Valentine's Day

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My True Love


I have a feeling
That I can comprehend
In my deepest thoughts your are
More than just a friend.
I wouldn't want to
Rush us now
As love we explore
But there's a growing love inside
That we just can't ignore.
I love the times we
Spend together. We are comfortable
And free. I think of you when we are
Alone. I think of you and me.
We have a share
Secrets to uncover. There's more
To life then we will both discover.
I love you always.
I'll love you when you're dumb,
I'll love you when you're smart,
I'll love you anyway you are,
Right from the start.
I'll love you if you're tall
I'll love you if you're short,
I'll love you if you're pretty,
Or just an ugly dork.
I'll love you if you're toothless,
I'll love you if you're blind,
Anything that's wrong with you,
To me you'll be fine.
My heart is opening up now,
Unlike it used to do,
I see the pain that's in your heart

And sometimes I feel it to.

I'll love you tomorrow,
I'll love you today,
I'll love you forever,
And forever always

I Love You

I know you're there

but my world is so bare.
Nothing is standing in your way,
I'm hoping you can make it one more day.
Our relationship has grown so strong,
where could we have went so wrong.
You were there when I needed you,
Now I'm here for you to need me too.
My love for you will stay the same,
never will I forget your name.
By my side, you will always stay,
I'll think of you day by day.

Family Friend Poems

You're My Everything

It makes me happy just being by your side

All these feelings I just cant hide
You'll always be in my heart
Cant bear the pain when we are apart
Nobody is as special as you are to me
I hope you are beginning to see
Just how much I care for you
And all my feelings will always be true
I can't describe how much I care
But when you need me I'll be there
To wipe those tears when you are sad
To make you happy when you are mad
All these things I can really do
Just remember I'm thinking of you!!

Family Friend Poems

Valentines Day

Valentines Day is coming up, and I don't have a valentine, so now what shall
I do?
Almost every boy has asked me, every one but Drew.
Who is this Drew person you say?
Oh only the boy I've been crushing on since the second grade!
He's funny, sweet and also very smart.
The rest of the boys are just mean, obnoxious and think it's funny to fart.
Well why hasn't he asked me, is it something I said?

Maybe it's my breath; I should have never eaten that garlic bread.
But wait, here comes Drew, walking down the hall, and O-M-G was it my
name he just called?
He's walking my way, has my day come at last?
But Drew keeps walking and walking till my locker and I he pass.
Well what a bummer all he did was smile.
Well that's the most I've ever gotten from him in a while.
So I open my locker, about to start heading for class.
But I notice something, another valentines card.
I hope this ones the last.
I don't even want to read it because Valentines Day is coming up, and I don't
have a valentine, so now what shall I do?
"Will you be my valentine" reads the card, signed from Drew.

Family Friend Poems

I Still Love You


Of all the things I've ever said,

Of all the tears I've ever shed,
Of all the things I did to you,
I want you to know that I still love you.
Of all the days we fought and cried,
Of all the days I wished I'd died,
Of all the things you did to pull me through,
I don't believe it, but I still love you.

Family Friend Poems

I'm In Love With You


It's the way you say I love you and the way you hold my hand
There's just so much about you I completely understand
It's the twinkle in your eye that I only see when you look at me
It's the warmness of your hands it sends a shock straight to my feet
It's how you always amaze me, you surprise me all day long
This I know is true
Baby, I'm in love with you!

Family Friend Poems


I cannot believe someone like me

could be with someone so sweet
your love is grand
I want to hold your hand
and let our love guide the way
through the dark nights
and stormy seas
through sunny days
and swarms of honey bees
through clouds of darkness
and oceans of blue
can't you see

I want to be with you

not just on Valentine's day
but until time is left to float away.

From My Heart

A million stars up in the sky

one shines brighter I can't deny
A love so precious a love so true
a love that comes from me to you
The angels sing when you are near
within your arms I have nothing to fear
You always know just what to say
just talking to you makes my day
I love you honey with all of my heart
together forever and never to part.

Family Friend Poems


L, is for the Laughter I give to you every day

knowing you'll never go away
O, is for the Options we'll have when we're together
knowing our love couldn't get any better
V, is for the Visions I have of you
knowing I'll never find anyone quite like you

E, is for Everything that's true I've every said

especially when I said, "We'll be together till we're dead"

Family Friend Poems

Why love is important in life? Love is the most important thing in our lives. The love
is that we missing in our self, and love is mix with many of feeling. There are two
types of love are love of family and love for your sweetheart.
First of all, the love of your family is different from that you have for your sweetheart.
The love for your family something you need it in your live, because they will protect
you from everything in this live. The family is like human body everyone needs
another, and everyone helps another. For example the family like a house that if you
feel cold you go inside because you know you will feel warmly. Everyone knows what
the meaning of family for him is. The love of family is kind of innate love you gained
Second, love for your sweetheart is that feeling like someone who owns all the
world. This love is one of hard emotion that may be hard to explain it in some words.
The love for sweetheart is kind of doesn't care about the rules or religion or culture.
Some of men when you asked him about you qualities that you want in your future
sweetheart? The answer will be beauty , but the beautiful is not including in love.
Because this kind of love depend on confidence ,feeling, and loyalty. For example
there are story talking about the loyalty , there are a man long time age loved girl
and the girl loved him too, but he had to leave the city for different reasons . he went
for his sweetheart and said you may marriage any man because I'm not sure if I will
come back. After 30 years he came back for the city and he had sure she got
marriage, but in the fact she didn't get marriage, and she was witting him to come
In conclusion, love is beautiful feeling that you make happy .everyone have his
meaning and feeling for the love, because everyone own different feeling for his
family or his sweetheart. The love is something that you can challenging the
for it.

Im a little Cupid, as you know

Here is my arrow, here is my bow
When I pull the string back, watch it go
Sending love to those below.

Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit. Khalil Gibran
Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear. Anonymous

Love is like sunshine after rain. William Shakespeare

Love does not claim possession, but gives freedom. Rabindranath Tagore
Love doesn't make the world go 'round, Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. Franklin P.
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Khalil Gibran
Love has features which pierce all hearts, he wears a bandage which conceals the faults of those
beloved. He has wings, he comes quickly and flies away the same. Voltaire
Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. Robert Frost
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. Aristotel
Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Lev Tolstoy
Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because
you're close in heart. Kay Knudsen
Love is not a matter of counting the years, but making the years count. Michele St. Amand
Love is not a mere sentiment. Love is the ultimate truth at the heart of creation. Rabindranath
Love is saying "I feel differently", instead of "You're wrong". Anonymous
Love is the veil between lover and lover. Khalil Gibran
Love one another but make not a bond of love. Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores
of your souls. Khalil Gibran
Love sought is good, but given unsought is better. William Shakespeare
Love that does not renew itself every day becomes a habit and in turn a slavery. Khalil Gibran
Marriage, ultimately, is the practice of becoming passionate friends. Harville Hendrix
Never close your lips to those whom you have opened your heart. Charles Dickens
Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved. Barbara
Love is all we need!
Love Poems speak about the passion, desire and vulnerability of love in all its stages. When we
share our lives with another, our whole world is completely different. To fall in love may be one of
the greatest feelings ever. Romantic relationships are the spice of life. They make us feel alive in
a way that nothing else can. Genuine romance exists when two individuals show that they care
for each other by doing small acts for each other that demonstrate love and affection. We feel

loved and cared for when we know that our significant other is thinking about how to give us the
most pleasure. Romance is the key to keeping the sparks flying. Without it, any relationship will
soon lose its shine.

Love is all we need!

-Cupid say:
Im a little Cupid, as you know
Here is my arrow, here is my bow
When I pull the string back, watch it go
Sending love to those below.

L.O.V.E. (Postolachi Ariadna, Rosca Daniela, Balteanco Al-dru, Stodolnean Vlad)

L, is for the Laughter I give to you every day
knowing you'll never go away
O, is for the Options we'll have when we're together
knowing our love couldn't get any better
V, is for the Visions I have of you
knowing I'll never find anyone quite like you
E, is for Everything that's true I've every said
especially when I said, "We'll be together till we're dead"

Valentines Day or Saint Valentines Day is a holiday celebrated on

February 14 by many people throughout the world. In the Englishspeaking countries, it is the traditional day on which lovers express
their love for each other by sending Valentines cards, presenting
flowers, or offering confectionery. The day is most closely associated
with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of valentines

"Ziua ndrgostiilor sau Ziua Sfntului Valentin este srbtorita

la 14 februarie de ctre muli oameni din ntreaga lume. n rile
vorbitoare de limba englez, aceasta este ziua tradiional n care
iubitii isi exprima dragostea lor unul atuia druindu-si valentine,
oferind flori, sau dulciuri. Aceast zi este strns asociat cu schimbul
reciproc de notite de dragoste n form de inimioare.

The legend say that:

The Legend of St.Valentines Day

Valentine's Day started in the time of the Roman Empire.
Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II Rome was involved in
many bloody and unpopular battles. Claudius the Cruel was
having a difficult time
getting soldiers to join his
military leagues. He believed that the reason was that roman
men did not want to leave their loves or families. As a result,
Claudius cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome.
Legenda spune ca:
Ziua lui Valentin incepe inca din timpul Imperiului Roman.
Sub conducerea mpratului Claudius al II-lea, Roma a fost
implicata n mai multe lupte sngeroase i nepopulare.
Claudius cel crud avea o perioada dificila in obtinerea
soldailor de a se altura ligii sale militare. El credea c
motivul a fost c barbatii romani nu doreau s prseasc
iubitele si familiile. Ca urmare, Claudius a anulat toate
cstoriile i logodnele din Roma.
Claudius II: - My army must be strong! My army must be
the best! We must conquer all the world! So, I say NO to
engagements! I say NO to marriages!
The good Saint Valentine was a romantic priest at Rome in
the days of Claudius II. He thought that people should marry
if they love each other. He was the only priest who aided the
Christian martyrs and secretly married couples even it was
against the law.
Bunul Sfintul Valentin a fost un preot romantic din Roma n
zilele lui Claudiu al II-lea. El a crezut c oamenii ar trebui s

se cstoreasc, dac se iubesc unul pe altul. El a fost

singurul preot care a ajutat martirii cretini i cuplurile
cstorite in secret chiar dac a fost mpotriva legii.
Poem My true love.
- My sweetheart, will you be my wife?
- Yes, my dear, Id like to be with you forever! But, I
cannot be your wife.
- Why, the moon of my life?
- Because of the law that is against marriages.
- Ive heard there is a priest, Valentine, who marries in
secret. Lets find him!
- Priest Valentine! You are our last hope! Please, marry
- Do you love each other?
- Yes!!!
- Johny, do you take Ady to be your wife? Do you
promise to be true to her in good times and in bad, in
sickness and in health, to love her and honor her all
the days of your life?
- I do.
- Ady, do you take Johny to be your husband? Do you
promise to be true to him in good times and in bad, in
sickness and in health, to love him and honor him all
the days of your life?
- I do.
- In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit, I declare you husband and wife.

For these kind deeds Saint Valentine was apprehended and

dragged before the Prefect of Rome, who condemned him to
be beaten to death and to have his head cut off. He suffered
martyrdom on the 14th day of February, about the year 270
AD. Thus, Saint Valentine's martyrdom day became an
occasion to celebrate love.

Pentru aceste fapte Preotul Sf. Valentin a fost arestat i trt

naintea prefectului Romei, care l-a condamnat s fie btut
pn la moarte i decapitat. El a suferit martiriu n ziua de
14-februarie, aproximativ in anul 270 d.Hr.. Astfel, ziua

martiriului Sfntului Valentin a devenit un prilej de a

srbtori dragostea.
- poem Valentine (Sandu Balteanco,.) Valentines Day (Braghis Adriana)
- song (Balica Ina)-My heart will go on.
Love is sang, love is read but also is danced (Ion Cucu si Oxana Diru)
Din dragoste a aparut nu doar poezia si cintecul, dar si dansul. Miscarile
magice ale dansului ating coardele cele mai sensibile ale inimii noastre.
- dance ( Ion Cucu si Oxana Diru )
-Romeo and Juliettes scene:
R. - Oh! Juliette! How much I love you! All the flowers know thatall the
grass...and the stars from the sky. Accept this flower in sign of love.and come to
J. -Oh! Romeo! I accept this flower because I love you, too!
Love Poems speak about the passion, desire and vulnerability of love in all
its stages. When we share our loves with another, our whole world is
completely different. To fall in love may be one of the greatest feelings.
Poeziile de dragoste vorbesc despre pasiune, dorinta si vulnerabilitatea
iubirii n toate etapele sale. Cnd mprtim dragostea noastra unul cu
celalalt, intreaga noastr lume pare complet diferita. Cind te indragostesti
apar cele mai puternice emotii.
- song (Balica Ina)- Life for rent.
- song (Minciuna Catalina) I love you like a song ,,Selena Gomez

- You know, Igor, recently, one of my friends have met such a lovely guy in a
caf! She fell in love with him and she is so happy!
- Cica una din prietenele ei a facut cunostinta cu un super barbat, un Alane
Delon intr-o cafenea. E indragostita lulea si e foarte fericita. Si voi ce ziceti,
cafeneaua e un loc potrivit pentru a face cunostinta? Sa vedem!
-The scene In cafe
-The poems I still love you Valentine (Postolachi Ariadna, Stodolnean Vlad)

- song (Cucu Ion)- Why do you cry?

Love is the most important thing in our lives. The love is that we are
missing in our self, and love is a mixture of feelings. There are two types of
love, love for family and love for your sweetheart.
The love for your family is different from that you have for your
sweetheart. The love for your family is something you need in your life,
because they will protect you from everything in this life. The family is like
a human body, everyone needs each other, and everyone helps each other.
For example the family is like a house that if you feel cold you go inside
because you know you will feel warmly. Everyone knows what the meaning
of family for him is. The love for family is a kind of love you gained
because it lasts for many years.
- Iubirea este cel mai important lucru din viaa noastr. Dragostea este ceea
ce lipsete interiorului nostru, i totodat dragostea este un amalgam de
sentimente. Exist dou tipuri de dragoste, dragostea pentru familie i
dragoste pentru iubit sau iubita.
Dragostea pentru familie este diferit de cea pentru iubit. Dragostea
pentru familia este ceva ce este necesar in viata noastra, pentru c familia ne
va proteja de toate problemele din via. Familia este ca un trup omenesc,
toti sunt dependent unul de celalalt si toti se ajuta reciproc. De exemplu,
familia este ca o cas care, dac iti este frig te duci nuntru pentru c tii c
vei fi inclzit. Fiecare tie ce este familia pentru el. Dragostea pentru familia
este un fel de dragoste in care voi v regsii, pentru c dureaz de mai
muli ani.
Love exists from prehistory. Then there was jealousy and envy also.
Dragostea exista si in epoca de piatra. Atunci exista si gelozia deasemenea
The scene Triangle of Love (Balteanco Natalia, Diru Oxana, Rotari Ianus)
-the poems (Bulgar Elena)-Love prayer

( Jardetchi Daniel)-I Love you

-the song (Rosca Daniela)-Mama Do..

The love for your sweetheart is that feeling when you feel you own all the
world. This love is a hard emotion that may be difficult to explain in some

words. The love for sweetheart is a kind of love that doesn't care about the
rules or religion or culture.
Dragostea pentru cineva este acel sentiment cnd simi c ai propria ta lume.
Aceast iubire este o emoie grea care poate fi greu de explicat n cteva
cuvinte. Dragostea pentru iubit este un fel de dragoste cruia nu-i pasa de
reguli, religii sau cultura.
-the dance (Dulghier Ion, Iulia )
- poem (

-the song- (Rosca Daniela)-Rolling in the Deep

You know, yesterday I tasted a very tasty salad that called ,,Salad of Love ",
containing ingredients that feed love. Let me show you how to prepare it,
but I need all the public help. The ingredients we need are:
Stii, ieri am gustat o salata foarte gustoasa numita ,,Salata Dragostei,
continind ingrediente care alimenteaza dragostea. Hai sa va arat cum se
prepara, dar am nevoie de tot ajutorul salii. Ingredientele de care avem
nevoie sunt:
The salad of love
1 cup of hugs

1 cana de imbratisari

4 spoons of kisses

4 linguri de saruturi

4 cups of love

4 cani de dragoste

2 cups of kindness

2 cani de gingasie

1 cup of care

1 cana de atentie

5 spoons of smiles

5 linguri de zimbete

1 bag of Valentines

1 geanta de Valentine

1 medium-size bag of great big red hearts

1 geanta medie cu inimi mari rosii

Blend all and sprinkle with lots of love!

Le amestecam si le stropim cu multa dragoste.
If I am able to love, then I am able to do everything.
Daca sunt capabil sa iubesc, atunci sunt in stare sa le fac pe toate.
Il citam pe Grigore Vieru

Sa vedem de ce a fost in stare eroul urmatoarei scenete.

The scene- Memories from life ( )
The song (Balica Ina, Minciuna Catalina) - The power of love
The scene Pantomime-HEART
We wish you much love, much happiness and offer more love each other and tell
each other more often ,,BE MY VALENTINE.
Noi va dorim multa dragoste, multa fericire si daruiti-va unul altuia mai multa
dragoste si spuneti-va mai des ,,TE IUBESC.

Thank you for attention!

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