PTE Experience and Tips
PTE Experience and Tips
PTE Experience and Tips
1. The first tip is about concentration. I gave PTE and I realized this while giving
Practice test exams. Concentration and alertness is very important for exam.
Let me give you an example, in Describe Image item type you will be given
25 sec to study the image and 40 sec to answer.
Now the question/instruction. will be like this :
Look at the picture/image/graph and within 25 sec describe blah blah blah.
Dont waste your time reading the instruction. Timer of 25 sec vl start as soon as
first image appears so dont waste time reading instructions. You should know
that it is describe image question and what you have to do. As son as describe
image question comes, start observing the image/graph/table and utilize 25 sec
And same goes for other item types. 25 sec stil is good time. In case of listening
item type say multiple choice multiple answer, a person will speak on sm topic
and you hv to answer a question . for eg.
2. The next is about headphones. I prepared for the exam using my in-ear canal
ear fones that completely cut the outside noice and I raised my laptop
volume to 80% which enabled me tolisten for listening talks quite nicely and I
thought that I would get the same environment. Though their headphones
are good bt dont expect the sound to be as loud as u practices , atleast in
my case I should hv taken dis into account. During speaking tasks I could
hear other speaking which distracted me but then you have to bring in the
first tip into play ie concentration. Concentrate on ur own taks and dont
listen to wat others are saying. Dont worry about others voice messing up ur
score bcz dere microfone is real good nd enabled for outside noice
cancellation and wil listen for ur voice only. Try giving the exam on weekday
as their might be less people in the room. In my case there were total 5
systems in the room and all were occupied i.e. we all were 5 includingme..i
gave on weekday but stil it was full. I drank strong coffee 20 mins b4 the
exam for concentratin and alertness levels. So you might wana do that.
4. Now would give a general overview of different item types that might trouble
you. so there are total of 20 diff item types and out of which 3 hav negative
marking. Many people including me found describe images and retell lecture
tough. So will give few tips on dem. Frankly speaking I messed them but stil
got 90 in speaking which makes me think that their AI is bit leneitn and as
long as u r contiously speaking you are good to go. Yeah also for all speaking
types where you hae to speak , if you keep quite for more than 3 sec
microfone vl stop recording and your answer will be marked as completed.
Dont that 3 sec giv u jitters as wen u actually giv tests(or practice test) it is
quite a long time ..not like 1, 2, 3 nd overalso if you stil need time to gather
ur thoughts then u can fill the gaps using ums, ahhnow you might be
wondering that will ums, ahs etc vl decrease your points. The answer is NO
as long as you are not doing them very frequently. So that means during
speaking item types you can use ums, ahss etc etc but if you are using very
very frequently then it vl casue ur scores to reduce. I did used them during
repeat sentence, describe images and retell lectures.
5. Most of the tips for describe images are in the book so you may refer that.
Here I would like to mention is how to start the describe images questions. So
you will get a graph and u hv to describe main points in 40 sec. there wil be
title or heading given for e.g
6. Next is retell lecture. So re-tell lecture item types comes after describe
images item types. There will be 7-8 describe images question and 2-3 re-tell
lecture questions. Now what happens is that re-tell lectures sometimes are
accompanies by image/picture which might make u think that this is another
describe image question . so dis might throw u out of balance so be aware of
this. For re-tell lecture grab ur erasable noteboard nd marker and get alert
.listen to the recording , making notes of main points, supp points, numbers,
dates , percentages etc. if there is a name of the person in the recording for
eg. Dr Henry kabutz or some othe r name you need not repeat the name
while giving ur response. A simple doctor, or researcher or person is fine. Retell lecture means you hv to speak the SUMMARY. So you need not repeat
evathing word by word. You just hv to give main points. So if there is an
example in the recording then you need not describe it compeltelty. You can
shorten it. Here also the key is that dont stop speaking. Keep speaking.
Proper note taking helps a lot. Also one more tip suppose recording starts and
you are not able to listen or understand some words , dont panic. I repeat
dont panic. Listen remaining of the recording and keep taking notes. Dont
worry about wat u hv missed or didnt understood. After the recording is
over , repeat wat u understood in your own words. If you panic then you
might mes up the whole re-tell lecture. So ignore wat you havent
understood and move one. There are only 2-3 re-tel l lecture so dont worry
much about them.
7. Writing is the easiest of all. Writing is the part where ielts makes us fool. In
PTE it is the easiest. I need not talk much about writing but jst exhibit range
of vocabulary, spelling should be accurate and jst follow normal ielts tips that
we know. I.e. introduction, main body (2 or more para , conclusion. This is for
essay type. In essay type cover evathing that the essay is trying to ask you. if
it asks you to give examples, references then dont forget dem. Next
question you would ask is hw we wil write 200-300 words essay in 20 mins.
Then I think since we are from IT we wont have any issues. Also there is cut,
copy paste available which you can utilize. Also word count will appear below
the area where you are typing so dont worry about you exceeding the
number of words unlike ielts .
The other task in writing is summarizing written text. Here there will be a paragraph
and you have to summarize it in ONE LINE. I repeat 1 LINE AND should be between
5- 75 words. There is another item type in listening namely SUMMARIZE SPOKEN
TEXT. Here you will listen to a recoring and summarize, however the diference is
that in latter you can write more than 1 line. However in former you have to
summarize in ONE LINE. You wil get 10 mins for this. Many ppl find this as tough as
how to summarize a paragraph. Key here is to find topic sentences, main points and
using your words, synonyms to summarize the paragraph. I dont think so you will
find issues in this. You can easily do it. Jst keep in mind that you have to summarize
a paragraph so you have to understand what the paragraph is about and wat it is
trying to communicate. Try to show range of vocabulary, spelling.
Since we are talking abot writing one important tip is puncatuatino. It is very
important in all writing tasks. So things like Capital letters appropriately (start of
sentence, nouns), then commas,semicolons etc should be put wherever necessary.
Another is to practice spelling of confusing words like believe , achieve etc etc .
Lastly dont worry muh about writing as it is easiest of all.
8. Speaking and Writing will happen in one go i.e. together. In case of writing
you have 10 mins for summarizing text. Dont think that if you complete it b4
10 , then remaining time wil be added in next section. Afer this we have
reading section which is a bit tough because time is less. Time for reading
varies between 32-41 mins and in this time you have to complete 13-17 item
types. The reading item types ARE NOT indivual item types. So once you
complete the question ,move on to next. In reading the tip I can give u is read
fast. Wen u read fast it not only wil save time bt wen we read fast we
understand and fathom much easy compared to wen we read slow and word
to word. Here also keep track of time. Dont panic. Dont rush. Read the
question for multiple choice question clearly. Sometimes they put NOT so
beware of that. For eg. What is the speaker NOT trying to say ? in reading
section tthere is one item type namely multiple choce, choose more than one
option that has got negative marking so choose the options wisely. A similar
item type is there in listening as well. Re-order paragraphs are not difficult
and you will do them. for rest of sections key is to read fast and try to
understand what the topic is about, what the writer is trying to say.
Understanding the writers intention is very important .
9. After reading section there will be 10 mins break. Insructino for break wil be
communicated you in start of the test so dont worry about that. After 10
mins the last section is listening section and it is also easy. After writing this is
the easiest section. Here also you have to show in your concentration and
listening skills. You can increase your headset volume . this should be done
infact at the start of the test. In listening section there can be multiple
speaker with different accents so it is possible one person is speaking first 4
lines and rest by other speaker. Dont let that distract you. most of the item
types are easy and I feel you wil be good to go.
10.There is one more item type that I missed that people face problem in
speaking section viz Repeat sentence. Here you wil hear a sentence and you
have to repeat it exactly as you hear it. You need not show accent like the
speaker but u can use stress and intonation as necessary. The key to repeat
sentence is dont try to remember it (memory do play a role) but try to
understand the sentence, menaing of sentence for e.g the library is located
northwest of the chemistry lab. If you focus on meaning then our brain has
more chance of repeating it. Also in this item type you have to hold the
sentence in your brain cache for few sec. what happens is that you will hear a
recording and then microphone will open after some time so once it opens
you have to start speaking.
Also there are some item types in speaking which DONT HAVE TONE. And they are
Repeat Sentence Item types. So in this item type you have to speak as soon as
recording appear(ofcourse u can leverage 3 sec period, vich believe me is not that
panicking as it seems).
11.Also in the shared drive I have kept few pdfs downloaded from longsman
website .there are total of 20 pdfs corresponding to each item type along with
practice questions. If you have time you can read specific pdfs as per the
topic you find you are having touble with.
12.Regarding listening item types Write after dictation , this one is similar to
repeat sentence , the difference being in repeat sentence we have to speak
and this one we have to write. Here since my typing speed is real fast so I
thought I will write as the speaker is speaking. While this is possible I couldnt
do it and used to miss few words. So wat I did is I heard d complete sentence,
kept in short term memory(just like repeat sentence) and then wrote it.
2. After reading the book , I knew I had trouble with describe images and re-tel
lecture. So I started watching youtube videos on describe images. Watched
more than 20 diferent describe images etc . after this I searched for graphs
images on google images and then used to set the timer as per exam timing I
used to describe the graph and listened back my response. I wanted to make
sure that my describe images were perfedct b4 I gave online paid practice
test A and practice Test B. if you have bought both test , then I suggest you
give practice test b4 10 days frm ur exam so that if you fail u need to work on
some item type you have couple of days b4 u give practice test B. again this
depends upon person to person. I gave practice test A 6 days b4 exam and
practice test B , one day b4 the exam. I didnt had time to do test boosters
provided along with the practice exams but they are useful . you neeed not
do dem all just do for item types you find difficult.
3. After this I read the one thread on expat forum on the exam. It is 177 pages
long and I have summarized important points in a word document(it is on
shared drivce). So you dont have to read that thread.
4. After this I did longsman pdfs. I did al the 20s as I required 79 + and I didnt
wanted to leave any stone unturned. Now I know that that I could have easily
avoided reading longsman pdfs. But they are good and 5-6 pages long. Wont
hurt reading them
5. After this I did practice test A and got overall 64. I was scared of my
performance on speaking as I got 57. I knew that practice test are tougher
and 64 meant I can get 79. But I speaking I was 57. 57 , again because of
describe images and retell lecture. So I started preparing again. This time I
did 3 practice test that came with CDs . they wont assign you marks but
they have sampel asnwers which give u ideas how to respond on item types.
For 3 practice test I only did speaking, reading and listening. Writing is easy
so I didnt waste time on that. After this I gave second practice test B and got
67 overall. Again my speaking was 59 and I was scared that even if I get 79 +
in others I would get less than 79 in speaking.
6. Day of final exam. Exam was at 10:30 am in the morning in south Bombay,
marine lines at edwise centre. I reached at the venue at 8:30. So I had 2
hours. The centre was closed. It opened at 9 am and they were good enough
to allow me to come inside and sit inside ac. I sat there and slept for 30 mins.
Felt good. Then I woke up and went down and had a strong strong coffee. I
had a samosa pav wen I reached i.e 8:30. I knew that I needed concentration
and alertness so I made sure I didnt east heavy. Finally the exam started .
after the exam they gave me printout of the confirmation of the exam. Now
wat to brign at the exam. Passport of course in original and also printout of
test schedule . I didnt got printout of test schedule but I had taken
screenshot it in my phone and I showed that and it worked.