Whitepaper Agile Metrics

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The document discusses using metrics to measure and improve agile teams and processes. It recommends selecting metrics based on goals using the GQM framework and provides examples of metrics for satisfaction, maturity, alignment, quantity, and quality.

The document discusses metrics for measuring team satisfaction, including Team Member Happiness measured on a 1-5 scale, and Net Promoter Score measured on a 1-10 scale.

The document discusses metrics for measuring team maturity, including Ratio of Successful Sprints, Focus Factor, Estimation Accuracy, and Reliability.


ness +

Agile Metrics
Let the Numbers tell the Tale

Table of Contents


The most important questions to answer about your Scrum implementation

How satisfied is our Scrum team and Stakeholder?

Are we constantly improving our team maturity?

Is our development effort aligned with the business?

Are we increasing the quantity of work delivered?


Is the quality of the work compliant to the norm?






Whether we realize it or not, we all use metrics

on a daily basis. When we get into our cars in the
morning we keep an eye on our speedometer
to make sure were not going too fast, we hoist
ourselves on a scale every now and then to keep
the weight in check, teachers and peers have been
grading our abilities since an early age, the list is
endless. So why do we measure? We measure so
that we can take action when whatever it is were
measuring is deviating from that what we expect
or desire. Which brings us to the key message
of this whitepaper; metrics should always lead
to actionable results. It should be clear what the
measured data means, and it should be clear which
actions to take based on the measurement. There
are hundreds of metrics available for software
development and Scrum, not all of them make
Metrics should be a key aspect of every (software)
development process. Thankfully, Scrum, with
its iterative foundation, makes collecting these
measurements and responding to them extremely

The most important questions to answer

about your Scrum implementation
We need some sort of structured approach to
help us compile a minimal set of metrics from the
long list of metrics that we have composed over
the years. There are several models that can be
implemented when deciding which metrics to use
to assess software characteristics. An approach
commonly used is the Goal Question Metric (GQM)
approach. This approach originates from research
into defect evaluations in the NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center in 19841. It has since been adapted
to function as a quality improvement paradigm in
software development.
In short, the GQM approach takes a top-down
perspective for quality metrics; an organization
needs to achieve certain goals, the metrics should
be able to show whether or not those goals have
been met, and they should be able to guide an
organization towards fulfilling those goals2
. A goal is broken down into a specific format, so
that it contains a purpose, an issue, the object or
process of focus and the viewpoint of who or what

Figure 1, A breakdown of a GQM goal.

straightforward. In this whitepaper we will provide

the reader with a set of metrics that we have
selected based on years of experience coaching
and working with Agile teams. We do not think that
this is list is exhaustive. The collection of metrics an
Agile team should use is context dependent, but it
should provide the reader with enough knowledge
and insight to get started.

the goal should be related to. A set of questions

is selected that provide context to the goal; when
these questions have been answered we should
know whether the goal has been reached. The
metrics provide the answers to the questions.
To illustrate, take the following goal for a banking
app on mobile devices: Improve the perceived
responsiveness of the mobile banking application
from the users point of view.

R. Basili, D. M. Weiss, A Methodology for Collecting

Valid Software Engineering Data, IEEE Transactions on Software

Engineering, vol. SE-10, no.6, November 1984, pp. 728-738.

Van Solingen, Rini; Egon Berghout (1999). The Goal/

Question/Metric Method. McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN 0-07-709553-7.

A question, which we can link to this goal, would be

what is the relationship between boot-up time and
perceived responsiveness? the metric we use to
answer this particular question would be the startup
time of every iteration of the product to date and the
responsiveness as judged by the users of the app.
Another question that could be linked to the goal is
how fast do the apps of our competitors load? as
this might be the criterion customers use to judge
your application.
So we need to set a goal for usage of Scrum
metrics. Why do we want to measure our Scrum
process? In fact, why are you reading this
whitepaper? We think this goal can be described
somewhere along the lines of: To improve the
results of our Scrum implementation from the
business point of view. Of course a Scrum
implementation is multifaceted, so we need to make
sure that our set of metrics covers all of the aspects
of the Scrum implementation. The questions that we
link to our goal need to have the same multifaceted
We converted those aspects, key areas of a Scrum
implementation, into the following questions:
Satisfaction of stakeholders (how happy are our
customers? How happy is the team?), the maturity
of the team (are we constantly improving?), the
alignment with the business (are we focusing on
delivering value for the business?), the delivered
quantity of work and the quality of the work

Figure 2, this papers goal and questions visualized.

These five key areas are inter-connected: it makes
no sense to focus on an increase in productivity
(Quantity) if that means delivering buggy or low
value software (Quality). Similarly, delivering high
value work (Alignment) but not spending time on
education and knowledge transfer (Maturity) might
be beneficial on the short term but will come back to
haunt you in the long run. And of course Satisfaction
is a general characteristic that should always be
achieved. We have defined a number of questions
to align our goal to the GQM model:

How satisfied is our Scrum Team and

Are we constantly improving our team maturity?
Is our development effort aligned with the
Are we increasing the quantity of work
Is the quality of the work compliant to the norm?

The following paragraphs describe the metrics

we propose to answer the questions mentioned
above. It should be noted that there are many,
many more metrics than the selection you are
about to read through. The aim is to keep the set
of metrics limited, but all-inclusive with respect to
describing the key areas of Scrum. There must
also be a causal relationship between a metric
and the performance of a team or company.

The interpretation of the resulting answers when

measuring help create actionable improvements.
These improvements should lead to improved

How satisfied is our Scrum team and

We measure satisfaction from two perspectives,
from the supply side and from the demand side.
The Scrum Team is the supply side in this case,
we use the Team Member Happiness metric for
the supply side and the Net Promotor Score, or
NPS, for the demand side, the business in this case
(please see Appendix A for a summary of these

Figure 3, a Happiness metric spanning 15 sprints.

makes the Happiness metric especially actionable,

while remaining lightweight. It doesnt necessarily
take a lot of time and resources to identify and
solve lingering issues or to put those things that are
working out well in the spotlights.
Figure 3 shows Happiness Metric data that one of
Scrum coaches has gathered over a period of 15
sprints. Note the dips at Sprint 1 and 12, and the
smaller dips at sprint 5 and 9. Without additional
data these dips could have been caused by variety
of reasons. We know that the dip
at Sprint 1 was caused because
the team just started Scrum,
which was a cause for great
anxiety and stress. The dip at
Sprint 12 was caused because a
number of team members called
in sick and so the team wasnt
able to successfully complete the
sprint. Sprints 5 and 9 mark the
completion date for a release.
As the release approaches
the team is starting to feel the
stress. Reading such a collection
of metrics data requires this
background knowledge, without it
no useful data can be extracted from the graph.

Team Member Happiness is an important metric

as things that are going wrong and right during
development will almost always reflect on the
The NPS is a metric that is used by many
happiness of everyone involved. Team Member
organizations in a variety of fields. Where the Team
Happiness is commonly measured at the end of
Member Happiness places focus on the Scrum
a sprint. Five post-its are
placed on a wall (or door,
any surface will do), each
team member is asked to
place a sticky next to the
numbered post-it that best
reflects his or her current
happiness, where 1 is very
unhappy and 5 is very
happy. Every team member
is also asked to speak
out on what is needed to
improve their happiness for
the following sprint. It is this
characteristic of revealing
introspective elements that
Figure 4, The Net Promotor Score of a team

Team, the NPS is focused towards the customer. It

is used to gauge customers how likely they would
recommend the services or products of a company
to others; this is seen as a major indicator of
customer satisfaction. The customers/stakeholders
grade the performance of the team on a scale from
1 to 10. Scores ranging from 8 and up are usually
seen as preferable. In Figure 4 we can see that the
NPS is relatively low at the start, this is not strange,
because the first few Sprints of a team tend to be
chaotic and are usually associated with a stress and
unhappiness. We see that the NPS quickly picks
up until there is a sudden decline, this could have
been caused by a decrease in quantity, but it could
also have been caused by the appointment of new
Stakeholder unfamiliar with Scrum. Again, we need
the context in order to make sense of the data.

Are we constantly improving our team

The inspect-adapt adagio does not only apply to
the software. The Scrum team itself must constantly
inspect and adapt its own processes and skills
and strive for continuous improvement. Teams
that fail to learn will stagnate and are doomed to
fail. Hence, new knowledge must be created and
shared between team members and dependencies
on individuals must be resolved to guarantee
continuity. Within some organizations this is part of
the company DNA and these sorts of processes will
happen naturally, at others it might be necessary to
schedule some time in every sprint for knowledge
transfer. We propose a quartet of metrics to make
the transparency process transparent (please see
Appendix B for a summary of these metrics).
The Ratio of Successful Sprints shows how
many sprints have been finished successfully as
compared to the total number of sprints. Obviously
as the Scrum process and team matures this ratio
should increase over time. The Ratio of Successful
Sprints will only be of value when the Scrum Team
has completed a minimum amount of Sprints.

Figure 5, the Ratio of Successful Sprints

The Focus Factor shows the percentage of time

the team spends on committed work. This number
should also increase over time as team members
spend less time on non-committed activities when
they grow accustomed to the Scrum way of working.

More formally, it calculates

how much time was spent
on requested, completed
and accepted software.
The Focus Factor can
be calculated by dividing
the Work Capacity by the
original sum of estimated
Story Points (the Velocity)
of a team. The Work
Capacity is simply the
total reported amount of
work. Because we use
percentages and relative
values here, the Focus
Figure 6, The Focus Factor slowly progressing to the preferred 0,8-1,0 bandwith
Factor can be used to
compare teams. As with
they have committed to, is reflected in the Reliability,
the Ratio of Successful sprints we expect the Focus it is simply the amount of estimated Story Points for
Factor to increase and stabilize over time (see
the completed Stories divided by the total amount of
figure 6), a Focus Factor of 0,8 is considered to be
Estimated Story Points for the Backlog.
The teams ability to accurately estimate the
required amount of effort to finish the Sprint
Backlog is another maturity metric. This Estimation
Accuracy will also increase as a team becomes
more mature. The Estimation Accuracy can be
calculated by dividing the actual amount of time
spent on completing the committed User Stories by
the original estimation of time. This means that the
accuracy can overshoot and undershoot the optimal
bandwidth, as can be seen
in Figure 7.
The final metric is the
Reliability metric, which
compares the amount
of earned Story Points
versus the amount of
committed Story Points.
Finishing all but one Task
of a User Story will still
cause that User Story
to remain not done,
although many hours of
effort have been spent on
the Story. The ability of
teams to finish those tasks

We further pose that Team Member Happiness

is also an indication of the maturity of teams.
Especially during the inception of teams there will
most likely be some conflict due to the fact that team
members have to get used to working with each

Figure 7, the Estimation Accuracy is slowly stabilizing

Is our development effort aligned with

the business?
Great teams can deliver great software, but when
the software delivered isnt of high value the
Business will still not be content. Therefore we
encourage a tight alignment of the development
team with the business. We measure the business
alignment using two metrics, the Return on
Investment (ROI) and the Total Business Value
Earned. We further propose an end-to-end metric
that shows whether the team is tackling all key
areas of the product (please see Appendix C for a
summary of these metrics).
In order to improve the results of a team, we have
to make the value they produce transparent. In
linear software development methodologies this is
a complex matter, thankfully Scrums incremental
method of software delivery makes these
calculations a little easier. We make the business
value Agile teams deliver visible by calculating the
ROI for Epics and User Stories. Broadly speaking
the ROI can be calculated in two
different ways; by taking the actual
monetary value of User Stories,
or by calculating a relative value.
Naturally both methods have
their pros and cons. In order to
come to a toolkit with lightweight
metrics we prefer to work with
relative estimations, especially for
organizations that are relatively new
to Scrum.

the Total Business Value Earned. The ROI can then

be calculated by dividing the total value by the total
Estimated Effort of the sprint.
A good Product Owner will always take multiple
metrics into account when assessing a situation.
Take for instance Figure 8 below. Figure 8 displays
only the Velocity of a Scrum team, we see tat the
Velocity is decreasing rapidly after Sprint 5, a
reason for concern, right? But what happens when
we project the Business Value earned over this
data? As we can see, the Velocity was increasing,
but apparently that was due to the fact that the
team was delivering items of little Business Value.
Perhaps the Velocity was artificially high because
the team was only tackling smaller items. Thanks
to the combination of the Velocity with the Business
Value Earned we can see that it is unwise to aim
solely at raising the Velocity when that means
hurting the Business Value. That is why the
Business Value should be taken into account when
prioritizing a Backlog.

We use an estimation technique

similar to the one used for Effort
Figure 8, a eams Velocity mapped against the earnedBusiness Value.
Estimation to associate a number
of Value Points to a work item,
for example using the Fibonacci range. We pick
one User Story (or a small set of Stories) to
We propose an End-to-End metric that shows
set the baseline for the value of a Value Point.
whether or not effort is being spent on the most
It is important to note that the Business Value
important aspects of the software product. The
should be estimated by the representatives of the
software product can be divided in a number of
Business, i.e. the Product Owner (PO) and business components, i.e. the login component, the payment
stakeholders, and not the development team. At
portal, but also less tangible characteristics, like
the end of a sprint all the Value Points of the User
usability. Every User Story the team commits to and
Stories and Bugs can be accumulated to gather
finishes is added to one of these components. After

a number of Sprints this metric will be able to show

you whether or not the effort is spent on the right

Figure 9, the End-to-End metric

Are we increasing the quantity of work

We propose four metrics to measure whether the
team delivers a consistently increasing amount
of work, Velocity, Process Efficiency, Release
Burndown and Release Burnup (please see
Appendix D for a summary of these metrics).

much that can be done to mediate this. However, if

these dips were caused by User Stories that were
too complex and hence couldnt be finished within
Sprint, that would be a sign for the Product Owner
to step in and review the Product Backlog.
The Process Efficiency shows how efficiently team
members work on the tasks they have committed

Scrum teams should always try to achieve the

highest possible Velocity (without sacrificing the
quality of the work). A teams Velocity is based on
the amount of Story Points a team earned during a
sprint. If the team finished three User Stories, worth
2, 5 and 13 points, the total Velocity for that sprint
is 20 points. It should be noted that the time spent
on unscheduled work is not captured in the Velocity.
Similar to Value Points he team settles on a User
Story (or a set of Stories) to be used as a baseline
norm for effort estimation. This means that the
Velocity is a relative metric that cannot be compared
across teams. The trend in the Velocity growth over
time, however, is comparable across teams.
The figure below displays the Velocity of a team
set out to the Forecast of the team. As you can
see the Velocity has a positive trend but is subject
to a lot of changes that cause it to dip periodically.
In the Scrum team where this data was gathered
from these dips were caused by sick leaves of
team members. In this particular case there is not

Figure 11, The Sprint Burndown

to. For example, when someone starts working on

a User Story with an estimated amount of effort of
4 hours at 9 am, we would expect this User Story
to be finished at around 1 pm. If the User Story is
pushed to done at 2 pm, our Process Efficiency is
80% (4/5 hours). People work most efficiently when
they can focus on a single task, thus a high Process
Efficiency percentage is preferred if the quantity of
work delivered should increase.
Another quantitative metric is
the Sprint Burndown, the Sprint
Burndown shows how much work
(in Story Points or in hours) has
been completed during a Sprint
(the Stories which are marked as
done), how much work is left, and
how much work should ideally be
left. Displayed in Figure 11 is a
Sprint Burndown graph of a twoweek sprint (10 working days). We
say that as time progresses, the
team deviates further away from
the ideal line. This would be the
right time to step in and make sure
the team hasnt taken up more
work than it can chew. Note that
when the Actual line is below the
Ideal line, this is also not a good
sign as this means the team didnt
accurately estimate the amount of
work it can take up.
Another variation of the Sprint
Burndown metric is the Release
Burnup, displayed in Figure 12,
which shows a teams progression
towards completing not the Sprint
Backlog, but the Release Backlog.
The value on the x-axis are
sprints, not days, the value on the
y-axis is in Story Points.

Figure 10, The Forecasted Velocity versus the Actual Velocity

Figure 12, the Release Burnup

Is the quality of the work compliant to the

Estimating the quality of a piece of software is a
difficult task, as quality is often based on intangible
characteristics, such as look and feel. To make
software quality more tacit, quality characteristics
usually focus around bugs and defects, as these
are commonly agreed upon to
be visible artifacts of low quality
software (please see Appendix E
for a summary of these metrics).
We use two metrics to judge
whether the software we deliver
is of high quality, the Defect
Count and the Fault Severity.
The Defect Count is simply an
accumulation of all known defects
in the software. Obviously high
quality software should contain
a low number of bugs. It must be
noted that the amount of defects
detected is also largely dependent
on the rigorousness of the testing
procedures; the fact that no bugs
were found does not guarantee
that they arent there. So one
should be careful when judging the
quality of the work delivered based
on the Defect Count.

bug in the underlying business logic that takes 2

days to resolve is obviously much more troublesome
than 5 CSS layout issues that can be fixed in a
matter of minutes. We pose that the poorer the
quality of a piece of software, the longer it takes to
fix individual defects, so we check the severity of the
fixed defects, called faults. We make the distinction
between minor faults, major faults and critical faults.

Figure 13, the known defects in the Backlog

As we can see in figure 13 the

Defect Count for this particular
Scrum team is quite low at first,
this might be due to the fact that
in the first few Sprints not much
Figure 14, the Fault Severity changes in composition over time
functionality has been delivered.
As the Velocity picks up, so do
the known defects. After some time we see the time The Scrum team can judge which of the labels
starts to slowly get in control, perhaps due to an
applies to which defect. Preferably, the amount of
improved Definition of Done and testing procedures, defects fixed with a critical nature should be smaller
and the Defect Count starts to decline.
than the amount of defects fixed with a less severe
The Fault Severity metric can be used to judge the
severity of known defects, as the quantity of known
defects in itself does not give much insight in the
underlying quality of the work. After all, one critical

nature. In the figure below we see that the team is

slowly progressing towards that state.

In this whitepaper we provided a lightweight and
understandable set of metrics that can be used to
track a Scrum teams performance. Although there
are many more metrics to be found in literature, we
feel that the ones included in this paper are a good
set to start out with. What you should take with your
from this paper is that it is essential to adopt the
right metrics that match your situation, as metrics
are only right when they are actionable. The data
which you gather should naturally lead to actions
that influence what was measured, if needed.
Another key thing to note is that metrics can be
interpreted in a variety of ways. This makes it
necessary to combine data from several metrics
in order to be able to draw the most accurate
conclusions. The Goal Question Metric model
introduced in this whitepaper can help you to pick
the right metrics. We encourage everyone whos
involved with Scrum on a daily basis to apply
metrics to their Scrum processes, after all, the
numbers tell the tale.


Appendix C, Scrum Metrics for Alignment

Appendix A, Scrum Metrics for Satisfaction


Relative Return On Investment (Relative ROI)


The value of the completed work compared to the invested costs,

here the amount of Story Points.

Unit of Measurement

A amount in Value points per Story Point.


Total Business Value Earned


The Total Business Value Earned is an accumulation of all the

Business Value that was earned during a sprint.

Unit of Measurement

An amount in Value Points.


End-to-End metric


The amount of effort spent on specific components of the spftware

An amount in Value Points.


Team Member Happiness


The Happiness of the Scrum Team Members.

Unit of Measurement

Happiness is commonly measured on a linear scale that ranges from

1-5, where 1 is very unhappy and 5 is very happy.


Net Promotor Score (NPS)


Likelihood of recommendation of services to others.

Unit of Measurement

NPS is measured on a 10 point scale.

Appendix B, Scrum Metrics for Maturity


Ratio of Successful Sprints


The degree to which the team is able to meet their commitment.

Unit of Measurement


We measure the Ratio of Successful Sprints as a percentage by

dividing the number of successful Sprints by the total amount of
Focus Factor


The percentage of the teams effort that results in finished stories.

Unit of Measurement We measure the focus factor as a percentage by dividing the

Velocity by the teams Work Capacity.

Estimation Accuracy


The ability of teams to accurately estimate their work.

Unit of Measurement We measure the Estimation Accuracy as a percentage by dividing

the estimated amount of effort by the actual amount of effort.



The ability of teams to meet the Story Points they committed to for a

Unit of Measurement The Reliability is measured as a percentage by dividing the amount

of committed Story Points by the amount of earned Story Points.

Unit of Measurement

Appendix D, Scrum Metrics for Quantity




The velocity is a relative measure of the amount of work delivered

during a sprint.

Unit of Measurement We measure the Velocity in Story Points.


Process Efficiency


The Process Efficiency shows how efficient the team members

spend their time working on committed stories.

Unit of Measurement The Process Efficiency is measured as a percentage by dividing the

actual work time by the calendar time.

Sprint Burndown


The Sprint Burndown shows how much work the team has left
versus the ideal amount of work remaining.

Unit of Measurement We measure the Burndown in Story Points (or hours). Every day, the
remaining amount of Story Points is updated.

Release Burnup


The Release Burnup show how much a team has left to complete a
release versus the ideal amount of work remaining.

Unit of Measurement We measure the Release Burnup in Story Points (or hours). At the
end of every Sprint the Release Burnup is updated.

Appendix E, Scrum Metrics for Quality


Defect Count


The amount of defects in the software.

Unit of Measurement

We calculate the amount of identified bugs in the Backlog.


Severity of Faults


We measure the severity of the fixed defects.

Unit of Measurement

We divide the faults into three different categories: Minor faults,

major faults and critical faults. The Scrum team itself can categorize
these faults.

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