The National Mission For Skill Development1 A Framework For Implementation
The National Mission For Skill Development1 A Framework For Implementation
The National Mission For Skill Development1 A Framework For Implementation
Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development
for any country.
India currently faces a severe shortage of well-trained, skilled workers. It is estimated
that only 2.3 % of the workforce in India has undergone formal skill training2 as
compared to 68% in the UK, 75% in Germany, 52% in USA, 80% in Japan and 96% in
South Korea. Large sections of the educated workforce have little or no job skills,
making them largely unemployable. Therefore, India must focus on scaling up skill
training efforts to meet the demands of employers and drive economic growth.
Indias annual skilling capacity was estimated at approximately 7 million during the
period 2013-20143. Apart from meeting its own demand, India has the potential to
provide a skilled workforce to fill the expected shortfall in the ageing developed world.
India is one of the youngest nations in the world, with more than 54% of the total
population below 25 years of age and over 62% of the population in the working age
group (15-59 years)4. The countrys population pyramid is expected to bulge across the
1559 age group over the next decade. This demographic advantage is predicted to last
only until 20405. India therefore has a very narrow time frame to harness its
demographic dividend and to overcome its skill shortages.
The enormity of Indias skilling challenge is further aggravated by the fact that skill
training efforts cut across multiple sectors and require the involvement of diverse
stakeholders such as: multiple government departments at the centre and state levels,
private training providers, educational and training institutions, employers, industry
associations, assessment and certification bodies and trainees. All these stakeholders need
to align their work together in order to achieve the target of Skill India.
The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (earlier Department of Skill
Development and Entrepreneurship, first created in July 2014) was set up in November
2014 to drive the Skill India agenda in a Mission Mode in order to converge existing
skill training initiatives and combine scale and quality of skilling efforts, with speed.
The Ministry, therefore, proposes to launch the National Mission for Skill Development
(NMSD known henceforth as, the Mission), which will provide the overall institutional
framework to rapidly implement and scale up skill development efforts across India.
The vision, objectives and design of the Mission, draw on the lessons learnt from the
implementation of skill development efforts over the past decade. It seeks to provide the
institutional capacity to train a minimum of 300 million skilled people by the year 2022.
This Framework for Implementation will provide strategic direction to State
governments and establish a clear line of action to enable India to achieve its skilling
This document goes on to outline the overall vision and objectives of the Mission. It
then articulates the Missions institutional structure (at the national, state and district
levels), outlines its strategy (by focusing on the launch of seven core sub-missions) and
provides a brief on the financial model.
Mission Statement
To rapidly scale up skill development efforts in India, by creating an end-to-end,
outcome-focused implementation framework, which aligns demands of the employers
for a well-trained skilled workforce with aspirations of Indian citizens for sustainable
Mission Objectives
The Mission seeks to:
Create an end-to-end implementation framework for skill development, which provides
opportunities for life-long learning. This includes: incorporation of skilling in the school
curriculum, providing opportunities for quality long and short-term skill training, by
providing gainful employment and ensuring career progression that meets the aspirations
of trainees.
Align employer/industry demand and workforce productivity with trainees aspirations
for sustainable livelihoods, by creating a framework for outcome-focused training.
Establish and enforce cross-sectoral, nationally and internationally acceptable standards
for skill training in the country by creating a sound quality assurance framework for
skilling, applicable to all Ministries, States and private training providers.
Build capacity for skill development in critical un-organized sectors (such as the
construction sector, where there few opportunities for skill training) and provide
pathways for re-skilling and up-skilling workers in these identified sectors, to enable
them to transition into formal sector employment.
Ensure sufficient, high quality options for long-term skilling, benchmarked to
internationally acceptable qualification standards, which will ultimately contribute to the
creation of a highly skilled workforce.
Develop a network of quality instructors/trainers in the skill development ecosystem by
establishing high quality teacher training institutions.
Leverage existing public infrastructure and industry facilities for scaling up skill training
and capacity building efforts.
Offer a passage for overseas employment through specific programmes mapped to
global job requirements and benchmarked to international standards.
Enable pathways for transitioning between the vocational training system and the formal
education system, through a credit transfer system.
Promote convergence and co-ordination between skill development efforts of all Central
Ministries/Departments/States/implementing agencies.
Support weaker and disadvantaged sections of society through focused outreach
programmes and targeted skill development activities.
Propagate aspirational value of skilling among youth, by creating social awareness on
value of skill training.
Maintain a national database, known as the Labour Market Information System (LMIS),
which will act as a portal for matching the demand and supply of skilled workforce in the
country. The LMIS, will on the one hand provide citizens with vital information on
skilling initiatives across the country. On the other, it will also serve as a platform for
monitoring the performance of existing skill development programmes, running in every
Indian state.
Institutional Mechanisms
There will be a National Skill Development Mission at the Centre to steer, drive and
execute the Missions objectives. Key institutional mechanisms for achieving the
objectives of the Mission have been divided into three tiers. The Mission will consist of a
Governing Council at apex level, a Steering Committee and a Mission Directorate (along
with an Executive Committee) as the executive arm of the Mission.
Mission Directorate will be supported by three other institutions: National Skill
Development Agency (NSDA), National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), and
Directorate General of Training (DGT) all of which will have linkages with Mission
Directorate to facilitate smooth functioning of the national institutional mechanism.
These three agencies would continue to lie under the umbrella of Ministry of Skill
Development and Entrepreneurship.
At State level, States will be encouraged to create State Skill Development Missions
(SSDM) along the lines of National Skill Development Mission with a Steering
Committee and Mission Directorate at State level. States will in turn, be supported by
District Committees at the functional tier.
Composition and functions of these bodies have been described as follows:
National Level
Mission Governing Council at Apex level will be headed by Honble Prime Minister.
Constitution of the Governing Council is as follows:
Union Ministers from MoF, MSDE, MHRD, MoRD, MoLE, MSME, MoA, M/o
Overseas Affairs, M/o Information Technology, M/o HUPA
Deputy Chairman, NITI Aayog
Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister
Cabinet Secretary
Secretary, SDE (as Member Secretary)
3 members from industry/academia as determined by Governing Council
3 State Chief Ministers as determined by Governing Council, on rotation basis
In addition, Governing Council may also invite other CMs, other Union Ministers and
relevant persons from academia and industry, depending on the agenda for discussion.
Functions of Governing Council include:
Providing overall guidance and policy direction to the Mission. The policy
decisions, including decisions regarding resources, taken by Governing Council
will be binding across all sectors and Ministries.
To decide on the setting up or closure of Sub-Missions within the Mission.
Review overall progress and development of Mission activities on a half-yearly
NSDA will focus on two verticals of Quality Assurance and policy research in the skills
space. It will operationalise a credible Quality Assurance framework embedded in the
National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) to align skilling outcomes to NSQF
across the skills landscape. To improve synergy between Mission Directorate and NSDA,
it is proposed that Secretary MSDE should also be designated as ex-officio Chairman of
NSDA. This will enable Secretary to Chair National Skills Qualification
Committee(NSQC) also in his capacity as Chairman NSDA and will help energize NSQC
which is not only responsible for establishing a Quality Assurance framework embedded
in NSQF in the skill space but also needs to provide a framework for certification,
accreditation of training providers etc. This aspect is being taken up separately.
Other functions of NSDA will include:
x Operationalise and implement National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF)
x To establish and operationalise a QA framework embedded in NSQF to improve
consistency of outcomes in the skills landscape, which will include laying down a
framework for training, assessment and certification processes and agencies in
the country.
x To operationalise National Skills Qualification Committee(NSQC) to meet its
x Design and implement the National Labour Market Information System
x Develop national protocols for registration and accreditation of private training
x Promote use of Skill India logo on skill certificates by SSCs/Agencies adhering
to the QA framework.
x Anchor Prime Ministers Skill Development Fellow Programme
National Skills Research Division (NSRD), under NSDA will be established to serve as
the apex body for providing technical and research support to the Mission. This
institution will act as a think-tank for Ministry of Skill Development and
Entrepreneurship and be the core skill development hub, which will connect
implementation of the Mission with academic research and data.
National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) will support the Mission through
capacity building initiatives and support private training partners. Other functions of
NSDC include:
x Catalyse the creation of market-based, scalable business by providing funding
through a combination of debt, equity and grants
x Implementing skills voucher programme
x Driving engagement with industry and businesses
x Promote centres of excellence for training of trainers in coordination with States
and SSCs
x Initiating and incubating Sector Skills Councils (SSCs)
Directorate General of Training: The two verticals of Training and Apprenticeship
under DGET, MoLE have been shifted to Ministry of Skill Development and
Entrepreneurship from 16th April 2015. These two verticals will function through
Directorate of Training and Directorate of Apprenticeship Training respectively under
the Directorate General of Training under the Ministry of Skill Development and
Entrepreneurship. It will be responsible for maintaining existing skill training structures
in the country through National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT). Its large
institutional framework consisting of ITIs, ATIs, RVTIs and other national institutes will
act as tools of execution for Mission activities. Other functions will include:
x Setting up framework for structure of courses, assessment, curricula creation,
affiliation and accreditation of institutes, under NCVT
x Develop national standards on syllabi, equipment, scale of space, duration of
courses and methods of training
x Advise on training policy in its network of training institutes
x Coordinate functioning of Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs)
x Run instructor training programmes for training of trainers
x Run special institutes for training of women
x Provide technical support to vocational education across the country
x Anchor and operationalise Apprentices Act, 1961
x Operationalise various training schemes through ITIs and Vocational Training
Providers (VTPs)
State Level
States will be encouraged to create State Skill Development Missions (SSDM) along the
same lines as National Skill Development Mission structure. Many States have already
established SSDMs and others have started moving in this direction. A model framework
would be circulated for customized adoption by States.
The organizational structure of the State Skill Development Mission is to be decided by
the respective States. It is however desirable that the highest body looking after the
Development Mission is sufficiently empowered. National Mission will work towards
empowering State Missions through financial and technical support.
Mission Strategy
National Skill Development Mission will initially consist of seven sub-missions under its
purview, which could be added to/amended as per decision of Governing Council. The
power to identify sub-missions in crucial areas which require immediate attention will lie
with Governing Council chaired by Honble Prime Minister. Executive guidelines and
detailing of each sub-mission will be done by Executive Committee headed by Secretary,
SDE. Each sub-mission will act as a building block for achieving the overall objectives of
the Mission. Key focus areas of the sub-mission include: addressing the long-term and
short-term skilling needs through revamp of existing institutional training framework and
establishing new institutions, undertake sector specific skill training initiatives, ensure
convergence of existing skill development programmes leverage existing public
infrastructure for skilling focus on training of trainers, facilitate overseas employment,
and promote sustainable livelihoods.
Sub-Missions have currently been proposed in priority areas. The number of submissions can be modified as per changing skill requirements and challenges. Each submission will be headed by a Joint Secretary or Director level officer designated as CEO,
sourced from the public or private sector who has a solid track record of implementing
projects and achieving targets in a timely manner. The Sub-Missions support team will
consist of high performing individuals drawn from the public and private domains.
x A number of branded, purpose-built Multi Skill Institutes (MSI) would be established
in a public private partnership (PPP) mode.
x These institutions will draw on collaborations with industry representatives and
professional training providers to ensure the training programmes are relevant and
meet high quality standards.
x MSIs also seek to change perceptions and attitudes of individuals towards vocational
education by providing trainees with a chance to acquire additional academic
qualifications, if desired, and transition easily between the vocational training and
formal education systems.
x Making apprenticeships and on the job training an integral part of the training
x MSIs will be located within demand centres, such as industrial clusters to promote
close linkages with industry and facilitate placement.
x Leveraging state of the art pedagogy and using innovative teaching methods to
ensure high quality training.
x Training to focus on both technical and soft skills. IT skills, English language and
communication skills to be a central component of all skilling courses.
x All training institutes will be encouraged to link student enrolment with Aadhaar
cards in order to ensure online tracking of students during and post training
x Every MSI will be equipped with a Career Service/ Career Placement Cell, which will
provide trainees with post-placement support. Alumni of every MSI will also have
lifelong access to the career service, which will provide counselling, mentorship
advice etc. to trainees. Potential employers could also use the career placement cell to
advertise jobs and recruit new candidates.
National Universities for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship will also be
established as centres for excellence for skill development and training of trainers.
This will be a part of the existing university landscape.
x Creation of common norms for rationalization of Skill Development schemes at the
Central and State level.
6Additional skill sub-missions will be created in other crucial sectors, which require special attention due to the
sensitive nature of their operation. Other such sectors will be identified on the basis of the spatial and sectoral needs
of the workforce at any given time. NSDC will play a crucial role in addressing the short-term skilling needs of such
a workforce.
Engagement with States, rejuvenating the SSDMs as State level co-ordinating bodies
and promoting convergence of implementation efforts in the State, in line with
national objectives.
Promoting States to open Kaushal Vardhan Kendras (KVKs) to increase outreach
and provide training linked to local needs.
Coordinate setting up of National Skills Portal by NSRD to provide information to
potential trainees on the training and potential career opportunities available to them.
This comprehensive database will also cover the number of people who have been
trained, across different trades at the national and state levels.
Trainees who aspire for self-employment or those who seek to be entrepreneurs will
also be given advice and guidance to support them to achieve their objectives.
Promote entrepreneurial culture amongst youth through integrating entrepreneurship
education as a part of formal education system
existing resources and examine the extent to which they are utilized.
x A model framework for utilizing the existing infrastructure will be put in place for
those belonging to Central government and a suggestive model for the States to
follow in case of their assets.
x The railways have extensive infrastructure with a presence across every part of the
country, combined with optic fibre connectivity (which is largely unutilized).It is
important to leverage this infrastructure for skilling purposes.
x Further, tie-ups with Ministry of Defence for re-employment of ex-servicemen as
trainers in technical and service based training courses will be finalized. Bridge
courses will be provided to align them with general training requirements.
6.1 The implementation of skilling activities under the Mission will be as per the budget
provisions of various schemes under their respective heads of account. The administrative
expenses of the Mission will be borne from the budget of Ministry of Skill Development
and Entrepreneurship. The IFD of the Ministry will function as the finance wing of the
Mission. The administrative support to the Mission will be provided by the Ministry.
Organisational Structure