Lecturer by
By :
First at all, give thanks for Gods love and grace for us. Thanks to God for helping our
gruop and give our chance to finish this assignment timely. And we would like to say thank
you to Mrs.Sushy Patanduk S.Pd as the lecturer that always teaches us and give much
knowledge about how to practice English well.
This assignment is the one of English task that composed of SPEECH
COMMUNITIES. We realized this assignment is not perfect. But we hope it can be useful
for us. Critics and suggestion is needed here to make this assignment be better. Hopefully we
as a student in Christian University of Indonesia Toraja can work more professional by using
English as the second language whatever we done. Thank you.
Language is a tool of human communication that is used either orally or in writing,
which consists of the use of words in a structured and conventional. While
Community is a group of people who live in the same place or have the characters or the
same interests. Communities can form community organizations, organizational groups, or
In the socio-linguistic science, has no doubt that the language and the community are the
same thing but can not be separated. A group of people who use the same language can make
their own community and a community with members who have diverse backgrounds can
make their own language. Typically, each community has a language of their own and only
members of the community who understand the meaning. Usually the words to use or create a
community that depends on the way of thinking and background of members of the
community itself. How to communicate with a group of fellow never be the same with the
other communities. In the science of socio-linguistics, language community is often referred
to as a speech community.
Sometimes, when a group of organizations or gangs make language, norms, and regulations
of their own, and they apply to members of the group / gang of their own, then others outside
the group are prohibited from interfering and forbidden to judge or give a negative
assessment of speech community made by the group. In addition to showing the identity and
existence of a group / gang, speech community in the socio-linguistic viewpoint is also used
to clicking Excluding outsiders of affairs or specific group conversation.
The most famous example is the speech community "Black English" or "African-American
Vernacular English (AAVE) created by the blacks in the United States. The blacks (AfroAmerican) suffered a long while America still adopts slavery and discrimination against black
people in all fields. To perform such resistance, they created something unique of their own
creations to demonstrate the existence of the black community who are often discriminated
against by whites in America. One of those cultural creations Afro-American characteristic in
the form of the language is "Black English". Language "Black English" is contrary to English
common standards in terms of vocab and grammar. "Black English" many distinctive artwork
contained in the Afro-American that rap music. People are just as good as white people
udelnya judge that "Black English" creation of the Afro-American as a low-class English
vocab filled not polite and not air-grammar. Is "Black English" Afro-American creation that
does not comply with the general standard of English was wrong ??? Of course NOT
WRONG. In the socio-linguistic viewpoint, negative assessments were cast by people whites
against "Black English" creation of the Afro-American people could not be accepted. Wong
was the Afro-American creates rules, norms, and language "Black English" to members of
their own community anyway, why white people as outsiders meddling nyinyirin community
norms, rules, and language that made Afro community American?
Definitions of Linguists
Noam Chomsky
concerned primarily with an ideal speaker-listener, in a completely
homogeneous speech-community, who knows its language perfectly and is
unaffected by such grammatically irrelevant conditions as memory limitations,
distractions, shifts of attention and interest, and errors.
William Labov
The speech community is not defined by any marked agreement in the use of
language elements, so much as by participation in a set of shared norms.
John Gumperz
Any human aggregate characterized by regular and frequent interaction by
means of a shared body of verbal signs and set off from similar aggregates by
significant differences in language usage
Each person speaks their own typical way according to its place of origin or
specific speech community.
Rosen claims that cities cannot be thought of as a linguistic patchwork maps,
ghetto after ghetto because: 1. languages and dialects have no simple
geographical distribution and 2. because interaction between them blurs
whatever boundaries might be drawn .
Urbanization is a great eroder of linguistic frontiers.
Each member of a community has a repertoire of social identities that are each
one in a given context is associated with a number of nonverbal and verbal
forms of expression.
There is not a clear way on how to define how individuals can classify
themselves and speakers are creating and recreating social identities. So, it is
impossible to predict the group or community he or she will consider itself to
belong in a particular moment. This group will change according to situation .
idential repertories. In this case it maybe possible to argue,as Platt and Platt (1975,p.35) do,
that A speech repertoire is the range of linguistic varieties which the speaker has at his
disposal and which he may appropriately use as a member of his speech community.
the concept of speech repertoire may be most useful when applied to individuals rather than
to groups. we can use it to describe the communicative competence of individual speakers.
each person will then have a distinctive speech reportoire. Since the Platta find both a
communitys speech repertoire and an individuals speech repertoire worthy of sociolinguistic
consideration,they actually propose the following distinction(p. 36).
We. . . . suggest the tern speech repertoire for the repertoire of linguistic varieties utilized
by a speech community which its speakers, as members of community, may appropriately
use, and the term verbal repertoire for the linguistic varieties which are at particular speakers
in this view each individual has his or her own distinctive verbal repertore and each speech
community in which that person participates has its distinctive speech repertoire;in fact, one
could argue that this repertoire is its defining feature.
focusing on the repertoires of individual and specifically on the precise linguistic choices
they make in well-defined circumstance does seem to offer us some hope of explaining how
people use linguistic choices to bond themselves other in very subtle ways. A speakers
choice of a particular sound, word, or expression marks that speaker in some way. it can say
I am like you or I am not like you'. when the speaker also has some kind of range within
which to choose and that choice itself helps to define the occasion, then many different
outcomes are possible. A particular choice may say I am an X just like you or it may say I
am an X but you are an Y. it may even be possible that a particular choice may say Up till
now I have been an X but from now on you must regard me as a Y, as when ,for example,
someone pretend to be something her or she is not and then slips up . however ,it also seems
that it is not merely a simple metter of always choosing X rether than Y- for example ,of
never saying singin but always saying singing . rather,it may be a metter of proportion: you
will say singi a certain precent of the time and singing the rest of the other words,
the social bonding that results from the linguistic choice you make may depend on the
quantity of certain linguistic characteristics as well as their quality.
we have seen that speech comunity may be an impossibly difficult concept difficult c to
define. but in attempting to do so, we have also become aware that it may be just as difficult
to characterize the speech of single individual. perhaps that second failure follows inevitably
from the first. we should be very cautious therefore about definitive statements we may be
tempted to make about how a particular individual speaks, the classic concept of idiolect.
just what kinds of data should you collect? how much ? in what circumstance? and what
kinds of claims can you make? we will need to find answers to questions such as these before
we can proceed very far. any attempt to study how even a singel individual speaks in a rather
limited set of circumstance is likely to convince us rather quickly that language is rather
messy stuff. for certain theoretical reason it might be desirable to ignore a lot of that
mess,as chomsky insists that we do; but it would be unwise for sociolinguistic is all about:
trying to work out either the social significance of the various bits and pieces of language or
the linguistic significance of vorious bits and pieces of society. the following three chapter
will address some of
Yule, G 2006, 'the study of language', third edition, Cambridge University press.