International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer: Ratthasak Prommas, Phadungsak Rattanadecho, Dulyachot Cholaseuk

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International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2010) 372378

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International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / i c h m t

Energy and exergy analyses in drying process of porous media using hot air
Ratthasak Prommas, Phadungsak Rattanadecho , Dulyachot Cholaseuk
Research Center of Microwave Utilization in Engineering (R.C.M.E.), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University;
(Rangsit Campus), Pathumthani 12120, Thailand

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Available online 24 February 2010

Drying porous medium
Capillary pressure

a b s t r a c t
In this paper the energy and exergy analyses in drying process of porous media using hot air was
investigated. Drying experiments were conducted to nd the effects of particle size and thermodynamics
conditions on energy and exergy proles. An energy analyses was performed to estimate the energy
utilization by applying the rst law of thermodynamics. An exergy analyses was performed to determine the
exergy inlet, exergy outlet, exergy losses and efciency during the drying process by applying the second law
of thermodynamics. The results show that energy utilization ratio (EUR) and exergy efciency depend on the
particle size as well as hydrodynamic properties. Furthermore, the results of energy and exergy presented
here can be applied to other porous drying processes which concern effect of porosity as well as grain size.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Drying is widely used to preserve porous medium products. It is a
complicated process involving heat and mass transfer between the
material surface and its surroundings [1]. Thermal drying in solids
might be regarded as a result from two simultaneous actions: a heat
transfer process by which the moisture content of the solid is reduced
and a mass transfer process that implies uid displacement within the
structure of the solid towards its surface. Such motion depends on
medium structure, moisture content and characteristics of the
material. Furthermore the separation of vapor from solid substrate
depends also on external pressure and temperature distribution on
the total area of solid surface and the moisture content of drying air.
Provided that thermal drying occurs in slow rate at ambient
conditions, thus drying plants are designed and developed in order
to accelerate appropriate drying rates for example, to supply the
product is more heat those of ambient conditions [2]. Transferring in
porous media is an important research subject that can be applied to
various industrial applications, such as chemical reactors, heat
exchangers, thermal insulations, electronic cooling and etc. Two
distinguish approaches are taken into consideration to study transfer
mechanisms in porous media [3]. One of the main goals in designing
and optimizing of industrial drying processes is to use as little to
reduce moisture from the product to the desired value. Consequently,

Communicated by W.J. Minkowycz.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P. Rattanadecho).
0735-1933/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

energy quantity and quality as well as heat and mass transfer should
be investigated throughout progressive drying process [4]. The
concepts of exergy destruction, exergy consumption, irreversibility,
and lost work are importance. Exergy is a measurement of the
maximum useful work that can be done by a system interacting with
an environment at a constant pressure and temperature. The simplest
is that of a reservoir with heat source of innite capacity and
invariable temperature. The maximum efciency of heat withdrawal
from a reservoir that can be converted into work is called the Carnot
efciency [5].
The features of exergy are identied to highlight its importance in
a wide range of applications [6]. Exergy analysis has been increasingly
as a useful tool in the design, assessment, optimization and
improvement of energy systems [7]. It can be applied on both system
and component levels. Exergy analysis leads to a better understanding
of the inuence of thermodynamic phenomena on effective process,
comparison of the importance of different thermodynamic factors,
and the determination of the most effective ways of improving the
process [8]. As regards the exergy analyses of drying processes, some
work has been carried out in recent years. Dincer and et. al [9]
analyzed a thermodynamic aspect of the uidized bed drying process
of large particles for optimizing the input and output conditions by
using energy and exergy models. The effects of the hydrodynamic and
thermodynamic conditions were also analyzed such as inlet air
temperature, uidization velocity and initial moisture content on
energy efciency and exergy efciency. Dincer and Sahin [10] used a
model to analyze exergy losses of air drying process. Their work
demonstrated that the usefulness of exergy analysis in thermodynamic assessments of drying processes and providence the performances and efciencies of these processes. Akpinar [11,12] studied
energy and exergy of the drying of red pepper slices in a convective

R. Prommas et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2010) 372378



specic heat, (kJ/kg K)

mean specic heat, (kJ/kg K)
energy utilization ratio, (%)
exergy, (kJ/kg)
gravitational acceleration, m/s2
constant in Newton's law
enthalpy, (kJ/kg)
joule constant
mass ow rate, (kJ/s)
number of species
pressure, (kPa)
net heat, (kJ/s)
useful energy given by heater, (kJ/s)
specic entropy, (kJ/kg K)
temperature, (K)
specic internal energy, (kJ/kg)
specic volume, m3/s
velocity, (m/s)
specic humidity, (g/g)
energy utilization, (J/s)
altitude coordinate, (m)

drying air
drying chamber
moisture of product
porous packed bed

surrounding or ambient

Greek symbols

relative humidity, (%)

exergetic efciency, (%)

chemical potencial, (kJ/kg)

type dryer, with potato slices in a cyclone type dryer and pumpkin
slices in a cyclone type dryer. The type and magnitude of exergy losses
during drying was calculated. Colak and Hepbasli [13] performed an
exergy analysis of thin layer drying of green olive in a tray dryer. In
Colak's [14] study the effects of the drying air temperature, the mass
ow rate of drying air and olives on the system performance were
discussed. Ceylan et al. [15] carried out energy and exergy analyses
during the drying of two types of timber. The effects of ambient
relative humidity and temperature were taken into account.
The drying of porous media has been interested by many
researchers and become complex, coupled, and multiphase processes
with a wide range of applications in industry. In addition, as a result of
high cost of energy, an operation with a high potential for optimizing
with respect to energy savings has been realized. For many years, it
has been studied experimentally for measuring drying kinetics on the
Typical applications of non-uniform material include the tertiary
oil recovery process, geothermal analysis, asphalt concrete pavements


process and preservation process of food stuffs. Therefore, knowledge

of heat and mass transfer that occurs during convective drying of
porous materials is necessary to provide a basis for fundamental
understanding of convective drying of non-uniform materials.
The fore mentioned works concerned mainly with, energy and
exergy analyses of drying process. Normally, most of materials in the
drying process are porous materials. In the recent works the authors
were mention about porous materials structure, with are concern
with energy and exergy analyses of drying process.
The objectives of this work are to evaluate (i) the exergy losses of
two operations porous packed bed, (ii) the distributions of the exergy
losses and exergy input of the different drying operations and (iii) the
inuences of operating parameters on exergy losses. The knowledge
gained will provide an understanding in porous media and the
parameters which can help to reduce energy consumptions and

2. Experimental apparatus
Fig. 1(a) shows the experimental convective drying system. The
hot air, generated electrically travels through a duct toward the upper
surfaces of two samples situated inside the test section. The outside
walls of test section are covered with insulation to reduce heat loss to
the ambient. The outlet ow and temperature can be adjusted at a
control panel.
As shown in Fig. 1(b), the samples are unsaturated packed beds
composed of glass beads, water and air. The samples are prepared in
the two congurations: a single-layered packed bed (uniform packed
bed) with bed depth 50 mm (d = 0.15 mm (F bed) and d = 0.4 mm (C
bed)). The width and total length of all samples used in the
experiments are 50 mm and 100 mm, respectively. The temperature
distributions within the sample are measured using beroptic sensors
(LUXTRON Fluroptic Thermometer, Model 790, accurate to 0.5),
which are placed in the center of the sample at inserted into the
packed bed at 5, 15 and 25 mm. form surface in Fig. 2. In each test run,
the weight loss of the sample is measured using a high precision mass
The uncertainty in the results might come from the variations in
humidity and room temperature. The uncertainty in drying kinetics is
assumed to result from errors in the measuring weight of the sample.
The calculated uncertainties in weight in all tests are less than 2.8%.
The uncertainly in temperature is assumed to result from errors in
adjusting input power, ambient temperature and ambient humidity.
The calculated uncertainty associated with temperature is less than

3. Mathematical formulation of problem

Schematic diagram of the convective drying model for porous
packed bed is shown in Fig. 3. When a packed bed is heated by hot air
owing over its upper surface, the heat is transferred from the top of
packed bed into the interior. Therefore, the temperature gradient is
formed in the bed, and the liquid phase at the upper surface of packed
bed evaporates by the variation of saturated vapor concentration
corresponding to this temperature gradient as long as the surface
remains wetted. In analysis, the main assumptions involved in the
formulation of the transport model are:
1. The capillary porous material is rigid and no chemical reactions
occur in the sample.
2. Local thermodynamic equilibrium is reached among each phase.
3. The gas phase is ideal in the thermodynamic sense.
4. The process can be modeled as steady-ow.
5. Packed bed sample side wall is perfectly insulated, hence adiabatic.


R. Prommas et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2010) 372378

Fig. 1. Schematic of experimental facility: (a) Equipment setup; (b) Porous packed beds of different particle sizes (sample).

6. In a macroscopic sense, the packed bed is assumed to be

homogeneous and isotropic, and liquid water is not bound to the
solid matrix.
7. A dry layer (evaporation front) is formed immediately after water
saturation approaches the irreducible value.
By energy and exergy analyses in drying process of single-layered
packed bed using hot air, the main basic equations are given as

concept of energy conservation, which states that energy entering a

thermal system with fuel, electricity, owing streams of matter, and
so on is conserved and cannot be destroyed. In general, energy
balances provide no Information on the quality or grades of energy
crossing the thermal system boundary and no information about
internal losses (Fig. 4).
The drying process includes the process of heating, cooling and
humidication. The process can be modeled as steady-ow processes
by applying the steady-ow conservation of mass (for both dry air and

3.1. Energy analysis

The traditional methods of thermal system analysis are based on
the rst law of thermodynamics. These methods use an energy
balance on the system to determine heat transfer between the system
and its environment. The rst law of thermodynamics introduces the

Fig. 2. The positions of temperature measurement in porous packed bed.

Fig. 3. Conguration of porous packed bed.

R. Prommas et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2010) 372378


where dci denotes the specic humidity at the inlet of the chamber,
wpb the mass ow rate of the moisture removed from packed bed
samples. The heat utilized during the humidication process at the
chamber, can be estimated by

Fig. 4. Properties of porous packed bed in drying chamber.

moisture) and conservation of energy principles. General equation of

mass conservation of drying air:
m ai = m ao

Q pb = m da hpbi@T hpbo@T

h = cpda T + whsat@T

where wpbo is the amount of product moisture evaporated. The energy

utilization ratio for the drying chamber can be obtained using the
following expression Akpinar [11]:

EURdc =

General equation of mass conservation of moisture:

m wi + m mp = m wo

m ai wi + m mp = m ai wo


Q W = m o ho +
m i hi +

where the changes in kinetic energy of the fan were taken into
consideration while the potential and kinetic energy in other parts of
the process were neglected. During the energy and exergy analyses of
packed bed drying process, the following equations were used to
compute the enthalpy of drying air.
h = cpda T + whsat@T

The enthalpy equation of the fan outlet was obtained Bejan [16]
using Eq. (5) as below:

+ hfi
m da

where Tho, Thi are the outlet and inlet temperature of air at the heating
section. The inlet conditions of the drying chamber were determined
depending on the inlet temperatures and specic humidity of drying
air. It was considered that the mass ow rate of drying air was equally
passed throughout the chamber. The specic humidity at the outlet of
the chamber can be dened as:
wpbo = wpbi

m wpb
m da

4. Exergy analysis
The second law of thermodynamics introduces the useful concept of
exergy in the analysis of thermal systems. As known, exergy analysis
evaluates the available energy at different points in a system. Exergy is a
measurement of the quality or grade of energy and it can be destroyed in
the thermal system. The second law states that part of the exergy
entering a thermal system with fuel, electricity, owing streams of
matter, or other sources is destroyed within the system due to
irreversibilities. The second law of thermodynamics uses an exergy
balance for the analysis and the design of thermal systems. In the scope
of the second law analysis of thermodynamics, total exergy of inow,
outow and losses of the drying chamber were estimated. The basic
procedure for exergy analysis of the chamber is to determine the exergy
values at steady-state points and the reason of exergy variation for the
process. The exergy values are calculated by using the characteristics of
the working medium from a rst law energy balance. For this purpose,
the mathematical formulations used to carry out the exergy balance are
as show below Ahern [17].

Exergy = uu T ss +

where, hfi characterizes the enthalpy of drying air at the inlet of the
fan, hfo the enthalpy at the outlet of the fan, Vfo the drying air velocity
at the outlet of the fan, Wf fan energy and da mass ow of drying air.
Considering the values of dry bulb temperature and enthalpy from
Eq. (5), the specic and relative humidity of drying air at the outlet of
the fan were determined Akpinar [11]. The inlet conditions of the
heater were assumed to be equal to the outlet conditions of the fan.
The useful energy gained from the heater enters the drying chamber
as the convection heat source, which was dened as:
Q u = m da cpda Tho Thi



General equation of energy conservation:

hfo =

m da hdci@T hdco@T
m da cpds Tho Thi


+ zz
vv +
gc J
2g J




+ c Nc + Ei Ai Fi 3T T 4T T + ::::::::::::::

chemical radiation emission

The subscript denotes the reference conditions. In the exergy

analyses of many systems, only some of the terms shown in Eq. (11)
are used but not all. Since exergy is energy available from any source,
it can be developed using electrical current ow, magnetic elds, and
diffusion ow of materials. One common simplication is to substitute
enthalpy for the internal energy and PV terms that are applicable for
steady-ow systems. Eq. (11) is often used under conditions where
the gravitational and momentum terms are neglected. In addition to
these, the pressure changes in the system are also neglected because
of v v, hence Eq. (11) is reduced as

Exergy = cp TT T ln


The inow and outow of exergy can be found using the above
expression depending on the inlet and outlet temperatures of the
drying chamber. Hence, the exergy loss is determined as:Exergy


R. Prommas et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2010) 372378

Fig. 5. The temperature proles with respect to time.

Fig. 7. Variation of energy utilization and drying time with different packed bed.

loss = Exergy inow Exergy outow

Drying experiments were conducted by varying operating parameters which are temperature, air velocity, packed beds thickness and
air humidity. For porous packed beds of two different sizes, 0.15 and
0.45 mm. drying air temperatures 50 C and air velocities 2.5 m/s,
energy and exergy analyses were carried out.

It is observed that at the early stage of the drying process the

temperature proles in both cases are nearly the same. As drying
progresses, the temperature increases. This is because the latent heat
transfer due to evaporation is retained due to the decline of the mass
transfer rate together with the decreasing of average moisture
content. Nevertheless, the temperature prole in F bed rises at a
higher rate than that in the C bed. This is because the dry layer formed
earlier in the F bed and an abrupt temperature rise occurs as the dry
bulb temperature is approached. On the other hand, in the case of the
C bed the temperature increases more slowly in comparison to F bed
due to the late formation of dry layer. The prediction of the formation
of a dry layer estimated from the drop in the surface mass of drying
and rise in the drying temperature is marked in Fig. 5.
In the single-layered packed bed, the moisture content continuously decreases toward the surface. The decrease in surface
saturation, this set up a saturation gradient, which draws liquid
water toward the surface through capillary action while water vapor
moves towards the surface due to a gradient in the vapor partial
pressure. However, the internal moisture transport is mainly
attributable to capillary ow of liquid water through the voids during
the initial stage of drying.
Fig. 6. show the variation of moisture content and drying time. It is
observed that at the early stage of the drying process the moisture
content proles in both cases are nearly the same. As drying
progresses, the moisture content decreases. The following discussion
is concerned with the effect of particle size on moisture migration
mechanism under the same conditions for the single-layered packed
bed. In Fig. 6, the observed moisture content proles at the leading
edge of the sample in the case of ne bed (F bed) are higher than those
in the case of coarse bed (C bed). This is because of the ne bed or
small particle size (corresponding to a higher capillary pressure) can
cause moisture to reach the surface at a higher rate than in the case of

Fig. 6. The variation of moisture content with respect to time.

Fig. 8. Variation of energy utilization ratio with different packed bed.

ExL = Exi Exo


The exergy inow for the chamber is stated as below

Exdci = Expbi = cpda Tdci T T ln dci


The exergy outow for the drying chamber is stated as:

Exdco = Expbo = cpda Tdco T T ln dco


The exergetic efciency can be dened as the ratio of the product

exergy to exergy inow for the chamber as outlined below:
Exergy Efficiency =

Ex = 1

Exergy inf lowExergyloss

Exergy inf low




5. Results and discussions

R. Prommas et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2010) 372378


experiments which varied. It was observed that the exergy outow

from the drying chamber increased slowly with the drying time.
From the results it was noticed that the exergy outow and the
exergy loss increased with the increase of particle size. The exergetic
efciency of the drying chamber increased with the increase of drying
time as shown in Fig. 9. This is because during the drying process the
available energy in the drying chamber increases with drying time,
since the amount of moisture decreases with time. Then, the effect of
the other particle size on the drying time as well as the exergy
efciency of the drying system is presented. Furthermore, the exergy
efciencies of C-bed were observed to be higher than the F-bed about
10 % after 60 min of drying time with parallel to the end of drying
Fig. 9. Variation of exergy efciency with different packed bed.

the coarse bed, i.e., large particle size. On the other hand, in the case of
coarse bed, the moisture proles at the leading edge of the sample are
always lower as compared with the small particle size due to the
lower capillary pressure inside the sample and the gravitational effect.
Continued drying eventually causes the average moisture level inside
the packed bed to decrease, especially at the leading edge of the upper
layer (Fig. 6). When the moisture content at the upper surface
(surface saturation) approaches the irreducible where the liquid
water becomes discontinuous (pendular state), the liquid water
supply to the surface by capillary action becomes insufcient to
replace the liquid being evaporated. The latter arises from the fact that
the dry layer takes place over small effective surface or on a front
retreating from the surface into the interior of the sample dividing it
into two layers, a dry layer and a two-phase layer. The discontinuity of
the temperature gradient close to the drying front is a result of heat
ux necessary for evaporation Pakdee and Rattanadecho [18]. In
addition the effective thermal conductivity falls considerably resulting in a resistance of the heat ow rate. A further consequence of
premature drying of the outer dry layer is that the local temperature
of the sample will reach that of drying medium (hot air).
Fig. 7. shows the variation of energy utilization as a function of
drying time for different particle sizes of particle and drying time. The
energy utilization was high and getting higher at the beginning of
drying process due to the high moisture of the sample while it quickly
decreased because of the low moisture content of the samples
towards the end of the process.
Fig. 8. shows the variation of energy utilization ratio (EUR) as a
function of drying time for F bed and C bed. Energy balance analysis
was carried to estimate the Energy Utilization Ratio (EUR). The values
of the energy utilization in the drying chamber were calculated using
Eq. (10). From the results it is observed that for a given particular air
velocity during packed beds drying the EUR increases as particle size
of packed bed decreases. These variations were more at the beginning
of the drying and gradually the difference reduced Ratanadecho, Aoki
and Akahori [19], this is because the large raise in particle size of
packed bed signicantly inuences drying rate, hence at elevated
particle size the EUR decreases with drying time. Consequently it was
noticed that the EUR of drying chamber decreases with increase of
drying time, it is because during the drying process the moisture
content of the product decreases for the same energy input.
Furthermore, at the beginning of the drying process, the energy
efciencies were observed to be higher than at the nal stage and
were found to be very low at the end of drying process.
Exergy analysis was carried to nd the exergetic efciency of the
drying process Lampinen [20] by varying the drying parameters. The
exergy inow rates were calculated using Eq. (15) depending on the
ambient and inlet temperatures. The exergy inow during the drying
of packed bed depending on drying particle size of packed bed. The
exergy outows were calculated using Eq. (16) and during the

6. Conclusion
Energy and exergy analysis of the drying process of the packed bed
were carried out in this study. Taking in to considerations the result
from these analyses, the following conclusion may be drawn on
energy utilization, energy utilization ratio and exergy efciency
decreased with increasing drying time, both energy utilization and
energy utilization ratio increased with large particle size of packed
The effects of particle sizes on the overall drying kinetics are
claried. The drying rate in the case of the F bed (ne particles) is
slightly higher than that case of the C bed (coarse particles). This is
because the higher capillary pressure for the F bed results in the
maintenance of a wetted drying surface for a longer period of time.
It is also found that the drying rate depends strongly on the
moisture content at the heating surface.
Our future aim is to validate the investigation of drying process of
multi-layered packed beds. The comparisons of drying source
between hot air and microwave energy.
The authors would like to express their appreciation to the
Thailand Research Fund (TRF) for providing nancial support for
this study.
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