Multiplex PCR Assay For Rapid Detection and Genotyping of Helicobacter Pylori Directly From Biopsy Specimens

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0095-1137/04/$08.000 DOI: 10.1128/JCM.42.6.28212824.2004
Copyright 2004, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Vol. 42, No. 6

Multiplex PCR Assay for Rapid Detection and Genotyping

of Helicobacter pylori Directly from
Biopsy Specimens
Santanu Chattopadhyay,1 Rajashree Patra,1 T. Ramamurthy,1 Abhijit Chowdhury,2
Amal Santra,2 G. K. Dhali,2 S. K. Bhattacharya,1 Douglas E. Berg,3
G. Balakrish Nair,4 and Asish K. Mukhopadhyay1*
National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases1 and Department of Gastroenterology, Institute of Post
Graduate Medical Education and Research,2 Calcutta, India; Department of Molecular Microbiology,
Washington University Medical School, St. Louis, Missouri 631103; and International Centre for
Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh4
Received 1 October 2003/Returned for modification 4 December 2003/Accepted 2 February 2004

We developed and evaluated a simple, novel multiplex PCR assay for rapid detection of Helicobacter pylori
infection and for the determination of vacA and cagA genotypes directly from gastric biopsy specimens. This
assay did not require culturing of strains or extraction of DNA from biopsy samples. This multiplex PCR assay
would be of particularly great value for laboratories in developing countries.

The gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori causes gastritis and

peptic ulcer disease and is an early risk factor for development
of gastric adenocarcinoma (15). Because it is fastidious and
microaerophilic, it cannot be cultured in many clinical or research laboratories in resource-poor developing countries.
None of the methods to detect H. pylori infection, including the
recently developed H. pylori stool antigen test (4) and PCR
restriction analysis using a RNA polymerase gene (rpoB) (10),
can give a clue to the virulence genes of H. pylori strains
harbored by the host (6, 8, 9). Although Park et al. (13) developed a method for obtaining H. pylori genotype data directly
from biopsy samples, it involves extraction of genomic DNA
and requires several PCRs.
We report the development of a multiplex PCR assay by
which vacA signal sequence (s1 and s2) and mid-region (m1
and m2) alleles and the presence or absence of a cagA gene can
be detected in a single reaction, directly from gastric biopsy
samples within 4 h after endoscopy, without a need for culture
or genomic DNA extraction. This can save several weeks time
and expensive reagents (e.g., antibiotic, serum, or blood- and
growth-supplemented media and reagents for DNA extraction) and instrumentation (e.g., double gas incubator). The
other H. pylori virulence gene multiplex PCR reported earlier
was not standardized for biopsy samples, required expensive
Ready-To-Go PCR beads, and does not type vacA alleles (11).
A total of 79 H. pylori strains isolated from India (65 strains),
Japan (6), Spain (5), Australia (strain SS1; mouse colonized),
and the United Kingdom and United States (strains 26695 and
J99; genomes fully sequenced) were used to develop the multiplex PCR assay. Fresh biopsies (total, 90) were collected
randomly from patients with duodenal ulcer (41 biopsies), gas-

tric ulcer (9), nonulcer dyspepsia (20), duodenitis (6), gastritis

(4), and adenocarcinoma (7) and from three healthy volunteers
for further evaluation of this method. Each persons infection
status inferred from multiplex PCR was further assayed by
rapid urease testing (RUT), and culture and genotype data
obtained from biopsy multiplex PCR were evaluated by PCR
using DNA extracted from cultured strains isolated from the
respective patients, as described earlier (5). Nucleotide sequences of primers used are given in Table 1.
To find a suitable conserved part we aligned 20 full gene
sequences of cagA of H. pylori deposited in the GenBank from
different parts of the world and cagA sequences of the two
reference (genome-sequenced) strains (strains 26695 and J99).
Primers cag5c-F and cag3c-R were designed from conserved
regions to amplify 350 bp (positions 109 to 459 of cagA of
strain 26695) (Table 1).
For multiplex PCR from biopsies, specimens collected in
microcentrifuge tubes containing 120 l of sterile phosphatebuffered saline were vortexed vigorously for 2 min. The tubes
were then boiled in a water bath for 15 min, cooled in ice, and
centrifuged at 13,000 g for 1 min. The supernatant was
transferred to another tube, and 3 l was added in 25-l
volumes containing 2.5 pmol of primers VAG-F and VAG-R,
25 pmol of primers VA1-F and VA1-R, 10 pmol of primers
cag5c-F and cag3c-R, 0.25 mM of each deoxynucleoside
triphosphate (Takara, Shuzo, Japan), 0.9 U of Taq DNA polymerase (Genei, Bangalore, India), and 1.5 mM of MgCl2 in
standard PCR buffer (Takara). Products were amplified under
the following conditions: 3 min at 94C for initial denaturation
followed by 35 cycles of 1 min at 94C, 1 min at 55C, and 1 min
at 72C, with a final round of 10 min at 72C, in a Perkin-Elmer
9700 thermal cycler. The sensitivity assay for multiplex PCR
and nucleotide sequencing was carried out as described elsewhere (12, 14).
Using this multiplex PCR, we characterized 65 previously
isolated Indian strains. Of the strains, 44 carried an s1m1

* Corresponding author. Mailing address: National Institute of

Cholera and Enteric Diseases, P-33, CIT Rd., Scheme XM, Beliaghata,
Calcutta 700010, India. Phone: 91 33 2350 1176. Fax: 91 33 2350 5066.



TABLE 1. Primers used for the amplification of vacA alleles and cagA

DNA region(s)


Size(s) (bp)

vacA s1/vacA s2




vacA m1/vacA m2







Primer sequence

or source


This study

cagA allelic combination, 16 carried s1m2 cagA, and 5

carried s2m2 and were cagA-negative strains (Fig. 1a).
These genotypes were confirmed in each case by PCR using
single primer pairs. We also accurately typed the vacA and
cagA status of six strains from Japan, five strains from Spain,
one mouse-colonizing strain (strain SS1) from Australia,
and the two reference strains 26695 and J99 from the United
Kingdom and United States, respectively, by multiplex PCR
(Fig. 1b). Each of the six strains (five from India and one
from Spain) that gave no cagA amplicon yielded the 550-bp
amplicon expected of the cag empty site (no cag pathogenicity island) in PCR with primers Lunil and R5280 (12)
(Fig. 1c).
Assays with the addition of boiled cultures of bacterial
strains after serial dilution showed this multiplex PCR to be

TABLE 2. Sensitivity and specificity of biopsy multiplex PCR assay

for the detection of H. pylori virulence genes in comparison with
tissue rapid urease test (RUT) and culture
Test and

FIG. 1. Amplification of vacA s1, vacA s2, vacA m1, and vacA m2
alleles and the cagA gene of H. pylori by multiplex PCR assay. (a) Lane
M, 100-bp marker (New England Biolab); lanes 1 to 5, H. pylori strains
isolated from India. Lanes 1 to 3, s1m1 cagA genotype; lane 2, s1m2
cagA genotype; lane 5, genotype of s2m2 cagA-negative strain. (b)
Lane M, 100-bp marker (New England Biolab); lanes 1 to 5, H. pylori
strains isolated from different part of the world. Lane 1, strain HUP 77
(s1m1 cagA) from Spain; lane 2, strain TN2 (s1m1 cagA) from
Japan; lane 3, strain SS1(s2m2 cagA) from Australia; lane 4, strain
J99 (s1m1 cagA) from the United States; lane 5, strain 26695 (s1m1
cagA) from the United Kingdom. (c) Amplification of 550-bp fragment of cag-pathogenicity island empty site for cagA-negative strains
discerned by multiplex PCR assay. Lanes 1 to 5, cagA-negative strains
isolated from India; lane 6, HUP67, a cagA-negative strain isolated
from Spain.

No. of specimens with

multiplex PCR result that was:





















Sensitivity, 95.3%; specificity, 91.5%; positive predictive value, 91.1%.

Sensitivity, 100%; specificity, 91.8%; positive predictive value, 91.1%.

VOL. 42, 2004



FIG. 3. Multiplex PCR assay for simulated mixed infection of

strains 26695 (s1m1 cagA) and I-80 (s2m2 cagA-negative strain). Lane
M, 100-bp marker (New England Biolab); lanes 1 to 6, strains 26695
and I-80 at ratios of 1:1 to 1:32; lane 7, strain 26695; lane 8, strain I-80.

FIG. 2. Genotype of H. pylori obtained by multiplex PCR format.

(a) Lane M, 100-bp marker (New England Biolab); lanes 1 to 5,
amplification of H. pylori virulence genes by multiplex PCR from
biopsy specimens. As shown in lane 2, biopsy 23 gave a shorter amplicon for the vacA middle region. (b) Lane M, 100-bp marker (New
England Biolab); lanes 1 to 5, multiplex PCR results obtained from
DNA extracted from strains isolated from the respective patients. As
shown in lane 2, strain PCR 23 gave a shorter amplicon similar to that
obtained with biopsy 23.

highly sensitive, allowing detection of few cells per reaction.

This motivated us to standardize the assay with boiled biopsy
Positive PCR was obtained with biopsies from 41 of 43 patients
that had given positive results in RUT, and no PCR amplicon was
obtained with biopsies from 43 of 47 patients that had given
negative results in RUT (Table 2). Moreover, the method also
provided preliminary H. pylori genotyping directly from biopsy
specimens (Fig. 2). Four biopsy samples that gave positive multiplex PCR results and remained negative by culture gave positive
results in RUT. Also, four RUT-negative biopsies, which gave
positive results in multiplex PCR, gave positive results in culture,
and the DNA extracted from cultured strains gave results identical with the genotype results obtained from their respective biopsies. Among the 41 individual patients who gave positive results
for both biopsy multiplex and culture, 31 (75.6%) gave identical
genotypes by multiplex PCR from biopsy and DNA extracted
from cultured pooled bacterial strains. The other 10 (24.4%) gave
different results, possibly due to multiple H. pylori strains infecting
the hosts. Also, because H. pylori colonization in gastric mucosa is
often patchy rather than uniform, the separate biopsies used for
multiplex PCR and culture may harbor two different strains (1).
Amplicons for both alternative vacA s1/vacA s2 and vacA
m1/vacA m2 alleles by biopsy multiplex PCR were seen with
seven individuals. This outcome indicated colonization by mul-

tiple H. pylori strains. We also tested the ability of this multiplex PCR to identify infection by multiple H. pylori strains by
simulating mixed infection of two bacterial strains with different genotypes (vacA s1/vacA s2 and vacA m1/vacA m2). Twofold serial dilutions were made for either strain 26695 (s1m1
cagA) or strain I-80 (s2m2 cagA-negative strain) while keeping the count of the other strain constant. Multiplex PCR
performed with the serially diluted culture mixtures detected
mixed genotypes, with I-80/26695 ratios ranging from 8:1 to
1:16 (Fig. 3). The ability to detect colonization by multiple H.
pylori strains even when the two strains differ in relative abundance levels could be of great value. For many patients, suggestions of maintenance of equilibrium between cagA strains
and cagA-negative strains (7) were confirmed; at least in the
Indian context, the number of cagA strains in a particular
gastric niche (in many cases, even in a single biopsy specimen)
far exceeds the number of cagA-negative strains (unpublished
Another advantage of this multiplex PCR is that it was able
to detect a deletion in vacA, since an amplicon for a vacA
middle region, which is shorter than both vacA m1 and vacA
m2, was obtained by biopsy multiplex PCR from one individual
(Fig. 2a). The strain isolated from the same individual also
showed the same vacA mid-region profile when subjected to
multiplex PCR (Fig. 2b). Subsequent PCR using primer pairs
VAm-F3VAm-R3 and VA4-FVA4-R (12) proved this particular vacA allele to be m1 (Fig. 4a and b), though the reason
that a shorter amplicon was obtained in our newly designed
multiplex PCR system could not be determined. Further amplification of the vacA middle region of this strain by PCR
using primers VAG-F and VAG-R and sequencing showed a
120-bp deletion (from the second base of the codon) in this
vacA allele when it was aligned with an m1 allele carrying the
vacA gene sequence of strain 26695. This deletion resulted in
a frameshift, which should give rise to a premature termination
in peptide synthesis (Fig. 4c).
In summary, we believe the multiplex PCR developed here
could be of great value in clinical microbiology and H. pylori
population studies, especially for rapid screening of many sam-




FIG. 4. Analysis of vacA middle region of strain PCR 23. (a) Amplification of vacA middle region by vacA m1 allele-specific primers
VAm-F3Vam-R3. M, 100-bp marker (New England Biolab); lane 1, PCR 23; lane 2, known vacA m1 allele containing H. pylori DNA. (b)
Amplification of vacA middle region by vacA m2 allele-specific primers VA4-FVA4-R. M, 100-bp marker (New England Biolab); lane 1, PCR
23; lane 2, known vacA m2 allele containing H. pylori DNA. (c) vacA sequence alignment of strain PCR 23 with strain 26695 showing that a 120-bp
deletion from strain PCR 23 resulted in a frameshift after the deletion. This gives rise to a premature termination of the protein synthesis. The
first bases of the codons are shown in boldface characters in a larger font.

ples to detect of H. pylori infection, to determine vacA and

cagA status, to identify multiple-infection hosts, and to detect
variant alleles.
This work was supported by grants from the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India (BT/MB/VAP/3/2/98), Indian Council of Medical Research [5/8-1 (161)/H. pylori/2000/ECD-II], and also
in part by National Institutes of Health grants (AI 38166, DK 53727,
and DK63041).
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