Flotacion de Cpy CC Py
Flotacion de Cpy CC Py
Flotacion de Cpy CC Py
Minerals Engineering
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/mineng
Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, The University of Queensland, Isles Road, Indooroopilly, Brisbane, QLD 4068, Australia
School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 7 October 2013
Accepted 9 January 2014
Available online 3 February 2014
Copper minerals
Pyrite activation
Surface oxidation
Galvanic interaction
a b s t r a c t
In this study, the differences between the separation of chalcopyrite and chalcocite from pyrite in cleaner
otation after regrinding were investigated. In the rougher otation prior to regrinding, high chalcopyrite
and chalcocite recovery were obtained in conjunction with high pyrite otation recovery due to the activation of pyrite by copper ions during primary grinding. The rougher otation concentrate was reground
in a rod mill before cleaner otation. It was found that chalcopyrite and chalcocite exhibited different otation behavior and also affected pyrite otation differently in cleaner otation. The mechanism underpinning these phenomena was investigated by a range of techniques including the polarization of mineral
electrodes, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses and ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid
(EDTA) extraction. It was found that the otation behavior of both copper minerals and their effect on
pyrite otation after regrinding were governed by their electrochemical activities and galvanic coupling
with pyrite.
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Regrinding rougher otation concentrates is becoming a
common practice to improve the recovery and grade of valuable
minerals as a result of the need to process low grade and complex
ores. The small grain size of the valuable minerals in low grade ores
requires much ner grinding to provide sufcient liberation. In
some mineral processing plants, the desirable liberation of valuable minerals in low grade ores can only be achieved by regrinding
particles to less than 10 lm (Johnson, 2006). Further, the mineralogy of low grade ores is becoming more complex, therefore, the
separation of valuable minerals from gangue minerals in downstream processes (e.g., otation and leaching) is more challenging
even though minerals are well liberated.
Regrinding not only reduces particle sizes and liberates valuable
minerals from gangue minerals but also provides appropriate surfaces for subsequent otation. Grinding conditions, including the
use of different types of grinding media and pulp chemistry (pH,
Eh and dissolved oxygen), have a signicant effect on mineral otation, and this has been well studied and reviewed (Peng et al.,
2003a, 2003b; Bradshaw et al., 2006; Bruckard et al., 2011). It
has also been found that the otation of ne and ultra-ne particles is more affected by grinding conditions than the otation of
Corresponding author at: School of Chemical Engineering, The University of
Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia. Tel.: +61 7 3365 7156; fax: +61
7 3365 3888.
E-mail address: yongjun.peng@uq.edu.au (Y. Peng).
0892-6875/$ - see front matter 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Woods, 1984; Zachwieja et al., 1989). However, extensive oxidation produces a high amount of metal and high valency sulfur oxidation species which are hydrophilic and depress the otation.
Compared to chalcopyrite, chalcocite shows weak collectorless otation, but can be well oated in the presence of xanthate collectors within a certain Eh range (Heyes and Trahar, 1979). The
oxidation of chalcocite has been found to decrease its oatability
due to the produced copper hydroxide layer on the surface and a
decreased number of copper sulde sites for collector adsorption.
However, its otation can be restored by increasing the collector
dosage (Tolley et al., 1996). It is documented that chalcocite is
more reactive than chalcopyrite. Fullston et al. (1999) studied the
oxidation of different copper minerals using zeta potential
measurements, and found that the oxidation of these minerals follows the order: chalcocite > tennantite > enargite > bornite > covellite > chalcopyrite. It is anticipated that chalcocite otation is more
susceptible to an oxidizing grinding condition than chalcopyrite
Pyrite depression in the cleaner stage plays a critical role in producing a high quality copper otation product. In copper otation
plants, the current strategy is to maximize the recovery of copper
minerals by oating some pyrite at the rougher stage while further
rejecting it at the cleaner stage after regrinding (Wills and
Napier-Munn, 2006). However, despite the minerals being well
liberated by regrinding, the depression of pyrite can be difcult if
pyrite surfaces are activated by copper ions dissolved from copper
minerals. During regrinding, more copper ions can be released
from copper minerals and activate the exposed fresh pyrite
surfaces (Chen et al., 2012, 2013). A number of studies have shown
that more copper ions can be dissolved from chalcocite than from
chalcopyrite (Lascelles and Finch, 2002; Wong et al., 2002). It is
expected that chalcopyrite and chalcocite provide a different
extent of copper activation on pyrite during regrinding, and
therefore pyrite otation.
Moreover, galvanic interactions occur between the copper mineral and pyrite due to a difference in their rest potential resulting
in different electrochemical reactions on both mineral surfaces
and different oatability (Nakazawa and Iwasaki, 1985; Yelloji
Rao and Natarajan, 1989; Ekmeki and Demirel, 1997). It has been
reported by Huang and Grano (2005) that the galvanic current was
increased as the particle size reduced. As a result, the galvanic
interaction is stronger during regrinding than during primary
grinding with a greater effect on mineral otation and separation.
The objective of the current study is to understand the different
separation of chalcopyrite and chalcocite from pyrite in the cleaner
otation after regrinding. Previous studies emphasized primary
grinding and rougher otation, and limited studies have been
undertaken to understand the effect of regrinding on cleaner otation which is the subject of the current study.
2. Experimental details
2.1. Materials and reagents
Chalcopyrite, chalcocite and pyrite single minerals, supplied by
GEO Discoveries, were crushed through a jaw crusher and a roll
crusher, and then screened to collect +0.713.35 mm particle size
fractions. XRD analysis indicated that the pyrite sample was very
pure without detecting any impurity. The chalcocite sample also
had a high purity with a minor amount (<2%) of iron sulde impurity. The purity of the chalcopyrite sample was slightly lower with
about 95% chalcopyrite and 5% pyrite. To be consistent with previous studies, the processed samples were sealed in polyethylene
bags and then stored in a freezer at a temperature of 20 C to
avoid further surface oxidation (Chen et al., 2012, 2013).
Regrinding feed
Regrinding product
3 wt% solution of AR grade ethylene diamine-tetraacetic acid disodium salt (EDTA) was made up and the pH was adjusted to 7.5 by
adding sodium hydroxide solution. 95 cm3 of the EDTA solution
was placed in a vigorously-stirred reaction vessel and continuously
purged with nitrogen for 10 min to eliminate oxygen in the solution. Then the sample was added to the EDTA solution, and leached
by EDTA for 10 min while nitrogen was continuously purged
throughout. The slurry was then ltered through a 0.45 lm Millipore lter. Filtrate and dry solids were both weighed and analyzed
by ICP. The sample dry weight was used to calculate the mass of
metal oxidation species per unit mass of solid or unit area of solid
2.3.2. XPS analysis
XPS measurements were carried out with a KRATOS Axis Ultra
(Kratos Analytical, Manchester, United Kingdom) with a monochromatic Al X-ray source operating at 15 kV and 10 mA
(150 W). The analysis spot size was 300 700 lm. The frozen slurry samples were defrosted just prior to the analysis. The solids
were placed on the stainless steel bar and immediately loaded into
the introduction chamber of the spectrometer. Samples were analyzed at a pressure of 9 1010 Torr at the room temperature. Each
analysis started with a survey scan from 0 to 1200 eV using a pass
energy of 160 eV at steps of 1 eV with 1 sweep. High resolution
spectra of Fe 2p, O 1s, C 1s, S 2p, and Cu 2p were collected at
20 eV pass energy at steps of 100 meV with 2 or 3 sweeps. Binding
energies were charge-corrected by referencing to adventitious
carbon at 284.8 eV.
2.4. Polarization of mineral electrodes
Carefully selected high-purity chalcopyrite and chalcocite were
cut by using an Isomet4000 Precision Saw into 3 mm 3 mm
10 mm dimension. The electrodes were prepared by attaching
the mineral specimen to copper wires with a conductive silver
based electric conductive adhesive (RS Component Pty Limited),
and then mounting them into non-conductive epoxy resin with
the 3 mm 3 mm side exposed. Before each experiment, the mineral electrode was treated with a grade 600 then a grade 1200 silicon carbide paper, further polished with grit 100,000 diamond
paste (0.25 lm in diameter), rinsed off the diamond using sonic
bath and then thoroughly washed with de-ionized water. The
polarization experiments were conducted by using a standard
three-electrode system composed of the chalcopyrite or chalcocite
mineral electrode, a platinum counter electrode with a surface area
of 31.4 mm2 and a saturated calomel reference electrode (SCE). The
three-electrode system was linked to a Voltalab potentiostat/galvanostat (Model PGZ-100) controlled by a PC with Voltamaster 4
software. The polarization experiments were conducted in 0.1 M
KCl solution at pH 9.0. The potential sweep was positively directed
and at the rate of 10 mV s1. Before each experiment, the open circuit potential (OCP) was recorded for 300 s. The potential recorded
was against SCE.
3. Results and discussion
However, to be the anodic reaction, mineral oxidation is different. The anodic oxidation of chalcopyrite is (Buckley and Woods,
Log[i] (A/cm 2 )
Fig. 4. S 2p XPS spectra from mineral surfaces of regrinding feed and product of
chalcopyrite mineral.
Table 2
S 2p quantication for the regrinding feed and product of chalcopyrite mineral.
2p3/2 position
Regrinding feed
Energy loss
Regrinding product
Energy loss
Table 3
EDTA extractable iron and copper ions of the regrinding feed and product of the
chalcopyrite mineral.
Fe (mole/m2 mineral)
Cu (mole/m2 mineral)
4.46 106
7.66 106
5.18 106
9.69 106
Fig. 7. S 2p XPS spectra from mineral surfaces of regrinding feed and product of
chalcocite mineral.
Table 4
S 2p quantication for the regrinding feed and product of chalcocite mineral.
2p3/2 position
Regrinding feed
Energy loss
Regrinding product
Energy loss
Table 5
EDTA extractable iron and copper of the grinding and regrinding product of the
chalcocite single mineral.
Fe (mole/m2 mineral)
Cu (mole/m2 mineral)
8.93 106
3.19 104
3.57 106
1.52 104
addition. 89% chalcopyrite recovery was achieved in 8 min otation without additional collector, which is higher than that from
the otation of single chalcopyrite shown in Fig. 3. It suggests
that the presence of pyrite enhances chalcopyrite otation. This
may be caused by the galvanic interaction and surface oxidation,
and will be further discussed. With the addition of extra collector, chalcopyrite recovery was increased slightly and then
decreased, which is similar to that in single chalcopyrite otation shown in Fig. 3. However, pyrite otation was strongly
depressed with 10% recovery in 8 min otation regardless of
the collector addition.
To understand the surface species on both chalcopyrite and pyrite, regrinding feed and product were examined by XPS. The S 2p
XPS spectra from mineral surfaces before and after regrinding are
shown in Fig. 10. The spectra were tted with only two doublets.
The peak at 161.3 is attributable to S2 from chalcopyrite or pyrite.
The other doublet at 162.5 should be due to a combination of S2
from pyrite, S2
2 from chalcopyrite, and Sn from chalcopyrite. Since
the positions of these peaks are very close, especially S2
2 from pyrite and S2
from chalcopyrite, it is difcult to further decouple
them precisely (Smart et al., 1999). Furthermore, a broad peak
was observed at 168.2 eV in the regrinding product, which is
attributed to sulfate SO2
4 (Buckley and Woods, 1984). The quantication of sulfur species from the regrinding feed and product is
summarized in Table 6. Again, a greater monosulde proportion
occurred in the regrinding product due to the generation of new
The Cu 2p XPS spectra from mineral surfaces before and after
regrinding are shown in Fig. 11. The Cu+ Cu 2p3/2 component was
identied at about 932.2 eV (McIntyre and Cook, 1975; Deroubaix
and Marcus, 1992). A second component in the Cu 2p3/2 at about
934.0 eV is attributable to Cu2+-hydroxyl species (Weisener and
Gerson, 2000). The percentages of Cu+ relative to the overall Cu
for the regrinding feed and product are 78.9% and 84.0%, respectively. The slight increase of Cu+ after regrinding is due to the generation of fresh chalcopyrite surfaces. However, for both regrinding
feed and product, Cu2+ ions (oxidation products) are the minor
copper species.
Pyrite otation was strongly depressed after mixing with
chalcopyrite in cleaner otation. As studied previously, pyrite
otation was depressed in alkaline solutions, but the addition of
copper ions signicantly increased pyrite recovery within the
pH 610 range by activating the pyrite surface (Leppinen, 1990;
Finkelstein, 1997; Zhang et al., 1997). Chen et al. (2013) demonstrated that the effect of regrinding with stainless steel media on
pyrite otation at pH 9 was mainly governed by available copper
ions and surface oxidation. As discussed in the previous section,
Fig. 11. Cu 2p XPS spectra from mineral surfaces on regrinding feed and regrinding
product for chalcopyritepyrite mixture.
Fig. 10. S 2p XPS spectra from mineral surfaces of regrinding feed and product for
chalcopyritepyrite mixture.
Table 6
S 2p quantication for the regrinding feed and product for chalcopyritepyrite
Area contribution
Regrinding feed
Energy loss
Energy loss
Fig. 12. S 2p XPS spectra from mineral surfaces on the tailing consisting of 96%
pyrite and 4% chalcopyrite from the cleaner otation of chalcopyrite mixed with
Table 7
S 2p quantication for the tailing from cleaner otation of chalcopyrite mixed with
pyrite (160 g/t collector).
2p3/2 Position
Flotation con1
Energy loss
Fig. 15. Cu 2p XPS spectra from mineral surfaces on regrinding feed and regrinding
product for chalcocitepyrite mixture.
Fig. 14. Chalcocite and pyrite recovery from cleaner otation as a function of
collector dosage.
and pyrite otation were decreased signicantly. Chalcocite recovery was 42.8% in 8 min otation, which is much lower than that in
the single chalcocite otation. Pyrite recovery was 24.8%. With the
collector addition, chalcocite recovery was increased signicantly
to 78% at 120 g/t collector and then increased slightly with further
collector addition. Pyrite recovery was increased in a similar way
with collector amount but was always lower than chalcocite
The surface species on regrinding feed and product when chalcocite was mixed with pyrite were examined by XPS. The Cu 2p
XPS spectra from mineral surfaces before and after regrinding are
shown in Fig. 15. The Cu+ Cu 2p3/2 component was identied at
about 932.6 eV (McIntyre and Cook, 1975; Deroubaix and Marcus,
1992). A second component in the Cu 2p3/2 at about 934.2 eV is
attributable to Cu2+-hydroxyl species (Weisener and Gerson,
2000). The broad peak at about 943.3 eV is Cu2+ related shake-up
satellite energy loss structure, which further conrms the presence
because the galvanic interaction between minerals in both chalcocitepyrite and chalcopyritepyrite systems is weak at coarse sizes
with small surface areas.
The authors gratefully acknowledge nancial support from
Newcrest Mining Limited and the Australia Research Council. The
discussion of this study with Dr. David Seaman, the technical expert from Newcrest Mining Limited, is greatly appreciated. The rst
author also thanks the scholarship provided by the University of
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