Amplitude of sound
Intensity of sound
Frequencies heard by human ear
Complex sound
White noise
Narrow band noise
Speech noise
Formula for decibel
0 dB sound pressure level (SPL)
0 dB hearing level (HL)
0 dB sensation level (SL)
Difference between sound pressure
level (SPL), hearing level (HL), and
sensation level (SL)
Difference between 0 dB HL and 0 dB
SPL in normal ear in speech
Dimensions of external auditory canal
Extent of vibratory movement from rest to furthest point from rest in compression/rarefaction
Amount of sound energy through an area per unit time
20 20,000 Hz
Sound of more than one frequency (as opposed to pure tone)
Aperiodic complex sound
Noise containing all frequencies of audible spectrum (20 20,000 Hz)
Noise containing frequencies in a narrow band
Noise containing frequencies of speech spectrum (300 3,000 Hz)
dB=10 log (Io/Ir)
dB=20 log (po/pr)
20 Pa
Lowest intensity of sound perceived by normal ear 50% of the time
Lowest intensity of sound perceived by the patient 50% of the time
SPL is in reference to absolute reference point (20 Pa)
HL is in reference to a normal ear
SL is in reference to patients own ear
Approximately 10 dB
Length = 2.5 cm
Radius = 0.3 cm
Volume = 2 cm3 (?)
Soft whisper = 30 dB
Conversational speech = 60 dB
Mass of ossicles
Speech frequencies
Factors causing impedance matching
in middle ear
Dimensions of tympanic membrane
and oval window
Amplification achieved by middle ear
Auditory pathway
Factory = 90 dB
Car horn = 120 dB
Jet plane = 150 dB
High-frequency (as opposed to low-frequency)
Height = 15 mm
Width = 2-4 mm
Depth = 6 mm
Volume = 1-2 cm3
Malleus = incus
Stapes = x malleus or x incus
300 to 3,000 Hz
1. Area effect of tympanic membrane ( x 17)
2. Lever action of ossicular chain ( x 1.3)
3. Natural resonance & efficiency of outer & middle ears
4. Phase difference between oval and round window (4 dB)
Tympanic membrane = 55 mm2 (actual area is 80 mm2, but effective area is 55 mm2)
Oval window (Stapes footplate) = 3.2 mm2
55 / 3.2 = 17
17 x 1.3 = 22
Translates to 25 dB
Sound wave travels through the fluid in the cochlea
Outer hair cells adjust basement membranes physical properties so a given frequency
maximally stimulates a specific narrow group of inner hair cells (which carry most of the afferen
responses of the cochlear nerve)
Eighth nerve
Cochlear nucleus
Olivary nucleus
Lateral lemniscus
Inferior colliculus
Schwabach test
Gell test
Octave frequencies
Inter-octave frequencies
Eighth nerve Cochlear nucleus Trapezoid body Contralateral superior olivary nucleus
Lateral lemniscus Inferior colliculus (midbrain) Medical geniculate body (thalamus)
Millions (contrast with only 25,000 in cochlear nerve).
Number of fibers increases as one travels in the auditory pathway.
512 Hz
256 Hz 15 dB
512 Hz 25 dB
1024 Hz 35 dB
Put tuning fork on mastoid and alternately close and open the external auditory canal.
Positive test: sound alternately increases and decreases; implies normal ear
Negative test: sound remains constant; implies conductive loss
Alternately put tuning fork on mastoid of patient and mastoid of doctor.
Normal Schwabach: sound ends at same time for patient and doctor.
Diminished Schwabach:sensorineural loss in patient
Prolonged Schwabach: conductive loss in patient
Put tuning fork on mastoid and apply pressure on tympanic membrane (by pneumatic otoscop
No change in sound: implies conductive loss.
Decrease in sound: implies normal ear.
1. Pure tone audiometry (air conduction, and if air conduction thresholds are > 10 dB, then bon
2. Speech audiometry (speech recognition threshold and word recognition score)
3. Impedance / immitance measures (tympanometry and acoustic reflexes)
250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 Hz
Between octave frequencies, e.g. 375, 750, 1500, 3000, 6000 Hz
Done when >25 dB difference between octave frequency thresholds
Shapes of audiogram
Speech reception threshold (SRT)
Spondaic word (a.k.a. spondee)
Primary reason to measure speech
reception threshold
Pure Tone Average
When is speech awareness threshold
(SAT, a.k.a. speech detection
threshold SDT) done?
Word recognition score
How is word recognition score
Tests of immitance
Types of tympanometry curves
For one ear: [(Average of thresholds at 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hz) 25] x 1.5
For both ears: (5x+y)/6, where x=percentage hearing loss of better ear and y=percentage
hearing loss of worse ear
Speech recognition may be worse than audiogram, i.e. patient will have difficulty in
understanding speech relative to what audiogram suggests.
Alternate binaural loudness balance test
Short increment sensitivity test
Bekesy audiometry
Tone decay test
Performance intensity function
Acoustic reflex decay
Glycerol test (for Menieres disease)
Auditory brain test response
Oto-acoustic emissions
Auditory brain stem response
1. Although more objective than behavioral testing, nevertheless behavioral testing is superior
because it tests actual hearing.
2. Easier than behavioral testing in non-compliant children
3. Requires sedation and its requisite life support and recovery services.
1. Requires substantially less time than auditory brain stem testing.
2. Sedation and requisite life support is rarely needed.
3. Cannot be done if child has a middle ear disorder
Before 6 months of age.
Behavioral tests:
Stenger effect
Stenger test
Lombard test
Present the patient with tone of 5 dB above threshold in good ear and 5 dB below threshold in
poor ear. If he claims to hear the tone, test is negative (i.e. pt. does not have pseudohypoacusis); if he claims to not hear the tone, then test is positive (i.e. pt. has pseudohypo-acusis).
Used to test for pseudohypo-acusis. It is based on the phenomenon that one increases his voi
volume in the presence of noise because noise interferes with self-monitoring.
Patient is asked to read something aloud and then masking noise is introduced through
headphones. If volume of patients voice increases, test is positive for pseudohypo-acusis. If
volume of patients voice does not increase, then patient has true hearing loss and test is
negative for pseudo-hypo-acusis.
Ototoxicity (i.e. drug-induced) affects
High frequencies first (e.g. 10-20,000 Hz), then low frequencies (e.g. speech frequencies, e.g.
which frequencies?
2,000 Hz).
How much hearing loss is defined as
20 dB loss at one frequency, or 10 dB loss at two adjacent frequencies, or any loss at three
adjacent frequencies
If there is hearing loss in both ears and The one with hearing loss of 40-70 dB, regardless of whether it is the better or worse ear
you want to fit hearing aid in only one
ear, which ear should it be?
Saturation SPL (a.k.a. SSPL)
Maximum power output of hearing aid
Gain of hearing aid
Gain = Output Input, i.e. it is the amplification or acoustic energy added to the input sound
Signal-to-noise ratio
Loudness recruitment
Advantage: This is very much like a normal healthy cochlea, as the outer hair cells of the
cochlea compress sound in exactly the same manner and when they are damaged, loudness
recruitment occurs. The idea is to make soft sounds audible and keep loud sounds comfortab
Abnormally rapid loudness growth characteristic of cochlearhearingimpairments.
1. Alarm clocks, smoke detectors, security systems, baby-cry detectors, and doorbells with
flashing lights or vibrator.
2. Closed-caption television decoders
3. Text telephones
4. Computers
Typically, noise-induced hearing loss begins in a notch pattern in the 3000- to 6000- Hz region
but with time broadens to the other frequency regions with a less steep slope.
Noise-induced hearing loss
Asymmetrical 4000-Hz notch loss, which is worse in the earopposite the shoulder from which t
gun is fired.
20 40 dB of attenuation
Passive (non-electric): Pass moderate sound but reduce high sound level.
Active (electric): Limit output to 85 dB. There is speech distortion because of peak clipping.
Also, active noise reduction, in which the sound phase is inverted by 180 0 to cancel the noise
A method of noise reduction used by certain ear protection devices in which the sound phase i
inverted by 1800 to cancel the noise. It is effective for frequencies of < 1000 Hz.
Short-latency components (as opposed to long-latency components)
Objectivity (as the subject is not required to actively participate in the assessment)
Uses of electrocochleography
1. Resting potential
2. Summating potential
3. Compound action potential
4. Cochlear microphonics
Transtympanicelectrode, penetrates tympanic membrane at inferior portion and is placed over
the cochlear promontory. Invasive technique, but gives excellent results.
TIPtrode (= intrameatal electrode);
Tymptrode electrode (= in direct contact with tympanic membrane)
1. Diagnosis, assessment, and monitoring of Menieres disease(endolymphatichydrops)
increased SP/AP ratio
2. Enhancing wave I of auditory brainstem response audiometry if that wave is absent or difficu
to identify (as it represents cochlea and distal eighth nerve)
3. Monitoring of cochlear function during surgery
4. Objective measurement of audiometric thresholds (though brainstem audiometry is more
commonly used for this)
5. Diagnosis of auditory neuropathy: abnormal brainstem response with normal cochleogram
Neurologic ABR for larger neuromas.
Stacked ABR is best for small acoustic neuromas.
Wave V.
Wave I
Morphology Interpea
Sensory loss
Neural loss
(except wave I)
(Absent or
Auditory steady-state evoked potential uses a frequency-specific, pure tone stimulus that
activates the cochlea and CNS. It is particularly good at assessing severe/profound hearing los
These are a type of cortical auditory evoked responses
What is the difference in diagnosis in
rotatory vertigo versus translational or
tilt vertigo?
Differential diagnosis of vertigo
Types of eye rotations
Bilateral vestibular loss, Otosclerosis, Menieres disease, Migraine, Brainstem stroke, Multiple
sclerosis, Spinocerebellar degeneration
Illusion of motion, either of oneself or the world
Rotatory vertigo: Semicircular canal problem
Translational vertigo: Utricle or saccule problem
Physiologic dizziness
Multi-sensory dizziness
Eye movements driven by gaze-stabilizing reflexes
Yaw rotation: in transverse plane (right, left)
Pitch rotation: in sagittal plane (up, down)
Roll rotation: in coronal plane (clockwise, anticlockwise)
Slow component toward weaker labyrinth.
Fast component toward stronger labyrinth.
When patient looks toward the ear with the stronger labyrinth, speed of nystagmus will increas
(both slow and fast phases).
When patient looks toward the ear with the weaker labyrinth, speed of nystagmus will decreas
(both slow and fast phases).
Examiner should stand on the weaker labyrinths side in order to minimize nystagmus and thu
reduce visual blur and nausea.
1. Oculomotor nuclei
2. Cervical spinal motor neurons
3. Lower spinal motor neurons
Vestibulo-ocular reflex
Vestibulo-collic reflex
Smooth pursuit
Optokinetic nystagmus
Difference between smooth pursuit
and optokinetic nystagmus
Cervico-ocular reflex
What are the gaze-stabilizing reflexes
and how do they work?
Common name for utricle and saccule
Angle of horizontal semicircular canal
(a.ka. lateral semicircular canal) with
Difference in sensation of utricle and
Divisions of vestibular nerve
4. Autonomic centers
5. Cerebellum
6. Cerebral cortex
Output from vestibular nuclei goes to oculomotor nuclei in order to maintain gaze despite chan
in head position
Output from vestibular nuclei goes to cervical spinal motor neurons in order to maintain head-o
body posture
Reflexive eye movements track image on retinal fovea
Reflexive eye movements track image on retina outside fovea
Smooth pursuit = Reflexive eye movements track image on retinal fovea
Optokineticnystagmus = Reflexive eye movements track image on retina outside fovea
Proprioceptors in the neck sense neck movements and send data to the oculomotor nuclei. Th
is the cervico-ocular reflex. It augments the vestibulo-ocular reflex if it is deficient.
Smooth pursuit and optokineticnystagmus (~ 100 ms): For slow, low-frequency head
Vestibulo-ocular reflex (~ 7 ms): For fast, high-frequency head movements
Otolith end organs (a.ka. otoconial end organs or macular end organs)
Another name for posterior canal ampullary nerve (branch of the inferior vestibular nerve), call
the singular nerve because it runs alone for ~ 2 mm
Ganglion of vestibular nerve; it is located at fundus of internal auditory canal.
Reids plane
Plane of horizontal semicircular canal
(i.e. lateral semicircular canal)
Plane of anterior and posterior
semicircular canals
Rule regarding exciting and inhibiting
of semicircular canals in head rotation
Superior canal dehiscence
Type I
Like a flask
Type II
Like a cylinder
Area where
In central/striolar
Type of
Bouton synapse
Horizontal plane through the infra-orbital rim and center of external auditory canal
25o above Reids plane (i.e. horizontal plane); thus, if you pitch your nose down by 25 o, your
lateral canals will become truly horizontal
45o from sagittal plane
Fast phase
Superior vestibular nerve (hence, lateral & anterior semicircular canals and utricle will be
affected while posterior semicircular canal and saccule will be preserved)
Hold head in both hands and suddenly jerk it toward the direction relevant to the semicircular
canal to be tested; if oscillopsia, then the canal is weak; if no oscillopsia, canal is normal
Saccule (especially lower part)
Saccule gets excited, leading to the cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential (cVEMP), so
cVEMP tests saccular function. Also used to test superior canal dehiscence syndrome, etc.
1. Superior canal dehiscence syndrome
2. Enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome
3. Any problem that abnormally couples saccular mass movement to sound
Possibly due to sudden deformation of utricle or saccule
Flocculonodular lobe
Fluctuating loss, because permanent loss is compensated within 1 to 3 weeks, but fluctuating
loss cannot be compensated as it is unpredictable
We trade fluctuating loss of vestibular function (which cannot be compensated) for complete,
permanent loss (which can be compensated)
No. They are only helpful for acute relief; when taken for too long, they interfere with the proce
Jongkees formula
of compensation
1. Superior canal dehiscence syndrome
2. Enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome
3. Perilymphatic fistula
1. Hypotension
2. Sedation
3. Arrhythmia
It tests short-latency excitatory EMG activity in contralateral inferior rectus and inferior oblique.
is recorded with EMG electrodes on skin below eye. Useful for detecting superior canal
dehiscence syndrome
Severe vertigo brought on by rolling over in bed (usually toward affected ear) or tilting the head
upward and to the side to look at shelf.
Vertigo reverses direction when patient sits up.
Closed head injury
Roller coaster ride
Ear surgery
Bed rest
Long flight
Vestibular neuritis
Latency = 5 10 seconds
Duration = 10 60 seconds
semicircular canal
1. Epley maneuver
2. Brandt exercise for habituation
3. Sermont liberatory maneuvers
1. Prednisone
2. Sedatives & anti-emetics in short term only. (Long term use compromises on vestibular
3. Vestibular rehabilitation
Certain Menieres disease: Definite Menieres plus histopathologic confirmation (only detecte
at autopsy)
Definite Menieres:
1. At least 2 episodes of spontaneous vertigo lasting for > 20 minutes
2. Typically lasting between 20 minutes and 2 hours
3. Sensorineural hearing loss (on PTA, low-frequency)
4. Ear fullness and/or tinnitus
5. All other causes of symptoms have been excluded
Probable Menieres:One episode of Menieres-type vertigo, plus the other criteria
The internal auditory artery divides into 2 branches: superior and inferior. The superior branch
supplies the lateral and anterior semicircular canals and utricle. The inferior branch supplies th
posterior semicircular canal, saccule and cochlea.
1. Lateral semicircular canal
2. Anterior semicircular canal
3. Utricle
1. Posterior semicircular canal
2. Saccule
3. Cochlea
This condition is called lateral medullary infarction a.k.a. Wallenberg syndrome:
1. Vertigo & nausea
2. Ipsilateral gait and limb ataxia
A.k.a. lateral medullary infarction. Caused by infarct of PICA (posterior inferior cerebellar artery
1. Vertigo & nausea
2. Ipsilateral gait and limb ataxia
3. Abnormal saccadic eye movements (overshoot to side of lesion, i.e. lateropulsion)
4. Abnormal smooth pursuit eye movements
5. Ocular tilt reaction (head tilt and eye deviation toward side of lesion)
Treatment of migraine-associated
In the otolithic end organs, namely the utricle and saccule. Otoliths are NOT normally found i
the semicircular canals
Stereocilia = 50 100
Kinocilium = 1
Displacement of the stereocilia (which are embedded in the cupula) of the hair cells toward or
away from the kinocilium alters calcium influx into the cell, leading to release or inhibition of
Lateral canal: the kinocilia are closest to the utricle
Anterior and Posterior canals: the kinocilia are away from the utricle (i.e. toward the crus
commune side of the ampulla)
Four on each side, namely lateral, medial, superior and descending nuclei.
Horizontal high-frequency head thrust maneuver. If after the maneuver, there are refixation
saccades to stabilize eyes on a target, this suggests defect in horizontal vestibulo-ocular
Direction of flow of endolymph = Direction of slow phase of nystagmus.
Direction of fast phase of nystagmus is opposite to both of the above.
1. Sensory organization test: evaluation of the anterior-posterior body sway under conditions
with eyes opened (eo) or eyes closed (ec)
2. Movement coordination test: assesses patients ability to recover from external provocatio
Pars inferior (i.e. cochlea + saccule)
Pure tone audiogram: Low-frequency sensorineural loss which fluctuates over time
Electrocochleography: Increased summating potential : action potential ratio ( > 0.30)
Electronystagmography: unilateral weakness
CNS symptoms
Slow phase
Smooth pursuit
Fixation /
Caloric tests
Peripheral loss
Not so severe
Constant or increasing
or decreasing
Intact or reversed
2. Menieres disease
3. Recurrent vestibulopathy
4. Vestibular neuropathy
5. Acoustic neuroma
Meniere-type attacks of vertigo in patient with past history of profound hearing loss
Due to syphilis.
Early syphilis: Vertigo of variable intensity and duration, with vegetative features lasting days
Late syphilis: May present after years or decades. Meniere-like symptoms (vertigo and
sensorineural hearing loss) plus interstitial keratitis.
Cogan syndrome
Recurrent vestibulopathy
In cochlear hydrops, there are cochlear symptoms fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss, au
fullness, tinnitus but no vertigo.
In recurrent vestibulopathy, there are vestibular symptoms severe episodic Meniere-like verti
but no hearing loss.
Abnormal communication between perilymph and endolymph, or between perilymph and midd
Basic pathology is trauma, caused by:
1. Baro-trauma
2. Penetrating trauma
3. Stapedectomy
4. Cholesteatoma
5. Physical exertion
Vertigo mild to moderate to severe
Hennebert phenomenon
Tullio phenomenon
Positive fistula sign: nystagmus on tragal compression with fast phase toward diseased ear
often false negative).
Cervicogenic vertigo
CNS causes of dizziness
Hutchison teeth
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome
X-linked DFN
Deafness (sensorineural, conductive, or mixed)
Branchial anomalies (ear pit, ear tag, or cervical fistula)
Renal anomalies
The syndrome is autosomal dominant.
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Cause of otosclerosis
Type 2
Caf-au-lait spots, subcapsular
Stickler syndrome
Pendred syndrome
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Stickler syndrome
Treacher Collins syndrome
Waardenberg syndrome
Jervell & Lange-Nielson syndrome
Pendred syndrome
Usher syndrome
Deafness (sensorineural)
Cardiac arrhythmias (ECG shows large T waves and prolonged QT interval) child presents w
syncopal episodes
The syndrome is autosomal recessive
Deafness (sensorineural)
Euthyroid goiter
Diagnosis is by perchlorate discharge test.
The syndrome is autosomal recessive.
Usher syndrome
Deafness (sensorineural)
Variable loss of vestibular function
Retinitis pigmentosa
Type 1: Profound deafness + absent vestibular function + retinitis pigmentosa
Type 2: Moderate deafness + normal vestibular function + retinitis pigmentosa
Type 3: Progressive deafness + variable vestibular function + retinitis pigmentosa
Alport syndrome
Pathophysiology: The collagen of basement membranes of kidneys and inner ear is affected. I
the inner ear, the basilar membrane, spiral ligament, and stria vascularis are affected. In the
kidney, there is glomerulonephritis.
Norrie syndrome
Oto-palato-digital syndrome
Wildervaank syndrome
Mohr-Tranebjaerg syndrome
X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth
Goldenhar syndrome
Turners syndrome
Complete agenesis of petrous bone. There is no inner ear. Presents with complete sensorineu
deafness. Hearing aid or cochlear implant is useless.
Developmentally deformed cochlea in which only the basal coil can be identified clearly. The
upper coils assume a cloacal form and the interscalar septum is absent. The endolymphatic
duct is also enlarged.
Scheibe aplasia
Mondini aplasia occurs in several syndromes, e.g. Pendred, Waardenberg, Treachers Collins,
Wilderwaank, CMV infection, and CHARGE syndrome.
Aplasia of scala media of inner ear, with poorly differentiated organ of Corti, deformed tectoria
membrane, and collapsed Reissners membrane.
Scheibe aplasia occurs in several forms of non-syndromic and syndromic deafness, e.g. Jerve
& Lange-Nielson, Refsum, Usher, Waardenberg, and Rubella syndrome.
Alexander aplasia
Proportion of bilateral and unilateral
deafness in congenital deafness.
Enlarged vestibular aqueduct
Limited differentiation of cochlear duct at level of basal coil of cochlea, causing malfunction o
organ of Corti and cells of spiral ganglion.
Bilateral: 65%
Unilateral: 35%
Definition: Vestibular aqueduct >1.5 mm as measured midway between operculum and commo
crus on CT scan.
Presents as fluctuating sensorineural deafness due to hydrodynamic changes in inner ear.
Lateral semicircular canal deformity
1. Michel aplasia
2. Mondini aplasia
3. Scheibe aplasia
4. Alexander aplasia
5. Enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome
6. Semicircular canal malformations
Class I
Class II
Class III
Poorly aerated
middle ear &
Late onset
Negative family history
Flat 50-60 dB conductive deafness (
no notch)
No Schwartze sign
Positive family history
Carhart notch
Schwartze sign
The more one enters the canal, the better the cosmesis, but the worse the venting. Thus,
Behind-The-Ear achieves best venting but worst cosmesis, while Completely-in-the-Canal
achieves worst venting but best cosmesis.
Advantages of implantable aid:
1. Better sound fidelity
2. No occlusion effect
3. Few feedback problems
Disadvantages of implantable aid:
1. High cost
2. Need for surgical battery replacement
3. MRI incompatibility
4. Iatrogenic ossicular discontinuity to reduce feedback (in some devices)
1. Electromagnetic
2. Piezoelectric
Device is surgically implanted in temporal bone behind ear. It picks up sound from the air and
transfers it to the cochlea via the temporal bone.
1. Conductive loss
2. Mixed loss with significant conductive element
3. Mastoid cavity which is draining
4. Conductive loss not otherwise correctable (e.g. congenital atresia with ossicular
Electromagnetic partially implantable device for sensorineural deafness with some cochlear
reserve. It drives the stapes or stapes footplate directly.
Benefit of DACS over BAHA is that only one cochlea is stimulated (while BAHA stimulates both
Made of bio-compatible material
Easy to trim, handle, and adjust
Stable in the middle ear
MRI compatible
HAPEX (hydroxyapatite with polyethylene)
For malleus-incus defect: PORP (Partial Ossicular Reconstruction Prosthesis). Spans the
distance between the stapes supra-structure and the tympanic membrane.
In both PORP and TORP, a thin layer of cartilage may be placed between the prosthesis head
and the tympanic membrane to reduce the chance of extrusion.
For incus defect (e.g. discontinuity at incudo-stapedial joint): Synthetic prosthesis or nativ
incus interposition. In native incus interposition, the incus is removed, sculpted, and
Stapedectomy: Removal of stapes suprastructure and all (or most) of the stapes footplate.
Stapedotomy: Removal of stapes suprastructure and fenestration of the stapes footplate (to
accommodate the prosthesis).
The worse-hearing ear.
1. Patient with osteogenesis imperfecta: patient has brittle bones and surgeon may damage
the tympanic ring
Complications of stapedectomy /
2. Patient with Menieres disease: surgeon may damage the saccule (as patient has
endolymphatic hydrops) and cause dead ear
3. Patient is blind: patient may not be able to compensate for even minor vestibular
4. Patient with contralateral peripheral vestibulopathy: as above, patient may not be able t
compensate for even minor vestibular complications
5. Patient with mixed hearing loss: patient should be advised that he may need hearing aid
after surgery
Intra-operative complications:
1. Tympanic membrane perforation
2. Floating footplate
3. Facial nerve paralysis (due to dehiscent tympanic segment)
4. Hemorrhage from persistent stapedial artery
Delayed complications:
Is intra-cochlear ossification
(secondary to labyrinthitis ossificans) a
contra-indication to cochlear implant
Child with cochlear implant has
developed middle ear effusion. What
should you do?
How is a patient selected for cochlear
No, it is not. (But intra-cochlear ossification can limit the type and insertion depth of the electro
array that can be introduced into the cochlea.)
Nothing. Treat only if effusion becomes infected.
Status of ear: Ear should be stable. Tympanic membrane should be intact. There should be n
middle ear effusion and no chronic otitis media. If any of these condtions is present, treat them
before placing the implant.
Audiological criteria: Severe to profound hearing loss and poor word recognition scores.
Psychological assessment: To rule out organic brain dysfunction, mental retardation,
undetected psychosis, or unrealistic expectations. Also to assess family dynamics that may
impact on implant acceptance and performance.
Vaccination: Patient should be vaccinated with Pneumococcal vaccine >2 weeks before
Special cases:
Previously operated ear with mastoid cavity: can be implanted, but cavity will need to be
Adolescent with little experience with speech: may find the sound disturbing. Counseling may
help in this case.
Onset of deafness at 5 years of age
Facial recess is a triangular area bound by:
Mastoid segment of facial nerve receives communication from auricular branch of vagus nerve
Pes anserinus
The five terminal branches of the facial
Extensive network of anastomosis between various limbs of facial nerve within the substance o
the parotid gland
Marginal mandibular
1. Tragal pointer: nerve is 1 cm infero-medial to it
2. Tympano-mastoid suture: nerve is 7 mm below the inferior drop off of the suture
3. Insertion of posterior belly of digastric on mastoid process: nerve is just anterior to it
(stylomastoid foramen the point of exit)
4. Parotid gland: follow the nerve branches proximally to find the main trunk
1. Cochleariform process: nerve is medial to it (tympanic segment)
2. Lateral semicircular canal: nerve is inferior to it (second genu)
3. Digastric ridge: nerve is anterior to it (stylomastoid foramen the point of exit)
Intra-cranial: 24 mm
Meatal: 8 mm
Labyrinthine: 4 mm
Tympanic: 8 mm
Mastoid: 12 mm
Extra-temporal (before branching): 16 mm
1. Mastoid surgery: Pyramidal turn (postero-lateral to the lateral semicircular canal). This
in the tympanic part of the nerve.
2. Middle ear surgery: Part of the nerve superior to oval window. This is in the tympanic
part of the nerve. (Understandably, it is also most common site of dehiscence of the
3. Temporal bone fracture: Labyrinthine segment, especially geniculate ganglion
4. CSOM: Tympanic and mastoid segments.
Part of the nerve superior to oval window. (This is part of the tympanic segment of the nerve
Suggestive if slow course:
Progression of >3 weeks, or
No improvement after >4 months
Highly suggestive if slow course + one of the following:
Facial twitching
Additional cranial nerve involvement
Sensorineural deafness or vestibular symptoms
Ipsilateral recurrence of facial nerve paralysis
Parotid mass
History of cancer
Facial nerve paralysis
Vesicular eruptions on face/ear
Severe otalgia
Deafness (sensorineural)
Grade 1: Normal
Grade 2: Mild
Grade 3: Moderate
Grade 4: Moderately severe
Grade 5: Severe
Grade 6: Total
Only lower face involved contralateral side.
Also, no loss of emotional facial expression, lacrimation, taste, and salivation. However, Bells
phenomenon is lost.
Bogorad syndrome
(In peripheral cause, there is involvement of both upper and lower part of face ipsilateral side
There is loss of emotional facial expression, and there may be loss of lacrimation, taste, or
CT scan for intra-temporal course, as it is good study for bone (temporal bone).
MRI for extra-temporal course, as it is good study for soft tissue (parotid gland).
Rapid and
Rapid and
Note: Neurapraxia is due to local compression and resolves completely when the compression
is relieved. In axonotmesis, although there is Wallerian degeneration distal to the lesion, there
complete recovery because the endoneural sheath of the nerve is preserved.
Loss of discrete facial movements after facial nerve paralysis.
Occurs due to axons innervating numerous and separated muscles.
Occurs after facial nerve paralysis when regenerating nerve fibers destined for the
submandibular gland innervate the lacrimal gland. Patient cries while eating. Hence, the
syndrome is a.k.a. crocodile tear syndrome.
Occurs after facial nerve paralysis when regenerating nerve fibers destined for the
submandibular gland innervate the lacrimal gland. Patient cries while eating.
Schirmers test
Electro-myography: A needle electrode is inserted into the muscle on both paralyzed and non
paralyzed side. Difference in muscle contraction is calculated by measuring the action potentia
of individual motor units (at rest and on voluntary contraction).
Electro-myography is valuable on any Day after onset of facial nerve paralysis.
Electro-neurography is valuable from Day 3 to Day 14 of onset of facial nerve paralysis.
Acute onset
Paralysis (or paresis) of all muscle groups (both upper and lower) of one side of face
Absence of signs of CNS disease, ear disease, or cerebellopontine angle disease (diagnosis o
Surgical decompression if complete facial nerve paralysis with extensive nerve
degeneration (>90% degeneration in first 2 weeks after onset of paralysis as measured by
electro-neurography and absence of action potentials on voluntary electro-myography). This
should be done to avoid permanent damage and synkinesis.
Make sure that the paresis/paralysis is not due to effect of local anesthetic or pack in middle ea
or mastoid pressing on dehiscent nerve. Management depends upon what surgeon feels abou
Per cent of temporal bone
Chance of facial nerve
Mechanism of facial nerve
Fracture is caused by
trauma to:
Part of ear involved
Clinical presentation
Temporo-parietal area
Middle ear
1. Bleeding from middle ear
or external ear
2. Laceration of tympanic
3. Conductive deafness
4. Facial nerve paralysis
Inner ear
1. Hemo-tympanum
2. Vestibular symptoms
3. Severe sensorineural or
mixed deafness
4. Facial nerve paralysis
Complete paralysis:
Surgery: if electro-neurography shows >90% degeneration within 2 weeks of injury. Can
compromise on 2 weeks window period if CT scan shows obvious bone fragment impinging on
If nerve is intact and there is no injury, then decompress.
If nerve is intact and there is significant injury, then resect and re-anastomose or graft.
If nerve is severed, then re-anastomose or graft.
Grafting is done when there is tension in the nerve. Graft should be taken from great auricula
nerve (if small segment is required) or sural nerve (if long segment is required).
1. Site of injury (electro-physiologic testing may be helpful for this); proximal injury is extremely
debilitating, while distal injury has less morbidity
2. Soft tissue injury including eyeball, parotid duct, and mouth
3. Amount of contamination
Repair the nerve ASAP.
If injury is distal to lateral canthus and oral facial crease, then manage conservatively.
If there is significant soft tissue loss or extensive gross contamination, then explore
immediately, debride the wound and tag nerve branches and repair the nerve later on within 3
If hearing is good: Use middle fossa approach. Can combine trans-mastoid approach if
decompression of distal tympanic and mastoid segments.
Heerfordt disease
Uncommon but important causes of
facial nerve paralysis
CSOM: Cholesteatoma or chronic inflammatory tissue involving the nerve (tympanic or mastoi
IV antibiotics
Tympano-mastoidectomy (remove the cholesteatoma or inflammatory tissue)
Malignant otitis externa
IV antibiotics
Surgical debridement only if there is obvious necrotic bone
Facial nerve paralysis
Flu-like symptoms
Skin rash: erythema chronicum migrans (rash starts as flat, reddened area and extends with
central clearing)
Facial paralysis: only 10% chance, but may be bilateral
Deafness: sensorineural, extremely rare chance
Electro-physiologic hallmarks of
neoplastic etiology of facial nerve
Most common benign tumors of facial
Tumors that cause facial nerve
HIV infection
Electro-neurography: reduced amplitude of CMAP (compound muscle action potential)
Electro-myography: fibrillation and polyphasic re-innervation potentials
Facial neuroma, Hemangioma of facial nerve
They present with facial nerve paralysis
Facial neuroma
Hemangioma of facial nerve
Acoustic neuroma
Congenital cholesteatoma
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
Arachnoid cyst
Parotid tumor (benign & malignant)
~ 15%
1 in 2,000
Birth trauma
Birth trauma
Congenital, e.g. Mobius syndrome, CULLP
Unilateral facial nerve paralysis
Prolonged or complicated delivery
Echhymosis of face or temporal region
Mobius syndrome
Infant presents with facial asymmetry when crying. Infant may have other anomalies of head &
neck and cardiovascular system.
Complete physical examination (partial vs. complete paralysis, otoscopy, other anomalies, e
Electro-physiologic testing:
Traumatic case: Electro-neurography is normal at birth and declines afterwards. Electromyography is normal at birth and shows fibrillation potentials afterwards.
Congenital case: Electro-neurography shows reduced responses at birth and remains constan
afterwards. Electro-myography also shows reduced responses at birth and remains constant
Conservative. Traumatic cases improve spontaneously and completely. Congenital cases have
residual dysfunction. If surgery is planned, it is deferred until adolescence.
Corneal dessication and exposure keratitis.
Lagophthalmos (i.e. incomplete closure of eyelids)
Lower lid ectropion (i.e. outwardly turned lower eyelid)
Diminised lacrimation
Altered corneal reflex
Absent normal Bells phenomenon
Eye lubrication
Protective moisture chamber at night
Protective eyewear during day
Surgery: Gold weight, palpebral spring, tarsorrhaphy. Procedure of choice is gold weight.
Corneal dessication and exposure keratitis
Hemifacial spasm
Hyperkinetic blepharospasm
Direct nerve repair: with or without grafting (neurorrhaphy)
Synergistic nerve crossover anastomosis: contralateral buccal nerve is anastomosed with
paralyzed nerve via sural nerve graft
Nerve substitution: done when the proximal nerve is not available. Hypoglossal-facial
anastomosis is successful. However, the resultant hemi-tongue paralysis result in severe
problems in speech, mastication, and swallowing. A hypoglossal-facial interpositional jump gra
can reduce these problems.
Neuromuscular pedicle transfer, muscle transposition, and facial slings: done when ther
is irreversible atrophy of facial muscles. Cosmetic results are not good, but provide important
protection to the eye and mouth.
Eyelid procedures: browlifting, upper eyelid implant, canthoplasty, tarsorrhaphy
Botox: Clostridium botulinum A toxin, used to treat hemifacial spasm and hyperkinetic
External carotid artery Posterior auricular artery Stylomastoid artery
External carotid artery Middle meningeal artery Greater superficial petrosal artery
The eyeball turns up and out (supero-lateral) during an attempt to close the eyes. It is a norma
protective mechanism.
Guillain Barre syndrome
Epiphora will occur in only those cases where lacrimation is preserved, i.e. the greater superfic
petrosal nerve is functional and the lesion is post-geniculate ganglion. In other cases, there wil
be decreased lacrimation and dry eye.
Epiphora occurs because of:
Hitselberger sign
Bells palsy is associated with which
Most common area of facial nerve that
is compressed in Bells palsy
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome
1. paralysis of Horner muscle, which dilates the orifice of the nasolacrimal duct
2. ectropion that produces malposition of the puncta
3. absence of blinking (i.e.lack of the pumping action)
Decreased sensitivity in concha (supplied by facial nerve); it suggests space-occupying lesion
the internal auditory canal
Diabetes mellitus
Labyrinthine segment. (It is also the narrowest part of the nerve and the fallopian canal.)
Recurrent unilateral or bilateral facial nerve paralysis of unknown etiology.
Facial edema
Tongue fissuring
3 mm per day
1st arch: Trigeminal (V3)
2nd arch: Facial (VII)
3rd arch: Glossopharyngeal (IX)
4th arch: Superior laryngeal (X)
5th arch: Recurrent laryngeal (X)
They all lie anterior to the sternomastoid muscle.
2nd arch cyst: tonsillar fossa
3rd arch cyst: pyriform fossa
4th arch cyst: lower part of pyriform fossa or larynx
Cartilage of 1st branchial arch
Cartilage of 2nd branchial arch
Cleft of secondary palate: Lack of fusion between maxillary prominences of both sides
Cleft palate (U-shaped)
Facial clefting (cleft lip and/or palate)
2/3rd of cleft lips are males.
2/3rd of cleft palates are females.
2/3rd of cleft lips are left-sided.
~ 1 in 1000
Microform cleft: Dehiscence of orbicularis oris only
Incomplete cleft: Dehiscence of orbicularis oris and skin only
Complete cleft: Dehiscence of orbicularis oris and skin and nasal floor
Velopharyngeal insufficiency: Speech therapy for > 6 months. If speech therapy fails, then
surgery (Orticochea sphincteroplasty for poor lateral wall closure and posterior pharyngeal flap
for anterior-posterior wall motion). If surgery is not possible, then dental obturator.
Hypernasal speech
Nasopharyngeal regurgitation with feeding & drinking
Physical examination:
Hypernasal speech
Mirror placed under nose will fog during speech
Pinch nostrils closed to hear effect of blocked nasal escape of air
Nasopharyngoscopy will show the defect
Trauma (Blunt trauma or Ear piercing)
Trauma (Most common)
Extension of otitis externa
Extension of sub-periosteal abscess
Post-op complication of ear surgery
Relapsing perichondritis
Cutaneous lymphoma
Gouty typhus
Fungal infection of pinna
Tzanck smear
Cutaneous leishmaniasis
Cutaneous tuberculosis
Pain, erythema, induration/edema, fluctuation (if abscess), cartilage deformity (if advanced)
Lack of cerumen
Fungal overgrowth in patient with post-surgical mastoid cavity
Pain, pruritis, edema, erythema, otorrhea, and normal tympanic membrane mobility. No fever
(unless infection extends to peri-auricular tissue).
Note: Presentation of bacterial and fungal acute otitis externa is similar, except that in fungal
otitis externa, the fungal hyphae may be visible.
Tympanic membrane mobility.
It will be reduced in ASOM (due to perforation).
It will be normal in AOE.
1. Painkiller
2. Debridement of EAC
3. Otowick if obstructive edema (should be replaced regularly to avoid toxic shock syndrome)
4. Keep ear dry
5. Topical antibiotic or anti-fungal clotrimazole as per etiology
6. If severe peri-auricular cellulitis or immunocompromised patient, then oral antibiotic or IV an
fungal as per etiology
7. Incision and drainage of furuncle / carbuncle
Acute myringitis is an uncommon sequel of ASOM. It presents with severe pain in the ear.
Acute bullous myringitis: Blisters on lateral surface of tympanic membrane.
Acute hemorrhagic myringitis: Blood on lateral surface of tympanic membrane.
1. Topical antibiotic
2. Lance the bullae (for pain control)
3. Treat the ASOM
4. Keep ear dry
Chronic disease with relapsing and recurring symptoms.
Painless otorrhea, pruritis.
Tympanic membrane: beefy, weeping granulation tissue; perforation or healed perforation.
What is otomycosis?
Most common cause for visit to
Risk factors for ASOM in children
CT scan to evaluate extent of bony destruction; contrast for associated abscess or cellulitis
MRI if intra-cranial extension is suspected
1. Aggressive diabetic control
2. Correct immunodeficiency (if possible)
3. Debridement of EAC (gently)
4. Antibiotic 1st line: oral fluoroquinolone; 2nd line: IV amino-penicillin
5. IV anti-fungal (amphotericin B) if cause is fungal
6. Surgery drainage of abscess and debridement of bony sequestrum
Another name for fungal acute otitis externa
Acute suppurative otitis media (ASOM)
Premature birth
Cleft palate
Down syndrome
Lack of breastfeeding in first 6 months of life
Supine bottle feeding
Lower socio-economic status
Presence of siblings
Attendance at day care facility
Second hand smoke exposure
Otalgia, irritability, fever, otorrhea
Tympanic membrane: bulged, perforated, not moving, with air-fluid level behind
Bulging of the tympanic membrane
Pain control:
Topical anesthetic drops
If <2 years age, then treat immediately.
If >2 years age, then observe; if symptoms do not abate in 48 72 hours, then treat.
Mild to moderate disease: Amoxicillin 90 mg/kg/d divided tid for 10 days (If child is >5 years,
can give for 7 days only)
Severe disease (fever >390C or severe otalgia): Augmentin with same dose of amoxicillin
If patient is allergic to penicillin: macrolide (azithromycin / clarithromycin / erythromycin)
If treatment failure (i.e. symptoms do not improve within 48 72 hours): Amoxicillin Augmen
IV ceftriaxone Tympanocentesis with culture / sensitivity
If patient has cochlear implant: If <2 months since implantation, then IV antibiotic (ceftriaxone)
>2 months since implantation, then oral antibiotic (amoxicillin / Augmentin), but monitor closely
as there is risk of meningitis or biofilm infection of the electrode
3 episodes of ASOM in 6 months OR 4 episodes of ASOM in 12 months.
but prevents the bacteria from the immune system and from antibiotics
Which area of the tympanic membrane Pars flaccid (upper part between anterior and posterior malleal folds at the notch of Rivinus)
is most susceptible to retraction?
Compare and contrast the
In all cases, URTI causes inflammation of Gerlachs tonsil of the Eustachian tube, leading to
pathophysiology of ASOM, CSOM,
Eustachian tube dysfunction and stasis of middle ear secretions. Moreover, bacteria harbore
and COME
in the adenoids reflux into the middle ear (nasopharyngeal reflux), thus causing infection in t
middle ear secretions.
There are additional factors in CSOM:
Treatment of CSOM
Tympanostomy tube or perforation in tympanic membrane
Chronic or intermittent otorrhea
Aural fullness
Deafness (conductive confirmed by tuning forks)
Tympanic membrane retraction and/or keratin debris
Tympanic membrane perforation
Middle ear mucosa inflamed
Granulation tissue and/or aural polyp
Clinical features are diagnostic.
CT temporal bone if cholesteatoma or complications are suspected or if treatment failure
MRI with contrast if intra-cranial complications are suspected
Biopsy of persistent granulation tissue that does not respond to topical antibiotic therapy (t
rule out cancer, TB, Wegeners granulomatosis, etc.)
Goal is to get a dry, safe ear
Topical antibiotic for 4 6 weeks (fluoroquinolone)
Tympanoplasty if cause of CSOM is recurrent water exposure
Tympano-mastoidectomy if cholesteatoma or refractory to topical treatment. (Goal of tympan
Definition of COME
How would you investigate a case of
Treatment of COME
Complications of COME
(While middle ear effusions are common in children, a unilateral middle ear effusion in an adul
should raise suspicion of nasopharyngeal mass.)
Aural fullness
Deafness (conductive confirmed by tuning forks)
Intact tympanic membrane
Visible middle ear effusion
Frequently asymptomatic, especially in children
Inflammation within the middle ear space resulting in a collection of fluid behind an intact
tympanic membrane. There is no otalgia and no systemic symptoms such as fever and malais
Clinical features
Pneumatic otoscopy is key.
Tympanometry if clinical evaluation is equivocal.
Nasopharyngoscopy if unilateral effusion (to rule out nasopharyngeal mass or cancer)
Watchful waiting most cases will resolve spontaneously
If complication deafness, speech delay, developmental disability, or tympanic membrane
atelectasis then surgery (tympanostomy tube)
Ossicular damage (conductive deafness)
Tympanic membrane atelectasis (conductive deafness)
Cleft palate
Down syndrome
Lateral sinus thrombosis
Subdural empyema
Epidural abscess
Intra-parenchymal abscess
Otic hydrocephalus
Fibrous union of incudo-stapedial joint
ASOM: Only 5%. Resolves spontaneously.
CSOM: 100%. Does not resolve spontaneously.
History of recent ASOM
Mastoid pain and tenderness
Auricular protrusion
Post-auricular skin changes
Fullness of skin of postero-superior EAC
Clinical features
CBC: Increased white cell count (leukocytosis)
Acute mastoiditis plus the following additional features evident on CT scan:
Pus in the mastoid
Erosion of bone and bony destruction of mastoid air cells
There is high risk for infection to spread to adjacent tissues. Coalescent mastoiditis is an
indication for urgent surgery.
Infection limited to mastoid:
Petrous apicitis
Lucs abscess
Zygomatic root abscess
Most common intra-cranial
complication of ASOM and CSOM
Clinical features of meningitis
(complication of ASOM and CSOM)
Griesinger sign
How would you investigate a case of
lateral sinus thrombosis (complication
Sub-periosteal abscess in squamous part of temporal bone (temporal area). It is a complicatio
of CSOM.
Abscess in root of zygoma. It is a complication of CSOM.
History of ASOM or CSOM
Severe headache
Photophobia or Phonophobia
Positive Brudzinski and Kernig signs
CT temporal bone
CT brain (to rule out mass effect)
Lumbar puncture (for diagnosis and CSF culture / sensitivity)
IV antibiotic with good CSF penetration
IV steroid (decreases chance of neurologic sequelae)
Monitor hearing: Audiogram and CT temporal bone to evaluate for ossification of cochlea. (If
ossification, then urgent cochlear implantation.)
History of otorrhea
Severe headache
Picket-fence fever
Swelling and tenderness of mastoid (Griesinger sign)
Septic emboli to lungs
Jugular vein thrombosis
Palsy of 9th, 10th, 11th cranial nerves
Swelling (edema) and tenderness of mastoid. It is a feature of lateral sinus thrombosis.
CT brain with contrast: (Delta sign: Rim enhancement of lateral sinus with central
of CSOM)?
Delta sign
Treatment of lateral sinus thrombosis
(complication of CSOM)
Clinical features of subdural empyema
(complication of CSOM)
IV antibiotic
Drain the abscess (call Neurosurgery)
Prognosis is good.
Cerebellum and temporal lobe (as these are adjacent to the middle ear)
History of otorrhea.
Do not do lumbar puncture (because of risk of tonsillar brain herniation with elevated intra-cran
Serial ophthalmological examination: if increased papilledema and visual compromise, then op
nerve decompression
Surgical management of otologic disease
Serous labyrinthitis: In ASOM or CSOM, bacterial toxins or inflammatory mediators ente
the inner ear through the round window or labyrinthine fistula. They cause dysfunction by
changing ionic potentials. The dysfunction is reversible once the infection is cleared.
Suppurative labyrinthitis: In ASOM or CSOM, the bacteria themselves enter the inner ear
through labyrinthine fistula or congenital abnormality. In meningitis, infection is transmitted via
CSF through internal auditory canal to the cochlear modiolus or cochlear aqueduct
Patient of suppurative labyrinthitis is more sick than patient of serous labyrinthitis.
Serous labyrinthitis
History of ASOM or CSOM
Sensorineural deafness mild or moderate
or severe; unilateral
Vestibular symptoms sometimes
No fever
Absent meningeal signs
Absent cranial nerve palsies
Symptoms resolve gradually with time
Vestibular testing
Suppurative labyrinthitis
History of ASOM or CSOM or meningitis (in
meningitic suppurative labyrinthitis)
Sensorineural deafness profound; bilatera
in meningitic suppurative labyrinthitis
Vestibular symptoms severe
Meningeal signs (if meningitis)
Cranial nerve palsies (indicates disease has
spread outside otic capsule)
Symptoms do not resolve without treatment
Oral antibiotic
Myringotomy if ear is not draining
Tympano-mastoidectomy if cholesteatoma is the source
How would you investigate a case of
suppurative labyrinthitis (complication
Vestibular testing
of ASOM or CSOM or meningitis)?
Culture via myringotomy (ASOM or CSOM) or lumbar puncture (meningitis)
CT to evaluate cholesteatoma, congenital inner ear abnormality, or intra-cranial complication
If cause is meningitis, serial audiogram and CT to evaluate for labyrinthitis ossificans.
Most common bacteria associated with Streptococcus pneumoniae
Treatment of suppurative labyrinthitis
IV antibiotic
(complication of ASOM or CSOM or
Tympanostomy tube (if cause is ASOM)
Tympano-mastoidectomy is cholesteatoma is the source
IV steroid (if cause is meningitis)
Serial audiogram and CT for monitoring of labyrinthitis ossificans
What per cent of patients with syphilis Congenital syphilis: 30%
become deaf?
Acquired syphilis: 80% of patients with neuro-syphilis
Clinical features of syphilitic ear
Deafness may be sudden onset, fluctuating, or slowly progressive
Endolymphatic hydrops
Positive Tullio phenomenon
Positive Hennebert sign
How would you investigate a case of
VDRL or RPR: for screening
syphilitic ear?
FTA-ABS: for confirmation
Slit lamp examination: to evaluate for interstitial keratitis
Lumbar puncture: test for VDRL (indicates active infection)
CT temporal bone: leutic osteitis of otic capsule
Treatment of syphilitic ear
IV penicillin G x qid x 3 weeks
Steroid x 2 weeks
Patient with tuberculous meningitis
Patients deafness is due to spread of the mycobacterial infection into the inner ear. Treatment
develops sensorineural deafness. How as for tuberculous meningitis.
Gregg syndrome
What are the viruses that commonly
cause infection of inner ear (and
sensorineural deafness)?
CMV infection
Intra-cerebral calcifications
Salivary adenitis
Koplik spots (grain of rice on red base in oral mucosa)
3 Cs: cough, coryza, conjunctivitis
Rash macules & papules
High-grade fever
Subacute sclerosing pan-encephalitis (rare)
Congenital rubella. Features include deafness, cataract, microphthalmia, retinitis, blueberry
muffin skin lesions, cardiovascular anomalies, and mental retardation.
Rubeola (measles)
Herpes simplex virus 1
Herpes zoster
Rubella (German measles)
ASOM, Recurrent ASOM, Acute mastoiditis, Acute myringitis, Serous labyrinthitis, Suppurative
labyrinthitis: Streptococcus pneumonia
Acute otitis externa (of pinna or EAC), Malignant otitis externa: Pseudomonas
Treatment is surgical removal, except if in EAC, when aspiration can be easily done.
I will do a tympanoplasty if the perforation has not healed in 4 months and there is >20 dB
hearing loss.
Most common form of fungal sinus
How is allergic fungal rhino-sinusitis
Incus: Incus interposition or partial ossicular prosthesis
Dehiscent nerve impinging on stapes supra-structure. Causes flat conductive deafness of ~ 20
Cholesteatoma with no history of otitis media and intact tympanic membrane.
Often found in the middle ear, but may present in the mastoid, petrous apex, geniculate
ganglion, and posterior fossa.
May present at any age (2 60 years age) with deafness, vertigo, facial paralysis, or vision
Infection (viral, bacterial)
Auto-immune ear disease
Trauma (Fracture, Barotrauma, Surgery)
Ototoxic medications
Loss of word recognition with increased intensity of speech. Suggestive of retro-cochlear
Allergic fungal rhino-sinusitis
Clinical features:
Unilateral (mostly) rhino-sinusitis with nasal polyp and dramatic bony expansion of paranasal
Classic criteria for diagnosis:
Charcot-Leyden crystals
Allergic fungal rhino-sinusitis is
associated with which disease?
Samter triad
What class of inflammatory responses,
cells, and mediators are involved in
the pathogenesis of chronic rhinosinusitis?
Causes of CSF leak
Keisselbachs plexus
1. Type 1 hypersensitivity
2. Nasal polyposis
3. Characteristic CT appearance (hyper-dense material in sinus cavity)
4. Positive fungal stain or culture
5. Thick, eosinophilic mucin (Charcot-Leyden crystals)
Thick, eosinophilic mucin. Diagnostic of allergic fungal rhino-sinusitis
1. Nasal polyp
2. Asthma
3. Aspirin sensitivity
Inflammatory response: Th-2 type
Inflammatory cells: Eosinophils
Inflammatory mediators: Leukotrienes
Littles area
Woodruffs plexus
1. Sphenopalatine artery
2. Anterior ethmoid artery
3. Greater palatine artery
4. Superior labial artery
A.k.a. naso-nasopharyngeal plexus
Anastomosis in postero-inferior part of lateral wall of nose, inferior to the inferior turbinate, of
following arteries:
Naso-nasopharyngeal plexus
Functions of nose
Retropharyngeal nodes
Pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium with ciliated (and non-ciliated) columnar cells, mucinsecreting goblet cells (1 goblet cell for every 5 columnar cells), and basal cells
Gel phase: superficial, produced by goblet cells and submucous glands, to trap particulate
Sol phase: deep, produced by microvilli, to facilitate movement of cilia
Nasal reflex
Nasal valve, a.k.a. internal nasal valve.
Borders: Lower edge of upper lateral cartilage, anterior end of inferior turbinate, and nasal
1:2 (Twice as common in females)
Right side
Furstenberg test
Most common teratoma in head &
neck region
Rathkes pouch cyst
Cysts (Rathkes pouch cyst, Thornwaldts cyst, Intra-adenoidal cyst, Branchial cleft cyst)
Congenital midline mass of nose
May be intra-nasal, intra-cranial, or extra-nasal (on dorsum)
Remnant of dura which has not regressed back into cranial cavity
Tendency for repeated infection, so must be surgically excised.
Congenital midline mass of nose
May be intra-nasal or extra-nasal (on dorsum).
Remnant of glial tissue due to abnormal closure of fonticulus frontalis.
Need to rule out intra-cranial connection before surgical excision.
Thornwaldts cyst
Intra-adenoidal cyst
Branchial cleft cyst
Difference in clinical features of
allergic and non-allergic rhinitis
Klebsiella ozenae
Foul smell with yellow / green nasal crusting. There may be history of trauma or nasal surgery.
Primary atrophic rhinitis: unknown cause
Secondary atrophic rhinitis: secondary to trauma or nasal surgery.
Nasal surgery causes roomy nose (empty nose) leading to atrophic rhinitis
Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis
Rhinitis Granulomas Sclerosis (and narrowing of nasal passage)
Mikulicz cells: large macrophages with clear cytoplasm containing bacilli
Russell bodies: in plasma cells
Large macrophages with clear cytoplasm containing bacilli.
Diagnostic of rhinoscleroma.
Present in plasma cells
Diagnostic of rhinoscleroma
Rhinosporidium seeberi
Friable red nasal polyp, nasal obstruction, and epistaxis
Pseudo-epitheliomatous hyperplasia.
Presence of Rhinosporidium seeberi.
Both 1 and 2 should be present:
1. Nasal obstruction (or blockage or congestion) or Nasal discharge (anterior nasal drip or
posterior nasal drip)
2. Facial pain/pressure or hyposmia/anosmia
Classification of rhino-sinusitis
Acute exacerbation of chronic rhino-sinusitis: sudden worsening of baseline chronic rhinosinusitis with return to baseline after treatment
Most common viruses causing acute
viral rhino-sinusitis
Common bacteria causing acute rhino- Haemophilus influenzae
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Moraxella catarrhalis
What factors are associated with
Anatomic abnormalities
chronic rhino-sinusitis?
Osteo-meatal compromise
Mucociliary impairment
Bacterial infection
Fungal infection
Staphylococcal superantigen
Samters triad
Granulomatous vasculitis
Most common fungus found in fungal
Aspergillus fumigates
Most common sinus involved in fungal Maxillary sinus
Types of fungal rhino-sinusitis
Fungal ball
Allergic fungal rhino-sinusitis
Acute invasive fungal rhino-sinusitis
Chronic invasive fungal rhino-sinusitis
Chronic granulomatous fungal rhino-sinusitis
Most common fungus causing chronic Aspergillus flavus
granulomatous fungal rhino-sinusitis
Complications of rhino-sinusitis
Thrombophlebitis (retrograde, through valveless veins veins of Breschet)
Osteomyelitis (through lamina papyracea)
Mucocele ( Mucopyocele)
Preseptal cellulitis Orbital cellulitis Sub-periosteal abscess Orbital abscess
Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Epidural abscess
Subdural abscess
Brain abscess
Osteomyelitis (spread through diploic veins)
Potts puffy tumor
Involvement of cranial nerves 3, 4, 6 and V1 due to orbital abscess
Involvement of cranial nerves 2, 3, 4, 6, and V1 due to orbital abscess
Sub-periosteal abscess of frontal bone secondary to frontal sinusitis
~ 10%
Viral URTIs
Day care attendance
Allergic rhinitis
Anatomic abnormalities
Immune deficiency
Second hand smoke
Ciliary dysfunction
Otitis media
Mild disease (mild pain and fever <38o C): Defer antibiotic for 5 days. If no improvement or
symptoms worsen, start antibiotic.
Moderate to severe disease (moderate to severe pain and fever > 38 oC): Start antibiotic.
Snoring Upper airway resistance syndrome Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Obesi
hypoventilation syndrome
15 respiratory events per hour of sleep
5 respiratory events per hour of sleep, plus daytime symptoms (i.e. excessive daytime
sleepiness, unrefreshing sleep, fatigue, insomnia, or witnessed periods of apnea)
Note: The term respiratory event means hypopnea or apnea of 10 second duration or
respiratory effort- related arousal.
Cardiovascular disease
Myocardial infarction
Cerebro-vascular accident
Congestive heart failure
Circadian rhythm sleep disorder
Insufficient sleep syndrome
Questionnaire to objectively assess degree of daytime sleepiness
Snoring, Restless sleeping, Gasping, Choking, Waking up during night, Early morning fatigue,
Daytime sleepiness, Waking up with headaches
Physical examination:
Height, Weight, Body mass index, Neck circumference
Upper airway:
Mueller maneuver
Nose: congestion, infection, DNS, turbinate hypertrophy, polyp, mass, nasal valve collapse
Nasopharynx: hypertrophied adenoid, polyp, mass
Oral cavity: dental occlusion, size or position of tongue, scalloping of lateral edges of tongue,
retrognathia, prognathia, hypoplastic mandible, mandibular or palatal tori
Oropharynx: tonsils, soft palate and uvula (Mallampati classification), webbing of tonsillar
pillars, hypertrophied or prominent lateral pharyngeal walls
Hypopharynx: size and position of base of tongue, lingual tonsillar hypertrophy, mass
Larynx: mobility of vocal cords, mass, polyp
Grade 0 No tonsils
Grade 1 Tonsils hidden in fossa
Grade 2 Tonsils extend upto the pillars
Grade 3 Tonsils extend beyond pillars
Grade 4 Tonsils meeting in midline
Retro-palatal area of oropharynx
Retro-lingual area of hypopharynx
Patient opens his mouth wide and protrudes his tongue
Class I: Uvula completely visible
Class II: Most of uvula visible
Class III: Only base of uvula visible
Class IV: Uvula not visible at all
With nasopharyngoscope in place, patients nose is pinched and he is instructed to attempt
inhalation with closed nose and mouth. Pharyngeal collapse is observed with the
nasopharyngoscope. The procedure is done with the patient sitting up and then lying down.
Clinical features
Drug-induced sleep endoscopy
Nasal and oral airflow
Blood oxygen concentration
Thoracic and abdominal movements
Body position
Treatment options for obstructive sleep Medical:
apnea syndrome
Behavioral modifications (no alcohol or sedative at bedtime, weight reduction, positional
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
Oral appliances (e.g. mandibular repositiong device)
Expiratory positive airway pressure
Supra-tip horizontal crease
Facial grimacing
Allergic salute
Nasal obstruction (due to mucosal edema, turbinate hypertrophy, or increased mucus secretio
Chronic mouth breathing (because of nasal obstruction)
Palatal itching
Nocturnal bruxism
Dry, inflamed mucosa (because of mouth breathing and direct allergen exposure)
Repeated throat clearing
Cobblestoning of posterior pharyngeal wall
Intermittent dysphonia
Throat clearing
Allergic shiners
Dennies lines
Supra-tip horizontal crease
Allergic salute
Compare and contrast the side-effects
of 1st generation antihistamines and
2nd generation antihistamines
Darkening under eyes due to chronic deposition of hemosiderin in tissues. Feature of allergy.
Fine horizontal lines in the lower eyelids. They occur through spasms of Mueller muscles in the
lids. Feature of allergy.
Develops through chronic rubbing of nose. Feature of allergy.
Characteristic rubbing of the nose with the heel of the hand. Feature of allergy.
Efficacy of medicine decreases with increased use
First generation antihistamines (diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, etc.):
Anti-cholinergic effects (dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention)
Second generation antihistamines (loratadine, cetrizine, fexofenadine, etc.) have little, if any, o
these side effects.
Topical antihistamine reduces nasal congestion while systemic antihistamine does not redu
nasal congestion. Also, topical antihistamine has more rapid onset of action.
Systemic decongestants: Increased blood pressure in hypertensive patients, increased
Stensons duct
Whartons duct
Difference between lymph nodes of
parotid and submandibular glands
Rivinus duct
Bartholin duct
Number of minor salivary glands
Physiology of saliva formation in
salivary glands
Which salivary gland produces
predominantly stimulated secretion?
Submandibular gland secretion has more Ca2+, more mucin, more calculi, more antimicrob
activity, higher basal flow rate, and is predominantly unstimulated.
Alpha amylase
Starts digestion of starch (amylase)
Lubricates food bolus and thus helps in mastication, swallowing, taste, and speech
Buffers with bicarbonate
Antimicrobial proteins
Dental protective function (prevents plaque and promotes remineralization)
Excretes viruses and inorganic elements (e.g. lead)
Promotes oral wound healing (oral epidermal growth factor)
NaCl is not re-absorbed in ductal cells, resulting in more viscous saliva. There is decrease in
flow rate and sludging of saliva.
Prescription drugs, namely anti-cholinergic drus, i.e. antihistamines and antidepressants.
Lympho-epithelial cyst only happens in parotid as it contains lymph nodes inside it
Diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome (DILS) a sicca syndrome similar to Sjogren
Sulfur granules. Sinus tracts. Multiloculated abscesses. May be due to poor oral hygiene. Trea
with penicillin G.
Used to diagnose Bartonella henselae (cat scratch disease)
Primary: Dry eyes (xerophthalmia), Dry mouth (xerostomia)
Secondary: Dry eyes (xerophthalmia), Dry mouth (xerostomia) plus collagen vascular diseas
(rheumatoid arthritis)
Parotid enlargement (bilateral) with dry eyes and dry mouth. May be associated collagen
vascular disease (rheumatoid arthritis). Higher risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Intra-oral sialolithotomy
Recurrent parotitis of childhood
Weekly or monthly recurring parotitis in a child of 3 10 years age. There is no pus from the
duct. Cause is often Staph. aureus. Treat with antibiotic and dilation of Stensons duct.
What are the congenital cysts of
Parotid dermoid
salivary glands?
Dermoid floor of mouth (in midline, unlike ranula)
Branchial cyst
Polycystic parotid gland
What are the acquired cysts of salivary Ranula retention cyst
Mucocele pseudocyst
Most common location of mucocele of Lower lip
salivary gland
Most common salivary tumor in
Vascular tumor (hemangioma, lymphangioma)
Most common solid tumor of salivary
Benign mixed tumor
glands in children
Most common cancer of salivary
Muco-epidermoid carcinoma
glands in children
Child with sialorrhea. What could be
Causes: Cognitive disability, metal poisoning
the cause? What is the treatment?
Medical: Anti-cholinergics (glycopyrrolate, scopolamine, Botox)
Surgical: Bilateral parotid duct ligation and submandibular gland excision
Linea terminalis
Gerlachs tonsil
Lateral pharyngeal bands
Dehiscences in area of cricopharynx
Phases of swallowing
Vermillion border to junction of soft and hard palate plus circumvallate papillae (linea terminalis
Junction of soft and hard palate plus circumvallate papillae (linea terminalis) to valleculae &
phayngo-epiglottic folds (plane of hyoid bone)
Level of hyoid bone (valleculae & pharyngo-epiglottic folds) to level of inferior border of cricoid
From inferior border of cricoid cartilage to cardia of stomach
Filiform: no taste function
Fungiform: all over surface
Foliate: on lateral surface
Circumvallate: In V shape at junction of anterior 2/3rd and posterior 1/3rd (linea terminalis)
A.k.a. sulcus terminalis
V-shaped line, separates anterior 2/3rd of tongue from posterior 1/3rd
Just behind this line lie the circumvallate papillae
Facial tonsil (main branch to tonsil)
Facial Ascending palatine tonsil
Ascending pharyngeal tonsil
Lingual Dorsal lingual tonsil
Maxillary Lesser palatine tonsil
Lymphoid tissue in lip of fossa of Rosenmuller; involves Eustachian tube
Rests of lymphoid tissue just behind posterior pillars
Killians dehiscence: Between inferior constrictor and cricopharyngeus; allows Zenkers
diverticulum to pass through
Laimer Haeckerman space: Between cricopharyngeus and esophagus posteriorly
Killian Jamieson space: Between cricopharyngeus and esophagus laterally (allows branches
of inferior thyroid artery to pass)
1. Oral phase: voluntary
2. Pharyngeal phase: ~ 1 sec
(a) Nasopharyngeal closure
(b) Cessation of respiration
(c) Glottic closure
(d) Bolus propulsion
Angle of His
Lower esophageal sphincter
Complications of alveolar abscess of
Papillon-Lefevre syndrome
Vincents angina
Sutton disease
Erythema multiforme
Lichen planus
Behcets disease
Osler-Weber-Rendu disease
Sturge-Weber syndrome
Menopausal gingivostomatitis
Clinical features of vitamin deficiency
in ENT
Kaposi sarcoma
Amalgam tattoo
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Strawberry tongue
Spider-like blood vessels on oral mucosa, tongue, nasal mucosa, and gut mucosa. May presen
with epistaxis.
Port wine stain on face, oral cavity, or tongue
Vascular malformations of meninges and brain
Dry, erythematous, and shiny oral mucosa with burning sensation
Deficiency of Riboflavin, Pyridoxine, Nicotinic acid, Vitamin C
Atrophic glossitis, angular cheilosis, gingivitis
Violaceous macules on oral mucosa. It is an AIDS-defining condition.
Dark patches in oral mucosa. It is physiological pigmentation.
Mucosal laceration causes dental amalgam to tattoo the gingiva.
Peri-oral melanotic macules
Feature of Kawasaki disease and scarlet fever
Angio-neurotic edema
1. Parapharyngeal abscess
2. Venous thrombophlebitis, bactermia, and endocarditis
3. Arterial thrombosis, hemorrgae, and pseudo-aneurysm
4. Mediastinitis
5. Brain abscess
6. Airway obstruction
7. Aspiration pneumonia
8. Nephritis
9. Peritonitis
10. Dehydration
Indications of tonsillectomy
1. Recurrent tonsillitis (3 per year for 3 years, or 5 per year for 2 years, or 7 per year for 1 year
or >2 weeks of school or work missed in 1 year)
2. Tonsillar enlargement causing upper airway obstruction (sleep apnea)
3. Peritonsillar abscess
4. Possibility of cancer (either unilaterally enlarge, or search for unknown primary)
5. Tonsillar enlargement causing dysphagia
6. Recurrent tonsillitis causing febrile seizures
7. Diphtheria carrier
Morbidity and mortality of tonsillectomy Morbidity = ~ 3% (hemorrhage)
Mortality = 1:25,000
Cobblestoning of posterior pharyngeal Due to inflammation of lymphoid rests on the wall.
Eagle syndrome
Pain in wall of oropharynx due to elongated styloid process
Mendelson maneuver
Patient has dysphagia due to failure of laryngeal elevation. Cause is often neurological.
Patient is instructed to hold larynx as high as possible and for as long as possible with
each swallow.
Barrett esophagitis
Barrett ulcer
Esophageal diverticuli
Traction diverticulum:
Mid-esophageal, on left side, due to traction from an adjacent inflammatory process (usually T
Saints triad
Epiphrenic diverticulum:
Just superior to gastro-esophageal junction on right side
Sliding hernia
(The other less common form is para-esophageal hernia.)
Abnormal contortion of neck
Hiatus hernia
The syndrome occurs in children and the hernia is often unrecognized.
Hiatus hernia
Gallbladder disease
Colonic diverticular disease
Schatzkis ring
Barium swallow
Iron replacement
Web dilatation
A liner tear 1 4 cm in length through all three layers of esophagus due to sudden increase in
esophageal pressure, usually due to vomiting. Most occur in males, and most are on left side
Mallory-Weiss syndrome
Presents with severe knife-like epigastric pain radiating to left shoulder after bout of vomiting.
Patient develops respiratory difficulty, subcutaneous emphysema, and shock. Chest x-ray first
shows widened mediastinum, then left pleural effusion or hydropneumothorax.
Tear of gastric cardia due to forceful vomiting. Typical case is middle-aged alcoholic man wh
presents with massive hematemesis.
After procedure, patient develops sore throat, neck pain, chest pain, fever, tachycardia
(which is out of proportion to the fever), and subcutaneous emphysema.
Atypical (Laryngo-pharyngeal reflux): Hoarseness, voice change, sore throat, globus, cough
Diagnosis is clinical. May be confirmed by 24-hr pH metry OR esophageal biopsy OR
response to empiric therapy. Barium swallow is NOT used for diagnosis though it may be do
to investigate esophagitis or stricture, etc.
Barrett esophagitis
Chronic laryngitis
Vocal process granulomata
Subglottic edema
Elevate head of bed
Dietary changes
Avoid caffeine and nicotine
Medicines: H2 blocker, proton pump inhibitor
Distal tracheo-esophageal fistula with proximal esophageal atresia (85% of cases)
A.k.a. dysphagia lusoria
Barium swallow shows posterior compression. CT confirms the diagnosis. Treatment is ligation
and division with anastomosis of right subclavian to carotid.
History: alkali or acid? (Alkali is more harmful.)
Physical examination: Oral burn may or may not be found.
Sesamoid cartilages of the larynx
Cartilage of Santorini
Cartilage of Wrisberg
Movements of vocal process of
arytenoids cartilage
Which membrane is pierced for
emergency tracheotomy
Broyles ligament
Macula flava
Vestibule of larynx
Ventricle of Morgagni
Posterior commissure
Nerve of Galen
Lymphatic drainage of larynx
Functions of larynx
Insertion point of anterior commissure (both vocal ligaments) to thyroid cartilage is called
Broyles ligament. It is a source of spread of glottis cancer anteriorly beyond the larynx to the
Anterior macula flava and Posterior macula flava are condensations of the vocal ligament at its
anterior and posterior ends respectively.
Area from laryngeal inlet to false vocal cords
The ventricle of the larynx (deep recess between the true and false vocal cords)
The inter-arytenoid area, which contains the inter-arytenoid muscle covered by mucosa
Communicating nerve between superior laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal nerve.
Supraglottis: Upper deep cervical nodes (bilateral)
Glottis: Sparse drainage (ipsilateral)
Subglottis: Lower deep cervical and pre-tracheal (bilateral)
In males, it doubles in anterior-posterior diameter, and undergoes further descent. The result is
deeper voice than females.
In both males and females, the sub-epithelial connective tissue of the vocal cord (namely, the
lamina propria) undergoes differentiation into three layers (superficial, middle, and deep).
1. Prevents aspiration during swallowing
2. Cough
3. Variation of glottic resistance according to respiratory demand
4. Valsalva (for muscular actions, defecation, vomiting, and childbirth)
Bernoulli effect
Air passing between the vocal cords is rapid; hence the pressure falls in the glottis and the voc
cords are pulled together.
(Pressure from beneath the vocal cords pushes them apart again and the cycle repeats.)
URTI (Laryngitis is due to cough rather than direct infection)
Vocal abuse
Gastro-esophageal reflux
Coughing, vocal abuse, or gastro-esophageal reflux cause inter-arytenoid edema by irritating
the posterior glottis. The inter-arytenoid edema limits glottis closure, thus causing hoarseness.
If left untreated, acute laryngitis turns into chronic laryngitis because:
1. More force is used to close the glottis; this exacerbates the edema.
2. The edema creates a globus sensation, so patient makes frequent attempts to clear his thro
which ironically further exacerbates the edema.
History: Sudden onset of hoarseness. History of URTI or vocal abuse or gastro-esophageal
Physical examination: May reveal signs of URTI. Vocal cords are normal (moving normally a
no lesion on vocal cords) and there may be inter-arytenoid edema.
1. Treat the cause:
(a) URTI cough suppressant, mucolytic, decongestant
(b) Vocal abuse vocal hygiene
(c) GERD H2 blocker or proton pump inhibitor
2. Hydration
History: More commonly in females and children, and particularly in singers and teachers.
Presents with chronically raspy voice with frequent bouts of laryngitis. If singer, may repo
reduced vocal range or require longer warm-up before singing.
Physical examination: Examination reveals symmetric swelling on each vocal cord opposing
Physical examination: Granuloma or ulcer visible on vocal process of arytenoids with mirror o
flexible laryngoscope
Vocal hygiene
Voice therapy: if history of vocal abuse
Treatment of GERD: if history of GERD
Surgery: if medical therapy fails or if suspicion of tumor
Vocal cord cysts may be congenital or may form by voice abuse. They may be mucus retention
cysts or epidermoid cysts. In addition, pseudocysts are submucosal collections of scar or
connective tissue. Cysts present with chronic hoarseness and are diagnosed on laryngoscopy.
small, they may be visible only on stroboscopy or direct laryngoscopy. Treatment is excision vi
Vocal cord sulci may be congenital or may form by voice abuse. Sulci are depressions in the
mucosa of the vocal cord edge. They may be epithelial lined pockets (due to ruptured cyst?) o
area of deficient lamina propria (a.k.a. sulcus vergeture). Sulci present with chronic hoarsenes
and are diagnosed on laryngoscopy. If small, they may be visible only on stroboscopy or direct
laryngoscopy. Treatment is surgery; various techniques include excision, collagen injection,
steroid injection, mucosal slicing, and mucosal elevation with submucosal grafting.
Treat the cause: e.g. stop smoking, give anti-reflux therapy, voice therapy
Surgery (if suspicion of cancer): Excisional biopsy
Dilation of the appendix of the laryngeal ventricle
Internal laryngocele remains within the thyroid framework while external laryngocele extends
through the thyrohyoid membrane to present as a mass in the neck
Glass blowers and wind instrument players (due to increased intra-pharyngeal pressure)
Internal laryngocele: Presents with hoarseness. Examination shows enlarged false vocal cor
or enlarged supraglottis.
External laryngocele: Presents with hoarseness or mass in neck which increases in size on
doing puffing maneuver.
CT or MRI is definitive diagnosis
Birth trauma
Arnold-Chiari malformation
Ligation of persistent ductus arteriosus
Vocal cords are in cadaveric position immediately after injury. If denervation is complete, the
remain in that position. If injury is incomplete, regeneration occurs, but regeneration is only of
nerve fibers supplying the adductors, while the abductors (posterior crico-arytenoids) remain
paralyzed. Thus, the vocal cords shift to a paramedian position over a few months.
Electromyography is helpful, but definitive diagnosis is with direct laryngoscopy and
palpation of the vocal cord.
1. Differentiate neurological paralysis from mechanical fixation. Electromyography is helpful, b
definitive diagnosis is through direct laryngoscopy with palpation of the vocal cord.
1. Flexible laryngoscopy
2. Imaging to rule out cardiac and neurologic causes
3. Barium swallow to detect aspiration
Voice therapy
Injection laryngoplasty: Teflon no longer used due to granuloma formation; Gelfoam
effective for 8 to 10 weeks; autologous fat unpredictable survival; commercial substances
hydroxyapatite, collagen, etc persist for long time.
Type II thyroplasty: Vocal cord is medialized by permanent implant placed in paraglottic spac
via a window in thyroid cartilage.
Arytenoid adduction: Muscular process of arytenoid is exposed by transecting the attachmen
of the inferior constrictor muscle to the thyroid ala, and reflecting the pyriform fossa mucosa.
Suture through muscular process is passed through anterior thyroid cartilage, and traction
applied to rotate arytenoids internally.
Laryngeal re-innervation: Branch of ansa cervicalis is anastomosed to the distal recurrent
laryngeal nerve. Restores tone and bulk to the muscles but does not restore functional motion.
Endoscopic cordotomy, cordectomy, or suture lateralization
Arytenoid abduction
Passy-Muir valve
Clinical features of spasmodic
Normal vocal cords
1. Botulinum injection of thyro-arytenoid muscle
2. Surgery:
(a) Berke procedure: transection of adductor branches of recurrent laryngeal nerves an
re-innervation with branches of ansa cervicalis
(b) Lateralization thyroplasty: for adductor spasmodic dysphonia
(c) Medialization thyroplasty: for abductor spasmodic dysphonia
Tracheotomy (with cuffed tube)
Laryngo-tracheal separation
Epiglottic flap to arytenoids
Lindemans tracheo-esophageal diversion procedure: proximal trachea to esophagus
anastomosis and creation of distant permanent tracheostomy
Suturing vocal cords together
Total laryngectomy
History: Presents with progressive hoarseness, cough, and/or globus sensation. There may b
history of use of inhaled steroids, use of antibiotics, GERD, or immune compromise.
Physical examination: White patches on bright red mucosa which may look like leukoplakia.
Treatment: Systemic anti-fungal (NOT local anti-fungal). Patient should stop using inhaled
Haemophilus influenza
Sore throat, dysphagia, drooling, fever, stridor, dyspnea (relieved somewhat by leaning forward
hot potato voice
Physical examination:
Be careful. Be gentle. Do not stimulate gag. Do not use tongue blade.
Point tenderness at hyoid level in midline.
Investigation should not delay treatment if there is high index of suspicion.
X-ray soft tissue neck lateral view: shows the swollen epiglottis (thumb sign)
CT: may show abscess in epiglottis (rare occurrence)
Airway: Tracheotomy or intubation (Can be bypassed if mild disease, but close monitoring i
IV antibiotic
Little child presenting with barking cough and hoarseness, progressing to stridor
Physical examination:
Signs of respiratory obstruction may be evident:
Suprasternal retractions
Use of accessory muscles of inspiration
Increased pulse
Circumoral pallor
X-ray chest (AP view): shows steeple sign (subglottic narrowing due to edema)
Physical examination: Grayish-white membrane in the throat and wet mouse smell. Attemp
Physical examination:
Lack of neck contour due to flattening of thyroid cartilage
Neck hematoma
Subcutaneous emphysema
Crepitus overy laryngeal framework
Acute airway distress: Tracheotomy under L/A Direct laryngoscopy under G/A to assess
Midline thyrotomy to expose laryngeal mucosa.
Carefully suture all lacerations.
Close defects with local flaps or free mucosal flaps.
Remove any arytenoid cartilage that is completely avulsed and displaced.
Reduce and immobilize laryngeal cartilage fracture with plates.
May add laryngeal stent, though it can stimulate granulation tissue.
Intubation trauma
External injury
Systemic disease
Supraglottic stenosis:
Endoscopic excision of scar
External excision
Glottic stenosis (Vocal folds usually fixed due to posterior scarring):
Subglottic stenosis:
Endoscopic excision (if scar is thin and not circumferential)
Cricotracheal resection
Tracheal stenosis:
Resection and end-to-end anastomosis
Multiple sites:
T-tube, to stent the airway
Stridor noted soon after birth. Breathing is better in prone position.
Flexible laryngoscopy: Omega-shaped epiglottis which falls back during inspiration
Observation and assurance that it will resolve by 12 to 16 months
Endoscopic epiglottoplasty for severe stridor or failure to thrive
Tracheotomy may be required.
Laryngeal paralysis
neonatal stridor
Clinical features and investigation of
laryngeal hemangioma in neonate
Direct laryngoscopy and/or bronchoscopy shows the hemangioma. Most often, it is in the
anterior subglottis. Extent can be assessed by CT / MRI.
Anterior subglottis
Midline oral clefts
Fluoroscopy: inspiration shows atelectasis, and expiration shows hyper-inflation on the sid
of the foreign body
Bronchoscopy: indicated whenever diagnosis is suspected, even if all symptoms and signs a
not present
Removal by rigid ventilation bronchoscope
Steroid to reduce edema
Respiratory obstruction
Granulation tissue
Difference between tracheotomy and
Indications of tracheotomy
Complications of tracheotomy
Space of Burns
Danger space
Lincoln highway of neck
Contents of parapharyngeal space
Granulation tissue
Stomal infection
Subglottic or tracheal stenosis
Tracheo-esophageal fistula
Displacement of tube
Tracheo-innomiante fistula
Persisting tracheo-cutaneous fistula after decannulation
Properly known as the suprasternal space of Burns.
It is the space in the suprasternal area formed by the splitting of the superficial layer of deep
cervical fascia.
The space between the alar and prevertebral layers of prevertebral fascia
Another name for the carotid sheath. So named because it is a potential avenue for rapid
spread of infection.
Prestyloid compartment:
Lymph nodes
Internal maxillary artery
Inferior alveolar, lingual, and auriculotemporal nerves
Medial & lateral pterygoid muscles
Deep lobe of parotid gland
Poststyloid compartment:
Internal carotid artery
Internal jugular vein
Cranial nerves 9, 10, 11, & 12
Sympathetic chain
Sublingual space: 1st molar and anterior to it
Dental infection
(In children, it is acute pharyngitis.)
Acute pharyngitis (involvement of Waldeyers ring)
(In adults, it is dental infection.)
Abscess of cervical vertebral body caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Spreads into
prevertebral space
1. Inflammatory symptoms: Pain, fever, swelling, redness
2. Localizing symptoms:
(a) Retropharyngeal abscess: dysphagia / odynophagia / drooling
(b) Peritonsillar abscess: hot potato voice
(c) Hoarseness, dyyspnea, ear pain, neck swelling
3. History of recent infection: dental, sinusitis, otitis
4. History of recent trauma: including IV drug abuse
5. History of recent surgery: dental, intubation, endoscopy
Physical examination:
1. Palpation: Localizing tenderness, crepitus
2. Ear & Nose: Otitis, rhinosinusitis, foreign body
3. Oral cavity & Pharynx:
(a) Poor dentition (teeth infection)
(b) Trismus (parapharyngeal, pterygomandibular, masticator spaces)
(c) Edema of floor of mouth or tongue swelling (sublingual, submandibular spaces)
(d) Purulent discharge from Whartons or Stensons duct (parotid, sublingual,
submandibular space)
(e) Unilateral tonsillar swelling with deviation of uvula (peritonsillar space)
4. Flexible nasopharyngoscopy identifies need for intubation: mandatory if hoarseness,
dyspnea, stridor, dysphagia, odynophagia without obvious cause
1. CBC (leukocytosis)
2. BSR
3. RFTs
4. Plain x-ray:
(a) Jaw x-ray lucency at dental root (odontogenic abscess)
(b) Lateral neck x-ray air-fluid level (retropharyngeal abscess) also, >5 mm thickening
in child or >7 mm thickening in adult is suggestive; epoglottic thickening, i.e. thumb sign
(c) Chest x-ray widened mediastinum (mediastinitis); lower lobe infiltrate (pneumonia)
5. CT with contrast: best investigation for overall visualization; determines need for
6. Ultrasound: helpful for accessible abscesses
1. Airway management:
(a) First-line therapy: Oxygen, humidity, IV steroid, epinephrine nebulizer, ICU
(b) Intubation or tracheotomy if worsening stridor or dyspnea or >50% obstruction
(c) Flexible nasopharyngoscopy confirms need for intubation or tracheotomy
(d) Elective tracheotomy if prolonged airway edema (>48 hours) expected
2. Fluids: if dehydrated, 1 -2 L of normal saline
3. IV antibiotic: empiric broad-spectrum before culture result
4. Surgery:
(a) done if air-fluid level or gas-forming organism or abscess or threatened airway
compromise or failure to respond to IV antibiotic in 48 72 hours
(b) goal of surgery: drain abscess, sample fluid, irrigate neck space, and put drain
(c) Options: needle aspiration, transoral I & D, tonsillectomy, trans-cervical I & D
(d) Needle aspiration for lymph node containing small abscess, congenital cyst, or
peritonsillar abscess
(e) Transoral I & D for peritonsillar abscess, buccal space, masticator space, and
pterygomandibular space
Lemierre syndrome
Most common bacteria involved in
Lemierre syndrome
Tobey-Ayer test
In some people, the recurrent laryngeal nerve passes through the ligament of Berry and can g
injured during surgery.
Superior laryngeal nerve, internal branch:
What is liothyronine?
Thyroid ima artery (branch of innominate or carotid or aortic arch present in 5% of people)
Superior thyroid vein (drains into internal jugular vein)
Middle thyroid vein (drains into internal jugular vein)
Inferior thyroid vein (drains into internal jugular vein or brachiocephalic vein)
Note: The superior thyroid vein travels with the artery of the same name, but the middle and
inferior thyroid veins do not accompany any artery.
It is exogenous form of T3 hormone.
Liothyronine is a.k.a. levo-tri-iodothyronine.
Note: Endogenous T3 is called tri-iodo-thyronine.
Stimulate calorigenesis
Potentiate epinephrine
Lower cholesterol level
Have roles in normal growth and development
It increases gland size and vascularity
Endogenous T4 is a.k.a thyroxine
Exogenous T4 is a.k.a. levo-thyroxine
90% of thyroid hormone production
Much less potent than T3
Half-life is 6 7 days, so re-assessment of
thyroid function tests after dose change of
exogenous T4 is done at 5 6 weeks
Jod-Basedow phenomenon
First, anti-thyroid medication to make patient euthyroid. Then, either radio-iodine (I 131) ablation
When patient with subclinical hyperthyroidism and multinodular goiter is given exogenous iodin
(e.g. iodine CT contrast), he may develop overt hyperthyroidism. This phenomenon is called Jo
Basedow phenomenon.
1. Both are more common among females.
2. Both cause thyroid enlargement.
1. There are eye and skin changes in Graves. No such changes in toxic MNG.
2. There is diffusely enlarged anodular goiter in Graves. There is multinodular thyroid in toxic
3. Graves starts off with overt hyperthyroidism. Toxic MNG starts off with subclinical
hyperthyroidism (i.e. clinically euthyroid but chemically hyperthyroid), which progresses to
overt hyperthyroidism and autonomy.
4. I scan shows diffuse uptake in Graves. I123 scan shows focal hot zones with absence of
adjacent gland in toxic MNG.
Treatment of Graves disease and toxic First, anti-thyroid medication to make patient euthyroid. Then, either radio-iodine (I 131) ablation
multinodular goiter
What are the issues with radio-iodine
Contra-indicated in pregnancy and lactation.
(I ) ablation for Graves disease or
Conception must be delayed for 6 months.
toxic multinodular goiter?
Patient has high chance of becoming hypothyroid.
There is a certain low risk of getting cancer.
Compare and contrast propyl-thiouracil Both propyl-thiouracil and methimazole are drugs are used to treat hyperthyroidism.
and methimazole
They are given over 6 8 weeks before patient becomes euthyroid.
Dose of propyl-thiouracil is one tablet every 3 days.
Dose of methimazole is one tablet every day.
Both drugs are contra-indicated in pregnancy and lactation.
Both drugs can cause rash, fever, lupus-like reaction, and bone marrow suppression.
Lugols solution
However, propyl-thiouracil can cause liver failure in children. For this reason, methimazole is
the drug of choice.
A.k.a. potassium iodide.
Used in treatment of hyperthyroidism.
Potassium iodide cannot be used to treat hyperthyroidism on long-term basis because its antithyroid effect is lost after 2 weeks.
Potassium iodide given to hyperthyroid patient loses its anti-thyroid effect after 2 weeks. This is
called the Wolff-Chaikoff effect.
Beta blockers block the peripheral effects of thyroid hormone and have no effect on the
production of thyroid hormone. Thus, they are used only for symptomatic control or in short-live
forms of hyperthyroidism (namely, thyroiditis).
Cardiac failure
Patient taking MAO inhibitor
1. Need for rapid return to euthyroid status. (Radio-iodine ablation takes 6 8 weeks to make
patient euthyroid.)
2. Massive goiter
3. Wish to avoid radio-active iodine
Graves disease: Total thyroidectomy
Toxic multinodular goiter: Resection of involved portion of gland
Hashimotos thyroiditis
Hashimotos thyroiditis
1. Both diseases are more common in females.
2. Both are auto-immune diseases.
3. Both have lymphocyte infiltration (found on histology).
4. Both cause painless, diffuse, symmetric, anodular goiter.
1. The antibodies in Graves increase thyroid function, causing hyperthyroidism, while the
antibodies in Hashimotos decrease thyroid function, causing hypothyroidism.
2. I scanning is investigation of choice in Graves. I123 scanning is useless in Hashimotos.
3. Graves does not develop into cancer, but Hashimotos can develop into thyroid lymphoma.
4. Graves is treated by anti-thyroid medication, while Hashimotos is treated by exogenous
thyroid hormone.
5. Surgery is an excellent option for Graves, but not usually done for Hashimotos.
Auto-immune; antibodies against thyroid gland cause hypothyroidism.
Typically, young female presents with anodular diffusely enlarged thyroid.
Physical examination:
Anodular diffusely enlarged thyroid
Thyroid peroxisome antibodies are positive.
I123 scanning is not needed.
Exogenous thyroid hormone. Surgery only if medication fails or goiter is large or symptomatic.
de Quervains thyroiditis is a.k.a. subacute granulomatous thyroiditis. Patient with recent
history of URTI presents with fever, malaise and an enlarged, painful thyroid. Pain radiates up
angle of jaw and ear. Cause is viral. Patient may become hyperthyroid or hypothyroid. If
hypethyroid, I123 scanning will show very little uptake and so easily differentiate from Graves or
toxic MNG. The disease is self-limiting and resolves in a few weeks. Treatment is symptomatic
with NSAIDs.
de Quervains thyroiditis
Postpartum female presents with painless diffuse thyroid enlargement. Patient may become
Write a short note on acute
suppurative thyroiditis
Write a short note on Reidels struma
Causes of goiter
Patient with euthyroid goiter may have diffuse or multinodular goiter which has remained
constant in size over the years or has been growing slowly. Patient may give history of a nodul
in MNG undergoing rapid painful enlargement due to hemorrhage.
Patient may be asymptomatic or may present with chronic cough, nocturnal dyspnea,
choking, and difficulty breathing in different neck positions or in recumbency. Patient m
also present with acute airway distress.
Physical examination:
Assessment of vocal cord mobility and evaluation of respiratory status, tracheal deviation
and substernal extension should be done.
For MNG, ultrasound and I123 scan should be done. Any nodule with micro-calcification or intr
nodular hypervascularity on ultrasound is suspicious. Any isofunctioning or hypofunctioning
nodule on I123 scan is also suspicious. All suspicious nodules should be aspirated.
Axial CT should be done if there is concern about airway (tracheal deviation, tracheal
compression, or substernal extension).
Thyroxine may be given to reduce goiter size. However, results are unpredictable and goiter
recurs after cessation of treatment.
Pembertons sign
Management of thyroid nodule
Hurthle cell
Follicular FNA implies follicular cell adenoma or follicular cell carcinoma, but differentiation
cannot be done, so surgery is best option.
Hurthle-cell-predominant FNA implies Hurthle cell adenoma or Hurthle cell carcinoma or other
disorder, but differentiation cannot be done, so surgery is best option.
Large polygonal follicular cell with granular cytoplasm in the thyroid gland
Newly developed test to differentiate benign from malignant nodules, especially in those cases
where FNA is indeterminate. It is based on the observation that malignant lesions tend to be
hard and benign lesions tend to be soft. The test evaluates the degree of distortion of an
ultrasound beam when an external force is applied to the nodule. It gives an estimate of the
elasticity of the nodule.
Paralysis of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis: unilateral (hoarseness, no stridor) or
bilateral (stridor, no hoarseness)
Paralysis of external branch of superior laryngeal nerve: Loss of high pitch; the affected
vocal cord is lowered and bowed.
Choke artery