The Stages of Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto, Walt Whitman Rostow, 1960
The Stages of Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto, Walt Whitman Rostow, 1960
The Stages of Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto, Walt Whitman Rostow, 1960
The real differences are not quantitative, but qualitative. Egypt's inability to raise its
standard of living has more to do with its social, political, and economic institutions and
with its perceptions of past, present, and future than with any lack of effort or personal
talents" Fred Gottheil, Principles of Macroeconomics 3e, p. 426.
The theory is intended as a direct counter to the Marxist stage theory of capitalist
development. The basic proposition is that all countries are located in one of a
hierarchy of developmental stages:
1. traditional society
2. transitional stage: the preconditions for take-off
3. take-off
4. drive to maturity
5. high mass consumption
In stages four and five nations achieve stable conditions for self-sustaining growth and
wealth creation. This notion presents a direct challenge to the Marxist argument of a
violent end to the capitalist system.
Agriculture moves more toward market orientation in which food and raw
materials become available to other sectors of the economy. The agricultural
sector develops beyond subsistence with production for the market.
Transportation and other social infrastructure develop.
Export expansion is necessary in order to finance the increased capital imports
needed for a strong foundation for economic growth.
The critical stage is the take-off stage. At this time the rate of investment increases
sharply. Leading economic sectors emerge and create investment opportunities in
other parts of the economy. This ensures the self-sustained growth of the drive to
maturity and high mass consumption stages.
Harrod, R. F. (1939), "An Essay in Dynamic Theory," Economic Journal, Vol. 49, No. 1.
The rate of growth is determined jointly by the national savings ratio and
national capital to output ratio. The more a nation can save and invest the
quicker it can grow!
e.g. assume k = 3, s = 6%
This helped Rostow to define the "take-off" stage. If a country could just save 15% to
20% it could develop and grow at a much faster rate than those who saved less. This
growth would be self-sustaining.
The primary policy implication is that the needed investment resources could be met
through foreign aid.
Study Question:
Describe the Harrod-Domar Growth Model including equations and policy implications.
two-gap model
The two-gap model is an extension of the Harrod-Domar growth model. The second
"gap" (in addition to the savings gap) is found by introducing foreign trade and
rephrasing the model such that:
savings gap -- domestic savings are inadequate to support the level of growth which
could be permitted given the import purchasing power of the economy and the level of
other resources
foreign exchange gap -- import purchasing power conferred by the value of exports plus
capital transfers may be inadequate to support the level of growth permitted by the level
of domestic saving
The two-gap theory purports that investment and development are restricted by level of
either domestic saving or import purchase capacity
unbalanced growth
Unbalanced growth recognized both backward (inputs create demand for other
products) and forward (inputs to other industries).
State support was seen as needed to initiate large-scale investment in a leading sector.
This would create the necessary external economies to induce supplying and client
industries which would in turn stimulate a secondary wave of investment and