Senate Commentary - A Report On NUQ Mar 2015 Eisenman
Senate Commentary - A Report On NUQ Mar 2015 Eisenman
Senate Commentary - A Report On NUQ Mar 2015 Eisenman
a good choice to design and build in a desert where average summer temperatures
are withering.
NUs school in Doha is run by Everette E. Dennis, whose titles are Dean and CEO, the
latter a concession to a local political culture in which even junior government
ministers are addressed as your excellency. (The meaning of the term dean is
apparently imprecise in Arabic, also rendering the title CEO expedient.) Three
senior administrators answer directly to Dean Dennis: Kathryn Symank, Chief
Operations Officer; Jeremy Cohen, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; and Klaus
Schoenbach, Associate Dean for Research. Professors Scott Curtis (Dir. Program in
Communication); Mary Dedinsky (Journalism); and Sandra Richards (Liberal Arts)
are each tenured at NU and report to Jeremy Cohen.
Initial Questions
The issues that concerned me prior to my visit to Qatar posed by faculty within the
Senate and without were the following:
1. What is the mission of NUQ?
2. What is the cost of NUQ to the university as a whole?
3. Is there academic freedom and freedom of inquiry at NUQ?
4. Is it ethical to locate a school in Qatar, an autocratic monarchy?
5. What are the living conditions of the migrant workers in Qatar?
6. What are the terms of appointment and promotion for faculty at NUQ?
My brief answers to these questions are found below.
But it is necessary first to observe that the faculty, staff and students at NUQ are
clearly dedicated to the success of the enterprise and to their own intellectual and
professional advancement. The dozen faculty members I spoke to were all
enthusiastic and engaged teachers and scholars. The untenured faculty in particular
were bright, creative, quick-witted, and genuinely concerned about providing the
best possible education for their students. I wish that I had time to watch them in
the classroom. Dean Dennis is committed to the success of NUQ, appears to know
everything that is going on, and is determined to ensure that his school is the equal
of others at Education City and Northwestern. Finally, I spoke to about a dozen
students without exception, they were articulate, engaged and thoughtful. Again, I
wish I had the opportunity to see them in the classroom or review their work.
The Mission of NUQ
According to Dean Dennis, Provost Linzer and President Schapiro, it is:
a) To educate the young of the region is western-style journalism and
communication so that they may extend values of free speech, open inquiry, and
critical investigation to the media of the area. About 40% of students are from
Qatar; most of the rest are from the wider Middle East, with a few from Europe, Asia,
and the Americas. Qatari students receive a full scholarship for four years. NonQatari students, with some exceptions, must pay full costs. (The QF foundation
provides loans to most students that need them, allowing them to be paid back by
commitments to remain and work in the country for a period after graduation.)
b) To allow Qatari women the opportunity of a full, U.S. style education, since few of
them would otherwise be permitted by their religiously conservative families from
obtaining an education abroad.
c) To offer NU students in Middle Eastern and North African Studies a safe base from
which to study and travel in the region.
d) To give NU faculty in the Journalism and Communication schools, as well as
MENA an opportunity to live and research in the Middle East.
The Cost to Northwestern of NUQ
So far as I can tell, NUQ is run at no cost to Northwestern. (I was not given access to
any budgets.) Indeed, it appears the university makes money from the arrangement,
though not very much. President Schapiro says the support adds up to little more
than a rounding error in the annual budget. I would note however that five new
endowed professorships at NU were recently funded out of QF money.
Academic and Intellectual Freedom at NUQ
The faculty at NUQ enjoy limited academic freedom. This is not so much because
they fear they will run afoul of Qatar s strict censorship laws, though that is a
possibility, but because most are untenured and largely answerable to the NUQ dean
alone. In many ways, this vulnerability is no different than that experienced by any
Non-Tenure Eligible (NTE) faculty member in Evanston or Chicago, but is
exacerbated by 1) the broad authority of the Dean; and 2) the fact that continued
residency in the country is dependent upon ongoing employment by NUQ. Nonrenewal of a contract means leaving ones house, community, and country of
NUQ students, judging by their spoken responses to my questions, appear to have
internalized many speech restrictions and willingly operate within them. They
nevertheless also appear able to conduct serious journalistic and other academic
inquiry. One obstacle to education at NUQ is the difficulty in obtaining books that
violate censorship laws. I was told however that the bans can often be circumvented
by diplomatic strategy or subterfuge.
Outside the university speech is highly circumscribed. A new, state cybercrimes law
punishes anyone who threatens social values or the general order by means of
news, photos, and audio or visual recordings, even if they are true. Article 134 of
the penal code authorizes a term of up to five years imprisonment for criticizing the
emir or vice-emir. Qatari poet Mohammed Rashid al-Ajami is serving a 15-year
prison sentence for a poem that was deemed critical of the ruling family. There is
little sign that the regime is becoming more liberal in its attitudes toward speech if
anything, just the opposite.
The Ethics of NUQ
The ethics of establishing a campus in an authoritarian country are murky,
especially when it inhibits free expression, and counts among its allies several
oppressive regimes or groups. In addition, countries that produce enormous
amounts of oil and natural gas that increase global CO2, and generate in equal
abundance social and racial inequality, justly offend many. But those characteristics
describe the United States no less than Qatar and dont prevent Northwestern from
maintaining campuses in Evanston and Chicago.
Labor Conditions in Qatar
Approximately 94% of the workforce is migrant labor who experience poor living
and working conditions and have with no say in the government. According to
Human Rights Watch, Qatars Law 14 of 2004, protecting migrant laborer rights is
poorly enforced. Workers are controlled by their travel sponsors, (the kafala
system), frequently denied their rightful pay, and as stated earlier, have no right to
strike or unionize. Many are subject to arrest or deportation if their sponsors fail to
renew their ID cards. In May 2013, the Qatar Foundation announced new rules to
protect workers engaged in World Cup (2022) and related projects. It is not yet
clear if these guidelines (they are not laws) have had any significant impact on
working and living conditions. In November 2014, the Qatar Labor Ministry
announced that it would soon replace the existing kafala system with a contractbased work regime. The new system will reportedly allow workers to change jobs
without risk of deportation.
Domestic workers, especially women, are at greater risk than other migrant
laborers to abuse, (including sexual abuse), unpaid periods of work, and unlawful
confinement. Domestic workers receive no protection under Qatars basic labor
laws, and are often denied a single day off per week and basic freedom of
movement. A year-long effort by the Gulf Cooperation Council to establish a regional
framework of rights for domestic workers was recently abandoned.
Terms of Faculty Appointment
With the exception of visiting, tenured faculty from the Evanston or Chicago
campuses, faculty at NUQ are non-tenure eligible. They are hired by Dean Dennis
with the cooperation of administrators at the home campus, and less often,
department chairs and faculty. They may be appointed and re-appointed for terms
of one, two or three years. Promotion is based primarily upon teaching excellence,
though faculty are expected to engage in significant research leading to publication.
Proposals for Immediate Implementation:
1. Encourage the expansion of scholarship programs, funded by the Qatar
Foundation, to subsidize tuition and other costs for lower-income, and non-Qatari
students. The school in Doha should not be exempt from the goals and priorities of
the home institution.
2. Establish a more robust MENA presence at NUQ, with joint faculty appointments
and more frequent exchanges of both faculty and students. Such a program may
facilitate the establishment of closer ties with other Mideast universities for
example in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Israel so that NU and NUQ students and
faculty can more easily study and research in these places.
3. Create a more open faculty recruiting procedure. Faculty at NU should be
regularly notified of opportunities to visit and teach at NUQ, and provided explicit
information about the benefits, costs and conditions of appointments there. As it is,
faculty are openly recruited from Communications and Journalism but not from
Weinberg. All faculty in fields relevant to the curriculum at NUQ should have the
opportunity to apply for visiting terms; e-mail solicitations and Department Chair
announcements are better ways to reach faculty than ads in the Daily Northwestern.
4. Distribute to Northwestern faculty annual notices of available QF funds for joint
NU/NUQ research initiatives. Currently, Indrani Mukherji, Executive Director of
International Research Partnerships works with faculty in Evanston and Chicago to
partner with colleagues in Doha on grant proposals for research support. But the
current Associate Dean for Research at NUQ conveyed to me that much more
collaborative research is both desirable and possible.
5. Establish, publish and distribute a policy governing faculty appointment, reappointment and promotion at NUQ. Create a promotion and reappointment
committee consisting of tenured faculty at NUQ and Northwestern Evanston.
Currently all reappointment and promotion cases are handled by Dean Dennis and
his staff (including the tenured heads of programs) with the advice and consent of
the Associate Provost for Faculty. Faculty at NUQ find the current system opaque.
When one faculty member asked about promotion guidelines, he/she was told: I
dont know, were working on it, well talk about it another time.
6. Examine the viability of five-year terms of appointment in addition to the current
one, two and three year terms. Loss of a position at NUQ also means the loss of a
home and a country. In the absence of tenure, long-term contracts can provide
stability, improve morale and advance academic freedom. In the unlikely event that
a term of hire exceeds the length of the contract with the Qatar Foundation, faculty
members should be allowed to complete their terms in Evanston.
7. Create an NUQ shared-governance structure that enables faculty there to meet
regularly and have a significant voice in the organization and structure of the
Proposals for Long Term Implementation:
8. Work in collaboration with other Education City universities to encourage the
Qatar government to relax press and other free speech restrictions. Inform the QF
that progress toward greater intellectual and press freedom is a precondition for
continued NU engagement. Lack of free speech protection cannot be legitimated as a
matter of cultural difference; it is the exercise of power by a repressive government
over its people.
9. Work in collaboration with other Education City universities to ensure that all
migrant workers men and women alike -- are paid fairly and on-time, that their
legal rights are protected, that they have safe and comfortable housing, free health
care, freedom of movement, and the right to quit, change jobs or return to their
home countries. Encourage student journalists at NUQ to examine workers rights
and especially the rights of female, domestic workers in Qatar and elsewhere in the
Middle East. Inform the QF that progress toward greater workers rights is a
precondition for continued NU engagement.
Finally, I would like to thank Dean Everett Dennis and his excellent staff for their
kindness and hospitality during my visit. I hope very much that the proposals above
will be received in the same spirit of shared engagement and enthusiasm with which
they are offered. I am also grateful to Provost Linzer and several faculty members
from NUQ for their thoughtful criticisms of an earlier draft of this report.