Savitri: Book VI Canto II (1948 Pathmandir Annual No. 7)

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GREAT Illusion, then, has built the stars.

But where then is the soul's security,
Its place in the circling of unreal suns?
Or where begins and ends Illusion's reign?
Perhaps the soul we feel is only a dream,
Eternal self a fiction sensed in trance."
"Was then the sun a dream because there is night?
The Eternal lives hid in thy mortal heart:
He is curtained in the chamber of thy soul
I n Light which pain and grief can never cross.
Outside the door they wait hungering for bliss.
A darkness hangs between thyself and him.
Thou canst not see the beatific Light,
Thou canst not hear or feel the marvellous Guest.
Where Ignorance is, there suffering too must come.
Thy grief is a cry of darkness to the Light;
Pain was the first-bom of the Inconscience;
Already sleeps there its subconscient shape:
A shadow in its shadowy tenebrous womb.
I t waits till life shall move, to wake and be.
I n one caul with joy came forth its dreadful power.
Hiding its bright twin in life's breast it was bom;
For pain came first, then only joy could be.
Pain ploughed the first hard ground of the world's drowse.
By pain a spirit started from the clod.
By pain Life stirred in the subliminal deeps.
Intemed, submerged, hidden in Matter's trance
Awoke to itself the dreamer, sleeping Mind;
I t made a visible realm out of its dreams.
* An extract from 5aM'rnBook V I , Canto I I

I t drew its shapes from the subconscient depths.
Then turned to look upon the world it had made.
By pain and joy the bright and tenebrous twins
The inanimate world perceived its sentient soul.
Else had the Inconscient never suffered change.
Pain is the hammer of the gods to break
A dead resistance in the mortal's heart,
His slow inertia as of living stone.
I f the heart were not forced to want and weep.
His soul would have lain down content, at ease.
And never thought to exceed the human start
And never learned to climb towards the S^m.
This earth is full of labour, packed with pain;
Throes of an endless birth are with her still;
The centuries end, the ages vainly pass
And yet the godhead in her is not bom.
The ancient Mother faces all with joy.
Calls for the ardent pang, the grandiose thrill;
For with pain and labour all creation comes.
This earth is full of the anguish of the gods;
Ever they travail driven by Time's goad.
Striving to work out the eternal will
And shape the world divine in mortal forms.
His will they must work out in human breasts
Against the Evil that rises from the gulfs,
Against man's ignorance and his obstinate strength.
Against the deep folly of his human mind.
Against the blind reluctance of his heart.
Pain is the spirit's fate till man is free.
A cry arises like a moaning sea,
A clamour of battle and a tramp and march,
A desperate laughter under the blows of death,
A doom of blood and sweat and toil and tears.
Men die that man may live and God be bora.
An awful Silence watches tragic Time.
Pain is the hand of Nature sculpturing men
To greatness: an inspired labour chisels
With heavenly cruelty an unwilling mould.
Implacable in the passion of their will,
Lifting the hammers of titanic toil

The demiurges of the universe work;
They shape with giant strokes their own; their sons
Are marked with their enormous stamp of fire.
Although the shaping god's tremendous touch
Is torture unbearable to mortal nerves.
The fiery spirit grows in strength within
And feels a joy in every titan pang.
He who would save himself fives bare and calm;
He who would save the race must share its pain:
This he shall know who obeys that grandiose urge.
The Great who came to save this suffering world
And rescue out of Time's shadow and the Law,
Must pass beneath the yoke of grief and pain;
They are caught by the Wheel that they had hoped to break.
On their shoulders they must bear man's load of fate.
Or they pay the gift of knowledge with their lives.
The Son of God bom as the Son of man
Has dmnk the bitter cup, owned Godhead's debt,
The debt the Etemal owes to the fallen mankind
His will has bound to death and struggling life
That yeams in vain for rest and endless peace.
Now is the debt paid, the score wiped off in full.
The Eternal's suffering in a human form
Has signed salvation's testament with his blood;
Opened are the doors of his undying peace.
The Deity compensates the creature's claim,
The Creator bears the law of pain and death;
A retribution smites the incamate God.
By man's hate he has redeemed his love of men.
His love has paved the mortal's road to Heaven:
He has given his life and light to balance here
The dark account of mortal ignorance.
I t is finished, the dread mysterious sacrifice.
His sacrificed body offered for the world,
Gethsemane and calvary his lot,
Carrying the cross on which man's soul is nailed,
Insult and jeer his right's sole acknowledgement,
Escorted by the curses of the crowd,
Two thieves slain with him to mock his mighty death.
He has trod with bleeding brow the Saviour's way.

Listen to the sage triumphant in his death!
Hewn, quartered on the scaffold as he falls
His crucified voice proclaims, ' I , I am God;'
'Yes, all is God,' peals back Heaven's deathless cry.
I f outer peace enrings and days immune.
Yet when God's messenger comes to help and lead
The aspirant soul of earth to higher things.
He too must carry the yoke he came to unloose;
All earth's disquietude he must make his.
Exempt and unafflicted by earth's fate.
How shall he heal the ills he never felt?
Although to the outward eye is shown ho sign
Yet is the struggle there, the unseen price;
The fire, the strife, the wrestle are within.
He carries the suffering world in his own breast;
Its sins weigh on his thoughts, its grief is his:
The Titan adversary's clutch is felt;
Earth's old grey load lies heavy on his soul;
His march is a battle and a pilgrimage.
Night and its powers beleaguer his tardy steps
And smite him with life's evil and the world's pain:
A milUon wounds gape in his secret heart.
A sleepless journey in an endless night,
A titan warfare is his inner fife.
Even worse may be the cost of direst pain
Before the afflicting Power will loose its hold.
His large identity and all-harbouring love
May bring the cosmic anguish into his depths,
The sorrow of all living things shall come
To knock at his doors and live within his house;
A dreadful cord of sympathy has tied
AU suffering into his single grief; it has made
All agony in all the worlds his own.
He is lashed with the whips of the antagonist Force;
The weeping of the centuries visits his eyes:
He wears the blood-glued fiery Centaur shirt,
The poison of the world has stained his throat.
I n the market-place of Matter's capital
Amidst the chafferings of the affair of life
He is tied to the stake of the pereimial Fire

From the sorrow and the darkness and the chain;
But how shall a few escaped release the world?
The human mass lingers beneath the yoke.
Escape, however high, redeems not life.
Life that is left behind on a fallen earth.
Escape cannot uplift the abandoned race
Or bring to it victory and the reign of God.
A greater power must come, a larger light.
Although Light grows on earth and Night recedes.
Yet till the evil is slain in its own home
And Light invades the world's inconscient base
And perished has the adversary Force,
He still must labour on, his work half done.
One yet may come armoured, invincible;
No blow can bend his calm and victor head:
Calm and sure are his steps in the growing Night;
The goal recedes, he hurries not his pace.
He turns not to high voices in the Night;
He asks no aid from the inferior gods;
His eyes are fixed on his immutable aim.
Man turns aside or chooses easier paths;
He keeps to the one high and difficult road
That sole can climb to the eternal's peaks;
The ineffable planes already have felt his tread;
He has made heaven and earth his instruments.
But the limits fall from him of earth and heaven;
Their law he transcends and uses as his means.
He has seized life's hands and mastered his own heart
This nature and its feints cannot deceive;
Fate's deaf resistance caimot break his will.
I n the dreadful passages, the fatal paths
Invulnerable his soul, his heart unslain.
He lives through the opposition of earth's Powers
And Nature's ambushes and the world's attacks.
His spirit's stature transcending pain and bhss
He fronts evil and good with calm and equal eyes.
He too must grapple with the riddling Sphinx
And plunge into her long obscurity.
He has broken into the Inconscient's depths
That veil themselves even from their own regard:

He has seen God's slumber shape these magic worlds.
He has watched the dumb God fashioning Matter's frame.
Dreaming the dreams of its unknowing sleep.
And watched the unconscious Force that built the stars.
He has learnt the Inconscient's workings and its law,
Its incoherent thoughts and rigid acts.
Its hazard wastes of impulse and idea.
The chaos of its mechanic frequencies.
Its random calls, its whispers falsely true,
Misleaders of the hooded listening soul.
All things come to its ear but nothing abides;
All rose from the silence, all goes back to its hush.
Its somnolence founded the universe.
Its obscure waking makes the world seem vain.
Arisen from Nothingness and towards Nothingness turned.
Its dark and potent nescience was earth's start;
I t is the waste stuff from which all was made:
Into its deeps creation can collapse.
Its opposition clogs the march of the soul,
I t is the mother of our ignorance.
He must call hght into its dark abysms.
Else never can Truth conquer Matter's sleep
And all earth look into the eyes of God.
All things obscure his knowledge must relume,
All things perverse his power must unknot.
He must pass to the other shore of falsehood's sea.
He must enter the world's dark to bring there light.
The heart of evil must be bared to his eyes.
He must learn its cosmic dark necessity.
Its right and its dire roots in Nature's soil.
He must know the thought that moves the demon act
And justifies the Titan in his pride:
He must enter the eternity of Night
And know God's darkness as he knows his Sun.
For this he must go down into the pit.
For this he must invade the dolorous Vasts.
Imperishable and wise and infinite.
He still must travel Hell the world to save.
Into the etemal Light he shall emerge,
On borders where all worlds meet and fulfil

Their secret law and heal their dissidence.
There meet and clasp the eternal opposites.
There pain becomes a violent fiery joy;
Evil turns back to its original good,
And sorrow lies upon the breasts of Bliss
And learns to weep glad tears of happiness
And the soft gaze of wistful ecstasy.
Then shall be ended here the Law of Pain,
Heaven's wisdom lodge within the mortal breast;
The superconscient light shall touch men's eyes
And the truth-conscious world envelop earth:
Then shall the world-redeemer's task be done.
O mortal, bear this great world's law of pain;
Leaning for thy support on Heaven's strength
Turn towards high Truth, aspire to love and peace.
Receive the joy lent to thee from above.
CUmb not to Godhead by the Titan's road.
I t clambers back and spirals to the abyss.
The Titan rises on a stair of storms.
By the clangour of his acts of might and pain,
By his magnitude of hate and violence
He feels in himself the greatness of a god:
Power is his image of celestial self.
The Titan's heart exults in dread and tears,
He feeds his strength with his own and others' pain;
His pride and force call in the struggle and pang
And to cover his passion draws the Stoic's name.
But thou, O mortal, bear, seek not the stroke.
Too soon will grief and anguish find thee out.
Yet bliss is there behind the world's face of tears.
A power is in thee that thou knowest not;
Thou art a vessel of the Eternal's spark
That seeks relief from Time's envelopment.
And while thou shutst it in, the seal is pain:
Calm is self's victory overcoming fate.
Pain signs the secret god denied by life:
Unburdened by life's blind mystery of pain
Bliss is the Godhead's crown, etemal, free.
Bear; thou shalt find at last the road to bliss.

Of all that is the secret stuff is bliss,
Even pain and grief are garbs of a world-dehght
That hides behind thy sorrow and thy cry.
Because thy strength is a part and not God's whole
And thy consciousness forgets to be divine
And walks in the vague penumbra of the flesh
And cannot bear the world's tremendous touch,
Thou criest out and sayst that there is pain.
Attire of the rapturous Dancer in the ways.
Indifference, pain and joy, a triple disguise,
Withold from thee the body of God's bliss.
When thy spirit's strength shall make thee one with God,
Thy agony shall change to ecstasy.
Indifference pass into a rapturous calm
And joy laugh nude on the peaks of the Absolute.
O mortal who complainst of death and fate.
Accuse not any of the harms thou bearst;
This troubled world thou hast chosen for thy home
And art thyself the author of thy pain.
Once in the immortal boundlessness of Self,
I n its vast of Truth and Consciousness and Light
The soul looked out from its felicity.
I t felt the Spirit's interminable bliss.
I t knew itself deathless, timeless, spaceless, one,
I t saw the Etemal, Uved in the Infinite.
Then, curious of a shadow thrown by Truth,
I t strained towards some otherness of self.
An unknown face peering through the obscure night.
I t sensed a negative infinity,
A void etemal whose immense excess
Offered a ground for Nature's darkling birth
And Matter's rigid hard unconsciousness
Harbouring the briUiance of a transient soul
That lights our birth and death and ignorant life.
A Mind arose that stared at Nothingness
T i l l figures formed of what could never be;
I t housed the contrary of all that is.
A Nought appeared as Being's huge sealed cause,
Its dumb support in a blank infinite,
In whose abysm spirit must disappear:

A darkened Nature abides and holds the seed
Of Spirit hidden and feigning not to be.
The etemal Consciousness became the home
Of an unsouled almighty Inconscient;
It lived no more as spirit's native air.
A stranger in the insentient universe.
Bliss was the incident of a mortal hour.
As one drawn by the grandeur of the Void
The soul attracted leaned to the Abyss:
It longed for the adventure of Ignorance
And the marvel and surprise of the Unknown
And the endless possibiUty that lurked
I n the womb of Chaos and in Nothing's gulf
Or looked from the unfathomed eyes of Chance.
I t tired of its unchanging happiness.
I t tumed away from immortality:
I t was drawn to hazard's call and danger's charm,
I t yeamed to the pathos of grief, the drama of pain.
Peril of perdition and wounded bare escape,
The music of ruin and its glamour and crash.
The savour of pity and the gamble of love
And passion and the ambiguous face of Fate.
A clash of forces, a vast incertitude.
The joy of creation out of Nothingness,
A world of hard endeavour and difficult toil
And battle on extinction's perilous verge.
Strange meetings on the roads of Ignorance
And the companionship of half-known souls.
Or the soUtary greamess and lonely force
Of a separate being conquering its world,
'Called it from its too safe eternity.
A huge descent began, a giant fall:
For what the spirit sees, creates a tmth
And what the soul imagines is made a world.
A Thought that leaped from the Timeless can become,
Indicator of cosmic consequence
And the itinerary of the gods,
A cychc movement in etemal Time.
Thus came, bom from a blind tremendous choice,
This great perplexed and discontented world,

This haunt of Ignorance, this home of Pain:
There arc pitched desire's tents, grief's headquarters.
A vast disguise conceals the Eternal's bliss."

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