Preparing A Portfolio: Objectives
Preparing A Portfolio: Objectives
Preparing A Portfolio: Objectives
Angela Simmons
Jill Lumsden
1. Recognize the importance of preparing and
using portfolios in the career development
2. Identify the parts of an effective portfolio.
3. Know how to compile and present your portfolio
in a professional manner.
These activities can help you achieve the stated
objectives. Do any or al of them. The more you do, the
closer you will come to meeting the objectives.
Read through this guide to understand the
basic dynamics of portfolio preparation.
Refer to the portfolio preparation related
resources that are listed in this guide.
Ask a career advisor about portfolio
preparation and related activities that are most
appropriate for your career planning needs.
Whats Inside
What is a portfolio?
Teaching honors/awards
Preparing a Portfolio
Dixon, P. (1998). Job searching online for dummies.
Foster City, CA: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
JIST. (2003). Your career and life plan portfolio (2nd Ed.).
Indianapolis, IN: JIST Publishing, Inc.
Kimeldorf, M. (1997). Portfolio power: The new way to
showcase all your job skills and experiences. Princeton,
NJ: Petersons.
Pack, D. (1998). Wings: The Winona State University
Electronic Portfolio Project. About Campus, May-June,
pp. 24-26.
Steigerwald, F. (November, 1997). Portfolio
development: Documenting the adventure. Counseling
Today, Vol. 4, no. 5, p. 30.
Internet resources
By typing in phrases like professional portfolio,
interview portfolio, and career portfolio to any
Internet search engine, you will find several sites to
review. These sites may provide you with ideas for
the creation of your own portfolio.
This link focuses on teaching portfolios and provides
concrete suggestions for how to use the portfolio to
sell yourself to potential employers.
5. Artifacts/examples of work
6. Skills
Additional resources
Career Library resources and call numbers:
The Complete Job Search Handbook....................VD F5
How to Put Your Book Together
and Get a Job in Advertising....................IIB 11-2011 P3
2004 Job Search Handbook for Educators...........VD M3
Your Career and Life Plan Portfolio.........................IA J5