Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Chapter 1
will be magnified. General aviation users of major hubs also feel the effects of delay in the form
of access restrictions imposed during peak hours
to deal with airport congestion.
Concern about these problems, and about the
feasibility and cost of the proposed solutions,
prompted the House Committee on Appropriations (Subcommittee on Transportation) to request that OTA undertake an assessment of airport and terminal area capacity and related ATC
issues. The Senate Committee on Commerce,
Science, and Transportation endorsed the request of the House Committee on Appropriations, which directed OTA to concentrate on
four major topics:
scenarios of future growth in air transportation;
alternative ways to increase airport and terminal area capacity;
technological and economic alternatives to
the ATC system modifications proposed by
FAA; and
alternatives to the present ATC process.
Funding Issues
Based on information available at the end of
1981, OTA estimates that the costs of airport
development grants-in-aid, modernization of
ATC facilities and equipment, and related research and development could average roughly
$1.5 billion per year over the next 10 years,
about 50 percent higher than the level of recent
years. Congress has several options to provide
funding for these programs. One would be to
cover these expenditures by general fund appropriations. This option, while it would afford
the Congress continuing close control of FAA
programs through the annual appropriations
process, might not provide the assured continuity of funding needed for undertaking a 10-year
program of the scope envisioned by FAA.