Effect On Blood Lactate: EEG-beta Wave Measures, Indicating Increased Alertness
Effect On Blood Lactate: EEG-beta Wave Measures, Indicating Increased Alertness
Effect On Blood Lactate: EEG-beta Wave Measures, Indicating Increased Alertness
Control Group
SK&P Practitioners
and accompanying practices significantly:
The subjective reports of in- Reduce levels of stress (reduces
creased health, vitality, well- cortisolthe stress hormone)
the immune system
being, and peace of mind by Benefit
Reduce cholesterol
thousands of SK&P practitioners Relieve anxiety & depression
are consistent with research (mild, moderate & severe)
normal sleep patterns
findings to date, which sug- Restore
Enhance brain function
gest an overall strengthening (increases mental focus, calmness
of the mind/body system. EEG, & recovery from stressful stimuli)
Enhance health, well-being &
blood cortisol, and lactate lev- peace
of mind
els reflect a state of relaxation,
yet alertness. Significant increases in NK
The Art of Living Foundation, founded by Sri
cells and antioxidant enzymes suggest that
Sri Ravi Shankar, is a non-profit educational
and humanitarian organization, and a Nonregular practice may help prevent many seriGovernmental Organization of the United Nations
ous diseases. Decreases in cholesterol may
in special consultative status with the UNs Economic
and Social Council.
prevent cardiac disease, and depression is
The Art of Living Foundations International Research
quickly alleviated in a high percentage of
and Health Promotion Center (IRHPC) welcomes
scholarly research on its programs from all interested
individuals. Thus, even though further studies
parties. If you would like to conduct or collaborate
are needed, these findings point to the powon research, or would like more information about
our research and health-promotion programs,
erful health restoration and promotion effects
please contact the IRHPC, at
of these time-honored practices.
European Centre: research@aoluniversity.org
North American Centre: research@artofliving.org
Selected References
Or visit www.artofliving.org/research.