Improve Your English
Improve Your English
Improve Your English
can I
What should I do?
Whats missing me to improve?
Which are the skills that I need to
develop the most?
Edith Gonzlez Puntos, Lic. en enseanza del ingls,
Universidad Autnoma del Estado de Morelos,
Instituto de ciencias de la Educacin.
Profr. Carlos Beltrn Priedrola
As students of the English language, we sometimes find some difficulties to learn it, either
because we need to develop our skills or because we close 00doors to ourselves.
I was looking for some tips on internet although based on things that a have heard I can say
some advices Ive listened
Clearly the tips I have given before are useful for speaking too, but I think that there are
some other points more specific to develop this skill.
Dont repeat things youve heard from somewhere, express your own ideas but be clear
As I said for me this were the most difficult points for me, but for many people is difficult
too to read or write. So now I will take these aspects too.
1.-Write your thoughts
When you write your own ideas, you usually do it as the ideas come to your mind, write it and
then check if you had some mistakes and correct them next time you will have less mistakes.
2. - Write things you need to remember after
Write notes and reminders in English, doesnt matter if it is just about buying milk that
afternoon, in this way you will have the habit of write everything in English
youre not sure on how to write a word you can look for it at a dictionary but there are some
rules that could help you too, you need to be careful too with the words that you use because
there are some that have similar meanings but are not exactly the same.
For example you cant say
Take care about somebody but instead you can say
Take care of somebody
Remember that you cant translate everything literal from Spanish or any other language to
English, each language has its own grammar rules
You also need to pay attention to the tenses of the sentences youre using, avoid mixing the
tenses because you will be wrong, or you wont be clear.
6. - Make a glossary
Every time you read something new, write in another paper new words you have found, in this
way you will get more vocabulary and you will communicate with more accurate words to each
topic you see.
7. - Write films, books or music review
8. - copy some passages from books, newspaper or magazines of your interest.
9. - try dictation exercises
10. - Create a blog where you give your opinion of different topics in English
Some advices are similar to the ones for writing, but it is because for you to write is
necessary to read first.
1. - Make a habit of reading regularly.
Read as many English books, newspapers and magazines as you can get your hands on.
But wait some days or even months, in this way you will see if your reading has improved or
4. - dont translate everything you read
If you do this, sometimes you wont catch the real idea that the author try to say.
5. - Read a book with a lot of dialogues
When you read how an author express the way people have a conversation you could take some of
their expressions, not copy, you have to know what youre saying and not just repeat what
someone else has write or say.
Some tips.
Try to think everything in English, even if is not necessary, in this way you will
accustom your brain to this new language and will be easier for you to express yourself
in a conversation or in your writing, it will be useful for your listening too because
if youre thinking in English when you hear something in this language will be easier
to catch what youre hearing.
Dont try to translate everything you read in English to your own language
Read books you like or you have read in your language, in this way youve had known
what the book is about and will be easier for you to understand it, besides if you find
some knew word in your reading you could compare it with your previous reading.
Watch a lot of videos at YouTube if you can or want, subscribe to some English speaker
blogger. If its possible try to follow more than one and those they talk of different
Pay attention to phrasal verbs, are not very common on formal written but you could find
them on informal conversations and readings, and you could even use some of them.
Watch films or programs in your own language with English subtitles.
Try to read everything with no help, if your reading a book for example, try to finish
the chapter without the help of a dictionary and try to understand as more as you can at
the end analyse what you understood of it, and if you actually didnt catch anything
read it again with a dictionary beside you.
Take in account the grammar and the spelling, for example:
I goes before E, except after C
Achieve, believe, chief, friend, priest, ceiling, conceiving
Y changes to I when an ending is added
Supply supplies worry-worries