Labor Digests - Final Set 5
Labor Digests - Final Set 5
Labor Digests - Final Set 5
If an employer interferes in the selection of the unions
negotiators or coerces the union to exclude from its
panel of negotiators are representative of the union,
and if it can be inferred that the employer adopted the
said act to yield adverse effects on the free exercise to
right to self-organization or on the right to collective
bargaining of the employees, ULP under Article 248(a)
in connection with Article 243 of the Labor Code is
committed. However, in this case, the act of the banks
Human Resource Manager in suggesting the exclusion
of the federation president from the negotiating panel
1) Procedural WON the Petition for Relief is proper
(even if treated as an appeal, WON its proper for being
filed several months after allowable period).
2) A) Substantive - May the term of a CBA as to its
economic provisions be extended beyond the term
expressly stipulated therein, and, in the absence of a
new CBA, even beyond the three-year period provided
by law? B) Are employees hired after the stipulated
term of a CBA entitled to the benefits provided
1) YES. No grave abuse of discretion on the part of the
NLRC, when it entertained the petition for relief. A
careful scrutiny of the facts and circumstances of the
instant case warrants liberality in the application of
technical rules and procedure.
2) A) YES. It is clear from Article 253 that until a new
CBA has been executed, the parties are duty-bound to
keep the status quo and to continue in full force and
effect the terms and conditions of the existing
agreement. In the case at bar, the existing CBA in its
entirety, continued to have legal effect. The automatic
The CBA was renegotiated after 30 June 1992. SMCEUPTGWO (petitioner-union) insisted that the bargaining
unit of SMC should still include the employees of the
spun-off corporations, and that the renegotiated terms
of the CBA shall be effective only for the remaining
period of two years or until 30 June 1994.
SMC contended that the members/employees who had
moved to Magnolia and SMFI automatically ceased to
be part of the bargaining unit at the SMC, and the
renegotiated terms should be effective for three years
in accordance with Article 253-A of the Labor Code.
Petitioner-union declared a deadlock on 29 September
1990. On 2 October 1992, a Notice of Strike was filed
against SMC. The NCMB conducted preventive
mediation upon the request of SMC, but no settlement
was arrived at. A strike vote was conducted which
resulted in a yes vote. The Secretary of Labor
assumed jurisdiction over the labor dispute, after which
several conciliation meetings were held, but still no
settlement was reached.
Secretary of Labor issued the assailed order directing
that the renegotiated terms of the CBA shall be
effective for a period of three years from 30 June 1992,
and that such CBA shall over only the employees of
SMC and not of Magnolia and SMFI.
W/N the duration of the renegotiated terms of the CBA
is to be effective for three years or for only two years
W/N the bargaining unit of SMC includes also the
employees of the Magnolia and SMFI. (RE CORPORATE
The duration of the renegotiated terms of the CBS shall
be effective for three years, based on Article 253-A of
the Labor Code.
Under this provision, a CBA has a term of five years as
far as the representation aspect is concerned, and all
other provisions of the CBA shall be negotiated not
later than three years after its execution.
Representation aspect: refers to the identity and
majority status of the union that negotiated the CBA as
the exclusive bargaining representative of the
appropriate bargaining unit concerned.
The framers of the law wanted to maintain industrial
peace and stability, and thus no outside union could
enter the establishment within five years and challenge
the status of the incumbent union as the exclusive
bargaining agent.
This way, the last year of the RENEGOTIATED
terms,which is technically the year after the five-year
period of the representation aspect - ASSUMING THE
BARGAINING AGENT IS CHANGED AFTER THE FIVEYEAR PERIOD becomes a sort of adjustment period of
industrial peace so as to let the management and
the new agent to get to know each other, negotiate,
etc. - gist of the quoted deliberations. :)
G.R. No. 89609
27 January 1992
Dacongcogon Sugar and Rice Milling Co. entered
into a CBA with respondent National Federation of
Sugar Workers (NFSW). When the CBA expired, it
was extended for another 3 years with
reservation to negotiate for its amendment,
particularly on wage increases, hours of work,
and other terms and conditions of employment.
However, a deadlock in negotiation ensued on
the matter of wage increases and optional
retirement. In order to obviate friction and
tension, the parties agreed on a suspension to
provide a cooling-off period to give them time to
evaluate and further study their positions. Hence,
a Labor Management Council was set up and
convened, with a representative of the
Department of Labor and Employment, acting as
chairman, to resolve the issues.
NO. Petition Denied.
The Deadlock Bar Rule simply provides that a
petition for certification election can only be
entertained if there is no pending bargaining
deadlock submitted to conciliation or arbitration
or had become the subject of a valid notice of
strike or lockout. The principal purpose is to
ensure stability in the relationship of the workers
and the
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