Tableau Dashboard Cookbook - Sample Chapter
Tableau Dashboard Cookbook - Sample Chapter
Tableau Dashboard Cookbook - Sample Chapter
$ 49.99 US
31.99 UK
Jen Stirrup
Q u i c k
a n s w e r s
t o
c o m m o n
p r o b l e m s
Tableau Dashboard
Over 40 recipes for designing professional dashboards by
implementing data visualization principles
Jen Stirrup
Tableau Dashboard Cookbook is an introduction to the theory and practice of delivering
dashboards using Tableau. The recipes take you through a step-by-step process of creating
the building blocks of a dashboard and then proceed towards the design and principles of
putting the dashboard items together. This book also covers certain features of Tableau,
such as calculations, which are used to drive the dashboard in order to make it relevant to
the business user. The book will also teach you how to use key advanced string functions to
play with data and images. Finally, this book will help you consider what to do next with your
dashboard, whether it's on a server or in collaboration with other tools.
Chapter 6, Making Dashboards Relevant, guides you through the ways in which you can make
the dashboards relevant to your organization. We will look at theming and adding more details
to the dashboard.
Chapter 7, Visual Best Practices, provides examples of the more advanced features of
Tableau, such as calculations. The recipe exercises are underpinned by an explanation
of the visual best practices as we proceed through the chapter.
Chapter 8, Tell the World! Share Your Dashboards, shows different ways to share your
dashboards with different audiences, both inside and outside your organization.
A Short Dash to
In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:
This chapter starts with you being a Tableau beginner, then quickly takes you forward to
creating your own visualizations, and explains how to interact with the Tableau sample
dashboardshow to find, open, and interact with them.
We can create visualizations by using Tableau in order to produce meaningful dashboards
that communicate clearly.
Tableau has a suite of products, which are briefly described here.
Tableau Desktop is an application, which is used by individual data artists, analysts, and
people who create data visualizations. It resides on the desktop, and is aimed at individual
use. It can use public data, or data that is specific to the enterprise or the individual.
For this book, we will be using version 8.2 to work with Tableau.
Chapter 1
For an enterprise, a dashboard is a visual tool to help team members throughout the ranks of
the organization to track, monitor, and analyze the information about the organization in order
to make decisions to support its current and future prosperity. In this recipe, we will interact
with Tableau's sample dashboards, which are constructed from worksheets. People often
learn by example, and this is a straightforward way of inspiring you with dashboard samples
while also learning about Tableau.
What do dashboards help you to do?
Evaluate: Dashboards answer questions such as, "Have the goals and objectives
been met?", "Are we on track?", and so on
Reveal: Dashboards help you view and digest information very quickly, which means
you have more time for strategic planning.
Communicate: Using a visual tool can help to get the message across in a common
format and create an impact.
Dashboards help key team members to gain insights and discern the health of the
organization very quickly. Tracking, monitoring, and analyzing the organization's data is an
essential part of making accurate decisions.
Tableau provides a number of example dashboards, both online and as part of the Tableau
Desktop installation. We will find, open, and interact with sample Tableau dashboards.
We can also use the example dashboards as a basis to make our own dashboards. They can
form a source of inspiration to make your own compelling visualizations. For the purpose of
this recipe, we will focus on the sample Sales workbook.
A key feature of dashboards is their interactivity. There are different types of dashboards,
and some references are included at the end of this recipe. Dashboards are not simply a set
of reports on a page; they should tell a story about the business when they are put together.
They should answer a clear business question. In order to facilitate the decision-making
process, interactivity is an important part of assisting the decision-maker to get to the heart
of the analysis as quickly as possible.
Fortunately, it is straightforward to interact with a dashboard that has been implemented in
Tableau. This dashboard looks at sales commission models, based on quota, commission
models, and base salary.
How to do it...
We will perform the following steps to see how we can interact with a dashboard:
1. Open up the Tableau Desktop, and you can see the Getting Started page.
The following screenshot is an example:
Chapter 1
2. At the bottom of the entry page, you can see a section called Sample Workbooks
that contains some examples. Let's take a look at the Sales dashboard. If you
double-click on the Sales example, it will open and you will see the sample Sales
dashboard, as shown in the following screenshot:
When you click on the middle item, denoted as % quota descending, you can see that the
horizontal bar charts in the main area of the dashboard change very quickly in response
to the user interaction. The dashboard now looks quite different from the previous Tableau
example, where the bars were sorted by Names. The rapidity of the change means that
decision makers can think as they click in order to focus on their analysis.
There are a number of different ways in which Tableau can offer useful interactivity for
dashboards. For example, we can include sliders, filtering by color, moving from dashboard
to dashboard, radio buttons, drop-down lists, and timelines. For example, another interesting
feature is that users can enter values into parameters in order to see the impact of their activity.
A parameter is a dynamic value that responds to user input. In this example, we use it to filter
the data by replacing constant values in calculations.
Chapter 1
We use the following steps to view the interactivity:
1. Let's see the impact of interactivity on the performance information given by the
dashboard. In the Sales dashboard, increase the New quota level to $1,000,000.
2. Next, increase the value in the Commission rate textbox to 15.0% by moving the
slider to the right.
3. Decrease the base salary to $40,000 by inserting this value in the Base salary
textbox. Note that the estimated results are now quite different. You can see from the
following screenshot that the number of people making the sales target decreases,
and the chart now shows a significant increase in the number of people nearing their
target or missing it altogether:
How it works
Tableau gives you a series of sample dashboards as part of the installation. You can also
see more samples online. Some samples are provided by Tableau team members, and you
can also visit the Tableau website for samples submitted by keen data visualization fans
from around the world. These samples can help to inspire your own work.
In this topic, we compared the changes on a dashboard in order to see how Tableau
responded to changes. We noted that the color has changed along with the values.
The dashboard provides quick feedback that the values do not change favorably for the
new quotes, commissions, and base salary. When decision makers are interacting with
dashboards, they are expecting quick-as-a-flash responsiveness from the dashboard,
and the sample Tableau dashboards meet this expectation well.
Chapter 1
See also
Tableau offers a number of sample dashboards on its website, and it is worthwhile
to check the site for ideas and brainstorming for your own dashboards. Take a look at for examples. If you are interested in the dashboard
theory in general, then you can look at the following references:
Dimensions: This describes the data. For example, these may include business
constructs such as customer, geography, date, and product.
Measures: These are usually numbers. They may also be known as metrics.
For example, %quota, sales amount, commission rate, tax amount, and product cost.
You can usually tell the dimensions and measures in the title of the report. For example,
if you take a title, such as Sales by Region, then the measure comes before the word by,
and the dimension comes after the word by.
In this recipe, we will look at the difference between a plain table and a graphical representation
of the data. While tables are data visualizations in themselves, Tableau's power lies in its ability
to visualize data graphically and quickly. This recipe will demonstrate the ease of going from a
table to a picture of the data. We will create a map, and the color intensity of the map coloring
reflects the value. To do this, we introduce the Show Me button, which is Tableau's way of
making data visualization simple and quick, so that the emphasis is on producing insights
rather than focusing on creating the Tableau visualization.
Getting ready
Let's start by opening up Tableau to get ready for your first visualization.
We will need to get some data. To obtain some sample, download the UNICEF
Report Card spreadsheet from the following link:
It will have the following columns:
Material well-being
Educational well-being
Subjective well-being
How to do it
1. In Tableau, click on File in the top left-hand corner and click on New. You can see this
in the following screenshot:
Chapter 1
2. When you've clicked on New, you will get a blank Tableau workbook. This is shown in
the following screenshot:
3. Let's insert our downloaded data. To do this, go to the Excel spreadsheet and select
all of the data by pressing Ctrl + A.
4. Next, copy the data by pressing Ctrl + C.
Data: This holds the measures, dimensions, and calculations in the data. You can
see this panel, which is situated under the File menu option; it is the long vertical
panel found on the left-hand side of Tableau.
Chapter 1
Shelf: This is a place where you drag fields. There are a number of shelves: the
Column and Row shelves, the Pages shelf, the Filters shelf and the Marks shelf.
The Tableau canvas view: This shows the items held in the Rows, Columns, Marks,
Pages, or Filters shelf. This is the large middle pane, where you can see your data
and your visualizations. In the preceding screenshot, it shows you the data that you
copied and pasted into Tableau.
Chapter 1
Using the After worksheet, click on the first Measures column called Average
ranking position_(for all 6 dimensions) to select it. Right-click on the column and
choose Keep Only. This excludes the rest of our measures, retaining only this column.
The result can be seen in the following screenshot:
Chapter 1
When we select the filled maps option, which is bordered with a heavy line at the top
right-hand side row, our screen now changes to look like a filled map, in which each
color corresponds to the average rank of each country. An example is shown in the
following screenshot:
Chapter 1
The Edit Colors dialog box appears. An example can be found in the next screenshot:
10. Using the square box, you can change the color. Here, it has been changed to blue. The
important item to note here is the Reversed option. This option allows us to reverse the
color so that the lower numeric values are represented by higher intensities. When we
click on OK, we get the final result as shown in the following screenshot:
How it works
The Show Me button helps you to choose the data visualization that is most suited to your
data. The Show Me toolkit takes the guesswork out of what data visualization tool to choose,
by offering you a selection of visualizations that are based on your datatypes.
It does this using an in-built, intelligent, knowledge-based system that is part of Tableau.
This helps to take the guesswork out of selecting a data visualization, which can often be a
contentious issue among data consumers and business intelligence professionals alike.
Data visualization is telling a story; the value is depicted by a corresponding color intensity.
This example topic involved ranking data. Therefore, the higher the number, the lower the
value actually is. Here, the value refers to the country rank.
How can we make the message clearer to the users? When we visualize the data in a
map, we can still use color in order to convey the message. Generally speaking, we assume
that the brighter or more intense a color is, the higher the value. In this case, we need to
adapt the visualization so that the color is brighter in accordance with the rank, not the
perceived integer.
There's more
Color theory is a topic in itself, and you will see practical applications as we proceed
throughout this book. For further references, refer to the See also section.
See also
Data visualizations can also be known as dataviz for short. On Twitter, #dataviz is a
well-used hashtag
Chapter 1
First, we will see how we can connect to the Windows Azure DataMarket cloud data source,
and then continue to connect to the local Excel file. Windows Azure Marketplace is an online
market to buy and sell finished Software as a Service (SaaS) applications and premium
data. Some data on Windows Azure DataMarket is free. We will be using one of the free
data samples, which will give us a lot of information about individual countries, such as the
country code, population, size, and so on. In data warehousing terminology, this data can be
considered as a dimension, which is another way of describing data. In this definition, it is
a field that can be considered an independent variable, regardless of the datatype. Tableau
has a more specific definition of a dimension. Tableau treats any field containing qualitative,
categorical information as a dimension, such as a date or a text field.
To connect the online data and local data, we will connect to Windows Azure DataMarket
using OData, which is a standardized protocol to provide Create, Read, Update, Delete
(CRUD) access to a data source via a website. It is the data API for Microsoft Azure, but
other organizations use it as well, such as eBay, SAP, and IBM.
Getting ready
Before you start, you need to create a folder where you can download data to run through
the examples. You should pick a folder name that is meaningful for you. Also, be sure to
select a location that has plenty of space. In this example, we will store data at D:\Data\
TableauCookbook. For the example in this chapter, we will create a folder called Chapter 1.
If you are experiencing problems in accessing the Windows Azure DataMarket, you can
download a copy of the Country Codes-CountryCodes.csv file at
How to do it
1. To connect to Windows Azure DataMarket, sign up for a free account using a
Windows Live ID. To do this, visit and follow
the instructions. This may involve activating your account via a link, so follow the
instructions carefully.
2. Sign in to Windows Azure DataMarket and navigate to the URL https://
3. Look for the Sign In button and click on it. You will need a Windows Live ID.
4. This will take you to a terms and conditions page. After you've read the terms and
conditions, and, if you agree with them, tick the box to specify that you agree and
click on Sign Up.
6. When you click on EXPLORE THIS DATASET, you will be able to see the data appear
in the browser, which you can slice and dice. Here is an example screenshot:
Chapter 1
In this example, we will load the data in Tableau rather than in the Data Explorer
URL. To do this, we need the primary account key. In Windows Azure DataMarket, this
is easy to obtain. From the previous example, we can see a feature called Primary
Account Key. If you click on the Show link next to Primary Account Key, then your
primary account key will appear.
8. Copy the primary account key to your clipboard by selecting it and pressing the Ctrl +
C keys. You will need the primary account key to access the data using Tableau.
9. You will also need to get the OData feed for the Country Codes data of the
Windows Azure DataMarket Country Codes store. To get the OData feed, you can
see it under the sentence URL for current expressed query, and you should copy this
10. Before you proceed, you should note the OData URL and the primary account key.
Select them and press the Ctrl + C keys simultaneously. The following table shows an
example of how your data might look:
Primary account
11. To connect to Windows Azure DataMarket, let's open up Tableau, and open the
Chapter 1 Demo workbook that we started in the Getting ready section of the
Showing the power of data visualization recipe.
12. Go to the Data menu item and choose Connect to Data.
Chapter 1
14. In this example, we are interested in connecting to Windows Azure DataMarket.
Here, we will use the information that we saved earlier in this section. You will need
the OData connection link. The connection panel only needs a few items in order
to connect to the Country Codes data in Windows Azure, and an example can
be seen in the next screenshot:
15. Insert the OData URL into the textbox labeled Step 1: Select or enter a URL.
16. Next, take a look at the step labeled Step 2: Enter authentication information,
select the radio button next to the Use an Account key for Windows Azure
Marketplace DataMarket option, and insert the account key into the textbox.
Then, click on the Connect button.
17. If all goes well, the data connection will be successful and we can save the Tableau
workbook before proceeding to connect to the Excel data source.
18. We will download the GNI data from the World Bank. The URL is http://data.
20. You will see a button called DOWNLOAD DATA, which is on the right-hand side.
21. Click on this button and you will be presented with two options: EXCEL and XML.
We will download all of the data in Excel format.
22. Before accessing the data source, let's save the file into the directory that you
created earlier.
23. Once the file is saved, open it in Excel, and take a look. If you don't see any data,
don't be alarmed.
You will see that there are three sheets and the workbook may open on the wrong sheet.
This will only provide metadata about the data held in the worksheet, and we need to look
at the worksheet called Data. Then, we'll perform the following steps:
1. Let's rename Sheet 1 to something more meaningful. Right-click on the sheet tab
name and rename it as GNI.
2. Remove the first two rows of the file. They will only add noise to the import.
3. Once you've done this, save the workbook. Now, you can exit Excel. We will go back
to Tableau to connect to the data.
4. To connect to the Excel file, go to the Data menu item. Select Connect to Data.
Look under the heading In a File and select Microsoft Excel. Then, a file browser
will appear.
5. Navigate to the location where the files are stored.
6. Select the worksheet called GNI to import and drag it to the canvas on the right-hand
side of the screen.
To save the data, make sure that the Live radio button is selected. You can
see this above the canvas. Then, click on the Go To Worksheet button in the
center of the screen.
Chapter 1
8. Now, we can see the Tableau workbook in the following screenshot. In the Data view
at the top, we can see two connections: our Windows Azure DataMarket connection
and our Excel file connection.
9. If we want to flip between each data source, we can click on each connection and see
that the dimensions and measures change in response.
How it works
Tableau connects to each data source and talks to it using drivers that are specific to each
datatype. For example, Tableau has some connectors to popular programs, such as R, Google
Analytics, and Salesforce.
You can find more information about drivers on the Tableau website at the link
There's more
Tableau will connect to each data source independently. Even though they are different types
of data sources, they appear to look the same in Tableau. From the user perspective, this
is very useful since they should not be distracted by the differences in the underlying data
source technologies. This means that the user can focus on the data rather than trying to
put the data into one data source. Furthermore, it means that the sources of data can be
refreshed easily because the Tableau visualization designer is able to connect directly to
the source, which means that the data visualization will always be up to date.
See also
Tableau can import data into its own in-memory engine. We will look at this
in Chapter 4, Using Dashboards to Get Results, in the Enriching data with
mashups section.
Getting ready
Make sure that you have a copy of the Chapter 1 Tableau data visualization open.
You should be able to access both data sources. To do this, click on the Tableau Data
connection that you will see in the top left-hand corner of the Tableau interface, as shown
in the following screenshot:
You should be able to click on the CountryCodes and the GNI connections alternately, and
see the differences in the dimensions and metrics contained in the two data sources.
Chapter 1
How to do it
1. In the Chapter 1 Tableau data visualization, click on the GNI data source. This
will change the dimensions and measures, which you can see in the left-hand side
column of the Tableau interface. An example is shown in the next screenshot:
3. Now that we see the measures, you can see that they are still specified as a string
datatype, and they are specified as Count.
Chapter 1
4. Fortunately, this is also very easy to change. If you right-click on the measure 1960,
a pop-up menu will appear. You can see an example of the pop-up menu in the
next screenshot:
6. Now that the data has been prepared, let's move to visualizing the data.
Earlier, we were introduced to the Show Me panel. Before we use the Show Me
panel, however, we need to put some data on the shelves. This is a location where
we drag-and-drop the dimensions and metrics in order to make them part of the
data visualization.
8. Pick the dimension Country Name and drag it onto the Rows shelf.
9. Pick the metric 2012 and place it on the Columns shelf.
10. You can now see that the data visualization has changed from a table to a horizontal
bar chart. We can make it look better by sorting the bars in descending order. This
allows us to quickly identify the highest GNI amounts for the top n countries.
Chapter 1
11. To sort in descending order, look for the button that shows a downward arrow next to
a horizontal bar chart. When you hover the mouse over it, you will see that it sorts by
the metric. An example is shown in the following screenshot:
Once you've sorted the data, it will look neater and easier to understand. We can see
this in the following screenshot:
How it works
One of Tableau's features is that it works out automatically whether the data is a dimension
or a measure. Tableau does this by looking at the datatype in the columns. So, for example,
in this case, it has identified text and geographical types as dimensions and integers as
You may be wondering why we have data that has a year for each column rather than a
column Year. This is a good question to ask, and we will look at different ways of shaping
the data and how that affects the resulting visualization throughout the course of this book.
Tableau has an internal knowledge base that it uses in order to determine the most appropriate
visualization for the data it sees. Initially, in this case, it has suggested a horizontal bar chart in
blue. Why is this the case?
We have a horizontal bar chart rather than vertical because we can read more easily along
rather than up and down. For people in the West, we tend to read left to right, so we see the
country name on the left followed by the bar and the value on the right.
By having horizontal bars, it is easy to see how the bars compare within the chart itself.
We have the visual information from the bar itself as well as the metrics labeled at the
end of the bar.
See also
A book list will be provided at the end of the book for people who are interested in
research on data visualization
Chapter 1
We are using a very simple dataset as a starting point, and we will move towards more
complexity in terms of data and visualizations for dashboarding as we proceed throughout
the book.
Getting ready
Before we open Tableau, let's download the data from a Google Docs spreadsheet
provided by the Guardian Datastore, which is provided by The Guardian newspaper that
is published in the UK. You can visit the link to get the data from here:
JenStirrupOfficialTableauBookCode. Alternatively, if you are experiencing difficulties
in getting the file, you can download a copy of the Excel file called EU COUNTRIES SHARE
OF RENEWABLE ENERGY.xls from data files that accompany the book at this link:
If you have obtained the data from the Guardian website, you will need a Google account to
open the spreadsheet. Once you have opened the spreadsheet, you copy the data that you
can see highlighted in the following screenshot:
How to do it...
1. Once the data is copied into Tableau, the workbook will appear as follows:
Chapter 1
2. If the years appear as dimensions, then drag them to the Measures pane on the
left-hand side.
3. Our starting point is a table. In our duplicate sheet, go to the Show Me panel on
the right-hand side. Select the horizontal bars option. You can see a sample of
the Show Me panel in the next screenshot:
5. We are interested in the target data. To show the scenario of comparing actual
data with target data, remove all of the green pills from the Columns shelf, except
SUM(2010) and SUM(2020 Target).
Chapter 1
6. Once these columns have been removed, the Show Me panel will show more options.
We will choose the bullet graphs option, which is highlighted with a blue box in the
following screenshot:
Once the bullet graphs option has been clicked on, look for the small icon that looks
like a horizontal bar chart on the taskbar. You will find it below the menu items. When
you wave the mouse over it, you will see that it is a tooltip that says Sort Country
Descending by 2010. It is circled in the following screenshot:
8. Once you click on the icon, you will see the result shown in the next screenshot,
which shows rows of bullet charts:
9. This is still a lot of data to show on a dashboard, and still be sure that the data
consumer is able to remember and understand it quickly. The idea is that the thick
horizontal line displays the actual data and the vertical line on each row displays the
target. We can resize it so that the rows are smaller in height. To do this, you can
resize by grabbing the bottom of the white canvas and pulling it upwards. This will
make the data visualization smaller.
Chapter 1
10. We could filter this further in order to show the top five countries who have the
greatest share of renewable energy sources in 2010. To do this, drag the Country
dimension from the left-hand side of the Tableau workbook to the Filter panel located
just above the Marks panel. The following wizard will appear:
11. Select the Top tab and select the By Field radio button.
12. Then, put the number 5 into the textbox and select the 2010 column from the
drop-down list.
13. Click on OK to clear the Filter wizard.
15. Once this is done, resize the visualization so that it is only a few inches in length.
To do this, go to the right-hand side of the visualization and drag the end along to the
desired size. The data visualization now looks like the following screenshot:
How it works
Copying and pasting the data into Tableau is a great way of importing data quickly. Note,
however, that this data is static and will not change with any changes in the data source.
Chapter 1
There's more
Removing unnecessary ink from the screen is a useful way of cutting down the items
displayed on the dashboard. In this example, the label was redundant and its removal
made the graphic neater.
If you require more information on the bullet chart, visit the link
In this recipe, we will look at the first two methods of sharing data: exporting a Tableau
packaged workbook and sharing your workbook with Tableau Public. When we export a
workbook as a packaged workbook, it wraps up the data as part of the Tableau workbook.
Why would you want to do this? The following are some reasons:
You might want to send the workbook to someone who does not have access to the
data source
Getting ready
Check that your workbook has less than 1 million rows. In this example, it does. So, we can
proceed. However, for your own work, you may find that this is not always the case.
Check whether you have a login for Tableau Public. If not, visit the Tableau website in order to
set up a login and a password (
How to do it
1. To save a workbook in order to upload it to Tableau Public, you need to save it
as a packaged workbook. To do this, go to the File menu item and choose the
Save As option.
2. Enter the filename in the File Name textbox.
3. Go to the Save As option from the drop-down list, choose Tableau Packaged
Workbook, and then click on Save.
Chapter 1
4. Now, go to the Server menu item and you will see one option called Tableau Public.
From here, you can get to a small menu, which is called Save to Web As. You can
see an example of this in the following screenshot:
5. Click on the Save to Web As option, and you will get the following dialog box:
6. You will get a message asking you to log in to Tableau Public with your login ID and
password. When you have entered these details, click on OK.
Next, you will get the message shown in the following screenshot:
Chapter 1
9. Now, you will see your results in an Internet browser, as shown in the
following screenshot:
10. If you want to share your visualization, you can use the links at the bottom-left corner
of the browser to share your work. For example, you could share it on Facebook,
Twitter, or send it by an e-mail.
Tableau-packaged workbooks have the file extension *.twbx.
Tableau workbooks have the extension *.twb.
Then, you will be asked where you would like to unpackage the workbook. Select
a location on your computer to unpackage the workbook; for example, you could
use the location that we created at the beginning of this chapter: D:\Data\
TableauCookbook\Chapter 1. We will keep the filename as it is.
How it works
You can publish your workbook to the whole world using Tableau Public. The data is saved
to Tableau's data centers, and you can access the workbook from anywhere in the world via
the Internet.
Tableau allows you to publish easily from your desktop. However, there are a few restrictions
on using Tableau Public. Also, be careful about sharing your work; once the Tableau workbook
is published to Tableau Public, anybody can download the data.
Stay Connected: