The Evolutionary Psychology of Violence: Aaron T. Goetz
The Evolutionary Psychology of Violence: Aaron T. Goetz
The Evolutionary Psychology of Violence: Aaron T. Goetz
Aaron T. Goetz
California State University
This paper reviews theory and research on the evolutionary psychology of violence. First, I examine
evidence suggesting that humans have experienced an evolutionary history of violence. Next, I discuss
violence as a context-sensitive strategy that might have provided benefits to our ancestors under certain
circumstances. I then focus on the two most common forms of violence that plague humans —violence
over status contests and intimate partner violence— outlining psychological mechanisms involved in
each. Finally, I suggest that greater progress will he made by shifting the study from contexts to
La psicología evolucionista de la violencia. Este artículo revisa la teoría y la investigación sobre la psi-
cología evolucionista de la violencia. En primer lugar, se examinan las evidencias que sugieren que los
seres humanos han experimentado una historia evolutiva de violencia. A continuación, se aborda la
violencia como una estrategia sensible al contexto que podría haber producido beneficios a nuestros
antepasados bajo determinadas circunstancias. Después nos centraremos en las dos formas más comu-
nes de violencia que azotan a los seres humanos —la violencia durante disputas por estatus y la vio-
lencia de género— perfilando los mecanismos psicológicos implicados en ellas. Finalmente, se sugie-
re que se pueden derivar grandes progresos en este campo si se pasa de un estudio de los contextos a
un estudio de los mecanismos.
Imagine that you could see the process of evolution by natural jockeying for position around food sources, and gaining and losing
selection unfolding in front of you. Imagine that you could witness performance units. The genomes (i.e., programming codes) ofthe
generations of individuals competing with one another over access best performing robots were selected to form the next generation,
to limited resources. What strategies and tactics might evolve? and a little mutation (error in the programming code) and sexual-
This experiment was realized by evolutionary robotics researchers like recombination were added to simulate what happens in nature.
in Switzerland. Floreano, Mitri, Magnenat, and Keller (2007) Floreano and his colleagues reported the resultant behavior of
designed robots with tank-like tracks for mobility, an 100 colonies of 10 robots for 500 generations. In just a few dozen
omindirectional camera to detect light, and a translucent ring generations, the robots had evolved visual signals to alert others
encircling the body that eould emit blue light. Their intention was about the whereabouts of the food source. A subpopulation of the
to study the evolution of communication systems by observing robots, however, evolved more antisocial tactics. Instead of
how signals are produced and perceived, but the results revealed emitting a blue light when food was detected, some emitted the
something more sinister. blue light far away from the food, sending the other robots on a
The robots were released into a 9 m^ arena that contained a food wild goose chase or baiting them to go near the poison. The
source and a poison source that emitted red light (though the two researchers interpreted this behavior as a deceptive signaling
sources were discernable at close range). The robots gained one strategy for decreasing competition over the food. Moreover, even
"performance unit" (a numerical value assigned by the among the cooperators, the researchers reported that some robots
researchers) when they encountered the food and lost one unit would push others away from the food. Deceptive signaling and
when they encountered the poison. Additionally, the robots were shoving can be thought of as "behavioral" strategies and tactics
programmed with 30 "genes", software consisting of simple code that evolved in their experiment. The engineers constrained the
that determined the robots' sensation, perception, and movement. robots' "morphological" evolution, but if allowed to evolve
In a trial (analogous to a generation), 10 robots were left to forage hardware, it is possible the robots could have evolved weaponry.
in the arena: wheeling around detecting food and poison. Although this nonbiologieal simulation of evolution should not
be considered of equal import as other biological data, this unique
research illustrates that selection can fashion mechanisms and
tactics that are successful in their current environment but that
Fecha recepción: 9-11-09 • Fecha aceptación: 9-11-09 might be judged to be ignoble. Although cooperation and
Correspondencia: Aaron T. Goetz prosocial behavior evolved in many populations of the robots,
Department of Psychology deception evolved as well. This result was not surprising to
California State University
92834 Fullerton, California (United States) evolutionary scientists. Natural selection —the primary
e-mail: mechanism of evolution— simply favors alíeles that provide
higher reproductive success in the current environment. Because Comparative studies of our primate cousins have documented
selection is indifferent to moral standards and principles, it may that chimpanzees strategically use violence and aggression to
produce adaptations for survival and reproduction that are negotiate their social world too (MuUer, Kahlenberg, Thompson,
antisocial. Antisocial behavior is any aggressive, violent, criminal, & Wrangham, 2007; Wrangham & Peterson, 1996). For example,
or delinquent behavior that benefits an actor at the expense of males aggressively overcome female resistance in all species of
others (e.g., Lalumière, Harris, Quinsey, & Rice, 2005). Antisocial great apes (Müller & Wrangham, 2009). Humans align with the
behavior involves the infliction of costs on others, but this vast majority of mammals, deploying violence and aggression in
infliction can involve others directly (e.g., assault) or indirectly specific contexts.
(e.g., theft). Aggression is a class of antisocial behaviors directed Anatomical evidence also implicates violence and aggression
at another to cause physical or psychological harm and can be in humans' history. Upper-body strength, relative to lower-body
physical or verbal. Violence refers to aggressive behavior that strength, was crucial for intrasexual combat. Accordingly, men
involves the intentional use of physical force to cause harm, injury, have about 75% more muscle in their arms than women, and men
or death to another. All violent behavior is aggressive, and all have about 90% greater upper-body strength than women (Abe,
aggressive behavior is antisocial. All antisocial behavior, however, Kearns, & Fukunaga, 2003; Bohannon, 1997; cited in Lassek &
is not aggressive (e.g., burglary), and all aggressive behavior is not Gaulin, 2009). Moreover, Faurie and Raymond (2005) have
violent (e.g., verbal abuse). presented an intriguing yet highly speculative hypothesis that the
The current paper describes some aspects of human nature that persistence of left-handedness in human populations is rooted in
are judged (rightly so) to be detestable but are nevertheless a violent combat. Handedness is highly heritable and left-
product of evolution. The primary aim of this paper is to handedness is associated with fitness costs (e.g., southpaws are
understand what would have been the evolutionary benefits to our typically smaller and more vulnerable to immune system
ancestors of some forms of violence, and a secondary effort is abnormalities and deficiencies), which begs the question of why
made to outline some of the information processing mechanisms the polymorphism of handedness exists. Recognizing that left-
involved. My goal is not to address all forms of violence and all handedness is advantageous in combative and direct interactive
contexts in which violence erupts; instead, I will focus on the two sports (such as boxing, fencing, and tennis; Grouios et al., 2000;
most common forms of violence that plague humans: violence Raymond et al., 1996), Faurie and Raymond (2005) hypothesized
over status contests and intimate partner violence. Furthermore, as and found that left-handers have a frequency-dependent advantage
violence is overwhelmingly used by males, I will focus almost during hand-to-hand combat. The costs of left-handedness seem to
exclusively on male violence. be offset by the benefits associated with left-handedness during
For discussions on the evolutionary psychology of antisocial violent combat, an intriguing hypothesis that begs further
phenomena not considered here, see Tooby and Cosmides (1988) investigation.
on warfare, Lalumière, Mishra, and Harris (2008) on psychopathy, Alone, one line of evidence affords only the possibility that
Hawley (2006) on Machiavellianism, Walsh (2006) on human history has been marked by violence, but taken together,
criminology, Kanazawa (2008) on theft, Daly and Wilson (1988) the archaeological, cultural, comparative, and anatomical evidence
on infanticide and parricide, Thornhill and Palmer (2004) on rape, tells a story of the violent prehistory of our species.
Goetz & Shackelford (2006) on partner rape, Hawley (2003) on
bullying, and Campbell (1999) on female aggression. Evolution does not always equal adaptation
An evolutionary history of violence Although violence has been a natural strategy of humans
(especially males), this does not imply that all forms of violence
Humans' violent past is evident in studies of archaeological are adaptations that were selected for because they solved adaptive
remains, traditional societies, our primate cousins, and human problems and contributed directly to reproductive success. This is
anatomy. The hallmarks of our ancestral history of violence are not to say that violence is not the product of evolution. It is.
literally written on our bones. Skeletal remains, unearthed from Rather, some forms of violence that exist today might not have
archaeological excavations of ancient human societies, provide been directly selected for. Byproducts are also products of
direct evidence of injuries suffered by a violent transgressor. evolution, but are characteristics of a phenotype that are
Paleontologists, archaeologists, and anthropologists have excavated functionless and do not solve adaptive problems (Buss, Haselton,
human remains littered with lesions and fractures from spearheads, Shackelford, Bleske, & Wakefield, 1998; Symons, 1992). They are
arrowheads, axes, and clubs (Keeley, 1996; Lambert, 2002; Milner, called byproducts because they are incidentally tied to or produced
1999; Walker, 2001). These weapons were not accidentally thrust by other adaptations. Any honest discussion of human aggression
into the bodies of our ancestors; someone likely put them there. must concede that evolution is responsible, but this concession
Modem-day traditional societies, such as those inhabited by does not suggest that all forms of human aggression are
hunter-gatherers, offer a glimpse at a life that would have been engendered by specialized evolved mechanisms that were directly
similar to that of our ancestors, and life in these traditional selected for. For some forms of violence (e.g., stepparental
societies appears to be dangerous. Homicide rates in many of these infanticide), evidence is unanimous in suggesting that the behavior
societies dwarf even the most violent American cities (Chagnon, is not the product of specialized psychological adaptation. For
1988, 1996; Hill & Hurtado, 1996; Knauft, 1987). For example, other forms of violence (e.g., uxoricide or wife-killing) evidence
Chagnon (1996) has documented that 25% of all Yanomamö and theory necessary to implicate specialized evolved
males suffer a violent death. The cross-cultural ubiquity of psychological adaptation is sparse, and thus more research is
violence (even in non-Westernized cultures without access to needed before claims can be made about adaptive design. Thus,
media) suggests humans have had a violent past. adaptive design is not required to parsimoniously explain the
pushing behavior. In reality, determining whether a particular modem environments containing firearms, some of these
behavior is generated by specialized adaptation or generated as a provocations of status end in homicide. Although our ancestors
byproduct of other adaptations can be exceedingly difficult, but possessed lethal weaponry that could be brandished in the context
claims of adaptations typically are stated tentatively until the of a status dispute, it is unlikely that the majority of these disputes
proposed mechanism has undergone rigorous hypothesis testing would have had lethal outcomes. The individual's goal was not to
using cross-disciplinary frameworks to show evidence of special eliminate his provocateur, but to maintain (or increase) his status
design (Schmitt & Pilcher, 2004). and reputation. That is, maintaining status and reputation using
non-lethal means would have had fitness benefits without invoking
Violence as a context-sensitive strategy specialized mechanisms for homicide. Even in American societies
with easy access to firearms, homicides are relatively rare products
of confrontations. For example, in 2007, Detroit had the highest
To say that violence has been a natural strategy of humans does
homicide rate in the United States with 46 homicides per 100,000
not imply that humans deploy violence indiscriminately. Serial
people (U.S. Department of Justice, 2008). Thus, a Detroiter's
killers, sadists, psychopaths, and other full time perpetrators of
chance of being killed in 2007 was 0.00046%.
violence do not typify our species. Their prevalence in human
populations is miniscule (American Psychiatric Association, While Wilson and Daly's (1985) research on homicide and
1994; Hare, 1993), and they are better characterized as exceptions status competition does not implicate an evolved homicide
to the rule, representing the pathological ends of a normal psychology (nor did they claim that it did), it does implicate a
distribution of traits. psychology sensitive to status hierarchy and threats to status.
Rather than the continuous or indiscriminate use across Indeed, Wilson and Daly discussed the psychology associated
contexts, the use of violence is a context-sensitive strategy. Even with status hierarchy negotiation. Disputes between individuals
within the first investigations of violence and aggression in non- with discrepancies in status rarely end in violence because lower
human animals, biologists articulated the various adaptive status individuals rarely provoke higher status individuals and
problems that violence could solve and the different contexts in because higher status individuals can shrug off a challenge without
which it might be adaptive (e.g, Clutton-Brock & Parker, 1995; suffering reputational damage. When the average person
Lorenz, 1966; Moyer, 1969; Wilson, 1975). E.O. Wilson (1975), challenges the status of a political figure or professional athlete,
for example, identified eight functionally distinct types of for example, this provocation is usually ignored. If, however, a
aggression: territorial, dominance, sexual, parental disciplinary, political figure speaks ill of another politician or if a professional
weaning, moralistic, predatory, and antipredatory aggression. This athlete criticizes another athlete, this type of provocation is not
tradition of specifying contexts in which violence was adaptive easily overlooked. Indeed, Wilson and Daly (1985) suggested that
continues today when studying violence and aggression in humans when the two parties are status matched, the dispute escalates
(e.g.. Buss & Shackelford, 1997a; Wilson & Daly, 1985). because each perceives that he is not getting the respect he
Speaking to human aggression. Buss and Shackelford (1997a) deserves. The evolved psychological mechanisms associated with
proposed seven adaptive problems our ancestors recurrently faced status hierarchy negotiation and status maintenance may lead to
that might have been solved by aggression: co-opting the antisocial behavior when the perception of status-inappropriate
resources of others, defending against attack, inflicting costs on behavior by each individual engenders a status protecting and
same-sex rivals, negotiating status and hierarchies, deterring rivals promoting arms race that erupts in violence.
from future aggression, deterring mate from infidelity, and Another seminal paper by Wilson and Daly (1997) implicated
reducing resources expended on genetically unrelated children. additional contexts in which psychological mechanisms lead to
violence. Analyzing the widely variable homicide rates among 77
Evolved mechanisms associated with violent status contests Chicago neighborhoods, Wilson and Daly documented that the
best predictor of homicide rates is the intensity of economic
An evolutionary psychological analysis of violence and competition, as measured by income inequality. Neighborhoods
aggression, however, requires not only identifying contexts in with greater economic inequality —large differences between the
which aggression might have been adaptive but also testing Haves and Have-nots— had a significantly higher homicide rate
hypotheses about the computational mechanisms associated with than neighborhoods with less economic inequality. When fitness
violence. Little empirical work has been conducted to elucidate relevant resources are distributed unequally, those at the bottom of
mechanisms associated with violence, but we can infer some this distribution are more likely to adopt a risky strategy that
components based on some studies of human behavior. Below, I involves violence. Here, implicated psychological mechanisms
review just three. include a monitoring of and concern with resource distribution.
Wilson and Daly (1985) and others (e.g., Wolfgang, 1958) have "Sensitivity to inequality is an expected feature of a psyche that
documented that the majority of homicides occur between adjusts risk acceptance as we envision, because those at the bottom
unrelated men over real or perceived threats to status. Coded as may be especially motivated to escalate their tactics of social
"trivial altercations" in criminological databases because the competition when it is clear that some 'winners' are doing very
arguments often begin over something petty and insignificant, well and when the expected payoffs from low risk tactics are poor"
these altercations are better understood as provocations, or what (Wilson & Daly, 1997, p. 1271).
Goffman (1967) referred to as "character contests", in which an Experimental research has also tested hypotheses regarding the
individual challenges or undermines the status of another. underlying evolved psychology of violence. Griskevicius, Tybur,
Arguments escalate and violence erupts—especially among Gangestad, Perea, Shapiro and Kenrick (2009) manipulated status
young, unemployed, or unmarried men—when neither party and mating motives to examine their effects on aggressive
acquiesces so as not to lose status (Wilson & Daly, 1985). In tendencies in men and women. Men who had read a scenario
itivolvitig status competition (i.e., cotnpetitig for a protnotion at damage if such information becomes known to others (e.g.,
work) were more likely to respond aggressively to a scenario in Wilson & Daly, 1992). Taking into consideration the sum of these
which a same-sex individual spills a drink on them and does not fitness costs, it becomes clear how selection could have favored
apologize. Moreover, men who read a scenario involving mating the evolution of strategies and tactics aimed at avoiding cuckoldry
(i.e., going on a date with a highly desirable person of the and decreasing paternity uncertainty. I begin by discussing a
opposite-sex) were also more likely to respond aggressively to the psychological adaptation that serves this function: sexual jealousy.
trivial insult, but only when observers were other men. When Jealousy is an emotion that is experienced when a valued
motivated to attract a mate, men dialed down their aggression in relationship is threatened by a real or imagined rival and generates
the presence of women. Women, however, showed a different contextually contingent responses aimed at reducing or
pattern: status and mating motives did not increase women's direct eliminating the threat. It functions to maintain relationships by
aggression but did increase their indirect aggression, such as motivating behaviors that deter rivals from poaching and that deter
talking behind the perpetrator's back. Griskevicius et al.'s (2009) mates from infidelity or outright departure from the relationship
findings highlight the context-specificity of violence and (Buss, Larsen, Westen, & Semmelroth, 1992; Daly, Wilson, &
aggression and suggest that mechanisms associated with the Weghorst, 1982; Symons, 1979). Because ancestral men and
deployment of violence are not haphazard but instead process women faced adaptive problems of retaining partners and
specific environmental information —motivational state maintaining relationships, modem men and women do not differ
(competing for status versus attracting a mate) and social in the frequency or intensity of their jealousy (Shackelford,
information such as the sex of the audience— before activating LeBlane, & Drass, 2000; White, 1981). A sex difference, however,
violent behavior. emerges wheri considering the two types of jealousy —emotional
An abundance of theoretical work on the psychological and sexual— and coincides with men's and women's differing
architecture associated with violence over status competition has adaptive problems regarding relationships (Buss, 2000; Symons,
been produced, and we are now in a position to begin identifying 1979). Ancestral women's challenge of securing paternal
the proximate mechanisms, some of which can be tentatively investment needed to raise offspring exerted a significant selection
suggested. Wilson and Daly's (1985, 1997) and Griskevicius and pressure for women to be more sensitive to and more distressed by
colleagues' (2009) work, for example, suggests that an evolved cues associated with a partner's emotional infidelity. Ancestral
men's challenge of paternity uncertainty, however, exerted a
psychology of violence includes, but is of course not limited to,
significant selection pressure for men to be more sensitive to and
systems that are sensitive to status hierarchies and status
more distressed by cues associated with a partner's sexual
maintenance, systems that monitor and are concerned with
infidelity. Over three dozen empirical studies have shown the sex
resource distribution in local environments, systems that track
difference in jealousy, documenting that men experience more
motivational states, and systems that process relevant social
jealousy and distress in response to a partner's sexual infidelity,
information, such as the status and sex of the audience of the
whereas women experience more jealousy and distress in response
to a partner's emotional infidelity. These data are corroborated by
experimental data (e.g., Schützwohl & Koch, 2004), physiological
Are there specialized mechanisms for intimate partner violence data (Buss et al., 1992), patterns of relationship termination
and homicide? (Betzig, 1989; Shackelford Buss, & Bennett, 2002), and the
behavioral output of jealousy (e.g.. Buss & Shackelford, 1997b).
Clutton-Brock and Parker (1995) argued that across animal
species aggression often functions as a form of punishment that Sexual jealousy, by itself, cannot prevent cuckoldry. Emotions
deters the targeted individual from repeating a behavior that are designed to coordinate mechanisms and ultimately direct
conflicts with the interests of the aggressor. Analyzing behavior (Cosmides & Tooby, 2000). One behavioral
occurrences of aggression across social vertebrates, Clutton-Brock manifestation of sexual jealousy is intimate partner violence (IPV;
and Parker documented not only that use of aggression occurs in Shackelford, Goetz, Buss, Euler, & Hoier, 2005). In line with
situations in which an individual's fitness (probability of survival Clutton-Brock and Parker's (1995) discussion of the function of
and reproduction) is at risk, but also that the intensity of the punishment, I, consider the possibility that men's IPV originally
aggression varies with the degree to which fitness is threatened. functioned to punish and deter female infidelity (see also, Goetz,
Thus, if Clutton-Broek and Parker's model of aggression to fitness Shackelford, Romero, Kaighobadi, & Miner, 2008).
threats is considered in the context of human intimate Male sexual jealousy or male sexual proprietariness (Daly et
relationships, what is the fitness threat that is generating female- al., 1982) is one of the most frequently cited causes of intimate
directed violence? Did ancestral women recurrently threaten partner violence, both physical and sexual (e.g.. Buss, 2000; Daly
ancestral men's fitness, acting as a selection pressure that & Wilson, 1988; Dobash & Dobash, 1979; Dutton, 1998; Frieze,
generated mechanisms for intimate partner violence? Of course, in 1983; Gage & Hutchinson, 2006). Moreover, suspicion or
any discussion of partner violence from this perspective it is knowledge of infidelity reliably provokes violent behavior (Goetz
critical to emphasize that an evolutionary analysis of any trait does & Shackelford, 2006, 2009; Kaighobadi, Starratt, Popp, &
not excuse, condone, or justify it. The evolutionary sciences are Shackelford, 2008; Starratt, Shackelford, Goetz, & McKibbin,
descriptive, not prescriptive. 2009). Physical violence has been identified as a tactic used by
Cuckoldry was likely one of the most profound threats to men to restrict an intimate partner's behavior, especially her sexual
fitness our male ancestors faced. Some of the costs associated with behavior outside the intimate relationship (Daly & Wilson, 1988;
cuckoldry include misdirection of the male's time, effort, and Goetz & Steele, 2009; Wilson & Daly, 1996) and is best
recourses to rearing a rival's offspring, loss of time, effort, and understood in the context of female infidelity. Together with risk
resources the man spent attracting his partner, and reputational assessment of a partner's sexual infidelity (e.g., Goetz & Causey,
2008), contextual factors —sucb as social and reputationai costs, that under certain circumstances, partner-killing by men migbt be
proxitnity of the partner's kin capable of retaliation, and economic the designed outcome (Buss, 2005).
dependency (Figueredo & McCloskey, 1993; Wilson & Daly, Wilson and Daly's (1998; Wilson, Johnson, & Daly, 1995) and
1993)— are processed during decisions to inflict violence on a Buss and Duntley's (1998, 2003) competing bypotbeses have not
partner. yet been tested concurrently so that a single hypothesis remains
Occasionally, men's use of violence against their partner is that best accounts for the data. Given the many costs associated
lethal. Male sexual jealousy is a frequently cited cause of witb intimate femicide —e.g., incurring tbe wratb of kin and local
uxoricide (wife-killing) and intimate femicide across cultures community, experiencing a significant decrease in mate value
(Daly & Wilson, 1988; Serran & Firestone, 2004). Throughout (e.g., Burkett & Kirkpatdck, 2006), depriving any children of
history, directing lethal violence at an intimate partner would bave maternal investment, and intensifying mating competition among
been extremely costly for the actor, but some researchers have males— the most parsimonious explanation for intimate femicide
considered whether, under certain conditions, the benefits could remains Wilson and Daly's (1998; Wilson, Daly, & Daniele, 1995)
have outweighed the costs enough for selection to produce byproduct hypothesis. Future research, of course, is needed to
specialized psychology associated witb intimate femicide. Two concurrently test the adaptation and byproduct hypotheses.
general hypotheses have been advanced: the byproduct hypothesis
and the homicide adaptation hypothesis. According to Wilson and Concluding remarks
Daly (Daly & Wilson, 1988; Wilson & Daly, 1998; Wilson, Daly,
& Daniele, 1995), killing an intimate partner is not the product of Humans have bad a violent past, we have a violent present, and
evolved psychological mechanisms, but is a byproduct of our future will likely hold violence. Characterizing humans as a
mechanisms selected for tbeir nonlethal outcomes. This byproduct "violent species", however, is inaccurate and does nothing to
or slip-up hypothesis argues that men who kill their partners have advance our understanding of human nature. We are not attracted
"slipped up" in that their violence —which was intended to to violence nor do we deploy violence indiscriminately. Violence
control their partner— inadvertently resulted in their partner's is a context-sensitive strategy, applied in predictable situations and
death. environments. As evolutionary psychologists maintain that tbe
Recognizing tbat many partner homicides are premeditated and mind is a collection of information-processing mechanisms that
not accidental. Buss and Duntley (1998, 2003; see also Buss, exist because tbey solved recurrent adaptive problems throughout
2005) have suggested that many instances of lethal IPV result from our species' evolutionary history, research must shift from the
evolved psychological mechanisms specifically designed to identification of contexts to tbe identification of psychological
motivate killing a partner under certain conditions. Discovering a mechanisms. Evolutionary psychologists studying aggression and
partner's sexual infidelity. Buss and Duntley argue, may be a violence should be aware of tbe social relevance of their work,
special circumstance which might trigger specialized psychology making explicit any practical applications their work might have.
in men. The homicide adaptation hypothesis does not argue that Lastly, further understanding of human violence and its underlying
discovering a partner's infidelity invariantly leads to partner- mechanisms cannot be expected unless a distinction is made (and
killing, but that this situation activates evolved mechanisms more importantly, tested) between adaptation and byproduct
associated with weighing tbe costs and benefits of homicide, and hypotheses.
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