Into The Darkness

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Into the darkness is a 10-15 minute narrative piece based on the origins of the
Batman Films and television series Gotham characters including Joker, Riddler,
Victor zsasz and Harley Quinns characteristics, mannerisms, behaviors, personalities
and traits and conveying them through ordinary people. I see it now as 4 portraits
performed by actors applying subtle methods to suggest underlying
psychosis/neurosis using choreographed movement whilst speaking to themselves
towards the camera. (characters) two men and two women appear in mid shot and
close up from a single camera. e close up emphasizes the odd twitches or gestures.
The camera direction will follow the in the direction of the monologue. These might
need some repetition and emphasis.I intend to use this as the basis of my Film. I will
be enlisting selected drama students to enact these cues to make visual observations of
how these characteristics are presented through mannerisms etc. As this will be a
solo production i saw this as an opportunity to explore the deeper emotion of how
actors portray thisin lm. e script will be 4 x approx. 3-5 minute monologues for each
character. In terms of costume design I would like to approach costumes within
ordinary clothing, however to show some hints of characterization I will be including
makeup within.Due to the theme of darkness within these characters inflicted the
theme of aspects of violence the intended audience is for the age range of PG13.
Location was original going to be set in an asylum, however due to budget
possibilities and permission I decided to lm in the studios as conveying the darkness
and using low key lighting would be more effective, however the theoretical location
is an asylum like location. As this is mostly based on improvisation excluding the
script their will not be a specific set storyboard however there will be an underlining
of what happens in each shot and scene on the day of filming
In conclusion the aim is not only to show these well-known characters personality
traits & behaviors but to demonstrate the theory and theme of psychosis. In addition
and before auditions I would like actors to look at some clips of the TV series of
Gotham to see the development and also the films to interpret their characters

Synopsis/Character Development/characterisation

The Riddler
The Riddler (Edward Nygma) is typically
portrayed as a smooth-talking yet quirky
character with abnormally high IQ, but later
versions temper that with an obsessivecompulsive need to devise and disseminate
his riddles and puzzles. His obsession with
displaying his own intelligence is the central
trigger of his many personality disorders.
We see Riddler tries to refrain from leaving a
riddle, but fails. This compulsion has been a
recurring theme, as shown in a 1999 issue
of Gotham Adventures, in which he tries to
commit a crime without leaving a riddle, but finds that he cannot help himself: "You don't
understand... I really didn't want to leave you any clues. I really planned never to go back
to Arkham Asylum. But I left you a clue anyway. So I... I have to go back there. Because I
might need help. I... I might actually be crazy." In the TV series Gotham we see the
development of Nygma turning into the riddler. We see a side of him in which he has
some aspects of schizophrenia. (Watch Gotham for acting influence of character)

The Joker

Appearing to be the most evil,

deranged, and flat out psychotic
killer of all comic book villains, The
Joker is the primary antagonist of
Batman. He is the complete
opposite of Batman, in everything
from appearance (Batman tends to
be a rather large and muscular
man, while The Joker is typically a
man of average height or even
taller possessing a skinny frame),
to ideals. The Joker views murder
as sport, and will not hesitate to toy with his food before he eats it, even if said food are the
men he has hired to work for him. As intimidating as he is psychotic, he still manages to
recruit hordes of henchmen despite his maniacal insanity.

Synopsis/Character Development/characterisation
His methods are unpredictable and incalculable. He does things according to his own twisted
sense of logic, and does not desire money. If there was one thing that he did desire, it would
be the power to instil anarchy into Gotham by any means necessary, proving that
organization is meaningless and futile. He is an exceptionally intelligent man, and this tends
to be his greatest weapon against Batman, the police, and the District Attorney's office. He is
often confronted by the authorities, but easily evades capture due to sick and twisted mind
games he plays on them, all full of mystery. While Batman prefers to stay in the shadows,
The Joker basks in the spotlight, often broadcasting to the public and media outlets.

Victor Zsasz
Victor Zsasz is a true sociopath at the age of 25
his parents died in a boating accident to which
sent him into a deep depression. Driven by
desire there was no point to his existence
therefore he attempted to commit suicide,
however he was stopped when a man assaulted
him Zsasz saw into the mans eyes that all life is
mean- and that nothing nor anyone matters. He
then proceeded to stab the man to death as a
gift for saving his life. From then on, he dedicated himself to liberating others from their
pointless existence (Zsasz o en refers to victims as zombies). He usually preys on young
women, but has no qualms over whom he murders. He slits his victims throats and leaves
them in lifelike poses, adding a tally mark to himself each time. He has been diagnosed as
insane and is regularly incarcerated in arkham asylum.
Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn uses her obsessions

to help define herself. We know
that most Batmen related
characters represent a certain
aspect of Batmans psychology,
Harley represents obsession
mostly towards the joker. Batman
is obsessed about fighting injustice.
He doesnt fight injustice like
Superman or other heroes do, there is a sense of obsession there. If he cant
solve a crime he will spend all day and night obsessed with the case, not able to
think about anything else. Harley may not be obsessed about fighting injustice,
but she likes to cling onto things to help create some sense of self in her
mind. Whether thats an obsession with the Joker or puppies, the things she
likes, she tends to be obsessed about.

Synopsis/Character Development/characterisation

Shes not nihilistic like the Joker, even though her actions ensue chaos. Shes
always trying to figure out who she is, and what her role is in the world (she talks
about how there is a side of her that craves purpose). Through her obsessions
she hopes they can define those questions for her, but soon she realises, or is
forced to realise that they cant give you that answer, only you yourself can. And
she doesnt hate people like the Joker, she loves people. Harley has a strong
sense of compassion and loyalty towards the people in her life whether that
be Poison Ivy or her creepy neighbour. You could say Harley Quinn is the least
psychotic character out of these 4 characters.

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