Hypnosis involves communicating ideas to patients in a way that motivates them to explore their own abilities to control psychological and physiological responses. It creates a state of increased awareness and responsiveness to ideas by making unconscious learnings and conditionings available. In the hypnotic state, subjects are open to examining ideas in terms of their own experiences and memories, and they translate suggestions into their own understandings. Effective hypnosis relies on developing a situation that allows subjects' responses to reflect their own learnings rather than the operator's expectations.
Hypnosis involves communicating ideas to patients in a way that motivates them to explore their own abilities to control psychological and physiological responses. It creates a state of increased awareness and responsiveness to ideas by making unconscious learnings and conditionings available. In the hypnotic state, subjects are open to examining ideas in terms of their own experiences and memories, and they translate suggestions into their own understandings. Effective hypnosis relies on developing a situation that allows subjects' responses to reflect their own learnings rather than the operator's expectations.
Hypnosis involves communicating ideas to patients in a way that motivates them to explore their own abilities to control psychological and physiological responses. It creates a state of increased awareness and responsiveness to ideas by making unconscious learnings and conditionings available. In the hypnotic state, subjects are open to examining ideas in terms of their own experiences and memories, and they translate suggestions into their own understandings. Effective hypnosis relies on developing a situation that allows subjects' responses to reflect their own learnings rather than the operator's expectations.
Hypnosis involves communicating ideas to patients in a way that motivates them to explore their own abilities to control psychological and physiological responses. It creates a state of increased awareness and responsiveness to ideas by making unconscious learnings and conditionings available. In the hypnotic state, subjects are open to examining ideas in terms of their own experiences and memories, and they translate suggestions into their own understandings. Effective hypnosis relies on developing a situation that allows subjects' responses to reflect their own learnings rather than the operator's expectations.
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Hypnosis is essentially a communication of ideas and understandings to a
patient in such a fashion that he will be most receptive to the presented
ideas and thereby motivated to explore his own body potentails for the control of his psychological and physiological responses and behavior." M.H.Erickson Vol.IV-1967.
"The hypnotic trance may be defined, for purposes of conceptualization, as
a state of increased awareness and responsiveness to ideas." M.H.Erickson 1958 Vol.IV Collected Papers. "Hypnosis is a technique of communication whereby you make available the vast store of learnings that have been acquired, the usefulness of which lies primarily in the way of automatic responses. In hypnosis we make a direct call on these learnings that have been dropped into the area of automatically available learnings." M.H.Erickson In the hypnotic state subjects are open to ideas. They like to examine ideas in terms of their memories, their conditionings and all of the various experientail learnings of life. They take your suggestion and translate that into their own body learnings. M.H.Erickson - 1960. It (hypnosis) is not a matter of the operator doing something to subjects or compelling them to do things or even telling them what to do and how to do it. When trances are so elicited, they are still the result of ideas, associations, mental processes and understandings already existing and merely aroused within the subjects themselves. Yet too many investigators working in the field regard their activities and their intentions and desires as the effective forces; and they actually un-critically believe that their own utterances to the subject elicit, evoke or initiate specific responses without seeming to realize that what they say or do only serves as a means to stimulate and arouse in the subjects past learnings, understandings, and experiential acquisitions, some consciously, some unconsciously, acquired. M.H.Erickson - (1964) Adequate use of hypnosis is not dependant upon patter, verbiage, what the operator knows, understands, expects, hopes for, wants to do, or the offering of instruction in accord with the operator's understandings, hopes, and desires. On the contrary, the proper use of hypnoses lies in the development of a situation favorable to responses reflecting the subject's own learnings, understanding, capabilities, and experiences. This can give the operator the opportunity to determine the proper approach for responsive behavior by the subject. These considerations have been increasingly recognized by the author during the past 20 years as basic requisites in the development of hypnotic techniques and of psychotherapy. Subject behavior should reflect only the subject himself and not the teachings, hopes, beliefs, or expectations of the operator. M.H. Erickson (1973)
Whatever the behaviour offered by the subjects, it should be accepted
and utilized to develop further responsive behaviour. Any attempt to "correct" or alter the subjects' behaviour, or to force them to do things they are not interested in, militates against trance induction and certainly deep trance experience. M.H.Erickson - 1952 There are patients who prove unresponsive and resistant to the usual induction techniques, who are actully readily amenable to hypnosis...These patients are those who are unwilling to accept any suggested behavior until after their own resistant, contradictory or opposing behavior has first been met by theoperator. M.H.Erickson- 1959 Many times, the apparently active resistance encountered in subjects is no more than an unconscious measure of testing the hypnotist's willingness to meet them halfway instead of trying to force them to act entirely in accord with his ideas. M.H.Erickson 1979 In the induction of an hypnotic trance, one induces suggestions and primarily gives the suggestions in an indirect fashion. You should try to avoid as much as possible commanding or dictating to your patient. If you wish to use hypnosis with the greatest possible success, you present your idea to patients so that they can accept and examine it for its inherent value. M.H.Erickson- 1959 I may mispronounce a potent word besause that is the word I want the patients to hear. I want that word to echo in their own minds correctly. If I mispromonounce it slightly, they mentally correct it, but they are the ones that are saying it, they are making the sugggestion to themselves. M.H.Erickson 1976 The patient's behavior is a part of the problem brought into the office; it constitutes the personal environment within which the therapy must take effect; it may constitute the dominant force in the local patient-doctor relationship. Since whatever the patient brings into the office is in some way both part of him and part of his problem, the patient should be viewed with a sympathetic eye appraising the totality which confronts the therapist. M.H.Erickson - The use of syptoms as an integral part of hypnotherapy. The art of suggestion depends upon the use of words and the varied meaning of words. I've spent a great deal of time reading dictionaries. When you read the various definitions the same word can have, it changes entirely your conception of that word and how language may be used. M.H.Erickson - 1981 There are "charged" words and you select words that carry a wealth of affective meaning and you select them with the greatest of care. M.H.Erickson - 1980