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The Problem of Soil and Land Degradation

What is soil degradation?

What is a fertile soil?

A fertile soil allows the crop to produce close to the
limit imposed by the environment (moisture and radiation), provided that the crop management is optimal.
Erosion of a hand-tilled field in Malawi after a
heavy rainstorm
Soil fertility has three equally important components:
soil chemical, physical and biological fertility. A reduction in any of the three components will generally result in lower yields. Soil organic matter is the
key to all three components of soil fertility reduced soil organic matter leads to less chemical,
physical and biological fertility.

What is soil chemical fertility and how can it be maintained and improved?
Chemical soil fertility is the ability of a soil to provide all of the nutrients required by the crop. It is
important to remember that chemical fertility depends on the availability of nutrients in the soil
nutrients in unavailable forms or in soil zones not accessible to roots do not help produce crops.
The availability of nutrients is normally greater when they are associated with organic matter. Soil
chemical fertility can be enhanced by applying manure, fertilizer, compost and lime.

What is physical soil fertility and how can

it be maintained and improved?

Physical degradation of a soil as a result of

intensive tillage. The surface has sealed and
crusted, and the loosened topsoil above the
hard pan caused by tillage has been eroded

Physical soil fertility is the ability of the soil to enable the

flow and storage of water and air into the soil, to permit root
growth and to anchor the plants. To be fertile a soil needs
abundant and interconnected pore space. Pore space
generally depends on aggregates (crumbs) of soil particles
held together by soil organic matter. Soil tillage breaks down
aggregates, decomposes soil organic matter, pulverizes the
soil, breaks pore continuity and forms hard pans which
restrict water and air movement and root growth. On the soil
surface, the powdered soil is more prone to sealing, crusting
and erosion. Improving soil physical fertility involves reducing soil tillage to a minimum and increasing soil organic

Photo: Patrick Wall

Soil degradation has two major components: the loss of

soil through erosion and the loss of soil fertility. Both
components lead to progressively lower crop yields, increased costs of production, and may end up in land
abandonment and desertification. Soil tillage is the principle cause of degradation of cropped fields.

Soil biological fertility refers to the quantity and

diversity of soil fauna and flora present in the soil.
Biological activity is necessary to break down crop
residues (including roots) into humus. Soil fauna
(including earthworms, termites and insects) also
transfer crop residues into the soil, increase soil
porosity and pore continuity, and can help break down
compacted layers. A constant food source is necessary
to maintain soil fauna and flora: a bare soil results in
low levels of biological activity. Tillage also disrupts
the tunnels and habitat of organisms. The best way to
increase soil biological activity in cropped soil is to get
as close as possible to a natural system: stop soil tillage and leave plant residues as mulch on the surface

Photo: Patrick Wall

How can the biological soil fertility be

maintained and improved?

A healthy top soil showing abundant earthworm activity. Earthworms are good indicators of soil biological activity and are almost completely absent
from tilled soils

Photo: Christian Thierfelder

Looking at soil degradation.

A field-test of aggregate stability. Small

clods from a ploughed field (left) and virgin land (right) have been dropped carefully into water. The lighter coloured
clods from the ploughed field disintegrate
while the clods from the virgin soil stay

3 An easy way to see soil physical degradation is to take

some small soil clods of about 1 cm diameter from a
ploughed field and from a virgin area nearby. Look at
both soil samples and it will generally be easy to see
the darker soil colour of the un-ploughed sample
(higher organic matter content). Drop these clods carefully into a bowl of water and observe how the
ploughed soil disintegrates while the unploughed soil
stays intact (this works better with clay or loam soil
than with sands that have very weak structure)
3 Dig up some soil with a spade in a ploughed field and
an unploughed area and look at the difference in number and diversity of fauna species. Generally you will
see more organisms and more crumbs (aggregates) in
the unploughed field.

How can soil degradation be avoided?

The three biggest factors involved in soil degradation are a) soil tillage (breakdown of physical fertility); b) removal of crop residues (mainly by grazing or burning), and c) nutrient mining (not applying manure, compost or fertilizer in adequate amounts). The key therefore to avoid land and soil
degradation is to reduce soil tillage to a minimum, leave as many crop residues as possible, and replenish the nutrients removed by the crops.
Ploughing is not necessary to produce a crop it harms the soil and leads to soil degradation

This technical bulletin was prepared by Christian Thierfelder and Patrick C. Wall as part of
CIMMYTs BMZ- and IFAD-funded projects on Facilitating the Adoption of Conservation Agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa. Contacts: p.wall@cgiar.org; c.thierfelder@cgiar.org.

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