The Prehistoric Past

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Before the development of modern scientific tools, ancient men south to

explain the origin of their environment giving to rise various myths & legends.
One of the stories of the origin of the Philippines among visayas and tagalogs
was a legend of a bird flying over an endless sea.
Another tale was that long ago the world was born on the shoulder of giant
who transferred it on either (one) shoulder if one side got tired.
The Christians believed that when God created the world he also created the
There is also a story about the Philippines is being part of a huge continent
covered how by the Pacific Ocean. This continent called Mu or Lemuria.
Some Filipino legends like darangan of the maranaos speak about a place
called Bumbaran which has inhabited by a highly civilized race where people
lived in perfect harmony.
Another version in the darangan was that the inhabitants of bumbaran
insulted the messengers of Allah who cursed the inhabitants causing an
earthquake in flood which destroyed the land.

years ago


Carboniferous era. The oldest fossil found in the Philippines, a horn
corral appears in Mindoro, indicating shallows seas in the area.

years ago
years ago
years ago
2,000,0003,000,000 years
1,000,000 years

Mesoic Era. First part of the Philippines appears to be a protrusion of

the Asia continent; primitive plant life indicates exposed areas.
Miocene Era. Link between Luzon and Formosa severed. Period of
the intense tectonic activity. Mount Apo is pushed up from the
planes; the Baguio area is lifted from the shallow seas.
Intense mountain building. Seas are thrust up exposing the sea floor.

Pliocene Era. Tectonic activity subsides.

Pleistocene Era. The Philippines is connected to Asia by two land

bridges. One connecting to Borneo, the other two eastern Indonesia.
Introducing flora and fauna from east and west Indonesia. The

chocolate hills of Bohol was formed at about this time, Marinduque is

part of Luzon, Negros and Panay are form one island, and for a time
with Masbate. Samar and Leyte are connected of Luzon; the linkage
allows the distribution of plant and animal life. North and south of the
For ice ages cause rise and fall of oceans. The first is 550,000500,000
years 590,000 years ago, the second is 470,000-550,000 years ago, and
the third is 187,000-230,000 years ago. The recent is 115,00072,000/25,000 years ago. Human being inhabit Cagayan valley
using stone tools
Modern human being (homo sapiens) inhabits Palawan. The land
bridge from the Asian mainland to Palawan is submerged.
years ago
The Philippines assumes its approximate shape and form.
years ago
18,000 BCE


Carbon dating proves the existence of the tabon man (actually woman)
in Palawan during this time.
Stone tools of the Neolithic era found in guri cave, Palawan dated vack
to this time.
5,000 BCE or Agriculture develops in the Philippines
3,000 BCE
Pottery is developed.
Jar burial is practiced. Settlements start forming at the mouths of rivers
of coastal areas.
800 BCE
Metal age in the Philippines.
BCE- Rice terraces are built.
AD 1,500
Wet or paddy rice agriculture is developed.
AD 200
Development of weaving and woodcarving.
AD 500
Emergence of indigenous music.
AD 300
Trade with neighboring Asian nations begins.
AD 600
Emergence of the boat-building tradition.
AD 800
Trade with china starts.
AD 900
Arab traders come to the Philippines.
AD 1,000
Rise of riverine and coastal settlements like manila butuan, and cebu.
c. 200-1,200
Filipino script based on Sanskrit is developed.
c. 1,240
Islam is introduced to Sulu by Tuan Mashaika in Makhdum.
c. 1,380
The first Mosque is built in Sulu by karimul-makhdum.
c. 1,450
Arrival of Abu bakr, who establishes the sultanate of Sulu.

c. 1, 417
c. 1,500
C. 1,515

Padukabatara, a king of the eastern kingdom of Sulu visits the court of

emperor Yungle (yung lo) in china.
Islam reaches in manila.
Shariftkabungsuan spreads Islam in Maguindanao and Lanao.


Scientific findings show that the Philippines had human inhabitants as early as
500,000-250,000 years ago as stone tools were found along with bones of a dwarf
species of elephant called elephas in the Cagayan valley. This period is described by
anthropologist by Felipe LandaJocano as the Germina period which covered the
years from 250,000 BCE-10,000 BCE. Archaeologist Peter Bellwood disproved this
theory made by Beyer with the findings that the ancestors of the Filipino came from
earlier through a north to south pattern.
Early man lived a simple and nomadic existence, moving to where food can be
found. This period is known as the formative period which covered the years from
10,000 BCE- 500 BCE. Aside from this stone obsidian, natural volcanic glass was
also used around 5,000-7,000BCE.
The homes of early men were provided by nature in ranging from a simple roof
made of leaves propped up by sticks like the ones used by the dumagats of eastern
Luzon or the caves used by the tabon man whose fossils dated 18,000 BCE.
Findings obtained from the Swedens or old rubbish piles nearby showed that the
tabon cave was used by men as early as 40,000 BCE. At the Guri caves there were
signs of the making of better tools like the polished stone tools typical of the
Neolithic era around 7,000-3,500 BCE.
To supplement hunting and gathering, they began to utilize land for farming
beginning with dry agriculture which took place around or earlier than 5,000 BCE.
Another feature of the Neolithic age was the development pottery which took place
around 3,000 BCE. Pottery was used not only to store or cooked food. Jars were
also used for the burial of the dead. This practice took place around 1,000 BCE.
At around 3,000BCE settlements started to form at the mouths of rivers and coastal
areas. Around 3,000BCE there was a significant advance in agricultural technology
of the development of terraced farms. Terraces such as the rice terraces of Ifugao
was an improvement in agriculture because it represented the natives understanding
on how to harness water, gravity and other elements in the environment.
Along with the rice paddies of the lowlands which were developed around 100BCE,
terraces demonstrated that the natives were beginning to settle in one place instead

of the nomadic life typical of slash and burn farmers. The next period of Philippine
prehistory is the incipient period which covers the 500BCE to CE 900. This was
characterized by the dawning of the Metal Age which occurred around 800BCE. By
CE 200 weaving and woodcarving were undertaken.
Foreign influence started in Filipino writing with Sanskrit features developed
beginning at CE 200. At around CE 300 the country began trading with its Asian
neighbors chiefly with the indianized states in the south. By CE 600 the natives
managed to build for trade and warfare. The period coincide with the height of the
srivijaya empire (683-1,275) based in Sumatra. The next period in Philippine
prehistory is the emergent period which covers CE 900-1400CE. Among the
Ilocanos there was a power arrangement which babacnang or the amaentiili wielded
dominant power and influence.
Gaddangs who choose the best head taker called the mingal as the head of the
settlements. Among the visayans the warays had a balangay whose leader is
elected because of his wealth, wisdom, and strength. In mindano, the mandayas
were divided into small groups were ruled by warrior for his brave deeds called
bagani. The warriors headed by a magani wore a kerchief showin how many
enemies he killed in battle. There was one datu who heard cases were called a
taukum. The one who settled the cases was the tausay while the military leader was
the bahani. The alipinsaguiguilid or saguiuilir had no rights and were considered as
properties which can be bought or sold. Another development during the emergent
period was the formation of the ethno linguistic groups. Indigenous music developed
at around CE500 and various musical instruments were used such as the gong,
kulintang, and the Jews harp which were made of local materials. Economic
institutions were also developed at that time based on common principles. As
communities became more defined trade with each other was becoming more
important. Piracy was considered a legitimate activity and it was not limited to the
moros who practiced it both as legitimate profession and as a form of resistance to
Spanish aggression. Trade was conduct with foreigners as early as CE 300
especially with the indianized states of south Asia particularly with sulu where the
people from southern annamcalled orang dampuans arrived around CE900-1200
and traded with the native of jolo called buranuns. It was not until the 13 th century
when the orandampuans returned to trade with sulu.
Trade between china and Philippines is known to have taken place before CE900
through Arab traders who plied a route which began at Malacca through Borneo,
Philippines, and Formosa before landing at ports like canton. Through the Arabs
Southeast Asian products including the Philippines reached china. During the song
(sung) dynasty (960-1127) Chinese ships began coming to the Philippines. Parts of
the Philippines were identified in Chinese maps in the song shih or annals of the

song dynasty like liu-sung or Luzon which most likely came from lusong or mortar.
Another name Ma-yi referred to Mindoro, maliliu which corresponded as pu-liliu. In
1405, the Chinese sent pun taokong to sulu to collect tribute. His tomb still exists in
jattitunggal, jolo until today. The payment of tribute did not actually mean surrender
sovereignty but it ensured continued trade with Chinese empire. During the ming
dynasty emperor yung le built a fleet of more than 400 vessels as a means to show
the high degree of Chines civilization and to demand recogniotion of Chinas
leadership from its neighbors. Around 1402, yung le sent a fleet a more than 60
vessels under admiral zheng he (cheng ho) which visited lingayen, manila bay,
Mindoro, and sulu. The visits took place in 1405-1406, 1408; and 14. The emperor
also sent kochalao as governor of Luzon. In 1417, a tribute mission to china was led
by the eastern king of sulu named padukabatara.
By the time the Spaniards arrived there were Japanese in manila, some of whom
were already Christianized after being baptized by the Portuguese japan. Compared
to the Chinese the Japanese community eventually dissipated following the decrees
of the tukogawashogunate during the 17 th century prohibiting contact with the outside
world. Other countries which traded with the Philippines included Persians and turks
whose products like martaban jars were quite common and were passed on to
several generations.


As the birth of a child, when a pregnant woman feels the first birth pains, she
moves to the bank stream or a river sometimes without assistance.
At an early age, the boys are thought to do light households as a preparation
for their aduls lives.
Dalagas- unmarried woman who are either virgins or not
Bugus- those that were chase and known for their virginity
Kiral- those who gave their sexual factors
Marriage between poor people take place in simple ceremonies with the
partaking from the same cup of wine wealthier couples have more elaborate
Marriage was not allowed among first degree kin but a niece is allowed to
marry her uncle.
Pangolin a man ca attracts back his wife who had fled to her relatives by a
Prehispanic Filipinos developed their own garments which were move from
abaca and cotton.
Men wore a haggan or kaggan a collarless jacket or shirt.

Color of jacket appears to indicate the rank of the wearer , yellow or red
jacket by hobbles or maharlikas, blue or black a Men of lower rank
Putong- wrapped around head
The color of the putong demonstrates a mans manliness, red putong
symbolized he had killed a man in battle.
Weapons were part of the male dress, often the headman carries a spear or
kampilan as a sign of his authority.
Some prehispanicfilipinomen placed pins through their reproductive organ as
a means for greater stimulation of their sex partners.
Tagbuk- pin was inserted durin childhood.
Sakra- pin served to archor a ring coughed with blunt teeth.
Bulitas- senxual desire were metals pellets
Prehispanicfilipinos were found of jewelry which were made of gold, pearls,
mother of pearls, celam shells , jade ivory, camelian and other precious stone
Filipino jewelry came in many forms & styles
panika and panikaan- rings and plugs
Pamarang and barut- large gold plugs
Dalin-dalin- simple loops
Kayon-kayong- pendants hanging from the earnings
Dalopang- rosettes
Decorative density was also practice
Prehispanicfilipinos practice skull molding
The homes of the Filipinos are built to adapt to the vagaries of the
Some like the ilongorrs, mandayas, and kalingas build their own houses, or
treetops as protection their enemies.
The Filipino developed elaborate arts and products.
As a seagori Arrival of Abu bakr, who establishes the sultanate of Sulu and
people the Filipinos developed a maritime tradition and built boats for trading,
fishing, and war?
The staple food of the prehispanicfilipinos consisted of millet, rice, and root
crops like taro or gabi and yams (ube)
Filipinos also raised domestic animals the most preferred of which was the
pug which was either pastured in the woodlands or raised
The filipinoshaa different alcoholic beverages is such as to puy ,baya of the
Pangasi- made from rice
Basi- made fom sugar cane
Alak/arak- distilled from sugar cane or coconut sap.
Lambanog/aguardiente- spaniards- made from tuba
Betel nut chewing was a favorite pastime among the pre-Hispanic Filipinos

The early Filipinos had a system of writing which had the influences of
Sanskrit and Arabic.
The pre-Hispanic Filipinos developed unique literatures which were both
written and unwritten.
Daily bathing is done by Filipinos to maintain their health and hygiene.
Massaging is done for injured and dislocated muscles.
The pre-Spanish Filipinos did not have formal schools, they were taught
reading and writing in their own homes.
The pre-Spanish- believed that the soul was immortal. They believed life after
Pre-Spanish Filipinos performed circumcision of their sons, a special rite done
for their health cleanliness
The ancient Filipinos believed in the existence of the world of spirit who could
either health or torment them.
The pre-Hispanic Filipinos developed weapons for their protection and for
offensive purposes.
Spears were also important weapons and goods ones are kept highly


Islam arrived in Southeast Asia around CE 700-1000 through Arab traders,
missionaries and Sufi wanderers, mystics known as Makhdumin brought
Islam at Malacca johore near to what is today the modern Singapore upon
arriving in buwansa in 1380 Makhdum and his followers spread Islam with
great zeal. Then years later a Muslim prince from Minangkabau, Sumatra
named rajah baguinda arrived in jolo. In 1450, an authority of Islamic
jurisprudence and theology named sayyid ABU BAKR arrived in jolo Abu Bakr
was said to be a descendant of the prophet Mohammed. Arriving in jolo he
married rajah baguindas daughter named paramisuli and taught the people to
read and write Arabic islam spread to Mindanao with the arrival sharif
Mohammed kabungsuan in 1475. Kabungsuan who was also known as
shariful-hashim was the son of sharifalizainanakadir who was said to be a
descendant of the prophet Mohammed. By 1500, manila had a Muslim
settlement with strong ties with sulu, Mindanao and Borneo. With the
destruction of the Muslim settlement in manila by the Spaniards in 1571, the
Muslims retreated to Mindanao and sulu where they held out until the end of
Spanish rule. The rapid spread of Islam which took only 191 years from the
arrival of Makhdum to the destruction of solimans kingdom in manila in 1571

is attributed
to its appeal to the pre-Hispanic Filipinos. The Islamic
missionaries married women belonging to the datu class thus, giving them a
following in the community. The Muslim missionaries were an inspiration to
the natives being marked with zeal for they helped the people in their various


The desire of the Europeans to have access to the wealth of East Asia
brought them to the Philippines during the 16 th century. From the time of the
Roman Empire, Asia was considered the source of exotic and valuable goods
such as the silk of china, precious stones of India, and the spices of
Southeast Asia. At the time of the crusade who partook of the food sprinkled
with the spices as well as garments made from silk and precious stone from
India and other countries. The demand of Asian products caused the
development of a thriving caravan trade run by Arabs, Turks and central
Asians. A small shipment of spices was worth its weight in gold and could
generate immense profits. Merchants had to negotiate for the right to trade at
the source then pay the necessary taxes and courtesies to kingdoms along
the way before reaching the trading centers at Constantinople, Alexandria, or
Haifa before European could by the goods and sell them at various points of
the continent. For the kingdoms Moluccas the local chiefs controlled the trade
in spices and good trade with only those who were friendly to them. Spices
were very much in demand in Europe because these help to preserve meat
especially during winter and give it a more palatable taste. European trading
houses such as those in Venice and Florence reaped huge profits in the trade
enabling their cities to flaunt their affluence. In 1415 the Portuguese invaded
the city of Ceuta in North Africa and freed a thousand Christian slaves. Under
prince henry the navigator the Portuguese began to support expeditions to
southern Africa. Prince Henry recruited the best navigator from Italy, Jewish
astronomers, makers, and sailors from Spain. The urge to reach East Asia by
sea became more compelling following the fall of Constantinople to the Turks
in 1453. In 1488 the Portuguese under Bartholomew Diaz rich the cape of
storms at the southern end of Africa and renamed it the Cape of Good Hope.
By 1498, vasco da gama rounded the cape and reach coast of east Africa.
From India the Portuguese under alfonso de Albuquerque reach Malacca in
1510 which they seized a year later. From Malacca the Portuguese were able
to reach the sources of the spices in tidore and ternate in the Moluccas.

1521- There is evidence which suggest that the Europeans knew the
existence of islands that would be called the Philippines before the arrival the
Spaniards under Ferdinand Magellan.
1521- a Portuguese map made, indicated island which appears to be
Earlier 1512- an Italian traveller named ludovico di varthema sailed in the
Celebes and most likely landed in southern Mindanao.
Ferdinand Serrano- Rescued from an Island in sulu in 1520.
Duarte Barbosa- was said to have landed in Mindanao.
Tome pires- first Portuguese chronicler; he wrote suma oriental; he described
lucoes people who lived in Luzon.
Francisco Rodriguez- Portuguese cartographer; made a representation of the
Philippines in a map.
Other Portuguese who works indicated their knowledge about the Philippines
before the arrival of Magellan. These are fernaolopez de castanheda, joao de
barros, gasparcorreia, Antonio galvao, diogo de cuoto.
After 1522- showed the representation of islands like Mindanao and the
Zamboanga peninsula indicating that the Portuguese had been there.
Columbus- had proposed to sail to Asia by sailing west was inspired by the
Florentin map maker Paolo Toscanilli; made a fall at Samana cay in October
1492 in later in Cuba; named dark-skinned inhabitants Indians not knowing
that he had discovered an entirely new land.
Paolo Toscanilli - he drew maps that in japan were at the other end of the
May 3, 1893 - Alexander IV issued papal bull called Inter Caetera.
1494- The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed; had divided the non-Christian
world between Portuguese and spanish halves.
1500- Vasco Nunez De Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean.


In 1518 a Portuguese named FernaoMagalhaes (Fernando Magallanes in
Spanish, Ferdinand Magellan in English) proposed King Charles V that he
could reach the Moluccas by sailing west. His proposal was originally
broached to King Joao I (John I) of Portugal. Magellan once served
Portuguese navy under Alfonso De Almeida n 1505 fought with distinction and
the capture of malacca in 1511 in which he later wounded in subsequent
battles which left him limp. The expedition send from sonlucar de barameda
and sailed in water which had never before been sailed a European. While
spending winter at riot deplatamagalhaes suppressed a mutiny and nipped a
second lot. While looking for a passenger to the pacific the larger ship of the

fleet San Antonio deserted on the fleet on November 20 and left for spain,
magalhaes discovered the straights the would bear his name through which
he found his passage to the pacific ocean. For the next 5 months the
expedition ran out for the supply. In February 1521, the expedition reached
the islasdelasvelas Latinas which was likely want in the marianas. After
getting back his precious boat magalhaes and his men forsibly obtained
supply from the natives and held many of them. Magalhaes sailed westward
reaching the Philippines on March 16, 1591 the fist day of saint lazaro
therefore naming the archipelago islas de san lazaro. On March 17, they
landed at humonhon to get fresh water and supply. On march 28, they moved
to lemasawa they met some Filipino nobles Colambo and siawi( siawi).
Arriving in sugbo (cebu), they met the shifting humabon who demanded that
magalhaes pay tribute to him. On april 27, 1521, magalhaes with 60 men
landed at mactan. Magalhaes men were overwhelmed by lapu-lapus superior
force and some were killed. It was decided that the expedition be divided into
two ships with the victoria under del cano return to spain via the indian ocean
while the Trinidad sail through the pacific ocean the Trinidad encountered
severe storms and adverse winds in the northern pacific prompting it to
returned to the Moluccas and surrender to the Portuguese while the victoria
manage to cross the Indian ocean and round the cape of good hope and
return to civil victorias cargo of spices however, was more than enough to
cover the costs of the expedition which proved that the world was round and
that there were more lands to colonize and people to convert to Christianity.
The years up to 1566 were characterized by intense Portuguese Spanish
rivalry. In 1523 simau de Abreu entered the Philippines through the Moluccas
and passed through islands listed dantreminao and taguina which appear as
mindanaobasilan in latter-day maps. 1526 another Portuguese mariner
named fernaolopez de castanheda also passed the same route as de Abreu
from malacca. The next expidetion reached tidore in January 12, 1527 but
encountered a large Portuguese force. A battle ensued and lasted for days.
De Salazar was forced to burn his ships and flee with his men to the hilla. In
1528, simau de vera was sent by captain joerge de meneses from ternate to
malacca but landed in mindanao were has reportedly killed by the moros .in
1535, joao de canha pinto arrived in surigao where he established peaceful
contact and obtained some gold. 1538, Portuguese again sent an expedition
to mindanao. Led by Francisco de castro also had orders from Antonio galvao
the captain of the Portuguese settlement at malacca to spread Christianity in
mindanao. De castro also maintaind a journal which described the land and
resources of the island. In 1543, the Portuguese sent another expedition to
mindanao to enforce its claim that the philipiines laid on the Portuguese side
of the world. it Was also the same year ruylopez de villalobos also reached

samar after leaving 1529 the treaty of Zaragoza was concluded
the spanish and Portuguese hemisphere. The Portuguese
continued their exploration of the islands and by 1545 a mariner named
perofedalgo arrived in what appeard to be Luzon. The Portuguese who
attempted to oust the Spaniards from the Philippines came as late as 1566.
The attempts of the Portuguese to assert themselves in the Philippines lasted
until 1580 when king Philip II claimed the throne. At the time the Portuguese
presence was already in the decline, and they were not able to establish a
presence in Luzon especially after the establishment of a new capital in
manila in 1571.


1564- the arrival of Miguel lopez de legazpi; marked the actual colonization of
the Philippines..
February 13, 1565- the expedition arrive off cebu.
March 15, 1565- legazpi, had taken place aboard his ship.
April 27- he returned to cebu and defeated tupas.
Juan de camuz one of legazpiz men recovered an image of the child jesus
which was earlier to humabons wife by magahaes in 1521.
Ciudad del santissimonombre de jesus(city of the most holy name of jesus)
Legazpi made peace with tupas who accepted Christianity and was baptized
as felipe.
Fray andress de urdaneta the ship san. Pedro under of his guidance; surviver
of the ealierloaise expedition; he was able to drew the return route from
Philippines to Mexico.
1569 legazpi to panay where he founded another spanish settlement in iloilo.
May 8 1570 legazpi sent marshal martin de goiti to manila with 120 spaniards
and 600 panay allies.
Marshal Martin de goiti found manila a busy port frequented by traders from
japan, china, siam, and other parts of asia.
May 24 de goiti landed at maynilad and burned down the settlement.
April 1571 legazpi left panay for manila with 280 Spaniards 600 visayan allies.
June 3, 1571 Spanish and native forces clashed at bankusaychanel.
June 24, 1571 legazpi formed the government of the new city of manila
calling it nuevacastilla and made it the capital of the colony.


The colonization of the Philippines by spain could not be achieved without the
help of natives allies. The success of spanish colonization was always
attributed by historians of the zeal of the missionaries and the superiority of
spanish arms. The estimated population of the Philippines in 1565 when
legazpi claimed the archipelago for spain was between a million to 1.25
million natives and there were around less than 500 spanioards. The success
of colonization was largely due to the practice of spanish explorers of
befriending the local chiefs. Reflecting a medieval tradition an offer of
friendship and protection is given by the spaniards the exchange for
recognition of the power of the spanishmonarch by the natives.thesandugo
became a contract that symbolized the end of freedom and the beginning of a
life being a subject of a spain. In 1571, a referendum was conducted among
the datu families of manila asking their permission if spain was to remain in
the city to continue safeguarding them against their enemies. The opinion of
the datus was that they favored Spanish presence. Raja matanda consented
to give the Spaniards a land for their settlement and moved out of maynilad
which became the walled city of intramuros. Other refenderums were
duplicated in pangasinan and other places. In 1521, matanda, who was
actually raja ache, was captured by pigafettas group off borneo. He was
identified by pigafettas men as the king of Luzon and was well-treated and
impressed by pigafetta and his men. When the spaniards now led by legazpi
arrived in 1571, ache who had become an old man, cordially welcome them.
The spaniards proclaimed that matanda was the first to recognize spanish
authority and was the first to be converted to Christianity. He was baptized as
don Fernando malangbalagtas in honor of king Ferdinand of Spain. When
matanda died in 1572, legazpi and other high officials personaly carried his
remains which interred in front of the main altar of the manila cathedral, a
place of the highest honor. Another prominent leader who cooperated with the
spaniards was raja lakandula who was baptized as don carloslacandola in
honor of emperor Charles V of the holy roman empire who was also king
Charles I of spain at the ensure the loyalty of the datu class, the
spaniards exempted them and thuer descendants from taxers, polo or
community labor, and other colonial impositions. Some of them received
appointments as local officials and other titles in their ancestral domains such
as maestre de ocampo, captain de infanteria, sargento mayor,
gobernadorcillio, and cabeza de barangay. Their descendants became the
basis of the cacique class who ruled the natives for the spaniards. Theye
were also required to pay a title fee called media anata which allowed them to
enjoy their privileges and titles. In time the descendants of these datus who
were co-opted by the Spaniards found in the themselves destitute and
dispossessed as the lands which they formerly owned were sold, mortgaged

or became part of encomiendas owned by individuals or religious orders.

Datus who decided to oppose Spains colonization were met by force often
with the help of natives allies. The method of pacification was not entirely
developed be the colonizers in the islands but it was in compliance with a
royal ordinance on pacification issued 1573. Before he led a revolt against the
spaniards in 1660, Andres malong of pangasinan was given an encomienda
of 36 tributary families among the natives who wete no-Christians and
vagabonds in eastern pangasinan. Encomiendas were also given for the
caciques who undertook exploration and conquest for the Spaniards such as
Francisco Tuliau of Cagayan who was authorized to subjugate babuyan,
caruyan and Batan Island for spain in 1619; and Pedro Mateo pilac of
pangasinan who helped subjugate the igorots in 1610; and Pedro tugani who
was allowed to enjoy the srvices of 75 tributary families in 1642 for his years
subjugate the tingguians in Abra. The prospect of booty is reflected in the
repartimiento system. The term came from the spanishrepartir- to allot or
locate. It was a system or assigning quotas of exploitable goods, services,
and persons. Repartamiento allowed the spaniards to seize the wealth and
food of the conquistador natives including the looting of graves which took
place in cebu. Repartamiento was permitted since many of the spaniards and
their followers had no salary and many of them were adventures. The
spaniards established a number of cities or villas from which they began to
pacify the outlying barangays. Aside from manila which founded in 1571,
others were villa Fernandina or vigan which established in 1574;
nuevacaceres or naga, 1579; nueva Segovia or lal-lo, 1582; santisimonombre
de jesus or cebu, 1571; andarevalo in Iloilo in 1582. Forays to the country
had to be joined by a force formed in manila with large number of tagalog and
pompano troops. The two groups were favored by the spaniards for their
fightin prowess. The party would be joined by natives from the province.since
the country was divided into thousands of scattered barangays; it became
necessary to gather the population in places where they could be
conveniently administered by colonial and religious officials. This process
called reduction, was responsible for forming the nucleus of many towns or
pueblos. The natives now called indios by the colonizers were separated from
the infieles or the unpacified natives. The augustinians who were the first to
arrive with legazpi in 1571 were given the islands of cebu, Iloilo, manila,
pangasinan, and the ilocos region. The franciscans who arrived in 1577 were
sent to the southern tagalog and the bicol region. Tha Jesuits who came in
1583 were sent to evangelize eastern Visayas, Cebu, Bohol, Samar, Leyte,
and Mindanao. The Dominicans who arrived in 1587 were assigned to
Bataan, Pangasinan, the rest of northern Luzon, and Batanes.the recollects
who arrived in 1606 were assigned in northern mindanao, Palawan and

Zambales, and some of the Jesuit missions following the explosion of the
Jesuit order from the Philippines in 1759. Benecdictinesarrived in 1895. There
was unity of church and state as the king of spain was designated as the
royal patron or patronato real by the pope. Colonial officials could perform
certain functions with regard to the church while could perform state
functions. The spanish priest also petitioned for the creation of visitas and
towns. Among them was Fr. Miguel ducos who fought the moros in misamis
and was credited with the construction of the forttriunfo at the mouth of the
pangil bay. Others were the Augustinian Gaspar de Medina who wrote about
the early years of spanish rule in his work entitled, conquistasliasislas
Filipinas. The early spanish missions served as places for religious training
and missionaries propagated religious arts in their missions.


The Philippines was placed under a governor general who is appointed by the
1565-1821- the country was governed indirectly by spain through the viceroy
of new spain (Nueva espania in mexico).
Real y supremoconsejo de Indians (royal and supremr council of the indias) it governed the Philippines; established by king carlos I in 1524.
King- the supreme a lawmaker and administration of all the colonies and was
guided by the recompilation de los leyes de lasindias (compilation of the laws
of the indias)
Consejo de lasindias- was replaced by the ministro de ultramar or ministry of
the colonies in 1863.
Governor general- who carried the rank of captain general is the commander
of the colonial army navy in the Philippines.
Real audiencia (royal audiencia) or supreme court- which was the highest
court in the country and served as an advisory body.
Vice Real patron- had power to appoint parish priests and surprise missionary
Alcadia- was headed by an alcalde mayor.
Corregimiento- led by a military or naval officer called a Corregidor.
Only Spaniards could be appointed as alcalde mayors and Corregidors.
1886- The position of provincial governor was created and the alcalde
became a provincial judge.
Juez de Residencia- Residencias were presided over by a judge.
Visitador real- or a royal visitor-who arrived in the colony unannounced and
Governadorcillio- Equivalent to the modern town mayor.

Cabezas de barangay- who served for 27 years were exempted from forced





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