Research Paper
Research Paper
Research Paper
Compare and contrast the cultural traits of urban and rural life
Rural areas are most recognized as farms and less density areas.
Mostly a tight community, that can affect one another easily. Urban comes from the
word urbanization, where communities are big, crowded, busy and more density. They
have modern technologies and most of the community takes part in economics.
Therefore, rural is a lot more of a tight community and urban is more highly populated.
Filipinos has one of the best traits in the world one of you must
know. Although they have been colonized by several countries, core values from their
ancestors remained intact and is still applied up to this time.
Respectful, this is often observed not just from younger people but
also from older ones.
Loving and caring , this is so true! Filipinos are the sweetest and
loving people in the world.
Highly intelligent
Being optimistic
Self reliance
Very competitive
Very brave
Also known for their adaptability and endurance
We complain a lot
See only evil/Judgmental
Crab mentality
Always late
Manana habit
Dirty minded
Too much hospitability
Ningas kuon
Lack of historical knowledge
Padrino system
3. Discuss common child rearing practices among Filipino and other nationalities
European and American mothers encourage their children to be selfreliant and assertive. Past the toddler stage, the earlier habits of receiving help in
feeding, cleaning and playing are broken to give way to the childs helping himself.
American mothers find themselves juggling house cleaning, marketing, cooking and
seeing off husband and older children to work so that the young child learns early to
dress and eat by himself. Lunch is a simple soup-and-sandwich affair. Early in the
evening, mother prepares the complete hot family supper for everyone. Conditioned to
help oneself and to help mother in the household, western children are encouraged to
accept responsibilities, learn to make decisions and accept the consequences of their
good or bad behavior.
While the Filipino child from birth constantly receives attention and
help not only from parents, but from two sets of relatives, from his mothers and fathers
sides. The whole neighborhood also contributes to the attention. This large kinship has
conditioned the child to leisurely grow up. Often, the child would seek help and care in
activities he could already carry out himself.
The Filipino child is not encouraged right away to become independent until he reaches
school age. When the public school system was established by the americans for
Filipinos, seven years old was considered the school age when the child officially
entered grade 1. The 1935philippine constitution reconfirmed this. From sixties up to the
present private kindergarten schools for the four-to-five-year-old became popular.
Towards the seventies, mothers in provincial towns who used to be fulltime housewives
went to work or became overseas workers. Public school principals were pressured to
set up, even unofficially, preschool classes.
Home Economics
I believe people are an open book. If you watch what they do and listen to what they
say over time, I think they give us a pretty good picture of their personality and attitudes.
I know that is a sweeping generality, but I think it holds true in most people. And its also
the best we can do as leaders since we cant always administer tests to our employees
and certainly not to our peers, leaders, suppliers and customers to determine these
If you dont know the difference between personality and attitude when you see and
hear it, then these powerful concepts are useless to you. And it matters that you know,
because how you work with knowledge about personality is entirely different than how
you work with knowledge about attitudes.
Personalities are relatively stable. Thats important because it means that at work, you
are not going to change the personality of the people you come in contact with. We are
who we are.
I think the value of knowing how to read personality is primarily to help leaders
understand their own basic personality dimensions, and then to learn to emphasize the
positive and mitigate the negative aspects of their own style. It also helps you
understand others to know something about their personality knowledge that you can
use to guide YOUR behavior. And your own behavior is the thing you have the most
control over at work.
Attitudes, on the other hand, are subject to change. We want to change attitudes
because of the belief that attitudes influence behavior. But you cant just talk about
bad and good attitudes. Thats meaningless and usually represents no more than a
blame game.
The key to leveraging attitudes is to read a specific attitude, for example, satisfaction
or commitment. If you can identify the specific attitude working in your constituent, then
you can take specific action to change that attitude with the hope of getting a specific
behavior as a result.
If I listen to my employee and I hear what I think is low job satisfaction that clues me into
the actions I can take if I want to improve satisfaction. If I made the mistake of thinking I
was hearing something about my employees personality, I would take an entirely
different and probably less effective set of actions.
In a future post, Ill tell you the number one personality trait I listen and look for when I
meet new folks.
If you dont like something, change it. If you cant change it, change
your attitude. Change is good when you have faith and the right attitude. Life gets better
when you decide it will. Choose to be happy and good things will follow. Change begins
at home, its good to see such positive attitude. If you have a good attitude now, then
God can change the situation. Keep the right perspective.