variants on folate and total homocysteine levels in kidney transplant patients. Kidney
Int. 63:2280-5.
Fdinger M, Dierkes J, Skoupy S, Rhrer C, Hagen W, Puttinger H, Hauser AC, Vychytil A,
Sunder-Plassmann G. 2003. Effect of glutamate carboxypeptidase II and reduced folate carrier
polymorphisms on folate and total homocysteine concentrations in dialysis patients. J Am Soc
Nephrol. 14:1314-9.
Sunder-Plassmann G, Fdinger M. 2003. Genetic determinants of the homocysteine level.
Kidney Int Suppl. 84:S141-4. (review)
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Sunder-Plassmann G, Kittler H, Eberle C, Hirschl MM, Woisetschlager C, Derhaschnig U,

Laggner AN, Hrl WH, Fdinger M. 2002. Angiotensin converting enzyme DD genotype is
associated with hypertensive crisis. Crit Care Med. 30:2236-41.
Sunder-Plassmann G, Fdinger M. 2002. Cost-effectiveness of homocysteine-lowering
therapy to prevent coronary heart disease. JAMA. 287:190. (letter)
Trndle U, Sunder-Plassmann G, Burgmann H, Buchmayer H, Kramer L, Bieglmayer C, Hrl
WH, Fdinger M. 2001. Molecular and clinical characterisation of homocystinuria in two
Austrian families with cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency. Acta Med Austriaca 28:145-51.
Feix A, Fritsche-Polanz R, Kletzmayr J, Vychytil A, Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G,
Fdinger M. 2001. Increased prevalence of combined MTR and MTHFR genotypes among
individuals with severely elevated total homocysteine plasma levels. Am J Kidney Dis.
Fdinger M, Buchmayer H, Heinz G, Papagiannopoulos M, Kletzmayr J, Perschl A, Vychytil
A, Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2001. Association of two MTHFR polymorphisms with
total homocysteine plasma levels in dialysis patients. Am J Kidney Dis. 38:77-84.
Fritsche-Polanz R, Jordan JH, Feix A, Sperr WR, Sunder-Plassmann G, Valent P, Fdinger M.
2001. Mutation analysis of C-KIT in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes without
mastocytosis and cases of systemic mastocytosis. Br J Haematol. 113:357-64.
Fdinger M, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2001. Increased cysteine plasma levels in kidney
transplants: a potential vascular disease risk factor? Transplantation. 71:713-5.
Fdinger M, Wagner OF, Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2001. Recent insights into the
molecular genetics of the homocysteine metabolism. Kidney Int Suppl. 78:S238-42. (review)
Sunder-Plassmann G, Winkelmayer WC, Fdinger M. 2000. Therapeutic potential of total
homocysteine-lowering drugs on cardiovascular disease. Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 9:263751. (review)
Buchmayer H, Sunder-Plassmann G, Hirschl MM, Kletzmayr J, Woisetschlager C, Laggner
AN, Hrl WH, Fdinger M. 2000. G-protein beta3 subunit gene (GNB3) polymorphism 825C->T in patients with hypertensive crisis. Crit Care Med. 28:3203-6.
Fdinger M, Buchmayer H, Heinz G, Papagiannopoulos M, Kletzmayr J, RasoulRockenschaub S, Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2000. Effect of MTHFR 1298A-->C and
MTHFR 677C-->T genotypes on total homocysteine, folate, and vitamin B(12) plasma
concentrations in kdiney graft recipients. J Am Soc Nephrol. 11:1918-25.
Floth A, Sunder-Plassmann G, Fdinger M. 2000. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of
bacterial 16s rRNA in biopsy samples. Urology. 55:788-9. (letter)
Sunder-Plassmann G, Floth A, Fdinger M. 2000. Hyperhomocysteinemia in organ
transplantation. Curr Opin Urol. 10:87-94. (review)
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Fdinger M, Fritsche-Polanz R, Buchmayer H, Skoupy S, Sengoelge G, Hrl WH, SunderPlassmann G. 2000. Erythropoietin-inducible immediate-early genes in human vascular
endothelial cells. J Investig Med. 48:137-49.
Fdinger M, Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2000. Molecular biology of 5,10methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. J Nephrol. 13:20-33. (review)
Co-author manuscripts:
Steiner S, Winkelmayer WC, Kleinert J, Grisar J, Seidinger D, Kopp CW, Watschinger B,
Minar E, Hrl WH, Fdinger M, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2006. Endothelial progenitor cells in
kidney transplant recipients. Transplantation. 81:599-606.
Schaeffner ES, Fdinger M, Kramar R, Frei U, Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G, Winkelmayer
WC. 2006. Prognostic associations between lipid markers and outcomes in kidney transplant
recipients. Am J Kidney Dis. 47:509-17.
Lechner K, Fdinger M, Grisold W, Puspok A, Sillaber C. 2005. Vitamin B12 deficiency.
New data on an old theme. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 117:579-91. (review)
Schaller G, Scheiber-Mojdehkar B, Wolzt M, Puttinger H, Mittermayer F, Hrl WH, Fdinger
M, Sunder-Plassmann G, Vychytil A. 2005. Intravenous iron increases labile serum iron but
does not impair forearm blood flow reactivity in dialysis patients. Kidney Int. 68:2814-22.
Tylicki L, Fdinger M, Puttinger H, Rutkowski P, Strozecki P, Tyszko S, Rutkowski B, Hrl
WH. 2005. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene polymorphisms in essential
hypertension relation: with the development of hypertensive end-stage renal disease. Am J
Hypertens. 18:1442-8.
Hauser AC, Gessl A, Lorenz M, Voigtlander T, Fdinger M, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2005. High
prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism in patients with Anderson-Fabry disease. J Inherit
Metab Dis. 28:715-22.
Krokowski M, Sotlar K, Krauth MT, Fdinger M, Valent P, Horny HP. 2005. Delineation of
patterns of bone marrow mast cell infiltration in systemic mastocytosis: value of CD25,
correlation with subvariants of the disease, and separation from mast cell hyperplasia. Am J
Clin Pathol. 124:560-8.
Steiner S, Schaller G, Puttinger H, Fdinger M, Kopp CW, Seidinger D, Grisar J, Hrl WH,
Minar E, Vychytil A, Wolzt M, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2005. History of cardiovascular disease
is associated with endothelial progenitor cells in peritoneal dialysis patients. Am J Kidney Dis.
Valent P, Arock M, Bischoff SC, Buhring HJ, Brockow K, Escribano L, Fdinger M, Grabbe
J, Hartmann K, Henz BM, Horny HP, Kluin-Nelemans HC, Lima M, Marone G, Orfao A,
Parwaresch RM, Sillaber C, Sotlar K, Sperr WR, Triggiani M, Van Doormaal JJ, Wolff K,
Zuberbier T. 2004. The European Competence Network on Mastocytosis (ECNM). Wien Klin
Wochenschr. 116:647-51.
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Kleinert J, Lorenz M, Hauser AC, Becherer A, Staudenherz A, Fdinger M, SunderPlassmann G. 2005. Measurement of renal function in patients with Fabry disease. Acta
Paediatr Suppl. 94:19-23.
Florian S, Krauth MT, Simonitsch-Klupp I, Sperr WR, Fritsche-Polanz R, Sonneck K,
Fdinger M, Agis H, Bohm A, Wimazal F, Horny HP, Valent P. 2005. Indolent systemic
mastocytosis with elevated serum tryptase, absence of skin lesions, and recurrent severe
anaphylactoid episodes. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 136:273-80.
Huemer M, Huemer C, Ulmer H, Crone J, Fdinger M, Falger J, Sailer-Hock M. 2005. No
evidence for hyperhomocysteinemia or increased prevalence of genetic polymorphisms in the
homocysteine pathway in patients with moderate juvenile idiopathic arthritis. J Rheumatol.
Valent P, Akin C, Sperr WR, Mayerhofer M, Fdinger M, Fritsche-Polanz R, Sotlar K,
Escribano L, Arock M, Horny HP, Metcalfe DD. 2005. Mastocytosis: pathology, genetics, and
current options for therapy. Leuk Lymphoma. 46:35-48. (review)
Sperr WR, Drach J, Hauswirth AW, Ackermann J, Mitterbauer M, Mitterbauer G, Fdinger
M, Fonatsch C, Simonitsch-Klupp I, Kalhs P, Valent P. 2005. Myelomastocytic leukemia:
evidence for the origin of mast cells from the leukemic clone and eradication by allogeneic
stem cell transplantation. Clin Cancer Res. 11:6787-92.
Winkelmayer WC, Kramar R, Curhan GC, Chandraker A, Endler G, Fdinger M, Hrl WH,
Sunder-Plassmann G. 2005. Fasting plasma total homocysteine levels and mortality and
allograft loss in kidney transplant recipients: a prospective study. J Am Soc Nephrol. 16:25560.
Kleinert J, Hauser AC, Lorenz M, Fdinger M, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2004. Therapy of Fabry
disease. Kidney Int. 66:1288. (letter)
Sengoelge G, Rainer V, Kletzmayr J, Jansen M, Derfler K, Fdinger M, Hrl WH, SunderPlassmann G. 2004. Dose-dependent effect of parenteral iron therapy on bleomycin-detectable
iron in immune apheresis patients. Kidney Int. 66:295-302.
Winkelmayer WC, Lorenz M, Kramar R, Fdinger M, Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2004.
C-reactive protein and body mass index independently predict mortality in kidney transplant
recipients. Am J Transplant. 4:1148-54.
Lorenz M, Wolzt M, Weigel G, Puttinger H, Hrl WH, Fdinger M, Speiser W, SunderPlassmann G. 2004. Ferrous sulfate does not affect mycophenolic acid pharmacokinetics in
kidney transplant patients. Am J Kidney Dis. 43:1098-103.
Wimazal F, Schwarzmeier J, Sotlar K, Simonitsch I, Sperr WR, Fritsche-Polanz R, Fdinger
M, Schubert J, Horny HP, Valent P. 2004. Splenic mastocytosis: report of two cases and
detection of the transforming somatic C-KIT mutation D816V. Leuk Lymphoma. 45:723-9.
Hauser AC, Lorenz M, Voigtlander T, Fdinger M, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2004. Results of an
ophthalmologic screening programme for identification of cases with Anderson-Fabry disease.
Ophthalmologica. 218:207-9.
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Kotanko P, Kramar R, Devrnja D, Paschke E, Voigtlander T, Auinger M, Pagliardini S, Spada

M, Demmelbauer K, Lorenz M, Hauser AC, Kofler HJ, Lhotta K, Neyer U, Pronai W, Wallner
M, Wieser C, Wiesholzer M, Zodl H, Fdinger M, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2004. Results of a
nationwide screening for Anderson-Fabry disease among dialysis patients. J Am Soc Nephrol.
Winkelmayer WC, Skoupy S, Eberle C, Fdinger M, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2004. Effects of
TCN2 776C>G on vitamin B, folate, and total homocysteine levels in kidney transplant
patients. Kidney Int. 65:1877-81.
Vychytil A, Fdinger M, Pleiner J, Mullner M, Konner P, Skoupy S, Rhrer C, Wolzt M,
Sunder-Plassmann G. 2003. Acute effect of amino acid peritoneal dialysis solution on vascular
function. Am J Clin Nutr. 78:1039-45.
Sengoelge G, Kletzmayr J, Papagiannopoulos M, Bohle B, Hrl WH, Fdinger M, SunderPlassmann G. 2003. TGF-beta1 impairs homocysteine metabolism in human renal cells:
possible implications for transplantation. Transpl Int. 16:843-8.
Jordan JH, Jger E, Sperr WR, Schwarzinger I, Fdinger M, Fritsche-Polanz R, hler L,
Geissler K, Valent P. 2003. Numbers of colony-forming progenitors in patients with systemic
mastocytosis: potential diagnostic implications and comparison with myeloproliferative
disorders. Eur J Clin Invest. 33:611-8.
Huemer M, Fdinger M, Huemer C, Sailer-Hock M, Falger J, Rettenbacher A, Bernecker M,
Artacker G, Kenzian H, Lang T, Stockler-Ipsiroglu S. 2003. Hyperhomocysteinemia in
children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis is not influenced by methotrexate treatment and folic
acid supplementation: a pilot study. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 21:249-55.
Hauswirth AW, Sperr WR, Ghannadan M, Schernthaner GH, Jordan JH, Fritsche-Polanz R,
Simonitsch-Klupp I, Fdinger M, Lechner K, Valent P. 2002. A case of smouldering
mastocytosis with peripheral blood eosinophilia and lymphadenopathy. Leuk Res. 26:601-6.
Jordan JH, Schernthaner GH, Fritsche-Polanz R, Sperr WR, Fdinger M, Chott A, Geissler K,
Lechner K, Horny HP, Valent P. 2002. Stem cell factor-induced bone marrow mast cell
hyperplasia mimicking systemic mastocytosis (SM): histopathologic and morphologic
evaluation with special reference to recently established SM-criteria. Leuk Lymphoma.
Ignatescu MC, Kletzmayr J, Fdinger M, Bieglmayer C, Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G.
2002. Influence of mycophenolic acid and tacrolimus on homocysteine metabolism. Kidney
Int. 61:1894-8.
Skoupy S, Fdinger M, Veitl M, Perschl A, Puttinger H, Rohrer C, Schindler K, Vychytil A,
Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2002. Riboflavin is a determinant of total homocysteine
plasma concentrations in end-stage renal disease patients. J Am Soc Nephrol. 13:1331-7.
Hagen W, Fdinger M, Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2001. Therapy of
hyperhomocysteinemia in end-stage renal disease patients. Minerva Urol Nefrol. 53:159-70.
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Jordan JH, Fritsche-Polanz R, Sperr WR, Mitterbauer G, Fdinger M, Schernthaner GH,

Christian Bankl H, Gebhart W, Chott A, Lechner K, Valent P. 2001. A case of 'smouldering'
mastocytosis with high mast cell burden, monoclonal myeloid cells, and C-KIT mutation Asp816-Val. Leuk Res. 25:627-34.
Hauser AC, Hagen W, Rehak PH, Buchmayer H, Fdinger M, Papagiannopoulos M,
Bieglmayer C, Apsner R, Koller E, Ignatescu M, Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2001.
Efficacy of folinic versus folic acid for the correction of hyperhomocysteinemia in
hemodialysis patients. Am J Kidney Dis. 37:758-65.
Hagen W, Fdinger M, Heinz G, Buchmayer H, Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2001. Effect
of MTHFR genotypes and hyperhomocysteinemia on patient and graft survival in kidney
transplant recipients. Kidney Int Suppl. 78:S253-7.
Sunder-Plassmann G, Fdinger M, Buchmayer H, Papagiannopoulos M, Wojcik J, Kletzmayr
J, Enzenberger B, Janata O, Winkelmayer WC, Paul G, Auinger M, Barnas U, Hrl WH.
2000. Effect of high dose folic acid therapy on hyperhomocysteinemia in hemodialysis
patients: results of the Vienna multicenter study. J Am Soc Nephrol. 11:1106-16.
Schindler K, Zauner C, Buchmayer H, Fdinger M, Wlfl G, Bieglmayer C, Heinz G, Wilfing
A, Hrl WH, Sunder-Plassmann G. 2000. High prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia in
critically ill patients. Crit Care Med. 28:991-5.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Dept. Internal Medicine III, Div.Endocrinol.Metab.

Type 2 diabetes, glucose metabolism, and the role of skeletal muscle.

Changes in environment and lifestyle presently cause a worldwide distinct increase in
diabetes mellitus, which is particularly due to increasing numbers of patients afflicted by type
2 diabetes. This disease is strongly associated with sedentary life style and obesity. A better
understanding of the natural etiology and the metabolic disturbances of type 2 diabetes, as
well as the development of new therapeutic strategies and drugs is therefore among the most
important challenges in medical research.
In type 2 diabetes, the predominant cause of increased blood glucose, which defines the
diabetic state, is resistance of target tissues to the actions of insulin, i.e., target tissues
stimulated by the hormone fail to take up an appropriate amount of glucose from circulating
blood. Hence, it is important to understand, how tissue insulin sensitivity is regulated and can
be manipulated. In this regard, skeletal muscle is of particular interest, because muscle is the
quantitatively most important target tissue for insulin-stimulated glucose lowering and
accounts for up to 80% of glucose disposal under insulin-stimulated conditions.
Since many years our research is focused on several aspects of the problem: (i) the description
of antidiabetic potentials of new compounds in the whole organism (experimental animal); (ii)
analysis of the modes and mechanisms of actions of new as well as of established antidiabetic
drugs, particularly with regard to their effects on muscle insulin sensitivity; (iii) the
investigation of mechanisms involved in the physiological regulation of insulin sensitivity,
e.g., via adipocyte-derived hormones.
More specifically, we have studied the role and demonstrated the importance of the cellular
energy state for the long-term modulation of muscle insulin sensitivity. In this context, we
have developed a working hypothesis that a reduced cellular energy load can serve as a
trigger for delayed insulin sensitization leading to an amelioration of deranged glucose
homeostasis ("the energy charge hypothesis of insulin sensitivity").
We are experienced in metabolic studies on whole animals (e.g. rat models for type 2
diabetes) and in the use of native rat soleus muscle strips in a pharmacological setting. The
latter allows to analyze in detail the substrate flux rates through the most important
biochemical pathways of muscle fuel metabolism and can be used for many different
experiments including, e.g., ex vivo as well as in vitro approaches.

Thesis Subjects
Effects of antidiabetic agents on glucose metabolism of rat skeletal muscle in vivo and in

Techniques and infrastructure

Incubation of native rat skeletal muscle strips; analysis of muscle metabolism with
radiolabelled substrates and enzymatic methods; basic methods for animal experimentation;
hormone analysis; Northern and Western blotting; all necessary infrastructure and equipment

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine III, Medical
University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; Phone +43 1
40400 4785; Fax +43 1 40400 7790; Email clemens.fuernsinn@meduniwien.ac.at
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Vienna, Austria

1982 1990

studies of Biology (zoology/botany)

1970 1982


Career History
2000 present

1991 present

X/1990 V/1991
V/1990 X/1990

Associate Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine

III, Medical University of Vienna. Basic medical research
on fuel metabolism and antidiabetic agents
venia docendi for Metabolic Physiology
University Assistant at the Clinical Division of
Endocrinology Metabolism, Department of Internal
Medicine III, (Medical) University of Vienna, Austria
4 Months of Research at the Department of Biochemistry
of the University of Oxford, England, UK
Civil Service
University Assistant at the Division of Endocrinology &
Diabetes Mellitus, 1st Medical Department, Vienna
Ph.D. Graduation
7 Months of Research at the Laboratory of Animal
Physiology, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
Begin of Study of Biology (Zoology/Botany) at the
University of Vienna

Career-related Activities
1998 present2003

Member of the Editorial Board, Diabetologia

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Winner of the Poster-Prize at the Diabetes Three Countries

Meeting at Basel, Switzerland (organized by German,
Swiss, and Austrian Diabetes Associations)


Winner of the Award of the HOECHST-Company

Austrian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism
Austrian Diabetes Society
German Diabetes Society
European Society for the Study of Diabetes
Sources of funding in last 5 years (2000-2005)


Short Title



FFG (Nr.812095)

Investigation of antidiabetic activities of

established medical plants. (Project Leader:



FWF (P16352-B08)

Antidiabetic effects caused by inhibition of

cell respiration?



FWF (P13049-MED)

Osmosis, insulin sensitizers, and muscle

glucose metabolism.


Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Susanne Neschen

"Effect of GLP1/GLP1


Dr. rer.

analogues, lithium ions, and

troglitazone on rat glucose
metabolism; University of
Vienna (Zoology)
Barbara Brunmair

Wirkung und



Wirkungsmechanismen von
Agonisten nuklerer Rezeptoren
auf den Glukose- und
Fettstoffwechsel der Ratte;
University of Vienna (Zoology)

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Dr. rer.

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Thomas Kstenbauer

randomisierte und doppelblinde
Studie zum Nachweis der
Wirksamkeit einer Behandlung
der peripheren diabetischen
Polyneuropathie mit Ginko
bilboa Extrakt Egb 761;
University of Vienna (Zoology)


Dr. rer.

Florian Gras*

Vergleichende Untersuchung der

Wirkung von Thiazolidindionen,
einem Isoxazolidindion und
Dexlipotam auf den
Glukosestoffwechsel der Ratte,
Humboldt University, Berlin



Karin Stadlbauer*

Modulation von
Glukosestoffwechsel und
Insulinsignalkaskade durch
Aminosuren und Fettsuren in
Muskel und Leber der Ratte
(Working Title); University of
Vienna (Zoology)


Dr. rer.


Dr. rer.

Zsuzsanna Szcs*

Wirkung mutmalich
antidiabetischer Naturheilmittel
in einschlgigen Nagermodellen;
University of Vienna (Zoology)
* Supervision together with B. Brunmair
42 peer reviewed publications in scientific journals,
4 invited lectures

Peer reviewed manuscripts since 2000 (original research and reviews)

Frnsinn C, Brunmair B, Neschen S, Roden M, Waldhusl W: Troglitazone directly inhibits
CO2 production from glucose and palmitate in isolated rat skeletal muscle. Journal of
Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 293, 487-493, 2000.
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Brunmair B, Neschen S, Gras F, Roden M, Nowotny P, Waldhusl W, Frnsinn C: Metabolic

response to anisoosmolarity of rat skeletal muscle in vitro. Hormone Metabolic Research 32,
251-255, 2000.
(Erratum: Horm Metab Res 32, 440, 2000)
Englisch R, Wurzinger R, Frnsinn C, Schneider B, Frisch H, Waldhusl W, Graf J, Roden M:
Effects of insulin-like growth factor I on basal and stimulated glucose fluxes in rat liver.
Biochemical Journal 351, 39-45, 2000.
Oberkofler H, Neschen S, Esterbauer H, Waldhusl W, Patsch W, Frnsinn C: UCP3 gene
expression does not correlate with muscle oxidation rates in Troglitazone-treated Zucker fatty
rats. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1517, 113-118, 2000.
Roden M, Anderwald C, Frnsinn C, Waldhusl W, Lohninger A: Short-term leptin exposure
stimulates triglyceride deposition in rat liver. Hepatology 32, 1045-1049, 2000.
Stingl H, Krssak M, Krebs M, Bischof M, Nowotny P, Frnsinn C, Shulman GI, Waldhusl
W, Roden M: Lipid-dependent control of hepatic glycogen stores in healthy man.
Diabetologia 44, 48-54, 2001.
Krebs M, Krssak M, Nowotny P, Weghuber D, Gruber S, Mlynarik V, Bischof M, Stingl H,
Frnsinn C, Waldhusl W, Roden M: Free fatty acids inhibit glucose-stimulated increase of
intramuscular glucose-6-phosphate concentration in humans. Journal of Clinical
Endocrinology and Metabolism 86, 2153-2160, 2001.
Brunmair B, Gras F, Neschen S, Roden M, Waldhusl W, Frnsinn C: Direct
thiazolidinedione action on rat skeletal muscle glucose handling is independent of peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor- -mediated changes in gene expression. Diabetes 50, 23092315, 2001.
Frnsinn C, Nowotny P, Brunmair B, Gras F, Roden M, Waldhusl W, Vierhapper H:
Thiazolidinediones influence plasma steroids of male obese Zucker rats. Endocrinology 143:
327-330, 2002 (Rapid Communication).
Anderwald C, Mller G, Koca G, Frnsinn C, Waldhusl W, Roden M: Short-term leptindependent inhibition of hepatic gluconeogenesis is mediated by insulin receptor substrate-2.
Molecular Endocrinology 16: 1612-1628, 2002.
Frnsinn C, Waldhusl W: Thiazolidinediones: metabolic actions in vitro. Diabetologia 45:
1211-1223, 2002 (Review).
Anderwald C, Koca G, Frnsinn C, Waldhusl W, Roden M: Inhibition of glucose production
and stimulation of bile flow by R (+)- -lipoic acid enantiomer in rat liver. Liver 22: 356-362,
Gras F, Brunmair B, Roden M, Waldhusl W, Frnsinn C: Differences in troglitazone action
on glucose metabolism in freshly isolated versus long-term incubated rat skeletal muscle.
British Journal of Pharmacology 138: 1140-1146, 2003.
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Brunmair B, Staniek K, Gras F, Scharf N, Althaym A, Clara R, Roden M, Gnaiger E, Nohl H,

Waldhusl W, Frnsinn C: Thiazolidinediones, like metformin, inhibit respiratory complex I:
A common mechanism contributing to their antidiabetic actions. Diabetes 53:1052-1059,
Brunmair B, Lest A, Staniek K, Gras F, Scharf N, Roden M, Nohl H, Waldhusl W, Frnsinn
C: Fenofibrate impairs rat mitochondrial function by inhibition of respiratory complex I.
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 311:109-114, 2004.
Brunmair B, Gras F, Wagner L, Artwohl M, Zierhut B, Waldhusl W, Frnsinn C: Expression
of uncoupling protein-3 mRNA in rat skeletal muscle is acutely stimulated by
thiazolidinediones: an exercise-like effect? Diabetologia 47: 1611-1614, 2004 (Short
Artwohl M, Frnsinn C, Waldhusl W, Hlzenbein T, Rainer G, Freudenthaler A, Roden M,
Baumgartner-Parzer SM: Thiazolidinediones inhibit proliferation of microvascular and
macrovascular cells by a PPAR -independent mechanism. Diabetologia 48, 586-594, 2005.
Artwohl M, Hlzenbein T, Frnsinn C, Freudenthaler A, Huttary N, Waldhusl W,
Baumgartner-Parzer SM: Thiazolidinediones inhibit apoptosis and heat shock protein 60
expression in human vascular endothelial cells. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 93, 810-815,
2005 (Short Communication).
Dorfmeister B, Brandhofer S, Schaap FG, Herman M, Frnsinn C, Hagerty BP, Stangl H,
Patsch W, Strobl W: Apolipoprotein AV does not contribute to hypertriglyceridemia or
triglyceride lowering by dietary fish oil and rosiglitazone in obese Zucker rats. Diabetologia,
in press.
Brunmair B, Staniek K, Drig J, Szcs Z, Stadlbauer K, Marian V, Gras F, Anderwald C,
Nohl H, Waldhusl W, Frnsinn C: Activation of PPAR- in isolated rat skeletal muscle
switches fuel preference from glucose to fatty acids. Diabetologia, 49:2713-2722, 2006.
Frnsinn C, Willson TM, Brunmair B: PPAR-, a regulator of oxidative capacity, fuel
switching, and cholesterol transport. Diabetologia, 50:8-17, 2007 (Review).
Krebs M, Brunmair B, Brehm A, Artwohl M, Szendroedi J, Nowotny P, Roth E, Frnsinn C,
Promintzer M, Anderwald C, Bischof M, Roden M: The mammalian target of rapamycin
pathway regulates nutrient-sensitive glucose uptake in man. Diabetes 56:1600-1607, 2007.
Anderwald C, Brunmair B, Stadlbauer K, Krens M, Frnsinn C, Roden M: Effects of free fatty
acids on carbohydrate metabolism and insulin signalling in perfused rat liver. European
Journal of Clinical Investigation, submitted

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Gabriele HUSLER
Pediatric Department, Medical University of Vienna

An in vitro model of growth plate chondrocytes

Longitudinal growth takes place at the growth plate (GP), or physis - a highly organized
structure within the distal ends of long bones. Elongation of bone is established by the process
of enchondral ossification, where a synchronized sequence of chondrocyte differentiation and
proliferation is regulated by means of endocrine, paracrine and autocrine mechanisms. From a
clinical point of view, a reduction or increase of relevant hormones (e.g., growth hormone,
thyroid hormone, sex steroids, glucocorticoids) is accompanied by distinct pictures of growth
failure or excess. At the level of the growth plate, the mechanisms underlying these growth
disorders are poorly understood and concepts have derived from animal models, mainly
rodents. While the local actions of growth stimulating factors like GH and IGF-I have been
well documented, at least in animal models, the mode of action of skeletal maturation/closure
of the growth plate during puberty is obscure. It has been shown that both estrogen receptors
(ER) alpha and ER beta are expressed within the growth plate throughout childhood and
puberty and that estrogen is the hormone mediating closure of the growth plate in both sexes.
As estrogens can be synthesized locally by means of aromatization of precursors, even within
the cell (intracrine), these processes are not mirrowed by serum levels of hormones.
Investigation of growth plate tissue has mainly been performed in rodents (which do not close
their GPs completely), and human material is very limited.
In previous work our group has investigated the presence of ERs, matrix composition and the
role of matrix degrading encymes (metalloproteinases) in human childhood and adolescent
growth plates in vivo by immunohistochemistry. For further studies, we are currently
developing an porcine in vitro model of growth plate chondrocytes. After characterization of
the model and comparison with in vivo findings, it is the aim to study the effects of relevant
hormones and growth factors (GH, IGF-I, estrogens) and of different treatments
(chemotherapy, irradiation) on chondrocyte proliferation, differentiation and matrix
Thesis Subjects
Characterization of a porcine in vitro model of growth plate differentiation, proliferation and
matrix synthesis.
Effect of sex steroids on chondrocyte differentiation and matrix production in vitro.
Techniques and infrastructure
Tissue preparation, cell isolation, cell culture, immunohistochemistry , immunocytochemistry,
quantitativeRT-PCR, Immunoblot. Collaborations within the Medical University and the
University of Veterinary MedicineVienna.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Gabriele HUSLER
Department of Pediatric, Medical University of Vienna, Whringer Grtel 18-20, A-1090
Vienna, Austria; Phone +43 1 40400 3238; Email: gabriele.haeusler@meduniwien.ac.at
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
June 1996
Nov 1986 Oct 1987
1980 1986
Career History
Since 2006
Since 1996
Since 01.06.1996
Since 1989
Oct 1987-1989
Career-related Activities
Since 1987

Since 2006
Since 2003


Fully qualified in Paediatrics
Research scholarship of Austrian Ministery for Education
& Science
Postdoctoral research fellow
Medical School Vienna/Medical doctor

Head of the Endocrine Outpatient Clinic

Associate Professor
Consultant for Pediatric Endocrinology at the University
Childrens Hospital Vienna
Junior physician

Participation in several clinical trials in Endocrinology.

Special fields: Growth and growth disorders.
Clinical Resarch: Growth and hormone deficiency in
children with brain tumors, Ullrich-Turner-Syndrom,
Basic Research: Hormonal regulation of the growth plate.
Opponent of PHD thesis at Karolisnka Hospital
Board Member of Bone club ((ESPE)
Board Member of Growth plate working group (ESPE)

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Publications (since 2000)

Helmreich M, Haeusler G, Egerbacher M. Distribution of Laminin, Fibronectin, Collagen
I,II,IV, and X in the human adolescent and childhood growth plate. Scanning 2000 (A)
Meszaros F, Vergesslich K, Riedl S, Hausler G, Frisch H: Posterior pituitary ectopy in
children with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 13(6):62935 (2000)
Frisch H, Kim C, Hausler G, Pfaffle R: Combined pituitary hormone deficiency and pituitary
hypoplasia due to a mutation of the Pit-1 gene. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 52(5):661-665 (2000)
Haeusler G, Egerbacher M, Marlovits S, Helmreich M. Integrins and extracellular matrix
proteins in the childhood and adolescent growth plate. Calcif Tiss Int 71(3):212-218 (2002)
Egerbacher M, Haeusler G: Estrogen receptor-alpha and estrogen-receptor-beta are present in
the human growth plate in childhood and adolescence, in identical distribution. Horm Res 58:
99-103 (2002)
Egerbacher M, Haeusler G: Integrins in growth plate cartilage (invited review). Pediatric
Endocrinology reviews 1: 2-8 (2003)
Wachstum und Pubertt. DFP Fortbildung. rztemagazin Ausgabe 45/20003
Binder G, Renz A, Martinez A, Keselman A, Hesse V, Riedl S, Haeusler G, Fricke-Otto S,
Frisch H, Heinrich JJ, Ranke MB: SHOX Haploinsufficiency and Leri-Weill
dyschondrosteosis: prevalence and growth failure in relation to mutation, sex, and degree of
wrist deformity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 89: 4403-4408 (2004)
Haeusler G, Walter I,. Helmreich M, Egerbacher M: Localization of matrix
metalloproteinases, (MMPs) their tissue inhibitors, and vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF) in growth plates of children and adolescents indicates a role for MMPs in human
postnatal growth and skeletal maturation. Calcif Tiss Int 76:326-335 (2005)
Hwa V, Haeusler G, Pratt KL, Little BM, Frisch H, Koller D, Rosenfeld RG: Absence of
functional acid labile subunit (ALS), resulting in severe IGF deficiency and moderate growth
failure. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 91:1826-1831 (2006)

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Div. Cardiac- Thoracic- Vascular Anaesthesia & Intensive Care,

Stress-induced hyperglycaemia: strategies for optimal perioperative risk

Hyperglycemia is a frequent observation during acute illness such as myocardial infarction
and after major surgery. The proportion of patients with hyperglycemia may be as high as 95100% after cardiac surgery. Stress induced hyperglycemia has a detrimental effect on the
outcome after myocardial infarction and cardiac surgery. Mortality may increase by a factor
of 4 especially in previously non-diabetic patients. Control of hyperglycemia in order to
normalize blood glucose is associated with a clear clinical benefit. This effect is most
beneficial in previously non-diabetic patients with hyperglycemia. The exact target level of
glycemic is still a matter of investigation, but normalization to values between 80-125 mg/dl
is probably optimal.
The strategy to maintain normoglycemia has been challenged since recent findings in several
categories of patients such as those in septic shock and with acute medical illnesses were less
encouraging. In contrast to these patients in whom therapy can only start after injury, surgical
patients have a scheduled injury where deviations can be anticipated and preventive
interventions to stimulate insulin secretion or maintain insulin responsiveness can be
implemented. Thus surgical patients allow a precise determination of the optimal timing of
strategies to normalise glycemia.
Thesis subjects:
What is the time course and optimal target value for perioperative glycemia control?
Do preventive nutritional interventions (preoperative carbohydrates, arginine, etc) affect the
metabolic status of surgical patients?
Techniques and infrastructure:
epidemiological analysis of 10.000 patients from a prospective database
intervention trial with preoperative nutritional supplements and determination of insulin
resistance with clamp-techniques and metabolic rate with indirect calorimetry

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Department of Cardiac Thoracic Vascular Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, Medical University
Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria;
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Career History

Since 1992
Since 1990
1987 1988
From 01.01.1984


Bregenz, Vorarlberg, Austria

Graduation: Dr. med.

Medical School: University Innsbruck and Vienna
Primary, secondary School and College: Lyce francais de
Vienna, Baccalaurat scientifique

Administrative Director, Department of Cardiac Thoracic

Vascular Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, Medical
University Vienna
Visiting Professor, Department of Anaesthesia II,
University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble France
Vice-Chairman Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Director Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Univ, University
Research Grant Erasmus University Rotterdam (5+1
month) Pathophysiological Laboratory (Prof.A.Versprille)
Board Certification Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Residency for Anaesthesia and General Intensive Care,
University School of Medicine, Vienna
Residency for General and Family Medicine
Regional Hospital Feldkirch, Bregenz and Dornbirn,
Vorarlberg, Austria
Postpromotional fellowship: Department Internal
Medicine, University of Zrich (Prof.W.Siegenthaler)
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Career-related Activities
Organisation and Participation in the Programming of
Postgraduate Educational Programs:
1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994,
1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
2001, 2002

AKE (Association for clinical nutrition):Workshop for

nutritional and infusion therapy:

EACTA( European Association of Cardiothoracic

Anaesthetists) (since 2000 Austrian Council representative)
Annual Meeting in Vienna: 1990
1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995,
IZI (Interdisciplinary Centre for Research and
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 20th
Development in Intensive Care) (Chairman) Annual
Meeting 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Meeting
Interactive Workshops for Clinical Epidemiology and
Evidence Based Medicine since 1998 in Hittisau,
Vorarlberg, 11th Workshop October 2004.
EWCI (Workgroup for Postoperative Intensive Care
Medicine / European Society of Intensive Care Medicine)
(member since 1989, president since 2001)
European Workgroup for Cardiothoracic Intensivists
Annual Meeting 1996 Vienna
Section Perioperative Intensive Care of the ESICM:
Chairman 2003
Lecturer University of Vienna:
- Theory and Practice of Artificial Ventilation
- Clinical Symptoms in Intensive Care
- Evidence Based Medicine: Application in Intensive Care
- Malnutrition & acute illness
- Heart failure in the ICU
- Fluid replacement in the ICU
- Sepsis & septic shock

Hoechst Price of the Medical Faculty

Sources of funding (since 2000)



Short Title


Medical Scientific

Fuzzy-KBWEAN Expert System for

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Foundation of the
Federal Capital

Weaning from the Ventilator

Areas of research and interest:

Continuous quality assessment in Intensive Care
Performance comparison in Intensive Care between Institutions
Organ specific metabolic and nutritional interventions
Stress-induced hyperglycemia
Malnutrition in hospitals
Evidence Based Medicine
6 publications
Peer reviewed manuscripts since 2000 (original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Lassnigg, A., A. Punz, R. Barker, P. Keznickl, N. Manhart, E. Roth, and M. Hiesmayr,
Influence of intravenous vitamin E supplementation in cardiac surgery on oxidative
stress: a double-blinded, randomized, controlled study. Br J Anaesth, 2003. 90(2): p.
Lassnigg, A., M.J. Hiesmayr, P. Bauer, and M. Haisjackl, Effect of centre-, patient- and
procedure-related factors on intensive care resource utilisation after cardiac surgery.
Intensive Care Med, 2002. 28(10): p. 1453-61.
Dworschak, M., M. Franz, C. Khazen, M. Czerny, M. Haisjackl, and M. Hiesmayr,
Mechanical trauma as the major cause of troponin T release after transvenous
implantation of cardioverter/defibrillators. Cardiology, 2001. 95(4): p. 212-4.
Haider, W. and M. Hiesmayr, [Glucose-insulin-potassium (GIK) in prevention and therapy of
myocardial ischemia]. Wien Klin Wochenschr, 2000. 112(7): p. 310-21.
Lassnigg, A., E. Donner, G. Grubhofer, E. Presterl, W. Druml, and M. Hiesmayr, Lack of
renoprotective effects of dopamine and furosemide during cardiac surgery. J Am Soc
Nephrol, 2000. 11(1): p. 97-104.
Rajek, A., T. Pernerstorfer, J. Kastner, P. Mares, M. Grabenwoger, D.I. Sessler, G. Grubhofer,
and M. Hiesmayr, Inhaled nitric oxide reduces pulmonary vascular resistance more
than prostaglandin E(1) during heart transplantation. Anesth Analg, 2000. 90(3): p.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Dept. Internal Medicine III, Clin. Div. Endocrinology and Metabolism;

Gestational diabetes (GDM) - a model of type 2 diabetes (DM2)

Women with prior GDM display a wide range of abnormalities in insulin secretion and action
postpartum. The cumulative incidence of DM2 in subjects with a history of GDM ranges from
5% to 70% depending on applied diagnostic criteria, ethnicity and the length of follow-up.
GDM is a heterogeneous disease reflecting any cause of diabetes emerging during pregnancy.
DM 2 results from a decline in insulin sensitivity associated with a -cell defect. However, it
is still unclear whether the molecular mechanisms that underlie the metabolic defects of DM2
are also effective in GDM, which displays an identical metabolic profile throughout
pregnancy and in part also afterwards.
The Viennese Post-Gestational Diabetes Project (VPGDP) therefore describes prospectively a
cohort of middle European women with prior GDM with well defined glucose metabolism
both during pregnancy and postpartum and aims to determine their risk to develop an
impaired glucose metabolism or type 2 diabetes (DM 2) within the first ten years after
delivery. We will study changes in beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity and predictive
factors for the progression to prediabetes or DM 2. These results should help to better
understand the pathophysiology of the disease and to establish prevention programs.
Furthermore, insulin secretion and sensitivity as well as lipid metabolism are studied
throughout pregnancy in women with GDM compared to women with normal glucose
tolerance during pregnancy. The relationship between metabolic parameters and
adipocytokines, cytokines and inflammatory parameters will be studied in order to elucidate
the changes occurring during pregnancy and the factors responsible for development of
diabetic fetopathy.
Thesis Subjects
Adipocytokines and cardiovascular disease in Diabetes mellitus Type 2
Gestational Diabetes a model of Type 2 Diabetes: vascular dysfunction, atherosclerosis,
inflammation in relation to changes in adipocytokines and hormones in the natural course
of the disease
Diabetic pregnancy: impact of maternal metabolism on diabetic fetopathy
Techniques and infrastructure
oGTT + FSIGT with mathematical models for evaluation of insulin secretion and sensitivity
parameters; clamp technique; indirect calorimetry; IMT measurements; RIA, ELISA

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine III, Medical
University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; Phone +43 1
40400 2126; Email alexandra.kautzky-willer@meduniwien.ac.at
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Vienna, Austria


Subspecialty/Boards: Encorinology and Metabolism

1998 present

Career History
1998 - present

Associate Professor (a.o. Univ.-Prof.)

Habilitation (Univ.Doz.)
Specialist in Internal Medicine
Doctor Medicinae Universae Diploma (MD): Medical
School, University of Vienna

Associate Professor, tenured position, Department of

Internal Medicine III, Div. of Endocrinology and
Metabolism, Medical University of Vienna

Career-related Activities

2003 - 2005
2001 - 2003
1999 - 2001
2003 2007

Diabetologia, Diabetes Care, Am J Obstet Gyn, J
Endocrinol & Metab, Diabetic Medicine, Eur J Clin Invest,
Horm Med Res, Wien Klin Wschr
Member of the Board: Austrian Diabetes Association
- First Secretary
- Member
- Auditor
Federation of International Danube Symposia (FID)
- First Secretary
Member of Expert Panels:
Diabetes Guidelines (Austrian Diabetes Association
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Diabetes and Pregnancy Guidelines (German Diabetes


Poster Award of the Austrian Diabetes Association

Hoechst Award (AGDP)

Austrian Diabetes Association; Initiation: Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Group
Austrian Obesity Association
Austrian Society of Internal Medicine
EASD (European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Diabetes Pregnancy Study Group (2001, Oxford)
Sources of funding (since 2000)


Short Title


FWF, Austrian
Science Foundation


Austrian Diabetes
Project Award

Austrian Gestation Diabetes Project

sterr. Nationalbank

Nr. 11198

Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Thomas Prikoszovich

Inflammation und endotheliale

2005 (2007)

(Dr. scient.

Dysfunktion bei Patientinnen 5

Jahre nach Gestationsdiabetes
Ammon Handisurya

Dynamic profile of plasma

ghrelin, obestatin, visfatin and
retinol-binding protein 4
concentrations in relation to
parameters of insulin resistance
in women with gestational
diabetes mellitus

page 59 of 168

2006 (2008)

(Dr. scient.

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Publications (2000 - 2005)















Modeling beta cell secretion and kinetics of proinsulin during an oral glucose test. Tura
A, Thomaseth K, Kautzky-Willer A, Ludvik B, Prager R, Pacini G. In Health Science
Simulation, N, Anderson JG and Katzper M (Eds.) , SCS Press, San Diego, USA, 2000
Dexamethasone lowers circulating E-selectin and ICAM-1 in healthy men. Yilma B,
Blann AD, Stohlawetz P, Eichler HG, Kautzky-Willer A, Wagner OF. J Lab Clin Med,
2000; 135 (3): 270-274
The increased insulin sensitivity in growth hormone-deficient adults is reduced by
growth hormone replacement therapy. Riedl M, Ludvik B, Pacini G, Clodi M,
Kotzmann H, Wagner O, Kautzky-Willer A, Prager R, Luger A. Eur J Clin Invest 2000;
30 (9): 771-778
Elevated plasma leptin in gestational diabetes. Kautzky-Willer A, Prager R, Ludvik B,
Pacini G, Tura A, Bieglmeyer Ch, Schneider B, Waldhusl W. Diabetologia 2001; 44:
Ocular Hyperperfusion following onset of intensified insulin therapy is associated with
decreased plasma endothelin-1 in type 1 diabetes. G. Fuchsjger-Mayrl, A. KautzkyWiller, B. Kiss, G. Rainer, O. Findl, M. Roden, O. Wagner, J. Pleiner, M. Wolzt, L.
Schmetterer. Diabetologia 2002; 45: 883-889
The effects of Ipomoea batatas (Caiapo) on glucose metabolism and serum cholesterol
in patients with type 2 daibetes: a randomized study. Ludvik B, Mahdjoobian K,
Waldhusl W, Hofer A, Prager R, Kautzky-Willer A, Pacini G. Diabetes Care 2002, 25:
Influence of metabolic control on splanchnic glucose uptake, insulin sensitivity, and the
time required for glucose absorption in patients with type 1 diabetes. Georg M, A.
Kautzky-Willer, K. Mahdjoobian , A. Hofer , R. Prager , G. Pacini , B. Ludvik. Diabetes
Care 2002, 25: 2042-2047
Circulating concentrations of asymmetrical dimethyl-L-arginine are increased in women
with previous gestational diabetes. F. Mittermayer, BX. Mayer, A. Meyer, C. Winzer,
OF. Wagner, M. Wolzt, A. Kautzky-Willer. Diabetologia 2002, 45: 1372-1378
Mathematical models of glucose and free fatty acids kinetics during oral glucose
tolerance tests. K. Thomaseth, A. Pavan, G. Pacini, A. Kautzky-Willer, A. Avogaro.
Proceedings of the Internat. Symp. on Health Sciences Simulation 2003, p103-107
Increased intramyocellular lipid concentration identifies impaired glucose metabolsim in
women with previous gestational diabetes. A. Kautzky-Willer, M. Krssak, Winzer Ch,
Pacini G, A. Tura, Farhan S, Wagner W, Brabant G, Horn R, Stingl H, Schneider B,
Waldhusl W, Roden M. Diabetes 2003, 52: 244-251
Basal and dynamic proinsulin-insulin relationship to assess b-cell function during OGTT
in metabolic disorders. A. Tura, G. Pacini, A. Kautzky-Willer, B. Ludvik, R. Prager, K.
Thomaseth. Am J Physiol 2003, 285: E155-E162
Mode of action of Ipomoea Batatas (Caiapo) in type 2 diabetic patients. B. Ludvik, W.
Waldhusl, R. Prager, A. Kautzky-Willer, G. Pacini. Metabolism 2003, 52: 875-880
Plasma adiponectin, insulin sensitivity and subclinical inflammation in women with
prior gestational diabetes. Ch. Winzer, A. Festa , B. Schneider , D. Bancher-Todesca, G.
Pacini , T. Funahashi , OF. Wagner , A. Kautzky-Willer. Diabetes Care 2004, 27: 17211727
Decreased plasma adiponectin concentrations in women with gestational diabetes
mellitus. Ch. Worda, H. Leipold, Ch. Gruber, A. Kautzky-Willer, Kfler M., D.
Bancher-Todesca. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004, 191: 2120-2124
Haptoglobin phenotype and gestational diabetes. S Mustafa, Th Vukovich, Th
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"














Prokiszovich, Ch Winzer, B. Schneider, H. Ester-bauer, OF Wagner, A. Kautzky-Willer

Diabetes Care 2004, 27: 2103-2107
Fetal hyperinsulinism and maternal one hour postload plasma glucose level. H. Leipold,
A. Kautzky-Willer, zbal A., Ch. Worda, Bancher-Todesca D., Ch. Worda. Obstet
Gynecol 2004, 104: 1301-1306
Large-for-gestational-age newborns in women with insulin-treated gestational diabetes
under strict metabolic control. H. Leipold,Ch. Worda, Ch. J. Gruber, A. Kautzky-Willer,
PW. Husslein, D. Bancher-Todesca. Wien Klin Wochenschr 2005, 117: 521-5
Severe diabetic fetopathy despite strict metabolic control. H Leipold, J Schwindt, A
Kautzky-Willer, D Bancher-Todesca, Ch Worda, PW. Husslein. Wien Klin Wochenschr
2005, 117: 561-4
Metabolic indices for improved characterization of subjects with impaired glucose
tolerance. Tura A., Mari A., Winzer Ch., Kautzky-Willer A., Pacini G. In Proc. X
Mediterranean Conf. On Medical and Biological Engineering (MEDICON 2004), CDROM, ISSN 1727-1983, ISBN 88-7780-308-8, paper # 295
Gestational diabetes mellitus is associated with increased C-reactive protein
concentrations in the third but not the second trimester. Leipold H, Worda C, Gruber CJ,
Prikoszovich T, Wagner O, Kautzky-Willer A. Eur J Clin Invest 2005, 35: 752-7
Tura A, Kautzky-Willer A, Pacini G. Insulinogenic indices from insulin and C-peptide:
comparison of beta-cell function from OGTT and IVGTT. Diab Res & Clin Pract 2006,
72: 298-301
Tura A, Mari A, Winzer C, Kautzky-Willer A, Pacini G. Impaired beta cell function in
lean normotolerant former gestational diabetic women. Eur J Clin Invest 2006, 36: 22-8
Kautzky-Willer A, Tura A, Winzer C, Wagner OF, Ludvik B, Hanusch-Enserer U,
Prager R, Pacini G. Insulin sensitivity during OGTT and its relations to parameters of
glucose metabolism and endothelial function in type 2 diabetic subjects under metformin
and thiazolidinediones. Diab Obesity Metab 2006, in press
S. Farhan, C. Winzer, P Quehenberger, C Bieglmaier, O. F. Wagner, G. Pacini, A. Tura,
K. Huber, W. Waldhusl, A. Kautzky-Willer. PAI-1 plasma levels in women with a
history of gestational diabetes. Eur J Clin Invest 2006, 36: 345-352
Morbiducci U, Di Benedetto G, Kautzky-Willer A, PaciniG, Tura A. Improved usability
of the minimal model of insulin sensitivity based on automated approach and genetic
algorithisms for parameter estimation. Clinical Science 2007, 112: 257-263
Mittermayer F, Kautzky-Willer A (corresponding author), Winzer Ch, Krzyzanoska K,
Prikoszovich Th, Demehri S, Wagner O, Wolzt M. Elevated concentrations of
asymmetric dimethylarginine are associated with deterioration of glucose tolerance in
women with previous gestational diabetes mellitus. Journal of Internal Medicine 2007,
261: 392-398
Gasic S, Winzer Ch, Bayerle-Eder M, Roden A, Pacini G, Kautzky-Willer A.Impaired
cardiac autonomic function in women with prior gestational diabetes. Eur J Clin Invest
2007, 37: 42-47
Haider D, Handisurya A, Storka A, Vojtassakova E, Luger A, Pacin G, Tura A, Wolzt
M, Kautzky-Willer A. Visfatin response to glucose is reduced in women with
gestational diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care 2007, in press
Riedl M, Maier C, Handisury A, Luger A, Kautzky-Willer A. Ghrelin regulation in
pregnancy is independent of glucose metabolism. Journal of Internal Medicine 2007, in

Epidemiologie, tiologie und neue therapeutische Konzepte bei Adipositas. B Ludvik,
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


A. Kautzky-Willer, R Prager. Therapiewoche sterreich 1992, 7:10-16.

Gestationsdiabetes. Kautzky-Willer A. Diabetes und Stoffwechsel 1998, 7: 197-203
Diabetes-Screening in der Schwangerschaft. D. Bancher-Todesca, H. Leipold, P.
Husslein, A. Kautzky-Willer. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 2003, 63: 223-229
bergewicht und Diabetes in der Schwangerschaft. A. Kautzky-Willer, Ch. Winzer.
Journal fr Ernhrungsmedizin 2002, 3: 7-12
Gestationsdiabetes. Kautzky-Willer A und Bancher-Todesca Dagmar. Wien. Med.
Wochenschr. 2003, 153: 478-485

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Michael KREBS
Dept. Internal Medicine III, Clin. Div. Endocrinology and Metabolism;

Hepatic glycogen metabolism and profiles of glucose and glucoregulatory

hormones in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus after pancreatic
Background: Subjects with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus have a major defect in
postprandial hepatic glycogen synthesis resulting in lower hepatic glycogen content and
higher hepatic glucose output. Pancreatic transplantation is an effective treatment of diabetes
mellitus and results in postprandial glucose metabolism similar to that in nondiabetic subjects
on comparable immunosuppressive agents. However, in contrast to the physiological
secretion of insulin into the portal vein, insulin is usually drained into the systemic circulation
in pancreas transplanted patients. Therefore, this operation results in peripheral
hyperinsulinemia and relative low portal insulin concentrations.
Hypothesis: An optimized peripheral insulin supplementation achieved by pancreas
transplantation might correct not only hyperglycaemia but also defects in postprandial
glycogen synthesis in liver associated with type 1 diabetes. Alternatively, peripheral
hyperinsulinemia and portal insulin deficiency associated with pancreas transplantation and
systemic drainage of insulin might augment the impairment in postprandial hepatic glycogen
storage observed in patients with type 1 diabetes treated with s.c. insulin. The successfully
pancreas transplanted type 1 diabetic patients might also serve as a model to elucidate the
question whether an optimized peripheral insulin therapy (including s.c. insulin application
which is the current standard of care) is in principal able to correct impaired hepatic glycogen
metabolism observed in type 1 diabetes.
Objectives: To evaluate glycogen metabolism in liver, rates of endogenous glucose
production as well as day-time profiles of plasma glucose and glucoregulatory hormones in
patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus after pancreas-kidney transplantation compared to
nondiabetic patients after successful kidney transplantation and healthy humans.
Population: Three groups will be studied: 10 patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and
functioning pancreas-kidney transplants with systemic venous drainage, 10 nondiabetic
subjects with functioning kidney transplants, and 10 healthy control subjects
Outcome Variables: Postprandial glycogen synthesis (moll-1 livermin-1) in liver as
calculated from the slope of the glycogen concentration over time before and after ingestion
of a standardized meal. Repetitive in vivo NMR spectroscopy of natural abundance 13C
glycogen in the liver to calculate net hepatic glycogen synthesis after standardized test-meals.
Rates of fasting endogenous glucose production will be calculated as the tracer (D-[6,6-2H2]glucose) infusion rate divided by the average percentage of 2H2 enrichment in C6 of plasma
glucose under steady-state conditions.
Thesis Subjects
Hepatic glycogen metabolism and profiles of glucose and glucoregulatory hormones in
patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus after pancreatic transplantation
Morbid obesity and weight reduction: Impact on molecular mechanisms of insulin
Techniques and infrastructure

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

metabolic research ward; various clamp techniques, nuclear magnetic resonance

spectroscopy, tracer studies -glucose turnover, analysis of signaling events in biopsies of
skeletal muscle by immunoblotting, all equipment available

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Michael KREBS
Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine III, Medical
University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; Phone +43 1
40400 4310; Fax +43 1 40400 7790; Email thomas.stulnig@meduniwien.ac.at
Personal Data
Date of Birth
Place of Birth:
Jan 1994 June 1996

Nov 1992 Feb 1993

Oct 1990 July 1996
Career History
Oct 2005
Aug 1999 Aug 2005

Aug 1999
Oct 1998 Aug 1999

July 1996 Dec 1998


MD degree
Research work for my MD-thesis Function of heparin
cofactor II outside the hemostatic system at the
Department for Vascular Biology and thrombosis
Research (Head: Prof.B.R. Binder, MD)
Research training in the Laboratory for Clinical &
Experimental Physiology
University of Vienna Medical School

Associate Professor of Internal Medicine

Residency in Internal Medicine at the Division of
Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal
Medicine III, (Head: Prof.W.Waldhusl) with rotations
in Endocrinology and Metabolism, Gastroenterology
and Hepatology, Hematology, Nephrology and
Transplantation, Emergency Medicine and Intensive
Successful participation at the EASD Clinical
Scientists Training Course in Uppsala
Post doctoral training in the group of Prof.M.Roden at
the Dep. of Internal Medicine III, Div. of
Endocrinology & Metabolism (Head:
Postdoctoral training at the Department of Vascular
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Biology and thrombosis Research (Head: Prof.BR

Binder), Univ of Vienna, Medical School

Career-related Activities
Research experience:
I received an in depth training in all basic biochemical
techniques (protein purification, affinity- and gel
chromatography, FPLC, ELISA, PAGE, W - blot,
various activity assays for enzymes and inhibitors). In
addition I gained comprehensive experience in the field
of tissue culture and cell biology (FACS, NorthernBlot, Immunohistochemistry). A major focus of my
research work was the pathogenesis of vascular disease
associated with the insulin resistance syndrome and
renal insufficiency. During the recent years I performed
studies on glucose metabolism in normal volunteers
and diabetic subjects using NMR spectroscopy (noninvasive determination of glycogen concentrations in
skeletal muscle and liver, muscular glucose-6phosphate, and intracellular lipids). Our group also
applies various tracer techniques and biopsies of
skeletal muscle in combination with hyperinsulinemicand pancreatic-clamp tests to determine rates of
glucose turnover, gluconeogenesis, and molecular
mechanisms insulin resistance. I am especially
interested in elucidating the mechanisms of nutrient
induced insulin resistance in humans.
1992, 1993, 1994, 1995


February, 1997

I received achievement awards from the Faculty of

Medicine, University of Vienna for excellent
performances in medical school
Research award granted by the University of Vienna
for the project Inhibition of serine proteases of the
alternative pathway of complement by heparin cofactor
Best abstract award for Complex formation of heparin
cofactor II (HCII) and complement factor D (Adipsin)
at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

June, 2002

December, 2002
April, 2003

November, 2003

April, 2004

October, 2005

Thrombosis and Hemostasis Research

Aventis-Award for: Effects of short-term improvement
of insulin treatment and glycemia on hepatic glycogen
metabolism in type 1 diabetes mellitus
Theodor Billoth-Award for: Mechanism of amino acidinduced skeletal muscle insulin resistance in humans
Theodor Krner-Award for: Investigation of direct
Effects of Amino Acids on Insulin Resistance and
Glucose Metabolism in Humans.
Project award by the Austrian Diabetes Association
(35.000 ) for: Molecular mechanisms of amino acid
induced insulin resistance in human skeletal muscle
Best abstract award of the European Society for
Clinical Investigation for: Amino acid induced hepatic
and skeletal muscle insulin resistance in humans.
Josef Skoda-Project Award of the Austrian Society of
Internal Medicine (40 000 ) for: Morbid obesity and
weight reduction: Impact on molecular mechanisms of
insulin resistance

Austrian Society of Internal Medicine
Austrian Diabetes Association
Austrian Society of Nephrology
European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Sources of funding (since 2000)



Austrian Diabetes

2005 -

Austrian Society of
Internal Medicine

2007 -

Austran National

Short Title
Molecular mechanisms of amino acid
induced insulin resistance in human
skeletal muscle
Morbid obesity and weight reduction:
Impact on molecular mechanisms of
insulin resistanc
Hepatic glycogen metabolism and profiles
of glucose and glucoregulatory hormones
in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus
after pancreatic transplantation

page 67 of 168



N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Period (expected)



Morbid obesity and weight reduction:

Impact on molecular mechanisms of
insulin resistanc

11.2005 (11.2008)


A. Original research:
Krebs M, Stingl H, Nowotny P, Weghuber D, Bischof M, Waldhusl W, Roden M:
Prevention of in vitro lipolysis by tetrahydrolipstatin. Clin Chem 46:950-954, 2000 (IP:
Bischof MG, Ludwig C, Hofer A, Kletter K, Krebs M, Stingl H, Nowotny P, Waldhusl
W, Roden M: Hormonal and metabolic counterregulation during and after high dose
insulin induced hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus type 2. Hormon Metabol Res 32:417423, 2000 (IP: 1.669)
Polak K, Schmetterer L, Luksch A, Gruber S, Polska E, Peternell V, Bayerle-Eder M,
Wolzt M, Krebs M, Roden M: Free fatty acids/triglycerides increase ocular and
subcutaneous blood flow. Am J Physiol Regulatory Integrative Comp Physiol 280:R56R61, 2001 (IP: 3.627)
Bischof MG, Krssak M, Krebs M, Bernroider E, Stingl H, Waldhusl W, Roden M:
Effects of short-term improvement of insulin treatment and glycemia on hepatic glycogen
metabolism in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes 50:392-398, 2001 (IP: 8.298)
Stingl H, Krssak M, Krebs M, Bischof M, Nowotny P, Frnsinn C, Shulman GI,
Waldhusl W, Roden M: Lipid-dependent control of hepatic glycogen stores in healthy
man. Diabetologia 44:48-54, 2001 (IP: 5.689)
Krebs M, Krssak M, Weghuber D, Nowotny P, Gruber S, Mlynarik V, Bischof MG,
Stingl H, Frnsinn C, Waldhusl W, Roden M: Free fatty acids inhibit the glucosestimulated increases of intramuscular glucose-6-phosphate concentrations in man. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 86:2153-2160, 2001 (IP: 5.876)
Bischof MG, Bernroider E, Krssak M, Krebs M, Stingl H, Nowotny P, Yu C, Schulman
G, Waldhusl W, Roden M: Hepatic glycogen metabolism in type 1 diabetes mellitus after
long-term near normoglycemia. Diabetes 51:49-54, 2002 (IP: 8.298)
Krebs M, Krssak M, Bernroider E, Nowotny P, Anderwald C, Brehm A, Roth E,
Waldhusl W, Roden M: Mechanism of amino acid-induced skeletal muscle insulin
resistance in humans. Diabetes 51:599-605, 2002 (IP: 8.298)
Krebs M, Brehm A, Krssak M, Anderwald C, Bernroider E, Nowotny P, Roth E,
page 68 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Chandramouli V, Landau BR, Waldhusl W, Roden M: Direct and indirect effects of

amino acids on hepatic glucose metabolism. Diabetologia, 46:917-925, 2003 (IP: 5.689)
Krebs M, Geiger M, Polak K, Vales A, Schmetterer L, Waldhusl W, Binder BR, Roden
M: Increased plasma levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and soluble vascular cell
adhesion molecule after triacylglycerol infusion in man. Thromb Heamostas 90:422-428,
2003 (IP: 4.950)
Tremblay F*, Krebs M*, Brehm A, Bernroider E, Pfeiler G, Novotny P, Waldhusl W,
Marette A, Roden M: Overactivation of S6K1 as a cause of human insulin resistance
during increased amino acid availability. Diabetes 54: 2674-84, 2005 (IP: 8.298)
*both authors equally contributed to this work
Bischof MG, Brehm A, Bernroider E, Krssak M, Mlynarik V, Krebs M, Roden M:
Cerebral glutamate metabolism during hypoglycemia in healthy and type 1 diabetic
humans. Eur J of Clin Invest, 36:164-9, 2006 (IP: 2.346)
Krebs M, Brunmair B, Brehm A, Artwohl M, Szendrdi J, Nowotny P, Roth E, Frnsinn
C, Promintzer M, Anderwald C, Bischof M, Roden M: The mTOR-pathway regulates
nutrient sensitive glucose uptake in man. Diabetes 56:1600-1607,2007
Anderwald C, Anderwald-Stadler M, Promintzer M, Prager G, Mandl M, Nowotny P,
Bischof MG, Wolzt M, Ludvik B, Kstenbauer T, Pacini G, Luger A, Krebs M: Clamplike Index: a Novel, Highly Sensitive Insulin Sensitivity Index to Calculate
Hyperinsulinemic Clamp Glucose Infusion Rates from Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in
Nondiabetic Humans. Diabetes Care 2007; E-pub

B. Reviews:
Geiger M, Krebs M, Jerabek I, Binder BR: Protein C inhibitor (PCI) and heparin cofactor
II (HCII): Possible alternative roles of these heparin-binding serpins outside the
hemostatic system. Immunopharmacology 36:279-284, 1997 (IP: 0.776)
Binder BR, Christ G, Gruber F, Grubic N, Hufnagl P, Krebs M, Mihaly J, Prager GW:
Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1: physiological and pathophysiological roles. News
Physiol Sci 17:56-61, 2002 (IP:3.682)
Krebs M, Roden M: Nutrient induced insulin resistance in human skeletal muscle. Current
Medicinal Chemistry, 11:901-908, 2003 (IP: 4.409)
Krebs M, Roden M: Molecular mechanisms of lipid induced insulin resistance. Diabetes
Obes Metab, 7:621-32, 2005 (IP: 1.528)
Krebs M: Amino acid-dependent modulation of glucose metabolism in humans. Eur J of
Clin Invest, 35:351-354, 2005 (IP: 2.346)

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Bernhard LUDVIK
Dept. of Internal Medicine III, Clin. Div. Endocrinology & Metabolism

Metabolic, nutritional and endocrine characteristics of morbid obesity and

their changes following weigth loss
Morbid obesity is characterized by an increased morbidity and mortality. The pathogenesis
involves a variety of disturbed patterns of adipocytokines and satiety factors. The standard
treatment of morbid obesity is bariatric surgery, which involves several methods such as
gastric banding, gastric bypass or pace makers that help to reduce weight. The success rate of
the respective methods is highly variable and not predictable. In addition, the enormous
weight loss following bariatric surgery leads to profound changes in body composition,
among them an undesirable loss of muscle mass.
Current research focuses on three major topics related to surgery-induced weight loss:
1. Profiles of satiety factors and adipocytokines before and following weight reduction.
Among other factors, recent research in our laboratory focused on visfatin, which for the first
time has been shown to decrease following weight loss as well as on adipocyte fatty acid
binding protein (AFABP), which, again for the first time, has been found to be increased in
morbid obesity and reduced following weight reduction.
2. A major focus lies on the changes in body composition and the nutritional status before and
after weight loss. We have demonstrated that the decrease in muscle mass cannot be
prevented by additional oral protein supplementation. In the future we plan to investigate the
impact of several surgical approaches on nutritional status and body composition and whether
they can be prevented by appropriate nutritional intervention.
3. Morbid obesity is characterized by an increased incidence of psychiatric comorbidity such
as eating disorders, which have to be taken into account as regards to optimizing treatment
outcome. Current research focuses on the quality of life in these patients and whether the
health benefits following weight loss correspond with improvement in general well being.

Thesis Subjects
Assessment of endocrine (adipocytokines), nutritional and psychological parameters in
morbid obesity and their impact on overall efficacy following bariatric surgery

Techniques and infrastructure

Measurement of body composition (MRI, DEXA, BIA), analysis of adipocytokines and
satiety factors (RIA, ELISA), assessment of nutritional (eating questionnaire) and
psychological status, measurement of parameters of insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity,
all equipment at site

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Bernhard LUDVIK
Department of Internal Medicine III, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Waehringer
Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria ; Phone/Fax:: ++43 (01) 40 400 4364,
Mobile: 0664-308 67 63; E-mail: bernhard.ludvik@meduniwien.ac.at,
Homepage: http://www.bernhard-ludvik.at

Personal Data
Date of Birth:

June 21, 1961

Place of Birth:




June 19, 1979

High School, Schottengymnasium in Vienna, graduation


English, French

Feb. 7, 1985

Medical School, University of Vienna, graduation, MD

Career History
1985 1992

Internship and residency from March 1, 1985 to June 30,

1992 at the Medical Department II, University of Vienna

Since July 1, 1991

Specialist in Internal Medicine

1991 1992

Military Service in the Austrian Army Hospital

1992 - 1994

Research Fellow at the University of California San


Since June 27, 1995

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Since 1996

Specialist in Endocrinology and Metabolism

Since October 01, 1998

Associate Professor of Medicine

current employment

Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Vienna;

Attending in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology at the
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department
of Internal Medicine III, University of Vienna (Vienna
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

General Hospital)
Leader of the working group on Obesity and

Honors and Awards


Research Grant Erste sterreichische Sparkasse;

presented by the Austrian Medical Association


Fellowship Max Kade Foundation; Research at the

University of San Diego, California


Hoechst Award presented by the Dean of the Faculty of

Medicine of Vienna in


2nd Secretary of the Austrian Society of Internal



1st Secretary of the Austrian Diabetes Association


1st Secretary of the Federation of the International

DONAU-SYMPOSIA on Diabetes mellitus


Vice President of the Austrian Obestiy Association


President of the Austrian Obestiy Association


Chairman of the European Congress of Obestiy ECO



2nd Secretary of the Austrian Society of Internal



Vice President of the Austrian Obestiy Association


Assistant Editor of DIABETOLOGIA


Founding Fellow of the SCOPE program (EASO) 2004

Austrian Medical Association
Austrian Society of Internal Medicine
Austrian Society of Endocrinology
Austrian Obesity Association
Austrian Diabetes Association
American Diabetes Association
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO)

European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
European Group on Insulin Resistance (EGIR)
Federation of International Donau Symposia on Diabetes mellitus
Lipidforum Austriacum

Current Positions
Member of the Editoral Board Current Diabetes Reviews
Advisory Board Jatros. Zeitschrift fr Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel
Member of the Editorial Board and Editor in Chief of Journal fr Ernhrungsmedizin
2nd Secretary of the Austrian Society of Internal Medicine (2005)

Sources of funding (since 2000)



Short Title

2003 2007

Austrian National
Bank Jubilee Fund
Project no. 10329

Einflu von akuter und chronischer

Alkoholaufnahme auf Insulinsensitivitt
und Endothelfunktion bei Typ 2 Diabetes


1996 2000

Austrian National
Bank Jubilee Fund
Project no. 6138

Anwendung einer neuen, nicht- invasiven

Methode (OG- Clamp) zur Evaluierung der
splanchnischen Glukoseaufnahme


Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Barbara Trip

Der Einfluss einer

2004 2007


proteinreichen (v.a.
ovolactovegetabilen) Dit auf
Parameter des Glukose- und
Fettstoffwechsels bei mit Insulin
behandelten Typ 2 Diabetikern

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Raphaela Riener

bei extremer Adipositas und
deren Einfluss auf die
Lebensqualittsuerungen nach
operativer Therapie anhand der
Diskrepanzen zwischen Befund
und Befinden

2005 (2008)


Publications since 2000

Original papers and reviews
Ludvik B: [Diabetes therapy related to etiology. Indications, uses and side effects of new
insulin sensitizers]. MMW.Fortschr.Med. 142:27-28, 2000
Riedl M, Ludvik B, Pacini G, Clodi M, Kotzmann H, Wagner O, Kautzky-Willer A, Prager
R, Luger A: The increased insulin sensitivity in growth hormone-deficient adults is reduced
by growth hormone replacement therapy. Eur.J.Clin.Invest 30:771-778, 2000
Kautzky-Willer A, Pacini G, Tura A, Bieglmayer C, Schneider B, Ludvik B, Prager R,
Waldhausl W: Increased plasma leptin in gestational diabetes. Diabetologia 44:164-172, 2001
Mari A, Pacini G, Murphy E, Ludvik B, Nolan JJ: A model-based method for assessing
insulin sensitivity from the oral glucose tolerance test. Diabetes Care 24:539-548, 2001
Tura A, Ludvik B, Nolan JJ, Pacini G, Thomaseth K: Insulin and C-peptide secretion and
kinetics in humans: direct and model-based measurements during OGTT. Am.J.Physiol
Endocrinol.Metab 281:E966-E974, 2001
Ludvik B, Mahdjoobian K, Waldhaeusl W, Hofer A, Prager R, Kautzky-Willer A, Pacini G:
The effect of Ipomoea batatas (Caiapo) on glucose metabolism and serum cholesterol in
patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized study. Diabetes Care 25:239-40, 2002
Georg P, Kautzky-Willer A, Mahdjoobian K, Hofer A, Prager R, Pacini G, Ludvik B:
Influence of metabolic control on splanchnic glucose uptale, insulin sensitivity, and the time
required for glucose absorption in patients with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 25:2042-2047,
Ludvik B, Thomaseth K, Nolan, JJ, Clodi M, Prager R, Pacini G: Inverse relation between
amylin and glucagon secretion in healthy and diabetic human subjects. Eur J Clin Invest 33,
316-322, 2003
Tura A, Pacini G, Kautzky-Willer A, Ludvik B, Prager R, Thomaseth K: Basal and dynamic
proinsulin-insulin relationship to assess {beta}-cell function during OGTT in metabolic
disorders. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 285, E155-E162, 2003
Ludvik B, Waldhaeusl W, Prager R, Kautzky-Willer A, Pacini G: Mode of Action of
Ipomoea batatas (Caiapo) in type 2 diabetic patients. Metabolism 52:875-880, 2003
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Pichler B, Ludvik B: Future perspectives of pharmacotherapy of obesity. Journal fr

Kardiologie 10:427-429, 2003
Ludvik B, Neuffer B, Pacini G: Efficacy of Ipomoea batatas (Caiapo) on diabetes control in
type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes Care 27:436-440, 2004
Schindler K, Prager G, Ballaban T, Kretschmer S, Riener R, Buranyi B, Maier C, Luger A,
Ludvik B: The Impact of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LABG) on Plasma
Ghrelin, Eating Behaviour and Body Weight. Eur J Clin Invest 34(8):549-54, 2004
Schindler K, Ludvik B: Methodische und praktische Aspekte der Bestimmung der
Krperzusammensetzung [Assessment of Body Composition - methods and practical aspects].
Wien Med Wochenschr 154(13-14):305-12, 2004
Tripp B, Ludvik B: Medikamentse Therapie der Adipositas [Pharmacotherapy of Obesity].
Wien Med Wochenschr 154(13-14):320-8, 2004
Bohdjalian A, Langer FB, Hoda A, Felberbauer FX , Silberhumer G, Zacherl J, Schindler K,
Luger A, Ludvik B, Prager G: Chirurgische Therapie der Adipositas. Wien Med Wochenschr
154(13-14):329-33, 2004
Tripp B, Ludvik B: Neue Antiadiposita [Novel Anti-Obesity Drugs]. Acta Medica Austriaca
31(4):133138, 2004
Cauza E, Hanusch-Enserer U, Strasser B, Ludvik B, Metz-Schimmerl S, Pacini G, Wagner O,
Georg P, Prager R, Kostner K, Dunky A, Haber P: The Relative Benefits of Endurance and
Strength Training on the Metabolic Factors and Muscle Function of People with Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 86(8):1527-33, 2005
Langer FB, Reza Hoda MA, Bohdjalian A, Felberbauer FX, Zacherl J, Wenzl E, Schindler K,
Luger A, Ludvik B, Prager G: Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Banding: Effects on Plasma
Ghrelin Levels. Obes Surg 15(7):1024-9, 2005
Cauza E, Hanusch-Enserer U, Strasser B, Ludvik B, Kostner K, Dunky A, Haber P:
Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Diabetic Long Distance Runners. Int J Sports Med
26(9):774-80, 2005
Abrahamian H, Ludvik B, Schernthaner G, Prager R, Zellenka U, Knudsen L, Wascher T:
Improvement of glucose tolerance in type 2 diabetic patients: traditional vs. modern insulin
regimens (results from the Austrian Biaspart Study).Horm Metab Res. 37(11):684-9, 2005
Langer FB, Bohdjalian A, Felberbauer FX, Fleischmann E, Reza Hoda MA, Ludvik B,
Zacherl J, Jakesz R, Prager G: Does gastric dilatation limit the success of sleeve gastrectomy
as a sole operation for morbid obesity? Obes Surg 16 (2):166-71, 2006
Haider DG, Schindler K, Schaller G, Prager G, Wolzt M, Ludvik B: Increased plasma
visfatin concentrations in morbidly obese subjects are reduced after gastric banding. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab. 91(4):1578-81, 2006
Riener R, Schindler K, Ludvik B: Psychosocial Variables, Eating Behavior, Depression and
Binge Eating in Morbidly Obese Subjects. Eating Behaviors, 2006, in press
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Bohdjalian A, Prager G, Aviv R, Policker S, Schindler K, Kretschmer S, Riener R, Zacherl J,

Ludvik B: One year experience with Tantalus: a New Surgical Approach to Treat Morbid
Obesity. Obes Surg, 2006, in press
Schindler K, Haider D, Wolzt M, Rieger A, Gmeinhart B, Luger A, Nowotny P, Ludvik B:
Impact of Antiretroviral Therapy on Visfatin and Retinol Binding Protein 4 in HIV+ Subjects,
Eur J Clin Invest, 2006, submitted
Haider DG, Schindler K, Mittermayer F, Mller M, Nowotny P, Rieger A, Ludvik B, Wolzt
M: Effect of rosiglitazone on visfatin and retinol binding protein-4 plasma concentrations in
HIV-positive patients. Metabolism, 2006, submitted
Ludvik B, Hanefeld M, Pacini G: Improved Metabolic Control by Ipomoea (Caiapo) is
Associated with Increased Adiponectin and Decreased High Sensitive C-reactive Protein and
Fibrinogen Levels. Diabetes Care, 2006, submitted
Chapters in Books
Ludvik B: Adipositas Diagnostik und Therapie. In Ernhrungsmedizin. Widhalm K, DialloGinstl E, Eds. AK 2000, 334-346
Ludvik B: Konservative Therapie der morbiden Adipositas. In Morbide Adipositas Klinik
und Therapie. Hell E, Miller K, Eds. Ecomed 2000, 20-25
Ludvik B: Sekundre Diabetesformen. In Diabetes in der Praxis. Waldhaeusl W, Gries FA,
Scherbaum W, Eds. Springer Verlag Berlin 2004
Ludvik B: Diabetes mellitus: ein progerones Krankheitsbild. Therapie, Prvention und
Einfluss von Lifestyle. In Angewandte Anti-Aging-Medizin. Gasser R (Hg). Verlagshaus der
rzte 2004
Ludvik B (Hrsg.): Risikofaktor Diabetes Konzepte fr ein Langzeitproblem. Uni-MedVerlag Bremen, 1.Aufl. 2004 [ISBN: 3-89599-824-9]
Ludvik B, Toplak H: Medikamentse Therapie der Adipositas. Springer Verlag Wien, 1.Aufl.
2006 [ISBN: 3-211-83815-5]
Mihaljevic K, Feffer S, Ludvik B: Essen mit Spass + Aktivsein mit Mass. So entkommen Sie
dem Metabolischen Syndrom, Verlagshaus der rzte, 1. Aufl. 2006

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Dept. Internal Medicine III, Div. Endocrinology and Metabolism;

Non-genomic effects of glucocorticoids on carbohydrate metabolism

Glucocorticoids are known to bind to intracellular receptors and initiate genomic signaling
mechanisms leading to combined actions on glucose metabolism (suppression of insulin
secretion, inhibition of glucose uptake in peripheral tissues and promotion of gluconeogenesis
in the liver). The final result is an increase in blood glucose levels.
Although glucocorticoids are released at high levels within minutes in response to any stress
or threat to homeostasis (e.g. hypoglycemia), the discovery of intracellular receptors that
translocate to the nucleus and modify the transcription of target genes has focused research on
genomic signaling mechanisms, which lead to effects more than 30 min after glucocorticoid
exposure. In the last decade, there is a booming research in the field of non-genomic steroid
signaling whose effects occur within minutes. Nevertheless, very little is known about rapid
effects of glucocorticoids on carbohydrate metabolism and there are no data on the respective
signaling mechanisms. Such work dates many decades ago and is mainly focused on the rapid
impact on insulin secretion in vivo and peripheral glucose uptake in vitro.
Glucocorticoids are important therapeuticals with, unfortunately, major metabolic side effects.
A full knowledge of other signaling mechanisms and possibly receptors, mediating
glucocorticoid effects would help in discovering novel drug targets with an optimized benefitrisk-ratio.
Starting from this current knowledge, we began to study the rapid (within minutes) effects of
glucocorticoids on carbohydrate metabolism and found a significant increase in insulin
secretion from the INS-1E and Rinm5F rat beta-cell lines after stimulation with 100nM
Dexamethasone for 15 minutes. Therefore, we plan to study the second messengers and other
signaling mechanisms involved in this effect and to check the presence of possible
glucocorticoid membrane binding sites using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), a
method recently established in our laboratory. At the same time we plan to study the rapid
effects of glucocorticoids in the periphery, namely their effect on glucose uptake in primary
cultures of adipocytes and muscle cells. Glucocorticoid membrane binding will be
investigated in both these models using FCS. The 3T3-L1 fibroblast pre-adipocyte cell line
will be used for studying the signaling mechanisms involved. In summary, this work could
contribute to a hitherto unknown part of the physiology of glucocorticoid effects on
carbohydrate metabolism.
Thesis Subjects
Rapid (non-genomic) effects of glucocorticoids on insulin release in beta cells and peripheral
glucose uptake.
Signaling mechanisms (receptors, second messengers, etc.) mediating these effects.

Techniques and infrastructure

Models: rat beta-cell lines, murine pre-adipocyte cell line, primary cultures of human
adipocyte and muscle cells. Experiments: stimulation experiments, RIA, intracellular free
calcium & cAMP measurement, Western Blotting. All required equipment available.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine III, Medical
University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; Phone +43 1 40400
4310; Fax +43 1 405 93 234; Email anton.luger@meduniwien.ac.at
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:


June 1978

MD Degree, University of Vienna, Austria



Career History
01.10.2005 present

1991 present
1986 1991
1985 1986

1980 1985
1978 1980
Career-related Activities
1995 2005

2005 present
2003 2004
1999 present

Acting Head/Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism of

the Department of Medicine III, Unviersity of Vienna,
Department of Medicine III, Unviersity of Vienna, Austria
Department of Medicine II, University of Vienna
Visiting Fellow at the Developmental Endocrinology Branch,
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Resident, Departments of Medicine II and Cardiology,
University of Vienna, Austria
Institute of Pharmacology, University of Vienna, Austria

Deputy Head/Division of Endocrinology and

Metabolism/Department of Medicine III, Unviersity of
Vienna, Austria
Member of the Executive Committee of the European
Neuroendocrine Association
President of the Austrian Society for Endocrinology and
Austrian Delegate at the Section of Endocrinology at the
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

1985 1986

UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists)

Deputy Chairman of the Medical Faculty Assembly,
University of Vienna
Max Kade Fellowship


Award of the Erste Bank

Award of the Austrian Society of Nephrology
Max Kade Fellowship
Max Kade Fellowship
Hoechst Award
Hoechst Award

1998 2002

Austrian Diabetes Society
European Society for the Study of Diabetes
Austrian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism
Austrian Society for Internal Medicine
Sources of funding (since 2000)


Short Title


FWF (P15958-B08)

Membrane bound Glucocorticoid-Receptors


Jubilumsfond der

Ghrelin: Regulation der Ausschttung und

Zusammenspiel mit autonomem
Nervensystem und Nhrstoffen


Microarray-Analyse von
der Bundeshauptstadt Hypophysentumoren


stifung Stadt Wien


Untersuchungen zur physiologischen und
der Bundeshauptstadt pathophsiologischen Regulation des
Wien (2179)
Peptidhormons Ghrelin

Microarray-Analyse von

page 79 of 168

total K




N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Maier Christina

SLE & IDDM eine seltene


Thesis MD

(toghether with


Schmidt Adele

Untersuchungen zur Regulation


Thesis MD



der Ghrelin-Sekretion
Altenberger Tibor

Aberrant Gene Expression

(toghether with

Patterns in Pituitary Tumors

Kasses Dominik

Auswirkungen der Stoffwech-


seleinstellung auf das Endokrinium bei Diabetikern

Gorczyca Monika

Hypercortisolismus als Ursache



einer unzureichenden Stoffwechseleinstellung bei Typ 2



Peer reviewed manuscripts since 2000 (original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Blank D, Riedl M, Reitner A, Schnack C, Schernthaner G, Clodi M, Frisch H, Luger A 2000
Growth hormone replacement therapy is not associated with retinal changes. J Clin Endocrinol
Metab 85:634-636
Luger A 2000 Trau keinem ber 30, Testosteron fr alle Mnner ber 50? Wien Klin
Wochenschr 112:339-340
Riedl M, Clodi M, Kotzmann H, Hainfellner JA, Schima W, Reitner A, Czech T, Luger A 2000
Apoplexy of a pituitary macroadenoma with reversible third, fourth and sixth cranial nerve
palsies following administrastion of hypothalamic releasing hormones: MR features. Eur J
Radiol 36:1-4
Riedl M, Ludvik B, Pacini G, Clodi M, Kotzmann H, Wagner O, Kautzky-Willer A, Prager R,
Luger A 2000 The increased insulin sensitivity in growth hormone-deficient adults is reduced
by growth hormone replacement therapy : Eur J Clin Invest 30:771-778
Kotzmann H, Yilmaz N, Lercher P, Riedl M, Schmidt A, Schuster E, Kreuzer S, Geyer G,
Frisch H, Hrl WH, Mayer G, Luger A 2001 Differential effects of growth hormone therapy in
malnourished hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int 60:1578-1585
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Riedl M, Kotzmann H, Luger A 2001 Wachstumshormon beim lteren Mann. Wien Med
Wochenschr 151:426-429
Hernberg-Stahl E, Luger A, Abs R, Bengtsson B, Feldt-Rasmussen U, Wilton P, Westberg B,
Monson JP 2001 Healthcare consumption decreases in parallel with improvements in quality of
life during growth hormone (GH) replacement in hypopituitary adults with GH deficiency. J
Clin Endocrinol Metab 86:5277-5281
Kehely A, Bares PC, Frewer P, Birkett M, Blum WF, Mamessier P, Ezzat S, Ho KKY,
Lombardi G, Luger A, Marek J, Russell-Jones D, Snksen P, Attanasio AF 2002 Short-term
safety and efficacy of human GH replacement therapy in 595 adults with GH deficiency: a
comparison of two dosage algorithms. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87:1974-1979
Schmidt A, Luger A, Hrl WH 2002 Sexual hormone abnormalities in male patients with renal
failure. Nephrol Dial Transplant 17:368-371
Maier C, Rnzler D, Wagner L, Grabner G, Khler G, Luger A 2002 Evidence for specific
glucocorticoid binding sites on the cell membrane by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
Single Mol 3:211-216
Schaller G, Schmidt A, Pleiner J, Woloszczuk W, Wolzt M, Luger A. 2003 Plasma ghrelin
concentrations are not regulated by glucose or insulin: a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover clamp study. Diabetes 52:16-20.
Kotzmann H, Schmidt A, Riedl M, Schuster E, Geyer G, Frisch H, Hrl WH, Mayer G, Luger
A. 2003 One year growth hormone therapy improves granulocyte function, but not nutritional
and anthropometric parameters in malnourished hemodialysis patients. Nephron Clin Pract
Mogensen CE, Viberti G, Halimi S, Ritz E, Ruilope L, Jermendy G, Widimsky J, Sareli P,
Taton J, Rull J, Erdogan G, De Leeuw PW, Ribeiro A, Sanchez R, Mechmeche R, Nolan J,
Sirotiakova J, Hamani A, Scheen A, Hess B, Luger A. 2003 Effect of low-dose perindopril/
indapamide on albuminuria in type 2 diabetes. Preterax in albuminuria regression: PREMIER.
Hypertension 41:1063-1071.
Weitgasser R, Lechleitner M, Luger A, Klingler A. 2003 Effects of glimepiride on HbA1C and
body weight in type 2 diabetes: results of a 1.5 year follow-up study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract
Pfeiffer C, Winkler F, Luger A, Pieber T, Saudek F, Skrha J, Hermansen K, Lervang HH,
Nistrup-Holmegaard S, Bergkulla S, Lembcke HJ, Schulze J, Petersen KG, Haslbeck M, Jonker
JJC, Vaaler S, Rolstad OJ, Distiller LA, Robertson LI, Omar MAK, Wing J, Arner P, Arnqvist
H, Lager I, Lennerhagen P, Borthwick LJ, Hattersley A, Owens DR, Mathews DR, Nattrass M.
2003 Safety and efficacy of insulin glargine (HOE 901) versus NPH insulin in combination with
oral treatment in Type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetic Med 20:545-551.
Luger A. 2003 Erkrankungen der Hypophyse: Klinische Symptomatik und biochemische
Diagnostik. Wien Klin Wochenschr 115 (Suppl 2):19-22.
Feinbck C, Luger A, Klingler A, Egger T, Kacerovsky Bielesz G, Winkler F, Siebenhofer A,
Groschdl F, Frank E, Irsigler K 2003 Prospective multicentre trial comparing the efficacy of,
and compliance with, glimepiride or acarbose treatment in patients with type diabetes not
controlled with diet alone. Diab Nutr Metab 16:214-221
Kotzmann H, Riedl M, Pietschmann P, Schmidt A, Schuster J, Kreuzer S, Frisch H, Geyer G,
Hrl WH, Mayer G, Luger A 2004 Effects of 12 months of recombinant growth hormone
therapy on parameters of bone metabolism and bone mineral density in malnourished patients
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

on chronic hemodialysis. J Nephrol, 17:87-94

Schmidt A, Maier C, Schaller G, Nowotny P, Bayerle-Eder M, Buranyi B, Luger A, Wolzt M
2004 Acute exercise has no effect on ghrelin plasma concentrations. Horm Metab Res 36:174177
Maier C, Riedl M, Clodi M, Bieglmayer C, Mlynarik V, Trattnig S, Luger A 2004 Dynamic
contrast-enhanced MR imaging of the stimulated pituitary gland, Neuroimage 22:347-352
Schmidt A, Fabrizii V, Maier C, Riedl M, Schmidt A, Kotzmann H, Geyer G, Luger A. 2004
Normal regulation of elevated plasma ghrelin concentrations in dialysis patients. Wien Klin
Wochenschr 116:235-239
Kller MD, Templ E, Riedl M, Clodi M, Wagner O, Smolen JS, Luger A 2004 Pituitary
function in patients with newly diagnosed untreated systemic lupus erythematosus. Ann Rheum
Dis 63:1677-1680
Maier C, Schaller G, Buranyi B, Nowotny P, Geyer G, Wolzt M, Luger A 2004 The cholinergic
system controls ghrelin release and ghrelin induced GH release in humans. J Clin Endocrinol
Metab 89:4729-4733
Schindler K, Prager G, Ballaban T, Kretschmer S, Riener R, Buranyi B, Maier C, Luger A,
Ludvik B 2004. The impact of laparoscopic banding (LABG) on plasma ghrelin, eating
behaviour and body weight. Eur J Clin Invest 34:549-554
Maier C, Luger A 2004 Endokrinologie und Adipositas. Acta Med Austriaca 31:112-114
Frossard M, Blank D, Joukhadar C, Bayegan K, Schmid R, Luger A, Mller M 2005 Interstitial
glucose in skeletal muscle of diabetic patients during an oral glucose tolerance test. Diabetic
Med 22:56-69
Maier C, Rnzler D, Schindelar J, Grabner G, Waldhusl W, Khler G, Luger A 2005 G-protein
coupled glucocorticoid receptors on the pituitary cell membrane. J Cell Sci 118:3353-3361
Langer FB, Reza Hoda MA, Bohdjalian A, Felberbauer FX, Zacherl J, Wenzel E, Schindler K,
Luger A, Ludvik B, Prager G 2005 Sleeve gastrectomy and gastric banding: effects on plasma
ghrelin levels. Obes Surg 15: 1024-1029
Ziegler S, Kudlacek S, Luger A, Minar E 2005 Osteoprotegerin plasma concentrations correlate
with severity of peripheral artery disease. Atherosclerosis 182:175-180
Luger A 2005 Schilddrse und Polyendokrinopathien. Wiener Med Whschr, 155: 454-457
Maier C, Mustapic D, Schuster E, Luger A, Eher R 2006 Effect of a pocket-size tablet
dispensing device on glycemic control in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetic Medicine 23:40-45
Altenberger T, Bilban M, Auer M, Knosp E, Wolfsberger S, Gartner W, Mineva I, Zielinski C,
Wagner L, Luger A 2006 Identification of DLK1 variants in pituitary and neuroendocrine
tumors. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 340:995-1005
Riedl M, Maier C, Zettinig G, Nowotny P, Schima W, Luger A 2006 Long term control of
hypercortisolism with fluconazole: case report and in vitro studies. Eur J Endocrinol 154:519524
Haider DG, Schaller G, Kapiotis S, Maier C, Luger A, Wolzt M 2006 The release of the
adipocytokine visfatin is regulated by glucose and insulin. Diabetologia 49: 1909-1914
Gartner W, Koc F, Nabokikh A, Daneva T, Niederle B, Luger A, Wagner L 2006 Long-term in
vitro growth of human insulin-secreting insulinoma cells. Neuroendocrinol 83: 123-130
Schindler K, Haider D, Wolzt M, Rieger A, Gmeinhart B, Luger A, Nowotny P, Ludvik B 2006
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

The adipocytokines visfatin and retinol binding protein 4 (RBP-4) before and following 12
months of antiretroviral therapy in HIV infected subjects. Eur J Clin Invest 36: 640-646
Zettinig G, Wrba F, Trautinger F, Peloschek P, Luger A 2006 Necrobiotic panniculitis due to
repeated Insulin injection: A rare cause of a false positive Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy.
Nuklearmedizin 45: N64-N66
Wieselthaler G, Riedl M, Templ E, Wolner E, Wagner O, Luger A, Clodi M 2007 Endocrine
function is not impaired in patients with a continuous MicroMed-DeBakey axial flow pump. J
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 133: 2-6
Haider DG, Schindler K, Mittermayer F, Mller M, Nowotny P, Rieger A, Luger A, Ludvik B,
Wolzt M 2007 Effect of rosiglitazone on visfatin and retinol binding protein-4 plasma
concentrations in HIV-positive patients. Clin Pharmacol Ther 81: 580-585
Maier C, Mustapic D, Schuster E, Luger A, Eher R 2007 Effect of a pocket-size tabletdispensing device on glycaemic control in type 2 diabetic patients. Authors response. Diabet
Med 24: 102
Haider DG, Schindler K, Prager G, Bohdjalian A, Luger A, Wolzt M, Ludvik B 2007 Serum
retinol-binding protein-4 is reduced after weight loss in morbidly obese subjects. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 92: 1168-1171
Haider DG, Schindler K, Mittermayer F, Mller M, Nowotny P, Rieger A, Luger A, Ludvik B,
Woltz M 2007 Plasma adipocyte and epidermal fatty acid binding protein is reduced after
weight loss in obesity. Diabetes Obes Metab, in press
Haider DG, Handisurya A, Storka A, Vojtassakova A, Luger A, Pacini G, Tura A, Wolzt M,
Kautzky-Willer A 2007 Visfatin response to glucose is reduced in women with gestational
diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care, 30: 1889-1891
Gartner W, Vila G, Daneva T, Nabokikh A, Koc-Saral F, Ilhan A, Majdic O, Luger A, Wagner
L 2007 New functional aspects of the neuroendocrine marker secretagogin based on the
characterization of its rat homologue. Am J Physiol-Endoc M, 293: E347-354
Riedl M, Maier C, Handisurya A, Luger A, Kautzky-Willer A 2007 Insulin resistance has no
impact on ghrelin suppression in pregnancy. J Int Med, in press
Anderwald C, Stadler M, Promintzer M, Prager G, Mandl M, Nowotny P, Bischof M, Wolzt M,
Ludvik B, Pacini C, Luger A, Krebs M 2007 Clamp-like index: a novel, highly sensitive insulin
sensitivity index to calculate hyperinsulinemic clamp glucose infusion rates from oral glucose
tolerance test in nondiabetic humans. Diab Care, in press
Nabokikh A, Ilhan A, Bilban M, Gartner W, Vila G, Niedlere B, Nielsen JH, Wagner O, Base
W, Luger A, Wagner L 2007 Reduced TGF-1 expression and its target genes in human
insulinomas. Exp Clin Endocr Diab, in press

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Wolfgang MARKTL
Zentrum fr Physiologie und Pathophysiologie der Medizinischen Universitt Wien

Curriculum Vitae
Geboren am 14. 5. 1944 in Waiern/Krnten.
Besuch der Volksschule in den Jahren 1950 bis 1954 in Klagenfurt.
Besuch des Realgymnasiums in Klagenfurt von 1954 bis 1962,
Matura am 4. 7. 1962.
Medizinstudium in Innsbruck und Wien in den Jahren 1962 bis 1968.
Promotion zum Dr.med.univ. am 15. 6. 1968 in Innsbruck.
Vom 1.11.1968 bis 31.12. 1969 sowie vom 1. 4. 1970 bis zum 31. 5. 1972 Assistenzarzt am
Institut fr allgemeine und experimentelle Pathologie der Universitt Wien, vom 1. 1. 1970
bis zum 31. 3. 1970 Assistenzarzt an der 1. Chirurgischen Univ. Klinik in Wien.
Seit 1. 6. 1972 am Institut fr Medizinische Physiologie der Universitt Wien.
Erlangung des Ius practicandi im Jahre 1976.
Habilitation fr medizinische Physiologie am 14. 1. 1983.
Leiter der Abteilung fr Umweltphysiologie und Balneologie am Zentrum fr Physiologie
und Pathophysiologie der Med.Univ. Wien
Seit 1. 4. 1986 Leitung des Ludwig Boltzmann Institutes zur Erforschung physiologischer
Rhythmen in Bad Tatzmannsdorf.
Juni 1994 Anerkennung als Facharzt fr medizinische Leistungsphysiologie
Ernennung zum tit.a.o.Univ.Prof. mit 4.10.1994
Verleihung des Ehrenkreuzes fr Wissenschaft und Kunst, I. Klasse, durch den
Bundesprsidenten mit Datum von 28.09.2001
Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgebiete: Ernhrungs- und Stoffwechselphysiologie,
Balneologie und medizinische Klimatologie,
Funktionen in wissenschaftlichen Vereinigungen und Verbnden:
Leitung der Abteilung Wissenschaft im sterr. Heilbder- und Kurorteverband,
Mitglied des erweiterten Vorstandes und Ehrenmitglied des Verbandes sterr. Kurrzte,
derzeit 1. Vorsitzender der sterr. Gesellschaft fr Balneologie und
medizinische Klimatologie,
Grndungsmitglied der European Society for Chronobiology,
Mitglied der International Society for Chronobiology,
Vorstandsmitglied der sterreichischen Gesellschaft fr Ernhrung,
korrespondierendes Mitglied der geologischen Bundesanstalt,
Mitglied der European Academy of Nutritional Sciences,
sowie Mitglied zahlreicher weiterer wissenschaftlicher Gesellschaften des In- und Auslandes.
Schriftleiter der Zeitschrift Forschende Komplementrmedizin des Karger-Verlags bis 2007
Mitglied des Redaktionskollegiums der Zeitschrift Physikalische Medizin,
Rehabilitationsmedizin, Kurortemedizin des Thieme-Verlags,
Vorsitzender des Akademischen Rates der Wr. Internat. Akademie fr Ganzheitsmedizin; von
Juni 2000 bis Juni 2003 Vizeprsident der Wr. Internat. Akademie fr Ganzheitsmedizin,
Seit 24.06.2003 Prsident der Wr. Internat. Akademie fr Ganzheitsmedizin,
Mitglied der Codex-Kommission bis 2007
page 84 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Seit 01.01.2002 Med.-Wiss. Leiter der Akademie fr den Ditdienst und

ernhrungsmedizinischen Beratungsdienst im AKH Wien,
Seit 29.01.2002 Vizeprsident des Akademischen Institutes fr Ernhrungsmedizin
Publikationsttigkeit: derzeit 271 wissenschaftliche Publikationen, wissenschaftlicher
Redakteur des Handbuchs der natrlichen Heilmittel sterreichs 1985, laufende
Vortragsttigkeit im In- und Ausland, Teilnahme an Sendungen von Rundfunk und

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Section Endocrine Surgery, Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery

Surgical strategy in thyroid nodules classified as "follicular neoplasia"

The surgical strategy in thyroid nodules classified as "follicular neoplasia" by fine-needle
aspiration (FNA) is still under discussion. The treatment of follicular adenoma is
hemithyroidectomy (lobectomy and isthmectomy) while follicular thyroid carcinoma has to
be treated by total thyroidectomy. If follicular lesions cannot be classified in frozen-sections
completion thyroidectomy has to be performed in a second procedure. Therefore the role of
frozen section, gender, age and tumor size in the differentiation of follicular adenoma from
carcinoma has to be analyzed retrospectively to define risk factors. As a consequence a
prospective protocol for the surgical treatment of "follicular thyroid lesions" should be
developed. Molecular genetic studies on fresh tissue and on tissue samples will help to
differentiate follicular adenoma, follicular carcinoma and the follicular variant of papillary
thyroid cancer.
Thesis Subjects
Is it justified to treat follicular thyroid lesions larger than 25 mm by total thyroidectomy to
avoid re-operations?
Techniques and infrastructure
Retrospective multivariate analysis of demographic, clinical, surgical, histopathological and
follow-up data of 150 patients with follicular thyroid lesions classified as "follicular lesions"
by FNA: Correlation of FNA - frozen section - histopathology and clinical outcome

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Department of Surgery , Division of General Surgery, Medical University of Vienna,
Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; Phone +43 1 40400 6943; 5621, 5622;
Fax +43 1 40400 6827; Email bruno.niederle@meduniwien.ac.at
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Steyr, Upper Austria

Oct. 1st, 197 May 20th, 1976

University of Vienna, Medical School - MD

Career History
May 1,1974 - April 30, 1976
June 1, 1976 - Sept 30, 1977
June 1, 1977 -Nov 30, 1977
Sept 19, 1978 Sept 16, 1979
March 1, 1982 - August 31,
March 1, 1983 - September 1,
March 1, 1987 - August 31,
Oct 1, 1988 - Feb 28, 1989
Since Oct 1, 1977 - pres.

June 1, 1989/July 7, 1989

Nov 25, 1992/Sept 8, 1993

Student Lecturer, Department of Anatomy, University of

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Anatomy, University of
Intern, Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiology,
University of Vienna
Resident, Department of Traumatology I, University of
Resident, Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care
Unit, University of Vienna
Senior Resident, Department of Surgery (incl.
traumatology, pediatric surgery) Provincial Hospital
Intern, Department of
Pediatric Surgery , Mautner
Markhof'sche Kinderspital
Resident, Department of Surgery II, University of Vienna
(Thoracic/Heart Surgery)
Resident/Chief Resident/ Senior Resident
Department of Surgery, Division of General Surgery,
University of Vienna, Medical School
Assistant Professor of Surgery (Venia docendi)
Associate Professor of Surgery
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

July 1, 1999/March 1, 2000

December 7, 1983
May 15, 1992
April 6. 2003

Feb 1, 1977 - April 30, 1977

Career-related Activities
2002 2003
2004 present



Professor of Surgery (Endocrine Surgery)

Registered to practice surgery in Austria
Registered to practice vascular surgery in Austria
Qualification for Endocrine Surgery - European Board of

Research Fellowship at the University of Fribourg,

Switzerland, Department of Anatomy

Management Training for Medical Leaders at the Univ.

Section leader "Obesity and Lipid Disorders", Austrian
Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism
Visiting Physician
National Institutes of Health, Cancer Institute, Surgical
Branch, Bethesda, USA
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Department of
Surgery, New York, USA
Toronto General Hospital, Division of Thoracic Surgery,
Toronto, Canada
Mayo Clinics, Department of Surgery, Rochester,
Minnesota, USA
Department of Surgery, University of Chicago, Chicago,
Department of General Surgery, Division of Endocrine
Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Department of General Surgery, Division of Endocrine
Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Surgery,
Methodist Hospital and M.D. Anderson, Cancer Center,
University of Texas, Houston, USA
Department Surgery II, University of Nagoya, Japan
Visiting Professor:
Invited Guest Speaker - 1st International Postgraduate
Course in Endocrine Surgery
Department of Surgery, The Mary Imogene Bassett
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"









Hospital Cooperstown, New York, USA

Faculty Member: 2nd International Postgraduate Course in
Endocrine Surgery (British Virgin Islands)
Faculty Member/Organizer: 3rd International Postgraduate
Course in Endocrine Surgery (Austria)
Invited Guest Speaker - 26th Annual Meeting of the
Japanese Society of Thyroid Surgeons, Nagoya
Department of Endocrine Surgery, Tokyo Women's
Medical College, Tokyo, Japan
Surgical Training Course Endocrine Surgery,
Department of Surgery, Martin Luther University Halle
Wittenberg, Germany
Surgical Training Course Endocrine Surgery,
Department of Surgery, Heinrich Heine University
Dsseldorf, Germany
Surgical Training Course Endocrine Surgery,
Department of Surgery, Martin Luther University Halle
Wittenberg, Germany
1st Postgraduate Course in Endocrine Surgery,
Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Endokrinologie
(CAEK), German Association of Surgery, Braunlage/Harz,
Surgical Training Course Endocrine Surgery,
Department of Surgery, Philipps University Marburg,
2nd Postgraduate Course in Endocrine Surgery,
Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Endokrinologie
(CAEK), German Association of Surgery, St. Johann,
4th International Post-graduate Course of Minimal-invasive
Endocrine Surgery, IRCAD/EITS Strasbourg, France
Faculty Member: 7th International Postgraduate Course in
Endocrine Surgery, France
3nd Postgraduate Course in Endocrine Surgery,
Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Endokrinologie
(CAEK), German Association of Visceralsurgery,
Wernigerode, Germany
5th International Post-graduate Course of Minimal-invasive
Endocrine Surgery, IRCAD/EITS Strasbourg, France
page 89 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"





1. Internationaler Operationskurs fr minimal-invasive

endokrine Chirurgie Klinik fr Chirurgie und Zentrum
fr Minimla-invasive Chirurgie der Kliniken Essen-Mitte
(10.11. 11.11.2003)
2. Internationaler Operationskurs fr minimal-invasive
endokrine Chirurgie Klinik fr Chirurgie und Zentrum
fr Minimla-invasive Chirurgie der Kliniken Essen-Mitte
(8.11. 9.11.2004)
4. Postgradualer Kurs fr Endokrine Chirurgie ,
Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschft fr Endokrinologie der
Deutschen Gesellschaft fr Viszeralchirurgie,, Bad
Blumau, Austria (3. - 5. Mrz 2005)
(6th) International Post-graduate Course of Minimalinvasive Endocrine Surgery, IRCAD/EITS Strasbourg,



Coordinator/Organizer of International Congresses and

How to treat parathyroid hyperplasia, Vienna, Austria
3rd Postgraduate Course of the International Association of
Endocrine Surgeons (IAES), St. Johann, Austria
Carcinoids (Jejunum, ileum, colon. rectum, other
localization), 15. u CAEK, Feldkirch Austria
How to treat lymph node metastases in differentiated
thyroid cancer, Vienna, Austria
8th Annual Meeting of Euro-MEN, Vienna, Austria
2nd Postgraduate Course in Endocrine Surgery,
Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Endokrinologie
(CAEK), German Association of Surgery, St. Johann,
Member of Organizing- and Scientific Committee of
International Congresses and Workshops
International Conference on the Management of Nonfunctioning Adrenal Tumors, Athens, Greek
Advanced Course on Endocrine Surgery, Rome, Italy
Local Organizer IAES-International Surgical Week,
Vienna, Austria
Thyroid Two, Linz, Austria
page 90 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"







Editorial Board
1991 2002

Thyroid Three, Pichlarn, Austria

Endocrine Surgery International Meeting, Rom, Italy
Thyroid Four, Pichlarns, Austria
Member of International Consensus Conferences
Consensus Conference on the ENETS:
Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of
Neuroendocrine Gastrointestinal Tumors

Theodor Billroth Preis, sterreichische Gesellschaft fr

Wissenschaftlicher Frderungspreis der sterreichischen
Gesellschaft fr Gefchirugie
Wissenschaftlicher Frderungspreis der Ersten
sterreichischen Sparkasse
Wissenschaftlicher Anerkennungspreis des Landes
Wissenschaftlicher Frderungspreis der Ersten
sterreichischen Sparkasse
Billroth Preis, rztekammer fr Wien
Wissenschaftlicher Frderungspreis der sterreichischen
Gesellschaft fr Gefchirugie
BRAHMS Forschungspreis fr Schilddrsenerkrankungen
together with the sterreichischen Gesellschaft fr
BRAHMS Forschungspreis fr Schilddrsenerkrankungen
together with the sterreichischen Gesellschaft fr
Sandoz Forschungspreis fr Schilddrsenerkrankungen
together with the sterreichischen Gesellschaft fr
Sandoz Forschungspreis fr Schilddrsenerkrankungen
together with the sterreichischen Gesellschaft fr
Editor-in-Chief: European Surgery - Acta Chirurgica
page 91 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

2002- present
Consultant Board
1998 - 2002
2001 2002
1998 - 2002
1998 - present
2006 - present

British Journal of Surgery

Minimal Invasive Chirurgie (Germany)

The European Journal of Surgery (Sweden)
Onkologie Aktuell (Germany)
Langenbeck`s Archives of Surgery (Germany)
Wiener Klinsiche Wochenschrift Middle European
Journal of Medicine (Austria)

Invited Reviews for

Surgery (USA)
World Journal of Surgery (USA)
Onkologie (Germany)
Transplant International (Germany)
European Journal of Endocrinology (Switzerland)
European Journal of Clinical Investigation (Great Britain)
European Journal of Surgical Oncology (Great Britain)
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift (Austria)
Member of National Societies:
1978 Vienna Medical Association
1979 Austrian Society of Surgeons
1979 Austrian Society for Gastroenterology
1981 Society of Surgeons in Vienna
1985 Austrian Society of Surgical Research
1987 Austrian Society of Vascular Surgeons
1990 Austrian Society of Bone and Mineral Electrolyte Metabolism
1994 Austrian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Member of International Societies
1984 International Association of Endocrine Surgeons (IAES)
1985 International Society of Surgery (ISS)
1985 German Society of Surgeons
1985 German Association of Endocrine Surgeons (CAEK)
1987 German Society of Endocrinology
page 92 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

2003 2003 2004

- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons FRCS (London)

German Society of Viszeral Surgery
Fellow of the American College of Surgeons - FACS
Eurpean Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (ENETS)

Corresponding Member of International Societies

1992 Society of Head and Neck Surgeons, USA
1994 American Association of Endocrine Surgeons (AAES); USA
Council Member of National Societies
1991 2002.
Austrian Society of Surgeons
1992 pres.
Austrian Society of Surgical Oncology (ASSO)
[1992-1996 Chairman Thyroid Section; Secretary General 2003 - ]
1994 pres.
Austrian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism
[2002-pres Coordinator: Section Endocrine Surgery]
1996 pres.
Society of Surgeons in Vienna
[President 1999 2000; Past-President 2000-2001]
Council Member of International Societies
1991 - 1997
International Association of Endocrine Surgeons (IAES)
1991 - 1996
Member of the Scientific Committee European School of
Oncology (ESO) Vienna Office
1996 pres.
Chirugische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Endokrinologie (CAEK),
German Association of Viszeral Surgeons [Co-chairman 1996 2000; Chairman 2003- ]
2003 European Society of Endocrine Surgeons (ESES) [Member of
the founding committee; 2003 - Secretary Treasurer]
Sources of funding (since 2000)


Short Title


onds (project no. H144/2001; together
with M. Schindl/K.

Irinotecan (Campt) und Paclitaxel

(Taxol) in der Behandlung
neuroendokriner Tumore

page 93 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Austrian National
Bank Jubilee Fund
(project no. 9307;
together with K.
Kaczirek, G. Prager)

Intraoperatives Parathomron-Monitoring:
Untersuchungen zur Parathormonkinetik
bei primrem und sekundrem

Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Philipp Riss


Period (expected)


2006 (2008)

Dr. scient.

intraoperatives PTH-Monitoring
Martin Bruno



neuroendokrine Tumore GEPNET. Eine prospektive Studie

zur Inzidenz in sterreich

page 94 of 168


N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

586 peer reviewed publications in scientific journals (263 Original Papers, 10 invited
Commentaries, 6 Letters, 66 Short Papers, 29 Invited Reviews)
List of Original Publications (since 2000)
168 Wagner, B., Ludwig, C., Riedl, M., Niederle, B., Cejna, M., Vierhapper, H., Waldhusl,
W., Roden, M.: Severe chronic hypoglycemia in a lean young woman. PANCREAS 21,
97-99 (2000)
169 Raderer, M., Kurtaran, A., Leimer, M., Angelberger, P., Niederle, B., Vierhapper, H.,
Vorbeck, F., Hejna, M.,H.,L., Scheithauer, W., Pidlich, P Virgolini, I.: Value of peptide
receptor scintigraphy using 123-I Vasoactive Intestinale Peptide and 111-In DTPA-DPhe- Octreotide in 194 carcinoid patients: Vienna University experience, 1993 to 1998.
J CLIN ONCOL 18, 1331-1336 (2000)
170 Muhm, M., Polterauer, P., Gstoettner, W., Temmel, A., Losert, H., Richling, B., Undt,
G., Niederle, B., Staudacher, M., Kretschmer, G., Ehringer, H.,.: Glomus caroticum Chemotectom., bersicht ber die aktuelle Diagnostik und Therapie. WIEN KLIN
WOCHENSCHR 112, 115 - 120 (2000)
171 Hrandner, H., Mrzl, E., Neyer, U., Breiteneder-Geleff, S., Niederle, B., Haid, A.,
Breitfellner, G.: Fokale Proliferationen in reaktiv hyperplastischen Nebenschilddrsen
bei terminaler Niereninsuffizienz - Implikation fr die Autotransplantation nach totaler
Parathyreoidektomie. WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR 112, 353 - 357 (2000)
172 Raber, W., Raffesberger, W., Kmen, E., Hamwi, A., Niederle, B., Waldhusl, W.,
Roden, M.: Pheochromocytoma with normal urinary and plasma catecholamines but
elevated plasma free metanephrines in a patient with adrenal incidentaloma.
ENDOCRINOLOGIST 10, 65 - 68 (2000)
173 Scheuba, Ch., Kaserer, K., Kortzmann, H., Bieglmayer, Ch., Niederle, B., Vierhapper,
H.: Prevalence of C-cell hyperplasia in patients with normal basal and pentagastrinstimulated calcitonin. THYROID 10, 413 - 416 (2000)
174 Schindl, M., Kaczirek, K., Kaserer, K., Niederle, B.: Is the new classification of
neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors of clinical help? WORLD J SURG 24, 312 - 318
175 Zacherl, J., Scheuba, Ch., Prager, G., Zacherl, M., Jakesz, R., Niederle, B.: Wie
kostengnstig ist die laparoskopische Adrenalektomie wirklich? MINIMAL INVASIVE
CHIRURGIE 9, 79 - 84 (2000)
176 Neunteufl, Th., Heher, S., Prager, G., Katzenschlager, R., Abela, C., Niederle, B.,
Stefenelli, Th.: Effects of sucessful parathyroidectomy on altered arterial reactivity in
patients with hypercalcemia: results of a 3-year follow-up study. CLIN ENDOCRINOL
53, 229 - 232 (2000)
177 Raber, W., Kaserer, K., Niederle, B., Vierhapper, H., Raber, W., Kaserer, K., Niederle,
B., Vierhapper, H.: Risk factors for malignancy of thyroid nodules initially identified as
follicular neoplasia by fine-needle aspiration: results of a prospective study of 120
patients. THYROID 10, 709 - 712 (2000)
178 Zettinig, G., Kaserer, K., Passler, Ch., Flores, J.,A., Niederle, B., Dudczak, R.:
Advanced insular thyroid carcinoma in a fourteen-year old girl: twenty-four years of
follow-up. THYROID 10, 435 - 437 (2000)
179 Raber, W., Raffesberger, W., Bischof, M., Scheuba, Ch., Niederle, B., Gasic, S.,
Waldhusl, W., Roden, M.: Diagnostic efficacy of unconjugated plasma metanephrines
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"













for the detection of pheochromocytoma. ARCH INTERN MED 160, 2957 - 2963
Virgolini, I., Traub, T., Leimer, M., Novotny, C., Pangerl, T., Ofluoglu, S., Halvadjieva,
E., Smith-Jones, P., Flores, J., Li, S.,R., Angelberger, P., Havlik, E., Andreae, F.,
Raderer, M., Kurtaran, A.,. Niederle, B., Dudczak, R.: New radiopharmaceuticals for
receptor scintigraphy and radionuclide therapy. Q J NUCL MED 44, 50 - 58 (2000)
Weinhaeusel, A., Vierhapper, H., Schlegl, R., Wagner, T., Muhr, D., Scheuba, Ch.,
Niederle, B., Haas, O.,A.: A novel mutation E 179K of the MEN1 gene predisposes for
multiple endocrine neoplasia-type 1 (MEN1). HUMAN MUTATION 16, 533 (2000)
Niederle, B., Prager, G., Scheuba, Ch., Passler, Ch., Schindl, M.: Minimal invasive
chirurgische Endokrinologie. ACTA CHIR AUSTRIACA 32, Suppl 165, 39-46 (2000)
Schindl, M., Kaserer, K., Niederle, B.: Treatment of gastric neuroendocrine tumors.
ARCH SURG 136, 49 - 54 (2001)
Kaserer, K., Knezevic, V., Passler, Ch., Niederle, B., Krizmann, D.: Expressionsanalyse
follikulrer Schilddrsenlsionen mittels cDNA Arrays auf Basis mikrodissezierter
Punktionszytologie. VERH DTSCH GES ZYT 22, 29-34 (2001)
Zettinig, G., Leitha, Th., Niederle, B., Kaserer, K., Becherer, A., Kletter, K., Dudczak,
R.: FDG positron emission tomographic, radioiodine, and MIBI imaging in a patient
with poorly differentiated insular thyroid carcinoma. CLIN NUCL MED 26, 599-601
Roden, M., Raber, W., Bernroider, E., Niederle, B., Waldhusl, W., Gasic, S.:
Quantification of unconjugated metanephrines in human plasma without interference by
acetaminophen. CLIN CHEM 47, 1061-1067 (2001)
Prager, G., Czerny, Ch., Kurtaran, A., Passler, Ch., Scheuba, Ch., Bieglmayer, Ch.,
Niederle, B.: Minimally invasive open parathyroidectomy in an endemic goiter area.
ARCH SURG 136, 810 - 816 (2001)
Kaserer, K., Scheuba, Ch., Neuhold, N., Weinhaeusl, A., Vierhapper, H., Haas, O.,A.,
Vierhapper, H., Niederle, B.: Sporadic versus familial medullary thyroid
microcarcinoma - A histopathological study of 50 consecutive patients. AM J SURG
PATHOL 25, 1245-1251 (2001)
Passler, Ch., Avanessian, R., Kaczirek, K., Paregr, G., Scheuba, Ch., Schindl, M.,
Niederle, B.: Schilddrsenchirurgie im Alter. ACTA CHIR AUSTRIACA 33, 288-293
Schmaldienst, S., Dittrich, E., Pietschmann, P., Niederle, B., Becherer, A., Watschinger,
B.: A patient with evidence of two underlying diseases causing hypercalcemia.
NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPLANT 16, 2413-2425 (2001)
Prager, G., Heinz-Peer, Gertraud Passler, Ch., Kaczirek, K., Schindl, M., Scheuba, Ch.,
Niederle, B.: Surgical strategy in adrenal masses. EUR J RADIOL 41, 70-77 (2002)
Hnigschnabl, Selma., Gallo, Sylvia., Niederle, B., Prager, G., Kaserer, K., Lechner, G.,
Heinz-Peer, Gertraud: How accurate is MR imaging in characterisation of adrenal
masses: update of a long-term study. EUR J RADIOL 41, 113-122 (2002)
Kandioler-Eckersberger, Daniela, Niederle, B., Herbst, F., Wenzl, E: A magnetic probe
to retrieve broken matallic parts of instruments during laparoscopuic procedures.
SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY 16, 208-209 (2002)
Steurer, M., Passler, Ch., Denk, Doris M., Schneider, Berit Niederle, B., Biegenzahn,
W.: Advantages of recurrent laryngeal nerve identification in thyroidectomy and
parathyroidectomy and the importance of preoperative and postoperative laryngoscopic
examination in more than 1000 nerves at risk. LARYNGOSCOPE 112, 124-133 (2002)
page 96 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

195 Bachleitner-Hofmann, T., Stift, A Friedl, J., Pfragner Roswitha., Radelbauer, K.,
Dubsky, P., Schller, G., Benk, T., Niederle, B., Brostjan, C., Jakesz, R., Gnant, M.:
Stimulation of autologous antitumor T-cell responses against medullary thyroid
carcinoma using tumor lysate-pulsed dendritic cells. J CLIN ENDOCRINOL METAB
87, 1098-1104 (2002)
196 Niederle, B., Haas, O.,A.: Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes. WIEN KLIN
WOCHENSCHR 114, 239-245 (2002)
197 Weinhusel, A., Kaserer, K., Vierhapper, H., Niederle, B., Haas, O.,A., : Multiple
endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) in Austria. WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR 114,
252-257 (2002)
198 Kaczirek, K., Prager, G., Schindl, M., Kaserer, K., Gessl, A., Vierhapper, H., Niederle,
B.: Multiple endocrine neoplasia 1- current recommendations for diagnosis and
treatment. WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR 114, 258-266 (2002)
199 Bieglmayer, C., Scheuba, C., Niederle, B., Flores, J., Vierhapper, H.: Screening for
medullary thyroid carcinoma: Experience with different immunoassays for human
calcitonin. WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR 114, 267-273 (2002)
200 Kaserer, K., Scheuba, C., Neuhold, N., Weinhusel, A., Vierhapper, H., Niederle, B.:
Recommendations for reporting C cell pathology of the thyroid. WIEN KLIN
WOCHENSCHR 114, 274-278 (2002)
201 Pfragner, R., Wirnsberger, G., H., Ingolic, E., Niederle, B.: Medullary thyroid
cartcinoma in cell culture - models for future therapies. WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR
114, 279-283 (2002)
202 Zettinig, G., Fueger Barbara J., Passler, Ch., Kaserer, K., Pirich, Ch., Dudczak, R.,
Niederle, B.: Long-term follow-up of patients with bone matastases from differentated
thyroid cancer-surgery or conventional treatment? CLIN ENDOCRINOL 56, 377-382
203 Neyer, U., Hrandner, H., Haid, A., Zimmermann, G., Niederle, B.: Total
parathyroidectomy with auto- transplantation in renal hyperparathyroidism: low
recurrence after intra-operative tissue selection. NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPLANT 17,
625-629 (2002)
204 Zettinig, G., Prager, G., Kurtaran, A., Kaserer, K., Czerny, Ch., Dudczak, R., Niederle,
B.: Stellenwert eines strukturierten Befunsschemas zur Interpretation der
Nebenswchilddrsenszintigraphie bei primrem Hyperparathyreoidismus. ACTA MED
AUSTRIACA 29, 68 - 71 (2002)
205 Zettinig, G., Kurtaran, A., Prager, G., Kaserer, K., Dudczak, R., Niederle, B.:
""Suppressed"" double adenoma - a rare pitfall in minimally invasive
parathyroidectomy. HORMONE RES 57, 57 -60 (2002)"
206 Prager, G., Heinz-Peer, G., Passler, Ch., Kaczirek, K., Schindl, M., Scheuba, Ch.,
Vierhapper, H., Niederle, B.: Can dynamic Gadolinium-enhanced magnet resonance
imaging with chemical shift studies predict the status of adrenal masses? WORLD J
SURG 26, 958 - 964 (2002)
207 Schindl, M., Kaczirek, K., Passler, Ch., Kaserer, K., Prager, G., Scheuba, Raderer, M.,
Niederle, B.: Treatment of small intestinal neuroendocrine tumos: Is an extended
multimodal approach justified? WORLD J SURG 26, 976 - 984 (2002)
208 Bieglmayer, C., Prager, G., Niederle, B.: Kinetic analyses of parathyroid hormone
clearence as measured by three rapid immunoassays during parythyroidectomy. CLIN
CHEM 48, 1731-1738 (2002)
209 Passler, Ch., Avanessian, R., Kaczirek, K., Prager, G., Scheuba, Ch., Niederle, B.:
Thyroid surgery in the elderly. ARCH SURG 137, 1243 - 1248 (2002)
page 97 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

210 Prager, G., Kalaschek, A., Kaczirek, K., Passler, Ch., Scheuba, Ch., Sonneck, G.,
Niederle, B.: Parathyroidectomy improves concentration and retentiveness in patients
with primary hyperparathyroidism. SURGERY 132 , 930 - 936 (2002)
211 Gimm, O., Niederle, Barbara.,E., Weber, Theresia Bockhorn, M., Ukkat, J., Brauckhoff,
M., Nguyen Thanh, P., Frilling, Andreja Klar, E., Niederle, B., Dralle, H.: RET protooncogene mutations affecting codon 790/791: a mild form of MEN 2A? SURGERY
132 , 952 - 952 (2002)
212 Kaserer, K., Knezevic, V., Pichlhofer, B., Scheuba, C., Passler, C., Worth, J., Niederle,
B., Krizman, D.: Construction of cDNA libraries from microdissected benign and
malignant thyroid tissue. LAB INVEST 82, 1707-1714 (2002)
213 Passler, C., Prager, G., Scheuba, C., Kaserer, K., Zettinig, G., Niederle, B: Application
of staging systems for differentiated thyroid carcinoma in an endemic goiter region with
iodin substitution. ANN SURG 237, 227-234 (2003)
214 Saeger, W., Fassnacht, M., Chita, R., Prager, G., Nies, C., Lorenz, K., Bhrlehner, E.,
Simon, D., Niederle, B., Beuschlein, F., Allolio, B., Reincke, M.: High diagnostic
accuracy of adrenal core biopsy: Results of the German and Austrian adrenal network
multicenter trial in 220 consecutive patients. HUMAN PATHOL 34, 180-186 (2003)
215 Prager, G., Czerny, Ch., Ofluoglu, S., Kurtaran, A., Passler, Ch., Kaczirek, K., Scheuba,
Ch., Niederle, B.: Impact of localization studies on feasibility of minimally invasive
parathyroidectomy in an endemic goiter region. J AM COLL SURG 196, 541-548
216 Loewe, Ch., Schindl, M., Cejna, M., Niederle, B., Lammer, J., Thurnher, S.: Permanent
transarterial embolization of neuroendocrine metastases of the liver using cyanoacrylate
and lipiodol: Assessment of mid- and long-term results. AM J ROENTGENOL 180,
1379-1384 (2003)
217 Kaczirek, K., Soleiman, A., Schindl, M., Passler, Ch., Scheuba, C., Prager, G., Kaserer,
K., Niederle, B.: Nesidioblastosis in adults: a challenging cause of organic
hyperinsulinism. EUR J CLIN INVEST 33, 488-492 (2003)
218 Niederle, B., Prager, G: Advanced endoscopic adrenal surgery - new developments.,
EUR SURG 35, 71-75 (2003)
219 Brauckhoff, M., Kaczirek, K., Than, PN., Gimm, O., Br Anette Niederle, B., Dralle,
H.: Technikal aspects of subtotal endoscopic adrenalectomy. EUR SURG 35, 84-88
220 Rauhofer, U., Prager, G., Hoermann, M., Auer, H., Kaserer, H., Niederle, B.: Cystic
echninococcosis of the thyroid gland in children and adults. THYROID 13, 497-502,
221 Kaczirek, K., Prager, G., Kienast, O., Dobrozemsky, G., Dudczak, R., Niederle, B.,
Kurtaran, A.: Combined transmission and 99Tc-Sestamibi emission tomography for
localization of mediastinal parathyroid glands. NUKLEARMEDIZIN 42, 220-223
222 Passler, C., Prager, G., Scheuba, C., Niederle, Barbara E., Kaserer, K., Zettinig, G.,
Niederle, B.: Follicular Variant of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma - A long-term followup. ARCH SURG 138, 1362-1366 (2003)
223 Niederle, B., Prager, G., Kaczirek, K., Scheuba, C., Passler, C., Asari, R.: Minimalinvasive Chirurgische Endokrinologie: Aspekte der Radiodiagnostik. WIEN KLIN
WOCHENSCHR 115, SUPPL 2, 10 - 18 (2003)
224 Weinhusel, A., Behmel, A., Ponder, BAJ., Haas, OA., Niederle, B., Gessl, A.,
Vierhapper, H., Pfragner, R.: Long-term follow-up revealed ""sporadic""
pheochromocytoma as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A-2 (MEN2A-2).
ENDOCRINE PATHOLOGY 14, 375 - 382 (2003)"
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

225 Prager, G., Riss, P., Bieglmayer, C., Niederle, B: The role of intraoperative quick PTH
measurements in primary hyperparathyroidism., ANN ITAL CHIR 74, 395-399 (2003)
226 Prager, G., Heinz-Peer, G., Passler, C., Kaczirek, K., Scheuba, C., Niederle, B.:
Applicability of laparoscopic adrenalectomy in 150 consecutive patients a prospective
study. ARCH SURG 139, 46-49 (2004)
227 Karges W, Dralle, H, Raue, F, Mann, K., Reiners, C, Grussendorf M, Hfner, M,
Niederle, B, Brabant, G, : Calcitonin Measurement to Detect Medullary Thyroid
Carcinoma in Nodular Goiter: German Evidence-Based Consensus Recommendation.
228 Karanikas G, Moameni A, Poetzi C, Zettinig G, Kaserer K, Bieglmayer C, Niederle B,
Dudczak R, Pirich Ch.: Frequency and Relevance of Elevated Calcitonin Levels in
Patients with Neoplastic and Nonneoplastic Thyroid Disease and in Healthy Subjects. J
CLIN ENDOCRINOL METAB 89, 1098-1104 (2004)
229 Passler, C., Scheuba, C., Prager, G., Kaczirek, K., Kaserer, K., Zettinig, G., Niederle,
B.: Prognostic factors of papillary and follicular thyroid cancer: Differences in an
iodine-repleted endemic goiter region. ENDOCRINE-RELATED CANCER 11, 129137 (2004)
230 Stadler A, Schima W, Prager G, Homolka P, Heinz G, Saini S, Eisenhuber E, Niederle
B.: CT Density Measurements for Characterization of Adrenal Tumors Ex Vivo:
Variability Among Three CTScanners. AM J ROENTGENOL 182, 671-675 (2004)
231 Kaczirek, K., Schindl, M., Weinhusl, A., Scheuba, C., Passler, C., Prager, G., Raderer,
M., Hamilton, G., Mittlbck, M., Siegl, V., Pfrganer, Roswitha Niederle, B: Cytotoxic
Activity of Camtothecin and Palitaxel in Newly Established continuous Human
Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Cell Lines. J CLIN ENDOCRINOL METAB 89, 23972401(2004)
232 Stift, A., Sachet, Monika Yagubian, Rubina Bittermann, C., Dubsky, P., Brostjan,
Christina Pfragner, Roswitha Niederle, B., Jakesz, R., Gnant, M., Friedl, J.: Dendritic
Cell Vaccination in Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma. CLIN CANCER RES 10, 29442953 (2004)
233 Zierhut, Barbara Mechtler, K., Gartner, W., Daneva, T., Base, W., Weissel, M.,
Niederle, B., Wagner, L.: Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) subtype expression in
neuroendocrine tissue and identification of neuroendocrine tumour-specific Hsp70
truncation. ENDOCRINE-RELATED CANCER 11, 377-389 (2004)
234 Kaczirek, K., Ba-Ssalamh, A., Schima, W., Niederle, B.: The importance of
preoperative localisation procedures in organic hyperinsulinism -Experience in 67
patients. WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR 116, 373-378, (2004)
235 Zettinig, G., Mitterhauser, M., Wadsak, W, Becherer, A., Pirich, C., Vierhapper, H.,
Niederle, B., Dudczak, R., Kletter, K.: Positron emission tomography imaging of
adrenal masses: 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and the 11-hydroxylase tracer 11Cmetomidate. EUR J NUCL MED MOL IMAGING 31, 1224-1230 (2004)
236 zer, S., Dobrozemsky, G, Kienast, O., Beheshti, M., Becherer, A., Niederle, B.,
Kainberger, F., Dudczak, R., Kurtaran, A.: Value of combined XCT/SPECT technology
for avoiding false positive planar 123I-MIBG scintigraphy. NUCLEAR MEDICINE 43,
164-170, (2004)"
237 Kaczirek, K, Niederle, B.: Nesidioblastosis: an old term and a new understanding.
WORLD J SURG 28, 1227-1230 (2004)
238 Gimm, O., Ukkat, J., Niederle, Barbara.,E., Weber, Theresia Nguyen Thanh, P.,
Brauckhoff, M., Niederle, B., Dralle, H.: Timing and extent of surgery in patients with
familial medullary thyroid carcinoma/Multiple endocrine neoplasia 2A-related RET
mutations not affecting codon 634. WORLD J SURG 28, 1312 -1316 (2004)
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

239 Passler, C., Scheuba, C., Asari, R., Kaczirek, K., Kaserer, K., Niederle, B: Importance
of tumour size in papillary and follicular thyroid cancer. BR J SURG 92, 184-189
240 Kaczirek, K., Asari, R., Scheuba, C., Niederle, B.: Organic hyperinsulinism and
endoscopic surgery. WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR 117 (2005)
241 Kaczirek, K., Prager, G., Bieglmayer, C., Asari, R., Scheuba, C., Niederle, B: Quick
PTH assay cannot predict incomplete parathyroidectomy in patients with renal
hyperparathyroidism. SURGERY 137, 431-435 (2005)
242 Gartner, W., Mineva, I., Daneva, T., Baumgartner.,Parzer, Sabine., Niederle, B.,
Weissel, M., Wagner, L.: A new identified RET proto-oncogen polymorphism is found
in a high number of endocrine tumor patients. HUM GENET 117, 143-153 (2005)
243 Deicher, R., Kirsch, B., Mullner, M., Kaczirek, K., Niederle, B., Horl, WH.: Impact of
parathyroidectomy on neutrophil cytosolic calcium in chronic kidney disease patients: a
prospective parallel group trial. J INTERN MED., 258, 67-76 (2005)
244 Baumgartner-Parzer, S.,M., Lang, R., Wagner, L., Heinze, G., Niederle, B., Kaserer, K.,
Waldhusl, W., and Vierhapper, H.: Polymorphism in exon 13 and intron 14 of the RET
protooncogen: Genetic modifiers of medullary thyroid carcinoma? J CLIN
ENDOCRINOL METAB 90, 6323-6236 (2005)
245 Pfragner, R., Skowitsch, G., Hger, H., Jech, M., Rinner, B., Siegl, V., Niederle, B.,
Gnant, M., Friedl, J., Stift, A.: Medullary thyroid carcinoma: Autologous tumor cell
lines for dendritic cell vaccinationin. ANTICANCER RESEARCH 25, 4121-4126
246 Vierhapper, H., Niederle, B., Bieglmayer, C., Kaserer, K., Baumgartner-Parzer; S.:
Early Diagnosis and Curative Therapy of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma by Routine
Measurement of Serum Calcitonin in Patients with Thyroid Disorders. THYROID 15,
247 H., Vierhapper, H., Rondot, S., Schulze, E., Wagner, L., Hanslik, S., Niederle, B.,
Bieglmayer, C., Kaserer, K., Baumgartner-Parzer, S.: Primary Hyperparathyroidism as
the Leading Symptom in a Patient with an Y791F RET Mutation. THYROID 15, 13031308 (2005)
248 Niederle, B.,E., Schmidt, G., Organ, C.,H., Niederle, B.: Albert J and His Surgeon: A
Historical Reevaluation of the First Parathyroidectomy. J AM COLL SURG 202, 181190 (2006)
249 Kaczirek, K., Prager, G., Riss, Ph., Wunderer, G., Asari, R., Scheuba, C., Bieglmayer,
C., Niederle, B.: Novel Parathyroid Hormone (1-84) Assay as Basis for Parathyroid
Hormone Monitoring in Renal Hyperparathyroidism. ARCH SURG 141, 129-134
250 Schuetz, M., Beheshti, M., Oezer, S., Novotny, C., Paul, M., Hofmann, A., Bieglmayer,
C., Niederle, B., Kletter, K., Dudczak, R., Karanikas, G., Pirich, C.: Calcitonin
measurements for early detection of medullary thyroid carcinoma or its premalignant
conditions in Hashimotos thyroiditis. ANTICANCER RESEARCH 26, 723-728 (2006)
251 Scheuba, C. Kaserer, K. Kaczirek, K. Asari, R. Niederle, B.: Desmoplastic stromal
reaction in medullary thyroid cancer - an intraoperative "marker" for lymph node
metastases. WORLD J SURG 30, 853-859 (2006)
252 Bieglmayer, C., Kaczirek, K. Prager, G. Niederle, B.: Parathyroid hormone monitoring
during total parathyroidectomy for renal hyperparathyroidism: pilot study of the
impact of renal function and assay specifity. CLIN CHEM 52, 1112-1119 (2006)
253 Gartner W, Koc F, Nabokikh A, Daneva T, Niederle B, Luger A, Wagner L: LongTerm in vitro Growth of Human Insulin-Secreting Insulinoma Cells.
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 83, 123-130 (2006)
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

254 Schima W, Ba-Ssalamah A, Plank C, Kulinna-Cosentini C, Prokesch R, Tribl B,

Sautner T, Niederle B.: Pankreas : Teil II Tumore. RADIOLOGE 46, 421-438 (2006)
255 Asari R, Scheuba, C, Kaczirek, K., Niederle B: Estimated risk of pheochromocytoma
recurrence after adrenal sparing surgery in patients with MEN 2A. ARCH SURG
141,1199-1205 (2006)
256 Jensen, R.T. Niederle, B. Mitry, E. Ramage, J.K. Steinmller, T. Lewington, V.
Scarpa, A. Sundin, A. Perren, A. Gross, D. O'Connor, J.M. Pauwels, S. Klppel, G.:
Gastrinoma (Duodenal and Pancreatic). NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 84:173-182
257 de Herder, W.W. Niederle, B. Scoazec, J.-Y. Pauwels, S. Klppel, G. Falconi, M.
Kwekkeboom, D.J. berg, K. Eriksson, B. Wiedenmann, B. Rindi, G. O'Toole, D.
Ferone, D.:
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 84:183-188 (2006)
258 Heinz-Peer G, Memarsadeghi M, Niederle B.: Imaging of adrenal masses. CURR OPIN
UROL 17, 32-38 (2007)
259 Scheuba C, Bieglmayer, C, Asari R, Kaczirek K, Izay B, Kaserer K, Niederle B.: The
value of intraoperaitve pentagastrin testing in medullary thyroid cancer. SURGERY 141
260 Bieglmayer C., Vierhapper, H., Dudczak, R., Niederle, B.: Measurement of calcitonin
by immunoassay analyzers. CLIN CHEM LAB MED 45, 662-666 (2007)
261 Koperek O, Scheuba C, Puri C, Birner P, Haslinger C, Rettig W, Niederle B, Kaserer K,
Garin Chesa P.: Molecular characterization of the desmoplastic tumor stroma in
medullary thyroid carcinoma. INT J ONCOL 3: 59-67 (2007)
262 Riss P, Kaczirek K, Bieglmayer C, Niederle B: PTH spikes during parathyroid
exploration-a possible pitfall during PTH monitoring? LANGENBECKS ARCH SURG
392: 427-30 (2007)
263 Neumayer C, Moritz A, Asari R, Weinhusel A, Hlzenbein T, Kretschmer G, Niederle
B, Haas OA: Novel SDHD germ-line mutations in pheochromocytoma patients. EUR J
CLIN INVEST 37, 544-551 (2007)
## Riss P, Kaczirek K, Heinze G, Bieglmayer C, Niederle B: A defined baseline in PTH
monitoring increases surgical success in patients with multiple gland disease. Surgery,
in press (2007)

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Institute of Pathophysiology

Osteoblastic gene expression patterns and microarchitecture of bone in

male osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is defined as a skeletal disorder characterized by compromised bone strength
predisposing a person to an increased risk of fracture. Bone strength primarily reflects the
integration of bone density and bone quality. In osteoporosis histomorphometric findings
typically include reduced trabecular bone volume, low trabecular number, reduced trabecular
thickness and poor connectivity. Osteoporosis results from an imbalance of bone resorption
and bone formation and traditionally has been regarded as a disease of postmenopausal
women. Nevertheless, although definitely underestimated, osteoporosis in men is a frequent
and severe disease. In the European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study, which enrolled over
15.000 men and women from 36 countries, the mean prevalence of vertebral deformities was
12% in women and 12% in men. The prevalence increased with age in both sexes,
nevertheless, the curve was steeper in women than in men. Moreover, poor outcome
following hip fracture is gender-dependent; it has been reported that male gender increases
mortality risk after hip fracture by fourfold.
No pathogenetic model for idiopathic male osteoporosis has reached common consent
yet; nevertheless a number of factors influencing the male skeleton have been discussed.
Estrogen deficiency traditionally has been associated with postmenopausal osteoporosis but
also plays a prominent role in the pathogenesis of male osteoporosis. Several studies have
suggested that increased serum levels of sex hormone binding globulin lead to a decrease in
free androgens and estrogen. Moreover, calcium absorption is low in osteoporotic men; renal
calcium loss and hypercalciuria may be further pathogenetic aspects. In addition, low plasma
levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 have been found. In studies on bone histomorphometry
in idiopathic osteoporosis in men, some authors described an impaired bone formation while
others found that bone resorption is increased. Studies from our laboratory on biochemical
markers demonstrated that in men with idiopathic osteoporosis bone resorption is increased
and exceeds bone formation.
In order to further elucidate the pathogenesis of male osteoporosis, we will analyze
osteoblastic gene expression patterns in bone from men with hip fractures due to primary
osteoporosis. Femoral heads will be obtained from men undergoing hip arthroplasty either for
hip fracture or osteoarthritis (as a control group). We will assess the gene expression of
osteoblast specific transcription factors (such as runx2 or osterix) as well as cytokines that
control osteoclast generation (e.g. RANKL and osteoprotegerin at the mRNA and protein
level). Gene expression patterns will be related to parameters that reflect the
microarchitecture of bone as assessed by bone histomorphometry and microCT.
Thesis subjects
Molecular mechanisms of excessive bone resorption and defective bone formation in male
osteoporosis. / Relationship between the microarchitecture of bone and gene expression
patterns of osteoblasts. / Pathogenesis of osteoporosis in elderly subjects. / Bone metabolism
in a model of ankylosing spondylitis
Techniques and infrastructure
Cell and RNA isolation from tissues, primary culture, quantitative real time PCR, Western
blotting, FACS analysis, bone histomorphometry, microCT; all required equipment available.
page 102 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Department of Pathopyhsiology, Medical University of Vienna, Waehringer Grtel 1820, A 1090 Vienna, Austria, Phone +43-1-40400-51-22; Fax: +43-1-40-400-51-30; Email peter.pietschmann@meduniwien.ac.at
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

May 13, 1960



Deputy Head of the Department of Pathophysiology


1979 1984
1978 1979
Career History
2002 present


Head of the Division of Molecular and Biochemical

Pathophysiology, Medical School,University of
Certification as Specialist of Pathophysiology
Certification as Specialist of Rheumatology
Appointment as Associate Professor of Internal
Medicine, Medical School,University of Vienna
Certification as Specialist of Internal Medicine
Graduation as Medical Doctor
Medical School, University of Vienna
Military Service
Secondary School (Vienna)
Elementary School (Vienna)

Associate Professor of Pathophysiology at the

Department of Pathophysiology,Medical University of
Head of the Bone, Cartilage and Connective Tissue
Research Group
Department of Pathophysiology (former Department of
page 103 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Career-related Activities


General and Experimental Pathology), University of

Vienna (since 2004: Medical University of Vienna)
Institute of Immunology, University of Vienna
Division of Rheumatology/Department of Internal
Medicine 3, University of Vienna
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine,(Medical)
University of Vienna
Rheumatic Diseases Division, Department of Internal
Medicine, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas,
University of Texas, Dallas, TX, USA
Department of General and Experimental Pathology,
University of Vienna
Department of Medicine 2, University of Vienna

Treasurer of the Austrian Society for Bone and

Mineral Research
Board member of the Austrian Society for Geriatrics
and Gerontology
Scientific colaborationwith the Luwdig Boltzmann
Institute of Aging Research, Vienna

Paracelsus Award Austrian Society for Internal

Young Investigator Award World congress on

International Bone and Mineral Society
Austrian Society for Bone and Mineral Research (Member of the Board)
Austrian Society for Geriatrics and Gerontology (Member of the Board)
Society for Internal Medicine of Vienna and Lower Austria
Austrian Society for Rheumatology
Austrian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism
Austrian Society for Cytometry
Austrian Diabetes Society
Medical Society of Vienna
Affiliation with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Aging Research, Vienna

page 104 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Sources of funding in last 5 years (2000-2005) Only FWF and equivalent projects


Short Title


Jubilumsfonds der
Nationalbank Projekt
# 12544

Vergleichsstudie von Hftknochen von

Mnnern mit Schenkelhaslfrakturen bzw.



Fonds des
Brgermeisters der
Wien, Projekt # 2240

Die Wirkung von Bone morphogenetic

protein-5 auf die Generation von
Osteoklasten in Knochenmarkskulturen.



Hochschuljubilumsst The role of lymphocyte subpopulations

in osteoclast generation in murine bone
iftung der Stadt Wien,
marrow cultures.
Projekt # H1166/2003


P16060-B05 (Coaplicant)

Extended studies on the modulation of

the ageing processes in the rat by
physical exercise and food restriction


Fonds des
Brgermeisters der

Die Bedeutung des Vitamin D-Rezeptors

fr die Zytokinproduktion von TLymphozyten


Jubilumsfonds der

The relationship of cytokines, sex

steroids and bone turnover in aging men
and women.



Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Period (expected) Acad. Title

Ing. Susanne Brosch

von 1999-2001
Bisphosphonaten auf die
Osteoklastogenese und das


Maria Winzer



of 2003-2006

page 105 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

generation of osteoclasts
Mag. Pharm. Brigitte Metaanalysis


the 2005-2007

Dr. scient. med.

Mag.rer.nat. Daniela Bone

ankylosing spondylitis

in 2006-2007

Dr. scient. med.

Dr. med. univ. Janina Microarchitecture of bone in 2007-2008

osteoporotic men: Relation
expression patterns and
treatment effects

Dr. scient. med.

(FH) Molecular mechanisms of 2006-2008
Martina Rauner

Dr. scient. med.

99 original publications and 28 reviews in peer reviewed scientific journals, 9 book
chapters, >100 invited lectures,
Peer reviewed manuscripts 2000-2005 (original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Pietschmann P, Hahn P, Kudlacek S, Thomas R, Peterlik M (2000) Surface markers and
transendothelial migration of dendritic cells from elderly subjects. Exp Gerontol 35: 213 224
Redlich K, Ziegler S, Kiener HP, Spitzauer S, Stohlawetz P, Bernecker P, Kainberger F,
Grampp S, Kudlacek S, Woloszczuk W, Smolen JS, Pietschmann P (2000) Bone mineral
density and biochemical parameters of bone metabolism in female patients with systemic
lupus erythematosus. Ann Rheum Dis 59: 308 310
Pietschmann P, Stckl J, Draxler S, Majdic O, Knapp W (2000) Functional and
phenotypic characterization of dendritic cells generated in human plasma supplemented
medium. Scand J Immunol 51: 377 383
Grisar J, Hahn P, Brosch S, Peterlik M, Smolen JS, Pietschmann P (2001) Phenotypic
characteristics of human monocytes undergoing transendothelial migration. Arthritis Res
3: 127 - 132
Pietschmann P, Kudlacek S, Grisar J, Spitzauer S, Woloszczuk W, Willvonseder R,
Peterlik M (2001) Bone turnover markers and sex hormones in men with idiopathic
osteoporosis. Eur J Clin Invest 31: 444 451
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Pietschmann P, Grisar J, Thien R, Willheim M, Kerschan-Schindl K, Preisinger E,

Peterlik M (2001) Immune phenotype and intracellular cytokine production of peripheral
blood mononuclear cells from postmenopausal patients with osteoporotic fractures. Exp
Gerontol 36: 1749-1759
Grisar J, Bernecker PM, Aringer M, Redlich K, Sedlak M, Wolozcszuk W, Spitzauer S,
Grampp S, Kainberger F, Ebner W, Smolen JS, Pietschmann P (2002). Ankylosing
spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, and reactive arthritis show increased bone resorption, but
differ with regard to bone formation. J Rheumatol 29: 1430 1436
Lernbass I, Wutzl A, Grisar J, Schett G, Redlich K, Spitzauer S, Grampp S, Imhof H,
Peterlik M, Pietschmann P (2002) Quantitative ultrasound in the assessment of bone
status of patients suffering from rheumatic diseases. Skeletal Radiol 31: 270 276
Kerschan-Schindl K, Strametz-Juranek J, Heinze G, Grampp S, Biegelmayer C, Pacher
R, Maurer G, Fialka-Moser V, Pietschmann P (2003) Pathogenesis of bone loss in heart
transplant candidates and recipients. J Heart Lung Transpl 22: 843 850
Pietschmann P, Gollob E, Brosch S, Hahn P, Kudlacek S, Willheim M, Woloszczuk W,
Peterlik M, Tragl KH (2003) The effect of age and gender on cytokine production by
human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and markers of bone metabolism. Exp
Gerontol 38: 1119 1127
Kerschan-Schindl K, Mitterbauer M, Freder W, Kudlacek S, Grampp S, Biegelmayer C,
Fialka-Moser V, Pietschmann P, Kahls P (2004) Post- transplant complications Bone
metabolism in patients more than five years after bone marrow transplantation. Bone
Marrow Transplantation 34:491-496
Sipos W, Willheim M, Hofbauer G, Pietschmann P (2005) Evaluation of the suitability of
monoclonal antibodies for flow cytometric intracellular cytokine detection in peripheral
blood lymphocytes. J Vet Med A 52: 55-60
Kerschan-Schindl K, Hawa G, Kudlacek S, Woloszczuk W, Pietschmann P (2005) Serum
levels of cathepsin K decrease with age in both women and men. Exp Gerontol 40: 532
Sipos W, Duvigneau JC, Hofbauer G, Schmoll F, Baravalle G, Hartl R, Exel B,
Dobretsberger M, Pietschmann P (2005) Characterization of the cytokine pattern of
porcine bone marrow-derived cells treated with 1,25(OH)2D3. J Vet Med A52: 382-387
Wutzl A, Brozek W, Lernbass I, Rauner M, Hofbauer G, Schopper C, Watzinger F,
Peterlik M, Pietschmann P (2006) Bone morphogenetic proteins 5 and 6 stimulate
osteoclast generation. J Biomed Mater Res A 77 (1): 75-83
Mikosch P, Igerc I, Kudlacek S, Woloszczuk W, Gallowitsch HJ, Kresnik E, Stettner H,
Grimm G, Lind P, Pietschmann P (2006) Receptor activator of nuclear factor B ligand
and osteoprotegerin in men with thyroid cancer. Eur J Clin Invest 36: 566-573
Brosch S, Shehata M, Hofbauer G, Peterlik M, Pietschmann P (2006) Alendronate
stimulates expression of functional surface molecules ICAM-1, HLA-DR and B7-2 on
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

human monocytes. Osteol 15: 188-196

Rauner M, Winzer M, Stupphann D, Krenbek D, Pietschmann P (2007) RANKL and
OPG gene expression in bone marrow stromal cells and calvarial osteoblasts in mouse
and rat. Osteol 16: 19-28
Co-author manuscripts:
Orwoll E, Ettinger M, Weiss S, Miller P, Kendler D, Graham J, Adami S, Weber K,
Lorenc R, Pietschmann P, Silverman S, Felsenberg D, Vandormael K, Daifotis A,
Lombardi A (2000) Alendronate treatment of osteoporosis in men. N Engl J Med 343:
604 610
Barnas U, Schmidt A, Seidl G, Kaider A, Pietschmann P, Mayer G (2001) A comparison
of quantitative computed tomography and dual X-ray absorptiometry for evaluation of
bone mineral density in patients on chronic hemodialysis. Am J Kidney Dis 37: 1247
Kallay E, Pietschmann P, Toyokuni S, Bajna E, Hahn P, Mazzucco K, Bieglmayer C,
Kato S, Cross HS (2001) Characterization of a vitamin D receptor knockout mouse as a
model of colorectal hyperproliferation and DNA damage. Carcinogenesis 22: 1429-1435
Redlich K, Hayer S, Maier A, Dunstan CR, Tohidast-Akrad M, Lang S, Trk B,
Pietschmann P, Woloszczuk W, Haralambous S, Kollias G, Steiner G, Smolen JS, Schett
G (2002) Tumor necrosis factor -mediated joint destruction is inhibited by targeting
osteoclasts with osteoprotegerin. Arthritis Rheum 46: 785 792
Kudlacek S, Schneider B, Woloszczuk W, Pietschmann P, Willvonseder R (2003) Serum
levels of osteoprotegerin increase with age in a healthy adult population. Bone 32: 681
Sipos W, Duvigneau CJ, Pietschmann P, Willheim M, Hller K, Hartl RT, Wahl K,
Steinborn R, Gemeiner M, Schmoll F (2003) Parameters of humoral and cellular
immunity following vaccination of pigs with a European modified-live strain of porcine
reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), Viral Immunol 16: 335 346
Schett G, Kiechl S, Redlich K, Oberhollenzer F, Weger S, Egger G, Mayr A, Jocher J, Xu
Q, Pietschmann P, Teitelbaum S, Smolen J, Willeit J (2004) Soluble RANKL and risk of
non-traumatic fracture. JAMA 291: 1108 1113
Kotzmann H, Riedl M, Pietschmann P, Schmidt A, Schuster E, Kreuzer S, Kainberger F,
Frisch H, Geyer G, Hrl WH, Mayer G, Luger A (2004) Effects of 12 months of
recombinant growth hormone therapy on parameters of bone metabolism and bone
mineral density in patients on chronic hemodialysis. J Nephrol 17: 87 94
Sipos W, Duvigneau JC, Willheim M, Schilcher F, Hartl RT, Hofbauer G, Exel B,
Pietschmann P, Schmoll F (2004) Systemic cytokine profile in feeder pigs suffering from
natural postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) as determined by
semiquantitative RT-PCR and flow cytometric intracellular cytokine detection. Vet
Immunol Immunopathol 99: 63 71
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Grisar J, Aringer M, Kller MD, Stummvoll GH, Eselbck D, Zwlfer B, Steiner CW,
Zierhut B, Wagner L, Pietschmann P, Smolen JS (2004) Leflunomide inhibits
transendothelial migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Ann Rheum Dis 63:
Cavanagh LL, Boyce A, Smith L, Padmanabha J, Filgueira L, Pietschmann P, Thomas R
(2005) Rheumatoid arthritis synovium contains plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Arthritis
Res Ther 7: R230-40
Karanikas G, Schtz M, Wahl K, Paul M, Kontur S, Pietschmann P, Kletter K, Dudczak
R, Willheim M (2005) Relation of anti-TPO antibody titre and T-lymphocyte cytokine
production patterns in Hashimotos thyroiditis. Clin Endocrinol 63: 191 196
Thien R, Baier K, Pietschmann P, Peterlik M, Willheim M (2005) Interactions of 1,25dihydroxyvitamin D3 with IL-12 and IL-4 on cytokine expression of human T
lymphocytes. J Allergy Clin Immunol 116: 683 689
Sipos W, Duvigneau JC, Pietschmann P, Schilcher F, Hofbauer G, Hartl RT, Schmoll F
(2005) Porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome (PDNS) is associated with a
systemic cytokine expression profile indicative of proinflammation and a Th1 bias. Vet
Immunol Immunopathol, A52: 382-387
Gugatschka M, Dobnig H, Fahrleitner-Pammer A, Pietschmann P, Kudlacek S, Strele A,
Obermayer-Pietsch B (2005) Molecularly-defined malabsorption, milk consumption and
anthropometric differences in adult males. Q J Med 98: 857-863
Fischer P, Gruenblatt E, Pietschmann P, Tragl KH (2006) Serotonin Transporter
Polymorphism and LDL-Cholesterol. Mol Psychiatry 11 (8): 707-709
Wutzl A, Eisenmenger G, Hoffmann M, Czerny C, Moser D, Pietschmann P, Ewers R,
Baumann A. (2006) Osteonecrosis of the jaws and bisphosphonate treatment in cancer
patients. Wien Klin Wochenschr 118 (15-16): 473-478
Gugatschka M, Hoeller A, Fahrleitner-Pammer A, Dobnig H, Pietschmann P, Kudlacek
S, Obermayer-Pietsch B (2007) Calcium supply, bone mineral density and genetically
defined lactose maldigestion in a cohort of elderly men. J Endocrinol Invest 30 (1): 46-51

Kudlacek S, Willvonseder R, Stohlawetz P, Hahn P, Pietschmann P (2000) Immunology
and aging. The aging male 3: 137 142
Resch H, Gollob E, Kudlacek S, Pietschmann P (2001) Die Osteoporose beim Mann.
Wien Med Wschr 151: 457-463
pathophysiologische Grundlagen. Wien Med Wschr 151: 573-575
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Mitringer A, Pietschmann P (2002) Osteoporose bei prmenopausalen Frauen. Wien Med

Wschr 152: 586 - 590
Dimai HP, Pietschmann P, Resch H, Klaushofer K (2002) Leitfaden zur medikamentsen
Therapie der postmenopausalen Osteoporose. Wien Med Wschr 152: 596 - 612
Brosch S, Redlich K, Pietschmann P. (2003) Pathogenese der Osteoporose bei
chronischer Polyarthritis. Acta Med Austriaca 30: 1 5
Pietschmann P, Kerschan-Schindl K (2004) Osteoporosis: Gender specific aspects. Wien
Med Wschr 154/17-18: 411- 415
Rauner M, Sipos W, Pietschmann P (2007) Osteoimmunology. Int Arch Allergy
Immunol 143: 31-48
Patsch J, Muschitz C, Resch H, Pietschmann P (2007) Of mice and men: pathophysiology
of male osteoporosis. JMHG 4(1): 87-93

page 110 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Gerhard PRAGER
Dept. of Surgery, Med. Univ. of Vienna

Influence of bariatric surgery on gastrointestinal hormones

In the last decades there has been a dramatic increase in the incidence of morbid obesity in the
western world. Bariatric surgery is the most effective current treatment of morbid obesity.
Different surgical approaches (restrictive, malabsorptive, gastric pacing) are nowadays
applied to achieve permanent weight loss. Although bariatric surgery provides excellent
results concerning weight loss and improvement of comorbidities its exact mode of action is
still not completely understood. Several recently discovered gastrointestinal peptide hormones
play an important role in the regulation of hunger and satiety. Only little is known about the
regulation of these hormones after different bariatric procedures. Based on that knowledge we
plan to determine the levels of different gastrointestinal (GI) hormones (ghrelin, glucagon-like
peptide (GLP) 1, GLP 2, gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), apelin, etc.) before and after
bariatric surgery (gastric banding, gastric bypass, gastric stimulation) to improve and optimize
our understanding of current procedures and gain further insight in the regulation of hunger
and satiety. Determination of GI hormones is done in cooperation with the lab facilities of
Dept. Internal Medicine III.

Thesis Subjects
GI hormones play a key role in satiety-hunger control. Bariatric surgery has significant impact
on the levels of different GI hormones.

Techniques and infrastructure

More than 100 patients per year operated. Blood samples from the surgical department.
Analysis and determination in cooperation with Dept. Internal Medicine III. All required
equipment available.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Gerhard PRAGER
Address: Clinical Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, Medical University of
Vienna, Waehringer Grtel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria;
Email gerhard.prager@meduniwien.ac.att
Born 11th July 1967 in Vienna; Austrian citizen; married with DI Silvia Prager ne Ertl;
architect), 1 daughter, 1 son
Graduation Doctor of Medicine, 08th July 1992
1st October 1992 31st Mai 1993 Military service (military anesthetist)
1st December 1993 13th April 1997 and 1st October 1997 28th February 1998
Resident, Hospital Mistelbach, Dept of Surgery (Chief: Univ. Prof. Dr. E. Schima)
14th April 1997 30th September 1997 Guest surgeon, Surgical Endocrinology, Univ. Prof.
Dr. B. Niederle, at the Clinical Division of General Sugery (Chief: o. Univ. Prof. Dr. R.
Jakesz), University Clinics for Surgery, Vienna
Since 1st March 1998 Resident at the Clinical Division of General Surgery, University
Clinics for Surgery, Vienna
30th April 1999 Certificate in Surgery of the Austrian Medical Association
April 2003 Appointment Consultant at the University Clinics for Surgery
23rd March 2004 Habilitation at the Medical University of Vienna (Univ. Doz.)
April 2004 Chief Working Group Bariatric Surgery at the Clinical Division of General
Surgery, Dept of Surgery
April 2005 Chief Working Group Minimal Invasive Surgery at the Clinical Division of
General Surgery, Dept of Surgery

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

List of Publications (since 2000)

First Author
4 Prager, G. Czerny, Ch. Kurtaran, A. Passler, Ch. Scheuba, Ch. Bieglmayer, Ch. Niederle,
B.: Minimally invasive open parathyroidectomy in an endemic goiter area. ARCH SURG
136, 810 - 816 (2001)
5 Prager, G. Heinz-Peer, G. Passler, Ch. Kaczirek, K. Schindl, M. Scheuba, Ch. Niederle,
B.: Surgical strategy in adrenal masses. EUR J RADIOL 41, 70-77 (2002)
6 Prager, G. Kalaschek, A. Kaczirek, K. Passler, Ch. Scheuba, Ch. Sonneck, G. Niederle,
B.: Parathyroidectomy improves concentration and retentiveness in patients with primary
hyperparathyroidism. SURGERY 132, 930 - 936 (2002)
7 Prager, G. Heinz-Peer, G. Passler, Ch. Kaczirek, K. Schindl, M. Scheuba, Ch.
Vierhapper, H. Niederle, B.: Can dynamic Gadolinium-enhanced magnet resonance
imaging with chemical shift studies predict the status of adrenal masses?. WORLD J
SURG 26, 958 - 964 (2002)
8 Prager, G. Czerny, C. Ofluoglu, S. Kurtaran, A. Passler, C. Kaczirek, K. Scheuba, C.
Niederle, B.: Impact of localization studies on feasibility of minimally invasive
parathyroidectomy in an endemic goiter region. J AM COLL SURG 196, 541-548 (2003)
9 Prager, G. Heinz-Peer, G. Passler, Ch. Kaczirek, K. Scheuba, Ch. Niederle, B.:
Applicability of laparoscopic adrenalectomy in 150 consecutive patients - a prospective
study. Arch Surg, 2004. 139(1): 46-9
Coauthor and Senior Author
13 Zacherl, J. Scheuba, Ch. Prager, G. Zacherl, M. Jakesz, R. Niederle, B.: Wie
kostengnstig ist die laparoskopische Adrenalektomie wirklich?. MINIMAL INVASIVE
CHIRURGIE 9, 79 - 84 (2000)
14 Neunteufl, Th. Heher, S. Prager, G. Katzenschlager, R. Abela, C. Niederle, B. Stefenelli,
Th.: Effects of sucessful parathyroidectomy on altered arterial reactivity in patients with
hypercalcemia: results of a 3-year follow-up study. CLIN ENDOCRINOL 53, 229 - 232
15 Niederle, B. Prager, G. Scheuba, Ch. Passler, Ch. Schindl, M.: Minimal invasive
chirurgische Endokrinologie. ACTA CHIR AUSTRIACA 32, [Suppl165] 39 - 46 (2000)
16 Passler, Ch. Avanessian, R. Kaczirek, K. Prager, G. Scheuba, Ch. Schindl, M. Niederle,
B.: Schilddrsenchirurgie im Alter. ACTA CHIR AUSTRIACA 33, 288-293 (2001)
17 Hnigschnabl, S. Gallo, S. Niederle, B. Prager, G. Kaserer, K. Lechner, G. Heinz-Peer,
G.: How accurate is MR imaging in characterisation of adrenal masses: update of a longterm study . EUR J RADIOL 41, 113-122 (2002)
18 Kaczirek, K., Prager, G., Schindl, M., Kaserer, K., Gessl, A., Vierhapper, H., Niederle,
B.: Multiple endocrine neoplasia 1- current recommendations for diagnosis and
treatment. WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR 114, 258-266 (2002)
19 Zettinig, G. Prager, G. Kurtaran, A. Kaserer, K. Czerny, Ch. Dudczak, R. Niederle, B.:
Nebenschilddrsenszintigraphie bei primrem Hyperparathyreoidismus. ACTA MED
AUSTRIACA 29, 68 - 71 (2002)

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

20 Zettinig, G. Kurtaran, A. Prager, G. Kaserer, K. Dudczak, R. Niederle, B.: "Suppressed"

double adenoma - a rare pitfall in minimally invasive parathyroidectomy. HORMONE
RES 57, 57 -60 (2002)
21 Schindl, M. Kaczirek, K. Passler, Ch. Kaserer, K. Prager, G. Scheuba, Raderer, M.
Niederle, B.: Treatment of small intestinal neuroendocrine tumos: Is an extended
multimodal approach justified?. WORLD J SURG 26, 976 - 984 (2002)
22 Bieglmayer, C. Prager, G. Niederle, B.: Kinetic analyses of parathyroid hormone
clearence as measured by three rapid immunoassays during parythyroidectomy. CLIN
CHEM 48, 1731-1738 (2002)
23 Hoda, M. R. Rasoul-Rockenschaub, S. Felberbauer, F. X. Prager, G. Szeles, J. C. Dadgar,
N. Wenzl, E.: Pregnancy and labor after adjustable gastric banding for therapy of morbid
obesity. WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR 114, 781-784 (2002)
24 Passler, Ch. Avanessian, R. Kaczirek, K. Prager, G. Scheuba, Ch. Niederle, B.: Thyroid
surgery in the geriatric patient. ARCH SURG 137, 1243 - 1248 (2002)
25 Passler, C. Prager, G. Scheuba, C. Kaserer, K. Zettinig, G. Niederle, B.: Application of
staging systems for differentiated thyroid carcinoma in an endemic goiter region with
iodin substitution. ANN SURG 237, 227-234 (2003)
26 Saeger, W. Fassnacht, M. Chita, R. Prager, G. Nies, C. Lorenz, K. Bhrlehner, E. Simon,
D. Niederle, B. Beuschlein, F. Allolio, B. Reincke, M.: High diagnostic accuracy of
adrenal core biopsy: Results of the German and Austrian adrenal network multicenter
trial in 220 consecutive patients. HUMAN PATHOL 34, 180-186 (2003)
27 Kaczirek, K. Soleiman, A. Schindl, M. Passler, Ch. Scheuba, C. Prager, G. Kaserer, K.
Niederle, B.: Nesidioblastosis in adults: a challenging cause of organic hyperinsulinism.
EUR J CLIN INVEST 33, 488-492 (2003)
28 Niederle, B. Prager, G.: Advanced endoscopic adrenal surgery-new developments. EUR
SURG 35, 71-75 (2003)
29 Rauhofer, U. Prager, G. Hoermann, M. Auer, H. Kaserer, H. Niederle, B.: Cystic
echninococcosis of the thyroid gland in children and adults. THYROID 13, 497-502,
30 Passler, C. Prager, G. Scheuba, C. Niederle, BE. Kaserer, K. Zettinig, G. Niederle, B.:
Follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma - a long term follow up. Arch Surg,
2003. 138(12): 1362-6.
31 Stift, A. Prager, G. Selzer, E. Widder, J. Kandioler, D. Friedl, J. Teleky, B. Herbst, F.
Wrba, F. Bergmann, M.: The early response of p53-dependant proteins during
radiotherapy in human rectal carcinoma and in adjacent normal tissue. Int J Oncol, 2003.
23(5): 1269-75.
32 Bohdjalian, A. Langer, F. Reza Hoda, M. A. Felberbauer, F. Silberhumer, G. Zacherl, J.
Schindler, K. Luger, A. Ludvik, B. Prager, G.: Surgical treatment of obesity. Wien Med
Wochenschr, 2004. 154(13-14): 329-33.
33 Kaczirek, K. Schindl, M. Weinhausel, A. Scheuba, C. Passler, C. Prager, G. Raderer, M.
Hamilton, G. Mittlbock, M. Siegl, V. Pfragner, R. Niederle, B.: Cytotoxic activity of
camptothecin and paclitaxel in newly established continuous human medullary thyroid
carcinoma cell lines. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2004. 89(5): 2397-401.
34 Passler, C. Scheuba, C. Prager, G. Kaczirek, K. Kaserer, K. Zettinig, G. Niederle, B.:
Prognostic factors of papillary and follicular thyroid cancer: differences in an iodinereplete endemic goiter region. Endocr Relat Cancer, 2004. 11(1): 131-9.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

35 Schindler, K. Prager, G. Ballaban, T. Kretschmer, S. Riener, R. Buranyi, B. Maier, C.

Luger, A. Ludvik, B.: Impact of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding on plasma
ghrelin, eating behaviour and body weight. Eur J Clin Invest, 2004. 34(8): 549-54.
36 Stadler, A. Schima, W. Prager, G. Homolka, P. Heinz, G. Saini, S. Eisenhuber, E.
Niederle, B.: CT density measurements for characterization of adrenal tumors ex vivo:
variability among three CT scanners. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 2004. 182(3): 671-5.
37 Widhalm, K. Dietrich, S. Prager, G.: Adjustable gastric banding surgery in morbidly
obese adolescents: experiences with eight patients. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, 2004.
28 Suppl 3: S42-5.
38 Fleischmann, E. Kurz, A. Niedermayr, M. Schebesta, K. Kimberger, O. Sessler, D. I.
Kabon, B. Prager, G.: Tissue oxygenation in obese and non-obese patients during
laparoscopy. Obes Surg, 2005. 15(6): 813-9.
39 Kaczirek, K. Riss, P. Wunderer, G. Prager, G. Asari, R. Scheuba, C. Bieglmayer, C.
Niederle, B.: Quick PTH assay cannot predict incomplete parathyroidectomy in patients
with renal hyperparathyroidism. Surgery, 2005. 137(4): 431-5.
40 Langer, F. B. Wenzl, E. Prager, G. Salat, A. Miholic, J. Mang, T. Zacherl, J.:
Management of postoperative esophageal leaks with the Polyflex self-expanding covered
plastic stent. Ann Thorac Surg, 2005. 79(2): 398-403; discussion 404.
41 Langer, F. B. Reza Hoda, M. A. Bohdjalian, A. Felberbauer, F. X. Zacherl, J. Wenzl, E.
Schindler, K. Luger, A. Ludvik, B. Prager, G.: Sleeve gastrectomy and gastric banding:
effects on plasma ghrelin levels. Obes Surg, 2005. 15(7): 1024-9.
42 Langer, F. B. A. Bohdjalian, A. Felberbauer, F. X. Fleischmann, E. Reza Hoda, M.
Ludvik, B. Zacherl, J. Jakesz, R. Prager, G.: Does Gastric Dilation Limit the Success of
Sleeve Gastrectomy as a Sole Operation for Morbid Obesity?. Obes Surg, 2006. 16: 166171
43 Langer, F. B. A. Bohdjalian, A. Hoda, A Silberhumer, G Felberbauer, F. X. RasoulRockenschaub, S Zacherl, J. Wenzl, E Prager, G.: Early Results of Laparoscopic
Adjustable GastricBanding using the new Low Pressure Soft Gastric Band. EUR SURG
2004. 36: 345-349
44 Silberhumer, G Miller, K. Krivanek, S. Widhalm, K. Pump, A. Prager, G.: Laparoscopic
adjustable Gastric Banding in Adolescents: The Austrian Experience. Obes Surg, 2006.
16: 1062-1067
45 Haider, D. Schindler, K. Schaller, G. Prager, G. Wolzt, M. Ludvik, B.: Increased Plasma
Visfatin Concentrations in Morbidly Obese Subjects are reduced after Gastric Banding. J
Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2006. 91: 1578-1581.
46 Bohdjalian, A. Prager, G. Aviv, R. Policker, S. Schindler, K. Kretschmer, S. Riener, R.
Zacherl, J. Ludvik, B.: One-year experience with Tantalus: a new surgical approach to
treat morbid obesity. Obes Surg, 2006. 16(5): 627-634
47 Kaczirek, K. Prager, G. Riss, P. Wunderer, G. Asari, R. Scheuba, Ch. Bieglmayer, Ch.
Niederle, B.: Novel parathyroid hormone (1-84) assay as basis for parathyroid hormone
monitoring in renal hyperparathyroidism. Arch Surg 2006. 141: 129-134
48 Bieglmayer, C. Kaczirek, K. Prager, G. Niederle, B.: Parathyroid Hormone Monitoring
during Total Parathyroidectomy for Renal Hyperparathyroidism: Pilot Study of the
Impact of Renal Function and Assay Specificity. Clin Chem 2006. 52: 1112-1119
49 Haider, D.G. Mittermayer, F. Schaller, G. Artwohl, F. Baumgartner-Parzer, S.M. Prager,
G. Roden, M. Wolzt, M.: Free fatty acids normalize a rosiglitazone-induced visfatin
release. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Michael RODEN
1st Med. Dept. & Landsteiner-Institute, Hanusch Hospital

Pathogenesis of insulin resistance, obesity and diabetes in humans

Obesity and type 2 diabetes are becoming the most important health problems all over the
world. Although treatment and prevention can be effective the underlying causes defining
success or failure of lifestyle intervention are still not well understood. We have previously
contributed to the current hypothesis that increased lipid availability is mainly responsible for
insulin resistance in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Now, we focus our research on the
mechanisms underlying these defects in lipid metabolism, particularly on the role of
mitochondrial energy metabolism by noninvasive measurement of ATP synthesis. We test the
efficacy of various forms of intervention (diet, exercise and antidiabetic drugs) in patient
groups with different genetic risk to develop diabetes mellitus. Further, we analyze changes in
hormone secretion in those patients as well as in morbidly obese before and after severe
weight loss.

Thesis Subjects
Effects of exercise on mitochondrial function
Assessment of early defects in energy metabolism in the development of fatty liver disease
Effects of different dietary composition on insulin action

Techniques and infrastructure

Clinical metabolic lab, stable isotope dilution techniques to assess whole body glucose and
lipid metabolism, noninvasive measurement of intracellular lipids and glucose metabolites as
well as quantification of tissue specific metabolic fluxes using magnetic resonance
spectroscopy, tissue biopsies

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Michael RODEN
1.Medical Department, Hanusch Hospital, Heinrich Collin Strasse 30, A-1140 Vienna,
Austria; Phone +43 1 91021 85011; Fax +43 1 91021 85019;
Email michael.roden@meduniwien.ac.at
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Vienna, Austria


Certificate of Achievement, Continuing Research


Education Credit Program (CREC) in compliance with

NIH, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Specialist in Endocrnology and Metabolism
Specialist in Internal Medicine
Certificate in Emergency Medicine
Graduation as Medical Doctor (Dr.med.)

Career History
2005 present
2003 present

1988 2003

1979 and 1986

Director of the Karl-Landsteiner-Institute for

Endocrinology and Metabolism; Vienna
Head of the I. Medical Department, Hanusch Hospital,
Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Vienna
Max-Kade Fellowship, Division of Endocrinology,
Department of Internal Medicine, Yale University, New
Haven, CT, USA
Venia docendiin Internal Medicine, Univ. Vienna
University Assistant , Division of Endocrinology
Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine I, then III,
(Medical) University of Vienna, Austria
University Assistant, Pharmacological Institute, University
of Vienna
Instructor, Anatomical Institute, University of Vienna
Regular Military Service
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Career-related Activities



EU Liason Person, Council Member, Advisory Board

Member of the Annual Meeting,
European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
Past-President, President, Vice-President and Councillor,
Austrian Diabetes Association (DG)
Councilor, Treasurer, First Secretary, Federation of
International Danube Symposia (FID)
Vice-President, Honorary Secretary-Treasurer, Councilor,
European Society for Clinical Investigation (ESCI)
Editorial Boards
Assistant Editor Diabetologia (-2003)
Associate Editor Eur. J. Clin. Invest. (present)
Associate Editor Diabetic Medicine (present)
Editorial Board Am. J. Physiol. (present)
Management Training for Leadership in Medicine,
University of Vienna and University of Salzburg





ESCI (formerly Mack-Foster) Award for Excellence in

Clinical Sciences, European Society for Clinical
International Novartis Award for Innovative Patient
Oriented Research - Young Investigator, Europe-USA
Novartis (formerly Sandoz) Award for Chemistry, Biology
and Medicine, Austria
Ferdinand-Bertram Award, German Diabetes Association
Kardinal-Innitzer Award, Austria
Joseph-Skoda-Research Award, Austrian Society of
Internal Medicine
Hoechst Award, Faculty of Medicine, University of Vienna
Theodor Krner Award
Austria Research Award, City of Vienna by the Mayor of
the City of Vienna
Friedrich Wewalka Memorial Award by the Austrian
Society for Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Diabetes Associations: USA, Europe, Germany, Austria
Endocrinology / Obesity: USA, Germany, Austria
European Society for Clinical Investigation
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Austrian Society for Internal Medicine

Sources of funding (since 2000)



Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation
International (JDRF),
New York, NY
Austrian National

Short Title
Noninvasive measurement of hepatic
glycogen synthesis kinetics in type 1

Vergleich der Effekte von Kraft-Ausdauer

(REsistance )- mit aeroben
Konditionstrainings (COnditioning) Training
- RECO Studie
Science Metabolic regulation in human skeletal
Fund (FWF)
Effects of lipids on cellular metabolism
European Foundation Metabolic effects of long-term suppression of
for the Study of lipolysis
Diabetes (EFSD)

Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Martin Krssak
(Mitbetreuuer, ormalund
Fakultt, 2000)

Applications of 1H-NMR
methods in the experimental
liver transplantation


Dr. rer.

Harald Stingl

Die Bedeutung freier Fettsuren

fr die Regulation der
hepatischen Glukoneogenese des



Elisabeth Bernroide

Glykogenstoffwechsel bei
Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus
Typ 1



Daniel Weghuber

Effekte freier Fettsuren auf

muskulren Glukosetransport /
phosphorylierung und den
intramyozellulren Lipidgehalt
beim Menschen



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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Christian Anderwald

Die residuale Insulinresistenz

von Leber und Muskel bei
Diabetes mellitus Typ 2



Attila Breh

Regulation des postprandialen

Leberglykogenstoffwechsels bei
Typ-2 Diabetes



Rainer Englisch

Effects of insulin-like growth

factor I on basal and stimulated
glucose fluxes in rat liver


Dr. rer.
nat. techn.

Goran Mitkovski

Nutrient dependent regulation of

signal transduction in human
skeletal muscle



Christian Toth

The role of mitochondiral

dysfunction in muscle insulin
resistance of type 2 diabetes



Michaela Farukuoye

Ernhrungsintervention bei
Gesunden und Nachkommen
von Typ-2 Diabetikern

2005 - (2007)

Dr. scient

Romana Stark

Automated applications of high

resolution magnetic resonance
spectroscopic imaging (MRSI)
in metabolic studies

2005 - (2007)

Dr. scient

Michaela Kacerovsky

Noninvasive measurement of
liver glycogen kinetics in type 1

2006 - (2009)


More than 100 original papers in peer reviewed journals
More than 30 reviews in peer reviewed journals
More than 90 invited lectures
Only original and published papers (since 2000)
1. Krssak M, Falk Petersen K, Bergeron R, Price T, Laurent D, Rothman DL, Roden M,
Shulman GI (2000) Intramuscular glycogen and intramyocellular lipid utilization
during prolonged exercise and recovery in man: a 13C and 1H nuclear magnetic
resonance spectroscopy study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 85:748-754
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

2. Stulnig T, Berger M, Roden M, Stingl H, Raederstorff D, Waldhusl W (2000)

Inhibition of T lymphocyte signaling by elevated serum concentrations of unsaturated
free fatty acids. FASEB J 14:939-947
3. Roden M, Stingl H, Chandramouli V, Schumann WC, Hofer A, Landau BR, Nowotny
P, Waldhusl W, Shulman GI (2000) Effects of free fatty acid elevation on
postabsorptive endogenous glucose production and gluconeogenesis in man. Diabetes
4. Frnsinn C, Brunmair B, Neschen S, Roden M, Waldhusl W (2000) Troglitazone
directly inhibits CO2 production from glucose and palmitate in isolated rat skeletal
muscle. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 293:487-493
5. Roden M, Ludwig C, Nowotny P, Schneider B, Roden A, Waldhusl W (2000)
Relative hypoleptinemia in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Obesity 24:976981
6. Schatzl G, Reiter WJ, Thrridl T, Waldmller J, Roden M, Sregi S, Madersbacher S
(2000) Endocrine patterns in patients with benign and malignant prostatic diseases.
Prostate 44:219-224
7. Krebs M, Stingl H, Nowotny P, Weghuber D, Bischof M, Waldhusl W, Roden M
(2000) Prevention of in vitro lipolysis by tetrahydrolipstatin. Clin Chem 46:950-954
8. Englisch R, Wurzinger R, Frnsinn C, Schneider B, Frisch H, Waldhusl W, Graf J,
Roden M (2000) Effects of insulin-like growth factor I on basal and stimulated glucose
fluxes in rat liver. Biochem J 351:39-45
9. Brunmair B, Neschen S, Furtmller R, Roden M, Waldhusl W, Frnsinn C (2000)
Metabolic response to anisoosmolarity of rat skeletal muscle in vitro. Horm Metab Res
10. Raber W, Raffesberg W, Bischof M, Scheuba C, Niederle B, Gasic S, Waldhusl W,
Roden M (2000) Diagnostic efficacy of plasma free metanephrines for the detection of
pheochromocytoma. Arch Intern Med 160:2959-2963
11. Bischof MG, Ludwig C, Hofer A, Kletter K, Krebs M, Stingl H, Nowotny P,
Waldhusl W, Roden M (2000) Hormonal and metabolic counterregulation during and
after high dose insulin induced hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus type 2. Horm Metab
Res 32:417-423
12. Roden M, Anderwald C, Frnsinn C, Waldhusl W, Lohninger A (2000) Effects of
short-term leptin exposure on triglyceride deposition in rat liver. Hepatology 32:10451049
13. Polak K, Schmetterer L, Luksch A, Gruber S, Polska E, Peternell V, Bayerle-Eder M,
Wolzt M, Krebs M, Roden M (2001) Free fatty acids/triglycerides increase ocular and
subcutaneous blood flow. Am J Physiol 280:R56-R61
14. Bischof MG, Krssak M, Krebs M, Bernroider E, Stingl, H, Waldhusl W, Roden M
(2001) Intensive insulin therapy does not normalise all defects of hepatic carbohydrate
metabolism in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes 50:392-398
15. Stingl H, Krssak M, Krebs M, Bischof M, Nowotny P, Frnsinn C, Shulman GI,
Waldhusl W, Roden M (2001) Lipid-dependent control of hepatic glycogen stores in
healthy man. Diabetologia 44:48-54
16. Krampl E, Kametas N, Cacho Zegarra AM, Roden M, Nicolaides KH (2001) Maternal
blood glucose at high altitude. Brit J Obstet Gynaec 108:254-257
17. Krampl E, Kametas N, Nowotny P, Roden M, Nicolaides KH (2001) Glucose
metabolism in pregnancy at high altitude. Diabetes Care 24:817-822
18. Krebs M, Krssak M, Weghuber D, Nowotny P, Gruber S, Mlynarik V, Bischof M,
Stingl H, Frnsinn C, Waldhusl W, Roden M (2001) Free fatty acids inhibit glucosestimulated increases of intramuscular glucose-6-phosphate concentrations in man. J
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Clin Endocrinol Metab 86:2153-2160

19. Roden M, Raffesberg W, Raber W, Bernroider E, Niederle B, Waldhusl W, Gasic S
(2001) Quantification of unconjugated metanephrines in human plasma without
interference with acetaminophen. Clin Chem 47:1061-1067
20. Wurzinger R, Englisch R, Roka S, Langer R, Gajdzik L, Roden M, Graf J (2001)
Intracellular calcium in the isolated rat liver: correlation to glucose release, K+ balance
and bile flow. Cell Calcium 30:403-412 (doi:10.1054/ceca.2001.0248)
21. Brunmair B, Gras F, Neschen S, Roden M, Wagner L, Waldhusl W, Frnsinn C
(2001) Direct thiazolidinedione action on isolated rat skeletal muscle fuel handling is
independent of PPAR-mediated changes in gene expression. Diabetes 50:2309-2315
22. Starcuk Jr Z, Starcuk Z, Mlynarik V, Roden M, Horky J, Moser E (2001) Low power
water suppression by hyperbolic secant pulses with controlled offsets and delays
(WASHCODE). J Magn Reson 152:168-178
23. Szles JC, Csap B, Klarhfer M, Balssy C, Hoda R, Berg A, Roden M, Polterauer P,
Waldhusl W, Moser E (2001) In vivo magnetic resonance micro-imaging of the
human toe at 3 tesla. Magn Reson Imaging 19:1235-1238
24. Bischof MG, Bernroider E, Ludwig C, Kurzemann S, Kletter K, Waldhusl W, Roden
M: (2001) Hypoglycemia counterregulation during near physiologic insulin therapy.
Horm Res 56:151-158
25. Frnsinn C, Nowotny P, Brunmair B, Gras F, Roden M, Waldhusl W, Vierhapper H
(2002) Thiazolidinediones influence plasma steroids of male obese Zucker rats.
Endocrinology 143:327
26. Bayerle-Eder M, Fuchsjger-Mayrl G, Sieder A, Polska E, Roden M, Stulnig T,
Bischof M, Waldhusl W, Schmetterer L, Wolzt M (2002) Effect of pravastatin on
responsiveness to N-monomethyl-L-arginine in patients with hypercholesterolaemia.
Atherosclerosis 160:177-184
27. Bischof MG, Bernroider E, Krssak M, Krebs M, Stingl H, Nowotny P, Yu C, Shulman
GI, Waldhusl W, Roden M (2002) Hepatic glycogen metabolism in type 1 diabetes
mellitus after long-term near normoglycemia. Diabetes 51:49-54
28. Krebs M, Krssak M, Bernroider E, Anderwald C, Brehm A, Meyerspeer M, Nowotny
P, Roth E, Waldhusl W, Roden M (2002) Mechanism of amino acid-induced skeletal
muscle insulin resistance in humans. Diabetes 51:599-605
29. Artwohl M, Roden M, Hlzenbein T, Freudenthaler A, Waldhusl W, BaumgartnerParzer S (2002) Modulation by leptin of proliferation and apoptosis in vascular
endothelial cells. Int J Obesity 26:577-580
30. Schmidt A, Pleiner J, Schaller G, Roden M, Dallinger S, Mayer G, Schmetterer L,
Wolzt M (2002) Renal hemodynamic effects of somatostatin are not related to
inhibition of endogenous insulin release. Kidney Int 61:1788-1793
31. Pleiner J, Schaller G, Mittermayer F, Bayerle-Eder M, Roden M, Wolzt M (2002)
FFA-induced endothelial dysfunction can be corrected by Vitamin C. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 87:2913-2917
32. Anderwald C, Mller G, Koca G, Frnsinn C, Waldhusl W, Roden M (2002) Leptindependent inhibition of hepatic gluconeogenesis is modulated by insulin receptor
substrate-2. Mol Endocrinol 16:1612-1628
33. Fuchsjger-Mayrl G, Kautzky-Willer A, Kiss B, Rainer G, Findl O, Wagner O, Roden
M, Pleiner J, Wolzt M, Schmetterer L (2002) Ocular hyperperfusion following onset of
intensified insulin therapy is inversely correlated with plasma endothelin-1 in type 1
diabetes. Diabetologia 45:883-890
34. Anderwald C, Koca G, Frnsinn C, Waldhusl W, Roden M (2002) Inhibition of
glucose production and stimulation of bile flow by R(+)--lipolic acid in rat liver.
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Liver 22:356-362
35. Anderwald C, Bernroider E, Krssak M, Stingl H, Brehm A, Bischof MG, Roden M,
Waldhusl W (2002) Effects of insulin treatment in type 2 diabetic patients on
intracellular lipid content in liver and skeletal muscle. Diabetes 51:3025-3032
36. Stingl H, Schnedl WJ, Krssak M, Bernroider E, Bischof MG, Lahousen T, Pacini G,
Roden M (2002) Reduction of hepatic glycogen synthesis and breakdown in patients
with agenesis of the dorsal pancreas. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87:4678-4685
37. Stingl H, Raffesberg W, Nowotny P, Waldhusl W, Roden M (2002) Reduction of
plasma leptin concentrations by arginine but not lipid infusion in humans. Obes Res
38. Herkner H, Klein N, Joukhadar C, Lackner E, Langenberger H, Frossard M,
Bieglmayer, Wagner O, Roden M, Mller M (2003) Transcapillary insulin transfer in
human skeletal muscle. Europ J Clin Invest 33:141-146
39. Kautzky-Willer A, Krssak M, Winzer C, Pacini G, Tura A, Serdat F, Wagner OF,
Brabant G, Horn R, Stingl H, Waldhusl W, Roden M (2003) Increased
intramyocellular lipid concentrations identify impaired glucose and energy metabolism
in women with prior gestational diabetes. Diabetes 52:244-251
40. Artwohl M, Graier WF, Roden M, Waldhusl W, Bischof M, Freudenthaler A,
Baumgartner-Parzer SM (2003) Glycated low-density lipoprotein modulates apoptosis
and proliferation in vascular endothelial cells. Diabetes 52:1240-1247
41. Gras F, Brunmair B, Roden M, Waldhusl W, Frnsinn C (2003) Differences in
troglitazone action on glucose metabolism in freshly isolated versus long-term
incubated rat skeletal muscle. Brit J Pharmacol 138:1140-1146
42. Raber W, Raffesberg W, Waldhusl W, Gasic S, Roden M (2003) Exercise induces
excessive normetanephrine responses in hypertensive diabetic patients. Europ J Clin
Invest 33:480-487
43. Krebs M, Brehm A, Krssak M, Anderwald M, Bernroider M, Nowotny P, Roth E,
Chandramouli V, Landau BR, Waldhusl W, Roden M (2003) Direct and indirect
effects of amino acids on hepatic glucose metabolism in humans. Diabetologia 46:917925
44. Anderwald C, Brabant G, Bernroider E, Horn R, Brehm A, Waldhusl W, Roden M
(2003) Insulin-dependent modulation of plasma ghrelin and leptin concentrations is
less pronounced in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes 52:1792-1798
45. Krebs M, Polak K, Vales A, Geiger M, Schmetterer L, Wagner OF, Waldhusl W,
Binder BR, Roden M (2003) Increased plasma levels of plasminogen activator
inhibitor-1 and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule after triacylglycerol infusion in
man. Thromb Haemost 90:422-428
46. Kunert O, Stingl H, Rosian E, Krk M, Bernroider E, Seebacher W, Zangger K,
Staehr P, Chandramouli V, Landau BR, Nowotny P, Waldhusl W, Haslinger E,
Roden M (2003) Measurement of fractional whole-body gluconeogenesis in humans
from blood samples using 2H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Diabetes
47. Artwohl M, Roden M, Waldhusl W, Freudenthaler A, Baumgartner-Parzer SM (2004)
Free fatty acids trigger apoptosis and inhibit cell cycle progression in human vascular
endothelial cells. FASEB J 18:146-148
48. Bischof MG, Brehm A, Bernroider E, Krssak M, Mlynarik V, Bauer E, Madl C,
Waldhusl W, Roden M (2004) Brain energy metabolism during hypoglycemia in
healthy and type 1 diabetic humans. Diabetologia 47:648-651
49. Krssak M, Mlynarik V, Meyerspeer M, Moser E, Roden M (2004) 1H NMR relaxation
times of skeletal muscle metabolites at 3 Tesla. Magn Reson Mater Phy 16:155-159
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

50. Brunmayr B, Staniek K, Gras F, Scharf N, Althaym A, Clara R, Roden M, Gnaiger E,

Nohl H, Waldhusl W, Frnsinn C (2004) Thiazolidinediones, like metformin, inhibit
respiratory complex I: a common mechanisms contributing to their antidiabetic
actions? Diabetes 53:1052-1059
51. Hills SA, Blakau B, Coppack SW, Dekker JM, Mari A, Natali A, Walker M,
Ferrannini E, on behalf of the EGIR-RISC Study Group ( Roden M) (2004) The
EGIR-RISC STUDY (The European group for the study of insulin resistance:
relationship between insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular disease risk): I.
Methodology and Objectives. Diabetologia 547:566-570
52. Hanusch-Enserer U, Cauza E, Brabant G, Dunky A, Rosen A, Pacini G, Tchler H,
Prager R, Roden M (2004) Plasma ghrelin in obesity before and after weight loss after
laparoscopical adjustable gastric banding. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 89:3352-3358
53. Winzer C, Wagner O, Festa A, Schneider B, Roden M, Bancher-Todesca D, Pacini G,
Funahashi T, Kautzky-Willer A (2004) Plasma adiponectin, insulin sensitivity and
subclinical inflammation in women with prior gestational diabetes. Diabetes Care
54. Brunmayr B, Lest A, Staniek K, Gras F, Scharf N, Roden M, Nohl H, Waldhusl W,
Frnsinn C (2004) Fenofibrate impairs rat mitochondrial function by inhibition of
respiratory complex I. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (PMID 15166256)
55. Bayerle-Eder M, Polska E, Kopf A, Roden M, Waldhusl W, Pleiner H, Wipler B,
Wolzt M, Schmetterer L (2004) Free fatty acids exert a greater effect on ocular and
skin blood flow than triglycerides in healthy subjects. Europ J Clin Invest 34:519-529
56. Brehm A, Pfeiler G, Pacini G, Vierhapper H, Roden M (2004) Relationship of plasma
lipoprotein ratios and insulin resistance in obesity. Clin Chem 50:2316-2322
57. Krssak M, Brehm A, Bernroider E, Anderwald C, Dalla Man C, Nowotny P, Cobelli
C, Shulman GI, Waldhusl W, Roden M (2004) Postprandial hepatic glycogen
metabolism in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 53:3048-3056
58. Brabant G, Nave H, Horn R, Anderwald C. Mller G, Roden M (2004) In vivo and in
vitro evidence for a hepatic modulation of the leptin signal in rats. Europ J Clin Invest
59. Bayerle-Eder M, Pleiner J, Mittermayer F, Schaller G, Roden M, Waldhusl W,
Bieglmayer C, Wolzt M (2004) Effect of systemic vitamin C on free fatty acid-induced
lipid peroxidation. Diabetes Metab 30:433-439
60. Artwohl M, Frnsinn C, Waldhusl W, Hlzenbein T, Rainer G, Freudenthaler A,
Roden M, Baumgartner-Parzer S (2005) Thiazolidendiones inhibit proliferation of
micro- and macrovascular cells by a PPAR-independent mechanism. Diabetologia
61. Charbonnel B, Roden M, Urquhart R, Mariz S, Johns D, Mihm MJ, Widel M, Tan M
(2005) Pioglitazone elicits long-term improvements in insulin sensitivity and lipids in
patients with type 2 diabetes: comparisons with gliclazide-based regimen.
Diabetologia 48:553-560
62. Brabant G, Mller G, Horn R, Roden M, Nave H (2005) Hepatic leptin signalling in
obesity. FASEB J 19:1048-1050
63. Bernroider E, Brehm A, Krssak M, Anderwald C, Trajanoski Z, Cline G, Shulman GI,
Roden M (2005) The role of intramyocellular lipids during hypoglycemia in patients
with intensively treated type 1 diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 90:5559-5565
64. Roden M, Laakso M, Johns D, Widel M, Urquhart R, Richardson C, Mariz S, Tan MH
(2005) Long-term effects of pioglitazone and metformin on insulin sensitivity in
patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetic Med 22:1101-1106
65. Lechleitner M, Roden M, Haehling E, Mller M (2005) Insulin glargine in
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

combination with oral antidiabetic drugs as a cost equivalent alternative to

conventional insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Wien Klin Wschr 117:593-598
66. Tremblay F, Krebs M, Dombrowski L, Brehm A, Bernroider E, Roth E, Nowotny P,
Waldhusl W, Marette A, Roden M (2005) Overactivation of the S6 kinase 1 a cause
of human insulin resistance duirng increased amino acid availability. Diabetes
67. Meyerspeer M, Krssak M, Kemp GJ, Roden M, Moser E (2005) Dynamic Interleaved
H/31P STEAM MRS at 3 Tesla using a pneumatic force-controlled plantar flexion
exercise rig. MAGMA 18:257-262
68. Brehm A, Krssak M, Schmid AI, Nowotny P, Waldhusl W, Roden M (2006)
Increased lipid availability impairs insulin stimulated ATP synthesis in human skeletal
muscle. Diabetes 55:136-140
69. Stingl H, Chandramouli V, Brehm A, Nowotny P, Waldhusl W, Landau BR, Roden
M (2006) Changes in glycogen cycling during a glucose load in healthy humans.
Diabetologia http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00125-005-0099-x

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Erich ROTH
Surgical Research Laboratory, Surgical University Clinic

Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition in Critically Ill Patients

Clinical nutrition is of high importance for the outcome of critically ill patients. Recently it
was shown that certain macronutrients have an immunomodulating capacity. Therefore
immunonutrition contains several potentially immunomodulating agents such as glutamine,
arginine, omega-3 fatty acids, and nucleotides. In general, results with these agents
demonstrate a reduction in rate of infectious complications, reduction in the number of days
in hospital, but no effect on mortality. Our research unit was mainly interested to investigate
the effect of glutamine on metabolism and immunoreactivity. The amino acid glutamine (Gln)
plays a central role in nitrogen transport within the body and is a fuel for rapidly dividing
cells, such as in the gut and the immune system. The plasma Gln levels decline during critical
illness and therefore these cells suffer from Gln-starvation under these conditions. Glnstarvation leads to energy depletion, which is associated with a reduced responsiveness to
exogenous stimuli. In addition, Gln-starving cells show a reduced expression of the 70 kDa
heat shock protein, which is an important factor for cell survival and contain a reduced level
of the antioxidant glutathione. Recent findings show that the extracellular Gln level affects the
susceptibility of cells to different apoptosis triggers: while Gln-starving cells are more
sensitive to Fas-ligand mediated apoptosis they are desensitized against the cytotoxic effects
of TNF-alpha. In addition, we are interested in the investigation of the molecular mechanisms
of Gln-sensing and the role of AMP-activated protein kinase, the cellular redox state,
osmosignaling, regulation of translation, and amino acyl tRNA synthetases.
Moreover, there is increasing evidence that oxidative stress plays an important role during
development and progression of inflammatory diseases. Recent publications have shown that
an oxidized cytosolic environment amplifies activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NFB),
which plays a critical role during inflammatory processes by activating many genes encoding
for proinflammatory cytokines and immunoregulatory mediators. The cytosolic redox state of
a cell depends on the equilibrium between oxidative and antioxidative substances. One of the
most important intracellular antioxidative defense systems against oxidative stress is the
tripeptide glutathione (GSH), which is oxidized to glutathione disulfide (GSSG) while it
scavenges free radicals. As during inflammatory diseases reduced levels of GSH and/or
increased levels of free radicals are detected, recent therapies against inflammatory diseases
focus on antioxidant administration to diminish oxidative stress and thereby arrest
inflammatory processes. Therefore we are interested in investigating new substances with
antioxidative capacities especially of natural polyphenols such as cachexins, curcumine,
alpha-lipoic acid, which has become already of particular clinical interest.
Thesis Subjects
Immunomodulating nutrients - mode of action and clinical relevance
Influence of natural antioxidants on the redox potential
Techniques and infrastructure
Inflammatory models: Critically ill patients, endotoxic mouse model, cell cultures models.
HPLC Lab, immunomonitoring by FACS, ELISA techniques, Western plot, proteomic
analysis, genomic analysis
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Erich ROTH
Surgical Research Laboratory, Department of Surgery, Medical University of Vienna,
Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; Phone +43 1 40400 6949; Fax +43 1
40400 6782; Email: erich.roth@meduniwien.ac.at
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Trofaiach, Austria

1977 present

Specialist for Nutritional and Meatbolic Research

2000 2006



1957 1966

Study of Social- and Cultural Anthropology, University of

PhD degree in Natural Science at the University of
Agronomics of Vienna. Doctoral thesis work at the Vienna
Sandoz-Research Institute (now: Novartis Research
Institute) on Enterotoxines of Escherichia coli:
Determination of single Parameters for the Production of
Combined studies of Microbiology and Biochemistry at the
University of Agronomics of Vienna, University of Vienna,
Technical University of Vienna
secondary school in Leoben, Styria, Austria

Career History
1993 present


Associate Professor at the Department of Surgery, Surgical

Research Laboratory, Medical University of Vienna.
Administrative director of the Surgical Research
Conferment of the title Associate Professor
venia docendi for Medical Biochemistry
Research State at the St. Eric Hospital Stocholml


Biochemical Adviser for the Kontron company, Vienna

Graduation: Engineer of Microbiology and Biochemistry,


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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Diplomawork: Autoinhibitory and Autostimulating

Substances of Aspergillus orycae
1993 1994

regular Military Service

temporary University Assistant at the Clinical Division of
Endocrinology & Metabolism, Univ. of Vienna

Career-related Activities
1998- 2003


President of the Austrian Society for clinical Nutrition

Organizer of the International Congress on Nutrtion
Congress President of the International Nutrition Congress,
Hofburg, Vienna

Honorary Cuthbertson Lecture of the European Society of

Enteral, Parenteral Nutrition and Metabolism, Istanbul,
Conferment of the Konrad Lang Award of AKE/DAKE in
Heidelberg for: fundamental investigations on the
metabolism of amino acids and proteins of critically ill
Several research awards in Austria



Editorial Board
Clinical Nutrition
Journal Parenteral Enteral Nutrition
Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care
European Journal of Nutrition
Aktuelle Ernhrungsmedizin
Journal fr Ernhrungsmedizin
Sources of funding (since 2000)


Short Title

2007 - 2003

Fresenius Kabi

Influence of substances with antioxidative

capacity on the cellular redox potential


2000 2003

Novartis Nutrition

Glycine as an immunomodulator



Abbot Laboratory

Immune enhancing effects of FOS

page 128 of 168


N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

2000 2001


Immunmodilation by Liponic acid and



Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Period (expected)

Nicole Manhart

Modulation of intestinal immune 1998 2000

Dr.rer. nat.

response by protein malnutrition

and amino acids



Catecholamine induced


immunomodulation in sepsis

Carmen Ludwig

P53 Status and response to


Influence of nutritive


Importance of individual gene


Polyunsaturated fatty acids


Genetic tumor profiling using


Influence of hepatic growth

factor on wound healing and
tumor growth

page 129 of 168



the p53 tumor suppressor gene

as diagnostic and predictive
Anja Bernhardt


enhance arsenic trioxidemediated cytotocity in tumor

cells by increasing oxidative
Sonja Kappel


profiles and mismatch repair

genes in colorectal cancer
Melanie Baumgartner


antioxidants on the cellular

redox potential under
inflammatory conditions
Brigitte Wolf


neoadjuvant therapy in breast

cancer patients
Barbara Wessner





N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

170 peer reviewed publications and reviews, in scientific journals,
over 100 plenary, invited or guest lectures on national or international congresses, workshops,
and symposia in the field of clincial nutrition and metabolism
Original Publications since 2000
119. Zauner C., Schneewei B., Kranz A., Madl C., Ratheiser K., Kramer L., Roth E.,
Schneider B., Lenz K. Resting energy expenditure in short-term starvation is increased
as a result of an increase in serum norepinephrine. Am.J.Clin.Nutr. 71:1511-1515
120. Gornikiewicz A., Sautner T., Brostjan C., Schmierer B., Fgger R., Roth E., Mhlbacher
F., Bergmann M. Catecholamines up-regulate lipopolysaccharide-induced IL-6
production in human microvascular endothelial cells. FASEB J. 14:1093-1100 (2000)
121. Oehler R., Weingartmann G., Manhart N., Salzer U., Meissner M., Schlegel W., Spittler
A., Bergmann M., Kandioler D., Oismller C., Struse H.M. Roth E. Polytrauma induces
increased expression of pyruvate kinase in neutrophils. Blood 95: 1086-1092 (2000)
122. Oehler R., Schmierer B., Zellner M., Prohaska R., Roth E. Endothelial cells
downregulate expression of the 70 kDa Heat shock protein during hypoxia. Biochemical
and Biophysical Research Communications 274:542-547 (2000)
123. Manhart N., Vierlinger K., Akomeah R., Bergmeister H., Spittler A., Roth E. Influence
of enteral diets supplemented with key nutrients on lymphocyte subpopulations in
Peyers patches of endotoxin-boostered mice. Clinical Nutrition 19:265-269 (2000)
124. Manhart N., Vierlinger K., Habel O., Bergmeister H., Gtzinger P., Sautner T., Spittler
A., Boltz-Nitulescu G., Marian B., Roth E. Lipopolysaccaride causes atrophy of Peyers
patches and an increased expresssion of CD28 and B7 costimulatory ligands. Shock 14:
478-483 (2000)
125. Manhart N., Vierlinger K., Bergmeister H., Boltz-Nitulescu G., Spittler A., Roth E.
Influence of short-term protein malnutrition of mice on the phenotype and costimulatory
signals of lymphocytes from spleen and Peyers patches. Nutrition 16:197-201 (2000)
126. Gebhard B., Gnant M., Schtz G., Roka S., Weigel G., Kandioler D., Taucher S.,
Grnberger T., Roth E., Jakesz R., Spittler A. Different transendothelial migration
behaviour pattern of blood monocytes derived from patients with benign and malignant
diseases of the breast. Anticancer Research 20:4599-4604 (2000)
127. Spittler A., Razenberger M., Kupper H., Kaul M., Hackl W., Boltz-Nitulescu G., Fgger
R., Roth E. Relationship between interleukin-6 plasma concentration in patients with
sepsis, monocyte phenotype, monocyte phagocytic properties, and cytokine production.
Clinical Infectious Diseases 31:1338-42 (2000)
128. Manhart N., Vierlinger K., Spittler A., Bergmeister H., Sautner T., Roth E. Oral feeding
with glutamine prevents lymphocyte and glutathione depletion of Peyers patches in
endotoxemic mice. Annals of Surgery 234:92-97 (2001)
129. Spittler A., Sautner T., Gorniekiewicz A., Manhart N., Oehler R., Bergmann M., Fgger
R., Roth E. Postoperative glycyl-glutamine infusion reduces immunosuppression: partial
prevention of the surgery -induced decreases in HLA-DR expression on monocytes.
Clinical Nutrition 20:37-42 (2001)
130. Krebs M., Krssak M., Bernroider E., Anderwald C., Brehm A., Meyerspeer M., Nowotny
P., Roth E., Waldhusl W., Roden M. Mechanism of amino acid-induced skeletal
muscle insulin resistance in humans. Diabetes 51:599-605 (2002)
131. Roth E., Oehler R., Manhart N., Exner R., Wessner B., Strasser E., Spittler A. Regulative
potential of glutamine-relation to glutathione metabolism. Nutrition 18:217-221 (2002)
132. Zellner M., Hergovics N., Roth E., Jilma B., Spittler A., Oehler R. Human monocyte
page 130 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

stimulation by experimental whole body hyperthermia. Wien.Klin.Wochenschr.

114/3:102-107 (2002)
133. Oehler R., Pusch E., Dungel P. Zellner M., Eliasen M.M., Brabec M., Roth E. Glutamine
depletion impairs cellular stress response in human leucocytes. British Journal of
Nutrition 87:S17-S21 (2002)
134. Wekerle Th., Blaha P., Asari R., Schmid M., Kiss Ch., Roth E., Mhlbacher F. Tolerance
induction through mixed chimerism. Eur.Surg. 34:131-135 (2002)
135. Exner R., Weingartmann G., Eliasen M.M., Gerner Ch., Spittler A., Roth E., Oehler R.
Glutamine deficiency renders human monocytic cells more susceptible to specific
apoptosis triggers. Surgery 131:75-80 (2002)
136. Manhart N., Akomeah R., Bergmeister H., Spittler A., Ploner M., Roth E. Administration
of proteolytic enzymes bromelain and trypsin diminish the number of CD4+ cells and
the interferon- response in Peyers patches and spleen in endotoxemic balb/c mice.
Cellular Immunology 215:113-119 (2002)
137. Bauer E., Gendo A., Madl C., Garo F., Roth E., Kramer L. Effects of sorbent suspension
dialysis on plasma amino acid levels in cirrhotic patients with refractory hepatic
encephalopthy . The International Journal of Artificial Organs 25:923-928 (2002)
138. Exner R., Tamandl D., Goetzinger P., Mittlboeck M., Fuegger R., Sautner T.,
Spittler A., Roth E. Perioperative GLY-GLN infusion diminishes the surgery-induced
period of immunosuppression. Annals of Surgery 237:110-115 (2003)
139. Lassnig A., Punz A., Barker R., Keznickl P., Manhart N., Roth E., Hiesmayr M.
Influence of intravenous vitamin E supplementation in cardiac surgery on oxidative
stress: a double-blinded, randomized, controlled study. British Journal of Anaesthesia
90:148-154 (2003)
140. Blaha P., Bigenzahn S., Koporc Z., Schmid M., Langer F., Selzer E., Bergmeister H.,
Wrba F., Kurtz J., Kiss Ch., Roth E., Muehlbacher F., Sykes M., Wekerle T. The
influence of immunosuppressive drugs on tolerance induction through bone marrow
transplantation with costimulation blockade. Blood 101:2886-2893 (2003)
141. Oehler R., Roth E.Regulative capacity of glutamine. Current Opinion in Clinical
Nutrition and Metabolic Care 6:277-282 (2003)
142. Manhart N., Spittler A., Bergmeister H., Mittlbck M., Roth E. Influence of
fructooligosaccharides on Peyers patch lymphocyte numbers in healthy and
endotoxemic mice. Nutrition 19:657-660 (2003)
145. Spittler A., Roth E. Is monocyte HLA-DR expression predictive for clinical outcome in
sepsis ? Intensive Care Medicine (2003)
146. Sturlan S., Baumgartner M., Roth E., Bachleitner-Hofmann T. Docosahexaenoic acid
enhances arsenic trioxide-mediated apoptosis in arsenic trioxide-resistant HL-60 cells.
Blood 101:4990-4997 (2003)
147. Wessner B., Strasser E.-M. Spittler A., Roth E. Effect of single and combined supply of
glutamine, glycine, N-acetylcysteine, and R,S- -lipoic acid on glutathione content of
myelomonocytic cells. Clinical Nutrition 22:515-522 (2003)
148. Nanobashvili J., Neumayer C., Fgl A., Punz A., Blumer R., Prager M., Mittlbck M.,
Gruber H., Polterauer P., Roth E., Malinski T., Huk I. Ischemia/reperfusion injury of
skeletal muscle: Plasma taurine as a measure of tissue damage. Surgery 133:91-100
149. Roth E., Zellner M., Wessner B., Strasser E., Manhart N., Oehler R., Spittler A. Glycine
An inert amino acid comes alive. Nutrition 19:817-818 (2003)
150. Tamandl D., Bahrami M., Wessner B., Weigel G., Ploder M., Frst W., Roth E., BoltzNitulescu G., Spittler A. Modulation of toll-like receptor 4 expression on human
monocytes by tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-6: tumor necrosis factor evokes
page 131 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

lipopolysaccharide activity. Shock 20:224-229 (2003)
151. Krebs M., Brehm A., Krssak M., Anderwald C., Bernroider E., Nowotny P., Roth E.,
Chandramouli V., Landau B.R., Waldhusl W., Roden M. Direct and indirect effects of
amino acids on hepatic glucose metabolism in humans. Diabetologia 46:917-925 (2003)
152. Bergmann M., Gornikiewicz A., Tamandl D., Exner R., Roth E., Fgger R., Gtzinger
P., Sautner T. Continuous therapeutic epinephrine but not norepinephrine prolongs
splanchnic IL-6 production in porcine endotoxic shock. Shock 20:575-581 (2003)
153. Varga P., Griffiths R., Chiolero R., Nitenber G., Leverve X, Pertkiewicz M., Roth E.,
Wernerman J., Pichard C., Preiser J.-C. Is parenteral nutrition guilty? Intensive Care
Med 29:1861-1864 (2003)
154. Roth E., Manhart N., Wessner B. Assessing the antioxidative status in critically ill
patients. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 7:161-168 (2004)
155. Hallwirth U., Pomberger G., Pollak A., Roth E., Spittler A. Monocyte switch in
neonates: high phagocytic capacity and low HLA-DR expression in VLBWI are
inverted during gestational aging. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 15:513-516 (2004)
156. Baumgartner M., Sturlan S., Roth E., Wessner B., Bachleitner-Hofmann T. Enhancement
of arsenic trioxide-mediated apoptosis using docosahexaenoic acid in arsenic trioxideresistant solid tumor cells. Int J Cancer 112:707-712 (2004)
157. Roth E., Manhart N. Einfluss der Mangelernhrung auf die Immunittslage.
Mangelernhrung, S. 94-97. In: Ernhrungs- und Infusionstherapie Standards fr
Klinik, Intensivstation und Ambulanz. Hg.: Hartig W., Biesalski H.K., Druml W., Frst
P., Weimann A. Thieme-Verlag (2004)
158. Oehler R., Roth E. Glutamine metabolism. In: Metabolic and therapeutic aspects of
amino acids in clinical nutrition. Hg.: Cynober L.A. CRC Press (2004)
159. Roth E., Kudsk KA. Immunonutrition: Back to Science. J Par Ent Nutr 28:278 (2004)
160. Pollheimer J., Zellner M., Eliasen M.M., Roth E., Oehler R. Increased susceptibility of
glutamine-depleted monocytes to fever-range hyperthermia. Ann Surg 241:349-355
161. Zellner M., Winkler W., Hayden H., Diestinger M., Eliasen M., Gesslbauer B., Miller I.,
Chang M., Kungl A., Roth E., Oehler R. Quantitative validation of different protein
precipitation methods in proteome analysis of blood platelets. Electrophoresis 26:248191 (2005)
162. Roth E., Wessner B. L-arginine: an amino acid with multiple effects. Wien Klin
Wochenschr 117:666-72, 2005
163. Strasser E.-M., Wessner B., Manhart N., Roth E. The relationship between the
antioxidative, anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin and cellular glutathione content in
myelomonocytic cell. Biochemical Pharmacology 70:552-559, 2005
164. Roth E. L-Arginin-Gabe bei chirurgischen Patienten. Ist das gefhrlich? Schweizer
Zeitschrift fr Ernhrungsmedizin 3:12-15, 2005
165. Tremblay F., Krebs M., Dombrowski L., Brehm A., Bernroider E., Roth E., Nowotny P.,
Waldhausl W., Marette A., Roden M. Overactivation of S6 kinase as a cause of human
insulin resistance during increased amino acid availability. Diabetes 54:2674-84, 2005
166. Wessner B., Strasser EM., Manhart N., Roth E. Supply of R-alpha-Lipoic acid and
glutamine to casein-fed mice influences the number of B lymphocytes and tissue
glutathione levels during endotoxemia. Wien Klin Wochenschr. In press 2006
167. Kappel S., Kandioler D., Steininger R., Lngle F., Wrba F., Ploder M., Berlakovich G.,
Soliman T., hetz H., Rockenschaub S., Roth E., and Mhlbacher F. Genetic Detection of
Lymph Node Micrometastases: A Selection Criterion for Liver Transplantation in
Patients with Liver Metastases after Colorectal Cancer. Transplantation 81: 64-70, 2006
page 132 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

168. Sadeghi K, Wessner B, Laggner U, Ploder M, Tamandl D, Friedl J, Zugel U, Steinmeyer

A, Pollak A, Roth E, Boltz-Nitulescu G, Spittler A.Vitamin D3 down-regulates
monocyte TLR expression and triggers hyporesponsiveness to pathogen-associated
molecular patterns. Eur J Immunol. 36:361-70, 2006
169. Eliasen MM, Brabec M, Gerner C, Pollheimer J, Auer H, Zellner M, Weingartmann G,
Garo F, Roth E, Oehler R.Reduced stress tolerance of glutamine-deprived human
monocytic cells is associated with selective down-regulation of Hsp70 by decreased
mRNA stability. J Mol Med. 84:147-58, 2006
170. Ploder M., Pelinka L., Schmuckenschlager C., Wessner B., Ankersmit HJ., Frst W.,
Redl H., Roth E., and Spittler A. Lipopolysaccharide- induced tumor necrosis factor
alpha production and not monocyte human leukocyte antigen-DR expression is
correlated with survival in septic trauma patients. Shock 25:1-7, 2006

page 133 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Dept. Internal Medicine III, Clin. Div. Endocrinology and Metabolism;

Polyunsaturated fatty acids in morbid obesity

Obesity is associated with a chronic state of subclinical inflammation that resides in adipose
tissue. This subclinical inflammation is associated with the development of metabolic
disorders such as insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular complications.
Therefore, obesity-associated adipose tissue inflammation has become a novel aspect of the
pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes and its complications. Molecular mechanisms underlying
macrophage immigration and activation are currently investigated in order to discover novel
drug targets.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), particularly those of the n-3 series, ameliorate
insulin resistance and development of diabetes mellitus type 2. Previous studies in our
laboratory revealed that feeding a diet rich in saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids to
obese diabetic mice leads to extensive adipose tissue infiltration with macrophages together
with increased expression with a number of inflammatory genes. Notably, macrophage
infiltration of adipose tissue in obese diabetic mice under high-fat diet could be totally
prevented by including marine n-3 PUFA in the diet. Moreover, adipocytes of animals on
high-fat diets showed signs of dedifferentiation by reduced expression of cell type-specific
genes and those involved in lipid metabolism that were also prevented by n-3 PUFA. Since
macrophage infiltration and activation selectively occurs in adipose tissue and only in obese
mice, adipocytes that are heavily loaded with lipids appear to provoke macrophage infiltration
by unknown mechanisms.
Starting from this knowledge from animal models, effects of n-3 PUFA on metabolic
regulation and adipose tissue inflammation are to be analyzed. Within a clinical study,
morbidly obese patients are to treated with n-3 PUFA or not immediately prior to a planned
bariatric operation. Within the thesis, metabolic control is studied before and at the end of the
treatment period. Moreover, samples from visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue are taken
at the bariatric operation in order to study possible effects on adipose tissue inflammation.
Tissue specimens obtained during these clinically oriented investigations will facilitate studies
on the factors underlying n-3 PUFA effects in adipose tissue of morbidly obese patients.
These studies will not only allow translation of basic research into clinical application but also
training of students with various methods to investigate body composition, metabolic control
and nutrition in an increasingly prevalent population of patients.
Thesis Subjects
PUFA effects on metabolic control in morbidly obese patients
PUFA effects on adipose tissue inflammation in morbidly obese patients
Techniques and infrastructure
Assessment of insulin sensitivity; dietary assessment and interventions; explant and primary
cell culture; analyses of cytokines by ELISA and bead assays; immunofluorescence analyses;
immunoblotting; FACS analysis; quantitative real-time RT-PCR; all required equipment is

page 134 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine III, Medical
University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; Phone +43 1
40400 4368; Fax +43 1 40400 7790; Email thomas.stulnig@meduniwien.ac.at
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Burghausen, Obb., Germany

2003 present

specialist in Endocrinology and Metabolism

1982 1990
1974 1982
Career History
2002 2005
2001 2002

2000 present

1998 2003
1995 present

1994 1995

specialist in Internal Medicine

Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
(ECFMG) test passed
studies of Human Medicine
secondary school

principal Investigator of the CeMM Center of Molecular

Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ID#20020)
Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship of the European
Commission at the Karolinska Insitute, Dept. of Medical
Nutrition at Novum Research Center, Huddinge, Sweden
with Prof. Jan-ke Gustafsson
Associate Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine
III, Medical University of Vienna. Clinical duties and
supervising physician at the inpatient and various
outpatient departments
venia docendi for Internal Medicine
Coapplicant in the Interdisciplinary Cooperation Project
Molecular Medicine at the University of Vienna
University Assistant at the Clinical Division of
Endocrinology Metabolism, Department of Internal
Medicine III, (Medical) University of Vienna, Austria
regular Military Service
page 135 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

1993 1994
1991 1993
1990 1991
1986 1989

Career-related Activities
2002 2003
2004 present


temporary University Assistant at the Clinical Division of

Endocrinology & Metabolism, Univ. of Vienna
University Assistant at the Institute for General and
Experimental Pathology, Univ. of Innsbruck
Research Assistant at the Institute for General and
Experimental Pathology, Univ. of Innsbruck
Doctoral Thesis at the Insitute for Medical Biology and
Genetics, Univ. of Innsbruck

Training Course for Medical Management at the University

of Salzburg
Section leader "Obesity and Lipid Disorders", Austrian
Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism

Novartis Prize 2004 for Medicine

Research Award of the Erste sterreichische Sparkasse in
cooperation with the Medical Association of Vienna
Josef-Skoda Research Award of the Austrian Association
of Internal Medicine (research grant)
Ludwig-Heilmeyer Medaille in Silver of the Association
for Progress in Internal Medicine
Johannes-Tuba-Prize of the Tyrolean Medical Association
Talentfrderungsprmie of the country Upper Austria

Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology
Austrian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Austrian Diabetes Society
European Society for the Study of Diabetes
American Diabetes Association
Austrian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism
Austrian Society for Internal Medicine

page 136 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Sources of funding (since 2000)



Short Title


European Science
Foundation (EW06007)

Exploratory Workshop on Targeting

Obesity-driven Inflammation


2006 2009

Austrian Science
Cellular communication in health and
Fund (FWF) Doctoral disease (own share)
program (W1205B09)


2006 2008

FWF (P18776-B11)

The role of osteopontin in adipose tissue



2003 2006

FWF (P16788-B13)

Polyunsaturated fatty acids and dendritic



2003 2005

Austrian Society for Proteomic analysis of insulin signaling via

Internal Medicine,
adipocyte lipid rafts
Research Award 2003

2002 2005

CeMM (ID# 20020),

Austrian Academy of

2001 2002

Marie-CurieThe biological role of nuclear oxysterol

Fellowship, European receptors LXRa and LXRb

1999 2003

FWF (P13507-B01)

Fatty acids as molecular modulators of

insulin sensitivity in adipocytes (own




The role of lipid rafts for lymphocyte



Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Maximilian Zeyda

Molecular mechanisms of T cell

inhibition by polyunsaturated
fatty acids

1998 2001

Dr. nat.

Ren Geyeregger

Impact of polyunsaturated fatty

acids on the formation of the
immunological synapse

2001 2005

Dr. rer.

page 137 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Title of thesis

Period (expected)

Jelena Todoric

Mechanisms of adipose tissue

3.2005 (6.2007)
macrophage infiltration and their
prevention by polyunsaturated
fatty acids


Florian Kiefer

Role of MCP-1 and osteopontin

in adipose tissue inflammation


5.2006 (2.2009)


61 and 6 peer reviewed publications and reviews, resp., in scientific journals,
7 invited lectures,
Peer reviewed manuscripts since 2000 (original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Stulnig T.M., M. Berger, M. Roden, H. Stingl, D. Raederstorff, W. Waldhusl:. 2000.
Elevated serum free fatty acid concentrations inhibit T lymphocyte signaling. FASEB J
Stulnig T.M., J. Huber, N. Leitinger, E.M. Imre, P.Angelisov, P. Nowotny, W. Waldhusl.
2001. Polyunsaturated eicosapentaenoic acid displaces proteins from membrane rafts by
altering raft lipid composition. J. Biol Chem. 276:37335-37340.
Zeyda M., T. Sigmund, G. Staffler, V. Horejs, W. Waldhusl, T.M. Stulnig. 2002. LAT
displacement from lipid rafts as molecular mechanism of T cell inhibition by
polyunsaturated fatty acids. J. Biol. Chem. 277: 28418-28423.
Stulnig T.M., U. Oppermann, K.R. Steffensen, G.U. Schuster, J.-. Gustafsson. 2002. Liver
X receptors downregulate 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 expression and
activity. Diabetes 51:2426-2433.
Stulnig T.M., K.R. Steffensen, H. Gao, M. Reimers, K. Dahlman-Wright, G.U. Schuster, J.-.
Gustafsson. 2002. Novel roles of liver X receptors exposed by gene expression profiling in
liver and adipose tissue. Mol. Pharmacol. 62:1299-13095.
Zeyda M., A. Szekeres, M.D. Semann, R. Geyeregger, H. Stockinger, G.J. Zlabinger, W.
Waldhusl, T.M. Stulnig. 2003. Suppression of T Cell signaling by polyunsaturated fatty
acids: Selectivity in inhibition of mitogen-activated protein kinase and nuclear factor
acitivation. J. Immunol. 170:6033-6039.
Stulnig T.M. 2003. Immunomodulation by polyunsaturated fatty acids: mechanisms and
effects. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 132:310-321. (Review)
Stulnig T.M., W. Waldhusl. 2004. 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Type 1 in obesity
and Type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia 47:1-11. (Review)
Stulnig T.M., M. Zeyda. 2004. Immunomodulation by polyunsaturated fatty acids: impact on
T cell signaling. Lipids 30:1171-1175. (Review)
Zeyda M., M.D. Semann, K.M. Stuhlmeier, G.J. Zlabinger, W. Waldhusl, T.M. Stulnig.
2005. Polyunsaturated fatty acids inhibit dendritic cell activation and function
independently of NF-kappaB activation. J. Biol. Chem. 280:14293-14301.
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Geyeregger R., M. Zeyda, G. Zlabinger, W. Waldhusl, T.M. Stulnig. 2005. Polyunsaturated

fatty acid treatment of T cells alters formation of the immunological synapse. J. Leukoc.
Biol. 77:680-688.
Zeyda M., R. Geyeregger, B.M. Kirsch, K.M. Stuhlmeier, W.H. Hrl, G.J. Zlabinger, M.D.
Semann, T.M. Stulnig. 2005. Inhibition of human dendritic cell maturation and function
by the novel immunosuppressant FK778. Transplantation, 80:1105-1111 (2005).
Geyeregger R., Zeyda M., Stulnig T.M. 2005. Liver X receptors in cardiovascular and
metabolic disease. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 63:524-539 (2006). (Review)
Zeyda M., Stulnig T.M. 2005. Lipid rafts & Co.: an integrated model of membrane
organization in T cell activation. Progr. Lipid Res., submitted for publication. (Review)
Lffler M., M. Bilban, M. Reimers, W. Waldhusl, T.M. Stulnig. 2006. Blood glucose
lowering nuclear receptor agonists do not normalize hepatic gene expression in db/db
mice. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap., 316:797-804.
Todoric J., M. Lffler, J. Huber, M. Bilban, M. Reimers, A. Kadl, M. Zeyda, W. Waldhusl,
T.M. Stulnig: Adipose tissue inflammation induced by high-fat diet in obese diabetic mice
is prevented by n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Diabetologia 49:2109-2119 (2006).
Zeyda M., T.M. Stulnig: Lipid rafts & Co.: an integrated model of membrane organization in
T cell activation. Progr. Lipid Res. 45:187-202 (2006). (Review)
Huber J., M. Lffler, M. Bilban, M. Reimers, A. Kadl, J. Todoric, N. Leitinger, W.
Waldhusl, T.M. Stulnig: Prevention of high-fat diet-induced adipose tissue remodeling in
obese diabetic mice by polyunsaturated fatty acids. Int. J. Obes. 31:1004-1013 (2007).
Geyeregger R., M. Zeyda, W. Bauer, E Kriehuber, M.D. Semann, G.J. Zlabinger, D. Maurer,
T.M. Stulnig: Liver X receptors regulate dendritic cell phenotype and function through
blocked induction of the actin bundling protein fascin. Blood 109:4288-4295 (2007).
Zeyda M., D. Farmer, O. Aszmann, M. Speiser, G. Zlabinger, T.M. Stulnig: Human adipose
tissue macrophages are of an anti-inflammatory phenotype but capable of excessive proinflammatory mediator production. Int. J. Obes., in press (2007).

Co-author manuscripts:
Schmaldienst S., S. Banyai, T.M. Stulnig, G. Heinz, M. Jansen, W.H. Hrl, K. Derfler. 2000.
Prospective randomised cross-over comparison of three LDL-apheresis systems in statin
pretreated patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. Atherosclerosis 151:493-399.
Van Laethem V., X. Liang, F. Andris, J. Urbain, M. Vandenbranden, J.-M.Ruysschaert,
M.D. Resh, T.M. Stulnig, O. Leo. 2003. Glucocorticoids alter the lipid and protein
composition of membrane rafts of a murine T cell hybridoma. J. Immunol. 170:2932-2939.
Semann M.D., M. Zeyda, C. Diakos, A. Szekeres, G.A. Bmig, P. Kelemen, O. Parolini, H.
Stockinger, E. Prieschl, T. Stulnig, T. Baumruker, G.J. Zlabinger. 2003. Pharmacological
targeting of JAK3 impairs early T cell receptor (TCR)-triggered cellular activation.
Transplantation 75:1864-1872.
Sanzone S., M. Zeyda, M.D. Semann, M. Soncini, W. Holter, G. Fritsch, W. Knapp, F.
Candotti, T.M. Stulnig, O. Parolini. 2003. SAP deficiency causes imbalanced early signal
transduction and blocks downstream activation in T cells from XLP patients. J. Biol.
Chem. 278:29593-29599.
Steffensen K.R., M. Nilsson, G.U. Schuster, T.M. Stulnig, K. Dahlmann-Wright, J.-.
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Gustafsson. 2003. Gene expression profiling in adipose tissue indicates different

transcriptional mechanisms of liver X receptors alpha and beta, respectively. Biochem.
Biophys. Res. Commun. 310:589-593.
Staffler G., A. Szekeres, G.J. Schtz, M.D. Semann, E. Prager, M. Zeyda, K. Drbal, I.
Hilgert, G.J. Zlabinger, T.M. Stulnig, H. Schindler, V. Horejs, H. Stockinger. 2003.
Selective inhibition of T cell activation via CD147 through novel modulation of lipid rafts.
J. Immunol171:1707-1714.
Seo J.B. H.M. Moon, W.S. Kim, Y.S. Lee, H.W. Jeong, E.J. Yoo, J. Ham, H. Kang, M.-G.
Park, K.R. Steffensen, T.M. Stulnig, J.-. Gustafsson, S.D. Park, J.B. Kim. 2004.
Activated liver X receptors stimulate adipocyte differentiation through induction of
PPARgamma expression. Mol. Cell. Biol. 24: 3430-3444.
Jaksits S., W. Bauer, E. Kriehuber, M. Zeyda, T.M. Stulnig, G. Stingl, E. Fiebiger, D. Maurer.
2004. Lipid raft-associated GTPase signaling controls morphology and CD8+ T cell
stimulatory capacity of human dendritic cells. J. Immunol. 173: 1628-1639.
Corton J.C., U. Apte, S.P. Anderson, P. Limaye, L, Yoon, J. Latendresse, C. Dunn, J.X.
Everitt, K.A. Voss, C. Swanson, C. Kimbrough, J.S. Wong, S.S. Gill, R. Chandraratna,
M.K. Kwak, T.W. Kensler, T.M. Stulnig, K.R. Steffensen, J.-. Gustafsson, H.M.
Mehendale. 2004. Mimetics of caloric restriction include agonists of lipid-activated
nuclear receptors. J. Biol. Chem. 270: 46204-46212.
Steffensen K.R., S.Y. Neo, T.M. Stulnig, V.B. Vega, S.S. Rahman, G.U. Schuster, J.-.
Gustafsson, E.T. Liu. 2004. Genome-wide expression profiling: a panel of mouse tissues
discloses novel biological functions of LXRs in adrenal. J. Mol. Endocrinol. 33:609-622.
Anderson S.P., C. Dunn, A. Laughter, L. Yoon, C. Swanson, T.M. Stulnig, K.R. Steffensen,
R.A.S. Chandraratna, J.-. Gustafsson, J.C. Corton. 2004. Overlapping transcriptional
programs regulated by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha, retinoid X
receptor and liver X receptor in the mouse liver. Mol. Pharm. 66:1440-1452.
Semann M.D., M. Zeyda, T.M. Stulnig, G.A. Bhmic, T. Wekerle, W.H. Hrl, G.J.
Zlabinger. 2004. Janus kinase-3 (JAK3) inhibition: a novel immunosuppressive option for
allogeneic transplantation. Transplant. Int. 17:481-489. (Review)
Semann M.D., T. Weichhart, M. Zeyda, G. Staffler, K. Stuhlmeier, Y. Sobanov, T.M.
Stulnig, W.H. Hrl, G.J. Zlabinger. 2005. Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein links innate
immune cell activation with adaptive immunity via a TLR4-dependent mechanism. J.
Clin. Invest. 115:468-475.
Kirsch B., M. Zeyda, K. Stuhlmeier, J. Grisar, J. Smolen, B. Watschinger, T.M. Stulnig. W.H.
Hrl, G.J. Zlabinger, M.D. Semann. 2005. The active metabolite of leflunomide A77
1726 potently interferes with dendritic cell maturation via inhibition of NFkappaB
signaling. Arthritis Res. Ther. 7:R694-R703.
Zeyda M., M, Poglitsch, R. Geyeregger, J. Smolen, G.J. Zlabinger, W.H. Hrl, W. Waldhusl,
T.M. Stulnig, M.D. Semann. 2005. The active leflunomide metabolite teriflunomide
disrupts the interaction of T cells with antigen-presenting cells: involvement of impaired
integrin activation and immunological synapse formation. Arthritis Rheum., 52:27302739.
Schuster G., L. Johansson, S. Kietz, T.M. Stulnig, P Parini, J.-. Gustafsson: Improved
metabolic control by depletion of liver X receptors in mice. Biochem. Biophys. Res.
Commun. 348:176-182 (2006).
Nilsson M., T.M. Stulnig, C.Y. Lin, A.L. Yeo, P. Nowotny, E.T. Liu, K.R. Steffensen: Liver
X receptors regulate adrenal steroidogenesis and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal feedback.
Mol. Endocrinol. 21:126-137 (2007).
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Zeyda M., R. Geyeregger, M. Poglitsch, T. Weichhart, G.J. Zlabinger, S. Koyasu, W.H. Hrl,
T.M. Stulnig, B. Watschinger, M.D. Semann: Impairment of T cell interactions with
antigen-presenting cells by immunosuppressive drugs reveals involvement of calcineurin
and NF-kappaB in immunological synapse formation. J. Leukoc. Biol. 81:319-327 (2007).
Haidinger M., R. Geyeregger, M. Poglitsch, T. Weichhart, M. Zeyda, B. Vodenik, T.M.
Stulnig, G.A. Bhmig, W.H. Walter, M.D. Semann: Anti-thymocyte globulin impairs T
cell/antigen-presenting cell interaction: disruption of immunological synapse and
conjugate formation. Transplantation, in press (2007).

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Dept. Obstetrics and Gynecology

Endometriosis, a sequel of diseased eutopic endometrium

Endometriosis is a common, benign, estrogen dependent, chronic gynecological disorder
associated with pelvic pain and infertility. It is characterized by the presence of uterine
endometrial tissue outside of the normal location (i.e. ectopic sites) mainly on the pelvic
peritoneum, but also on the ovaries and in the rectovaginal septum, and more rarely in the
pericardium, pleura, and even in the brain. The prevalence of pelvic endometriosis approaches
610% in the general female population in the reproductive age (Giudice and Kao, 2004). The
answer to the question how uterine endometrial tissue following retrograde menstruation is
able to migrate towards and to invade extrauterine sites is presently missing. However, it
implies the existence of a not yet described mechanism responsible for this process. Due to
recent findings that eutopic endometrium of endometriosis patients, in contrast to
endometrium of healthy patients, contains the enzyme aromatase (also known as CYP19)
(Noble et al., 1996; Kitawaki et al., 1997; Wolfler et al. 2005), we speculate aromatase
expression is a major hallmark of this disease.
Understanding the links between aromatase expression, abnormal cell migration and invasion
may give us the additional possibility to speculate on other facets of endometriosis, e.g., how
ectopic lesions survive apoptosis, but do not become metastatic. Furthermore, such
investigations could disclose novel early eutopic markers of endometriosis that can help to
identify the disease out of menstrual discharge, which makes uninformative, invasive
procedures, i.e. laparoscopy or laparotomy unnecessary.

Thesis Subjects
Does the eutopic endometrium of endometriosis vs. healthy patients contain a fully developed
principle making endometrial cells able to proliferate, migrate and translocate towards ectopic
Techniques and infrastructure
Primary endometrial cell culture, Western blotting, Raf-1 kinase assay,
immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, RT-PCR and Real-Time RT-PCR, FACS
analysis, migration assay, transfection of cells, all required equipment available.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Medical University of Vienna, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Division of
Gynecological Endocrinology & Reproductive Medicine, A-1090 Vienna/Austria,
Waehringer Guertel 18-20 +43 1 40400 7828, +43 676 924 2 924; FAX +43 1 40400 7842
Personal Data
Date of Birth:


Place of Birth:

Vienna, Austria



1972 - 1976

Primary School, Vienna, Austria

1976 - 1984

High School, Vienna, Austria, Matura

1984 - 1990

Medical School, University of Vienna, Austria, MD degree

Career History
1986 - 1990

Academic Tutor, Institute of Anatomy, University of Vienna


Resident, Department of Urology, University of Vienna School

of Medicine


Military Service in the Austrian Armed Force

1992 - 1993

Coordinator for Liver and Kidney

Transplantation at the Department of Surgery, University of Vienna


Rotation Internship, Departments of Surgery and Internal

Medicine, Krankenhaus Floridsdorf, Vienna, Austria


General Physicians degree

1992 - 1996

Postdoc, Department of General & Experimental Pathology,

Division of Cellular Pathology, University of Vienna

1996 - 2000

Resident, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University

of Vienna School of Medicine

2000 - Present

Fellow, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of

Gynecological Endocrinology & Reproductive Medicine,
University of Vienna School of Medicine
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Habilitation (Universittsdozent), Associate Professor,

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of
Gynecological Endocrinology & Reproductive Medicine,
University of Vienna School of Medicine

Career-related Activities

Chief Officer for Education and Training of Residents at the

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of
Gynecological Endocrinology & Reproductive Medicine,
Medical University of Vienna


Education in the program Klinischer Studienleiter, part I,

collaboration between the Medical University of Vienna and the
Vienna school of Clinical Research (VSCR)

1998 International Organon Award for Assisted Reproduction
2002 Wyeths Presidents Presenter Award of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation
(SGI), Toronta, Canada, USD $ 1000. - to Mentee Dr. Felix Stonek
2005 Wyeths Presidents Presenter Award of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation
(SGI), Los Angeles, CA, USD $ 1000. - to Mentee Dr. Monika Wlfler
2005 Wyeths Presidents Presenter Award of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation
(SGI), Toronta, Canada, USD $ 1000. - to Mentee Mag. Cristina Rubiolo

Austrian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (OEGGG)
Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR)
Society for Gynecological Investigation (SGI, Full Member)

Reviewing Activities
British Journal of Cancer (since 1999)
Molecular Human Reproduction (since 2000)
Human Reproduction (since 2000)
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (since 2001)
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Molecular Endocrinology (since 2004)

Lancet (since 2005)

Sources of funding (since 2000)



Short Title


Jubilee Fund of the

Austrian National

Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS)

Induction in Human Endometrium



Jubilee Fund of the

Austrian National

Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS) as

a Regulator of Apoptosis and
Collagenolysis in Cultured Steroidhormone treated Endometrial Stromal Cells


2007 2009

Austrian Science
Fund (P19327-B02)

Endometriosis, a Sequel of Diseased

Eutopic Endometrium


Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Gudrun Brunnmayr

The Psychiatric Co-morbidity

2004 2005


2004 2006


(DSM-IV) between Chronic

Pelvic Pain Patients (CPP) and
Chronic Polysymptomatic
Patients is equal
Joanna Pong

Comparison of the Methylation

Status of the CpG-island
neighboring Exon 1 of the
Aromatase Gene in Human
Myomas and their adjacent
Myometria by using
Methylation-specific PCR

1. Wolfler MM, Facchinetti F, Venturini P, Huber A, Helmer H, Husslein P, Tschugguel
W. Induction of labor at term using isosorbide mononitrate simultaneously with
dinoprostone compared to dinoprostone treatment alone: a randomized, controlled trial
. (2006). Am J Obstet Gynecol; 195, 1617-22.
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

2. Dietrich W, Haitel A, Holzer G, Huber JC, Kolbus A, Tschugguel W. Estrogen

receptor-beta is the predominant estrogen receptor subtype in normal human synovia.
(2006). J Soc Gynecol Investig. 13, 512-7.
3. Demyanets S, Pfaffenberger S, Kaun C, Rega G, Speidl WS, Kastl SP, Weiss TW,
Hohensinner PJ, Dietrich W, Tschugguel W, Bochkov VN, Awad EM, Maurer G,
Huber K, Wojta J. The estrogen metabolite 17beta-dihydroequilenin counteracts
interleukin-1alpha induced expression of inflammatory mediators in human
endothelial cells in vitro via NF-kappaB pathway. (2006). Thromb Haemost. 95, 10716.
4. Wolfler, M.M., Nagele, F., Kolbus, A., Seidl, S., Schneider, B., Huber, J.C,
Tschugguel W. A predictive model for endometriosis. (2005). Hum Reprod; 20 (6):
5. Eppel, W., Facchinetti, F., Schleussner, E., Piccinini, F., Pizzi, C., Gruber, D.M.,
Schneider, B., Tschugguel, W. Second trimester abortion using isosorbide mononitrate
in addition to gemeprost compared with gemeprost alone: a double-blind randomized,
placebo-controlled multicenter trial. (2005). Am J Obstet Gynecol, 192, 856-61.
6. Fuchsjager-Mayrl, G., Nepp, J., Schneeberger, C., Sator, M., Dietrich, W., Wedrich,
A., Huber,
7. J., Tschugguel, W. Identification of estrogen and progesterone receptor mRNA
expression in the conjunctiva of premenopausal women. (2004). Invest Ophthalmol
Vis Sci, 43, 2841-4.
8. Stonek, F., Dietrich, W., Schneeberger, C., Vycudilik, W., Tschugguel, W.
Quantitative determination of carbon monoxide in cell culture supernatants by
spectrophotometric analysis. (2004). J Biochem Biophys Methods, 58, 49-58.
9. Tschugguel, W., Berga, S.L. Treatment of functional hypothalamic amenorrhea with
hypnotherapy. (2003). Fertil Steril, 80, 982-5.
10. Tschugguel, W., Dietrich, W., Zhegu, Z., Stonek, F., Kolbus, A., Huber, J.C.
Differential regulation of proteasome-dependent estrogen receptor alpha and beta
turnover in cultured human uterine artery endothelial cells. (2003). J Clin Endocrinol
Metab, 88, 2281-7.
11. Gruber, C.J., Tschugguel, W., Schneeberger, C., Huber, J.C. Production and actions of
estrogens. (2002). N Engl J Med, 346, 340-52.
12. Singer, C.F., Kronsteiner, N., Marton, E., Walter, I., Kubista, M., Czerwenka, K.,
Schreiber, M., Tschugguel, W., Wieser, F., Kubista, E. IL-1alpha gene expression in
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

human endometrial cancer is independent of ovarian steroid receptor expression.

(2002). Eur J Cancer, 38 Suppl 6, S76-7.
13. Singer, C.F., Kronsteiner, N., Marton, E., Walter, I., Kubista, M., Czerwenka, K.,
Schreiber, M., Tschugguel, W., Wieser, F., Kubista, E. Interleukin-1 system and sex
steroid receptor gene expression in human endometrial cancer. (2002). Gynecol Oncol,
85, 423-30.
14. Wieser, F., Schneeberger, C., Hudelist, G., Singer, C., Kurz, C., Nagele, F., Gruber,
C., Huber, J.C., Tschugguel, W. Endometrial nuclear receptor co-factors SRC-1 and
N-CoR are increased in human endometrium during menstruation. (2002). Mol Hum
Reprod, 8, 644-50.
15. Tschugguel, W., Stonek, F., Zhegu, Z., Dietrich, W., Schneeberger, C., Stimpfl, T.,
Waldhoer, T., Vycudilik, W., Huber, J.C.

Estrogen increases endothelial carbon

monoxide, heme oxygenase 2, and carbon monoxide-derived cGMP by a receptormediated system. (2001). J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 86, 3833-9.
16. Stonek, F., Tschugguel, W., Huber, J.C., Schneeberger, C. Calculated background
elimination in quantifying nitric-oxide synthase enzyme activity. (2001). J Biochem
Biophys Methods, 50, 29-32.
17. Wieser, F., Hosmann, J., Tschugguel, W., Czerwenka, K., Sedivy, R., Huber, J.C.
Progesterone increases the number of Langerhans cells in human vaginal epithelium.
(2001). Fertil Steril, 75, 1234-5.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Dept. Surgery, Research Labaratories

Influence of green tea extract on immunological and redox parameters

during endotoxemia
Both clinical and experimental studies have shown that intestinal dysfunction and failure of
the gut barrier function are involved in the development of distant organ injury under septic
conditions. Generally the portal venous route is considered as the primary route of
translocating bacteria and the liver has become one of the most intensively studied organs
during septic conditions. On the other hand it has been proposed that translocation to the
mesenteric lymph and subsequent lung injury plays a role in the onset of multiorgan failure.
With respect to gut dysfunction during sepsis the intestinal immune system has gained
particular interest. Previous studies in our laboratory revealed that endotoxemia induces an
atrophy of Peyers patch (PP) lymphocytes, which is associated with a decrease in PP
glutathione content. We showed that PP lymphocytes react very sensitively to different
dietary interventions and that diets rich in immune modulatory substances are able to diminish
PP atrophy and glutathione depletion. From this data we assumed that not only inflammation
but also oxidative stress plays an important role.
Recently it has been shown that green tea extract (GTE) exerts antioxidative as well as antiinflammatory effects. These effects are attributed to the high flavonoid content of green tea.
The main flavonoids in green extract are epigallocatechingallat, epicatechin, gallocatechin,
and catechin. Several experimental studies show that catechins inhibit cellular signaling of the
NF-kB pathway thereby reducing the production of pro-inflammatory mediators. This turns
GTE into an interesting dietary additive during endotoxemia. In contrast to the described
antioxidative effects of GTE, recent studies reveal a potent prooxidative potential of this
extract. Therefore we want to evaluate the pro/anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of
GTE under endotoxemic conditions.
In a current project the effect of GTE on inflammatory as well as on oxidative parameters is
to be investigated during murine endotoxemia. In particular, the most effective concentration
of GTE and the most appropriate feeding time has to be evaluated. We focus on the main
inductive site of the intestinal immune system, the PP lymphocytes, and the remote organs
lung and liver. Methods to evaluate pro- or anti-oxidative effects on PP lymphocytes as well
as on lung and liver tissues have to be established. Furthermore, anti-inflammatory properties
of GTE are to be investigated on molecular level.
Thesis Subjects

Techniques and infrastructure

Mouse model of endotoxemia, dietary intervention, cell isolation from tissues, primary
culture, FACS analysis, ELISA, real-time PCR, western blot, HPLC

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Unger-Manhart Nicole
Division of Surgery, Department of surgical research laboratories, Medical University of
Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18, A-1090 Vienna, Austria;
Phone + 43 1 40400 6959, Fax +43 1 40400 6782;
E-mail: Nicole.Unger-Manhart@meduniwien.ac.at

Personal data:
Date of birth:


Place of Birth:





Assistant professor since 2004


Doctor rerum naturalium technicarum

University of agricultural sciences, Institute of applied microbiology,


Master of science (April 1997); University of Vienna, Department of

Surgical Research, Vienna


Study of Nutritional Science, University of Vienna, Institute of

Nutritional Science, Vienna

Career History:
2002 present

University of Vienna, Department of Surgical Research

Modulation of the mucosal immunsystem by antioxidative nutrients
Islet cell transplantation
Collaborations and support of clinical studies
Training of ungraduated students

2001 2002

University of Bonn, Department of Nutritional Science

University assisent

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Training of ungraduated students in basics of nutrition (performance of

lectures, seminars and practical training)
Collaboration and support of physicians in accomplishing clinical
nutritional studies
1997 2000

University of Vienna, Department of Surgical Research

Ph.D. student:
Set-up of a mouse model to investigate mucosal and systemic immune
Application of methods to investigate immune response (ELISA, flow
cytometry, real time PCR)
Support of diploma theses
Support of clinical studies


University of Memphis Tennessee, Department of Traumatology

Research training
Training of experimental parenteral administration of nutrients and
pharmaceuticals to mice

1996 -1997

University of Vienna, Department of Surgical Research

Undergraduate student
Establishment of a flow cytometrical method to measure the respiratory
burst of immune cells
Performance of cell culture


Best original article published in Clinical Nutrition during the year



Travel fellowship for the ESPEN congress


Travel fellowship for the ESPEN congress

Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr klinische Ernhrung

Career-related Activities

Laboratory training (February 1996) in the routine laboratory of the hospital Wr.
Neustadt, Austria
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Seminar on nutrition assessment, planning and communication in developing countries

(February 1996 March 1996) University of Giessen, Institute of Nutritional Science,

Laboratory training (July 1995 - August 1995) in the laboratory of the health
insurance organisation Vienna, Wr. Gebietskrankenkasse, Vienna, Austria

Laboratory training (August 1994) in the laboratory of the health insurance

organisation Vienna, Wr. Gebietskrankenkasse, Vienna, Austria

Practical training (July 1994) in the dietitian group of the hospital Rudolfstiftung,
Vienna, Austria

secretary (July 1993) Semperit technical products GmbH, Wimpassing, Austria

executive officer (May 1992 September 1992) Wichem med. LaserSysteme GmbH, Vienna, Austria

executive officer (October 1990 June 1991) Wichem International GmbH, Vienna,

11 and 9 peer reviewed publications and reviews, resp., in scientific journals, 15 invited
Orginal Manuscripts:
The relationship between the anti-inflammatory effects of Curcumin and cellular glutathione
content in myelomonocytic cells Strasser EM., Wessner B., Manhart N., Roth E.
Biochem.Pahrmacol 15: (70):552-559 2005
Influcence of fructooligosaccharides on Peyers patch lymphocyte numbers in healthy and
endotoxemic mice. Manhart N., Spittler A., Bergmeister H., Mittlbock M., Roth E. Nutrition
2003, 19(7-8):657-660
Influence of intravenous vitamin E supplementation in cardiac surgery on oxidative stress: a
double-blinded, randomized, controlled study. A.Lassnigg, A. Punz, R.Barker, P. Keznickl,
N.Manhart, E.Roth and M.Hiesmayr Br J Anaesth 90:148-154; 2003
Oral feeding with glutamine prevents lymphocyte and glutathione depletion of Peyers
patches in endotoxemic mice. N.Manhart, K.Vierlinger, A.Spittler, H.Bergmeister,
T.Sautner, E.Roth Ann Surg 234:92-97; 2001
Postoperative glycyl-glutamine infusion reduces immunosuppression: partial prevention of
the surgery induced decrease in HLA-DR expression of monocytes A.Spittler, T.Sautner,
A.Gornikiewicz, N.Manhart, R.hler, M.Bergmann, R.Fgger, E.Roth Clin Nutr 20:37-42;
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Lipopolysaccharide causes atrophy of Peyers patches and an increased expression of CD28

and B7 costimulatory ligands N.Manhart, K.Vierlinger, O.Habel, H.Bergmeister,
P.Gtzinger, T.Sautner, A.Spittler, G.Botz-Nitulescu, B.Marian, E.Roth Shock 14:478-483;
Influence of enteral diets supplemented with key nutrients on lymphocyte subpopulations in
Peyers patches of endotoxin-boostered mice N.Manhart, K.Vierlinger, R.Akomeah,
H.Bergmeister, A.Spittler, E.Roth Clin Nutr 19:265-269; 2000
Influence of short-term protein malnutrition of mice on the phenotype and costimulatory
signals of lymphocytes from spleen and Peyers patches N.Manhart, K.Vierlinger,
H.Bergmeister, G.Boltz-Nitulescu, A.Spittler, E.Roth Nutrition 16:197-201; 2000
Polytrauma induces increased expression of pyruvate kinase in neutrophils. R.hler,
G.Weingartmann, N.Manhart, U.Salzer, M.Meissner, W.Schlegel, A.Spittler, M.Bergmann,
D.Kandioler, C.Oismller, H.Struse, E.Roth. Blood 95:1086-1092; 2000
Assessing the antioxidative status in critically ill patients Roth E, Manhart N, Wessner B.
Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2004; 7:161-8
Glycine--an inert amino acid comes alive Roth E, Zellner M, Wessner B, Strasser E,
Manhart N, Oehler R, Spittler A Nutrition. 2003 Sep;19(9):817-8.
Nutritive amino acids effective modulators of the immune response
Manhart N., Stehle P. Forum Nutr 56:151-154 2003
Regulative potential of glutamine relation to glutathione metabolism. E.Roth, R.Oehler,
N.Manhart, R.Exner, B.Wessner, E.Strasser, A.Spittler Nutrition 18:217-21;2002
Nutritive amino acids effective modulators of the immune response
N. Manhart, P. Stehle Forum of Nutrition, book series Karger, Basel, Switzerland, submitted
October 2001
Therapeutic potential of glutathione R.Exner, B.Wessner, N.Manhart, E.Roth
Wien Klin Woschenschr 112/14:610-616; 2000

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Clinical Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine III

Curriculum Vitae
Date and place of birth: April 29, 1951; Ernstbrunn, Austria
Nationality: Austrian
Civil status: married, to Maria Sofia Puelma-Lugones

1. Primary school in Ernstbrunn, Austria (1956-1960).
2. Realgymnasium der Theresianischen Akademie,Vienna, Austria (1960 - 1968)
3. University of Vienna Medical School, ViennaAustria (1968 - 1974); M.D.: March,

Training in Internal Medicine:

I. Medizinische Universittsklinik,
University of Vienna Medical School (1974-1980).

Training in Laboratory Medicine:

I. Medizinische Universittsklinik and Institute of Clinical Chemistry
University of Vienna Medical School (1980-1985).

Scientific work:
Since 1976, predominantly in the field of Endocrinology;
at the Division of Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes mellitus; I. Med. Univ.-Klinik
University of Vienna Medical School.

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Dept. Internal Medicine III,

Mechanism of action of mutated RUVBL1/TIP49a versions in

neuroendocrine tumorigenesis
Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are a heterogeneous group of neoplasms, which arise from
the system of neuroendocrine cells. In general, oncogenesis is caused by an imbalance
between cell death and cell proliferation. A reduced rate of cells undergoing apoptosis is the
reason for the development of NETs. Three genes (bcl-2, c-myc, p53) are mainly involved in
deregulation of the homeostasis between cell proliferation and apoptosis observed in NETs.
TIP49a, a DNA-helicase, is a newly identified interaction partner of c-myc and -cathenin. Its
name originates from the property to play a role in the RNA-polymerase II holoenzyme
complex. Due to its homology to the bacterial protein RuvB, it was also termed RUVBL1.
Remarkable presence of this predominantly intranuclear protein in cytoplasm was one of our
previous interesting findings. Immunofluorescence microscopy using the recently developed
anti-RUVBL1/TIP49a mAb IB3 demonstrated that in apoptotic cells the characteristic
staining was lost. Using these immunoreagents we found that RUVBL1/TIP49a can interact
with microtubules during mitosis of U937 cells. The correct formation of the mitotic spindle
is a central point for mitotic rates and cell proliferation.
These data and tumor-specific overexpression as well as results from other authors
demonstrated that the molecule might play an important role in carcinogenesis. We performed
Southern analysis, using DNA from various NET samples. These exhibited a characteristic
band pattern, which was comparable to genomic DNA obtained from leukocytes. Strikingly,
the RFLP derived from one carcinoid tumor differed from the other analyzed NETs. This
patient had been diagnosed with a carcinoid tumor and, having already metastasis, he died
shortly after surgery due to rapid tumor growth. The deranged findings in the Southern blot
motivated us to investigate the protein-morphology in this tumor. Immunoblots comparing
this tumor with other NETs presenting with normal RUVBL1/TIP49a RFLP patterns,
identified a truncated version of this protein. Therefore, we aim at identifying the mutated
sequence of RUVBL1/TIP49a in the tumor and to continue to perform RFLP analyses in a
larger number of tumors. In addition, malignancy associated mutations were identified in
adult leukemias.

Thesis Subjects
Biological relevance of identified tumor-specific mutations within the RUVBL1/TIP49a gene
in tumorigenesis.
Techniques and infrastructure
RLFP, tumor DNA analysis, long range PCR, cDNA cloning, cellular overexpression of
mutants, cell cycle analysis, expression analysis, protein analysis (immunoblot, 2D-gel and

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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Curriculum Vitae
Ludwig Wagner
Department of Internal Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 1820, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; Phone +43 1 40400 4319; Fax +43 1 40400 7790; Email
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Waidhofen/Ybbs, N., Austria

1997 present

Ass. Professor of Internal Medicien

1975 1977
1967 1975

specialist in Internal Medicine

studies in Medicine
studies of Human Human Sciences
secondary school

Career History

Training at the Department of Medicine I in order to

specialize in Internal Medicine (Head Prof. Deutsch),
University of Vienna.


Postgraduate training at the University College Hospital

London (immunohematological laboratory: Head: Prof.


Clinical and part time research work at the Department of

Medicine I, University of Vienna.


Postgraduate training at the Harvard Medical School in

the Laboratory of Infectious Disease, Massachusetts
General Hospital East.


Research at the laboratory of the Department of Medicine

III, Div. of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (Head:
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

o.Prof. Waldhusl). University of Vienna.


Research at the Infectious Disease Laboratory,

Massachusetts General Hospital East, Harvard Medical
School, Boston.


Part-time research and clinical work at the Department of

Medicine III, University of Viennna (Head o.Prof.

1998 and 1999

During the summer months, research at the Infectious

Disease Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital East,
Harvard Medical School, Boston


September-December: Research at National Center of

Biotechnology, Campus Cantoblanco, Madrid


Part-time research at the Research Laboratory and clinical

work at the Department of Medicine III, University of
Viennna (Head o.Prof. Walter Hrl)

Awards and Fellowship

Research fellowship from the Austrian Ministery of Science 1986-1987
Research fellowship of the Max Kade foundation 1993
Biochemie-Research award for Thyroid disease 2002
European Society for Calcium binding Proteins
Austrian Society for Internal Medicine
Sources of funding (since 2000)


2001 2003 Akademie der

Wissenschaften: Doc

Short Title
Phnotypische und Genotypische
Klassifizierung neuroendokriner Neoplasien

BiochemieForschungspreis fr
Schilddrsenpage 156 of 168


N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Collaborative research agreement between University of Vienna and Biosite:
Neurobiochemical Marker proteins indicative for brain microembolism. 2003-2005
Collaborative research agreement between Medical University of Vienna and Biosite:
Development of a tumor marker device specific for brain tumors and evaluation of
neuropathological markers in multiple sclerosis and peripheral polyneuropathy. 2005-2007
Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)

Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Barbara Zierhut

Phnotypische und genotypische









Klassifizierung neuroendokriner
Teodora Daneva

The involvement of calcium

binding proteins,
DREAM/Calsenilin and
Secretagogin in pancreatic beta
cell function

Tibor Altenberger

Aberrant gene expression

patterns in pituitary tumors

Ivelina Mineva

Differential expression of
alphaB-crystallin and Hsp27-1 in
anplastic thyroid carcinomas
because of tumor-specific
alphaB-crystallin gene silencing
(Univ. Sofia)

Anastasiya Nabokikh

Genes influencing insulinoma


Aysegul Ilhan

Molecular cloning and renal


expression analysis of the

C20orf3 gene product
57 peer reviewed publications in scientific journals.
30) Wagner L. , O. Oliyarnyk, W. Gartner, P. Nowotny, M. Groeger, K. Kaserer, W.
Waldhusl, and MS. Pasternack. Cloning and Expression of Secretagogin, a Novel
Neuroendocrine- and Pancreatic Islet of Langerhans-specific Ca2+-binding Protein. J Biol
Chem 2000 275: 24740-24751
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

31) B. Lamkhioued, EA. Garcia-Zepeda, S. Abi-Younes, H. Nakamura, S. Jedrzkiewicz, L.

Wagner, PM. Renzi, Z. Allakhverdi, C. Lilly, Q. Hamid, and AD. Luster. Monocyte
Chemoattractant Protein (MCP)-4 Expression in the Airways of Patients with Asthma.
Induction in Epithelial Cells and Monocuclear Cells by Proinflammatory Cytokins. Am J
Resp Crit Care Med 2000 162: 723-732
32) Artwohl M, Hoelzenbein T, Wagner L, Freudenthaler A, Waldhaeusl W, BaumgartnerParzer. Levamisole induced apoptosis in cultured vascular endothelial cells. Br J
Pharmacol 2000 131: 1577-1583
33) E. Templ, G. Mostbeck, L. Wagner and M. Weissel. Reversibility of Retroperitoneal
Fibrosis after Successful Treatment of Colon Cancer. Acta med Austriaca 2000 27: 168170
34) D. Zhang, M. Pasternack, P. Beresford, L. Wagner, A. Greenberg, J. Lieberman.
Induction of rapid histon degradation by the cytotoxic T lymphocyte protease granzyme A.
J Biol Chem 2001 276: 3683-3690
35) W. Gartner, W. Lang, F. Leutmetzer, H. Domanovits. W. Waldhaeusl, L. Wagner.
Cerebral expression and serum detectability of secretagogin, a recently cloned EF-hand
Ca2+-binding Protein. Cerebral Cortex 2001 11:1161-1169.
36) Brunmair, B., F. Gras, S. Neschen, M. Roden, L. Wagner, W. Waldhusl, C. Frnsinn.
Direct thiazolidinedione action on isolated rat skeletal muscle fuel handling is independent
of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor- gamma-mediated changes in gene
expression. Diabetes, 2001. 50(10): 2309-15.
37) Sauty, A., RA. Colvin, L. Wagner, S. Rochart, F. Spertini, AD. Luster. CXCR3
internalization following T cell-endothelial cell contact: preferential role of IFN-inducible
T cell alpha chemoattractant (CXCL11). J Immunol, 2001. 167(12): 7084-93.
38) Meier, C., D. Rzler, L. Wagner, G. Grabner, G. Khler, A. Luger. Evidence for specific
glucocorticoid binding sites on the cell membrane by fluorescence correlation
spectroscopy. Single Mol. 2002.3: 211-216.
39) Gartner, W., J. Rossbacher, B. Zierhut, T. Daneva, W. Base, M. Weissel, W. Waldhusl,
M.S. Pasternack, L.Wagner. The ATP-dependent Helicase RUVBL1/TIP49a associates
with tubulin during mitosis. Cell Motility and Cytoskel. 2003.56:79-93.
40) Zierhut, B., Mechtler, K., Gartner, W., Daneva, T., Base, W., Weissel, M., Niederle, B.,
and Wagner, L. Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) subtype expression in neuroendocrine
tissue and identification of a neuroendocrine tumour-specific Hsp70 truncation. Endocr
Relat Cancer. 2004. 11: 377-389.
41) Grisar J, Aringer M, Koller MD, Stummvoll GH, Eselbock D, Zwolfer B, Steiner CW,
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Zierhut B, Wagner L, Pietschmann P, Smolen JS. Leflunomide inhibits transendothelial

of peripheral blood. Cell Ann Rheum Dis. 2004 Dec;63(12):1632-7.
42) Barbara Zierhut, Teodora Daneva, Wolfgang Gartner, Barbara Brunnmaier, Tord
Berggrd, L Wagner. Setagin and secretagogin-R22: Posttranscriptional modification
products of the secretagogin gene (SCGN). Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2005)
43) Brunmair B., F. Gras, L. Wagner, M. Artwohl, B. Zierhut, W. Waldhusl, C. Frnsinn.
Expression of uncoupling protein-3 mRNA in rat skeletal muscle is acutely stimulated by
thiazolidinediones: an exercise-like effect? . Diabetologia (2004) 47: 1611-1614.
44) T. Altenberger, M. Bilban, M. Auer, E. Knosp, S. Wolfsberger, W. Gartner, I. Mineva, C.
Zielinski, L. Wagner, and A. Luger. Identification of DLK1 variants in pituitary- and
neuroendocrine tumors, Biochem Biophys Res Commun 340 (2006) 995-1005.
45) S. M. Baumgartner-Parzer, R. Lang, L. Wagner, G. Heinze, B. Niederle, K. Kaserer, W.
Waldhausl, and H. Vierhapper. Polymorphisms in exon 13 and intron 14 of the RET
protooncogene: genetic modifiers of medullary thyroid carcinoma?, J Clin Endocrinol
Metab 90 (2005) 6232-6236.
46) W. Gartner, I. Mineva, T. Daneva, S. Baumgartner-Parzer, B. Niederle, H. Vierhapper, M.
Weissel, and L. Wagner. A newly identified RET proto-oncogene polymorphism is found
in a high number of endocrine tumor patients, Hum Genet 117 (2005) 143-153.
47) D. Haubenberger, R. E. Bittner, S. Rauch-Shorny, F. Zimprich, C. Mannhalter, L. Wagner,
I. Mineva, K. Vass, E. Auff, and A. Zimprich. Inclusion body myopathy and Paget disease
is linked to a novel mutation in the VCP gene, Neurology 65 (2005) 1304-1305.
48) I. Mineva, W. Gartner, P. Hauser, A. Kainz, M. Loffler, G. Wolf, R. Oberbauer, M.
Weissel, and L. Wagner. Differential expression of alphaB-crystallin and Hsp27-1 in
anaplastic thyroid carcinomas because of tumor-specific alphaB-crystallin gene (CRYAB)
silencing, Cell Stress Chaperones 10 (2005) 171-184.
49) H. Vierhapper, S. Rondot, E. Schulze, L. Wagner, S. Hanslik, B. Niederle, C. Bieglmayer,
K. Kaserer, and S. Baumgartner-Parzer. Primary hyperparathyroidism as the leading
symptom in a patient with a Y791F RET mutation, Thyroid 15 (2005) 1303-1308.
50) K. Birkenkamp-Demtroder, L. Wagner, F. Brandt Sorensen, L. Bording Astrup, W.
Gartner, H. Scherubl, B. Heine, P. Christiansen, and T. F. Orntoft. Secretagogin is a novel
marker for neuroendocrine differentiation, Neuroendocrinology 82 (2005) 121-138.
51) W. Gartner, F. Koc, A. Nabokikh, T. Daneva, B. Niederle, A. Luger, and L. Wagner.
Long-term in vitro growth of human insulin-secreting insulinoma cells,
Neuroendocrinology 83 (2006) 123-130.
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N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

52) K. Adolf, L. Wagner, A. Bergh, P. Stattin, P. Ottosen, M. Borre, K. BirkenkampDemtroder, T. F. Orntoft, and N. Torring. Secretagogin is a new neuroendocrine marker in
the human prostate, Prostate (2007) in press.
53) J. Attems, M. Quass, W. Gartner, A. Nabokikh, L. Wagner, S. Steurer, S. Arbes, F.
Lintner, and K. Jellinger. Immunoreactivity of calcium binding protein secretagogin in the
human hippocampus is restricted to pyramidal neurons, Exp Gerontol 42 (2007) 215-222.
54) A. Rogstam, S. Linse, A. Lindqvist, P. James, L. Wagner, and T. Berggard. Binding of
calcium ions and SNAP-25 to the hexa EF-hand protein secretagogin, Biochem J 401
(2007) 353-363.
55) I. Pipp, L. Wagner, K. Rssler, H. Budka, M. Preusser. Secretagogin expression in tumors
of the human brain and ist coverings, APMIS 2007 in press
56) A. Nabokikh, A. Ilhan, M. Bilban, W. Gartner, G. Vila, B. Niederle, JH. Nielsen, O.
Wagner, W. Base, A. Luger, L. Wager, Reduced TGF-1 expression and its target genes in
human insulinomas. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 2007 in press
57) W. Gartner, G. Vila, T. Daneva, A. Nabokikh, F. Koc-Saral, A. Ilhan, O. Majdic, A.
Luger, L. Wagner, New functioanl aspects of the neuroendocrine marker secretagogin
based on the characterization of ist rat homolog. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2007 in

page 160 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Div.of Clin Nutrition and Metabolism, Dept of Pediatrics, Med.Univ Vienna

Early detection and treatment of children and adolescents affected with

familial hypercholesterolemia (FH)
Abstract (area of research, most recent results; <3000 characters)

Thesis Subjects
Association between genotype and phenotype in families affected with FH
Effect of ApoE pattern on the effect of diet on serum lipoproteins in children with FH
Dose effect of soy proteins and isoflavons
Clinical characteristics of Apo-B-100-Defect
Postprandial Hypertriglyceridemia in parents with familial comb. Hyperlipidemia
Effekt of w-3 fatty acids in infants and children with homozygous LPL-deficiency
Intima Media thickness in young children with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia
undergoing LDL-apheresis

Techniques and infrastructure

Outpatient clinic for lipid and lipoprotein disorders
Dietary intervention for affected subjects.
Lipoprotein research laboratory including ultracentrifuge, isoelectric, focusing,
electrophoresis etc.
Cooperations to detect LDL-receptor gene mutations
Unit for clinical drug trials

page 161 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Kurt WIDHALM, Dr.med.
Professor for Clinical Nutrition, Head, Div. Nutrition and Metabolism, dept. of Pediatrics,
Med.Univ. of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria, Phone: +43-1404002337 or 3232, Fax: +43-1-40400 2338 or 3194, E-Mail:

Personal Data
Date of Birth :


Place of Birth:

Linz, Austria




1964: Graduated at Academic Gymnasium Linz, with honors;

Jan.1971: Dr.med.univ., Univ.Vienna Nov.1977: Board Certification:
Pediatrics ("Facharzt fr Kinderheilkunde")
Jan.1998: Board Certification: Clinical Chemistry ("Facharzt fr
medizinische und chemische Labordiagnostik")

Brief Chronology
of Employment:

Feb.1971-May 1973: Dept.of Physiology, Univ. Vienna

1973-1992: Dept.of Pediatrics, Univ.Vienna
1992-1994: Director and Head of Internal Dept. Mautner Markhof
Childrens Hospital Vienna
1994-: Dept. of Pediatrics, Med. Univ. of Vienna

Career History:

Since 1974: Head of Outpatient Clinic for Obesity, Feb.1978: Senior

Lecturer in Pediatrics Lipid Disorders and Nutrition Conseling
1980: Assoc.Prof.of Pediatrics
July 1986: Professor for Pediatrics
1987: Head of the "Academy of Clinical Nutrition" of the Austrian
Nutrition Society and of the Physicians Board of Vienna
1.1.1988-1992: Director of the Austrian Screening Program for Inborn
Errors of Metabolism (incl.Treatment Program), located on
the Dept. of Pediatrics, Univ.Vienna
page 162 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

15.10.1992: Director and Head of Internal Department of the Mautner

Markhof Children's Hospital, Vienna
1994: Professor for Clinical Chemistry
1995: Professor for Pediatrics, Dept. for Pediatrics, Univ.Vienna
1997: President Austrian Academy for Medical Nutrition
2003: Full Professor for Clinical Nutrition and Head of Dept.
Nutrition and Metabolism

Foreign studies:

May/June 1975: Clin. Institute for Research on Myocardial Infarction,

Med.Clinics, Univ. Heidelberg, Germany.
Oct.1977: Lipid Res.Clinics, Dept.Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins Univ.,
Baltimore, Md. (Prof.Dr. P.O.Kwiterovich)
May 1982: Invited Tour Speaker, Amer.Ass.Clin. Chem.
Oct.1983: The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Dept.of Biochemistry,
Section Lipids, Nutrition and Metabolic Dis.
Oct.1985: Children's Hospital Melbourne
Oct./Nov.1988: University Riberao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brasil
Jan.1992: Inst.for Genetic Diseases, Academy of Science, Moscow

Military Service:

July/August 1976

Committees and

Secretary of the Austrian Society for Pediatrics (1982-86)

Council Member and Vice President (1992-96) of the Austrian Society
for Nutrition (1990-2000)
President Austrian Medical Academy of Nutrition (since 1997)
President of the Austrian Lipid Society (until 1994)
Member of the Health Council of the City of Vienna (1991-1999)
President of the Federation of European Societies of Nutrition (FENS)
President European Childhood Obesity Group (since 2003)

Editorial Scientific

Aktuelle Ernhrungsmedizin (G.Thieme, Stuttgart)

page 163 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Nutrition Research (Pergamon Press)

Klinische Pdiatrie (F.Enke-Verlag)
Editor: J. fr Ernhrungsmedizin (Wien)

Publications: (Alan R.Liss, New York) K.Widhalm, H.K. Naito


(Eds.): Detection and Treatment of Lipid and Lipoprotein Disorders of

Childhood 1985 (Progress in Clin. and Biol. Res.Vol.88)
K.Widhalm, H.K. Naito (Eds.): Recent Aspect of Diagnosis and
Treatment of Lipoprotein Disorders 1988 (Progress in Clin. and
Biol.Res.Vol. 255)
Apolipoproteins in Lipid Disorders, Springer, Wien, New York-1991
Ernhrungsmedizin, Verlag d. sterr. rztekammer, Wien, 2000, 2006
Kinderernhrung, Verlag d. sterr. rztekammer, Wien, 2002
350 scientific papers, most of them in International Journals


Pediatric Research, Pediatrics, Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism,

European Journal of Pediatrics,J. Nutrition, Metabolism and
Cardiovascular Diseases, Journal of Pediatric
Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Gene Therapy,
J.Inher.Metab.Dis., Int.J.Obesity etc.

Sources of funding (since 2000)



Short Title

2005 2008

EU (partner Project
no. 007034)

HELENA Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by

Nutrition in Adolescence



Randomized Double-Blind PlaceboControlled Efficacy and Safety Study of

Colesevelam HCI Administered to
Pediatric patients with Heterozygous
Familial Hypercholesterolemia on a Stable
of Statins or Treatment Naive to LipidLowering Therapy
page 164 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"



Klin. Prfung von Ezemibide/ Simvastatin

bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit
familirer Hypercholesterinmie

2003 2006

Fresenius, Graz

Ernhrungszustand/Malnutrition bei
hospitalisierten Patienten


Alpro Foundation,

Effekt von Sojaprotein bei Kinder und

Jugendlichen mit familirer


Numico Int.,
Wageningen, The

Glucosestoffwechsel bei bergewichtigen



Rudolf Mach

CLA Studie



Anwendungsbeobachtung der Wirkung von

Sibutramine bei morbid adipsen


EU (QULRT-200000716)

QULRT Quality of life in chronically ill



Agrana, BM, FG

PRESTO Prevention Study of Obesity



Mikronhrstoffe in sterreich


ARC Seibersdorf

Altersabhngigkeit HF



Familial Hypercholesterolemia

Supervision of doctoral students (since 2000)


Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Irene Mann

Homozygote, familire
Hypercholesterinmie: Klinik,
Diagnose und Therapie an Hand
von drei pdiatrischen Fllen



Michaela Kiss

Glucosetoleranz bei morbid

obesen Patienten



Marie-Therese HeineGeldern

Malnutrition: Ernhrungszustand
von ambulanten Patienten



page 165 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Christina Denninger

Mgliche Assoziation zwischen

unterschiedlichen Mutationen
des LDLR - Gens u. des
Gesamtcholesterins bzw. LDL Cholesterins



Philipp Kahl

Anwendungsbeobachtung der
Wirkung von Sibutramine bei
morbid adipsen Jubendlichen



Iris Ciba

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver

Disease und deren Korrelation
mit Insulinresistenz bei adipsen
Kindern und Jugendlichen



Barbara ller

Das Polycystische
Ovarialsyndrom und die nichtalkoholischen
Fettlebererkrankungen im
Kindes- und Jugendalter



Eva Rettenbacher

Mutationsanalyse des
bei extrem adipsen Kindern
und Jugendlichen (Univ.
Marburg, Germany)



Bettina Bandur

Bericht ber in sterreich

durchgefhrte Untersuchungen
zur Versorgung der Bevlkerung
mit Vitaminen und



Christian Denzer

Adipostias im Kindes- und

Jugendalter: Profil einer



page 166 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"


Title of thesis

Period (expected)


Andrea Preisinger

Pediatric Obesity A review of

literature and 3,5-year-follow-up
of an outpatient weight reduction
program in obese children and




Widhalm K., Schnegger K., Huemer C., Auterieth A.: Does the BMI reflect body fat in
obese children and adolescents? A study using the TOBEC method. Int.J.Obesity 25, 279-285
(2001), IF 3,199
Eisenklbl J., Katasurya M., Widhalm K.: Underestimation of body fat mass percentage
measured by bioelectrical bioimpedance. Eur.J.Clin.Nutrition 55, 423-429 (2001) IF 1,668
Boeck A., Zeitlhofer J., Widhalm K.: Visual evoked potential changes in asymptomatic
children with biotinidase deficiency: Wien.Klin.Wschr. 113: 527-530 (2001) IF 0,588
Widhalm K.: Adipositas. State of the Art. sterr. rztezeitung 6, 34-38 (2001)
Dirisamer A., Widhalm K.: Homocysteine in children and adolescents from families with
premature cardiovascular disease. Abstr. Ped.Res. 49, 257A (2001), IF 2,661
Widhalm K. Miranda da Cruz B., de Sonneville LMJ.: Information processing characteristics
and uridine treatment in children with classical galactosemia. Nutr.Research 22, 257-270
(2002) IF 0,716 Standard, Original
Gulesserian T., Widhalm K.: Effect of a rapeseed oil substituted diet on serum lipids and
lipoproteins in children and adolescents with familial hypercholesterolemia.
J.Amer.Coll.Nutr. 21: 103-108 (2002) IF 1,546 Standard, Original
Widhalm K.: Diagnosis and treatment of hyperlipoproteinemias in children and adolescents.
In: Pediatric Endocrinology; F. Lifshitz, Ed., 859-64 M. Dekker, New York (2002) Review
Hofmann U., Dirisamer A., Heher S., Kostner K., Widhalm K., Neunteufel Th.: Relation of
peripheral flow-mediated Vasodilatation and coronary artery calcium in young patients with
heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. Am.J.Cardiol. 90, 70-73 (2002) IF 2,762 Top
Widhalm K., Schwabl R.: Nutrient intakes of children and adolescents with morbid obesity
In: Study on Obesity and functional foods in Europe; EU-Cost Action 918, 396-401 (2002)
K.Bauer, et al.K.Widhalm: Cholesterin 2. ACCC 2002, Konsensus-Statement CliniCum,
Sonderausgabe Oktober 2002
page 167 of 168

N790 Program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition"

Dirisamer A., Widhalm K.: Lipoprotein (a) as a potent risk indicator for early cardiovascular
disease. Acta Paediatr. 91:1313-17 (2002), IF 1,315
Dirisamer A., Hachemian N., Bucek R. A., Wolf F., Reiter M., Widhalm K.: The effect of
low-dose simvastatin in children with familial hypercholesterolemia: a 1-year observation.
Eur J Pediatr. 162: 421-425 (2003) IF 1,22
Widhalm K., Reithofer E.: Effect of Two Diets in Children and Adolescents with Familial
Hypercholesterolemia: Soy-Protein Diet Versus Low Saturated Fat Diet. Nutrition and
Biochemistry of Phospholipids. 16: 171-174, 563-564 (2003)
Denzer C., Reithofer E., Wabitsch M., Widhalm K.: The outcome of childhood obesity
management depends highly upon patient compliance. Eur. J. Pediat. 163:99-104 (2004)
Dirisamer A., Reiter M., Bucek R.A., Widhalm K.: Plasma homocysteine concentration in
children of families with proven myocardial infarction before the age of 55 years. Acta Paed.
93:1-2 (2004)
Dietrich S, Widhalm K: A multidisciplinary Therapy Program for Morbidly Obese Children
and Teenagers: Results After 7 Months. Int. Pediatrics 19:83-89 (2004)
Flodmark CE, Lissau I, Moreno L, Pietrobelli A, Widhalm K: New Insights into the Field of
Children and Adolescents Obesity: The European Perspective. Int. J. Obesity 28:1189-1196
Widhalm K, Dietrich S, Prager G: Adjustable Gastric Banding Surgery in morbidly obese
Adolescents: Experiences with 8 patients; Int. J. Obesity 28:42-45 (2004)
Widhalm K, Weghuber D: Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Familial and
Polygenic Hypercholesterolemia with Classical and Soy Substituted Diet in: Koen
Descheemaeker, Ignace Debruyne (Hrsg.) Soy & Health 2004 Clinical Evidence Dietetic
Applications 41-47 (2005)
Pietrobelli A, Flodmark CE, Lissau I, Moreno LA, Widhalm K:From birth to adolescence:
Vienna 2005 European Childhood Obesity Group International Workshop. Int J Obesity
29:S1-S6 (2005)
Widhalm K, Fussenegger D: Actions and programs of European countries to combat obesity
in children and adolescents: a survey. Int J Obesity 29:S130-S135 (2005)

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