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Deepali Virmani, Ankita Soni, Shringarica Chandel, Manas Hemrajani

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Routing Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

Deepali Virmani#1, Ankita Soni*2, Shringarica Chandel*2, Manas Hemrajani*2

Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology, India



Abstract Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is an emerging

technology now-a-days and has a wide range of applications such
as battlefield surveillance, traffic surveillance, forest fire
detection, flood detection etc. But wireless sensor networks are
susceptible to a variety of potential attacks which obstructs the
normal operation of the network. The security of a wireless
sensor network is compromised because of the random
deployment of sensor nodes in open environment, memory
limitations, power limitations and unattended nature. This paper
focuses on various attacks that manifest in the network and
provides a tabular representation of the attacks, their effects and
severity. The paper depicts a comparison of attacks basis packet
loss and packet corruption. Also, the paper discusses the known
defence mechanisms and countermeasures against the attacks.

known defence mechanisms to counter the attacks. Section 6

depicts a graphical representation of the comparison of attacks.
Section 7 concludes the paper.

Keywords wireless sensor network, security, attacks, defence


A. Primary Goals
1) Data Confidentiality: Confidentiality is the means of
limiting information access to only the authorized
users and preventing access or disclosure by the
unauthorized users. Data confidentiality is the most
important issue that any network must address. Sensor
nodes carry sensitive data which must be concealed
from the malicious nodes or attackers. If sensor nodes
are not capable of keeping the data confidential, then
any neighbouring node can tamper with the data and
transmit false information. This can cause serious
hazards, especially in military applications.
2) Data Authentication: Data authentication is the ability
of a receiver to verify that the data received by it is
from a correct sender. In a wireless sensor network,
data can not only be tampered by the malicious nodes
but the entire packet stream can be changed by
addition of false packets to it. So, a receiver must be
able to identify if the data originated from the correct
source or not. Data authentication can be achieved
using symmetric key cryptography where the sender
and receiver share a secret key or using asymmetric
key cryptography where the data can be encrypted and
decrypted using public and private keys.
3) Data Availability: Data availability determines if the
services of the network are available in case of failure
or presence of attacks in the network. A single point
failure in the network can threaten the availability of
resources and other services. So, data availability is of
prime importance and is responsible for the operation
of the network.

Wireless Sensor Network consists of a large number of small
and low cost sensor nodes which are randomly deployed in an
area. The sensor nodes have computational capability to carry
out simple computations and transmit the required information
[1]. These nodes transmit information to the sink node that
aggregates the entire information received from other nodes
and generates a summary data to be transmitted to another
network. These sensor nodes can collectively monitor physical
and environmental conditions like pressure, temperature,
humidity and sound vibrations. Such features ensure a wide
range of applications for wireless sensor network such as
military, medical, industrial, disaster relief operations,
environmental monitoring, traffic surveillance, agriculture,
infrastructure monitoring [1, 2]. Since the majority of sensor
nodes are deployed in hostile environment, they are
susceptible to various attacks that are caused by malicious or
compromised nodes in the network. The malicious nodes can
alter the normal behaviour of the network, tamper with the
nodes hardware and software, transmit false information, or
drop the required information. Hence, security of wireless
sensor network becomes a critical issue.
This paper majorly contributes towards the security attacks
and their defence mechanisms. The paper is structured in the
following manner: Section 2 discusses about the security goals
in wireless sensor network. Section 3 provides a
categorization of security attacks. Section 4 gives their
detailed explanation. Section 5 gives an explanation of the


A wireless sensor network shares some common features
with the traditional network and also has unique features of its
own that distinguishes it from the traditional network.
Therefore, the security goals or requirements cover both the
traditional network goals and the goals suited solely to the
wireless sensor network. The security goals can be classified
into two types: Primary and Secondary goals. We discuss both
of them.

4) Data Integrity: The malicious nodes in the network can

manipulate the data in the packets [3]. Data integrity
ensures that the received data is not altered in transit. It
confirms that the data is reliable and has not been
altered or changed. The network must incorporate
security mechanisms against different attacks caused
by malicious nodes so as to ensure integrity of the data.
B. Secondary Goals

1) Data Freshness: Data freshness determines that the

data is recent and no old packets have been replayed. It
is important to ensure the freshness of the message,
apart from ensuring data confidentiality and integrity.
There are two types of data freshness: Weak freshness
that provides partial message ordering but doesnt
provide any delay information and strong freshness,
which provides total message ordering and delay
estimation [4]. Weak freshness is used for sensor
measurements while strong freshness is employed in
time synchronization in the network.
2) Self-Organization: The sensor nodes in a wireless
sensor network are randomly deployed and have no
fixed infrastructure. So, these sensor nodes must have
self-organising capability so that they can dynamically
organise according to the environment and situation.
Self-organising capability is important to ensure multihop routing, key management and building trust
relations with the neighbours. If self-organising
capability lacks in a sensor network, then damage
resulting from attacks can be significant.
3) Time Synchronisation: Most sensor network
applications rely on some form of time synchronization.
When a packet travels between two pairwise sensors,
sensors can compute the end-to-end delay of a packet.
A more collaborative sensor network may require
group synchronization for tracking applications [5].
4) Secure Organization: The utility of a sensor network
relies on its ability to accurately and automatically
locate each sensor in the network. Wireless sensor
networks which are expected to locate faults needs
accurate information about a location in order to
indicate a faults location. Unfortunately, a malicious
node can manipulate non secured location information
by reporting false signal strengths, replaying signals
A passive attack involves monitoring and listening of the data
stream but doesnt involve modification of the data stream.
Passive attacks do not cause direct harm to the network as
they cannot modify the data. Attacks against privacy are a
passive attack. The classification of passive attacks is shown
in Fig.1.
A. Attacks against privacy

Sensor networks allow the availability of large volumes of

data through remote access. This causes a privacy problem as
the malicious nodes can easily obtain information without
being physically available to maintain surveillance. So, the
malicious nodes can gather information at low-risk in an
anonymous manner [7]. The attacks against privacy are
classified into three categories as shown in Fig.1.
1) Eavesdropping: In eavesdropping, a malicious node
simply overhears the data stream to gain knowledge
about the communication content. When the network
traffic transmits control information about the sensor
network configuration that contains detailed
information about the network, eavesdropping can act
effectively against privacy protection.
2) Traffic Analysis: Malicious nodes can analyse the
network traffic to determine which nodes have high
activity. Once the highly active sensor nodes are
discovered, the malicious nodes can cause harm to
those sensor nodes.
3) Camouflage: Malicious nodes can hide in the sensor
network by masquerading as normal sensor nodes. So
they deceive the other sensor nodes and attract packets
from them. After receiving the packets, malicious
nodes can either misroute the packets or eventually
drop the packets.
B. Active Attacks
An active attack involves monitoring, listening and
modification of the data stream by the malicious
nodes/adversaries prevailing inside or outside the network.
Active attacks cause direct harm to the network because they
can manipulate the data stream. There are many types of
active attacks. In this paper we focus mainly on the routing
attacks in the network. The classification of active attacks is
shown in Fig.1.
The attacks which act on the network layer are called routing
attacks. These attacks occur while routing messages. We
discuss the following routing attacks.
A. Sybil Attack
Sybil Attack is named after the subject of the book Sybil, a
case study of a woman diagnosed with multiple fake identities.
These fake identities are known as Sybil nodes. The Sybil
nodes can out vote the honest nodes in the system. Usually,
peer to peer systems are vulnerable to Sybil attack. Examples
of vulnerable systems include vehicular Ad hoc Network,
Distributed Storage Applications in Peer to Peer Systems,
Routing in a Distributed Peer to Peer System [8], etc.

Security Attacks

Active Attacks

Routing Attacks

Passive attacks

Denial of Service

Attack against Privacy

Sybil Attack
Monitoring and



Hello Flood Attack

Black Hole Attack
Grey Hole Attack
Worm Hole Attack
Fig. 1. Classification of Attacks on WSN.

B. Black hole Attack

A black hole is a malicious node that attracts all the traffic
in the network by advertising that it has the shortest path in
the network [9]. So, it creates a metaphorical black hole
with the malicious node or the adversary at the center. This
black hole drops all the packets it receives from the other

messages from other nodes and start sending packets over

malicious node. This is how malicious nodes attacks all the
RREQ messages and takes over all the routes in the network.
Therefore, all the packets are sent to the malicious node
from where they are never forwarded and eventually
dropped. This is called a black hole akin to real meaning
which swallows all objects and matter [10].
C. Denial of Service Attack

In a black hole attack, malicious nodes do not send true

control messages. To execute a black hole attack, malicious
node awaits the neighboring nodes to send RREQ messages.
When the malicious nodes receive RREQ message from its
neighboring nodes, it immediately sends a false RREP
message providing a route to the destination over itself. In
this way, it assigns a high sequence number to be settled in
the routing table of victim node, before true nodes send a
genuine reply. Therefore, requesting nodes assume that
route discovery process is completed and ignore RREP

A Denial of Service (DoS) attack is one that attempts to

prevent the victim from being able to use all or part of
his/her network connection [11]. DoS attack allows an
adversary to subvert, disrupt, or destroy a network, and also
to diminish a networks capability to provide a service [5].
Dos attack extends to all the layers of the protocol stack.
They are usually very difficult to prevent because they exist
in many forms inside the network. For example, a malicious
node can send huge number of requests to a server which
has to test the legitimacy of the nodes. Due to the huge
number of requests, the server will be busy in testing illegal

requests and so, it will not be available for the legal users.
This causes performance degradation of the entire network
as the network gets congested because of illegal requests.

Wormhole attack is an attack on the routing protocol in

which the packets or individual bits of the packets are
captured at one location, tunnelled to another location and
then replayed at another location [12],[13]. In this attack the
two colluding nodes create an illusion that the locations
involved are directly connected though they are actually

2) Sybil Guard: The Sybil nodes in a Sybil attack are

connected to the honest nodes via attack edges. Attack edges
are difficult for Sybil nodes to create and hence they are few
in number. It leads to Sybil nodes and honest nodes being
completely isolated and connected together by a few attack
edges. From a trusted node, there are a number of random
paths with fixed length known as verifiers. The Sybil guard
checks a suspected node by sending random paths from the
suspected node. If the random path intersects with verifier
then the suspected node is said to be verified once. After the
node is verified a particular number of times, the suspected
node is said to be trusted node otherwise it is said to be a Sybil
node [19].

E. Hello Flood Attack

B. Countermeasures against Black hole Attack

Most protocols require nodes to broadcast HELLO

PACKETS to show their presence to their neighbours and
the receiving nodes may assume that it is within the RF
range of the sender. This assumption may prove to be false
when a laptop-class attacker transmit routing information
with an abnormally high transmission power to prove every
other node in the network that the malicious node is its
neighbour. Such an attack in the network is called a hello
flood attack [14].

1) REWARD technique: REWARD is a routing technique

where a wireless sensor network is organized as a distributed
data base to detect black hole attack. The distributed data base
maintains a record for suspicious nodes and areas. This
routing algorithm consists of two types of broadcast messages,
MISS (material for intersection of suspicious sets) and
SAMBA (suspicious area, mark a black-hole attack). The
destination node broadcasts a MISS message when it doesnt
receive a packet within a specified time. The destination
copies the list of all the involved nodes to the MISS message.
The nodes listed in the MISS message are counted as
suspicious nodes. The SAMBA message provides the location
of the black-hole attack. If a malicious node does not forward
packets, the previous node in the path will broadcast a
SAMBA message [20].

D. Wormhole Attack

F. Grey hole Attack

A grey hole attack is a variation of black hole attack in
which the nodes selectively drops packets [15]. There are
two ways in which a node can drop packets:
It can drop all UDP packets while transmitting all
TCP packets.
It can drop 50% of the packets or can drop them with
probabilistic distribution.
In a grey hole attack a normal node can prevent from
behaving usually and therefore this attack is difficult to
detect. A grey hole attack affects one or two nodes in the
network whereas a black hole attack affects the whole
A. Countermeasure against Sybil Attack

2) Path based Detection Algorithm: In path based approach, a

node watches only the next hop neighbor in the current route
path rather than observing every node in the neighbor [21]. To
implement the algorithm, every node maintains a
FwdPktBuffer (packet digest buffer). When a packet is
forwarded, its digest it added to the FwdPktBuffer and the
detecting node overhears the transmission. Once it is
overheard that the next hop forwarded the packet, the digest is
released from the FwdPktBuffer. The detecting node
calculates the overhear rate of its next hop neighbor and
compares it with the threshold. If the forwarding rate is lower
than the threshold value, the detecting node considers the next
hop neighbor as a black hole and avoids sending packets via
the suspect node in future.

1)Trusted certification: This type of method assumes

that there is a special trusted third party or central authority,
which can verify the validity of each participant, and further
issues a certification for the honest one [8]. In reality, such
certification can be a special hardware device [16] or a digital
number [17]. Note that essentially both of them are a series of
digits present on different medias. Before a participant joins a
peer-to-peer system to provide votes or to obtain its services,
his identity must first be verified [18].

3) Exponential Trust based mechanism: In this method, a

streak counter (n) is maintained which keeps track of the
packets that have been dropped consecutively. If a packet is
dropped the counter is incremented but if a packet is

forwarded the counter is reset to zero. It uses the fact that in a

black hole attack all the packets are dropped. A tolerance
factor (X) is set for the environment in which the mechanism
is deployed. The mechanism uses the streak counter to
calculate a trust factor using the formula 100*
for each
node [22]. When a packet is dropped the trust factor drops
exponentially. When the trust factor goes below a threshold
value the node is declared as malicious.

server's secret key, and a counter which changes after every

one minute [25]. The server sends the result of the one-way
hash to the client. When the client replies with an ACK packet,
the server again calculates the same hash function and
discards the packet if it fails to authenticate with the server
[25]. Otherwise, the server sets up the connection, if it doesn't
already exist. Since CPU time is used to calculate hash values,
memory is never exhausted by SYN flood DOS attacks.

4) Reliability Analysis mechanism: This method combines

AODV protocol with reliability analysis [23]. It consists of a
DRI table which keeps track of the no. of packets sent and
received. Based on this information, it calculates the reliability
ratio of the route that consists of the neighbors of node.

D. Countermeasures against Wormhole Attack

It also consists of an REL packet which is sent when the

reliable route has been discovered. REL packets maintain the
count of reliability for each node.
C. Countermeasures against Denial of Service Attack
1) Firewall and Router Filtering: A firewall is a router or a
computer that monitors packet traffic and protects the system
from malicious access. Firewalls can be used as a relay or as a
semi-transparent gateway for DoS countermeasure [11].
Firewall as Semi-transparent gateway: The firewall sends
SYN packets to the host and the host replies with a
SYN+ACK packet. When the firewall receives SYN+ACK
packet from the host, it forwards it to the client and also sends
an ACK packet to the host. If the firewall does not receive an
ACK from the client within a certain timeout period, it
terminates the connection by sending an RST packet to the
host. The duplicate ACK that arrives at the host is discarded
by the TCP protocol for legitimate connections, and
succeeding packets flow without intervention by the firewall
[24]. In this approach, no delays are introduced for legitimate
Firewall as a Relay: The firewall responds on behalf of the
internal host. During an attack, the firewall responds to the
SYN sent by the attacker; since the ACK never arrives, an
RST packet is sent to terminate the connection, and the host
never receives the datagram. For legal connections, the
firewall creates a new connection to the internal host on behalf
of the client, and continues to perform as a proxy for
translation of sequence numbers of packets that flow between
the client and server [24]. In this approach, the host is
completely shielded against a DoS attack and doesnt receive
spoofed SYN packets ever.
2) Cookies: Cookie-based approach uses a one-way hash
function to verify if the connection requests are legitimate.
Bernstein and Bona suggested a stateless cookie approach.
When a client sends a SYN packet, the server calculates a
one-way hash of the sender's sequence number, ports, the

1) Packet Leashes: A leash is an extra piece of information

that is added to a packet to restrict its maximum travel
distance. There are two types of leashes: geographical leashes
and temporal leashes. A geographical leash [12] ensures that
the recipient of the packet is within a certain distance from the
sender [12]. A temporal leash makes sure that the packet (1)
has a
certain upper bound on its lifetime, which restricts its
maximum travel distance. Both the types of leashes can be
used to prevent wormhole attack.
2) True Link: True Link is a countermeasure which protects
against wormhole attack using the combination of two phases:
rendezvous phase and authentication phase. True link
considers two nodes i and j. In the rendezvous phase, i and j
exchange randomly generated numbers known as a nonce [26].
This phase is completed as a single RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK
exchange. In this phase the timing constraints are very strict
and makes it impossible for the attacker to relay these frames
as only the direct neighbour can respond in time. In the
authentication phase, i and j authenticate themselves as the
originator of their respective nonce by sending signed
E. Countermeasures against Hello Flood Attack
1) Identity Verification Protocol: One of the defence against
hello flood attack involves every node to authenticate each of
its neighbours with an identity verication protocol using a
trusted base stations [14]. In this case hello flood attack is
prevented only when the malicious node has a powerful
transmitter because the protocol checks the bidirectionality of
the link. This bidirectionality check does not prevent any
compromised node from authenticating itself to a large
number of nodes in the network. Since such a malicious node
is required to authenticate itself to each and every victim
before launching an attack, a malicious node claiming to be a
neighbour of abnormally large number of nodes is said to be

2) AODV-HFDP: Another method to prevent hello flood

attack is a signal strength and time and threshold based
AODV-HFDP(Ad-hoc On demand Distance Routing with
Hello flood Detection cum Prevention) [27].In this approach it
is assumed that all nodes have same signal strength within the
same radio range. Each node verifies the signal strength of the

received hello packet with its own. If it is found to be the

same then the node is declared as a friend else a stranger.
F. Countermeasures against Grey hole Attack
1) Multipath routing: Multipath routing can be used to protect
against selective forwarding. [28]Messages routed over n
completely different paths are completely protected against
selective forwarding attacks involving at most n compromised
nodes and still offer some probabilistic protection when over n
nodes are compromised. The use of multiple braided paths
(which may have nodes in common but no links in common)
may provide probabilistic protection against selective
forwarding using only localised information. Allowing nodes
to dynamically choose a packets next hop probabilistically
from a set of possible candidates can further reduce the
chances of an adversary gaining complete control of a data

Fig. 2. Comparison of attacks based on Packet Loss.

2) CHEMAS (Checkpoint-based Multi-hop Acknowledgement

Scheme): This scheme uses three types of packets: event
packet, ACK packets and alert packets [29]. This scheme is
based on checkpoint-by-checkpoint acknowledgement instead
of hop-by-hop acknowledgement. The basic idea of this
scheme is based on checkpoint nodes which are selected from
the part of intermediate nodes. The path is divided into several
segments which consist of forwarding path between two
checkpoint nodes. When the source node detects a special
event it generates an event packet. The packet traverses hopby-hop towards the base station and each intermediate node
saves the event packet in its cache before sending it
downstream. When the checkpoint nodes receive the event
packet it generates an ACK packet and sends it to upstream
neighbour. The ACK packets traverse the same but reversed
path upstream. It traverses at least two segments before being
dropped by an upstream checkpoint. Thus all the intermediate
nodes in these two checkpoints know that previous event has
safely arrived in the downstream checkpoint. If the ACK
packet is not received from downstream by all the nodes in
these two segments then the next downstream neighbouring
node is declared as suspicious and the alert packet is generated.
In this paper, we compare all the six routing attacks based on
parameters like number of packets corrupted and number of
packets lost. This comparison gives us an analysis of which
attack can cause maximum harm to the system and decrease
the reliability and security of the system. Fig. 2 depicts a
comparison of attacks that clearly shows the percentage of
packet loss by each attack. Fig. 3 depicts another comparison
that shows the percentage of packet corruption caused by each

Fig. 3. Comparison of attacks based on Packet Corruption.

Wireless Sensor Networks are vulnerable to many types of
attacks due to deployment of sensor nodes in an unattended
environment. In this survey, firstly we have given the security
goals of a network. Next, we have classified the attacks in
WSN in two categories i.e. active and passive attacks. Further,
we have given the definition of these types of attacks and have
also given the known defences and countermeasures against
them. This survey also gives the tabular classification of
attacks and determines the severity of each attack. We hope
that this survey will help future researches in developing a
good knowledge about the attacks and their countermeasures.


Attack Name

Attack Definition
Overhearing the communication
channel to gather confidential
data .

Traffic Analysis

Monitoring the network traffic

and computing parameters that
affect the network.

Degradation of network performance

Increased packet collision
Increased contention
Traffic distortion



Malicious nodes masquerade as

normal nodes to attract packets.

Increased packet loss/corruption

False data to network



Impersonation by malicious nodes

as multiple fake identities to
attract packets from nodes.

Packet loss/ corruption

False sensor readings
Modification of routing information


Black hole

Attracting all the possible traffic

to a compromised node. Can
result in launch of other attacks.

Triggers other attacks like wormhole,

Exhausts all the network resources
Packet dropping/ corruption
Modification of routing information


Prevents the user from being able

to use the network services.
Extends to all the layers of
protocol stack.

Reduces WSN availability

Affects physical layer, link layer,
network layer, transport layer and
application layer
Prevents access to network services by
the user.


Denial of Service

Attack Effects
Reduces data confidentiality

Extracts vital WSN information

Threatens privacy protection of WSN



messages from one location to
another via low latency links that
connect two nodes of WSN.

Changes normal message stream

False routes / misdirection
Forged routing
Changes network topology


Hello Flood

Transmission of a message by
abnormally high transmission
power to make the nodes believe
that it is their neighbor

False / misleading routes generated

Route disruption
Packet loss


Grey hole

Selective dropping of packets by

compromised node.

Suppresses messages in an area

Packet loss and information fabrication
Launch other active attacks


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