How To Instal (The Sims 3)

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About what is in the Torrent Pack:

1. Contine
unie 2013,
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims
The Sims

toate jocurile aparute din colectia "The Sims 3" pana la data de 26 I
si anume :
3 - Jocul de baza(Base Game).
3 World Adventures(primul Addon).
3 High End Loft Stuff(primul Stuff Pack).
3 Ambitions(al 2-lea Addon).
3 Fast Lane Stuff(al 2-lea Stuff Pack).
3 Late Night(al 3-lea Addon).
3 Outdoor Living Stuff(al 3-lea Stuff Pack).
3 Generations(al 4-lea Addon).
3 Townlife Stuff(al 4-lea Stuff Pack).
3 Pets(al 5-lea Addon).
3 Master Suite Stuff(al 5-lea Stuff Pack).
3 Showtime(al 6-lea Addon).
3 Katy Perrys Sweet Treats Stuff(al 6-lea Stuff Pack).
3 Diesel Stuff(al 7-lea Stuff Pack).
3 Supernatural(al 7-lea Addon).
3 Seasons(al 8-lea Addon).
3 The Sims 3 70s, 80s, 90s(al 8-lea Stuff Pack).
3 University(al 9-lea Addon).

2. Crack-ul necesar jucarii ultimei versiuni a jocului The Sims 3(Crack-ul este
compatibil cu toate celelalte Addon-uri/Stuff Pack-uri in cazul in care se utili
zeaza corect tutorialul realizat de mine).
3. Update-urile necesare ducerii intregii colectii "The Sims 3" la versiunea cea
mai noua(inclusiv Addon-uri/Stuff Pack-uri).
4. Official Store Items-urile incepand cu 2009 si pana la 8 Martie 2013.
5. "Tools" - face referire la : Create a Pattern/World - ultimele versiuni.
6. "Keygens" - pentru fiecare varianta de joc, fie ea Base Game/Addon/Stuff Pack
NOTA : Mentionez ca imaginile jocurilor nu contin "Crack-urile" si/sau Keygen-ur
ile, ele fiind sterse din imagine. Acestea se gasesc in folderele : "Keygens" si
"Final Crack".
III. Steps that you must follow for easy instalation:
1. Install The Sims 3 folosind Keygen-ul dupa care se face update cu : 1.22.9 Cu
mmulative Patch.
2. Install The Sims 3 World Adventures folosind Keygen-ul dupa care se face upda
te cu : 2.17.2 Cummulative Patch.
3. Install The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff folosind Keygen-ul dupa care se face u
pdate cu : 3.13.1 Cummulative Patch.
4. Install The Sims 3 Ambitions folosind Keygen-ul dupa care se face update cu :
4.10.1 Cummulative Patch.
5. Install The Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff folosind Keygen-ul dupa care se face updat
e cu : 5.8.1 Cummulative Patch.
6. Install The Sims 3 Late Night folosind Keygen-ul dupa care se face update cu
: 6.5.1 Cummulative Patch.
7. Install The Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff folosind Keygen-ul dupa care se face
update cu : 7.3.2 Cummulative Patch.
8. Install The Sims 3 Generations folosind Keygen-ul. (No Patch needed for this
9. Install The Sims 3 Townlife Stuff folosind Keygen-ul. (This will update the B
ase Game to version 1.23.65).
10. Install The Sims 3 Pets folosind Keygen-ul. (This will update the Base Game
to version 1.26.89).
11. Install The Sims 3 Master Suite Stuff folosind Keygen-ul. (This will update

the Base Game to version 1.28.84).

12. Install The Sims 3 Showtime folosind Keygen-ul. ( This will update the Base
Game to version 1.31.11.
13. Install The Sims 3 Katy Perrys Sweet Treats folosind Keygen-ul. (This will u
pdate the Base Game to version 1.33.2).
14. Install The Sims 3 Diesel Stuff folosind Keygen-ul. (This will update the Ba
se Game to version 1.34.27).
15. Install The Sims 3 Supernatural folosind Keygen-ul. (This will update the Ba
se Game to version 1.36.45).
16. Install The Sims 3 Seasons folosind Keygen-ul. (This will update the Base Ga
me to 1.42.130).
17. Install The Sims 3 The Sims 3 70s, 80s, 90s Stuff folosind Keygen-ul. (This
will update the Base Game to 1.47.6).
18. Install The Sims 3 University. Possible to ask for an update, make it.
19. Install Last Update - Cummulative Update - from :
20. Copy New Crack (Crack-ul pentru 1.55.4) to : C:\Program Files\Electronic Art
s\The Sims 3\Game\Bin
- You can download it from :
decryption key : OaFJ9ELQsFWkRO7B7tcsvBE2BX9If5jPyeyEtfTw6hs
or link:
Extract from archive, and use only what it`s inside Crack Folder - copy-paste!
21. EnjoY!

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