Transport Infrastructure Development For A Wider Europe
Transport Infrastructure Development For A Wider Europe
Transport Infrastructure Development For A Wider Europe
Vienna, April 2002
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At the beginning of the 21st century, European transport systems are confronted with a
serious modal imbalance, which has favoured the development of the most polluting and
congested modes of transport. This requires a change of strategy in the Common Transport
Policy, which puts users at the centre of the system, guaranteeing their right to efficient, safe,
affordable, and environment-friendly transport.
As global freight transport volumes have increased, the external costs of traffic congestion,
accidents, air pollution and noise have become more apparent, not only as an issue of
concern for the quality of life, but also with respect to their potential for disrupting economic
growth and mobility. As a result, one of the major challenges facing the transportation
industry is the need to introduce a more efficient, modally integrated service, which utilizes
spare capacity in other modes.
During the 1990s, Europe began to suffer from congestion in certain areas and on certain
routes. The problem is now beginning to threaten economic competitiveness. Traffic jams
cost Europe dear in terms of productivity. Bottlenecks and missing links in the infrastructure
fabric; lack of interoperability between modes and systems.
Because of congestion, there is a serious risk that Europe will lose economic
competitiveness. Recent studies on the subject showed that the external costs of road traffic
congestion alone amount to 0.5% of Community GDP. Traffic forecasts for the next ten years
show that, if nothing is done road congestion and the costs attributable to it will increase
significantly by 2010.
The transport industry occupies an important position in the Community, accounting for 7 %
of its GDP, 7 % of total employment, 40 % of Member States' investment and 30 % of
Community energy consumption. Demand, particularly in intra-Community traffic, has grown
more or less constantly for the last 20 years, by 2.3 % a year for goods and 3.1 % for
The European Commission adopted the White Paper European Transport Policy for 2010:
Time to decide in which users needs are placed at the heart of the strategy. One of the first
measures proposed is to shift the balance between modes of transport by 2010 by
revitalizing the railways, promoting maritime and inland waterway transport and linking up the
different modes of transport. This approach is also the same as the approach adopted in the
Commission's contribution to the Gothenburg European Council which called for a shift of
balance between the modes by way of an investment policy in infrastructure geared to the
railways, inland waterways, short sea shipping and intermodal operations (COM (2001) 264
To set the scene for a sustainable transport policy that will allow the progress of recent years
to continue but with a reduced level of nuisances - emissions, noise etc.
The question is what sort of growth can be absorbed without the roads resulting so
congested that delays become the norm and operating costs increase considerable. If we do
not intervene, it is likely that the demand for road haulage services would increase by 50%
between 1998 and 2010. Therefore it is time to invest more intelligently, to seek transport
capacity beyond the road and to set up priorities where weaknesses are in the transport
system: in sorting out bottlenecks, in supporting greater use of modes which are today
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The Commission evaluates annually the progress made in candidate countries in its Regular
Reports on countries progress towards accession. The transport chapter has been closed
provisionally for Cyprus and Malta, for all other candidate countries for accession the
transport chapter is still under negotiation.
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For most of the Corridors and Areas a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been
concluded amongst the participating countries, at the level of Ministers of Transport and with
the European Commission.
It is a voluntary commitment between the participants, and has no legal binding character,
but indicates the intention of the concluding partners to undertake joint efforts in the
development of the Pan-European Transport Network.
These Memoranda of Understanding recommended, among others, to establish a Steering
Committee, which promoted and monitored the progress and stimulated the action needed.
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Corridor VI:
Gdansk Grudziadz/Warszawa Katowice Zilina
Branch: Grudziadz Poznan
Branch: Katowice Ostrava Breclav/Brno
Corridor VII: Danube
Corridor VIII:
Durres Tirana Skopje Sofija Varna/Burgas
Corridor IX:
Helsinki St. Petersburg Pskov/Moskva Kiev
Ljubasevka Chisinau Bucuresti Alexandroupolis
Branch: Klaipeda/Kaliningrad Vilnius Minsk Kiev
Branch: Ljubasevka Odessa
Corridor X:
Salzburg Ljubljana Zagreb Beograd Nis Skopje
Veles Thessaloniki
Branch: Graz Maribor Zagreb
Branch: Budapest Novi Sad Beograd
Branch: Nis Sofija
Branch: Veles Florina
The railway corridors IV and X together with the Danube-waterway-corridor VII have
established a co-ordination office in Vienna. The aim of this common appearance is the
further development of multimodal nodes along the corridors. Furthermore it is a sign for the
co-operation of railways and waterways to cope with traffic patterns of tomorrow, as required
within the policy guidelines of the White Paper on a common transport policy of the Union.
This initiative aims that INTERMODALITY should not only appear in research projects but
also become reality.
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Financing Instruments
provided by the European Commission
for projects along the Corridors
Regulation 2236/95 adopted by the Council of Ministers lays down general rules for the
granting of Community financial aid in the field of Trans-European Networks.
The main terms are as follows:
The EU may only fund projects identified in the guidelines (and shown on the maps).
The EU will fund not more than 50% of the cost of preliminary studies (feasibility
studies), and 10% of the cost of the work.
The balance must be met out of public or private sector funds.
An environmental impact assessment must have been made for each project.
The project must offer guaranteed financial viability and show an adequate degree of
The project must be consistent with the Union's other policies, notably as regards the
environment, competition and the rules on the award of public contracts
Each project must be judged on its merits.
This regulation was amended by a new text (Regulation 1655/99) adopted in June 1999 by
the Council of Ministers and European Parliament. This covers the period 2000-2006. It
introduces a number of new features:
The Commission may cancel its financing decisions if the project has not got under way
within two years.
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Financing Instruments
the Cohesion Fund: from 1994 to 1999, 8 billion were invested in transport projects
in the Union's least developed countries.
In the applicant states, ISPA (Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-accession) allocates
about half its funds (total 1040 million) for transport projects.
INTERREG III is a Community initiative, which aims to stimulate interregional cooperation in
the EU between 2000-06. It is financed under the European Regional Development Fund.
This new phase of the INTERREG initiative is designed to strengthen economic and social
cohesion throughout the EU, by fostering the balanced development of the continent through
cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. Special emphasis has been placed
on integrating remote regions and those, which share external borders with the candidate
Border areas (INTERREG III A)
All border regions of the Union are eligible under INTERREG III A for support to improve
cooperation with their neighbours. The aim is to establish genuine cross-border zones of
economic activity and devise joint strategies for spatial development.
Transnational and interregional cooperation (INTERREG III B and C)
All local authorities in the Union may take part in transnational and interregional cooperation
measures co-financed by INTERREG III B and C. Strand B seeks to improve the spatial
planning of large areas while strand C promotes cooperation and experience exchanges
among those involved in regional and local development projects. Regions in non-Member
States, particularly those that have applied for membership, are invited to take part in these
TINA VIENNA Transport Strategies
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Financing Instruments
cooperation measures by using the Community development assistance, which they are
entitled to receive.
In millions of
When it drew up its financial perspectives for 2000-2006 (Agenda 2000), the Union
expressed its concern for the situation in the applicant countries, especially those from
Central and Eastern Europe. This was reflected in the creation of two new pre-accession
Funds, ISPA and SAPARD, and by the setting-up of a reserve of 40 billion for anticipated
structural expenditures following accession.
The needs of these countries are enormous in every respect: infrastructure, industry,
services, small businesses, agriculture and the environment. To prepare to join the Union,
they have drawn up "Accession partnerships" with the Commission, which set out the main
problems to be overcome by each country. These strategy documents provide a framework
for programming pre-accession aid.
In all, three Community instruments are providing assistance in the ten Central and Eastern
European countries (CEECs):
the oldest of these, the PHARE programme (which began in 1989) is intended to
improve institutions, administrations and public bodies to ensure the correct
application of Community law and to assist new investments in the social and
economic sectors where they are most needed (infrastructure, business, social
SAPARD (Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development)
supports the efforts made by the applicant countries to join the Union's Common
Agricultural Policy (from 2000). It includes a wide range of measures concerning the
adjustment of agricultural structures, the quality of foodstuffs and consumer
protection, rural development, the protection of the environment and technical
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Financing Instruments
ISPA (Instrument for Structural Policies for pre-Accession) follows the lead of the
Cohesion Fund in financing the construction of large projects in environmental
protection and transport (from 2000).
Various partnership arrangements and specific pre-accession aid are also provided for Malta,
Cyprus and Turkey.
Per capita GDP of CEECs in comparison to EU levels (1998) (purchasing power standards)
Pre-accession aid
21 840
10 920
3 640
7 280
In millions of
Pre-accession funds yearly allocations beginning in the year 2000 for negotiating candidate
countries ( million, at 1999 prices)
Applicant countries
Minimum Maximum
Czech Republic
1 085
1 040
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Financing Instruments
Since 1991, the European Union has been supporting the transition of the New Independent
States through the TACIS programme. It provides grant-financed technical assistance to 13
countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and
Uzbekistan), and mainly aims at enhancing the transition process in these countries. It is the
largest programme of its kind operating in the region, and has launched more than 3.000
projects worth over 3.290 million since its inception. It operates within the wider context of
a deepening and evolving relationship between the EU and NIS, enshrined in Partnership
and Co-operation Agreements (PCAs) which commit both sides to a new level of political,
economic and cultural dialogue.
A new Regulation, concerning the provision of assistance to the partner states in Eastern
Europe and Central Asia, replaces the former legal basis (Council Regulation (EC,
EURATOM) No 1279/96, which expired on 31 December 1999). This new Regulation covers
the years 2000-2006 (Council Regulation (EC, EURATOM) No 99/2000 of 29 December
The new regulation is based on an understanding that co-operation is a reciprocal process,
encouraging a move from demand-driven to dialogue-driven programming. More flexibility
in the way that TACIS is structured will allow potential technical assistance to be mobilised
and implemented according to the capacity of each partner country.
The 2000 Regulation concentrates TACIS activities on fewer areas of cooperation:
The areas where TACIS funding is used are designed to complement each other, and each
national or multi-country programme focuses on no more than three of the above mentioned
fields, so that each can be most effective.
The new Regulation also focuses on projects of sufficient scale (projects of at least 2 million
in Russia and Ukraine and 1 million in the other partner countries) and supports the
objectives of the PCAs.
TACIS funding is allocated through:
national country programmes: they include indicative programmes, valid 3-4 years,
which identify priorities and areas of co-operation as well as annual (for Russia and
Ukraine) and biannual (for the other countries) action programmes setting out the
projects to be supported and the funding available, within the guidelines defined by
the indicative programme.
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Financing Instruments
small projects programmes: A limited number of small project programmes are used
to address very specific tasks, such as advice to governments in particular fields:
trade regulation, co-operation in higher education, or encouraging EU investment in
the partner countries. Since their objectives are not set with pre-defined beneficiaries
in mind, they are organised in a different manner, with specific priorities set each
year. See the indicative programme.
EBRD has provided for a wide range of technical co-operation to prepare investments and
optimise project effectiveness and transition impact.
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Financing Instruments
World Bank
The World Bank has assisted the countries of Central and Eastern Europe for preparation of
its membership to the European Union not only with loans but also with analytical work. Its
loans for the transport sector are now normally accompanied by elaborate reform
programmes, which seek to upgrade the performance of the whole sub-sector by the
combination of adjustments to policy and gradual strengthening of the institutions concerned
with their application. Its loans are often conditioned on implementation of particular policy
and institutional steps, which are in line with the EU requirements. The leverage of the Bank,
particularly together with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), is very high to force
changes and reforms once there is an agreement with the country. At the same time, a
number of borrowers are not entirely comfortable with the conditions included in the Banks
Seven out of the ten EU Accession countries, which are active borrowers of the Bank, have
received transport loans since 1990, the large majority of which are still under
implementation. Accession prospects further increase the need for investments in transport
infrastructure on the one hand and raise the question of the international competitiveness of
the transport service providers on the other hand. As the screening of the accession
countries is proceeding, it becomes evident that due to the under-developed infrastructure
coupled with weak financing capacity, as well as the vulnerability of the under-capitalized
service providers transport will be one of the key sensitive sectors.
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Corridor I
Transport Trends
Transport volumes in the transition countries increased continuously throughout the 1970s
and 1980s. After 1989, this increase was followed by a tremendous decline due to political
changes and a dramatic economic recession. In the recent past, strong growth in transport
occurred in several areas.
At the same time fundamental changes took place in the transportation modal split: road
transport increased while rail and public transport declined or remained more or less stable.
As economic growth returns to more of the transition countries this trend is likely to become
more pronounced. Future changes in transport volume will depend on economic
development and transport policy.
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Czech Republic
Corridor I
Past trends for freight transport show that freight transport by road and pipeline has grown
much faster than freight transport by rail and inland waterways. Although rail still accounts for
the largest part of the freight transport market, the share of freight transport by rail dropped
back from 32.32% in 1990 to 27.71% in 1997; the share of freight transport by road
increased from 29.24 % in 1990 to 50.96 % in 1997.
Goods Transport on the territory 1,000 mio tkm 1998
Road Inland Waterways
Czech Republic
Source: EU Energy and Transport in Figures/Statistical pocketbook 2001
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Corridor I
Trade Trends
Trade between the European Union and the NIS has been growing since 1989. EU imports
from NIS have grown by more than 33 % since the 1989 level and EU exports to the NIS
reacted with a growth rate of over 25 % over the same period. The NIS as a group is running
a big trade surplus with the European Union.
The main reason for the trade imbalance between the European Union and the NIS are the
European Unions purchases of energy and minerals, mainly from Russia.
The structure of the NIS external trade in 1995 is presented in the table below.
Structure of the NIS external trade in 1995 (%)
(% of total)
(% of total)
Rest of the World
Source: IMF
Of the NIS, Russia is by far the EUs main trading partner. It accounts for 87 % of total EU
imports and 77 %t of total EU exports to the NIS in 1995. Ukraine followed with a share of 6
% of EU imports from the NIS accounting for 1.48 billion. Belarus, Uzbekistan and
Kazakhstan took respectively 2.2 %, 2.0 % and 1.4 % of EU imports from the NIS in 1995.
On the other hand, Germany was the main importer from the NIS, accounting for 31.5 %.
Italy followed with a share of 20.3 % and France with 12.1 %.
TINA VIENNA Transport Strategies
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Corridor I
There were no coherent forecasts of traffic in the Central and Eastern European countries. Only
national or regional forecasts existed, which are neither co-ordinated nor compatible. The need for
detailed future traffic forecasts (based on common sources and assumptions) led the European
Commission to launch a specific study "Traffic Forecast on the ten Pan-European Transport Corridors
of Helsinki".
The moderate economic scenario for the years 2000-2015 is similar to the development in the TINA
moderate scenario in its interim report. However the recent developments and forecasts up to the year
2000 have been updated due to the latest available sources, resulting in a slower development in the
period between the base year and 2000.
The moderate economic scenario has been modelled in several combinations with infrastructure
development and harmonisation levels of the transport market:
The existing network in combination with a relative slow integration in the transport market
(Scenario B);
A partly completed network due to financing possibilities (as seen by the consultant) in
combination with moderate integration (Scenario C).
The complete TINA-network updated to western standards and relatively high integration of the
transport markets (Scenario D).
For sensitivity analyses in freight transport a variant has been tested to scenario B containing the
present modal split as in the basis year (per type of goods per relation), so showing only the effect of
economic development (scenario B1).
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Corridor I
In relation to scenario D a variant containing for freight transport western European modal-split
functions has been elaborated as sensitivity analyses (scenario D1).
The low economic scenario has been elaborated in combination with the existing infrastructure and a
relatively low degree of integration of the transport market (scenario A). The high economic scenario
has been combined with the completed infrastructure development and a high degree of market
integration (scenario E).
The consultants advice to use the forecasts of scenario B as the reference scenario for developing
infrastructure plans as part of the realisation of the network as described in the TINA report. For the
estimations of variances to the full completed network in the further future scenario D can be used as
being the reference for the completed infrastructure.
The models and tools
The forecasting techniques used contain growth models, partly based on developments of transport
times and costs and partly based on the effect of harmonisation of the transports markets within
Europe. Before applying the assignment phase the tons of freight transport and the number of
passengers are translated into number of vehicles (road) and trains (rail).
During a seminar in spring 1999 the database, the scenarios as well as the first results have been
evaluated, again under participation of all institutes involved.
Databases, for base year and forecasting years, networks, tools for applying variants to the scenarios
and calculating sensibilities here and presentation tools have been put into a toolbox by country, made
available to the participating institutes and to the PHARE and TINA secretariat.
The results
Freight transport
The main results by scenario are given in table S.1 and S.2.
Table S.1: Total transport (tons *1000); base year 1996, forecasts 2015
Domestic transport
1973253 341502 10151
2891251 350976 11191
3281011 372383 13027
3376344 277050 13027
3399556 253838 13027
3713647 251037 13761
3188364 465030 13027
3411576 242267 12578
Base year
Scenario A
Scenario B
Scenario C
Scenario D
Scenario E
Scenario B1
Scenario D1
3270 54726 233562
5527 85005 420006
6292 96491 492504
6292 96491 492504
6292 96491 492504
7199 106214 552851
6292 96491 492504
5499 96376 492389
Table S.2: Modal-split total transport (%); base year 1996, forecasts 2015
Base year
Scenario A
Scenario B
Scenario C
Scenario D
Scenario E
Scenario B1
Scenario D1
Domestic transport
total rest
84,9 14,7 0,4 100,0 1,2
88,9 10,8 0,3 100,0 1,3
89,5 10,2 0,4 100,0 1,4
92,1 7,6 0,4 100,0 1,4
92,7 6,9 0,4 100,0 1,4
93,3 6,3 0,3 100,0 1,6
87,0 12,7 0,4 100,0 1,4
93,0 6,6 0,3 100,0 1,4
38,4 1,8
32,5 2,2
32,2 2,3
26,0 2,3
25,4 2,3
25,5 2,5
38,4 2,3
21,7 2,7
total rest
39,2 1,4
32,7 1,3
33,2 1,3
27,4 1,3
26,7 1,3
26,1 1,3
39,3 1,3
21,8 1,1
Passenger transport
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Base year
Scenario A
Scenario B
Scenario C
Scenario D
Scenario E
Corridor I
International traffic (indices 159 to 214, dependent on the scenario) is growing considerable faster
than domestic (indexes 126 to 146). With regard to modal split the development of the railway sector
is lower compared to the growth of the road sector; however in most countries a modest growth of
railway trips still exist. In international traffic rail traffic will grow in all cases. The growth of road
transport here is, dependent on the country and the scenario, between 60% and 300%.
The use for the assignment on the TINA network
The best expertise available has been collected to make a model based assignment procedure
possible. In the case of roads the partner institutes have delivered data on link flows, and this
information has been extended by the UN counting data for the year 1995. This means that the
possibility to calibrate the model on the base of observed link flows was relatively good. As a
consequence the modelled link flows do not deviate largely from the observed flows, while in some
cases outliers could not be avoided because the matrix information did not correspond with the
reported link flows. Therefore, on the average, the road traffic forecast could start from a satisfying
base line level.
The traffic forecast for road traffic varies widely with different scenario assumptions. There is a wide
range for socio-economic growths and infrastructure supply, which directly reflects in different network
loads. Therefore the question whether particular motorways in corridors are financially viable or not
heavily depends on the choice of a scenario. Note that in the scenario computations no assumption
has been made with respect to road pricing. As soon as road pricing is introduced for motorways to
help to finance by own market revenues a traffic diversion and a reduction of induced traffic can be
expected such that the high traffic volumes of optimistic scenarios might diminish.
In the case of railways the possibilities to construct a sound base for computer-edit assignment
procedures was not as good. The information given by the partner institutes was not complete and
there was not possibility to check this data on the base of an international survey. Furthermore, link
flow data in railway networks are much more difficult to be reproduced by model computations
compared with road networks. This is caused by the various possibilities for the railway companies to
design trip tables, routes and railway lines on the existing networks. This can lead to very different
OD-related supply side conditions. Nevertheless the model representations seem reasonable and in
particular the results with respect to the different scenarios are looking remarkably. They say in
general that railways will not profit from the growth of income levels and they will also not profit from
infrastructure extensions as long as these extensions are spread over all modes. Only if railways
receive a bonus from the state as for instance in form of investment or operation subsidies, they can
strengthen their market position. Although the average railway patronage is not developing
dynamically there are high growth rates alongside heavily congested corridors. This means that a core
business of railways in long distance passenger traffic will lie in this market segment. This holds in
particular for international traffic were the traffic growths are much higher than the average.
The consultants see the results of this project as a first step in introducing standards in databases and
forecast methods in central Europe. These standards are linked to the standards developed in
Western Europe, since the project execution has been linked to a similar DGVII project in Western
The consultants advice to use the forecasts of scenario B as the reference scenario for developing
infrastructure plans as part of the realisation of the network as described in the TINA report. For the
estimations of variances to the full completed network in the further future scenario D can be used as
being the reference for the completed infrastructure.
The results only keep their value once the system will be maintained. Once it has been declared, as a
standard institutional arrangements have to be made to ensure its use in relevant projects and regular
updating. One source of updating is the inclusion of the results of new statistical systems in counties
were the statistical systems are not yet fitted for a system of market oriented transport. Especially in
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Corridor I
the road freight statistical systems improvements are needed. Furthermore a learning process of
working with this type of models has started and will result in improved capabilities within the
participating institutes.
Institutional arrangements to be made include:
It is the opinion of the consultant that there is, once the follow-up has been organised the value of the
project for the coming TINA work will exceed the value of the present results.
For the short time a training programme is recommended. The type of work in this project do require
extensive knowledge and experience at the participating institutes. It is proposed to organise a
programme to develop this knowledge further. Areas of development are:
data collection;
statistical systems;
estimating missing data;
transport flows modelling;
scenario description;
macro-economic modelling;
the use of geographical systems;
the use of the toolbox.
For projects financed through TACIS the study Update of the Border Crossing Study (May
2001) provides information on the traffic flows along the Pan-European Transport Corridors.
The following tables show the cross-border traffic at the border stations between the
candidate countries for accession and the TACIS beneficiary countries:
Road Border Crossings (in year 2000)
Corridor I
(via Kaliningrad)
Corridor II
Corridor III
Corridor V
Corridor IX
Border Station
Number of Trucks
Number of
Vysne Nemecke/Uzhorod
Medininkai/Kamenny Log
Corridor III
Corridor V
Corridor IX
Border Station
Cerna nad Tisou/Chop
Number of passenger
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Corridor I
The Ministries of Transport of Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia as well
as the European Commission signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 3 July
1996. In this memorandum the Corridor has been divided into three separate components as
mentioned above.
Via Baltica: For the Via Baltica a separate MoU was signed on 1 December 1995 by the
Transport Ministers of Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well as by the
European Commission. The MoU set up a Via Baltica Monitoring Committee, which is
composed of Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland and with the participation of the
European Commission. The Committee is chaired by Sweden, and the secretarial functions
are ensured by Finland.
The five-year Via Baltica Investment Programme from 1996-2000 has been completed. In
February 2001, the Second Via Baltica Improvement Programme was drawn up by the
parties to be implemented in years 2001 2006.
Rail Baltica: A Steering Committee, which monitors the railway co-operation is based on a
Protocol Agreement signed in June 1997 by the railway companies. The Lithuanian Railways
have taken over the chairmanship from UIC. A fourth meeting of the Steering Committee
took place in March 1999 in Vilnius. The group has been working to define the physical
infrastructure and the corresponding investments required. This work culminated in the
production of a White Paper in June 1999, a document summarising the data on physical
infrastructure and rolling stock and indicating the investments already made and those
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Corridor I
planned in the future. The White Paper also gives details of current traffic volumes and
forecasts up to 2010.
Kaliningrad branch, IA: The road/rail connection, Riga Kaliningrad - Gdansk, has had little
development compared to Via Baltica. However, the Ministry of Transport of Russia hosted a
first Steering Committee meeting on 5 March 1999 in Kaliningrad to discuss the state of
transport infrastructure, problems and perspectives on developing the corridor branch. The
next meeting took place in mid-April 2000, again in Kaliningrad. A permanent secretariat
under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport of Russia was set up.
At present special attention by the government of Russia was paid to the development of the
transport infrastructure of the Kaliningrad district. In January 2001 the external session of the
Collegium of the Ministry of Transport of Russia took place in Kaliningrad, furthermore on the
meeting of the government of the Russian Federation of 22 March 2001 the social-economic
development of the Kaliningrad district was discussed.
The activities on the development of the transport infrastructure and the solutions of related
matters are being carried out on the basis of bilateral Russian-Lithuanian and Russian-Polish
relations. On a meeting of the first deputy ministers of transport of Russia and Lithuania, took
place on 19 22 March 2001, the co-operation within all modes of transport including the
regulation of rail transport tariffs have been discussed.
The Oblast's closeness to European countries, its ice-free seaports and the international
transport corridor branches IA (Via Baltica) and IXD (Via Hanseatica) connecting the oblast
to Baltic and EU States make this region important for Russia's foreign policy and overseas
Since the region is an enclave, exporting more than 70% of its manufactured goods and
importing up to 90% of raw materials and components, the role of transport has substantially
increased. For this reason, one the main purposes of developing the special economic zone
in Kaliningrad Oblast is to create a major transport terminal for Russia on the Baltic.
The Russian Federation's policy with regard to Kaliningrad Oblast's transport system takes
into account its special geopolitical and economic situation and its importance in the context
of Russia's economic and defence interests.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 the need to cross the territory of foreign
countries - Lithuania and Belarus - for movements to and from Kaliningrad Oblast has
naturally complicated the transport process. Transport without crossing borders with other
countries was possible only by sea. Goods and passenger traffic volumes to and from
Kaliningrad Oblast were therefore declining up to the year 2000.
Things began to improve in 2000 due to persistent work with the federal centre. The
conditions have been created for improving Kaliningrad's competitiveness as a transport hub
(the tariff conditions for the carriage of goods on Russia's railways have been improved,
customs formalities and inspections have been simplified, new production capacities have
come on stream, etc.).
The following are the freight traffic data for Kaliningrad Oblast's transport system in 2001:
In 1996 the Federal Law "On the special economic zone in Kaliningrad Oblast" was adopted
with a view to aligning the economic conditions for the development of the oblast with those
of the other regions of the Russian Federation.
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Corridor I
As a result of the implementation of this Law, in 1999 goods to the value of more than $ 270
million ( 312.432 million) were produced and sent to Russia, amounting to more than 70% of
the total industrial production of the oblast, and in 2000 more than $ 430 million ( 497.572
million) or more than 80% of the oblast's total output.
More than 1800 organisations with foreign capital, branches and representative offices of
foreign firms are registered in the region. Investors from more than 50 countries have been
involved in setting up organisations.
In 1993-2000 the volume of accumulated foreign investment was $ 62 million ( 71.742
million), more than 65% of which was direct investment. In 2000, $ 19.1 million ( 22.12
million) worth of foreign investments went into the economy of the oblast.
In December 2001 two special federal programmes were adopted by the Government of the
Russian Federation ("Development of Kaliningrad Oblast up to 2010" and "Modernising
Russia's Transport System"), in which considerable funds are earmarked for developing
Kaliningrad Oblast's transport system.
The first programme devotes RUB 14.7 billion ( 547.83 million) to the transport system, and
the second around RUB 8.0 billion ( 298.123 million).
The expected result of the programme measures is the development of Kaliningrad oblast as
a major transport hub for Russia through the modernisation of its transport infrastructure.
Remark: The shown figures for seaports and riverports refer to the TINA countries.
Exchange rate: 1 = $ 0,8642 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
Exchange rate: 1 = RUB 26.8348 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
Page 26
Corridor I
1,200.00 million
1,000.00 million
800.00 million
1,300.20 million
600.00 million
400.00 million
516.68 million
200.00 million
0.00 million
174.00 million
96.72 million
1,000.00 million
800.00 million
600.00 million
967.00 million
400.00 million
200.00 million
41.63 million
12.00 million
13.10 million
0.00 million
113.29 million
128.00 million
19.32 million
198.40 million
74.00 million
31.40 million
Page 27
Corridor I
The five-year Via Baltica Investment Programme from 1996-2000 covered investments of
about 214 million. Under this programme the following have been achieved:
110 km of new roads have been built and 333 km of existing roads have been
rehabilitated or resurfaced, corresponding to nearly half the total length of Via Baltica;
28 bridges and viaducts have been constructed, repaired or strengthened;
all countries have initiated specific traffic safety programmes;
signing of Via Baltica as E 67 has been arranged;
roadside services have been developed along the route by the private sector.
EU PHARE has assisted in constructing and equipping new facilities for the Baltic States and
Polish customs and other border authorities at all border stations.
The Second Via Baltica Investment Programme 2001-2006 was published in February 2001.
The Programme consisted of projects to an estimated cost of 553 million. In fact, the first
and second programmes merge into a single development process spanning over eleven
years (1996-2006).
In 2001, the first steps to implement the Second Programme have been taken. In Lithuania
one construction project has been completed in 2001 and in the other countries launching of
the Programme is anticipated in 2002.
The main criteria for the programme development phase has been that the final set of
projects will be commensurable with the financing capacity of the Via Baltica countries
supplemented by the international financing institutions and the ISPA grants.
Traffic. Traffic growth on Via Baltica has changed considerably between 1999 and 2000:
In 2000, the national traffic count in Poland indicated that traffic on Via Baltica has
been higher than earlier anticipated. This is possibly the reason for the jump to 1314% growth that year.
In Lithuania there is considerable uncertainty about traffic growth, as new road
sections were opened for traffic. In some sections substantial reductions were
observed, as the flows were rerouted and divided between two routes (old and new).
Nevertheless, in sections not altered, such as near the borders, growth was
Traffic in Latvia has grown by 2.3% between 1999 and 2000.
Estonian records show an average traffic growth of 3%.
At the moment, there are partial data available of the 2001 traffic. In general, they show the
similar growth trend as in 2000.
Long-distance traffic registered at the border crossings reflects the realisation of the route's
concept. Between 1999 and 2000, border traffic has grown as follows:
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Corridor I
The length of Rail Corridor I within the territory of Estonia is 297 km. The line
is double track and electrified from Tallinn to Aegviidu and continues nonelectrified and mostly single track to Tapa, Tartu and the Estonian/Latvian
border (Valga). It is foreseen to continue reconstruction of sections on the
stretch successively until 2006.
73 km of road resurfacing;
8 major bridges built or rehabilitated;
improvements of the streets in the City of Tallinn including one major
The Rail Corridor in Latvia runs from the Estonian/Latvian border (Valka) to
Riga Jelgava and the Latvian/Lithuanian border (Meitene). The length of the
partly double track and partly single-track line is 248 km. It is envisaged for
upgrading and reconstruction until 2015.
Between 1999 and 2000, vehicular traffic on ferries between Helsinki and Tallinn took a considerable jump due
to a very high increase (72%) in the numbers of passenger cars despite stable passenger flows at little over 6
million. Truck traffic increased also appreciably, by 23%. It represents now about 30% of the total motor vehicle
traffic of 368 000.
Reported traffic volumes vary considerably on both sides of the border. Therefore, the lower growth figure is
shown here.
According to the Polish statistics, the year 2000 volume of cross-border traffic at Budzisko/Kalvarija remained
the same (732 000 vehicles) as in 1999. This is totally due to a 16% reduction in passenger cars, since truck
traffic grew 11% amounting to 473 000 heavy vehicles. Trucks represent now 65% of border traffic.
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Corridor I
Latvia has the most extensive investment plans under the Second Via Baltica
Programme. In 2001, the Latvian national programme has been implemented
as planned and projects completed and opened for traffic:
Several projects of the Latvian programme are in the preparation stage, which
are aimed at improving road safety and road strength. The programmed works
on the Riga Airport access road will start soon. A public hearing on the
important Saulkarsti bypass some 40 km north of Riga has been carried out.
The current estimate of expenditures on Via Baltica amounts to 128 million,
up from 100 million of the original estimate. Programme financing for 2002 is
secured with ISPA grants.
The Corridor branch to Gdansk starts in Riga and runs to the
Latvian/Lithuanian border (Kalviai). Its length is 89 km. From Riga to Dalbe the
road category is a four-lane expressway, from there it continues as two lane
national road to the border. The road will be upgraded to higher traffic safety
standards until 2007 and the road pavement will be rehabilitated until 2015.
The length of Corridor I within the territory of Lithuania is 333 km. The gauge
of the railway line is 1520 mm over the total length except for the section
Sestokai Polish border (21.8 km) with the gauge of 1435 mm.
Track relaying in Siauliai Gaiziunai and Palemonas Kazlu Ruda sections
belonging to both Corridors I and IX, was performed. 10.3 km of the track will
be relayed using the loan from the EIB given in 1999. In total, 155 km of track
were renewed during 1993-1998 using loans from the IFIs.
With the increase of international traffic on Corridor I the gauge difference
between Lithuania and Poland becomes more problematic. The MoU
regarding the operational testing of the device was signed in 1998 by the
Ministers and Railway managers from Germany, Poland, Finland and
Lithuania. The pilot automatic gauge change device was installed at Mockava
station in September 1999 and operational tests are being made.
The length of the Corridor branch to Gdansk in Lithuania is 148 km. Its starting
point is Radviliskis (near Siauliai), where it separates from the main branch,
and continues to the Lithuanian/Russian border (Panemune/Pagegiai). The
line is single track and non-electrified. It will be modernised and upgraded
between 2001 and 2008.
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Corridor I
The cost of the whole project will be 14.9 million, which includes a PHARE
grant of 5 million. The remaining projects of the Second Investment
Programme will be carried out in two stages ending in 2003, as originally
programmed. The works consist of construction of four grade-separated
intersections and the second carriageway for the Kaunas western bypass.
Tendering of the first part has already been carried out and contracts are
expected to be signed in 2002.
Corridor branch to Gdansk has a length of 186 km and runs from the
Lithuanian/Latvian border (Kalviai) to Siaulliai and to the Lithuanian/Russian
border (Panemune/Pagegiai). The two lane national road will be upgraded and
bypasses will be newly constructed.
The Rail Baltica in Poland runs from the Polish/Lithuanian border (Mockava)
to Bialystok and terminates in Warszawa. Its length is 340 km. The line is
single-track up to Bialystok and continues double track and electrified to
Warszawa. A second track will be added on the sections missing until 2010
and the total line will be upgraded to a speed of 160 km/h.
The length of Corridor branch to Gdansk in Poland is 141 km. It runs from the
Polish/Russian border (Braniewo) to Elblag and Gdansk. The partly single and
partly double track line will be upgraded to a speed of 120 km/h respectively
160 km/h until 2015 and a second track will be added where lacking.
During the period 1996 - 2000 of the Via Baltica Investment Programme the
following investments have been completed:
For the period 2000 - 2006 following investments are foreseen within the
Second Via Baltica Investment Programme:
the Ostrow Mazowiecka bypass project has started on Route 8 (Via
Baltica) about 90 km northeast from Warszawa. The bypass belongs to
the World Bank road loan programme of Poland;
Until 2010 completion of the expressway between Radzymin and
Bialystok with a length of 134 km.
the repair of road bridges between Elblag and the state border to
Russia has begun.
Problems are being sorted out concerning the environment, land ownership
and financing, including the ISPA assistance.
In 2001 the Polish road budget has been reduced. Nevertheless, there is an
increasing pressure to build and improve roads in Poland. Among others, the
accession to the EU will require increasing the allowable axle loads to 11.5
tons. Road strengthening must be carried out throughout Poland, including Via
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Corridor I
The length of the Corridor branch to Gdansk in Russia is 164 km. The road
section shall be upgraded to the technical standards of road category I
according to the Programme Streets of Russia. At present modernisation
works of road communications on the route of Via Hanseatica are being
carried out on the territory of Kaliningrad district.
In accordance with an Order of the Government of the Russian Federation,
the project to renovate the Kaliningrad-Elblag motorway and build the
"Mamonovo-2 - Grzechotki" (Russia - Poland) border crossing has been
For Kaliningrad Oblast the construction of the "Mamonovo-2 - Grzechotki"
combined infrastructure crossing will create the conditions for resolving
problems in constructing the "Kaliningrad-Elblag" motorway and building the
"Mamonovo-2 - Grzechotki" border crossing.
At the moment Poland is modernising the Polish section of the Corridor "Riga Kaliningrad - Gdansk" in stages and carrying out the preparatory work for the
construction of the border crossing while keeping it open to traffic, including
unlimited lorry traffic.
The Russian section of the "Dorozhnoye - State frontier" motorway forms part
of the special-purpose federal programme "Russia's Roads in the 21st
Century" with total funding amounting to RUB 305 million ( 11.377 million).
The motorway will not be able to operate without the "Mamonovo-2" crossing
point being built and equipped. The solution to the problem of carrying out the
project is the Russian State Technical Commission's (RSTC) inclusion of
"Mamonovo-2" crossing point in the exploratory programme for 2002, since
the essential design work may take over a year and be completed in 2003. It is
also absolutely essential to find a solution to the problem of planning and
constructing it in combination with the Polish scheme.
For Russia, the Baltic States and their northern neighbours Finland and
Sweden, maritime transport is as important now as it has ever been. After the
break-up of the USSR and the redistribution of the Baltic market area, Russia
found itself deprived of the ports of the former Baltic soviet republics. The only
Exchange rate: 1 = RUB 26.8348 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
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Corridor I
ice-free ports Russia still has on the Baltic Sea are the Kaliningrad port
The importance of the Kaliningrad port complex to Russia is chiefly due to its
proximity to the main ports of Western and Northern Europe, about 1,100
kilometres closer than the ports of the Gulf of Finland. But since Kaliningrad is
an exclave of Russia, its ports lose out to the St Petersburg port complex by
being further away from the main centres of Russia and Ukraine.
However, Kaliningrad's indisputable advantage lies in year-round navigation
and the possibility, through the conversion of its naval bases, of being able to
use the ready-made infrastructure of ports like Baltiisk.
Kaliningrad Oblast's port complex consists of:
Ships on Baltic Sea runs can put in via the Kaliningrad Ship Canal, with a
length of 43 kilometres, a guaranteed depth of 9.0 metres along its entire
length and a width of 50 to 80 metres. The maximum acceptable ship lengths
There are rail and road connections linking the harbour quays with the entire
network of transport routes of Russia and other countries.
State control of the safety of maritime navigation in the ports and on the canal,
the implementation of the rules and requirements of international conventions,
tariff policy, maintenance of the quays and canal in good working order and
their modernisation and development is exercised by the Maritime
Administration of the Port of Kaliningrad and the Maritime Administration of
Kaliningrad State Marine Fish Port.
The maritime navigation safety system uses radio direction-finding for ships,
modern navigation equipment on the Ship Canal, and experienced and
qualified State Port Inspection officers and pilots.
In February 1999 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
equipment was put into service. A rescue coordination centre was set up for
carrying out search and rescue operations in Russia's area of responsibility
and the south-eastern part of the Baltic Sea.
The total design capacity of Kaliningrad Oblast's port complex is around 16.4
million tonnes of cargo per year, although capacity utilisation at the moment is
only 40%.
At the time when the port of Kaliningrad was closed to foreign vessels and
was not receiving the necessary State investments for its development, the
ports of the former Baltic union republics were being intensively and
purposefully developed by means of State investments and had secured the
most lucrative segments of the transport services market.
The port of Klaipeda, for example, was developed for the transhipment of
heavy metals and petroleum products, and a rail ferry connection to Germany
was set up; the port of Ventspils was the largest oil port and bulk fertiliser
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Corridor I
complex; Riga was the main port for containers and coal transhipment, and
the port of Muuga for grain, refrigerated cargoes and oil products.
In the last few years the situation has changed. Today the ports and terminals
are investing in fixed capital from internal funds and attracted investment.
In 1991 the port was opened to foreign vessels and privatised. In its market
relations radically new approaches were called for as well as decisions to
attract cargo flows into the port complex.
In this period efforts were focused on renovation and creating new port
capacities, developing liner shipping, setting up joint ventures and companies
providing a high level of service in all spheres of maritime business,
specialisation of the ports in the new types of cargo and maximum flexibility
according to market demands.
In a relatively short space of time, the following have been constructed in the
At the end of 2001 an oil terminal with a design capacity of more than 1.5
million tonnes of oil per year was brought into service.
In accordance with the special federal programmes adopted by the Russian
Government at the end of 2001, the following are planned for execution by
setting up of a rail, truck and car sea ferry crossing between Baltiisk
and Ust-Luga;
construction of a deep-water port at Baltiisk;
continuation of construction of the container terminal in the commercial
renovation of the Kaliningrad Ship Canal.
Page 34
Corridor II
Corridor II is a multi-modal EastWest link connecting Berlin - Warszawa - Minsk - Moskva
and Niznij Novgorod. It is composed of railway and road connection running parallel linking
above cities. The distance from Berlin to Niznij Novgorod is 2,313 km by rail and 2,260 km by
The extension of Corridor II from Moskva to Niznij Novgorod was decided upon at the
Helsinki Conference in 1997. The extension gives the Corridor access to the inland
waterways in Russia, along the Volga River to the Caspian Sea and via the Volga/Don Canal
to the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the development of the Corridor was signed
on 23 January 1995 by the Ministers of Transport of Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia and
the Railway Minister of Russia as well as the European Commission. The Steering
Committee chairmanship is rotating in bi-annually intervals and was co-chaired by the
Directorate General for Transport of the European Commission, who monitored the
development of the Corridor.
At the third Steering Committee meeting of Corridor II, which took place in Niznij Novgorod in
February 1998, it was decided to prepare an addendum to the Memorandum of
Understanding on Corridor II, to include the extension of the Corridor to Niznij Novgorod.
At the fifth Steering Committee meeting held in Warszawa on 12 July 2000 following
decisions were taken:
The amended text of the MoU, which extends the Corridor to Niznij Novgorod was
approved by all of the parties and initialled by the heads of the delegations;
Some amendments to the Rules of Procedure were introduced;
It was decided to shift the chairmanship (initially to the Russian Party) at the next
Steering Committee meeting;
The idea of establishing a Secretariat was supported but without any concrete
Further development of the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) railway initiative was
discussed. However, no concrete ideas were suggested, so no specific decision was
taken on this issue. Until now there is no clear position with concrete proposals in the
light of the results of Step 1 (see below).
Since the fifth Steering Committee meeting the following development has taken place:
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Corridor II
The sixth Steering Committee meeting was held in Niznij Novgorod on 20/21 June 2001.
The following decisions were taken:
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Corridor II
Set up multinational railway operating companies for freight and passenger transport
to assure full and integrated customer service across all frontiers (along the lines of
the Thalys and Eurostar services);
Include the four railway operators of the corridor, qualified private industry and
financial institutions in the partnership;
Identify commercialised and competent partners for the operation of freight terminals,
stations and other service facilities;
Apply PPP-structures with new methods of financing the necessary investments in
infrastructure and operation;
Introduce industrial methods to achieve fast and cost efficient solutions.
The first component has priority, since only an increased traffic volume will allow the
financing of investments. The PPP-Initiative will build on the valuable work done so far by
several international bodies related to Corridor II, but has the final objective of giving the
project a full market orientated approach and thus a more dynamic dimension.
The initiative shall be realised in three steps: In a first step, an ad hoc Working Group
composed of representatives of the partners cited above have developed and agreed on the
concept of the PPP initiative. The concept and next steps are outlined in the Report Step 1
finalised in April 1999. The process of formal approval of Step 1 by all partners has nearly
been completed and should have been through in the year 2000. In the meantime valuable
preparatory work has been done for Step 2, including the definition of a work programme and
the preparation of the list of potential members for the Task Force, the integration of the PPP
Initiative into a TACIS study on Improvement of Traffic Flows on TEN Corridors II and IX
and the set-up of a Workshop on Management of a Commercialised Railway for all
members of the Working Group.
In Step 2, a Task Force composed of permanent and temporary members will bring the
initiative within one year to its implementing stage. Investigating all legal, financial,
organisational and structural problems and taking account of all relevant information, the
Task Force will create the basis for the two multi-national companies and set up the
necessary business plans. In parallel new partners can join the initiative, particularly from
industry and finance, and an advisory board shall give financial and know-how support to the
Task Force. The Task Force should complete its work within one year and present the
results at a big meeting bringing together all partners involved so far, but also potentially new
After approval by all partners, and having united all conditions, the two multi-national
companies can be formed and the PPP Initiative implemented.
Page 37
Corridor II
Railways, roads, aviation, navigation
2,313 km
2,200 km
2 (in Russia)
Berlin Warszawa Minsk Moskva
Niznij Novgorod
Berlin Frankfurt/Oder/Kunowice Poznan
Lowicz Warszawa Lukow Terespol/Brest
Baranavicy Minsk Orsa Krasnoye
Smolensk Moskva Niznij Novgorod
Berlin Frankfurt/Oder/Swiecko Poznan
Warszawa Terespol/Brest Baranavicy
Minsk Orsa Krasnoye Smolensk
Moskva Niznij Novgorod
Remark: The shown figures for seaports and riverports refer to the TINA countries.
Page 38
Corridor II
1,800.00 million
1,600.00 million
1,400.00 million
1,200.00 million
1,839.10 million
1,000.00 million
800.00 million
1,481.00 million
600.00 million
400.00 million
200.00 million
0.00 million
512.50 million
316.00 million
254.58 million
56.00 million
3,500.00 million
3,000.00 million
2,500.00 million
3,708.65 million
2,000.00 million
1,500.00 million
1,000.00 million
1,059.00 million
500.00 million
0.00 million
69.00 million
621.00 million
159.30 million
Actual estimations (until ~2006)
16.00 million
Page 39
Corridor II
Upgrading works to enable a speed of 160 km/h on the German section from
Berlin to Frankfurt/Oder (85 km) have started in 1997. A section of 55 km to
Frankfurt/Oder will be upgraded and completion is not expected before 2005.
The more complicated sections of 30 km from Berlin-Ostbahnhof will follow at
a later stage. The total costs for upgrading the German section is about
316 million, of which 56 million have been allocated from the European
Fund for Regional Development EFRD.
When actualising the Federal Railway Infrastructure Act the German
Bundestag identified the improvement of the German/Polish railway border as
a trans-national project. Therefore an agreement with Poland was necessary
before this line could be upgraded. Poland submitted a draft agreement in
June 1999. The findings of an updated transport study commissioned by the
joint German /Polish Working Group were presented in October 2000.
The length of the road link from the centre of Berlin to the German-Polish
border at Frankfurt/Oder is about 118 km. The widening of the 24 km
motorway section from the Berlin southern outskirts to the "Spreeau" junction
of motorways A10 and A12 from four to six lanes is completed to
approximately 50 %. 44 km of the following 58 km of motorway A12 from
"Spreeau" junction to the Polish border has been widened to for lanes with a
cross section of 29.5 m.
Further 7 km of the motorway A12 between "Spreeau" junction and the Polish
border are under construction at present. Until 2005/2006, further 41 km of
carriageways are to be widened to four lanes with a cross-section of 29.5 m,
the hard shoulders having the same structure as the carriageway. Total
investments will be around 69 million. 92 km of the 118 km total German
section from the centre of Berlin to the Polish border will then have been
According to traffic forecasts the number of vehicles within 24 hours will
increase from 24,000 (heavy goods vehicles account to one third) in 1998 to
40,000 - 50,000 in 2010.
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Corridor II
The following measures are in the pipeline for improving Road Corridor II
(from West to East):
The rail link in Belarus is 610 km long and extends from the
Belarussian/Polish border (Malaszewicze/Brest) through Minsk to the
Belarussian/Russian border (Krasnoye). Upgrading works on the Belarussian
section of rail Corridor II are not expected to be finished before 2005.
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Corridor II
The road link in Belarus is 604 km long and extends from the
Belarussian/Polish border (Brest) through Minsk to the Belarussian/Russian
border (Krasnoye). The M1/E30 has 4 lanes and 158 bridges. Upgrading and
reconstruction works are completed.
The railway line from the Russian/Belarussian border to Moscow (489 km) is
electrified high-capacity double-track and allows a maximum speed of 120
km/h for passenger trains and 80 km/h for freight trains. The project of railway
modernisation will provide for a maximum speed of 160 km/h, and an average
of 110 km/h. The railway line from Moskva to Niznij Novgorod (439 km) is
electrified and double-track and allows a maximum speed of 140 km/h for
passenger trains and 80 km/h for freight trains. A feasibility study was
performed with regard to the opening of high-speed passenger traffic on the
Moskva-Niznij Novgorod route with a maximum speed of 160 km/h.
The road link in Russia is 860 km long and extends from the
Belarussian/Russian border (Krasnoye) through Moskva to Niznij Novgorod.
The number of lanes varies from 2-6. The road quality eroded to bad surface
conditions and a patchwork of repair sections is installed.
Page 42
Corridor III
On 3 October 1996 the Ministers of Transport signed the Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) for the development of the Corridor III.
The first Steering Committee meeting took place on 2 December 1996, in Brussels. Two
working groups were set up. One of them is the working group for railways chaired by the
Polish Railways (PKP), and the other is the working group on border crossings and custom
administration. The railway sub-group has met three times: last time in Ukraine in May 1998.
No activity of the sub-group on border crossing, including customs administration has been
taken place.
The Second Steering Committee Meeting was held on 9 September 1999, in Lviv. Following
conclusions have been taken up:
The Third Steering Committee Meeting was held on 8/9 April 2002 in Wroclaw. Following
decisions have been taken up:
Shifting the chairmanship of Corridor III from the Polish party to the German party;
Establishment of a permanent secretariat by the German party;
Adoption of the Rules of procedure for the secretariat;
Including to the annual working plan of the Steering Committee the issue of
facilitation on the railway border crossings, taking into consideration legal aspects of
border crossings procedures.
Page 43
Corridor III
Remark: The shown figures for seaports and riverports refer to the TINA countries.
1,800.00 million
1,600.00 million
1,400.00 million
1,200.00 million
1,769.00 million
1,000.00 million
800.00 million
600.00 million
937.50 million
400.00 million
200.00 million
148.00 million
0.00 million
Estimations until 2015 (TINA FINAL Report, Nov. 99)
Actual estimations (until ~2006)
104.14 million
Page 44
Corridor III
3,000.00 million
2,500.00 million
2,000.00 million
3,183.90 million
1,500.00 million
1,000.00 million
1,061.00 million
500.00 million
652.00 million
0.00 million
270.00 million
8.90 million
261.00 million
0.30 million
Estimations until 2015 (TINA FINAL Report, Nov. 99)
Actual estimations (until ~2006)
Approved contribution from EU funds (ISPA, TACIS, PHARE, TEN)
The German section of Corridor III from Dresden to the German/Polish border
(Grlitz) has a length of 102 km. It is double-track, non-electrified, with a
maximum line speed of 120 km/h. Construction works to a speed 160 km/h in
passenger traffic and 120 km/h in freight traffic as well as works to remove the
speed restrictions that still exist on certain sections will be continued until
The northern branch of the road corridor with 127 km starts at Berlin and runs
via Cottbus to the German/Polish border (Forst). The first section (part of A13
Berlin Dresden) stretches from Berlin to the motorway triangle Spreewald
(63 km); from there the second part (A15) stretches via Cottbus to the
German/Polish border (64 km). The A13 will be reconstructed and upgraded
to a four-lane motorway with hard shoulders until 2003. The A15 in the
direction from Forst to the A13 has already been reconstructed; the other
direction will be reconstructed until 2005. The EU has provided 8.9 million
from the TEN budget.
The southern branch stretches from Dresden to the German/Polish border
(Grlitz) and has a length of 97 km. The four-lane motorway with hard
shoulders and the tunnel Knigshainer Berge was opened for traffic in March
The Polish section of Corridor III is the E-30 line running from the
German/Polish border (Zgorzelec) via Wroclaw, Katowice, Krakow, Przemysl
to the Polish/Ukrainian border (Medyka). Its length is 832 km and the speed
varies between 120 km/h and 80 km/h. The whole line shall be upgraded to a
speed of 160 km/h in passenger traffic and 120 km/h in freight traffic.
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Corridor III
Until 2004 the railway cross border Wgliniec-Horka and ZgorzelecGrlitz will be modernised for the total cost of 14 million, incl. 10
million from the PHARE CBC programme;
Until 2004 it is planned to modernise of the section Zgorzelec Wgliniec - Legnica for the total cost of 186 million, incl. 100 million
of EU funds;
Until 2004 the section from Legnica - Wrocaw to Opole will be
modernised for the total cost of 355.5 million, incl. 38 million from
the PHARE PL 9908 programme;
From 2003 until 2006 it is planned to modernise the line E-30 in the
section Opole - Kdzierzyn - Katowice - Krakw for the total cost of
382 million, incl. 273 million expected EU funds.
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Corridor III
are planned to realise until 2006 for the total cost of 142 million, incl.
104 million of EU funds. The construction of motorway between
Krakw, Rzeszw and Korczowa/Krakovec (Ukrainian border) will be
completed from 2010 to 2015.
The Ukrainian section of Corridor III with a length of 600 km runs from the
Polish/Ukrainian border (Mostiska II) via Lviv Krasne Ternopol
Zhmerinka Kasatin to Kiev. The line is double-track, electrified. In the
framework of the Ukraine Railway Development Project the railway
infrastructure on the line shall be reconstructed and modernised to
international standards. The expected project cost will exceed $ 90 million
(about 1048 million) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD) has offered a loan.
A particular problem is the gauge change at the Polish/Ukrainian border
(Medyka/Mostiska). The Lviv Railways propose to construct a new track with
European gauge (1435 mm) on the section Mostiska II - Lviv (84 km). This
may save passenger coaches three to four hours of waiting time at the border.
The means of finance for the project are still subject of negotiations.
Road Corridor III in the Ukraine passes from the Polish/Ukrainian border
(Shegini) via Lviv, Rivne, Zhytomyr to Kiev. The total length is 612 km, of
which 308 km are category Ib roads with four lanes and 304 km are category
II roads with two lanes. The existing condition of the road does not satisfy
European standards on the whole length of the road. Reconstruction to
category I is planned on sections, which currently have category II,
rehabilitation and repair works will ensure suitability for modern traffic
requirements. On the section from Shegini to Lviv and on the future motorway
section from Korczowa/Krakovec (Polish border) to Lviv it is planned to
construct bypasses of towns, and the alternative route - motorway - shall be
used charging tolls.
Exchange rate: 1 = $ 0,8642 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
Page 47
Corridor IV
Corridor IV is a multi-modal Northwest - Southeast transport link running from
Dresden/Nrnberg (Germany), via Praha (Czech Republic), Wien (Austria)/Bratislava
(Slovakia), Budapest (Hungary) to Romania. In Romania Corridor IV divides into two
branches. The northern branch runs from Arad via Bucuresti to Constanta at the Black Sea,
while the southern branch from Arad via Craiova to Sofija (Bulgaria) and divides again, with
one branch running further to Thessaloniki (Greece) and the other to Istanbul (Turkey).
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the development of Corridor IV has been
signed by the Ministers of Transport in May 1999 after two Steering Committee meetings. At
the third Steering Committee meeting, which was held in Praha on 30 June 1999, a
permanent secretariat under German chairmanship was established. It will assist the
Steering Committee in setting up a working programme for the development of the Corridor.
The chairmanship of the Steering Committee is being held by Germany, the vicechairmanship by Turkey. This mandate lasts for two years and must be approved by the
Steering Committee in case of extension or change. The seat of the chairman is vacant at
the moment and the Steering Committee will make a new selection in May 2002. At the
moment the Steering Committee is chaired by a representative chairman.
A Steering Committee for railways has been established and is chaired by the German
Railways (DB AG). The MoU between the ten railway companies operating currently inside
the area was signed in January 1997. It aims at co-operation on the development of the
Corridor. It focuses on harmonisation of infrastructure and of administrative procedures. To
facilitate the work the Steering Committee for railways has been fused with the Steering
Committee for the overall Corridor.
Within the framework of the tasks of the Steering Committee, which at present is being
chaired by the German representative, areas of action for further development of the Corridor
planning have been defined and action initiated. The compilation of a so-called corridor
cataster has been initiated. This contains all the relevant information about the present state
of the infrastructure of the Corridor. It allows conclusions to be made about the urgency of
further constructions in the individual sections of the corridor and gives suggestions as to the
priority, amount and timing of financing. Whereas the cataster of the rail infrastructure of the
Corridor is just about to be completed, the data and the methods of determining the data on
road infrastructure is subject of discussions of the Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee further concerns itself with the situation at the borders where the
Corridor runs and is particularly active in reducing the time needed for border controls and
formalities. The Committee has taken up contacts with the Directorate General for Taxation
and Customs of the European Union and will be presenting suggestions for a reduction of the
time taken for border clearance formalities. In this task it will consider the experienced views
of those who are practically involved in the trade and will in conjunction with a working circle
of forwarders and loaders work out relevant suggestions.
The extensive work of the Steering Committee is laid down in the Action Programme of the
Steering Committee for the Pan-Europe an Traffic Corridor IV.
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Corridor IV
Remark: The shown figures for seaports and riverports refer to the TINA countries.
Page 49
Corridor IV
3,000.00 million
2,500.00 million
2,000.00 million
3,091.30 million
1,500.00 million
1,236.36 million
1,000.00 million
1,418.23 million
1,140.00 million
500.00 million
470.00 million
93.20 million
0.00 million
890.00 million
873.50 million
520.60 million
752.14 million
383.00 million
106.26 million
231.73 million 153.00 million
4,000.00 million
3,500.00 million
3,000.00 million
2,500.00 million
2,000.00 million
3,863.80 million
1,500.00 million
1,000.00 million
500.00 million
942.00 million
1,184.46 million
948.60 million
97.31 million
84.77 million
0.00 million
Page 50
Corridor IV
The Rail Corridor has two starting points in Germany. One branch runs from
Dresden to the German/Czech border (Bad Schandau) and has a length of 51
km. At present the line is double-track, electrified and allows a maximum
speed of 120 km/h.
In the national extension and development planning the stretch Dresden - Bad
Schandau - border is included within Trans-Country Project". This means that
the extension of the stretch is based on an agreement with the Czech
Republic. In particular the agreement for the German section foresees:
- The expansion of the stretch Dresden - Bad Schandau - border, for
speeds of 160 km/h;
- The installation along the whole stretch with equipment which can
cope with the requirements of vehicles with tilting technology.
At the moment the superstructure is being strengthened for the use of trains
with tilting technology. Such construction work has been going on between
Dresden and Pirna since 1996. Investment for the whole section amount to
180 million; up to now 73 million have been spent. When the planned
electrically powered multiple-system-vehicles with tilt-technology being
manufactured in the Czech Republic are taken into use (planned for 2004), the
travel time will be significantly reduced and the comfort of travelling will be
increased. The journey time Berlin - Dresden - Praha will be reduced from 4
3/4 hours to 3 hours, journey time Praha - Wien will be reduced from 5 hours
to 3 1/2 hours. Originally, the development of the infrastructure was to be done
till 2002. According to the plans of the Deutsche Bundesbahn (Federal
German Railways) the development and expansion will go on up to the year
2007. In the long run, partial stretches will even allow trains to travel at speeds
of up to 200 km/h.
The other branch runs from Nrnberg to the German/Czech border
(Schirnding) and has a length of 140 km.
The stretch Nrnberg - Marktredwitz - Schirnding - border is also contained in
the national development plan as a Trans-country Project. This means that in
order to determine the standard of the further development the agreement with
the neighbour Czech Republic and as far as the stretch Marktredwitz - border
is concerned, the necessity of further development and extension are
necessary. The agreement for this envisages especially for the German
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Corridor IV
true of the stretch between Nrnberg and Hof. The work on the electrification
of the stretch Nrnberg - Hof - Reichenbach will presumably begin at the
earliest in 2003. However, a middle or long-term realization is more probable.
The Road Corridor starts in Dresden and runs to the German/Czech border
(Zinnwald). The stretch is a two-lane road and has a length of 44 km. It will be
replaced by a newly built motorway Dresden - Praha. The construction works
for the motorway have started in 1998 in Dresden. On 12 September 2000 the
German and Czech Transport Ministers signed a contract for constructing a
border bridge. The costs of the motorway will be about 560 million. The first
sections were taken into operation in October. In the following a 9 km section,
work on two tunnels and a bridge over a valley began in 2000. This will
probably be taken into commission in 2003. It is envisaged that the following
stretch up to Pirna will be finished in 2005. This is in accordance with the
target which foresees that with completion of D8 on the Czech side, traffic on
the German side can simultaneously start flowing.
As far as the financing is concerned, plans were discussed within the
framework of a feasibility study whether possibilities of a private financing of
the southern partial-stretch from Pirna till the border exist. The expert report
which has been coordinated with the Czech Republic has been ready since
April 1999. The report gives a clear opinion that the Federal Autobahn A17 is
not suitable for private financing.
On the basis of its high infrastructural importance, all of the A17 with the
exception of the stretch which is under construction, has been taken up in the
project list of the EFRE-Federal Programme. Depending on the permission of
this grand project by the European Union about half of the amount out of these
structure funds would be available. The other half is to be financed out of the
Federal budget.
On the Federal road B170 the reconstruction of the border crossing Altenberg
- Cinovec as a common project was taken into commission in 2000. This
border crossing will improve and accelerate border processing procedures till
the opening of motorway A17.
The other branch of the corridor runs from Nrnberg to the German/Czech
border (Waidhaus) and has a length of 130 km. The four-lane motorway
section Nrnberg Amberg (60 km) was completed in 1991. Construction of
the section Amberg Waidhaus (54 km) started in 1995; costs will be about
390 million.
The planning for motorway A6 Nrnberg - border has for the larger part
already been completed. The bypass Waidhaus was commissioned for traffic
in November 1997 at the same time as the new common border processing
facility on Czech territory. The stretch which follows, namely Pleystein till
Waidhaus was commissioned for traffic two years later. The stretch which bypasses Wernberg/Kblitz has been under construction since June 1998. The
sector Kaltenbaum - Lohinar has been under construction since May 2001.
Both stretches are to be completed latest by 2004. For the stretch Weppenhof
- Kaltenbaum efforts are to be made for beginning construction in 2002 and
completing the work in 2005. The remaining gap Amber 1 Ost - Pfreimd is to
be completed up to the year 2009.
Regarding the financing, 61.36 million have already been utilised till the end
of 2000, and for the completion of the ongoing sections in the coming years,
an amount of 140.61 million is required. The sections which still have to be
initiated require an additional volume of 186.62 million; of these around
153.39 million alone will be required for the stretch Amberg - Pfreimd. In order
TINA VIENNA Transport Strategies
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Corridor IV
to accelerate the project, a joint grant of 6.5 million will be made available by
the European Union from their budget Trans-European Networks as well as
additional project-bound funds from the Federal Republic.
Czech Republic:
The Rail Corridor has two branches in the Czech Republic. The main branch
runs from the German/Czech border (Decin) to Praha and further via Ceska
Trebova and Brno to the border station Breclav. Its length is 476 km. From
Breclav the corridor continues to Wien and to Bratislava.
The branch from Nrnberg runs from the German/Czech border (Cheb) via
Plzen to Praha. It has a length of 228 km.
Modernization of railway lines on Corridor IV has been running in the Czech
Republic since 1994. The principal parameters are:
Along with achieving the above parameters the modernization shall enable
tilting trains to operate on these lines.
The modernisation project and the financing model were approved by the
Czech Government. Altogether 385 km of lines (big railway stations and nodes
have been extended from the project due to enormous investment costs) out
of the total 457 km shall be modernized. The outstanding stations and nodes
shall be modernised through an individual investment programme. In order to
co-ordinate technical aspects and timing of the modernization steps
intergovernmental agreements were signed among the neighbouring countries
(Agreement on cooperation for future development of the Berlin Praha Wien railway link made by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of
the Czech Republic, the Federal Ministry of Transport of Germany and the
Federal Ministry of Public Economy and Transport of Austria; Agreement on
cooperation by preparing and implementing modernization of railway lines
concluded among the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Czech
Republic and the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the
Slovak Republic).
The project implementation itself is proceeding gradually, section by section.
The goal is to complete the modernization till the end of 2002. Currently
modernization of 271 km of lines and stations has been completed.
Implementation is still ongoing on 60 km of lines and on the remaining 57 km
the modernization is under preparation.
The amount of CZK 28 billion ( 876.759 million) has already been spent. Out
of that sum the amount of CZK 23.6 billion ( 7399 million) has been spent on
the completed sections.
Total investment costs represent CZK 36.5 billion ( 1.149 billion). The
financing proceeds in the combined way: 40.5 % from the state budget (CZK
14.8 billion), 50 % from the state guaranteed credits (CZK 18.3 billion), 5 %
from non guaranteed credits (CZK 1.8 billion) and 4.5 % (CZK 1.6 billion;
50.19 million) from the means of PHARE programme
Exchange rate: 1 = CZK 31.936 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
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Corridor IV
Two sections under preparation (Zabori nad labem Prelouc Usti nad Orlici Ceska Trebova) will be co-financed from ISPA means (contribution in the
amount of 50 % of the costs for those two sections, i.e. 29.4 and 16.3
million represents exceeding of the total investment costs for the whole project
of the Corridor modernization). The preparation of the above mentioned
sections shows some delay and the completion is foreseen beyond the
planned year 2002.
Modernization of the Czech part of the branch Nrnberg - Praha is supposed
to be implemented in the period 2004-2010.
The road corridor branch from the Czech/German border (Cinovec) to Praha
has a length of 93 km. The currently existing two-lane national road sections
on the stretch will be replaced by a newly constructed four-lane motorway until
2005 the highway D8. The motorway is only in part in operation in the sections
Praha - Nova Ves, Doksany -Lovosice - Rehlovice - Trmice, i.e. 36.5 km. The
section Nova Ves - Doksany (16.4 km) was put into operation in June 2001.
After completion of the administrative procedures it is assumed that those the
two remaining sections (total length 39.7 km), Lovosice - Rehlovice and
Trmice state border will be put into operation in 2005 in compliance with the
international agreement concluded on the construction of the border bridge
and approved by the parliament.
The road section from Praha to Breclav is 317 km long and is a four-lane
The branch in the direction Praha - Plzen - Nrnberg is already completed on
the Czech territory, the only exception creates the by-pass of PIzen, which
construction, after settling of some environmental problems, has already
For both motorway branches on the Czech territory it is necessary to
accomplish also the by-pass of Praha. This construction has been gradually in
In preparation of the new Austrian general transport plan which aims to improve the country's
transport links to its southeast European neighbours, a regional conference was held with
transport ministers from Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and
Slovenia to discuss cross-border expansion plans. Requests were also put forward for the
development of the Pan-European Transport Corridor IV.
The Corridor provides three rail connections to Wien, which are electrified and
provide good conventional standard. The link from the Austrian/Czech border
(Breclav) via Hohenau to Wien is double-track and has a length of 88 km and
will be upgraded to a speed of 160 km/h. At present, maximum speed on this
route is 120 km/h. The track is not a problem but railway intersections have to
be made safer, the conversion of several stations is necessary and modern
safety technology has to be installed.
In addition to the existing line Wien - Marchegg/Devinska Nova Ves Bratislava hl. st. (mostly single-track, not electrified), operations started in
1998/1999 on a new 21 km link from Parndorf (at the main line Wien
Budapest) via Kittsee (border) to BratislavaPetrzalka. The majority of trains
operate along this route. Individual trains continue to Bratislava Central Station
but need half an hour longer. There are no passenger train services operating
beyond Wien or Bratislava (e. g. Bratislava -Munich or Wien - Kosice). There
are currently few connections between Wien-Sdbahnhof - Marchegg TINA VIENNA Transport Strategies
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Corridor IV
Bratislava Main Station. This section, which is not electrified, is used primarily
for freight transport.
(Hegyeshalom/Nickelsdorf) is 70 km double-track, and has been upgraded to
a speed of 140 km/h in 1998 making the travel time from Wien to Budapest 2
hours 25 minutes.
There are several road links, which are part of corridor IV. The link to
Budapest is the existing A4 motorway (length 70 km).
On the connection Wien - Bratislava a four-lane high quality road link (B 307)
from the A4 to the new Austrian/Slovakian border crossing Jarovce/Kittsee
(opened in 2000) near Bratislava is in the planning stage. The plans are
relatively well advanced, construction of the B307 Wien - Bratislava will
commence soon. This link branches off the A4 motorway in the Bruck/Leitha Parndorf region and runs in a north-easterly direction to the border crossing
Kittsee - Jarovce. Completion is scheduled for 2006.
With regard to road traffic, the Steering Committee agreed at a meeting on 7/8
June 2001 in Bratislava to include the link Brno Wien via Drasenhofen
(border station) with a length of 71 km in Corridor IV. This section is currently
a two-lane state road, which is planned to become part of motorway A5. This
new motorway will also be included in the new proposal of the European
Commission on the revision of the TEN-T guidelines.
The Rail Corridor runs from the Czech/Slovakian border (Breclav) via Kuty to
Bratislava and continues via Galanta, Nove Zamky to the
Slovakian/Hungarian border (Sturovo). A parallel line runs from Bratislava to
the Slovakian/Hungarian border at Rusovce. The total length of both
alignments is 252 km. The whole corridor is in operation as double-track
electrified line (operational speed 120 km/h), only part from Bratislava to
Cunovo and the border is single-track electrified. Since the Rail Corridor IV is
in relatively good condition a general modernisation of this Corridor is not
being considered at the moment, only small reconstruction on the tunnel in
Bratislava railway station. Same upgrade of the line is planned after 2004 with
the aim to reach the speed 160 km/h.
The total length of the Road Corridor in Slovakia is 83 km. Of these 80 km are
in operation and of these 71 km in full breadth and 9 km in half profile. The
estimation is that starting with the year 2003 the road will be useable in full
breadth. About 3 km of road are in the planning stage (motorway D2
Lamacska Cesta - Stare Grunty). The construction period for this project is
September 2001 2004 (Financing: Loan from JBIC. Total costs: SKK 3.59
billion ( 84.7710 million); construction costs: SKK 3.06 billion ( 72.2610
Exchange rate: 1 = SKK 42.35 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
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Corridor IV
The Bratislava - Budapest section of the Rail Corridor contains two alternative
railway lines:
Exchange rate: 1 = HUF 243.49 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
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Corridor IV
Where the geometry of the track and other conditions allow, the speed limit
will be raised from 100 to 120 km/h and to 140 km/h along the section
between Albertirsa and Cegled. Simultaneously with track reconstruction,
subways and platforms enhancing the safety and comfort of passengers will
be built along this line section at Vecses, ll, Monor, Pilis, CegledbercelCser and Cegled stations.
A company of limited liability was formed in 1996 to develop a logistic centre
at station Szolnok based on the existing container terminal.
The rehabilitation of the section Szolnok - Lkshaza (border) for its design
speed of 120 km/h (partly for 140 km/h) and the completion of the still missing
second track on three sections with a length of 53 km will be executed after
2002. Reconstruction of this section is a subject of future ISPA Projects. The
remaining 11 km long section between the border stations (Lkshza (MAV)
- Curtici (CRF)) is still a single-track railway, which is a bottleneck for
international traffic; but the railways entered into a contract to include the
second track into their development plans.
The concept of constructing a new railway bridge in Szeged was raised in
conjunction with the plan to establish the Szeged - Timisoara railway
The road section of the Road Corridor from the Slovakian/Hungarian border at
Rajka to Budapest and further to the Hungarian/Romanian border (Nagylak)
has a length of 398 km. Corridor IV includes the following Hungarian
Motorway sections have been completed (total 296 km) and are in operation:
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Corridor IV
Inland waterways:
The study concerning the logistic review of Csepel Freeport was elaborated in
2001. Based on the freight turnover forecast of the catchment area of the port,
it is planned to develop logistic reloading and warehousing activities, inland
waterways container loading and Ro-Ro carriage. Developments are
necessary to improve the internal infrastructure and railway links and
reconstruct the existing infrastructure of the port.
In Romania Corridor IV divides into two branches. The northern branch runs from Arad via
Bucuresti to Constanta on the Black Sea, the Southern branch from Arad via Craiova to
Sofija (Bulgaria) and divides there again. At present there is a ferry for cars and passengers
across the Danube at the Romanian and Bulgarian border (Vidin/Calafat). A bridge is under
discussion. Access infrastructure is to be built by each country on its respective territory.
Exchange rate: 1 = HUF 243.49 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
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Corridor IV
km/h for passenger services and 120 km/h for freight trains. Construction
works will be completed between 2008-2010. The travelling time will be
reduced by 3 hours.
The works for the rehabilitation of the rail section Brasov - Bucuresti started in
2001 and are foreseen to be completed by 2003, with financing from EIB (
200 million) and CFR SA. The civil works tender were finalized for rail section
Bucuresti - Campina and the works started in May 2001.
Negotiations with JBIC for the financing of the Bucuresti - Constanta section
are in progress. A Memorandum between the government of Romania and the
government of Japan was signed in March 2001 for the financing of the
rehabilitation of the sections Bucuresti North Bucuresti Baneasa and Fetesti
- Constanta ($ 257.4 million; 297.8513 million). The project will be finalized in
For the section Bucuresti Baneasa - Fetesti, an ISPA Application Form for the
total budget of 231.73 million has been approved by the ISPA Management
Committee in Bruxelles in July 2000. The Financing Memorandum was signed
in December 2000 and work will commence in 2001.
A feasibility study for the border crossing section Curtici Arad Deva Simeria has been approved (estimated value: $ 595 million; 688.514 million)
and has been sent to EIB and the European Commission in order to obtain
A rail ferry service to the port of Poti in Georgia has been introduced in March
1999 making use of the TRACECA connection.
The southern branch continues to the Romanian/Bulgarian border
(Vidin/Calafat) via Timisoara and Craiova. It has a length of 400 km. A
feasibility study has proposed to upgrade the line to a speed of 160 km/h for
passenger services and 120 km/h for freight trains. Construction works will not
commence before 2010-2015. There is a ferry-boat link for rail transport over
the Danube, which has been stopped due to lack of transport.
A new bridge is to be built and should be constructed with financing
exclusively from the Bulgarian part. Access infrastructure is to be built by each
country on its respective territory.
Romania undertook steps towards the realization of this objective: the
Agreement between the government of Romania and the Republic of Bulgaria
on the technical, financial, legal and organizational issues related to the
construction of a new crossborder combined (road and rail) bridge between
the two countries over the Danube River" has been ratified through Law
91/2001 and identifying financing is one of the priorities of the government.
Following the Law 91/2001, Railway lnfrastructure Company ordered a
feasibility study and a tender documentation for the Rehabilitation and
modernization of the railway section 113 Craiova - Calafat".
The length of the Road Corridor on the existing roads from the
Hungarian/Romanian border (Nadlac) to Bucuresti is 663 km. The Nadlac
border crossing point was modernised, providing eight traffic lanes per
carriageway, a parking area for goods-vehicles and 4.1 km of rehabilitated
access road. The corresponding works on the Hungarian side have started.
Exchange rate: 1 = $ 0.8642 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
Exchange rate: 1 = $ 0.8642 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
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Corridor IV
The existing roads between Nadlac, Arad and Timisoara, as well as between
Deva - Sebes and Sibiu - Pitesti have been rehabilitated until 1998.
The rehabilitation works will continue between Timisoara - Lugoj and SebesSibiu until 2002. The construction of a new motorway from Nadlac Timisoara
Lugoj Deva (210 km) is foreseen as a priority.
The rehabilitation and upgrading works of the existing four-lane motorway
from Pitesti to Bucuresti have started in 1998 and were completed in October
Between Bucuresti and Constanta, the motorway section Fetesti Cernavoda
of 17 km across the Danube river is in operation since 1998. The motorway
construction started in 1991 and interrupted in 1993 on the Bucuresti Fetesti
section (134 km) and was resumed in 2000, based on the financing
agreement concluded by the Romanian government with EIB in November
The civil works for the first and second sections (Bucuresti Fundulea and
Fundulea Lehliu) have been tendered. An ISPA application form for a total
budget of 71.71 million for the section Drajna Fetesti - Cernavoda has
been approved by the ISPA Management Committee in June 2000. The
Technical Project is estimated to be finalized by May 2002. The works will
commence in 2002 and will be completed by the end of 2004. The motorway
construction on the section Cernavoda - Constanta (50 km) is to be built not
before 2004.
The Bucuresti South motorway ring section of 46 km linking the motorways
from Bucuresti to Pitesti, Constanta and Giurgiu is planned to be constructed.
A feasibility study has been made for this section.
At Lugoj the southern branch continues to the Romanian/Bulgarian border
(Calafat). The length of the two lane national road is 379 km. The existing
road will be rehabilitated until 2005. The construction of a motorway on this
section will be taken into account after 2015.
The works on the Timisoara and Craiova by-passes started in 2001 with JBIC
financing. A feasibility study for the section Craiova - Calafat has been made.
A grant financing is looking for in order to construct the accesses to the future
bridge over the Danube River, on Calafat.
The section Lugoj-Craiova is on stage:
The feasibility study and detailed design for the section CraiovaDrobeta Turnu Severin are made;
The technical assistance for the revision of the feasibility study and
detailed design for the section Drobeta Tirnu Severin-Lugoj has been
contracted in July 2001 and is to be finalised in July 2002;
An ISPA Application Form for the section Craiova-Drobeta Turnu
Severin has been submitted for approval to the ISPA Management
Committee in September 2000. The ISPA Application Form for the
section Drobeta Turnu Severin-Lugoj has been submitted for approval
to the ISPA Management Committee in September 2001.
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Corridor IV
The project for building a second Danube bridge between Bulgaria and Romania along the
route of the Pan-European Transport Corridor IV at Vidin-Calafat is a significant transport
planning event. It has started, following the agreement between the Romanian Minister of
Transport Basescu and the Bulgarian Finance Minister Radev, in the presence of the Special
Co-ordinator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Mr. Bodo Hombach and the
European Commissioner Mr. Gnter Verheugen, reached in Brussels on 7 February 2000.
After an expert group from the two countries had agreed on the exact location of the bridge,
an agreement on the technical, financial and organizational aspects of the construction of the
bridge was signed in Bucuresti.
Political support & Project preparation
On 28 September 2000, the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria ratified the
Agreement of 5 June 2000 on the technical, financial, legal and organizational issues
related to the construction of a new cross-border combined (rail and road) bridge
signed by the Foreign Ministers of Bulgaria and Romania, and on 15 January 2001, it
was ratified by the Parliament of Romania. The Agreement entered into force on 6
April 2001.
o On 13 June 2001 in Vidin, Minister of Transport and Communications of Republic of
Bulgaria and Minister of Public Works, Transport and Housing of Romania opened
the establishment meeting of the Joint Bulgarian-Romanian Committee for
coordination of activities on design and implementation of the site. The meeting was
attended by representatives of EC, EIB, Special Coordinator of the Stability Pact and
of the donor countries Germany and France.
o On 30 July and 3 August 2001 meetings were held by Mr. Plamen Petrov, Bulgarian
Minister of Transport and Communications, respectively with the Special Coordinator
of the Stability Pact, Mr. Bodo Hombach, and with the Ambassador of Romania to
Sofija, Mr. Konstantin-Mihail Grigorie, at which the priority of the project and the
commitment to its timely implementation was mutually confirmed.
Project Implementation
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Corridor IV
Project finance
The project is included in the Quick Start List of Regional Infrastructure Projects of the
Stability Pact. The Government of Bulgaria undertakes to secure the financing for the
preliminary design of the site, including the Environmental Impact Assessment; the technical
design and construction of the bridge itself, as well as of the adjoining infrastructure on the
Bulgarian territory, while the Government of Romania undertakes to secure the financing for
the technical design and construction of the adjoining infrastructure on the Romanian
The Government of Bulgaria agreed with EIB in its position of main project coordinator within
the Stability Pact credits up to 70 million in support of the bridge construction. A Finance
Contract was signed with EIB on 8 December 2000, for a credit of 50 million as a first
Page 62
Corridor IV
Further to the Regional Funding Conference of the Stability Pact the following donors are
already committed to the project support:
the French Government which has already signed a Financing Agreement with the
Bulgarian Government for 500,000 grant for preliminary studies, and has proposed
to the Bulgarian Government a grant of 5 million for financing the construction
the German Government which has already extended 470,000 grant for preliminary
studies, and is ready to consider up to 20 million assistance as a combination of a
grant and soft loan in support of financing the construction works;
the European Union through ISPA which approved on 16 July 2001 4.998 million
contribution to the project design and tender management, and would be prepared to
consider an application by the Bulgarian Government for 70 - 80 million funding of
the bridge construction works.
A tender for designer was carried out and two contracts with the
English consultancy company Parsons Brinckerhoff were signed;
The final variant of the track was chosen and the detailed design,
considered at a Council of Experts in NC BDZ, was approved;
The report for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) passed the
public consultation procedure and was approved by the MRDPW with
Resolution N 49 -12/2001.
Page 63
Corridor IV
The connection to Greece from Sofija via Radomir, Dupnitza to the border at
Kulata has a length of 210 km. The line will be reconstructed and electrified.
The section Dupnitza - Kulata (131 km) is situated on the route between Sofija
and the Greek border (Promahonas). The construction of the project is carried
out by the joint venture between Glavbol-garstroj - Bulgaria and ADTranz Germany. Eight European and twenty-four Bulgarian companies deliver the
specialized equipment for the project. The project supervisor is the German
Company DE-Consult in collaboration with Louis Berger - France, SystraFrance, Trademco Greece and the Transport Construction Company Bulgaria. The supervision contract is for the amount of 5 million.
The construction started in July 1999. The first section Dupnitza - Simitli
station (50 km) was put into operation in February 2001. The overall project
completion is planned for February 2002.
The project is financed under the PHARE - CBC (Cross-border Cooperation)
Programme Bulgaria - Greece. The overall cost is 38 million.
The further improvement of the section with telecommunication and signalling
systems is envisaged after completion of the project. This will allow meeting
the requirements for launching an inter-city service between Sofija and
The length of the road corridor from the Bulgarian/Romanian border (Vidin) to
Sofija is 235 km. It is a two-lane road, which will be rehabilitated until 2005.
The length of the section from Sofija to the Bulgarian/Romanian border
(Kapitan Andreevo) is 278 km. The branch to the Bulgarian/Greek border
splits in Sofija and has a length of 201 km.
260 km motorways and 1st class roads on the route of Corridor IV on the
Bulgarian territory have been rehabilitated under the Transit Roads I and II
rehabilitation programmes. Another 150 km will be rehabilitated by Transit
Exchange rate: 1 = BGN 1.95583 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
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Corridor IV
New passenger terminal building and related facilities Lot B 1 - a prequalification tender procedure for the selection of main contractor for
the construction was carried out and co-ordinated with EIB and the
Delegation of the European Commission in Sofija. The detailed design
and tender documents for the construction expect approval
respectively by National Council of Experts in the Ministry of Regional
Development and Public Works and by the Delegation of the European
Commission in Sofija.
New runway system and related works Lot B2 - the detailed design
and the tender documents for the construction are submitted. The
detailed design is approved by the Council of Expert in Sofija Airport
and the Supreme Council of Experts in the Ministry of Regional
Development and Public Works and the Ministry of Transport and
Communications. The tender documents are submitted for coordination and approval to the Kuwait Fund. A tender procedure was
carried out and the selected consultant for project management and
supervision during construction was co-ordinated and approved by the
Kuwait Fund. A pre-qualification procedure for selection of contractor
was conducted and there is an approved short list.
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Corridor IV
Project Management:
The project is managed by a Steering Committee chaired by a Deputy Minister
of transport. The directorate in MTC, responsible for the implementation of the
project, is Transport Policy" assisted by a specially appointed Project
Implementation and Management Unit located in Sofija Airport, responsible for
the day-to-day implementation of the project.
Costs, Financing:
Total cost of the Project: 210 million.
Signed loan contracts:
In 1997 a contract with EIB was signed for 60 million loan for the
construction of a passenger terminal;
In 1998 a loan agreement with the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic
Development was signed amounting to KWD 12.3 million ( 46.1716
million) for the construction of a new runway system.
Exchange rate: 1 = KWD 0.266433 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
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Corridor IV
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Corridor IV
Regarding the Promahonas border crossing, technical and financial issues for
the implementation of a second bridge next to the existing one have been
elaborated by both the Greek and the Bulgarian sides in the framework of
PHARE/C.B.C. and INTERREG II. The procurement (international bid), as well
as the financing have been fully undertaken by the Greek side. The relevant
cost is estimated at 1 million.
The port traffic steadily increases during the last ten years, reaching in 2000,
15,500,000 tons of freight cargo (7,500,000 tons of dry freight and 8,000,000
tons of liquid cargoes). The Container Terminal handled 230,000 TEUs, while
the Passenger Terminal served 250,000 travellers. According to the
Authority's Operational Plan (2000 - 2005) a big programme of investments is
scheduled for the modernization and expansion of the port.
The projects will also provide the port with a new direct access (west gate) to
the national and international road and rail network, connecting it with both
Trans European Transport Network (Egnatia Highway, P.A.TH.E) and Pan
European Transport Corridors IV and X.
The feasibility study and the master plan of a logistics and distribution centre
development in the west side of the Port, those to the Container Terminal (Pier
6 basis), are now being prepared.
The investment programme has a volume of 3.2 million in 2000, 50.7
million in 2001 -2005. It is supported by the European Union with 24.6
million in 2001 - 2005.
One of the strategic ports of Turkey, Haydarpasa Port with 2651 ships/year
and 354,000 TEUs annual handling capacity is located on Corridor IV in
Istanbul. Modernising and rehabilitation of Haydarpasa Port has been going
on. A loan from EIB a total of 36 million has already been obtained to
support the capacity expansion of TCDDs container ports (Izmir, Haydarpasa
Port and Mersin) and a major portion of this loan is used for Haydarpasa Port.
Haydarpasa Port is operated by TCDD and has a connection to railway
network. This port has a great potential for combined transport since it has
been registered as an international port and container terminal by the AGTC.
Exchange rate: 1 = $ 0.8642 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
Page 68
Corridor V
Corridor V is a multi-modal transport link running from South-West in Slovenia towards
North-East in the Ukraine. The main line of Corridor V links Venezia (Italy) and Trieste (Italy)
via Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Budapest (Hungary) with Lviv (Ukraine). In addition to this line
there are three branches to ports on the Adriatic Sea, and one branch to connect Corridor V
with Corridor IV in Bratislava.
In Italy the Corridor is linked to the ports of Venezia and Trieste, in Slovenia one branch links
the Port of Koper with Corridor V in Divaca. In Budapest (Hungary) the Corridor splits into
two branches, both of them running southwards to the Adriatic Sea. One branch goes to
Rijeka in Croatia, the other branch runs via Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) to the Croatian
port of Ploce.
On the Railway Corridor there was a missing link between Slovenia and Hungary. The
concerned countries have built a direct rail connection between to be operated starting from
May 2001.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on 16 December 1996, by all parties
except Croatia, because no agreement on the Rijeka Trieste link was achieved. However,
the Commission signed the MoU in June 1997. The Italian Ministry of Transport chairs the
Steering Committee, which held its first meeting on 19 January 1998. The second Steering
Committee meeting was held in Rome on 13 July 1999.
The draft addendum to the MoU concerning the branch 3, approved by the Third PanEuropean Conference of Helsinki, has been submitted to the Steering Committee and to the
The railway working group is chaired by the Slovakian railways and is divided into three subgroups to deal with the different branches. A co-operation agreement was signed by all
involved railways except for Croatia in April 1998. Later in 2001 the agreement was signed
by the Croatian Railways, too. It is appended by an action plan, which focuses primarily on
The ports and inland terminals play a major role for the development of Corridor V.
Intermodal transport and logistics are a key issue. The corridor is endowed with the four main
Adriatic ports Venezia, Trieste, Koper and Rijeka. Trieste handles the largest turnover,
followed by Rijeka and Koper. Besides, the port of Ploce and the land port Zahony also form
part of the corridor. Ploce was affected severely by the Yugoslavian war. Zahony is
considered the biggest transhipment land port in Europe.
The PHARE Multi Country Transport Programme has signed in October 1998 a contract for a
feasibility study on the development of Corridor V and its branches, which has been finalised
in 2000.
Belarus proposes to add a branch from Lviv to Minsk to Corridor V. There has been no
justification of its necessity yet.
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Corridor V
Remark: The shown figures for seaports and riverports refer to the TINA countries.
Page 70
Corridor V
2.000,00 million
1.500,00 million
2.334,05 million
1.000,00 million
1.695,20 million
1.142,10 million
500,00 million
200,00 million
0,00 million
18,77 million
83,70 million
Bosnia and
3.000,00 million
2.500,00 million
2.000,00 million
1.500,00 million
2.950,00 million
2.949,15 million
1.000,00 million
1.746,50 million
500,00 million
61,00 million
0,00 million
27,15 million
Bosnia and
Page 71
Corridor V
The Italian section from Venezia to the Italian/Slovenian border (Villa Opicina)
is a double track line with a length of 177 km. Along the line is increasing its
operations the Cervignano marshalling yard and intermodal freight terminal.
Between Monfalcone and Trieste three tunnels were enlarged to assure the
gabarit C from Venezia to the Italian/Slovenian border. Since the end of 2000,
a new line between Treviso and Portogruaro permits to by-pass the Venezia
bottleneck. An additional double track high-speed line is included in the TEN
(priority project 6) outline plan. A feasibility study for the new line between
Venezia and Trieste is presently conducted: its final layout towards the border
is subject to the choice of the line towards Ljubljana (Corridor V). An
intergovernmental agreement concerning the layout from Trieste to Ljubljana
was signed (23/02/2001).
The line from the Italian/Slovenian border (Villa Opicina/Sezana) to Divaca Ljubljana - Zidani Most - Murska Sobota will be rehabilitated and equipped
with new signalling facilities until 2005. A new line was constructed between
Murska Sobota and the Slovenian/Hungarian border, with Hodos as a
common border station. The line was put into operation in 2001.
The branch from Divaca to Koper was equipped with new signalling facilities.
Project planning for the construction of a new track is being made.
The main railway line in Hungary runs from the Hungarian/Slovenian border
(Hodos) - Zalalovo Boba Szekesfehervar Budapest and further to
Hatvan Miskolc to the Hungarian/Ukrainian border (Zahony). Its length is
628 km. From Hodos to Zalalovo a new line was put in operation in 2001. The
electrification of the single-track line from Zalalovo to Budapest is under
construction. The section from Budapest to Zahony is double track and
electrified, in large parts a speed of 120 km/h is allowed. A feasibility study will
determine where reconstruction is necessary.
In addition two branches to the Adriatic ports separate from the main branch in
Hungary. One branch separates in Budapest and continues through
Dombovar to the Hungarian/Croatian border (Gyekenes) and further to Rijeka.
Its length in Hungary is 261 km. A feasibility study is under way to rehabilitate
the track. Completion is scheduled for 2007. The branch to Ploce separates in
Page 72
Corridor V
The railway line runs from the Hungarian/Ukrainian border (Chop) further to
Batewo and Lviv. The 264.2 km line is double track and electrified, except for
the 1.8 km tunnel at the Beskyd Skotarskoe section, which is single track. At
Chop the branch to the Slovakian/Hungarian border and further to Bratislava
The road corridor runs from the Hungarian/Ukrainian border (Chop) through
Uzgorod and continues further to Mukachevo and Lviv. Its total length is 312
km. The 250 km road stretch from Mukachevo to Lviv should be rehabilitated
with an EBRD loan. No time schedule has been identified. A direct route
option between Mukachevo and the Hungarian border, thus avoiding
Uzhgorod, is under discussion. All the sections currently are a single
carriageway trunk road.
The rail corridor branch from Bratislava through Zilina Kosice to the
Slovakian/Ukrainian border (Cop) has a length of 545 km. It is a conventional
double track, electrified line, which will be upgraded to speeds between 120160 km/h in consecutive stages.
The road corridor branch from Bratislava through Ladce Zilina Poprad Presov to the Slovakian/Hungarian border (Vysne Nemecke) has a length of
546 km. The total length will be constructed as a motorway. From Bratislava to
Ladce the motorway is in operation, and with the exception of three short
sections the road continues as two-lane trunk road to the border. A PHARE
funded diversion has been completed to ease traffic congestion at the border
town Vysne Nemecke.
The rail corridor branch from Rijeka runs through Zagreb to the
Croatian/Hungarian border (Gyekenes). The line is single track except for the
section Zagreb Dugo Selo.
The second corridor V branch through Croatia runs from
Croatian/Hungarian border (Magyarboly) through Osijek to
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Corridor V
The road corridor branch from Rijeka runs through Karlovac and Zagreb to the
Croatian/Hungarian border (Letenye). Its length is 284 km. The route is either
already motorway standard (Rijeka Kupkak; Karlovac Zagreb) or is
planned to be a motorway.
The second corridor V branch through Croatia runs from the
Croatian/Hungarian border (Udvar) through Osijek to the Croatian/Bosnia
Herzegovina border (Bosanski Samac) and reenters Croatia at Dracevo and
terminates in Ploce. The total length of the two-lane trunk road is 141 km.
Preliminary studies for the construction of an expressway are undertaken.
Bosnia Herzegovina:
Page 74
Corridor VI
Corridor VI is a multi-modal transport link running from North to South, connecting the Polish
Baltic Sea ports of Gdynia and Gdask with Slovakia and the Czech Republic. It is
composed of railway lines with a length of 1800 km and roads with a length of 1,880 km,
including the following sections:
The main rail line runs from Gdynia/Gdask in two branches, one via Warszawa,
Katowice to the border crossing of Zebrzydowice at the Czech border, the second via
Bydgoszcz to Katowice and further to the border crossing of Zwardo at the Slovakian
border. At Tczew, approximately 30 km south of Gdask, the majority passenger traffic
passes through Warszawa and further to Katowice, whereas the majority of freight traffic
runs via Bydgoszcz south to Katowice (so called Coal trunk line).
The main road part of the Corridor is also composed of two branches. One branch
connects Gdask with Grudzidz and with Corridor II in Pozna. From Grudzidz
southwards it runs through d, Czstochowa, Katowice to the following border
crossings: Zwardo at the Slovakian border, Cieszyn and Gorzyczki (reserved for the
future motorway A-1/D-47) at the Czech border.
The second branch of the road Corridor VI runs from Gdask via Warszawa and it
connects with the first branch at Piotrkw Trybunalski.
Corridor VI has a length of 1,559 km railways and 1,447 km of roads in Poland.
Corridor VI is composed of road and rail running parallel from the border crossing with
Poland at Skalite via Cadca to Zilina, where it connects with Corridor V.
The length of the railway line in Slovakian section is 51 km, the road has a length of 64
Czech Republic
Rail Corridor VI in Czech Republic has a length of 202 km. It runs from the border
crossing with Poland at Petrovice u Karvine, passes through Ostrava, Prerov with an end
in Breclav, where it connects with rail Corridor IV.
Road Corridor VI starts at the border crossings with Poland at Cesky Tesin and
Vernovice (future motorway border crossing), runs through Ostrava to Brno where it
connects with road Corridor IV.
The total length of the Czech section of road Corridor VI is 253 km.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the development of the Corridor VI was
signed on 14 October 1999 in Bratislava by the Secretaries of State responsible for transport
sector. In June 2000 the MoU has been signed by Loyola de Palacio, Commissioner for
Energy and Transport and Vice-President of the European Commission.
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Corridor VI
Two MoUs for the development of the railway corridor, one between Austrian Railways
(BB), Czech Railways (CD) and Polish Railways (PKP), the other between BB, Slovakian
Railways (ZRS) and PKP have been signed in May 1998 under the auspices of UIC.
PKP is chairing the Steering Committee for railways. The last meeting was held in Vienna on
6/7 October 1998. The Steering Committee for railways continues its work in sub-groups.
These are: freight traffic, passenger traffic and infrastructure.
Every year in November the conference on transport in Corridor VI takes place in Ostrava
(Czech Republic). It is organised under the auspices of the European Commission and
Czech Minister of Transport. The basic subject of the Conference - Trans-European
Multimodal Transit Corridor VI - significance, preparation and implementation of the project
underlines and promotes this Corridor in Europe as the most preferable North - South
transport Corridor in the Central Europe thanks to passing through the Moravian Gate.
In 2001 the Fifth annual Conference took place on 21/22 November with participation of the
Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic, Vice Minister of Transport of Poland, and
representatives of Slovakia, Austria, Germany, as well as the European Commission and
International Road Federation, i.e. all parties of the MoU and other parties interested in
development of Corridor VI. Among others the issue of preparation of Polish - Czech
Agreement on the place of direct link of the motorway was discussed.
Remark: The shown figures for seaports and riverports refer to the TINA countries.
Page 76
Corridor VI
5.000,00 million
4.000,00 million
3.000,00 million
4.986,64 million
2.000,00 million
1.000,00 million
0,00 million
Estimations until 2015 (TINA FINAL Report, Nov. 99)
666,81 million
21,81 million
65,00 million
278,10 million
Actual estimations (until ~2006)
Czech Republic
5.000,00 million
4.000,00 million
3.000,00 million
4.917,40 million
2.000,00 million
1.000,00 million
1.202,62 million
387,50 million
631,67 million
103,64 million
37,51 million
0,00 million
Estimations until 2015 (TINA FINAL Report, Nov. 99)
Actual estimations (until ~2006)
Czech Republic
Page 77
Corridor VI
There are two parallel lines for the Rail Corridor in Poland. The electrified line
from Gdynia through Gdask - Tczew - Malbork - Warszawa - Grodzisk
Mazowiecki - Psary to Katowice is the main line used for passenger traffic. It
continues through Pszczyna - Bielsko-Biaa to the Polish/Slovakian border at
Zwardo. Except for the section Bielsko-Biaa - Zwardo this line is doubletrack. At present the maximum line speeds are 100 - 120 km/h. The maximum
speed of 160 km/h can be reached in the section called Central trunk line
from Grodzisk Mazowiecki to Zawiercie (256 km). Second line so-called Coal
trunk line for freight traffic lies Tczew - Inowrocaw - Zduska Wola Tarnowskie Gry. Overall length of these two parallel lines is 1,526 km.
Until 2000 the first stage of the projects co-financed from PHARE fund were
modernised: border crossings Zebrzydowice / Petrovice u Karvine for the total
cost of 6.3 million and Zwardo/Skalite for the total cost of 1.8 million.
Next stage of modernisation of this border crossing will be continued until
Since 2004 it is planned to modernise the E-65 railway line from Warszawa to
Gdask/ Gdynia (340 km). The first section (Warszawa - Dziadowo, 150 km)
will be upgraded to a parameters required by AGC/AGTC Agreements with
co-financing from ISPA. Total cost of upgrading this section is estimated for
270 million within the period of 2003 - 2006. Since 2006 the second section
from Dziadowo to Gdynia with a length of 190 km will be upgraded thanks to
co-financing by the EU fund.
Until 2015 it is planned to construct a new line from Psary - Trzebinia to
Bielsko-Biaa to prolong the Central trunk line.
The section of the A1 motorway from Gdask to Toru (141 km) is planned to
be constructed until 2006; the section from Toru to Strykw - until 2010; the
section from Strykw to Tuszyn - until 2010; the section from Piotrkow
Trybunalski through Gliwice to Gorzyczki at the Czech border - until 2008.
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Corridor VI
From Cadca to Zilina the line is double-track and electrified. The other section
from Skalite to Cadca is single-track and it is being electrified. This section will
be electrified until 2001 and the second track will be added until 2006.
Presently in the section Cadca - Skalite the journey speed is 60 km/h, from
Skalite through Slovakian/Polish border to Zwardo - only 50 km/h due to
passing the line through difficult mountain area.
In the section from Cadca to Zilina (39.3 km) the journey speed can be
reached up to 100 km/h, but with speed limits in 15 points.
The following journey speed will be reached until 2006: Zilina - Cadca - 120
km/h, Cadca - Skalite - 100 km/h, Skalite - Zwardo - 70 km/h.
The Slovakian authorities do not foresee to realise any project co-financed
from ISPA within this Corridor. Investments have been running thanks to
financial support of the state budget and PHARE fund.
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Corridor VI
Due to the highest traffic in Corridor V, the majority of domestic and all of the
pre-accession European funds concerning transport sector, granted for
Slovakia will be assigned for modernisation of this Corridor.
Czech Republic:
The rest of the line will upgraded from the state budget.
The road branch from the Polish/Czech border (Cesky Tesin) passes through
Lipnik and Brno, where it connects to Corridor IV. This section is a two-lane
main road respectively four-lane expressway. A new expressway is planned to
be constructed from Cesky Tesin to Vyskov until 2006.
The main road Corridor VI beginning from Brno through Ostrava to Vernovice
on Polish/Czech border is reserved for motorway D47. The section of this
motorway in the vicinity of Ostrava with a length of 11 km is being constructed
from 2000. All the Czech section of motorway D47 is planned to be in
operation in 2010. In 2001 the Agreement concerning the place of direct link
of the Czech motorway D47 with the Polish motorway A1 is planned to be
signed by the Ministers of Transport of the Czech Republic and Poland.
Page 80
Corridor VII
The Danube is the second longest river in Europe and represents the main inland waterway
transport Corridor linking Western and Eastern Europe through the Rhine, the Main and the
Rhine-Main-Danube canal. It connects the North Sea with the Black Sea crossing the
countries of Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, FR Yugoslavia, Romania,
Bulgaria, Moldova and the Ukraine. Taking into consideration the results of the 3rd Pan
European Transport Conference of Helsinki, June 1997, the Pan-European Transport
Corridor VII refers to:
The City of Vienna has been appointed by the European Commission-DG TREN to
undertake the management of Corridor VII- the Danube. In this context, the first meeting of a
Steering Committee for Corridor VII, consisting of representatives from all the involved
countries and the European Commission was held in Vienna on July 7 1998. The Steering
Committee started its works, elaborating an action plan with the main objective of promotion
of the efficient inland waterway transport along the Danube. The Steering Committee, in line
with the practice of the Steering Committees of the other Pan-European Corridors and Areas,
started to elaborate a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that could put the first base for
an international cooperation for the development of the Danube transport.
The Steering Committee had two more meetings on 27 November 1998 and 18 October
1999 in Vienna. During these meetings, the draft final text of the MoU was elaborated.
However, the political crisis in FR Yugoslavia postponed the works of the Group, till 25 April
2001, when the 4th Steering Committee meeting took place. During this meeting, the parties
agreed on the final version of the MoU. The MoU was signed by the Ministers of Transport
at a Ministerial Meeting in Rotterdam on 6 September 2001. The European Commission is a
signatory of the MoU, and in this respect, the Commissioner of Transport and Energy, and
Vice President of the European Commission, Mrs. Loyola de Palacio, signed the MoU on 27
February 2002.
The aim of the MoU is to co-operate in the development of main and ancillary infrastructures
regarding Corridor VII including the relevant port infrastructures. This development should
include maintenance, reconstruction, rehabilitation, upgrading and new construction, as well
as its operation and use with a view to fostering the most efficient and environmentally
friendly use of the Corridor. Taking into consideration the existing legal regulations in the
interested countries, the fleet operating on the Danube is also a field for co-operation. The
co-operation furthermore aims at perceiving and defining the prerequisites and conditions for
the most efficient use of funds and know-how provided by public and private sources.
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Corridor VII
Beside the Steering Committee, three working parties have been established:
The working group on infrastructure deals with the following tasks:
Port infrastructure
The working group on operations covers:
Two relevant studies are currently being elaborated under the 4th and 5th Research
Framework Programmes of the European Commission:
Page 82
Corridor VII
The working group on fleet deals with:
Data collection on the Danube fleet features: size, structure, used technologies and
ship types; comparison with the Rhine and the Dnjepr fleets,
Evaluation of the interoperability and possibilities of technological co-operation of the
Danube fleet with the Rhine and Dnjepr fleets,
Assessment of the state of the art in the shipbuilding industry, evaluation and
possibilities of operating new types of ships and technologies on the Danube,
Assessment of the development of fleet capacity and Danube traffic, evaluation of the
utilisation of fleet capacity,
On the basis of information concerning potential cargo flows and traffic prognoses,
evaluation of adequacy of the Danube fleet in terms of structure and ships
Evaluation of influence of waterway and port infrastructure conditions on the
characteristics and capacity's utilisation of the Danube fleet,
Evaluation of adequacy of the ship repair industry on the Danube,
Consideration of existing and possible financial schemes in the field of fleet
On the basis of the above-mentioned elements, preparation of proposals on the
development of the Danube fleet, as well as waterway, port and ship repair
From February 2001, a technical Secretariat for Corridor VII has been established, with its
costs burdening the Vienna management.
Currently, ten countries and the European Commission are full members of the Steering
Committee. The ten countries are:
Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, FR Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova
and the Ukraine. However, in the last meeting of the Steering Committee, held in Vienna on
Page 83
Corridor VII
30 November 2001, it was agreed that three more States would obtain the status of observer
of the Group. These States are the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and the Russia.
The Internal Regulation for the full members and the observer countries of the Steering
Committee is to be discussed in the next meeting of the Group, to be held in Odessa in June
In order to obtain its objectives as described in the MoU- the Steering Committee has
accepted certain main provisions for the continuation of its work. The most important of these
lines that will guide its future works, are:
To include interoperability and border crossing questions in the agendas of the future
meetings of the Steering Committee and the three Working Parties.
To take the necessary actions to involve the private sector and other international
fora for the Danube into the works of the Steering Committee.
To cooperate closely with the European Commission (DG REGIO and TREN), and
co-operate closely with all sides in order to strengthen future proposals for ISPA
financing regarding projects along Corridor VII.
The latest developments regarding the new perspectives of the European Common
Transport Policy are described in the last White Paper European Transport Policy for 2010:
Time to decide, issued in September 2001. The Steering Committee welcomes the main
points of this documents, and especially its intentions to support the environmentally friendly
modes of transport, such as the inland waterways.
The Group has also a very positive opinion on other statements of the White Paper, which
express the guidelines of a policy to support the shifting of traffic from roads to other modes,
to support intermodality, and to ensure sustainable mobility for people and goods, creating a
coherent global transport system which gives the best possible returns, not only in
investment, but in securing safety and other environmental and social priorities as well.
In this context, the new perception of Corridor VII as a multi-modal Corridor, incorporating
relevant railway lines along the Danube and all the transhipment nodes, has been also
The importance of multi-modal transport and the role of the Danube towards multi-modal
transport development must be emphasized. Inland waterway transport is, in essence, a
multi-modal form where the operation to be carried out is in fact a chain in which each of the
links contributes to the end result. More than other modes, inland waterway transport is
therefore dependent on a development strategy, which supposes simultaneous removal of
the various barriers and coherent development of the entire system. In this context, the
Chairs of Corridor VII, Railway Corridor IV and Railway Corridor X have commonly decided
to established a common Secretariat in Vienna, at the TINA VIENNA premises, to work
together towards the multi-modal development of transport in the Central and South-Eastern
Europe. There are many positive synergy effects and many things that can be achieved if the
inland waterways combine their potential with the railway; the inland ports along the Danube
can be the gates of extended regions to move people and goods westward, northward or
southward, using the most efficient, capacity free and environmentally friendly means like
railways and inland waterways.
Transport modes
Approx. length of the Corridor
Number of Sea- and Riverports
Remark: The shown figures for seaports and riverports refer to the TINA countries.
Page 84
Corridor VII
528,00 million
500,00 million
392,40 million
400,00 million
300,00 million
200,00 million
100,00 million
54,90 million
0,00 million
Page 85
Corridor VII
provide a third opening per week. The opening periods mostly focus on freight transport,
which currently has an absolute priority versus passenger transport in the Novi Sad region.
The main reason is that the security of the passage for passengers is not 100% ensured.
Lower Danube,
Middle Danube,
Upper Danube,
km 0-931
km 931-1791
km 1791-2415
The available water depth compared to the reference draught (fully loaded inland vessel)
of 2.5 m plus keel clearance (Accelerating Pan-European Cooperation Towards a Free
and Strong Inland Waterway Transport declaration adopted by the Rotterdam
the available channel width;
the minimum fairway curvature;
the available free air draft under bridges and cables;
other secondary parameters with a potential impact on the navigability of the Danube
such as natural conditions (fog, currents, ice, etc.).
The water depth of the fairway is by far the most important parameter hindering the
economical use of the river for inland navigation with bottlenecks along the whole river
length. Although there are bottlenecks along the whole river length the Upper Danube is the
only inland waterway section in Europe without guaranteed water depth. In addition the
Upper Danube is the only section where a reliable prognosis of water depth is not possible
because of the quickly changing water depth conditions and the long travelling times of more
than several days caused by the long distances on the Danube. Due to these circumstances
the loading capacity of the ships is only about 50% of their maximum. The responsible
bottlenecks are located in Germany, Austria and Hungary.
The second parameter is the width of the fairway where the most important problems are met
on the Slovakian and Hungarian territory. The number of places with problems for fairway
curvature (curve radius of less than 750m) is very limited.
The air draft (free height under bridges and cables) is critical especially in the vicinity of
Budapest where a number of low historical bridges are located. However, similar problems
exist in Germany and FR Yugoslavia, and the available air drafts allow most vessels to pass
except container vessels stacked with three layers of containers during the high water period.
Natural conditions such as currents, fog and ice proved to be of secondary importance for
navigation on the Danube during recent years.
Situated along the Danube, there are 44 main inland ports. The average distance between
the ports is 55 km. However, the function of inland ports is not limited to inland shipping. The
interlink age of the major water axis with other rail/road corridors is very important to ensure
the intermodal inter-connectivity of the overall network. Most of the ports along the Danube
have rail connections as well as good road connections, thus making them an attractive
mode for combined transport.
Page 86
Corridor VII
Page 87
Corridor VIII
Corridor VIII is a multi-modal transport link running from East to West in South-Eastern
Europe, linking the Pan-European Transport Area Adriatic-Ionian Sea with the Black Sea
Pan-European Transport Area. The Corridor starts at the port of Durrs (Albania), runs via
Tirana (Albania) and Skopje (FYR Macedonia), further to Sofija (Bulgaria) and to the
Bulgarian ports Burgas and Varna at the Black Sea.
The Corridor was not affected by any adjustments at the Helsinki Conference in 1997.
However, Corridor X, as agreed upon in Helsinki being a new link from Austria to Greece
with several side alignments, as well as Corridor IV, on the section Sofija Plovdiv, has
integrated Corridor VIII into the core links of the Pan-European Transport Corridors. New
connections to Italian ports and to the Trans-European Network at Greek borders are being
considered by interested countries. In the draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) the
alignment reads as follows: Bari/Brindisi - Drres/Vlore Tirana Popgradec Skopje
Sofija Plovdiv Burgas Varna.
The draft MoU has been elaborated under Italian Presidency. Through the linkage of Corridor
VIII to Corridor IV it has been possible to involve the participation of both Greece and Turkey.
The signature is pending until a final agreement on the alignment has been achieved.
In the meeting on 7 July 2000 in Rome the interested countries have signed an Agreement
Minute by which they accept the MoU text with the exception of art.2 regarding the definition
of the Corridor. The Italian Presidency took the engagement for elaborate a compromise
proposal in view of a possible agreement.
The proposed alignment of the Corridor according the Italian Chair includes:
Such proposal, comprehensive of all the requests put forward by the involved countries is
referred to a multimodal transport link running from East to West in South-Eastern Europe,
linking the Pan-European Transport Area Adriatic-Ionian Sea (as indicated in Helsinki
Conference) with the Black Sea according the definition of the Corridor alignment.
The compromise proposal elaborated by Italian Presidency takes into account the different
proposals put forward by interested countries. Italy will develop further actions in order to
check whether dissenting opinions are evolving towards a possible consensus. It is
envisaged to sign the MoU before end of 2002.
A railway working group was set up in May 1997 under the chairmanship of the Bulgarian
Railways (BDZ). The draft co-operation agreement between the railways still has to be
signed. Under the stability pact for south-east Europe there are actual funding possibilities,
which could be used for the rail link from Skopje towards Bulgaria.
The railway link is interrupted in two sections between Albania and FYR Macedonia and FYR
Macedonia and Bulgaria. Approximately 80 km of rail track have to be built in a mountainous
and difficultly accessible region.
Page 88
Corridor VIII
Remark: The shown figures for seaports and riverports refer to the TINA countries.
There are a number of transport bottlenecks on the corridor such as missing links on the
railways and poor road conditions. Current traffic levels are not high enough to justify major
transport infrastructure projects in the near future. It is essential that infrastructure policy in
Albania, FYR Macedonia and Bulgaria is co-ordinated. Short- and medium term transport
policy should aim to achieve the following objectives:
Page 89
Corridor VIII
800,00 million
700,00 million
600,00 million
500,00 million
400,00 million
780,00 million
300,00 million
200,00 million
315,00 million
100,00 million
0,00 million
Estimations until 2015 (TINA FINAL Report, Nov. 99)
FYR of Macedonia
Actual estimations (until ~2006)
1.000,00 million
800,00 million
600,00 million
961,50 million
400,00 million
200,00 million
344,00 million
114,00 million
0,00 million
Estimations until 2015 (TINA FINAL Report, Nov. 99)
FYR of Macedonia
Actual estimations (until ~2006)
Page 90
Corridor VIII
The rail corridor extends from Tirana to Durres and further to the
Albanian/FYR Macedonia border. Mostly consisting of single track line with
some double track sections, the average maximum speeds are low, being 3040 km/h. Track conditions are poor and rails and sleepers are up to 40 years
old. Work started on the reconstruction of the line between Durres and Lin
(138 km) and should have been completed in 2000.
The road corridor runs from Durres to Tirana and further to the Albanian/FYR
Macedonia border (Qafe Thane). It has a length of 145 km. The total length
will be rehabilitated.
FYR of Macedonia:
The road corridor runs from the FYR Macedonia/Albanian border (Struga) to
Skopje to the FYR Macedonia/Bulgarian border (Devebair). The road section
Kumanovo Devebair is being rehabilitated. The construction of a dual
carriageway road on the section Struga Kicevo is a long-term project.
The rail corridor runs from the Bulgarian/FYR Macedonia border (Gjusevo) to
Sofija and continues further to Karnobat, where two separate branches
continue to the Black Sea ports Bourgas and Varna. The length from Gjusevo
to Karnobat is 565 km, from Karnobat to Bourgas 59 km, and from Karnobat
to Varna 158 km. A new electrified railway line to the FYR Macedonia border
with a length of 3 km including a 500 m tunnel and the construction of a new
rail border station will be constructed until 2015. Reconstruction and
upgrading of the line is planned, also electrification of the non-electrified
sections and doubling of the line from Plovdiv to Zimnica.
Page 91
Corridor IX
Corridor IX is the longest of the ten Pan-European multi-modal Transport Corridors. The
Corridor starts in Helsinki (Finland), runs to St. Petersburg (Russia), where it splits into two
branches, one running to Moskva (Russia), the second to Pskov (Russia). Both branches
come together again in Kiev (Ukraine). In Ljubashevka/Rozdilna (Ukraine) the Corridor splits
again. One branch runs down to Odessa (Ukraine) on the Black Sea, whereas the main line
continues southwards to Chisinau (Moldova), further to Bucuresti (Romania), Dimitrovgrad
(Bulgaria) and ends at the Aegean Sea in the Greek port of Alexandroupolis.
Besides the above-mentioned branches there are two additional links. Both links start at the
Baltic Sea; one in Kaliningrad (Russia), the second in Klaipeda (Lithuania). In Kaunas
(Lithuania) both branches meet and continue via Vilnius (Lithuania) to Minsk (Belarus),
where Corridor IX crosses the Corridor II route and continues further to Kiev (Ukraine).
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the whole Corridor IX, including the
Addendum bringing Greece into the MoU was signed in March 1995. The first meeting of the
Steering Committee took place in Alexandroupolis (Greece) in June 1996, under the
chairmanship of the European Commission. A second meeting of the Steering Committee
took place in Brussels in December 1996.
Three Sub-Committees were set up for the Corridor to facilitate the monitoring of the
A Working Party for the whole Railway Corridor IX has been established since 1996 under
the chairmanship of Hellenic Railways.
The monitoring of the Corridor has so far been subject to the constraints related to the
separation between PHARE and TACIS areas. Under the TACIS programme a study
Improvement of Traffic Flows on Corridors II and IX was made. The objective was to make
an assessment of the corridors, and to prepare transport demand forecast and rail and road
feasibility documentation in a bankable format for funding.
Under the PHARE programme a study Development of Railway and Combined Transport to
link the Southern Part of Corridor IX with Poland has been concluded in December 1999.
Page 92
Corridor IX
Helsinki Vaalimaa/Torfyanovka St.
Petersburg Tver Moskva Tula Orel
Sopyc - Kiev
Second line between St. Petersburg and Kiev:
St. Petersburg Pskov Lobok/Ezjarysca Vicebsk Orsa Mahileu - Homel Novaja
Huta - Cernihiv Kiev
Bila Cerkva Ljubasevka Huljanka/Dubau
- Chisinau Albita Buzau Focsani Bucuresti Giurgiu/Ruse Stara Zagora
alternative alignment: Haskovo Makaza
Branch from Klaipeda
Klaipeda Siauliai Vilnius Kena Minsk
Babrujsk Zlobin
Klaipeda Kaunas Vilinius Medininkai
Minsk Babrujsk - Homel
Branch from Kaliningrad
Kaliningrad Mamonovo/Kybartai Kaunas
Kaliningrad Mamonovo/Kybartai Kaunas
Branch to Odessa
Rozdilna Odessa
Ljubasevka Odessa
Remark: The shown figures for seaports and riverports refer to the TINA countries.
Page 93
Corridor IX
900,00 million
800,00 million
700,00 million
600,00 million
500,00 million
922,00 million
896,00 million
400,00 million
636,40 million
569,00 million
300,00 million
200,00 million
100,00 million
26,71 million
0,00 million
200,00 million
43,43 million
24,31 million
3,20 million
1.400,00 million
1.200,00 million
1.000,00 million
800,00 million
1.473,00 million
600,00 million
1.077,20 million
400,00 million
200,00 million
389,24 million
301,00 million
201,90 million
19,56 million
0,00 million
430,00 million
304,91 million
15,04 million
Page 94
Corridor IX
Investments in roads and railways as well as border crossings have continued and are
ensured by the long-term commitment of the Finnish government to the project. The
improvement works will continue throughout this decade and both road and railway
infrastructure will be largely upgraded by 2010. In the past years, there have been
considerable construction and reconstruction activity underway in the Finnish section of the
Between Helsinki and the Russian border, practically all the railway lines will
be improved or reconstructed so that the maximum speeds by 2010 will be
200 km/h on the main lines and 120 km/h on the lines to the seaports. The
remaining part of the programme will be carried out until 2010.
Border facilities at Vainikkala have constantly been upgraded and operational
changes of border procedures introduced, such as passport checking in
moving passenger trains. A new border station in Imatra was opened for traffic
in autumn 1998.
Page 95
Corridor IX
The next major project will be the construction of a new railway Kerava Lahti
shortening the travel distance to Eastern Finland and St. Petersburg.
Completion time is 2006 at a cost of 350 million.
122 km of the road (67% of the length) has been rebuilt as a motorway by the
end of 2001. According to the current road construction programme in Finland
the entire road will be constructed to a motorway standard in the future.
Continuation of motorway construction east of Helsinki (next section: Porvoo
Koskenkyl) and construction of a new by-pass road in Hamina are
considered as next priority projects.
The Tedim Custom project continued between the Finnish and Northwest
Russian Customs Administrations. After the adoption of the system it will be
possible to transfer waybills for trade electronically between Finland and the
North-West Customs of Russia. A similar project is underway for rail transport.
The priority projects of Russia on the Corridor IX Northern Section are: construction of the St.
Petersburg ring road, completion of the Vyborg road by-pass; upgrading the Vyborg Svetogorsk road and improving the railway infrastructure between the Finnish border and St.
Petersburg. The past improvements include among others the following:
The Ministry of Railway transport has upgraded the Moskva St. Petersburg
mainline. An improvement programme of the railway line was launched in
1996 comprising the reconstruction of the permanent way, repair of structures,
upgrading the traction power system, modernisation of the train control
system and rolling stock maintenance facilities.
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Corridor IX
The new road border station of Torfjanovka was opened in 1997, followed by
the construction of a border station in Saimenski. A new border station in
Svetogorsk is being built with TACIS assistance allowing its opening as an
international border crossing in 2002. A new railway border station has been
built in Buslovskaya.
A feasibility study for relocating the road crossing at the Finnish/Russian border in
On the Vyborg - Svetogorsk road, which is in dire need of improvement, the Finnish
Road Administration has helped the Leningrad Road Committee in the evaluation of
improvement needs.
A road safety programme, funded by TACIS, includes the establishment of a weather
information system to improve the planning of winter maintenance. Experts from the
Finnish Road Administration have been called upon to assist in the project.
The high-speed train project between Helsinki and St. Petersburg was launched in
1995. Streamlining border formalities and improving rail infrastructure have already
cut the travelling time from 6h 30min to 5h 30min. In the future, the new rolling stock
and considerable improvements in railway infrastructure will make it possible to
further shorten the travelling time. Launching a high-speed train service between
Helsinki and St. Petersburg will cut the time down to about 3 hours in 2008. In spring
2001, the task force was asked to investigate, if a faster train connection using
conventional trains could be started earlier.
Building of a second track across the border between the border stations Vainikkala
(Finland) and Buslovskaya (Russia) as the capacity of the single-track section is
becoming exhausted.
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Corridor IX
In January 1999 a protocol of intentions was signed between s.p.s.c. Lietuvos Geleinkeliai
and the firm Trans Polis (Ukraine) about co-operation in organising a shuttle train Odessa
(Ilychyovsk port) Klaipeda, and this summer Belarus also expressed its interest in joining
the project. In addition, the Russian Railways are trying to organise a container train
Kaliningrad - Moskva, going through Vilnius and Minsk. Implementation of shuttle trains and
multimodal transportation will revitalise the operation of work and increase transportation
60 per cent of the total freight volume within Lithuania passes this Corridor.
The average traffic intensity is from 35 (Kuziai Kretinga) to 105 (Vilnius
Kaisiadorys) trains per day.
435 km of track were renewed before 2002. To achieve the quality of the
renewals, heavy-duty track machines and small power tools, meeting the
current requirements, were purchased. Despite of the above, there were still
160 km of track necessary to be renewed. The communication line
Kaisiadorys Radviliskis (125 km) was modernised.
Referring to technical standards of railway infrastructure and their
interoperability, they are generally in compliance with the AGC requirements,
except the main index speed of trains. The permitted maximum speed for
passenger trains is up to 120 km/h, for freight trains it is 90 km/h. The cruising
speed is low, in spite of the fact that no gauge change is required on the
middle section of Corridor IX, as the entire alignment uses Russian railway
gauge (1520 cm). Double-track comprises 75% of the total length of the
middle section of the railways; traffic is controlled by automatic block system
(half automatic block system is installed in Lithuania and Kaliningrad region on
475 km) and diesel traction is used. In principle the existing infrastructure
matches the expected transportation volumes. Currently capacity usage is
about 55-60% on the Lithuanian infrastructure.
Border crossings remain one of the major problems in ensuring
interoperability. Insufficient development of infrastructure in border stations,
incomplete train acceptance and delivery procedures hinder development of
international and transit transportation. Currently, infrastructure modernisation
activities are being carried out in Kybartai station (border with the Kaliningrad
region, Russia). Modernisation activities in Kena station (border with Belarus)
have also started.
Kena and Kybartai border stations are the main Lithuanian border crossing
stations in the East West direction. The completion of reconstruction of
Kybartai is planned for 2002. The project for the modernisation of Kena, the
main border station in the East West direction, is under implementation.
After finalisation of the 1st stage of the project in 2003, the duration of customs
clearance procedures for freight trains will decrease by more than two times.
From the Belarussian side similar modernisation activities are planned to be
started at the border station Gudogai-2.
Page 98
Corridor IX
road Vilnius - Kaunas now exceeds 15 000 (light) vehicles per day. The traffic
volume is likely to increase, and by the year 2005 it can reach 20,000 vehicles
per day on all sections.
Two branches of Corridor IX extend in Lithuania.
One branch runs from the port of Klaipeda through Kaunas and Vilnius to the
Lithuanian/Belarussian border (Medininkai) and has a length of 340 km. The
road category is a four-lane motorway from Klaipeda to Vilnius and a two-lane
national road to the border. The improvement works include strengthening of
the pavement and reconstruction.
The branch to Kaliningrad runs from the Lithuanian/Russian border (Kybartai)
to Kaunas and connects to the other branch in Garliava. Its length is 106 km.
The partly two-lane national road and partly four-lane expressway will be
reconstructed and bypasses will be built at Kybartai and Vilkaviskis.
Klaipeda Port: Klaipeda Seaport is the principal transport junction of IXB corridor linking sea
and land roads between the East and the West. 17.236 million tons of cargo
was handled in Klaipeda Seaport in 2001, i.e. by 11.1% less than in 2000. If
compared with 1999, the result of 2001 is higher by 11.3%. Notwithstanding
the general decrease of cargo handling amounts, the tendencies to
multimodal transportation in Klaipeda Seaport are increasing considerably.
For the second year in succession transportation of containers through
Klaipeda Seaport is increasing. 39,955 TEUs were handled in 2000 and the
yearly increase amounted to 39%. 51,135 TEUs were handled in 2001, i.e. by
28% more than in 2000, the main reasons for such increase being the better
economical situation in Lithuania and other countries as well as the worldwide expansion of container transportation. In Klaipeda Seaport containers
are handled by the Consortium Klaipeda Terminal and KLASCO container
terminal, which started operating in 1999.
The development of shipping lines significantly influences the increase of
container flow. At present Klaipeda Seaport is by feeder lines linked with the
principal ports of West Europe: Rotterdam, Bremerhaven, Antwerp, Hamburg
and Felixstowe. Kursiu Line and Baltic Container Lines have been
operating for several years. Teamlines, one of the greatest operators of
feeder lines, started its operations in Klaipeda Seaport in 2000. In 2001 the
line was opened by MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company). Besides,
Maersk Sealand, OOCL, P&O Nedlloyd and other global container
transportation operators have their representation offices in Klaipeda as well.
Klaipeda Seaport is the second port among other ports on the eastern coast
of the Baltic Sea in respect of ro-ro transportation. 106,281 road transport
vehicles were handled in 2000 and the yearly increase amounted to 19%.
124,766 road transport vehicles were handled in 2001 (the yearly increase
amounted to 17%). The number of handled trailers increased most of all
(33%). Economical development in the region and limitations of road transport
transit through Poland accounted for such increase. Though in 2001 there
were handled 9,969 railway wagons, i. e. slightly more than in 2000, at the
end of the year the handling of wagons considerably decreased.
Transportation of railway wagons by ferries slowed down due to high railway
rates applied by Russia.
In Klaipeda Seaport ro-ro cargo is loaded in the Consortium Klaipeda
Terminal and KLASCO International Ferry Port, where one more operator,
Baltic Ferry Terminal UAB, is offering its services as well.
Page 99
Corridor IX
The competition of Baltic ports forces to look for new opportunities for
organizations of multimodal transportation. One of such opportunities is to
develop relations with Scandinavian countries and those situated on the coast
of the Black Sea. For that purpose it is necessary to improve the international
transport corridor Baltic Black Sea.
Belarus has finished the legal basis for international transport on corridors, which has special
relevance to Corridor IX. Belarus has concluded bilateral agreements with 29 governments in
Europe, Asia and with the CIS, amongst others Lithuania and Ukraine. Belarus intends to
conclude a quadrilateral transport infrastructure agreement with Russia, Kazakhstan and
Kyrgyzstan and will sign an agreement with Lithuania and Ukraine on transit of Belarussian
goods, with reference to the UN Convention of 1965 on Transit traffic from landlocked
countries with no access to the sea . These agreements will allow attracting more traffic on
the North-South alignment of Corridor IX B (Lithuania via Belarus to Ukraine). To achieve
this, Belarus wants to:
Collaborate with the European Commission and IFIs as well as regional transport
Improve the national legislation to adapt it to the needs of international transport;
Establish bi-lateral co-operation on a legal basis for international transport and to
integrate Belarus into the international transport network.
The length of Corridor IX within Belarussia is 490 km, 176 km out of these
with electrified traction and 48 km of these single-track. Maximum speed for
freight trains 80 km/h and for passenger trains 120 km/h. The Programme on
development of the Belarussian Railways (BCh) was approved by the Soviet
of Ministers of Belarus on 25 December 1998. The objectives are to establish
a more profitable and better performing railway transport system, through
respecting international requirements. This will increase the competitiveness
of the rail mode and attract more freight, guarantee freight safety and increase
the financial return of the transport operator.
On Corridor IX middle section, the transit freight transport plays a big role
and must be given priority. The passenger traffic is declining.
There are three border crossings on Corridor IX (Gudogai, Teriucha,
Ezerische) none of them is equipped according to the needs of a state border
crossing. The border post with Russia has no border nor customs control. The
remaining two crossing points (Lithuania and Ukraine) work according to a
simplified scheme for border and customs control, as they are not equipped
with all necessary infrastructure.
The Lithuanian, Belarussian and Russian railways have prepared to run a
special container train, the Baltic Express, on Corridor IX between
Kaliningrad/Klaipeda Minsk Moskva. In the first phase, priority is given to
heavy tonnage containers (40 ft). In a second phase, introduction of inland
waterway transport is envisaged between Minsk and Kiev. The station
Kolyadichi (Minsk South) is equipped to transship 40 ft containers. In order to
comply with international standards the corridor will need increased freight
carrying capacities and gauge clearance on bridges. Also extension from four
to six lanes on certain sections and separation of level crossings through
bridges/tunnels must be considered. The costs are evaluated to approximately
BCh, LG and RZhD have agreed on a time schedule for the operation of
container trains and on the tariffs. At a meeting on May 19 1999 in Minsk, it
Page 100
Corridor IX
was agreed to launch a test train for a four months period, starting on 1
September 1999. However, the train has not started running so far.
The length of roads of Corridor IX within Belarus is 501 km; 140 km out of this
four-lane road, remaining part is of two lanes. An average traffic flow on
Corridor IX increased of 10%-12%.
The route, (M8) via Vitebs and Gomel, has by-passes at Vitebsk, Orsha,
Mogilev and Gomel and the quality corresponds to international requirements,
apart from six out of 73 bridges having lower freight carrying capacity, and
twenty having less gauge clearance.
The middle section to Lithuania and Kaliningrad (M5) has daily traffic intensity
between 1,800 and 10,000 units. Repair and maintenance requires annually $
6.5 million. In order to comply with international standards the Corridor will
need increased freight carrying capacities and gauge clearance on bridges.
Also extension from four to six lanes on certain sections and separation of
level crossings through bridges/tunnels must be considered. The costs are
evaluated to approx. $ 300 million ( 347.1418 million).
In 2001 26 million have been spent on the construction of 19 km of the ring
road (M9) in Minsk (total length 25 km). Other section of 8 km is being
reconstructed and is expected to finish in 2002. The 11.5 t axle load standard
is to be implemented.
In recent two years Belarus benefited from the TACIS Programme Border
Crossings. Studies were implemented at important border posts, such as the
bottleneck at the Lithuanian/Belarussian border. A new border crossing at
Kamenny Log/Medininkai on (M12), upgraded to modern standards and 8.6
million were invested. Modernisation of border post in Novaja Guta has
started. In 2001 the first stage was finished and 7.5 million were invested.
The length of Corridor IX within Kaliningrad Region is 153 km. The average
speed for passenger trains is 140 km/h and for freight trains 100 km/h.
The Kaliningrad Region railways are connected with the network of Lithuania,
Belarus and Ukraine to serve the ports of Ukraine, Turkey and Greece.
The competition between ports to attract customers depends on through rates
for freight transport. In June 1998 the Russian government established a
Common action plan for Ministries, Departments and transport operators to
increase the competitiveness of Kaliningrad port.
The plan includes agreed measures on fixing competitive tariffs and taxes,
and on simplifying border and custom procedures. The implementation of this
plan has increased the attractiveness of Kaliningrad port considerably.
The Ministry of Railways also pays much attention to the development of
container transport to the benefit of ecology and safety, contributing to the
competition with other transport modes. In Chernyakhovsk a container
terminal is in operation since 1997.
In 2001, a total of $ 23 million ( 26.6118 million) was invested in rail Branch
IXB and track reconstruction was completed. In section Kaliningrad
Mamonovo RUB 2.7 million ( 0.119 million) have been spent for
Exchange rate: 1 = $ 0.8642 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
Exchange rate: 1 = RUB 26.8348 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
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Corridor IX
Exchange rate: 1 = RUB 26.8348 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
Exchange rate: 1 = $ 0.8642 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
Page 102
Corridor IX
The length of Corridor IX within Ukraine is 871 km, 722 km out of these are
double-track and 789 km out of these are electrified. An automatic signalling
system is installed in whole length of Corridor IX.
A new agreement on a supplementary corridor, the Baltic - Black Sea link,
was concluded between Poland and the Ukraine, to promote the shortest
transport link between the ports of Gdansk and Odessa. This link, using part
of Corridor III, joins Corridor IX middle section in Kazatin.
This alignment shall be seen in the context of the ferry link between Ilyichevsk
(Ukraine) and Poti (Georgia), which, together with the ferry link between Baku
(Azerbaijan) and Turkmenbashi (Turkmenistan), on the TRACECA Corridor,
establishes the shortest connection between Europe, the Caucasian
Republics and the Middle East.
The technical standard of the international transport corridors in the Ukraine
corresponds to the high level of international requirements, except speed. UZ
intends to increase the quality of international transit transports by introduction
of new technology and the changing of transport procedures. The objective is
to make UZ competitive to attract more Europe/Asia transport and increase
the profit of the railways.
The UZ pays attention to combined, container and piggy bag transport using
the advantages of both transport modes. Special train equipment is in its
testing phase in international transport, and the frequencies of services as
well as the volume transported are increasing.
In order to increase the quantity of heavy tonnage containers from
Odessa/Ilyichevsk and to switch them from road to rail transport, a container
train Odessa (Odessa - Moskva) has been set up. This train has a fixed time
schedule. In 1999 fifteen trains were operating.
In 1999 23 container shuttle trains Czardas ran between Budapest and
Moskva. The planning of a permanent combined transport train from the
freight terminal Luhansk Tovarny (approx. 150 km east of Donetsk) to
Slavkw (12 km east of Katowice on E 40) is under preparation. The
alignment in Poland has Russian broad gauge.
The length of roads of Corridor IX within Ukraine is 989 km, 374 km out of
these four-lane road, 310 km IInd category and 304 IIIrd category roads. The
entire Ukrainian road network is state-owned, and the construction, repair and
maintenance is in the responsibility of the Ministry of Transport and delegated
to the State Corporation Ukravtodor.
The current situation on Corridor IX middle section does not fully satisfy the
European traffic safety standards. Depending on financial possibilities from
state or local authorities, the repair and upgrading is divided into urgent and
future works. Reconstruction works are estimated to cost $ 89 million ( 10322
million). Immediate repair works are estimated to cost $ 53 million ( 61.3322
million) - up to year 2005, and additionally another $ 60.2 million ( 69.6622
million) are needed. In total, on Corridor IX in Ukraine, $ 202.2 million (
233.9722 million) will be needed to invest in reconstruction and repair works.
Service stations are at a low service level. An amount of $ 61.3 million (
70.9322 million) (non-state credits) is needed.
Exchange rate: 1 = $ 0.8642 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
Page 103
Corridor IX
With the credits from Road equipment 379 km of Corridor IX have been
repaired. Construction of approach routes to border crossings are in
In Odessa port an elevated platform for TIR-trucks has been organised, plus a
parking area for 170 trucks, combined with a hotel complex and buildings for
immigration and customs services. Moreover, a truck exit overpass leading
from the port area to the ring road is being built, as well as construction of an
access canal and four moorages. In the ports of Ilyichevsk and Yuzhny
equipment for loading of mineral fertilisers is being installed.
The above mentioned works aim to ensure rolling stock heightened loads,
modern type of traction, train traffic safety, increase in speeds up to 120 km/h,
ecological environment improvement. These works necessity was confirmed
by Rail Transport Feasibility Study (Ukraine, Russia, Belarusi, Moldova)
carried out in the framework of the Programme TACIS in 1996.
Taking into consideration a decrease of freight and passenger railway traffic
by 50% for the last 4 years and due to lack of funds in this connection, the
works stipulated by the Programme and Scheme for Railway Transport
Development and Layout have not been carried out in full volume. Basically
the works of current track maintenance have been executed by the force of
the Moldavian Railway (CFM). And the works on electrification of the
Moldavian sector of Corridor IX, which were started in 1993, at present are
stopped due to lack of funds in our countrys state budget.
In general the electrification project for the line Kuciurgan Bender Chiinu
Ungheni requires correction. It is caused by the fact that the period of
Page 104
Corridor IX
validity of its technical conditions has already expired and the bounds of the
Moldavian Railway were changed in 1999 after assignation to Ukraine the
railway objects situated on the Ukrainian territory.
At present in the framework of the TACIS Programme the project
Improvement of Traffic Flows on TEN Corridors II and IX is being carried out.
For the Republic of Moldova the feasibility study elaboration is envisaged for
the following railway components:
completion of new feasibility studies working out for all components of the
line Kuciurgan Bender Chiinu Ungheni modernisation;
railway track upgrading to increase train traffic speeds up to 120 km/h;
modernisation of the cross border station Ungheni to decrease train delays
down to 45 minutes at the Moldavian/Romanian border.
The Romanian rail network, with a length of 687 km, starts at Ungheni (border
to Moldavia) and ends at Giurgiu (border to Bulgaria) following the PanEuropean Transport Corridor IX on the route: Ungheni-Iasi-Pascani-BacauFocsani-Ploiesti-Bucuresti-Giurgiu.
The Romanian Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Housing strategy for
railway rehabilitation envisages that feasibility studies should be conducted on
all sections of the corridors. Until 2010 the railway components of Corridor IX
are planned to be rehabilitated to provide 160 km/h for passenger trains. In the
Exchange rate: 1 = $ 0.8642 (source: European Commission DG Budget Inforuro, February 2002)
Page 105
Corridor IX
long-term maximum travel speeds of 200 km/h for passenger trains and 120
km/h for freight trains shall be provided.
The following works modernization are executed or are ongoing on the
The development railway and combined transport between Poland and the
Southern section of the Corridor IX. This feasibility study is completed and
was financed by PHARE funds. The investment costs were evaluated
between 80 - 190 million, depending on the technical project and route;
For the sections Bucuresti - Giurgiu and Ploiesti-South Focsani,
feasibility studies are foreseen to be realized;
Ongoing topo-geographical studies are carried out by ISPCF for the
section Ploiesti Sud Focsani;
For the section Bucuresti - Giurgiu, a pre-feasibility study (including both
alternative, through Jilava and Videle) was realized.
The Romanian road network starts at Albita and ends at Giurgiu following
Corridor IX on the route: Albita Marasesti Buzau Bucuresti - Giurgiu.
The existing road from the Moldovaian/Romanian border (Albita) to Marasesti
with two-lanes will be rehabilitated before 2005. The construction of a
motorway on the section is foreseen after 2015 (estimated costs: 686
The existing road from Marasesti Buzau - Urziceni will be rehabilitated until
The Urziceni - Bucuresti section (64,5 km) was rehabilitated in 1998.
The construction of a new motorway is foreseen between 2010-2015 from
Marasesti to Bucuresti (186 km), including the Bucuresti East motorway ring
(estimated costs: 787 million).
The rehabilitation of the existing road and extending to four-lanes of DN5
Bucuresti Giurgiu with a length of 47 km is foreseen until 2003. The
tendering documentation for works execution was transmitted to the European
Commission for approval. The tender will take place in the second semester
Page 106
Corridor IX
Rail corridor IX in Bulgaria has a length of 390 km and runs from the
Bulgarian/Romanian border (Ruse) to Stara Zagora Dimitrovgrad and further
to the Bulgarian/Turkish border (Svilengrad) and Bulgarian/Greek border
The rail infrastructure on this section varies considerably, between double and
single track and electrified and non-electrified. It has been upgraded to a
speed of 100-160 km/h starting 2001.
The railway line Ormenio - Alexandroupolis has a total length of 194 km,
normal gauge track and allows today a maximum speed of 100 km/h. The
permitted axle load on this line is 20 t.
Works for upgrading the railway line aiming at the increase of the railway
speed from 100 to 120 km/h, the increase of the permitted axle load from 20 t
to 22.5 t, the application of automatic signalling and telecommunication
system, as well as the rail link to the port of Alexandroupolis. The above works
for the improvement of the railway infrastructure should be completed by the
year 2003. The total cost for the above interventions is estimated to 200
Another study for increase of the railway speed up to 150 km/h by the year
2009 was completed within 1999.
Page 107
Corridor IX
The results of these interventions are expected to reduce travel time from 3h
today to 1h 20 by the year 2009, to increase cargo bulk traffic to 200,000 t by
2000, and to attract transit traffic, as well as contribution to the decongestion
of cargo traffic currently passing through the Bosporus channel.
Page 108
Corridor X
The Pan-European Transport Corridor X has been adopted during the third Pan-European
Transport Conference held in Helsinki in 1997. This multimodal transport link running from
Northwest to Southeast connects Salzburg (Austria) Ljubljana (Slovenia) Zagreb
(Croatia) Beograd (FR Yugoslavia) Nis (FR Yugoslavia) Skopje (FYR of Macedonia)
Veles (FYR of Macedonia) Thessaloniki (Greece). The main axis is connected to the
following cities or areas via four branches:
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Corridor X was signed by the Ministers of
Transport in March 2001 after two constructive Steering Committee meetings.
In the framework of the initiative taken by the Hellenic Ministry of Transport and
Communications for the development of the Pan-European Transport Corridor X and after
the 2nd Meeting of the Pre-Steering Committee, which was held in Thessaloniki on 26
November 1999, the task of the Technical Secretariat of the Steering Committee for the
development of the Pan-European Corridor X was assigned to the Department of
Transportation and Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of Rural and Surveying Engineering,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The Technical Secretariat officially started its activities
on 1/1/2000, for a period of 4 years and 3 months (during the Greek chairmanship of the
Steering Committee until March 2004).
The effort of the initiative was the signing of a MoU, which was achieved during the
Ministerial Meeting of 15 March 2001 in Thessaloniki, a day before the 3rd Meeting of the
Steering Committee.
The railway companies, under the chairmanship of the Austrian Railways (BB) set up a
Corridor Management headquarter in Vienna, but due to the continuous political crisis and
the general instability in the Balkans, no remarkable progress has been made since May
1998 after the signing of the Agreement of the railways participating or interested in the
promotion, modernization, restructuring and development of railway traffic on Corridor X by
all involved railways, including DB AG and GySEV.
Page 109
Corridor X
Remark: The shown figures for seaports and riverports refer to the TINA countries.
Page 110
Corridor X
1.400,00 million
1.200,00 million
1.000,00 million
800,00 million
1.349,40 million
600,00 million
400,00 million
406,10 million
200,00 million
108,00 million
45,00 million
20,00 million
0,00 million
FR Yugoslavia
FYR of
1.200,00 million
1.000,00 million
800,00 million
1.295,00 million
600,00 million
855,60 million
400,00 million
200,00 million
380,00 million
370,00 million
160,00 million
80,00 million
FR Yugoslavia
135,50 million
FYR of
Page 111
Corridor X
After on site visits and expertise of members of the Technical Secretariat for Corridor X, the
following sections were considered problematic and their rehabilitation will restore the
Main axis
Branch A
Branch B
Branch C
Branch D
In the following table the estimation of the investment needed for the rehabilitation of the
problematic road sections are presented.
FYR of Macedonia (without branch D)
FR Yugoslavia
Length (km)
Cost (millions )
Page 112
Corridor X
The Austrian parts of Corridor X are distinguished in sections of the main axis
and sections of branch A. They have a total length of 263 km. The existing
railway is 100% electrified and double-track in a length of 200 km.
The Austrian section of the main Corridor X is Salzburg Villach Rosenbach
(Austrian/Slovenian border), with a length of 217 km, with double tracks at a
percentage of 84.3% of its total length.
The Austrian section of Branch A is Graz Spielfeld (Austrian/Slovenian
border), of 46 km length, with double tracks at a percentage of 36% of its total
Generally, the situation of the rail infrastructure in Austria is considered
satisfactory with high levels of maintenance. No studies for further
improvement are available.
The Austrian Road Corridor X is similar to the rail one with a total length of
232 km.
The section of the main axis is Salzburg Villach Karavanke
(Austrian/Slovenian border), an 187 km long motorway.
The section of Branch A is Graz Spielfeld (Austrian/Slovenian border), which
is also a motorway, 45 km long.
No further improvement is foreseen; neither is needed, due to the good
condition of the existing infrastructure.
Page 113
Corridor X
Croatias infrastructure deteriorated significantly as a result of delayed maintenance and
upgrading, and sustained war damage. The expanding and changing economy places
specific demands on infrastructure development. In accordance with government priorities,
the EBRD is working actively among other sectors in transportation sector.
The Croatian parts of Corridor X are sections of the main axis with a total
length of 434 km. The existing railway is 82.5% electrified and double-track on
a length of 233 km. Corridor X link the following cities: Savski Marof
(Slovenian/Croatian border) Zagreb Novska Vinkovci Tovarnik
(Croatian/FR Yugoslavian border).
Concerning the planned future development, there are a preliminary and a
technical study for construction of a new double railway track connecting
Sisak and Kutina (32 km). The construction of second track from Zagreb to
Sisak and from Kutina to Novska (total length 76.36km) and the reconstruction
of the station of the line have also been studied (preliminary and technical
study). The time horizon for the implementation for both studies is 2020, with
the participation of national and international financial institutions (EBRD/WB).
There is also a study for the reconstruction of the railway line Zagreb Beograd for speed 160km/h, which was elaborated by the Yugoslav Railways
in 1985, but due to the political situation, nowadays is only adopted by the
Yugoslav government.
Generally, the situation of the rail infrastructure in Croatia is considered good
with medium levels of maintenance.
The Croatian parts of Road Corridor X are sections of the main axis, and of
Branch A. They have a total length of 365 km. The existing multilane
motorways are 270 km.
The section of the main axis links the following cities: Obrezje
(Slovenian/Croatian border) Zagreb Novska Lipovac (Croatian/FR
Yugoslavian border). It is 304 km long and it consists of multilane motorways
(237 km) and highways.
The section of Branch A links Gruskovje (Slovenian/Croatian border) with
Zagreb. It is 61 km long and it consists of multilane motorways (33 km) and
highways. By 2005 the transformation of the highway section Krapina
Macelj, 19 km, to a motorway is foreseen.
Page 114
Corridor X
In addition, technical and environmental impact studies are under way with
national funding for the section of Zagreb Lipovac. More specific, two
projects under the Stability Pact to be financed by EIB are in the
implementation process, but no amount has been defined yet. The available
studies are: NW-SE Corridor, motorway Velika Kopanica Zupanja (24 km)
and NW-SE Corridor, Zupanja Lipovac (29 km).
A total design study for construction of motorway with national and IFIs
funding is under way for the section of Zagreb (Jancomir) Bregana (13 km).
The Hungarian parts of Corridor X are sections of Branch B with a total length
of 156 km. The existing railway is 100% electrified and single-track at a
percentage of 95% of the total length. The following cities are linked:
Budapest Kunszkenmiklos Kiskunhalas Kelebia (Hungarian/FR
Yugoslavian border).
Generally, the condition of the rail infrastructure in Hungary is considered poor
with low levels of maintenance. For the whole section (Budapest
Ferencvaros station Kelebia station state border) feasibility and technical
studies are under implementation for the modernization of the line with private
sector participation and PHARE involvement. Doubling of the line is foreseen
by 2010.
The Hungarian section of Road Corridor X is similar to the rail one. It has a
total length of 167 km. It consists of multilane motorways at a percentage of
58.1% and main roads. It links the following cities: Budapest Kecskemet
Kiskunfelegyhaza Szeged Roszke (Hungarian/FR Yugoslavian border).
For the section of Kiskunfelegyhaza Kistelek Szeged Roszke (Branch B)
technical and environmental impact studies under national and international
investment (public/private partnership). A potential future involvement of
EBRD has also been decided. By the year 2005 the Hungarian section of
Road Corridor X is planned to be consisted 100% of multilane motorways.
FR Yugoslavia
Page 115
Corridor X
Subotica Stara Pazova, 150 km, doubling of track is foreseen by 2010, with
financing by the Yugoslavian government, EBRD and WB.
Various Yugoslavian sections of Corridor X have been included in the EIB
projects as follows:
Track rehabilitation: HR/YU border - Beograd - 9 million; Beograd YU/FYROM border - 21 million; Beograd - YU/HU border - 11 million
Nis - YU/BG border - 10 million
The Bulgarian parts of Corridor X are sections of Branch C with a total length
57 km. The existing railway is 74.1% electrified and single at a percentage of
86% of the total length. The following cities are linked: Kalotina (Bulgarian/FR
Yugoslavian border) Dragoman Sofija.
Generally, the condition of the rail infrastructure in Bulgaria is considered poor
with medium levels of maintenance. For the year 2004 the reconstruction of
the line for speed 140-160 km/h is foreseen.
Page 116
Corridor X
The Bulgarian parts of Road Corridor X are sections of Branch C with a total
length of 83 km. The existing infrastructure is consisted of highways (39.6%)
and main roads (60.4%). Following cities are connected: Kalotina
(Bulgarian/FR Yugoslavian border) Dragoman Sofija. No further
improvement is foreseen until 2005.
FYR of Macedonia
Page 117
Corridor X
Page 118
are adjoining Europe. Three out of four lie on the territory of Phare and/or TACIS
beneficiaries, whereas the fourth one, the Mediterranean Basin PETrA, will benefit from
MEDA assistance.
Page 119
Further development of the BEATA GIS database. In 2001, the geographic (GIS)
database has been brought to the Internet and the data is now freely available to all
interested users.
Identification of joint transport projects in Finland, Norway and Sweden that can be
promoted through the BEATA framework has been completed under Swedish
leadership. Similar work is underway in Northwest Russia.
Norway has drawn up a report on traffic forecasts in the area using a comparative
analysis of existing transport studies. The report provides valuable information and
direction for the future work of the Steering Committee.
Other developments
There are a number of other developments contributing to the improvement of east-west
transport connections in the area. The main joint effort, which was led by the
Communications Group of the Barents Regional Council, has been the preparation of the
Barents Transport Project and its application to INTERREG IIIB for financing. Unfortunately,
the INTERREG Management Committee rejected the application in December due to
technical reasons. The Communications Group applied for INTERREG IIIB financing in the
next application round in March 2002.
Transport infrastructure improvements impacting more than one country include but are not
limited to the following:
1. Testing of the railway gauge changing system at the Finnish Swedish border
Page 120
2. The road connection Nickel Prirechnyi (Russia) has been upgraded by a joint
Russian/Norwegian effort.
3. Construction of the Russian border post at Salla (Finland/Russia) has been
completed with TACIS assistance. The road to the Salla border is also being
upgraded in Russia.
4. Norwegian and Russian authorities have agreed on modernising and moving the
Russian border station at Borisoglebsk/Storskog (Norwegian/Russian border). A
feasibility study has been prepared.
5. Construction of the new railway Ledmozero Kotchkoma (Karelia, Russia) has been
completed at the end of 2001. Commercial traffic starts in 2002.
6. Co-operation between the northern customs districts of Finland, Norway, Russia and
Sweden is bringing results. Among others, better information between the customs
officials and the clients through a web service on the BEATA site is now available.
Future Work
Due to the new rules of procedure Sweden will continue to hold the BEATA chairmanship
also in 2002.
The BEATA steering committee is planned to be given the role as Advisory Broad in the
planned INTERREG IIB project on transport conditions and needs for improvements in the
Barents region.
Page 121
At the second Steering Committee meeting on 25 November 1999 in Istanbul, the action
programme was adopted.
In order to achieve the accepted goals two working groups were set up:
Page 122
The fifth Steering Committee meeting on the development of the Black Sea Pan-European
Transport Area took place in Bucharest on 27/28 February 2002.
There were held discussions on the proposal on an enhanced coordination of co-operation
between the Southern Branch of Corridor IX and the Black Sea PETrA with TRACECA and
the role of the TRACECA Secretariat in Odessa, as well as discussion on the topic of signing
The Protocol on Harmonization of Institutional Aspects of Transport and Custom Procedures.
Ukraine will take over the BS PETrA chairmanship in 2003.
Future developments
The complex of the measures on development of the rail accesses from the
Southern Branch to the main ports of Ukraine - Odessa and Ilyichevsk at the
Black Sea, where Corridor 9 is connected with TRACECA, was realized.
A rail ferry service to the port of Poti in Georgia has been introduced in March
1999 making use of the TRACECA connection.
The construction of the Container Terminal On Pier IIs Constanta South Port
is ongoing.
Particularly important from economic cooperation point of view in the area, is
the Bucuresti-Cernavoda-Constanta motorway, which will be executed by
sectors, such as:
The construction of the new pier in the port of Thessaloniki, as well as all
construction work in the new port of Alexandroupoli, is planned to be
completed by the year 2005. The new port of Alexandroupoli, is being built
next to the existing one and will be open to traffic by early 2006. As far as the
Page 123
free and fair competition must be guaranteed both between ports and between
the transport services of the Mediterranean basin. A particularly important
contribution to that objective will be made by the liberalisation of cabotage from 1
January 1999 (with the sole exception of the Greek Islands). The progressive
liberalisation of shipping and logistical services will make it increasingly necessary
to adopt a policy of diversification and specialisation of ports that takes account of
their geographical situation and any further infrastructure investments required;
the lack of appropriate infrastructures in the transport and telecommunications
sectors is a major obstacle to development of external and interregional trade,
and to cooperation between the countries of the Mediterranean basin;
are guaranteed.
Page 124
List of Contacts
European Commission - Directorate-General Energy and Transport
Mr. Edgar Thielmann Head of Unit B2
Office: Rue De Mot/De Motstraat 24,B - 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel
Mail: Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200, B - 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel
Tel.: +32 (2) 29 54615; Fax: +32 (2) 29 54349;
Ms. Kristina Weichbrodt
Office: Rue De Mot/De Motstraat 24,B - 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel
Mail: Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200, B - 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel
Tel.: +32 (2) 29 60251; Fax: +32 (2) 29 54349;
Mr. Ioannis Gheivelis
Office: Rue De Mot/De Motstraat 24,B - 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel
Mail: Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200, B - 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel
Tel.: +32 (2) 29 55726; Fax: +32 (2) 29 54349;
Corridor I
Mr. Bengt Dennis Chairman Via Baltica
Maria Sandels grnd 3, S - 11269 Stockholm
Tel.: +46 (8) 76 38 003; Fax: +46 (8) 611 4932;
Mr. Martti Miettinen Secretariat Via Baltica
Melkonkatu 9, FIN - 00210 Helsinki
Tel.: +358 (9) 682 2630; Fax: +358 (9) 682 2615;
Mr. Alfreda Zubkievicius Chairman Rail Baltica
Tel.: +370 (2) 69 26 83; Fax: +370 (2) 61 83 23
Mr. Vyacheslav M. Parfenov Chairman Via/Rail Hanseatica
Ul. Sadovaya, Samotechnaya, 10, RUS - 101433 Moskva, GSP-4
Tel.: +7 (095) 200 17 75; Fax: +7 (095) 299 32 67 or +7 (095) 200 33 56;
Page 125
List of Contacts
Corridor II
Mr. Jrgen Papajewski- Chairman
Invalidenstrae 44, D - 10115 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (30) 2008 2530; Fax: +49 (30) 2008 1920;
Mr. Hans Jochen Starke - Secretariat
Vogesenweg 1, D - 01309 Dresden
Tel.: +49 (0)163 7130539; Fax: +49 (0)1805 32326637631;
Corridor III
Mr. - Jrgen Papajewski Chairman
Invalidenstrae 44, D - 10115 Berlin
Tel.:+49 (30) 2008 2530; Fax: +49 (30) 2008 1920;
Mr. Mathias Richter - Secretariat
Tel.: +49 (30) 20606 440; Fax: +49 (30) 20606 439;
Corridor IV
Mr. Herwig Nowak - Secretariat
Tel.: +49 (221) 931 780; Fax: +49 (221) 931 7878;
Corridor V
Mr. Renato Li Bassi - Chairman
Tel.: +39 (06) 4410 4332; Fax: +39 (06) 4412 2102;
Corridor VI
Mr. Wojciech Zarnoch - Chairman
Tel.: +48 (22) 630 11 60; Fax: +48 (22) 621 99 68;
Corridor VII
Mr. Otto Schwetz - Chairman
Auerspergstrasse 15, A - 1082 Wien
Tel.: +43 (1) 4000 84271; Fax: +43 (1) 4000 7997;
Mr. Christos Dionelis - Secretariat
Solomou 66, GR - 10432 Athens
Tel.: +30 (10) 3630611; Fax: +30 (10) 3639303;
Corridor VIII
Mr. Renato Li Bassi - Chairman
Tel.: +39 (06) 4410 4332; Fax: +39 (06) 4412 2102;
Page 126
List of Contacts
Corridor IX
Mr. Juhani Tervala Chairman Northern section
PO Box 235, FIN - 00131 Helsinki
Tel.: +358 (9) 160 2482; Fax: +358 (9) 160 2593;
Mr. Algirdas Sakalys Chairman Middle section
Tel.: +370 (2) 72 41 18; Fax: +370 (2) 31 56 13;
Mrs. Virginia Tanase Chairman Southern section
Tel.: +40 (1) 222 3628; Fax: +40 (1) 223 0272;
Corridor X
Mr. George Patsiavos - Chairman
Tel.: +30 (10) 650 8441; Fax: +30 (10) 650 8409;
Mr. Christos Taxiltaris - Secretariat
Tel.: +30 (31) 99 61 54; Fax: +30 (31) 99 60 30;
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List of Contacts
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