3D Structure of The Skeletal Muscle Dihydropyridine Receptor
3D Structure of The Skeletal Muscle Dihydropyridine Receptor
3D Structure of The Skeletal Muscle Dihydropyridine Receptor
com on
Department of Biomolecular
Sciences, University of
Manchester Institute of Science
and Technology (UMIST)
P.O. Box 88, Manchester
M60 1QD, UK
Department of Pharmacology
University College London
Gower Street, London, WC1E
*Corresponding author
Keywords: dihydropyridine receptor; electron microscopy; L-type voltagegated calcium; 3D reconstruction; negative staining
L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC)
mediate the flux of calcium ions across cell membranes, in response to changes in membrane potential. In excitable cells such as neurons, heart and
skeletal muscle membranes, VGCC are responsible
for coupling membrane potential changes to biological functions such as secretion, neurotransmitter release, and muscle contraction.1 One group
of drugs binding to these calcium channels with
nanomolar binding constants are the dihydropyridines,2 and thus L-type VGCC are also commonly referred to as dihydropyridine receptors
(DHPR); the nomenclature we will use here. In
Present address: G. Velarde, School of Biological
Sciences, University of Manchester, Stopford Building,
Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PT, UK.
Abbreviations used: DHPR, dihydropyridine receptor;
EM, electron microscopy; Chaps, (3-[(cholamidopropyl)dimethyl-ammonio]-1-propanesulphonate); WGA, wheat
germ agglutinin; 2D, two-dimensional; 3D, threedimensional; FSC, Fourier shell correlation; DPR,
differential phase residual; RyR, ryanodine receptor.
E-mail address of the corresponding author:
0022-2836/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Figure 1. Characterisation of an oligomeric DHPR complex. (a) Lane 1, Native gel of purified DHPR showing a
silver-stained protein band at ,750 kDa; lane 2, immunoblot (anti-beta antibody) of the native gel showing labelling
of the , 750 kDa band. (b) Densitometric scan of DHPR polypeptides after the denaturation of the ,750 kDa protein
complex and SDS-PAGE.
orientated to allow superimposition and interdigitation with the calcium release channel, also
termed the ryanodine receptor (RyR), which is
localised to the junctional sarcoplasmic recticulum
(jSR) and bridges the junctional gap. These data
provided strong evidence for a muscle E C
coupling model involving a direct interaction of
the DHPR and the RyR (see review26). Rotary
shadowed images of freeze-dried DHPR, purified
from solubilised triad junctions,27 showed particles
ovoid in shape, with a central indentation, and
with short and long dimensions of approximately
16 nm and 22 nm. Four of these oval complexes
were proposed to be required to form the tetrad
structures observed in freeze-fracture images.
Single particle image analysis (SPA) is a powerful technique for the structural study of large
protein complexes that are not readily amenable
to crystallisation.28 31 The development of image
processing techniques designed to analyse noncrystalline large macromolecular complexes such
as membrane proteins has allowed the determination of a number of 3D structures32,33 at
) with SPA of
medium/low resolutions (, 30 A
some viruses sufficient to reveal details of secondary structure.34 Recently Murata and co-workers35
presented two dimensional (2D) projection maps
of negatively stained purified rabbit skeletal
muscle DHPR determined by SPA techniques.
resolution, showed a monomeric
Structures at 30 A
in height and
DHPR complex approximately 200 A
in width. The use of negative staining is wide90 A
spread and it has been successfully employed for
studying the size, shape, and oligomeric form of
macromolecules36 as well as for the investigation
of subunit subunit interactions,37 and large scale
conformational changes.38 Here we have used
negative staining coupled with single particle
analysis to study large dimeric DHPR complexes
with very similar dimensions and gross structural
features to those first observed by Leung and
co-workers.27 These dimeric complexes are equivalent to two of the monomeric particles observed
by Murata et al.35 We present here a three dimensional (3D) structure for this VGCC.
DHPR was purified using an established
protocol.6 8 Typical yields of purified DHPR were
found to range between 90 and 140 mg/400 g wet
skeletal muscle. DHPR samples were characterised
by SDS-PAGE (Figure 1) and by immunoblotting
with affinity-purified antibody Ab2491 (reactive
with skeletal muscle b subunit from rat and rabbit
t-tubule preparations and also with all rat b isoforms 1 4)39 as well as antisera raised against the
a2/d protein (Ab2079) (an anti-VGCC a2/d antiserum reactive with skeletal muscle from rat and
rabbit t-tubule preparations).15 Purified DHPR
complexes were also examined by native gel electrophoresis displaying a single high molecular
mass band at , 750 kDa (Figure 1(a), lane 1).
Immunoblotting with anti-beta peptide antibody
Ab2491 gave a single band corresponding to the
same mass (Figure 1(a), lane 2). The native gel
band (750 kDa) was extracted and the recovered
protein examined by SDS-PAGE (Figure 1(b) (see
Materials and Methods). Due to the varying background intensity from the high to low mass end of
the silver-stained broad-range gel the gel was
digitised and the background subtracted. The
polypeptide composition corresponded to the published literature6 8 for skeletal muscle DHPR. Two
high molecular mass bands at , 170 kDa (peak a)
and , 140 kDa (peak b) correspond to the a1 and
a2 polypeptides. The lower molecular mass band
(e) at , 55 kDa is the expected position of the b
subunit. A further four bands (denoted f i)
between , 32 kDa and 17 kDa were also observed,
corresponding to g, d1, d2 and d3 polypeptides,
respectively. The presence of the d1, d2 and d3
polypetides indicates a heterogeneous d subunit
population due to variable glycosylation as
reported.14 Peaks (c) and (d) at , 66 kDa and
, 60 kDa, respectively, corresponded to silver
stain artefacts and were observed in the absence
of protein. The appearance of these two bands has
been previously documented.40 An aliquot of the
electroeluted protein from the , 750 kDa native
gel band was examined by EM, revealing a homogeneous particle population, almost spherical in
(data not
shape with a diameter of , 200 A
shown). These dimensions and overall shape were
found to be virtually identical with electron micrographs of the purified DHPR shown in Figure 2.
Structural analysis of purified DHPR complexes
Presented in Figure 2(a), top panel, is an electron
micrograph of the DHPR preparation in negative
stain. The particles are homogeneous and uniform
in shape, suggesting a favoured orientation of
DHPR to the EM grid. Preferred orientations of
protein associating with EM grids is a well established phenomenon.41 Factors influencing this
orientation are complex and involve properties of
the negative stain, interactions of the protein with
the stain and the EM grid support film, charge
effects and protein surface topology. Due to the
presentation of a preferred view of the DHPR
complex the random-conical tilt method31 was
used for the 3D reconstruction. This technique
is widely employed for 3D reconstructions of
macromolecules,42 and allows reconstructions to
be determined from one orientation of a
The micrograph presented in Figure 2(b) represents the same area of the grid after tilting to 508.
2D alignment and classification of the untilted
data set revealed six major classes with estimated
and 35 A
Figure 2. Top panel, electron micrographs of purified, negatively stained, DHPR complexes. (a) Untilted micrograph
showing particles approximately 20 nm in diameter (arrows). (b) The same area as shown in (a) tilted by 508. Examples
of corresponding particles in each micrograph (tilt pairs) are indicated by arrows. Scale bar represents 50 nm. Bottom
panel, row A: 2D projections of the six class averages (untilted dataset). Row B: corresponding 3D volumes (tilted dataset) reconstructed for each class (see Table 1). Scale bar represents 10 nm.
No. of particles
2D projections (Figure 2)
3D volume (Figure 3)
No. of particles
) (FSC)
Resolution (A
Netting colour
x s above
mean density
Resolution (A
Upper part of the Table gives data on class averages and the Euler rotation angles applied for merging into the 3D reconstruction.
The lower portion relates to the 3D DHPR volume giving the approximate protein mass that could be incorporated in the structure
at different thresholds.
Relative to class average 1.
Using 0.73 cm3 g21.61
Figure 3. 3D reconstruction of DHPR viewed at three different density thresholds. (a) Pink 2.6s, yellow 1.6s, red
1.25s above the mean density displaying a view perpendicular to the EM grid support film and resembling the projection images in Figure 2. Density overlaying the central cavity is indicated by the arrow. (b) Rotation of the view in (a)
by 458 ccw around the vertical axis; yellow and red mesh illustrate a finger-like protrusion. (c) Similar view of a second
finger protrusion after rotation of (b) by 1808 around the vertical axis. (d) At lower thresholding (red) the finger-like
protrusion can be seen to form a dome-shaped domain, the broken arrow points to a hole punctuating the dome. The
main body of density enclosed by the pink mesh (2.4s) is formed by two arches of density, the arrows indicate where
the two arches contact each other. (e) View rotated by 908 round the vertical axis with respect to (a). (f) The same
view as (e) after imposition of 2-fold symmetry. Scale bar represents 5 nm.
Monomer or dimer?
VGCC have been the subject of significant
biochemical, physiological and pharmacological
study but until recently very little data has been
available pertaining to the 3D structure. More
success has been obtained with the potassium49
and sodium voltage-gated channels.50 Sato and
co-workers50 presented a 3D structure of the
voltage-sensitive sodium channel isolated from
the eel Electrophorus electricus. The polypeptide
containing the ion channel (, 260 kDa) has the
same predicted topology as a1 DHPR, i.e. four
homologous domains that each contain six transmembrane helices,11 although the skeletal muscle
DHPR a1 subunit is , 70 kDa lower in mass
than the sodium channel. The sodium channel is
monomeric and has a bell-shape of 13.5 nm in
Figure 5. 3D structure of the DHPR after 2-fold symmetry has been applied, displayed at decreasing density
thresholds ((a) (c)). (a) The DHPR complex at the highest threshold with two possible locations for the lipid bilayer
indicated by broken and dotted lines (I and II, respectively, see Discussion). (d) DHPR complex at the same thresholds
as that in (b) but tilted so as to reveal the interior and depth of the central cavity. The arrows in the panel indicate
the position of the C2 symmetry axis. Meshing: pink 2.5s, yellow 1.5s, and red 1.2s above the mean density. Scale
bar represents 5 nm.
expected for , 24 transmembrane helices (a1 subunit), dependent on their packing. These factors
would be compatible with models I and II, but not
model III, where most of the mass of the protein is
in the membrane. In addition model III would not
fit with DHPR polypeptide topology predictions,
which indicate an asymmetric distribution of
protein mass across the t-tubular membrane.
Figure 5(d) is displayed at threshold levels comparable to those in (b). In this Figure the symmetrised structure has been rotated so as to reveal
the interior and depth of the cavity extending into
the finger/dome domains. The arrows indicate the
symmetry axis through the volume.
Sections through the 3D volume orientated
as shown in Figure 5(a) (c) (surface rendered in
SPIDER, 1s above the mean density) taken perpendicular to the 2-fold symmetry axis, displayed at
intervals, are shown in Figure 6 (direction of
11 A
slicing running top to bottom). Model I would
place the boundaries of the lipid bilayer between
slices 4 and 8, corresponding to a thickness of
, whereas in model II the membrane
, 40 50 A
would be placed between slices 4 and 8. It is not
intervals through the DHPR 3D structure taken perpendicular to the C2 axis, i.e. as viewed
Figure 6. Slices at 11 A
looking down onto the membrane. Slices start from the top through to the bottom through to the top of the structure
(as defined in the legend to Figure 5). Box size, 26 nm 26 nm.
this model could now be tested by further structural analyses and cross-linking studies.
Structure/function relationships
We have presented data from both structural and
biochemical studies demonstrating that skeletal
muscle DHPR can be isolated as a dimer. An
intriguing feature of the dimeric DHPR structure
is the large central cavity, which is formed by the
two halves of the dimer. If this chamber were to
have a function in gating or selectivity, then a
physiological role for dimerisation is implicit.
Of interest in this respect is the observation of
different behaviour of negative stain with respect
to the cavity. Whilst the positively charged uranyl
ions readily penetrate the cavity, the behaviour
of negatively charged molybdate ions is quite
different, with little or no staining of the cavity. A
larger survey of heavy atom stains is underway.
Future work is now aimed towards the determination of a higher resolution 3D structure of the
DHPR, as well as reconstitution of the complexes
into lipid bilayers, to further develop and expand
upon the data and proposals for the quaternary
organisation of the skeletal muscle L-type VGCC
presented here.
3D Image processing
The random conical reconstruction method using
SPIDER and WEB image processing packages31 was
employed for the calculation of a 3D structure of the
DHPR. A total of 35 micrograph pairs (taken at 08 and
508) of negatively stained (uranyl acetate) DHPR complexes were selected and scanned as described above.
Particles were selected from the untilted and tilted
micrographs (2405 tilt pairs) and an individual contrast
transfer function (CTF) correction was applied to each
particle in both data sets based upon its positional
co-ordinates. The focus gradient across the tilted
micrographs was determined using the software
ctffind2.com.58 The focus gradient parameters for each
micrograph were then applied using the SPIDER CTF
correction batch files.
This file also compensates for the amplitude contrast
for negative stain.
The untilted data set was rotationally and translationally aligned using a reference-free alignment algorithm.
However, due to the ellipsoidal shape of the DHPR
complexes, with axes very similar in length, alignment
of the dataset involved initially filtering the particles to
followed by reference-free alignment. This gave
45 A
good alignment of the dataset as judged by correspondence analysis and hierarchical ascendant classification.
The shifts and rotations used for aligning these heavily
filtered particles were then applied to the original data . Hierarchical clusterset, after low pass filtering to 20 A
ing, with complete linkage as a merging criterion, was
used to separate out the major groups. Only those
averages (six classes: 557, 426, 340, 248, 204, 192, and
140 particles, Figure 2, lower panel, row A) with reso were selected for reconstruction of
lutions 25 35 A
volumes by back projection from the respective tilted
particles. Resolution assessment of each major class was
determined by plotting the Fourier ring correlation
(FRC) between two independent averages. As a measure
of resolution for FRC 0.5 was taken as a cut-off.59
Each of the six volumes was individually refined six
times by optimising the original volume by an angular
refinement step (Figure 2, lower panel, row B). In brief,
back projections calculated from the initial 3D volume
were used to translationally realign the original tilted
particles. The realigned particles were then used to
create a new volume. The refined volumes from each
separate class were then merged after determining the
correct Euler angles for combination (Table 1). The
groups were merged in order of size, the largest first.
The final reconstruction included 1887 images representing 79% of the original tilted dataset. The resolution of
this final volume was assessed by the standard method
of calculating the FSC60 between two subvolumes,
formed by two half-sets of the selected images, with the
resolution limit taken to be at the point where the FSC
fell below 0.5.47 In addition, resolution was assessed by
plotting the DPR48 with 458 used as a cut-off measure.
The 2-fold rotational symmetry of the DHPR complexes isolated here was confirmed by cross-correlation
of the unsymmetrised volume with itself after rotation
This work was funded by the British Heart
Foundation via a Basic Science Lectureship
Award to Dr A. Kitmitto (BS/97002). The authors
acknowledge Dr Richard Collins and Professor
Alan Eddy (UMIST) and Dr Anthony Davies
(UCL) for useful discussions.
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Edited by I. B. Holland
(Received 7 May 2002; received in revised form 9 August 2002; accepted 9 August 2002)