First Serbian Uprising

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The document discusses the First Serbian Uprising against Ottoman rule which lasted from 1804 to 1813 and helped Serbia gain more autonomy.

The uprising was sparked by the murder of many Serbian chiefs by the Janissaries, who feared the Serbs would side with the Sultan against them.

Karađorđe was chosen as the leader of the uprising and led the rebel army to many early victories against the Ottomans.

First Serbian Uprising

The First Serbian Uprising (Serbian:

, Prvi srpski ustanak) was an uprising of Serbs
in the Sanjak of Smederevo against the Ottoman Empire
from February 14, 1804 to October 7, 1813. Initially a local revolt against the renegade janissaries that had taken
the rule through a coup, it evolved into a war for independence (the Serbian Revolution) after more than three
centuries of Ottoman rule and short-lasting Austrian occupations.

Austrians held the city until 1791 when it handed Belgrade back to the Ottomans according to the terms of the
Treaty of Sistova. With the return of the sanjak to the
Ottoman Empire the Serbs expected reprisals from the
Turks due to their support to the Austrians. Sultan Selim
III had given complete command of the Sanjak of Smederevo and Belgrade to battle-hardened Janissaries that had
fought Christian forces during the Austro-Turkish War
and many other conicts. Although Selim III granted auThe dahije (janissary commanders), murdered the Ot- thority to the peaceful Hadi Mustafa Pasha (1793), tenthe Serbs and the Janissary command did
toman Vizier in 1801 and occupied the sanjak, ruling sions between
it independently from the Sultan. Tyranny ensued, the
janissaries having suspended the rights granted to the In 1793 and 1796 Selim III proclaimed rmans which
Serbs by the Sultan earlier, increasing taxes, imposing gave more rights to Serbs. Among other things, taxes
forced labour, etc. In 1804, the janissaries feared that were to be collected by the obor-knez (dukes); freedom
the Sultan would use the Serbs against them, so they of trade and religion were granted and there was peace.
murdered many Serbian chiefs. Enraged, an assembly Selim III also decreed that some unpopular janissaries
chose Karaore as leader of the uprising, and the rebel were to leave the Belgrade Pashaluk as he saw them as
army quickly defeated and took over towns throughout a threat to the central authority of Hadi Mustafa Pasha.
the sanjak, technically ghting for the Sultan. The Sul- Many of those janissaries were employed by or found
tan then feared their power, and ordered all pashaliks in refuge with Osman Pazvantolu, a renegade opponent of
the region to crush them. The Serbs marched against Selim III in the Sanjak of Vidin. Fearing the dissolution
the Ottomans and had major victories in 180506, and of the Janissary command in the Sanjak of Smederevo,
established a government and parliament that returned Osman Pazvantolu launched a series of raids against Serthe land to the people, abolished forced labour and re- bians without the permission of the Sultan, causing much
duced taxes. Military success continued over the years, volatility and fear in the region.[2] Pazvantolu was dehowever, there was dissent between Karaore and other feated in 1793 by the Serbs at the Battle of Kolari.[3] In
leaders; Karaore wanted absolute power, while his the summer of 1797 the sultan appointed Mustafa Pasha
dukes, some of whom abused their privileges for personal on position of beglerbeg of Rumelia Eyalet and he left
gain, wanted to limit it. After the Russo-Turkish War Serbia for Plovdiv to ght against the Vidin rebels of
ended and Russian support ceased, the Ottoman Empire Pazvantolu.[4] During the absence of Mustafa Pasha, the
exploited these circumstances and reconquered Serbia in forces of Pazvantolu captured Poarevac and besieged
the Belgrade fortress.[4] At the end of November 1797
Although it was crushed, the uprising was continued by obor-knezes Aleksa Nenadovi, Ilija Biranin and Nikola
the Second Serbian Uprising in 1815, which resulted in Grbovi from Valjevo brought their forces to Belgrade
the besieging janissary forces to retreat to
the creation of the Principality of Serbia, as it gained and forced [5][4]
semi-independence from Ottoman Empire in 1817 (formally in 1829).

However, on January 30, 1799, Selim III allowed the

Janissaries to return, referring to them as local Muslims
from the Sanjak of Smederevo. Initially the Janissaries
accepted the authority of Hadi Mustafa Pasha, until a
Janissary in abac, named Bego Novljanin, demanded
from a Serb a surcharge and murdered the Serb when he
refused to pay. Fearing the worst, Hadi Mustafa Pasha
marched on abac with a force of 600 to ensure that the
Janissary was brought to justice and order was restored.
Not only did the other Janissaries decided to support Bego
Novljanin but Osman Pazvantolu attacked the Belgrade
Pasahaluk in support of the Janisaries.[6]


In 1788, during the Austro-Turkish War (17871791),

Koas frontier rebellion saw eastern umadija occupied
by Austrian Serbian Free Corps and hajduks, and subsequently, most of the Sanjak of Smederevo was occupied
by the Habsburg Monarchy (178891). The Siege of Belgrade from 15 September to 8 October 1789, a Habsburg
Austrian force besieged the fortress of Belgrade. The


Hadi Mustafa Pasha murdered by the Dahije.

On 15 December 1801 Vizier Hadi Mustafa Pasha of

Belgrade was killed by Kuuk-Alija, one of the four
leading dahije.[7] This resulted in the Sanjak of Smederevo being ruled by these renegade janissaries independently from the Ottoman government, in deance to the
Sultan.[8] The janissaries imposed a system of arbitrary
abuse that was unmatched by anything similar in the entire history of Ottoman misrule in the Balkans.[9] The
leaders divided the sanjak into pashaluks.[9] They immediately suspended the Serbian autonomy and drastically
increased taxes, land was seized, forced labour (itluenje)
was introduced, and many Serbs ed the janissaries in
The tyranny endured by the Serbs caused them to send a
petition to the Sultan, which the dahije learnt of.[10] The
dahije started to fear that the Sultan would make use of
the Serbs to oust them. To forestall this they decided
to execute leading Serbs throughout the sanjak, in the
event known as the "Slaughter of the Knezes", which took
place in late January 1804.[8] According to contemporary
sources from Valjevo, the severed heads of the murdered
leaders were put on public display in the central square
to serve as an example to those who might plot against
the rule of the dahije.[8] This enraged the Serbs, who led
their families into the woods and started murdering the
subai (village overseers) that had been employed by the
dahije, and also attacking Ottoman forces.[10] The dahije
sent out the most diplomatic, Aganlija, with a strong force
to frighten and calm them down, in order to avoid escalation into armed conict which would be hard for the
janissaries to manage, but to no avail.[9]

Uprising against the Dahije

On 14 February 1804, in the small village of Oraac near

Aranelovac, leading Serbs gathered and decided to undertake an uprising, choosing Karaore Petrovi as their
leader. The Serbs, at rst technically ghting on the behalf of the Sultan against the janissaries, were encouraged and aided by a certain Ottoman ocial and the

sipahi (cavalry corps).[11] The Sultan had a ferman issued on 12 March for their support. For their small numbers, the Serbs had great military successes, having taken
Poarevac, abac, and charged Smederevo and Belgrade,
in a quick succession.[11] The Sultan, who feared that
the Serb movement might get out of hand, sent the former pasha of Belgrade, and now Vizier of Bosnia, Bekir
Pasha, to ocially assist the Serbs, but in reality to keep
them under control.[11] Alija Guanac, the janissary commander of Belgrade, faced by both Serbs and Imperial
authority, decided to let Bekir Pasha into the city in July
1804.[11] The dahije had previously ed east to Ada Kale,
an island on the Danube.[12] Bekir ordered the surrender
of the dahije, meanwhile, Karaore sent his commander
Milenko Stojkovi to the island.[13] The dahije refused,
upon which Stojkovi attacked and captured them, and
had them beheaded, on the night of 56 August 1804.[13]
After crushing the power of the dahije, Bekir Pasha
wanted the Serbs to be disbanded, however, as the janissaries still held important towns, such as Uice, the Serbs
were unwilling to halt without guarantees.[12] The Sultan
now ordered the surroundings pashaliks to suppress the
Serbs, realizing the threat.[12] The Serbs sought foreign
help, sending a delegation to St. Petersburg in September 1804, which returned with money and promise of
diplomatic support.[12] The First Serbian Uprising, the
rst stage of the Serbian Revolution, had thus begun.

3 Uprising against the Ottomans

Eventually, the negotiations failed, and the Sultan organised a military campaign against the uprising. The rst
major battle of the uprising was the Battle of Ivankovac in 1805, where Karaore defeated the Turkish army
and forced it to retreat toward Ni. In 1805 the Serbian rebels organized a basic government for administering Serbia during the combat. Rule was divided between the Narodna Skuptina (Peoples Assembly), the
Praviteljstvujui Sovjet (Ruling Council), and Karaore
himself. Land was returned, forced labour was abolished,
and taxes were reduced. Apart from dispensing with poll
tax on non-Muslims (jizya), the revolutionaries also abolished all feudal obligations in 1806, only 15 years after
the French revolution, peasant and serf emancipation thus
representing a major social break with the past.
The second major battle of the uprising was Battle of
Miar in 1806, in which the rebels defeated an Ottoman
army from the Eyalet of Bosnia led by the Turkish Sipahi
Suleiman-Pasa. At the same time, the rebels led by Petar
Dobrnjac defeated Osman Pazvantolu and another Ottoman army sent from the south-east at Deligrad. The
Ottomans continuously faced defeat despite their continuous eorts and support by Ottoman commanders led by
Ibrahim Bushati and Ali Pasha's two sons Muktar Pasha
and Veil Pasha. In 1806 the insurgents sent the Belgrade
merchant Petar Iko as their envoy to Ottoman govern-

Battle of Miar (1806), by Afanasij eloumov.

Liberation of Belgrade (1806), by Katarina Ivanovi.

ment in Constantinople. He managed to obtain for them

a favourable Ikos Peace. However, the Serbian leaders preferred to reject the treaty and possibly poisoned
Petar Iko due to his acquaintance with the Ottomans.
The Serbian rebels then joined the Russians as their allies in Russo-Turkish War (18061812). The Battle of
Deligrad in December 1806 provided a decisive victory
for the Serbs and bolstered the morale of the outnumbered Serbian rebels. To avoid total defeat, Ibrahim
Pasha negotiated a six week truce with Karaore. By
1807 the demands for self-government within Ottoman
Empire evolved into a war for independence backed by
the military support of Russian Empire. Combining patriarchal peasant democracy with modern national goals
the Serbian revolution was attracting thousands of volunteers among the Serbs from across the Balkans and Central Europe. The Serbian Revolution ultimately became
a symbol of the nation-building process in the Balkans,
provoking peasant unrests among the Christians in both
Greece and Bulgaria. Following the successful siege with
25,000 men, on 8 January 1807 Karaore proclaimed
Belgrade the capital of Serbia.

a wide autonomy, however, the discussions led to no

agreement between the two, as they couldn't agree on the
exact boundaries of Serbia.[14] The Proclamation (1809)
by Karaore in the capital Belgrade probably represented the apex of the rst phase. It called for national
unity, drawing on Serbian history to demand the freedom
of religion and formal, written rule of law, both of which
the Ottoman Empire had failed to provide. It also called
on Serbs to stop paying taxes to the Porte, deemed unfair as based on religious aliation. Karaore now declared himself hereditary supreme leader of Serbia, although he agreed to act in cooperation with the governing
council, which was to also be the supreme court.[15] When
the Ottoman-Russian War broke out in 1809, he was prepared to support Russia, the cooperation was, however,
ineective.[15] Karaore launched a successful oensive
in Novi Pazar, but Serbian forces were subsequently defeated at Battle of egar.[15]
In March 1809, Hurid Paa was sent to the Sanjak
of Smederevo in order to repress the revolt. The diverse Ottoman force included vast numbers of soldiers
from many nearby Pashaliks (mostly from Albania and
Bosnia) including servicemen such as Samson Cerfberr
of Medelsheim, Osman Gradaevi and Reshiti Bushati.
On 19 May 1809, 3,000 rebels led by commander Stevan
Sineli were attacked by a large Ottoman force on egar
Hill, located close to the city of Ni. Owing to a lack of
coordination between commanders, the reinforcement of
other detachments failed, although the numerically superior Ottomans lost thousands of troops in numerous attacks against the Serb positions. Eventually, the rebels
were overwhelmed their positions were overrun; not wishing for his men to be captured and impaled, Sineli shot
into his entrenchments gun powder magazine resulting in
an explosion that killed all the rebels and Ottoman troops
in the vicinity. Afterward, Hurshid Pasha ordered that a
tower be made from the skulls of Serbian revolutionaries
once complete, the ten-foot high Skull Tower contained
952 Serbian skulls embedded on four sides in fourteen

In July 1810, Russian troops arrived in Serbia for the second time, this time some military cooperation followed;
weapons, ammunition, and medical supplies were sent,
and Marshal M. I. Kutuzov, the great commander, participated in the planning of joint actions.[15] The Russian assistance gave hope for a Serb victory, however, events in
Europe were in the way.[15] In August 1809, an Ottoman
army marched on Belgrade, prompting a mass exodus of
people across the Danube, among them Russian agent
Radonikin.[14] Facing disaster, Karaore appealed to
the Habsburgs and Napoleon, with no success.[14] At
this point, the Serb rebels were on the defensive, their
aim was to hold the territories and not make further
gains.[14][15] Russia, faced with a French invasion, wished
to sign denitive peace treaty, and acted against the inIn 1808, Selim III was executed by Mustafa IV, who was terest of Serbia.[15] The Serbs were never informed of
subsequently deposed by Mahmud II. In midst of this po- the negotiations; they learned the nal terms from the
litical crisis, the Ottomans were willing to oer the Serbs


Ottomans.[15] This, second Russian withdrawal, came at

the height of Karaores personal power, and rise of
Serb expectations.[15] The negotiations that led to the
Treaty of Bucharest (1812), had Article 8, dealing with
the Serbs; It was agreed that Serb fortications were to be
destroyed, unless of value to the Ottomans, pre-1804 Ottoman installations were to be reoccupied and garrisoned
by Ottoman troops, in return the Porte promised general
amnesty and certain autonomous rights; The Serbs were
to control the administration of their own aairs and
the collection and delivery of a xed tribute.[16] The reactions in Serbia was strong, the reoccupation of fortresses
and cities was of particular concern and fearful reprisals
were expected.[16]
1813. ,




Tensions persisted. In 1814, veteran Hadi Prodan

launched a revolt which failed. After a riot at a Turkish estate in 1814, the Ottoman authorities massacred the
local population and publicly impaled 200 prisoners at
Belgrade.[17] By March 1815, Serbs held several meetings
and decided upon continued revolt, the Second Serbian
Uprising of 1815, which eventually succeeded in securing Serbian autonomy.

5 Government
Rule was divided between Grand Leader Karaore,
the Narodna Skuptina (Peoples Assembly) and the
Praviteljstvujui Sovjet (Ruling Council), established in

44 00

44 00

44 30

44 30

the abolition of all Serbian institutions and the return of

Ottoman Turks to Serbia.

5.1 Ruling Council

1813. .

43 30

43 30






50 km

Serbia in 1813 before Ottoman reconquest

Some of the leaders of the uprising later abused their

privileges for personal gain. There was dissent between
Karaore and other leaders; Karaore wanted absolute power, while his dukes wanted to limit it. After
the Russo-Turkish War ended, and pressure of French
invasion in 1812, the Russian Empire withdrew its support for the Serb rebels. The Ottoman Empire exploited
these circumstances and reconquered Serbia in 1813 after Belgrade was retaken. The Ottoman forces burned
down villages along main invading routes while their inhabitants were massacred or made refugees, with many
women and children being enslaved. Karaore, along
with other rebel leaders, ed to the Austrian Empire on
21 September 1813.


With the reestablishement of Ottoman control, many

of the revolutionaries,(around a quarter of the population) including Karaore Petrovi, ed to Habsburg Empire.[17] Recaptured by the Ottomans in October 1813,
Belgrade became a scene of brutal revenge, with hundreds of its citizens massacred and thousands sold into
slavery as far as Asia. Direct Ottoman rule also meant

The Ruling Council was established by recommendation

of the Russian Minister for Foreign Aairs Chartorisky
and on the proposal of some of the dukes (Jakov and
Matija Nenadovi, Milan Obrenovi, Sima Markovi).[18]
The idea of Boa Grujovi, the rst secretary, and Matija
Nenadovi, the rst president, was that the council would
become the government of the new Serbian state.[19] It
had to organize and supervise the administration, the
economy, army supply, order and peace, judiciary, and
foreign policy.[19]

6 Gallery
Serbia in 1809, during the First Serbian Uprising
Serbia in 1813, during the First Serbian Uprising
Seal of Praviteljstvujui sovjet
Flintlock pistols from First Serbian Uprising
Uniform and weapons of a regular soldier (180910)

7 See also
Media related to First Serbian Uprising at Wikimedia Commons
List of Serbian Revolutionaries
History of the Serbian-Turkish wars


[1] The Ottoman Empire and the Serb Uprising, S J Shaw in

The First Serbian Uprising 1804-1813 Ed W Vucinich p.
[2] Ranke 1847.
[3] Roger Viers Paxton (1968). Russia and the First Serbian
Revolution: A Diplomatic and Political Study. The Initial
Phase, 1804-1807. - (Stanford) 1968. VII, 255 S. 8. Department of History, Stanford University. p. 13.

Jelavich, Charles; Jelavich, Barbara (1977). The

Establishment of the Balkan National States: 18041920. University of Washington Press. ISBN 9780-295-80360-9.
Morison, W. A. (2012) [1942]. The Revolt of the
Serbs Against the Turks: (1804-1813). Cambridge
University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-67606-0.
Petrovich, Michael Boro (1976). A history of modern Serbia, 1804-1918. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

[4] orovi 2001.

[5] Filipovi, Stanoje R. (1982). Podrinsko-kolubarski region. RNIRO Glas Podrinja. p. 60.


Ranke, Leopold von (1847). History of Servia, and

the Servian Revolution: From Original Mss. and
Documents. J. Murray.

10 Bibliography

[6] Ranke 1847, p. 115.

[7] orovi 2001, ch. .
[8] Ranke 1847, p. 119120.
[9] Nicholas Moravcevich (2005). Selected essays on Serbian
and Russian literatures and history. Stubovi kulture. pp.
[10] Morison 2012, p. xvii.
[11] Morison 2012, p. xviii.
[12] Morison 2012, p. xix.
[13] Petrovich 1976, p. 34.
[14] Jelavich 1983, p. 201.
[15] Jelavich & Jelavich 1977, p. 34.
[16] Jelavich & Jelavich 1977, p. 35.
[18] Jankovi 1955, p. 18.
[19] ubrilovi 1982, p. 65.

orovi, Vladimir (2001) [1997].

(in Serbian). Belgrade: .

ubrilovi, Vasa (1982). Istorija politike misli u Srbiji XIX veka. Narodna kn iga.
Jankovi, Dragoslav (1955). Istorija drave i prava
Srbije u XIX veku. Nolit.
Jelavich, Barbara (1983). History of the Balkans:.
Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-52127458-6.

. .

Dragoslav Jankovi (1981). .
Vuk Stefanovi Karadi (1947).
. [With a Portrait.].
Vladimir Stojanevi (1994). Prvi srpski ustanak:
Ogledi i studije. Vojna knj.
Andrej Vujnovi (2004).

. ISBN 978-8682925-10-1.
Vladimir Stojanevi (2004). Srbija i srpski narod u
vreme prvog ustanka. Matica srpska.
. . ISBN 978-867396-057-9.




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. Original artist: Afanasij Scheloumo
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