What Is The Goal Stereo Vision?

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Stereo Vision
What is the goal stereo vision?
- The recovery of the 3D structure of a scene using two or more images of the 3D
scene, each acquired from a different viewpoint in space.
- The images can be obtained using muliple cameras or one moving camera.
- The term binocular vision is used when two cameras are employed.


Stereo setup and terminology

Fixation point: the point of intersection of the optical axis.
Baseline: the distance between the centers of projection.
Epipolar plane: the plane passing through the centers of projection and the point in
the scene.
Epipolar line: the intersection of the epipolar plane with the image plane.
Conjugate pair: any point in the scene that is visible in both cameras will be projected to a pair of image points in the two images.
Disparity: the distance between corresponding points when the two images are superimposed.
Disparity map: the disparities of all points form the disparity map (can be displayed
as an image).


(two cameras in arbitrary position and orientation)

Triangulation - the principle underlying stereo vision

- The 3D location of any visible object point in space is restricted to the straight line
that passes through the center of projection and the projection of the object point.
- Binocular stereo vision determines the position of a point in space by finding the
intersection of the two lines passing through the center of projection and the projection of the point in each image.


The two problems of stereo

(1) The correspondence problem.
(2) The reconstruction problem.

The correspondence problem

- Finding pairs of matched points such that each point in the pair is the projection of
the same 3D point.
- Triangulation depends crucially on the solution of the correspondence problem.

- Ambiguous correspondence between points in the two images may lead to several
different consistent interpretations of the scene.


The reconstruction problem

- Given the corresponding points, we can compute the disparity map.
- The disparity map can be converted to a 3D map of the scene (i.e., recover the 3D
structure) if the stereo geometry is known.


Recovering depth (reconstruction)

- Consider recovering the position of P from its projections pl and pr .
xl = f

x Z
or X l = l l and x r = f r or X r = r r

- In general, the two cameras are related by the following transformation:

P r = R(P l T )
- Using Z r = Z l = Z and X r = X l T we have:
xl Z
x Z
T = r

or Z =


where d = x l x r is the disparity (i.e., the difference in the position between the corresponding points in the two images)


Stereo camera parameters

Intrinsic parameters: characterize the transformation from image plane coordinates
to pixel coordinates, in each camera.
Extrinsic parameters (R, T ): describe the relative position and orientation of the
two cameras
P r = R(P l T ) (aligns right camera with left camera)
- Can be determined from the extrinsic parameters of each camera:
R = R r RTl
T = T l RT T r

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