The Dyslexic Reader 2004 - Issue 35

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Dys•lex´•ic Read´•er

Vol. 35 Davis Dyslexia Association International Issue 2 • 2004

The Abilities of Those with “Perhaps my early

problems with
dyslexia made
Reading Disabilities: Focusing me more intuitive:
when someone

on the Talents of People with sends me a written

proposal, rather
than dwelling on
Dyslexia, Part 1 detailed facts and
figures, I find that

By Thomas G. West to dyslexia and their links to extreme

my imagination grasps and expands

giftedness in science and mathematics.

on what I read.”
This three-part article provides a
Finally, there is some discussion of
Richard Branson, from “Losing My
preliminary rationale for a program
recent research looking at giftedness
Virginity: How I’ve Survived, Had Fun,
of systematic scientific study focusing and Made a Fortune Doing Business My

on the various strengths and talents among dyslexics. Way,” Times Business, 1998

believed to be closely associated with

developmental reading disability.
The Smartest Lad “Don Winkler has a
In 1896, in the first description of brain for the 21st
Profiles of a few highly successful developmental reading disability in
century. A dyslexic
dyslexics are provided to underscore the medical literature, it was noted
brain. As other

the high level and variety of talent that a certain student could not learn
managers struggle

sometimes displayed. Reference is also to read in spite of “laborious and

to ‘think outside

made to a recent revival of interest in

the box,’ Mr.
persistent training.” However, his Winkler has no
visual and spatial talents, their links headmaster observed that this student
other way of

“would be the smartest lad in the

thinking. . . . In five years he has built

school if the instruction were entirely

the finance arm of Banc One Corp. from
In This Issue an industry also-ran to $26 billion in
oral.” The study of reading disability assets. How he did so says a lot about
has frequently considered the often
Mr. Winkler and the value of querky

striking inconsistencies between high

News & Feature Articles thinking in a chaotic business world.”

intelligence and ability coupled with

The Abilities of Those with Thomas Petzinger, Jr., “A Banc One

surprisingly poor reading and writing

Reading Disabilities . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Executive Credits His Success to
Davis Methods Effective in Mastering Dyslexia,” Wall Street
Foreign Language Learning . . . . . .3 Continued on page 5 Journal, April 24, 1998.
Implications for Davis Methods
“His thoughts
New Dyslexia Research . . . . . . . . .7
often seem to
Dear Ron Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 progress in a
“I've always felt that
Perseverence is the Key . . . . . . . . . . .11 I have more of an nonlinear fashion,
Die unerkannten Lerngenies . . . . . . .13 ability to envision, to which McCaw says
DDA-CH: Einblick in unsere Erfas . . .14 be able to anticipate stems from [his]
UK Program Offers Young where things are dyslexia . . . He has
Adults a Second Chance . . . . . . . .15 going, to conceive a difficulty absorbing
solution to a business lengthy written
Regular Features problem than people documents and
In The Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 who are more usually avoids them. That leaves time
Q&A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 sequential thinkers.” for him to do what he prefers anyway,
which is to think and to stand back and
Book Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Charles Schwab, explaining that his
take in the big picture . . .”
New Facilitators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 struggle with his own dyslexia has
Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 led him to develop other capabilities. Andrew Kupfer, “Craig McCaw Sees
“The Schwab Revolution,” Business an Internet in the Sky,” Fortune, May
Week, December 19, 1994. 27, 1996.

anchors, the clay models she made of closely with throughout the year, but
certain words, how she uses her work- have never been formally identified
book, and how she perceives pictures because their scores on the assessments
A letter to Wendy Ritchie,
and symbols. She did a wonderful job, were too high.
Davis Facilitator in New York
Dear Wendy, was very confident, focused, and I recently spoke with the parent of
I wanted to let you know how much relaxed. She received applause and one of these children who broke down
you and the Davis Program have helped positive feedback from everyone! into tears admitting that she is dyslexic,
Meghann. Meghann is my student and Meghann has always been a wonderfully and knew that her son was possibly
more recently has become my teacher! happy, motivated, hard-working young dyslexic but could not convince the
I have seen her confidence and her lady, but now she seems much more Special Ed. Dept. that something was
understanding escalate. She recently confident and relaxed about everything wrong because his scores were so high.
demonstrated to the kids in our class she does. I am presently in the process of finding
what she learned and worked on with As a teacher of twenty-five years, out how I can help this child. He is
you in her week long, intense “training I have never seen a program target a exceptionally bright yet has severe
session.” What you have taught her and disability or problem so precisely and reading and writing difficulties. His
what this program provides for these achieve such high levels and rates of mother and he are very interested in
children is nothing short of a miracle. success. As I expected from the Davis Dyslexia Program. Another
It is their “pot of gold” at the end of Meghann’s demonstration, I had a few teacher and I have recently submitted
the rainbow! students approach me to teach them letters of interest for the Davis training
Meghann was excited to show the what Meghann had learned because workshops. I'll find a way!
kids in our class what she had been they had identified totally with her Thank you so much for what you
working on. She demonstrated the manner of learning. They were students do in helping our children!
exercise she does each morning to who I had “identified” as dyslexic (in – Susan B.
strengthen her orientation point and some form) and have been working

Copyright 1996 Randy Glasbergen.

In all affairs it’s
a healthy thing now
and then to hang a
question mark on the
things you have long
taken for granted.

Bertrand Russell

The Dyslexic Reader is published quarterly by Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI), 1601 Bayshore Hwy., Suite
245, Burlingame, CA 94010 USA 1(650) 692-7141. OUR GOALS are to increase worldwide awareness about the positive
aspects of dyslexia and related learning styles; and to present methods for improving literacy, education and academic
success. We believe that all people’s abilities and talents should be recognized and valued, and that learning problems can
be corrected. EDITORIAL BOARD: Alice Davis, Abigail Marshall, Maria Fagioli and Dee White. DESIGN: Gideon Kramer.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: one year $25 in US, add $5 in Canada; add $10 elsewhere. BACK ISSUES: send $8.00 to DDAI.
SUBMISSIONS AND LETTERS: We welcome letters, comments and articles. Mail to DDAI at the above address.
VIA FAX: 1(650) 692-7075 VIA E-MAIL: INTERNET:
The opinions and views expressed in articles and letters are not necessarily those of DDAI. Davis Dyslexia Correction®,
Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®, and Davis Learning Strategies® are registered trademarks of
Ronald D. Davis. Copyright © 1999 by DDAI, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.

University of Arizona Study Shows

Davis Symbol Mastery Effective
for Foreign Language Learning
By Abigail Marshall

A study at the University of Arizona formal instruction on the acquisition Dr. Maria Serrano-
has shown that clay modeling of of the Spanish spatial concepts for Lopez receiving
abstract concepts is more effective which English native speakers could her Ph.D. at the
than other methods for learning use the first language (L1) to generate University of
prepositions representing new correct responses in the second Arizona.
concepts in a foreign language. The language (L2) and for spatial
study, entitled 3-D Clay Modeling concepts that created confusion
Instruction: A Pathway to Spatial between the L1 and the L2. It also
Concept Formation in Second investigates the effect of formal frequency, L2 learners need to use
Language Learners, was submitted instruction when prepositions are them right from the beginning of
by Maria Serrano-Lopez in July, taught by rules. All of the subjects L2 acquisition when they have
2003, in fulfillment of her doctoral in her study were native English not learned much about them. For
dissertation requirements. speakers enrolled in advanced example, the English prepositions
Dr. Serrano-Lopez hypothesized university-level Spanish classes. “in” and “on” can be represented
that a clay modeling procedure, Prepositions are one of the most in Spanish by “de”, “en”, “a”, or
adapted from Davis Symbol Mastery, difficult grammatical structures for “sobre”, which in turn can correspond
would be more effective than other second language learners to acquire, to more than a dozen different English
instructional methods for learning because they correspond to different meanings (See Figure 1).
appropriate usage of foreign-language sets of words, with subtle differences These words cannot merely be
prepositions The study investigates as to context and appropriate usage. substituted via direct translation,
the immediate and delayed effects of In addition, because of their high because proper usage is often based
on concepts that do not have similar
significance in each language. For
example, the preposition “sobre” in
English Spanish can be translated as “above”
in in English. However, in Spanish it is
on proper to say, “El hombre está sobre
of el caballo,” but in English one would
around not say, “The man is above the
Spanish off horse,” but rather would use the
through preposition on.
English by Because these words also
de to represent spatial relationships,
en upon Dr. Serrano-Lopez theorized that
3-dimensional clay modeling would
be a more effective means of learning
on a
the concepts than simple written or
throughout oral instruction, or mere practice and
over exposure to the language. Her theory
from was confirmed by her study. Although
with students receiving traditional
up instruction usually outperformed the
onto control group (which received no
at instruction at all), the benefits were
not consistent and did not appear to
Figure 1
Continued on page 4

Foreign Language Learning
Continued from page 3
Davis Dyslexia
“Word meaning is
Correction® be sustained over time. However, the
the smallest unit
students in the clay-modeling group
outperformed both the control group and
of thought and
The Davis Dyslexia
Correction program is traditional-instruction group in a systematic language. Word
now available from more
than 300 Facilitators manner, and their improvement was more
likely to be sustained over time.
meanings are
around the world. For
updates, call:
(888) 805-7216 [Toll Free] In addition, the dissertation offers a dynamic and not
or (650) 692-7141 or visit novel theoretical explanation for why 3-D static. Meaning
providers.htm clay modeling may help resolve confusion in
the case of overlapping of spatial concepts
is just part of the sense of the
v Australia
between the L1 and L2, and may create new word. The sense of a word is
Brenda Gayle Baird mental representations not existent in the L1.
Vygotsky’s Tools for Cognitive Development
the sum of all the psychological
+61 (07) 3341 3471
are extended: 3-D clay modeling provides a events aroused in our
Sally Beulke
Melbourne new tool that is both concretely grounded consciousness. The context of
+61 (03) 5727 3517 and consciously systematically accessible.
Although Dr. Serrano-Lopez cautions
the word is also critical in
Jan Gorman
+61 (02) 9874 7498
that inferences made from the observations determining word meaning.”
and numerical results need more qualitative
Penny Hardcastle
data to support them and that a more
+61 (02) 9968 3317 longitudinal study is needed, her study From Thought and Language

Linda Houben demonstrated that “clay modeling instruction by Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934)
Sydney showed significant advantages over
+61 (02) 9948 4307
traditional instruction in helping advanced
John Reilly university learners of Spanish as a second
+61 (02) 9649 4299 language learn new abstract concepts” not Dr. Maria Serrano-Lopez can be
present in English. v contacted at:
Heidi Rose
+61 (08) 8240 1834

v Austria
Dr. Serrano-Lopez’s Study in Brief
Annette Dietrich
Wien The participants in the study were native Spanish prepositions “en,” “de,” “sobre,”
+43 (01) 888 90 25
English-speaking students, enrolled in and “a,” which translate as “in” or “on”
Christa Salcher
twelve Spanish upper-division classes at in English.
+43 (01) 888 61 44 the University of Arizona. They were Assessment tools used were:
v Bahrain
divided into three groups. Experimental 1. Demographic survey
Group 1 received traditional grammar- 2. Spanish Prepositional Usage test in
Sameera Sadiq Al Baharna
Manama based instruction. Experimental Group 2 English and in Spanish; and
+973 555 201 received Clay-Modeling intervention. The 3. the 3-D clay modeling instruction
v Belgium Control Group received no intervention. questionnaire.
There were a total of eight instructors. Each group was pre-tested, post-tested
Edith Rotenberg
Houtain-St. Siméon/Liège Intervention consisted of one-two within two days of intervention, and
+ 32 (04) 374-27-87 hours focusing on the usage of the follow-up tested two-three weeks later.
v Bolivia

Maria Ormachea
Pre-, Post- and Follow-up Test Means by Type of Treatment (N=number of students):
La Paz
+591 (02) 792 945 Treatment N Pre-test Means N Post-test Means N Follow-up test Means
v Brazil Control 68 5.00 64 4.73 61 4.58
Ana Lima
Rio De Janeiro
Traditional 71 4.56 61 6.26 63 5.10
+55 (021) 2295-1505
3-D Clay 74 4.97 61 7.09 69 5.58
Focusing on Talents of the their own distinctive potential.
Continued from page 1 v Canada
Perhaps some of those who have already
skills. However, most research to date has succeeded at this complex task may be the Wayne Aadelstone-Hassel
North Vancouver
focused mainly on the obvious problems to best guides in helping researchers and +1 (604) 988-7680
be corrected rather than the hidden potential dyslexics to understand how to create success Winifred Bauer
to be identified and developed. where there is so often failure. At least Nelson
The quotations concerning the four initially, it may be better to look to highly +1 (250) 359-0195

highly successful individuals on page 1 individualized personal reports and case Rocky Point Academy
would suggest that there is something about histories to see if we can learn new ways Ashley Benjamin
Stacey Borger-Smith
the dyslexic mind that sometimes confers of approaching old problems. Lawrence Smith, Jr.
significant and consequential benefits. It +1 (866) 685-0067 (Toll-Free)
is also no small matter, perhaps, that the +1 (403) 685-0067
Briefly Put—Real Problems,
Wall Street Journal article and others like
Real Talents
Some researchers argue that the gifts and Darlene Brown
it indicate that these ideas seem to be more Smithers/Prince Rupert
talents seen among highly successful +1 (250) 847-3463
and more widely held in the business world
dyslexics are merely more noticeable in
–where performance is so important, in Paddy Carson
such a population because of the striking Edmonton/Alberta
contrast to other worlds +1 (780) 489-6225
contrast between
where credentials often
exceptional capabilities Sher Goerzen
seem more important than FAMOUS Maple Ridge/Vancouver
and surprising and highly
performance. +1 (604) 290-5063
specific disabilities.
Given the right context, Gerry Grant
They argue that a properly Supervisor-Specialist
individual drive and
constructed study would Advanced Workshop
adequate organizational Presenter
probably show that the Waterloo/Toronto
skills, it would appear that,
proportion of gifted +1 (800) 981-6433 (Toll-Free)
at least sometimes (and +1 (519) 221-8484
dyslexics is likely to
perhaps often), the dyslexic
be no greater than the Jan Hagedorn
kind of mind can create Garibaldi
non-dyslexic population. Highlands/Vancouver
much that is unexpected +1 (604) 898-5668 or
Others, following the
and highly beneficial. (604) 815-7054
approach of the late Dr.
What is true for creativity in Sue Hall
Norman Geschwind, argue
business, is often also true West Vancouver
that the nature and variety +1 (604) 921-1084
for the arts, technology and
“Kids made fun of me
of the talents are directly D'vorah Hoffman
the sciences as well. Given
because I was dark

related to the different Toronto

the right circumstances, it
skinned, had a wide nose,
+1 (416) 398-6779
brain structures seen in
and was dyslexic. Even as
would seem that this kind
dyslexics–and that the Helen McGilivray
an actor, it took me a long
of mind can indeed have a Oakville/Toronto
problems and the unusual
time to realize why words
+1 (905) 464-4798
great deal to contribute. But
strengths come together in
and letters got jumbled in

much may depend upon Jeri McLeod

my mind and came out
a package that is difficult Calgary
whether organizations,
+1 (403) 257-7576
to separate into parts. That
co-workers, educators and
Danny Glover, actor
is, the same microscopic, Sharon Roberts
parents understand that the Waterloo/Toronto
structural brain changes
talents and special abilities exhibited by +1 (519) 746-8422
that produce reading difficulties and other
such individuals are often quite different Catherine Smith
problems, may often (but not always)
from the talents and abilities most highly
produce brain changes and differences that +1 (905) 844-4144
valued in a conventional academic context,
can be highly beneficial in certain areas Kim J. Willson-Rymer
especially the early years.
of work and life. Indeed, from this position Oakville/Toronto
Plainly, however, reading disabilities +1 (905) 825-3153
it might be said that it is not so much the
and dyslexia are not always seen as
frequency and extent of talent within this v China
closely associated with talent and high
group that is of greatest interest, but the Lai Wan Livia Wong
accomplishment. One of our problems, Hong Kong
kinds and degree of talent and whether
then, should be to try to figure out why +852-2810-0282
these are unusually beneficial in different
some succeed in such dramatic ways while v Cyprus
fields. In other words, perhaps not all
so many struggle fruitlessly in obscurity,
dyslexics can be shown to be highly gifted Alexis Mouzouris
never seeming to realize a small fraction Limassol
Continued on page 6 +35-72-538-2094

v France
Focusing on Talents
important educational difficulties, often in
Continued from page 5
Dominique Blaess
the earlier years, and may have near family
Le Pecq/Paris in some way, but those who are highly members who are either dyslexic or have
+33 (01) 39 76 12 61
gifted may have gifts that are unusual and had a similar history of educational
Jennifer Delrieu somehow distinctive–since theory would difficulties. While many members of this
Voisins le Bretonneux/Paris
+33 (01) 30 44 19 91 suggest that in this population distinctive group have been able to succeed in business,
neurological mechanisms science, global politics and
Carol Nelson-Pollard
Paris may produce distinctive other areas, they are very
talents as well as distinctive much aware that their
+33 (01) 46 51 72 63
difficulties. This perspective usual way of thinking is
Odile Puget
Annecy/Geneva also suggests that there may quite different from most
+ 33 (04) 50 41 82 67
be important talents in this of the people around them.
Guilaine Batoz Saint-Martin
La Bastidonne/Marseille
population which are They find it difficult to
+33 (0490) 08 98 56 difficult to assess with explain their visually-based
v Germany/Deutschland conventional instruments. ideas to non-visual people.
Some argue that dyslexics They also find that they
Liesbeth Berger-Laming
Stuttgart-Vaihingen are often judged by the can rapidly identify and
+49 (0711) 782 3115 wrong criteria so that many establish rapport with other
Ute Breithaupt talented individuals are strong visual thinkers –
Langenselbold being cast out of the while communicating with
+49 (06184) 93 84 88
system–depriving them great ease and fluency.
of their useful roles, and Individuals in this group
“I am, myself, a very poor
Andrea Fleckenstein
depriving the larger society feel that understanding
visualizer and find that I
+49 (05542) 91 16 07 can seldom call to mind
of their distinctive such patterns will greatly
Cornelia Garbe
even a single letter of the
Berlin contributions. alphabet in purely retinal benefit those with reading
+49 (030) 61 65 91 25
Still others argue that
terms. I must trace the
problems–as well as many
Astrid Grosse-Mönch the areas of proficiency others.
letter by running my
often noted among dyslexics, For some time, many
mental eye over its
+49 (04161) 702 90 70
such as visual and spatial professionals in the field
contour in order that the
Wibke Hachmann
talents (amid a great variety have felt that looking at the
image of it shall leave
of other traits), happen to be gifts and talents thought to
any distinctness at all.”
+49 (0761) 13 78 288
just those talents that are be associated with dyslexia
William James,
Das Legasthenie Institut
would be a distraction from
psychologist & philosopher
Sonja Heinrich
recently coming into greatest (1842-1910)
DLS Workshop Presenter demand–along with the the serious business of
DDA-Deutschland Director newest computer graphic and information correcting deficits in literacy skills. More
Ioannis Tzivanakis
Specialist Trainer visualization technologies. That is, the recently, however, there has been a growing
Workshop Presenter
DDA-Deutschland Director particular talents that many dyslexics seem awareness among certain professionals
Wilfried Bähr to have are seen as well timed for the and researchers that it is time for a serious
+49 (040) 25 17 86 23 technological changes which happen to be scientific look at this other side of dyslexia. v
taking place all around us just now–even
Ina Hallermann
Riezlern though most educators and professionals
+49 (05517) 200 12 are wholly unaware of this trend and of This article is excerpted in three parts over the next

Kirsten Hohage what it will eventually mean. Consequently, three issues of the Dyslexic Reader from the longer
+49 (0911) 54 25 18
the problem for some dyslexics is not so article “The Abilities of Those with Reading
much their inability to do what is expected Disabilities: Focusing on the Talents of People with
Christine Jacob
in school–but their inability to persuade Dyslexia”, which appeared in somewhat different
+49 (07621) 134 60 those in authority that their particular talents form as chapter 11 of the book Reading and Attention
Doris Karl-Akova have growing value while their particular
Disorders -- Neurobiological Correlates edited by
Bremen difficulties are becoming rapidly less and
Drake D. Duane, M.D., published 1999 by York
+49 (0421) 713 30
less important.
Rainer Knobloch Members of another group see Press, Inc. based on a symposium, June 28 – July 2,
+49 (09120) 18 14 84 themselves primarily as strong visual 1998, sponsored by the National Dyslexia Research
thinkers. While not all in this group are Foundation. Reprinted with permission.
dyslexic, it appears that many have had

Significant Implications for Davis v Germany/Deutschland


Methods in New Dyslexia Research Inge Koch-Gassmann

+49 (07631) 23 29
By Abigail Marshall
Angelika Kohn
In February, 2004, Dr. Virginia Berninger words, and showed how to interrelate +49 (07148) 66 08
reported new research findings showing that them,” Berninger said. “While many Marianne Kranzer
dyslexic children show rapid improvement educators debate whether phonics or Königsfeld
in reading when taught with methods which meaning-based instruction is more +49 (07725) 72 26

create interrelationships between sound and effective, we found that an effective way to Gundula Patzlaff
meaning. treat dyslexia is to show children explicitly +49 (0711) 23 64 86 0
Berninger says reading is a complex how letters, sounds and meaning are Margit Pleger
activity involving different parts of the interrelated.” Wetter/Dortmund
brain. Each word has three “forms”–how it Dr. Berninger has developed a specific +49 (02335) 84 87 60

sounds, how it's spelled and what it means. instructional program for use in her Barbel Preuss
Each of these forms is processed in a research, but her work has significant +49 (089) 69 38 03 92
different part of the brain. To read words, implications for Davis methods. Ursula Rackur-Bastian
the brain draws on the interconnections Davis Symbol Mastery provides a Idstein/Rheingau-Taunus-
among these word forms. specific framework emphasizing the Kreis/Wiesbaden
+49 (06126) 565 01
Berninger developed methods to teach same three word form elements that Dr.
Colette Reimann
each of these word forms to fourth, fifth Berninger emphasizes. In The Gift of Landshut
and sixth grade children with dyslexia. For Dyslexia, Ron Davis wrote that the key to +49 (0871) 770 994

research purposes, she mastery of a word Ursula Rittler

provided selected was understanding Stuttgart
+49 (0711) 47 18 50
dyslexic children with “what it looks like
Gabriela Scholter
three weeks of When we create the concept (on paper), what it Supervisor-Specialist
specialized training. of the word in clay, and then sounds like (when Stuttgart
+49 (0711) 578 28 33
After the training, add what the word looks like someone says it)
brain scans show and what the word sounds and what it means.” Inge Starck
measurable changes like, we have created the Davis Symbol +49 (06452) 93 28 88
in activity when Mastery combines Marietta Tieben
clay modeling and
word in the real world.
children performed Haren
+49 (05934) 70 47 37
specific word tasks. dictionary usage
That word is mastered.

to address each
Magdalena Vogel-Eichert
“Most people Bonn
think words are just of these elements. +49 (0228) 689 69 70

words, but the human With Davis, the Ulrike von Kutzleben-
brain uses three dyslexic learns to Hausen
neural circuits to code words in three forms, determine the sound–or phonology–of +49 (07420) 33 46
not just their meaning,” said Berninger, a words through use of the dictionary Dr. Angelika Weidemann
professor of educational psychology and pronunciation key, and reinforces that Ulm
+49 (0731) 931 46 46
director of the University of Washington knowledge by speaking the word aloud in
Learning Disabilities Center. She explained sentences and as part of the culminating Susanne Wild
that the brain codes words by their sound step of Symbol Mastery [“Say aloud to the +49 (08205) 959 08 28
(or phonology), by the parts of words (or word or symbol: “This says (word).”] Christine Wusch
morphology) that signal meaning and The Davis student learns to focus on Wuppertal
+49 (0202) 80 230
grammar, and by their visual or written form the visual appearance of the word (letters
(or their orthography.) and letter sequence) via clay modeling of Anna Henia Zawidowski
Feldgeding bei München
“The teaching that gave dyslexic brains the letters, and in some cases the added +49 (08131) 853 03
the jump-start was unique in that it made steps of touching and saying the letters v Iceland
every aspect of reading words explicit. It of the word, and/or writing the word.
Judith Shaw
drew their attention to the sound form, the Using the dictionary, the Davis student Mossfellsbaer/Reykjavik
meaning form and the written form of Continued on page 8 +354 586-8180
reflected in brain scan evidence, which
v Ireland
show clear changes in mental processing
New Dyslexia Research
(Continued from page 7)
Sister Antoinette Keelan
can directly access meaning through reading for various reading tasks.
+353 (01) 884 4996 the definition and example sentences. By Students completing the one-week
v Israel modeling the meaning in clay, a deeper, Davis Dyslexia Correction program often
more intuitive and image-based demonstrate tremendous gains in tested
reading level. It is not unusual for a middle-
Etya Chesler
Kfar-Saba/Tel Aviv understanding is established.
+972 (09) 768 0267
Another important aspect of Dr. school aged child (age 10-14) to show a
Goldie Gilad Berninger’s work is that she has gain of five or more years in reading level.
Kfar Saba/Tel Aviv
+972 (09) 765 1185 demonstrated in repeated studies that Many parents and educators are
dyslexic students can be taught effectively understandingly skeptical of the program,
Eve Resnick
Kfar Saba / Tel Aviv in a short-term intervention program; Dr. simply because such rapid results seem “too
+972 (09) 766 2140
Berninger’s research intervention programs good to be true.” However, Dr. Berninger’s
Judith Schwarcz generally encompass about 30 hours of work with her own short-term intervention
DDA-Israel Director
Supervisor-Specialist training over a three week period. Although shows that dyslexic youngsters are
Ra’anana / Tel Aviv she emphasizes that these programs do “teachable” and “ready to learn” with
+972 (09) 772 9888
not “cure” dyslexia, she characterizes the appropriate strategies, and that progress
Edna Tune
improvement she sees as a “jump-start” be measured with brain scans as well as
Herzeliah/Tel Aviv
+972 (09) 958-3372 in reading. These improvements are also with testing reading performance. v
v Italy

Elisa De Felice
Roma Davis Symbol Mastery Procedure for Words
+39 (06) 507 3570

Dr. Raffaella Zingerle

This procedure, used by Davis
Corvara In Badia Facilitators, ensures that all three parts
+39 (0471) 83 68 71 of a word are mastered.
v Japan 1. Look up the word.
Helen Brittle-Matsuki
2. Pronounce the word.
Tokyo 3. Read the first definition and any
+81 (03) 3795 5997
example sentences aloud.
v Lebanon 4. Establish a clear understanding of
Samar Riad Saab the definition. Discuss it. Make up
Beirut sentences or phrases using the word
+961 3 700 206 with that definition. Do this until
v Malaysia an accurate picture of the concept
Hilary Craig
described by the definition is formed
Kuala Lumpur in the mind.
+603 2096 1342 5. Make a clay model of the concept
v Mexico described by the definition.
Sandra Cecilia Gorozpe
6. Make the word with clay. A model of “tall” meaning“ of more
Querétaro Make sure the spelling is correct. than normal height.”
+52 (01442) 220 52 48 (Photo courtesy of Charlotte Foster)
Make lower case letters unless the
Las Palmas Counseling Ctr word normally begins with a capital
Silvia Arana Garcia
Cathy Calderón de la Barca
Gabriela Zagaceta 7. Say aloud to the model of the
México D.F.
+52 (55) 5202 7913
concept: “This is [word] meaning 1. Touch and say the letters of the word.
La Puerta de las Letras 2. Spell the word forward, backward
María Silvia Flores Salinas Example: “This is [tall] meaning [of
and forward again without looking.
DLS Workshop Presenter
more than normal height].
3. Write the word.
Alejandra Garcia Medina 8. Say aloud to the word or symbol:
DLS Workshop Presenter 4. Make up more sentences and phrases
Graciela Trevino Gonzalez
“This says [word].”
until you can do so easily. Be sure
Olga Zambrano de Carrillo Example: “This says [tall ].”
DDA-Mexico Director
the usage of the word matches the
Garza García
9. Make a mental picture of the word definition you just made.
Monterrey and clay model.
+52 (81) 8335 9435

v Mexico (cont’d)
Laura Lammoglia
Dear Ron Davis: Tampico, Tamaulipas
+52 (833) 213 4126

Lucero Palafox
+52 (022) 99 351302

Susana Palafox
Naucalpan, Edo. de Mexico
+52 (55) 5251-3037

Sociedad de Consultatoria
Maria Eugenia Gutierrez
Maria Lourdes Gutierrez
Mexico D.F.
+52 (55) 5595 8442

v Netherlands

Kees Blankendaal
Wijk bij Duutstede
+31 (0343) 573 061
Ineke Blom
+31 (020) 436-1484
Lot Blom
+31 (030) 271 0005
Hester Brouwer
+31 (050) 52 61 146
Lieneke Charpentier
+31 (030) 60 41 539
Monique Commandeur
+31 (0297) 56 88 50
Mine de Ranitz
+31 (0343) 521 348
Christien De Smit
+31 (0117) 461 963
Leonardus D’Hoore
+31 (0117) 56 29 40
Saskia Dijkstra
+31 (020) 463-2753
Marijke Eelkman Rooda-Bos
+31 (0182) 517-316
Marianne Emmerzaal
+31 (078) 612 3000

Jan Gubbels
+31 (043) 36 39 999

Sue Hillier-Smith
+31 (0346) 265 059

Judith Holzapfel
+31 (0570) 619 553

For Young Learners

Visit us on the Web at

Based on Six Years of Classroom

Piloting and Research
Develop Strong Pre-Reading Skills Which
Prevent Learning Disabilities and Enhance
Giftedness in Children Ages 5-8.
Each Kit includes:
• Sturdy Nylon Briefcase
• Reusable Modeling Clay (2 lbs.)
• K-1 Manual or Grades 2-3 Manual
• Webster's Children's Dictionary (Hardcover)
• Checking Your Grammar (Softcover)
• Punctuation Marks & Styles Booklet
• Two Koosh Balls
• Letter Recognition Cards
• Laminated Alphabet Strip (upper & lower case) Kit price: $119.95
• Stop Signs for Reading Chart
Recommended materials for
What is different in each Kit is the Manual. These include classroom implementation:
suggested curriculum, lesson plans, and activities • One Kit per teacher or aide
appropriate for each grade level and age. Teachers or • Four Koosh Balls per Classroom
home-schooling parents who teach multiple grade level • Six Letter Recognition Card sets per classroom
students may purchase a combination kit, containing both • One Alphabet Strip per student
Manuals for $149.90. Previous purchasers of the Davis • Six Punctuation & Styles Booklets per Classroom
Symbol Mastery Kit may purchase either Manual separately • Six Dictionaries per Classroom
for $29.95 each. • One Pound of modeling clay per student

Discount Schedule
Qty Item Price in US Dollars Quantity Non-Member DDAI Member

0-5 0% 10%
Davis Learning Strategies® Kit 6-10 10% 15%
__ K-1 __ Grades 2-3 (Check one) $119.95
11-20 15% 20%
Davis Learning Strategies® Kit with both Manuals $149.90 21-40 20% 25%
Manuals only __ K-1 __ Grades 2-3 (Check one) $29.95 More than 40 25% 30%
Alphabet Strip $7.95
Punctuation & Styles Booklet $9.95 To order:
Letter Recognition Cards $9.95 • By phone: Call 1-888-999-3324 toll-free
Stop Signs for Reading Chart $1.95 in the USA or Canada.
Koosh Balls (2) $11.00 • Fax this order form with your name,
Clay - 2 pounds $8.00 shipping address, credit card authorization
to 1 (650) 692-7075. We
Webster’s Children’s Dictionary (Hardcover) $17.95
will add shipping and handling charges.
Checking Your Grammar (Softcover) $6.95
• E-mail your order to
DDAI Membership $50/year US$60/year non-US
(not including shipping charges) UPS Shipping Charges will be added to all orders.

Perseverance v Netherlands (con’t)

Will Huntjens
is the Key!!! +31 (0475) 589 238

Helen Kaptein
by Linda Johannes, Middleburg
New Hope Learning Centers’ +31 (0118) 64 37 73
Administrative Assistant Carry Kuling
How many times have you heard phrases +31 (0235) 287 782
like, “Anything worth doing is worth doing Drs. Marianne Kuster
right,” or “If at first you don’t succeed, try, Alkmaar
try again?” Meant as words of encouragement, +31 (072) 51 24 301

they are often interpreted as empty clichés Edith Kweekel-Göldi

used to frustrate people. But whether heard +31 (035) 601 0611
as encouragements or clichés, they are
Imelda Lamaker
principles that apply all too well to
Jonathan, an accomplished cello player,
individuals who have completed the +31 (035) 621 7309
almost lost the use of several fingers on his

Davis Dyslexia Correction® Program.

left hand, and doctors said he’d never play
ZeiZei Lerninstitut
Perseverance IS the key. This is not
again. But he went on and continued his
Drs. Siegerdina Mandema
Specialist Trainer
music studies and proved the doctors wrong.
something people normally like to hear. I Perseverence IS truly the key! Advanced Workshop
know I would prefer to eat donuts and ice Presenter
DLS Workshop Presenter
cream and never have to step foot into a and math, and is currently reading Sounder DDA-Nederland Director
gym again, but then reality must set in or a which is a high-end third grade book. Robin Temple
Specialist Trainer
bulging tummy will. The choice is mine. Jimmy is using his tools, although we are Workshop Presenter
With this in mind, let me share some not on the four words a week track that we Maria Hoop
+31 (0475) 302 203
of the New Hope Learning Center’s client originally planned; we have been averaging
Karin Meij
stories of success and perseverance. I hope three to four a week. He still enjoys doing Amsterdam
they will warm your heart and encourage them and does them quite quickly. He came +31 (020) 679 9152
your spirit. home with a division test the other day and Sjan Melsen
had two wrong. He said, ‘All the smart kids Arnhem
+31 (026) 442 69 98
got four wrong’. Jimmy is now able to do
Jonathan-Age 20
Completed the Davis Dyslexia Correction all of his homework without help. He is Petra Moolhuizen
Program in January 2001 at the age of 20. doing math word problems on his own,
+31 (024) 696 3530
Jonathan is currently a student at the which he was never able to do before.
Baldwin Wallace Conservatory in Berea, He will also read a book for fun, which
Marianne Oosterbaan
Ohio. After a very serious accident, he never used to do. His fluency and +31 (030) 691 7309
Jonathan, an accomplished cello player, comprehension have sky rocketed. I Ineke Pijp
almost lost the use of several fingers on his cannot say enough about his academic
left hand. Nevertheless, Jonathan went on improvements!!”
+31 (050) 542 0817

and continued his studies. As a result of the Way to go Jimmy!! The I can’ts have
Petra Pouw-Legêne
accident, the doctors said he would never turned into I cans! +31 (046) 437 4907
play again. Jonathan has proved them
Lydia Rogowski
wrong. Jonathan’s mom, Rachel, credits Ken-Age 33 Helmond
Completed the Davis Dyslexia Correction
his recovery and great attitude to his ability +31 (0492) 513 169
to overcome adversity; an attitude he had Program in April 2002 at the age of 33. Hanneke Schoemaker
developed as a result of being a dyslexic Between Ken and his wife’s schedules, he Wageningen
+31 (0317) 412 437
learner. We applaud Jonathan’s perseverancestruggled to find the time to do follow-up
and admire the example he sets not only forwork. Even though it was easy to fall back Tonny Stor
other dyslexic learners, but for us all! into his old routine, Ken would not give +31 (072) 57 22 771
up. On several occasions he contacted his Karima P.A. Turkatte
Facilitator (knowing he’d have to tell her
Jimmy-Age 10 Amsterdam
Completed the Davis Dyslexia Correction he hadn’t been doing his trigger words) for
+31 (020) 696 4379
Program in February 2003 at the age of 10. encouragement and suggestions on how to Annette van der Baan
Mom reports: “Jimmy is doing fabulously!! overcome his struggle in spite of his busy Amsterdam
He has made great progress with reading
+31 (020) 420-5501
Continued on page 12
always easy. We think that in life you just
v Netherlands (cont.)
Perseverence is the Key
Continued from page 11 take a pill and it fixes everything. That’s the
Rieja van der Valk schedule. Ken decided to persevere and he way life is advertised these days, but it’s not
+31 (0546) 867 537 has gone on to pursue his dream of going really that way. New Hope Learning Centers
back to college. With the help of the never gave us that impression; we had to
Annemarie van Hof
Utrecht school, he found someone to help him with change the whole way we do things. At times
+31 (030) 65 86 700 mastering his trigger words and to hold him it was tough and life happened, so we’d
Drs. Marian J.A. van accountable. We are take a break, but always
proud of Ken and his with the attitude of ‘I’m
+31 (033) 286 3506 continued desire to not going to give up on
Sjakkelien Van Lier overcome and to do what this!’ ” Mom and Dad
Deventer will help him. What an are so proud of Quinn
+31 (0570) 600 008
example of making the and so are we!
Juchke van Roozendaal choice not to give up!
Oss Heather-Age 10
+31 (0412) 690 312
Quinn-Age 12 Completed the Davis
Willem Van Ulsen
Groningen Completed the Davis Program in January
+31 (050) 542 3941 Dyslexia Correction 2000 at the age of 10.
Karin Van Wulfen Program in October 2001 Heather’s grandmother
at the age 12. When said, “She began the
+31( 076) 514 4889
Quinn’s mom, Heidi, week a very sad little
Christa Wiersma
called New Hope girl who thought she was
Den Haag
+31 (070) 355 3388 Learning Centers, they dumb. By the end of the
were in crisis. A year week Heather knew that
Gerda Witte-Kuijs
Heerhugowaard and a half later, school she was smart and that
+31 (072) 571 3163
is going very well and she had a gift. We had
Astrid Zanen-vander Blij Quinn’s teachers are our happy little girl back
+31 (023) 524 3485 happy to report that he again.” Since the program,
has made tremendous Heather went on to
v New Zealand
progress during this time. complete all her
Catherine Churton
Mom and Dad, of course, trigger words and
DDA-Pacific Director
Supervisor-Specialist know why that is. Quinn do the exercises that
chooses to use his tools she knew would
+64 (021) 448 862
and work on his trigger help her. Heather
Raewyn Matheson
words: “He can practically continues to use her
+64 (027) 411 8350 do the words by himself tools and has made
Shelley McMeeken and is almost finished!” them a part of her life. As a result, she has
Dunedin Quinn even took charge of his science become very successful in school and in
+64 3 456 5058
class where amoebas and protozoans life. In fact, Heather improved so much that
Lorna Timms caused a real problem. Quinn went to the her Grandmother, Margie Hayes, went on to
+64 3 359 8556 teacher and asked if the teacher would help become a licensed Davis Facilitator who is
him. As a result, one day a week, Quinn affiliated with New Hope Learning Centers.
v Oman
works with his science teacher and is getting Margie is now helping others to use their
Patricia Lynne Hodge
an A! He also passed a very difficult test on gift and go on to be successful learners.
+968 698 596 the US Constitution on his first try. Mom
says, “He is in such a routine; it’s wonderful.
Jimmy, Ken, Quinn, Jonathan,
v Republic of Singapore Heather: Each is tempered by their own
He’s done excellent!” Prior to the program, academic and life experiences and in spite
Phaik Sue Chin
Singapore Mom reported that Quinn was quiet and of individual adversity reveal to all of us the
+65 6773 4070 kept to himself. “Now,” she notes, “he many faces of perseverance. New Hope
Ann Chua advocates for himself and he gets up in Learning Centers and the Davis Dyslexia
+65 9843 1726
front of the class for projects.” Correction® Program may be bringing
Quinn’s very strict English teacher new hope to the dyslexic learner, but these
Constance Chua
states that, “Quinn’s writing skills are persevering dyslexics are bringing new
+65 6873 3873 getting much better.” Heidi says, “It isn’t hope to everyone they encounter. v

v South Africa

Sara Louise Kramer

+27 (021) 794 5778

Carine van Vuuren

+27 (011) 849 9492

v Spain
Die unerkannten Lerngenies Conquista del Lenguage
María Campo Martínez
Murguía, Álava
Mit der Davis-Methode +34 (0945) 46 25 85

Lernstörungen beheben La Llave del Don

Silvia María Sabatés
Von Ronald D. Davis Madrid
350 Seiten mit zahlreichen Abbildungen +34 (091) 378 2331
Pappband v Switzerland/CH
€ 22,00 [D], € 22,70 [A], sFr 39,60
ISBN 3-7205-2508-2 Tinka Altwegg-Scheffmacher
Veronika Beeler
ARISTON im Heinrich Hugendubel Verlag St. Gallen
Erscheinungstermin: März 2004 +41 (071) 222 07 79

Monika Amrein
+41 (01) 341 8264
Das Praxisbuch der Davis-Methode
zur Behebung von Lernschwächen
Kinder werden nicht mit Lernschwächen Gerda Barakos-Jeger
geboren. Im Gegenteil: Die meisten Kinder +41 (061) 701 80 60
mit sogenannten “Lernstörungen,“ wie Lerninstitut Basel
Aufmerksamkeitsschwäche (ADS), Rechen- Bonny Beuret
oder Handschriftproblemen, haben die Specialist Trainer
Gabe, hauptsächlich in Bildern zu denken.
Adv. Workshop Presenter
DLS Workshop Presenter
Unterrichtet man sie auf herkömmliche DDA-CH Director
Weise, kommen die Lerninhalte nur Ruth Froels
+41 (061) 272 24 00
unverständlich bei ihnen an. Die Folge:
Sie schalten ab und können sich nicht Priska Baumgartner
mehr konzentrieren. +41 (056) 426 28 88
Mit seinem Bestseller Legasthenie
als Talentsignal weckte Ronald Davis Mieke Blommers-Friederichs
vor einigen Jahren das Bewusstsein einer +41 (061) 378 9060
breiten Öffentlichkeit für das Thema
Michelle Bonardi
Legasthenie. In seinem neuen Buch Die Ron Davis galt selbst bis zu seinem Castel S. Pietro, Ticino
unerkannten Lerngenies befasst sich der 38 Lebensjahr als Analphabet. Dennoch +41 (091) 630 23 41
Lernexperte mit den Hintergründen für hat er studiert und wurde ein erfolgreicher Vicki Brignoli
die häufigsten Lernstörungen und bietet Ingenieur, Geschäftsmann und Künstler. Lumino
Übungen, die Abhilfe schaffen. Aufgrund seiner Erfahrungen entwickelte +41 (091) 829 05 36
Alle Übungen können mit den Kindern er eine alternative Theorie zur Behebung Beatrice Conti
zu Hause durchgeführt werden. Bilder und verschiedener Lernbehinderungen, mit Wolfisberg
Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen im Buch be-eindruckendem Ergebnis: Die +41 (062) 636 2146

machen sie anschaulich und leicht Erfolgsquote der Davis-Methode liegt bei Regula Dürr
nachvollziehbar. Die unerkannten 97 Prozent. Ron Davis ist inzwischen ein Basel
+41 (061) 321 60 32
Lerngenies ist ein Praxisbuch, das sich gefragter Autor, Redner und Seminarleiter.
nicht nur konsequent an den Bedürfnissen Die von ihm gegründete Davis Dyslexia Ursula Fischbacher
der anders lernenden Kinder orientiert, Association ist in 29 Ländern und 18 Orpund
+41 (032) 355 23 26
sondern auch Eltern und Lehrer in die Welt Sprachen aktiv. Bei ARISTON ist bereits
und Sichtweise der Kinder einführt und ihnen sein Best-seller Legasthenie als Talentsignal Edith Forster
ermöglicht, das unglaubliche Potenzial, das als Buch und Hörbuch erschienen. v +41 (052) 365 45 54
in ihnen schlummert, zu entdecken. Mithilfe
der Übungen in diesem Buch können aus This article announces the German edition
Heidi Gander-Belz
frustrierten Schulkindern kleine Lerngenies of “The Gift of Learning” in March 2004. +41 (01) 948 1410

v Switzerland/CH (con’t)
DDA-CH: Einblick in unsere Erfas
Katharina Grenacher
Von Marianne Kranzer
+41 (031) 382 00 29 unserer Arbeit zentral wichtig ist und sie so
Ursula Hirzel Egler Während unseres Erfa-Treffs am 26. vielschichtig und unmittelbar zielorientiert
+41 (01) 926 2895 November hatten wir Gelegenheit, die Praxis wirken lässt.
für Audio-Psycho-Phonologie in Basel zu Sehr interessant würde es uns
Christa Jaeger
Riehen besuchen, um die dort angewandte Tomatis- erscheinen, die bei Tomatis als Test- und
+41 (061) 641 4667 Methode kennen zu lernen. Kontrollwerkzeug ermittelten Hörkurven
Susanne Jeker Wir wurden sehr freundlich und offen bei einem Klienten vor und nach einem
Olten von Frau Elisabeth Moser, der Leiterin der Davis-Programm vergleichen zu können.
+41 (062) 296 45 30
Einrichtung, empfangen und von ihr in die Die anwesenden Teilnehmerinnen
Consuelo Lang Grundlagen, Anwendung und Ziele ihrer haben sich positiv dazu geäussert, weitere
+41 (091) 829 05 36 Arbeit eingeführt. Eine differenzierte komplementäre Ansätze in den nächsten
Claudia Lendi
inhaltliche Beschreibung der Indikationen, Erfa-Treffs anzuschauen. v
St. Gallen des Behandlungsablaufs usw. können wir
+41 (071) 288 41 85
den Informations-Blättern entnehmen, die Here in Switzerland we hold a support group
Renate Löffel Frau Moser uns zu Verfügung gestellt hat. meeting for all facilitators four times a year.
Sie zeigte sich sehr interessiert an einem We normally have 10-15 facilitators from
+41 (01) 836 96 59
konstruktiven Austausch, zumal unsere all over Switzerland and Southern Germany.
Sandra Moschtaghi
jeweiligen Arbeitsweisen–auch aus ihrer This “Erfa Gruppe” provides us all with
+49 (0172) 81 57 351 Sicht–unser Klientel betreffend an opportunity to get together, share our
Überschneidungen aufweisen, in experiences, and work on certain themes
Christine Noiset
Renens/Lausanne gemeinsamen Zielen münden und so which concern us in our work. Last year
+41 (021) 634 35 10 or
ergänzend wirken könnten. we decided it would be very helpful if we
(079) 332 2775
Dies betrachtend haben wir in einer all learned more about the other alternative
Jürg Peter
abschliessenden Runde folgendes dyslexia approaches on the market. We
festgestellt: Tomatis wirkt als Methode der decided to invite guest speakers–each an
+41 (061) 701 39 16
Wahrnehmungsschulung über die Ohren, u.a. expert in his or her field - to come and talk
Elisabeth Raberger
bei auditiven Wahrnehmungsverzerrungen, to us about “their” method, eg. Kinesiology,
+41 (056) 209 17 76 Differenzierungsschwächen, mangelnder Tomatis, Primitive Reflex, DDAT,
Fähigkeit des Zuhörens...: ursächliche Sophrologie, and many more. This is a
Hilary Rhodes
Chesieres-Villars Begleiterscheinungen einer möglichen report of our first such event, in which we
+41 (024) 495 38 20
Lernproblematik, wie wir sie auch bei manch all were invited to the Tomatis Institute.
Doris Rubli-Osterwalder einem unserer Klienten vorfinden. Sicherlich
St. Gallen
+41 (071) 245 56 90 wäre es in einem entsprechend gelagerten
Fall dem Klienten sehr zuträglich, seine
Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis
Benita Ruckli
spezifischen Hör- bzw. Horchprobleme erst
laid the groundwork for
+41 (041) 495 25 38
über eine Tomatisbehandlung zu bereinigen,
a new multi-disciplinary

um so eine günstigere Basis für eine Davis-

science called Audio-
Elisabeth Rudolf von Rohr
Beratung zu haben. Oder aber der begonnene
+41 (062) 293 46 66
(APP). It explains “why
Prozess der auditiven Wahrnehmungs- the way we listen” has
Lotti Salivisberg
Basel schulung mittels der Gehörorientierung a profound impact on almost all aspects
+41 (061) 263 33 44 während eines Davis-Programmmes könnte of our being. In the early 50's, Dr.
Sonja Sartor über Tomatis ergänzt, verfeinert oder Tomatis also discovered that Listening
Winterthur gefestigt werden. Allerdings steht dieser Problems are the root cause of many
+41 (052) 242 4015
genial erscheinenden Kombination learning problems.
Maya Semle-Muraro
möglicherweise der finanzielle Aspekt Dr. Tomatis not only discovered

+41 (079) 704 03 07 entgegen, da beides mit nicht unerheblichem

the root cause of learning disabilities,

Kostenaufwand verbunden ist.

but also developed a highly effective
Claudia Taverna
Sent Wohl zielt die Tomatisbehandlung auch
technique to remedy them. Thanks
+41 (081) 864 9115
ab auf aktives Zuhören, dem Behandlungs-
to his revolutionary discoveries, he

Andreas Villain ablauf selbst allerdings fehlt der aktivkreative

enriched the lives of hundreds of

und selbstverantwortliche Anteil, der uns in

Zürich thousands of children and adults.
+41 (076) 371 84 32
Hilary Farmer has
v Switzerland/CH (con’t)
UK Program Offers a master’s degree in
education and a long Catherine Warner
Young Adults a Geneva
+41 (022) 321 70 42
background in teaching
students who do not
Second Chance learn in a conventional Iris Webber
+41 (01) 939 2633
way. Her daughter is
By Hilary Farmer, dyslexic, so she knows
Davis Facilitator in Oxford, England what it is like to have Margit Zahnd
+41 (079) 256 86 65
a dyslexic child go
Recently there have been two articles in through theeducation
v United Kingdom
the British media and press featuring

Hilary Farmer’s work providing Davis Catherine E. Armstrong

large sums of money are involved, they are Thame, Oxon
Programmes to E2E college students from +44 (01844) 212 419
asked to sign a contract with the college.
Abingdon and Witney College. The first
Given the type of student we are dealing Nicky Bennett-Baggs
was in the BBC News in December 2003, Gt. Gaddesden,
with, this involves such things as ensuring
the second in the Times Educational Hertfordshire
they do not use recreational drugs, that they +44 (01442) 252 517
Supplement on March 12, 2004.
get adequate sleep, eat properly, etc. These Kate Blow
E2E stands for “Entry to Employment” requirements alone can be difficult for Romsey, Hampshire
+44 (01794) 515 714
and is an area of my local Further them to comply with!
Education College. Further Education I always supply a write-up of my Susan Duguid
traditionally offers vocational courses, assessment interview and a brief write-up of +44 (020) 8878 9652
although the curriculum offer is broader the programme itself. On the last afternoon, Dyslexia Correction Centre
than this. The E2E programme takes young someone who knows the student from the Georgina Dunlop
adults between the ages of 16-19. They college visits to find out how it has been
Jane E.M. Heywood
Ascot, Berkshire
study for National Vocational Qualifications going and to learn how to support the +44 (01344) 622 115
for one or two days per week and have a student when they are back in college. Christine East
work placement for the other days. They are All students have a review day and I also Kingsbridge, Devon
+44 (01548) 856 045
paid a small weekly sum provided they attend, write this up. Since this is paid for with
are punctual and work well. The students government money, there has to be written Hilary Farmer
Oxford, Oxon
tend to have few or no qualifications. Many documentation to show that work has been +44 (01865) 326 464
have been early school drop-outs or had done. I keep this at a minimum, making Nichola Farnum
behavioural issues. Unsurprisingly, many sure that confidential parts are omitted and London
are undiagnosed dyslexics. For many of them, that the student sees what is written. +44 (0208) 977 6699

this is a second chance, in a supportive I am concerned that the students have Carol Forster
environment, to take control of their lives. the after-programme support and at the end
+44 (01452) 331 573
In the past, if a student was found to be of last academic year, ran a two-day course
Axel Gudmundsson
dyslexic, the student received one-to-one for interested staff from E2E. The first day London
learning support. As learning support was was “Dyslexia Awareness” and the second +44 (020) 8341-7703
run by Lynne Smith (one of our UK day was “Supporting a student who has Tessa Halliwell
Facilitators) they had Davis support. completed the Davis Dyslexia Course” Barrow upon Soar, Leics
+44 (01509) 412 645
However, because of the way learning There were 25 staff who attended these days
support was set up, they had an hour a week and required reading was of course “The Phyllida Howlett
and there was no provision for follow up Gift of Dyslexia.” The college library has Pembrokeshire
work, built in. In agreement with Lynne, 20 copies on its shelves: an initiative taken +44 (01437) 766 806

I offered the full 30-hour programme with by Lynne Smith. Keryn Middleton
the students, offsite, at my premises, which There was one especially pleasing event
Barking, Essex,
+44 (0208) 507 9164
are close to the college. The funding body during those two days. One student who had
agreed to pay my fee for designated students. completed the course, had, as one of her
Fionna Pilgrim
Keighley, West Yorkshire
The students receive exactly the same learning goals “to be more confident when +44 (01535) 609 797
programme as my other clients. with more than one person” (she always felt Elenica Nina Pitoska
The procedure is that once a student is that people were judging her). When I did London
+44 (020) 8451 4025
formally assessed as dyslexic and is thought her exit interview and asked her about this
to be suitable for the programme, I see them learning goal she said that it was too early Pauline Royle
Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancs
and do the full profile with them. Since Continued on page 16 +44 (01253) 899 875

v United Kingdom (con’t.)

A Second Chance . . .
Continued from page 15
Janice Scholes
Davis Methods in
Liversedge, West Yorkshire to tell. Not only was she persuaded to come
+44 (01274) 874 712
into the room where 25 members of staff
the British Media
Laura Shone were sitting, but she sat in front of them
Ilford, Essex
+44 (020) 8924 5755 and answered their questions for a full ten –From BBC News, UK Ed. Nov. 27, 2003:
minutes. At the end, they clapped her and
Lynne Smith Abingdon and Witney College attributes
Brighton, East Sussex she bowed and beamed! One of those
much of the success of E2E to the provision
+44 (07986) 546 468 moments…
of additional support for the large numbers
Barbara Timmins In theory each student has a minimum
of students affected by dyslexia.
+44 (015) 6477 2657
of an hour a week follow up work in college
but with illness, absence, etc. this doesn’t Students benefit from a pioneering
Drs. Renée van der Vloodt
always happen and in my opinion is an area course–the Davis Dyslexia Correction
Davis Specialist
Reigate, Surrey we need to work on. On the optimistic side, Programme–that complements the E2E
+44 (01737) 240 116
one student has enrolled for an Art and course and teaches learners practical ways
Beth Waterman Design course in the other part of the college, to combat dyslexia.
Hampton Wick, Surrey One student said: “Whilst I was a
+44 (020) 8977 8777 but still goes back to E2E for her weekly
+44 (07958) 252 792 support. Another student is working with diagnosed dyslexic at school, I never had
Evelyn White her mother on her trigger words as well. any real explanation of what dyslexia
Walton-on-Thames, Surrey We have eight more students booked in was and why I always got muddled about
+44 (01932) 230 624
for 2004, so far. Of the seven students that things and never received any help. The
Richard Whitehead
DDA-UK Director
I have worked with in 2003 and the five Ron Davis programme really helped.”
Cranbrook, Kent students from the previous eighteen months, (Full article at:
+44 (01580) 713 094
all but one can be said to be successful. education/3244022.stm)
Rachel Williamson Here is a small sample of comments:
Hassocks, West Sussex
+44 (01444) 245 260 “I understand now that I am not stupid,
–From Times Educational Supplement,
v United States I just learn differently.”
March 12, 2004:
(This student has gone on to learn how
Paula Morehead to design and make furniture in wood.) Making models was hardly what the
+1 (205) 408-4420 “My reading has improved–big time!” streetwise, 16-year-old Ashley Harris
(This student had a reading age of 5 expected, but it seemed to work. “The first
Dr. Edith Fritz although he was 16. He has gone from day I walked in I was like, “Why is there
strength to strength.) a tub of clay?” I was used to copying out
+1 (602) 274-7738
of textbooks,” he says. “But the course was
Nancy Kress “My handwriting is better.” fantastic. I loved it.” One week later he read
+1 (623) 203-1890 (This student had spent his last year of a book for the first time. “I could read the
John F. Mertz, Jr. school at home or in trouble. He has full words before but I couldn’t understand what
Tucson attendance at college and is doing very
+1 (877) 219-0613 (Toll Free) I was reading,” he says. “But I read the
well. His mother cried when she saw a
+1 (520) 219-0613 whole thing properly. I was dead chuffed.”
Jeannette Myers handwritten note to her at the end of the
Sedona programme because it was so well written.) David Jamieson’s dyslexia was discovered
+1 (928) 204-1963
early, at the age of six. Now a 17-year-old
Tamera P. Richardson In case you think it is all roses, I can
A-level student, he was given an extra
Mesa/Phoenix tell you that sometimes these students can
+1 (480) 664-9274 hour’s tuition every week through primary
be challenging in all kinds of ways. Working
school in an attempt to improve his
with an institution the size of the college
Reading Research Council “appalling” and slow handwriting. But it
Dyslexia Correction Center can at times be difficult. Exhortations to
Dr. Fatima Ali, Founder wasn’t until he was 15, when he went to a
Alice Davis, DDAI Director, staff to ensure the students get good follow-up
Davis tutor, that it began to improve. “It
Ray Davis sessions can seem as though they fall on
Ronald D. Davis, Founder had an immediate effect,” he says. “She
Sharon Pfeiffer, deaf ears. But the students are well worth
gave me a whole new way of writing; it
Specialist Trainer it, and in a small way, in a rural part of
DLS Workshop Presenter
Oxfordshire, we are having quite an impact.v was legible and I could write faster. It was
Dee Weldon White
Lexie White Strain brilliant, a relief.” David describes the
Burlingame/San Francisco
+1 (800) 729-8990 (Toll Free)
programme as “a bit like Zen for dyslexics.”
+1 (650) 692-8990
concepts of past, present and future and all
v United States/
the pronouns can be very helpful. California (con’t.)
In my Concise Oxford Dictionary, the
Janalee Beals
first definition of “will” is: want or desire or Orange
choose to, as in “Come when you will.” “I +1 (877) 439-7539 (Toll Free)
+1 (714) 547-4287
will be...” “I will have you know.” Therefore
Janet Confer
a model showing the meaning of WILL Rancho Santa
would need to involve desire or choice. Margarita/San Clemente
+1 (949) 589-6394
One possible way, based on a child’s
Richard A. Harmel
By Abigail Marshall, mental picture being, “I will eat ice cream,” Marina Del Rey/Los Angeles
DDAI Information Services Director [I (want or desire or choose to) eat ice cream.] +1 (310) 823-8900

would be to model a person standing in front David Hirst

of a piece of cake and an ice cream cone and Riverside
(909) 653-9251
Q. I am a classroom teacher who has seen the pointing at the ice cream cone. It could go one
results of your program. I am impressed and step further and show the person then eating
Dwight Underhill
El Cerrito/Berkeley
intersted in becoming certified. In surveying the ice cream cone. Or the model of the +1 (510) 559-7869
course offering and locations, I find the person eating the ice cream cone could be in Colorado
Fundamentals workshop but I do not find a a “thought bubble” attached to the head at the
Kathy Bacon
location or time for “Basic Field Assignments.” same time the person is pointing at the ice +1 (970) 669-0170
Is this something that you set up. Could you cream cone. Terry DeMeo
give me more information of this. Illustrating one’s understanding is always Littleton/Denver
+1 (303) 850-7668
A. Basic Field Assignments are independent very individual. The above is one of many
Crystal Punch
practice exercises that you do on your own time, ways that a child might show understanding Centennial/Denver

at home. You can sign up for them any time of this definition of WILL. The discussion +1 (303) 850-0581

after completion of the Fundamentals Workshop; and sentence-making that precedes the Kristi Thompson
you will be given materials which include a list modeling of a definition is a vital step in +1 (719) 324-9256
of assigned exercises for practice (example: word mastery. It allows the teacher or
doing the perceptual ability assessment with a facilitator to assess whether that understanding Random (Randee)

“client”), and you will write a short summary has been mastered with the model which is Garretson
Lutz/Tampa/St. Petersburg
of your experiences with each exercise. Most made afterwards. +1 (813) 956-0502

Facilitators enlist friends and family members to I am often shown photos of clay Rita Von Bon

be their practice “clients” for these assignments. models which at first appear “incomplete.” Pensacola Beach
+1 (850) 934-1389
You will also be assigned a Davis Specialist However, after being told about the discussion
Dyslexia Plus
who will be available by phone or email for that preceded the modeling and the child’s Alice J. Pratt
consultation and to answer questions; and when explanation of the model, it became clear
DLS Workshop Presenter
Gwin Pratt
you are done with the assignments you will send the child had indeed mastered the definition Jacksonville

your written material to the Specialist for review. and found a very simple way of showing it.
+1 (904) 389-9251

For a word like WILL that has multiple Georgia

Bill Allen
Q. I find teaching the word mastery very difficult definitions and usages, it is wise to keep in Marietta/Atlanta
for some of the trigger words. Say, for “will,” mind that we are working on only one +1 (770) 594-1770

what may be one possible way of making a definition of this word. Trying to consider Scott Timm
model to illustrate one’s understanding of its the whole word and all its definitions at +1 (866) 255-9028 (Toll-Free)
meaning. How would a seven-year-old child once would be overwhelming.
do it, for instance? Now, it’s your turn. What would you Vickie Kozuki-Ah You
model for this definition of WILL? Ewa Beach / Honolulu
+1 (808) 685-1122
A. It is vital to have a dictionary that defines
these words clearly with good examples that Q. I’m a rabbinical student diagnosed with Scott Shedko
allow for thorough discussion of one definition dyslexia. Do you know of anyone trained in +1 (808) 377-3177
of the word, and how it can be pictured and teaching dyslexics Hebrew? Also, is there Illinois
modeled. In addition, with verbs which vary any way that I can get the list of trigger Kim Ainis
with tense or conjugation, first mastering the words that affect Hebrew readers? +1 (312) 360-0805

Continued on page 18
Q&A In reading, the part-to-whole or linear-
v United States (con’t.) Continued from page 17 sequential learner is very comfortable with
Indiana phonetic decoding where first you learn
Jodi R. Baugh A. The Gift of Dyslexia was published in
sounds of letters, then you piece the letters
Cloverdale/Terre Haute
Hebrew in 2000. It contains instructions for
+1 (765) 526-2121
together to make words.
how to provide a Davis Dyslexia Correction
Myrna Burkholder Dyslexics can’t learn by segmenting
Goshen/South Bend Program in Hebrew, including the Hebrew
words into pieces. They need to have the
+1 (574) 533-7455 trigger words. You can contact DDA-Israel
context and the whole picture in mind.
Iowa to purchase a copy:
Mary Kay Frasier They are frustrated and lost with phonetic
Des Moines Davis Dyslexia Association-Israel
decoding because they need to have
+1 (515) 270-0280 20 Ha’shhafim
meaning FIRST, and then employ what they
Kansas Ra’anana 43724 Israel
know about language and words to
Carole Coulter
Telephone: +972 (053) 693 384
Overland Park/Kansas City
fill in the gaps.
+1 (913) 831-0388 Fax: +972 (09) 772 9889
Louisiana Email:
Wendy Ware Gilley You can do a search for Davis
Q. Would this be words (parts) put together
Baton Rouge (to) in a sentence (whole)?
+1 (225) 751-8741 Facilitators who can provide the Davis
Christina Martin Program in Hebrew at: A. No. It is letters put together into
Slidell/New Orleans words. For example: kuh+a+tuh = cat or
+1 (985) 646-2201
duh+ah+guh = dog. Except it doesn’t
Ann Minkel Q. What is decoding? Is it to recognize really, as my examples show.
Six Lakes/Grand Rapids
+1 (866) 330-3671 (Toll-Free) and know the meaning of a word? Phonics works a little better in
+1 (989) 365-3176 language that is phonetically consistent.
Dean Schalow
A. According to the article, “Learning to But in English it is a fiction at best to
Manistee Read: The Stages of Reading Development” pretend that anyone can read without
+1 (800) 794-3060 (Toll-Free)
by Evelyn Peter ( adding in some knowledge or insight
Minnesota resources/stages.php), decoding is Stage One about meaning.
Cindy Bauer
Plymouth/Minneapolis and is taught to children ages 6-7. Children in This is the natural way for about
+1 (612) 483-3460
this stage begin to utilize their knowledge of one-third of kids to learn. The part-to-whole
Virginia Bushman consonants and vowels and to blend together way isn’t learned, it’s the way they think.
Cold Spring/St. Cloud
+1 (320)-685-7977 simple words such as c-a-t, b-a-t, f-a-t, h-i-p, They just need the tools to plug into that
Cyndi Deneson
l-i-p, etc. modality. Many have very strong memories
Supervisor-Specialist Natural readers whose strengths lie in for words or facts, so it is easy for them to
Advanced Workshop
Presenter linear-sequential, verbal thinking will pick memorize multiplication tables or spelling
Bloomington/Minneapolis up this skill rapidly. Children who are strong rules. But they get frustrated if you ask
+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll-Free)
+1 (952) 820-4673 visual-spatial, non-verbal thinkers, and thus them to try to figure out things for
Bernadette Peterson prone to developing dyslexia, have difficulty themselves. They want RULES and they
Maple Grove with decoding skills. After they have want the teacher to give them the rules.
+1 (763) 229-4550
achieved ease with letter recognition, moving Another third of the kids are strong
Mississippi Dyslexia Center
directly to whole word recognition coupled picture thinkers or visual-spatial learners,
M. Elizabeth Cook with learning the sound and meaning for each and that part-to-whole approach is frustrating
+1 (866) 632-2900 (Toll Free) word is more useful to them. or impossible for them. They cannot retain
+1 (601) 636-2900
or use information until they know how it
Patricia Henry
Q. What is part-to-whole learning? fits or where it goes. They want to figure
Kansas City out things for themselves and to invent their
+1 (816) 361 6563 A. If you like to follow a set of instructions own rules.
Montana that someone else has written, you are The other third of the kids are the
Elsie Johnson probably a part-to-whole learner. If you need ones who have more flexible or in-between
Kalispell, MT
+(406) 257-8556 to know what the end product is going to be, learning styles, and they can probably learn
Linda Jo Price
and you need to know where each part or well with both approaches.v
Bozeman piece fits before you are comfortable with
+1 (406) 586-8218
it, then you probably are a whole-to-part

v United States/Montana
Book Review By Dan Willemin, (con’t.)

Nancy Sitton
+1 (406) 863-9844

Extreme Nebraska
Shawn Carlson
+1 (402) 420-1025
Indifference Nevada
Barbara Clark
It is not often you will see a book review Gardnerville/Carson City
written by me, especially for a novel of any +1 (775) 265-1188
sort. However, I felt more than obliged to New Hampshire
write this one. You see Stephanie Kane is not Michele Siegmann
only a wonderful writer but also a champion Mason/Manchester/Boston
+1 (603) 878-6006
for dyslexics everywhere.
I won’t go into details about the book’s New Jersey
Lynn Chigounis
story or plot. Those reviews can be read Montclair
anywhere on the web and are far better than +1 (973) 746-5037
I could ever write. I will go into the hero of Nancy Cimprich
the book, Jackie Flowers, because I seem to Elmer/Philadelphia
have known her all my life. +1 (856) 358-3102

That last statement may make me sound Charlotte Foster

a bit odd; but then again, I have felt odd Supervisor-Specialist
most of my life. To me, the importance of +1 (908) 766-5399
the underlying story of Jackie Flowers far
Extreme Indifference
outweighs the wonderfully entertaining novel. By Stephanie Kane Edwina Stone
Jackie Flowers is a attorney that has a Hardcover: 283 pages +1 (609) 333-0618
brilliance she can’t see. Her high confidence Publisher: Scribner New York
in court gives way to little in her private ISBN: 0743245563 Carla C. Niessen
thoughts. Through out the twists and turns of Clintondale/Poughkeepsie
+1 (845) 883-5766
her cases she always prevails. Yet, she would
give the credit of her success, to the mistakes important! (These are things I had to learn Wendy Ritchie
of her opponents and lucky breaks. (I know before I could be truly successful.) Hilton/Rochester
+1 (585) 233-4364
this mindset all too well.) I must mention one other unique realism
She has a champion in Pilar Perez her about the book. Jackie’s problems reading North Carolina
Gerri W. Cox
assistant and street tough private detective. and writing are not the most troublesome Shallotte/Wilmington
Pilar of course, can see Jackie’s brilliance. dyslexic challenge she faces. I mention this +1 (910) 754-9559
Pilar knows Jackie’s successes are nothing because if you ask any successful dyslexic Tina Kirby
compared to her capabilities, so she is they will say the same. (Still, reading and Sanford/Fayetteville
constantly prodding Jackie toward bigger writing remain the single-minded educational +1 (919) 499-0774

and better things. (I have been blessed to intervention for dyslexia.) Ruth Mills
know several “Pilars” in my life.) I don’t know if a fictional character Pineville/Charlotte
+1 (704) 541-1733
Resiliency is as common a trait of can help dyslexics see themselves in a better
successful dyslexics as is self-doubt. A light. I don’t know if others reading this Erin Pratt
lifetime of focusing on disability will always underlying story will ever know how much +1 (828) 231-2400
leave a hole in one’s self-esteem. However, they help to disable dyslexics.
resiliency and wit got Jackie thorough law Maybe a dyslexic hero will be an Elizabeth Ratliff
school even though she was barely able to inspiration for dyslexics to read more and +1 (919) 461-3948
read and write. (Though I am relatively that is always good. (That is why I read the North Dakota
uneducated, resiliency has contributed to book.) However, some dyslexics might even Karen Nelson
my success more than most things I learned realize they are far better than they think they Bismarck
+1 (701) 527-5367
in school.) are. (It just doesn’t get any better than that!)
I know Jackie is a fictional character but Bless you Stephanie Kane! All your Ohio
I want so to reach out to her. If she could only research and effort to understand dyslexia Sandra Korn
Liberty Township/ Cincinnati
see that in reality, her disability is really the have opened a window that is truly accurate, +1 (513) 779-9118
source of her ability. If she could just know combined with a story full of surprises that
that, it is not bad to be different, if she could was a joy to read! (That “joy” word means
only see her abilities are all that are really a lot coming from a dyslexic man.) v

v United States/Ohio
Newly Licensed Davis Facilitators
Lisa Thatcher
Mount Vernon/Columbus
+1 (740) 397-7060
Congratulations and welcome to our growing
international family of Davis providers!
Marcia Maust
Berlin/Pittsburgh to meeting lots |of gifted people in the near
+1 (814) 267-6694
Sr. Mary-Elizabeth Bastin
“I am a teaching nun in a future. Dyslexia Assistance, 35 Mandolong
South Dakota
Kim Carson Catholic boarding school. After Road, Sydney, Mosman, NSW 2088, Australia.
Brookings/Sioux Falls having tried in vain during +61 (02) 9968 3317.
+1 (605) 692-1785
several years to help students
Sheri Howard with learning difficulties, I read
Sandra H. Korn has a
Harrison “The Gift of Dyslexia.” Soon after I decided to
+1 (423) 432-4582 personal purpose and mission–
train as a Davis Facilitator. I plan to apply my new
Texas to serve others by planting the
Success Learning Center
skills mainly in the schools of the congregation I
seeds of positive possibilities in
Rhonda Clemons belong to, where I can also care for the clients’
Colleen Millslagle their lives. She has been doing
Tyler/Dallas post program needs.” Sister Mary-Elizabeth
so for over 25 years. She now
+1 (866) 531-2446 (Toll Free) speaks English, French and German. Institut
+1 (903) 531-2446 passionately embraces the Davis Program as a
Sancta Maria, 24 Fabrikstrasse, Mels, CH-8887,
Kellie Brown way to help those with dyslexia excel using
Ft. Worth Switzerland. +41 (81) 723 4423.
+1 (877) 230-2622 (Toll Free) their gifts and talents despite the negative
+1 (817) 989-0783 Michelle Bonardi trained as a Psychologist characteristics of dyslexia. She is a graduate
Susan Dickens at the University of Geneva and has worked for of a small teaching college located in Michigan,
+1 (512) 515-5591
13 years as an educational psychologist. This a “graduate” of Corporate America with an
experience led to her interest in the Davis extensive background in Human Relations,
Susan Lewis
Lubbock training and its applications for dyslexia, and has a far reaching career in Personal and
+1 (806) 771-1385 dyscalculia and ADHD. “The Davis methods are Business Coaching.
Shannon Liverman so structured and direct. Because it touches all Always passionate about helping others,
+1 (512) 556-6990 the different aspects of dyslexia; it permits me it was being the Mom of a dyslexic child that
to work in a profound way with children and planted the seeds of deepest passion within
Dorothy Owen
Supervisor - Specialist adults.” Michelle speaks both French and Italian. Sandra. She explains, “I have always conducted
+1 (817) 919-6200
Her center is situated one half hour from Milan extensive research whenever confronted with a
in the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland. problem, and my son’s inability to write despite
Paula Roberts
Tyler Dislexia de Michelle Bonardi, V. Roccolo, his ability to read and comprehend at the post-
(903) 570-3427 CH-6874 Castel S. Pietro, Ticino, Switzerland. high school level even as early as the second
Laura Warren +41 (091) 630 2341. grade, was very frustrating for both of us. No
+1 (806) 771-7292 one had answers and no one had solutions that
Betty Engelhardt, Ph.D. works as an
worked. We used to tell our frustrated little boy
Virginia Educational Consultant at New Tribes Mission
Donna Kouri that a door existed in his head for which we did
Rockville Language Institute in Missouri. Her doctorate is
+1 (804) 749-8791 not yet have the key. We told him that behind the
in Educational Administration and Curriculum
door were the skills of writing and we were going
Angela Odom Development. She plans to provide Davis
Midlothian/Richmond to find the key.”
+1 (804) 833-8858 or programs exclusively to the missionary families
When Sandra discovered the book, The Gift
(804) 744-0321 who service over 200 tribal groups around the
of Dyslexia and the Davis Correction Program,
Jamie Worley world. Box 1200, Camdenton, MO 65020 USA.
Newport News/Norfolk she found the key for her son. Because it worked
+1 (757) 283-5218 Penny Hardcastle is the so well for him, Sandra has combined her broad
Washington mother of three wonderful training and facilitation background in order to
Jackie Black
Arlington/Everett children, who have inspired become a Davis Facilitator. She is thrilled to
1-866-218-1614 [Toll Free] and helped with their time and make available the “key” for other children and
patience to make their mother’s adults, plant the seeds of positive possibility and
new and exciting career provide for their personal excellence. Dyslexia
possible. I am looking forward Continued on page 22

Jamie Worley has a

v United States/
New Facilitators
Continued from page 21 Bachelor of Science degree Washington (con’t)
Keys, The Learning Abilities Center, 6930 Maple in Education, and a Master Dyslexia Correction
Creek Drive, Liberty Township, OH 45044, of Science degree in Special Center of Washington
Marilyn Anderson
USA. 1 (513) 779-9118. Education. She has worked Aleta Clark
with learning disabilities and
Susan Lewis, ABC Dyslexia +1 (253) 854-9377
dyslexia in both public schools and private
Correction Center, 7901 Meadowbrook
situations for the past 30 years. She will provide Educational Services
Aberdeen Ave #B, Lubbock,
Davis programs from her home office. 741 Dorothy Bennett
TX 79424, USA. Renie Royce Smith
Keppel Drive, Newport News, VA 23608, USA. Spokane & Everett
1 (806) 771-1385. +1-800-371-6028 (Toll-Free)
1 (757) 283-5218. v +1 (509) 443-1737

Marlene E. Easley
Ruth Mills has been interested in how learning Bellingham
+1 (360) 714-9619
occurs most of her life. She was born into a Davis Facilitator
family with a dyslexic member and witnessed Kathy Hawley
the struggle to learn. A natural teacher, she
& Davis Specialist
+1 (509) 662-9121
owned and operated a ballet and ballroom dance Training Programs
Dyslexia Mastery Center
studio for many years following a career as a Carol Hern
DLS Workshop Presenter
professional dancer. Most recently she was a Mary Ethel Kellogg
tutor supervisor and trainer for an adult literacy The Davis Facilitator Training DLS Workshop Presenter
organization. Searching for the most effective Program requires approximately +1 (509) 363-1771
way to guide tutors to work with adults who were Jo Del Jensen
not making progress, she discovered the Davis Oak Harbor/Anacortes/
400 hours of course work.
methods. So impressive were the results that she The Davis Specialist Program +1 (360) 679-9390
decided that this was the way she could most Rebecca Luera
contribute to the advancement of our society. Fall City/Seattle
requires extensive experience
+1 (800) 818-9056 (Toll-Free)
Accurate Perceptions Dyslexia Correction, 13530 providing Davis programs and an
+1 (425) 222-4163
Dansville Drive, Pineville, NC 28134, USA. additional 260 hours of training. Ruth Ann Youngberg
1 (704) 541-1733. Bellingham
Specialists and Facilitators are subject +1 (360) 671-9858
Beth Waterman “My centre to annual re-licensing based upon West Virginia
focuses on providing creative Gale Long
learning solutions for clients
case review and adherence to the
+1 (888) 517-7830 (Toll Free)
+1 (304) 965-7400
with a variety of learning DDAI Standards of Practice. Davis
styles. It specializes in Learning Strategies School Mentors Wisconsin
New Hope Learning
developing the natural gifts Centers, Inc.
and talents of clients who are not reaching their Darlene Bishop
and Workshop Presenters are
Margaret Hayes
full potential. I have been a primary school Pam Kretz
experienced teachers and trainers
teacher in Australia and the UK for more than 11 who have had two-three years of
+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll Free)
years. In this time I have encountered a variety specialized training and experience +1 (262) 255-3900

of learning styles and have had to adapt my v

teaching style to meet not only the needs of
mentoring classroom teachers of
This Directory is current
my students, but also to accommodate various children ages 5- 9 years of age. as of March 15, 2004.
national curriculum standards. I have established It is subject to change.
Between newsletter issues,
my business to fill the gaps for clients who want
For information about training
new Facilitators are added,
to take steps to reach their potential, but whose or a full directory of Davis providers,
and occasionally, some
needs are not identified nor catered for by the see become inactive. However
traditional educational system.” 2 Hesley the Davis Providers list
Cottages, High Street, Hampton Wick, Surrey,
or call 1 (650) 692-7141 or toll-free
at is
KT1 4DJ, UK. +44 (020) 8977 8777 or always up to date.
in the US at 1-888-805-7216.

+44 (07958) 252 792. v


Workshops for
Primary Teachers
Would you like to…
• Improve the reading skills of all the children in your What Teachers say about
class regardless of their learning style?
• Manage your classroom more effectively? Davis Learning Strategies
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• With methods that are easy to implement and flexible? liked most was how easily
the Davis strategies fit
into many areas of
Introduction to Davis Learning Strategies®
This one-day workshop provides Primary Teachers (K-3 or
Keystage 1&2) with unique and innovative strategies for Kindergarten curriculum.
It relieved me of a
improving reading instruction and classroom management,
paper-pencil approach
and equips young learners with life long skills in “how to
and gave me a hands-on,
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kinesthetic approach. It
• Theory and Reasoning for each Strategy also helped develop the little finger muscles for being
• Video demonstrations of each Strategy in classroom able to move on to coordinate paper-pencil activities.
setting Assigning each child a storage box for creating the
• Q&A and discussion about each Strategy alphabet over time also fit and accomplished the
• Classroom implementation suggestions. development of ownership, responsibility, and a sense
Included are: a pride in all the children. I believe all Kindergarten
children would benefit from Davis Learning Strategies.”
• Detailed Manual with suggested year-long guides,
–LB, Kindergarten Teacher, Mission San Jose
black-line masters, and numerous tips for each Strategy
Elementary School, Fremont, California
and various curriculum activities
• Video tape demonstrating each classroom strategy “It has helped me become more aware and sensitive to
• Teacher Kit briefcase which includes all the materials the needs of my students. My students are very receptive
needed to start and proceed with confidence working and amaze me how quickly they pick it up. I have many
with 1-2 students: alphabet strip, letter recognition children who are ADD and ADHD. This system helps
cards, clay, clay cutter, 2 Koosh® balls, dictionary. me reconnect with them. I have small groups for short
• Verification of Attendance letter periods of time and this helps us to get down to business
Cost: $385 US Dollars (£250 in UK) quickly.”
–DG, Elementary Spec. Ed. Resource,
Sequoia Charter School, Mesa, Arizona
Basic Davis Learning Strategies® Practice Lab
This hands-on, one-day workshop provides supervised
experiential practice on each Strategy. Attendees will work
in pairs or small groups to practice each skill, followed by
a Q&A session on each Strategy. Prerequisite: Introduction
to Davis Learning Strategies Workshop. Included are: June 7 & 8 Introduction & Practice Lab
• Verification of Attendance letter
Lubbock, Texas

• Post-workshop e-mail consultation with a Davis Learning

June 11 & 12 Start-Up & Hands-On
Strategies Mentor, as needed. (US & Canada only)
Worcestshire, England

Cost: $295 US Dollars (£220 in UK) June 21 & 22 Introduction & Practice Lab

Discounts: $595 for both workshops if attended on

Kallispell/Whitefish, Montana

consecutive days (£390 in UK)

August 16 & 17 Introduction & Practice Lab
Vancouver, BC, Canada
To bring these workshops to your school or location, please
contact Paula McCarthy at (650) 692-7141 or 1-888-805-7216.
Call: 1-888-805-7216 (toll free) for US & Canada Registration
+44 (01580) 714 838 for UK Registration
Visit or

Come Learn and

Davis Dyslexia
Fundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction® Workshop based on
the best-selling book The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis

Workshop Outline
Background and Development of the Davis Dyslexia Orientation Review Procedure (a method for checking
Correction® Procedures orientation skills)
• Research and discovery. The “gifts” of dyslexia. Anatomy • Demonstration & Practice Session
and developmental stages of a learning disability. Davis Symbol Mastery® (the key to correcting dyslexia)
Overview of the steps for dyslexia correction. • What is Symbol Mastery? Why clay?
Davis Perceptual Ability Assessment (a screening for Mastering Basic Language Symbols
dyslexic learning styles) • Demonstrations and Group Exercises
• Demonstration and Practice Session Reading Improvement Exercises
Symptoms Profile Interview (used to assess symptoms, • Spell-Reading. Sweep-Sweep-Spell. Picture-at-Punctuation
strengths & weaknesses; set goals; and establish motivation)
• Demonstration and Practice Session
Fine-Tuning Procedure (checking and adjusting
DAY TWO orientation using balance)
Davis Orientation Counseling Procedures (methods Symbol Mastery Exercises for Words
to control, monitor and turn off perceptual distortions) • Demonstrations, Group Exercises and Practice Sessions
• What is Orientation? Demonstration and Practice Session Implementing the Davis Procedures
Release Procedure (method for alleviating stress and
Alignment (an alternative to Orientation Counseling)
To register for US workshops
call 1-888-805-7216 (toll-free)
• What is Alignment? How is it used? Group Demonstration
Dial-Setting Procedure (a method for controlling ADD


22 - 25 April 12 - 15 July 30 Sept - 3 October 3 - 6 November
Presenter: Ioannis Tzivanakis Presenter: Cindy Deneson Instructors: Robin Temple Presenter: Gerry Grant
Language: German Language: English & Siegerdina Mandema Language: English
Location: Freiburg, Germany Location: Burlingame, Cal., USA Language: English Location: Atlanta, Georgia USA
Contact: Contact: Location: Addington, Kent UK Contact:
+49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Phone: 1 (888) 805-7216 Contact: Phone: +1 (866) 520-8858 and
+1 (817) 919-6200
22 - 25 April 21 - 24 July
Phone: +44 (08700) 132 945
Presenter: Bonny Beuret Presenters: Ronald and Alice Davis 27 - 30 October 25 - 28 November
Language: German Language: English Instructors: Siegerdina Mandema
Presenter: Gerry Grant
Location: Basel, Switzerland Location: Auckland, New Zeland & Robin Temple
Language: English
Contact: Contact: Language: Dutch
Location: Boston, Mass. USA
41 (061) 273 81 85 Phone: +64 (09) 361 6115 Location: Amersfoort, Nederland
29 April - 2 May 25 - 28 September Phone: +1 (866) 520-8858 and Contact:
Presenter: Ioannis Tzivanakis +1 (817)919-6200 Phone: +31 (0475) 301 277
Presenter: Bonny Beuret
Language: German
Language: German
Location: Kassel, Germany
For updated workshop schedules visit:
Location: Basel, Switzerland
+49 (040) 25 17 86 22
Phone: +41 (061) 273 81 85
Dys•lex´•ic Read´•er
1601 Old Bayshore Highway, Suite 245 U.S. POSTAGE

Burlingame, CA 94010 PAID


Fundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction Workshop

Based on the best-selling book 2004 International Schedule
The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis 22 - 25 April Freiburg Germany
This 4-day workshop is an introduction to the basic 22 - 25 April Basel Switzerland
theories, principles and application of all the procedures 29 April - 2 May Kassel Germany
described in The Gift of Dyslexia. Training is done with a 12 - 15 July Burlingame, Cal. USA
combination of lectures, demonstrations, group practice, 23 - 26 Sept Basel Switzerland
and question and answer sessions. Attendance is limited 30 Sept - 3 Oct Kent UK
to ensure the highest quality of training. 27 - 30 Oct Boston, Mass. USA
3 - 6 Nov Atlanta, Georgia USA
Who should attend: 25 Sept - 28 Nov Amersfoort Netherlands
Everyone involved in helping dyslexic individuals over the U.S. Course Schedule
age of eight. • 8:30 - 9:00 Registration (first day)
Participants will learn: • 9:00 - 5:00 Daily (Lunch break 12:00-1:30)
• How the Davis procedures were developed. U.S. Fees and Discounts
• How to assess for the “gift of dyslexia.” • $975 per person plus $95 materials fee
• How to help dyslexics eliminate mistakes and focus • $925 for DDAI members or groups of two or more
attention. plus $95 materials fee
• $975 if paid in full 60 days in advance incl. materials
• The Davis Symbol Mastery tools for mastering reading.
• Advance registration and $200 deposit required
• How to incorporate and use proven methods for improving • Includes manual, one-year DDAI membership,
reading, spelling, and motor coordination into a teaching, verification of attendance, and Symbol Mastery Kit
home school, tutoring, or therapeutic setting. • Academic units and CEUs available
See page 23 for more workshop details.

For a detailed brochure on enrollment, prices, group rates, discounts, location, and further information, contact the DDA in your country.
DDA-Pacific DDA-Deutschland DDA- México DDA-UK
8 Ring Terrace Wandsbecker Chausee 132 Río Volga #308 ote The Corner House Offices
St. Mary’s Bay D-22089 Hamburg Colonia del Valle High Street
Auckland GERMANY 66220 Garza Garcia N.L Cranbrook, Kent TN17 3DF
NEW ZEALAND MEXICO Tel: +44 (08700) 132 945 or
Tel/Fax: +64 (09) 361 6115 Tel: 49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Tel/Fax: 52 (81) 8335-9435 (0870) 443 9059
E-mail: Fax: 49 (040) 25 17 86 24 or 52 (81) 8356-8389 Fax: +44 (08700) 469 658
E-mail: E-mail: Email:
Freie Strasse 81 DDA-Israel DDA-Nederland DDAI-Int’l, Canada & USA
CH 4001 Basel, 20 Ha’shahafim St. Kerkweg 38a 1601 Bayshore Highway, Ste 245
SWITZERLAND Ra’anana 43724 6105 CG Maria Hoop, NEDERLAND Burlingame, CA 94010
Tel: 41 (061) 273 81 85 ISRAEL Tel: 31 (0475) 302 203 Tel: 1-888-805-7216
Fax: 41 (061) 272 42 41 Tel: 972 (053) 693 384 Fax: 31 (0475) 301 381 Fax: 1 (650) 692-7075
e-mail: Fax: 972 (09) 772-9889 E-mail: E:mail:
Enrollment limited v Classes fill Early v Call 1-888-805-7216 or 650-692-7141
For updated workshop schedules visit
For a full description of the Davis Facilitator Certification Program, ask for our booklet.

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