08 Attachment G GLNG Emergency Response Plan

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The document outlines an emergency preparedness and response plan for the Gladstone LNG Project, including potential emergency events, roles and responsibilities of emergency personnel, general procedures, and helicopter operations procedures.

The roles of the Emergency Response Coordinator, Emergency Operations Officer, Log Keeper, On-Scene Commander, Field Response Team, Wardens, Security Officer, Evacuation Management Group, employees/subcontractors/visitors, First Aiders, Supervisors, Project Medical Services Provider, and external emergency response personnel are defined.

Procedures are outlined for selecting and preparing a Final Approach and Take Off area, arrival preparations such as wetting down the area and controlling animals/people, and safety procedures for approaching and signaling the helicopter.



Copyright Bechtel Oil, Gas and Chemicals, Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. This document contains confidential and
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C 8 Sept 2010

Issue for Review Plan C





10 August

Issue for Review Plan C






Issue for Review













JOB NO. 25501






GLNG Doc No. 3310-BTH-3-3.3-6804

Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Table of Contents



OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................................................5




POTENTIAL EMERGENCY EVENTS........................................................................................................6


DESIGNATED EMERGENCY PERSONNEL ............................................................................................7



Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) .................................................................................................9

Emergency Operations Officer (EOO) ....................................................................................................10
Log Keeper ..............................................................................................................................................11
On-Scene Commander (OSC) ..................................................................................................................11
Field Response Team (FRT) ....................................................................................................................11
Wardens ...................................................................................................................................................12
Security Officer........................................................................................................................................12
Evacuation Management Group (EMG)..................................................................................................12
Employees, Subcontractors, Visitors .......................................................................................................12
First Aiders ..............................................................................................................................................13
Supervisors ..............................................................................................................................................13
Project Medical Services Provider ..........................................................................................................13
External Emergency Response Personnel................................................................................................13


GENERAL PROCEDURES .........................................................................................................................14


COORDINATION AND CONTROL ..........................................................................................................14


COMMUNICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................14


EMERGENCY RESPONSE DUTY CARDS ..............................................................................................15


EMERGENCY RESPONSE EXERCISES .................................................................................................15


EMERGENCY DESKTOP EXERCISES ...................................................................................................16


INCIDENT CLASSIFICATION AND REPORTING ...............................................................................16


EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................18


EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTRE (EOC)......................................................................................18


EVACUATION ..............................................................................................................................................19


EMERGENCY EVACUATION MUSTER AREAS ..................................................................................19


SITE EVACUATION ....................................................................................................................................19


CURTIS ISLAND EVACUATION ..............................................................................................................19

9.4 STORM AND CYCLONE PREPARATION FOR MARINE VESSELS.......................................................20


Cyclone Procedures.............................................................................................................................21
Cyclone Watch .....................................................................................................................................22
Cyclone Warning .................................................................................................................................22

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan


Port Closure.........................................................................................................................................23
Reopening of the Port ..........................................................................................................................23
Small Vessel Cyclone Procedures........................................................................................................23
Tidal Information.................................................................................................................................24
Tide Boards/Gauges ............................................................................................................................24


REGISTRATION AND MISSING PERSONS ...........................................................................................26


EMERGENCY RESPONSE - GENERAL ..................................................................................................26


ONSHORE RESPONSE ...............................................................................................................................29


OFFSHORE RESPONSE .............................................................................................................................30



Barge/Jack Up Barge Specific Actions ................................................................................................31

EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS AND RENDEZVOUS POINTS .................................................31


Pioneer MOF Rendezvous Point.........................................................................................................32

Curtis Island Pioneer Helipad Rendezvous Point...............................................................................32
Gladstone Marina Rendezvous Point..................................................................................................35
Alternative Rendezvous Point .............................................................................................................36
Port Central (Auckland Point) Landing Place....................................................................................37
Locations of Landing Places and Gladstone Hospital and Ambulance Station..................................38
QFRS (QLD Fire and Rescue Service) Response) ...............................................................................39


EMERGENCY ALARMS.............................................................................................................................39




ALL CLEAR SIGNAL..................................................................................................................................40


DEBRIEF .......................................................................................................................................................40


EDUCATION AND TRAINING ..................................................................................................................41


SITE ORIENTATION ..................................................................................................................................41


MEDIA COMMUNICATION......................................................................................................................42


HOME OFFICE ............................................................................................................................................42


EMERGENCY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT....................................................................................43


MAIN GATE ENTRANCE SECURITY GUARDHOUSE........................................................................43


EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTRE (EOC) ON CURTIS ISLAND ...............................................43


GLADSTONE TOWN OFFICE...................................................................................................................44


CURTIS ISLAND MEDICAL CENTRE ....................................................................................................44




EMERGENCY RESPONSE ACTIONS......................................................................................................45

ATTACHMENT 1.0 INJURED PERSON ......................................................................................................................47

ATTACHMENT 2.0 FATALITY .................................................................................................................................48
ATTACHMENT 3.0 EVACUATION .............................................................................................................................49
ATTACHMENT 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION ................................................................................................................50
ATTACHMENT 5.0 BOMB THREAT ...........................................................................................................................51

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

ATTACHMENT 6.0 BUSHFIRE .................................................................................................................................52

ATTACHMENT 7.0 CRIMINAL ACT ..........................................................................................................................53
ATTACHMENT 8.0 VEHICLE ACCIDENT...................................................................................................................54
ATTACHMENT 9.0 SEVERE WEATHER ....................................................................................................................55
ATTACHMENT 10 0 CYCLONE ALERT .....................................................................................................................56
ATTACHMENT 11.0 URGENT MEDICAL TRANSFER ................................................................................................57
ATTACHMENT 12.0 MAJOR SPILL OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE ON LAND ...........................................................58
ATTACHMENT 13.0 MAJOR SPILL OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE ON WATER .......................................................59
ATTACHMENT 14.0 UNCONTROLLED GAS RELEASE ..............................................................................................60
ATTACHMENT 16.0 TYRE FIRE/EXPLOSION ...........................................................................................................62
ATTACHMENT 17.0 DAMAGE TO UNDERGROUND SERVICES ..................................................................................63
ATTACHMENT 18.0 RESCUE FROM HEIGHT ............................................................................................................64
ATTACHMENT 19.0 RESCUE FROM CONFINED SPACE .............................................................................................65
ATTACHMENT 20.0 CAPSIZE OR SINKING OF VESSEL .............................................................................................66
ATTACHMENT 21.0 PERSON OVERBOARD ..............................................................................................................67
ATTACHMENT 22.0 EARTHQUAKE EMERGENCY .....................................................................................................68
ATTACHMENT 23.0 TSUNAMI EMERGENCY ............................................................................................................69
ATTACHMENT 24.0 OFFSITE EMERGENCY MUTUAL AID .....................................................................................70
ATTACHMENT 25.0 PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS .....................................................................................................71
APPENDIX A EMERGENCY COORDINATORS CHECKLIST...................................................................72
APPENDIX B EMERGENCY LOG.....................................................................................................................73
APPENDIX C EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION ...........................................................................74
APPENDIX D REPORTING AND EMERGENCY............................................................................................79
APPENDIX E - BOMB THREAT FORM...............................................................................................................80
APPENDIX F SUSPICIOUS PARCELS..............................................................................................................81
APPENDIX G CYCLONE RESPONSE GUIDE.................................................................................................82
APPENDIX H PANDEMIC OVERVIEW GUIDE .............................................................................................88
APPENDIX I DUTY CARDS ................................................................................................................................93
APPENDIX J HELICOPTER SUPPORT GUIDELINES................................................................................108

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

1.0 Purpose
This Plan, known as the Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP)
establishes a process which provides a controlled and coordinated response to
emergencies for work conducted on or for construction and start-up of the GLNG Project
The purpose of this Plan is to:

To protect the health, safety and welfare of Project employees, subcontractors and
visitors; and

To protect the surrounding community and the environment.

The Projects Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management Plan and the
Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) further support this document.
Bechtel Core Process 203 - Emergency Preparedness provides a basis for emergency
preparedness and response.

2.0 Objectives
The objectives of the ERP are:

Outline processes and procedures for personnel to follow in the event of an

emergency, including site, marine and/or home office emergencies

Identify types of emergencies that may require assistance

Outline roles and responsibilities of key personnel in the event of an emergency

Identify emergency communication protocols and phone numbers

Identify evacuation processes

Outline training and evacuation response exercises

Provide communication flowcharts (see Attachments) detailing actions to be taken

for various emergency situations

These actions, when followed, will substantially reduce the effect of potentially
dangerous situations on personnel, property and the environment.

3.0 Scope
This Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan covers Gladstone Mainland
Facilities, Curtis Island and Marine Facilities during construction and start-up. Separate
Emergency Response Plans for Home Offices (i.e., Houston, Gladstone, Brisbane and
other locations), are addressed in separate emergency response plans specific to those
This Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan will be updated, if necessary, prior to
mobilization to address any identified changes. Copies of this Plan will be formally
issued to GLNG and disseminated to all relevant Bechtel and subcontractor personnel
as required.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

A separate Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan will be developed for the
Module Yard operation in Batangas in the Philippines, prior to the commencement of
work activities.
Additionally, Bechtel shall also acknowledge other sources of emergency resources
existing at neighbouring facilities adjacent to the GLNG construction site.

4.0 Potential Emergency Events

Emergencies, which have the potential to arise during the course of the GLNG project,
are as follows:
1. Injured Person (Including allergic reactions to insect and animal bites)
2. Fatality
3. Evacuation
4. Fire and Explosion
5. Bomb Threat
6. Bushfire
7. Criminal Act
8. Vehicle Accident
9. Severe Weather
10. Cyclone
11. Urgent Medical Transfer
12. Major Spill of Hazardous Substance on Land
13. Major Spill of Hazardous Substance on Water
14. Gas Leak
15. Contact with High Voltage Equipment
16. Tyre Fire/Explosion
17. Damage to Underground Services
18. Rescue from Height
19. Rescue from Confined Space
20. Capsize or Sinking of Vessel
21. Person Overboard
22. Earthquake
23. Tsunami
24. Offsite Emergency
25. Pandemic

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

5.0 Designated Emergency Personnel

In the event of an emergency, the roles of specific project personnel will expand to
include new tasks and responsibilities. Figure 1 below, lists the designees and their
alternate coverage and an overview of their duties.
Figure 2 illustrates the
organisational structure of these roles during an emergency.
Figure 1 Positions and Duties
Emergency Response
Coordinator (ERC)

Emergency Operations
Officer (EOO)

On-Scene Commander

Field Response Team (FRT)

Muster Point Warden

Log Keeper



Site Manager (Construction

Start-up Manager (Process


Deputy Site Manager / Deputy

Start-up Manager


See Duty Card Appendix I


Project HSE Manager


Deputy Site HSE Manager


See Duty Card Appendix I


Field Superintendent


Alternate Field Superintendent


See Duty Card Appendix I


Designated site personnel

(generally volunteers)


GLNG Operators


See Duty Card Appendix I


Nominated and trained site



As per delegation for each

appointed person


Attend Muster Point and account

for and direct personnel to area of
safety as required by


Lead HSE Admin Assistant


HSE Admin Assistant


See Duty Card Appendix I


Support emergency response team

members in their crew by releasing
them for training, turnout, and

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

incident debriefing as required.
Raise concerns regarding demands
on ERT members time with the
ERC in the first instance

Site Personnel


Participate in emergency exercises

where required. In the event of an
emergency, make work area safe,
report to muster point, register with
muster checker, and wait for

Subcontractor Medical Team


As per medical protocols

established for project

Evacuation Management
Group (EMG)


Project Designated Senior

Managers led by Senior Project


To determine the need, timing and

process of evacuation of personnel
to an off-site location in the event of
a Major Emergency

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Figure 1 Emergency Personnel Roles and Reporting

Senior Project Manager

Emergency Response

Management Team

Operations Officer

Muster Point Wardens

Log Keeper

On-Scene Commander

Field Response Team

6.0 Responsibilities
Additional responsibilities for emergency response personnel are listed below:
6.1 Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC)
The ERC is responsible for overseeing the implementation of planning and response to
emergencies or other threats to life and property on the Project. Other responsibilities

Providing sufficient resources, trained personnel and facilities to prepare for and
address emergency requirements, should they arise

Reviewing the Projects EPRP for adequacy and functionality

Directing and coordinating personnel/operations from the Emergency Operations

Centre (EOC) as Required

Providing permissions for use of project equipment and resources

Participating in Evacuation Management Group

Providing permission for offsite responses

Communicating with Authorities

Reporting to and liaising with Client on status of emergency and related information

Note: See Appendix I Duty Cards for a list of duties for Emergency Response

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

6.2 Emergency Operations Officer (EOO)

The Emergency Operations Officer is responsible for:

Implementing emergency procedures and response to threats

Provide Coordination for the Project in the event of an emergency

Implementing appropriate training and evacuation trials

Periodically reviewing procedures in conjunction with site personnel, construction

management and subcontractors and site personnel

Organising for team members to act as Wardens for each area of operation and
office building

Issuing nominated Wardens with a mobile radio with access to an emergency radio

Providing Warden training covering emergency procedures

Maintaining current lists of personnel (i.e., Wardens, emergency response teams,

etc) and visitors in their areas of operation for assembly-point and evacuation

Directing and coordinating personnel/operations from the Emergency Operations

Centre (EOC) as Required

Ensuring emergency equipment inspections are undertaken as scheduled

Audit emergency response process

Arrange briefing at the completion of each emergency and emergency exercise

Note: See Appendix I Duty Cards for a list of duties for Emergency Operations Officer.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

6.3 Log Keeper

The Log Keeper shall:

Monitor Radios and Telephones and maintain a Record Log (see Appendix B) and
timeline of all emergency response activities
Ensure that Emergency Control Centre is equipped with all required materials to
record emergency information
Participate in debrief of emergency events

Note: See Appendix I Duty Cards for a list of duties for Log Keeper.
6.4 On-Scene Commander (OSC)
The On-Scene Commander is the most qualified team member at the scene of an
incident. This person is responsible for:

Managing Emergency Response Team and scene safety as a priority

Directing first aid to attend to injured team members

Securing the emergency scene to enable the health and safety of all persons

Initiating evacuation if required

Providing an escort to meet the emergency response team

Securing, as far as practicable, incident location from disturbance or interference

until cleared by Emergency Controller or incident investigation is complete

Providing direction, assistance and support to persons at the scene

Maintaining communication with ERC & EOO

Seconding labour, equipment and machinery from immediate resources to assist to

control the emergency

Note: See Appendix I Duty Cards for a list of duties for On-Scene Commander.
6.5 Field Response Team (FRT)

Attend Emergency Response Team training and meetings where relevant

Upon hearing the Emergency Alarm, reports to area of concern or Emergency

Control Centre depending on nature of emergency takes directions from ECC

Assists the ERC to stabilise and make safe the area around any incident to the best
of their ability while awaiting the arrival of the appropriate team, e.g., Medical, Fire,
Rescue, or external services, etc.

Co-ordinate personnel at assembly areas, evacuating them to safety if necessary

On instructions from Emergency Response Coordinator, safely conduct activities,

searches or any other tasks deemed necessary

Note: See Appendix I Duty Cards for a list of duties for Field Response Team

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

6.6 Wardens
Wardens are project personnel whom either volunteer or are assigned by the HSE
Manager to oversee a specified assembly area. During an emergency, the Warden is
responsible for:

Reporting, as soon as possible, to their designated assembly area

Coordinating the accounting of team members and visitors within their control

Reporting personnel and visitors present and absent to the Emergency Coordinator

Coordinating and managing directions received from the Incident Controller or

Emergency Response Coordinator

Advising personnel of an emergency in their specific area

Directing people evacuating an area to the appropriate assembly area

Reporting status of area and roll call to the Emergency Coordinator

Restricting entry into affected areas to emergency personnel only

Providing cardiac pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), application of automated external

defibrillator (AED) and initial first aid coverage as required.

Note: See Appendix I Duty Cards for a list of duties for Wardens.
6.7 Security Officer
Controlling entry of traffic onto the site and within car parks

Directing traffic around the incident scene and escorting emergency vehicles

Attending the site access points to prevent traffic entering or leaving the site during
an emergency or as directed by the Emergency Response Coordinator

Assisting the Emergency Response Coordinator as directed

6.8 Evacuation Management Group (EMG)

Team consisting of senior project management who will make final decision on site
evacuation (Stay or Go) once in receipt of all facts and information to allow an informed
decision to be made.
6.9 Employees, Subcontractors, Visitors
Employees, subcontractors and visitors are responsible for:

Obeying all instructions given by Wardens and emergency response teams,

including directions to provide assistance at the scene

Shutting down any necessary equipment so that areas are left in a safe condition

Reporting to the Warden at the muster point for roll call

Remaining at the muster point until instructed by the Warden

Returning to work when the all clear is given

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

6.10 First Aiders

First Aiders are responsible for:

Providing the initial response to injured personnel

Continuing to provide first aid under the direction of the site medical staff

Providing cardiac pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and application of automated

external defibrillator (AED) in an emergency.

6.11 Supervisors
Supervisors are responsible for:

Communicating emergency
commencement of work








Assembling personnel under their supervision to appropriate assembly area during

an emergency

Being able to account for personnel under their direction

6.12 Project Medical Services Provider

A subcontracted medical services provider will employ a doctor and paramedic who will
provide emergency medical coverage for the project on a 24/7 basis. These staff will
also undertake training for ERT members in first aid and medical assistance
Site medical staff will also participate in preparing emergency medical protocols and
participating in emergency exercises.
6.13 External Emergency Response Personnel
Where required, local emergency authorities may provide assistance (Ambulance, Fire
and Rescue, Police, Gladstone Port Authority). External emergency response will be
requested when:

Contacted by EOC requesting assistance

Incident takes place on mainland

Incident requires additional or specialised emergency road or marine transport,

assistance, and/or equipment

Helicopter required for medivac from Curtis Island, marine or mainland location

Should a 000 call be placed to local authorities by project personnel outside of the EOC,
the individual should contact the ERC/EOO as soon as possible (radio or phone) to
report the incident. Thereafter, communication to local authorities will be made through
the EOC.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

7.0 General Procedures

7.1 Coordination and Control
The Emergency Response Coordinator (i.e., the most qualified team member on the
scene of an emergency) will initially take control and coordinate the first response to the

7.2 Communications
Emergency communications will be generated via a two-way radio system. A radio
channel will be assigned as the dedicated emergency channel, which if activated will
override all other communication channels. As an alternative to the radio system,
emergency telephones will also be available in the Emergency Control Centre on site for
external calls.
The following dedicated radio channels will be used in the event of an emergency:

Radio Communication Channels (TBD)

Channel # Notification of emergency and further instructions

Channel # Notification of roll call status

The communication and coordination of roll calls will be made using other project
channels by Supervisors/Wardens.
All personnel communicating via radios are to be aware of privacy breaches, particularly
sensitive information that may be overheard by third parties. Names of missing team
members or discussion of injuries are NOT to be broadcast over the radio. Sensitive
information communicated to the ECC will be conveyed via mobile phones or face-toface.
Emergency communication equipment is to be considered as part of the planning phase
of each task and recorded on the Job Hazard Analysis. This will be communicated to
each team member before work commences.
In the event of an emergency, the EOC, in consultation with local emergency services,
will direct the response strategy to place emergency service personnel on the Island or
to evacuate any injured personnel from the Island to medical treatment facilities on the
In emergencies, a call will be made to 0001. This call will be directed to the appropriate
Queensland Emergency Services Co-ordination Centre (Ambulance, Fire and Rescue,
or Police).
The caller will clearly identify the project by using the following wording to avoid
confusion with the other projects.
This is (LNG, CURTIS ISLAND, LOT 1, GLNG) calling

If call is by mobile telephone and 000 is unsuccessful, try 112

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Other potential locations where emergency calls may originate include mainland project
locations (RG Tanna, Port Central, Fishermans Landing, Mainland Office) or from a
vessel in the Port of Gladstone.
In the case of injury or entrapment, a comprehensive description of the type of
emergency will be given to the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) Co-ordinator.
For further details, refer to Appendix D Reporting an Emergency.

7.3 Emergency Response Duty Cards

Position specific Emergency Response Duty Cards are attached as Appendix I and will
be distributed to emergency response personnel to provide them with an overview of
their duties for each stage of emergency preparedness and response.

7.4 Emergency Response Exercises

Emergency response exercises will be conducted throughout the year to test the
efficiency of the Projects emergency response system and to additionally reinforce
emergency procedures and processes to Project personnel. Emergency exercises will
include, but not be limited to:

Medical Emergencies

Fire Emergencies, including bushfires

Hazardous spills / leaks

Rescue from height, confined space, etc.

High voltage equipment contact

Marine emergencies

Type and frequency of emergency exercises will vary depending on construction stage,
personnel population on Curtis Island, identified risks or as deemed necessary by EOO.
as a minimum, two desktop and three mock exercises will be conducted annually.
Emergency exercises will also be held for Mainland facilities, including offices, etc.
The Emergency Controller will prepare a written overview of the planned exercise and
will facilitate the drill.
Drills may incorporate a full site muster and will include a specific emergency, e.g., fire,
medical emergency, etc.
Where practicable, external emergency groups may be requested to participate in these
emergency exercises to ensure communications and joint actions are assessed and
addressed where lacking.
A timeline of the emergency exercise will be maintained and used in the debriefing along
with any photographs or videos of the event.
A debrief will occur at the completion of each emergency drill and all personnel involved
shall participate and provide input.
A report will be prepared following each emergency drill providing an overview of the drill
and making recommendations for improvements.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

NB: Emergencies exercises will be conducted in a manner so as not to place personnel

or equipment at risk.

7.5 Emergency Desktop Exercises

Emergency desktop exercises will be conducted to assess the level of preparedness of
emergency response personnel and the system. The ERC, in liaison with the EOO, will
prepare a written emergency scenario. The emergency response team and associated
groups will then respond to the emergency scenario as if it were a real emergency.
A review will be held at the conclusion of each desktop exercise to assess the groups
responses and to determine the level of preparedness of the organisation.
These exercises will be able to assess the effects of severe weather, low tides, etc., on
potential emergency scenarios, without placing personnel or equipment at risk.
Where required, this emergency response plan will be modified to address any
deficiencies determined from these exercises.

7.6 Incident Classification and Reporting

In consultation with the On-Scene Commander, the Emergency Response Coordinator
will classify the incident in accordance with the matrix in Table 1. It can be expected that
in the event of an emergency involving construction activities, equipment or personnel,
assistance will be required from the Bechtel Project Management Team to adequately
classify the incident. Depending on the classification of the incident, a local construction
site evacuation may be required and the emergency siren sounded.
A Level 3, 4 & 5 Emergency will require the involvement of the Project Management
Team and a Level 5 Emergency will require the involvement of OG&Cs Crisis
Management Team in Houston.
GLNGs Nominated Site Representative will be advised verbally of all Level 2, 3, 4, & 5
Emergencies, immediately after they occur, and in writing within two hours, where
Emergency Operations Manager will notify relevant Regulatory Authorities in line with
statutory requirements and jointly agreed reporting protocols of any emergency event
that warrants such reporting.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Table 1 - Incident Assessment Matrix

Bechtel GLNG Incident Assessment Matrix



Level 4

Field Response Team

Emergency Response Team


Level 5

Health and

Major Site or

Level 2

Destruction of

Major Chemical
Spill or Gas Leak
(Also From
Nearby Plant)

Regulatory & highlevel Government


disabling injury
and/or long term
off work with high
potential to
become life

Long-term impact
of regional
significance on

Bomb Threat

Level 3


Critical impact on

Local Site
Yes. Personnel to
report to their
muster points

National level
media exposure

Significant impact
on business

Yes. Personnel to
report to their
muster points

State level media



Multiple Injuries
requiring medical
treatment, time off
work rehabilitation
with the potential
to escalate

Short-term impact
on sensitive

Moderate to small
impact on


State level media


Injury requiring
medical treatment,
time off work and

Impact on fauna,
flora and/or
habitat but no
negative effects
on ecosystem.

Some impact on



Adverse news in
local media


Level 1

Minor injury first

aid treatment

Negligible impact.
On flora/fauna,
habitat, aquatic
ecosystem or
water resources.

Minor impact to


Incident reporting
according to
routine protocols

Table 1

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

8.0 Emergency Management

The Emergency Operations Officer is immediately notified of any emergency occurring
or as soon as is practicably possible. The Emergency Operations Officer, reporting to
the Emergency Response Coordinator will initiate communications and coordination with
internal emergency response team and external emergency services i.e., Ambulance,
Fire or Police, unless the ERC or OSC have already initiated contact. In the absence of
the ERC or EOO at the EOC, the most qualified Supervisor will undertake the role until
either the ERC or EOO takes charge.
The EOO will manage all communications with assistance from other members of the
Emergency Response Team. The ERC and EOO are the only persons who may direct
the OSC and are responsible for liaising with outside organisations and emergency
services. In addition, the OSC shall keep the EOO informed of events and the status of
the emergency.
All parties are to obey the directives of the EOO during the emergency.

8.1 Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)

Bechtel shall establish a location for an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). The EOC
will act as a central point of contact during an emergency situation. The ERC and EOO,
along with members of Evacuation Management Group, will be responsible for
notifying/contacting various emergency services, as necessary, while maintaining
constant communication with personnel at the site of the emergency. In the event that an
emergency or bomb threat affects the command centre, an alternative location shall be
provided and communicated to subcontractor managers and other ERT members.
The Emergency Controller shall maintain a Contact List (see Appendix C) of contact
numbers of ERT members, Wardens and relevant members of Bechtel and Client
management and subcontractor companies and external emergency support
This list will also be maintained at the EOC.
In the event of an emergency, the following personnel shall assemble at the EOC,
unless otherwise directed by the ERC:

Emergency Response Coordinator

Emergency Operations Officer
Security Manager
Employees Relations Manager
Evacuation Management Group
Log Keeper
Personnel as designated by ERC

In certain instances, the ERC may instruct members of the ERT and/or Security
Manager to report directly to the incident scene.
An alternative EOC will be established in Bechtels Gladstone office to provide
redundancy in the event personnel on Curtis Island have to evacuate or require support.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

9.0 Evacuation
9.1 Emergency Evacuation Muster Areas
The position of muster areas will be defined as the Project develops. Muster areas on
site will normally be located outside of construction and office areas, unless the ERC or
EOO nominate other locations at the time of the incident. Such changes may be based
on prevailing conditions or other mitigating factors.
Further, as the construction site is developed, signage shall be provided to direct
personnel to Muster Areas. Should any Muster Area be rendered inappropriate or
unsafe, due to incidents occurring at the facility and due to wind direction, or
construction activities, then alternative location(s) shall be designated.
The HSE group will be responsible for updating assembly area locations as well as
signage, once-a-month, with respect to moving work fronts. Similarly, evacuation or
emergency vehicle routes will be updated on a weekly basis with respect to construction
activity taking place throughout the site. Assembly areas and evacuation routes shall be
regularly communicated (notices, toolbox talks, etc.) to project personnel through the
use of maps and charts.

9.2 Site Evacuation

Should a site evacuation (not off the Island) be necessary, Wardens will be responsible
for directing personnel to their assembly areas or other safe locations to await
instructions from ERC or EOO. Potential sites for a site-wide assembly area include:



Laydown areas

Public landing site

Neighbouring facility

Materials Offloading Facility (MOF)

9.3 Curtis Island Evacuation

Key Buildings on Curtis Island, including the Construction Accommodation Facility
(CAF), will be designed in accordance with the Building Code of Australia for a Category
C Cyclone Region for resident protection. Wherever possible, it will be the intent to
maintain the CAF residents on site during severe weather. However, Bechtel may be
required to evacuate project personnel as appropriate should wind strengths and
weather specialists determine this necessary.
Wherever possible, Bechtel will return its local staff to the mainland in order that they
can be with their families during winds of sufficient strength.
In the event of an island evacuation (due to potential impact of cyclone, tsunami,
bushfire, etc.), personnel will be alerted to the need for evacuation and Wardens will
direct personnel under their supervision to the MOF or other safe assembly location. The

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ERC and EOO will coordinate the evacuation from Curtis Island and verify with the
Wardens that all personnel have been accounted for.
A full evacuation of Curtis Island will only be undertaken once the Projects Evacuation
Management Team has assessed all likely risk scenarios and are assured that a safe
and timely evacuation is essential and can be achieved and all employees can be
transported to safe havens on the mainland. A risk assessment shall be undertaken to
assess likely impact of natural emergency risks and allied areas of risk mitigation.
During the early stages of the project, subcontractors will employ their own marine
vessels to transport personnel to the mainland in the event an evacuation is required.
During most of the construction cycle, the project will have the following marine transport
vessels at its disposal:
1 x Catamaran with 150 passenger maximum capacity
3 x Catamarans with 400 passenger maximum capacity
3 x Ropax vessels with nominal 80 passenger capacity
These vessels have the capability to make several round trips per day.
When necessary, the above vessels will be made available for Curtis Island evacuations
with the ERC and Traffic and Logistics Manager organising transport and ensuring
coordination at embarking and disembarking points, respectively.
All marine
transportation will comply with relevant legislation and the requirements and directions of
the Gladstone Port Corporation Harbour Master.
For further details, refer to Attachment 3 Evacuation.

9.4 Storm and Cyclone Preparation for Marine Vessels

The following outlines the guidelines established by the Gladstone Port Corporation for
the control of marine vessels in the event of strong winds (in excess of 40 knots) or a
cyclone. The latest version of this information can be obtained from the Maritime Safety
Queensland website www.msq.qld.gov.au/ - Procedures and Information for Shipping
Gladstone May 2010.
The prevailing winds in the Gladstone region tend to be easterly to south easterly.
Although calmer conditions occur during the winter months, these may become very
difficult during the summer months when the sea breeze augments the prevailing south
easterlies. As a general rule when mean wind speeds are in excess of 40 knots
measured either at Maritime Safety Queensland's weather station at Gatcombe Head or
any other reliable source, such as Bureau of Meteorology, vessel movements in the Port
of Gladstone will be suspended.
A Tropical Cyclone Watch message is issued when a cyclone or potential cyclone is
expected to affect conditions in the area within the next 48 hours and is reviewed every
three hours. A Tropical Cyclone Warning message is issued when a cyclone or potential
cyclone is expected to affect conditions in the area within the next 24 hours and is
reviewed every three hours.

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Weather charts, satellite images, warnings and reports may be polled by fax 1800
630100 and from the Australian Bureau of Meteorologyhttp://www.bom.gov.au/.






9.4.1 Cyclone Procedures

In the event of a cyclone threat the regional harbour master will take the following action:

Ensure that ships are advised of relevant warnings and response requirements

Ensure that shipping complies with the response requirements

Closing and reopening the Port to ensure the safety of shipping.

The VTS Centre will implement the cyclone contingency plan on behalf of the regional harbour
master by acting as a central communications point. The contingency plan shall become effective
when the Gladstone region is likely to be affected by a cyclone (or developing cyclone) as
determined by the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) within 48 hours.

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9.4.2 Cyclone Watch

A cyclone watch is issued when a cyclone or developing cyclone is likely to affect the
area within 48 hours, and gale force winds are not expected to impact the area within 24
hours. The following procedures are to be followed on initial receipt of a cyclone watch:

All ships in the pilotage area will be notified on VHF channel 13

Ships are to maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF channel 13 for updates

The Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Centre will broadcast cyclone advices, warnings,
information and directions on VHF channel 13

Preparations are to be made to clear the pilotage area

All marine services are to be available at short notice

Ships at anchor must ballast down and be ready in all regards to get underway at
short notice

Ships alongside may continue to load at the discretion of the harbour master but
must be ready in all respects to depart at short notice

Ships are not permitted to enter the pilotage area without the approval of the harbour
master. Approval will only be given if fully satisfied that the ship can safely load and
depart before the cyclonic conditions affect the pilotage area.

Ships are to comply with the routine vessel traffic management procedures unless
otherwise authorised by the harbour master.

9.4.3 Cyclone Warning

A cyclone warning is issued when a cyclone or developing cyclone is likely to affect the
area within 24 hours, that is, gale force winds are expected to impact within 24 hours.
The following additional procedures are to be followed on initial receipt of a cyclone

All ships, whether underway, alongside or at anchor, will be directed to proceed to

sea (this is to take effect if the Bureau of Meteorology predicted track of the cyclone
suggests a landfall between St Lawrence and Sandy Cape)

All marine services are to be mobilised to assist clearing the pilotage area; the VTS
Centre will coordinate the safe and orderly clearing of the pilotage area

Ships alongside will depart as soon as marine services are available. If conditions
deteriorate rapidly it may be necessary to depart without normal marine services in
order to minimise the risk associated with remaining in port, as approved by the
harbour master

Ships are to report on VHF channel 13 when clearing the pilotage area

Ships masters must determine their own course of action to avoid the cyclone once
clear of the pilotage area. No direction or recommendation will be made with regard
to cyclone avoidance or the safe navigation or operation of the ship

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Small craft will go to storm moorings in accordance with local plans. Small craft
should notify the VTS Centre of their location when secure.

The pilotage area will be closed and a broadcast made on VHF channel 16 and 13.
9.4.4 Port Closure
The harbour master may close the port, wholly or in part, or restrict the movement of
vessels in the pilotage area, commensurate with the threat to the safety of shipping or
the environment. This includes the threat posed by weather conditions, actual or
The closure of the port or restriction on vessel movements will, as far as practical, be
implemented in consultation with key authorities and in a timely manner in order to
minimise risks.
Note: In the event of an emergency, which will necessitate the evacuation of personnel
from Curtis Island and/or marine vessels employed in the harbour, e.g., barges, the
Emergency Response Coordinator will liaise with the Evacuation Management Group to
ensure that a suitable time is allocated to achieve a safe evacuation of all personnel
prior to the closure of the port.
9.4.5 Reopening of the Port
The pilotage area will not be re-opened until the Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre
cancels the cyclone warning for the area and the harbour master is satisfied that all
danger has passed, and the pilotage area is safe for vessels to re-enter.
The VTS Centre will coordinate the safe movement of vessels following the opening
of the pilotage area in accordance with normal practice.
Berths will be re-opened and operations resumed when wind and sea conditions are
within operational limits.
9.4.6 Small Vessel Cyclone Procedures
It is recognised that most small vessels in the Gladstone Regional Harbour Master's
jurisdiction will be moored in marinas and owners may not be able to move them from
there. Owners may, however, move their vessels to a more sheltered location such as
Mangrove Creek but it is recommended only during the period of a Cyclone watch. The
following recommendations apply to vessels remaining in marinas:

No vessel under 17 metres LOA should move during the period of a Cyclone warning

Marina berths may remain occupied provided the berth they occupy has a pontoon
equivalent to the LOA of the vessel occupying it

Vessels are allowed to bear against the fingers/pontoons

Additional mooring lines are placed on all available mooring cleats taking care to
protect against chafing

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Lines to be adjustable from on board and are sufficiently taut to ensure vessels and
pontoon move as one

Do not tie vessel to piles as this prevents pontoons moving with tidal and surge

Ensure lines are made fast to substantial boat parts, for example mast steps,
winches and so on, bearing in mind cleats are known to have been torn out of decks

Remove all sails, furling sails, awnings and any items of high windage and stow

Dinghies to be securely lashed inverted on deck to prevent filling with water do not
contemplate towing tenders

Stow your vessel with fresh water, food, fuel and charged batteries since it may be
the only comfortable accommodation available to you once the cyclone has passed

Keep storm anchors and spare warps ready at hand but well secured to prevent
them creating a potential hazard such as fouling propellers in the event you must
move the vessel

Remember vessels are moored at owners risk and it is the owners prerogative to
move their vessel if they feel insecure in the marina.

Vessels greater than 17 meters in Gladstone marina must comply with directions
from the regional harbour master and will be required to evacuate the marina and
inner anchorages and proceed to nominated safe havens in the upper reaches of the

Vessels greater than 17 metres in other marinas within the ports jurisdiction may
remain at their designated marina berths but may be directed to a nearby safe haven
by the regional harbour master at his discretion.

9.4.7 Tidal Information

The mean spring tidal range is 32 metres and the mean neap range is 12 metres. The
tides are much affected by the prevailing winds and the stream sets are very strong at
times in the channels. Tidal rates in excess of four knots have been observed in sections
of the harbour at some spring tides. Since the tides run with a velocity of from 15 to 25
knots regularly, due caution will have to be observed and proper allowance made for
tidal influence when navigating these channels, especially in the Golding Channel and
on the Wild Cattle Cutting leads where the tide sets obliquely across the channel.
Between the Boyne leads and Gatcombe Head the flood tide sets towards the West
bank and the ebb towards the east bank.
9.4.8 Tide Boards/Gauges
Gladstone is a standard Port in the Queensland Tide Tables. Maritime Safety
Queensland has erected a tide board and gauge at Auckland Point Wharf (Western

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GPC have tide gauges located at beacon E3, beacon S3, beacon S16 and QCL wharf
Fisherman's Landing.
The gauges refer to LAT and show the actual tide height above LAT.
Maritime Safety Queensland provides tidal predictions for pilotage areas. The tidal times
and heights for standard Queensland ports are available in the Queensland Tide Tables
and may be accessed at the http://www.bom.gov.au/oceanography/tides/MAPS/qld_ce.shtml mapBureau of Meteorology website.
Tidal stream predictions for standard Queensland ports are available upon request
through the regional harbour master's office.

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9.5 Registration and Missing Persons

During any major emergency, there is a possibility for persons to be unaccounted for.
To address the possibility of missing persons, the project will adopt the following
Personnel travelling or working on marine vessels will be required to electronically
register (swipe card station) their embarkation and disembarkation so a record of their
onboard status is maintained and can be readily accessed in the event a Person on
Board (POB) count is required to determine personnel missing in an emergency.
Personnel entering the construction site on Curtis Island will be required to

electronically register (swipe card system) their ingress and egress. In the event of
an emergency, where persons need to be accounted for, all personnel will exit the
site to their nominated muster points and muster sheets will be printed to enable a
head count and to determine who has not vacated the site. There will be situations
where Emergency Response Team members will be required to remain on site to fulfil
their duties.
Personnel residing in the Curtis Island Construction Accommodation complex will be

required to register their entry to the accommodation area and will be assigned to a
room in one of the buildings. In the event of an emergency requiring a head count,
e.g., fire, personnel will be required to attend their nominated muster area and a head
count will be conducted.
During Early Works, working alone will be limited and closely monitored. Where there

is a requirement for personnel to work in an isolated area of the site, they shall inform
their supervisor of their location and carry a radio to call in at agreed times.
Note: Where it is determined that a person(s) is missing, the EOO will notify the OSC
and a search will be initiated.

9.6 Emergency Response - General

In the event of an emergency, the local emergency services will direct the response
strategy to place emergency service personnel on the Island or to evacuate any injured
or trapped personnel from the Island to medical treatment facilities on the mainland.
These responses will differ for various phases of the construction work and various

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

In an emergency situation, a call will be made by EC to 0002. This call will be directed to
the appropriate Emergency Services Co-ordination Centre (Ambulance, Fire and Rescue
or Police).
The caller will clearly identify the project by using the following wording to avoid
confusion with the other projects.
This is (LNG, CURTIS ISLAND, LOT 1, GLNG) calling

If call is by mobile telephone and 000 is unsuccessful, try 112

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Map 1 Illustrates Location of GLNG Site on Curtis Island in Lot 1:

Map 1

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In the case of injury or entrapment, a comprehensive description of the type of

emergency situation will be provided to the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) Coordinator.
QAS, acting as Primary Emergency Response Co-ordinator, will then determine

The injured person is to be treated and stabilized on Curtis Island and transported to
Gladstone Marina, or

QAS will mobilize to the Island, by water or air, treat and stabilize the patient(s) and
transport the patient(s) by vessel to Gladstone Marina from where they will be
transported by ambulance to a nominated hospital or where a rescue helicopter is
deployed the patient(s) will be directly transported to a nominated hospital, or

QLD Fire and Rescue are required to rescue or release a trapped person, or

RACQ Rescue Helicopter is required to airlift the person from an offshore rig or
Curtis Island, or

Other vessels are required to mobilize to rescue persons in case of vessel collision,
fire, sinking or grounding

Personnel will most likely require emergency response treatment and evacuation for:

Injuries associated with falls from height, use of plant, equipment, vehicles, vessels,
chemical exposure, fire and explosion or entrapment

Envenomation/allergic reactions from snakes, spiders, insects, ticks, marine


Dehydration, heat exhaustion, pre-existing medical conditions, cardiac arrest.

9.7 Onshore Response

In the event of an injury/illness onshore, project First Aiders will provide the primary
response until the site medical team arrive at the location. The medical team, i.e.,
paramedic, doctor, will determine the extent of the injury/illness and decide whether QAS
will be required to either attend and/or transport the person from Curtis Island or from
mainland marine landing point to a regional hospital. The primary responder will
continue to provide care until medical personnel arrive on the scene.
In the event of a serious injury, illness requiring medical treatment, or person(s) requiring
rescue, one of the following options will be initiated:

The person will be transported by site ambulance to Pioneer MOF and evacuated to
the mainland by marine vessel and upon arrival, be transported to the nominated
medical facility by company vehicle, or

The person will be transported by site ambulance to Pioneer MOF and evacuated to
the mainland by marine vessel, and upon arrival, be transported by QAS ambulance
to an appropriate medical treatment facility, or

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QAS Paramedics and/or Queensland Fire and Rescue personnel will be transported
to Curtis Island by marine vessel or RACQ Helicopter, met by a 4WD vehicle at
Hamilton Point, or the Heli Pad, and taken to the incident scene to treat, stabilize,
rescue and transport a patient by rescue helicopter or the above mentioned means
to an appropriate medical treatment facility.

Note: Provision will be available to transport QAS and Queensland Fire and Rescue
vehicles to Curtis Island by marine vessel, if required.

9.8 Offshore Response

In the event of an injury/illness offshore (drill rigs/barges, tender vessels, tugs or
transport vessels), project First Aiders will be the primary response until the site medical
team arrive at the location. The medical team, i.e., paramedic, doctor, will determine the
extent of the injury/illness and whether QAS will be required to either attend and/or
transport the injured/ill person(s) to a mainland facility. They will also determine whether
a medivac by rotary wing aircraft with hoist fitted is required. The primary responder will
continue to provide medical care until medical personnel arrive on the scene.
In the event an injured or ill person(s) requires rescue or medical treatment, one of the
following options will be initiated:

The person will by transported be marine vessel to nominated mainland marine

landing place and then transported by to nominated medical facility, or

The person will by transported be marine vessel to nominated mainland marine

landing place and then transported by QAS ambulance to nominated medical facility,

QAS Paramedics and/or Queensland Fire and Rescue will be transported to the
offshore locality by marine vessel, or RACQ Helicopter, taken to the incident scene,
and carry out rescue, treatment, stabilization of injured/ill person(s) and effect
transport of injured/ill person(s) by marine vessel to nominated mainland marine
landing place for transfer to QAS ambulance or by rescue helicopter directly to an
appropriate medical treatment facility, or

In the event of a vessel, grounding, catching fire, colliding or sinking, an emergency

call will be made via VHF radio on Channel 13 or 16 to Harbour Control MSQ
(Maritime Safety Queensland). MSQ will be responsible for directing emergency
responses in relation to vessels, and notify QAS and VMR (Volunteer Marine
Rescue) to respond in relation to injuries or rescue as required.

The vessel will at this time give location co-ordinates as per MSQ Gladstone Port

NOTE: An offshore work barge may be located in an intertidal zone and may be
inaccessible via land or water, dependant on the stage of the tide. In this case,
evacuation by rescue helicopter via winching may be the only option. Capricorns
Helicopters are fitted with night landing capability and also a rescue hoist.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

9.8.1 Barge/Jack Up Barge Specific Actions

In the event that a person is injured on a jack-up barge and needs evacuation, the
following will occur:

When calling an injury from a jack-up barge, the Latitude and Longitude will be given
to QAS Communication Centre along with required weather conditions and wind
speed, etc., which may potentially decide the method of rescue.

The barge may be required to be jacked down to water level to facilitate


The barge crane will be made ready for use if directed by Emergency Services

If a rescue helicopter is required, a personnel/stretcher landing area will be cleared

on the barge deck and any flammable or combustible substances completely
removed from this area

All loose item of equipment shall be removed from the deck area or solidly fastened

When barge personnel have a visual on the rescue helicopter, or are contacted by
UHF Ch 10, the barge personnel will ignite a red smoke flare to indicate wind speed
and direction to the pilot, then exit the cleared area

Barge personnel will not attempt to touch or contact any suspended lines or rescue
slings from the helicopter so as to avoid static discharge incidents

Barge personnel will take directions from Emergency Services personnel during any
rescue operation.

9.9 Emergency Communications and Rendezvous Points

Emergency communications are primarily by mobile phone to 0003. There are some
dead spots for both phone and radios on Curtis Island.
Project personnel on Curtis Island operate on UHF Channel 10 during Early Works until
a permanent radio facility is established. Although these radios have limited range, they
may be used for communications between GLNG and RACQ Rescue Helicopter when
within range.
The project will have a VHF radio on Curtis Island that may be used to contact MSQ
Harbour Control on VHF Channel 13 only if:

All mobile phone communications are lost, and

There is a life threatening emergency.

In order to facilitate a co-ordinated emergency response, certain rendezvous points shall

be located and agreed upon with marine services, QAS and the project. These points

If call is by mobile telephone and 000 is unsuccessful, try 112

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are located on Curtis Island and at the Gladstone Marina, OConnell Wharf and, Port
Central, when the facility is constructed.

Pioneer MOF Rendezvous Point

During Early Works, this landing site will be used and is located at the South end of
China Bay where marine vessels will drop off and pickup passengers and where the
projects vehicles will be parked.
QAS personnel will be met here and driven to the incident location. An injured person
may be transported on a spine board in the back of a utility 4WD to the Pioneer MOF or
the Helipad for evacuation.
Boarding the vessel with a stretcher will be via a hydraulic gangplank where mounted on
the bow of the vessel or by lifting over the side. GLNG, Contractor and marine
subcontractor personnel will be available for assistance and will be under the direction of
medical or QAS personnel.

Curtis Island Pioneer Helipad Rendezvous Point

A 40mX40m pioneer Helipad has been designated on Curtis Island for the GLNG Project
and is located at the far South Eastern corner of a significant salt pan in the centre of the
lease area. QAS and other emergency response personnel will be met at the helipad
and transported to the incident scene.
The helipad is located on a flat salt pan adjacent to the tree line (see Map 2). The salt
pan is dry and firm for the most part. However, the salt pan has been inundated to a
shallow depth during the highest astronomical tides and during torrential downpours.
There is a high visibility H marking on the ground and a wind sock for helicopter pilots
to gauge wind speed and direction. If required, a waterproof container will be supplied to
house flares for guiding in a helicopter.
Appendix J Helicopter Support Guidelines provides information required for a
helicopter response to the workplace on Curtis Island.
When the project personnel have a visual on the rescue helicopter, or are contacted by
UHF Ch 10, the project personnel will ignite a red smoke flare in the centre of the
helipad to indicate wind speed and direction to the pilot, then exit the area.
The project personnel will not enter within 40m radius of rotating wing aircraft, unless
directed to do so by the pilot.
The co-ordinates of the helipad are as follows;

-21470.02 South

1511312.00 Easting,

See Map 2 for Location of GLNG Temporary Helipad on Curtis Island.

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Note: A permanent helipad will be constructed on Curtis Island once sufficient site
clearing has been performed to allow a safe approach and take off area. This plan will
be updated to reflect the new location of the helipad, and helicopter services will be
notified accordingly.

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Map 2

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Gladstone Marina Rendezvous Point

The Gladstone Marina will be employed as the primary rendezvous point for medivac
marine vessels and QAS ambulances until the Projects permanent marine terminal at
Port Central (Auckland Point) is completed. It is envisaged that the Gladstone Marina
will be utilised for a period of approximately six months. This jetty is located off Alf
ORourke Drive in the Marina precinct. It is where the designated vessel will berth to pick
up QAS, and/or Queensland Fire and Rescue Service personnel or to deliver an
injured/ill person to a waiting ambulance. An ambulance may be driven onto the jetty.
See Map 3 for Location of Jetty Gladstone Marina.


Map 3

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Alternative Rendezvous Point

If the Primary Rendezvous Point is unsuitable for any reason, the OConnell Wharf may
be used. It is located at Bryan Jordan Dr, Gladstone Queensland 4680, Australia (07)
4976 1398. OConnell Wharf is approximately 2 km from the Gladstone Hospital and
Ambulance Centre.
See Map 4 for location of OConnell Wharf.

OConnell Wharf
Landing Place

Map 4

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Port Central (Auckland Point) Landing Place

Port Central, once constructed, will be the main marine terminal for the GLNG project
and will be designed to address tidal changes and be compatible with project
transportation vessels. This centre will be the principal receiving point for marine
medivacs and for the transportation of medical and emergency teams and equipment to
Curtis Island.
See Map 5 for location of Port Central.

Port Central (Auckland

Point) will be the
permanent project facility
for marine transportation
to Curtis Inland for the

Map 5

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Locations of Landing Places and Gladstone Hospital and Ambulance


Map 6 illustrates where the two preliminary and permanent marine landing places are for
emergency events in relationship to Gladstone Ambulance and Hospital locations.

Gladstone Marina

Auckland Point

OConnell Wharf

Ambulance Centre

Map 6

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9.9.7 QFRS (QLD Fire and Rescue Service) Response)

If a situation develops that requires rescue (i.e., entrapment/entanglement) the
Gladstone Queensland Fire and Rescue Service will respond. All rescue equipment is
contained in a 4WD appliance. Bechtel will arrange marine transport for QFRS to Curtis
Island from a nominated mainland facility.

10.0 Emergency Alarms

A manually activated emergency siren will be situated at one or more locations to allow
full coverage of the project and shall be loud enough to be distinguishable above
construction noise. The siren is activated to alert personnel of fire or other site related
emergencies, and consists of tones to be determined prior to the project mobilizing.
Upon hearing the siren, all personnel will go directly to their assembly area and remain
there until the "All Clear" is sounded or wardens or members of the ERT instruct
employees otherwise.
A separate camp siren will be establish to alert personnel that an emergency has
occurred in the camp and that personnel are required to muster at their designated
muster areas.
Sub-Contractors must verify that their employees are aware of the correct procedures to
be followed in the event of an emergency evacuation situation. Employees will be
informed of the requirements below at their HSE orientation and by bulletins and toolbox
On hearing the emergency alarm, project personnel shall:

Stop all work immediately

Shutdown and isolate all sources of ignition, if safe to do so

Crane drivers are to make safe their loads, if safe to do so

Proceed to designated assembly points, via safest route

Drivers must park vehicles in a safe location, ensuring that emergency vehicle access is
not blocked, and switch off engines, leave keys in ignition and proceed to designated
assembly area on foot.
A check of the site by the FRT will take place to ensure that employees have stopped
work and evacuated their areas.
All work permits are automatically suspended in the event of an Emergency /
Emergency Evacuation and will be re-issued once it is deemed safe to do so.
As the project develops, periodic emergency drills shall take place to familiarise
employees with the emergency process. Emergency sirens will be tested at scheduled
times to be determined by the Emergency Operations Officer.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

10.1 Alarm Associated with Emergency at Neighbouring Plant

In the event that a neighbouring project experiences a gas or toxic chemical release that
has potential to impact the GLNG project site, security, upon being notified of the
situation, will:

Sound a specific alarm that emits an intermittent continues tone indicating that all
site personnel and visitors are required to report to their nominated meeting places in
the main construction office, client office and dining hall.

Emergency Operations Centre personnel will remain in these locations and monitor
the situation by maintaining contact with the project in question.

All work permits shall be automatically suspended in the event of an emergency from a
neighbouring plant that could impact the site. Permits will be re-issued once it is deemed
safe to do so.
Note: Windsocks will be stationed at predetermined locations to provide wind direction
in the event of a chemical/gas leak from GLNG or neighbouring site.

10.2 All Clear Signal

The All Clear signal is relayed to Wardens by way of an All Clear radio call.
On hearing the All Clear Wardens shall notify personnel that it is safe to return to their
place of work.
Personnel who have been working under a Permit to Work, e.g., hot work,
confined space, excavation permit, etc., may not return to work until the Work Permit has
been revalidated by the Permit Authority.

11.0 Debrief
A debrief meeting will take place as soon as practicable after an exercise or an incident
has been brought under control. The Emergency Response Coordinator will chair this
Personnel involved in the emergency shall attend, or at least be provided with
comprehensive feedback on the details of the emergency and all relevant outcomes.
The debriefing will detail the emergency step-by-step so that it can be documented as
accurately as possible. The debriefing will also identify lessons learned (if any) and the
need for procedure modification or training requirements. During emergency exercises,
video and photographs shall be taken to assist with feedback and reporting.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan


Education and Training

All personnel will receive training in relevant aspects of this Plan through site orientation
and training and via pre-start and/or toolbox talks from time to time, as required.
Information on emergency response and/or evacuation will be provided approximately
once per month through one of the following: Toolbox Talk; HSE Bulletin; Daily
Information Sheet; or an emergency exercise.
Supervisors and above will receive additional training through the Supervisors HSE
Emergency Response Duty Cards (see Appendix I) will be used for training and
educational purposes. Laminated prompt sheets will also be provided in key locations for
ready reference of what actions need to be taken in the event of an emergency.
Personnel, designated to fulfil an emergency role (e.g., Wardens, ERT) will be trained in
the duties required of the role. In addition, a training program will be developed to
provide ongoing emergency response training for ERT members.
The Projects emergency response system will change as the Project grows and risks
and resources change. Where changes are introduced, revised processes and
procedures shall be communicated at toolbox meetings and training sessions.

12.1 Site Orientation

All visitors and personnel entering the site shall receive instruction on what action to take
in the event of a site emergency. Key subject areas are:

Overview of emergency plan and procedures.

Threats from neighbouring plants, where applicable.

Potential emergency threats on GLNG project.

Action to take in the event of an emergency.

Emergency siren tones and associated responses.

Location of Muster Points.

Action to be taken at a Muster Point.

Medical emergency response requirements

First aid requirements

Emergency numbers

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan


Media Communication

In the event of interest from the media, only the Senior Project Manager or persons
specifically authorised by the Senior Project Manager may comment.
Media response is the responsibility of the Client and where possible their authorised
representative will be the only person to brief the media.
If any person receives a phone call from the media relating to an emergency (current or

Affirm that Bechtel wishes to cooperate with the media

State that you are not the correct person to comment but are happy to take their
details and have someone call them back
Ask the person for their name, affiliation (paper, radio station, TV network, etc.) and
contact numbers
State that you will pass on their request for information to management and that
someone will call them back shortly
Be polite but firm do not get drawn into answering questions
Never offer an opinion about the situation, the project, or any company associated
with the project (client, Bechtel, subcontractors, etc.)
Do not give them the name or number of another Bechtel or subcontractor person
Do not specify who will call them back
Thank them for their interest and reassure that someone will call them back
Refer all details to the Site Manager or HSE Manager immediately

In the event that media representatives arrive at site in response to a current

emergency, Security shall inform them that they are not authorised to enter site (per
Security procedures). Names, affiliations and contact numbers shall be taken and
passed on to the Site Construction Manager or HSE Manager immediately.
In a major emergency, the Senior Project Manager or nominated representative will
establish an off Island media briefing room in Gladstone that is away from the
Emergency Operations Centre, and provide basic refreshments (tea, coffee, water).
Appropriate Bechtel personnel (e.g., Security) will be assigned to escort the media
representatives between the gate and the briefing room, or to any other authorised
location (e.g., amenities), to ensure that they do not enter any mainland site or office
location that could put them at risk. The authorised Client representative or Senior
Project Manager (or representative) will brief the media as and when able and

14.0 Home Office

The Bechtel Office Fire and Evacuation Plan shall be implemented for the project office
in Gladstone. Office response plans for Houston and Brisbane will be in accordance
with existing Office Safety System procedures.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

15.0 Emergency Facilities and Equipment

The following emergency facilities and equipment shall be provided to ensure that all
potential emergency requirements are adequately addressed.

15.1 Main Gate Entrance Security Guardhouse

The main site entrance security guardhouse shall be furnished with the following items of
emergency related equipment:

Visitors log book

Copy of Emergency Response and Preparedness Plan

Portable radios

Charger for portable radios

Telephone with external line for making outside calls

IT line for communications

Laminated cards containing emergency numbers


Plan of where major chemical and waste chemicals are stored

Site plot plans

Writing materials and log book

15.2 Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) on Curtis Island

A dedicated Emergency Control Centre (ECC) will be established in the HSE office on
Curtis Island to provide a facility for the management and coordination of emergency
response requirements. This centre will contain:

Copy of Emergency Response and Preparedness Plan

Portable radios

Two IT lines for communications

Camera with spare batteries


Charger for portable radios

Two telephones with external lines for making outside calls

Access to Chemwatch system

White board and pens for listing emergency information

Emergency response log and writing material

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Laminated cards containing emergency numbers and contact personnel

Site plot plan

Writing materials

Cyclone tracking map

Eight designated emergency personnel vests

15.3 Gladstone Town Office

The Gladstone town office will be furnished with the following items of emergency
related equipment to provide a redundancy capability in the event the Curtis Island EOC
is not able to function:

Copy of Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Two Portable radios

Two IT lines for communications

Camera with spare batteries


Charger for portable radios

Two telephones with external lines for making outside calls

Access to Chemwatch system

White board and pens for listing emergency information

Emergency response log and writing material

Laminated cards containing emergency numbers and contact personnel

Site plot plans

Writing materials

Cyclone tracking map

Four designated emergency personnel vests

15.4 Curtis Island Medical Centre

The site medical centre will be furnished with the following items of emergency related

Copy of Emergency Response and Preparedness Plan

Two Portable radios

Two IT lines for communications

Camera with spare batteries

Charger for portable radios

Two telephones with external lines for making outside calls

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Emergency medical equipment in line with a Level III medical facility

Laminated cards containing emergency numbers of contact personnel

Site plot plan

Note: All radios used during start-up and operations will be explosion proof.

16.0 Tracking of Personnel Travelling to and Entering the

Project Site
A swipe card system will be used to enable the tracking of all personnel traveling to the
project site by marine vessel and entering the project site and camp location. Each
person will be issued with a site security badge and required to swipe into the site and
camp through entrance turnstiles or similar.
The card system will be capable of printing out Real-time emergency muster sheets
detailing those persons allocated to a vessel or required location.
Human Resources aided by Site Security personnel shall be responsible for preparing,
issuing and retrieving identification badges for each person entering and leaving the
project site.

17.0 Emergency Response Actions

For each of the potential emergency responses that the project could experience, and
shall be prepared for, this plan has established a set of response sheets (see
Attachments 1 to 25) detailing the actions required by emergency response personnel.
Potential emergencies that are likely to affect the GLNG project are as follows:
1. Injured Person (Including allergic reactions to insect and animal bites)
2. Fatality
3. Evacuation
4. Fire and Explosion
5. Bomb Threat
6. Bushfire
7. Criminal Act
8. Vehicle Accident
9. Severe Weather
10. Cyclone
11. Urgent Medical Transfer
12. Major Spill of Hazardous Substance on Land
13. Major Spill of Hazardous Substance on Water
14. Gas Leak
15. Contact with High Voltage Equipment
16. Tyre Fire/Explosion
17. Damage to Underground Services

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

18. Rescue from Height

19. Rescue from Confined Space
20. Capsize or Sinking of Vessel
21. Person Overboard
22. Earthquake
23. Tsunami
24. Offsite Emergency
25. Pandemic

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 1.0 Injured Person

Person Injured

Alarm Raised

Injured Person Provided FirstAid in Field and Transported to

Medical Centre for Minor

Action by ERC & EOO

Ensure Personnel and
Area are Safe
Ensure Employee is Fine
to Return to Work
Investigate Cause
Implement Corrective
Complete Incident Log /
Issue Safety Bulletin if


Medical Centre Notified by
Radio (Ch 1) or Telephone
XXXX and Ambulance and
Paramedic Dispatched to

On-Scene Commander,
First Aiders

Paramedic/Doctor to Assess
Situation, Determine Number of
Injured Persons and Triage


EOO to Report Status of

Emergency to ERC and Jointly
Arrange Required Mode of

Medivac Arranged
Fast Transfer Vessel Radio XXX
or Telephone XXXX
RACQ Medivac Helicopter 000
Queensland Ambulance Service
Telephone 000 This is (LNG,
GLNG) calling

First Aiders to Assist

Paramedic / Doctor to
Stabilize Patient(s)

Emergency Response
Team to Attend Accident
Scene, and if Safe to do
so Proceed to Assist with
Rescue or Treatment of
Injured Person (s).


Paramedic / Doctor Request

Medivac to Mainland by
Helicopter or Fast Transfer

Transported to
Hamilton Point
or MOF

Patient(s) Transported to
Regional Hospital for
Patient(s) Transported by
ISOS Back to Overseas

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 2.0 Fatality

Once Clearance Given by

First on Scene

Notify Emergency Operations

Officer Immediately via Secure
Means of Communication - Phone
XXX NOT Radio Channel

Workplace Health and Safety

Queensland and Queensland

Police, Body be Removed to

Medical Centre Awaiting Transport
to Gladstone Morgue

Site Doctor to Arrange Transport of

Body to Medical Clinic

ERC Will:
EOO to Notify Emergency
Commander and Project Doctor and
Request Their Attention at the Area of
the Fatality

On-Scene Commander and Field

Response Team
To Attend Area of Fatality and Ensure
Area is Safe for Entry of Paramedic

Notify Senior Project Manager

Notify Relevant Manager /
Initiate Corporate Reporting

ERC & EOO to Arrange for

Counselling for all Personnel
Involved and Issue Site
Notifications and Hold a Site Wide

Doctor to Assess Situation and

Perform Obvious Death Protocol
Site Security to Secure Area
Immediately Notify in writing
Workplace Health and Safety
EOO to Immediately Notify Workplace
Health and Safety Queensland by Phoning
1300 369 915
Queensland Inspector is on Call 24 Hours
per Day

Notification on the Approved Form Is

Required Within 24 Hours of Being
Aware of a Notifiable Incident
Happening at a Workplace
Finalize Reporting

ERC to Notify Gladstone Police and

Report Fatality
Telephone: (07) 4971 3222

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 3.0 Evacuation

Requirement to Evacuate
Immediate Work Area,
Accommodation Area or
Curtis Island

Instructions to Evacuate Site /

Area Will be Provided by
sounding a siren or by Radio
Channel 1 by EOO
Commander or Their Designee

Decision to Evacuate Curtis Island

and Offshore Marine Vessels Will
be Made by Evacuation
Management Group

ERC Will:
Notify Senior Project Manager
Notify Relevant Manager /
Initiate Corporate Reporting

Wardens Are to Advise People in the

Area to Evacuate by Either Radio,
Shouting, Personal Contact or
Alarm/Siren Activation

Team Members or Visitors In

Immediate Danger will Evacuate the
Area or Building, Alert Others and
Advise The EOO on Radio Channel 1.

On Being Instructed by Warden to,

Evacuate to Their Assembly Area;
Personnel Will Remain There Until
Advised Otherwise by Their Warden

Visitors will be Escorted to Their

Designated Muster Area

If Flooding Incident: Raise the

Barricade and Sign-Post
Hazardous Areas.
Post Security Near Entry Areas
To Ensure No Entry.
Mobilize On-Scene Commander
to Assist With Any Rescue or
Evacuation Activities.
Mobilise Equipment and
Resources to Assist with
Pumping and Damming.

If Extreme Weather Incident

Monitor Weather Forecasts
During Evacuation Activities.

Team Members and Visitors are

Required to Participate In a Head
Count; Results Are to be Relayed to

EOO to Give all Clear Once On-Scene

Commander Has Communicated that
Site is Safe

If Personnel Working In Remote

Locations Ensure They Are
Advised to Return or Evacuate to
Alternate Location; Include Them
In Head Count.
Plan Evacuation Route
According to Available

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 4.0 Fire and Explosion

Fire and/or Explosion Occurs

First on Scene Sounds Alarm Call on

Channel 1 or Telephone XXXX

Fire in Office, Warehouse, Camp or

Site Installations Controlled and
Extinguished by Localized Personnel

Action by ERC and EOO


Ensure Personnel and Area

are Safe

Initiate Clean-up

Investigate Cause and

Complete Investigation
Report, Implement

Have Used Extinguishers

Replaced and Serviced

Issue Bulletin on Fire

Site Emergency Response Team
To Attend Area of Fire with Fire Unit
1 and Assess Situation and if Safe to
do so Extinguish Fire
Rescue Unit 1 & Rescue Unit 2 Will
Also be Dispatched to the Scene
Evacuate Personnel to Safe Area

Fire is Beyond Capacity of

Projects Resources
EOO to Notify ERC Who Shall
Request Assistance From Nearby
Projects and Onshore Emergency
Services - 000

Fire Brought Under Control

Action by ERC and EOO

Ensure Personnel and Area

are Safe

Initiate Clean-up

Investigate Cause and

Complete Investigation
Report, Implement

Have Used Extinguishers

Replaced and Serviced

Service Fire and Emergency

Vehicles and Equipment

Hold Debrief With

Emergency Response Team
and Those Involved in Event

Issue Bulletin on Fire


Site Security
Guide External Emergency
Services to Emergency Area on

Initiate External Notifications

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 5.0 Bomb Threat

Bomb Threat Made

Person Receiving Call to Immediately

Notify Work Colleague of Bomb Threat

Work Colleague to Notify ERC and

EOO of Bomb Threat and Location
of Call by Telephoning XXXXXX

Actions for Verbal Threat

Use Malicious Threat Checklist

supplied, while talking to person
making threat.
Write detailed notes if checklist not
Do not use a radio to raise alarm
radio signals may trigger an
explosive device.
Be calm and respectful.
Take threat seriously.
Pay attention to what is said and
background noises.
Accurately write all that is
demanded and ask calmly for
confirmation if unclear.
Do not agree / concede to any
Keep caller talking as long as
possible, DONT HANG UP.
If caller hangs-up do not hang up
your phone, it may still be possible
to trace the call.
Check notes to ensure accuracy at
end of call.
Make every effort to calm all
circumstances by attempts to
resolve situation.
If evacuating building; divert all
phone calls to a mobile or alternate
Monitor alternate number for next
communication from threat maker or
ensure a mobile phone number is
made available to caller.

Action by ERC and EOO

Initiate Emergency
Attend Location of Call
Notify Gladstone Police (07) 4971 3222
Ensure all Personnel
Mustered and Accounted For
Review Malicious Threat
Checklist and Assess
Demands Discuss With

Threat Determined

Ensure Personnel Remain in

a Safe Area Clear of Bomb
Until Police Confirm Bomb
Has Been Made Safe
Threat Addressed

Arrange Counselling for

Relevant Personnel
Investigate Event and
Complete Report
Initiate External Notifications
Issue Site Notification
Advising Personnel of Threat
and Outcome

Actions for Written Threat

Keep all paper, envelopes, etc.,

to preserve evidence.
Do not photocopy any original
threat documents (may
deteriorate fingerprints).

See Appendix E for Bomb Threat

Check Sheet and Appendix F
Information of Dealing with
Suspicious Packages

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 6.0 Bushfire

Bushfire Occurs

First on Scene Sounds Alarm Call on

Channel 1 or Telephone XXXX

Personnel at Scene to Fight Fire if Safe

to do so. Fire Brought Under Control

Site Emergency Response Team

To Attend Area of Bushfire with Fire Unit
1 and Assess Situation and if Safe to do
so Extinguish Fire
Rescue Unit 1 & Rescue Unit 2 Will Also
be Dispatched to the Scene
Evacuate Personnel to Safe Area

ERC and EOO to Notify Evacuation

Management Team Members, if
Evacuation is Considered
Ensure Emergency Response
Team and Fire Unit 1 Are
Dispatched to Scene of Fire.
Liaise with Emergency
Response Coordinator on Status
of Fire and Required Additional
Dispatch Water Carts to Fire
Ensure all Personnel are
Located in a Safe Area, Away
From Smoke and Embers
Ensure Any Equipment in Path of
Bushfire is Made Safe

Fire Brought Under Control

Bushfire is Beyond Capacity of
Projects Resources
On-Scene Commander to Notify EOO
Who Shall Request Assistance From
Nearby Projects and/or Emergency

Action by EOO and ERC


EOO and On-Scene Commander to

Advice QCLNG & APLNG Fire Teams of
Safe Access to Fire Location

Bushfire Escalates Beyond Capacity of

Local Available Fire Fighting Resources

Contact External Fire Fighting

Organisations on 000 or 112 From
a Mobile Telephone

Ensure Personnel and Area

is Safe
Establish Fire Watch to
Ensure Fire Does Not
Initiate Clean-up
Investigate Cause and
Complete Investigation
Have Used Extinguishers
Replaced and Serviced
Service Fire and Emergency
Vehicles and Equipment
Hold Debrief With
Emergency Response Team
and Those Involved in Event
Issue Bulletin on Bushfire

Initiate External Notifications

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 7.0 Criminal Act

Criminal Act Occurs

Security Manager to Secure Any

Necessary Evidence By:
Securing Witness Names and
if Possible Statements

Any Person Witnessing a Criminal Act

Shall Contact a Security Officer on
XXXXX or Manager in Area and report
Location, Incident Type and Any
Available Identifications.

Security to Notify Employee Relations


Action to be taken as Appropriate to

Identify and / or Secure Offender(s) if
Safe to do so

Gladstone Police to be Advised and

Their Attendance Requested as
Appropriate by Construction Site
Manager. Gladstone Police - (07)
4971 3222

Isolating Area Involved

Preparing Sketches /

Site Construction Manager to

Consider Imposing Temporary
Suspension of Associated

Site Construction Manager,

Employees Relations Manager
and HSE Manager

Site Construction Manager to Arrange

Marine Transportation From Mainland
to Island for Police and Meet and
Greet at MOF

Ensure Personnel and Area

is Safe
Follow-up With Police on
Action Taken
Investigate Cause and
Complete Investigation

Initiate External Notifications

Site Construction Manager to Ensure

Following Details are Obtained for
Nature of Crime
Any Injuries to Personnel
If Medical Attendance was
Any Actions Taken
If Assistance Needed
If Person(S) Detained
Person(s) Member of Project

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 8.0 Vehicle Accident

Vehicle Accident Occurs

Request Assistance of
Emergency Response Team for Site
Accident Channel - 1 or Telephone
External Emergency Services For
Offsite Accident Call 000 or 112
From Mobile Telephone.
Provide Clear Advice:
Your Name, Location, Number of
People Involved and Assistance
Required Stay Online Until
Emergency Dispatcher Has All
Required Details

Undertake Following Precautions,

If Safe to do so:

Vehicle Driver to:

Team to be Informed if Dangerous
Goods / Hazardous Substances
Are Involved for Onsite Incidents.
If Project Vehicle; Make
Arrangements for Vehicle to be
Towed or Moved for Repairs.
Have Appropriate Manager
Provide Necessary Information to
Police or Other Vehicle Driver (If
Applicable) DO NOT ADMIT
LIABILITY or Make Promises for
The Project.
If Camera Available, Take Photos
of Site and Vehicles (Consider
Ignition Source Issue).
Provide a Report of Your Version
of Events to Emergency
Coordinator When Possible.
Take Whatever Precautions are
Necessary to Minimise Impact of
Damages and Liability.
Emergency Response Attend Site
to Initiate Investigation and
Consider Contact With Insurance
or Legal Departments.

Switch off Vehicle Ignition If Safe

to do so.

If Vehicle Fire Involved, Initiate

Vehicle Fire Suppression if Fitted
and Safe to do so.

Assess Vehicle and Site Damage;

Take Necessary Actions to Secure
/ Isolate Scene.

If Vehicle in Contact With Power

Lines, Stay Clear and Advise
Occupants to Stay in Vehicle.

Do Not Try to Remove Casualties

Dangers are Present.

ERC, EOO and Employees Relations


When Possible, Rescue Trapped

or Injured Personnel and Provide
Medical Aid (If Qualified), Maintain

Ensure Injured Persons Receive

Appropriate Medical Care
Initiate Trauma Counselling for Any
Follow-up With Police on Action
Investigate Cause and Complete
Investigation Report

Cover Any Spilt Fuel With Foam

Sand or Dirt.

Initiate External Notifications

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Attachment 9.0 Severe Weather

Severe Weather Alert

Storm Within 25km or 1 Hour of Site
All Work at Height in Exposed
Positions to Cease
Preparations Made to Secure The
Areas For High Winds

ERC & EOO Will Monitor the Bureau of

Meteorology Internet Site Regularly for
Forecasts and Warnings.
In The Event of a Severe Storm or
Lightning Threatening The Site In a
Period That Does Not Permit Normal
Communications; Warnings will be
Provided Over The Emergency Radio
Channel 1. or by Text Message

Storm Within 10km or Hour of Site

All Work in Exposed Areas to Cease
Areas Secured for High Winds
All Team Members to Take Cover

Lightning within 15km of Site

Severe Weather
Warning Received



The HSE Manager to Advise

Construction Site Manager Who
Shall Decide Appropriate Action and

A Weather Warning Advice, Action

and Response Plan to be Forwarded
to Team Leaders Via Email or by

All Work in Exposed Areas to Cease

Cease Crane Operations and Lower
Booms to Ground When Deemed
All Team Members to Take Cover

Additional Actions

Continual Monitoring of Weather via

Bureau of Meteorology Website.

Contractor/Subcontractors Conduct
a Risk Assessment of Impending
Situation and Review Required

Team Leaders to Advise all Site

Team Members of Weather Warning.

Regular Updates of the Weather

Status to be Forwarded via Email.

As The Threat Escalates, Actions

Will be Communicated and Initiated

ERC & EOO Manager Assess Weather

and Return Site to Steady State When
Safe to do so

Detailed clean up of site - removal of surplus

New installation work to cease and fastening down
of existing work to be completed
All items that may become airborne be lowered to
ground level and stored inside enclosed containers
or buildings, which are tied down by an approved
Scaffolds secured to a permanent structure.
Compressed gas cylinders secured and have
gauges removed and stored.
All rubbish bins or skips to be covered.
Drainage systems to be inspected
Communications tested.
Complete storage and tying down of all items
previously identified.
Secure cranes and mobile equipment.
Hydraulic crane booms to be retracted and lowered.
Lattice jib cranes to have booms lowered, secured,
and parked with outriggers extended.
Mobile equipment moved as close as practical to
site buildings with handbrake on and in low gear.
Temporary power boards to be switched off and

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 10 0 Cyclone Alert

Cyclone Alert

EOO Monitors Cyclone Advise from Bureau of

Meteorology and Keeps ERC Informed of
Cyclone Status

Once Phase 1 Yellow Alert is Declared, ERC

Initiates Site Warning

Once Phase 1 Yellow Alert is Declared, ERC

and EOO Commence Preparations for
Escalation of Cyclone and Continue to Monitor
Cyclones Movement

Phase 1
Yellow Alert
Initial Warning
Declared When:
Bureau of Meteorology
has advised there is a
cyclone in the area via a
cyclone watch;

Phase 2
Blue Alert
Cyclone Conditions
Likely Within 24 Hours
Declared 24 hours before
destructive winds are

Phase 3
Red Alert
Cyclone Conditions
Probable Within 24
Declared 24 hours before
destructive winds are
expected on site.

There is a possibility it
may come towards
The ERC initiates a

Additional Actions

Additional Actions

See Section 2 of Appendix G

for Required Actions

See Sections 3, 4 & 5 of

Appendix G for Required

See Section 1 of Appendix G
for Required Actions

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 11.0 Urgent Medical Transfer

Urgent Medical Transfer


Site Doctor or Paramedic will Notify

ERC or EOO of Request for Urgent
Medical Transfer

Site Emergency Controller Will

Arrange for Either a Medivac
Helicopter or Fast Rescue Vessel to
be Dispatched to Transfer Patient to
Regional Hospital.

Rescue 1 to Transport Patient to

Curtis Island Heliport See Map No.
1 if Patient is Being Medivaced by
Alternatively to MOF if Patient is
Being Transported by Marine Fast
Transport Vessel.
Paramedic to Accompany Patient
and Assisted with Transfer and
Required, During Trip to Hospital on
Helicopter or to Gladstone if
Transfer by Vessel.

EMQ Helicopter Rescue

Phone: 000 / (07) 3247 8427
ERC, EOO and, Employees
Relations Manager

Capricorn Helicopter Rescue

Phone: 000 / (07) 4922 9093

Ensure Patient Receives

Appropriate Medical Care

Arrange Immediate Visit to

Hospital to Assist Patient

ER Manager to Contact
Patients Family

Investigate Requirement and

Complete Investigation Report

Maintain Follow-up to Assess

Patients Progress

Assess Efficacy of Medical

Transfer Process and Change
as Required

Marine Transfer Vessel:

Helipad GPS Coordinates:

-21470.02 South
1511312.00 Easting

Site Doctor Liaises With Gladstone,

Rockhampton or Brisbane Hospital
Regarding Patient Condition
EOO Contacts QAS Gladstone to
Arrange for Ambulance to Meet
Marine Transport Vessel at Agreed
Boat Land Rendezvous Point in

Initiate External Notifications

Including Family

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 12.0 Major Spill of Hazardous Substance On Land

Spill Occurs on Land

Site Action and Precautions

Dont Approach Spill Area if
Substance is Unknown

Site Personnel Inform EOO and

Advice Location of Spill, Substance
Spilt and Approximate Quantity

EOO with Area Supervisor to

Identify and Isolate any Sources of
Ignition and Restrict Vehicular
Access to Spill Area Make Area
EOO to Liaise with On-Scene
Commander, ERC, Environmental
Manager and Site Hygienist to
Assess Risks from MSDS Review

EOO to Mobilize Emergency Response

Team, if Required

ERC, EOO, Site Environmental

Manager and Area Supervisor to
Determine Resources Required to
Safely Clean-up and Dispose of Spilt

Ensure Emergency Showers and

Eyewash Stations Available and
Operational to Rinse any
Contaminated Team Members

Warn Team Members in Area to

Go Upwind of Incident Site
Limit or Contain Spill Using Sand
Bags, soil, or other means to
Construct Bund Walls, Use
Absorbent Material, Temporary
Sealing of Cracks or Leaks in
Containers, Use Geo-Textile or
Silt Fencing to Contain The Spill.
Block Drain Inlets, Sumps,
Wharf Scuppers, etc; Call For
Assistance As Required.

ERC & EOO to Establish a
Central Control Point Upwind
And Notify:
o EPA (1300 130 372)
Establish Decontamination Area
(Upwind of Incident).
Mobilise Heavy Earthmoving
Equipment if Required for Bund
Coordinate Response, Clean Up
and Disposal of Material to
Approved Site in Accordance
With Manufacturer's
If Substance Is Flammable,
Ignition Risk Can be Reduced
With Foam Blanket (If Available).
If The Spill is not containable,
Ensure Evacuation Procedures
Are Initiated.

Once Spill is Cleaned and Safely

Disposed, Conduct Investigation
and Initiate Corrective Actions.

Initiate External Notifications

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 13.0 Major Spill of Hazardous Substance On Water

Spill Occurs on Water

Site Action and Precautions

Dont Approach Spill Area if
Substance is Unknown

Marine Personnel Inform ERC

and EOO on Channel 1 and
Advice Location of Spill, Substance
Spilt and Approximate Quantity

EOO with Area Supervisor to

Identify and Isolate any Sources of
Ignition and Restrict Marine Access
to Spill Area Make Area Safe.
EOO to Liaise with On-Scene
Commander, Environmental
Manager and Site Hygienist to
Assess Risks from MSDS Review

ERC & EOO to Contact Following

Authorities as Required
QFRS: 000 or 112 From Mobile
Gladstone Ports Authority If Spill
On Marine Waters: XXXXX
Harbour Control if Spill on
Marine Waters and
Recommended by Gladstone
Ports Authority: XXXXXX

ERC & EOO, Site Environmental

Manager and Area Supervisor to
Determine Material and Resources
Required to Safely Clean-up and
Safely Dispose of Spilt Material(s)

Warn Team Members in Area to

Go Upwind of Incident Site
Limit or Contain Spill Using Sand
Bags to Construct Bund Walls,
Use Absorbent Material,
Temporary Sealing of Cracks or
Leaks In Containers, Deploy
Marine Booms to Contain Oil,
Use Dispersants When Agreed
With Authorities
Block Drain Inlets, Sumps,
Wharf Scuppers, etc; Call For
Assistance as Required.

ERC & EOO to Establish a
Central Control Point Upwind
Subcontractors to Assist with
Containment and Cleanup
Establish Decontamination Area
(Upwind of Incident).
Coordinate Response, Clean up
and Disposal of Material to
Approved Site in Accordance
Government Recommendations.
If Substance is Flammable,
Ignition Risk Can be Reduced
with Foam Blanket (If Available).
If The Spill is Not containable
Procedures Are Initiated

Once Spill is Cleaned up, Conduct

Investigation and Initiate Corrective

Initiate External Notifications

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 14.0 Uncontrolled Gas Release

Uncontrolled Gas Release

Alert by Alarm or Alert by

Personnel Call In

Site Personnel Inform ERC &

EOO on Channel 1 and Advice
Location of Gas Leak any Injured
Personnel and Plant Affected

Area Wardens and HSE Personnel to

Evacuate the Area Immediately.
Warn Team Members in Area to Go
Upwind of Incident Site. (Go Around
and Upwind of the Gas Not Through

Personnel at Scene to Eliminate all

Sources of Ignitions (e.g., Open
Flames, Cigarettes, Welding,
Grinding, Cutting, Generators)
Restrict Vehicular Access to The

Site Emergency Controller with Area

Supervisor to Identify and Isolate
Gas Leak, Isolate Pipe Work
Upstream of the Discharge Point
Ventilate the Area Using Flame-proof
Equipment Make Area Safe
Site Security to Assist with Restricting
Access to Area

EOO to Request On-Scene

Commander and FRT to Attend
Scene and Undertake Required
Rescues, if Safe to do so

Area Supervision to Identify Release

Point to Emergency Crews Who Will
Blanket the Area with Fog Sprays to
Prevent Ignition if Release Continues.

On-Scene Commander
Assess The Risks to Team
Members in The Immediate and
Wider Area.
Determine Need for Local or
Wider Evacuation Based on
Information Received.
If Required, Determine Wind
Direction and Advise all
Personnel of Location of
Release Point and Safe
Evacuation Points.
Advise ERT/Emergency
Services and Direct Fog Spray
Over Release Point.
Advise QFRS If Required.

Once Leak is Stopped and

Secured, ERC & EOO Conduct
Investigation and Initiate Correct

Initiate External Notifications

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 15.0 Equipment Contact With High Voltage Equipment or Powerlines

Contact with High Voltage


Momentary Contact and the

Equipment Remains Intact
For Rubber Tyred Heavy Vehicles:
1. Operator to Immediately But
Carefully Drive to a Point at Least
400m Clear of Occupied Areas,
The Route Should Avoid as Far
as Practicable all Occupied Areas
2. Where Possible, a Vehicle of a
Similar Size to the One That Was
Involved in the Contact Incident
Needs to be Made Available and
Approach The Other Vehicle
Front on.
3. The Operator Should Then
Evacuate the Vehicle By Stepping
Across onto The Other Vehicle of
Similar Size.
4. This Vehicle is Then to be Used
as a Means of Evacuation to a
Safe Area of at Least 400 M Clear
of The Vehicle Involved in The

Momentary Contact and the

Equipment Remains Intact
For Track Heavy Vehicles:
Operator to Drive to a Position
Approximately 20m Clear From The HV
Equipment Before Parking-Up and
Evacuating The Equipment.

Emergency Coordinator to
Arrange to Have the
Equipment Isolated by HV
Trained Personnel

Equipment is in Contact With

Powerlines, Fallen Powerlines
or Buried Cables
1. Clear Area Around Powerlines
and Possible Contact Points
2. Under no Circumstances is
Anyone to Approach Closer Than
20 M to any Equipment in
Contact With HV Equipment, or to
a Power line That Has Fallen to
The Ground, Until Isolation Has
Been Confirmed
3. Where The Equipment Can be
Moved Follow the Steps for
Momentary Contact.
4. Where Equipment is in Contact
With a Power line or Within 20m
Of a Power line That Has Fallen
to The Ground and That
Equipment Cannot be Moved, the
Operator Should Remain in The
Vehicle Cabin. If the Equipment
is a Rubber Tyred Heavy Vehicle
all Team Members Except The
Operator, Should be Evacuated
to a Distance of at Least 400m
5. After the Power line is Confirmed
to be Isolated the Operator is to
be Evacuated From the Vehicle
as Per The Steps Outlined For
Momentary Contact.

Once People and Equipment are Safe,

Conduct Investigation and Initiate
Correct Actions

Initiate External Notifications

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 16.0 Tyre Fire/Explosion

Tyre Fire/Explosion

Vehicle Operator
Park Stricken Vehicle in a Safe Area
as Soon as Possible. Park on a Flat
Accessible Area That Can be Easily
Isolated from Other Traffic and Raise

Operator to Inform Supervisor

and ERC & EOO on Channel 1
and Advise Location of Potential
Tyre Explosion

Operator Safety Actions Once

parked, shut unit down
Do not attempt to extinguish a
tyre fire with a handheld fire
extinguisher under any
Remove yourself and others
from immediate danger area
(minimum 400 metres radius).
Walk directly away from unit,
do not walk beside tyres.

Vehicle to be Parked-up for

Minimum of 24hrs Before being

EOO to:

Request On-Scene
Commander and FRT to Attend
Site and Assess Risks
Ensure Access to be Restricted
For at Least 400 Metres Radius
of Affected Vehicle
Place Spotters to Ensure
Personnel do Not Enter the
Evacuate Personnel in Area to
an Emergency Assembly Area
and Have Them Stay There
Until Otherwise Directed

Emergency Services to be
Notified Immediately; They Will
Make Decision to Fight Fire or
Barricades to Be Set Up and
Wardens to Be Posted on
Access Routes 400 Metres from

Once Vehicle is Deemed Safe,

Remove Barricades and Return
to Normal Operations in Area

Investigate Incident and Review

Emergency Response and
Debrief Operators and
Emergency Response Crews
Prepare and Circulate Safety
Bulletin on Incident

Initiate External Notifications

As a Result of Contact with an Energised

Power line, the Vehicles Tyres May be
Burning on the Inside. This Process Can
Continue for Many Hours Before a Tyre
Actually Explodes.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 17.0 Damage to Underground Services

Damage to Underground

Site Personnel Inform

Supervisor, ERC & EOO on
Channel 1 and Advice Location of
Damaged Services and
Associated Hazards, e.g.,
Electrical, Chemical, Gas.


Consider Evacuation from the
Affected Area to the Nearest
Designated Assembly Area.
(Depending on Damage to
Consider the Wind Direction
Mobilize Emergency Response
ERC & EOO Liaise with On-Scene
Commander and Area Supervision
and Consider Safe Isolation of

If Electrical Hazard, Site Electrical

Superintendent to Attend Location
and Ensure Safe Isolation of

Once Spill is Cleaned up and,

Equipment Isolated, Conduct
Investigation and Initiate Correct

Initiate External Notifications

Ensure Emergency Showers

Eyewash Stations Available
Contaminated Team Members

On-Scene Commander to Ensure:

If Safe to do so, Park up
Equipment as Soon as Possible,
Without any Further Disturbance
to The Area
If Pipeline Contains Liquid,
Place Earth Bund Around Spill
Area (If Safe To do So) to
Prevent Further Damage to the
No Smoking in the Area

Team Remains in the Area for

the Investigation Process

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 18.0 Rescue From Height

Rescue From Height

Site Action and Precautions
Site Personnel Inform EOO on
Channel 1 and Advice Location
and Number of Person(s) Who
Require Rescuing from Height

Harness and Fall Protection

Equipment Sent to Safety Office
for Inspection.
Once Inspection Complete,
Damaged Equipment Safely
Incident Topic of Toolbox Talk
and Safety Bulletin

EOO Requests On-Scene Commander

and FRT to Attend Scene and Effect

On-Scene Commander Assesses

Whether There is Available
Equipment, e.g., Scissor Lift,
Articulated Boom Lift Nearby to
Effect Safe Rescue. If Equipment
Available Mobilize and Effect

On-Scene Commander and FRT

Mobilize to Location in Rescue Unit 2
and Paramedic Mobilizes in Rescue
Unit 1 to Provide Medical Support

Conduct Investigation and Initiate

Correct Actions

Initiate External Notifications

To Prevent Suspension Trauma,

Suspended Person(s) Must Be
Rescued Within 5 to 10 Minutes
From Time of Fall

Suspended Person(s) Rescued Using

Available Equipment or Rescue From
Height Equipment

Paramedic Reviews Medical Condition

of Employee(s) Having Fallen and
Arranges Transport to Site Medical
Clinic for Observation

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 19.0 Rescue From Confined Space

Rescue From Confined


Entry Control Person Raises

Alarm and Notifies ERC & EOO
on Channel 1 and Advices
Location of Confined Space,
Number of Persons Trapped and
Potential Hazards
Entry Control Person Does Not
Effect Rescue and Shall Prevent
Other Team Members from
Entering Confined Space

Emergency Response Team Will

Only Effect Rescue if Confined
Space is Made Safe:
All Hazards Are Identified and
Gas/Chemical Levels Known
Isolations are In Place
Rescue Equipment is Available
and Operable
Trained Personnel Available to
Effect Rescue
Clear Lines of Communications
Are Available
Explosion Proof Lighting and
Fans Available
Safe Access is Available

EOO Mobilizes On-Scene Commander

and FRT in Rescue Unit 2 to Location
to Assess Risk and Effect Rescue if
Safe to do so
Site Paramedic Mobilizes in Rescue
Unit 1 to Provide Medical Support

EOO with Area Supervisor to Identify

and Isolate any Sources of Ignition,
Energised Equipment, Engulfment and
Make Area Safe

Rescued Persons Provided

Medical Treatment at Location and
Transported Patients to Medical

Once Rescue Complete, Suspend

all Confined Space Activities,
Until Investigation into Causes is
Complete and Corrective Actions
Conduct Stand-down, Toolbox
Talks and Issue Safety Bulletin on
Event as Appropriate.

Initiate External Notifications

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 20.0 Capsize or Sinking of Vessel

Capsize or Sinking of

Captain or Crew Member to Raise

Alarm, Notify Marine Authorities by
Radio (Mayday Distress Call) and
Initiate Abandonment of Vessel by
Lifeboat, Life Raft or Entry into
Water with Lifejackets.

Site Emergency Team Action

ERC & EOO Mobilize Fast Transfer
Vessel to Site to Assist with Rescue
Place Site Medical Clinic on Alert to
Deal with Potential Medical

EOO and On-Scene Commander

Access Personnel Tracking System
to Establish Number of Persons
Onboard (POB) and Relay
Information to Gladstone Port

Once all POBs are Accounted for,

EOO to Issue Report Confirming
Numbers. In the Event a Person(s)
is Not Accounted, FRC is to Provide
Details of Missing Person to
Authorities and Initiate Search and

Once Rescue is Effected, and all

Personnel are Accounted for,
Conduct Investigation and Initiate
Corrective Actions

In the event a Vessel Capsizes or

Sinks at the MOF, Jetty or in Close
Proximity to Curtis Island, ERC will
Mobilize Emergency and Medical
Team and Rescue 1 and Emergency
Response Team and Rescue 2 to
Provide Medical Support and
Assistance with Rescue

Personnel Tracking System

will be fitted with an
Uninterrupted Power Supply
(UPS) system to ensure power
is maintained to the system for
eight hours, in the event of a
power outage.

Initiate External Notifications

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 21.0 Person Overboard

Person Overboard Fall In to

On Vessel

Working Over Water

Person in Vicinity Witnessing Person


Person in Vicinity Witnessing Person


Raises Alarm by Shouting Person

Overboard Until Help Arrives

Raises Alarm by Shouting Person

Overboard Until Help Arrives

Throws Life Buoy into Water

Throws Life Buoy into Water

Keeps Eyes on Person in Water

Keeps Eyes on Person in Water

If Available, Launch Additional Life

Buoys into Water to Indicate
Direction of Current Life Jackets
are a Good Substitute

If Available Launch Additional Life

Buoys into Water to Indicate
Direction of Current Life Jackets
are a Good Substitute

Boat Master to Turn Boat Around to

Effect Rescue or Orders Launching of
Fast Rescue Boat to Undertake Rescue

Standby Rescue Boat to Undertake


In the Event Person Cannot Be Immediately

Located, personnel to Inform ERC or EOO on
Channel 1 and Advice Location and Number of
Person(s) Who Require Rescuing

EOO to Notify Port Authority and

Police of Incident and Request

Persons Located and Rescued,

Medical Appraisal, Trauma
Counselling and Investigation and
Report Making Recommendations for

Initiate External

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 22.0 Earthquake Emergency

Earth Tremor Felt

ERC & EOO to Assess Severity

and Damage Caused by Each
Tremor, e.g., People Trapped,
Structural Damage

Where an Emergency Exists, EOO

will Mobilize FRT and Medical
Team in Rescue Unit 1 and
Emergency Response Team in
Rescue Unit 2 to Provide Medical
Support and Assistance with

FRC and Evacuation Management

Team to Consider Evacuation of Site
to Mainland, or if on Mainland
Facilities to a Safe Haven Elsewhere

ERC to Mobilize Machinery,

Equipment and Personnel to Assist
with Rescue and Cleanup Efforts.

Once Rescue is Effected and all

Personnel are Accounted For,
Conduct Investigation and Initiate
Correct Actions

Initiate External Notifications

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 23.0 Tsunami Emergency

Major Ocean Disturbance

Takes Place (Earthquakes,
Landslide, Volcanic
Eruptions, Explosions,)

Tsunami Alert Posted

Site Emergency Commander and

Emergency Controller to Consult
with Bureau of Meteorology
Tsunami Warning System

Evacuation Decision
Considerations Evacuation
Management Team
Is There Time to Effect
Evacuation? Tsunamis Can
Occur Close to Area and There
Might Not be Sufficient Time to
Arrange and Execute Safe
Consider Implications of Staying
or Going
Determine Probable Path and
Timeline of Tsunami
Determine Alternate Safe Areas
on Curtis Island and Mainland
Consider Type and Availability of
Transportation Vehicles

Site Emergency Commander and

Evacuation Management Team to
Consider Evacuation of Site to High
Ground or Mainland

Method of Conveying Alarm

Without Causing Panic. If Time
Permits, Call Toolbox Talks.
Consider Radio Use.
Employ Personnel Tacking
System to Account for all
Persons Evacuating.

Decision Made to Go:

Personnel Notified
Marine Transport Arrangements
Bus Transport on Mainland
Accommodation Arrangements

Initiate External Notifications

Once Evacuation Cycle Complete,

Conduct Investigation and Initiate
Corrective Actions

Consider Return to Site Issues in

the Event Tsunami Strikes Site:
o Flooding of Site and
o Damage to Scaffolds,
Equipment, etc.
o Structural Damage to Camp
and Offices
o Impact on Medical Facilities
o Electrical Hazards
o Drainage Issues
o Wildlife Hazards
Consider all the Above Issues
Before Occupying Site

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 24.0 Offsite Emergency Mutual Aid

Offsite Emergency
Mutual Aid

Neighbouring Plant or Residents on

Curtis Island Experience an Emergency
Beyond Their Capability and Resources

Outside Request for Assistance

Received by GLNG Project

ERC Liaises With External

Counterpart and Determines Type
and Level of Support Required Fire, Medical, Environmental,
Manpower, Fire Appliances,
Ambulance, Rescue Equipment,
Cranes, Water Trucks, Earth
Moving Equipment

Likely Response Time is Realistically

Calculated Against Likely End Benefit
Prior to Departure.

EOO to Mobilize Emergency Response

Team and Brief on Emergency Request

Ensure any Exposure to GLNG

Project is Assessed Prior to
Departure of Emergency Response
Team and Equipment

On-Scene Commander to Seek

Approval to Respond from ERC,
Prior to Departure

On-Scene Commander to Ensure

all Communication Interfaces with
Third Party Incident Management
are Confirmed

On-Scene Commander to Confirm

Incident Status with EOO and Third
Party Emergency Response Team,
on Arrival at the Incident Scene.

On-Scene Commander to
Request Approval Prior to any
Abnormal Response Activities
Being Commenced

Emergency Response Coordinator

and Team to Participate In Debrief on
Emergency Incident

On-scene Commander and FRT to

Participate in Debriefing, Before
Returning to GLNG Project

Return to GLNG Site and Make-up

Equipment and Brief Management on
Incident Events

On-Scene Commander to Keep ERC

& EOO Informed of Status and
Magnitude of Emergency and Likely
Time Away From Site

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Attachment 25.0 Pandemic Preparedness

Pandemic Alert

Site Doctor (Pandemic Coordinator

PC) Reviews World Health
Organisation and Australian
Government Health Emergency
Website to Assess Pandemic
World Health Organisation:

Australian Government Website:


PC, ERC & EOO to Monitor

Pandemic Exposure and Review
Levels of Preparedness

Pandemic Phase 4 Declared.

Implement Projects Pandemic Plan
and Continue to Liaise with GPC

PC, ERC & EOO to Continue

Monitoring Pandemic Exposure
and Liaise With Government
Health Services on Required

Pandemic Threat Posed to Region.

ERC and EOO Liaise with Project
Doctor and PC to Determine Threat to
Project and Level of Preparedness

Pandemic Declared Over by Health

Services, Return Project to Normal

PC to Liaise with OG&C GBU

Pandemic Coordinator (GPC) and
Initiate Projects Pandemic Plan

Review Level of Preparation and

Response and Update Pandemic
Response Plan and Resources as

Site Alerts Issued to Inform Personnel

of Potential Pandemic and Actions to
be Taken

See Appendix H for Additional

Information on Pandemic

Ensure Quantities of Personnel

Protective Equipment and Hand
Disinfectants are Available

Ensure Quarantine Areas are

Established and Equipped

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Appendix A Emergency Coordinators Checklist
Emergency Response Coordinators Checklist
Initial Actions

Establish initial contact with relevant site personnel and establish the nature of the emergency, the potential and
current status of personnel, assets and the environment

Establish who has been informed and who needs to be informed external to Bechtel
Activate the On-Scene Commander, FRT and Medical Team
Classify the emergency - be prepared to reclassify as the emergency unfolds
Establish ERT at EOC, if emergency warrants such action
Consider whether Site or Curtis Island evacuation is potentially required
Inform Senior Project Manager of current status of emergency
Ensure that the relevant authorities have been notified
Establish contact with key subcontractor management as applicable
React to un-availability of any FRT or Medical Team members

General Actions

Ensure all ERT members are aware of the current situation

Hold a time-out as soon as practical to confirm latest information and status with all ERT Members hold
regularly (20-30 minutes) thereafter
If possible maintain an open line with the subcontractor representatives
Consider the need to have External Affairs or HR support
Contact and liaise with Contractor Company as appropriate.
Oversee the maintenance of the situation board & record log to ensure accuracy & timeliness
Maintain regular contact with the On-Scene Commander
Regularly confirm casualty and POB status to maintain accuracy
Confirm all ERT members understand that all media comment will be made by the Senior Project Manager or
Owners (GLNG) nominated repetitive
Call for information on any external contacts already made by other EMT members
Ensure business and regulator/government notifications are made as per requirements
If you have to leave the ER Room what is this? ensure you appoint a deputy

Strategic Actions

Discuss potential with On-Scene Commander

Step back from the detail on a regular basis to look at the overall response and potential escalation
Consider impact minimisation options
Keep ERT on track regarding response/communications/strategy objectives
Make decisions without consensus when necessary
Encourage proactive/lateral thinking from ERT and encourage regular discussions

Concluding Actions

Collect all Logs and chair ERT debrief session

Request and follow up on full incident reports and recommendations

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Appendix B Emergency Log

Emergency Log
DATE: ../../..










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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Appendix C Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency and Related Services

Fire Service
Gladstone Hospital
Marine Unit
Coordinator for
Gladstone Ports
Report a discharge or
probable discharge
Gladstone Harbour

Call 000 (or 112 if call is from a mobile telephone)

This is (LNG, CURTIS ISLAND, LOT 1, GLNG) calling
Main Telephone: (07) 976 3200 Emergency: (07) 4976 3218
Park Street GLADSTONE QLD 4680 (See Map Below)

Office: (07) 4976 1333 (24 hours)

VHF Radio:

VHF 13 and 16 0


+61 7 4973 1208

Fax: +61 7 4972 5520

Email: VTS-Gladstone@msq.qld.gov.au
Regional Harbour Master (Gladstone)

MSQ - Gladstone
Harbour Master

Telephone: (07) 497 31200 Main Office Mobile: 0407878852 Registered Harbour Master
Fax: (07) 497 25520

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency and Related Services

QLD Fire & Rescue

OIC - Ron Gibson, Mobile: 0404 474820, Office: 4972 9278QAS Communications 4931 7111
OIC Dave Young, Mobile: 0408 781334, Office: 4979 6582, QFRS FireComm 4922 1130 / 4972 1011
Gladstone Fire Station: (07) 4979 6589
OIC Craig White, Office: 4971 3222 (Gladstone Police Communications Centre)

QLD Police Service

Gladstone Police Station (07) 4971 3209

Curtis Ferry Services

Mobile: 0428 180079 / 0418 729 641, Office: 4972 6990

Workplace Health and

Safety Queensland

Main line: 1300 369 915

Aus. Maritime Safety


Office: (02) 6279 5000 Switch Board

Harbour Control:

Office: 4973 1208

Gladstone: (07) 4972 9045

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency and Related Services


4931 1500 Rockhampton

Dept of Main Roads

(07) 4971 5208 Gladstone Road Safety

(07) 4971 5206 Regional Compliance and Enforcement

Protection Agency

Office: 4971 6500

Poisons Information

Emergency call number: 13 1126

State Emergency

Office: 4975 7585, 132 500

Gladstone Regional

Office: 4975 8100

(RACQ) Capricorn
Helicopter Rescue

000 or (07) 4922 9093

Canoona Road, Rockhampton
Helipad Coordinates Curtis Island: S 23o 47 0.02

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E 151o 13 12.00

Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Bechtel /GLNG Contact Listing




(713) 235 2504




Site Construction
Manager - ERC

(713) 235 5600




Rod Beach

Civil / Marine
(Including Early Works

(+61) (7) 3167 5497





Site ES&H Manager

Delegated EOO

(+61) (7) 3167 1205





HSE Manager - EOO

713 235 3419






713 235 3868





On-Scene Commander






Log Keeper






Site Doctor






Site Paramedic






Site Security Manager





Paulo Mello

Subcontracts Manager

(713) 235 3779




713 235 83842







Project Manager

John MacKay



Jim Gardiner Project Director

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Bechtel /GLNG Contact Listing








Construction Manager






Site Manager






Project Engineer






LNG Plant Health &

Safety Manager






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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Appendix D Reporting and Emergency

Reporting an Emergency
(Usually first on scene)
Raise The Alarm


Stop and Think!


Raise the alarm and notify the Emergency Operations Officer on Channel 1 or by
Telephone on XXXX. Provide them with an initial incident assessment and extent of
the emergency. Provide:
Your name
Exact location
What is the emergency (spill, fire, injury)
People injured or missing


Declare radio silence if necessary.


Attempt to rectify any hazards but do nothing to endanger yourself or other lives.


If you or other people are in immediate danger, evacuate the area or building. Alert others
by shouting or activating an evacuation alarm/siren if provided.


Assist with evacuation of area if necessary and proceed to Evacuation Assembly Area.


Protect yourself and any injured persons.


If safe and trained to do so, respond to incident (fight fire).


Continue to assist until help arrives.

10. Assist with assessing initial likely requirements.

11. Act as guide if required.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Appendix E - Bomb Threat Form


Initial Actions:
Time of call:


Keep caller talking

Do not hang up!

Exact Wording of Threat:

Questions to Ask:
When is the bomb going to explode?
Where exactly is the bomb?
When did you put it there?
What does the bomb look like?
What kind of bomb is it?
What will make the bomb explode?
Did you place the bomb?
Why did you place the bomb?
What is your name?
Where are you?
What is your address?

Listen For:

Accent / Impediment / Tone / Speech / Diction / Manner


Polite / Incoherent / Irrational / Taped / Read Out / Abusive


Traffic / Voices / Machinery / Music / Noises On The Line / Local Call / STD


Sex of Caller: M

Estimated Age:

Do Not Hang Up
After the Call
Note The Time of The End of the Call:


Name of Recipient (Print):



Report The Call to Your Local Manager/Supervisor,

Who Will Contact the Police and the Camp Warden

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Appendix F Suspicious Parcels

Pay attention to the appearance, wrapping, addressing, postage, or any other irregularities of
the parcel. Be alert to:
1. Lopsided or uneven packages or envelopes
2. Excessive postage
3. Hand-written or badly typed addresses
4. Absence of return address or nonsensical return address
5. Generic or incorrect titles
6. Misspelling of common words
7. Strange odours
8. Unusual sounds, particularly ticking or buzzing noises
9. Oil stains or discoloration
10. Protruding wires, tinfoil, or string
11. Excessive weight
12. Rigid envelope
13. Excessive securing material, such as masking tape, string, etc.
14. Restrictive markings, such as Confidential, Personal, etc.
Do you know the sender? If not, and you feel the item is "suspicious," contact your Supervisor
and Security for further action and refer to the guidelines below:
If a letter, parcel or package is suspicious:

Do not touch it, and do not allow anyone else to touch it.
Keep people away from the area.
Notify your team leader or a senior manager immediately
Notify the Emergency Controller call XXXXXX or XXXX
Do not handle the suspicious object and do not try to carry it outside.
Carefully place the item on your desk or table and step away.


1. Evacuate the room. If the device appears to be very large, evacuate surrounding rooms.
2. During evacuation, leave doors and windows open to reduce any blast effects.
3. Do not place the device in water.
4. Do not use radios or cell phones to call the authorities. Real bombs are often radio controlled
1. Do not panic.
2. Do not touch, smell, taste, or try to analyse the substance.
3. Alert others to keep away from the area.
4. Remain in the immediate area to minimise the spread of contamination.
5. Turn off any circulating fans, air conditioners or heaters.
6. Do not attempt to wash off or disperse the agent.
7. Wait for trained medical and decontamination personnel to arrive.
8. Do not pass the letter or package to others. Handling may only spread the substance and
increase the chances of getting it in the air.

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Appendix G Cyclone Response Guide

The HSE Manager will regularly monitor the Bureau of Meteorology internet site for forecasts and
warnings during the cyclone season and will arrange for automatic alerts to be provided by
Australian Bureau of Meteorology to enable appropriate assessments to be made.

Wind Strength

90 - 125 km/h

125 164 km/h

165 224 km/h

225 279 km/h

> 280 km/h

Typical Effects
Negligible property damage.
Damage to some crops, trees and
caravans. Craft may drag moorings.
Minor property damage. Significant
damage to signs and trees. Risk of
power failure. Small Craft may
break moorings.
Some roof and structural damage.
Power failures likely.
Significant roofing loss and
structural damage. Dangerous
airborne debris. Widespread power
Extremely dangerous with
widespread destruction.

Source: Australian Bureau of Meteorology Website


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Section 1
Phase 1 Initial Warning Only
Phase 1
Yellow Alert
Declared when:
1. Bureau of Meteorology has advised there is a cyclone in the area via a cyclone watch;
2. There is a possibility it may come towards Gladstone;
3. The project considers it prudent to initiate a warning.
Actions Include:
1. ERC to advise Bechtel Leads and Subcontractors of the cyclone status.
2. Emergency Response Team and Subcontractors conduct a risk assessment of impending
situation and review actions.
3. Team Leaders to cease all work and advise all site team members of cyclone alert via
toolbox safety meetings.
4. Team Leaders to reinforce warning system and actions.
5. Detailed clean up of site to commence, including removal of all surplus equipment and
materials from the site.
6. Consider completion of new installation work to cease and fastening down of existing work.
7. All items that may become airborne are to be lowered to ground level and stored inside
enclosed containers or buildings, which are tied down by an approved method.
8. Steel scaffolds to be secured to a permanent structure.
9. Aluminium scaffolds are to be dismantled, stacked and stored or tied down.
10. All rubbish bins and skips to be secured or removed from site where practicable. \
11. ERC and EOO to audit the site and report deficiencies to Subcontractor Site Managers.

Note: Sandbags, steel cable, netting and other such equipment will be provided to tie
down equipment in the field to prevent it from becoming airborne in the event of a
tropical storm or cyclone. Where practicable, equipment and materials will be housed
indoors and large equipment will be used to contain equipment likely to become

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Section 2
Phase 2 Cyclone Conditions Likely Within 16 hours
Phase 2
Blue Alert
Declared 24 hours before destructive winds are expected
Actions Include:
1. EOO to plot cyclone movement every two hours
2. ERC to advise subcontractors of the change in cyclone status
3. Complete storage and tying down of all items previously identified
4. Scaffolds to have all boards lowered to ground and stored or tied down
5. Oxy and acetylene cylinders to have gauges removed and stored
6. Secure cranes and mobile equipment. Hydraulic crane booms to be retracted and lowered
7. Lattice jib cranes to have booms lowered and secured and parked with outriggers extended
8. Mobile equipment to be moved as close as practical to site buildings with handbrake on and
in low gear
9. Windows of mobile equipment, crib room facilities and offices to be taped and covered where
10. Valuable site office equipment (computers, printers etc) and records to be placed on floor of
site buildings, under tables and sealed in plastic sheet
11. Temporary power boards to be switched off and secured
12. All contractors and project management team to cease work and personnel sent home once
site is secured and made safe
13. Isolate main power supplies.
14. Vessel moorings to be checked and vessels made safe
15. All loose items on deck space to be removed below deck or made safe
16. Personnel living on mainland and non essential personnel and visitors to return to mainland
and be provided transport home or to safe shelter
17. Vessels to return to safe haven of Gladstone Harbour before sea state deteriorates
18. Vessel Masters to comply with instructions from Gladstone Harbour Master
19. Camp staff to make camp ready for occupancy by personnel living in camp and ensure
following items are available in dedicated safe havens:
Bottled water
Flashlight with spare batteries

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Light meals and snacks
Toilet requirements
Medical coverage and associated medical consumables and equipment
Communications with mainland
During the early stages of work on Curtis Island, when there is no onsite
accommodation or safe shelters, all personnel shall return to the mainland where they will be
transported home if living locally or to an agreed safe haven on the mainland if not a resident of
the Gladstone area.

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Section 3
Phase 3 Cyclone conditions Probable within 8 hours

Phase 3
Red Alert
Declared 24 hours before destructive winds are expected on site.
Actions Include:
1. Final check of site by ERC & EOO with Bechtel and Subcontractor Area Superintendents to
assess status of preparations and address any last minute items.
2. All personnel to return to camp and check their rooms for following items:
3. Bottled water
4. Flashlight with spare batteries
5. Snacks
6. Toilet requirements
7. Personnel on Curtis Island without accommodation to report to dining hall.
8. Personnel to standby in the safety of their rooms and await cyclone.
Section 4
Phase 4 Cyclone in area
Actions Include:
1. All personnel to remain in safety of site buildings, i.e., room, dining hall, medical centre.

Section 5
Phase 5 Cyclone moving away
Cyclone passed but still active / not active
Actions Include:
1. Personnel advised to remain within safety of room until site, camp areas are inspected and all
clear is given.
2. ERC to determine if safe to return to site/work.
3. ERC to contact project Team Leaders and confirm availability of team members.
4. ERC to advise Subcontractor Site Managers of return to work intentions.

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5. Inspect site. Conduct hazard analysis to eliminate and control hazards prior to commencing
6. Recovery Plan to be formulated to address severe damage.
7. ERC to assess damage and report to Senior Project Manager.
8. Site returned to steady state when all is safe.
9. Note: Local Radio Station will be used to alert all employees in the Gladstone region of status
for their return to work. Text messaging may be used for certain disciplines, e.g.,
supervisors, foremen, etc.

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Appendix H Pandemic Overview Guide

A Pandemic is an epidemic disease of widespread prevalence around the globe. The
Bechtel Pandemic Response Plan will guide the Projects preparedness and response to
a pandemic, with the intent of:

Limiting the impact of a pandemic event on the Project and personnel

Taking responsible actions to limit the spread of a pandemic and alleviating

disease, suffering and death, and;

Sustaining critical infrastructure and reducing the economic impact to construction

and local communities

In the event of a pandemic, Bechtel will initiate this Pandemic Response Plan which will
serve to advise and guide the project once the World Health Organisation (WHO)
declares a Phase 1-6 (1-7 in Australia) Pandemic Event.
Pandemic Phases
The World Health Organisation has 6 global phases to describe the status of a
pandemic worldwide. Australia, however, has 7 phases to guide the Australian
response to the pandemic as it develops:
Pandemic influenza - Australian phases


Prevention and Response

Australian Phase

Phase Description
A new flu virus with pandemic potential causes severe disease in
humans who have had contact with infected animals. There is no
effective transmission between humans. The new virus has not
arrived in Australia.




Pandemic virus has arrived in Australia causing a small number of



A new disease of moderate severity (mild in most but severe in

some) is spreading in Australia.


Pandemic virus is established in Australia and is spreading in the




Small clusters of human infection with the virus overseas. Virus is

becoming increasingly better adapted to humans, but may not yet
be fully adapted (substantial pandemic risk).

Customised pandemic vaccine is widely available.

Pandemic is controlled in Australia but further waves may occur.

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Roles and Responsibilities

Depending on the Australian Pandemic Phase Level, various positions will be created
whose purposes are outlined below:
Corporate Pandemic Coordinator (CPC)
This position will be held by the Bechtel Corporate HSE Manager or designee, and is to
act as the single-point-of-contact for all issues and concerns pertaining to a Pandemic
Event. The CPC shall be appointed upon the declaration of a Phase 1 Pandemic Event
and responsibilities include:

Provide special emergency resources, as may be required

Identify and select special equipment and materials (including appropriate PPE)
that may be required by the Project

Provide special response personnel and services, if necessary (i.e., medical

specialists, risk assessment personnel, evacuation services);

GBU Pandemic Coordinator (GPC)

This position will be held by the Bechtel OG&C GBU HSE Manager or designee, and is
to act as the single-point-of-contact within Bechtel OG&C for all matters pertaining to or
arising from the occurrence of a pandemic event. The GPC shall be appointed upon the
declaration of a Phase 3 Pandemic Event
Pandemic Coordinator (PC)
The project HSE Manager or designee will act at the Pandemic Coordinator (PC) in the
event of a declaration of a Phase 4 Pandemic Event. The role of the PC will be to act as
the single-point-of contact for the Project for all matters pertaining to or arising from the
occurrence of a pandemic event. The PC will also be responsible for:

Provision of general or specific education and training to all personnel on:

Nature and extent of the pandemic event

Risks to health and welfare

Contents of the Pandemic Procedure

Responsibilities of project personnel to ensure the provisions of this procedure are

met in order to limit the spread and scale of the pandemic event;

Ensure subcontractors understand their roles and responsibilities during the

pandemic event that affects their area of work

Ensure that the name of the designated Project PC is forwarded to the GPC

The table below outlines, in further detail, the actions Bechtel will implement in the event
of an Australian declaration of a Pandemic Event.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Pandemic Influenza
Phase 0-3

Phase 3

GLNG HHS Response

Bechtel Corporate Pandemic

Response Procedures

Project HSE initiates root cause

analysis & lessons learned

Directs Business Continuity goals and


Root cause analysis documentation to

Corporate Health

Facilitates recuperation of medical

supplies if applicable

Corporate Pandemic Coordinator (CPC)


Patient Records to Corporate Health

Routine Public Health Surveillance

using health performance indicators.

Bechtel OG&C president appoints GBU

pandemic coordinator (GPC)

Infectious disease awareness training

Routine interventions to control

infectious diseases including
education, hygiene practices. Etc

GPC plans for command centre, trains

Pandemic Coordinators (PC), evaluates
site specific plans

Routine Emergency Planning

coordinating with drills, Emergency
Command Centre training,
evacuation plans, addresses
pandemic in tool box talks

External Affairs Plan communication

program, stock materials, create virtual
website, distribute awareness materials,
plan pandemic help-line

In the event of a Notifiable disease

within the GLNG camp population,
the HSSE department shall conduct
an investigation and a risk analysis to
determine infectivity of the disease
and the risk to the rest of the

Communications in The Event of


Pandemic awareness material

GLNG Project HSSE Corporate Health
(monthly reports, interesting cases)

IS&T identifies technical solutions to work

from home, and trains staff
Legal & risk management evaluates
insurance & coverage risk
Travel during Pandemic Phase 3 will not
be restricted but CPC will monitor local
regulations for travel restrictions

The PC shall remain within the HSSE

department and is responsible for the
further treatment and possible
evacuation of the employees. Site
management shall be notified of the
outcome and risk mitigation
Identify sources of pandemic

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response medications (e.g., Tamiflu,

vaccinations etc.)

Phase 4
Small cluster(s) with
limited human-to-human
transmission. Spread of
the disease is highly
localized suggesting
that the virus is not well
adapted to humans.

Heightened level of public health

surveillance including the use of
screening procedures if applicable
Heightened interventions including
education, social distancing,
quarantine, preparation for medical
evacuation of non essential personnel
if applicable
Heightened emergency planning
including table top and what if
analysis, information gathering by the
project response team
If applicable, GPC Initiates
Evacuation Actions for Non-Essential
Personnel and Dependants. It is likely
that international travel shall become
progressively more complex as an
infectious disease outbreak
progresses, therefore lessons learned
Coordinate the procurement and
delivery of anti-viral or bactericidal
medications applicable to the public
health emergency

GBU issues all staff informational e-mail

GPC establishes command centre, alerts
project PC.
External Affairs monitors international
developments, activates website,
publicizes help line

GLNG Project HSSE Corporate Health

(monthly reports, interesting cases)
Project HSSE facilitates awareness
material and information dispersion
throughout project.

CPC monitors local regulations for travel

CPC to review and approve all travel to
pandemic areas. GBC will initiate
evacuation of designated personnel if
nature of pandemic so dictates
Where possible, following the declaration
of Pandemic Phase 4, travellers should be
equipped with a Personal Travel Pack,
including potentially protective
medications such as Tamiflu and personal
hygiene cleansers
The employee self assessment
questionnaire shall be deployed including
education and resources along with
actions to take for its usage.

Pandemic Coordinator, (PC) will

close projects and offices if
nature of pandemic so dictates

Phase 5
Larger cluster(s), but

Activate Infectious Disease

Emergency Response Plan
(Appendix C)

GPC activates control centre, alerts site

specific PC to phase 5 conditions.
CPC will review and approve any travel

Project all hands meeting, awareness

training, social distancing seminars,
hygiene practices

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spread is still
considered localized,
suggesting that the
virus is becoming
increasingly better
adapted to humans but
may not yet be fully
(substantial pandemic

Vigilant public health surveillance

including self assessment, restricted
movement, camp isolation,
quarantine measures if applicable.

orders for any personnel returning from

Pandemic Area if nature of pandemic so

Assists in emergent medical

evacuations if applicable.

CPC will not authorize travel TO

Pandemic Area if nature of pandemic so

Assist in coordination of site

evacuation if applicable

External Affairs activates pandemic

helpline, updates websites

Notifies authorities as required (US

CDC, WHO, Australian Department
of Health)
Open isolation ward in clinic if
applicable and safe to do so.
When Pandemic Phase 6 is declared, all
travel will cease, unless specifically
authorized by the GBU President and in
accordance with Corporate travel policies
to be determined at that time.

Phase 6
PANDEMIC: Increased
and sustained humanto-human transmission
in the general

Phase 7
Global pandemic
levels decreased or
returned to normal
seasonal levels

Work activities to return to normal

while remaining vigilant

Travel to region may resume but CPC will

monitor local regulations for travel

Inform personnel of pandemic control

and continue to emphasize disease
awareness training

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Appendix I Duty Cards

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Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC)

Performed By:

Site Construction Manager

Reports To:

Senior Project Manager

1. Responsible for the effective leadership of the Emergency Response Team
(ERT) from the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)
2. Responsible for the management of the emergency response at the
construction site, camp facility and mainland activities
3. Ensure that all necessary support is provided to the affected site
4. Ensures effective communications are established with all appropriate
internal and external parties.
1. Remain contactable while on duty and adhere to the drug and alcohol policy.
Nominate a delegate as required in the event of absence
2. Attend all training activities organised for the ERT
3. Remain familiar with responsibilities within the ERT and Emergency
Response Coordinator (ERC) duties.
Immediate actions:
1. Implement the Bechtel GLNG Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
(EPRP) immediately and assign roles (build the team for the situation)
2. Nominate and deploy person to meet with Emergency Services at the
relevant location as defined in Attachments 1 - 25
3. Ensure the EOC has been activated and setup
4. Confirm that ERT members have been contacted and are attending the EOC
5. Appoint a Log Keeper and ensure a log of events is commenced as soon as
6. Establish clear, uninterrupted lines of communications with the affected site
and the On-Scene Commander
7. Establish and clarify the details of the emergency and then provide ongoing
assistance and guidance to the On-Scene Commander at site
8. Brief all ERT members on factual information and the current status of the
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9. Ensure ERT members are fully aware of their respective roles and
10. Assess need for senior management to be at the emergency site
11. Consult with the Senior Project Manager as to the emergency classification
level and determine if the emergency is to be escalated up to Bechtels
OG&C Functional Management Team in Houston
During incident:
1. Establish ERT relief/shift arrangements as necessary
2. Monitor and ensure effectiveness of information flow to/from affected site
3. Communicate on a regular basis with the On-Scene Commander (OSC) and
ask for SITREPS. Set call-back times so as not to detract from the response
4. Continually assess the emergency to meet any changes in the situation
5. Ensure all personnel are accounted for and that their welfare is monitored
6. Obtain details of any personnel injured
7. Confirm that the Emergency Services are attending/are in attendance
8. If warranted ensure that the emergency site is cordoned off so as not to
disturb any evidence that may be required
9. Conduct regular briefings with ERT to keep all informed of emergency status
and forward planning process
10. As required provide Situation Reports (SITREPS) to the Senior Project
11. Ensure all need-to-know Bechtel and GLNG personnel have been notified of
the emergency.
12. Ensure the Log Keeper and ERT Status Board are up to date
13. Identify potential problem areas and issues that may arise directly or
indirectly as a result of an ongoing response, i.e., risk and exposure to
production/commercial impacts
14. Consider site HR and ER issues resulting from the emergency and take
appropriate action
15. As a result of an emergency situation at site assess site security
16. Ensure the ERT and all of its supporting functions continue to operate
17. Ensure a complete filing system of documents is established and all
documents pertinent to the emergency and the response are collected,
recorded and securely stored.

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1. In consultation with the On-Scene Commander ensure that all personnel
have been accounted for and that it is safe to resume normal operations
2. Ensure all actions have been closed out and the emergency log completed
3. Brief all ERT members of the termination of the emergency
4. Ensure the termination of the emergency is communicated to all personnel
5. Consider what investigations will be appropriate in relation to the emergency
6. Conduct a detailed debrief with the ERT to ensure all issues, actions and
lessons learnt are captured
7. Ensure the On-Scene Commander at site provides a detailed debrief report
that includes issues arising from the assistance provided by the ERT and
external parties i.e. Emergency Services
8. Ensure that a responsible person has been delegated the role of
commencing an investigation into the emergency and is provided with the
necessary support.

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Log Keeper
Performed By:

Safety Administrator

Reports To:

Emergency Response Coordinator

1. Responsible for the efficient recording of all emergency information, requests,
actions, decisions, strategies and relevant information in the emergency
response log
2. Provide administration support to the Emergency Response Team (ERT) and
undertake other duties as directed by the Emergency Response Coordinator

1. Attend all training activities organised for the ERT
2. Remain familiar with responsibilities within the ERT and Log Keeper duties.
Immediate actions:
1. Assemble at the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) and receive a detailed
briefing on the emergency
2. Perform the set up of the EOC and all facilities
3. Obtain adequate briefing and likely requirements of the role
4. Establish as soon as possible the Emergency Log and record all matters in a
chronological and concise manner
5. Utilise a desktop PC or Notebook computer to electronically record the
emergency log and if possible display the log with a data projector
6. Ensure ERT members are aware of the emergency document flow process
7. Prepare the ERT status and information boards for recording if electronic
whiteboards are used ensure copies are made prior to the removal of any
8. Act as a recording secretary, taking meeting minutes when requested
9. Remain focused on the log keeping role, but assist the ERT when possible.

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During incident:
1. As your recording role is critical - DO NOT get involved in any activities other
than on this checklist unless directed by the ERC
2. Continually review the Log for accuracy and if recording by electronic means,
ensure that the data being entered is saved or backed up
3. As requested, copy or print off log sheets for ERT members and mark the log
sheet as an uncontrolled copy
4. Update the ERT Status Board at regular intervals
5. Assist with the efficient filing and recording of all ERT/ Field Response Team
6. Confirm SITREPS for Log with ERC
7. Clarify any confusion of events/actions as soon as apparent
8. In a shift operation situation, or when assigning a deputy, brief incoming
person on individual role, status of situation, log and record keeping
1. On advice from the ERC, complete all necessary log keeping and
administration requirements
2. Collect and collate all personal records and log sheets from all ERT members
3. Participate in the ERT debrief
4. Assist with the restoration of the EOC and secure filing of all records.

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Emergency Operations Officer (EOO)

Performed By:

HSE Manager

Reports To:

Emergency Response Coordinator

1. Responsible for managing the immediate event response, including activating
and coordinating resources and activities
2. Maintaining ongoing communication with key stakeholders throughout the
response and recovery activities
3. Assist in other duties as directed by the Emergency Response Coordinator
1. Remain contactable while on site and adhere to drug and alcohol policy.
Nominate a delegate as required in the event of absence
2. Attend all training activities organised for the Emergency Response Team
3. Remain familiar with responsibilities within the ERT and Operations Officer
Immediate actions:
1. Assemble at the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) and receive a detailed
briefing on the emergency
2. Assist in the set up of the room and ensure an up to-date Emergency
Contact list is available to the ERT
3. Following initial contact by the ERC with the scene, maintain communications
and receive ongoing Situation Reports (SITREPS)
4. Ensure that you have the appropriate communication mediums available to
you at all times (i.e. radio/landline/mobile)
5. Ensure that a direct line of communication is established with the affected site
as requested by the ERC communicate with nominated parties and relay
messages/instructions given by the ERC
6. Obtain contact details (if not on Emergency Contact List) for any external
parties involved in the emergency.

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During incident:
1. Continually review and assess the effectiveness of all communication
mediums within the ERT and with the field and rectify any problems
2. Ensure that the On-Scene Commander (OSC) is adequately supported and
kept informed of ERT actions
3. Manage and monitor all event response activities including site evacuation if
4. Ensure that Emergency Services are briefed, inducted and appropriately
guided in their response to the emergency
5. Assist in the timely delivery of all correspondence, internal and external
6. Assist in the setup of any conference calls with either the affected site or
Queensland IMT
7. As required consult with the ERC to maintain effective liaison with all key
8. Review all site SITREPs to assess long term communication issues
9. Ensure that important correspondence and messages are delivered to ERT
10. If necessary, maintain your own log of events or notes
11. Liaise closely with ERT members and keep Log Keeper informed of any
developments at EOC or affected site.
1. Consult with the ERC on the completion of all necessary internal and external
emergency termination communications
2. Liaise with the affected site as to final emergency communication issues with
all key stakeholders, including the OSC and Emergency Services
3. Ensure that any post emergency communication commitments are completed
4. Liaise with the Log Keeper to ensure that all issues and actions have been
recorded in the Log
5. Ensure that no information is deleted from the status or information boards
until all comments have been captured
6. Any audio recordings must be labelled, retained and sealed with the EOC
confidential files
7. Participate in the ERT debrief
8. Assist with the restoration of the EOC and secure filing of all records.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

On-Scene Commander
Performed By:

Nominated Field Superintendent

Reports To:

Emergency Response Coordinator (initial contact)

Operations Officer (ongoing communications)

1. Remain contactable while on site and adhere to drug and alcohol policy.
Nominate a delegate as required in the event of absence
2. Responsible for the activation of requisite site Emergency procedures by the
site Field Response Team (FRT)
3. Responsible for the safe and effective evacuation of site personnel
4. Ensures that appropriate Emergency Shut Down procedures are
5. Responsible for factual information being communicated to the Emergency
Response Coordinator (ERC) / Emergency Response Team (ERT).
1. Attend all training activities organised for the ERT and FRT
2. Remain familiar with responsibilities within the FRT and On-Scene
Commander (OSC) duties.
Immediate actions:
1. When emergency alarm is raised determine the source/type of emergency
and gather all available information.
2. Assume initial responsibility for control of the emergency at site and FRT
3. Ensure site emergency response procedures are immediately implemented
4. If required initiate site evacuation to assembly points and ensure a Muster
Point Warden is present to conduct a headcount of all personnel
5. Arrange for the safe shutdown of equipment/plant in the affected area (if
possible) as long as personnel are not endangered in the process
6. If safe to do so, make the area/site safe & render assistance to affected
7. Assess what immediate response can safely be undertaken by personnel at
the emergency site prior to the arrival of further assistance (i.e. Emergency

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

8. Notify the ERC of the emergency and provide a full Situation Report
9. Assess whether the nominated control room will be a safe area to manage
the emergency. Advise ERC if evacuation to the camp (alternate location) is
10. Maintain an open line of communication with the ERC and EOC
11. Further assess the emergency and in consultation with the ERC determine
the emergency response classification level and what assistance / support /
resources are required at the site.
During incident:
1. Ensure that any injured personnel are provided with appropriate first aid
treatment and monitored at all times
2. Maintain a chronological record of activities record events/actions/messages/
3. Provide regular SITREPS to the ERT Operation Officer (Aim for 15 minute
update intervals if possible)
4. Assist in the coordination of response support/resources coming to site
5. Ensure any responding agencies have the correct details/location of the
emergency & give directions as required
6. Act as the primary point of contact for the Emergency Services upon their
arrival and provide a detailed briefing on the emergency & known hazards
7. Continually monitor the site for any other hazards that may be present
8. Gather permits that are in use & ascertain what work is currently in progress
and what other work may impact on the emergency
9. If warranted, ensure that the emergency site is cordoned off so as not to
contaminate any evidence that may be required
10. Monitor the welfare of all personnel at site and ensure that any provisions
required are provided (i.e., water/food/shelter)
11. In consultation with the ERC ensure that access to the site is restricted to
authorised personnel only
12. Assess the impact the emergency may have on the environment and advise
the ERT
13. Continue to provide ERC with SITREPs at intervals of 15-30 minutes or as
14. Ensure that all personnel/contractors (shift workers) employed at site are
provided with details of the emergency and given a factual briefing during
shift handover
15. Assess need for additional assistance at the affected site and relieving of
ERT personnel.

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1. Account for all personnel and ensure the site has been made safe before
standing down personnel and stating that the emergency has concluded
2. Conduct a debrief with all FRT personnel
3. Maintain security of the emergency site until an investigation has been
4. Assist in the assessment and integrity of plant/equipment for use after the
5. Compile and record a factual description of the emergency
6. Collect/collate all recorded information/documents and retain
7. Provide the ERC with a comprehensive debrief
8. Assist in the investigation process
9. Assess the emergency response equipment utilised and arrange for repair/
replacement if required.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Field Response Team Members

Performed By:

Site Nominated Field Personnel

Reports To:

On Scene Commander

1. Responsible for fire and rescue emergency response
2. Responsible for assisting site medical response team and administering first
aid where required
3. Responsible for assisting with safe and effective evacuation of site personnel
4. Assist with appropriate Emergency Shut Down procedures where required
1. Remain contactable while on site and adhere to drug and alcohol policy.
Nominate a delegate as required in the event of absence
2. Attend all training activities organised for the ERT and FRT
3. Remain familiar with responsibilities within the FRT and ERT duties
4. Participate in mock and desktop exercises
5. Conduct daily inspections of ERT related emergency equipment and maintain
equipment accordingly
Immediate actions:
1. When emergency alarm is raised determine the source/type of emergency
and report to On-Scene Commander (OSC)
2. Mobilize required emergency equipment, i.e., rescue vehicle, fire appliance,
3. Ensure site emergency response procedures are immediately implemented
4. Maintain an open line of communication with the OSC
5. Further assess the emergency and in consultation with the OSC determine
the emergency response classification level and what
assistance/support/resources are required at the site.
During incident:

Ensure that any injured personnel are provided with appropriate first aid
treatment and monitored at all times


Assist in the coordination of response support/resources coming to site

Ensure any responding agencies have the correct details/location of the
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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan


emergency & give directions as required

Assist Emergency Services upon their arrival at site


Continually monitor the site for any other hazards that may be present


Assist with cordoning off emergency site if time allows, so as not to

contaminate any evidence that may be required


Assist with the welfare of all personnel at site and ensure that any provisions
required are provided (i.e. water/food/shelter)

1. Assist with ensuring the site has been made safe before standing down
2. Participate in a debrief
3. Assist with compiling a factual description of the emergency
4. Assist in the investigation process
5. Assess the emergency response equipment utilised and arrange for repair/
replacement if required.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Muster Point Warden

Performed By:

Nominated Site Personnel (Usually Volunteers)

Reports To:

On-Scene Commander/EOO

1. Maintain information on location and medical status of evacuated personnel
2. Assist and coordinate the effective and safe evacuation of personnel from the
emergency site
3. Assist in other duties as directed by the On-Scene Commander/EOO.
1. Attend all training activities organised for the Field Response Team (FRT)
2. Remain familiar with responsibilities within the FRT and Muster Point Warden
Immediate actions:
1. Ensure that the muster point is safe to have people congregate and nominate
an alternate muster point if required
2. Arrange first-aid for any injured persons at the muster point
3. Conduct the initial headcount of evacuated personnel compare against site
personnel register if possible
4. Confirm emergency status with Emergency Response Team (ERT ) (i.e.
ensure the whole site is aware of the emergency and mobilising accordingly)
5. Communicate headcount result; including details of injured and missing
personnel to the Emergency Operations Officer located at the Emergency
Operations Centre (EOC)] and On-Scene Commander (OSC) via radio or via
During incident:
1. Don warden identification (reflective vest)
2. Maintain a log of personnel movements in and out of the muster point (ensure
there are no non-essential movements)
3. Communicate relevant Situation Report (SITREP) information with personnel
at the muster point
4. Report and update relevant emergency information to the ERC/OSC
(whichever is applicable at the time)
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5. Provide back-up support to emergency response efforts as directed by the

ERC. Involve additional persons as required to assist.
1. Pass on stand-down information to muster point, including any no-go areas
as directed by the OSC
2. Arrange safe transfer of all muster point personnel to any nominated
assembly/de-brief area
3. Attend FRT debrief.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Appendix J Helicopter Support Guidelines

For some emergency responses, it may be appropriate for injured personnel to be evacuated by
helicopter. It may also be appropriate for personnel or resources to be delivered to the work
location in this manner.
Note that injured personnel are not able to be transported via a standard helicopter if they are
not in a stable condition.
Providing Location Information
The following information is required when requesting helicopter support:

Site Location


Communication available at the location i.e. radio communications including channel,

mobile phone

Type of terrain and hazards i.e. trees or power lines

Weather conditions in the area

Identify any obvious landmarks or potential landing locations

Passenger weight/build.

Helicopter Suitable Landing Sites

A basic Helicopter landing site should:
Have a Final Approach and Take Off (FATO) area large enough to accommodate the

helicopter safely a circular area of 30 m diameter (or equal to twice the length of the
helicopter, when the rotor(s) are turning); free of obstacles, no scrub more than 0.5 m high,
no loose materials or any rubbish likely to interfere with the operation of the helicopter.
Maintain a safe approach and departure path that should extend outwards from the edge of

the Final Approach and Take Off area as indicated in Figure 2 and have an obstacle free
gradient of 7.5 (1:8 vertical to horizontal). This approach and departure path may be curved
left or right to avoid obstacles or take advantage of a more advantageous approach or
Include a Landing and Lift-off Area (LLA), at minimum, having an area equal in size to the

undercarriage contact points plus one meter on all sides.

Have a surface capable of withstanding the static and dynamic loads imposed by the

Only be used for day operations under helicopter visual meteorological conditions.

Helicopter rotor blades are very finely balanced and even a light object such as a plastic bag
drawn up into the rotor disc can cause major damage. Additionally, loose objects may be drawn
into the engine air intakes causing catastrophic engine damage.

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Figure 1 Final Approach and Take Off Area for Helicopter

Helicopter Preparation for Arrival

Where possible, the Final Approach and Take Off area should be wetted down to minimise
dust brought up from the rotor blades

Ensure the flight path for take-offs and landings (upwind and downwind of the Landing and
Lift-off Area) does not require the helicopter to pass over power or phone lines, tall trees,
buildings or vehicles

If using a road for a Final Approach and Take Off area, do not select an area with poor
visibility, bends, tee junctions and make certain to stop all traffic

Keep all vehicles, injured persons, other emergency personnel and others at least 30 m
from the Landing and Lift-off Area

Keep any livestock, kangaroos and in particular dogs (which are attracted to the high
frequency pitch of the helicopter tail rotor) away from the Final Approach and Take Off area.

Helicopter safety procedures

Remove hats and secure or remove loose clothing when approaching the helicopter and
when indicating wind direction

Only approach the helicopter from the side and remain outside the rotor path after it has
landed and only approach after the pilot gives you the thumbs up signal.

Before approaching the aircraft, extend right arm sideways with thumb extended upwards.

Never approach helicopter through the danger zones indicated in Figure 2.

Do not proceed past rear locker on fuselage due to danger of the tail rotor.

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Figure 2 Helicopter Approach Safety

Night Procedures for Helicopters Helipad illumination

Upon confirmation that a helicopter will be arriving, undertake the following actions:

Place two vehicles in an arrowhead formation to illuminate the landing area as shown in
Figure 3

Ensure the vehicles are placed at a 45 angle with the wind blowing towards them

Ensure the headlights are on low beam

Remove antennas etc from the vehicles and place the vehicles approximately 6 m back from
the landing area

If possible, place four perimeter lights around the landing area

Ensure the landing area is located on short grass or gibber stone or is watered down to
minimise dust. Dust recirculation by the helicopter at night is a potentially dangerous

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Gladstone LNG Project Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Figure 3 Lighting for Landing Area

Night Procedures for Helicopters

In preparation for landing, turn on all available lighting. This includes building, toilet and vehicle

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