SQL For Everybody Part 1
SQL For Everybody Part 1
SQL For Everybody Part 1
Structured query language (SQL) is:
The ANSI standard language for operating relational databases
Efficient, easy to learn and use
Functionally complete (using SQL, we can define, retrieve, and manipulate data
in the tables)
In a relational database, we do not specify the access route to the tables, and
we do not need to know how the data is arranged physically. To access the
database, we execute a structured query language (SQL) statement, which is the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard language for operating
relational databases.
SQL is a set of statements with which all programs and users access data in an
Oracle Database. Application programs and Oracle tools often allow users access
to the database without using SQL directly, but these applications, in turn, must
use SQL when executing the users request.
SQL provides statements for a variety of tasks, including:
Querying data
Inserting, updating, and deleting rows in a table
Creating, replacing, altering, and dropping objects
Controlling access to the database and its objects
Guaranteeing database consistency and integrity
SQL unifies all of the preceding tasks in one consistent language and enables
you to work with data at a logical level.
(Data Manipulation
(Data Definition
(Data Control
(Transaction Control
Provides or removes
access rights to both
the Oracle Database
and the structures
within it
We can display the structure of a table by using the DESCRIBE command. The
command displays the column names and the data types, and it shows you whether a
column must contain data (that is, whether the column has a NOT NULL constraint).
DESC[RIBE] tablename
In the syntax, tablename is the name of any existing table, view, or synonym that
is accessible to the user.
Or, select the table in the Connections tree and use the Columns tab to view the
table structure.
The example in the slide displays information about the structure of the
EMPLOYEES table using the DESCRIBE command or using the SQL Developer
In the resulting display:
- NULL indicates that the values for this column may be unknown.
- NOT NULL indicates that a column must contain data.
- Type displays the data type for a column.
For the moment, we will discuss only about 3 data type for columns.
Numeric columns are often specified as NUMBER(p,s), where the first parameter
is precision and the second is scale. In our example, the SALARY column of the
EMPLOYEES table has a data type of: NUMBER(8,2). This means that the values
stored in this column can have at most 8 digits. Of these 8 digits, 2 must be to the right
of the decimal point. A SALARY value of 999999.99 is acceptable, but a SALARY
value of 9999999.9 is not, even though both these numbers contain 8 digits.
DATE and TIMESTAMP column data types store date and time information.
DATE stores a moment in time with precision including day, month, year,
hours, minutes, and seconds.
TIMESTAMP(f) stores the same information as DATE but is also capable of
storing fractional seconds.
Table Descriptions
REGIONS contains rows that represent a region such as America, Asia, and so on.
COUNTRIES contains rows for countries, each of which is associated with a
LOCATIONS contains the specific address of a specific office, warehouse, or
production site of a company in a particular country.
DEPARTMENTS shows details about the departments in which the employees
work. Each department may have a relationship representing the department
manager in the EMPLOYEES table.
EMPLOYEES contains details about each employee working for a department.
Some employees may not be assigned to any department.
JOBS contains the job types that can be held by each employee.
JOB_HISTORY contains the job history of the employees. If an employee
changes departments within a job or changes jobs within a department, a new
row is inserted into this table with the earlier job information of the employee.
EMPLOYEES gives details of all the employees
DEPARTMENTS gives details of all the departments
JOB_GRADES gives details of salaries for various grades
1. Start Oracle SQL Developer using the SQL Developer Desktop Icon
2. Create a new Oracle SQL Developer Database Connection
a. To create a new database connection, in the Connections Navigator, right-click
Connections and select New Connection from the context menu. The New/Select Database
Connection dialog box appears.
b. Create a database connection using the following information:
Connection Name: myconnection
Username: hr
Password: hr
Hostname: localhost
Port: 1521
SID: orcl
Ensure that you select the Save Password check box.
3. Testing the Oracle SQL Developer Database Connection and Connecting to the Database
a. Test the new connection.
b. If the status is Success, connect to the database using this new connection.
Table 1
Table 1
Table 1
Table 2
In the example in the slide, the DEPARTMENTS table contains four columns:
many rows, one for each department.
We can also display all columns in the table by listing them after the SELECT
keyword. For example, the following SQL statement (like the example in the slide)
displays all columns and all rows of the DEPARTMENTS table:
We can use the SELECT statement to display specific columns of the table by
specifying the column names, separated by commas. The example in the slide
displays all the department numbers and location numbers from the DEPARTMENTS
In the SELECT clause, specify the columns that you want in the order in which
we want them to appear in the output. For example, to display location before
department number (from left to right), we can use the following statement:
SELECT location_id, department_id
FROM departments ;
The general form of the SELECT statement introduced the notion that
columns and expressions are selectable. An expression is usually made up of
an operation being performed on one or more column values. The operators
that can act upon column values to form an expression depend on the data
type of the column.
They are the four cardinal arithmetic operators (addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division) for numeric columns; the concatenation operator
for character or string columns; and the addition and subtraction operators
for date and timestamp columns.
Arithmetic operators
We may need to modify the way in which data is displayed, or we may
want to perform calculations, or look at what-if scenarios. All these are
possible using arithmetic expressions.
An arithmetic expression can contain column names, constant numeric
values, and the arithmetic operators.
We can use arithmetic operators in any clause of a SQL statement (except the
FROM clause).
The example in the slide uses the addition operator to calculate a salary increase of
$300 for all employees. The slide also displays a SALARY+300 column in the output.
Note that the resultant calculated column, SALARY+300, is not a new column in the
EMPLOYEES table; it is for display only. By default, the name of a new column comes
from the calculation that generated itin this case, salary+300.
Note: The Oracle server ignores blank spaces before and after the arithmetic operator.
Operator Precedence
If an arithmetic expression contains more than one operator, multiplication
and division are evaluated first. If operators in an expression are of the same
priority, evaluation is done from left to right.
We can use parentheses to force the expression that is enclosed by the
parentheses to be evaluated first.
Rules of Precedence
Multiplication and division occur before addition and subtraction.
Operators of the same priority are evaluated from left to right.
Parentheses are used to override the default precedence or to clarify the
Precedence Level
Operator Symbol
Brackets or parentheses
NULL value
Null is a value that is unavailable, unassigned, unknown or inapplicable.
Null is not the same as zero or a blank space.
SELECT last_name, job_id, salary, commission_pct
FROM employees;
If a row lacks a data value for a particular column,
that value is said to be null or to contain a null.
Is not the same as zero or a blank space - zero is a
number and blank space is a character.
Columns of any data type can contain nulls. However, some constraints (NOT NULL
and PRIMARY KEY) prevent nulls from being used in the column.
In the COMMISSION_PCT column in the EMPLOYEES table, notice that only a sales
manager or sales representative can earn a commission. Other employees are not
entitled to earn commissions. A null represents that fact.
If any column value in an arithmetic expression is null, the result is null. For
example, if you attempt to perform division by zero, you get an error. However, if
you divide a number by null, the result is a null or unknown.
In the example in the slide, employee Whalen does not get any commission.
Because the COMMISSION_PCT column in the arithmetic expression is null, the
result is null.
The second example displays the last names and annual salaries of
all the employees. Because Annual Salary contains a space, it has
been enclosed in double quotation marks.
Note that the column heading in the output is exactly the same as
the column alias.
Note: An alias cannot be referenced in the column list that contains
the alias definition.
Concatenation operator
SELECT last_name||job_id AS "Employees"
FROM employees;
A concatenation operator:
Links columns or character strings to other columns
Is represented by two vertical bars (||)
Creates a resultant column that is a character expression
AS "Employee Details"
The example in the slide displays the last names and job codes of
all employees. The column has the heading Employee Details.
Note the spaces between the single quotation marks in the SELECT
statement. The spaces improve the readability of the output.
What about character literals that contain single quotation marks? Plurals pose a particular
problem for character literal processing. Consider the following statement:
The Oracle server processes this segment to mean that the character literal 'Plural' is
aliased as column s. At this point, the interpreter expects a FROM clause, but instead finds
the word have. It then generates an error.
So, how are words that contain single quotation marks dealt with? There are
essentially two mechanisms available. The most popular of these is to add an
additional single quotation mark next to each naturally occurring single quotation
mark in the character string.
Many SQL statements use character literals in expressions or conditions. If the literal
itself contains a single quotation mark, you can use the quote (q) operator and select
your own quotation mark delimiter.
We can choose any convenient delimiter, single-byte or multibyte, or any of the
following character pairs: [ ], { }, ( ), or < >.
In the example shown, the string contains a single quotation mark, which is normally
interpreted as a delimiter of a character string. By using the q operator, however,
brackets [ ] are used as the quotation mark delimiters. The string between the brackets
delimiters is interpreted as a literal character string.
DUAL table
What about processing literals that have nothing to do with existing column data?
To ensure relational consistency, Oracle offers a clever solution to the problem of
using the database to evaluate expressions that have nothing to do with any tables or
columns. To get the database to evaluate an expression, a syntactically legal SELECT
statement must be submitted.
What if you wanted to know the sum of two numbers or two numeric literals?
These questions can only be answered by interacting with the database in a relational
manner. Oracle solves the problem of relational interaction with the database
operating on literal expressions by offering a special table called DUAL.
You can execute the query:
and the data value X is returned as the contents of the DUMMY column.
The DUAL table allows literal expressions to be selected from it for processing and
returns the expression results in its single row. It is exceptionally useful since it enables
a variety of different processing requests to be made from the database.
You may want to know how many seconds there are in a year. The following
example demonstrates an arithmetic expression executed against the DUAL table.
Duplicate Rows
SELECT department_id
FROM employees;
The default display of queries is all rows, including
duplicate rows.
To eliminate duplicate rows in the result, include the DISTINCT keyword in the
SELECT clause immediately after the SELECT keyword. In the second example in the
slide, the EMPLOYEES table actually contains 20 rows, but there are only seven unique
department numbers in the table.
We can specify multiple columns after the DISTINCT qualifier. The DISTINCT
qualifier affects all the selected columns, and the result is every distinct combination
of the columns.
The capabilities of the SELECT statement introduce the three fundamental theoretical
concepts of projection, selection, and joining. Practical examples that illustrate
selection include building the SELECT clause and using the DISTINCT keyword to limit
the rows returned. Projection is demonstrated in examples where columns and
expressions are restricted for retrieval. The second objective of executing a SQL
statement measures your understanding of the basic form of the SELECT statement.
The exam measures two aspects:
-First, syntax is measured: you are required to spot syntax errors. SQL syntax errors
are raised when the Oracle interpreter does not understand a statement. These errors
could take the form of statements missing terminators such as a missing semicolon, not
enclosing character literals in appropriate quote operators, or statements making use
of invalid reserved words.
-Second, the meaning of a statement is measured. You will be presented with a
syntactically legitimate statement and asked to choose between accurate and
inaccurate descriptions of that statement. The exam measures knowledge around the
certification objectives using multiple choice format questions. Your understanding of
column aliasing, arithmetic and concatenation operators, character literal quoting, the
alternative quote operator, SQL statement syntax, and basic column data types will be
1. List the Capabilities of SQL SELECT Statements
a. The three fundamental operations that SELECT statements are capable of are projection,
selection, and joining.
b. Projection refers to the restriction of columns selected from a table. Using projection,
you retrieve only the columns of interest and not every possible column.
c. Selection refers to the extraction of rows from a table. Selection includes the further
restriction of the extracted rows based on various criteria or conditions. This allows you
to retrieve only the rows that are of interest and not every row in the table.
d. Joining involves linking two or more tables based on common attributes. Joining allows
data to be stored in third normal form in discrete tables, instead of in one large table.
e. An unlimited combination of projections, selections, and joins provides the language to
extract the relational data required.
f. A structural definition of a table can be obtained using the DESCRIBE command.
g. Columns in tables store different types of data using various data types, the most
common of which are NUMBER, VARCHAR2, DATE, and TIMESTAMP.
h. The data type NUMBER(x,y) implies that numeric information stored in this column can
have at most x digits, but at least y of these digits must appear on the right hand side of
the decimal point.
i. The DESCRIBE command lists the names, data types, and nullable status of all columns in
a table.
j. Mandatory columns are also referred to as NOT NULL columns
k. If an alias contains multiple words or the case of the alias is important, it must be
enclosed in double quotation marks.
l. Naturally occurring single quotes in a character literal can be selected by making use of
either an additional single quote per naturally occurring quote or the alternative quote
m. The DUAL table is a single column and single row table that is often used to evaluate
expressions that do not refer to specific columns or tables.
n. Columns which are not governed by a NOT NULL constraint have the potential to store
null values and are sometimes referred to as nullable columns.
o. NULL values are not the same as a blank space or zero. NULL values refer to an absence
of data. Null is defined as a value that is unavailable, unassigned, unknown, or
p. Caution must be exercised when working with null values since arithmetic with a null
value always yields a null result.
Practice 1
2. The HR department wants a query to display the last name, job ID, hire date, and
employee ID for each employee, with the employee ID appearing first. Provide an alias
STARTDATE for the HIRE_DATE column. Save your SQL statement to a file named
test1.sql so that you can dispatch this file to the HR department.
Note: After you have executed the query, make sure that you do not enter your next query
in the same worksheet. Open a new worksheet.
The HR department wants a query to display all unique job IDs from the
4. The HR department wants more descriptive column headings for its report on
employees. Copy the statement from test1.sql to a new SQL Worksheet. Name
the columns Emp #, Employee, Job and Hire Date, respectively. Then run
the query again.
5. The HR department has requested a report of all employees and their job IDs.
Display the last name concatenated with the job ID (separated by a comma and
space) and name the column Employee and Title.
6. To familiarize yourself with the data in the EMPLOYEES table, create a query
to display all the data from that table. Separate each column output by a comma.
Name the column THE_OUTPUT.
7. The HR department has requested a report with following info: employees, jobs,
start date, end date and the number of days for which staff were employed in a job.
The output should looks exactly like this:
8. Query the JOBS table and return a single expression of the form
The Job Id for the <job_titles> job is: <job_id>.
Take note that the job_title should have an apostrophe and an s appended to it
to read more naturally.
A sample of this output for the organization president is:
The Job Id for the Presidents job is: AD_PRES
Alias this column expression as Job Description using the AS keyword.
Practice 2
1. Which query creates a projection of the DEPARTMENT_NAME and LOCATION_ID columns from the
DEPARTMENTS table? (Choose the best answer.)
2. After describing the EMPLOYEES table, you discover that the SALARY column has a data type of NUMBER(8,2).
Which SALARY value(s) will not be permitted in this column? (Choose all that apply.)
A. SALARY=12345678
B. SALARY=123456.78
C. SALARY=12345.678
D. SALARY=123456
E. SALARY=12.34
3. After describing the JOB_HISTORY table, you discover that the START_DATE and END_DATE columns
have a data type of DATE. Consider the expression END_DATE-START_DATE. (Choose two correct statements.)
A. A value of DATE data type is returned.
B. A value of type NUMBER is returned.
C. A value of type VARCHAR2 is returned.
D. The expression is invalid since arithmetic cannot be performed on columns with DATE data types.
E. The expression represents the days between the END_DATE and START_DATE less one day.
4. The DEPARTMENTS table contains a DEPARTMENT_NAME column with data type VARCHAR2(30).
(Choose two true statements about this column.)
A. This column can store character data up to a maximum of 30 characters.
B. This column must store character data that is at least 30 characters long
C. The VARCHAR2 data type is replaced by the CHAR data type.
D. This column can store data in a column with data type VARCHAR2(50) provided that the contents are at
most 30 characters long.
Which statement reports on unique JOB_ID values from the EMPLOYEES table? (Choose all that apply.)
Which expressions do not return NULL values? (Choose all that apply.)
select ((10 + 20) * 50) + null from dual;
select 'this is a '||null||'test with nulls' from dual;
select null/0 from dual;
select null||'test'||null as "Test" from dual;
7. Choose the two illegal statements. The two correct statements produce identical results. The two illegal
statements will cause an error to be raised:
A. SELECT DEPARTMENT_ID|| ' represents the '||
DEPARTMENT_NAME||' Department' as "Department Info"
B. SELECT DEPARTMENT_ID|| ' represents the ||
DEPARTMENT_NAME||' Department' as "Department Info"
C. select department_id|| ' represents the '||department_name||
' Department' "Department Info"
from departments;
D. SELECT DEPARTMENT_ID represents the DEPARTMENT_NAME Department as
"Department Info"
8. Choose the correct syntax to return all columns and rows of data from the EMPLOYEES table.
A. select all from employees;
B. select employee_id, first_name, last_name, first_name, department_id
from employees;
C. select % from employees;
D. select * from employees;
E. select *.* from employees;
The following character literal expression is selected from the DUAL table:
SELECT 'Coda''s favorite fetch toy is his orange ring' FROM DUAL;
(Choose the result that is returned.)
A. An error would be returned due to the presence of two adjacent quotes
B. Coda's favorite fetch toy is his orange ring
C. Coda''s favorite fetch toy is his orange ring
D. 'Coda''s favorite fetch toy is his orange ring
10. There are four rows of data in the REGIONS table. Consider the following SQL statement:
How many rows of results are returned and what value is returned by the Area column? (Choose the best answer.)
A. 1 row returned, Area column contains value 36
B. 4 rows returned, Area column contains value 36 for all 4 rows
C. 1 row returned, Area column contains value 6 * 6
D. 4 rows returned, Area column contains value 6 * 6 for all 4 rows
E. A syntax error is returned.
Practice 3
1. Create a new Oracle SQL Developer Database Connection using the following
Connection Name: myconnection 2
Username: oe
Password: oe
Hostname: localhost
Port: 1521
SID: orcl
Ensure that you select the Save Password check box.
2. Obtain structural information for the PRODUCT_INFORMATION and ORDERS tables.
3. Select the unique SALES_REP_ID values from the ORDERS table. How many different
sales representatives have been assigned to orders in the ORDERS table?
4. Create a results set based on the ORDERS table that includes the ORDER_ID,
ORDER_DATE, and ORDER_TOTAL columns. Notice how the ORDER_DATE output is
formatted differently from the START_DATE and END_DATE columns in the HR.JOB_ID
4. The PRODUCT_INFORMATION table stores data regarding the products available for
sale in a fictitious IT hardware store. Produce a set of results that will be useful for a
sales person.
Extract product information in the following format:
The product: <PRODUCT_NAME> with code: <PRODUCT_ID> has
status of: <PRODUCT_STATUS>. Alias the expression as Product.
The results should provide the following info:
- product information
- the difference between LIST_PRICE and MIN_PRICE aliased as Max Actual
- an additional expression that takes the difference between LIST_PRICE and
MIN_PRICE and divides it by the LIST_PRICE and then multiplies the total by 100.
This last expression should be aliased as MaxDiscount %
5. Calculate the surface area of the Earth using the DUAL table.
Alias this expression as Earth's Area.
The formula for calculating the area of a sphere is: 4r2. Assume, for this example,
that the earth is a simple sphere with a radius of 3,958.759 miles and that is 22/7.