2015 11 IceCap Global Market Outlook

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Our view on global investment markets:

November 2015 Searching the world for yield

Keith Dicker, CFA
Chief Investment Officer
Twitter: @IceCapGlobal

November 2015

Searching the world for yield

You betcha!
Can it get any worse?

In the 1980s, term deposit investors routinely earned 15% and higher
on their guaranteed savings. Yes, with inflation running sky high the
real return was much lower. Yet, savers were accustomed to some
pretty nice nominal returns.
The 1990s rolled around, and so too did interest rates. In fact interest
rates rolled right on down to the 7.5% range. Suddenly all term
deposit investors were receiving 50% less than they did a short 10
years earlier. In other words these savers effectively took a 50% cut
in their investment income. Still, 7.5% was better than nothing.


Then came the 2000s. And when considering the number of zeros, it
is rather ironic in that by 2010, term deposit investors were earning
pretty close to 0%, or nothing to be exact.
So, in a very short 30 years the worlds central banks have completely
destroyed any chance for savers to earn anything on a safe, bank
Can it get any worse? You betcha it can, and it already has.

Average Term Deposit Rate













November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Dont be discouraged
Understanding Interest Rates

Were the first to admit, the investment industry has done a horrible
job of keeping things real simple. Yet, considering the industry is
chalk full of some very big egos maybe its no wonder the industry
makes everything so darn complicated.
Yet it shouldnt be. And, lets start with the often misunderstood
concept of interest rates.
Everything you buy has a price. The new Volkswagen Diesel car has a
price, as does the latest pair of Google Glasses, and so too does the
latest Lionel Ritchie album.

central banks such as the US Federal Reserve, the Bank of Canada, the
Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank.
The key to understanding interest rates and where they are headed is
being able to think like a central banker. Dont be discouraged by the
difficulty of gaining this perspective. After all, becoming a central
banker is rather difficult.
To begin with you spend roughly:
- 1/3 of your life studying at a university
- 1/3 of your life working for various government entities
- 1/3 of your life working for Goldman Sachs

Money also has a price, and it is priced as Interest Rates.

Then, and only then would you even be considered for the job of
telling people how much they should pay for money.

When you borrow money from a bank, you are effectively buying
money and the price you pay the bank is the rate of interest on the

More importantly, behind the eyes of every central banker is the belief
that by changing the price of money (interest rates), it will change the
demand for money.

Likewise, when you deposit money in a bank, the bank is effectively

buying money from you and the price they pay you is the rate of
interest on your cash balance or term deposit.

This thinking is really no different than The Gap clothing store. When
they want more people to buy their shirts, trousers and belts they
simply lower the price.

Unlike cars, glasses and music; the price of money isnt always
dependent upon the laws of supply and demand.

Alternatively, when The Gap figures out a lot of people are buying their
products, theyll raise the price.

Instead, the immediate price of money is established by the worlds

Of course, similarities between The Gap and your central bank end at
the mall.

November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Onward they march

While the CEO of The Gap believes he may be able to change the
fortune of the company, central banks believe they can change the
fortune of the entire planet.
Of course, if you believe no one can change the economic direction
of the entire planet you are correct. However, dont tell the central
If central banks are able to cure the economic world, then cutting
interest rates from 15% in the 1980s to 7.50% in the 1990s would
have cured all economic ills.
Instead the world witnessed:
- 1987 crash
- Savings & Loans crash
- Mexican Peso crash
- Asian currency crash
- Long-term Capital Management crash
And, if central banks are able to cure the economic world, then
cutting interest rates from 7.50% in the 1990s to 3.50% in the 2000s
would have cured all economic ills.
Instead the world witnessed:
- Tech market crash
- Housing market crash
- Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain government crash

Despite this brutal record, onward they march. Today, central banks
have cut interest rates to 0% and today we are witnessing:
- Declining global growth
- investors and savers searching the world for income
Weve discussed the lack of global growth before. Nothing has
changed the world continues to suffer from any acceleration in
economic growth, and this is despite 0% interest rates. Investors and
workers everywhere around the world need to grasp this all
important fact.
Which brings us back to understanding interest rates and predicting
where they are headed.
But first, we ask you to really think about the second point above:
investors and savers searching the world for income.
When central banks set the price of money (setting interest rates),
they do this from the perspective of the BUYER of money not the
SELLER of money. This is the key point in understanding interest rates.
Central banks believe that reducing the cost of money will encourage
and incentivize people and companies to BUY money. And when they
BUY money, they will then spend the money which will create
economic growth.
This makes sense on paper and it is what universities, governments
and Goldman Sachs have been telling everyone for over 30 years
therefore it MUST be true.

November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Are you buying or selling?

But it isnt.
If going from 15% to 7.5% created growth, and then going from 7.5%
to 3.5% created growth, then surely going from 3.5% to 0% should
definitely create growth.
Thats what both logic and linear thinking tells you.
Now, this is the point where the main street advisors and banks
stammer that things ARE improving. They whip out numerous charts
and data points showing year-over-year improvements in
employment, housing, real income, consumer sentiment, PE Ratios
and credit spreads.
Yes, things MUST be getting better.
But, if things really are getting better, why have central banks all over
the world continued to lower interest rates?
And worse still why are many lowering interest rates straight
through the illogical level of 0%?

While central banks are hoping their 0% and now NEGATIVE% interest
rates will stimulate a recovery; savers, and term deposit investors are
hoping for something very different a source of interest or income
greater than 0%.
Recall that the price of money has 2 sides: those who are buying
money and those who are selling money.
While central banks are hoping their 0% interest rate policies will
encourage people and companies to buy money, they have
simultaneously crushed the hopes of everyone who is selling money.
Yes, instead of earning 3.5%, 7.5% or 15% on their savings as they did
decades before, today savers everywhere have to either accept 0%
on their money or do something different, very different.
And in many ways, these very different things are creating trouble.
Most term deposit investors are risk-averse. They cannot tolerate
losses. They want safety of capital and the ability to earn interest on
their savings.

Yes, today practically all of Europe have journeyed through this once
fictional barrier and have now established NEGATIVE interest rates.

By creating 0% interest rates, central banks have thrown these savers

to the wolves of wall street. And once savers enter the wolves den,
only bad things can happen.

While central bankers cannot change the direction of the global

economy, they can certainly identify when things are not quite going
as well as it is hope for.

And in the investment world, this means doing things you wouldnt
ordinarily do such as investing in markets you have historically

November 2015

Searching the world for yield

The Search for the Yield

For example just 2 short years ago, Canadians searching for more
investment income were told to invest in Energy and Pipeline stocks.
These companies paid out 8% in dividends and savers were told these
companies were strong, their dividends were strong and the price of
oil was strong.
Instead, the price of oil collapsed 60% which caused many of these
companies to cut their dividends and the stocks fell over 40%:

-40% loss for conservative investors

Interest payments and forever forget about 0% term deposits.

Considering this group of investments has declined -3% over the last
year, we wonder just how forgetful these investors really are.
We should ask the following:
Why are savers investing in energy stocks and high yield bonds?
When central banks reduced interest rates to 0%, they effectively
forced savers to become the very thing they tried to avoid aggressive investors.
Of course, the investment industry has to accept some of the blame
as well. We see countless brochures, commercials and pop-up ads
screaming at people to Search for Yield.
Yes, these investment companies are suddenly claiming to being
experts in identifying stocks and bonds from around the world that
pay a nice, and sleep easy dividend.

Source: Blackrock/iShares

Another favourite investment strategy for income seeking savers has

been High Yield Bonds. Weve been told that bonds are always safe,
and that theres nothing to worry about. So load up and enjoy the 7%

As investment managers ourselves, we can tell you with absolute

certainty there are no free-investment meals in the world. If global
interest rates are at 0%, it means every other dividend and interest
rate significantly above 0% carries certain degrees of risk.
And if you want to know the next income seeking strategy that will
produce significant losses for investors, look no further than
emerging market bonds.

November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Faster, higher, stronger

Emerging market bonds are issued by countries who are still
developing their economies. While developing may not be the
most flattering word it is the word used by the industry.

However, when the US Dollar appreciates strongly it means these

countries have to use more of their local currency to pay back the US
Dollar debt.

Emerging market countries include Mexico, Russia, Turkey, Indonesia,

Philippines, Brazil, China and others. Truth be told, the back of the
envelop numbers completely support the investment thesis for
emerging market bonds.

When you combine this with a slowing global economy, it means

there will be even less local currency available to make the debt

Their economies are certainly growing faster than the USA, Europe
and every other developed nation.
In addition, they have less debt outstanding as well as very little in
the form of large and expensive social security systems.
In short, investments in these bonds make a whole lot of sense. And
this is what the investment industry is selling to investors.
In long however, these investments are on the verge of becoming a
disaster. What the back of the envelop doesnt tell you is that as
global growth continues to slow, international investors begin to
withdraw their capital from these markets regardless of how
fundamentally sound.

Of course, this deadly combination will only further frighten away

foreign investors and therefore creating broad selling across the
entire emerging market bond group.
If a stronger US Dollar does not materialize, then investments in
emerging market bonds will be fine. However, as the world continues
to grind lower, and central banks continue to experiment further with
NEGATIVE interest rates the likelihood of a US Dollar surge is
increasing by the day.
As such, kindly note our warning of emerging market bonds and the
next time you hear about a manager searching the world for yield, be
wary, very wary.

In addition, as we expect the US Dollar to surge versus all currencies,

it will have a major negative impact on these countries. Most of these
countries borrow money in US Dollars, while their economies use
their local currency.

November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Mythical Creatures

Now that the election is over, the new government can quickly get
down to work to missing all of their economic forecasts and budgets.
IceCap is apolitical we support neither the left, the center or the
right. Instead, we see the world with our global goggles and can
confirm that despite any and all economic policies from the new (or
old) government the Canadian economy will continue its
downward trend.
This negative outlook for Canada isnt driven by an insular view or
perspective. Rather, the global trend is downward. The economic and
monetary foundation for the global economy has shifted and this is
the reason for our downward view for the Great White North.
During the election campaign, we shared this view with the eventual
winning party. The response was a slow yawn and disapproving look
which suggested either we didnt know what we were talking about
or they were not really interested in our answer to their question.
This lack of empathy for the escalating global government debt crisis
is also shared by many in the financial sector as well. Yes, increasingly
more and more investment managers are echoing concerns similar to
ours but make no mistake, the majority, and especially the really big
investment and mutual fund companies continue to see a recovery
right around the ole corner.
Of course, this mythical corner continues to be just as elusive as

unicorns, trolls, elves and dragons.

In 2014, Canadas top Bay Street economists were all clamouring for
the Bank of Canada to begin raising rates after all, these economists
had very big spreadsheets, with all kinds of neat formulas and
corporate logos that predicted the Canadian economy was about to
shoot to the moon.
Yes, the good times were back.
But they werent.
At the time, IceCap stated that the global economy was beginning to
roll over and that the Canadian economy would begin shooting in the
opposite direction. As well, based upon our outlook for declining
growth, we also expected the Bank of Canada to REDUCE interest
rates, not INCREASE interest rates as predicted by Bay Street.
Naturally, our view meant that the Canadian Dollar would decline
significantly relative to the US Dollar. This provided us with a great
opportunity to add a significant USD currency strategy within every
Canadian Dollar Client Portfolio.
Now here we are in 2015, and the Canadian Dollar (and other
currencies) has in fact declined significantly, and the Bank of Canada
has in fact REDUCED interest rates not once, but twice.


November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Think Global!
We share this investment success story for 2 reasons:

And for the Canadian Dollar? Its headed lower, a lot lower.

1 Taking an insular view of your Countrys economy will lead you to

losing money.

If you are not Canadian, just know that you are in a similar boat. And
when it comes to boating, there is one simple rule going against the
flow is difficult, its exhausting, and it can be humbling.

2 The global economy and financial markets continue to move in

the direction which we expect. And this direction is going to produce
outcomes that are being completely missed by many in the
investment community.
Which brings us back to Canada. Currently, both the Bank of Canada
and Bay Street economists predict the Canadian economy to recover
in 2016, and then to accelerate in 2017.
The ONLY way for this to occur is if the global economy sheds its
government debt problem. IceCap places a 0% probability of this
Instead, everyone should expect:

As such, anyone who ignores this super strengthening of the US

Dollar will find their investment experience to be difficult, exhausting
and very humbling.
Chart 1 next page shows the performance from various currencies
over the last few years. Two obvious points:
1 every currency has declined SIGNIFICANTLY vs the US Dollar
2 the declining trend has been steady
Many in the investing world have a myopic view about currencies.
Some say they are too difficult to predict, while others claim that
they have plenty of currency exposure through their stock portfolios.

1 Canadian economy to be in recession in 2016

In other words just buy stocks and bonds, and dont worry about
currency movements. It will work its way out.

2 Bank of Canada will be at 0% interest rates in 2016

We couldnt disagree more.

3 Bank of Canada will be at NEGATIVE interest rates in later 2016

In actual fact during times of global stress, currency movements are

actually rather easy to see and envision. From a simple perspective
money will always run away from trouble and towards safety.

4 Bank of Canada will be PRINTING MONEY in later 2016


November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Chart 1: US Dollar strength

EUR -24%

CAD -27%

AUD -33%

SEK -40%

Source: Marketwatch


November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Really big currency movements happen all the time

In 2008/09, money ran away from everywhere in the world and
found comfort and safety in the US Dollar.

We could be wrong, but the Euro is increasingly looking like the

currency which will react explosively relative to the US Dollar.

In 2000, money ran away from the USA, and landed in the Euro.

Anything could trigger the avalanche unexpected political change

such as German Chancellor Merkel quitting office, or events leading
to separatists movements in Portugal or Spain.

In 1998, money ran away from Russia and Asia, and landed in USD.
In 1990, money ran away from Japan, and landed in USD.
In 1987, money ran away the USA, and landed in Japan.
And going way back to the 1930s, money ran away from Europe and
landed in US Dollars.
The point we make is that when really big movements are afoot, so
too will money and the result will either see:
1) one currency decline significantly relative to everyone else, or
2) one currency increases significantly relative to everyone else.
Today, we are smack dab in the early stages of the latter.
At IceCap, we have been crystal clear about our view on currencies.
As we finish off 2015, and enter 2016 we cannot stress enough how
important currencies will be in the immediate and near-term future.
We cannot predict exactly when it will occur, however all evidence is
pointing to an eventual blow-off for a major currency which will then
spread across to other currencies.

Another trigger could be an economic event one that would see a

sudden worsening of the economy or trouble for a major bank.
Any of these actions could be the spark that will change the gradual
declining trend, into a rapidly, accelerating waterfall.
People need to understand that currencies act as a relief valve when
investors lose confidence in a government or economy. And,
considering the world continues to grind lower and lower, and central
banks continue to push interest rates further and further into
NEGATIVE territory investor confidence is certainly waning across
and within many countries around the world.
Now, theres a right way and a wrong way to establish currency
strategies within your investment portfolio.
For private investors, the right way is fairly simple invest in shortterm bonds or paper in the currency you like.
This way, your investment experience will ebb and flow with the
move in the currency which is exactly what you want.


November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Everyone leaves frustrated and confused

The wrong way to invest in currencies is to buy stocks or equities in
the currency you like.

As currency moves become increasingly stronger, its crucial to

identify the true source of your investment return.

Unfortunately for investors, the investment industrys cultural beliefs

have been cemented for years and investors routinely gain their
currency exposure by doing it the wrong way.

Frequently, we hear investment managers claim stock-picking-powers

of crushing the market, or killing it. Yes, the performance may
very well have crushed or killed something, but quite often the
source of this miraculous talent has come from currency.

In Canada, every time the Canadian Dollar declines relative to the US

Dollar, the following conversation takes place:
Client: I want USD in my portfolio
Advisor: You already have plenty of USD. You own shares of RBC,
Manulife and Suncor Energy. All 3 firms have substantial business
operations in the United States.
Client: But the US Dollar has increased 20% and these stocks have
declined. How is that investing in US Dollars?
Advisor: No one can predict currencies. Continue to buy and hold
and everything will work out.
<Client leaves the meeting frustrated and confused>
<Advisor also leaves the meeting frustrated and confused>
As misery loves company, just know that this exchange also happens
in Australia, Britain, Europe, Brazil and every other country as well.

Of course, theres nothing wrong with this. Yet, if you dont recognise
where the return came from, you will very likely back into a stock or
market for the wrong reason and then the only thing that will be
crushed or killed, will be the negative effect from currency.
IceCap is a global macro investment manager. Or put another way, we
will invest client assets in whatever market our research says is the
best at that time. In other words, at any time we will love or hate any
investment strategy including stocks, bonds, commodities and yes,
currencies too.
This is important, as many managers are purely focused on the stock
market and will ALWAYS be invested in the stock market. Other
managers are purely focused in the bond market and will ALWAYS be
invested in the bond market.
Nothing is constant. Everything is always changing and is always in
motion. So too, should your investment strategies.
As we move along, its absolutely critical to understand that currency


November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Great year for currency returns

movements are on the cusp of doing some very unexpected things.
Well continue to update our view on currencies and reflect them in
client portfolios the right way.

2015 a tough year for returns

Its been a tough year for investors. For local investors, stock and
bond markets havent performed that well. American, Canadian and
British investors have all seen their local stock and bond markets
return close to 0%.
Dont despair youre not alone. 2015s mainstream market struggles
have also spilled over to many of the largest, brightest and most
expensive hedge funds as well. Collectively, the average fund has
declined -2% so far in 2015 hardly the investment experience
envisioned by those paying 2% annual fees PLUS 20% of all profits.
Worse still are hedge funds focused purely on commodity markets.
Those funds that havent closed are facing double digit negative
Next up on the struggle list is Blackrock. Yes, even the worlds largest
investment manager has struggled. The $4.6 Billion Blackrock Global
Ascent Fund has declined close to -10% and has announced the fund
is closing.
And the cherry on the bad performance top award goes to everyones
favourite Warren Buffett. Yes, even the legendary stock picker

has had a down year. While his most ardent fans remain in denial,
Buffetts fund has declined -11% in 2015. On an absolute return basis,
negative numbers are never enjoyable. Yet, when you consider the
broader US market has returned close to 0% this year, -11% is even
harder to swallow.
Yet, despite this very obvious down year for all investment markets,
many non-US investors are enjoying spectacular investment returns.
At IceCap, our Canadian Dollar portfolios have averaged around 10%
thus far in 2015. And we can tell you that virtually most of that return
has come from currency.
IceCap likely isnt alone. In fact, any non-USD base investor who
invested in anything valued in US Dollars should have made a real
nice return.
Nevertheless, its important to understand where your return came
from. Dont be fooled by the story of stock picking prowess, or the
uncanny ability to select undervalued companies. This demonstrates
a complete lack of understanding of not only investment markets, but
worse still the inherent risks within your portfolios.
Again, the point we make is that 2015 is the beginning of a period
where currency will dominate all investment markets. Make sure you
and your manager are aware it will save you a few unpleasant
future moments.



November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Outside the money world


It seems like everywhere we go, investors everywhere continue to be

focused on the traditional things that presumably drive the stock
market higher.
The latest gizmo from San Francisco is always one to get technology
stocks zooming higher. While, the latest layoff announcements
combined with stock buybacks always seems to get the NY Stock
Exchange humming higher.

Today, theres no shortage of non-money world risks. Everywhere we

turn, stories leap and bound over war in the Middle East, potential
war in the Pacific, and sadly terrorism.
The recent attacks in Paris were shocking. Our condolences to all
families and friends who were affected by this senseless attack.
From an economic and financial perspective, the Paris Attacks will
only further add to the ongoing trend of a global slowdown.

Yes, higher and higher it goes.

Increased defense & security spending will lead to wider budget

deficits, and higher debt.

BUT, nothing is constant in the investment world. Yes, there certainly

are times when stocks are driven by the traditional drivers such as
revenues, costs, profits and dividends.

Higher debt and deficits will then lead to higher taxes.

Yet, there are also times when the world becomes a bigger place and
company and industry specific celebrations are swatted off as if they
a fruit fly hovering over your glass of pinot noir.
Regular readers are keenly aware of our view that the financial world
and the economic world have been twisted and distorted into an
unrecognisable shape which is creating unrecognizable
opportunities to both make and lose a lot of money.

Higher taxes means there will be less money to spend which leads
to slower growth.
Slower growth will cause central banks to reduce interest rates
further into NEGATIVE territory.
Deeper NEGATIVE interest rates will make the really rich people
further question the economic sanity of our central bankers. This will
cause the really rich people not to make investments theyll
withdraw further from the economy.

Equally important is understanding when the non-money world has

the potential to significantly affect the money world.


November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Follow the money

Meanwhile, deeper NEGATIVE interest rates means there is even
less interest income for savers which inevitably means less
aggregate income for spending which will produce even slower
As you can see the world remains trapped in this downward
debt/deficit/interest rate environment. It is a not-so, merry-go-round.
The good news there is a way out (hint: write-off bad debt).
The not so good news those in charge are either unwilling to make
the hard decisions, or worse still, they are not aware of the right
decisions (hint: neither likely to happen).
As the Paris Attacks remain front page news around the world, its
important to know the economic background of the current crisis in
the Middle East. After all, if you want to know the real story of
anything simply follow the money.
And when it comes to money in the middle east, it starts and ends
with oil and natural gas.

Qatar is a small country that receives little airtime in the western

media. But is has two really good friends the United States of
America and Saudi Arabia. And in the world of super powers
and money, these are two really nice friends to have.

While it may be a media minnow, it is a whale in the world of natural

gas. In fact, only two other countries in the entire world have more
proven supplies of natural gas Russia and Iran.

Natural gas is great but only if you have a way to physically send it
to buyers. And the best and fastest and easiest way to send natural
gas is through a pipeline.
When it comes to buyers, one of the biggest buyers of natural gas in
the world is Europe. The entire continent runs on natural gas which is
really good for the one country who supplies the gas.
Enter Russia.
Russia has Europe in an economic head lock. It has a virtual
monopoly on the natural gas pipelines to Europe and Europe would
love nothing more than to have an alternate supplier.
Enter Qatar.
Qatar would also love nothing more than to have a pipeline to

Europe. Theres only one problem Syria. For Qatars pipeline to

work, it would have to run smack dab through the middle of Syria.

Easy enough, except Syria also has two really good friends in the



November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Enter the dragon

Enter Russia and Iran.
Hence the ONLY way for Qatar to provide natural gas to Europe is to
establish a pipeline effectively through Russias backyard.
Of course, no crisis in the middle east exists without the presence of
the United States. And the United States would love nothing more
than to weaken Russia, Iran and Syria.
Presently, the easiest way to do this would be to topple the current
Syrian government. Of course, the only politically acceptable way to
do this would be to have Syrians topple their own government.
Enter the Syrian

Civil War.

Everyone by now, is aware of the real life threat of ISIS. Seeing Paris
attacked has certainly made the threat very real.
However, not only has the ISIS threat captured the attention of the
western world it has also directly contributed to the migrant crisis
in Europe.
Millions of migrants didnt suddenly decide to relocate to Europe.
War-like conditions in their own countries are the cause for the
biggest movement of people since WWII.
From an investment perspective, one should set aside their feelings
about ISIS, the migrant crisis, the USA, Russia or Qatar. Instead,
consider the impact these actions and inactions are having on the
world, especially within Europe.

The civil war in Syria is effectively between the current government

and the rebels. The government is being assisted by Russia and Iran,
while the rebels are being supported by Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the
United States.

To begin with, prior to the Paris Attacks a growing percentage of

people in every European country were against allowing new
migrants into their respective country. After the attacks, these
numbers will only grow higher.

While this all sounds neat and tidy it isnt. The rebels in Syria, just
so happen to be either a direct, or indirect offshoot of another group
that has captured the worlds attention.

As well, prior to the attacks, economies and jobs were not doing well.

Enter ISIS.

This resulted in incumbent political parties losing votes, and anti-Euro

parties gaining votes.
The Paris Attacks have now only further increased political support
for these anti-Euro parties.


November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Everyone wants to leave

In France, support for the National Front Party is soaring, and its
leader, Marine Le Pen will likely become the next President. If this
happens, France will leave the Eurozone and possibly the European
In Germany, the Afd has reached its highest support ever at 10%.
Considering the Afd party is less than 3 years old this is
considerable. As well, members of Merkels own party are
increasingly becoming less supportive of her pro-immigration
While not directly to the Paris Attacks, the Catalonia region in Spain
is preparing to leave the country next year. This is a big deal. For
those unaware, its the same as Texas leaving the United States.
Meanwhile in Portugal, the recent national election was very clear
the ruling, pro-EU party was out and the anti-EU coalition bloc was
in. Well, it was until Brussels stepped in and said no.
Just as it did in Italy 2012, Brussels has directed Portugal to not
instate the anti-EU coalition party. In fact, Portuguese President, Silva
specifically stated In 40 years of democracy, no government in
Portugal has ever depended on the support of anti-European forces,
he said. This is the worst moment for a radical change to the
foundations of our democracy.

Political nerves in Portugal are frayed. And in Brussels, they are

becoming even more undone. If not for the Paris Attacks, the
Portuguese political story would be front and center.


long the geographical pivot point between Europe and

Russia has also voted against the EU. The anti-Euro/EU conservative
party claimed a majority victory and it is now only a mater of time
before action is taken.

Not to be out done, even Finland is starting to question any

benefits of remaining in the Euro. In 2016, the Finnish parliament will
be debating the merits, and then will decide whether a formal
referendum will be held.
Considering a full 35% of Finns do not support the Euro and the fact
that anthing can happen within the next few months, don't be
surprised if one of the strongest, original supporters of the Euro is
suddenly heading for the door.
In the UK Prime Minister Cameron is desperately trying to say and
do the right things. In the build up to the 2015 UK election Cameron
was forced to agree to a referendum on EU membership.
Believing his party wouldnt win the election he had nothing to
lose. Now, a mere 6 months later his EU quagmire grows by the day.



November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Safety of the US Dollar

The very big self-interest groups from government and business want
to remain within the EU after all, its great business for all of them

There is a way to avoid this drama the Eurozone countries must

become one country, with one government, with one tax structure
and with one debt.

Yet, everyone else is completely fed up with the EU and want out.
The Paris Attacks only further supports the anti-EU vote.

IceCap places a 0% probability of this occurring.

So, on one hand Cameron has those who provide financial support to
his party urging a YES vote, while the other hand has those who
actually casts votes urging for a NO vote.
Either way, Cameron loses and the UK will be rather upset regardless
of the outcome

What does this mean for investors?

For starters, the free-open borders in the European Union are about
to be closed. This is significant as the entire concept of the EU and
the Eurozone was to eventually create one government. Fences being
closed and walls going up immediately removes all hope (theres that
word again) of creating a United States of Europe.
Investors everywhere should prepare for a significant dislocation of
the Euro. The currency union and the political union is weakening by
the day. We expect it to snap, and when it does it will create a wake
felt around the world.

The snapping of the Euro will spread to other currencies as well. It

doesnt matter if your currency, economy and government is strong
once a wave of currency crises begins, it will have to run its course.
All sellers will in turn seek safety in the US Dollar.
Every asset class will be affected with some in a positive way, and
others in a negative way. Weve written and presented on this
outlook before, and we always state that as the facts change, so to
will our view.
Yet, every morning we start our day combing for new data to
convince us to change our mind. Sure there are pockets of good
news, and even the odd ray of light. Still, the majority of the days end
the same as it started the global trend continues to trend
downward. We wish it wasnt, but it is.
And thats why our investment view and strategy remains the same.



November 2015

Searching the world for yield

More Direction Needed

Need a Director?

Keith Dicker is the President & Chief Investment Officer of IceCap Asset
Management Limited and is the author of the IceCap Global Outlook.
He is available as an independent director for your Board of Directors.
Whether you are a public or private company, an investment fund, a
bank or investment firm, or a non-financial industry company, Mr.
Dickers experience and unique global perspective will provide your
board with an infusion of dynamic thinking for this fast changing,
financial world.
To begin a discussion, contact him directly:


Email: KeithDicker@IceCapAssetManagement.Com

Our Strategy

Since our last Global Outlook, most financial markets have

stabilized. Stock markets have drifted a bit higher, while most
currencies continued to drift a bit lower relative the US Dollar.
Economic data around the world has also remained static. There
have been pockets of good news for those believing in the recovery,
while there have also been pockets of bad news for those believing
in the non-recovery.
Above everything else, THE most important development is the
increasing likelihood of the US Federal Reserve raising overnight
interest rates by 0.25% in December. Weve always held the view
that it is only a matter of when, not if, the Fed raises rates. And it
looks like it will finally happen in a couple of weeks.
The good news is that all financial markets, oddly seem to have
finally come to terms with this increase in rates. For now, all is quiet
for now. We strongly suspect markets to re-evaluate this position
in the new year resulting in even stronger capital flows into the US


Our view on bonds hasnt changed. We will continue to avoid high

yield and emerging market bond strategies. Our position has been
very clear significant downside risk exists within these strategies.
Long-term bond yields are on course to improve somewhat



November 2015

Searching the world for yield

Our strongest conviction is in currencies

compared to the weak returns over the last few weeks. Overall, we
expect long-term interest rates to rise considerably. The beginning
of the end for long-term bonds will occur as soon as one of the
major currencies breaks against the US Dollar.


Clearly, fundamentals for stock markets continue to deteriorate.

Valuations are stretched, while both company revenues and
earnings are hitting soft patches. As well, we expect a significant
global slowdown is bearing down on the world in 2016.
Yet, the possibility of a surging stock market remains. Well provide
more details on this view in the next IceCap Global Market.


US Dollar is king, and will remain King for a while longer. This
remains our strongest conviction.


No changes here either. Energy markets can easily see $30 oil and
this will certainly create even more havoc for oil producing nations,
oil companies and high yield bond strategies.
Gold remains incredibly weak. If the Paris Attacks & the shooting of
a Russian fighter jet couldnt create a rally in gold, then we are not
sure what will. Gold has significant air pockets and the possibility of
it breaking through $900 are a lot higher than people think.

As always, wed be pleased to speak with anyone about our investment

views. We also encourage our readers to share our global market outlook
with those who they think may find it of interest.
Keith Dicker, CFA founded IceCap Asset
Management Limited in 2010 and is the President
and Chief Investment Officer. He has over 20
years of investment experience, covering multi
asset class strategies including equities, fixed
income, commodities & currencies.
Keith earned the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation in 1998
and is a member of the Chartered Financial Analysts Institute. He has
been recognized by the CFA Institute, Reuters, Bloomberg and the Globe
& Mail for his views on global macro investment strategies. He is a
frequent speaker on the challenges and opportunities facing investors
today, and is available to present to groups of any size.

Our Team:
Keith Dicker:


John Corney:


Ariz David:


Haakon Pedersen: haakonpedersen@IceCapAssetManagement.com

Andrew Feader:



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