21-Day Cleansing Process Energy Breathing Techniques: Stress

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By: Margaret Jang Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Purpose for Energy Breathing This is the same type of breathing as used in martial arts, Qi Gong
(pronounced Chee Gong), Tai Chi (pronounced Tie Chee), plus other energy healing modalities. The
theory behind energy breathing is that it improves delivery of oxygen and nutrients, plus accelerates
the removal of toxins from the tissues, enabling the liver and kidneys to strengthen and to become
more efficient, which results in improved health and resistance to disease. It also energizes you,
plus temporarily expands your aura (energy field) by 2 metres or more.
Steps to Energy Breathing (Daily exercise) Note: This exercise will help to build your energy
vibration frequency level (expands your aura), which will give you a stronger connection to draw in
greater amounts of universal life force energy. This exercise also reduces stress, promotes
relaxation and revitalizes your energy.
Practice Time: Start with 5-minutes per day and increase to 30-minutes per day.

Make sure you will not be disturbed. Sit or lay in a comfortable position; you may want to
lightly cover yourself (your body temperature will drop)

Close your eyes. Connect your tongue to your palate (this temporarily increases your
energy level by connecting your back energy channel to your front energy channel, which increases
your energy circulation). Take 3-deep breaths to relax

Slowly inhale through your nose to the count of six.123456 (expand your
abdomen by pushing it outward and then pull the air up into your diaphragm, just to your comfort

Hold to the count of three...123

Slowly exhale through your nose to the count of six.123456 (contract your
abdomen by pulling it toward your spine, just to your comfort level)

Hold to the count of three...123

Repeat pattern starting with the inhale breath

As you continue with this pattern, visualize energy building in your solar plexus/sacral area
(E.g. visualize this as increasing sunlight or light-bulbs lighting up or a swirling funnel of coloured
energy increasing in size, etc.)

Be aware of any intruding thoughts, but dont dwell on them, just allow them to pass
instead, concentrate on your counting

If you lose your count, start over at number one

Keep your breathing in a slow and steady rhythmic pattern

Circulating Earth and Universal Energies (Daily exercise) Note: This exercise grounds you, plus
strengthens your ability to draw in energy from both the earth and the universe.
Daily Practice Time: 10 minutes

Close your eyes. Connect your tongue to your palate (this temporarily increases your
energy level by connecting your back energy channel to your front energy channel, which increases
your energy circulation)
Take three deep breaths to relax your body

With intent, as you breathe in, you will breathe in a column of white light from the universal
energy source through your crown chakra, to your heart centre, hold your breath to the count of

With intent, as you breathe out, you will release the white light from your heart centre
through your foot chakras (soles of your feet) to the centre core of earth, grounding you to earth

Repeat two more times

Now reverse the procedure

With intent, as you breathe in, you will breathe in green earth energies up through your foot
chakras (soles of your feet) to your heart centre, hold your breath to the count of three

With intent, as you breathe out, you will release green earth energies to Source (or the
universe) through your crown chakra

Repeat two more times

Feel and know that you are fully grounded

Deep Energy Breathing for Self-healing Pain Relief Note: This technique is designed to eliminate
energy blockages, eliminate toxins and relieve pain or discomfort, while revitalizing the area with
fresh, clean energy. It can be used to alleviate pain E.g. spasm pain from sciatica, etc., plus it can
be used in combination with other holistic or conventional treatments.
Duration: Do 12-sets, 3-times per day (or more, if you need additional relief from pain) for as long as
you feel that you need the healing

While standing, take 3-deep breaths to relax

Stand with feet about 20-inches apart, knees straight

Connect your tongue to your palate (this temporarily increases your energy level by
connecting your back energy channel to your front energy channel, which increases your energy
Raise arms with elbows bent above your head and make hands into fists
Inhale quickly and deeply through your nose (expand your abdomen by pushing it outward
and then pull the air up into your diaphragm, just to your comfort level). As you inhale, visualize
universal energy coming in through your crown chakra; give it a colour if you desire
Hold to the count of three...123
Exhale by forcefully blowing the air out through your mouth (contract your abdomen by
pulling it toward your spine, just to your comfort level), while at the same time forcefully pull both
arms down, swinging them forcefully backwards bending your knees slightly so that you end up in a
half crouched position
Hold to the count of three...123

Repeat pattern starting with legs straightened and raising both arms up above your head,
hands as fists to prepare for the inhale breath

As you continue with this pattern, visualize energy blockages disintegrating and toxins
flowing out into a (visualized) recycle bin.

Feel and know that clean, fresh energy is flowing to the distressed area, as well as flowing
freely throughout your body (you can visualize this as a colour)

Affirm to yourself, I am healed and free from all pain and discomfort, plus I am 100% healthy
mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Feel and know this to be true

Upon completion, show gratitude by saying thank-you 3-times (the 1st thank-you is to your
soul, the 2nd thank-you is to your Spirit Healing Team, the 3rd thank-you is to the universe or
spiritual source)

Rest and relax

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