Hitachi Ucp Administration Manual V 3 5 1

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Unified Compute Platform 3.5.

UCP Administration Manual


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Preface........................................................................................................ xi
Intended audience . . . . . . .
Default names and accounts
Product version . . . . . . . . .
Document organization . . . .
UCP document set . . . . . . .
Getting help. . . . . . . . . . . .
Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . .






























. .xi
. .xi
. .xi
. xii
. xiii
. xiv
. xiv

Part I: UCP overview


Introduction to UCP ............................................................................... 3

About UCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UCP hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Base compute racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Software features supported by base compute rack model . . . .
Expansion compute racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Software features supported by expansion compute rack model
UCP software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UCP Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VMWare VSphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Microsoft SCVMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .










UCP hardware components ................................................................ 11

Physical architecture overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

UCP Administration Manual

Cisco converged configuration . . .

Cisco Ethernet configuration . . . .
Brocade Ethernet configuration . .
Management block . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chassis and servers . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chassis configuration . . . . . . . . .
Server configuration . . . . . . . . . .
Server boot configurations. . . .
Server identity virtualization . .
Server host names . . . . . . . . .
Networking and switches . . . . . . . . .
Physical networking . . . . . . . . . .
Logical networking . . . . . . . . . . .
Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Management Ethernet. . . . . . .
Access and aggregate Ethernet
Fibre Channel. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Converged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Switch configuration . . . . . . . .
Network adapters . . . . . . . . . . . .
Storage system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HDvM configuration . . . . . . . . . .
Storage system configuration. . . .
Shared storage requirements. . . .
Storage pools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

















UCP software components.................................................................. 41

UCP Director software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UCP Director Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The UCP Director API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The UCP Director CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For more information on the UCP Director CLI, see UCP Director CLI Reference.
Overview of UCP software components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Storage system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chassis and servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Server profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Upgraded servers without a server profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Identity pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Service templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



UCP Administration Manual


Hyper-V, Windows, and Linux images . . . . . . . . . . . .

Refreshing inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Standard component properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitoring indicators and monitoring state . . . . . . . . . .
Thresholds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SNMP monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Performance monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Health monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Management monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vCenter alarms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jobs, events, and reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reporting and syslogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Firmware update management in vSphere Web Client . . . . .
Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User authentication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AD accounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vCenter security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SCVMM security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
















UCP DOC and UCP Disaster Recovery .............................................. 69

About UCP DOC and UCP Disaster Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
UCP Disaster Recovery storage considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Part II: Using UCP Director


UCP Director Console ......................................................................... 73

UCP Director Console permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Connecting to UCP Director Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing UCP Director Console in vCenter . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing UCP Director Console in SCVMM . . . . . . . . . . .
Using UCP Director Console. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Downloading the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing about and support information . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Working with data in tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Refreshing UCP Director Console pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Individual monitoring state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UCP Administration Manual















Storage system use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UCP Director settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring SNMP settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring monitoring mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring AMQP credentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Updating available firmware in vSphere Web Client
Configuring WDS & UCP IP addresses. . . . . . . . . .
Configuring SCP server credentials . . . . . . . . . . . .

















Part III: Image management


Images overview.................................................................................. 91
Hypervisor managers . . . . . . . . .
Windows Deployment Server . . . .
UCP Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Image permissions . . . . . . . .
Image properties . . . . . . . . .
Image name . . . . . . . . . .
Image description. . . . . . .
Image type . . . . . . . . . . .
ESXi images. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Default images . . . . . . . . .
ESXi image updates . . . . .
ESXi image properties . . . .






























Prepare images for deployment .......................................................... 97

Windows and Linux images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Add Windows images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Determine which drivers to use . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Determine the driver injection method . . . . . . . . .
Share your Windows images with the WDS VM .
Add drivers to install.wim (DISM) . . . . . . . . . . .
Add drivers to boot.wim (DISM). . . . . . . . . . . .
Add the modified Windows image to WDS. . . . .
Add the install.wim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Add the boot.wim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Add the drivers to the boot image with WDS . . .
Create boot unattend and image unattend files .
Boot unattend files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Image unattend files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



UCP Administration Manual















. 98
. 98
. 99

Refresh UCP image inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Add Linux images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Copy your Linux image file to the WDS server . . . . . . . . .
Verify the latest Linux drivers are on the WDS server . . . .
Edit and run the Linux configuration script . . . . . . . . . . .
Refresh UCP image inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ESXi images. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Auto Deploy rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Host Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Repositories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Review commonly used image properties . . . . . . . . . .
External image repositories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manually adding ESXi updates to UCP. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cloning the default ESXi image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .














Deploy images in UCP Director......................................................... 117

About deploying images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
View image inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Refresh image inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deploy a cloned ESXi image . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Test the cloned and edited image on a host
Set the cloned image as default . . . . . . . . .
Post-deployment tasks for ESXi images . . . . . .
Viewing an ESXi image summary in vCenter
ESXi image packages in vCenter . . . . . . . .
Managing ESXi image repositories . . . . . . .
Configuring ESXi image update settings . . .
Manually checking external repositories . . .
Editing an ESXi image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Removing an ESXi image. . . . . . . . . . . . . .





















Part IV: Resource administration


Physical network administration ........................................................ 129

Switch permissions . . . . . . . . . .
Switch properties . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing switch inventory. . . . . .
Adding and removing switches .
Adding a switch . . . . . . . . .
Removing a switch . . . . . . .













UCP Administration Manual




















Viewing a switch summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Switch monitoring in vSphere Web Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Switch performance monitoring in vSphere Web Client. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Switch jobs in vSphere Web Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Switch events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Switch ports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing a switch port configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting unmanaged ports on an Ethernet or Converged switch . . . . . .
Refreshing switch inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring switch connection settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing a switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Updating Ethernet and Fibre Channel switch firmware in vSphere Web Client.
Ethernet and Converged switch backups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Backing up an Ethernet and Converged switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing Ethernet and Converged switch backups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing an Ethernet and Converged switch backup summary . . . . . . . . .
Ethernet and Converged switch backup jobs in vSphere Web Client. . .
Ethernet or Converged switch backup events in vSphere Web Client . .
Editing Ethernet and Converged switch backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Restoring Ethernet switch backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Removing Ethernet and Converged switch backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting the backup retention policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Backing up all Ethernet and Converged switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



10 Logical network administration .......................................................... 151

VLANs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring VLANs by hypervisor host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring VLANs by hosts in a cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring VLANs by non-hypervisor hosts . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring automatic VLAN and port channel group creation .
SCVMM host networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vCenter cluster networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring Fibre Channel zones on a hypervisor host . . . . . . . . .
Viewing Fibre Channel zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Add a Fibre Channel zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Edit a Fibre Channel zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Delete a Fibre Channel zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .











11 Storage system administration .......................................................... 161

Storage system permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Configuring Hitachi Device Manager (HDvM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162


UCP Administration Manual

Storage system properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Viewing the storage system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About the Storage System page in vSphere Client or SCVMM . .
About the Storage System table in vSphere Web Client . . . . . .
Storage system monitoring in vSphere Web Client . . . . . . . . . .
Storage system performance monitoring in vSphere Web Client
Storage system jobs in vSphere Web Client. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Storage system events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Storage system ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing the storage system port configuration . . . . . . . . . .
Pools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing pool inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing a pool summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pool performance monitoring in vSphere Web Client . . . . . .
Pool jobs in vSphere Web Client. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pool events in vSphere Web Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing volumes inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing a volume summary in vSphere Web Client . . . . . . . . .
Volume performance monitoring in vSphere Web Client . . . .
Volume jobs in vSphere Web Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Volume events in vSphere Web Client. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating and attaching a volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Refreshing storage inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring host storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a new host volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attaching an existing volume to a host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring an existing host volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring hypervisor cluster storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a new cluster volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attaching an existing volume to a cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring an existing cluster volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Detaching and deleting volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .










12 Server administration......................................................................... 189

Servers administration permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring Hitachi Compute Systems Manager (HCSM) . . .
Server properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing server inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing a server summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Server jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UCP Administration Manual
















Server events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing chassis inventory in vSphere Web Client .
Viewing a chassis summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chassis jobs in vSphere Web Client . . . . . . . .
Chassis events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fan modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Switch modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Power modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Management modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing a chassis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Updating chassis firmware in vSphere Web Client
Updating server firmware in vSphere Web Client . . . .
Refreshing server inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Power management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Powering off a server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Powering on a server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Resetting a server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Locating a server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting a non-hypervisor host name . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing a server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

















13 Server profile administration.............................................................. 207

Server profile permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Server profile properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EFI settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing server profile inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating, editing, and removing server profiles . . . . .
Creating a server profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Editing a server profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deleting a server profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing a server profile summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Identity types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Managing IP ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IDs allocated from a pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manually entered IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applying a server profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Move a server profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Extract server profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Remove server profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


UCP Administration Manual


















14 Service template administration ........................................................ 221

Service template permissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Service template properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ESXi host service templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ESXi cluster service templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hyper-V and Windows service templates. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Linux host service templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Custom host service templates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing service template inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating, cloning, editing, and removing service templates. . . .
Creating a service template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating an ESXi standalone service template . . . . . . . .
Creating an ESXi cluster service template . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a Hyper-V, Windows, or Linux service template
Creating a custom host service template. . . . . . . . . . . .
Cloning a service template. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Editing a service template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deleting a service template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing a service template summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Service template jobs in vSphere Web Client . . . . . . . . . . .
Service template events in vSphere Web Client . . . . . . . . .
Preparing VMware host profiles in vCenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .













Part V: Host deployment

15 Host deployment................................................................................ 241
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Deploying and configuring ESXi clusters in vCenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Deploying an ESXi cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Configuring an ESXi cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Deploying and configuring Hyper-V hosts and clusters in SCVMM . . . . . . . . . . 246
Deploying a Hyper-V service template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Configuring Hyper-V standalone host networking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Configuring a Hyper-V cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Configuring cluster networking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Configuring the quorum drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Creating the Hyper-V cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Deploying an ESXi standalone or non-hypervisor Windows, Linux, or custom host
from a service template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Changing an ESXi image in vCenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Changing the ESXi image assigned to an individual server . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

UCP Administration Manual


Changing the ESXi image assigned to all servers in a cluster in vSphere Web
Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

Part VI: Appendices


Jobs ................................................................................................... 255

UCP Director . . . . . . . .
Ethernet . . . . . . . .
Fibre Channel. . . . .
Converged network
Server . . . . . . . . . .
Storage . . . . . . . . .





































Events................................................................................................ 265
UCP Director . . . . . . . .
Ethernet . . . . . . . .
Fibre Channel. . . . .
Converged network
Server . . . . . . . . . .
Storage . . . . . . . . .





































VMware alarms.................................................................................. 329

VMware privileges ............................................................................. 333

UCP Administration Manual

This book explains how Hitachi Unified Compute Platform (UCP)
functions. The information contained is intended to help UCP
administrators better understand how the system works, including
concepts that are needed to configure and manage UCP. It is not a solution
design guide or a replacement for the release notes.
This book also covers concepts and instructions on using UCP Director
Console in with both vCenter and SCVMM to administer manage the
system, including switch, storage system, server, server profile, image,
and service template inventory.

Intended audience
This book is intended for UCP system administrators who configure,
monitor, and manage UCP systems. It assumes that they understand the
hypervisor manager they use (vCenter and SCVMM), as well as the
hardware components managed.

Default names and accounts

While it is possible to rename some components in UCP, such as the VM
names on the UCPManagement VM on the management block or the
sysadmin account, this book will use the default name.

Product version
This guide applies to UCP version 3.5.1.

UCP Administration Manual


Document organization

Document organization
This book contains eleven chapters and four appendixes.


Part I: "UCP overview

Chapter 1, Introduction to UCP

Contains an overview of UCP.

Chapter 2, UCP hardware


Provides an overview of the hardware

configurations for UCP and its related

Chapter 3, UCP software


Contains an overview of UCP Director and

other third-party software used in UCP.

Chapter 4, UCP DOC and UCP

Disaster Recovery

Contains an overview of UCP DOC and

UCP Disaster Recovery.

Part II: "Using UCP Director

Chapter 5, UCP Director

Describes how to use UCP Director

Console to control UCP Director. Also
details the Status Monitor page and
explains how to monitor component

Part III: "Image management

Chapter 6, Images overview

Provides an overview of how images work

in UCP.

Chapter 7, Prepare images for


Explains how to set up Windows, Linux

and ESXi images.

Chapter 8, Deploy images in UCP


Explains image deployment and postdeployment steps.

Part IV: "Resource administration


Chapter 9, Physical network


Explains how to administer Ethernet,

Fibre Channel, and converged switches.

Chapter 10, Logical network


Explains how to administer logical


Chapter 11, Storage system


Explains how to administer the storage


Chapter 12, Server


Explains how to administer servers.

Chapter 13, Server profile


Explains how to administer server


Chapter 14, Service template


Explains how to administer service


UCP Administration Manual

UCP document set




Part V: "Host deployment

Chapter 15, Host deployment

Explains how to prepare servers for

deployment, deploy a host OS, and
configure the host after deployment.

Part VI: "Appendices

Appendix A, Jobs

Lists and describes UCP Director tasks.

Appendix B, Events

Lists and describes UCP Director events.

Appendix C, VMware alarms

Lists and describes UCP Director alarms

when using vCenter.

Appendix D, VMware privileges

Describes the permissions necessary to

access the different features of UCP
Director when using vCenter.

UCP document set

The following documents from UCP 3.5 Patch 2 contain information that
applies to UCP 3.5.1:

UCP Pre-Installation Requirements and Configuration Contains

information and procedures you need to be aware of for a successful
UCP installation.

UCP Administration Manual Contains technical and usage information

for UCP and UCP Director. Describes how to administer UCP Director
through UCP Director Console with both VMware vCenter and Microsoft

UCP Director API Reference Describes how to use the UCP Director

UCP Director CLI Reference Describes how to use the UCP Director

UCP Director Third-Party Copyrights and Licences Contains copyright

and license information for the third-party software distributed with or
embedded in UCP Director.

UCP Administration Manual


Getting help

UCP DOC Administration Manual Contains technical and usage

information for Unified Compute Platform Director Operations Center
(UCP DOC). Describes how to administer UCP DOC through UCP DOC

UCP DOC API Reference Describes how to use the UCP DOC API.
UCP DOC CLI Reference Describes how to use the UCP DOC CLI.

Getting help
If you need to call the Hitachi Data Systems support center, please have
your site ID and provide as much information about the problem as
possible, including:

The circumstances surrounding the error or failure

The exact content of any returned messages
The Hitachi Data Systems customer support staff is available 24 hours a
day, seven days a week. If you need technical support, please call:

United States: (800) 446-0744

Outside the United States: (858) 547-4526

Please send us your comments on this document:
Include the document title, number, and revision, and refer to specific
sections and paragraphs whenever possible.
Thank you! (All comments become the property of Hitachi Data


UCP Administration Manual

Part I: UCP overview

This part contains these chapters:
Chapter 1, Introduction to UCP, on page 3
Chapter 2, UCP hardware components, on page 11
Chapter 3, UCP software components, on page 41
Chapter 4, UCP DOC and UCP Disaster Recovery, on page 69

UCP Administration Manual

UCP Administration Manual

Introduction to UCP
Hitachi Unified Compute Platform (UCP) is a turnkey converged
infrastructure solution. It uses centralized management software to
virtualize and integrate the server, storage, and networking resources that
comprise the physical infrastructure of UCP with the hypervisor manager
that you use to administer your virtual infrastructure. This enables you to
centrally administer and configure both physical and virtual resources from
a single interface.
This chapter contains an overview of UCP and explains the following:

About UCP
UCP hardware
Base compute racks
Expansion compute racks
UCP software

Chapter 1: Introduction to UCP

UCP Administration Manual

About UCP

About UCP
In a traditional datacenter you need to use different management
platforms and interfaces to administer virtual resources and hardware
elements. Some hardware elements, such as servers, may be able to be
administered through a single element manager, such as Hitachi Compute
Systems Manager (HCSM). Others, such as switches, often need to be
administered individually.
UCP solves this by integrating the configuration and administration of your
physical infrastructure with the hypervisor manager that you use to
administer your virtual infrastructure, either vCenter and System Center
Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM). This enables the scalable, automated
deployment and administration of both your physical and virtual resources
from the same platform.
UCP Director is the software that is used to aggregate the administration of
your physical infrastructure. Because it is integrated with your hypervisor
manager, it is able to bring hardware awareness fully into the platform.
For more information on UCP Director, see Chapter 3, UCP software
components, on page 41.

UCP hardware
UCP comes as a complete solution that contains all of the servers and
networking equipment needed to support both your virtual infrastructure
and the management components that administer it. This section covers
the fundamental physical and hardware components that are core to
understanding the UCP infrastructure.

Depending on the networking equipment that your infrastructure uses,
UCP comes in different configurations to support your business needs. This
enables you to select the networking components that are best able to
integrate with the rest of your infrastructure.
UCP supports the following networking equipment:

Cisco converged
Cisco Ethernet
Brocade Ethernet

Chapter 1: Introduction to UCP

UCP Administration Manual

UCP hardware

Servers, also referred to as blade servers, are the hardware entities in a
rack that are used to support a host OS. Because each server is located in
a rack and a rack can support up to 8 servers, the number of servers
supported by UCP depends on the number of racks that have been added
to UCP.

Storage is an fundamental component of your UCP solution because it
provides the necessary storage resources used by blade servers and host
VMs in UCP.
UCP supports the following storage system models:

Hitachi Unified Storage (HUS) 100 series

HUS 130

HUS 150

Enterprise storage systems



VSP G1000

Racks contain modules that enable servers to share basic resources, such
as power and fan modules. Each rack is able to contain up to eight servers.
Racks contain all of the physical hardware that make up the chasis
installed on-site.
Before shipping, all components in each rack are assembled, configured,
and tested. Testing ensures that all components function correctly and that
any firmware or hardware issues are detected prior to shipment. After UCP
arrives on site, an HDS technician will reassemble and test each
component again to ensure that it still functions correctly before being put
into production.
The networking, server and storage components described earlier will be
housed in one or more compute racks based on the UCP model you have.

Chapter 1: Introduction to UCP

UCP Administration Manual

Base compute racks

UCP comes in two expandable rack configurations:

Base compute racks

Expansion compute racks
For more information about each of the components in each configuration,
see Chapter 2, UCP hardware components, on page 11.

Base compute racks

The core unit of each configuration is the base compute rack. In addition to
containing server and networking hardware, the base compute rack
contains the management block, which is used to run the UCP Director
UCP is available with the following base compute rack models:

UCP 4000E for VMware vSphere with Cisco Networking

UCP 4000E for Microsoft Private Cloud with Cisco Networking

Software features supported by base compute rack model

The following table lists the supported software features in the 3.5.1
release of UCP based on the base compute rack models that are available.

UCP 4000E for VMware

vSphere (Cisco)

UCP 4000E for Microsoft

Private Cloud (Cisco)

Server profiles



ESXi host templates



ESXi cluster templates



Windows/Linux bare metal




Hyper-V host templates



Hyper-V cluster templates



Data Protection

Storage Replication (ESXi)



Storage Replication (Bare




Chapter 1: Introduction to UCP

UCP Administration Manual

Expansion compute racks


UCP 4000E for VMware

vSphere (Cisco)

UCP 4000E for Microsoft

Private Cloud (Cisco)

Health monitoring



Performance monitoring

Yes (via VC OPs)



Yes (via VC OPs)


Infrastructure Management
Firmware upgrades



Ethernet switch backups



Expansion compute racks

Additional compute racks, known as expansion compute racks, can be
added to Cisco Ethernet and Brocade Ethernet equipment to increase the
number of servers in the system.
UCP is available with the following expansion compute rack models:

UCP 4000 for VMware vSphere with Brocade Networking

UCP 4000 for VMware vSphere with Cisco Networking
UCP 4000 for Microsoft Private Cloud with Brocade Networking
UCP 4000 for Microsoft Private Cloud with Cisco Networking

Software features supported by expansion compute rack model

The following table lists the supported software features in the 3.5.1
release of UCP based on the type of expansion compute rack models that
are available.


UCP 4000 for VMware



UCP 4000E for Microsoft

Private Cloud


Server profiles





ESXi host templates





ESXi cluster templates





Chapter 1: Introduction to UCP

UCP Administration Manual

UCP software


UCP 4000 for VMware


UCP 4000E for Microsoft

Private Cloud





Windows/Linux bare metal






Hyper-V host templates





Hyper-V cluster templates





Data Protection
Storage Replication (ESXi)





Storage Replication (Bare






Health monitoring





Performance monitoring

Yes (via VC

Yes (via VC




Yes (via VC

Yes (via VC



Infrastructure Management
Firmware upgrades





Ethernet switch backups





UCP software
The UCP compute rack offerings described earlier come pre-configured
with software developed by Hitachi Data Systems and other third-party
software to help you manage all aspects of your virtual and UCP hardware

UCP Director
UCP Director is the main software component that is used to provision,
monitor, protect and operate all elements of your UCP compute rack
solution from within a single dashboard. It can be administered using the
UI, via the UCP Director Console, or programmatically through the UCP
Director API or UCP Director CLI. Any action or data collection that can be
performed through the UCP Director Console can also be done directly
through the API or the CLI.

Chapter 1: Introduction to UCP

UCP Administration Manual

UCP software

Depending on your specific virtual management preferences, the UCP

Director Console can be launched from directly within either of the
hypervisor managers discussed below.

VMWare VSphere
UCP Director tightly integrates with VMware vSphere to enable faster
deployment of cloud infrastructure and efficient resource allocation.
Although VMware does provide API and CLI interfaces, VMware vSphere is
typically administered using either the thick client, referred to as the
VSphere Client, or through a thin client, VSphere Web Client.
Most UCP features are accessible using both vSphere client types, however,
there are some exceptions. The following table describes which features
are available based on the VSphere client you are using.
UCP 4000 for VMware
vSphere (Brocade & Cisco)





UCP 4000E for VMware

vSphere (Cisco)




Server profiles
ESXi host templates
ESXi cluster templates
Windows/Linux bare metal
Data Protection
Storage Replication (ESXi)
Storage Replication (Bare

via Datacenter Operations


Not supported

Health monitoring
Performance monitoring

via stand-alone vC Ops adapter

Infrastructure Management

Firmware upgrades
Ethernet switch backups

Chapter 1: Introduction to UCP

UCP Administration Manual

UCP software

Microsoft SCVMM
SCVMM is a virtual management solution provided by Microsoft that is used
to manage virtualization-related hosts, networking and storage resources.
UCP Director can be imported as an SCVMM add-in.
All UCP features are accessible from within the SCVMM console.
For more information about UCP software and to see a breakdown of
additional included third-party software, see Chapter 3, UCP software
components, on page 41.


Chapter 1: Introduction to UCP

UCP Administration Manual

UCP hardware components
Understanding the physical components in UCP is essential to
administering them and supporting your virtual infrastructure.
This chapter contains an overview of the physical system architecture, as
well as details regarding the following components:

Management block
Chassis and servers
Networking and switches
Storage system

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Physical architecture overview

Physical architecture overview

UCP comes in three configurations that are powered by either Cisco
Ethernet, Brocade Ethernet, or converged Cisco switches. These
configurations are designed to be able to integrate with the Ethernet
technology used in the rest of your infrastructure. The following sections
detail the hardware components that are used by each configuration. For
more information on the networks that these configurations support, see
Chapter 10, Configuring Fibre Channel zones on a hypervisor host, on
page 158.

Cisco converged configuration

Designed to be cost effective, Cisco converged configurations use
converged Cisco switches to handle all network traffic. They also come in
one self-contained rack and do not make use of expansion racks. Because
the storage system is located in the base compute rack, Cisco converged
configurations can support a total of 2 chassis and 16 servers.
The base compute rack contains the following components:

Management block
2 10G access converged switches: Cisco Nexus 5548
Storage system (one of the following):

HUS 130


An storage rack can be added when using a HUS-VM for additional


2 to 16 servers (housed in 1 or 2 chassis)

Each server contains two 2 or 4-port Emulex Converged Network
Adapters (CNA). When using 4-port CNA, a Cisco converged
configuration is limited to one chassis.
In addition to servers, chassis contain fan, power, and management
modules, as well as two Ethernet pass-through modules.


Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

Physical architecture overview

Cisco Ethernet configuration

Designed to support the maximum number of servers, Cisco Ethernet
configurations use Cisco Ethernet switches and can support up to three
expansion racks for a total of four racks. Because each rack can support up
to 4 chassis and 32 servers, a Cisco converged configuration can support a
total of 16 chassis and 128 servers.
The base and optional expansion compute racks contain the following

Base compute rack:

Management block

2 1G management Ethernet switches: Cisco Nexus 3048

2 10G Ethernet FEX (when more than one rack is used): Cisco
Nexus 2232

2 10G access Ethernet switches: Cisco Nexus 5548

2 8G core Fibre Channel switches: Brocade 6510

2 to 32 servers (housed in 1 to 4 chassis)

Expansion compute racks:

2 10G Ethernet FEX: Cisco Nexus 2232

2 10G access Ethernet switches: Cisco Nexus 5548

2 8G core Fibre Channel switches: Brocade 6510

1 to 32 servers (housed in 1 to 4 chassis)

Each server contains the following network adapters:

2-port Emulex Converged Network Adapters (CNA)

Hitachi FiVE Fibre Channel HBA
Chassis contain fan, power, and management modules, as well as the
following networking components:

2 Ethernet pass-through modules

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Physical architecture overview

2 8G edge Fibre Channel switches: Brocade 5460

In addition to the compute racks, at least one storage system rack is
needed to accommodate your storage system. UCP supports the following
storage systems:

Hitachi Unified Storage (HUS) 100 series

HUS 130

HUS 150

Enterprise storage systems



VSP G1000

Only enterprise storage systems support UCP Disaster Recovery or can

be shared.
The networking components are connected, as follows:

When using one rack:

The Ethernet pass-through modules in each chassis are connected
directly to the access Ethernet switches. The access Ethernet switches
are connected to the production network.

When using two racks:

The Ethernet pass-through modules in each chassis are connected to
the Ethernet FEX, which are then connected to the access Ethernet
switches. The access Ethernet switches are connected to the production


Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

Physical architecture overview

The following diagram shows the layout of the physical components in the
base compute rack and one expansion compute rack when using a Cisco
Ethernet configuration. It also shows the how the access, storage, and
management networks connect to each component and the production

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Physical architecture overview

The previous diagram showed the access, storage, and management

networks as follows:

Teal 1G Ethernet
Blue 10G Ethernet
Orange 8G Fibre Channel

Brocade Ethernet configuration

Designed to use Brocade Ethernet switches, Brocade Ethernet
configurations can support one expansion rack for a total of two racks.
Because each rack can support up to 4 chassis and 32 servers, a Brocade
Ethernet configuration can support a total of 8 chassis and 64 servers.
The base and optional expansion compute racks contain the following

Base compute rack:

Management block

2 1G management Ethernet switches: Brocade FCX648

2 10G aggregate Ethernet switches: Brocade 6740

2 8G core Fibre Channel switches: Brocade 6510

2 to 32 servers (housed in 1 to 4 chassis)

Expansion compute racks:

2 10G aggregate Ethernet switches: Brocade 6740

2 8G core Fibre Channel switches: Brocade 6510

1 to 32 servers (housed in 1 to 4 chassis)

Each server contains the following network adapters:

2-port Emulex Converged Network Adapters (CNA)

Hitachi FiVE Fibre Channel HBA


Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

Physical architecture overview

Chassis contain fan, power, and management modules, as well as the

following networking components:

2 10G access Ethernet switches: Brocade 6746

2 8G edge Fibre Channel switches: Brocade 5460
In addition to the compute racks, at least one storage system rack is
needed to accommodate your storage system. UCP supports the following
storage systems:

Hitachi Unified Storage (HUS) 100 series

HUS 130

HUS 150

Enterprise storage systems



VSP G1000

Only enterprise storage systems support UCP Disaster Recovery or can

be shared.
The access Ethernet switches in each chassis are connected to the
aggregate Ethernet switches. The aggregate Ethernet switches are
connected to the production network.

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Physical architecture overview

The following diagram shows the layout of the physical components in the
base compute rack and one expansion compute rack when using a Brocade
configuration. It also shows the how the access, storage, and management
networks connect to each component and the production network.

The previous diagram showed the access, storage, and management

networks as follows:

Teal 1G Ethernet


Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

Management block

Blue 10G Ethernet

Orange 8G Fibre Channel

Management block
The management block hosts VMs that contain UCP Director, as well as the
software that supports its operation. In a Cisco Ethernet or Brocade
Ethernet configuration, it consists of two servers that are clustered
together to ensure reliable operation. A Cisco converged configuration
consists of one server with the option to add a second server.
Depending on the hypervisor manager that you use, the servers that
comprise the management block are configured as follows:

vCenter One of the following:

ESXi 5.1 clustered and managed using vCenter Server 5.1.

ESXi 5.5 clustered and managed using vCenter Server 5.5.

SCVMM Windows Server 2012R2 SP1 configured in a stand-alone

The host operating systems on the management block are installed to
drives that are internal to the servers in the management block. All VMs
hosted by the management block are stored on the storage system. UCP
Director requires that the storage pool used by the management block is
dedicated to the management block. As a result, it is not configured to be
visible in UCP Director Console.
For more information on UCP Director and its supporting software, see
Chapter 3, UCP software components, on page 41.

Chassis and servers

To maximize the server density of a rack, UCP uses blade servers that are
located in chassis. All servers in a chassis have the same hardware
configuration, although different CPU types and memory capacities can be
selected for each chassis. UCP Director leverages HCSM to administer the
servers and chassis.
The following sections explain how servers and chassis are configured in

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Chassis and servers

Chassis configuration
Each chassis is able to contain up to eight servers. In addition to increasing
server density, chassis contain modules that enable servers to share basic
resources, such as power and fan modules. Specifically, chassis are
configured as follows:

6 fan modules
Switch modules

In a Cisco converged configuration: 2 Ethernet pass-through


In a Cisco Ethernet configuration:

2 Ethernet pass-through modules

2 edge Fibre Channel switches

In a Brocade Ethernet configuration:

2 access Ethernet switches

2 edge Fibre Channel switches

4 power modules
2 management (SVP) modules

Server configuration
Servers are the hardware entities that are used to support a host OS.
Because each server is located in a chassis and a chassis can support up to
8 servers, the number of servers supported by UCP depends on the
number of chassis that have been added to UCP.


Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

Chassis and servers

Before a server can function as a host and support VMs, it will need to be
configured for use in UCP Director. Configuring a server for use requires
the following:

A server profile that virtualizes and defines the identifying information

for the server. Because server identities are virtualized in UCP Director,
server profiles are a logical entity that are used to define the identifying
information about a server, such as the IP address and WWPNs. For
more information on server profiles, see Server profiles on page 47.

A service template will need to be created to define the image,

networking, and storage configuration that will be applied to the server.
Service templates define the basic storage and networking
configuration options of a server and ensure consistency in the
datacenter. For more information on service templates, see Service
templates on page 50.

An image containing the host OS to be installed on the server through

the service template. For more information on images, see Images on
page 52.
Because UCP Director leverages HCSM to administer server inventory, for
UCP Director to see a server, it must first be added in HCSM. Likewise, to
remove a server from UCP, it must be removed from HCSM.
HCSM also monitors server status and reports hardware events to UCP
Director. UCP Director then collects and reports this information to your
hypervisor manager. This enhances the limited subset of hardware events
that the hypervisor manager is able to receive through a host alone.

Server boot configurations

Servers can be configured to function as hosts as follows:

Hypervisor hosts Depending on your hypervisor manager, a server

can function as either an ESXi or Hyper-V host, as follows:

When using vCenter, hypervisor hosts are configured to boot

stateless ESXi images through Auto Deploy. UCP automatically
configures the necessary Auto Deploy rules so that a server loads
the correct image each time it boots. As a result, manually changing
or adding auto deploy rules is not advisable.

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Chassis and servers

When using SCVMM, hypervisor hosts are configured to boot

Windows 2012 R2 SP1 Datacenter images with the Hyper-V role
enabled through Windows Deployment Server (WDS).
Customization of the Hyper-V image is done manually through

Non-hypervisor (Windows or Linux) hosts In both vCenter and

SCVMM, servers can be configured to boot Windows or Linux images
through WDS. Customization of Windows and Linux images is handled
manually through WDS.

Custom hosts A server can be configured as a custom host to disable

automated UCP image deployment on that server. You can configure as
a custom host when you want to manually manage the server. UCP
Director continues to monitor health and SNMP traps from custom
For more information on:

Images, see Chapter 6, Images overview, on page 91.

Host deployment, see Chapter 15, Host deployment, on page 241.
The following table shows which host types are available in each hypervisor
Host type

Available using vCenter Available using SCVMM

ESXi cluster

ESXi standalone





Server identity virtualization

UCP is deployed with pools of MAC addresses, WWNs, UUIDs, and IP
addresses. When a server profiles are created, they can use IDs from
these pools or IDs that are manually entered. A server profile can then be
applied to a server. When a server profile is applied to a server, it is
actually applied to the slot in the chassis that the server is located in. This
enables server virtualization because servers can then be moved or
replaced in the chassis and the new server will automatically resume the
identity of the server that it replaced.


Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

Chassis and servers

Because a server profile is associated with the slot, and not the actual
server, if a server fails or is removed, the server profile will still be
associated with the slot. To remove a server profile, a new server will have
to be inserted into the slot so that the server profile can be removed. A
server profile can only be manually removed from a slot and applied to
another slot when a functioning server is in the slot.

Server host names

When a new host is created, there are different ways that hosts and their
names show up in either virtualization platform.
For Hyper-V, the Windows Deployment Server (WDS) tells the new host to
generate a name during the unattended installation process. Then,
through the domain join process, the new host registers its name with DNS
and SCVMM will pick up that name from DNS.
vCenter, on the other hand, will look for DNS records that match the IP
address for the new host. If there are no records in DNS that match the IP
address for the host, vCenter will use the hosts IP address as its name.
There are some situations where you may need to use a specific host name
and apply it to a host. You can do this today, but the steps vary depending
on which hypervisor you are using for the host.
Configure a custom host name for a vCenter host
When using vCenter as the hypervisor, you will need to:
1. Use UCP Director to pre-stage the host name and corresponding IP
address with the DNS server. The Auto Deploy process will then pick up
the DNS name and show it in the VMware inventory
For more information, see Chapter 12, Setting a non-hypervisor host
name, on page 205.
Configure a custom host name for a SCVMM host
UCP Director does not currently provide a mechanism for you to pre-stage
a custom host name for a host in SCVMM. Therefore, to set a custom host
name for a SCVMM host, you will need to:
1. Remove the host from SCVMM

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Networking and switches

2. On the host, dis-join it from the Active Directory Domain, and then
3. On the host, change the host name and reboot
4. On the host, join it back to the Active Directory Domain, and then
5. Add the host back to SCVMM

Note: Each reboot will take approximately five minutes to complete.

Networking and switches

The following sections describe the physical and logical networks used by

Physical networking
UCP Director uses three different physical networks to support the virtual
networks, as follows:

1G Ethernet
Connects switches to the following management ports:

Chassis SVP


Storage array SVP

Switch management interface

10G Ethernet
8G Fibre Channel
These networks are connected to different switches, depending on the
configuration used, as follows:


Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

Networking and switches

Cisco converged
1G Ethernet, 10G Ethernet, and 8G Fibre Channel Access converged

Cisco Ethernet and Brocade Ethernet

1G Ethernet Management Ethernet switches

10G Ethernet Access and, in the case of a Brocade Ethernet

configuration, aggregate Ethernet switches

8G Fibre Channel Fibre Channel switches

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Networking and switches

The following network diagram shows how the management block, a

server, and the storage array are connected to the 1G Ethernet and 10G
Ethernet networks in a Cisco Ethernet configuration.


Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

Networking and switches

The following network diagram shows how the management block, a

server, and the storage array are connected to the access and
management networks in a Brocade configuration.

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Networking and switches

The following diagram shows how the management block and a server are
connected to the storage system through the storage network in Cisco
Ethernet and Brocade Ethernet configurations.


Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

Networking and switches

Logical networking
UCP Director uses several logical networks for component communications.
Depending on the hypervisor manager used, UCP Director uses either four
or five logical networks, as follows:

VM migration
Used for workload migration on clustered servers. It is powered by
vMotion when using vCenter, or Live Migration when using SCVMM. The
VM migration network is supported by the 10G Ethernet network.

Cluster (Hyper-V only)

When using SCVMM, used for cluster communication for Hyper-V
clusters. The cluster network is supported by the 10G Ethernet

Used by UCP Director to manage the physical components in UCP. This
includes such jobs as configuring switches, rebooting servers, and
managing storage volumes. The management network is supported by
the 1G Ethernet network, and is accessed by the VMs on the
management block through the 10G Ethernet network.

Used to support connectivity between VMs and the production network,
as well as hypervisor deployment.

Used for communication with the storage system. Supported by the
8GB Fibre Channel network.
These networks are connected through the physical networks, as shown in
the following table.
Logical network

1G Ethernet


10G Ethernet

VM migration

8G Fibre Channel



Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Networking and switches

Logical network

1G Ethernet

10G Ethernet

8G Fibre Channel

UCP Director acts as an interface between the switches that are included in
your configuration and your hypervisor manager. The following sections
explain how switches are configured in UCP.

Management Ethernet
In Cisco Ethernet and Brocade Ethernet configurations, redundant 1G
Ethernet switches are located in the base compute rack to support the
management network. The first 1G Ethernet switch is the primary switch
and it is connected to all hardware components in UCP. All hardware
components that have a redundant management port, such as chassis and
some storage systems, are also connected to the second 1G Ethernet
switch. Management Ethernet switches are not added to UCP Director

Access and aggregate Ethernet

Access and aggregate Ethernet switches support the 10G Ethernet network
and are used to provide connectivity between components within UCP as
well as between UCP and the production network.

Fibre Channel
In Cisco Ethernet or Brocade Ethernet configurations, a combination of
edge and core Fibre Channel switches, as follows:

Edge - Two Fibre Channel switches are located in each chassis that are
used to connect the servers to the core Fibre Channel switches.

Core - Two 8GB Fibre Channel switches are located in each rack that are
used to connect the edge Fibre Channel switches to the storage system.
The Fibre Channel switches are used to enable both the management block
and all UCP servers to access the storage system. Because UCP Director is
integrated with both the Fibre Channel switches and the hypervisor
manager, it is able to automate storage networking functions such as the
creation of Fibre Channel zones.


Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

Networking and switches

Converged switches support the 10G Ethernet, 1G Ethernet, and 8G Fibre
Channel networks and are used to provide connectivity between
components within UCP as well as between UCP and the production

Switch configuration
SNMP settings are configured on all switches (Brocade Ethernet, Cisco
Ethernet, Fibre Channel, Cisco converged) directly by UCP Director based
on the corresponding SNMP settings. All switches of the same type
(Ethernet, Fibre Channel, or converged) need to use the same username
and password for SNMP access.For more information on SNMP settings,
see SNMP monitoring on page 55.
In addition to SNMP settings, UCP Director configures different settings
and protocols to optimize logical networking, as follows:

VLANs are configured on Ethernet and converged switches, as follows:

UCP Director automates the VLAN configuration on Ethernet and
converged switches during host deployment. After a host has been
deployed, you can configure VLANs by host or cluster.
For hypervisor hosts, the management, or native, VLAN ID is set when
UCP is deployed. It is used for all management traffic. The
management VLAN ID is set automatically when creating a hypervisor
service template.
Because the hypervisor manager does not manage non-hypervisor
hosts, you can manually configure the management VLAN ID when
creating a non-hypervisor Windows, Linux, or custom host service
template. If you use the same management VLAN ID that is configured
for UCP, then the hosts management IP address will be configured by
UCP. If a different management VLAN ID is set, then the management
IP address of the host will need to be configured manually.
In addition to the management VLAN ID, you can set the trunk VLAN
IDs that will be used for VM network traffic when creating a service
template. UCP supports VLANs 2-4094 and UCP Director will return an
error when setting any VLANs outside of this range.

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Networking and switches

The following are configured on Cisco Ethernet and converged


Cisco discovery protocol (CDP)

UCP Director enables CDP along with LLDP. Cisco switches use CDP
to determine what ports and devices the converged switch is
connected to. When using vCenter, if CDP is configured on Cisco
Ethernet switches, UCP Director will also enable it on all vSwitches
and virtual distributed switches.

Virtual port channel configuration (vPC)

vPC is used by Cisco converged switches to treat links that are
connected between different Ethernet components to appear as a
single port channel. This enables UCP Director to treat redundant
connections between the access converged switches, the Ethernet
FEX, and the chassis as a single path.

The following are configured on Brocade and Cisco Ethernet switches:

Rapid spanning tree protocol (RSTP)

Ethernet switches managed by UCP Director are configured with
RSTP to provide redundancy in the case of link failure.

VDS configuration
Servers in UCP have two Ethernet ports each. To achieve redundant
paths through both physical Ethernet switches, the associated
vSwitch and VDS switches should be configured with both NICs
attached as uplinks. In a Brocade Ethernet configuration, each
access Ethernet switch is connected to a different aggregate
Ethernet switch.
The following teaming methods are supported:

Route, based on the originating virtual port (port ID hash)

Route, based on the source MAC hash (MAC hash)

Explicit failover order (failover order)

Route, based on the physical NIC load (LBT)

Route, based on IP hash, is not supported.


Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

Networking and switches

The following are configured on Brocade Ethernet switches:

Port channel groups

UCP Director uses port channel groups consisting of four ports each
to provide connectivity between access and aggregate switches.

Link layer discovery protocol (LLDP)

UCP Director enables LLDP on Brocade Ethernet switches. This is
used to determine what ports and devices the Ethernet switch is
connected to.

Fibre Channel zones are configured on Fibre Channel and Cisco

converged switches, as follows:
The SAN design in UCP is based on using multiple fabrics between a
host and the storage system. Each storage system controller (referred
to as cluster 1 and cluster 2) are connected to each fabric to maximize
path redundancy. UCP Director supports:

Automatic provisioning to create the Fibre Channel zones and attach

the volume to a host or cluster

Manual provisioning to support traditional Fibre Channel zone

creation for hypervisor hosts
When creating a zone manually, only one zone per initiator/target
pair is needed. The target port must be visible to the initiator port.

When automating Fibre Channel zone creation, UCP Director

determines if a zone currently exists for the selected initiator and target
port pair, and creates a new zone if one does not exist. When creating
the zone, UCP Director only creates single initiator/single target zones.

The following are configured on Fibre Channel switches:

Virtual fabrics
UCP uses vFabs, or virtual fabrics, to logically segregate core Fibre
Channel switches into multiple logical switches. By default, each
core Fibre Channel switch is divided into two virtual fabrics, as

Virtual Fabric #128 (default) Used for all compute Fibre

Channel ports

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Networking and switches

Virtual Fabric #1 Used for management Fibre Channel ports

Modifying the virtual fabrics may make the storage system

Note: Edge Fibre Channel switches are part of the virtual fabric of the
core Fibre Channel switch they are connected to.

Load balancing
UCP Director engages in load balancing on Fibre Channel switches to
ensure that there is the minimum number of paths to each storage
system port.

Network adapters
The network adapters used in a server are configured differently
depending on the hardware configuration selected. Specifically, the
network adapters are connected as follows:

Brocade Ethernet
Server contains both CNA and Fibre Channel network adapters. They
are connected as follows:

2-port CNA adapter Connected to the in-chassis access Ethernet


Fibre Channel adapter Connected to the in-chassis edge Fibre

Channel switches

Cisco Ethernet
Server contains both Ethernet and Fibre Channel network adapters.
They are connected as follows:


2-port CNA adapter Connected to the in-chassis Ethernet passthrough modules

Fibre Channel adapter Connected to the in-chassis edge Fibre

Channel switches

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

Storage system

Cisco converged
Servers contain two 2-port or 4-port CNA adapters. Each adapter is
connected to the in-chassis Ethernet pass-through modules.

Storage system
UCP Director is designed to connect to one storage system to provide the
storage resources used by servers in UCP. Depending on the configuration,
the storage system is configured as follows:

In a Cisco converged configuration, the storage system is located inside

the base compute rack.

In a Brocade Ethernet or Cisco Ethernet configuration, the storage

system is located in at least one external storage rack. The compute
racks are then connected to the storage rack through the storage
network to access storage pools.
Additional storage systems can be virtualized through Hitachi enterprise
storage systems.

HDvM configuration
UCP Director leverages HDvM to control interactions with the storage
system, such as managing Fibre Channel zones or creating and attaching
volumes. This also enables changes that are made to the storage system in
HDVM to be reported to UCP Director, and for UCP Director to leverage key
storage technologies, such as:

Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning (HDP) pools

Hitachi Dynamic Tiering (HDT) pools
Hitachi Thin Imaging (HTI) pools
Universal Volume Manager (UVM)
Because storage resources are leveraged through HDvM, HDvM can be
used to modify those resources, such as storage pools, after UCP is
UCP Director requires the following HDvM configuration to interact with
storage resources:

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Storage system

HDvM needs to be configured to administer the storage system.

HDvM credentials need to be added to UCP Director. UCP Director can
connect to only one instance of HDvM.

In addition to the storage pool used by the management block, at least

one storage pool needs to be configured on the storage system for UCP
Director to administer host volumes in.

Storage system configuration

When using a Brocade Ethernet or Cisco Ethernet configuration, UCP
requires two dedicated resource groups to be configured in the storage
system to separate the management and compute elements:

Management resource group:

4 Storage system ports

If using a VSP storage system, the ports are: CL1-A, CL2-A,

CL3-A, and CL4-A

If using an HUS-150 or HUS-VM storage system, the ports are:

CTL0-A, CTL0-B, CTL1-A, and CTL1-B

1 Parity Group (PG 1-1, 8 spindles, RAID6)

LDEV IDs are created for boot-from-SAN volumes and datastores for
management nodes

Host storage domain (HSD) IDs (All HSD IDs for above 4 ports)

Compute resource group:


All remaining storage ports if a dedicated storage system is used, or

specifically assigned ports if a shared storage system is used

All remaining parity groups if a dedicated storage system is used, or

specifically assigned ports if a shared storage system is used

All remaining logical device (LDEV) IDs if a dedicated storage

system is used, or specifically assigned LDEV IDs if a shared storage
system is used

All HSD IDs for the assigned compute ports

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

Storage system

If an enterprise storage system is shared with non-UCP resources, then

those resources will need to use other resource groups. Modifying the
default resource group configuration can have unpredictable effects and
should only be done with the assistance of Hitachi Data Systems

Shared storage requirements

Hitachi enterprise storage systems can be shared with non-UCP resources.
A Hitachi enterprise storage system must meet the following requirements
to be shared:

4 Dedicated storage ports for management nodes

9 x 600Gb SAS in R6 parity group (6+2 for data, 1 for hot spare)
12 Dedicated storage ports for compute nodes.

Storage pools
The initial Storage pools are configured in the storage system when UCP is
deployed. A storage pool is comprised of logical devices that are created
from physical parity groups. Parity groups cross multiple HDDs (hard disk
drives) that are grouped together to act as one.
At least two pools are required for UCP to function. The management pool
is the first pool. It is not displayed in inventory and instead is only used to
support the management block.
Additional pools are added to inventory to store your data and store the
volumes that you administer from within UCP. These pools are accessible
to UCP servers only.
When defining these pools, you can select either Hitachi dynamic
provisioning (HDP) or Hitachi dynamic tiering (HDT) pools. Both HDP and
HDT pools are made up of multiple physical drives and enable:

Wide-striping to achieve a high aggregate input/output (IO) throughput

from all of the hard disk drives (HDDs) that make up the storage pool.

Overprovisioning to reduce wasted capacity in the storage system. This

is done by logically allocating more virtual space to a volume than is
physically allocated. Instead, through overprovisioning, space is taken
up in the storage system as data is written to it. To keep you from
running out of space, alerts can be configured on the storage system.

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Storage system

HDT pools are also capable of dynamic tiering. When dynamic tiering is
used, up to three tiers can be created with different types of drives based
on the cost and speed of the drives. For example, an HDT pool could have
SSD, SAS, and SATA drives. Dynamic tiering would then move data to the
appropriate drive type based on its access characteristics. When a block of
data is frequently accessed, it could be migrated to the high-speed SSD
drives for quicker response times. As the data ages and becomes less
frequently accessed, it could be migrated to the lower-cost SATA drives.
When defining storage pools, you can commit more storage capacity to
HDP and HDT pools than is physically reserved on the storage system.
When a pool is overprovisioned, space can be allocated to volumes on the
storage system, but the capacity will be dynamically used as data is
written. This enables more flexibility, more complete use of the pool, and
reduced up-front storage requirements.
If a pool becomes full, all input and output for the pool will cease, which
can cause VMs to fail. To avoid this, it is important to set realistic
subscription limits and monitor pool use.
Tip: Try to keep physical pool utilization <70% to provide a buffer in the
event of sudden data growth.
Enterprise Hitachi storage systems also support Hitachi Thin Provisioning
(HTI) pools. HTI pools are created by HDS personnel when two UCP sites
are configured for replication using UCP Disaster Recovery. Test volumes
can be created in HTI pools when conservation of storage space is
important. Because HTI pools and test volumes are used by UCP Disaster
Recovery, UCP Director does not enable the manual deletion, expansion, or
attachment of volumes in an HTI pool.

Volumes are virtual storage resources that UCP Director can allocate from
a storage pool. They can be created and attached to or detached from a
single host, multiple hosts, or all hosts in a cluster.
When a volume is attached to a host, UCP Director is able to automatically:

Create Fibre Channel zones and select appropriate ports on the Fibre
Channel or converged switches.
When automatically selecting ports, UCP Director selects ports to
present to volumes based on:


The existence of usable zones for the initiator and target ports.

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

Storage system

The existence of usable host storage domains (HSDs) for initiator

and target ports.

If there are no usable zones or HSDs, UCP Director:

Creates the volume with the defined size.

Uses 4 ports on the least used paths per point (calculated based
on the number of volumes to number of hosts on a per-port
basis). UCP Director requires the use of one even and one odd
port per Fibre Channel fabric to ensure path redundancy in
connecting to the volume.

Creates the appropriate zones in the Fibre Channel


Creates the appropriate host storage domains (HSDs) on the

storage system.

Sets the HSD optimization mode (ESXi, Windows, or Linux).

Presents and mounts the volume on the host or all hosts in the

Formats the volume if indicated.

Create corresponding Hitachi Storage Domains (HSDs) in the storage


Add the LDEV ID of the volume, as well as the WWPNs of the host and
storage system to the HSD.
For redundancy, each host is allocated a set of four Fibre Channel zones
and HSDs for each attached volume.
When UCP Director attaches an ESXi, Windows, or Linux image to a server,
the volumes will be configured to be optimized for that OS type. When a
volumes configured for a custom host, you can use Storage Navigator to
customize the optimization settings for the type of OS that you deploy to
the server.
Important: Volumes should not be shared between different operating
system types.

Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual


Storage system

Supported vs unsupported HSDs

UCP Director is not able to attach a volume to a host if one of its host
adapter port WWPNs is contained in an unsupported HSD. UCP only
supports HSDs created on a per-host basis. In other words, supported
HSDs are defined as HSDs that contain all of the host adapter port WWPNs
for that host. HSDs that only have a subset of host adapter port WWPNs or
have WWPNs from another host are unsupported.


Chapter 2: UCP hardware components

UCP Administration Manual

UCP software components
UCP Director is the software that administers server, storage, and
networking resources in UCP and integrates them into your hypervisor
manager. This enables jobs to be run across hardware elements, such as
configuring network VLANs, deploying images to servers, or automatically
provisioning storage resources. UCP Director also monitors health and
performance data to better facilitate hardware troubleshooting and
This chapter contains an overview of the following core software for UCP:

UCP Director software

Overview of UCP software components
In addition, this chapter contains an explanation of:

Jobs, events, and reporting
Firmware update management in vSphere Web Client

UCP Director software

UCP Director can be administered either graphically, through UCP Director
Console, or programmatically through the UCP Director API or UCP Director
CLI. Because all three interfaces are developed in tandem, functional parity
is maintained across all three interfaces. This means that any action that
can be performed through UCP Director Console can also be performed

Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


For more information on the UCP Director CLI, see UCP Director CLI Reference.

through the UCP Director API or UCP Director CLI. In addition, because the
API and CLI are programmatic interfaces, they can be scripted to perform
repetitious actions.

UCP Director Console

UCP Director Console is integrated into your hypervisor manager. This
enables you to administer UCP resources graphically from within the same
user interface (UI) that you use to administer your virtual resources.
For more information on UCP Director Console, see UCP Director Console
on page 73.

The UCP Director API

The UCP Director API is a REST-based API. The UCP Director API enables
you to request the current state of a resource or to change the state of a
resource using standard HTTP methods.
For more information on the UCP Director API, see UCP Director API

The UCP Director CLI

The UCP Director CLI provides full access to hardware resources. This
enables you to perform the same actions through the UCP Director CLI that
you can perform through the API.
For more information on the UCP Director CLI, see UCP Director CLI Reference.


Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual

Overview of UCP software components

Overview of UCP software components

UCP Director and the software components that it works with to monitor
and administer your physical infrastructure is stored in a collection of VMs
that are run in the management block. For more information about the
management block, see Management block on page 19.
The following is a list of the software that runs on each of the VMs in the
management block.

UCPManagement Hosts the following services:

UCP Director - A central administration interface used to support

rapid enterprise data center scalability and virtual machine

AMQP Used to organize UCP Director events and messages,

including SNMP events and monitor states.
SNMP events and monitor states are organized into queues and
exchanges that you can post or subscribe to. For example, when a
UCP site is registered with UCP DOC, UCP DOC subscribes to the
SNMP messaging exchange in that site.

A hypervisor manager VM. This is used to deploy and manage

hypervisor hosts. UCP supports both VMware and Microsoft solutions,
as follows:

vCenter Hosts the VMware vCenter server and all related vCenter
modules, such as single sign on (SSO). It only exists when using
vCenter as your hypervisor manager.

SCVMM Hosts the Microsoft SCVMM server. It only exists when

using SCVMM as your hypervisor manager.

UCPUtility Hosts the following services:

Syslog Used to receive syslogs from hardware elements.

TFTP Used for Auto Deploy.

DHCP Used to dynamically assign IP addresses to servers.

SCP Used to restore Ethernet switch configuration backups and

Fibre Channel and Ethernet switch firmware downloads.

Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


Overview of UCP software components

ServiceVM Hosts the UCP deployment and maintenance tools that

are used by Hitachi Data Systems personnel to support UCP.

HCS Hitachi Command Suite (HCS), hosts the following services:

Hitachi Device Manager (HDvM), which is used to coordinate volume

management with the storage system.

Hitachi Compute Systems Manager (HCSM), which is used to

administer servers.

Hitachi Storage Navigator Modular 2 (SNM2), which is used for

lower-level administration of the storage array, such as
administering licensing, parity groups, or pool creation.

Hitachi vSphere APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA), which is used

with vCenter only to provide storage details for vCenter to
understand storage system capabilities.

SQL Hosts the SQL databases used by both UCP Director and your
selected hypervisor manager.

AD1 Included if UCP is not integrated with the production domain to

host the following services:

Active Directory


WDS Hosts the following services:

Windows Deployment Service (WDS), which is used to deploy

Windows images.

PXE Linux, which is used to deploy Linux images.

HTnM Hosts the Hitachi Tuning Manager (HTnM) service that is used
to provide performance metrics about the storage system.


Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual

Overview of UCP software components

WSUS Hosts the Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) service.

Important: The proper functioning of these VMs is critical to UCP
Director performance. As a result, while some configuration changes may
need to be made to ensure that the services running on them function
properly in their environment, they should not be used as a workstation.
Any additional software that could disrupt their operation should not be
Additional VMs and services will be added if UCP DOC and UCP Disaster
Recovery have been added. For more information on UCP DOC and UCP
Disaster Recovery, see Chapter 4, UCP DOC and UCP Disaster Recovery,
on page 69.
In addition to the active VMs on the management block, there is a
deployable OVF file that contains the workstation VM. It uses Windows
Server 2012 R2 and can be freely edited to be used as needed. The
primary purpose of it is to function as a workstation that is capable of
accessing UCP resources in isolated installations where external
workstations are not able to access UCP. If needed, it can be configured
with an extra connection to function as a remote access server.
To see the VMs on the management block, when using:

vCenter, your account must have UCP system administrator access. For
more information on access credentials, see Security on page 65.

SCVMM, you will need to add the clustered servers in the management
block to a separate instance of Microsoft Windows Failover Cluster
For more information on the third-party services hosted on these VMs, see
their respective documentation.
UCP is set to use the UTC time zone by default.
Important: When using UCP Director Console, the system time of the
hypervisor manager will be displayed. As a result, when reviewing system
logs, the difference in the time zone will need to be taken into account.

Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


Overview of UCP software components

The following diagram depicts the major interactions between UCP Director
and its supporting software with the system components.


Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


By adding physical and virtual components to inventory, UCP Director is
able to perform end-to-end administration, provisioning, and monitoring of
all components in inventory.

Depending on the configuration, UCP supports adding Ethernet, Fibre
Channel, or converged switches to inventory to support networking.
For technical information on networking and switches, see Networking and
switches on page 24.
For instructions on how to configure and administer switches, see Chapter
9, Physical network administration, on page 129.

Storage system
UCP supports directly interfacing with one storage system in UCP
For technical information on the storage system, see Storage system on
page 34.
For instructions on how to configure and administer the storage system,
see Chapter 11, Storage system administration, on page 161.

Chassis and servers

UCP supports adding both servers and the chassis that contain them to
For technical information on servers and chassis, see Chassis and servers
on page 19.
For instructions on how to configure and administer servers and chassis,
see Chapter 12, Server administration, on page 189.

Server profiles
A server profile is assigned to each physical server to abstract the uniquely
identifiable attributes of a server, such as the MAC, WWPN, WWNN, UUID,
and IP addresses. These identifiers are used by other components to
communicate with the host that is operating on the server.

Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual



For example, the WWPN is a unique identifier of a server that is added to a

Fibre Channel zone on a Fibre Channel or converged switch and to the host
storage domain (HSD) on the storage system. Through it, volumes that
have been added to the HSD can be presented to the server. If a server
were to fail, any volumes attached to the server would be disconnected.
By assigning the WWPN to a server profile instead of the physical server
itself, the server profile can be assigned to another server if the first server
fails or is replaced. This enables the second server to be able to access the
volumes that the first server had access to and, for non-ESXi hosts, the
replacement will boot using the previous servers boot volume.
Because server profiles abstract the network identities of a server, as well
as the EFI settings that control how it boots, UCP is able to treat servers as
logical identities. As a result, if a server fails, the server profile can be
assigned to another server without having to manually reconfigure these
In addition to assisting in recovering from a server failure, server profiles
can be manually removed from a server. By manually removing a server
profile, you can:

Transfer the server profile to another server. If a server profile is

applied to a different server, it will cause the second server to identify
and function as if it were the first server. This can help when migrating
from one server to another, such as when migrating hosts from one
chassis to another.

Store the server profile. By storing a server profile you can free the
server up to function as another host by applying a different server
profile to it. Then, when you want to return the server to its previous
function, apply the first server profile again and it will resume
A server in UCP cannot be deployed unless a server profile is assigned to it
during deployment. To configure multiple servers with the same server
profile settings, such as servers in a cluster, either manually create each
server profile through UCP Director, or script the procedure using the CLI.

Upgraded servers without a server profile

If your UCP installation has been upgraded, server profiles will not be
associated with the servers by default. This is done because applying a
server profile requires rebooting the server. Instead, when a server does
not have a server profile applied, you can manually virtualize the server by
applying a server profile during a maintenance window.


Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


To create and apply a server profile to a server, extract a server profile

from the server that you want to apply a server profile to, and then apply
the extracted server profile to the server.
Just to confirm, is this how this works? Should something more be said?
For more information on extracting a server profile, see Extract server
profile on page 219.

Identity pools
UCP Director maintains pools of the IP addresses, MAC addresses, and
WWNs that can be assigned to server profiles. In addition to these identity
pools, UCP Director is also capable of auto-generating UUIDs. When a
server profile is assigned to a server, these IDs are then associated with
the server and are used to identify the server to network and storage
resources. When assigned through a server profile, each server requires
the following IDs:

One IP address
One MAC address for each NIC port
These IDs can either be drawn from UCP Director or manually entered.
UCP Director maintains these identities as follows:

IP addresses A pool of static IP addresses that are designated when

UCP is deployed. These IP addresses are mirrored on the DHCP server,
which is configured with the IP address and corresponding MAC address
during server profile application. UCP Director enables you to add IP
address pools through the API and CLI.

UUIDs UUIDs are not maintained in a pool. Instead, they can be

manually entered or dynamically generated each time they are added
to a server profile.

MAC addresses MAC addresses are stored in a pre-configured MAC

address pool. When a MAC address is associated with a server profile,
UCP Director automatically assigns the corresponding IP address.

Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual



WWPNs and WWNNs WWPNs and WWNNs are stored in a WWN pool.

Service templates
Service templates standardize and simplify the configuration and
deployment of hosts and clusters, ensuring uniformity. They assign the
image, server profile, and define the basic storage, networking, and, when
applicable, clustering configuration.
Different service template types are used depending on the type of host
that is deployed. This enables the settings specified in the service template
to be tailored to the host type. The following table lists each of the service
template types, along with the hypervisor manager they are available to
and the properties that can be set in them.

Template job
Available using vCenter







Available using SCVMM

Deploy image

Form cluster

Create/attach volume

Apply trunk VLAN IDs to


Make and attach hosts to a


A service template can be used to configure and apply an image to multiple

servers. Because of this, the settings that are configured in a service
template are generic to the hardware, while the server profile contains
identifiable information that is unique to the server.
This enables the easy configuration of servers or clusters by reducing the
variability in server configuration. By including network and storage
resource definitions with the service template, all servers in a cluster can
be provisioned simultaneously. After being provisioned, all servers in the
cluster will share access to the specified resources. This eliminates errors
that can arise from configuration differences.
Service templates only affects the initial configuration of a server or
cluster. After the server or cluster is operational, the server or cluster can
be customized as needed. Because of this, service templates are only used


Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


when they are applied to a server and a lasting relationship is not

maintained between the service template and servers that have been
deployed from it. As a result, any changes to a service template will not
affect the hosts that it has already been applied to.
ESXi cluster service templates in vCenter
ESXi cluster service templates:

Configure vMotion and the ESXi image that is deployed to all ESXi hosts
in the cluster.

Form a cluster with the deployed hosts.

Configure HA settings.
Define the VLAN IDs that will be assigned to the ports on the connected
Ethernet switches and the VDS and associated port groups that the
cluster will be attached to. One port group is created for each VLAN ID
configured by the service template.

Define the ESXi storage cluster settings, if selected.

ESXi standalone service templates in vCenter
ESXi standalone service templates configure the ESXi image that is
deployed to hosts deployed from it. They also define the VLAN IDs that will
be assigned to the ports on the connected Ethernet switches.
Hyper-V service templates in SCVMM
Hyper-V service templates deploy Windows with the Hyper-V role enabled,
attach storage, and configure VLAN IDs the connected Ethernet switches.
After deploying a Hyper-V service template, you can manually configure
the hosts into clusters, configure virtual networking, and deploy virtual
Windows, Linux, or custom host service templates
When creating a Windows, Linux, or custom host service template, you can
define the VLAN configuration that will be applied to the Ethernet switches
that the host is connected to. For Windows and Linux service templates,
the boot and data volumes as well as the image that will be applied to the
host is also defined.
Instead of defining the image or storage configuration, a custom host
service template is used to configure the physical server so that you can
manually attach storage and install an image.

Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual



Images are applied to a server to enable it to function as a host. To ensure
that images are up-to-date, UCP Director administers and automates the
image deployment process. In addition, when using vCenter, UCP Director
also automates the image update process. This saves you from having to
manually check and update images when updates become available.

Hyper-V, Windows, and Linux images

Hyper-V, Windows, and Linux images and image deployment are
administered through Windows Deployment Server (WDS). This includes
the boot process, as well as adding, updating, or removing images.
For more information about how to administer images, see Chapter 6,
Images overview, on page 91.

Refreshing inventory
UCP automatically scans and refreshes inventory to make sure component
status, configuration, and relationships are up-to-date. Updated
information will not be displayed until the job is complete.
Different components have different refresh intervals. The following table
lists refresh interval for each component type:

Refresh interval


30 minutes


30 minutes

Storage system

30 minutes


User configurable

You can also manually initiate an inventory refresh. For information on how
to manually refresh:

Switch inventory, see Refreshing switch inventory on page 142.

Storage inventory, see Refreshing storage inventory on page 180.
Server inventory, see Refreshing server inventory on page 203.


Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


Image inventory, see Refresh image inventory on page 119.

Note: Only manual and failed automatic inventory refreshes are reported
to your hypervisor manager.

Standard component properties

UCP Director monitors and reports numerous properties regarding each
component in the system. Some properties are unique to the component
being monitored, while other properties are standard for most components
in UCP. The following is a list of standard component properties that are
monitored by UCP Director:

Monitoring State The monitoring state of the component. The

monitoring state of the element is reported as follows:

OK UCP Director is able to communicate with the element and it

is functioning properly.

Error UCP Director is able to communicate with the element and

it is reporting an error.

Warning UCP Director is able to communicate with the indicator

but there is a issue. In the case of storage, server, or chassis
resources, this means that the corresponding element manager has
detected a warning. In the case of storage pools, this means that
the storage pool is shrinking.

Unknown UCP Director is not able to communicate with the


For more information on monitoring state, see Monitoring on page 54.

Firmware The software version of the component. This is dynamically

retrieved from the component.

Available Firmware If applicable, the updated version of the software

version of the component that is available to be applied if the firmware
is updated.

ID The UCP Director ID number assigned to the component. This

number is dynamically assigned by UCP Director to the component.

Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual



Global ID The fully qualified UCP Director ID associated with the

component. This identifies the instance of UCP Director that it is
associated with, as well as the element type and type ID.

UCP Director monitors the status and health of all hardware components in
UCP. It also monitors performance of Ethernet switches, Fibre Channel
switches, converged switches, and the storage system. This enables you to
detect when a component may be ready to fail and replace it without
impacting the operation of UCP.

Monitoring indicators and monitoring state

UCP Director tracks both health and performance details for Ethernet
switches, Fibre Channel switches, converged switches, and the storage
system as monitoring indicators. Health and performance data for chassis
and servers is tracked through HCSM. UCP Director records the following
monitoring indicator types for each of these components, as follows:

Health Data regarding the status of a component that impacts the

functionality of a component, such as whether or not that component
has generated an error or warning.

Performance Data regarding the performance of a component that

may or may not impact the health of a component, such as the
throughput of a port.

Composite An aggregate of health and performance monitoring.

Monitoring the health and performance of each hardware element
individually gives you:

Visibility into the hardware characteristics of UCP

Rapid discovery of infrastructure issues
Awareness of the health and performance characteristics of UCP


Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


The overall, cumulative health of a component. For Ethernet switches,

Fibre Channel switches, converged switches, and the storage system, this
is an aggregate of all health and performance monitoring indicators related
to the component. For servers, this information is retrieved from HCSM.
Note: For a performance monitoring indicator to be used in calculating
the monitoring state of a component, the threshold of that indicator needs
to be set using the API or CLI.

UCP Director enables you to set thresholds for performance monitoring
indicators through the API and CLI. Thresholds enable you to indicate when
the monitoring state of a component will be reported as healthy, or when a
warning or error message will be generated.
Threshold values are not an industry standard and acceptable ranges are
unique for each environment. Before setting thresholds, determine what
monitoring indicators you want to set thresholds for and what the values
should be.
For more information on setting performance metrics, see:

UCP Director API Reference

UCP Director CLI Reference

SNMP monitoring
When enabled, UCP monitors SNMP traps related to the hardware
components that are added to inventory. This enables UCP Director to
report events related to SNMP traps from the hardware to vCenter. SNMP
traps are also used to feed health monitoring indicators. For more
information on health monitoring, see Health monitoring on page 60.
Natively, server resources are monitored by HCSM. UCP Director passively
monitors the SNMP traps sent by HCSM. Because UCP Director does not
make any changes to the element manager, all changes must first be
manually made in HCSM before being made in UCP Director.
Storage resources are monitored by the storage system. UCP Director does
not make any changes to the storage system, and instead passively
monitors the SNMP traps sent by the storage system. Because UCP

Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual



Director does not make any monitoring changes to the storage system, all
changes must first be manually made in the storage system before being
made in UCP Director.
SNMP settings are set and configured in the switches in inventory directly
by UCP Director.
UCP Director updates SNMP settings in switches as follows:

As new switches are added to inventory if SNMP monitoring is enabled.

As switches are removed, UCP Director removes SNMP settings,
including the account used for SNMP communication.

When refreshing inventory, if SNMP monitoring is disabled, UCP

Director removes the SNMP configuration from the corresponding
UCP Director configures switches to report SNMP traps to the IP address
that UCP uses to listen to SNMP traps.
Important: When configuring SNMP settings or monitoring mode
on switches, UCP Director needs to be able to communicate with all
switches of the corresponding type. To communicate with a switch,
the switches must be turned on and active. Switches that UCP
Director is unable to communicate with will not be updated until
communications resume during an inventory refresh.
The SNMP monitoring mode can be adjusted for the following element

Compute All elements inside a chassis: servers, as well as fan,

management, power, and server modules.

Storage The storage system, as well as the storage system

processor, parity groups, pools, drives, and ports in the storage system.

Ethernet switches The Ethernet switches and Ethernet switch ports.

Fibre Channel switches The Fibre Channel switches and Fibre
Channel switch ports.

Converged switches The converged switches and Fibre Channel,

Ethernet, and FCOE ports.


Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


When performing maintenance on a component, you may want to disable

monitoring or reporting to avoid receiving component errors that you are
aware of. You can select the following monitoring modes:

Monitoring and reporting All SNMP events received are logged in the
syslog. Events that are received are forwarded to the hypervisor
manager and aggregated to form the overall health state of a resource

Monitoring only All SNMP events received are logged in the syslog.
Events are not forwarded to the hypervisor manager.

Monitoring off Events are not received or logged in the syslog.

Events are not forwarded to the hypervisor manager.

Monitoring needs to be enabled for reporting to be enabled.

By default, SNMP monitoring and reporting are enabled in UCP.
For more information regarding SNMP version support, see UCP
Release Notes.

Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual



Both monitoring and reporting must be enabled for UCP Director Console
to display SNMP events and the current monitoring state of elements. The
following diagram shows how monitoring and event information are
received by UCP Director and UCP DOC.


Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director refreshes monitoring indicators every 5 minutes.

Note: Only manual and failed refreshes are reported in your hypervisor

Performance monitoring
UCP Director uses SNMP to monitor switch performance, and monitors
HTnM for performance information, as follows:

SNMP Performance data from SNMP queries is used to populate

switch performance monitoring indicators. For UCP Director to be able
to monitor health and performance data from switches, SNMP
monitoring and reporting needs to be enabled.

HTnM Performance data from HTnM is used to populate storage

system performance monitoring indicators.
In addition to the data received from health monitoring indicators,
performance monitoring indicators can be used to determine potential
component failures. For example, the Link Failures performance monitoring
indicator can be monitored to look for an increase in failures, which may
indicate a component is failing.
Data from performance monitoring indicators is consolidated every 30
Performance data can be collected from either the UCP Director API or UCP
Director CLI, or viewed in UCP Director Console. If you use VMware
vCenter Operations Management Suite (vC Ops) with vCenter as your
hypervisor manager, you can also view performance data in Hitachi
Converged Adapter for VMware vCenter Operations Management Suite
(HCA for vC Ops).
Performance data for each performance monitoring indicator in UCP
Director Console is displayed graphically.The information shown on these
graphs is different based on the component and performance monitoring
indicator being viewed. For more information on:

Switch performance monitoring, see Switch performance monitoring in

vSphere Web Client on page 137.

Storage system performance monitoring, see Storage system

performance monitoring in vSphere Web Client on page 167.

Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual



For more information on HCA for vC Ops, see HCA for vC Ops
Administration Manual.

Health monitoring
Health monitoring indicators enable you to monitor the status of different
aspects of each component. By monitoring component health, UCP
Director is able to detect warning or error conditions that can lead to
The overall health of a component is displayed as its monitoring state.
The monitoring state of a component includes health and performance
data. As a result, degraded performance can contribute to a downgrade of
the monitoring state. For example, a steady or severe decline in the
performance of a component could indicate a concern regarding the health
of that component.
Component monitoring state is also presented to UCP DOC. This enables
UCP DOC to aggregate and display the health status of multiple UCP sites.
For more information on UCP DOC, see Chapter 4, UCP DOC and UCP
Disaster Recovery, on page 69.
For more information on monitoring states, see System status on
page 80.
For UCP Director to be able to monitor the health of switches in UCP
Director, SNMP monitoring and reporting needs to be enabled. Server
health information is received from HCSM and storage health information is
received from HDvM.

Management monitoring
When using vCenter, the servers that compose the management block and
the VMs hosted on it are visible when you are logged in with UCP system
administrator access.
When using SCVMM, the health of the clustered servers that compose the
management block can be viewed using Windows Failover Cluster Monitor
on an external server or workstation.


Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual

Jobs, events, and reporting

vCenter alarms
If you are using vCenter as your hypervisor manager, events can also
trigger a vCenter alarm. In addition to the default vCenter alarms, UCP
Director has incorporated alarms for physical switches, the storage system,
servers, and the chassis.

Note: UCP alarms that are added to vCenter are prefaced with Hitachi.

For more information on events, see Events on page 62.

Alarms can be triggered by SNMP events, or by events received from an
element manager. An alarm can also be triggered by the monitoring state
of a component.
When an alarm is triggered, an email is sent to the notification email
address that corresponds to the component triggering the alarm. These
email addresses were setup when UCP was fist installed, and can be
updated by modifying the corresponding alarm.
Some alarms have multiple editable triggers, depending on the status of
the element being monitored. For example, a notification can be sent when
the status is set to warning, and again when it is set to alert. Another email
may be sent when the component is back to normal.
For more information on UCP alarms, see Appendix C, VMware alarms, on
page 329.

Jobs, events, and reporting

UCP Director tracks user-initiated actions as jobs. These jobs are then
reported to the hypervisor manager. This section contains information on:

Reporting and syslogs

Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


Jobs, events, and reporting

For each job, the following information is tracked:

Name The name of the job.

Target Type The resource type that the job is performed against.
Target ID The UCP ID of the resource that the job is performed

Status The status of the job.

User The user who initiated the job.
Date Time The date and time that the job started.
For a list of all jobs that can be generated by UCP, see Appendix A, Jobs,
on page 255.

Note: UCP Director jobs are reported ask tasks in vCenter.

With the exception of performing more than one storage operation on a

server, only one job can be performed on an element at a time. To perform
a second job against an element, the first job must finish.
UCP Director purges jobs from its database according to the data retention
policy of the hypervisor manager you use. For example, if you are using
SCVMM with the default retention policy of 90 days, UCP Director will
internally delete records of jobs that are 90 days old.

UCP Director tracks events that are initiated by both scheduled and userinitiated jobs, as well as SNMP traps that are sent from hardware
When an event is initiated by:

A job, UCP Director records the event and associates it with the
corresponding job and target resource. Each job is associated with one
or more events, depending on the complexity of the job.


Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual

Jobs, events, and reporting

An SNMP trap, UCP Director records the event and associates it with the
target resource.
After recording an event, UCP Director then forwards it to your hypervisor
manager. For each event, the following information is tracked:

Description A description of the event.

Severity The severity of the event. Possible values are:

Info Informational only. No action needs to be taken.

Warning Abnormal but non-critical behavior has occurred. Actions

may need to be taken to identify and correct the issue.

Error The hardware is not functioning correctly. Action likely

needs to be taken to correct the issue.

Date Time The date and time that the event occurred.
User The user who initiated the action that triggered the event.
Target Type The resource type that the event is associated with.
Target ID The UCP ID of the resource that the event is associated
For more information on UCP events, see Appendix B, Events, on
page 265.
UCP Director uses the data retention policy of the hypervisor manager you
use to determine how long events should be retained.

Reporting and syslogs

Syslogs are collected and consolidated in the /logs folder of the UCPUtility
VM. Syslog files are organized into sub folders based on the IP address of
An audit log is maintained in the syslog for the related component or
device. Audit log records can be found by filtering for entries that begin
with AUDIT:.
Tip: Configure individual hosts to report the syslog to the UCPUtility VM to
consolidate host syslogs.

Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


Firmware update management in vSphere Web Client

Firmware update management in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, UCP Director is able to facilitate firmware
updates on switches, chassis, and servers. This simplifies the process of
updating firmware and helps to ensure system compatibility as updates are
All firmware updates are distributed in a bundled firmware update file,
which is tested and approved by HDS prior to distribution. When an update
has been approved, HDS support will contact you to let you know that the
update is available.
Before updating component firmware, you will first need to update the
available firmware in UCP Director. To do this, retrieve the firmware update
file from HDS and copy it to the update repository in UCP. For information
on how to copy the bundled firmware update file, see Updating available
firmware in vSphere Web Client on page 85.
Only one firmware update file can be present at a time. Each time a
firmware update file is copied to the update repository, it will replace the
previous firmware update file.
After updating the available firmware in UCP Director you can apply the
available updates to individual components. Only users with UCP
administrator privileges are able to update element firmware. For
instructions on updating:

Switches, see Updating Ethernet and Fibre Channel switch firmware in

vSphere Web Client on page 144.

Chassis, see Updating chassis firmware in vSphere Web Client on

page 201.

Servers, see Updating server firmware in vSphere Web Client on

page 202.
To ensure system stability, no operations that change the configuration of a
component will be possible in UCP Director when updating firmware, such
as changing the VLANs on an Ethernet switch. Any component being
updated will also be temporarily non-responsive, and redundant
components will be used to ensure that the process does not disrupt
system operations.


Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


For example:

Switches are updated one at a time to ensure that redundant access to

is available.

Chassis updates are staged across redundant SVP controllers to ensure

that the chassis never loses management access.

When updating all server firmware, servers in an ESXi cluster will be

updated one at a time so that virtual machines can be gracefully
migrated during firmware updates. If the server is a standalone server,
updates should be scheduled during a maintenance window.
In the event of a failure when updating multiple components, the update
process will cease and no further components will be updated. After the
issue is fixed, the remaining components will be able to be updated.

UCP can function as a part of its own domain, or it can be integrated into
an existing domain.
When using the AD1 VM, a trust relationship may be configured between
UCP and the production domain, but this is not required.
When integrated into an existing domain, the AD1 VM is not used and the
organizational units (OU) and users that UCP Director uses must be added
to the production domain. These accounts are configured in UCP Director
and your hypervisor manager when UCP Director is deployed.
In addition to the AD accounts, UCP Director also uses some local accounts
to access and administer internal components. This includes chassis,
switches, and the element managers (HCSM and HDvM).

User authentication
To administer resources in UCP Director, you must have an account in AD
and sufficient permissions in your hypervisor manager. Access to individual
resources is role-based. To administer components in UCP, you need to be
added to the AD group that corresponds to the appropriate role. The role
that you need access to is different, depending on the hypervisor manager
that you use.

Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual



AD accounts
UCP requires the following service accounts when accessing its supporting
services and software: svc_sql, svc_ucp, svc_vcntr, and ucp_wdsdeploy.
For security compliance, their passwords can also be changed at regular
intervals. These service accounts should not be disabled or deleted.
When using the AD1 VM, UCP includes the ucpadmin account that comes
pre-configured with access to resources in UCP. In addition, when using
vCenter, the following pre-configured accounts are also included:

Each of these accounts are added to their own AD group and can be edited
as needed.

vCenter security
All access to vCenter is authorized by SSO (Single Sign On) whether using
the integrated domain model or stand-alone UCP. Authorization from
multiple sources into vCenter is aggregated through SSO.
All user access in UCP Director is managed through AD and authorized by
SSO (single sign on). To administer components in UCP, your account
needs to be added to the AD group that corresponds to the appropriate
vCenter role, as follows:

UCP System Administrator Is able to administer all portions of UCP.

In addition, service template management, firmware upgrades, and
performance monitoring are only available to the UCP system

UCP Network Administrator Is able to administer all Ethernet

switches in UCP.

UCP Server Administrator Is able to administer all servers and server

images in UCP.

UCP Storage Administrator Is able to administer the storage system

and all Fibre Channel switches in UCP.


Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


For a list of the privileges that these roles are configured to have, see
Appendix D, VMware privileges, on page 333.
The following is an overview of each privilege added by UCP Director:

UCP View Enables read-only viewing access to UCP Director.

UCP.SystemAdministration Enables full UCP Director orchestration

UCP.ServerAdministration Enables server orchestration access.

UCP.StorageAdministration Enables storage system orchestration

UCP.NetworkAdministration Enables access network orchestration


UCP.ServerConsole Able to use the console feature to access HCSM,

servers, and chassis.

UCP.StorageConsole Able to use the console feature to access HDvM.

UCP.NetworkConsole Able to use the console feature to access
Ethernet switches.

UCP.Service Used internally by the svc_ucpdcntr account.

UCP Director enables the management of hardware elements in vCenter
that vCenter does not natively support, such as Fibre Channel and Ethernet
switches. Because vCenter does not natively support them, they are not
able to be managed like other elements at the folder or cluster level. To
manage these elements, UCP Director requires credentials with
administrative access to the element to be added to it.

When customizing roles, consider cloning an existing role instead of

modifying it directly.

Simplify user role management by assigning vCenter roles to Active

Directory groups instead of individual users.

Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual


To have view-only access to objects in UCP, you need to:

1. Create a new role in vCenter.
2. Assign the UCPView privilege.
3. Grant an AD user or group access to the role.

SCVMM security
In SCVMM, UCP uses the built-in Administrator role to administer access to
all UCP resources. As a result, to be able to view or perform any operation
in UCP, your account will need to be added to the Administrator role. To
manage hardware elements, like switches, that are not natively supported
by SCVMM, UCP Director requires credentials with administrative access to
the elements that are added to it.


Chapter 3: UCP software components

UCP Administration Manual

UCP DOC and UCP Disaster
UCP Director Operations Center (DOC) is a powerful tool that enables you
to monitor and review the status of one or more UCP installations, or sites,
from a single window. By integrating it with UCP Disaster Recovery, it also
enables the administration and automation of volume replication between
This chapter contains an overview of UCP DOC and UCP Disaster Recovery.

Chapter 4: UCP DOC and UCP Disaster Recovery

UCP Administration Manual


About UCP DOC and UCP Disaster Recovery

About UCP DOC and UCP Disaster Recovery

When you have more than one UCP site that you monitor, you can use UCP
DOC to view the status of all of your installation from a single window. If
you have also worked with HDS personnel to configure your sites for
disaster recovery, then you can also use UCP DOC to manage UCP Disaster
For more information on UCP DOC and UCP Disaster Recovery, see UCP
DOC Administration Manual.

UCP Disaster Recovery storage considerations

When using UCP Disaster Recovery, one site will be designated as the
protected site, and one will be designated as the recovery site. Volumes
are replicated from the protected site to the recovery site. Depending on
the configuration, UCP Disaster Recovery can take up significant storage
resources at each site to accommodate:

Journal volumes if using asynchronous replication to record changes.

Test volumes at the recovery site to accommodate testing recovery
volumes without interrupting replication.
For more information on replication and UCP Disaster Recovery, see UCP
DOC Administration Manual.


Chapter 4: UCP DOC and UCP Disaster Recovery

UCP Administration Manual

Part II: Using UCP Director

This part contains the following chapter:
Chapter 5, UCP Director Console, on page 73

UCP Administration Manual

UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director Console
UCP Director Console is integrated into your hypervisor manager. This
enables it to function as a seamless interface between the hypervisor
manager, UCP Director, and the UCP system components.
Because each hypervisor and each hypervisor client functions differently,
UCP Director Console also functions differently depending on the available
feature set and the interface used.
This chapter explains how to use UCP Director Console to administer UCP

Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director Console permissions

UCP Director Console permissions

To access UCP Director Console, you must be logged in with an AD account
that has sufficient permissions to UCP Director. For more information on
access requirements, see Security on page 65.

Connecting to UCP Director Console

Because UCP Director Console is tightly integrated into your hypervisor
manager, it is accessed differently depending on the hypervisor manager
that you use.
Depending on the hypervisor and interface you use, however, certain
features may or may not be available. The following table lists the features
that are available by hypervisor and interface:



and Cisco

Web Client


Status Monitor page X

Servers table

Images table

Storage System


Storage System


Ethernet Switches


Fibre Channel
Switches table
Switches table
Service Templates


Server Profiles table X

Identity Types page



Chassis page

Firmware updates


Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual

Connecting to UCP Director Console

Accessing UCP Director Console in vCenter

When using vCenter, you can access UCP Director Console through both
vSphere Client and vSphere Web Client. To access UCP Director Console
from either interface, from the Home screen, click on the UCP Director icon.
When using vSphere Web Client, certain pages may require you to have
accepted a security certificate. To accept the security certificate, navigate
to the following page in a web browser, where <UCPManagement> is the
IP address of the management VM, and accept the indicated certificate:

Accessing UCP Director Console in SCVMM

When using SCVMM, you need to first import UCP Director Console as an
SCVMM add-in. You can import UCP Director Console on any workstation
that can access UCP Director. If UCP has been setup without remote
access, you can import UCP Director Console on the workstation VM.
To import UCP Director Console as an SCVMM add-in:
1. Download the UCP Director Console installer by navigating to the
following URL in a web browser, where <UCPManagement> is the IP
address of the UCPManagement VM:

2. Save the file.

3. Open SCVMM and connect to the SCVMM VM using an account that has
been added to the SCVMM administrator role.
4. Use the SCVMM Import Console Add-in function to import the file as an SCVMM.
After importing, restart SCVMM and access UCP Director Console using the
UCP Director icon.
When using SCVMM, certain pages may require you to have accepted a
security certificate. To accept the security certificate, navigate to the
following page in a web browser, where <UCPManagement> is the IP
address of the management VM, and accept the indicated certificate:

Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual


Using UCP Director Console

Using UCP Director Console

Depending on the hypervisor manager and client that you use, UCP
Director Console has different pages and tables, as follows:

Status Monitor page, as explained in System status on page 80.

Ethernet Switches, Fibre Channel Switches, and Converged Switches
tables, as explained in Viewing switch inventory on page 131.

Storage System page or table, as follows:

In vSphere Web Client, the storage system is displayed on the

Storage System table.

In SCVMM and vSphere Client, the storage system is displayed on

the Storage System page.

For more information on the storage system, see Viewing the storage
system on page 163.

Servers table, as explained in Viewing server inventory on page 193.

Chassis table, when using vSphere Web Client, as explained in
Chassis on page 196.

Server Profiles table, as explained in Viewing server profile inventory

on page 210.

Identity Types page, as explained in Identity types on page 214.

Images table, as explained in ESXi image packages in vCenter on
page 121.

Service Templates table, as explained in Viewing service template

inventory on page 225.
All information in UCP Director Console can be accessed through these
tables and pages.
Note: The hypervisor search box is not able to search UCP Director


Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual

Using UCP Director Console

At the top of UCP Director Console are the following bars:

Information bar A black bar at the top of some pages that contains
the Inventory and Help menus.

The Inventory menu can be used to access different pages in UCP

Director Console.

The Help menu contains links to view information about UCP and
download the UCP Director CLI installer. It also contains links to the
following product books:

UCP Administration Manual

UCP Pre-Installation Requirements and Configuration

UCP Director CLI Reference

UCP Director API Reference

UCP Director Third-Party Copyrights and Licences

In addition, when using vCenter as your hypervisor manager, the

following product books are available:

HCA for vC Ops Administration Manual

HCA for vC Ops Third-Party Copyrights and Licenses

For more information on downloading the UCP Director CLI installer,

see Downloading the CLI on page 78. For more information on
viewing about and support information, see Viewing about and
support information on page 78.

Navigation bar When using vSphere Client or SCVMM, a gray bar that
appears under the information bar. It contains icons that are used to
navigate among the major tables and pages in UCP Director Console, as

Status Monitor icon (

) Used to display the Status Monitor


Servers icon (

) Used to display the Servers and Images tables.

Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual


Using UCP Director Console

Storage System icon (

) Used to display the Storage System

page or table.

Ethernet Switches icon (

) Used to display the Ethernet

Switches table.

Fibre Channel Switches icon (

) Used to display the Fibre

Channel Switches table.

Converged Switches icon (

Switches table.

Provisioning icon (

Settings icon (

) Used to display the Converged

) Used to display the Service Templates and

Server Profiles tables and the Identity Types page.
) Used to display configure UCP Director
settings. Only visible when viewing the Status Monitor page. For
more information on the Status Monitor page, see UCP Director
settings on page 82.

The icons on the navigation bar change color to reflect the aggregate of
the monitoring state for each element of the indicated type. If any
component of a particular site is different from the others, UCP Director
will display the most severe value, such as error or warning.

Downloading the CLI

To access the UCP Director CLI, first download the UCP Director CLI
installer. To download the UCP Director CLI installer, from the Help menu on
the information bar, click on the Download CLI link. For more information
on the UCP Director CLI, see the UCP Director CLI Reference book.

Viewing about and support information

The About dialogue is used to display the UCP version, serial number, and
support information. To display the About dialogue, from the Help menu on
the information bar, click on the About button.


Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual

Working with data in tables

Working with data in tables

Tables in UCP Director Console work like other tables in your hypervisor
manager. They display information related to the corresponding managed
Resources that are displayed on each table are grouped by default criteria.
Depending on the resource, some data columns may be hidden.
To hide or show columns on a table in:

vSphere Web Client:

1. Right-click on a column header.
2. Click on the Show/Hide Columns link.
3. Select the columns that should be displayed.
4. Click on the OK button.

vSphere Client and SCVMM, right-click on a column header and select

the columns that should be displayed.
You can also change the way records are filtered, grouped, and sorted as

To filter the records in a table, in the Filter field, begin typing the
criteria that you want to filter the records by. As you type, the records
in the table will automatically be filtered to only display those records
that contain the string of text that you are typing.

To change the way records in a table are grouped, select the criteria
that you want the records to be grouped by from the Group By field. For
example, to have all of the servers on the Servers panel grouped by the
cluster that they are a member of, select the name of the cluster from
the Group By field.

To change the way that records are sorted in a table, click on the
column that you want to sort the records by. Records will automatically
be sorted in ascending order based on the criteria that the records are
being grouped by. Clicking on the column again will sort the records in
descending order.

Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual


Refreshing UCP Director Console pages

You can perform actions against resources in UCP Director Console, such
as a server, by right-clicking on the resource and then clicking on the
action link. Depending on the type of resource being managed, different
options will be available. For example, to open a console connection to a
server, right click on the server, and then click on the Console link.
Some tables also have buttons at the top of the table that perform an
associated action, such as to add an Ethernet switch, or to launch an
element manager, such as HDvM. Clicking on one of these buttons
performs the indicated action.

Refreshing UCP Director Console pages

When using vSphere Client or SCVMM, UCP Director Console does not
refresh pages automatically. As a result, the status of inventory can
change after a page is loaded without those changes being reflected in UCP
Director Console. For example:

The state of the hardware could change due to a power failure

A server could be set to maintenance mode
To make sure that you are viewing the most current information, click on
the Refresh button on the information bar.

System status
The Status Monitor page graphically displays the monitoring state of each
hardware element managed by UCP. It also is used to display storage
system usage and SNMP events.
To display the Status Monitor page, in:

vSphere Web Client and SCVMM, from the navigation bar, click on the
Status Monitor icon. For more information on the navigation bar, see
Using UCP Director Console on page 76.

vSphere Web Client, in the Monitoring section of the Home page, click
on the UCP Director icon.


Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual

System status

Individual monitoring state

The following elements are represented by a colored shape on the Status
Monitor page: Ethernet switches, Fibre Channel switches, converged
switches, servers, chassis, and storage pools. The monitoring state of the
element is indicated by the color, as follows:

For more information on monitoring state, see Monitoring indicators and
monitoring state on page 54.
Moving the cursor over the square will display information related to the
element. To view element summary information, when using:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, click on the View Summary link.

vSphere Web Client, click on the element icon.
For more information on a:

Servers, see Chapter 12, Server administration, on page 189.

Chassis, see Chassis on page 196.
Switches, see Chapter 9, Physical network administration, on
page 129.

The storage system and storage pools, see Chapter 11, Storage
system administration, on page 161.

Storage system use

The physical and virtual storage system use are displayed in the Storage
System Utilization section of the Status Monitor page. The:

Physical use of the storage system is displayed on the Physical

Utilization bar, which is broken into Reserved and Free space.

Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director settings

Virtual use of the storage system is displayed on the Logical Utilization

bar, which is broken into Allocated and Unallocated space.

Actual use is displayed next to the legend below each bar.

For more information on the storage system use and the properties shown,
see Viewing the storage system on page 163.

The events shown on the Status Monitor page are only those events that
are triggered by an SNMP trap. All SNMP events are reported on the All
Events tab, while each of the hardware-specific event tabs only display the
SNMP events that are related to the corresponding hardware object.
For each event shown on the status monitor page, the following properties
are shown: Description, Severity, Date Time, User, Target Type, and Target
To see events that are triggered by a scheduled or user-initiated job, from:

vSphere Client, in the Management section, click on the Events link.

vSphere Web Client, in the Monitoring section, click on the Event
Console link.

SCVMM, click on the Jobs link.

For more information on events, see Events on page 62. For a listing of
each event generated by UCP Director, see Appendix B, Events, on
page 265.

UCP Director settings

The settings menu is used to configure universal settings that enable UCP
Director to function. To access the settings menu, from:

vSphere Client and SCVMM, click on the Settings icon on the Status
Monitor page.

vSphere Web Client, click on the UCP Director Settings button on the
Status Monitor page.


Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director settings

Configuring SNMP settings

To configure SNMP settings:
1. From the settings menu, click on the link that corresponds to the type
of SNMP settings that you want to modify.

For switches, click on SNMP Settings: Ethernet, SNMP Settings:

Converged Network, or SNMP Settings: Fibre Channel.
The top of the dialog displays the following read-only informational

Version The SNMP version of the protocol that is being sent to

UCP Director for SNMP monitoring.

Monitor IP Address The UCP Director IP address that listens to

SNMP traps.
After the Version and Monitor IP Address fields, the SNMP settings
dialogs display the fields you use to configure SNMP settings. To
configure SNMP settings, perform the following:

In Authentication section:

Select the protocol to use from the Protocol list

Type the username in the Username field

Type the password in both the Password and Confirm

Password fields
Note: If you select NoAuth as the authentication protocol,
then you will not be able to enter a password.

In Privacy section:

Select the protocol to use from the Protocol list

Type the password in both the Password and Confirm

Password fields

For the storage system or servers, on the corresponding SNMP

Settings: Storage or SNMP Settings: Compute dialog:

Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director settings

The top of the dialog displays the following read-only informational


Version The SNMP version of the protocol that is being sent to

UCP Director for SNMP monitoring.

Monitor IP Address The UCP Director IP address that listens to

SNMP traps.
After the Version and Monitor IP Address fields, the SNMP settings
dialogs display the fields you use to configure SNMP settings. To
configure SNMP settings, perform the following:

In the Community String field, type the community string used to

authenticate with the storage system.

In the Confirm Community String field, type the community string


Important: Before setting the community string for storage or

server SNMP settings, the SNMP settings need to be configured in
HDvM or HCSM, respectively. The corresponding element manager
also needs to be configured in UCP Director. For more information
on configuring:

HDvM, see Configuring Hitachi Device Manager (HDvM) on

page 162.

HCSM, see Configuring Hitachi Compute Systems Manager

(HCSM) on page 190.
2. Click on the OK button.

Configuring monitoring mode

Before monitoring can be enabled, the corresponding SNMP settings need
to be configured first. To configure SNMP settings, see Configuring SNMP
settings on page 83.
To configure the monitoring mode:
1. From the settings menu, click on the Monitoring Mode link.
2. On the Monitoring Mode dialog, for each category of hardware element
in inventory, select the monitoring mode as follows:


Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director settings

To disable monitoring and reporting, select the Off option.

To enable monitoring but disable reporting, select the Monitoring

Only option.

To enable both monitoring and reporting, select the Monitoring and

Reporting option.

3. Click on the OK button.

Configuring AMQP credentials

Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is used to organize the jobs
and messages generated by UCP Director. For security reasons, the
credentials used to connect to it can be changed.
To configure AMQP credentials, after they have been configured on the
AMQP server:
1. From the settings menu, click on the AMQP Credentials link.
2. On the AMQP Credentials dialog:

In the Username field, type the username with administrative access

to the AMQP server.

In the Password field, type the password that corresponds to the

specified account in the Username field.

3. Click on the OK button.

Updating available firmware in vSphere Web Client

Ethernet and Fibre Channel switch, as well as server and chassis firmware
are distributed via a zip file from Hitachi Data Systems. This zip file is then
uploaded to UCP Director, which updates the available firmware versions.
To update the available firmware:
1. From the settings menu, click on the Firmware Update link.
2. On the Firmware Update dialog, in the Firmware Update Package field,
type the path of the firmware update file.
3. Click on the OK button.

Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director settings

After uploading the firmware bundle you will be able to manually update
the firmware on each individual component.
For more information on firmware management in UCP Director, see
Firmware update management in vSphere Web Client on page 64.

Configuring WDS & UCP IP addresses

The WDS & UCP IP Addresses dialog is used to configure the IP addresses of
the WDS and UCP IP addresses. This should only be edited if the actual IP
addresses of these VMs have changed. The:

WDS IP address is used by the WDS server for the deployment of

Windows and Linux images.

UCP IP address is the IP address of the UCPManagement VM on the

management network.
To update the WDS and UCP IP addresses:
1. From the settings menu, click on the WDS & UCP IP Addresses link.
2. On the WDS & UCP IP Addresses dialog:

In the WDS IP Address field, type the IP address of the WDS server.

In the UCP IP Address field, type the IP address of the UCP server.

3. Click on the OK button.

Configuring SCP server credentials

The SCP Server Credentials dialogue is used to configure the SCP server
connection information. The SCP server is used by UCP Director to store
firmware update packages and is accessed internally through the firmware
update feature. For more information on the firmware update feature, see
Updating available firmware in vSphere Web Client on page 85.
To update the SCP server credentials:
1. From the settings menu, click on the SCP Server Credentials link.
2. On the SCP Server Credentials dialog:


In the IP Address field, type the IP address of the SCP server.

Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director settings

In the Username field, type the username with administrative access

to the SCP server.

In the Password field, type the password that corresponds to the

specified account in the Username field.

3. Click on the OK button.

Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director settings


Chapter 5: UCP Director Console

UCP Administration Manual

Part III: Image management

Management of Windows and Linux images in UCP is facilitated through a
Windows Deployment Server (WDS) that is included in the UCP
management stack. Management of ESXi images is handled through UCP
which, in turn, utilizes vSphere tools. Automated deployment of images is
initiated through service templates.
This part contains the following chapters.
Chapter 6, Images overview, on page 91
Chapter 7, Prepare images for deployment, on page 97
Chapter 8, Deploy images in UCP Director, on page 117

UCP Administration Manual

UCP Administration Manual

Images overview
Operating system images are a foundational part of server deployment in
UCP. The compute servers in UCP need to be deployed as hosts before they
can accommodate production workloads. Service templates are used for
deploying a variety of image types.
This chapter covers the following image-related concepts:

Hypervisor managers on page 92

Windows Deployment Server on page 92
UCP Director on page 92
ESXi images on page 94

Chapter 6: Images overview

UCP Administration Manual


Hypervisor managers

Hypervisor managers
If the hypervisor manager is SCVMM, all image deployment is executed by
the WDS server. When it is vCenter, the deployment server will be WDS for
Windows or Linux images, but ESXi images are deployed by vSphere's
Auto Deploy. Non-hypervisor hosts are never included in the hypervisor
manager's inventory, but they are managed through UCP's server
The following table explains the deployment types that are possible with
each hypervisor manager:

Hypervisor manager

Hypervisor hosts

Non-Hypervisor hosts


ESXi stateless only

Windows / Linux


Windows 2012 R2 SP1 with

Hyper-V loaded

Windows / Linux

Windows Deployment Server

UCP includes a dedicated VM for hosting a Windows Deployment Server
(WDS) server. This VM handles deployments of Windows and Linux images
to non-hypervisor hosts. In SCVMM environments, WDS is also used when
deploying Windows hypervisor hosts. The WDS service performs
unattended installations with the help of answer files that you customize
for your images.

UCP Director
The following section explains important details necessary for you to
understand how images are managed using UCP Director.

Image permissions
To administer host images, your Active Directory account or group must:

When using vCenter, be added to the UCP System Administrator role.

When using SCVMM, be added to the SCVMM administrator role.
For more information on access requirements, see Security on page 65.


Chapter 6: Images overview

UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director

Image properties
In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director records the following
properties of each image.

Image name
For ESXi images, the image name is set when editing or cloning an image.
For non-ESXi images the image name is obtained from WDS or from the
image file.
Note: Never rename an ESXi image with any method other than UCP or
vSphere's power CLI. If it was renamed with Windows file management,
for example, UCP will not be able to detect and manage the image.

Image description
For ESXi images, the description is set when editing an image or when the
image is cloned. Cloned ESXi images have the same description as the
source image by default. For non-ESXi images the description is obtained
from WDS or from the image file.

Image type
In UCP image inventory, the Image Type properties may be any of the
following values:


A generic designator used by Custom service templates. This type is deployed to
hosts that will receive an OS image by some means outside of UCP. For example,
perhaps you wish to enable LPAR (Logical Partitioning) on the blade.

EsxiStateless ESXi stateless images are deployed to system memory - not on a hard disk. The
image loads over the network each time the server boots. In vCenter, ESXi images
normally would be managed with power shell cmdlets. But UCP provides a graphical
interface for executing those commands.

A Linux image that will be deployed by the WDS VM. The service template type will be
Linux and the host will always be non-hypervisor.


A Windows image that will be deployed by the WDS VM. In SCVMM environments, this
may be a hypervisor deployment if using a hypervisor service template.

The following diagram illustrates the various image types along with their
deployment method. Images deployed through the WDS server will need
to be added and configured manually.

Chapter 6: Images overview

UCP Administration Manual


ESXi images

ESXi images
ESXi images are the hypervisor image type used when using vCenter. UCP
Director tracks ESXi images in both local and remote repositories in UCP
inventory. ESXi images are divided into two types:

UCP images, which are located in local inventory.

Non-UCP images, which are located in external repositories.
Only UCP images can be deployed to a server. Non-UCP images can be
cloned to local inventory. The cloned image in local inventory is then a UCP
image that can be deployed to a server.
Images that have been deployed to a server can not be edited while they
are applied to a server. To edit an image that is currently applied to a
server, clone it and then edit the cloned image. When you have finished
editing the cloned image, you can then deploy it to a server by individually
assigning it to a server or making it the default image for a server type.


Chapter 6: Images overview

UCP Administration Manual

ESXi images

When booting an ESXi image, UCP Director uses Auto Deploy to deploy the
image to the server. UCP Director does not attach a boot LUN when
deploying an ESXi image. Instead, the stateless image is deployed each
time the server boots.
UCP comes with an ESXi image that is designed for your servers. It has the
HBA and CNA drivers, as well as the MPIO software for the HBA preloaded.

Default images
When using vCenter as the hypervisor manager, each server type used has
a default image associated with it. By default, when a server boots, UCP
Director automatically deploys the default image that is assigned to it.
Only a local, ESXi UCP image can be used as a default image. The default
image can be overridden for an individual server by deploying a specific
ESXi, Windows, or Linux image to the server.
When a server is reset, if an ESXi image has been configured for that
individual server, then vCenter will automatically deploy that image to the
server. If an image has not specifically been configured for that server,
then vCenter will deploy the default image for the server type.

ESXi image updates

All updates to ESXi images must either come from another ESXi image or
from a VMware depot file in a repository. As a result, to add a custom
driver, agent, or other package, it must be added to an image or a VMware
depot. Images and VMware depots can then be added to a custom
repository, which can be accessed as a URL or file share. Refer to VMware
documentation for information regarding how to create VMware images,
depot files, and repositories.
New ESXi images that include critical driver updates are distributed
through an official Hitachi Data Systems external repository. Additional
updates and patches can also be downloaded from VMware and added to
ESXi images.
Each time UCP Director refreshes image inventory, it scans the contents of
all images in external image repositories that have been added to UCP
Director. When an updated version of any package in an active image is
found, UCP Director will first clone the active image and apply the updated
package to the cloned ESXi image.
After the images have been updated, UCP Director can then send an email
describing the image or images that were cloned, the update that was
found, and the new image names. Images that have been updated can
then be reviewed before they are applied to one or more servers.

Chapter 6: Images overview

UCP Administration Manual


ESXi images

ESXi image properties

To see a list of typical ESXi image properties that UCP Director tracks, see
Chapter 7, Review commonly used image properties, on page 111.


Chapter 6: Images overview

UCP Administration Manual

Prepare images for deployment
This chapter steps you through the procedure of adding your Windows
images to the WDS server and adding the drivers that are necessary
through the boot and installation phases of deployment
A sample CentOS image (version 6.4) is provided in the WDS VM. A script is
also provided that configures WDS to deploy it. If you copy a Red Hat image
to the WDS server, the same script can be used to configure it for
A default ESXi image is provided in UCP installations that use vCenter.
Altering the ESXi images is only necessary when patches or updates are
released by VMware.
This chapter covers:

Windows and Linux images on page 98

ESXi images on page 109

Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual


Windows and Linux images

Windows and Linux images

The section explains how to prepare Windows and Linux images for
deployment. For a list of supported Windows and Linux operating systems
versions, see the UCP Release Notes.

Add Windows images

If the image is Windows Server 2012 R2 SP1, it can be used for either
hypervisor or non-hypervisor deployments. Other supported Windows
versions are used only in non-hypervisor deployments. The template type
dictates how the image will be deployed.
WDS handles Windows deployments with WIM files (Windows Imaging
Format). For any Windows deployment, there are two WIM files, and the
drivers must be added to both:

boot.wim - Loads a WinPE environment from which the OS deployment

is launched

install.wim- Installs the operating system.

Note: If you plan to deploy both Windows Server 2012 R2 SP1 and
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, be sure that you only have one boot.wim in
WDS. Confirm that it is the boot.wim derived from Windows Server 2012
R2 SP1.

For a reliable installation, testing has shown that its best to add the bootcritical drivers to both WIM files. This ensures that the drivers are available
during all phases of deployment.
DISM (Deployment Imaging Servicing Management) is included in any
system running Windows 8.1 or higher. This document assumes you will
use the WDS VM to launch DISM.
For more information regarding DISM, see:
en-us/library/hh824821.aspx. Alternatively the DISM cmdlets can be
executed from PowerShell. For instructions, see: http://


Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual

Add Windows images

Determine which drivers to use

The following drivers are included on your service VM in the UCP
management stack. Please review the following list to know what drivers
are needed for your particular Windows image.
Windows 2008 R2 SP1
When the blades use separate FC and NIC devices:

Hitachi Fibre Channel driver version or above

Emulex network driver version 4.1.334.25 or above
When the blades use the CNA device in a single-rack converged model of
UCP, use:

The STORPORT Miniport driver

Emulex OneConnect NIC driver version
Windows Server 2012 R2 SP1
When the blades have a separate Fibre Channel HBA devices, use:

Hitachi Fibre Channel driver version or higher

Emulex network driver version 10.0.835.0
When the blades use the CNA device in a single-rack converged model of
UCP, use:

Emulex SCSI driver

The Storport Miniport driver
Emulex network driver version 10.0.835.0
To find these drivers, log into the UCP Service VM and open E:\
InstallMedia\WDS\CB500_Windows_Drivers. Copy the necessary
drivers to the WDS VM where you plan to use DISM.

Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual


Add Windows images

Determine the driver injection method

Usually DISM is used for adding drivers to the install.wim and WDS is used
for adding drivers to the boot.wim. But, in one type of environment, as
explained in the following table, DISM must be used for both wim files
because the /forceunsigned argument is required for the Hitachi FC driver.


Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual

Add Windows images

Depending on your environment, indicated by columns in the table below,

follow only the procedures that have a check mark in that column.
UCP upgraded from 3.02 to 3.5
- Switch model is NOT converged


Image type - 2012

R2 SP1 or newer

Image type = Older

than 2012 R2 SP1

UCP 3.5 (no upgrade)

- All switch models
Image type = Any
supported Windows image

Share your Windows images

with the WDS VM on
page 101
Add drivers to install.wim
(DISM) on page 102

Add drivers to boot.wim

(DISM) on page 102

Add the drivers to the boot

image with WDS on
page 104
Chapter 8, Refresh image
inventory, on page 119

Share your Windows images with the WDS VM

1. Place the Windows image so it can be accessed from the WDS VM, such as
a network share.
2. Move the Hitachi Fibre Channel and Emulex network drivers from the UCP
Service VM to the WDS VM, if they are not already there.
3. On the WDS VM, mount your Windows ISO by right-clicking the ISO and
clicking Mount
4. Browse to view the contents of the mounted ISO
5. Copy the entire contents of the ISO onto a disk location where the files can
be modified.
6. Open a cmd window and change directory to C:\Windows\System32. This
is where DISM will be executed from.

Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual


Add Windows images

Add drivers to install.wim (DISM)

1. Use the following command to get the Index number of the version of
Windows you wish to modify and use. The following case uses Windows
Server 2008 R2 SERVERDATACENTER, which is cataloged as Index 5.
dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:C:\temp\sources\install.wim
2. Next, create a folder on the C: drive called mount
3. Use the following DISM command to mount Index 5 (or other desired
version of Windows) into the C:\mount directory.
dism /mount-wim:C:\temp\sources\install.wim /MountDir:C:\mount /
wimfile:C:\temp\sources\install.wim /Index:5
4. In the following commands, supply the location where you copied the
drivers to. This example adds the Emulex (NIC) driver:
dism /image:C:\mount /Add-Driver:C:\Drivers\Emulex\be2nd62.inf
This example adds the Hitachi FC driver:
dism /image:C:\mount /Add-Driver:C:\Drivers\HitachiHBA\hfcwdd.inf
If the UCP system is an upgrade from 3.0.2 to 3.5, and the image is
Windows 2012 R2SP1, use:
dism /image:C:\mount /Add-Driver:C:\Drivers\Win2K2012R2\HitachiHBA\
hfcwdd.inf /forceunsigned
5. Save the install image by running the following command:

dism /unmount-wim /MountDir:C:\Mount /commit

6. The result is an install.wim file located in C:\temp\sources (or equivalent
directory where you copied the Windows source files. This file will be added
to WDS in section 3.

Add drivers to boot.wim (DISM)

This is only needed when the UCP system was upgraded from v3.0.2 to
v3.5 and the installation image is Windows 2012 R2 SP1 and the switch
model is not converged. The WDS server (on a Windows 2012 system) will
not add unsigned drivers to the boot.wim and the Hitachi FC driver is
unsigned. The NIC driver is signed, but, to save time, you could add the
NIC driver with DISM too.


Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual

Add Windows images

In the following steps, you will use the same drivers that you added to the
1. Use the following command to get the Index number of the version of
Windows you wish to modify and use. If you want a permanent installation
of Windows (not Windows PE), select the index value corresponding to
Microsoft Windows Setup (x64).
dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:C:\temp\sources\boot.wim

2. Use the following DISM command to mount Index 2 (or other desired
version) into the C:\mount directory. Make sure you have permissions to
access this file as Microsoft often marks boot.wim files as read-only by
dism /mount-wim:C:\temp\sources\boot.wim /MountDir:C:\mount /
wimfile:C:\temp\sources\boot.wim /Index:2

3. In the following commands, supply the location where you copied the
drivers on the WDS VM. Example 1 is the Emulex (NIC) driver. Example 2
is the HBA (Fibre Channel) driver.
dism /image:C:\mount /Add-Driver:C:\Drivers\latest\WS2k12R2\Emulex\
dism /image:C:\mount /Add-Driver:C:\Drivers\latest\WS2k12R2\FC\
hfcwdd.inf /forceunsigned

4. Save the boot image by running the following command:

dism /unmount-wim /MountDir:C:\Mount /commit
The result is a boot.wim file located in C:\temp\sources (or equivalent
directory where you copied the Windows source files). Proceed with steps
for adding Windows images to WDS. Then create boot and image unattend
files and refresh UCP image inventory. You can skip the procedure Add the
drivers to the boot image with WDS as this process was already done
through DISM.

Add the modified Windows image to WDS

Two procedures in this section show how to add the install.wim and
boot.wim files to WDS.

Add the install.wim

1. On the WDS VM, launch Windows Deployment Services. Right click Install
Images and click Add Install Image.

Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual


Add Windows images

2. Select Create an image group named, enter an appropriate name, and

then click Next.

3. Click Browse and navigate to the install.wim file that you customized in

4. Click on install.wim, click Open, and then click Next.

5. In the Available Images screen, choose the version of Windows that
corresponds with the Index number you chose to mount and modify.

6. In the Summary screen, click Next. Progress is shown while the image is
added to WDS.

7. When the image is successfully added, click Finish. The install image has
now been added to WDS.

Add the boot.wim

1. Right click Boot Images, and then click Add Boot Image
2. Click Browse and navigate to the boot.wim file.
3. Select the boot.wim file, click Open, and then click Next
4. Type a descriptive image name and click Next.
5. In the Summary screen, click Next.
6. When the image is added, click Finish. The image is now added under
Boot Images

Add the drivers to the boot image with WDS

Drivers can be added to the Boot.wim in WDS with the following steps. The
exception, as explained earlier, is if the WDS server operating system is
older than Windows Server 2012 R2 SP1 and the image being modified is
Windows Server 2012 R2 SP1.
1. In Windows Deployment Services, locate Boot Images. Right click the
previously added boot image discussed earlier and choose Add Driver
Packages to Image

2. Click Next, and then click Add.

3. In the Add Attribute dialog box, change Attribute Type to Driver Group


Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual

Add Windows images

4. Select the driver name appropriate to the version of Windows you are
provisioning, and then click OK.

5. Click Search for Packages, the two drivers are automatically selected,
and then click Next.

6. Click Next in the Summary page. Progress will be displayed as drivers are
added to the boot image. When it is complete, click Finish.

Create boot unattend and image unattend files

On the WDS server there are template copies of the boot unattend and
image unattend files. In this section, you will make copies of these
templates and customize them for your image. When making UCP service
templates, you will choose the image unattend and boot unattend files that
were edited for your particular Windows image.
If the passwords in the unattend files have to be encrypted, use the SIM
tool (System Image Manager) which comes in the ADK from Microsoft.
(Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit a free download).

Boot unattend files

Boot unattend files are located in the following folder on the WDS server:
For Windows 2012 boot unattend
1. Make a copy of Windows2012DatacenterBootUnattend.xml and place
it in the folder specified above. Make the filename unique, like

2. Right click your copy and choose Edit.

3. Find the section <component name=Microsoft-Windows-Setup
4. Edit your domain and the password for the built-in user named

Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual


Add Windows images

5. Find the section <ImageSelection>

6. Edit the ImageGroup and ImageName values to match the names
exactly as you created them in WDS.

7. Find the section <UserData>

8. Enter the product key value for your Windows 2012 image.

For Windows 2008 R2 boot unattend

1. Make a copy of Windows2008R2DatacenterBootUnattend.xml and
place it in the folder specified above. Make the filename unique, like

2. Find the section <ImageSelection>

3. Edit the ImageGroup and ImageName values to match the names
exactly as you created them in WDS.

Image unattend files

Templates of image unattend files are located in the following folder on the
WDS server:
For Windows 2012 image unattend
1. Make a copy of
TemplateWindows2012DatacenterImageUnattend.xml, and place it
in the folder specified above. Make the filename unique.


Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual

Add Windows images

2. Right click your copy and click Edit.

3. Find the section <settings pass=specialize> <component

4. Add the product key for your Windows 2012 image. It should match the
key you entered in the boot unattend file earlier.

5. In the same section, also modify:

To save the password with encryption, use Microsoft System Image
Manager (included in the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit, or
ADK). See

6. Save and close the file.

For Windows 2008 R2 image unattend
1. Make a copy of
TemplateWindows2008R2DatacenterImageUnattend.xml and place
it in the folder specified above. Make the filename unique.

2. Edit the same values as listed in the previous section for Windows Server

3. Save and close the file.

Refresh UCP image inventory

After finishing the preceding steps, refresh the image inventory in UCP
Director so that the Windows image is made available for use.
For more information, see Refresh image inventory on page 119.

Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual


Add Linux images

Add Linux images

A CentOS image is provided in the WDS VM. A script is also provided that
configures the CentOS image for deployment. The script is: D:\
ucpbaremetaltools \Add-LinuxIsoToWDS.ps1. Simply right-click the file and
choose Open with PowerShell and answer the prompts. This prepares the
default CentOS image for deployment. Afterwards, perform a manual
refresh of UCP image inventory.
If you have your own distribution of Red Hat, a few extra steps are
necessary. The following sections explain how to introduce your installation
ISO to the WDS VM and get the proper drivers added.

Copy your Linux image file to the WDS server

Through a remote desktop session to the WDS server, copy your Linux ISO
directly to the D drive of the WDS server. The script will later ask for its

Verify the latest Linux drivers are on the WDS server

1. On the WDS server, navigate to the D:\RemoteInstall\Boot\x64\
Linux\Drivers directory

2. You will see the folders: RHEL6.2, RHEL6.4-HB1, and RHEL6.4-HB2

3. Depending on your blade type, choose either the HB1 or HB2 folder and
copy its ISO out of the folder and into D:\RemoteInstall\Boot\x64\
Linux\Drivers. The script expects the ISO to be in this location.

Note: If UCP has experienced an upgrade, a new service VM was provided.

The new service VM contains the latest drivers for Linux. They should have
been copied from the new service VM to the WDS server. If you dont find
them on the D drive of the WDS server, please check the service VMs drive
at E:\UCPAppliance\InstallMedia\WDS.

Edit and run the Linux configuration script

Now that your Linux ISO is accessible to WDS and the existence of the
driver folders has been verified, the configuration script may be edited and
1. On the WDS VM, go to D:\ucpbaremetaltools and edit the script named


Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual

ESXi images

2. Find the string $FILE_NAME_CB500_DRIVER_ISO = "C50-DUX0620-05.iso" and replace the name of the .iso file for your blade type.
The driver package ISO needs to be at D:\RemoteInstall\Boot\x64\

3. Launch the following script which will ask for the location of your Linux
ISO. Launch it by right-clicking it and selecting Run with PowerShell.

4. Press Enter when prompted and this opens a file explorer

5. Navigate to the Linux installation ISO, click on it, and click Open
6. The script asks for the Linux distribution name. Type it and press Enter.
For example: RedHat

7. The next question asks for the version, for example, type 6.4 and press

8. The script continues by adding the drivers to your copy of Linux

9. The script finishes with a line of text like:
Finished copying syslinux binary files to D:\RemoteInstall\Boot\x64\Linux\

Note: The WDS VM also includes template kickstart files, which can be
customized as needed. These files are located on the WDS VM in the
following location:
D:\remoteinstall\boot\x64\linux\<OS Name>\kickstartfiles

Refresh UCP image inventory

After finishing the preceding steps, refresh the image inventory in UCP
Director so that the new Linux image is made available for use.

For more information, see Refresh image inventory on page 119.

ESXi images
This section describes how you can prepare ESXi images for deployment
and will give you an overview for how:

vCenters Auto Deploy rules work

Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual


Auto Deploy rules

UCP manages Auto Deploy rules

ESXi image repositories and image updates work in UCP

In UCP environments, the compute blades use ESXi stateless images. The
image is about 35MB and loads via the network into host memory every
time the server boots.
As a high-level explanation, the ESXi image gets deployed through a series
of communications between:

the PXE request from the server,

the DHCP server that answers the PXE call,

a TFTP server that passes the image to the host,

and the Auto Deploy service that controls what image loads to
which blade

Auto Deploy rules

Auto Deploy rules are used for mapping images to specific servers.
Normally the administrator needs to create auto deploy rules by hand
through power CLI. But UCP handles this for you. Servers that are
requesting an image are examined for a defining attribute that matches
the rule.
When a booting server matches the pattern in an Auto Deploy rule, the
image associated with the rule is loaded on that server. UCP has chosen
the following two patterns upon which to base Auto Deploy rules:
1. The server vendor and model
2. Or a single servers UUID
When UCP is first deployed, it has a default rule and a default ESXi image
for the B1 blade model and the B2 blade model.
UCP does not support the creation or deletion of Auto Deploy rules by any
means other than UCP.


Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual

Host Profiles

Host Profiles
Host profiles are used by vCenter to reconfigure the stateless ESXi host
details after each reboot. Every UCP cluster service template must be
configured to use the basic default host profile that was prepared for you
when UCP was first deployed.
If the host profile needs to be re-created for any reason, see the
instructions in Preparing VMware host profiles in vCenter on page 237.

After UCP deploys a cluster, you will find that a new host profile has
been created for that cluster. Customize this copy with specific settings
related to the cluster, for example, the root password.

UCP has an internal repository where ESXi images are stored. These
images can be deployed to hosts. UCP can also examine the contents of
external repositories in search of updates. However, UCP cannot deploy an
image unless it resides within the UCP internal repository. Cloning an
image transfers it from an external repository to the internal one.
The following sections are intended to help you become familiar with how
image repositories are managed in the vSphere web client.

Review commonly used image properties

Here you will find an explanation of important properties to monitor in your
vSphere web client.

Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual



A. Default - In the screenshot above, the default image is indicated by a

green checkmark. In this particular environment, we have only B1 blades.
If there were also B2 blades, a checkmark would also appear next to the
image for B1 blades.
B. UCP Image - Indicates the ESXi image was created by UCP and is
deployable to servers. After we add an external repository containing a
newer ESXi image, UCP will depict the image here, but it will not be
marked as Yes under UCP Image. This means it can be cloned but not
deployed. It also may contain newer VIBs (driver packages) that can be
donated to older ESXi images.
C. Active Status - Indicates there is an auto deploy rule that associates the
image to a server. For ESXi images only. Active ESXi images cannot be
edited but they can be cloned and can be applied to additional servers.
Notice that the ConedESXiHB1 image in the print screen is not active.
D. Custom Image - Indicates a logical object associated with custom service
templates. Custom templates are deployed when the administrator intends
to load an operating system manually.
E. Linux and Windows images - Linux and Windows images are kept and
managed within the WDS server. They cannot be copied or edited through
the UCP Image Inventory view. If Windows and Linux images arent
showing up in your inventory, it is because WDS has not yet been


Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual


External image repositories

An external repository is added to UCP when you need to add new ESXi
Note: As with any update to a production system, you should test a
patched image on one server before applying it to all production servers.
The provided default ESXi image in UCP contains necessary drivers for the
Fibre Channel and network devices. UCP enables you to clone the default
image and then add patches to the cloned image.
Updates to ESXi images are released on VMwares website at: https://

Manually adding ESXi updates to UCP

1. On the above website, locate the updates you require and then download
them. For example, in the screenshot below, we have selected the
Critical bug fix (656.6 MB file).

2. Place the updates onto a network share that is accessible to UCP.

3. When sharing the network location, give Read privileges to the Ucpadmin
and ucp_svc accounts

4. In the UCP image inventory screen, click the Manage Repositories


Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual



5. Click the Add button, type the network share, click OK

6. Click Refresh Image Inventory. The new image will then appear in the
list. For example, in the screenshot below, the highlighted text below
indicates the name of recently added images that were copied from the
network folder shown in the previous screenshot.

Cloning the default ESXi image

The default ESXi image cannot be edited because it is marked as Active. It,
therefore, must be cloned before updates can be added. Later, the cloned and
updated copy will be configured for deployment.

1. Right-click the default image and choose Clone. Give the clone a name
2. Right click the image and choose Edit Image


Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual


3. The pop up lists all the drivers and packages in the current image as well
as potential updates. Some items are flagged with a yellow bang to
indicate that updates are available from the newer image found in the
external repository.

4. Select the packages that you would like to update, and then click OK.

Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual




Chapter 7: Prepare images for deployment

UCP Administration Manual

Deploy images in UCP Director
To administer the image deployment process, UCP Director monitors the
Windows Deployment Server (WDS) image inventory on the WDS VM that
Hyper-V, Windows and Linux images are deployed from.
This chapter covers:

About deploying images on page 118

Deploy a cloned ESXi image on page 119
Post-deployment tasks for ESXi images on page 120

Chapter 8: Deploy images in UCP Director

UCP Administration Manual


About deploying images

About deploying images

Hyper-V, Windows, and Linux images are deployed through service
templates. You will need to prepare a service template to administer the
For more information on service templates, see Chapter 14, Service
template administration, on page 221.
When deploying an image to a server, UCP Director creates and attaches a
boot volume to the server and installs the image to the boot volume. That
boot volume is then used each time the server boots.

VMware depot files are a special zip file format used by VMware. Using
Windows zip files will not work. Renaming a VMware depot file in
Windows after it has been created will prevent it from working.
For a list of supported OS versions, see the release notes.

View image inventory

The images that UCP Director can deploy are displayed on the Images
table. To view the Images table, in:

vSphere Web Client and SCVMM, from the navigation bar, click on the
Images icon. For more information on the navigation bar, see Using

UCP Director Console on page 76.

vSphere Client, from the Home page, click on the vCenter link, and then
click on the Images link in the Inventory Lists section.
When using vCenter, the Images table displays a list of all images in local
inventory and remote repositories. For each image, the following
properties are shown: Image Name, Image Type, Default, Model, Status,
UCP Image, Vendor, Description, Last Modified, ID, and Global ID.
When using SCVMM, the Images table displays a list of all images in
inventory. For each image, the following properties are shown: Image
Name, Image Type, Description, ID, and Global ID.


Chapter 8: Deploy images in UCP Director

UCP Administration Manual

Refresh image inventory

Refresh image inventory

UCP Director periodically scans the WDS server and, when using vCenter,
ESXi image repositories for new or updated images. To manually initiate an
inventory refresh:
1. From the Images table, click on the Refresh Image Inventory button.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button. UCP
service templates can now be created to deploy your image.

Note: When using UCP Director Console in vSphere Client, the Images
table will not refresh until you manually refresh the page. For information
on refreshing the page, see Refreshing UCP Director Console pages on
page 80.

Deploy a cloned ESXi image

In the previous chapter, we walked through the steps to clone the default
image for the B1 blades and update it with patches from VMware. Here we
will walk through the steps to deploy it to a host.

Test the cloned and edited image on a host

Its important to first test any new image to a single host with your
production workload. If tests are successful, this image can be more widely
deployed. This can be achieved by making it the new default ESXi image
and by configuring it as the Pending image for clusters that are already

1. Right-click the target host and choose Change Image under the All
Hitachi Compute Platform Actions menu.

2. Choose the newly updated cloned image, and then click OK. Behind
the scenes, UCP will create a new Auto Deploy rule for the server. If
you want to verify this for yourself, open a vSphere Power CLI window,
connect to vCenter, and then run the command get-deployrule. The
UUID of this ESXi host will be tied to the cloned image.

3. Reboot the host to load the new image in UCP Server Inventory
4. If tests are successful, you can configure the image to be the default,
using the next procedure.

Chapter 8: Deploy images in UCP Director

UCP Administration Manual


Post-deployment tasks for ESXi images

Set the cloned image as default

In vCenter, a default ESXi image can be assigned for each server model.
The default image for that model will then be loaded each time a server of
that type reboots unless an individualized auto deploy rule exists for the
For example, all clustered blades have auto deploy rules based on their
UUID. For this reason, clustered hosts need to be configured with the
Hitachi UCP option for Change Cluster Image.
To change the ESXi image that is applied to a server type by default:

1. In UCP Image Inventory, find your successfully tested cloned image in

the list of images.
2. Right-click it and click Set As Default
3. In the pop up window, choose the blade model it will be the default
image for, and then click OK.
4. UCP will now display the cloned image as the default.

Post-deployment tasks for ESXi images

UCP Director automates much of the work involved in adding, updating,
and removing ESXi images.

Viewing an ESXi image summary in vCenter

When using vCenter, additional information about an image is available on
the image summary. To view the summary of an individual image, from the
Images table:

In vSphere Client, right-click on the image, and then click on the Image
Summary link.

In vSphere Web Client, click on the name of the image in the vCenter
menu on the left.


Chapter 8: Deploy images in UCP Director

UCP Administration Manual

Post-deployment tasks for ESXi images

The top of the summary view contains the following properties: Image
Type, ID, and Description. In addition, for ESXi images, the top of the
summary view also contains the following properties: Default, Model,
Status, UCP Image, Vendor, and Last Modified.

Note: The name of the image is shown at the top of the summary.

For ESXi images, the Packages table is displayed at the bottom of the
image summary. The Packages table is used to display the packages that
make up the ESXi image. For more information on ESXi packages, see
ESXi image packages in vCenter on page 121.
In vSphere Web Client, the following:

Views are displayed on the Monitor tab:

Tasks Displays jobs related to the image. For more information on

image jobs, see ESXi image packages in vCenter on page 121.

Events Displays events related to the image.

Tables are displayed on the Related Objects tab:

Servers Displays a list of all servers that the image is applied to.

For more information on servers, see Chapter 12, Server

administration, on page 189.

ESXi image packages in vCenter

In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director monitors and reports the
following properties of each ESXi image package:

Name The name of the package.

Vendor The vendor of the package.
Version The version of the package.
Release Date The date that the package was released.
Stateless Whether or not the package has been designed to run with
an ESXi image that boots over the network and loads the hypervisor
from a network location.

Chapter 8: Deploy images in UCP Director

UCP Administration Manual


Post-deployment tasks for ESXi images

Summary A brief description of the package.

Acceptance Level The level of support for the package from VMware.
Description The description of the package. This is defined in the

Managing ESXi image repositories

To add, remove, or edit ESXi image repositories:
1. From the Images table, click on the Manage Image Repositories button.
2. On the Manage Image Repositories dialog:

To add an ESXi image repository, click on the Add button, and type
the URL of the remote location or network share in the text box.

To edit an ESXi image repository, type the correct URL of the remote
location or network share for the image repository in the text box
where the old location is.

To remove an ESXi image repository, click on the Delete icon (

next to the repository you want to delete in the Repositories section.

3. Click on the OK button.


Before adding an ESXi image repository, it is important to

ensure that UCP Director can communicate with it. UCP Director
uses PowerCLI to communicate with ESXi image repositories,
which relies on the Internet Explorer proxy settings on the UCP

To ensure that your ESXi images are current, either add the
official VMware repository or manually add a network share to
UCP Director and copy select images to it from the repository.
The VMware repository is located at:


Chapter 8: Deploy images in UCP Director

UCP Administration Manual

Post-deployment tasks for ESXi images

Configuring ESXi image update settings

UCP looks for updates in repository locations that you have added to UCP.
The Image Update Settings window is used to set the update schedule and
determine who is notified of updates. To configure image update settings:
1. On the Images table, click on the Image Update Settings button.
2. On the Image Update Settings window:

Select the appropriate interval to check for updates from the

Schedule Image Updates section.

Type the email address for ESXi image update notifications to be

sent to in the Notification Emails field. If typing more than one email
address, email addresses should be comma-separated.
Note: Sending ESXi image update notification emails requires the
SMTP and sender account to be configured in vCenter. When these
settings are entered into vCenter, UCP Director will send an email
and issue an event in vSphere Client. To configure email settings, in
vSphere Client:
1. From the Administration section of the Home page, click on the
vCenter Server Settings button.
2. Click on the Mail link and configure the SMTP server and sender

3. Click on the OK button when done.

Manually checking external repositories

After you manually copy a newer ESXi image to a UCP external repository,
clicking the Update Active Images button causes UCP to:

Check all active images to see if they could benefit from an update
found in the repository

Copy active images and add the newer packages from the repository
Send notification if email recipients had been configured

Chapter 8: Deploy images in UCP Director

UCP Administration Manual


Post-deployment tasks for ESXi images

To manually check external repositories for updates:

1. On the Images table, click on the Update Active Images button.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.

Editing an ESXi image

Editing an ESXi image enables you to rename the image, update its
description, or change the packages that it includes. Only UCP images that
are not actively applied to a server or set as the default image for a server
type can be edited. To edit an active or default image, first clone the image
and edit the clone instead.
To edit an ESXi image:
1. On the Images table, right-click on the ESXi images that you want to
edit, and then click on the Edit Image link.
2. In the Edit Image window:

To rename the image, type a new name in the Image Name field.
The current name of the image is shown next to the Edit Image
window title.

To change the description of the image, type a new description In

the Description field.

Use the Packages table to change the packages assigned to the

The Packages table lists each package that is included in the image.

To change the version of a package, select the alternative

version of the package. For each package that has been added
to the image, all available versions of that package are shown.
In vSphere Client, Packages that are out of date are marked with
an update icon ( ). For more information on packages, see
ESXi image packages in vCenter on page 121.


Chapter 8: Deploy images in UCP Director

UCP Administration Manual

To add a new package, click on the Add Packages button. When

the Add Packages dialog appears, select the packages to add,
and then click on the OK button.
The Add Packages dialog lists all packages that are included
image repositories or inventory that have not been added to the
current image.

To delete a package, click on the delete icon (

the package.

) to the right of

If no repositories have been added that contain images with

updated packages, then only one version of each package will be
included in inventory.
3. Click on the OK button.

Removing an ESXi image

Only UCP ESXi images that are not actively applied to a server or
configured as the default image for a server type can be removed. If an
active image needs to be removed, change the image applied to the server
or server type, and then remove the image.
To remove an image:
1. On the Images table, right-click on the image that you want to remove,
and then click on the Remove link.
2. Click on the Yes button when prompted.

Chapter 8: Deploy images in UCP Director

UCP Administration Manual



Chapter 8: Deploy images in UCP Director

UCP Administration Manual

Part IV: Resource

This part contains these chapters:
Chapter 9, Physical network administration, on page 129
Chapter 10, Logical network administration, on page 151
Chapter 11, Storage system administration, on page 161
Chapter 12, Server administration, on page 189
Chapter 13, Server profile administration, on page 207
Chapter 14, Service template administration, on page 221

UCP Administration Manual

UCP Administration Manual

Physical network administration
This chapter explains how to administer Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and
converged network switches. Before administering switches, it is important
to understand the components involved. For more information on switches,
see Networking and switches on page 24.

Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


Switch permissions

Switch permissions
To administer a switch, your Active Directory account or group must:

When using vCenter, either:

Be added to the UCP System Administrator or, for:

Ethernet and converged switches, the UCP Network

Administrator role.

Fibre Channel switches, the UCP Storage Administrator role.

Be added to a custom role that has the UCPView privilege or, for:

Ethernet and converged switches, the UCP Network

Administration privilege.

Fibre Channel switches, the UCP Storage Administration


Using a custom role that has the UCPView privilege will enable you to
see switches, but you will not be able to administer them.

When using SCVMM, be added to the SCVMM administrator role.

For more information on access requirements, see Security on page 65.

Switch properties
In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director monitors and reports the
following properties of each switch in inventory:

Switch Name The name that has been assigned in the switch. This is
dynamically retrieved from the switch after it has been added to
inventory. If the switch name has not been defined, the IP address of
the switch will be used.

Status The state of the switch. Possible values are:


Active UCP Director is able to communicate with the switch.

Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual

Viewing switch inventory

Unreachable UCP Director is unable to connect to the switch.

Switches will also show up as Unreachable when in maintenance


Unsupported UCP Director is able to connect to the switch but the

hardware or firmware is unsupported.

Initializing UCP Director is in the process of adding the switch to

inventory. After the switch has been added to inventory, it will stay
in the Initializing status until the prerequisites for Active status have
been met and an inventory refresh has taken place.

Inconsistent The switch is returning a different model, make, or

serial number than what was detected when it was added to


Serial Number The serial number of the switch. This is dynamically

retrieved from the switch after it has been added to inventory.

Type The switch type. For:

Ethernet switches: either Access or Aggregate.

Fibre Channel switches: either edge or core.

Converged switches: access.

Make and Model The make and model of the switch. This is
dynamically retrieved from the switch after it has been added to

IP Address The IP address that is used to connect to the switch. This

is provided when adding the switch to inventory.

Fabric ID For Fibre Channel switches, the Fibre Channel fabric that
the switch is part of.

Viewing switch inventory

The switches that UCUCP Director administers are displayed on the
corresponding inventory tables, as follows:

Ethernet switches are displayed on the Ethernet Switches table.

Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


Adding and removing switches

Fibre Channel switches are displayed on the Fibre Channel Switches


Converged switches are displayed on the Converged Switches table.

To view the Ethernet Switches table, in:

vSphere Web Client and SCVMM, from the navigation bar, click on the
Ethernet Switches icon.

vSphere Client, from the Home page, click on the vCenter link, and then
click on the Ethernet Switches link in the Inventory Lists section.
To view the Fibre Channel Switches table, in:

vSphere Web Client and SCVMM, from the navigation bar, click on the
Fibre Channel Switches icon.

vSphere Client, from the Home page, click on the vCenter link, and then
click on the Fibre Channel Switches link in the Inventory Lists section.
To view the Converged Switches table, in:

vSphere Web Client and SCVMM, from the navigation bar, click on the
Converged Switches icon.

vSphere Client, from the Home page, click on the vCenter link, and then
click on the Converged Switches link in the Inventory Lists section.
For more information on the navigation bar, see Using UCP Director
Console on page 76.
The switches tables display a list of all switches of the corresponding type
in inventory. For each switch, the following properties are shown: Switch
Name, Status, Monitoring State, Serial Number, Type, Make and Model,
Firmware, IP Address, ID, and Global ID. Available Firmware is shown when
viewing the Ethernet Switches or Fibre Channel Switches tables in vSphere
Web Client.

Adding and removing switches

The following sections describe the procedures for, and technical processes
that UCP Director engages in, when adding or removing switches.


Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual

Adding and removing switches

Adding a switch
When a switch is added to inventory, if SNMP monitoring is enabled, UCP
Director configures the SNMP settings and adds the account that is used to
communicate with the switch to receive SNMP traps. For more information
on SNMP settings, see SNMP monitoring on page 55.
In addition, when an Ethernet or Converged switch is added to inventory,
UCP Director makes the following changes:

On Cisco Ethernet and Converged switches, UCP Director enables Cisco

discovery protocol (CDP).

On Brocade and Ethernet switches, UCP Director enables all ports and
makes a backup of the Ethernet and Converged switch configuration.
For more information, see Ethernet and Converged switch backups on
page 145.

On Brocade Ethernet switches, UCP Director enables link layer

discovery protocol (LLDP).
For more information on switch configuration, see Switches on page 29.
To add one or more switches:
1. On the switches table, click on the Add Switch button.
2. In the Add Switch window, for each switch that you want to add, click
on the Add button and then:

In the IP Address field, type the management IP address of the


In the Username field, type the username of an account with

administrative access to the switch.

In the Password field, type the password that corresponds to the

specified account in the Username field.
Important: To ensure system security, UCP Director does not
support switches without a password set. A password must be
configured on a switch before it can be added to UCP Director

Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


Viewing a switch summary

3. Click on the OK button.

Note: Only add switches that are part of UCP. Adding switches from
outside UCP can result in unpredictable behavior.

Removing a switch
When a switch is removed from inventory, UCP Director removes all SNMP
settings, and account that is used to communicate with the switch to
receive SNMP traps. For more information on SNMP settings, see SNMP
monitoring on page 55.
Important: Removing a switch only removes it from inventory and UCP
Director will be unable to interact with it. Network connectivity will still be
active until the switch is physically disconnected.
In addition, when an Ethernet or Converged switch is removed, all Ethernet
and Converged switch backups will also be removed. Because all backups
are removed, they can not later be restored if the Ethernet or Converged
switch is added back to inventory at a later time.
To remove a switch:
1. On the switch table, right-click on the switch that you want to remove,
and then click on the Remove link.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.

Viewing a switch summary

Additional information about a switch is available on the switch summary.
To view the summary of an individual switch, from the appropriate
switches table:

In vSphere Client or SCVMM, right-click on the switch, and then click on

switch summary link for the type of switch you want to view the
summary of.

In vSphere Web Client, click on the name of the switch in the vCenter
menu on the left.


Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual

Viewing a switch summary

The top of the switch summary displays the following properties: Status,
Monitoring State, Serial Number, Type, Firmware, IP Address, and ID. Fabric
ID is shown when viewing a Fibre Channel switch summary. Available
Firmware is shown when viewing an Ethernet or Fibre Channel switch
summary in vSphere Web Client.

Note: The name of the switch is shown at the top of the switch summary.

Switch summaries also include the ports diagram, which contains the make
and model of the switch and a visual representation of the port layout.
Moving the cursor over a port will display detailed information regarding
the port. For more information on switch ports, see Switch ports on
page 140.
In vSphere Client and SCVMM, the following tables are displayed at the
bottom of the switch summary:

Ports Used to display a list of switch ports.

Connection Settings Used to display the settings used to connect to
the switch. For more information on switch connection settings, see
Configuring switch connection settings on page 143.

Events Used to display events related to the switch. For more

information on switch events, see Switch events on page 140.

Backups When viewing the summary of an Ethernet and a Converged

switch, displays the list of all Ethernet or Converged switch backups
associated with the selected switch. For more information on Ethernet
switch backups, see Ethernet and Converged switch backups on
page 145.
In vSphere Web Client, the following:

Tables are displayed at the bottom of the switch summary:

Ports Used to display a list of switch ports.

Monitoring Indicators Used to display switch monitoring

information. For more information on switch monitoring, see

Switch monitoring in vSphere Web Client on page 137.

Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


Viewing a switch summary

Views are displayed on the Monitor tab:

Performance Displays performance monitoring information related

to the switch. For more information on switch performance

monitoring, see Switch performance monitoring in vSphere Web
Client on page 137.

Tasks Displays jobs related to the switch. For more information

on switch jobs, see Switch jobs in vSphere Web Client on

page 139.

Events Displays events related to the switch. For more

information on switch events, see Switch events on page 140.

Tables are displayed on the Related Objects tab:

Hosts Displays a list of VMware hosts that are connected to the

selected switch.

Servers Displays a list of all servers that are connected to the

selected switch. For more information on servers, see Server

administration on page 189.

Ethernet Switches When viewing the summary of an Ethernet

switch, displays a list of Ethernet switches connected to the selected


Backups When viewing the summary of an Ethernet switch,

displays the list of all Ethernet switch backups associated with the
selected switch. For more information on Ethernet switch backups,
see Ethernet and Converged switch backups on page 145.

Storage System When viewing the summary of a Fibre Channel or

converged switch, displays the storage system that is connected to
the switch. For more information on the storage system, see
Chapter 11, Storage system administration, on page 161.

Fibre Channel Switches When viewing the summary of a Fibre

Channel switch, displays a list of Fibre Channel switches connected

to the selected switch.


Converged Switches When viewing the summary of a converged

switch, displays a list of Fibre Channel switches connected to the
selected switch.

Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual

Viewing a switch summary

Switch monitoring in vSphere Web Client

In vSphere Web Client, the monitoring indicators for a switch are displayed
in the Monitoring Indicators table at the bottom of the switch summary.
Depending on the model, UCP Director monitors the following indicators for
each switch:





Health indicator for Temperature



Health indicator for Fan

Power Supply


Health indicator for Power Supply

For more information on monitoring, see Monitoring on page 54.

Switch performance monitoring in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client you can view graphs that show the
historical values of performance monitoring indicators. To view
performance monitoring for a switch:
1. From the switch summary, click on the Monitor tab.
2. Click on the Performance tab.
From the Performance tab, you can select to display graphs related to the
switch as a whole, or an individual port. To view performance graphs:
1. Select the component that you want to view performance graphs for
from the View field.
2. Select the corresponding element from the Element ID field.
3. Select how you want the data aggregated from the Aggregation
Frequency field.
4. Select the time frame that you want data from in the From and To
5. Click on the Apply button.

Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


Viewing a switch summary

Depending on the switch model, graphs for following performance

monitoring indicators may be shown:
Ethernet switch

Performance monitoring counter

Memory Usage (%)
CPU Usage (%)

Converged switch
Ethernet switch port

Unknown Protocol Packets (counts)

Packet Transmit Errors (counts)

Converged switch Ethernet

Transmit Packets Dropped (counts)

Packet Receive Errors (counts)
Multicast Transmits (counts)


Data Receive Rate (Mbps)

Converged switch FCoE port

Data Transmit Rate (Mbps)

Unicast Transmits (counts)
Broadcast Transmits (counts)
Packets Transmitted (counts)
Receive Packets Dropped (counts)
Broadcast Receives (counts)
Unicast Receives (counts)
Multicast Receives (counts)
Packets Received (counts)


Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual

Viewing a switch summary

Fibre Channel switch port

Performance monitoring counter

Invalid Transmitted Words (counts)
Received Link Reset (counts)

Converged switch Fibre
Channel port

CRC Errors (counts)

Too Long Frames (counts)
Multicast Transmits (counts)
Loss of Synchronization Errors (counts)
Transmitted Link Reset (counts)
Primitive Sequence Protocol Errors (counts)
Data Receive Rate (Mbps)
Data Transmit Rate (Mbps)
Frame Transmit Rate (FPS)
Invalid Ordered Sets (counts)
Frame Receive Rate (FPS)
Received Offline Sequence (counts)
Address Errors (counts)
Delimiter Errors (counts)
Encoding Disparity Count (counts)
Loss of Signal Errors (counts)
Transmitted Offline Sequence (counts)
Buffer Credit Zero state Count (counts)
Multicast Receives (counts)
Link Failures (counts)

For more information on performance monitoring, see Performance

monitoring on page 59.

Switch jobs in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, to view jobs related to a switch:
1. From the switch summary, click on the Monitor tab
2. Click on the Tasks tab.
For more information on jobs, see Jobs on page 62.

Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


Viewing a switch summary

Switch events
To view events related to a switch, from the switch summary in:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, click on the Events tab.

vSphere Web Client, click on the Monitor tab, and then click on the
Events tab.

Events shown on this tab are filtered to only show those events related to
the selected switch. For more information on events, see Events on
page 62.

Switch ports
In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director monitors and reports the
appropriate properties for each port, as follows:

Switch port attributes

Port ID The ID of the port, as it is stored in the switch.

Port Channel ID The ID of the port channel that the port is a

member of.

VLAN IDs The IDs of the VLANs that have been configured on


Native VLAN ID The native VLAN ID that is assigned to the port.

Unmanaged Used to indicate if the port should be unmanaged by

UCP Director. UCP Director will not modify the VLANs of unmanaged
ports except when applying service templates and server profiles.

State The state of the port, as reported by the switch. Some

common values are:


Online A device is connected and registered to the port.

No Light No device is connected to the port.

No Sync A device is connected to the port but it is not


Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual

Viewing a switch summary

For more information on port state information, see the appropriate

switch documentation.

Status The status of the Fibre Channel switch port. Possible

values are:

F-Port A device is connected and has performed a fabric login.

E-Port The type of device connected to the port is a Fibre

Channel switch and the port is acting as an inter-switch link


L-Port A device is connected and has performed a loop login


U-Port A device is connected but is not registering.

Disabled The port has been disabled.

Type The port type.

Connected device attributes

Port ID The ID of the port that is connected to the switch.

Device Type The type of device that is connected to the switch,

such as a server or Ethernet switch.

WWPN The WWPN of the device that the port is connected to.

Device The name or IP address of the device that the port is

connected to.

Note: Additional properties may be associated with a switch that are not
displayed through UCP. For more information, see the corresponding user

Viewing a switch port configuration

To view the port configuration of a switch, from the switch summary:

In vSphere Client or SCVMM, from the switch summary, click on the

Ports tab.

In vSphere Web Client, refer to the Ports table.

Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


Refreshing switch inventory

Setting unmanaged ports on an Ethernet or Converged switch

UCP Director will not configure VLANs on unmanaged ports, except when
applying a service template or server profile. To mark an unmanaged port
on an Ethernet or converged switch:
1. When using:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, from the summary of the switch you

want to mark unmanaged ports on, click on the Ports tab.

vSphere Web Client, from the Ethernet Switches table, right-click on

the switch that you want to mark unmanaged ports on, and then
click on the Set Unmanaged Ports link.

2. Make sure that the appropriate ports are marked in the Unmanaged
3. Click on the OK button.

Refreshing switch inventory

UCP Director periodically scans the switches in inventory. This is done to
determine the relationship between switches and other components. When
refreshing inventory, UCP Director also makes sure that the following are
properly configured:

On Brocade and Cisco Ethernet switches:

Link layer discovery protocol (LLDP)

Rapid spanning tree protocol (RSTP)

SNMP settings

VLAN configuration

On Cisco Ethernet switches only:

Cisco discovery protocol (CDP)

Virtual port channel configuration (vPC)

On Brocade Ethernet switches only:


Port channel groups

Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual

Configuring switch connection settings

Refreshing inventory also detects and reports:

Unreachable and unsupported switches

On Ethernet switches, mismatching VLANs between access switch ports
and the hosts that they are connected to
For more information on inventory refresh, see Refreshing inventory on
page 52.
To manually initiate a switch inventory refresh:
1. From the switches table, click on the Refresh Switch Inventory button.
2. Click on the Yes button when prompted.
Note: When using UCP Director Console in vSphere Client, switch tables
will not refresh until you manually refresh the page. For information on
refreshing the page, see Refreshing UCP Director Console pages on
page 80.

Configuring switch connection settings

To view or change switch connection settings:
1. When using:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, from the summary of the switch you

want to view or change connection settings for, click on the
Connection Settings tab.

vSphere Web Client, from the switches table, right-click on the

switch that you want to view or change connection settings for, and
then click on the Update Connection Settings link to display the
Connection Settings dialog.

2. Review and make necessary changes to the following fields:

Username The name of the account with administrative rights to

log into the switch.

Password The password that corresponds to the specified


Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


Accessing a switch

IP Address The management IP address used to connect to the

3. Click on the OK button.

Accessing a switch
To facilitate switch administration, UCP Director Console provides a link to
an SSH console to administer the switch.
To remotely connect to the switch through the SSH console, from the
switches table, right-click on the switch, and then click on the Command
Line link.
For information relating to the command line interface requirements, see
the release notes.

Updating Ethernet and Fibre Channel switch firmware in

vSphere Web Client
When using vSphere Web Client, you can update Ethernet and Fibre
Channel switch firmware. To ensure compatibility, Ethernet and Fibre
Channel switch firmware should be updated before updating chassis, or
server firmware. For more information on updating firmware, see
Firmware update management in vSphere Web Client on page 64.
Before updating firmware on an Ethernet or Fibre Channel switch, UCP
Director will check to ensure that the Monitoring State is OK. It will also
confirm that there is network redundancy for each ESXi server.
To update firmware on an individual Ethernet or Fibre Channel switch:
1. On the switches table, right-click on the switch that you want to update
firmware on, and then click on the Update Firmware link.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.
To update firmware on all Ethernet or Fibre Channel switches:
1. On the switches table, click on the Update All Firmware button.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.


Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual

Ethernet and Converged switch backups

When updating firmware on more than one Ethernet or Fibre Channel

switch, UCP Director will first update switches one by one on one path
before updating the switches on the other path. This ensures that all hosts
that have been configured for redundant network access do not lose

Ethernet and Converged switch backups

Before making changes to an Ethernet or Converged switch, UCP Director
enables you to backup and restore the configuration of the switch. This
includes all of the port group, VLAN ID, and SNMP settings on the Ethernet
or Converged switch. By backing up the Ethernet or Converged switch, you
can easily manage and protect the access network from disruptive
In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director records the following
properties of each Ethernet Switch backup:

Description The description of the backup.

Pinned Whether or not the backup has been pinned. Pinned backups
are excluded from the regular retention policy and will not be deleted.

Firmware The OS version of the Ethernet or Converged switch when

it was taken.

User The user ID that recorded the Ethernet or Converged switch


Date Time The date and time that the backup was recorded.
Switch ID The UCP Director ID number assigned to the Ethernet or
Converged switch that the port is part of.

Backing up an Ethernet and Converged switch

Before backing up an Ethernet or Converged switch, it needs to be active in
inventory. To do this, follow the steps below that are applicable to your
switch type.
To backup an Ethernet switch:
1. On the Ethernet Switches table, right-click on the Ethernet switch that
you want to backup, and then click on the Backup link.

Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


Ethernet and Converged switch backups

2. On the Backup Ethernet Switch dialog, type a description of the backup

in the Description field.
3. To keep the backup past the retention policy, select the Pinned option.
4. Click on the OK button.
To backup a Converged switch:
1. On the Converged Switches table, right-click on the Converged switch
that you want to backup, and then click on the Backup link.
2. On the Backup Converged Switch dialog, type a description of the
backup in the Description field.
3. To keep the backup past the retention policy, select the Pinned option.
4. Click on the OK button.

Viewing Ethernet and Converged switch backups

Ethernet and Converged switch backups are shown on the Backups table.
To view the Backups table, in:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, from the Ethernet switch summary, click on

the Backups tab.

vSphere Web Client, when viewing the related objects of an Ethernet

switch, click on the Backups button.
For more information on the Ethernet and Converged switch summary, see
Viewing a switch summary on page 134.
For each backup, the following properties are shown: Description, Pinned,
Firmware, User, Date Time, and ID. The Global ID column is shown in
vSphere Web Client.

Viewing an Ethernet and Converged switch backup summary

To view the summary of an individual Ethernet switch backup in:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, right-click on the Ethernet or Converged

switch backup on the Backups table, and then click on the Backup
Details link.


Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual

Ethernet and Converged switch backups

vSphere Web Client, click on the description of the Ethernet or

Converged switch backup in the vCenter menu on the left when viewing
an Ethernet or Converged switch summary.
The top of the Ethernet or Converged switch backup summary displays the
following properties: Pinned, Firmware, User, Date Time, Switch ID, and ID,
Note: The description of the Ethernet switch is shown at the top when
viewing the Ethernet switch backup summary.
The bottom of the Ethernet or Converged switch summary view displays
the raw configuration data in the backup.

Ethernet and Converged switch backup jobs in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, to view jobs related to an Ethernet or
Converged switch backup:
1. From the Ethernet or Converged switch backup summary, click on the
Monitor tab
2. Click on the Tasks tab.
For more information on jobs, see Jobs on page 62.

Ethernet or Converged switch backup events in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, to view events related to an Ethernet or
Converged switch backup, click on the Monitor tab while viewing the
Ethernet or Converged switch backup summary. Events shown on this tab
are filtered to only show those events that relate to the selected Ethernet
or Converged switch backup. For more information on events, see Events
on page 62.

Editing Ethernet and Converged switch backups

To edit an Ethernet or Converged switch backup:
1. On the Backups table, right-click on the Ethernet or Converged switch
backup that you want to edit, and then click on the Edit link.
2. On the Edit Backup window:

To update the description, enter an updated description of the

backup in the Description field.

Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


Ethernet and Converged switch backups

To keep the backup past the retention policy, select the Pinned

3. Click on the OK button.

Restoring Ethernet switch backups

To restore an Ethernet switch backup:
1. On the Backups table, right-click on the Ethernet switch backup that
you want to restore, and then click on the Restore Backup link.
2. Click on the Yes button when prompted.

Removing Ethernet and Converged switch backups

To remove an Ethernet switch backup:
1. On the Backups table, right-click on the Ethernet or Converged switch
backup that you want to remove, and then click on the Remove link.
2. Click on the Yes button when prompted.

Setting the backup retention policy

You can define how many backups to keep by configuring the Ethernet or
Converged switch backup retention policy. Older, unpinned backups in
excesses of the number of retained backups will be purged. If a backup has
been pinned, it it will be kept regardless of age. The number of pinned
backups to be kept is set apart from the total number of backups kept. The
number of pinned backups that are kept count toward the total number of
backups kept.
To set the Ethernet or Converged switch backup retention policy:
1. On the Ethernet Switches or Converged Switches table, click on the
Backup Retention Policy button to display the Backup Retention Policy
2. Enter the total number of backups to be kept for each Ethernet or
Converged switch in the Total Kept field.
3. Enter the number of pinned backups that will be kept in the Pinned Kept
field. Because pinned backups count against the total number of
backups kept, the number of pinned backups kept must be lower than
the total number of total kept.


Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual

Ethernet and Converged switch backups

4. Click on the OK button.

Backing up all Ethernet and Converged switches

To backup all Ethernet switches:
1. On the Ethernet Switches table, click on the Backup All button to display
the Backup All Ethernet Switches dialog.
2. Enter a description of the backups in the Description field.
3. Click on the OK button.
To backup all Converged switches:
1. On the Converged Switches table, click on the Backup All button to
display the Backup All Ethernet Switches dialog.
2. Enter a description of the backups in the Description field.
3. Click on the OK button

Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


Ethernet and Converged switch backups


Chapter 9: Physical network administration

UCP Administration Manual

Logical network administration
This chapter explains how to administer the logical networks that run on
the UCP network switches. Before administering logical networks, it is
important to understand the components involved. For more information
on network components, see Networking and switches on page 24.

Chapter 10: Logical network administration

UCP Administration Manual



You can apply VLANs to ports on a switch from either an individual host or
all hosts in a cluster. When applying VLANs, the VLANs that are configured
on a port on a host are appended to the corresponding port on the access
Ethernet switch.
Appending VLANs from a host or cluster is not a destructive process as new
VLANs are added to current VLANs.
Note: To ensure that you see the latest VLAN configuration when
configuring VLANs by host or cluster, make sure to refresh Ethernet
inventory before applying VLANs. For more information on refreshing
Ethernet inventory, see Refreshing switch inventory on page 142.

Configuring VLANs by hypervisor host

For ESXi and Hyper-V hosts, you can automatically apply the VLANs that
are configured on the hosts to the switch ports that they are connected to.
Configuring VLANs by a host requires that both NICs in the host are
connected to the virtual or logical switch. If only one NIC is attached to a
virtual or logical switch, the other NIC will need to be manually attached
before configuring VLANs by host.
To apply the VLANs from a host to the connected switches:
1. From the Servers table, right-click on the host that you want to apply
the VLANs from and, if using vSphere Web Client, move the mouse over
the All Hitachi Unified Compute Platform Director Actions menu. For more
information on the Servers table, see Viewing server inventory on
page 193.
2. Click on the Configure Host Network link.
3. On the Configure Host Network screen, review the changes that will be
made, as follows:

Host Port Configuration: Current

Uplink Port The port on the host that the VLANs will be applied

to the switch from. Only two ports should be listed for the host.

VLAN IDs The VLAN IDs that are configured on the host and

will be appended to the switch.


Chapter 10: Logical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


Switch Port Configuration: Current

Switch Name The name of the switch.

Port The name of the port on the switch.

VLAN IDs The VLAN IDs that are configured on the switch.

Switch Port Configuration: Final

VLAN IDs The combination of VLAN IDs from the ports on the

host and switch that will be applied to the switch.

4. Click on the OK button.

Configuring VLANs by hosts in a cluster

The VLANs specified in a service template are automatically configured by
UCP onto each blade's attached ports on the physical Ethernet switches. If
afterwards, more VLAN IDs are added to the host configuration, this UCP
feature will add the additional VLAN IDs to the physical ports.
When using vCenter, you will need to manually add the new VLAN to the
VDS uplink before executing the following steps. A prerequisite is that both
NICs in the hosts are connected to the virtual or logical switch. If only one
NIC on a host is attached to a virtual or logical switch, the other NIC will
need to be manually attached before configuring VLANs.
To apply the VLANs from all hosts in a cluster to the switches that they are
connected to:
1. When using:

vSphere Client or SCVMM:

1. From the navigation bar, click on the Servers icon to view the

Servers table. For more information on the navigation bar, see

Using UCP Director Console on page 76.

2. Right-click on the host that is part of the cluster that you want to

apply the VLANs from and click on the Configure Cluster Network

vSphere Web Client:

1. From the vCenter Clusters table, right-click on the on the

vCenter Clusters table.

Chapter 10: Logical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


2. Right-click on the cluster that contains the hosts you want to

apply VLANs from, move the mouse over All Hitachi Unified
Compute Platform Director Actions, and then click on the
Configure Cluster Network link.
2. On the Configure Cluster Network screen, review the changes that will
be made, as follows:

Host Port Configuration: Current

Uplink Port The port on the host that the VLANs will be

appended to the switch from. Only two ports should be listed for
each host. VLANs should be the same on both ports and should
be assigned by the virtual switch or virtual distributed switch.

VLAN IDs The VLAN IDs that are configured on the host and

will be appended to the switch.

Switch Port Configuration: Current

Switch Name The name of the switch.

Port The name of the port on the switch.

VLAN IDs The VLAN IDs that are configured on the switch.

Switch Port Configuration: Final

VLAN IDs The combination of VLAN IDs from the ports on the

host and switch that will be applied to the switch.

3. Click on the OK button.
The same feature exists for stand alone ESXi hosts. First ensure that the
host has both NICs attached to a VDS and that the new VLAN ID is in the
uplink port group of the VDS. Then follow the same steps as for Configure
Cluster Network, but choose Configure Host Network instead.

Configuring VLANs by non-hypervisor hosts

VLANs on a Windows, Linux, or custom host are configured when the
server profile is applied to the host. After a server profile is applied,
additional VLANs that might manually be added on the host side can be
configured to attached physical Enternet switch ports by UCP.


Chapter 10: Logical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


To apply the VLANs from a host to the connected switches:

1. From the Servers table, right-click on the host that you want to apply
the VLANs from and, if using vSphere Web Client, move the mouse over
the All Hitachi Unified Compute Platform Director Actions menu. For more
information on the Servers table, see Viewing server inventory on
page 193.
2. Click on the Configure Host Network link.
3. On the Configure Host Network screen, for each uplink port under the
Host Port Configuration section, type the VLAN IDs that are associated
with that port in the corresponding field under the VLAN IDs column.
4. After the appropriate VLAN IDs have been entered, review the changes
that will be made, as follows:

Host Port Configuration: Current

Uplink Port The port on the host that you will enter VLAN IDs

for in the corresponding VLAN IDs field. Only two ports should be
listed for the host.

VLAN IDs Enter the VLAN IDs that will be applied for the
corresponding Uplink Port here.

Switch Port Configuration: Current

Switch Name The name of the switch.

Port The name of the port on the switch.

VLAN IDs The VLAN IDs that are configured on the switch.

5. Click on the OK button.

Configuring automatic VLAN and port channel group creation

Depending on your environment, you may not want UCP to modify the host
VLAN configuration or automatically create port channel groups. If port
channel groups and host VLAN configuration are disabled, UCP Director will
not configure the port channel groups when performing an inventory
refresh. You will also not be able to manually configure VLANs by host or
cluster and they will not be configured when applying a service template.

Chapter 10: Logical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


SCVMM host networking

To enable or disable host or cluster VLAN configuration and automatic port

channel group creation:
1. On the switches table, click on the Ethernet Features button.
2. To:

Disable Ethernet features, deselect the Port Channel Groups and Host
VLAN Configuration option.

Enable Ethernet features, select the Port Channel Groups and Host
VLAN Configuration option.

3. Click on the OK button.

Important: Deploying service templates requires Ethernet features to be
enabled. Disabling Ethernet features disables service template

SCVMM host networking

For Hyper-V hosts to have access to network resources, SCVMM
networking needs to be configured. The following sections explain the
networking configurations that need to be set in SCVMM.
Logical network
Logical networks are used in SCVMM to segment and enable network
traffic. At least one logical network needs to be created for network traffic.
When creating a logical network:

To ensure network reliability, UCP is designed to use VLAN-based

independent networks.


Chapter 10: Logical network administration

UCP Administration Manual

SCVMM host networking

For each network site, add VLAN 0 for management and one or more IP
subnet and VLANs for VM networks.
If you will be creating Hyper-V clusters, also add an IP subnet and
VLAN for the cluster and live migration networks.
SCVMM IP pools
With the exception of the management network, IP pools will need to be
defined for each IP subnet that you added to the logical networks created.
This is done to statically assign IP addresses to the virtual network
adapters (vNICs) configured on the host, and the VMs that will use those
vNICs. When creating an IP pool:

Cluster and Live Migration Because these networks are internal

networks, do not define gateway, DNS, or WINS settings.

VM networks For the VM networks to have external access, configure

the appropriate gateway, DNS, and WINS settings.
SCVMM VM networks
SCVMM VM networks need to be defined for each IP subnet in a logical
network to enable connectivity on that IP subnet and to assign a name.
Port profiles
Port profiles can be used to enable NIC teaming, bandwidth management,
and security settings, as follows:

NIC teaming At least one uplink port profile needs to be created for
each logical network. When creating a port profile, to ensure optimal
performance, it is a UCP best practice to use dynamic load balancing
and switch independent teaming.

Bandwidth management and security settings If you want to manage

bandwidth and security settings, at least one virtual port profile needs
to be created for each configuration.
Logical switches
Logical switches are used as a template for creating virtual switches. When
creating a logical switch, to enable NIC teaming, select the Team uplink
mode and add the port profile that you want to apply to virtual switches
based off this logical switch.

Chapter 10: Logical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


vCenter cluster networking

vCenter cluster networking

Cluster networking in vCenter requires a VDS. You can use an existing VDS
or create one when creating a service template. If you will use an existing
VDS when creating the cluster, make sure that the VDS is configured as

The service template should have at least two port groups configured,
one for management and one for vMotion. Additional port groups can
be used for VM networks.

The management port group should not have any VLAN IDs applied to
it. Management traffic should be untagged and use the UCP
management VLAN ID.

If the vMotion port group will not use the management VLAN ID, apply
a VLAN ID to the vMotion port group.

Configuring Fibre Channel zones on a hypervisor host

You can manually configure the Fibre Channel zones of hypervisor hosts.
UCP Director monitors the following properties regarding each Fibre
Channel zone:

Zone Name The name of the Fibre Channel zone.

Initiator Port The name of the host bust adapter (HBA) port on the
initiating host.

Initiator WWPN The WWPN of the initiator port.

Storage System Name The name of the target storage system that the
host is connected to.

Target The port on the target storage system that the host is
connected to.

Target WWPN The WWPN of the port on the target storage system
that the host is connected to.

Viewing Fibre Channel zones

To view and administer Fibre Channel zones on a hypervisor host, you use
the Configure Fibre Channel Zones window.


Chapter 10: Logical network administration

UCP Administration Manual

Configuring Fibre Channel zones on a hypervisor host

To display the Configure Fibre Channel Zones window:

1. From the Servers table, right-click on the host that you want to
configure Fibre Channel zones for and, if using vSphere Web Client,
move the mouse over the All Hitachi Unified Compute Platform Director
Actions menu. For more information on the Servers table, see Viewing
server inventory on page 193.
2. Click on the Configure Fibre Channel Zones link.
The Configure Fibre Channel Zones window displays the two Fibre Channel
fabrics that are associated with the selected host.
For each fabric, the Initiator Port and Initiator WWN for all zones within it
are displayed, followed by a list of each Fibre Channel zone. To view the
details of an individual Fibre Channel zone, click on the name of the Fibre
Channel zone.
From the Configure Fibre Channel Zones window, you can also add, edit, and
delete Fibre Channel zones. Changes made to Fibre Channel zones on the
Configure Fibre Channel Zones window are not saved until you click on the
OK button.

Add a Fibre Channel zone

To add a Fibre Channel zone:
1. Click on the Add button under the fabric that you want to add the Fibre
Channel zone to.
2. On the Add Fibre Channel Zone dialog:

In the Zone Name field, type a name for the Fibre Channel zone.

In the Target field, select the target port.

3. Click on the OK button.

Edit a Fibre Channel zone

To edit a Fibre Channel zone:
1. Click on the Edit link beside the Fibre Channel zone you want to edit to
display the Edit Fibre Channel Zone dialog.
2. Select the new target port on the storage system from the Target field.

Chapter 10: Logical network administration

UCP Administration Manual


Configuring Fibre Channel zones on a hypervisor host

3. Click on the OK button.

Delete a Fibre Channel zone

To delete a Fibre Channel zone, click on the Delete link.


Chapter 10: Logical network administration

UCP Administration Manual

Storage system administration
This chapter explains how to administer the storage system and storage
resources in UCP. Before administering the storage system, it is important
to understand the components involved. For more information on the
storage system, see Storage system on page 34.

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual


Storage system permissions

Storage system permissions

To administer the storage system, your Active Directory account or group

When using vCenter, either:

Be added to the UCP System Administrator or UCP Storage

Administrator role.

Be added to a custom role that has the UCP Storage Administration

or UCPView privileges.

Using a custom role that has the UCPView privilege will enable you to
see the storage system, but you will not be able to administer it.

When using SCVMM, be added to the SCVMM administrator role.

For more information on access requirements, see Security on page 65.

Configuring Hitachi Device Manager (HDvM)

To change the HDvM configuration, from the Storage System page or table:
1. Click on the HDvM Settings button to open the HDvM Settings dialog.
2. On the HDvM Settings dialog:

In the XML Service URL field, type the URL that is used to connect to

In the Web Console URL field, type the URL that is used to launch the
HDvM web console.

In the Username field, type the name of the account that will be
used to log into HDvM. This account must have Modify and View
rights in HDvM.

In the Password field, type the password that corresponds to the

specified username.

3. Click on the OK button.

For more information on the Storage System page or table, see Viewing
the storage system on page 163.


Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual

Storage system properties

After HDvM has been configured, you can access HDvM by clicking on the
Open HDvM button when viewing the storage system.

Storage system properties

In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director monitors and reports the
following properties of the storage system:

Storage Name The name of the storage system.

Serial Number The serial number of the storage system.
Type The type of storage array.
Allocated The total capacity of the storage system that has been
assigned to volumes that have been attached to hosts.

Unallocated The total capacity of the storage system that has been
assigned to volumes that have not been attached to hosts.

Reserved The total storage system capacity that has been reserved
for storage pools.

Free The total amount of unused space in the storage system.

Physical The total physical capacity of the storage system.
In addition to the previously indicated storage system properties, UCP
Director also monitors the storage system pools, and volumes.

Viewing the storage system

Depending on the hypervisor manager and client that you are using, the
storage system is displayed on either the Storage System page or Storage
System table. To view the Storage System page or table, in:

vSphere Client and SCVMM, from the navigation bar, click on the
Storage System icon. For more information on the navigation bar, see

Using UCP Director Console on page 76.

vSphere Web Client, from the Home page, click on the vCenter link, and
then click on the Storage System link in the Inventory Lists section.

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual


Viewing the storage system

About the Storage System page in vSphere Client or SCVMM

The top of the Storage System page displays the following properties: Serial
Number, Firmware, Physical, ID, Monitoring State, and Type.
Note: The name of the storage system is shown at the top of the Storage
System page in vSphere Client.
Below these properties are the ports diagram and storage system
utilization bars.
The ports diagram lists the name of the storage system and provides a
visual representation of the ports layout. Moving the mouse cursor over a
port will display detailed information regarding the port. For more
information regarding ports, see Storage system ports on page 170.
The storage system utilization bars display storage system use as follows:

Physical Utilization Shows the physical utilization of the storage

system in terms of Reserved and Free space.

Logical Utilization Shows the virtual utilization of the storage system

in terms of the Allocated and Unallocated space.
Moving the cursor over the shaded area on one of the bars will show
the actual usage numbers.
The following tables are displayed at the bottom of the Storage System

Pools Used to display the pools inventory. For more information on

pools, see Pools on page 171.

Volumes Used to display the volumes inventory. For more information

on volumes, see Volumes on page 176.

Ports Used to display the storage system ports inventory. For more
information on storage system ports, see Storage system ports on
page 170.

Events Used to display events related to the storage system. For

more information on storage system events, see Storage system
events on page 170.


Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual

Viewing the storage system

About the Storage System table in vSphere Web Client

The Storage System table displays the following storage system properties:
Name, Serial Number, Monitoring State, Type, Firmware, Allocated,
Unallocated, Reserved, Free, Physical, ID, and Global ID.
Additional storage system information is available on the storage system
summary. To view the storage system summary, click on the name of the
storage system in the vCenter menu on the left when viewing the Storage
System table.
The top of the storage summary displays the following properties: Serial
Number, Monitoring State, Type, Firmware, Allocated, Unallocated, Reserved,
Free, and ID.
Note: The name of the storage system is shown at the top of the storage
system summary.
Beside the storage system properties is the ports diagram. The ports
diagram lists the name of the storage system and provides a visual
representation of the ports layout. Moving the mouse cursor over a port
will display detailed information regarding the port. For more information
regarding ports, see Storage system ports on page 170.
The following:

Tables are displayed at the bottom of the storage system summary:

Ports Used to display information on the storage system ports.

For more information on ports, see Storage system ports on
page 170.

Monitoring Indicators Used to display storage system monitoring

information. For more information on storage system monitoring,

see Storage system monitoring in vSphere Web Client on
page 166.

Views are displayed on the Monitor tab:

Performance Displays performance monitoring information related

to the storage system. For more information on storage system

performance monitoring, see Storage system performance
monitoring in vSphere Web Client on page 167.

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual


Viewing the storage system

Tasks Displays jobs related to the storage system. For more

information on storage system jobs, see Storage system jobs in

vSphere Web Client on page 170.

Events Displays events related to the storage system. For more

information on storage system events, see Storage system events
on page 170.

Tables are displayed on the Related Objects tab:

Pools Displays pools related to the storage system. For more

information on pools, see Pools on page 171.

Volumes Displays volumes related to the storage system. For

more information on volumes, see Volumes on page 176.

Fibre Channel Switches In a Cisco Ethernet or Brocade Ethernet

configuration, displays Fibre Channel switches related to the storage


Converged Switches In a Cisco converged configuration, displays

converged switches related to the storage system.

For more information on switches, see Chapter 9, Physical network

administration, on page 129.

Storage system monitoring in vSphere Web Client

In vSphere Web Client, the monitoring indicators for the storage system
are displayed in the Monitoring Indicators table at the bottom of the
storage system summary. Depending on the model, UCP Director monitors
the following indicators:



DKC Battery


Health indicator for DKC Battery

DKC Cache


Health indicator for DKC Cache

DKC Cache Switch


Health indicator for DKC Cache Switch

DKC Environment


Health indicator for DKC Environment



Health indicator for DKC Fan

DKC Power Supply


Health indicator for DKC Power Supply

DKC Processor


Health indicator for DKC Processor

DKC Shared Memory


Health indicator for DKC Shared Memory


Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual

Viewing the storage system




DKU Drive


Health indicator for DKU Drive

DKU Environment


Health indicator for DKU Environment



Health indicator for DKU Fan

DKU PowerSupply


Health indicator for DKU PowerSupply

Cache Performance


Performance indicator for Cache



Composite indicator for processors



Composite indicator for Pools



Health indicator for Connection



Health indicator for Cache

Power Supply


Health indicator for Power Supply



Health indicator for AC



Health indicator for Battery

Backup Battery


Health indicator for Backup Battery



Health indicator for Controller



Health indicator for Enclosure



Health indicator for Loop

CTL Connector


Health indicator for CTL Connector

Additional Battery


Health indicator for Additional Battery

I/F Board


Health indicator for I/F Board



Health indicator for CTL Fan



Health indicator for IOM

For more information on monitoring, see Monitoring on page 54.

Storage system performance monitoring in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client you can view graphs that show the
historical values of performance monitoring indicators. To view
performance monitoring for the storage system:
1. From the storage system summary, click on the Monitor tab
2. Click on the Performance tab.

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual


Viewing the storage system

From the Performance tab, you can select to display graphs related to the
storage system as a whole, or an individual component of the storage
system. To view performance graphs:
1. Select the component that you want to view performance graphs for
from the View field.
2. Select the corresponding element from the Element ID field.
3. Select how you want the data aggregated from the Aggregation
Frequency field.
4. Select the time frame that you want data from in the From and To
5. Click on the Apply button.
Depending on the storage system model, graphs for following performance
monitoring indicators may be shown:
Storage system

Performance monitoring counter

Cache Write Pending Percentage (%)
Cache Memory Usage Percentage (%)
Cache Memory Usage (MB)
Physical Space (B)
Cache Write Pending (MB)
Reserved Space (B)
Allocated Space (B)
Free Space (B)
Unallocated Space (B)

Storage system port

Average I/O Rate (IOPS)

Average Transfer Rate (MBps)

Storage system processor


Processor Busy Percentage (%)

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual

Viewing the storage system

Storage system parity group

Performance monitoring counter

Random Write Transfer Percentage (%)
Busy Percentage (%)
Read Transfer Rate (MBps)
Random Read Transfer Percentage (%)
Random Read I/O Rate (IOPS)
Read Hit Percentage (%)
Random Write I/O Rate (IOPS)
Sequential Read I/O Rate (IOPS)
Write Hit Percentage (%)
Read I/O Rate (IOPS)
Sequential Write I/O Percentage (%)
Read I/O Percentage (%)
Sequential Read Transfer Rate (MBps)
Write Transfer Rate (MBps)
Random Read Transfer Rate (MBps)
Random Write Transfer Rate (MBps)
Write I/O Rate (IOPS)
Sequential Write Transfer Rate (MBps)
Sequential Write Transfer Percentage (%)
Sequential Read I/O Percentage (%)
Sequential Total I/O Rate (IOPS)
Sequential Total Transfer Rate (MBps)
Write I/O Percentage (%)
Read Transfer Percentage (%)
Sequential Read Transfer Percentage (%)
Random Total Transfer Rate (MBps)
Random Read I/O Percentage (%)
Random Write I/O Percentage (%)
Write Transfer Percentage (%)
Random Total I/O Rate (IOPS)

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual


Viewing the storage system

For more information on performance monitoring, see Performance

monitoring on page 59.

Storage system jobs in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, to view jobs related to the storage
1. From the storage system summary, click on the Monitor tab
2. Click on the Tasks tab.
For more information on jobs, see Jobs on page 62.

Storage system events

To view events related to the storage system, in:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, from the Storage System page, click on the
Events tab.

vSphere Web Client, from the storage system summary, click on the
Monitor tab, and then click on the Events tab.

Events shown on this tab are filtered to only show those events related to
the storage system. For more information on events, see Events on
page 62.

Storage system ports

In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director monitors and reports the
following properties of each port on the storage system:

Port Name The friendly name of the storage system port.

WWPN The World Wide Port Name (WWPN) of the port.
Speed The speed at which the port is configured to operate.
Type The type of the port connection.
Attributes The role of the port. Possible values are:


Target A standard port used for host connectivity.

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual


Initiator A remote replication port that is used to communicate

with an RCU target port.

RCU Target A remote replication port used to communicate with

an initiator port.

External A port that has been configured to virtualize a storage

system through universal volume manager (UVM).

Viewing the storage system port configuration

To view the port configuration of the storage system, in:

vSphere Client and SCVMM, from the Storage System page, click on the
Ports tab.

vSphere Web Client, from the storage system summary, refer to the
Ports table.

In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director monitors and reports the
following properties of each pool in the storage system:

Type The type of pool. Possible values are:

HDP Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning

HDT Hitachi Dynamic Tiering

HTI Hitachi Thin Provisioning

Capacity The total physical capacity of the pool.

Used The used physical capacity of the pool.
Free The unused physical capacity of the pool.
Physical Utilization A graphical representation of the percent of total
physical capacity of the pool that has been used.

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual



Limit Also known as the over subscription amount, the limit is the
percentage of the physical capacity of the pool that can be used to
create volumes.
Note: You can change the limit in HDvM. If you use HDvM to increase
the subscription limit of a storage pool, it will not be reflected until
storage inventory has been refreshed. For more information on
refreshing storage inventory, see Refreshing storage inventory on
page 180.

Subscribed The total capacity of all volumes that have been created
in the pool.

Available The available capacity of the pool to create volumes in.

Storage System ID The ID of the associated storage system.

Viewing pool inventory

The storage pools that UCP Director administers are displayed on the Pools
table. To display the Pools table in:

vSphere Client and SCVMM, from the Storage System page, click on the
Storage Pools tab.

vSphere Web Client, from the storage system summary, click on the
Related Objects tab, and then click on the Pools button.

The Pools table displays a list of all pools in inventory.

Viewing a pool summary

The pool summary view is used to display information about a storage
pool. To view a storage pool summary in:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, from the Pools table, right-click on the the
pool you want to view the summary of, and then click on the Storage
Pool Summary link.

vSphere Web Client, from the Storage System table, in the vCenter
1. Click on the name of the storage system.
2. Click on the Pools link.


Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual

3. Click on the ID of the storage pool.

The top of the pool summary displays the following properties: Type,
Monitoring State, Storage System ID, Capacity, and Limit.
Note: The ID of the storage pool is shown at the top of the summary
The pool summary also includes the pool bars. The pool utilization bars
display pool use as follows:

Physical Utilization Shows the physical utilization of the pool in terms

of Used and Free space.

Subscription Utilization Shows the subscription utilization of the pool

in terms of the Subscribed and Available space.
Moving the cursor over the shaded area on one of the bars displays the
actual usage numbers.
In vSphere Client and SCVMM, the following tables are displayed at the
bottom of the pool summary:

Drives Used to display the drives that comprise the pool. For more
information on drives, see Drives on page 176.

Volumes Used to display volumes created from the pool. For more
information on volumes, see Volumes on page 176.

Events Used to display events related to the pool. For more

information on pool events, see Storage system events on page 170.
In vSphere Web Client, the following:

Table is displayed at the bottom of the pool summary:

Drives Used to display the drives that comprise the pool. For more
information on drives, see Drives on page 176.

Views are displayed on the Monitor tab:

Performance Displays performance monitoring information related

to the pool. For more information on pool performance monitoring,

see Pool performance monitoring in vSphere Web Client on
page 174.

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual



Tasks Displays jobs related to the pool. For more information on

pool jobs, see Pool jobs in vSphere Web Client on page 175.

Events Displays events related to the pool. For more information

on pool events, see Pool events in vSphere Web Client on
page 175.

Tables are displayed on the Related Objects tab:

Storage System Displays the storage system that the pool is

contained in. For more information regarding the storage system,

see Viewing the storage system on page 163.

Volumes Used to display volumes created from the pool. For more

information on volumes, see Volumes on page 176.

Pool performance monitoring in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client you can view graphs that show the
historical values of performance monitoring indicators. To view
performance monitoring for a pool:
1. From the pool summary, click on the Monitor tab.
2. Click on the Performance tab.
To select how to display the performance graphs for the pool, from the
Performance tab:
1. Select how you want the data aggregated from the Aggregation
Frequency field.
2. Select the time frame that you want data from in the From and To
3. Click on the Apply button.


Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual


Depending on the storage system model, graphs for following performance

monitoring indicators may be shown:

Performance monitoring counter

Subscription Limit Percentage (%)
Subscribed Capacity (B)
Used Capacity (B)
Capacity (B)
Read I/O Rate (IOPS)
Current Subscription Percentage (%)
Write Response Rate (sec)
Write I/O Rate (IOPS)
Used Percentage (%)
Read Response Rate (sec)

For more information on performance monitoring, see Performance

monitoring on page 59.

Pool jobs in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, to view jobs related to a storage pool:
1. From the pool summary, click on the Monitor tab
2. Click on the Tasks tab.
For more information on jobs, see Jobs on page 62.

Pool events in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, to view events related to a storage pool,
click on the Monitor tab while viewing the pool summary.
Events shown on this tab are filtered to only show those events that relate
to the selected storage pool. For more information on events, see Events
on page 62.

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual



For each drive that is part of a pool, UCP Director monitors and reports the
following information:

Type The drive type.

Capacity The total amount of available hard drive space across all
hard drives of the indicated type.

Percentage Allocated The total percent of allocated hard drive space

across all hard drives of the indicated type.
The Drives table lists the drives that are combined to create a pool. To view
the Drives table in:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, from the pool summary, click on the Drives

vSphere Web Client, from the pool summary, refer to the Drives table.

In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director monitors and reports the
following information of each volume:

Volume Name The name of the associated datastore in vCenter.

Volume Type The volume type, either HDP or HDT.
Boot Volume Whether or not the volume is a boot volume for a nonhypervisor or Hyper-V host.

Replicated Volume Whether or not the volume is being replicated

through UCP Disaster Recovery.

LDEV The LDEV number of the volume. When assigning LDEV

numbers, UCP Director uses the next available LDEV number.

Pool ID The ID of the pool that the volume is part of.

Capacity The total physical capacity of the volume.
Used The used physical capacity of the volume.

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual


Attached Servers The hosts that the volume are attached to.
Physical Utilization The percentage of physical space used in the

Viewing volumes inventory

The storage volumes that UCP Director administers are displayed on the
Volumes table. To view the Volumes table, in:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, from the Storage System page, click on the
Volumes tab.

vSphere Web Client, from the storage system summary, click on the
Related Objects tab, and then click on the Volumes button.

The Volumes table displays a list of all volumes in inventory.

Viewing a volume summary in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, you can view additional information about
a volume on the volume summary. To view the volume summary:
1. From the Storage System table, in the vCenter menu, click on the name
of the storage system.
2. Click on the Volumes link.
3. Click on the ID of the volume.
The top of the volume summary displays the following properties: ID,
Storage System ID, Volume Type, Pool ID, LDEV, Capacity, Used, and Physical

Note: The ID of the volume is shown at the top of the volume summary.

The following views are displayed on the Monitor tab:

Performance Displays performance monitoring information related to

the volume. For more information on volume performance monitoring,
see Volume performance monitoring in vSphere Web Client on
page 178.

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual



Tasks Displays jobs related to the volume. For more information on

volume jobs, see Volume jobs in vSphere Web Client on page 179.

Events Displays events related to the volume. For more information

on volume events, see Volume events in vSphere Web Client on
page 179.
The following tables are displayed on the Related Objects tab:

Storage System Displays the storage system that the volume is

contained in. For more information regarding the storage system, see
Viewing the storage system on page 163.

Hosts Displays a list of VMware hosts that are connected to the

selected volume.

Servers Displays a list of all servers that are connected to the

selected volume. For more information on servers, see Chapter 12,
Server administration, on page 189.

Volume performance monitoring in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client you can view graphs that show the
historical values of performance monitoring indicators. To view
performance monitoring for a volume:
1. From the volume summary, click on the Monitor tab.
2. Click on the Performance tab.
To select how to display the performance graphs for the volume, from the
Performance tab:
1. Select how you want the data aggregated from the Aggregation
Frequency field.
2. Select the time frame that you want data from in the From and To
3. Click on the Apply button.


Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual


Depending on the storage system model, graphs for following performance

monitoring indicators may be shown:

Performance monitoring counter

Read Transfer Rate (MBps)
Used Capacity (B)
Write Transfer Rate (MBps)
Read Hit Percentage (%)
Write Response Rate (sec)
Write I/O Rate (IOPS)
Total Response Rate (sec)
Write Hit Percentage (%)
Sequential Total I/O Rate (IOPS)
Sequential Total Transfer Rate (MBps)
Read I/O Rate (IOPS)
Random Total Transfer Rate (MBps)
Total Capacity (B)
Used Percentage (%)
Read Response Rate (sec)
Random Total I/O Rate (IOPS)

For more information on performance monitoring, see Performance

monitoring on page 59.

Volume jobs in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, to view jobs related to a volume:
1. From the volume summary, click on the Monitor tab
2. Click on the Tasks tab.
For more information on jobs, see Jobs on page 62.

Volume events in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, to view events related to a volume, click
on the Monitor tab while viewing the volume summary.

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual


Creating and attaching a volume

Events shown on this tab are filtered to only show those events that relate
to the selected volume. For more information on events, see Events on
page 62.

Creating and attaching a volume

For instructions on:

Creating a new host volume, see Creating a new host volume on

page 181.

Creating a new cluster volume, see Creating a new cluster volume on

page 184.

Attaching an existing volume to a host, see Attaching an existing

volume to a host on page 182.

Attaching an existing volume to all hosts in a cluster, see Attaching an

existing volume to a cluster on page 185.

Refreshing storage inventory

UCP Director periodically scans the storage system to determine the
relationship between it and other hardware components. For more
information on inventory refresh, see Refreshing inventory on page 52.
To manually initiate a storage system inventory refresh:
1. When viewing storage inventory, click on the Refresh Storage Inventory
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.
Note: When using UCP Director Console in vSphere Client, the Storage
System page will not refresh until you manually refresh the page. For
information on refreshing the page, see Refreshing UCP Director Console
pages on page 80.


Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual

Configuring host storage

Configuring host storage

Configuring host storage enables you to create and attach new volumes,
attach existing volumes, and configure existing volumes.
Important: Do not detach volumes in the hypervisor manager outside of
UCP Director. The hypervisor manager does not clean up HSDs and Fibre
Channel zones.
To access the Configure Host Storage dialog:
1. From the Servers table, right-click on the host that you want to manage
storage on and, if using vSphere Web Client, move the mouse over the
All Hitachi Unified Compute Platform Director Actions menu. For more
information on the Servers table, see Viewing server inventory on
page 193.
2. Click on the Configure Host Storage link.

Creating a new host volume

To create a new volume and add it to a host, from the Configure Host
Storage dialog:
1. Select the Create New Volume option.
2. Click on the Next button.
3. On the Create New Volume step:

In the Disk Size field, type the total amount of space to use to create
the volume in GB.

To manually select the storage system ports to use, select the

Manually Select Storage System Ports option, and then select the
appropriate ports for each fabric.

If creating and attaching a volume to a hypervisor OS:

In the Name field, type the name that will be assigned to the

To format the volume, select the Format option, and the volume
will be formatted as follows:

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual


Configuring host storage

In SCVMM, the volume will be formatted using NTFS.

In vCenter, the volume will be formatted as a datastore.

If this option is not selected, the volume will be created and

attached as a raw volume.

In the Pools table, select the pool to create the volume from. For
information on the Pools table, see Viewing pool inventory on
page 172.

4. Click on the OK button.

Attaching an existing volume to a host

To add an existing volume to a host, from the Configure Host Storage
1. Select the Attach Existing Volume option.
2. Click on the Next button.
3. On the Attach Existing Volume step:

To manually select the storage system ports to use, select the

Manually Select Storage System Ports option, and then select the
appropriate ports for each fabric.

In the Volumes table, select the volume or volumes to attach to the

host. The Volumes table is filtered to not display volumes that are
attached to other OS types. For information on the Volumes table,
see Viewing volumes inventory on page 177.

4. Click on the OK button.

Configuring an existing host volume

To configure an existing volume on a host, from the Configure Host Storage
1. Select the Configure Existing Volumes option.
2. Click on the Next button.


Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual

Configuring host storage

3. On the Configure Host Storage step:

To detach a volume:
1. Right-click on the volume then click on the Detach Volume link.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes


When using:

vCenter, before detaching a datastore from an ESXi host,

unmount it in vCenter before detaching it.

SCVMM, before detaching a formatted volume, log into the

host and unmount it before detaching it.

To detach a boot volume:

The host must be powered on.

When using SCVMM, the host should be removed from

SCVMM before the boot volume is detached.

To expand a volume:
1. Right-click on the volume then click on the Expand Volume link.
2. When prompted to enter the new capacity of the volume, enter a

value that is larger than the current volume size in the Volume
Size field.
Note: The minimum volume expansion is 1.2 GB.

3. Click on the OK button.

For non-ESXi hosts, after expanding the logical size of a volume,

you may need to log into the host and expand the formatted size of
the volume.
4. Click on the Close button.

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual


Configuring hypervisor cluster storage

Configuring hypervisor cluster storage

Configuring cluster storage enables you to create and attach new volumes,
attach existing volumes, and configure existing volumes on all hosts in a
Important: Do not detach volumes in the hypervisor manager outside of
UCP Director. The hypervisor manager does not clean up HSDs and Fibre
Channel zones.
To access the Configure Cluster Storage dialog, in:

vSphere Client and SCVMM, from the Servers table, right-click on a host
that is part of the cluster that you want to manage storage on, and
then click on the Configure Cluster Storage link.

vSphere Web Client, from the VMware Clusters table, right-click on the
cluster that you want to manage storage on, and then click on the
Configure Cluster Storage link.

Creating a new cluster volume

To create a new volume and add it to all hosts in a cluster, from the
Configure Cluster Storage dialog:
1. Select the Create New Volume option.
2. Click on the Next button.
3. On the Create New Volume step:

In the Name field, type a name to assign to the volume.

In the Disk Size field, type the total amount of space to use to create
the volume in GB.

To format the volume, select the Format option, and the volume will
be formatted as follows:

In SCVMM, the volume will be formatted using CSVFS.

In vCenter, the volume will be formatted as a datastore.

If this option is not selected, the created volume will be created and
attached as a raw volume.


Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual

Configuring hypervisor cluster storage

To manually select the storage system ports to use, select the

Manually Select Storage System Ports option, and then select the
appropriate ports for each fabric.

In the Pools table, select the pool to create the volume from. For
information on the Pools table, see Viewing pool inventory on
page 172.

4. Click on the OK button.

5. When using SCVMM, validate the cluster to ensure that storage was
correctly configured to all hosts in the cluster.

Attaching an existing volume to a cluster

To add an existing volume to a cluster, from the Configure Cluster Storage
1. Select the Attach Existing Volume option.
2. Click on the Next button.
3. On the Attach Existing Volume step:

To manually select the storage system ports to use, select the

Manually Select Storage System Ports option, and then select the
appropriate ports for each fabric.

In the Volumes table, select the volume or volumes to attach to all

hosts in the cluster. The Volumes table is filtered to not display
volumes that are attached to other OS types. For information on the
Volumes table, see Viewing volumes inventory on page 177.

4. Click on the OK button.

5. When using SCVMM, validate the cluster to ensure that storage was
correctly configured to all hosts in the cluster.

Configuring an existing cluster volume

To configure an existing volume on a cluster, from the Configure Cluster
Storage dialog:
1. Select the Configure Existing Volumes option.
2. Click on the Next button.

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual


Configuring hypervisor cluster storage

3. On the Configure Cluster Storage step:

To detach a volume:
1. Right-click on the volume then click on the Detach Volume link.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes


When using:

vCenter, before detaching a datastore from an ESXi host,

unmount it in vCenter before detaching it.

SCVMM, before detaching a formatted volume, log into the

host and unmount it before detaching it.

To detach a boot volume:

The host must be powered on.

When using SCVMM, the host should be removed from

SCVMM before the boot volume is detached.

To expand a volume:
1. Right-click on the volume then click on the Expand Volume link.
2. When prompted to enter the new capacity of the volume, enter a

value that is larger than the current volume size in the Volume
Size field.
Note: The minimum volume expansion is 1.2 GB.

3. Click on the OK button.

For non-ESXi hosts, after expanding the logical size of a volume,

you may need to log into the host and expand the formatted size of
the volume.
4. Click on the Close button.


Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual

Detaching and deleting volumes

5. When using SCVMM, validate the cluster to ensure that storage was
correctly configured to all hosts in the cluster.

Detaching and deleting volumes

Before deleting a volume, that volume must first be detached from all
hosts/clusters it is attached to. Unlike when a volume is detached by UCP
Director, detaching volumes in a hypervisor manager does not clean up the
associated HSDs and Fibre Channel zones. Using UCP Director ensures that
the LDEV ID is removed from the host storage domain (HSD).
If the removed LDEV is the last in the HSD, UCP Director will also remove
the HSD and associated Fibre Channel zones.If other volumes still reside in
the HSD, the HSD will be retained as to not disrupt the data paths.
After the volume has been detached, UCP Director rescans the volumes
attached to the host to validate that the host is no longer able to see the
detached volume.
Note: If a volume is detached through the hypervisor manager, and the
HSDs and Fibre Channel zones are not cleaned up, the volume will still be
presented to the server.
When using vCenter, if the volume is a datastore, the volume will also
need to be manually unmounted first. Unmounting a volume in vCenter
ensures that:

No virtual machines (VM) reside on the datastore

The datastore is not part of a datastore cluster
The datastore is not managed by storage dynamic resource scheduling

Storage input/output control (SIOC) is disabled for the datastore

The datastore is not being used by vSphere heartbeat
For more information on detaching a volume from a:

Host, see Configuring an existing host volume on page 182.

Cluster, see Configuring an existing cluster volume on page 185.

Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual


Detaching and deleting volumes

After unmounting and detaching the volume, UCP Director is able to delete
the volume. Deleting a volume is a one-way, destructive process and any
data that was contained in the volume will be lost.
Important: When using SCVMM:

To detach a data volume from a Hyper-V host, the host must be

powered on.

To detach a boot volume from a Hyper-V host, manually remove the

host from SCVMM inventory, power off the server, and then use UCP to
detach the volume.
To delete a volume, from the Volumes table:
1. Right-click on the volume that you want to delete then click on the
Delete Volume link.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.


Chapter 11: Storage system administration

UCP Administration Manual

Server administration
This chapter explains how to administer servers and server inventory in
UCP. Before administering servers, it is important to understand how they
are used. For more information on servers, see Chassis and servers on
page 19.
Note: Because host deployment involves servers, images, server profiles,
and service templates, the procedures involved are covered in Chapter 15,
Host deployment, on page 241.

Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual


Servers administration permissions

Servers administration permissions

To administer servers, your Active Directory account or group must:

When using vCenter, either:

Be added to the UCP System Administrator or UCP Server

Administrator role.

Be added to a custom role that has the UCP Server Administration

or UCPView privileges.

Using a custom role that has the UCPView privilege will enable you to
see servers, but you will not be able to administer them.

When using SCVMM, be added to the SCVMM administrator role.

For more information on access requirements, see Security on page 65.

Configuring Hitachi Compute Systems Manager (HCSM)

To change the HCSM configuration, from the Servers table:
1. Click on the HCSM Settings button to open the HCSM Settings dialog.
2. On the HCSM Settings dialog:

In the XML Service URL field, type the URL that is used to connect to

In the Web Console URL field, type the URL that is used to launch the
HCSM web console.

In the Username field, type the name of the account that will be
used to log into HCSM. This account must have Modify and View
rights in HCSM.

In the Password field, type the password that corresponds to the

specified username.

3. Click on the OK button.

For more information on the Servers table, see Viewing server inventory
on page 193.


Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual

Server properties

After HCSM has been configured, you can open HCSM by clicking on the
Open HCSM button on the Servers table.

Server properties
In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director monitors and reports the
following properties of each server in inventory:

Host Name

ESXi hosts The host name that is used in vCenter if one has been

Hyper-V hosts - The host name that is used in SCVMM if one has
been assigned.

For Windows, Linux, or custom hosts A dynamically assigned

name made from the host type and IP address or the host name
that you manually set when setting the host name. For more
information on setting the host name, see Setting a non-hypervisor
host name on page 205.

If no host name has been assigned, the Host Name field will display the
IP address of the server. If UCP Director is not able to determine the IP
address, then the Host Name field will display Not Configured.

Power The power state of the server.

Maintenance Mode Whether or not the host is in maintenance mode,
as reported from hypervisor manager.

LID The power state of the LID (location indication diode) on the

Serial Number The serial number of the server.

Slot If the server is in a chassis, the slot number that the server is
located in.

Server Profile ID The UCP Director ID number assigned to the server


LOM IP Addresses The lights-out management (LOM) IP address of

the server.

Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual


Server properties

Chassis Serial Number The serial number of the chassis that the
server is located in.

Cluster Name If the host is a member of a cluster, the name of the

cluster, as shown in the hypervisor manager.

Current Image The current host image that the server is running.
Pending Image The host image that the server will boot next time it is

OS Type The type of OS that the server is configured for. Valid

options are ESXiStateless, Windows, Linux, or Custom.

CPU Type The quantity and model of the CPUs in the server.
NIC The model name of the NIC card in the server, as obtained from

HBA The model name of the HBA card in the server, as obtained from

Hardware Details The server model, number of CPU cores, CPU

model, and amount of onboard memory.

LOM Firmware The version of the management software on the


EFI Firmware The version of the EFI on the motherboard of the


Cores Per CPU The number of CPU cores in the server.

RAM The amount of physical memory in the server.
Make and Model The name of the manufacturer and the model of the


Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual

Viewing server inventory

Viewing server inventory

The servers that UCP Director administers are displayed on the Servers
table. To view the Servers table, in:

vSphere Client and SCVMM, from the navigation bar, click on the
Servers icon. For more information on the navigation bar, see Using

UCP Director Console on page 76.

vSphere Web Client, from the Home page, click on the vCenter link, and
then click on the Servers link in the Inventory Lists section.
The Servers table displays a list of all servers in inventory.

Viewing a server summary

Additional information about a server is available on the server summary.
To view the summary of a server, from the Servers table:

In vSphere Client or SCVMM, right-click on the server, and then click on

the Server Summary link.

In vSphere Web Client, click on the name of the server in the vCenter
menu on the left.
The top of the server summary displays the following properties:
Monitoring State, LOM IP Address, Current Image, Pending Image, OS Type,
and ID. Maintenance Mode is shown in vSphere Web Client.

Note: The Host Name property is shown at the top of the server summary.

The server power status indicator is shown near the properties at the top
of the server summary. The serve power status indicator is used to display
the power status of the server and LID, as follows:

When the server or LID is active, the corresponding Power or LID field
is green.

When the server or LID is inactive, the corresponding Power or LID field
is gray.
The Make and Model property of the server is displayed at the top of the
server summary.

Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual


Viewing a server summary

When using vSphere Client or SCVMM, you can display additional

information about the server by moving the cursor over the info icon (
in the power status indicator. When using vSphere Web Client, this
information is displayed on the Server Information table.

In vSphere Client and SCVMM, the following tables are displayed at the
bottom of the server summary:

Volumes Used to display the volumes that are attached to the server.
For more information on volumes, see Volumes on page 176.

Ethernet Switches Used to display the Ethernet switches that are

attached to the server.

Fibre Channel Switches Used to display the Fibre Channel switches

that are attached to the server.

Converged Switches Used to display the converged switches that are

attached to the server.

Events Used to display events related to the server. For more

information on server events, see Server events on page 195.
For more information on switches, see Chapter 9, Physical network
In vSphere Web Client, the following:

Table is displayed at the bottom of the server summary:

Server Information Displays the server properties.

Views are displayed on the Monitor tab:

Tasks Displays jobs related to the server. For more information on

server jobs, see Server jobs on page 195.

Events Displays events related to the server. For more

information on server events, see Server events on page 195.

Tables are displayed on the Related Objects tab:

Chassis Displays the chassis that the server is located in. For

more information on chassis, see Chassis on page 196.


Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual

Viewing a server summary

Hosts Displays a list of VMware hosts that are hosted on the


Ethernet Switches In a Brocade Ethernet or Cisco Ethernet

configuration, displays a list of Ethernet switches that are attached

to the server.

Fibre Channel Switches In a Brocade Ethernet or Cisco Ethernet

configuration, displays a list of Fibre Channel switches that are

attached to the server.

Converged Switches In a Cisco converged configuration, displays a

list of converged switches that are attached to the server.

Volumes Displays a list of the volumes that are attached to the

server. For more information on volumes, see Volumes on

page 176.
For more information on switches, see Chapter 9, Physical network

Server jobs
When using vSphere Web Client, to view jobs related to a server:
1. From the server summary, click on the Monitor tab
2. Click on the Tasks tab.
For more information on jobs, see Jobs on page 62.

Server events
To view events related to a server, as well as the switches connected to the
server, from the server summary in:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, click on the Events tab.

vSphere Web Client, click on the Monitor tab, and then click on the
Events tab.

Events shown on this tab are filtered to only show those events that relate
to the selected server. For more information on events, see Events on
page 62.

Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual



In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director monitors and reports the
following properties of each chassis:

SVP IP address Service Processor address for the chassis. Used to

open a browser or SSH session.

Chassis Name The chassis name, as reported by HCSM.

Power The power state of the chassis.
Serial Number The serial number of the chassis.
Dictionary The dictionary version currently installed on the chassis

Parameter The equipment parameter currently used by the chassis


Available Dictionary The version of the chassis dictionary that is

available. This version will be applied if the firmware is updated.

Available Parameter The version of the chassis equipment parameter

that is available. This version will be applied if the firmware is updated.

Viewing chassis inventory in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, the chassis that UCP Director administers
are displayed on the Chassis table. To view the Chassis table, from the
Home page:
1. Click on the vCenter link.
2. Click on the Chassis link in the Inventory Lists section.
The Chassis table displays a list of all chassis that are being managed by
UCP Director. For each chassis, the following properties are shown: SVP IP
Address, Chassis Name, Power, Monitoring State, Serial Number, ID, Global
ID, Firmware, Dictionary, Parameter, Available Firmware, Available
Dictionary, and Available Parameter.


Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual


Viewing a chassis summary

Information about a chassis is available on the chassis summary. To view
the summary of an individual chassis in:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, from the Servers table, right-click on the

name of the server that is located in the chassis you want to view
details for, and then click on the Chassis Summary link.

vSphere Web Client, from the Chassis table, click on the name of the
chassis in the vCenter menu on the left.
The top of the chassis summary displays the following properties:
Monitoring State, Serial Number, Power, and ID.
Note: The IP address of the chassis is shown at the top of the chassis
The chassis power status indicator is shown near the properties at the top
of the chassis summary. The chassis power status indicator is used to
display the power status of each server and server LID, as follows:

When the server or LID is active, the corresponding Power or LID field
is green.

When the server or LID is inactive, the corresponding Power or LID field
is gray.
The Make and Model property of the chassis is displayed at the top of the
chassis power status indicator.
The following tables are available at the bottom of the chassis summary:

Fan Modules Used to display the fan modules in the chassis. For more
information on fan modules, see Fan modules on page 199.

Switch Modules Used to display the switch modules in the chassis.

For more information on switch modules, see Switch modules on
page 199.

Power Modules Used to display the power modules in the chassis. For
more information on power modules, see Power modules on
page 200.

Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual



Management Modules Used to display the management modules in

the chassis. For more information on management modules, see
Management modules on page 200.
In vSphere Client and SCVMM, the following tables are displayed in
addition to the previous tables at the bottom of the chassis summary:

Servers Used to display the servers that are in the chassis. For more
information on servers, see Viewing server inventory on page 193.

Events Used to display events related to the chassis. For more

information on chassis events, see Chassis events on page 199.
In vSphere Web Client, the following:

Views are displayed on the Monitor tab:

Tasks Displays jobs related to the chassis. For more information

on chassis jobs, see Chassis events on page 199.

Events Displays events related to the chassis. For more

information on chassis events, see Chassis events on page 199.

Tables are displayed on the Related Objects tab:

Hosts Displays a list of VMware hosts that are connected to the

selected chassis.

Servers Displays a list of all servers that are connected to the

selected chassis. For more information on servers, see Viewing

server inventory on page 193.

Chassis jobs in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, to view jobs related to a chassis:
1. From the chassis summary, click on the Monitor tab
2. Click on the Tasks tab.
For more information on jobs, see Jobs on page 62.


Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual


Chassis events
To view events related to a chassis, from the chassis summary in:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, click on the Events tab.

vSphere Web Client, click on the Monitor tab, and then click on the
Events tab.

Events shown on this tab are filtered to only show those events related to
the selected chassis. For more information on events, see Events on
page 62.

Fan modules
In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director monitors and reports the
following properties of each fan module in the chassis:

Slot The slot that the fan module is installed in.

Health The health status of the fan module.
Power Whether the fan module is on or off.
To view fan modules that are located in a chassis, from the chassis
summary, click on the Fan Modules tab.

Switch modules
In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director monitors and reports the
following properties of each switch module in the chassis:

Slot The slot that the switch module is installed in.

IP Address The management IP address of the switch module.
Health The health status of the switch module, as reported in HCSM.
Power The power status of the switch module.
Maintenance Mode Whether or not the switch module is in
maintenance mode.

Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual



Serial Number The serial number of the switch module, as retrieved

from HCSM.
The switch modules, both Ethernet and Fibre Channel, located in a chassis
are listed even if they have not been added to inventory. To view additional
details related to a switch, the switch will first need to be added to
To view the switch modules that are located in a chassis, from the chassis
summary, click on the Switch Modules tab. For more information on
switches, see Chapter 9, Physical network administration.

Power modules
In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director monitors and reports the
following properties of each power module in the chassis:

Slot The slot that the power module is installed in.

Health The health status of the power module.
Power Whether the power module is on or off.
To view power modules that are located in a chassis, from the chassis
summary, click on the Power Modules tab.

Management modules
In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director monitors and reports the
following properties of each management module in the chassis:

Slot The slot that the management module is installed in.

SVP IP Address The management IP address of the management
module. Because one management module functions as the primary
management module, and the second management module is in
standby in the event that the primary management module fails, both
management modules should show the same SVP IP Address.

Health The health status of the management module.

Power Whether the management module is on or off.
Active Whether or not the management module is actively in use.


Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual


Firmware The firmware version of the management module.

Dictionary The dictionary version of the management module.
Parameter The equipment parameter version of the management
To view management modules that are located in a chassis, from the
chassis summary, click on the Management Modules tab.

Accessing a chassis
To facilitate administering a chassis, UCP Director Console provides links to
administer the chassis through the SVP by either a Web or SSH interface.
To remotely connect to the SVP through:

The Web interface:

In vSphere Client or SCVMM, from the chassis summary view, click

on the Chassis Actions list, and then click on the Console link.

In vSphere Web Client, from the Chassis table, right-click on the

chassis, and then click on the Console link.

The SSH interface:

In vSphere Client or SCVMM, from the chassis summary view, click

on the Chassis Actions list, and then click on the Command Line link.

In vSphere Web Client, from the Chassis table, right-click on the

chassis, and then click on the Command Line link.

For information relating to the command line interface, see the release
Note: UCP components are configured with optimal settings before being
deployed. Consult with HDS personnel before modifying them.

Updating chassis firmware in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, you can update chassis firmware. To
ensure compatibility, switch firmware should be updated before updating
chassis firmware. For more information on updating firmware, see
Firmware update management in vSphere Web Client on page 64.

Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual


Updating server firmware in vSphere Web Client

Before updating firmware on a chassis, UCP Director will check to ensure

that the Monitoring State is OK.
To update the firmware on one chassis:
1. On the Chassis table, right-click on the name of the chassis that you
want to update firmware on, and then click on the Update Chassis
Firmware link.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.
To update the firmware on a chassis and all servers in that chassis:
1. On the Chassis table, right-click on the name of the chassis that you
want to update firmware on, and then click on the Update Chassis and
Server Firmware link.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.
When updating the firmware on a chassis and all servers in the chassis, the
chassis will be updated first, then each server in the chassis will be
updated. When this happens:

Updates will be applied to servers sequentially.

In vCenter, ESXi hosts will be put into maintenance mode as the
updates are applied.

If there is a failure at any stage in the process, the update will stop.
When this happens, correct the failure and run the update again.

Updating server firmware in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, you can update server firmware. To
ensure compatibility, chassis firmware should be updated before updating
server firmware. For more information on updating firmware, see
Firmware update management in vSphere Web Client on page 64.
To update the firmware on a server:
1. On the Servers table, right-click on the server that you want to update
firmware on, and then click on the Update Firmware link.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.


Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual

Refreshing server inventory

Refreshing server inventory

UCP Director periodically scans the servers in inventory. This is done to
determine the relationship between servers and other components. For
more information on inventory refresh, see Refreshing inventory on
page 52.
To manually initiate an inventory refresh:
1. From the Servers table, click on the Refresh Server Inventory button.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.
Note: When using UCP Director Console in vSphere Client, the page that
you are viewing to display inventory will not refresh until you refresh the
page as well. For information on refreshing the list of elements, see
Refreshing UCP Director Console pages on page 80.

Power management
Under normal operating conditions, servers managed by UCP Director
should not need to be powered off. From time to time, however, a server
may need to be powered off or reset, such as to move it, deploy a different
service template, or address a failure. You will not be able to power off, on,
or reset a server when a template is being applied. This section contains
instructions for:

Powering off a server

Powering on a server
Resetting a server

Powering off a server

When powering off a server, UCP Director abruptly cuts power to the
server. As a result, powering off a server is disruptive as the hypervisor
manager will be unable to perform any operations on the server, such as
moving VMs. When a server that is part of a cluster is powered off,
however, the VMs will be migrated like they normally would. To gracefully
shut down a:

Standalone ESXi host in vCenter, put the server in maintenance mode

before powering it off.

Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual


Locating a server

Windows, Linux, or custom host, log into the OS and shutdown the
server before powering it off.
To power off a server:
1. From the Servers table, right-click on the server you want to power off,
and then click on the Power Off link.
2. If prompted to confirm powering off the server, click on the Yes button.

Powering on a server
Because server identity information is stored in server profiles, for a server
to receive an IP address from the DHCP server and be accessible when it is
powered on, a server profile will need to be applied.
To power on a server:
1. From the Servers table, right-click on the server you want to power on,
and then click on the Power On link.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.

Resetting a server
Resetting a server powers off the server before powering it back on.
To reset a server:
1. From the Servers table, right-click on the server you want to reset, and
then click on the Reset link.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.

Locating a server
To assist in locating a physical server in a large datacenter environment,
the front indicator light can be turned on.
To activate the LID on a server, from the Servers table, right-click on the
server, and then click on the Turn LID On link.
After a server has been located, to turn off the front indicator light, from
the Servers table, right-click on the server, and then click on the Turn LID
Off link.


Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual

Setting a non-hypervisor host name

Setting a non-hypervisor host name

You can manually set the host name that is reported for non-hypervisor
Windows, Linux, and custom hosts. This can be used to manually track the
host name that the system administrator configures on the server, or it can
be used for inventory purposes.
To set the host name on a non-hypervisor host:
1. From the Servers table, right-click on the server you want to set the
host name of, and then click on the Set Host Name link.
2. Type the name of the host in the Host Name field.
3. Click on the OK button.

Accessing a server
To facilitate administering a server, UCP Director Console provides a link to
a console that can be used to administer the server.
To remotely connect to a server through the console, from the Servers
table, right-click on the server, and then click on the Console link.
For information relating to console requirements, see the release notes.

Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual


Accessing a server


Chapter 12: Server administration

UCP Administration Manual

Server profile administration
This chapter explains how to administer server profiles and server profile
inventory in UCP. Before administering server profile inventory, it is
important to understand how server profiles are used. For more
information on server profiles, see Service templates on page 50.
Note: Because host deployment involves servers, images, server profiles,
and service templates, the procedures involved are covered in Chapter 15,
Host deployment, on page 241.

Chapter 13: Server profile administration

UCP Administration Manual


Server profile permissions

Server profile permissions

To administer host server profiles, your Active Directory account or group

When using vCenter, be added to the UCP System Administrator role.

When using SCVMM, be added to the SCVMM administrator role.
For more information on access requirements, see Security on page 65.

Server profile properties

In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director records the following
properties of each server profile:

Server Profile Name The name that has been assigned to the server

Server Name The value of the host name variable of the server that
the server profile is associated with, if applicable.

IP Address The IP address assigned to the server profile.

OS Type The OS type associated with the server, either Hypervisor or

Server Model The server type that the server profile can be
associated with.

Server Serial Number The serial number of the server that the server
profile is associated with, if applicable.

UUID The UUID associated with the server profile.

Description The description of the server profile.
Subnet The subnet associated with the profile.
Gateway The gateway used for network communication by servers
with the server profile applied.


Chapter 13: Server profile administration

UCP Administration Manual

Server profile properties

DNS The DNS server used for domain resolution by servers with the
server profile applied.

NIC Port

MAC Address The MAC Address associated with the NIC port in the

server profile.

VLAN The management VLAN ID associated with the NIC port in

the server profile.

HBA Port

WWNN The WWNN associated with the HBA port in the server


WWPN The WWPN associated with the HBA port in the server


EFI settings
UCP Director records the following EFI settings in each server profile:

Processor Turbo Mode Whether or not Intel processor turbo mode is

enabled. The default is Enabled.

Processor Hyper-Threading Whether or not processor hyper-threading

is enabled. The default is Enabled.

Processor Hardware Prefetcher Whether or not the processor

instruction prefetcher is enabled. The default is Enabled.

Memory Mode The memory mode associated with the server profile.
The optimal memory mode is dependent on the physical layout of the
DIMMs. Valid options are Existing, Independent, Mirroring, and Sparing.
The default is Independent.

Memory Speed The speed that the memory in the server has been
configured to run at. Valid options are Auto, Force DDR3 800, Force
DDR3 1333, and Force DDR3 1600. The default for B2 server models is
Auto, and the default for A1/B1 server models is Force DDR3 1600.

Node Interleaving Whether or not NUMA node (CPU socket and

corresponding memory banks) interleaving is enabled. The default
mode is NUMA.

Chapter 13: Server profile administration

UCP Administration Manual


Viewing server profile inventory

RAS Deconfigured Mode Whether or not RAS (reliability, availability,

and serviceability) memory correction technology is enabled. The
default is Enabled.

DDR Voltage The voltage of the memory in the server. Valid options
are Auto, Force to 1.50V, and Force to 1.35V. The default is Force to 1.5V.

Viewing server profile inventory

The server profiles that UCP Director administers are displayed on the
Server Profiles table. To view the Server Profiles table, in:

vSphere Client and SCVMM, from the navigation bar, click on the
Provision icon, and then click on the Server Profiles tab. For more
information on the navigation bar, see Using UCP Director Console on
page 76.

vSphere Web Client, from the Home page, click on the vCenter link, and
then click on the Server Profiles link in the Inventory Lists section.
The Server Profiles table displays a list of all server profiles in inventory.

Creating, editing, and removing server profiles

The following sections describe the processes that need to be completed
when adding, editing, or removing a server profile. This section contains
instructions for:

Creating a server profile

Editing a server profile
Deleting a server profile

Creating a server profile

To create a server profile:
1. From the Server Profiles table, from:


vSphere Client or SCVMM, click on the Create Server Profile button

vSphere Web Client, click on the create icon (

Chapter 13: Server profile administration

UCP Administration Manual


Creating, editing, and removing server profiles

2. Click on the Next button then, on the Create Server Profile window:

In the Server Profile Name field, type the name of the server profile.

In the Description field, type a description of the server profile.

In the OS Type field, select either Hypervisor or Non-Hypervisor.

Hypervisor server profiles will automatically use the management
VLAN. You can specify the management VLAN ID for non-hypervisor
server profiles.

In the Network Adapter Ports field, select the number of adapter

ports to designate for the server.

In the Server Model field, select the model of the server.

3. Click on the Next button then, on the Identity Settings window:

In the UUID section, to enable UCP Director to automatically assign

the UUID, select the From UUID Pool option.
To manually specify the UUID, select the Manual option, and then
type the UUID in the UUID field.

In the Management IP Address section, to enable UCP Director to

automatically assign the IP address, select the From IP Pool option,
and then select the pool from the IP Address Pool and the range
from the Range field.
To manually specify the IP address, select the Manual option, and
then type the IP address in the IP Address field. Manually specified
IP addresses are used to deploy the OS only and will not be used
after the OS is deployed.

If this is a Cisco Ethernet or Brocade Ethernet configuration:

In the Network Adapter MAC Address section, to enable UCP

Director to automatically assign the MAC address, select the
From MAC Pool option, and then select the pool from the MAC
Address Pool and the range from the Range field.
To manually specify the MAC address, select the Manual option,
and then type the MAC address to be assigned to each NIC port
in the corresponding NIC Port field.

Chapter 13: Server profile administration

UCP Administration Manual


Creating, editing, and removing server profiles

In the WWNN and WWPN section, to enable UCP Director to

automatically assign the WWNN and WWPNs, select the From
WWN Pool option, and then select the pool from the WWN Pool
and the range from the Range field.
To manually specify the WWNN and WWPNs, select the Manual
option, and then type the WWNN and WWPN to be assigned to
each HBA port in the corresponding HBA Port fields.

If this is a Cisco converged configuration, in the Converged Network

Adapter Settings section, to enable UCP Director to automatically
assign the MAC address, WWNN, and WWPNs, select the From Pool
option. Then, for each ID, select the pools from the MAC Address
Pool and WWN Pool fields, and the ranges from the Range fields.
To manually specify the MAC address, WWNN, and WWPNs, select
the Manual option, and then, for each physical port:

In the MAC Address column, type the MAC address that will be
used for Ethernet traffic in the first field and for Fibre Channel
traffic in the second field.

In the WWNN and WWPN columns, type the WWNN and WWPN
to be used for Fibre Channel traffic.

If you are creating a non-hypervisor server profile, in the Native

VLAN ID field, type the VLAN ID that you will use for host

To be able to create a server profile, there needs to be enough IDs in

the identity pools. For more information on ID pools, see Identity
types on page 214.
4. Click on the Next button then, on the EFI Settings window:

To use default EFI settings, select the EFI Default Settings option.

To manually specify the EFI settings, deselect the EFI Default

Settings option and, for each setting, select the option that you want
to specify. Selecting Existing will leave the value that is currently set

5. Review the server profile that will be created, and then click on the
Submit button.


Chapter 13: Server profile administration

UCP Administration Manual

Creating, editing, and removing server profiles

Editing a server profile

By editing a server profile, you can change the name, description, native
VLAN ID, and EFI settings of that server profile.
To edit a server profile, from the Server Profiles table:
1. Right-click on the server profile that you want to edit, and then click on
the Edit link.
2. Follow the appropriate procedures detailed in Creating a server profile
on page 210. You are only able to edit the native VLAN ID on nonhypervisor server profiles.
When using vSphere Client or SCVMM, to edit a server profile, from the
Servers table:
1. Right-click on the server that you want to edit, and then click on the
Edit Server Profile link.
2. Follow the appropriate procedures detailed in Creating a server profile
on page 210. You are only able to edit the native VLAN ID on nonhypervisor server profiles.
If the server profile is currently applied to a server, the server will need to
be restarted to re-apply the server profile before the changes will take

Deleting a server profile

To be able to delete a server profile, that server profile can not be applied
to a server. To delete a server profile:
1. On the Server Profiles table, right-click on the name of the server profile
that you want to remove, and then click on the Delete link.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.

Chapter 13: Server profile administration

UCP Administration Manual


Viewing a server profile summary

Viewing a server profile summary

Additional information about a server profile is available on the server
profile summary. To view the summary of an individual server profile, from
the Server Profiles table:

In vSphere Client or SCVMM, right-click on the server profile, and then

click on the Server Profile Summary link.

In vSphere Web Client, click on the name of the server profile in the
vCenter menu on the left.
The server profile summary view is divided into several sections that each
contain different properties.

Note: The name of the server profile is shown at the top of the summary.

Identity types
In addition to being able to generate UUIDs, UCP Director maintains IP
address, MAC address, and WWN pools. UCP Director also supports
manually entered identities. To view an identity:
1. In:

vSphere Web Client and SCVMM, from the navigation bar, click on
the Provision icon, then click on the Identity Types tab. For more
information on the navigation bar, see Using UCP Director Console
on page 76.

vSphere Client, from the Home page, click on the vCenter link, and
then click on the Identity Types link in the Inventory Lists section.

2. Click on the link that corresponds to the type of identity that you want
to see, as follows:

Pools Used to display the pools and each range within each pool.

Manual Used to display the IDs that have been manually

The Pools link is used to display UUIDs that are automatically


Chapter 13: Server profile administration

UCP Administration Manual

Identity types

Managing IP ranges
All identity pool ranges are created when UCP is first deployed or upgraded
to version 3.5.1. In an upgrade scenario, UCP examines the production
servers and extracts the identity numbers from them. A server profile is
generated for each blade and contains the exact identity numbers for the
blade that it is assigned to. Assigned identities are viewable in the section
for each identity type. If the identity number falls within one of the ranges,
it will be found in the Allocated ID list under the Pool of that type.
Otherwise, it is listed under the heading Manual.
The ranges of MAC, WWN, and UID contain enough identities to
accommodate the maximum supported quantity of blades in UCP.
Therefore, new ranges of these types are not needed.
More IP ranges, however, may be needed for a variety of reasons. The CLI
or API must be used to create a new IP range. Care is needed when
deciding the starting and ending IP address as well as the DNS server.
These IP addresses are used during the deployment of the blade operating
system, whether through Auto Deploy or through WDS. After deployment,
the blade may continue to use the address if it also uses the UCP native
VLAN ID. These blades will also get a host name from the DNS server.
If UCP was upgraded from version 3.0.2, the blades should access the
UCPUtility VM for domain name resolution. If upgraded from v3.5, the
blades use the AD VM for DNS.
New IP ranges can be made using the following CLI commands:
1. $IdentityPoolId = (Get-UcpIpAddressIdentityPool).IdentityPoolId
2. New-UcpIpAddressIdentityPoolRange -IdentityPoolId $IdentityPoolId StartAddress <StartAddress> -EndAddress <EndAddress> -DefaultGateway
<GatewayAddress> -Dns <AD-Or-UCPUtility-IP> -SubnetMask <SubnetMask>

Or by using the following API:

Request Header
POST https://ucpmanagement.ucp.local/api/identitypools/ipaddress/
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Request body

Chapter 13: Server profile administration

UCP Administration Manual


Identity types


IDs allocated from a pool

For each identity type, the Pools link displays the IDs in the pool. These IDs
are broken into two sections, ID Ranges and Allocated IDs. The ID Ranges
section displays the available addresses in the pool. For each pool, the ID
Ranges section displays the following:

ID The UCP Director ID number assigned to the pool. This number is

dynamically assigned by UCP Director to the pool.

Start The first ID included in the pool.

End The last ID included in the pool.
Available The total number of identities in the pool that are available
to be assigned.

Total The total number of identities in the pool.

Below the ID Ranges section is the Allocated IDs section. The Allocated IDs
section displays the addresses of that type that have been allocated to
server profiles. For each address, the Allocated IDs section displays:

Address The identity that is assigned to the profile.

Date Reserved The date the identity was assigned.
Server Profile ID The ID of the server profile that the identity is
assigned to.


Chapter 13: Server profile administration

UCP Administration Manual

Applying a server profile

Manually entered IDs

For each identity type, the Manual link displays the IDs that have been
manually entered. These IDs are shown in an Allocated IDs section. The
Allocated IDs section lists each manually entered ID that is allocated to a
server profile. For each address, the Allocated IDs section displays:

Address The identity that is assigned to the profile.

Date Reserved The date the identity was assigned.
Server Profile ID The ID of the server profile that the identity is
assigned to.
Note: For UUIDs, both manually entered and dynamically assigned IDs
are shown.

Applying a server profile

Applying a server profile to a server assigns the identity and EFI settings
from the server profile to the server. When a server profile is applied to a
server, the selected server will reboot and:

The EFI settings on the server will be configured according to the server

The identities assigned to the server will be set according to the server

The DHCP server in UCP will be configured with the IP address and MAC
address from the server profile.

The native VLAN ID will be applied to the ports on the attached

Ethernet switch.
To be able to apply a server profile to a server, the server must:

Be powered off
Not be part of a cluster
Not have any storage attached
Not currently have another server profile associated

Chapter 13: Server profile administration

UCP Administration Manual


Move a server profile

Be the same server model as specified in the server profile

To apply a server profile from the Server Profiles table:
1. On the Server Profiles table, right-click on the server profile that you
want to assign, and then click on the Apply link.
2. On the Apply Server Profile window, select the server that you want to
apply the server profile to.
3. Click on the OK button.
If using vSphere Client and SCVMM, you can also apply a server profile
from the Servers table. To apply a server profile from the Servers table:
1. On the Servers table, right-click on the server that you want to assign a
server profile to, and then click on the Apply Server Profile link.
2. On the Apply Server Profile window, select the server profile that you
want to apply to the server.
3. Click on the OK button.

Move a server profile

Moving a server profile will power off the server that the server profile is
applied to and apply the server profile to the selected server. Because of
this, the server that the server profile is applied to must meet the same
requirements when applying a server profile. For more information on the
requirements to apply a server profile, see Applying a server profile on
page 217.
To move a server profile from the Server Profiles table:
1. On the Server Profiles table, right-click on the server profile that you
want to move, and then click on the Move link.
2. On the Move Server Profile window, select the server that you want to
move the server profile to.
3. Click on the OK button.


Chapter 13: Server profile administration

UCP Administration Manual

Extract server profile

If using vSphere Client and SCVMM, you can also move a server profile
from the Servers table. To move a server profile from the Servers table:
1. On the Servers table, right-click on the server that you want to move
the server profile from, and then click on the Move Server Profile link.
2. On the Move Server Profile window, select the server profile that you
want to move the server to.
3. Click on the OK button.

Extract server profile

To extract a server profile:
1. From the Servers table, click on the Extract Server Profile button.
2. Select the server or servers to extract server profiles from.
3. Click on the Next button, and on the Extract Server Profile window:

In the Server Profile Name field, type a name for the server profile.

In the Description field, type a description for the server profile.

4. Click on the Submit button.

The server will be rebooted and the new profile will automatically be
associated with the server. The server continues to use all of the same ID
numbers except for UUID.

Remove server profile

Removing a server profile will disassociate it from the server but will not
delete it. Before a server profile can be removed, the associated server
must be powered off.
To remove a server profile from a server:
1. On the Server Profiles table, right-click on the server profile that you
want to remove, and then click on the Remove From Server link.
2. Click on the Yes button when prompted.

Chapter 13: Server profile administration

UCP Administration Manual


Remove server profile


Chapter 13: Server profile administration

UCP Administration Manual

Service template administration
This chapter explains how to administer service templates and service
template inventory in UCP. Before administering service template
inventory, it is important to understand how service templates are used.
For more information on service templates, see Service templates on
page 50.
Note: Because host deployment involves servers, images, server profiles,
and service templates, the procedures involved are covered in Chapter 15,
Host deployment, on page 241.

Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual


Service template permissions

Service template permissions

To administer service templates, your Active Directory account or group

When using vCenter, be added to the UCP System Administrator role.

When using SCVMM, be added to the SCVMM administrator role.
For more information on access requirements, see Security on page 65.

Service template properties

In addition to the applicable standard properties listed in Standard
component properties on page 53, UCP Director records the following
properties of each service template:

Service Template Name The name that has been assigned in the
service template.

Service Template Type The configuration and type of image that the
service template has been configured to apply. Valid values are:
EsxiStateless, EsxiStatelessCluster, WindowsHyperV, Windows, Linux, or

Boot Image The name of the boot image that is assigned to the
service template.

Boot Image Type The type of image applied by the service template.
Valid values are: EsxiStateless, Windows, Linux, or Custom.

Cluster Template When using vCenter, whether or not the service

template is an ESXi cluster service template.

ESXi host service templates

In addition to the properties that UCP Director records for all service
template types, UCP Director also records the following properties for ESXi
host service templates:

VM Network VLAN IDs The VLAN IDs that will be configured on

Ethernet or converged switch ports connected to servers that this
service template will be attached to. These VLAN IDs will also be
applied to the virtual distributed switches that the servers are
connected to.


Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual

Service template properties

Management VLAN ID The management VLAN that will be used for

hosts based on this service template.

ESXi cluster service templates

In addition to the properties that UCP Director records for all service
template types, UCP Director also records the following properties for ESXi
host service templates:

VM Network VLAN IDs The VLAN IDs that will be configured on

Ethernet or converged switch ports connected to servers that this
service template will be attached to. These VLAN IDs will also be
applied to the virtual distributed switches that the servers are
connected to.

Management VLAN ID The management VLAN that will be used for

hosts based on this service template.

vSphere Host Profile The name of the associated vSphere host profile.
vMotion VLAN ID The VLAN ID that will be used for vMotion.
Enable High Availability Whether or not the service template is for a
high availability ESXi cluster.

Failover CPU Percentage For high availability ESXi cluster service

templates, the reserve CPU percentage to maintain in case a host
experiences a failure or needs to be powered off.

Failover RAM Percentage For high availability ESXi cluster service

templates, the reserve RAM percentage to maintain in case a host
experiences a failure or needs to be powered off.

Enable vSphere DRS Whether or not vSphere Distributed Resource

Scheduler is enabled on the hosts in the cluster.

Create Storage Cluster Whether or not the cluster is configured as a

vSphere storage cluster.

Enable Storage DRS For clusters that are configured as a storage

cluster, whether or not DRS is enabled.

Automate Storage DRS For clusters that are configured as a storage

cluster, whether or not the movement of VMs is automated between

Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual


Service template properties

Enable Storage DRS I/O Metric For clusters that are configured as a
storage cluster, whether or not to use I/O metrics in the storage DRS

Hyper-V and Windows service templates

In addition to the properties that UCP Director records for all service
template types, UCP Director also records the following properties for
Hyper-V and Windows service templates:

Boot Volume Pool The pool ID that the boot volume is located in.
Boot Volume Size The size of the boot volume.
Boot Unattend Location The location of the Windows boot unattend

Image Unattend Location The location of the Windows image

unattend file.

Management VLAN ID The management VLAN that will be used for

hosts based on this service template.

Storage System ID The ID of the storage system that the boot volume
is part of.

Trunk VLAN IDs The VLAN IDs that will be configured on Ethernet or
converged switch ports connected to servers that this service template
will be attached to.

Linux host service templates

In addition to the properties that UCP Director records for all service
template types, UCP Director also records the following properties for Linux
service templates:

Boot Volume Pool The pool ID that the boot volume is located in.
Boot Volume Size The size of the boot volume.
Kickstart Location The location of the Linux kickstart file.
Storage System ID The ID of the storage system that the boot volume
is part of.


Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual

Viewing service template inventory

Trunk VLAN IDs The VLAN IDs that will be configured on Ethernet or
converged switch ports connected to servers that this service template
will be attached to.

Custom host service templates

In addition to the properties that UCP Director records for all service
template types, UCP Director also records the following properties for
custom host service templates:

Trunk VLAN IDs The VLAN IDs that will be configured on Ethernet or
converged switch ports connected to servers that this service template
will be attached to.

Viewing service template inventory

The service templates that UCP Director administers are displayed on the
Service Templates table. To view the Service Templates table, in:

vSphere Client and SCVMM, from the navigation bar, click on the
Provision icon, and then click on the Service Templates tab. For more
information on the navigation bar, see Using UCP Director Console on
page 76.

vSphere Web Client, from the Home page, click on the vCenter link, and
then click on the Service Templates link in the Inventory Lists section.
The Service Templates table displays a list of all service templates in

Creating, cloning, editing, and removing service templates

The following sections describe the processes that need to be completed
when adding, editing, or removing a service template. This section
contains instructions for:

Creating a service template

Cloning a service template
Deleting a service template

Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual


Creating, cloning, editing, and removing service templates

Creating a service template

This section contains instructions for:

Creating an ESXi standalone service template

Creating an ESXi cluster service template
Creating a Hyper-V, Windows, or Linux service template
Creating a custom host service template
Creating an ESXi standalone service template
To create an ESXi standalone service template:
1. From the Service Templates table, from:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, click on the Create Service Template


vSphere Web Client, click on the create icon (


2. On the Create Service Template window:

In the Service Template Name field, type the name of the service

In the Type field, select ESXi Standalone.

3. Click on the Next button then, on the next window:

In the Boot Image field, select the name of the image to be applied
to servers based on the service template.

4. Click on the Next button then, on the next window:


The Management VLAN ID field is read only and is used to show you
the management VLAN ID that ESXi hosts use.

In the VM Network VLAN IDs field, type the VM network VLANs that
will be applied to ports on the Ethernet or converged switches
connected to hosts based on this service template.

Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual

Creating, cloning, editing, and removing service templates

VLANs should be entered by range or individual VLAN ID in a

comma separated format. To enter a range of VLANs, enter X-Y,
where X is the first VLAN ID and Y is the last VLAN ID. For example,
entering 5, 10-12, 20 would set the VLANs to 5, 10, 11, 12, and 20.
5. Click on the Next button then, on the next window, to associate storage
with the service template:

To indicate that a volume should be created and attached to hosts

based on the service template when it is deployed:
1. Click on the Create button.
2. In the Disk Size field, type the size of the volume to be created.
3. To configure the volume as a datastore, select the Format option,

and then type the name of the datastore in the Name field.
Important: When deploying an ESXi service template to more
than one host or cluster, the datastore name will need to be
edited between each deployment because datastore names
must be unique to the datastore.
4. To configure a raw, non-datastore volume, select the Raw

Volume option, and then select the way the volume should be
optimized from the Intended Use field. Possible options include
Default, Windows, and Linux.

Note: You may need to unselect the Format checkbox to see the
Raw Volume option.
5. To manually select the storage system ports to use, select the

Manually Select Storage System Ports option, and then select the

appropriate ports for each fabric.

6. Select the pool to create the volume in from the Storage Pools

table. For more information on storage pools, see Pools on

page 171.
7. Click on the OK button.

To attach an existing volume or volumes:

1. Click on the Attach button.
2. Select the volume or volumes to attach from the Volumes table.

Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual


Creating, cloning, editing, and removing service templates

3. Click on the OK button.

Note: If creating an ESXi cluster service template with storage

DRS enabled, at least two datastores must be attached or
created. Attaching additional datastores can increase
6. Click on the Next button.
7. Review the service template that will be created, and then click on the
Submit button.

Creating an ESXi cluster service template

Before creating an ESXi cluster service template you will need to prepare
the VMware host profile that will be applied by the ESXi cluster service
template. For more information on VMware host profiles, see Preparing
VMware host profiles in vCenter on page 237.
To create an ESXi cluster service template:
1. From the Service Templates table, from:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, click on the Create Service Template


vSphere Web Client, click on the create icon (


2. On the Create Service Template window:

In the Service Template Name field, type the name of the service

In the Type field, select ESXi Cluster.

3. Click on the Next button then, on the next window:


In the Boot Image field, select the name of the image to be applied
to servers based on the service template.

In the vSphere Host Profile field, select the vSphere host profile to
apply to hosts in the cluster created by the service template. For
more information on preparing a vSphere host profile, see
Preparing VMware host profiles in vCenter on page 237.

Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual

Creating, cloning, editing, and removing service templates

4. Click on the Next button then, on the next window:

To configure the service template for VMware high availability, select

the Enable High Availability option, then:

In the Failover CPU Percentage field, type the reserve CPU

percentage. This is the reserve CPU percentage to maintain
before migrating VMs to another host.

In the Failover RAM Percentage field, type the reserve RAM

percentage. This is the reserve RAM percentage to maintain
before migrating VMs to another host.
Note: Applying a service template that is configured for High
Availability requires a minimum of 3 servers.

To enable vSphere DRS, select the Enable vSphere DRS option.

5. Click on the Next button then, on the next window:

If creating an ESXi cluster service template with a new VDS, select

the Create New VDS option, and then:

The Management VLAN ID field is read only and is used to show

you the management VLAN ID that ESXi hosts use.

In the VM Network VLAN IDs field, type the VLANs that will be
applied to ports on the Ethernet or converged switches
connected to hosts based on this service template.
VLANs should be entered by range or individual VLAN ID in a
comma separated format. To enter a range of VLANs, enter X-Y,
where X is the first VLAN ID and Y is the last VLAN ID. For
example, entering 5, 10-12, 20 would set the VLANs to 5, 10,
11, 12, and 20.
UCP Director creates a separate port group on the VDS for each
data network VLAN ID when the service template is deployed. If
you want the VLAN IDs to share a single port group, only specify
one VLAN ID in the service template. Then, after deploying the
template, you can add additional VLAN IDs to the VDS and
configure the cluster network to apply the VLAN IDs to the
connected Ethernet or converged switches. For more information
on configuring the cluster network, see Configuring VLANs by
hosts in a cluster on page 153.

Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual


Creating, cloning, editing, and removing service templates

In the vMotion VLAN ID field, type the vMotion VLAN ID that will
be applied to ports on the Ethernet or converged switches
connected to hosts based on this service template.

If creating an ESXi cluster using an existing VDS, select the Use

Existing VDS option, and then:

In the Distributed Switch field, select the name of the VDS that
you want to use.

In the Management Port Group Name, select the associated

management port group that you want to use for the UCP
management network.

In the vMotion Port Group Name, select the associated port group
that will be used for vMotion.

6. Click on the Next button then, on the next window, to associate storage
with the service template:

If creating an ESXi storage cluster template, select the Create

Storage Cluster option. Then, to enable storage DRS for the storage
cluster, select the Enable Storage DRS option and:

To fully automate the I/O metric for storage DRS

recommendations, select the Automate Storage DRS option.
Note: If the I/O metric for storage DRS recommendations is
fully automated, you will not be able to use volumes in HDT

To enable the vSphere I/O metric for storage DRS

recommendations setting, select the Enable Storage DRS I/O
Metric option.

Note: If creating a storage cluster, all existing or new datastores

based on the template will be added to the storage cluster.
If creating an storage DRS cluster, VMs will be able to be
dynamically moved from one volume to another for load balancing.
As a result, at least two volumes will be required to create the
storage DRS cluster.


Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual

Creating, cloning, editing, and removing service templates

To indicate that a volume should be created and attached to hosts

based on the service template when it is deployed:
1. Click on the Create button.
2. In the Disk Size field, type the size of the volume to be created.
3. To configure the volume as a datastore, select the Format option,

and then type the name of the datastore in the Name field.
Important: When deploying an ESXi service template to more
than one host or cluster, the datastore name will need to be
edited between each deployment because datastore names
must be unique to the datastore.
4. To configure a raw, non-datastore volume, select the Raw

Volume option, and then select the way the volume should be
optimized from the Intended Use field. Possible options include
Default, Windows, and Linux.

Note: You may need to unselect the Format checkbox to see the
Raw Volume option.
5. To manually select the storage system ports to use, select the

Manually Select Storage System Ports option, and then select the

appropriate ports for each fabric.

6. Select the pool to create the volume in from the Storage Pools

table. For more information on storage pools, see Pools on

page 171.
7. Click on the OK button.

To attach an existing volume or volumes:

1. Click on the Attach button.
2. Select the volume or volumes to attach from the Volumes table.
3. Click on the OK button.

Note: If creating an ESXi cluster service template with storage

DRS enabled, at least two datastores must be attached or
created. Attaching additional datastores can increase

Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual


Creating, cloning, editing, and removing service templates

7. Click on the Next button.

8. Review the service template that will be created, and then click on the
Submit button.

Creating a Hyper-V, Windows, or Linux service template

To create a Hyper-V, Windows or Linux service template:
1. From the Service Templates table, from:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, click on the Create Service Template


vSphere Web Client, click on the create icon (


2. On the Create Service Template window:

In the Service Template Name field, type the name of the service

In the Type field, select either the Hyper-V Standalone, Windows, or

Linux options..

3. Click on the Next button then, on the next window, define the boot
volume that will be created by the service template:

If creating a Hyper-V or Windows service template:

In the Boot Image field, select the name of the image to be

applied to servers based on the service template.

In the Boot Unattend Location field, select the location of the boot
unattend file.

In the Image Unattend Location field, select the location of the

image unattend file.

In the Boot Volume Size field, type the size of the boot volume to
Note: The minimum boot volume size for Windows images is
44 GB and the maximum size is 2 TB.


Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual

Creating, cloning, editing, and removing service templates

Select the pool to create the volume in from the Boot Volume
Pool table. For more information on storage pools, see Pools on
page 171.

If creating a Linux service template:

In the Boot Image field, select the name of the image to be

applied to servers based on the service template.

In the Kickstart Location field, select the location of the kickstart


In the Boot Volume Size field, type the size of the boot volume to
Note: The minimum boot volume size for Linux images is 8.5
GB and the maximum size is 16 TB.

Select the pool to create the volume in from the Boot Volume
Pool table. For more information on storage pools, see Pools on
page 171.

4. Click on the Next button then, on the next window:

If creating a Hyper-V service template, the Management VLAN ID

field is read only and is used to show you the management VLAN ID
that Hyper-V hosts use.

The Trunk VLAN IDs field, type the trunk VLANs that will be applied
to ports on the Ethernet or converged switches connected to hosts
based on this service template.
VLANs should be entered by range or individual VLAN ID in a
comma separated format. To enter a range of VLANs, enter X-Y,
where X is the first VLAN ID and Y is the last VLAN ID. For example,
entering 5, 10-12, 20 would set the VLANs to 5, 10, 11, 12, and 20.

5. Click on the Next button then, on the next window, to associate

additional storage with the service template:

To indicate that a volume should be created and attached to hosts

based on the service template when it is deployed:
1. Click on the Create button.
2. In the Disk Size field, type the size of the volume to be created.

Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual


Creating, cloning, editing, and removing service templates

3. To manually select the storage system ports to use, select the

Manually Select Storage System Ports option, and then select the

appropriate ports for each fabric.

4. Select the pool to create the volume in from the Storage Pools

table. For more information on storage pools, see Pools on

page 171.
5. Click on the OK button.

To attach an existing volume or volumes:

1. Click on the Attach button.
2. Select the volume or volumes to attach from the Volumes table.
3. Click on the OK button.

6. Click on the Next button.

7. Review the service template that will be created, and then click on the
Submit button.

Creating a custom host service template

To create a custom host service template:
1. From the Service Templates table, from:

vSphere Client or SCVMM, click on the Create Service Template


vSphere Web Client, click on the create icon (


2. On the Create Service Template window:

In the Service Template Name field, type the name of the service

In the Type field, select the Custom option.

3. Click on the Next button then, on the next window:


In the Boot Image field, select the Custom Image option.

Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual

Creating, cloning, editing, and removing service templates

4. Click on the Next button then, on the next window:

The Trunk VLAN IDs field, type the trunk VLANs that will be applied
to ports on the Ethernet or converged switches connected to hosts
based on this service template.
VLANs should be entered by range or individual VLAN ID in a
comma separated format. To enter a range of VLANs, enter X-Y,
where X is the first VLAN ID and Y is the last VLAN ID. For example,
entering 5, 10-12, 20 would set the VLANs to 5, 10, 11, 12, and 20.

5. Review the service template that will be created, and then click on the
Submit button.

Cloning a service template

To clone a service template:
1. On the Service Templates table, right-click on the name of the service
template that you want to clone, and then click on the Clone link.
2. Type the name of the cloned service template in the Service Template
Name field.
3. Click on the OK button.

Editing a service template

By editing a service template, you can change the name of that service
template. To edit a service template:
1. From the Service Templates table, right-click on the service template
that you want to edit, and then click on the Edit link.
2. Follow the appropriate procedures detailed in Creating a service
template on page 226. When editing a service template, the Boot
Image field will be filtered to show only the images of the selected
image type.

Deleting a service template

Because service templates are only used when deploying a server, deleting
a service template will not affect any server that has already been
deployed using it.

Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual


Viewing a service template summary

To delete a service template:

1. On the Service Templates table, right-click on the name of the service
template that you want to remove, and then click on the Delete link.
2. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.

Viewing a service template summary

Additional information about a service template is available on the service
template summary. To view the summary of an individual service template,
from the Service Templates table:

In vSphere Client or SCVMM, right-click on the service template, and

then click on the Service Template Summary link.

In vSphere Web Client, click on the name of the service template in the
vCenter menu on the left.
Note: The name of the service template is shown at the top of the
The Volumes table is displayed at the bottom of the service template
summary. The Volumes table is used to display the volumes associated
with the service template that will be attached to hosts that are deployed
using it.

Service template jobs in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, to view jobs related to a service template,
while viewing the service template summary, click on the Monitor tab, and
then click on the Tasks tab. For more information related to the jobs shown
on the Tasks tab, see Jobs on page 62.

Service template events in vSphere Web Client

When using vSphere Web Client, you can view the events related to a
service template. To view events related to a service template, while
viewing a service template summary, click on the Monitor tab, and then
click on the Events tab.
Events shown on this tab are filtered to only show those events that relate
to the selected service template. For more information related to the
events shown on the Events tab, see Events on page 62.


Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual

Preparing VMware host profiles in vCenter

Preparing VMware host profiles in vCenter

When creating an ESXi cluster service template, UCP Director uses VMware
host profiles to define some of the host settings. A sample profile is
included with UCP. This host profile, and subsequent copies, can be used
when creating an ESXi cluster service template.
Instead of using the sample host profile, you can manually create a host
profile for use with UCP Director. To manually create and configure a host
1. Configure an ESXi reference host as follows:

A standalone host that is not part of a cluster.

Have two NICs attached to a standard vSwitch.

Not using a virtual distributed switch (VDS).

Send syslogs to the syslog server on the UCPUtility VM on port 514.

This can be configured by using SSH to connect to the host and
issuing the following commands:
esxcli system syslog config set --loghost=udp://
esxcli system syslog config set logdir-unique=true
esxcli system syslog reload

Where UCPUTILITYVMIP is the IP address of the UCPUtility VM.

Send the coredump to the vCenter VM on port 6500. This can be

configured by using SSH to connect to the host and issuing the
following commands:
esxcli system coredump network set --interface-name vmk0 --serveripv4 VCENTERIP --server-port 6500
esxcli system coredump network set --enable true
esxcli system coredump network get

Where VCENTERIP is the IP address of the vCenter VM.

Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual


Preparing VMware host profiles in vCenter

Be deployed using the same image that will be used by the cluster.

2. Create a host profile from the reference host

3. Edit the host profile and configure it as follows:

Firewall security In the Firewall configuration > Ruleset

Configuration section, enable the following rulesets:




Storage In the Storage configuration > Native Multi-Pathing >

Storage Array Type Plugin (SATP) configuration > SATP default PSP
configuration > VMW_SATA_DEFAULT_AA section, change the PSP
name to VMW_PSP_RR.


Chapter 14: Service template administration

UCP Administration Manual

Part V: Host deployment

This part contains the following chapter:
Chapter 15, Host deployment, on page 241

UCP Administration Manual

UCP Administration Manual

Host deployment
This chapter explains how to prepare, deploy, and configure hosts in UCP.
Deploying servers in UCP requires a firm understanding of UCP architecture
as well as how UCP Director functions.
For more information on:

UCP architecture, see Chapter 2, UCP hardware components, on

page 11.

How UCP Director functions, see Chapter 3, UCP software

components, on page 41.

Chapter 15: Host deployment

UCP Administration Manual



While UCP Director automates many of the processes required to deploy
hosts and clusters, there are several manual procedures that need to be
performed. Specifically, to deploy a host or cluster, you will need to:

Preparing UCP and the hypervisor manager

Preparing the server or servers
Deploying the service template
Configuring the host or cluster
Preparing UCP and the hypervisor manager
Before deploying a host, you will need to ensure that the appropriate
configurations have been made in UCP Director, as follows:

For ESXi clusters in vCenter:

You will need to prepare a VMware host profile. For more

information on host profiles, see Preparing VMware host profiles in
vCenter on page 237.

If you will use an existing VDS instead of creating a new one, you
will need to prepare the VDS. For more information on preparing the
VDS, see vCenter cluster networking on page 158.

When using SCVMM, you will need to prepare the networking

configuration for the hosts. For more information on preparing host
networking, see SCVMM host networking on page 156.

You will need to prepare a server profile for each host. For more
information on server profiles, see Chapter 13, Server profile
administration, on page 207.

You will need to prepare a service template to administer the

deployment. For more information on service templates, see Chapter
14, Service template administration, on page 221.


Chapter 15: Host deployment

UCP Administration Manual


Preparing the server or servers

After preparing UCP for host deployment, before you can deploy a host you
will need to ensure that the server is properly configured, as follows:

The server must be powered off or, when using vCenter, in

maintenance mode.

No volumes are attached to the server. This includes ensuring that no

storage connections are configured on the HBA ports in the HBA EFI.

When using vCenter, no VDS applied and not in a cluster.

Any server profiles that are currently attached to the servers are the
server profiles that you intend to deploy.
Deploying the service template
After UCP Director and the server or servers have been properly configured
for host deployment, you will need to use the service template that you
configured. Depending on the type of host or cluster that you want to
deploy, the procedures for deploying a service template will be different.
For instructions on deploying:

An ESXi cluster, see Deploying an ESXi cluster on page 244.

One or more Hyper-V hosts, see Deploying a Hyper-V service
template on page 247.

An ESXi standalone, Windows, Linux, or custom host, see Deploying

an ESXi standalone or non-hypervisor Windows, Linux, or custom host
from a service template on page 250.
When deploying an ESXi cluster, or if the Hyper-V hosts will be clustered, it
is best practice to use servers from different chassis to increase component
Configuring the host or cluster
After deploying the service template, additional changes may need to be
made, as follows:

For an ESXi cluster, you will need to configure settings in the host
profile and configure high availability. For more information on
configuring an ESXi cluster, see Configuring an ESXi cluster on
page 245.

Chapter 15: Host deployment

UCP Administration Manual


Deploying and configuring ESXi clusters in vCenter

For a Hyper-V standalone host, you will need to configure host

networking. For more information on Hyper-V standalone host
networking, see Configuring Hyper-V standalone host networking on
page 248.

For hosts that will be clustered into a Hyper-V cluster, you will need to
configure the hosts and create the cluster. For more information on
Hyper-V clustering, see Configuring a Hyper-V cluster on page 248.

For Windows, Linux, and custom hosts, you will need to manually
configure networking on the host.
If you have configured networking on the host, you can then use UCP to
configure the network settings from the host in UCP Director. For more
information on configuring networking in UCP Director, see Chapter 10,
Logical network administration, on page 151.

Deploying and configuring ESXi clusters in vCenter

After preparing the host profile and server profile for each host in the
cluster, the service template, and servers, you are ready to deploy and
configure the ESXi cluster. This section contains instructions on:

Deploying an ESXi cluster

Configuring an ESXi cluster

Deploying an ESXi cluster

An ESXi cluster service template can be deployed to all servers in an ESXi
cluster at the same time. Doing this will automatically create the ESXi
To deploy an ESXi cluster service template:
1. On the Service Templates table, right-click on the ESXi cluster template
that you want to use to create the ESXi cluster, and then click on the
Apply link.
2. On the next window:


In the Cluster Name field, type a name to assign to the cluster in


Chapter 15: Host deployment

UCP Administration Manual

Deploying and configuring ESXi clusters in vCenter

In the Servers field, type the number of servers to assign to the ESXi

3. Click on the Next button then, on the next window, select the servers to
add to the ESXi cluster.
4. Click on the Next button then, on the next window, for each server:

In the vMotion IP column, type the vMotion IP address to assign to

the server.

In the vMotion Subnet column, type the subnet to use for vMotion on
the server.

Servers are listed by chassis and slot.

5. Click on the Next button then, on the next window, assign an available
server profile to each of the selected servers. Each selected server and
available server profile is listed, as follows:

Selected servers Listed, by chassis and slot, in the Selected

Servers section.

Available server profiles Listed in the Available Server Profiles

section. Each available server profile is listed by both the server
profile name and associated IP address.

To assign an available server profile to a server, click on it in the

Available Server Profiles column and drag it to the slot that you want to
assign it to in the Selected Servers column. If one of the servers already
has a server profile applied, that same server profile needs to be reapplied to the server.
6. Click on the Finish button to deploy the service template.

Configuring an ESXi cluster

After UCP completes the cluster, you will need to use the vSphere Web
Client to edit the host profile that is applied to the hosts in the cluster. Not
all of these options can be seen when using the thick client.
To do this, configure the following:

Root password In the Security configuration section, select the

Configure a fixed administrator password option, and then type the
password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.

Chapter 15: Host deployment

UCP Administration Manual


Deploying and configuring Hyper-V hosts and clusters in SCVMM

Gateway In the Networking configuration > NetStack Instance >

defaultTcpipStack > IP route configuration section, type the gateway in
the Default IPv4 gateway field.

Storage In the Storage configuration > Native Multi-Pathing (NMP)

section, deselect the PSP and SATP configuration for NMP devices option
to allow the Hitachi HBA driver to manage the settings.
Because the reference host was removed, add one of the cluster members
as the reference host and re-apply the host profile to the cluster. Next,
reboot all hosts in the cluster then, from the host profile, check the cluster
for compliance.
The following is only needed if the cluster service template was not
configured to create a storage cluster or enable HA on the host cluster:

Configure the vSphere heartbeat datastores. To do this, ensure that the

cluster has at least two 10G named datastores. For more information
on creating datastores, see Creating a new cluster volume on
page 184.

Edit the cluster settings and enable HA and DRS. When enabling HA,
select the 10G heartbeat datastores that were created.

Deploying and configuring Hyper-V hosts and clusters in

After preparing networking in SCVMM, as well as the server profile, service
template, and server, you are ready to deploy and configure a Hyper-V
Note: UCP Windows Deployments configure the default page file to be a
maximum of 4GB. If your workload requires an alternate page file setting,
please see to determine what
settings are most appropriate for your workload, and then apply that
setting to each host as necessary.
This section contains instructions on:

Deploying a Hyper-V service template

Configuring Hyper-V standalone host networking
Configuring a Hyper-V cluster


Chapter 15: Host deployment

UCP Administration Manual

Deploying and configuring Hyper-V hosts and clusters in SCVMM

Deploying a Hyper-V service template

A Hyper-V service template can be used to create one or more Hyper-V
To deploy a Hyper-V service template:
1. On the Service Templates table, right-click on the Hyper-V service
template that you want to use, and then click on the Apply link.
2. Select the servers to apply the service template to then click on the
Next button.
3. Assign an available server profile to each of the selected servers. Each
selected server and available server profile is listed, as follows:

Selected servers Listed, by chassis and slot, in the Selected

Servers section.

Available server profiles Listed in the Available Server Profiles

section. Each available server profile is listed by both the server
profile name and associated IP address.

To assign an available server profile to a server, click on it in the

Available Server Profiles column and drag it to the slot that you want to
assign it to in the Selected Servers column. If one of the servers already
has a server profile applied, that same server profile needs to be reapplied to the server.
4. Click on the Next button then, on the next window:

In the Username field, type the username of a user with credentials

to add the host to SCVMM.

In the Password field, type the password that corresponds to the

indicated user.

In the Host Groups field, select the host group that the host will be
added to.

5. Click on the Finish button to deploy the service template.

Note: UCP Director does not automatically configure NIC teaming in
SCVMM. As a result, after deploying a Hyper-V template, you will need to
configure NIC teaming for the server to ensure redundant paths.

Chapter 15: Host deployment

UCP Administration Manual


Deploying and configuring Hyper-V hosts and clusters in SCVMM

If creating more than one Hyper-V host for the purpose of creating a
Hyper-V cluster, you can manually cluster them after they are deployed.
For more information on creating a Hyper-V cluster, see Configuring a
Hyper-V cluster on page 248.

Configuring Hyper-V standalone host networking

After using a service template to deploy a Hyper-V host, you will need to
configure a virtual switch on the host using the logical switch created in
SCVMM for network access. When configuring the virtual switch, add a
virtual network adapter for the each SCVMM VM network that will be
configured on the host. Only the virtual network adapter that supports the
management SCVMM VM network should have the This virtual network
adapter inherits settings from the physical management adapter setting

Configuring a Hyper-V cluster

After using a service template to deploy the Hyper-V hosts that you will
add to a cluster, you will need to prepare them for clustering, as follows:
1. Configuring cluster networking
2. Configuring the quorum drive
3. Creating the Hyper-V cluster

Configuring cluster networking

Each Hyper-V host in a cluster needs to have a virtual switch configured on
the host using the logical switch created in SCVMM for network access.
When configuring the virtual switch, add a virtual network adapter for each
SCVMM VM network that will be used on the host, as follows:

Management Select the This virtual network adapter inherits settings

from the physical management adapter setting.

Cluster and Live Migration Select and assign a static IP address to the
Additional virtual network adapters should be added to each host in the
cluster for each VM network that the cluster will use.


Chapter 15: Host deployment

UCP Administration Manual

Deploying and configuring Hyper-V hosts and clusters in SCVMM

Configuring the quorum drive

Review Microsofts best practices for a quorum drive:
If a Quorum drive will be required by the cluster:
1. Create and attach a formatted NTFS volume to one of the hosts that
will be part of the cluster. For more information on creating and
attaching a volume to a host, see Creating a new host volume on
page 181.
2. After the volume has been created, attach the volume to each
additional host that will be part of the cluster. For more information on
attaching an existing volume to a host, see Attaching an existing
volume to a host on page 182.

Creating the Hyper-V cluster

Use SCVMM to create the cluster. When creating the cluster:

Use a unique IP address that:

Is specified in a UCP IP address range that will not be used by a

service template.

Will not conflict with any IP addresses allocated to UCP IP address


When selecting storage, the smallest drive will be selected as the

quorum drive. If additional volumes have been attached, ensure that
the quorum drive is the smallest volume.

Because virtual switches were already attached to each host in the

cluster, do not specify any additional virtual switches.

Chapter 15: Host deployment

UCP Administration Manual


Deploying an ESXi standalone or non-hypervisor Windows, Linux, or custom host from a service template

Deploying an ESXi standalone or non-hypervisor

Windows, Linux, or custom host from a service template
To apply a service template to one or more servers:
1. On the Service Templates table, right-click on the service template that
you want to apply, and then click on the Apply link.
Important: When using vCenter, if the service template specifies a
formatted datastore, you can only apply the service template to one
server at a time. This is because datastore names must be unique and the
name of the datastore will have to be changed between deployments.
2. Select the servers to apply the service template to then click on the
Next button.
3. Assign an available server profile to each of the selected servers. Each
selected server and available server profile is listed, as follows:

Selected servers Listed, by chassis and slot, in the Selected

Servers section.

Available server profiles Listed in the Available Server Profiles

section. Each available server profile is listed by both the server
profile name and associated IP address.

To assign an available server profile to a server, click on it in the

Available Server Profiles column and drag it to the slot that you want to
assign it to in the Selected Servers column. If one of the servers already
has a server profile applied, that same server profile needs to be reapplied to the server.
4. Click on the Finish button to deploy the service template.

Changing an ESXi image in vCenter

When using ESXi images in vCenter, you can change the ESXi image that is
assigned to a server without applying a service template. This makes it
easy to apply an updated or test image to a server. This section contains
instructions for:

Changing the ESXi image assigned to an individual server


Chapter 15: Host deployment

UCP Administration Manual

Changing an ESXi image in vCenter

Changing the ESXi image assigned to all servers in a cluster in vSphere

Web Client
After changing the image that is assigned to a server, you will need to
restart the server to apply the image.

Changing the ESXi image assigned to an individual server

If an ESXi image is assigned to a server, the image that is assigned to that
server can be changed without having to apply a service template.
To change the ESXi image that is assigned to a server:
1. From the Servers table, right-click on the server that you want to
change the assigned image on, and then click on the Change Image link.
For more information on the Servers table, see Viewing server
inventory on page 193.
2. On the Change Image window, select the ESXi image to assign to the
3. Click on the OK button.

Changing the ESXi image assigned to all servers in a cluster in

vSphere Web Client
When using vSphere Web Client, the image that is assigned to all servers
in an ESXi cluster can be changed without having to apply a service
To change the ESXi image on all servers in a cluster:
1. From the vCenter Clusters table, right-click on the cluster that contains
the servers that you want to change the assigned image on, move the
cursor over the All Hitachi Unified Compute Platform Actions menu, and
then click on the Change Cluster Image link.
2. On the Cluster Image Update screen, select the image that you want to
3. Click on the OK button.
4. In response to the confirmation message, click on the Yes button.

Chapter 15: Host deployment

UCP Administration Manual


Changing an ESXi image in vCenter

After changing the ESXi cluster image, you can deploy the image to all
hosts in a cluster. When this happens, each host in the cluster will be put
into maintenance mode and restarted one at a time to retrieve the new
image until the image has been applied to all hosts in the cluster. To deploy
the ESXi image to all hosts in a cluster:
1. From the vCenter Clusters table, right-click on the cluster that contains
the servers that you want to change the image assigned on, move the
cursor over the All Hitachi Unified Compute Platform Actions menu, and
then click on the Deploy Cluster Image link.
2. Review the current and pending image assigned to the servers in the
cluster, and then click on the OK button.


Chapter 15: Host deployment

UCP Administration Manual

Part VI: Appendices

This part contains these appendixes:
Appendix A, Jobs, on page 255
Appendix B, Events, on page 265
Appendix C, VMware alarms, on page 329
Appendix D, VMware privileges, on page 333

UCP Administration Manual

UCP Administration Manual

This appendix lists each of the jobs that are generated by UCP Director.
The jobs listed in this appendix are grouped by category. A brief
description is included for each job.

Appendix A: Jobs
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director

UCP Director
The following table lists all of the jobs that are not directly related to the
hardware inventory.


Add Disaster Recovery Connection


Tracks the progress of adding DR connection information

Add identity pool range

Add identity pool range

Add Paired Devices to replication copy


Tracks the progress of adding paired devices for replication

Add server profile

Add server profile

Adding journal volumes to a journal

Tracks the progress of expanding a journal by adding journal

volumes to an existing journal

Aggregating ConvergedNetwork
performance data

Aggregating ConvergedNetwork performance data

Aggregating Ethernet performance


Aggregating Ethernet performance data

Aggregating Fibre Channel

performance data

Aggregating Fibre Channel performance data

Aggregating physical device

performance data

Aggregating physical device performance data

Aggregating storage journal

performance data

Aggregating storage journal performance data

Aggregating storage parity group

performance data

Aggregating storage parity group performance data

Aggregating storage pool

performance data

Aggregating storage pool performance data

Aggregating storage port

performance data

Aggregating storage port performance data

Aggregating storage processor

performance data

Aggregating storage processor performance data

Aggregating storage system

performance data

Aggregating storage system performance data

Aggregating storage volume

performance data

Aggregating storage volume performance data

Configure UCP Settings

Track the progress of configuring UCP settings

Copy update package to UCP

firmware update repository

Track progress of copying updates

Create a copy group

Tracks the progress of creating a copy group


Appendix A: Jobs
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Create a new journal

Tracks the progress of creating a new journal for replication

Delete a journal

Tracks the progress of deleting a journal

Purge UCP Director events that

exceed the retention policy

Tracks the progress of removing events from UCP Director

that exceed the data retention policy.

Purge UCP Director jobs that exceed

the retention policy

Tracks the progress of removing jobs from UCP Director that

exceed the data retention policy.

Refresh health information for all


Refresh monitor state information for all elements

Refresh performance data for

Converged switches

Refresh performance data for Converged switches

Refresh performance data for

Ethernet switches

Refresh performance data for Ethernet switches

Refresh performance data for Fibre

Channel switches

Refresh performance data for Fibre Channel switches

Refresh performance data for storage


Refresh performance data for storage system

Refresh performance for a UCP

resource type

Refresh performance data for all monitored elements

Remove identity pool range from pool

Remove identity pool range from pool

Remove paired device from

replication copy group

Tracks the progress of removing paired devices

Remove server profile

Remove server profile

Removes a copy group and all

associated paired devices

Tracks the progress of removing a copy group

Replace the saved Horcm config with

the current Horcm file

Tracks the progress of replacing the Horcm file with the last
trusted Horcm file.

Resolves CCI Server name

Tracks the progress of resolving the command control

interface server name

Restore Horcm configuration with the

last trusted configuration

Tracks the progress of reoring Horcm configuration

Set the active image update schedule

Tracks the progress of configuring the run time of a scheduled

job in UCP Director.

Update a performance counter

Update a performance counter

Update Disaster Recovery Connection


Tracks the progress of updating DR connection information

Update monitor mode

Update the monitor mode for all elements

Update server profile

Update server profile

Appendix A: Jobs
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Update SNMP configurations

Update SNMP configuration for all monitored elements

Update the copy group status

Tracks the progress of pair or split operation on a copy group

The following table lists all of the jobs that are related to Ethernet


Add Ethernet switch to inventory

Tracks the progress of adding an Ethernet switch to inventory.

Apply global VLANs to all Ethernet


Tracks the progress of applying global VLANs to all Ethernet

switches in inventory.

Change Ethernet switch SNMP


Tracks the progress of changing the SNMP security settings

and reporting mode for all Ethernet switches.

Configure Ethernet switch VLAN

settings based on a cluster

Tracks the progress of configuring the VLAN settings in an

Ethernet switch to match the VLAN settings of the indicated

Configure Ethernet switch VLAN

settings based on a host

Tracks the progress of configuring the VLAN settings in an

Ethernet switch to match the VLAN settings of the indicated

Create an Ethernet switch backup

Tracks the progress of creating an Ethernet switch backup.

Delete an Ethernet switch backup

Tracks the progress of deleting an Ethernet switch backup.

Refresh Ethernet switch inventory

Tracks the progress of discovering the network topology links

between all hosts and Ethernet switches in inventory.

Remove Ethernet switch from


Tracks the progress of removing an Ethernet switch from


Reset native VLAN for all Ethernet


Tracks progress of resetting native VLAN to applicable

Ethernet switches in inventory

Restore an Ethernet switch backup

Tracks the progress of restoring an Ethernet switch backup.

Save Ethernet switch unmanaged


Tracks the progress of updating the unmanaged ports on the

Ethernet switch.

Set the Ethernet switch backup

retention policy

Tracks the progress of setting the Ethernet switch backup

retention policy.

Turn off SNMP monitoring for Ethernet


Tracks the progress of turning off SNMP monitoring for all

Ethernet switches. Monitoring and reporting will be disabled.

Turn on SNMP monitoring and

reporting for Ethernet switches

Tracks the progress of changing the SNMP mode for all

Ethernet switches to monitoring and reporting.


Appendix A: Jobs
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Turn on SNMP monitoring only for

Ethernet switches

Tracks the progress of changing the SNMP mode for all

Ethernet switches to monitoring only. Reporting will be

Update an Ethernet switch backup

Tracks the progress of updating one or more details relating

to an Ethernet switch backup.

Update Ethernet switch connection


Tracks the progress of updating the credentials used to access

an Ethernet switch.

Update Ethernet switch features

Tracks the progress of updating the selected Ethernet switch


Update Ethernet Switch firmware

Tracks the progress of ethernet switch firmware update

Update Ethernet Switches firmware

Tracks the progress of ethernet switches firmware update

Fibre Channel
The following table lists all of the jobs that are related to Fibre Channel


Add Fibre Channel switch to inventory Tracks the progresss of adding a Fibre Channel switch to
Change Fibre Channel switch SNMP

Tracks the progress of changing the SNMP security settings

and reporting mode for all Fibre Channel switches.

Create Fibre Channel switch zones

Tracks the progress of creating one or more zones on a Fibre

Channel switch.

Delete zone on a Fibre Channel switch Tracks the progress of deleting a zone on a Fibre Channel
Refresh Fibre Channel switch

Tracks the progress of discovering the Fibre Channel topology

between the hosts, Fibre Channel switches, and storage
system in inventory.

Remove Fibre Channel switch from


Tracks the progress of removing a Fibre Channel switch from


Turn off SNMP monitoring for Fibre

Channel switches

Tracks the progress of turning off SNMP monitoring for all

Fibre Channel switches. Monitoring and reporting will be

Turn on SNMP monitoring and

reporting for Fibre Channel switches

Tracks the progress of changing the SNMP mode for all Fibre
Channel switches to monitoring and reporting.

Turn on SNMP monitoring only for

Fibre Channel switches

Tracks the progress of changing the SNMP mode for all Fibre
Channel switches to monitoring only. Reporting will be

Chapter A: Jobs
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Update Fibre Channel switch

connection information

Tracks the progress of updating the credentials used to access

a Fibre Channel switch.

Update Fibre Channel switch firmware Tracks the progress of FC switch firmware update
Update Fibre Channel switches

Tracks the progress of FC switches firmware update

Update zone on a Fibre Channel


Tracks the progress of updating a zone on a Fibre Channel


Converged network
The following table lists all of the jobs that are related to Fibre Channel


Add Converged switch to inventory

Tracks the progress of adding an Converged switch to


Refresh Converged switch inventory

Tracks the progress of discovering the network topology links

between all hosts and Converged switches in inventory.

Remove Converged switch from


Remove Converged switch from inventory

Save Converged switch unmanaged


Tracks the progress of updating the unmanaged ports on the

Converged switch.

Update Converged network features

Tracks the progress of updating the selected Converged

network features.

Update Converged switch connection


Tracks the progress of updating the credentials used to access

a Converged switch.

The following table lists all of the jobs that are related to server inventory.


Apply server profile

Apply server profile

Apply service template

Track progress of apply template

Assign pending image to a server

Tracks the progress of assigning a pending image to a server.

A manual reboot is required to apply the image.

Associate server profile

Associate server profile

Change cluster pending ESXi image

Tracks the progress of changing the ESXi image on a cluster


Chapter A: Jobs
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Change image repository

Tracks the progress of adding, updating, or removing an

image repository.

Change the SNMP settings for servers Tracks the progress of changing the SNMP security settings
and reporting mode for servers.
Clone service template

Tracks progress of template clone

Create cluster from service template

Track progress of create cluster

Create new image

Tracks the progress of creating a new image.

Create service template

Tracks progress of template creation

Delete images from image repository

Tracks the progress of deleting one or more images from


Delete service template

Tracks progress of template delete

Deploy ESXi image to a cluster

Tracks progress of deploying pending image to a cluster

Deploy image to server

Tracks the progress of rebooting the server to deploy the

pending image.

Edit image

Tracks the progress of editing an image.

Extract server profile

Extract server profile

Move server profile

Move server profile

Power off server

Tracks the progress of powering off a server.

Power on server

Tracks the progress of powering on a server.

Refresh image inventory

Tracks the progress of scanning image repositories for

changed content and refreshing image inventory.

Refresh server inventory

Tracks the progress of refreshing the server inventory.

Removing server profile from server

Removing server profile from server

Reset server

Tracks the progress of resetting a server.

Set a default image for a server type

Tracks the progress of setting the default image that will be

applied to a server type. This will set the pending image of all
servers of the server type unless the server has a unique
image applied directly to it. A manual reboot is required to
apply the image to servers of the server type.

Set image update notification

recipient address

Tracks the progress of updating the recipient address that

image update notifications will be sent to.

Turn off server LID

Tracks the progress of turning off the server LID (Location

Identifier LED).

Turn off SNMP monitoring for servers

Tracks the progress of turning off SNMP monitoring for all

servers. Monitoring and reporting will be disabled.

Chapter A: Jobs
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Turn on server LID

Tracks the progress of turning on the server LID (Location

Identifier LED).

Turn on SNMP monitoring and

reporting for servers

Tracks the progress of changing the SNMP mode for all

servers to monitoring and reporting.

Turn on SNMP monitoring only for


Tracks the progress of changing the SNMP mode for all

servers to monitoring only. Reporting will be disabled.

Unassociate server profile

Unassociate server profile

Update active images

Tracks the progress of scanning all active images for updates.

When updates are found, the active image will be cloned and
the cloned image will be updated with the available updates.
This task can be run manually or on a user-defined schedule.

Update chassis and server firmware

Tracks the progress of chassis and server firmware update

Update chassis firmware

Tracks the progress of chassis firmware update

Update HCSM connection information

Tracks the progress of updating the HCSM location and


Update host name

Tracks the progress of updating a host name

Update server boot type

Tracks the progress of updating the server boot type.

Update server firmware

Tracks the progress of server firmware update

Update service template

Tracks progress of template update

The following table lists all of the jobs that are related to storage inventory.


Attach an existing volume to a cluster Tracks the progress of attaching an existing volume to all
hosts in a cluster.
Attach an existing volume to a host

Tracks the progress of attaching an existing volume to a host.

Change storage system SNMP


Tracks the progress of changing the SNMP security settings

and reporting mode for storage.

Create a new HTI Volume

Create a new HTI Volume

Create a new volume

Tracks the progress of creating a new volume in a pool. This

volume is not attached to a host or a cluster.

Create a new volume and attach it to

a cluster

Tracks the progress of creating a new volume and attaching it

to all hosts in a cluster.

Create a new volume and attach it to

a host

Tracks the progress of creating a new volume and attaching it

to a host.


Chapter A: Jobs
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Delete a volume

Tracks the progress of deleting a volume.

Detach a volume from a cluster

Tracks the progress of detaching a volume from all hosts in a


Detach a volume from a host

Tracks the progress of detaching a volume from a host.

Expand the size of an existing volume Tracks the progress of expanding the size of an existing
Refresh storage inventory

Tracks the progress of refreshing the storage inventory.

Resync storage element manager

inventory for the storage system

Tracks the progress of resyncing the storage inventory with

the storage system

Turn off SNMP monitoring for storage

Tracks the progress of turning off SNMP monitoring for

storage. Monitoring and reporting will be disabled.

Turn on SNMP monitoring and

reporting for storage

Tracks the progress of changing the SNMP mode for storage

to monitoring and reporting.

Turn on SNMP monitoring only for


Tracks the progress of changing the SNMP mode for storage

to monitoring only. Reporting will be disabled.

Update HDvM connection information

Tracks the progress of updating the HDvM location and


Chapter A: Jobs
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director


Chapter A: Jobs
UCP Administration Manual

This appendix lists each of the events that can be triggered by UCP
Director. The events listed in this appendix are grouped by category. A
brief description is included for each event.

Appendix B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director

UCP Director
The following table lists all of the events that are not directly related to the
hardware inventory.


Recommended action

AMQP Server {IpAddress} encounters a

nonrecoverable issue.


Contact the system administrator.

An unauthorized access exception occurred while

accessing {packagename}.



An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact

system administrator and report exception: {id}.



An unexpected error occurred while copying the

update package: {errormessage}



Cannot access UCP database.


Contact the system administrator.

Cannot authenticate with {element}. Please verify

the credentials.


Contact the system administrator.

Cannot connect to the AMQP service at {ipAddress}

using provided credentials. Make sure user
{username} exists and has been granted the
appropriate permissions.


Please check the AMQP service

and verify the credentials.

Cannot find event: {eventId}.


Contact the system administrator.

Cannot find job: {jobId}.


Contact the system administrator.

Cannot find Virtual Manager: {virtualManagerId}.


Contact the system administrator.

Connected successfully to the AMQP service at IP

Address: {ipAddress}.



Contacting {elementType} with IP address:

{switchIP} to configure SNMP.



Corrupted event record. Target:

{targetType}:{targetId}. Message:
{messageId}{arguments}. Error:



Could not register {elementType} for SNMP

monitoring as IP address: {ipAddress} is already
registered for {elementType}



Could not register {elementType} for SNMP




Could not register {elementType} for SNMP




Could not resolve host name: {HostName} as DNS

resolution failed.




Appendix B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Could not unregister element for SNMP monitoring



Could not unregister element for SNMP monitoring



Failed to communicate with the AMQP service at IP

Address: {ipAddress}. {ErrorMessage}.


Please check the AMQP service

and verify the credentials.

Failed to configure SNMP for {elementType} with IP

address: {switchIP}.


Check UCP inventory settings for

the failed switch or switches.

Failed to configure SNMP on {numberFailed} out of

total {totalNumber} of {resourceType} devices. The
list of failed device Ids is {failedDeviceIds}


Contact the system administrator.

Failed to remove SNMP configuration from

{elementType} with IP address: {switchIP}



Failed to send/receive test message to AMQP.


Please check the AMQP service

and verify the credentials.

Formatted volume {volumeid} is still mounted on

host {hostname}.


Unmount the formatted volume in

the hypervisor manager and retry
detach operation.

Monitor service fails to discover inventory from

Orchestrator service: {resourceUrl}


Contact the system administrator.

Monitor service fails to gather performance data from

replication manager: {resourceUrl}



Monitor service fails to refresh performance:



Contact the system administrator.

Monitoring service is not responding


Contact the system administrator.

New resource created: Id='{id}', Resource type:

'{resourceType}', global id='{globalId}'.



No such element manager: {elementmanagerid}.



Path '{remotepath}' not found.



Performance data aggregation failed for

{resourceType} due to alreadying running
aggregation thread



Performance data aggregation failed for

{resourceType} SQL Message: {message}


Contact the system administrator.

Platform is not supported: Product={product}

Version={version} Build={build}


Contact the system administrator.

Registration of Hitachi Unified Compute Platform

(UCP) extension at {uri} succeeded.



Remove SNMP configuration from {elementType} for

switch with IP address: {switchIP}.



Appendix B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Requested resource not found: {resource}.



Resource created with Id: {resourceId}.



ResourceType {resourceType}, GlobalId {globalId},

Metric {metricName} at {metricCurrentValue} is
within the threshold limits:
TooLowWarning={tooLowWarning}; Damping is


Contact the system administrator.

ResourceType {resourceType}, GlobalId {globalId},

Metric {metricName} at {metricCurrentValue}
violates the defined error thresholds:
TooLowWarning={tooLowWarning}; Damping is


Contact the system administrator.

ResourceType {resourceType}, GlobalId {globalId},

Metric {metricName} at {metricCurrentValue}
violates the defined warning thresholds:
TooLowWarning={tooLowWarning}; Damping is


Contact the system administrator.

SNMP data collection authentication failed for switch

{ipAddress}, authentication protocol use:


Contact the system administrator.

Snmp data collection error: Switch {ipAddress}

doesn't recognize oids: [{oids}].


Contact the system administrator.

SNMP data collection failed for switch {ipAddress}.

Failed to retrieve Oids: {oids}


Contact the system administrator.

SNMP data collection privacy validation failed for

switch {ipAddress}, privacy protocol used is


Contact the system administrator.

Specified resource cannot be found. Resource Type:

'{element}', Resource Id: '{IdOrName}'.



Starting now, no configuration changing tasks will be

allowed on UCP for the duration of the update.



Starting update for UCP settings



Succeeded in configuring SNMP on {elementType}

with IP address: {switchIP}.




Appendix B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Succeeded in removing SNMP configuration from

{elementType} for switch with IP address:



System error has occurred.


Contact the system administrator.

The state of monitoring for this element is already set

to the desired state.



UCP Inventory information is inconsistent with actual



Please wait for all relevant tasks

to finish, perform a refresh and
then retry the operation.

UCP is waiting for jobs with job IDs: {jobids} to finish

before starting the update.



UCP Monitoring Service failed to start.


Please verify UCP Director and

SQL Server database are working
then retry.

UCP Monitoring Service started.



UCP restarted; task aborted.



UCP Scheduled Job: {jobType} has been updated to

run {dayOfWeek} of every week at {time}.



UCP Scheduled Job: {jobType} has been updated to

run daily at {time}.



UCP Scheduled Job: {jobType} not found.


Please check the job type.

UCP Scheduled Job: {jobType} updated to run with

an interval type of {intervalType} and interval value
of {intervalValue}.



UCP Scheduled Job:{jobType} has been updated to

run day {dayOfMonth} of every month at {time}.



UCP Scheduler Service fail to start scheduled job:



Please verify UCP Director and

SQL Server database are working
then retry.

UCP Scheduler Service failed to start.


Please verify UCP Director and

SQL Server database are working
then retry.

UCP Scheduler Service started.



UCP Scheduler Service stopping.



Unable to delete resource {resourceId} from UCP



Please retry the task. If it fails

again, contact the system

Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Unable to update record for {nameOrId} from UCP



Please retry the task. If it fails

again, contact the system

Unknown event: {eventname} found.



Update has finished, UCP can now be used to perform

configuration changing operation.



Update job timed out while waiting for following UCP

jobs: {jobIds} to finish.


Please wait for all tasks to finish

and try to run updates again.

Update of AMQP settings has failed as the settings are

invalid. Please check the settings and try again.



Update of UCP settings has failed.



Update of UCP settings successfully completed.



Update to the account used by Hitachi Unified

Compute Platform (UCP) extension at {uri}



Virtual platform manager (id={virtualManagerId}) is




Waiting for host to deploy after successful firmware

update of the server {serverid}.



The following table lists all of the events that are related to Ethernet


Recommended action

{Count} blowers for Ethernet Switch ({IpAddress})

are failed or missing. Replace failed or missing blower
assemblies immediately.


Contact the System Administrator

to replace the affected Hardware.

{Count} fan Field Replaceable Unit(s) (FRU) for

Ethernet Switch ({IpAddress}) are missing. Install
fan FRUs immediately.


Contact the System Administrator

to install the affected Hardware.

A feature license is expired on Ethernet switch with IP

address {IpAddress}.


Contact the system administrator.

A feature license of Ethernet switch with IP address

{IpAddress} will expire on {expiryDate}.


Contact the system administrator.

A software crash occurred on Ethernet switch with IP

address {IpAddress}.


Contact the system administrator.

Add Ethernet switch to inventory failed.




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

An Ethernet switch with the following IP address

already exists in inventory: {ipAddress}.



An operation is already in progress for Ethernet

switch {IpAddress}



An operation is already in progress for Ethernet

switch {IpAddress}



Authentication failure occurred for Ethernet switch

with IP address {IpAddress}.


Contact the system administrator.

Cannot access on-boarded switch with IP address:

{ipAddress}. Stored credentials are no longer valid.



Cannot configure VLAN on the Ethernet Switch with IP

Address: {ipaddress} as the port {portID} connected
to host {hostname} is marked unmanaged



Cannot find backup {backupId} of Ethernet switch




Cannot on-board switch with IP address:

{ipAddress}. Provided credentials are invalid.



Cannot on-board switch with IP Address:

{ipAddress}. Switch is Unsupported.



Cannot perform this action when Host/Cluster

Network Configuration feature is disabled.



Cannot update SNMP user: {user} for Ethernet

switch: {ipAddress} as the user is a ssh user for the



Cannot upgrade aggregate switch

{aggregateIpAddress}, because access switch
{accessIpAddress} does not have a redundant
ethernet path.



Cannot upgrade aggregate switch

{aggregateIpAddress}, because access switch
{accessIpAddress} does not have Port Association
Feature enabled. Please enable the Port Association
Feature on the following interfaces: {portList}.



Cold recovery failed for Ethernet switch

({IpAddress}). Error code: {ReturnCode}



Converged Switch with IP address: {ipAddress} is in

Initializing state.


Please wait for all relevant tasks

to finish, perform a refresh and
then retry the operation.

Current temperature: {MeasuredTemperature} (C)

for Ethernet Switch ({IpAddress}) is below shutdown
threshold. System shutdown cancelled.


Contact the system administrator.

Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Discovery protocol was enabled on Ethernet switch




Discovery protocol was not enabled on Ethernet

switch {IpAddress}.


Contact the system administrator.

Ethernet switch ({IpAddress}) Field Replaceable Unit

(FRU): {FRUId} failed to power on.


Contact the system administrator.

Ethernet switch ({IpAddress}) Field Replaceable Unit

(FRU): {FRUId} failed transition to {state} state.


Contact the system administrator.

Ethernet switch ({IpAddress}) Field Replaceable Unit

(FRU): {FRUId} has faulted. Sensors are above
maximum limits.


Contact the system administrator.

Ethernet switch ({IpAddress}) Field Replaceable Unit

(FRU): {FRUId} has faulted. Sensors are below
minimum limits.


Contact the system administrator.

Ethernet switch ({IpAddress}) Field Replaceable Unit

(FRU): {FRUId} has unknown hardware identifier.
FRU faulted.


Contact the system administrator.

Ethernet switch ({IpAddress}) Field Replaceable Unit

(FRU): {FRUId} is overheating. The unit is shutting


Contact the system administrator.

Ethernet switch ({IpAddress}) Field Replaceable Unit

(FRU): {FRUId} powered down unexpectedly.


Contact the system administrator.

Ethernet switch ({IpAddress}) Field Replaceable Unit

(FRU): {FRUId} set to faulty. Return code:


Contact the system administrator.

Ethernet switch {IpAddress} added to inventory.



Ethernet switch {IpAddress} configured successfully

with Global VLAN range: {GlobalVlanRange}.



Ethernet switch {IpAddress} configured successfully

with native VLAN range: {NativeVlan}.



Ethernet switch {IpAddress} does not exist in




Ethernet switch {IpAddress} failed to configure

VLANs as the switch is in Initializing state.



Ethernet switch {IpAddress} is unreachable.



Ethernet switch {IpAddress} removed from inventory. Info


Ethernet switch {IpAddress} state changed to





Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Ethernet switch {switchId} had more unpinned

backups than the retention policy allowed
({totalNumberOfBackupPerSwitch}). The following
unpinned backups have been removed: {backupIds}.


Ethernet switch {var1} was restarted.



Ethernet switch VLAN settings for cluster:

{clusterName} updated.



Ethernet switch with IP address {IpAddress} is going

to shutdown. The shutdown reason is



Ethernet switch with IP address {IpAddress} was

warm restarted with no configuration changes.



Ethernet Switch with IP address: {ipAddress} is in

Initializing state.


Please wait for all relevant tasks

to finish, perform a refresh and
then retry the operation.

Ethernet Switch with IP address: {ipAddress} is not




Ethernet switch with IP address: {targetIpAddress}

was detected when trying to update switch
information for switch with IP address: {ipAddress}.



Failed backup Ethernet switch {switchId}. This switch

has reached the maximum number of pinned backups



Failed to backup Ethernet switch {switchId}.



Failed to read SFP transceiver for interface

{InterfaceName} of the Ethernet Switch



Failed to refresh Ethernet switch inventory details for

connected host(s) on retry refresh operation.



Failed to refresh Ethernet switch inventory details for

connected host(s).



Failed to refresh Ethernet switch inventory on a retry

refresh operation.



Failed to refresh Ethernet switch inventory.



Failed to remove backup {backupId} of Ethernet

switch {switchid}.



Failed to remove port channel interface:

{PortChannelInterface} for Ethernet switch



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Failed to restore backup {backupId} on Ethernet

switch {switchid}.



Failed to update backup {configurationId} of Ethernet

switch {switchid}.



Failed to update Ethernet features.



Failed to update Ethernet switch ({IpAddress}) Field

Replaceable Unit (FRU) {FRUId} information.



Failed to update the Ethernet switch backup retention

policy as some Ethernet switches have more number
of pinned backups. The current maximum number of
pinned backups allowed is
({maxNumberOfPinnedBackup}):. The following
Ethernet switches meet the current maximum:



Failed to update the Ethernet switch backup retention

policy to {totalNumberOfBackupPerSwitch} unpinned
and {maxNumberOfPinnedBackup} pinned backups
per Ethernet switch.



Failed to update the Ethernet switch backup retention

policy. The following Ethernet switches have more
backups than {totalNumberOfBackupPerSwitch}.List
of switches - {listOfSwitchIds}.



Failed to update the Ethernet switch backup retention

policy. The total number of backups per Ethernet
switch must be less than or equal to



Failures while resetting Global VLAN range.



Failures while resetting native VLAN.



Field Replacable Unit {FRUId} for the Ethernet Switch

({IpAddress}) is being powered off (based on the
user configuration) upon receiving a hardware ASIC
error. Reason: {FaultReason}


Contact the system administrator.

Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) or Switch {FRUId} with

interface module {InterfaceModuleId} may not be
supported on the Ethernet Switch ({IpAddress}).
Check firmware version as a possible cause.


Contact the system administrator.

Firmware update failed for Ethernet Switch with IP

Address: {ipAddress}. Detailed error message:


Manual intervention is required.

Please contact system
administrator to troubleshoot the
component update failure and
update it manually if required.


Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Firmware update started for Ethernet Switch with IP

Address: {ipAddress}. Switch will be rebooted after
the firmware download.



Firmware update will not be started for Ethernet

Switch with IP Address: {ipAddress} as the switch
failed validation checks.



Interface {InterfaceName} IP of the Ethernet Switch

({IpAddress}) overlap with management IP


Contact the system administrator.

Interface {InterfaceName} of the Ethernet Switch

({IpAddress}) is auto-enabled by edge loop detection



Interface {InterfaceName} of the Ethernet Switch

({IpAddress}) is shut down by edge loop detection
(ELD) for loop in VLAN {VlanId}.


Contact the system administrator.

Interface module on slot {SlotIdentifier} for Ethernet

Switch ({IpAddress}) is shutting down.


Contact the system administrator.

Invalid port name: {portName}.



Invalid VLAN range is provided to configure for

Ethernet switch {IpAddress}. VLAN range should be
between {ValidVlanRange}.



Invalid VLAN(s) found for host: {host}. Only trunk

VLANs in range {vlanrange} are allowed. Please go to
vCenter and fix the VLAN configuration.



inventory updated for Ethernet switch {IpAddress}



Link down command issued for down links on

Ethernet Switch with IP Address: {ipAddress}



Link down failed for down links on Ethernet Switch

with IP Address: {ipAddress}



Link up command issued for the down links on

Ethernet Switch with IP Address: {ipAddress}



Link up failed for down links on Ethernet Switch with

IP Address: {ipAddress}



LinkDown event received from Ethernet switch {var1}

on port {ifIndex}. The desired admin status for this
port is {ifAdminStatus} and operational status is
{ifOperStatus}. The following device(s) will
experience connectivity issues: {var2}.


Ensure that the desired

administration status of the port
and the operation status are the

Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

LinkDown event received from Ethernet switch {var1}

on port {ifIndex}. The desired admin status for this
port is {ifAdminStatus} and operational status is
{ifOperStatus}. There are no devices connected to
the port.



LinkUp event received from Ethernet switch {var1}

on port {ifIndex}. The desired admin status for this
port is {ifAdminStatus} and operational status is
{ifOperStatus}. Connectivity will be reestablished
with the following devices(s): {var2}.



LinkUp event received from Ethernet switch {var1}

on port {ifIndex}. The desired admin status for this
port is {ifAdminStatus} and operational status is
{ifOperStatus}. There are no devices connected to
the port.



Measured temperature: {MeasuredTemperature} (C)

for Ethernet Switch ({IpAddress}) exceeds
environmental specifications.


Contact the system administrator.

Measured Temperature: {MeasuredTemperature} (C)

for Ethernet Switch ({IpAddress}) exceeds system
temperature limit. System will be shutting down in 2


Contact the system administrator.

Network subsystem is initializing


Contact the system administrator.

No such switch: {switchid}.



No switch found for SNMP configuration



No VLANs configured for host: {hostName}.



On-boarded switch with IP Address: {ipAddress}

become unresponsive or is now Unsupported.



One of the Blower for Ethernet Switch ({IpAddress})

has either failed or is missing. Replace failed or
missing blower assembly immediately.


Contact the System Administrator

to replace the affected Hardware.

Port {portNumber} Chip of the Ethernet Switch

({IpAddress}) faulted due to internal error.


Contact the system administrator.

Port {portNumber} of the Ethernet Switch

({IpAddress}) has faulted because of many link


Contact the system administrator.

Port channel configuration {PortChannelInterface}

defined on Ethernet switch {IpAddress}.



Port channel configuration failed on Ethernet switch



Contact the system administrator.


Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Port channel interface: {portChannelInterface}

updated for Ethernet switch {IpAddress}



Port: {PortNumber} for Ethernet Switch

({IpAddress}) has timed out due to incompatible
inactivity. Timeout value: {DeadTimeout}, correct
value: {Value}.


Contact the system administrator.

Received unexpected power down for Ethernet switch

({IpAddress}) Field Replaceable Unit (FRU):
{FRUId}. But cannot determine if it has power.



Received unexpected power down for Ethernet switch

({IpAddress}) Field Replaceable Unit (FRU):
{FRUId}. But FRU still has power.



Running configuration of Ethernet switch with IP

address {IpAddress} is changed from CLI
(TerminalType: {terminalType}).



Server:{serverid} does not have a redundant

ethernet path.


Please check the Ethernet

switches in the UCP inventory and
make sure that they are all
healthy and reachable.

SNMP configuration updated for Ethernet switch




Snmp Password is not strong enough for Ethernet

switch {IpAddress}. Password should contain
characters from at least three of the following
classes: lower case letters, upper case letters, digits
and special characters.



Spanning tree protocol (STP) was enabled and

configured for the Ethernet switch {IpAddress}.



Speed for Ethernet Switch ({IpAddress}) Blower:

{BlowerNumber} is below threshold. Measured
speed: {MeasuredSpeed} (RPM)


Contact the system administrator.

Status of a port with Port Number: {portNumber} on

Ethernet switch {IpAddress} was changed to


Contact the system administrator.

Successfully created backup {backupId} of Ethernet

switch {switchId}. This backup is pinned.



Successfully created backup id {backupId} of

Ethernet switch {switchId}. This backup is unpinned.



Successfully disabled Host Network Configuration




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Successfully enabled Host Network Configuration




Successfully marked backup {backupId} of Ethernet

switch {switchid} as pinned.



Successfully marked backup {backupId} of Ethernet

switch {switchid} as unpinned.



Successfully obtained host(s) information.



Successfully refreshed Ethernet switch inventory.



Successfully removed pinned backup {backupId} of

Ethernet switch {switchid}.



Successfully removed the SNMP configuration from

Ethernet switch {IpAddress}.



Successfully removed unpinned backup {backupId}

of Ethernet switch {switchid}.



Successfully reset global VLAN range:




Successfully reset native VLAN : {NativeVlan}.



Successfully restored backup {backupId} on Ethernet

switch {switchid}.



Successfully updated firmware for Ethernet Switch

with IP Address: {ipAddress}



Successfully updated the description of backup

{backupId} of Ethernet switch {switchId}.



Successfully updated the Ethernet switch backup

retention policy. The total number of backups per
Ethernet switch is {totalNumberOfBackupPerSwitch}
and the maximum number of pinned backups per
Ethernet switch is {maxNumberOfPinnedBackup}.



Successfully updated unmanaged ports for Ethernet

switch {IpAddress}.



Switch port {PortNumber} of the Ethernet Switch

({IpAddress}) is disabled. Reason: {DisableReason}


Contact the system administrator.

Temperature of interface module on slot

{SlotIdentifier} for Ethernet Switch ({IpAddress}) is
high. Measured Temperature:
{MeasuredTemperature} (C). Unit will be shut down
in 2 minutes if temperature remains high.


Contact the system administrator.


Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

The following Ethernet switches have more unpinned

backups than the updated retention policy allows
({totalNumberOfBackupPerSwitch}): {switchId}.
Unpinned backups in excess of the retention policy
will be removed.



The following host(s)/device(s): {devices} might lose

connectivity due to deletion of the switch.



The host: {host} has invalid number of uplinks. UCP

requires atleast two uplinks for each host attached to
the same virtual switch or virtual distributed switch.



The overall status of UCP's Ethernet resources is now

Critical. View UCP's Status Monitor for more


Contact the Network


The overall status of UCP's Ethernet resources is now

Not Applicable. View UCP's Status Monitor for more



The overall status of UCP's Ethernet resources is now




The overall status of UCP's Ethernet resources is now

Unknown. View UCP's Status Monitor for more


Contact the Network


The overall status of UCP's Ethernet resources is now

Warning. View UCP's Status Monitor for more


Contact the Network


The VLAN configuration for host: {host} on uplinks do

not match with each other. {vlanMismatchMessage}.
Please go to vCenter and fix the VLAN configuration.



There is no firmware update available for Ethernet

switch with IP Address: {ipAddress}



Turning off Fan {fanNumber} of the Ethernet Switch

({IpAddress}) because of airflow direction mismatch.


Contact the system administrator.

UCP requires that there should be an access switch

connected to the aggregate switch with IP address:



UCP requires that there should be an aggregate

switch connected to the access switch(s) with IP
address: {IpAddress}.



UCP requires that two access switches in active state

should be connected to the host: {hostName}



Unable to configure spanning tree protocol (STP) for

Ethernet switch {IpAddress}



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Unable to remove SNMP configuration for Ethernet

switch {IpAddress}. Please remove the SNMP
configuration manully from the Ethernet switch.



Unable to retrieve Ethernet switch details from UCP

database. Please contact UCP system administrator.



Unable to retrieve platform information



Unable to update Ethernet switch VLAN settings for

Cluster: {clusterName}.



Unable to update the SNMP configuration for Ethernet

switch {IpAddress}.



Unit in the Slot number or Ethernet Switch {UnitId}

with Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) {FRUID} is faulted.
It is incompatible with the {incompatibilityType}
configuration. Check firmware version as a possible


Contact the system administrator.

Update started for the Ethernet switch path rooted at

switch with IP Address: {ipAddress}



VLANs for Ethernet Switch with IP address:

{IpAddress}, port: {PortNumber} were configured to
match the VLANs {vlans} on the host: {HostName}.



VLANs: {uplinkVlans} on host: {hostName} uplink

port: {uplink} vlans do not match the connected
Ethernet switch {IpAddress}. Switch port: {portId}
has VLANs: {portVlans}. Host will not be able to
communicate on mismatched VLANs



Warm recovery failed for Ethernet switch

({IpAddress}). Return code: {ReturnCode}



Fibre Channel
The following table lists all of the events that are related to Fibre Channel


Recommended action

{Count} blowers are failed or missing. Replace failed

or missing blower assemblies immediately.


Contact the System Administrator

to replace the affected Hardware.

{Count} fan Field Replaceable Unit(s) (FRU ) are

missing. Install fan FRUs immediately.


Contact the System Administrator

to install the affected Hardware.

{Count} fan FRUs failed. Replace failed fan FRUs



Contact the System Administrator

to replace the affected Hardware.


Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

{Count} fans are faulty.


Contact the system administrator.

{FailureCount} fans are out of service. System is

going to shut down immediately.


Contact the system administrator.

A Fibre Channel switch with IP address: {ipAddress}

already exists in the inventory.


Please ensure that the switch IP

address and credentials are

All fan Field Replaceable Unit(s) FRUs missing. Install

fan FRUs immediately.


Contact the System Administrator

to install the affected Hardware.

All fans failed. Replace failed fan FRUs immediately.


Contact the System Administrator

to replace the affected Hardware.

All Fibre Channel switch ports are offline.


Contact the system administrator.

An unknown error occurred at Fibre Channel Switch

with IP address: {ipaddress}


Unknown error. Please check the

configuration then try again.

An unknown error occurred for Fibre Channel zone:



Unknown error. Please check the

configuration then try again.

Authentication and privacy username for Fibre

Channel Switch must be between 2 and 32 characters



Authentication password for Fibre Channel Switch

must be between 1 and 20 characters.



Authentication protocol: {TypeAuth} and privacy

protocol: {TypePrivacy} are an unsupported



Commit zone database size: {ZoneDbSize} is larger

than supported size: {MaxZoneDbSize}.


Contact the system administrator.

Created/reused the following Fibre channel zone(s):

{ZoneName} for the following fabric: {FabricName}.



Current temperature: {MeasuredTemperature} (C) is

below shutdown threshold. System shutdown


Contact the system administrator.

Domain: {DomainNumber} has a maximum zone

database size of {MaxZoneDbSize}.


Contact the system administrator.

Domain: {DomainNumber} has lowest memory

available for the zone database in the fabric.


Contact the system administrator.

Failed to access monitoring service at Fibre Channel

switch. Confirm that monitoring service is running.



Failed to add or configure SNMP for one or more Fibre

Channel switches.



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Failed to remove the Fibre Channel zone or Host

Storage Domains.



Failed to update firmware for Fibre Channel Switch

with IP Address: {ipAddress}. Detailed error
message: {errormessage}.


Contact the system administrator.

Fan {FanNumber} is faulty.


Contact the system administrator.

Fan is not faulty.



Fan: {FanNumber} has faulted. Measure speed:

{MeasuredSpeed} (RPM) is above threshold.


Contact the system administrator.

Feature Management Information Base (MIB):

{Mibname} on Fibre Channel switch with IP address:
{switchipaddress} was disabled. UCP has restored
the MIB capabilities.



Fibre Channel Switch blower: {BlowerNumber} has

faulted. Measured voltage: {MeasuredVoltage} is
above threshold. Nominal Voltage: {NominalVoltage}.

Contact the system administrator.

Fibre Channel Switch blower: {BlowerNumber} has

faulted. Measured voltage: {MeasuredVoltage} is
below threshold. Nominal Voltage: {NominalVoltage}.

Contact the system administrator.

Fibre Channel switch cold recovery failed. Error code:



Contact the system administrator.

Fibre Channel switch Field Replaceable Unit ( FRU ):

{FRUId} has faulted. Sensors are below minimum


Contact the system administrator.

Fibre Channel switch Field Replaceable Unit ( FRU ):

{FRUId} powered down unexpectedly.


Contact the system administrator.

Fibre Channel switch Field Replaceable Unit ( FRU ):

{FRUId} set to faulty. Return code: {ReturnCode}.


Contact the system administrator.

Fibre Channel switch Field Replaceable Unit (FRU ):

{FRUId} failed to power on.


Contact the system administrator.

Fibre Channel switch Field Replaceable Unit (FRU ):

{FRUId} has faulted. Sensors are above maximum


Contact the system administrator.

Fibre Channel switch Field Replaceable Unit (FRU ):

{FRUId} sensors have exceeded the maximum limit.
The unit is being reset.


Contact the system administrator.

Fibre Channel switch Field Replaceable Unit (FRU):

{FRUId} failed transition to {state} state.


Contact the system administrator.

Fibre Channel switch Field Replaceable Unit (FRU):

{FRUId} is overheating. The unit is shutting down.


Contact the system administrator.


Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Fibre Channel Switch with IP Address : {ipAddress} is

not healthy.



Fibre Channel Switch with IP address: {ipAddress}

added to inventory.



Fibre Channel Switch with IP Address: {IPAddress}

could not be removed from inventory.


Contact the system administrator.

Fibre Channel Switch with IP address: {IPAddress}

has been removed from inventory.



Fibre Channel switch with IP address: {ipAddress}

has been updated.



Fibre Channel Switch with IP address: {ipaddress} is




Fibre Channel Switch with IP address: {ipaddress}

was found to be in an inconsistent state (i.e. The
make/model/serial number of the switch is
inconsistent with UCP records).


Verify the IP address and retry

the operation. If that does not
work, remove the switch from
inventory then add the switch
back to inventory.

Fibre Channel zone(s): {zonename} could not be

created, edited, or deleted.



Fibre Channel zone(s): {zonename} have been

created, updated, or removed successfully.



Field Replaceable Unit: {FRUId} is no longer faulted.



Firmware update started for Fibre Channel Switch

with IP Address: {ipAddress}.



Firmware update will not be started for Fibre Channel

Switch with IP Address: {ipAddress} as it failed the
validation checks.



High temperature warning time has expired. System

is preparing to shutdown.


Contact the system administrator.

High temperature warning time has expired. System

preparing for shutdown. Measured Temperature:
{MeasuredTemperature} (C).


Contact the system administrator.

Measured temperature: {MeasuredTemperature} (C)

exceeds environmental specifications.


Contact the system administrator.

Measured Temperature: {MeasuredTemperature} (C)

exceeds system temperature limit. System will be
shutting down in 2 minutes.


Contact the system administrator.

Merged zone database exceeds limit.


Contact the system administrator.

Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Mismatch in Power Supply Unit (PSU) fan air flow

direction. Replace PSU with fan air flows in same
direction. System will be shut down in 2 minutes.


Contact the system administrator.

Mismatch in Power Supply Unit(PSU) fan air flow

direction. System is shutting down.


Contact the system administrator.

No fans are faulty.



No such fabric: {fabricid}.



No such zone: {zone} present in fabric.



No such zone: {zone}.



One fan Field Replaceable Unit(s) FRU missing. Install

fan FRU immediately.


Contact the System Administrator

to install the affected Hardware.

One fan has failed. Replace failed fan Field

Replaceable Unit (FRU )immediately.


Contact the System Administrator

to replace the affected Hardware.

One of the blower has either failed or is missing.

Replace failed or missing blower assembly


Contact the System Administrator

to replace the affected Hardware.

One or more Fibre Channel zones are of an

unsupported configuration and cannot be managed by


Create or delete zones manually

through Fibre Channel switch tool
or SSH/Telnet interface.

One or more Fibre Channel zones for server:

{serverid} are of an unsupported configuration and
cannot be managed by UCP.


Create or delete zones manually

through Fibre Channel switch tool
or SSH/Telnet interface.

One or more zones could not be created on the Fibre

Channel Fabric.


Create or delete zones manually

through Fibre Channel switch tool
or SSH/Telnet interface.

One or two fans have failed. Replace failed fan Field

Replaceable Unit(s) (FRU) immediately.


Contact the System Administrator

to replace the affected Hardware.

Port fault occurred for port: {portNumber}.


Contact the system administrator.

Port selection does not meet UCP requirements.


Please input ports that meet UCP

requirements. You must select at
least one even numbered and one
odd numbered port for each

Port: {portNumber} has faulted because of many link



Contact the system administrator.

Port: {PortNumber} has timed out due to

incompatible inactivity. Timeout value:
{DeadTimeout}, correct value: {Value}.


Contact the system administrator.


Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Power and fan speeds are not available from the

Power supply/Fan unit:
{CombofanAndpowersupplyunitnumber}. Please
ensure that the unit has power and the switch is
powered on.


Contact the system administrator.

Power Supply Unit (PSU) fan Field Replaceable Units

(FRU) air flow matched. System shutdown canceled.



Privacy password for Fibre Channel Switch must be

between 1 and 20 characters



Received unexpected power down for Fibre Channel

Switch Field Replaceable Unit: {FRUId} but {FRUId}
still has power.


Contact the system administrator.

Received unexpected power down for Field

Replaceable Unit: {FRUId}, but cannot determine if it
has power.


Contact the system administrator.

Required license: {LicenseName} is missing.


Contact the system administrator.

Rescan failed for Fibre Channel switch with IP

Address: {ipAddress}.



Rescan of storage topology failed.



Rescan retry failed for Fibre Channel switch with IP

Address: {ipAddress}.


Please check switch inventory and

retry operation.

Rescan succeeded for Fibre Channel switch with IP

Address: {ipAddress}.



Server:{serverid} does not have a redundant Fibre

Channel path. Each Fibre Channel path should be in a
separate fabric.



Slot: {SlotNumber} has faulted. Voltage is above

threshold. Nominal Voltage: {NominalVoltage}.
Measured Voltage: {MeasuredVoltage}.


Contact the system administrator.

Slot: {SlotNumber} has faulted. Voltage is below

threshold. Nominal Voltage: {NominalVoltage}.
Measured Voltage: {MeasuredVoltage}.


Contact the system administrator.

Slot: {SlotNumber} has high measured temperature:



Contact the system administrator.

Slot: {SlotNumber} is shutting down.


Contact the system administrator.

SNMP configuration for switch or switches with IP

address(s): {IpAddress} failed.



SNMP configuration for switch with IP address:

{IpAddress} updated.



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

SNMP not configured properly on Fibre Channel

switches: {ipAddress2}.



Speed for fan: {FanNumber} with sensor:

{SensorNumber} is below threshold. Measured
speed: {MeasuredSpeed} (RPM).


Contact the system administrator.

Speed for Fibre Channel switch blower:

{BlowerNumber} is above threshold. Measured
speed: {MeasuredSpeed} (RPM).


Contact the system administrator.

Speed for Fibre Channel switch blower:

{BlowerNumber} is below threshold. Measured
speed: {MeasuredSpeed} (RPM)


Contact the system administrator.

Status of a port with Port Number: {portNumber} on

Fibre Channel switch with IP address:
{switchipaddress} was changed to {portStatus}.


Contact the system administrator.

Successfully updated firmware for Fibre Channel

Switch with IP Address: {ipAddress}.



Switch name for Fibre Channel Switch with IP

address: {ipAddress} changed to switch name:



Switch port: {PortNumber} disabled. Reason for

disabling: {DisableReason}.


Contact the system administrator.

System is within normal temperature specifications.

Measured Temperature: {MeasuredTemperature} (C).


Temperature sensors failed. Service immediately.


Contact the system administrator.

The Default Zone access mode is set to All Access.



The Default Zone access mode is set to No Access.


Contact the system administrator.

The effective configuration has been disabled:



Contact the system administrator.

The IP address of Fibre Channel switch or switches

that were not added to inventory are: {ipAddress1}.


Please check switch inventory and

retry operation.

The overall status of UCP's Fibre Channel resources is

now Critical. View UCP's Status Monitor for more


Contact the Storage


The overall status of UCP's Fibre Channel resources is

now Not Applicable. View UCP's Status Monitor for
more information.



The overall status of UCP's Fibre Channel resources is

now Ok.




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

The overall status of UCP's Fibre Channel resources is

now Unknown. View UCP's Status Monitor for more


Contact the Storage


The overall status of UCP's Fibre Channel resources is

now Warning. View UCP's Status Monitor for more


Contact the Storage


The specified initiator World Wide Name (WWN ):

{initiatorwwn} and target WWN: {targetwwn} are
not in the same fabric.


Please check that the specified

initiator WWN and target WWN
reside in the same fabric.

The specified World Wide Name(s) (WWN): ({wwn})

could not be found in the fabric ID(s): ({fabricIds})



The specified zone name(s): {zonenames} within the

fabric(s): {fabricname} is not unique.


Please provide a unique identifier

and retry the operation.

The warning time for faulty fan has expired. System is

now preparing to shutdown.


Contact the system administrator.

There is no firmware update available for Fibre

Channel switch with IP Address: {ipAddress}



Transaction Commit failed. Reason code:

{ReasonCode} {ApplicationReason} {ReasonString}.


Contact the system administrator.

Two circuit paired power supplies are faulty. Please

check the {SwitchSide} AC main switch/circuit to see
if it has power.


Contact the system administrator.

Two fan FRUs missing. Install fan FRUs immediately.


Contact the System Administrator

to install the affected Hardware.

Two fans failed. Replace failed fan Field Replaceable

Unit(s) (FRU) immediately.


Contact the System Administrator

to replace the affected Hardware.

UCP could not connect to Fibre Channel switch with IP

address: {ipAddresss}.


Contact the system administrator.

UCP Director requires exactly two Fibre Channel

fabrics to perform zoning operations. Number of
fabric(s): {numberOfFabrics}, fabric information:


Please check the UCP Fibre

Channel switch inventory to
ensure that all switches have
been added to inventory.

UCP identified Fibre channel fabrics with the same ID:

{fabricId} with fabric information: {fabricInfo}. UCP
requires exactly two fabrics with distinct IDs to
properly perform zoning operations.


Please check the UCP Fibre

Channel switch inventory to
ensure that all switches have
been added to inventory.

UCP identified that Zone ID: {zonedid} may be a

zone for an existing path and cannot be modified or
deleted. Please detach volume before deleting this



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

UCP inventory details have expired for Fibre Channel

switches as the cache refresh failed.


Check UCP inventory settings for

the failed switch or switches.

UCP requires that there should be an core switch

connected to the edge switch(s) with IP address:



UCP requires that there should be edge switch(s)

connected to the core switch with IP address:



UCP requires that two edge switches in active state

should be connected to the host: {hostName}



Unable to allocate memory for configuration file

{ConfigFileName}. Error message


Contact the system administrator.

Unable to connect to Fibre Channel Switch with IP

address: {ipAddress}. Please validate the following 1)IP address is correct. 2)Credentials are correct. 3)
Fibre Channel switches have been on-boarded. 4)
Network connectivity is available.


Please ensure that the switch IP

address and credentials are

Unable to create a zone for at least one of the hosts in

the Cluster.



Unable to create configuration file: {ConfigFileName}.

Error message: {SystemErrorMessage}.


Contact the system administrator.

Unable to discover host port adapter(s): ({portIds})

on UCP fabric.


Please check that the specified

initiator WWN is a UCP host and
that the host is online and has
active operating system. Perform
fiber channel switch refresh if
host is online and operation still
fails with this error.

Unable to examine configuration file:

{ConfigFileName}. Error message


Contact the system administrator.

Unable to read contents of configuration file:

{ConfigFileName}. Error message:


Contact the system administrator.

Unable to update SNMP configuration for Fibre

Channel switch with IP Address: {IpAddress}. Error
Message: {ErrorFromSwitch}



Unable to update SNMP configuration for switch with

IP address: {IpAddress}.



Unstable link detected during merge at port:



Contact the system administrator.


Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Update started for the Fibre channel switch path

rooted at switch with IP Address: {ipAddress} in
fabric: {fabricName}



Using backup temperature sensor. Service



Contact the system administrator.

Warm recovery failed. Return code: {ReturnCode}.


Contact the system administrator.

Zone member(s): ({wwns}) do not exist in the fabric:

{fabricId}. UCP requires that all zone members exist
in the fabric to complete the operation.


Create or delete zones manually

through Fibre Channel switch tool
or SSH/Telnet interface.

Converged network
The following table lists all of the events that are related to Fibre Channel


Recommended action

A Converged switch with the following IP address

already exists in inventory: {ipAddress}.



A feature license is expired on Converged switch with

IP address {IpAddress}.


Contact the system administrator.

A feature license of Converged switch with IP address

{IpAddress} will expire on {expiryDate}.


Contact the system administrator.

A software crash has occurred on the Converged

switch with IP address {IpAddress}.


Contact the system administrator.

Add Converged switch to inventory failed.



An operation is already in progress for Converged

switch {IpAddress}



An operation is already in progress for the Converged

switch {IpAddress}



Authentication failure occurred for Converged switch

with IP address {IpAddress}.


Contact the system administrator.

Cannot access on-boarded switch with IP address:

{ipAddress}. Stored credentials are no longer valid.



Cannot on-board switch with IP address:

{ipAddress}. Provided credentials are invalid.



Cannot on-board switch with IP Address:

{ipAddress}. Switch is Unsupported.



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Cannot update SNMP user: {user} for Converged

switch: {ipAddress} as the user is a ssh user for the



Converged Network subsystem is initializing


Contact the system administrator.

Converged switch ({IpAddress}) Field Replaceable

Unit (FRU): {FRUId} failed to power on.


Contact the system administrator.

Converged switch ({IpAddress}) Field Replaceable

Unit (FRU): {FRUId} has unknown hardware
identifier. FRU faulted.


Contact the system administrator.

Converged switch ({IpAddress}) Field Replaceable

Unit (FRU): {FRUId} is overheating. The unit is
shutting down.


Contact the system administrator.

Converged switch {IpAddress} added to inventory.



Converged switch {IpAddress} does not exist in




Converged switch {IpAddress} failed to configure

VLANs as the switch is in Initializing state.



Converged switch {IpAddress} is unreachable.



Converged switch {IpAddress} removed from




Converged switch {IpAddress} state changed to




Converged switch {var1} was restarted.



Converged switch VLAN settings for cluster:

{clusterName} updated.



Converged switch with IP address {IpAddress} is

going to shutdown. The shutdown reason is



Converged switch with IP address {IpAddress} was

warm restarted with no configuration changes.



Converged switch with IP address: {targetIpAddress}

was detected when trying to update switch
information for switch with IP address: {ipAddress}.



Discovery protocol was enabled on Converged switch




Discovery protocol was not enabled on Converged

switch {IpAddress}.


Contact the system administrator.

Failed to refresh Converged switch inventory details

for connected host(s) on retry refresh operation.




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Failed to refresh Converged switch inventory details

for connected host(s).



Failed to refresh Converged switch inventory on a

retry refresh operation.



Failed to refresh Converged switch inventory.



Failed to remove port channel interface:

{PortChannelInterface} for Converged switch



Failed to update Converged network features.



Invalid port name: {portName}.



inventory updated for Converged switch {IpAddress}



LinkDown event received from Converged switch

{var1} on port {ifIndex}. The desired admin status
for this port is {ifAdminStatus} and operational status
is {ifOperStatus}. The following host(s) will
experience connectivity issues: {var2}.


Ensure that the desired

administration status of the port
and the operation status are the

LinkDown event received from Converged switch

{var1} on port {ifIndex}. The desired admin status
for this port is {ifAdminStatus} and operational status
is {ifOperStatus}. There are no hosts connected to
the port.



LinkUp event received from Converged switch {var1}

on port {ifIndex}. The desired admin status for this
port is {ifAdminStatus} and operational status is
{ifOperStatus}. Connectivity will be reestablished
with the following host(s): {var2}.



LinkUp event received from Converged switch {var1}

on port {ifIndex}. The desired admin status for this
port is {ifAdminStatus} and operational status is
{ifOperStatus}. There are no hosts connected to the



No switch found for SNMP configuration



On-boarded switch with IP Address: {ipAddress}

become unresponsive or is now Unsupported.



Port channel configuration {PortChannelInterface}

defined on Converged switch {IpAddress}.



Port channel configuration failed on Converged switch



Contact the system administrator.

Port channel interface: {portChannelInterface}

updated for Converged switch {IpAddress}



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Running configuration of Converged switch with IP

address {IpAddress} is changed from CLI
(TerminalType: {terminalType}).



SNMP configuration updated for Converged switch




Snmp Password is not strong enough for the

Converged switch {IpAddress}. Password should
contain characters from at least three of the following
classes: lower case letters, upper case letters, digits
and special characters.



Spanning tree protocol (STP) was enabled and

configured for the Converged switch {IpAddress}.



Status of a port with Port Number: {portNumber} on

Converged switch {IpAddress} was changed to


Contact the system administrator.

Successfully obtained host(s) information.



Successfully refreshed Converged switch inventory.



Successfully removed the SNMP configuration from

Converged switch {IpAddress}.



Successfully updated unmanaged ports for Converged

switch {IpAddress}.



The following host(s)/device(s): {devices} might lose

connectivity due to deletion of the switch.



The overall status of UCP's ConvergedNetwork

resources is now Critical. View UCP's Status Monitor
for more information.


Contact the Network


The overall status of UCP's ConvergedNetwork

resources is now Not Applicable. View UCP's Status
Monitor for more information.



The overall status of UCP's ConvergedNetwork

resources is now Ok.



The overall status of UCP's ConvergedNetwork

resources is now Unknown. View UCP's Status Monitor
for more information.


Contact the Network


The overall status of UCP's ConvergedNetwork

resources is now Warning. View UCP's Status Monitor
for more information.


Contact the Network


UCP requires that there should be an access switch

connected to the aggregate switch with IP address:




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

UCP requires that there should be an aggregate

switch connected to the access switch(s) with IP
address: {IpAddress}.



Unable to configure spanning tree protocol (STP) for

Converged switch {IpAddress}



Unable to remove SNMP configuration for Converged

switch {IpAddress}. Please remove the SNMP
configuration manully from the Converged switch.



Unable to retrieve Converged switch details from UCP

database. Please contact UCP system administrator.



Unable to retrieve platform information



Unable to update Converged switch VLAN settings for

Cluster: {clusterName}.



Unable to update the SNMP configuration for

Converged switch {IpAddress}.



The following table lists all of the events that are related to server


Recommended action

{HCSM} cannot be reached. No Server actions can be

executed at this time.


Contact the system administrator.

{hostname} has boot volume already attached.


Please detach and delete attached

volumes and try again.

A {trapAlertLocation} has failed to power off.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

A {trapAlertLocation} has failed to power on.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

A {trapAlertLocation} has failed to power reset.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

A {trapAlertLocation} has powered off.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

A {trapAlertLocation} has powered on.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

A {trapAlertLocation} power off request issued.



A {trapAlertLocation} power on request issued.



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

A {trapAlertLocation} power reset request issued.



A {trapAlertLocation} reset power request issued.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

A CPU temperature alert occurred in a

{trapAlertLocation}. Message: {trapAlertContent}.


The CPU may need replacement.

A CPU temperature warning occurred in a

{trapAlertLocation}. Message: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

A driver could not be injected while applying service

template {templateName} to server {serverId}
because the driver package was inaccessible.



A server blade partition for a {trapAlertLocation} has

experienced a critical event. Event text:


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

A server blade partition for a {trapAlertLocation} has

experienced a warning event. Event text:


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

A server blade partition for a {trapAlertLocation} has

recovered from an error. Event text:



A system configuration error is detected in a

{trapAlertLocation}, serial number
{serverSerialNumber} (UUID = {serverUuid}).


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Added new image repository location(s)

'{repositoryName}'. However, the location(s) could
not be accessed at this time. Ensure the location(s)
are specified correctly and are accessible.



Adding a reference host to virtual switch failed in




Applied image {imageName} to server {serverId} for

OS deployment.



Apply service template failed to apply network



Please resolve the issue and try to

apply template again.

Apply service template failed to deploy operating



Please resolve the issue and try to

apply template again.

Applying host profile failed in vCenter.



Applying serverprofile {serverprofileid} to server

{serverid} failed



Applying serverprofile {serverprofileid} to server

{serverid} started




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Applying serverprofile {serverprofileid} to server

{serverid} succeeded



Applying service template failed.



Applying service template(s) succeeded.



Applying service template: {servicetemplateid}




Applying service template: {servicetemplateid}




Applying service template: {servicetemplateid}




Associated Server Profile {serverprofileid} with server




Associating Server Profile {serverprofileid} from

server {serverid} failed



At least 2 datastore volumes should be provided to

SDRS enabled cluster.



At least two virtual machines have the same UUID:

{uuid}. Name of one of the virtual machines is


Please consult VMware

documentation to resolve the
conflict and then try the operation

Attaching some volume(s) failed during cluster




Attempting to validate identities applied by server

profile to server {serverid}.



Auto deploy did not load the expected image:




Autodeploy rule for server(s) {serverId} could not be




Boot image is missing or empty.



Boot mode change failed for server {serverId}

because at least one volume is attached.


Ensure there are no volumes

attached to the server and try

Boot type could not be changed for the following

servers {serverUuid}.



Boot unattend file validation failed.


Please resolve the issue and try to

apply template again.

Cannot access Image Unattend or kickstart files.


Place file in Temp folder with

appropriate privileges.

Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Cannot create image: {imageName}.


Please retry the task. If it fails

again, contact the system

Cannot delete image: {imageName}.


Please retry the task. If it fails

again, contact the system

Cannot edit image: {imageName}.


Please retry the task. If it fails

again, contact the system

Cannot find image name in boot unattend file

'{filepath}' for server {serveruuid}.



Cannot perform image operation as image inventory

is out of sync. Please wait for all image jobs to finish,
refresh the page and try again.



Cannot reserve boot lun for server {serveruuid}.



Cannot retrieve value from database.



Cannot trigger refresh for server inventory as a

refresh is already in progress.



Cannot update host name for server: {ipAddress} as

the name provided for the server is not unique.



Cannot use Formatted Volume name {name} as the

provided name is already in use.


Please provide a unique identifier

and retry the operation.

Chassis {chassisId} has stabilized after a warning or

error. Event text: {trapAlertContent}



Chassis {chassisId} reported a power supply warning

from a {trapAlertLocation}. Event text:


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported a rotational speed issue

with the cooling fan in slot {trapSlotNumber}. Event
text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported a temperature alert

event. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported a temperature warning

event. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check chassis ventilation and the

lab air conditioning.

Chassis {chassisId} reported a voltage alert event.

Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported a voltage warning

event. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.


Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Chassis {chassisId} reported a warning event from

module {trapModuleIdentifier} in slot
{trapSlotNumber}. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported a warning event from

the cooling fan in slot {trapSlotNumber}. Event text:


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported a warning event from

the management module in slot {trapSlotNumber}.
Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported a warning event. Event

text: {trapAlertContent}


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported an alert from module

{trapModuleIdentifier} in slot {trapSlotNumber}.
Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported an alert from the

cooling fan in slot {trapSlotNumber}. Event text:


The component may need to be

replaced. Contact hardware

Chassis {chassisId} reported an alert from the

management module in slot {trapSlotNumber}. Event
text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported an error event. Event

text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported that a cooling fan in slot

{trapSlotNumber} has failed to power on. Event text:


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported that a power supply has

stabilized. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.



Chassis {chassisId} reported that module

{trapModuleIdentifier} in slot {trapSlotNumber} has
been installed. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.



Chassis {chassisId} reported that module

{trapModuleIdentifier} in slot {trapSlotNumber} has
been removed. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.



Chassis {chassisId} reported that module

{trapModuleIdentifier} in slot {trapSlotNumber} has
restored redundancy. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.



Chassis {chassisId} reported that module

{trapModuleIdentifier} in slot {trapSlotNumber} has
stabilized after a warning or error. Event text:



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Chassis {chassisId} reported that module

{trapModuleIdentifier} in slot {trapSlotNumber}
lacks redundancy. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported that power supply

capacity is insufficient. Event text:


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported that the cooling fan in

slot {trapSlotNumber} has stabilized. Event text:



Chassis {chassisId} reported that the management

module in slot {trapSlotNumber} has failed to power
on. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported that the management

module in slot {trapSlotNumber} has stabilized.
Event text: {trapAlertContent}.



Chassis {chassisId} reported that the power supply

module in slot {trapSlotNumber} failed to power on.
Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported that the switch module

in slot {trapSlotNumber} has experienced a warning
event. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported that the switch module

in slot {trapSlotNumber} has failed to power on.
Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported that the switch module

in slot {trapSlotNumber} has powered off. Event text:



Chassis {chassisId} reported that the switch module

in slot {trapSlotNumber} has reset. Event text:



Chassis {chassisId} reported that the temperature

has stabilized. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.



Chassis {chassisId} reported that the total number of

cooling fans is insufficient. Event text:


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported that the total number of

power supply modules is insufficient. Event text:


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reported that voltage has

stabilized. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Chassis {chassisId} reported the rotational speed of

the cooling fan in slot {trapSlotNumber} has
normalized. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reports a power supply alert from

a {trapAlertLocation}. Event text:


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reports AC input has stabilized.

Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reports an AC input error. Event

text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reports an AC loss error. Event

text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reports that a switch module has

experienced a critical error. Event text:


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Chassis {chassisId} reports that the switch module in

slot {trapSlotNumber} has stabilized. Event text:



Chassis firmware update has timed out for server:



Please make sure the firmware

update is complete before
launching other operations.

Cluster {clusterId} with virtual manager at

{platformUrl} cannot be managed by UCP



Cluster creation failed because virtual distributed

switch could not be created.



Cluster HA and/or DRS configuration was not



Please refer to the hypervisor

manager messages for more info.

Cluster HA and/or DRS configuration was successful.



Completed applying service template

{templateName} to server {serverId}.



Compliance failed for created host profile.



Configuring Ethernet switch port failed.



Configuring Ethernet switch port was successful.



Copying service template: {servicetemplateid} failed



Copying service template: {servicetemplateid}




Copying service template: {servicetemplateid}




Could not add auto deploy rule.



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Could not create auto deploy rule for servertype:




Could not create auto deploy rule.



Could not delete auto deploy rule for image:




Could not find provided image when applying service



Please resolve the issue and try to

apply template again.

Couldn't change boot type for server {serverId}

because the SAN and server have inconsistent volume


Some zones on the fibre channel

switchs, or HSDs (Host Storage
Domains) in the SAN may have
been changed or deleted. Please
remove all zones and HSDs
associated with this server, and
try again.

CPU temperature has stabilized in a

{trapAlertLocation}. Message: {trapAlertContent}.



Creating and attaching some volume(s) failed during

cluster creation.



Creating server profile started



Creating service template failed



Creating service template started



Creation of cluster {clusterName} failed.



Error accessing {serverUuid} HBA BIOS information

from HCSM.


Please resolve the issue and try to

apply template again.

Error trying to add host with IP Address: {ipAddress}

to System Center.



Error updating UCP database with new boot type for

server {serverId}.


Contact the system administrator.

Extract server profile failed since switch has invalid

native vlan value: {nativevlan} for port: {portvalue}



Extracting server profile failed since native VLANs are

not the same for the chosen CNA physical port
configuration: {message}



Extracting server profile failed since switch

connectivity is unavailable



Extracting server profiles failed



Extracting server profiles failed since switch does not

have native VLAN stored for few of the physical ports:




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Extracting server profiles started



Extracting server profiles succeeded



Failed to acquire lock to set image unattend file.


Please try applying template

again later.

Failed to add OS deploymentrecord to database.



Failed to backup Dhcp Configuration.



Failed to change server LID state. Response from

HCSM: {hcsmLidStateChangeResult}.


Contact the system administrator.

Failed to configure native VLAN for host(s)



Contact the system administrator.

Failed to configure WDS for server(s) {serverUuids}.


Please resolve the issue and try to

apply template again.

Failed to create and attach boot volume to server:




Failed to create auto deploy rule for server {serverid} Warning


Failed to create server profile.



Failed to execute server profile deployment steps

successfully for server: {serverid}



Failed to get Vlan information for Windows hyper-V

host {hostName} (ID ={hostId})



Failed to obtain 4 WWNs required for boot volume.


Please resolve the issue and try to

apply template again.

Failed to Power on the server after Profile was




Failed to put host: {hostname} in maintenance mode. Error

Check to see if settings on the

host allow for the VMs to be
migrated to a different host.
Alternately, shutdown the VMs
and migrate them to a separate

Failed to read corresponding IP address for given MAC

addresses: {addresses} from DHCP config



Failed to read or write to boot menu service template



Please resolve the issue and try to

apply template again.

Failed to receive postbacks from server(s)



Please resolve the issue and try to

apply template again.

Failed to remove auto deploy rule for server




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Failed to remove server {serverUuid} from WDS

prestaged device list.



Failed to send image update notification email as

SMTP configuration is missing.



Failed to send image update notification regarding

image: {imageName} to one or more recipients:



Failed to send image update notification regarding

image: {imageName} to recipient: {recipientEmails}.


Failed to update file: {filename}



Failed to update firmware for chassis: {chassisid}.

Detailed error message: {errormessage}.


Manual intervention is required.

Please contact system
administrator to troubleshoot the
component update failure and
update it manually if required.

Failed to update firmware for server: {serverId}.

Detailed error message: {errormessage}.


Manual intervention is required.

Please contact system
administrator to troubleshoot the
component update failure and
update it manually if required.

Failed to update host name for server: {serverUuid}

to {name}.



Failed to update host: {hostName} cache.



Failed to update host: {hostName} information in

server cache.



Failed to update hosts' caches.



Failed to update Server inventory information.



Failed to update server's cache.



Fatal error received from Windows Deployment

Services when applying service template
{templateName} to server {serverId}.



Firmware update started for chassis: {chassisid}.



Firmware update started for file: {filename}.



Firmware update started for server: {serverid}.

Server may be rebooted after the firmware download.


Health monitor failed to start.


Please check UCP logs for more


Health Monitor successfully started.




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Host {hostId} cannot be found with virtual manager

at {platformUrl}



Host {hostId} with virtual manager at {platformUrl}

cannot be managed by UCP



Host name for server: {serverUuid} was successfully

updated to {name}.



Host was added to platform but UCP does not expect

it to be added to platform. Remove host from
platform and utilize service templates to deploy
platform operating system.



Host with IP Address {ipAddress} successfully added

to System Center.



Host(s): {hostName} do not see the volume is




Identity {identityValue} is already in use by server

profile {serverprofileName}.


Please remove server profile and

try the operation again.

Identity pool range {identityPoolRangeId} is in use as

one or more identities from it are referenced in server



Image {imageName} transferred to server

{serverId} for OS deployment.



Image name must be unique



Image post-apply actions completed for server




Image unattend file validation failed.


Please resolve the issue and try to

apply template again.

Image Unattend or kickstart file is malformed.


Please refer to documentation for

format guidelines.

Image(s) added to UCP inventory: {imageName}



Image(s) removed from UCP inventory:




Image: {imageName} removed successfully.



Image: {imageName} saved successfully.



Invalid configuration. Current image cannot be null

for host: {hostname}.


Please wait for all relevant tasks

to finish, perform a refresh and
then retry the operation.

Invalid management vlanid was specified. Please

provide valid integer value.



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Invalid media URL from kickstart file {kickstartfile}:

The provided URL is not in the correct format.
Expected absolute URL.


Please check that provided media

URL is valid and uses either http
or https protocol.

Invalid media URL scheme from kickstart file

{kickstartfile}: The provided URI scheme '{scheme}'
is invalid; expected 'http' or 'https'.



Invalid service template type



Invalid user credentials were provided for server

{serveruuid} in boot unattend file '{filepath}'.


Please ensure that the provided

credentials are correct.

Ip address {ipAddress} is already in use.



Kickstart file validation failed.


Please resolve the issue and try to

apply template again.

LID state change request has been sent to Server Id:

{serverUuid} with serial number:



Mac address {macAddress} is already in use.



MAC settings in server profile do not match with the

MAC settings in server to apply the server profile



Missing media URL from kickstart file {kickstartfile}.



Missing native vlan Id while extracting server profile



Missing native vlan Id while extracting server profile




Moving serverprofile {serverprofileid} to server

{serverid} failed



Moving serverprofile {serverprofileid} to server

{serverid} started. Source server wont boot till the
profile is unassociated.



Moving serverprofile {serverprofileid} to server

{serverid} succeeded



Multiple Ip addresses found for server: {serverid} in

DHCP config



New image: {newImageName} created based on

original image: {originalImageName}.



New service template {templatename} was

successfully created.



New service template {templatename} was

successfully created.



No such cluster: {clusterid}.


Please select a valid cluster and



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Number of CNA ports in Server Profile does not match

with the number of CNA ports in server to apply the
server profile



Only images made by UCP can be set as default.



Operation is not allowed on server(s) {serverUuids}

as it has storage volume(s) attached to it.


Ensure there are no volumes

attached to the server and try

OS deployment failed and rollback was performed.



OS deployment failed for {serverUuid} or completion

was not reported correctly.


Please login to server and verify if

operating system is installed. If
operating system is not installed
then try to apply template again.

OS deployment of image {imageId} failed for the

following servers {serverUuids}.



OS deployment of image {imageName} successfully




Postback script section in kickstart file {kickstartfile}

does not match as per requirement at line number



Power CLI error event occurred. Power CLI Error

Message: {powerCliErrorMessage}.



Power control has failed on a {trapAlertLocation}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

PowerCli error event occurred.


Please check logs for more


Provided identity {identityValue} is already in use by

other server profile.



Provided IP Address is either already in use or IP

Addresses in pool range are not enough to satisfy this



Provided MAC Address is either already in use or MAC

Addresses in pool range are not enough to satisfy this



Provided media URL {url} is not accessible. Please

ensure that is it correct and is accessible.



Provided WWN Address is either already in use or

WWN Addresses in pool range are not enough to
satisfy this request.



Putting host: {hostname} in vCenter maintenance




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Raw Volume(s) cannot be added to SDRS enabled




Removal of server profile {serverprofileid} failed with

errormessage: {errormessage}



Removed server profile {serverprofileid}



Removing server profile {serverprofileid} started



Removing server profile from server {serverid} failed. Error


Removing server profile from server {serverid}




Removing server profile from server {serverid}




Removing service template: {servicetemplateid}




Removing service template: {servicetemplateid}




Removing service template: {servicetemplateid}




Request to change the LID state for Server Id:

{serverUuid} with serial number:
{serverSerialNumber} timed-out.



Request to change the power state of server Id:

{serverUuid} with serial number:
{serverSerialNumber} timed-out.



Request to change the power state of server with

serial number: {serverSerialNumber} (UUID =
{serverUuid}) failed. The resulting status from HCSM
is: {hcsmPowerStateChangeResult}


Contact the system administrator.

Required postback section was not found in kickstart

file {kickstartfile}.



SCP Management IP Address is missing.



Sent a request to power {PowerAction} server Id:

{serverUuid} with serial number:



Server {serverId} boot type changed to {bootType}.



Server {serverId} boot type changed to Custom.



Server {serverId} could not download the boot

program from the TFTP server while applying service
template {templateName}.




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Server {serverid} is already undergoing deployment.

Please try once the deployment is finished



Server {serverId} is not updated with settings from




Server firmware update has timed out for server:



Please make sure the firmware

update is complete before
launching other operations.

Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} CPU has been disabled in a
{trapAlertLocation}. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


The component may need to be

replaced. Contact hardware

Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} experienced a correctable CPU
error in a {trapAlertLocation}. Event text:



Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} experienced a critical error on
{trapAlertLocation}. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} has a memory DIMM disabled
in a {trapAlertLocation}. Event text:


The component may need to be

replaced. Contact hardware

Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} has a non maskable interrupt
on {trapAlertLocation}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} has a number of correctable
CPU errors which surpassed a warning threshold in a
{trapAlertLocation}. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


The component may need to be

replaced. Contact hardware

Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} has a number of correctable
memory errors which surpassed a warning threshold
in a {trapAlertLocation}. Event text:


The component may need to be

replaced. Contact hardware

Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} has a warning event on
{trapAlertLocation}. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} has a watchdog timer expired
on {trapAlertLocation}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} has an uncorrectable CPU
error in a {trapAlertLocation}. Event text:


The component may need to be

replaced. Contact hardware

Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} has detected a link down error.
Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} has detected a link down
warning. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} has detected a link has
reconnected. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.


Check Hitachi Compute System

Manager (HCSM) for more details.

Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} has experienced a correctable
memory error in a {trapAlertLocation}. Event text:



Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} has experienced an
uncorrectable error in a {trapAlertLocation}. Event
text: {trapAlertContent}.


The component may need to be

replaced. Contact hardware

Server Id: {serverUuid} with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} has normal status reported by
{trapAlertLocation}. Event text: {trapAlertContent}.



Server must be powered off to perform detach

operation on boot volume.



Server profile {serverProfileName}'s {identityType}

identity is in use by other server {serverId}.


Please apply other profile to

server or remove profile from
server and then try the operation

Server profile: {serverprofileid} has multiple native

VLANs found



Server(s) {serveruuid} are already in use by other

service template.



Server(s) {serveruuid} are already in use by other

service template.



Service template {templateid} deletion failed.



Service template {templatename} already exists.


Please check template inventory

and provide unique template

Service template {templatename} creation failed.



Service template {templatename} update failed.



Specified EsxiStateless image {imageid} cannot be



Please check that provided image

exists and is of type


Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Specified locale(s) is not supported.



Please check input parameters

and correct them appropriately.

Started applying service template {templateName}

to server {serverId}.



Started OS deployment of image {imageName} for




Started to apply service template {templatename} to

cluster {clustername}.



Started using Virtual Distributed Switch {vdsName}

for cluster.



Storage cluster creation failed.



Storage cluster creation was successful.



Storage Configuration was successful.



Storage operations are not supported for host

{hostuuid}. Ensure host is turned on and visible to



Succeeded in changing the power state of server Id:

{serverUuid} with serial number:
{serverSerialNumber}. HCSM status:



Successfully added IP address pool range



Successfully added reference host to vSphere

Distributed Switch.



Successfully applied host profile to all hosts in the




Successfully changed server LID state. HCSM

response: {hcsmLidStateChangeResult}.



Successfully cloned service template

{templatename1} and created new service template



Successfully configured image {imageid} for cluster.



Successfully configured network on a server(s)




Successfully created base host profile {hostProfile}

for cluster.



Successfully created cluster{clustername}.



Successfully created server profile.



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Successfully created Virtual Distributed Switch

{vdsName} for cluster.



Successfully deleted service template




Successfully removed IP Address pool range



Successfully removed server profile.



Successfully removed server profile.



Successfully update Dhcp Config.



Successfully updated file: {filename}.



Successfully updated firmware for chassis:




Successfully updated firmware for server: {serverId}



Successfully updated HCSM information.



Successfully updated server profile.



Successfully updated service template

{templatename} information.



Successfully updated service template

{templatename} information.



Successfully validated identities applied to server

{serverid} from profile {profilename}.



Switch connectivity unavailable for server: {serverid} Error


The credentials passed in are not valid. Please pass

valid domain credential.



The host: {host} has non-redundant configuration

settings for one or more virtual switch/virtual
distributed switch. UCP requires atleast two uplinks
for each host attached to the same virtual switch/
virtual distributed switch.



The overall status of UCP's Compute resources is now

Critical. View UCP's Status Monitor for more


Contact the Compute


The overall status of UCP's Compute resources is now

Not Applicable. View UCP's Status Monitor for more



The overall status of UCP's Compute resources is now





Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

The overall status of UCP's Compute resources is now

Unknown. View UCP's Status Monitor for more


Contact the Compute


The overall status of UCP's Compute resources is now

Warning. View UCP's Status Monitor for more


Contact the Compute


The raw volume {volumeId} cant be attached to

server {serverId} because the server is configured to
boot ESXi.



The request restful API is not implemented yet.



The selected image is already scheduled to be loaded

upon next reboot.



The selected image is already the default for server

type: {serverType}.



The selected server must be in Maintenance Mode

before executing the specified power operation.



The server {serverId} was not able to be removed

from vCenter host inventory.



The supplied server type: {serverType} could not be

found. Supported server type(s) include



The UUID of a hyper-V host retrieved from SCVMM

(name = {name}, id ={id}) is not set.



There are duplicate packages in the request.



There is a duplicate repository location:

{repositoryLocation} in the request.



There were network connectivity issues detected.


Contact the Network


There were storage connectivity issues detected.


Contact the Storage


To edit or delete an image, the image must be created

by UCP.



To edit or delete an image, the image must not be in

use by any servers.



UCP could not configure WDS to use image unattend



Please resolve the issue and try to

apply template again.

UCP could not update the inventory details for server.



UCP credentials used do not have sufficient

permissions to access WDS RemoteInstall folder.



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

UCP did not receive WDS events.


Please resolve the issue and try to

apply template again.

UCP failed to backup DHCP configuration file.



UCP failed to read DHCP configuration file.



UCP failed to restart DHCP Service.



UCP failed to start DHCP Service.



UCP failed to stop DHCP Service.



UCP failed to update DHCP configuration file.



UCP has reset server with serial number:

{serverSerialNumber} (UUID = {serverUuid}). Auto
deploy will now load ESXi. This could take a few


Please access console via the

Servers table to view progress.

UCP has successfully updated the inventory for




UCP inventory details for server have expired.


Please wait for all relevant tasks

to finish, perform a refresh and
then retry the operation.

UCP Scheduled Job {jobType} has been updated to

never run.



UCP Scheduled Job: {jobType} has been updated to

run in every {time} minutes.



Unable to contact repository or repositories:




Unable to create or apply the host profile. Please

check that the host profile is not currently attached to
any of the targeted hosts and try again.



Unable to create updates for the following image(s):




Unable to discover server port adapter(s):

({portIds}) on UCP fabric.


Please check that the specified

initiator WWN is a UCP host and
that the host is online and has
active operating system. Perform
fiber channel switch refresh if
host is online and operation still
fails with this error.

Unable to export the new image: {imageName}.



Unable to get network connectivy for server.


Please check that provided server

has network connectivity on
ethernet ports and switch can see
this server.


Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Unable to obtain unique LUN number for provided

server {serverUuid}.



Unable to read CNA settings from HCSM.



Unable to read contents of file: {FileName}. Error

message: {ErrorMessage}.



Unable to read contents of file: {FileName}. Error

message: {ErrorMessage}.



Unable to retrieve datacenters from the Platform

Manager. Ensure that datacenter(s) exist in the
Platform Manager and try again.



Unable to retrieve Mezzanine card slot number for

server {serverid}.



Unable to update HCSM information. Please validate

that the service URL, application URL, username, and
password are correct.



Unassociate server profile started for server




Unassociated Server Profile {serverprofileid} from

server {serverid}



Unassociating Server Profile {serverprofileid} with

server {serverid} failed



Update repository locations are not defined.



Updating host name is only supported on server with

custom boot type. Please check boot type and try



Updating host profile from host failed in vCenter.



Updating server profile {serverprofileid} failed



Updating server profile {serverprofileid} started



Updating server profile {serverprofileid} succeeded



Updating service template: {servicetemplateid} failed Error


Updating service template: {servicetemplateid}




URL: {URL} cannot be reached.


Verify the URL to ensure it is

accurate and/or check that UCP
has network access to the URL.

Volume {volumeId} attached to server {serverId}.



Volume sharing is not allowed across disparate

operating systems



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Volume(s) {LdevList} cannot be shared across

disparate operating systems.



Windows Deployment Services issued a DDP request

warning while applying service template
{templateName} to server {serverId}.



Windows Deployment Services reported that a driver

could not be injected when applying service template
{templateName} to server {serverId}.



Wwn address {wwnAddress} is already in use.



Wwn settings in server profile do match with the

settings in server inorder to apply the server profile



The following table lists all of the events that are related to storage


Recommended action

A cache module at location {CacheLocation} in

storage array: {StorageArrayName} has experienced
a blocking event that reduced the amount of available


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

A micro processor at location MPB: {MpbName} MP#:

{MpNumber} in storage array: {StorageArrayName}
has failed. Storage operation performance will be


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

A pool in storage array: {StorageArrayName} is

exceeding the defined pool usage threshold. Please
consider performing storage DRS actions for VMs on
Formatted Volumes participating in the pool.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

At least 2 Formatted Volume should be provided to

SDRS enabled cluster.



Attaching volume {volumeId} to host: {hostname} in

this cluster.



Cannot access Horcm instance

{HorcmInstanceNumber}. Ensure that file has
appropriate permissions and no other application has
the file locked.



Cannot attach boot volume as a data volume.




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Cannot configure Horcm instance

{HorcmInstanceNumber} since it contains the
following unattached volumes: {volumeId}. Check
that these volumes exist and are attached to
appropriate hosts or remove the volumes from



Cannot delete journal {journalID} since the journal is

being used for replication



Cannot expand boot volume : {volumeid} as the

volume is currently being used by server: {serverid}



Cannot proceed since volume {volumeid} belongs to

a replication pair.


Please stop volume replication

and retry

Cannot resolve cci server: {cciServerName}.



Cannot use volumes from HDT pool on SDRS enabled

cluster with automation levels set to fully automated.


Please edit template to choose

manual automation level or use
volumes from HDP pool.

Cluster Failed to attach volume {volumeId} to

host(s): {hostid} in the cluster.



Connection error occurred at fibre channel switch:



Contact the system administrator.

Could not add paired device(s). There are existing

paired device name(s): {pairedDeviceNames} in the
request for Horcm instance {horcmInstanceNumber}



Could not add paired volume(s). There are existing

paired volume(s): {pairedVolumes} in the request for
Horcm instance {horcmInstanceNumber}



Could not create new copy group. There is an existing

copy group name: {copyGroupName} in the request
for Horcm instance {horcmInstanceNumber}



Could not pair/resync copygroup: {copyGroupId}.

Reason: {message}.



Datastore was created successfully.



Datastore was created successfully.



Datastore was created successfully.



Datastore was created successfully.



Detaching volume {volumeId} from host:

{hostname} in this cluster.



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Drive {DiskNumber} in storage array:

{StorageArrayName} has experienced a drive error.
HDD sparing will occur and the drive will need to be


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Drive {DiskNumber} in storage array:

{StorageArrayName} has experienced a drive failure.
HDD sparing will occur and the drive will need to be


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Drive {DiskNumber} in storage array:

{StorageArrayName} has experienced a drive service
notification. HDD sparing will occur and the drive will
need to be replaced.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Drive: {DiskNumber} in storage system:

{StorageArrayName} has experienced a media error.
HDD sparing will occur and the drive will need to be


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

External port connected to channel:

{ChannelNumber} and port: {PortNumber} in
storage system: {StorageArrayName} has been
blocked. This will affect communication with any
external storage array(s) on this port.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Failed to attach the volume: {volumeid} to server.



Failed to attach volume {volumeId} to host:

{hostname} in this cluster.



Failed to attach volume to host: {hostname} in this




Failed to attach volume: {volumeId} to the cluster.



Failed to attach volume: {volumeId} to the cluster.



Failed to create storage path for host.



Failed to create storage path for server.



Failed to detach volume {volumeId} from host:

{hostname} in this cluster.



Failed to detach volume: {volumeid} from server.



Failed to extract LDEV for volume. Please ensure that

only supported storage devices are attached to host.



Failed to identify an available LUN reservation during

pre-check process.



Failed to identify current LUNs correctly on server

during pre-check process.




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Failed to refresh Fibre Channel SAN topology




Formatted Volume was created successfully.



Formatted Volume was created successfully.



Formatted Volume was created successfully.



Formatted Volume was created successfully.



HDvM is unable to use storage system

{StorageSystem} for UCP Director and is reporting:
"{errorMsg}". UCP Director will retry until it is able to
use the storage system.


Please ensure that the array is

not held up indefinitely by other
users/operations so UCP Director
can continue this job.

HDvM is unable to use storage system

{StorageSystem} for UCP Director and is reporting:
"{errorMsg}". UCP Director will retry until it is able to
use the storage system.


Please ensure that the array is

not held up indefinitely by other
users/operations so UCP Director
can continue this job.

HDVM version is not supported. Supported versions

include: {versions}.


Please install a supported version

of HDVM.

Horcm instance {HorcmInstanceNumber} contains

unsupported configuration. Possible cause - Copy
group is paired with multiple horcm instances


Please review any manually

added configuration entries and
ensure that the configurations are

Host(s): {hostName} do not see the datastore on this



Please manually refresh Storage

system inventory in UCP Director
Console. Reboot the ESXi host if it
still does not appear as attached.

Host: {hostname} is out of sync with the storage

system: {storageSystemId}. The Logical Unit
Number(LUN): {luNumber} for the hosts is used on
the following port(s): {listofPortNames}, but the host
is not recognizing the LUN.


Confirm the ports are connected

to UCP fabrics.Perform the
following actions. 1) Confirm
zones exist for the host and ports.
If zones do not exist create
zones. 2) Rescan volumes of the
hosts from vCenter and confirm
the LUN is shown on vCenter. 3)
If the LUN is not shown on
vCenter, reboot the host.

HTI Pools are not supported. Please specify a different

Pool to create volumes from.



HTI Volume: {volid} could not be deleted.



HTI Volumes are not supported. Please specify

different Volume(s) to attach.



In place journal expansion is only supported for Vsp8

array family



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Invalid pool(HTI) was selected: {poolid}.



Journal expansion by adding journalVolumes is not

supported for the Vsp8 array family



Journal Volume {journalVolumeId} is already

associated with a journal.



Licensed capacity exceeded for replication software.



LUN reservation pre-check failed. The LUN number

used for this volume by some hosts in the cluster can
not be used by all hosts in the cluster.


Detach the volume from any

individual hosts it is connected to.
Then re-attach the volume to the
entire cluster.

No Horcm instances found in UCP




No such copy group {CopyGroupName} exists on

Horcm instance {HorcmInstanceNumber}



No such disaster recovery manager:




No such Horcm instance {HorcmInstanceNumber}




No such journal {journalId} exists in the Storage




No such journal volume {journalVolumeID} in the

storage system



No such paired device {pairedDeviceName} exists in

copy group {copyGroupName} and horcm instance



No such parity group: {parityGroupId} at storage

system: {storageSystemId}.



No such path group: {pathGroupId} exists at storage

system: {StorageSystemId} in UCP



No such pool: {poolid} at storage system:




No such port: {portid} at storage system:




No such replicated volume {volumeId} on storage

system {storageSystemId} in a Horcm instance.



No such storage system: {storageSystemId}.



No such volume: {volumeid} at storage system:





Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

No volume is mounted on the server



One or more of attached hosts do not see the volume

is formatted.


Please wait for all relevant tasks

to finish, perform a refresh and
then retry the operation.

One or more of the Host Storage Domain(s)(HSD):

{hsd} for this host are of an unsupported
configuration and cannot be managed by UCP.


Use HDvM or Storage Navigator

to delete the unsupported HSDs
and then perform the Attach or
Detach operation.

One or more of the Host Storage Domain(s)(HSD):

{hsd} for this server are of an unsupported
configuration and cannot be managed by UCP.


Use HDvM or Storage Navigator

to delete the unsupported HSDs
and then perform the Attach or
Detach operation.

One or more volumes could not be attached to cluster.


Please wait for all relevant tasks

to finish, perform a refresh and
then retry the operation.

One or more volumes could not be attached to host.


Please wait for all relevant tasks

to finish, perform a refresh and
then retry the operation.

Out of shared memory space in storage array:



Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Pool: {PoolNumber} in storage array:

{StorageArrayName} has become full.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Pool: {PoolNumber} in storage array:

{StorageArrayName} has detected a failure.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Pool: {PoolNumber} in storage array:

{StorageArrayName} has exceeded a pool depletion
threshold. Please consider performing storage DRS
actions for VMs on Formatted Volumes participating in
this pool.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Pool: {PoolNumber} in storage array:

{StorageArrayName} has exceeded a pool system
threshold. Please consider performing storage DRS
actions for VMs on Formatted Volumes participating in
this pool.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Pool: {PoolNumber} in storage array:

{StorageArrayName} has exceeded a pool warning
threshold. Please consider performing storage DRS
actions for VMs on Formatted Volumes participating in
this pool.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Pool: {PoolNumber} in storage array:

{StorageArrayName} is blocked.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Port: {PortNumber} on storage array:

{StorageArrayName} has been blocked. This will
affect communication with any hosts on this port.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Refresh cannot be performed as the Device manager

is busy doing a resync or performing some other


Please wait for all relevant tasks

to finish, perform a refresh and
then retry the operation.

Removed Fibre Channel zone(s): {ZoneName} from

the active zoneset in fabric(s): {FabricName}.



Removed the storage paths for this host on array

ports: {PortName}.



Removed the storage paths for this server on array

ports: {PortName}.



Replication License has expired.



Replication software invalidated due to expiration of

the prerequisite program license key



ReplicationManager is unable to access the horcm

configuration at: {horcm_configuration_directory}.
Please ensure the directory is accessible.



Response time from an external device attached to

channel: {ChannelNumber} and port: {PortNumber}
has exceeded the timeout value.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Serialization/deserialization failed for an AMQP

message of type {messageType}


Contact the system administrator.

Site Recovery Manager Credentials already exist for

this UCP.



Storage Array {StorageSystem} controllers are down.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a battery



Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a cache

memory failure.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a drive



Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a failure of

a disk path.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a failure of

controller with IP Address : {controllerIP}.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a failure of

Drive I/O module


Contact Global Hitachi Support.


Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a failure of

ENC (I/O Module).


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a failure of

host connector on a port.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a failure of

host I/O module.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a failure of

interface board.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a failure of

management module (LAN).


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a failure of

side card failure


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a failure of

spare drive.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a fan



Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a generic



Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a

overcapacity for a Dynamic Provisioning pool


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a power

supply failure.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a

recoverable failure of controller.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected a UPS



Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected an invalid

SNMP access.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected depletion

warning for a Dynamic Provisioning pool.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected initial

warning for a Dynamic Provisioning pool.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected multiple

drive failures.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected over

threshold of a pool's subscription.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected

temperature is over limit.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected that pool's

subscription is over limit.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected that write

count for a SSD has reach 100%.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} detected that write

count for a SSD has reached 90%.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage Array {StorageSystem} was powered on and

the SNMP agent was started.



Storage Array's {StorageSystem} management

module was re-started or Storage Arrays SNMP
configuration file was reconfigured.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

Storage disk not found from powershell cmdlet




Storage path creation for server succeeded.



Successfully added paired devices with ID:

{PairedDeviceId} to Copy Group {copyGroupId}



Successfully attached volume {volumeId} to host:

{hostname} in this cluster.



Successfully attached volume: {volumeid} to server.



Successfully created copy group with ID:




Successfully created HTI Volume with VolumeId:




Successfully created Journal {journalId} for




Successfully deleted Journal {journalId}



Successfully detached volume {volumeId} from host:

{hostname} in this cluster.



Successfully detached volume: {volumeid} from




Successfully expanded the journal {journalId}



Successfully paired and resync copy group:




Successfully refreshed Fibre Channel SAN topology




Successfully removed copy group with ID:





Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Successfully removed paired device with ID:

{PairedDeviceId} from Copy Group {copyGroupId}



Successfully resolved cci server: {cciServerName}



Successfully updated credentials for Site Recovery




Successfully updated HDvM information.



The API for retrieving physical devices is not

implemented for VSP or HUS VM storage systems.



The controller unit for storage array:

{StorageArrayName} has experienced an acute
failure. All storage functions have ceased.


Contact Global Hitachi Support.

The current horcm configuration file for horcm

instance: {HorcmInstanceNumber} does not match
the last trusted horcm configuration. This file has
been modified outside of UCP and may contain
unsupported and/or incorrect configuration. To fix this
issue, restore the Horcm configuration with the last
known good horcm configuration.



The datastore could not be expanded. Refer to logs

and task list for more information.


Please use VMware vSphere

Client to login to one of the hosts
the volume is attached to and
expand the datastore manually.

The datastore has been expanded successfully.



The Formatted Volume could not be expanded on

SCVMM host. Refer to logs and task list for more


Please use VMM Console to login

to one of the hosts the volume is
attached to and expand the
formatted volume manually.

The Formatted Volumehas been expanded




The Horcm instance {HorcmInstanceNumber} is not



Please restart the Horcm service

and try again.

The operation on volume {volumeId} requires access

to storage pool {storagePoolId}, which is not
accessible by UCP Director.


If you wish to perform the

operation with UCP director, add
the storage pool to a resource
group accessible by UCP Director.

The overall status of UCP's Storage resources is now

Critical. View UCP's Status Monitor for more


Contact the Storage


The overall status of UCP's Storage resources is now

Not Applicable. View UCP's Status Monitor for more



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Recommended action

The overall status of UCP's Storage resources is now




The overall status of UCP's Storage resources is now

Unknown. View UCP's Status Monitor for more


Contact the Storage


The overall status of UCP's Storage resources is now

Warning. View UCP's Status Monitor for more


Contact the Storage


The requested storage processor

{storageProcessorId} does not exist on storage
system {storageSystemSerialNumber}.



The requested volume size will exceed the pool

subscription limit for pool: {poolid}.


Please select a different pool with

sufficient capacity.

The selected HTI volume: {volumeid} has been




The selected volume: {volumeid} has been deleted.



The selected volume: {volumeId} is already attached

to server as LUN #: {LunId}.



The selected volume: {volumeId} is already attached

to server as LUN #: {LunId}.



The specified initiator World Wide Name (WWN ):

{initiatorwwn} could not be found.


Please check that the specified

initiator WWN is a UCP host and
that the host is online and has
active operating system. Perform
fiber channel switch refresh if
host is online and operation still
fails with this error.

The specified target World Wide Name (WWN):

{targetwwn} could not be validated as a known UCP
storage array port.


Please check that the specified

target WWN is a UCP array port
and that the port is online.

The specified volume: {volumeId} has multiple LUN

paths with more than one LUN ID and cannot be
managed by UCP.


Use HDvM or Storage Navigator

to delete the unsupported HSDs
and then perform the Attach or
Detach operation.

The username or password is incorrect. Please enter

valid credentials.



The volume {volumeId} is part of a SRM Protection

group. Please remove the volume from the SRM
Protection Group and retry the operation.


Check and update the DR

recovery plan

The volume: {volumeid} could not be expanded.

Refer to logs and task list for more information.




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

The volume: {volumeid} has been expanded




There is no last trusted horcm configuration for horcm

instance: {HorcmInstanceNumber}. The current
horcm file will be accepted as the last trusted horcm



Timed out trying to lock the horcm configuration

after: {timeout} seconds. Please try your request
again later.



UCP cannot find an appropriate set of storage ports

for this operation. UCP requires 4 total ports. Two of
which must be connected to Fabric A, and two to
Fabric B. Of the two ports connected to each fabric,
one must be from storage cluster 1, and another one
must be from storage cluster 2.



UCP could not update inventory details for storage

array {storageSystemId} and its elements (i.e. Pools,
Ports, Volumes).


Please wait for all relevant tasks

to finish, perform a refresh and
then retry the operation.

UCP could not update inventory details for storage

arrays and storage array elements (i.e. Pools, Ports,



UCP could not update inventory details for storage

resources that are connected to host(s).



UCP has detected either no array or multiple arrays in

the resource group assigned to UCP in the device


Please reconfigure HDvM to

manage a single VSP storage

UCP has updated inventory details for storage

resources that are connected to host(s).



UCP inventory detail has expired for storage

resources that are connected to host(s).


Please wait for all relevant tasks

to finish, perform a refresh and
then retry the operation.

UCP inventory details for storage arrays and storage

array elements (i.e. Pools, Ports, Volumes)
successfully refreshed.



UCP inventory refresh for storage arrays and storage

array elements (i.e. Pools, Ports, Volumes) has failed.
The current inventory details are invalid.


Please wait for all relevant tasks

to finish, perform a refresh and
then retry the operation.

UCP management configuration information provided

to UCP Director is not correct.



Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director



Unable to connect to HDvM. Please validate the

following: 1) Service and Application URL are correct.
2) Username and Password are correct. 3) HDvM
service is available. 4) Network connectivity is

Recommended action



Unable to establish Site Recovery Manager connection Error


Unable to update HDvM information. Please validate

that the service URL, application URL, username, and
password are correct. Also ensure that the HDvM
version is supported by UCP Director.



Unexpected error with error code: {errorcode}

occurred on the device manager.


Please check logs for more


Volume attach operation failed for the host(s):

{hostid} in the cluster.



Volume attach/detach operation failed as the Logical

Unit Numbers (LUNs): {luNumbers} in Host Storage
Domains (HSDs): {hsds} are shared by multiple
volumes: {volumeIds}.



Volume detach operation failed for volume:

{volumeId} attached to the host(s): {hostid} in the



Volume detach operation failed for volume:

{volumeId} attached to the host(s): {hostid} in the



Volume is still attached to server.


The selected volume must not

have any paths to hosts before
performing "Delete Volume"
operation. Please detach the
volume from all hosts and retry. If
the operation still fails go to
HDvM and unallocate volume
from all the hosts.

Volume was attached to cluster but the datastore

could not be created.


Please use the VMware vSphere

client to login to one of the hosts
in the cluster and create the
datastore manually.

Volume was attached to host but could not be




Volume was attached to host but the datastore could

not be created.


Please use the VMware vSphere

client to login to the host and
create the datastore manually.


Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

UCP Director



Recommended action

Volume(s) can be expanded only in increments of 1

GB. The supplied value to expand volume from
current volume size: {currentVolumeSize} to target
volume size: {targetVolumeSize} is not allowed.



Volume: {volid} could not be deleted.



Volume: {volumeid} is not attached to server.



Volume: {volumeId} is still attached to server.


The selected volume must not

have any paths to hosts before
performing "Delete Volume"
operation. Please detach the
volume from all hosts and retry. If
the operation still fails go to
HDvM and unallocate volume
from all the hosts.

Volume: {volumeid} was attached but could not be

validated from host as an attached volume.


Please manually refresh Storage

system inventory in UCP Director
Console. Reboot the hypervisor
host if it still does not appear as

Volume: {volumeid} was attached to cluster but

could not be formatted.



Volume: {volumeid} was attached to cluster but the

datastore could not be created.


Please use the VMware vSphere

client to login to one of the hosts
in the cluster and create the
datastore manually.

Volume: {volumeid} was attached to host but could

not be formatted.



Volume: {volumeid} was attached to host but the

datastore could not be created.


Please use the VMware vSphere

client to login to the host and
create the datastore manually.

Volume: {volumeid} was attached to server and

validated successfully.



Volume: {volumeid} was detached from server but

there were errors during verification.



Volume: {volumeid} was successfully created in pool:




Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual


UCP Director


Chapter B: Events
UCP Administration Manual

VMware alarms
The following table lists all of the alarms that are generated by UCP


Hitachi - AMQP service startup failed

AMQP service failed to startup. Please refer to vCenter Events

for details

Hitachi - Chassis AC voltage problem

A chassis has encountered a problem with the alternating

current (AC) voltage.

Hitachi - Chassis cooling fan problem

A chassis cooling fan is experiencing a functionality problem.

The fan may be failing and need replacement.

Hitachi - Chassis hardware problem

A chassis hardware event occurred. Check HCSM for more


Hitachi - Chassis management

module problem

A chassis management module experienced a functionality


Hitachi - Chassis module problem

A hardware event has occurred in a chassis module. Check

HCSM for more details.

Hitachi - Chassis passthrough module


A chassis passthrough module was removed. Check HCSM for

more details.

Hitachi - Chassis power supply


A chassis power supply has experienced an issue. The power

supply may be failing and need replacement.

Hitachi - Chassis SVP firmware

update failed

Chassis firmware update has failed. Please contact system

administrator to manually troubleshoot the issue and update

Hitachi - Chassis switch module


A chassis switch module experienced a warning or failure.

Hitachi - Chassis temperature


The chassis temperature is too high. Check chassis ventilation

and datacenter air conditioning.

Hitachi - Chassis voltage problem

A chassis voltage problem needs attention. Please check

HCSM for more details.

Hitachi - Converged switch hardware


A converged switch is experiencing hardware issues. Refer to

vCenter Events for details.

Appendix C: VMware alarms

UCP Administration Manual




Hitachi - Converged switch license

expire issue

Software crashed for an converged switch. Please refer to

vCenter Events for details.

Hitachi - Converged switch port issue

A Converged switch port experienced a link issue. Refer to

vCenter Events for details.

Hitachi - Converged switch rebooted

A Converged switch has rebooted. Refer to vCenter Events for


Hitachi - Converged switch software


There is a converged switch license expiration issue. Refer to

vCenter Events for switch identity and check the
corresponding Ethernet switch for more details.

Hitachi - Converged Switches

inventory refresh

There are connection issues with one or more converged

switches and converged switch inventory has expired. Check
the converged switch connectivity settings.

Hitachi - Ethernet Switch firmware

update failed

Ethernet switch firmware update has failed. Please contact

system administrator to manually troubleshoot the issue and
update firmware.

Hitachi - Ethernet switch

configuration problem

An Ethernet switch has a configuration issues. Refer to

vCenter Events for details.

Hitachi - Ethernet switch hardware


An Ethernet switch is experiencing hardware issues. Refer to

vCenter Events for details.

Hitachi - Ethernet switch license

expire issue

Software crashed for an ethernet switch. Please refer to

vCenter Events for details.

Hitachi - Ethernet switch port issue

An Ethernet switch port experienced a link issue. Refer to

vCenter Events for details.

Hitachi - Ethernet switch port problem An Ethernet switch port experienced a problem. Refer to
vCenter events for details.
Hitachi - Ethernet switch rebooted

An Ethernet switch has rebooted. Refer to vCenter Events for


Hitachi - Ethernet switch software


There is an Ethernet switch license expiration issue. Refer to

vCenter Events for switch identity and check the
corresponding Ethernet switch for more details.

Hitachi - Ethernet Switches inventory


There are connection issues with one or more Ethernet

switches and Ethernet switch inventory has expired. Check
Ethernet switch connectivity settings.

Hitachi - Fibre Channel Switch

firmware update failed

Fibre Channel switch firmware update has failed. Please

contact system administrator to manually troubleshoot the
issue and update firmware.

Hitachi - Fibre Channel switch

configuration problem

A Fibre Channel switch configuration has issues. Refer to

vCenter Events for details.

Hitachi - Fibre Channel switch

hardware problem

A Fibre Channel switch is experiencing hardware issues. Refer

to vCenter Events for details.


Appendix C: VMware alarms

UCP Administration Manual



Hitachi - Fibre Channel switch port


A Fibre Channel switch port experienced a problem. Refer to

vCenter events for details.

Hitachi - Fibre Channel switch zoning


A Fibre Channel switch zoning operation experienced issues.

Refer to vCenter Events for details.

Hitachi - Fibre Channel switches

inventory refresh

There are connection issues with one or more Fibre Channel

switches and Fibre Channel switch inventory has expired.
Check Fibre Channel switch connectivity settings.

Hitachi - Hitachi Unified Storage array

connection problem

A Hitachi Unified Storage system is experiencing issues

connecting to another storage system. Refer to HDvM for

Hitachi - Hitachi Unified Storage array

hardware problem

A Hitachi Unified Storage system experienced a hardware

issue. Refer to HDvM for details.

Hitachi - Hitachi Unified Storage array

pool problem

A Hitachi Unified Storage pool has experienced an issue. Refer

to HDvM for details.

Hitachi - Hitachi Unified Storage array

resource issue

There is an issue with Hitachi Unified Storage system

resources. Refer to HDvM for details.

Hitachi - Image repositories

unreachable issue

Update active images failed because a repository is


Hitachi - Monitor service startup issue There is an issue with starting the UCP Monitor service.
Hitachi - Overall Compute Status

UCP's Compute resources are experiencing problems. View

UCP's Status Monitor for more information.

Hitachi - Overall Ethernet Status

UCP's Ethernet resources are experiencing problems. View

UCP's Status Monitor for more information.

Hitachi - Overall Fibre Channel Status

UCP's Fibre Channel resources are experiencing problems.

View UCP's Status Monitor for more information.

Hitachi - Overall Storage Status

UCP's Storage resources are experiencing problems. View

UCP's Status Monitor for more information.

Hitachi - Scheduler service startup


There is an issue with starting the UCP Scheduler service.

Hitachi - Server firmware update


Server firmware update has failed. Please contact system

administrator to manually troubleshoot the issue and update

Hitachi - Server blade partition


A blade server has experienced a partition issue.

Hitachi - Server CPU correctable or

uncorrectable errors

A server CPU has experienced an error or has been disabled.

Check HCSM for more details.

Hitachi - Server CPU temperature


The CPU temperature is too high. The CPU may need to be


Appendix C: VMware alarms

UCP Administration Manual




Hitachi - Server element manager


Server inventory has expired due to connection issues with


Hitachi - Server failed a power


A server failed to respond to a power operation command.

Hitachi - Server is in a degraded state A warning or serious event has happened on a blade server.
Check HCSM for more details.
Hitachi - Server memory DIMM
correctable or uncorrectable errors

A server DIMM has experienced errors. Check HCSM for more


Hitachi - Server non-maskable

interrupt occurred

A non-maskable interrupt has occurred. Check HCSM for

more details.

Hitachi - Server watchdog timer has


ESXi was unresponsive long enough to cause a timer to

expire. Use vCenter diagnostic tools to investigate.

Hitachi - Storage array connection


A storage system is experiencing issues connecting to another

storage system. Refer to HDvM for details.

Hitachi - Storage array hardware


A storage system experienced a hardware issue. Refer to

HDvM for details.

Hitachi - Storage array pool problem

A storage pool has experienced an issue. Refer to HDvM for


Hitachi - Storage array resource issue There is an issue with storage system resources. Refer to
HDvM for details.
Hitachi - Storage element manager


Storage inventory has expired due to connection issues with


Appendix C: VMware alarms

UCP Administration Manual

VMware privileges
UCP Director roles in VMware are configured to have the following
vCenter privilege


UCP Director roles






UCP View

Enables read-only
viewing access to UCP


Enables server
orchestration access


Enables access to the

server console


Enables storage
system orchestration


Enables access to the

storage system


Enables access
network orchestration


Enables access to
remove all VLANs and
apply specific global
VLANs to all managed
Ethernet switch ports


Enables access to the

Ethernet switch

Appendix D: VMware privileges

UCP Administration Manual


vCenter privilege


UCP Director roles



Enables full UCP

Director orchestration


Used internally by the

svc_ucpdcntr account






Suppresses all alarm

actions from
triggering actions


Create alarm


Remove alarm


Disable alarm action


Modify alarm


Set alarm status




Allocate space


Browse datastore


Configure datastore


Remove datastore
(requires privileges to
the parent object as


Remove file


Low level file

operations (read,
write, delete)


Move datastore


Rename datastore


Update virtual
machine files



Advanced settings

Appendix D: VMware privileges

UCP Administration Manual

vCenter privilege


UCP Director roles



Authentication Store


Virtual machine




Change date and time







Image configuration




Memory configuration


Security profile and



Network configuration
(network, firewall,
DNS, and routing)


Query patch


Change PciPassthru


Power management
(high perf, balanced,
low power)


System resources


Change settings


Change SNMP


Storage partition


System management




Appendix D: VMware privileges

UCP Administration Manual



vCenter privilege


UCP Director roles




Add host to cluster


Add standalone host


Create cluster


Remove cluster


Modify cluster


Move cluster to
standalone host


Move host

Host.Inventory.RemoveHostFr Remove host



Rename cluster

Host Profile












DvPort Group










Policy operation


Scope operation



Create folder


Delete folder


Edit folder


Appendix D: VMware privileges

UCP Administration Manual

vCenter privilege


UCP Director roles



Rename folder










Host operation






Policy operation


Port configuration


Port setting operation


Network IO control


VSPAN operation



Allows changing
server configuration
such as the reports
update interval and
database connectivity



Chapter D: VMware privileges

UCP Administration Manual



Chapter D: VMware privileges

UCP Administration Manual

UCP Administration Manual

Hitachi Data Systems

Corporate Headquarters
2845 Lafayette Street
Santa Clara, California 95050-2627
Regional Contact Information
+1 408 970 1000
Europe, Middle East, and Africa
+44 (0) 1753 618000
Asia Pacific
+852 3189 7900


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