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Automation of Power Distribution Using Scada

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In every substation certain measurements, supervision, control, operation and

protection functions are necessary. Traditionally these functions were performed manually by
system operator from control rooms. With the progress in digital electronics data processing
data communication and microprocessors, a host of new devices and systems are being
introduced for power system automation.

Power Distribution Automation function is to deliver electricity in a stable and efficient

manner to consumers. Power utilities are adopting computer aided monitoring, control and
management of electric power distribution system to provide better services to consumers. The
demand of reduced outage rates (both quality and duration) has led most electric companies to
reconfigure their distribution networks. Distribution automation systems provide utilities the
ability to optimize the operations of distribution systems and directly improve reliability.

The focus of electric R&D activities worldwide is to automate electric power

distribution system, utilizing recent advancement in the area of IT and data communication
system. SCADA is a based programmable and distributed supervisory control and data
acquisition system. This is the latest trend in power system protection and control.



The distribution automation system is based on integrated technology, which

involves collecting data and analyzing information to make control decisions,
implementing the appropriate control decision in the field and also verifying that desired
result is achieved. Adding targeted distribution automation capabilities can be especially
economical when they are an extension of existing investments in SCADA and in system

Traditionally, the protective system comprising of relays and circuit breaker were
almost independent control systems for tap changer control, voltage control, data logging, and
data monitoring and routine operations. Before 1985, the protective functions were segregated
from control functions.

With traditional electromechanical relays and earlier generation of hard-wired static

relays, the functions of protection systems were limited to sensing faults and abnormal
condition, giving alarm, tripping circuit breaker, auto enclosing of circuit breakers. Data
logging and some control and supervision functions were manually performed by system
operated from control rooms. In traditional substation controls the three functions i.e.,
protection, control and monitoring were not integrated fully.

In modern automatic SCADA systems, the functions are interlinked by means of digital
processing devices and power line carrier/radio communication links. Every power/substation
has a control room the relay and protection panels and control panels and man machine
interface (MMI) installed in the control room.

With the development of programmable digital systems i.e, microprocessor based SCADA
systems, the entire supervisory functions, control functions, protective functions can be
combined. The main function of distribution SCADA is to control and supervision of
distribution of power to various consumers with minimum outage and minimum loss.



Due to lack of information at the base station (33kv substation)on the loading and health
status of the 11kv/415v transformer with associated feeders is one of the primary causes of
inefficient power distribution. Due to absence of monitoring, overloading occurs which
results in low voltage at the customer end and increases the risk of frequent breakdown of
transformers and feeders. In fact, the transformer breakdown rate in India is as high around
20% in contrast to less than 2% in some advanced countries.

In the absence of switches at different points in the distribution network, it is not

possible to isolate certain loads for load shedding as and when required. The only option
available in the present distribution network is the circuit breaker (one each for every main
11kv feeder) at the 33kv substation. However, these circuit breakers are actually provided as
a means of protection to completely isolate the downstream networks in the event of a fault.
Using this as a tool for load management is not desirable, as it disconnects the power supply
to a very large segment of consumers. Clearly, there is a need to put in place a system that
can achieve a finer resolution in load management.

In the event of a fault in any feeder section downward stream, The circuit breaker at
the 33kv substation trips (opens).As a result there is a blackout over a large section of the
distribution network. If the fault feeder segment could be precisely identified, it would be
possible to substantially reduce the blackout area, by re-routing the power to the healthy
feeder segments through the operation of switches placed at strategic location in various
feeder segments.

Currently the scope of Power System Automation in India has been limited to
SCADA system automation up to the transmission level. However as the fig.1 given below
indicate, the substations contribute only 1% of the outages.


substations Primary distribution Secondary

circuits distribution circuits

Less than 1% of 44% of outages 55% of outages


Contribute 5%to Contribute 87% to Contribute 8% to

reliability reliability reliability


Hence the need for protection of the system beyond the substation becomes very
important. As such the fledgling field of DAS in India will become extremely critical in the
coming years.



Generation Transmission Substation Distribution Customer



Intelligent Distribution Automation System


SCADA is an acronym for supervisory control and data acquisition system.
It consists of one or more computers with appropriate applications software (Master
Stations) connected by communications system (wire, radio, power line carrier or fiber
optics) to a number of remote terminal units (RTUs) placed at various locations to collect
data and for remote control and to perform intelligent autonomous (local) control of a
system and report results back to the remote master(s).The required control actions are
then conveyed back to the process. The concept of SCADA forms the basis of the DA
SCADA Process classified into 3 parts.
Analog: Continuous Electrical Signals
Ex. Active Power (MW), Reactive Power (MVAR), Voltage (KV), Frequency (Hz).etc..
Digital: Switching Signals High (1) or Low (0) Signal
Ex. Breaker Close (high) or Open (low), Isolator Closed (high) or Open (low).
 The signals are converted into digital format
 Implement protocol between Master and Slave
 It operates with Real Time Operating System (RTO)
 The results are exposed with user friendly environment
 Through displays can be possible to control the substation and generating station.

The SCADA system consists

 Control centre equipment
 Application software
 Distribution management software
 Communication system
 RTUs for field data acquisition
 UPS, etc.

A Typical SCADA System Architecture

A SCADA system can be implemented with hardware and software components

that constitute a whole system. Using SCADA system the various application programs
that implemented in power systems are fault location, load balancing, load shedding,
etc.Now a detailed description of hardware components, software components are given

The components of a SCADA system are field instrumentation, remote
stations, Communication Network (CN) and Central Monitoring Station (CMS).

a) Field instrumentation:
Field instrumentation generally comprises sensors, transmitters and actuators that
are directly interfaced to the plant or equipment and generate the analog and digital
signals that will be monitor by the remote station. Signals are also conditioned to make
sure they are compatible with the inputs/outputs of the Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) or a
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) at the remote Station. It also refers to the devices
that are connected to the equipment or machines being controlled and monitored by the


SCADA system. These are sensors for monitoring certain parameters and actuators for
controlling certain modules of the system.

b) Remote Terminal Unit (RTUs):

The remote station is installed at the remote plant with equipment being
monitored and controlled by the central host computer. This can be a RTU or PLC. Field
instrumentation, connected to the plant or equipment being monitored and controlled, is
interfaced to the remote station to allow process manipulation at a remote site. It is also
used to gather data from the equipment and transfer it to the central SCADA system.

An RTU is a microprocessor controlled device used to interface the various

power system components and their operation to the DCC. It gathers local information
and transmits it to the DCC and also accepts commands and logging requests sent to it
by the DCC. Hence the DCC can control and monitor the distribution networks by
interfacing with the various RTUs. It has a capability to exchange the information with
intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) such as IED meter and IED relays.

RTU on the pole top

Commercially the RTU must be capable of performing the following



1. Collecting, Processing and transmitting status changes, analog values and

accumulator values.
2. Receiving and processing digital and analog commands from the Master station(s).
3. Supporting data transmission rates from 50 to 9600 bits per second.
4. Supporting up to 6 communication ports and multiple concurrent protocols, including
the IEC 870-5-101 protocol.

The RTU hardware must be capable of supporting communication with multiple

master stations, a local maintenance interface, and a local logger. As such, an RTU must
have at least 4 communication ports.

 2 ports, communication to DCC.

 1 port, local logger or printer facility.
 1 port, maintenance terminal.

Typical RTU Hardware Structure


c) Communication Network:

The Communication Network (CN) refers to the communication equipment

needed to transfer and from different sites. The medium used can be cable, telephone,
radio, and fiber optic or satellite communication system. The fiber Optic System is
currently preferable to the other media because of the following factors:

 Simplified Installation
 Immunity from EM interface
 Reliability and high Bandwidth
 Availability of Direct Metallic Contacts for devices in the same region
 Two way communication unlike that provided by radio.
 Break in a fiber cable will not cause a loss of data.


It is also called as distribution control center (DCC).The Central Monitoring

Station (CMS) function is collecting information gathered by the remote stations and
generating necessary action for any event that is detected. It also has storage media for
storing the data, Visual Display Units (VDUs) for displaying the data to the operators and
to issue control commands and communication interfaces.

The CMS can have a single computer configuration or it can be networked to

workstations to facilitate sharing of information from the SCADA system. It uses a Man
Machine Interface (MMI) to monitor various types of data needed for the operation. A
MMI program runs on the CMS computer. A mimic diagram of the whole plant or
process can be displayed on screen for easier identification with the real system.


Each I/O point of the remote units can be displayed with corresponding graphical
representation and the present I/O reading. Set-up parameters such as trip values, limits,
etc. are entered on this program and downloaded to the corresponding remote units for
updating of their operating parameters.

Modem Modem

Communication Backbone

Data Acquisition Tele Control System

Long Term Data Computer Hardware and

Storage Software

Operation and Control

Disc Storage

Mimic Display System

Board Console

Distribution Control Centre

There are two typical network configurations for the SCADA systems. They are
the point-to-point and the point-to-multipoint configurations. The point-to-point
configuration is the simplest one device is designated as the master unit to several slave
units. The master is usually the main host and is located in the control room, while the
slaves are the remote units. Each slave is assigned a unique address or identification


number set-up for a telemetry system. Here data is exchanged between two stations. One
station can be set up as the master and the other as the slave.

The point-to-multipoint configuration is where one device is designated as the

master unit to several slave units. The master is usually the main host and is located in
the control room, while the slaves are the remote units. Each slave is assigned a unique
address or identification number


a) Data Acquisition and Processing:

This is done by Master Distribution Automation Software. This serves as a data
collector from the devices to our SCADA system and presents it as a processed data to
the user. Data acquisition can be done in multiple scan rates and uses different protocols.
The data can be fetched as a whole or as a group and also report by exception. Data
processing means conversion of fetched data into engineering conversions, zero
suppression, reasonability check, and calculation subsystem. So, user can use this
processed data for future purposes.

b) Control:
This is done by Engineering Analysis Software. Users are allocated to groups,
which have defined read/write access privileges to the process parameters in the system
and often also to specific product functionality. The allocated users can have the access
to the devices, which are to be controlled. Control can be single or group, open or closed
loop control. The execution of control can be executed at selective places, can be
immediately executed, can be executed at required time etc.


c) Man machine interface:

The products support multiple screens, which can contain combinations of
synoptic diagrams and text. Standard windows editing facilities are provided: zooming,
re-sizing, scrolling etc. On-line configuration and customization of the MMI is possible
for users with the appropriate privileges. Links can be created between display pages to
navigate from one view to another.

d) Logging and Archiving:

The terms logging and archiving are often used to describe the same facility.
However, logging can be thought of as medium-term storage of data on disk, whereas
archiving is long-term storage of data either on disk or on another permanent storage
medium. The logging of user actions is in general performed together with either a user
ID or station ID.

e) Automated mapping and facilities management (AM/FM):

SCADA systems can be made use to have GUI system. GUI system can be used
to have maps, graphical representation of the required area. Using SCADA these maps
can be layered, zoomed, scrolled and planned.

The various application programs that can be implemented using SCADA systems
are clearly explained here. The following are the applications that can be used for remote
monitoring, control, safety, efficient utilization of resources etc.

a) Fault location, isolation and Service Restoration:

This function determines alternate paths for restoring service to the affected load
points due to a fault on a section of the feeder considering current loading conditions.
Most of the rural feeders do not have an alternate supply for service restoration. In
urban areas, many alternate paths are available to a feeder; therefore, this function will

be more effective. To implement this function, load switches or sectionalizers are

needed at selected feeder locations. Earlier, sectionalizers were air-break switches
without any remote-control features. All such switches should be replaced with remotely
controllable switches.

b) Maintaining good voltage profile:

This function controls the capacitor banks and voltage regulators to provide a
good voltage profile in the distribution feeders. An appropriate schedule for switching
on/off of capacitor banks and raise/lower voltage regulator taps was based on the feeders'
reactive load curves in order to get good voltage profiles and reduce energy losses.

c) Load Balancing:
This function distributes the system total load among the available transformers
and the feeders in proportion to their capacities. As explained above, there was a need to
replace the existing switches with remotely controllable switches in order to reconfigure
the network for load balancing.

d) Load Control: Load Management Function is divided into three categories:

 During summer there is usually a generation shortage. Therefore, loads need to be
shed for long durations. A restriction and control schedule is worked out based on
which of the loads at different substations are shed on a rotation basis.

 Emergency Based Load Shedding: During emergencies, the utility needs to

shed some load to keep up the balance between generation and demand.
Instructions are sent to respective substations to shed load. Based on the amount
of relief requested, the operator would select some loads and shed them. This
function will help to identify loads to be shed considering their priority, time
when they were last shed and the duration of the last interruption to ensure that
only the required amount of load shedding is done.


e) Remote metering:
The function of remote metering is to read data from the meters and to provide
information to the operator of the consumption patterns of the high-value HV customers.
Its main feature is to provide a multiple tariff to the customers to encourage them to shift
their loads from peak times to off-peak times. This function also provides meter-
tampering detection.

f) Fuse of call operations:

This consumer-aid application function responds to complaints from consumers.
It has the following features: Accepts interruption/restoration data from the operator,
identifies the interruption source whenever possible and gives information on the outage
effects to the operator, displays status of energized/de-energized status of the consumer.
This function will improve the response time to the consumer complaints.

g) Energy accounting:
This function helps in arriving at the system's load patterns, which helps in
planning expansion. It also helps in detecting abnormal energy consumption patterns of
the consumers and identifying high-loss areas. Processing the data obtained by the
remote metering function and the data obtained from the substation does this.

SCADA system to automate power for Hyderabad & Secunderabad and
streamline APCPDCL electrical distribution network .APCPDCL (Andhra Pradesh
Central Power Distribution Company Ltd) commissioned a state of the art SCADA
(Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition) system supplied by ABB India to monitor and
control the power distribution network for the twin cities of Hyderabad and
The system offers operational advantages by integrating distribution automation
functionalities like Automatic / Remote meter reading, Load balancing, trouble call
management etc. to facilitate effective distribution management.



SCADA plays an important role in power system supervision and remote

control systems .SCADA and IED go hand in hand for greatly enhancing substation
automation and reducing human intervention. The main motivation for accepting the
distribution automation in developing countries such as India is to improve operating
efficiency of distribution system. This indicates worldwide interest for distribution
automation at present.

Looking at the interest of power utilities for distribution automation, academic

institutions are now taking interest to introduce courses and R&D activities in the field
of distribution automation in the regular academic curriculum.

The Indian Government too, recognizing the potential of the Distribution

Automation technology is creating a panel of vendors for the implementation of


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