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Shock Absorber

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Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2014

ISSN 2319 - 4847

Shock Absorber
The current world-wide production of shock absorbers, is difficult to estimate with accuracy, but is probably
around 50- 100 million units per annum with a retail value well in excess of one billion dollars per annum. A
typical European country has a demand for over 5 million units per year on new cars and over 1 million
replacement units. The US market is several times that and India is not behind these countries for demand and
consumption of shock absorbers. If all is well, these shock absorbers do their work quietly and without fail.
Drivers and passengers simply want the dampers to be trouble free. In contrast, for the designer they are a
constant interest and challenge. The need for dampers arises because of the roll and pitches associated with
vehicle/bike maneuvering and from the roughness of roads. In India, road quality is generally below average and
poor for smaller towns. As there is growing demand for quality shock absorbers in India, design and construction
of shock absorbers are demanding tasks that require advanced calculations and theoretical knowledge. There are
two basic shock absorber designs in use today: the two-tube design and the mono-tube design. Main components
of shock absorber consist of following part (see Fig. 1).
Piston rod: It is made of high tensile steel harden and corrosion resistant.
Main bearing: Its main function is lubrication of total shock absorber.
Piston ring: It is hardened for long life.
Pressure chamber: It is made from hardened alloy steel machined from solid with closed rear end to
with stand internal pressure up to 1000 bar.
Outer body: It is heavy duty one piece fully machined from solid steel to ensure total reliability.

Figure 1: Components of Typical Shock Absorber

An exhaustive literature review is carried out to understand the present practices and theories in shock absorber
design. It will also help to obtain a better understanding of how individual internal components and internal
flows had been designed and modeled in the past.
In 1977, Lang published his Ph.D. dissertation studying the behavior of automotive dampers at high stroking
frequencies. The work included creation of one of the first parametric models of a twin tube automotive damper
with good agreement to experimental data. This paper is the milestone paper in understanding performance
behavior of modern dampers. The concepts behind Langs model involved The development of a mathematical
model of shock absorber performance based upon dynamic pressure flow characteristics of the shock absorber
fluid and the dynamic action of the valves
Lang was one of the first to examine the internal physics of the fluid and the valves in an attempt to model their
behavior. The model included the effective compressibility', which also accounts for the compliance of the


Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2014

ISSN 2319 - 4847

cylinder wall. This aided in correctly modeling one influence on hysteresis. Chamber pressures were also
examined. The model used equations for standard steady orifice flow based on the pressure drop across the flow
orifice. The dynamic discharge coefficients and the valve opening forces were found experimentally. A
limitation to Langs model was computing power; his work was completed on an analog computer. For this
reason, dynamic discharge coefficients were assumed constant. Good agreement to experimental data was found
using this assumption.
Reybrouck presented one of the first concise parametric models of a mono tube damper. Flow restriction forces
were found using empirical relationships that included leak restriction, port restriction and spring stiffness
correction factors. Once individual internal forces were found, another empirical relationship was used to
calculate the total damping force. Pressure drops across the specific flow restrictions could also be found. These
correction factors had some physical meaning, but their values were found through experimentation. Reybrouck
later extended his model to a twin tube damper and included a more physical representation of hysteresis. It was
shown that hysteresis was caused not only by oil compressibility, but the compressibility of gas bubbles
transferred from the reserve chamber. It was also shown that reserve chamber pressure greatly affects the
solubility of nitrogen. As the pressure increases the entrapped bubbles are absorbed. This effect should not be
neglected for accurate results.
Kim [7] also performed an analysis of a twin tube damper with focus on implementation into a vehicle suspension
system. Kims model included chamber compliance and fluid compressibility which yielded a differential
equation for the chamber pressures that was solved using the Runga Kutta Method. Discharge coefficients were
experimentally found and applied to the model. Incorporating damping data into a quarter car model, the
frequency response of the sprung mass and tire deflection were calculated numerically. Good agreement with
experimental data was found for single strokes of the damper, but no full cycle FV plots were included.
Mollica and Youcef-Tuomi presented a mono tube damper model created using the bond graph method, based
on Mollicas M.S. thesis work. This reference concluded five major sources for hysteresis in FV plots.
effective compliance of damper fluid,
compressibility of the nitrogen gas
the resistive fluid damping through piston orifices
the resistive friction acting on the floating piston
compliance due to the check valve preloads
A simplified model of a damper was created to examine the frequency effects on hysteresis. This simple model
showed that for low frequencies the effort is in-phase with fluid flow and velocity. At higher frequencies, the
force lags the flow and velocity by 90 degrees. This equates the hysteresis at high frequencies to a phase lag in a
control system.
Reference also states Air entrained as bubbles increases effective fluid compliance thereby increasing
hysteresis due to additional phase loss occurring at the same input frequency. This shows the importance of
eliminating any trapped gas in the damper oil in a monotube damper to reduce hysteresis. This also aids in
explaining the general trend of greater hysteresis in twin tube dampers that mix oil and gas in the reserve
The inertia of the gas piston was found to be negligible. Friction from the gas piston was found to be more
important, causing an increase of hysteresis near the zero velocity regions.
Talbotts M.S. thesis in 2002 presents a physical model for an Ohlins NASCAR type mono tube racing damper
. One major goal of this model was to correlate the model to the real physics of the damper to avoid
experimental correction factors used in earlier models. This approach increases ease of implementation to any
type of mono tube damper with minimal experimentation necessary. Talbott and Starkey also published these
findings in SAE paper. Total flow is comprised of valve orifice flow, bleed orifice flow, and piston leakage flow.
Flow resistance models were created for each separate flow based on the pressure drop across the orifice, path
per Langs work. Pressure in the gas chamber, Pg, was related to the pressure in the compression chamber, Pc
using force balance on the gas piston. This relation of Pg and Pc was one of the important findings of this
modeling method. Talbott assumed the oil and gas in the damper was incompressible.
Adrian Simms et al. modeled damper for the output characteristics of interest were simulated for sinusoidal
excitations of 1, 3 and 12 Hz. In order to select the optimum damper modeling strategy for a virtual damper
tuning environment, the suitability of the differing approaches were determined with respect to the different
criterion like ability to capture damper non-linearity and dynamic behavior, flexibility to model different shock
absorber types, ease of model generation (Experiment/Parameter identification), suitability for use in vehicle
simulations and usefulness as a predictive tool. All of the sine wave amplitudes were 0.05m with exception of
the 12 Hz signal which was 0.005m.These simulated results were then compared to those obtained from
experiment for identical excitation signals. Sanjeev Chaudhary modeled spring loaded hydro-pneumatic


Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2014

ISSN 2319 - 4847

suspension, interconnected in roll plane as a four- degree-of-freedom dynamical system subject to excitations
arising from road irregularities and roll moment caused by directional maneuvers, is analytically investigated for
its ride and handling performance. The static and dynamic properties of the interconnected suspension are
derived and discussed in terms of its suspension rate, roll stiffness, and damping forces. The results show that the
proposed interconnected hydro-pneumatic suspension can provide comparatively improved performance in both
bounce and roll modes. However, the percentage load carried by the spring is an important factor. Large spring
rate leads to reduce interconnection effect whereas; smaller rate leads to large stmt size and pressure. Hence a
compromise is needed in spring selection. In general, the results show that the proposed interconnected hydropneumatic suspension can provide comparatively improved performance in both bounce and roll modes.
Branislav Titurus et al investigated the possibility of precise experimental identification of steady damper
characteristics. The velocity sensitive and nominally symmetric hydraulic dampers were considered. Piotr Czop
& Damian Slawik presented the model of a complete system, consisting of a variable damping shock absorber
and a servo-hydraulic tester, used to evaluate the vibration levels produced by a shock absorber.
The analytical calculations for the considered piston assembly were done using the basic design calculations of
each part and the same were compared with the ANSYS results. The pre-required vehicle data is shown in the
3.1 Vehicle Data:
Wet weight of vehicle (M) =127 kg (Weight incl. oil, gas, etc.)
Weight of both tires(un-sprung mass)= 22Kg
The Rear Wheel bears the 60% of total weight and front remaining 40%.
Weight one Person is 80Kg and all the calculations are based on two persons on bike at a time.
The tables below highlight the forces acting on the spring and also shows a brief data of the analytical
obtained from the calculations

Table 1: Forces on spring with different drop Velocities

VI (m/s)


1.56 194.77

Impact Force

Impact Force On
Single Shock





Table 2: Spring Analytical Results

Stress Induced N/
Stress Induced Deflection
=(F+0.3*Mg)*Cos(22 mm- (inside)

VI (m/s)






The figure shows the side view of the piston showing the different sections considered for the design of the same
analytically and the forces acting on these points.The table 3 shows the deflection and the stress produced in the


Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2014

ISSN 2319 - 4847

Table 3: Stress and deflection in diferent section's

Section 1 Section
Section Section 6


Stress 2
(N/mm )








-2.91e-4 -4.625e-4






The different stress and deflection values in shock absorber components have been obtained using FEA tools and
compared with analytical solutions. Percentage error is calculated and it is found that percentage error is less
than 15%. Various stress results are below allowable limits of material. Error in FE and analytical results occurs
because of various reasons such as assumptions in analytical formulation, approximations in FE formulations,
choice of element in FE analysis, etc.

Table 4: Comparison of Analytical and ANSYS results



Stress (MPa)

Deflection (mm)





ANSYS % Error






























Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2014

ISSN 2319 - 4847

Figure 2: Stresses in piston

Major conclusions for present study are list as below:
Successfully validated structural design of shock absorber of Hero Honda bike subjected to different
Analytical calculation of stresses in shock absorber is lower than allowable limit. This ensures safe
design of shock absorber based on analytical formulations.
Successfully use of commercial FEA tool ANSYS in the design validation of shock absorber.
Stresses obtained by ANSYS in shock absorber and its components are lower than allowable limit.
Percentage error in analytical results and ANSYS results are within 15%. This error occurs due to various

Shock absorbers are a critical part of a suspension system, connecting the vehicle to its wheek. The need for
dampers arises because of the roll and pitches associated with vehicle maneuvering, and from the roughness of
roads. In the mid nineteenth century, road quality was generally very poor. The rapidly increasing power
available from the internal combustion engine made higher speeds routine; this, plus the technical aptitude of the
vehicle and component designers, coupled with a general commercial mood favoring development and change,
provided an environment that led to invention and innovation of shock absorbers. Shock absorbers are devices
that smooth out an impulse experienced by a vehicle, and appropriately dissipate or absorb the kinetic energy.
shock absorbers have become such an essential component of an automobile even then there has been no
particular method to test it using Finite Element Analysis technique and most of the testing is done using the
physical tests. Thus this paper focuses on to develop new correlated methodologies that will allow engineers to
design components of Shock Absorbers by using FEM based tools.
Keywords: Shock Absorber, Automotive, CAD, FEA


Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2014

ISSN 2319 - 4847


John C. Dixon, "The Shock Absorber Handbook", 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons Ltd, England, 2007
http://www. monroe.com. au/trade-corner/tech-info/shock-absorbers/shock-absorber-design. html
Lang H.H., A Study of the Characteristics of Automotive Hydraulic Dampers at High Stroking Frequencies,
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1997.
[5] Reybrouck K.G., A Non Linear Parametric Model of an Automotive Shock Absorber, SAE Technical Paper
Series 940869, 1994.
[6] Duym S.W., Steins R., Baron G.V., Reybrouck K.G., Physical Modeling of the Hysteretic Behaviour of
Automotive Shock Absorbers, SAE Technical Paper Series 970101, 1997.
[7] Kim D., Analysis of Hydraulic Shock - Absorber and Implementation on the Vehicle Suspension Systems,
M.S. Thesis, Seoul National University, S. Korea, 1993.
[8] Mollica R., Youcef-Toumi K., A Nonlinear Dynamic Model of a Monotube Shock Absorber, Proceedings
of the American Control Conference, Albuquerque, NM, June 1997, pp. 704-708.
[9] Mollica R., Nonlinear Dynamic Model and Simulation of a High Pressure Monotube Shock Absorber Using
the Bond Graph Method, M.S. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1997
[10] Talbott M.S., An Experimentally Validated Physical Model of a High Performance Automotive Damper,
M.S. Thesis, Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, 2002
[11] Adrian Simms and David Crolla, The Influence of Damper Properties on Vehicle Dynamic Behavior
SAE Technical Paper Series, 2002-01-0319.
[12] Sanjeev Chaudhary, A Thesis on Ride A- Roll Performance Analysis of A Vehicle with Spring Loaded
Interconnected Hydro-pneumatic Suspension Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1998.
[13] Branislav Titurus et. al., A method for the identification of hydraulic damper characteristics from steady
velocity inputs A Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing2010
[14] Piotr Czop, A high-frequency first-principle model of a shock absorber and servo-hydraulic tester A
Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing2010


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