Monster Squad Advanced Players Guide

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The key takeaways are to focus on shielders and healers for your teams, farm the first few raids for good monsters, and be patient as better monsters will come with time and effort.

The recommended starting teams are nature with Yakrusader or Wynasheros as lead, fire with Twinblaze as lead, and water with Chillchilla as lead. Support monsters mentioned are Jadefang, Treant, Krokodin, Plossom, Sheltor, Rubyfang, Furskerker, Koonga, Explodion, Titan Foot, Jelliking and Azurescale.

Focus on obtaining 3-star pets from the 10k gold cubes for stat bonuses. Aim for two HP buffers and one attack buffer on each element team. Don't spend gems on pets and leave them at 3 stars as incentive to awaken monsters.


NOTE: this is not a beginners guide. It is not meant to advise on basics such as
start off gem usage, getting monsters to 6 star, guides on boosting and using
magic stones. This guide is meant for the higher tier players struggling with the
harder sections of the game such as robo island, later stages of sky island,
making the top tiers of arena and getting those s+ monsters, as well as learning
the best team combos
This is a walkthrough, so allow me to split this up into sections and these
sections are in order. If you follow them in order, you should have no problem
succeeding as they are intended to be followed in that way so that you can
obtain the monster, stone, points etc. to move on to the next step. Its not a
bunch of advice. Its literally a step by step guide. Enjoy and be sure to comment!

Please remember this guide has only just begun and will
improve in specifity and accuracy. Many of you will need
more advice on specific maps or sky tower levels. All will
come with enough contributions. This is only the start
and a gret guide on kickstarting a strong unbeatable

Monster Squad is a pretty interesting game in that you really have to use your
head for a lot of the different modes, especially when it gets more difficult. With
modes like sky tower and story, the tactics differ completely. But overall there a
re a couple golden rules. These are as follows:
- Whenever you make a team it is assumed must be 6 star and all the same
elements. Having mixed elements is a waste of buff and will provide only a weak
point in your team. The only exclusion in this regard is pvp league where the
buffs dont apply.

-There are a different tactics and teams for every mode. Do not apply one that
works in arena to everywhere and expect to work etc.
-You do not necessarily need plenty of gems to make this work. You do need
heaps of gold which is obtainable with hard work. But any gems obtained never
really need to be bought with real money and come in handy every now and then
- You dont need to gamble to make it big in this game. No need to spend gems
on cubes. No need to fuse at the hope you get a rare monster. All can be
obtained with hard work

********Step 1: Start-off 6 star

Shield shield shield! Leading with a shield is super important and the more
spammable the shield, the better! Use manual control if you are having trouble
and activate that shield yourself!
Nature: Either Yakrusader or Wynasheros as lead. ( Obtained easily from dino
island and jungle island respectively) Jadefang, Treant, Krokodin, Plossom, And
Sheltor. Must have sheltor in team ( dino island) for hp buff, along with treant
( boneyard island) and a choice of either jadefang or krokodin.
Fire: Lead with twinblaze from volcano island for his shield. He will be your best
friend until you can move onto something more advanced like narkissa or
vengens. Support with rubyfang from dino island, or furskerker also from dino
island. Add koonga the healer ( unsure where from? Possibly volcano) with
explodion ( should start with this monster, or can find in first raid). Additional
options are creemag for attack buff and harm hound.
Water: Lead with chillchilla ( unsure where from, ice island?) for shield. Must have
titan foot for hp buff and aoe stun. Absolute incredible monster to obtain and still
good in tha later stages. Can be found in many places including dino island and
beauty and beast raid. Add to this jelliking for healing and azurescale from dino
island. Additional options are Urunga for attack and grochiss, all from boneyard
and desert island.

These teams are the teams you can easily obtain without having much of
anything in regards to gold, gems, experience, high arena ranking etc. You
should be able to grow these teams for easy to find places and start off your
solid teams. Healers and shielders are the crux of the team for most modes,
alongside with hp buffers and attack buffers. Next step is tackling the raids.

***********Step 2: First 2
Yes raids is first on the agenda because it actually is quite easy to finish the first
two, and maybe three if you are smart, with the above mentioned easy teams.
And from there, you can work on getting some pretty sweet additions like
narkissa, midnight, dark hawk and, of course the big damage dealers, the Anubis
Now at this point, you have the teams to easily tackle all story islands
until robo island and you are a little stuck. Raids is the way to go
alongside arena which is the next section!
Mansion of Madness:
A pretty all rounded easy raid to start with. Always start with this one. You should
pick at least 5 of each element and have a couple more spare for each element,
including healers and shielders. No real tactics required here except for ensuring
you have the type advantage.
Aims: Focus on obtaining as many fire bats as possible to get your midnight as
soon as possible. Once you have finished your midnight, move on to
ruined village.
Stages 1-3: Simple normal type, so I recommend using a nature type team to
tackle it, as nature will become less useful in the later stages.
Stage 4: Boss is Fire bat which is a pretty straightforward win with titan foots
stun and proper water team
Stage 5-7: Getting a little more hairy, but should be simple for the correct team.
If my memory serves correct, the monster here are of the nature type. Eithe way,
easily taken down and if you have trouble then you do not have the teams I
mentioned above, have no healer or are simply deliberately trying to lose
Step 8 : Boss is midnight and this is where things can get a little tough. Use the
water team you have been saving and it should be fine, but if you have trouble,
manually take over and shield every time it goes down, and healing as soon as
possible. Try to magic stone your healer with either cool down stones or recovery
stones, and your leader with mp recovery stones
Stages 9-11: Slightly tough fire based monsters easily tackled with the water
monsters. Take over if necessary and ensure your monsters are somewhat magic
stones with cool down stones, even if they are bad stones
Stage 12: A tough fight where shield breaking will come in handy, but we dont
have that at the moment. You still have a good chance of winning with
depeleting yoru nature, fire and lastly, your water teams to finish her off. Take
over and take her down. First few goes, you might not win, which is normal. Youll

get there with the additional gold and monsters from arena. But with titan foot,
you have a good chance.

Got your midnight? The shade drop is quite rare but fingers crossed you get it
soon! Dont save up for your 12 bats for narkissa. You could spend that time
getting Anubis and dark hawk. Youll get vengens before narkissa which is just as
handy as lead.

Ruined Village Raid

Here we have a harder raid. Monster hit harder and have more hp. Fire team is
key here. Most if not all monsters here are of the nature type. You will likely not
be able to take down the last stage unless you get lucky. Later on you will have
no problems, especially with vengens as lead.
Aim: Aim for obtaining dark hawk and as many Anubis monsters you can get
along the way. Dark hawk will require around 27 strang drops which is easier
than it sounds. You will get 2-3 every single run. And, hopefully, around 1 anubis
monster every second run. You only need 4 anubis drops to make the 6 star
version. In the end, you will need the Anubis for each element. Once you have
dark hawk, you should have spent enough time to build your team to o for third
raid which will be tackled later on in this guide as the third raid is not priority
right now. You can go for more Anubis hunting if you so desire.
Monsters to pick: As many fire as possible.
Stage 1-11 Use fire team with midnight preferably and it should be a breeze. Hp
and attack will be doubled and tripled from mansion of madness, so be ready for
longer battles. If you have around 10 fire monsters thats perfect so you can sub
them out and alternate to last the whole 11 stages
Stage 12: Boss dark hawk. You want to stun like a mofo here, especially when his
shield is down. He spams shield 24/7 and it last so damn long. You will likely not
be capable of defeating this stage until later, especially with vengens and his
shield break capability.

********Step 3: ARENA***********
So you have a midnight, an Anubis or two, maybe even a dark hawk. And who
knows, some cool drops along the way like bluebella and plossom that drops
often in either raid. Fantastic additions and now you have plenty of monster to
pick from.

Here you attack arena. Of course you should be trying arena simultaneously
while rading and hunting for materials. This is the way you want to go about
doing it.
Arena is a slightly different dynamic. Picking the right teams is crucial here. You
will need a team for each of the 3 elements. Normal element will be tackled later.
The teams I mentioned in the beginning will work very well except for one thing .
-Healing is cut in half for arena, rendering it not as worth to take up an entire
monster slot.
-Ensure you have as close as you can to the handy method of 2 HP% monsters
and one Atk% or Crit chance monster.
- lead with a shielder.
- Make sure your monsters still have aoe attacks. If you want a buffer or
debufffer, like harm hound or creemag, make sure its only the one. You want
more attackers than buffers. You only have 4 slots so make the best of it.
- If a team has mixed elements ( for example you are up against a team with half
nature half water) then you automatically have the advantage. They are half as
buffed as you are. Obviously with that example you will go with nature team.
Always stay to one element. Very few exceptions make it work without the same
element in the one team.
There are a couple exceptions with healers, like mewgalaxia and slayergal, but
personally, I find it much more useful to have no healers whatsoever. Especially if
you are looking to work your way up and you dont have many s+ monsters. You
gotta play it smart
AIM: With the new arena timer, you can sleep without losing your rank much. Just
remember to stay active, never stay away from arena for 10 hours and choose
the right elements every time. You should make, at the very least, the top 1000
every week here, netting you a sweet 100 or more honour points.
You want to use these, first and foremost, on the special arena monsters that are
worth 50 honour points. All of them are fantastic, handy and end game monsters.
Humbanaut and Manebear especially. You will need 2 prism kongs which are
worth 100 honour points each.
So, in total, you need 250 honour points to fully evolve them. 2- 3 weeks worth.
Especially if you do well in pvp league ( next section) you will have plenty of
Ultimately you will reach a point where you have solid monsters from
drops, raid monsters like granubis and aquavis, as well as awesome hp
and stunners like manebear and humbanaut. Your team is really
starting to look strong and end game already, and you havent even

struggled much. Just patience and persistence! Couple of weeks and

you have come quite far already
Note: Dont try to alter the formation with too many attack buffers or too many
single monster attackers. You will suffer as a result, You need the hp to last you
the battle. Unless you already have enough high end, awakened monsters to
form your own successful tactic. In which case, you dont even need this guide

***************** PVP LEAGUE


Pvp league is a different ball game from arena. But it can help skyrocket those
honour points and build your team to that next level.
Tactic: This is the only mode where teams should not be of the same element.
Team bufs dont apply here, and you cannot pick from a range of teams so you
dont have much choice in terms of getting an element advantage. Its not helped
by the fact you can only see the first 4 monsters in your opposition. So
essentially you have no idea what is the best element for any one battle. So you
go with all of them at once to cover all the bases.
The league changes every 3 week,s sometimes it is 8 sometimes it is 12. Either
way, you always want to prioritise these things :
Attack debuff
Special monster for each league
Type variation
Just quickly on the special monsters. They are not always useful for the pvp
league, but never underestimate it if it is. Check the rewards tab for the special
mons and the buff assosicated with it. The first pvp league buffd a couple 3 start
mons from sprout islands. But it was still terrible. The second league had the 5
star golems from lake island buffed enough to be incredibly useful. If they are 5
star or higher and buffed, chances are they will be extremely useful and give you
the upperhand. Personally, using the buffed golems has obliterated team after
team and got me in the top 100. I often never lose pvp league even with no
awakened monsters on the team.
You just have to pick them right

Couple golden rules:

Charismew ( from raid drops and story islands) is probably the most useful with
attack debuff and normal type.
Ultimi and Manebear combined with charismew and any water attacker or special
league monster allow you to stun lock and attack debuff from the beginning of
the fight. Make sure there is differing cool down in the stunners so there is a gap
between stunning. Cool down stone one stunner and stone the other with attack
Follow up with more stunners like Titan foot and ibomancer. Then with more
special monsters like the freezr and nature golem and, if the league calls for
more monsters and you have no stunners or debuffers, throw in high defence
aoe attackers such as collisiron or narkissa. I personally throw in the Anubis
monsters where I just need pure attack. My team consists of the opening four
mentioned above, with titan foot, ibomancer, midnight, granubis, two of the
special golem monsters, armin coral and turto Kaiser.
Turto Kaiser and armin coral, the new super rare monsters, they are incredibly
useful as turto silences, which is almost like stunning and armin coral is the only
monster in the game that supports with a shield for the whole team, rendering it
an absolute asset in pvp league
Overall, think about your team formation. Definitely DO NOT throw all of the
same element together. Make sure the next monster is of a different element
every team. Have debuffer, stunners and the special monster for each league.
You should have no problems with a smart mix of monsters
Remember, this is my personal experience, so I will be adding other tactics once
I receive them from other highly ranked players
Spend points on : Maneaber and humbanaut of course. Then go for either the
special 300 honour pt monster, but only if it is worth it. Currenltly Lubu is
fantastic, but prior to lubu, the ape wasnt worth the 300. You would have been
better off going for the 35 honour box and aiming to get ultimi, which is one of
the best monsters in the game.

********** SKY ISLAND**************

Now this is an extremely popular mode to struggle in.
Plenty of questions for each floor. So the way I will
approach this is a guide on every single damn floor from
20 onwards, unless it is a straightforward easy one. This
guide will continuously update as there will no doubt be
someone out there to find a better way to complete the
floors. But here are the methods I used and should work
pretty well for everyone

*****Robo island/Sky island/hard/hell

Here you have strong elemental teams and a couple s or s+ monsters already.
Your teams look formidable and you are ranking well in arena. From now on, the
only way Is up and you will receive plenty of gold, gems and arena points that
you will be able to save for when you need it. Before that, expect to be quite
poor unitl you hit the point where you have almost endgame teams and can slow
down a bit

So in robo island and sky island, things get a lot tougher with ridiculously high
hp, defence and attack. The most important aspect here is to succeed in adding
a formidable 6 star friend monster to your team to make it unstoppable. A good
addition to nature team is ultimi, granubis, dark hawk, jade fang. Etc. Basically
any good monster I have mentioned above with an attack, crit rate or hp buff.
Make sure with story mode is with a healer at all times. Rarely will you survive
without a healer. Jelliking, treant, Koonga, Spookloak will all do well. Stone them
with recovery stones or cooldown. Slayergal and armin coral are ideal but they
arent super easy to get!

Robo island can be tackled with teams like :

Yakrusader/Jumbo/Rokliad as lead with Jadefang, humbanaut and Treant as
support, with any decent friend nature monster. This is just an example and
prone to editing.
Narkissa/twinblaze/balrak as lead with Koonga, manebear and Vengens. Friend
monster is a given of course.Midnight, exlpodion, rubyfang are all fantastic here.
Collisiron/whalking/chillchilla as lead with slayergal/jelliking, Aurefang, titan foot
as support
With a friend and cooldown magic stones, you should be able to breeze through
these well. You will need to make use of those mosnters you found in raids in
arena well!

For sky island: Some maps require a bit of strategy, for example sky island 7
requires vengens to reduce the healing skill. Without vengens, you wil have to
either stun them to death or overpower them which will be difficult.
Summary: High hp buff with healing against the weaker element and you should
be fine with youre A or S ranking monsters ! Last case scenario, take over and
spam that shield!

More to be added on specific maps and islands that require help

************ PETS ******************

So pets should not be a concern until endgame when you are awakenng your
monsters. Hence the section being towards the end. A quick rundown on these
cute little critters
Purchase for 10 000 gold or 50 gems in the cube store
Can equip a one star pet to a level 30. +5 monster.
2 star pet to a level 33 monster ( so it must be awakened)
3 star pet to a level 35 and above
4 star to a level 30 + 5
Therefore 4 is ideal as you dont have to awaken. However, a couple things here
Pets add extra stat bonuses to the monster equipped. The higher the star, the
higher the bonuses. They also add an extra team buff which is incredible! For
example, extra 10% attack! However:
3 star pets give same stat bonuses as 4 star pets, as well as team buffs.
However, a couple rare 4 star pets give special bonuses that 3 stars dont, such
as crit chance to all elements etc.
But here is the difficult decision part. You have a decent chance ( around 30%
chance ) to get a 3 star pet from a 10k gold cube and you have a 100% chance
to get a 4 star pet from a 50 gem cube. Now 50 gems is quite a lot! But it can be
an amazing pet.
My opinion?

Dont gamble gems, as I always say. 10k gold is incredibly cheap and I would buy
plenty of those, grab a bunch of 3 star pets for each element and equip them.
You could spend 200k gold getting enough pets for a whole team, which is
obtainable in 2 raids worth, or 500 gems to do the same. 500 gems is quite a lot.
Your decision at the end of the day! But I would prefer to spend those on energy,
training and drops.
Nonetheless here is how you want go about equipping your pets
The buffs are elemental, except for a few rare buffs that buff all elements. So
ensure your whole water team is equipped with water pets, and you will have
extra hp and attack buffs!
Try to get two hp buffers and one attack buff, but in all honesty, any buff is
welcome and handy. Its all just extra bonuses and not essential, so its all good!
So far, I have seen buffs for def, attack, hp, crits and the like. They also look
awesome at 4 star!
So thats the rundown.
I like to haul 3 stars and leave them as incentive to awaken all my montsers to
35 to equip them and get even stronger!
Bottom line is its only a bonus ( a cool one) and not essential. So dont rush or
fret. And especially dont spend too much on it!

********Overall advice and great

Overall, you should have a steady stream of arena points, good raid and
other dropped monsters, and hopefully, with some luck, an s+ monster
from the arena cubes, such as ultimi or slayergal. You will also want to
be farming for vengens and arch bern every Friday and Saturday. Once
you can tackle the last map, you should be able to farm, especially with
those facebook invite creating energy.
Save those invites for the farming!! And you will get vengens or arch
bern in one or two days. The drop rate will be extremely low but have
faith and you will get it soon.
Whenever you have a new monster to hit level 30, ( I like to focus on
the 4 stars and above) keep it at 29 till the 2x gem event is on and you
will rack up thousands of gems! If you desperately need the monster at
6 star, then leave it at 29 on 6 star level!
Save gold and gems not just by events and raids, but by tackling hard
and hell mode! You should have the team to do so on all the islands,

and completing each one nets you thousands of gold and plenty of
gems. Not to mention increasing max energy which really helps farming
once you do a few.

Be patient! The good will come soon! Make the best use of events every
day to farm well and improve your squad!
Event missions for special monsters you must take advantage of. These
new ones are fantastic, like turto monarch, so use the event and get it
before you cant anymore!
Start awakening when you can! Once you have the money, farm the
dragons in dino island and the kongs associated with each. They are the
easiest to use for awakening unless you think finding the exact same
monsters is pretty easy as well.

Please remember this guide has only just begun and will improve in
specifity and accuracy. Many of you will need more advice on specific
maps or sky tower levels. All will come with enough contributions. This
is only the start and a gret guide on kickstarting a strong unbeatable

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