Deepali Virmani, Ankita Soni, Shringarica Chandel, Manas Hemrajani
Deepali Virmani, Ankita Soni, Shringarica Chandel, Manas Hemrajani
Deepali Virmani, Ankita Soni, Shringarica Chandel, Manas Hemrajani
A. Primary Goals
1) Data Confidentiality: Confidentiality is the means of
limiting information access to only the authorized
users and preventing access or disclosure by the
unauthorized users. Data confidentiality is the most
important issue that any network must address. Sensor
nodes carry sensitive data which must be concealed
from the malicious nodes or attackers. If sensor nodes
are not capable of keeping the data confidential, then
any neighbouring node can tamper with the data and
transmit false information. This can cause serious
hazards, especially in military applications.
2) Data Authentication: Data authentication is the ability
of a receiver to verify that the data received by it is
from a correct sender. In a wireless sensor network,
data can not only be tampered by the malicious nodes
but the entire packet stream can be changed by
addition of false packets to it. So, a receiver must be
able to identify if the data originated from the correct
source or not. Data authentication can be achieved
using symmetric key cryptography where the sender
and receiver share a secret key or using asymmetric
key cryptography where the data can be encrypted and
decrypted using public and private keys.
3) Data Availability: Data availability determines if the
services of the network are available in case of failure
or presence of attacks in the network. A single point
failure in the network can threaten the availability of
resources and other services. So, data availability is of
prime importance and is responsible for the operation
of the network.
Wireless Sensor Network consists of a large number of small
and low cost sensor nodes which are randomly deployed in an
area. The sensor nodes have computational capability to carry
out simple computations and transmit the required information
[1]. These nodes transmit information to the sink node that
aggregates the entire information received from other nodes
and generates a summary data to be transmitted to another
network. These sensor nodes can collectively monitor physical
and environmental conditions like pressure, temperature,
humidity and sound vibrations. Such features ensure a wide
range of applications for wireless sensor network such as
military, medical, industrial, disaster relief operations,
environmental monitoring, traffic surveillance, agriculture,
infrastructure monitoring [1, 2]. Since the majority of sensor
nodes are deployed in hostile environment, they are
susceptible to various attacks that are caused by malicious or
compromised nodes in the network. The malicious nodes can
alter the normal behaviour of the network, tamper with the
nodes hardware and software, transmit false information, or
drop the required information. Hence, security of wireless
sensor network becomes a critical issue.
This paper majorly contributes towards the security attacks
and their defence mechanisms. The paper is structured in the
following manner: Section 2 discusses about the security goals
in wireless sensor network. Section 3 provides a
categorization of security attacks. Section 4 gives their
detailed explanation. Section 5 gives an explanation of the
Security Attacks
Active Attacks
Routing Attacks
Passive attacks
Denial of Service
Sybil Attack
Monitoring and
requests and so, it will not be available for the legal users.
This causes performance degradation of the entire network
as the network gets congested because of illegal requests.
D. Wormhole Attack
Wireless Sensor Networks are vulnerable to many types of
attacks due to deployment of sensor nodes in an unattended
environment. In this survey, firstly we have given the security
goals of a network. Next, we have classified the attacks in
WSN in two categories i.e. active and passive attacks. Further,
we have given the definition of these types of attacks and have
also given the known defences and countermeasures against
them. This survey also gives the tabular classification of
attacks and determines the severity of each attack. We hope
that this survey will help future researches in developing a
good knowledge about the attacks and their countermeasures.
Attack Name
Attack Definition
Overhearing the communication
channel to gather confidential
data .
Traffic Analysis
Black hole
Denial of Service
Attack Effects
Reduces data confidentiality
messages from one location to
another via low latency links that
connect two nodes of WSN.
Hello Flood
Transmission of a message by
abnormally high transmission
power to make the nodes believe
that it is their neighbor
Grey hole
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