18 Planes of Existence PDF
18 Planes of Existence PDF
18 Planes of Existence PDF
18 Planes of Existence
I wanted to ascend higher to see the Tzaddik Emes, Rebenu zl. I passed through Tiferets and was stuck at the
Gates of Daat[1782] that I did not know how to open. I did not know the Name of Hashem associated with this
sefirah.[1783] Eventually I saw Binah as a mother and Hochmah as a father embrace and the gates were opened and
Binah lifted me up and showed her husband what she had found. I said, I need to speak to the Tzaddik Emes and
you should help me. The father took me and passed me into the base of Keter. The entry to Keter opened inward
like a hole punched upward through paper, like a new gate made for each who enters. I said, I will to ascend to the
level to see the Tzaddik Emes. I was lifted through the blackness into the worlds above. I entered the level of MaH
45 and the expansion of the Havayah was before me and then BN 52, and then SaG 63, and finally AV 72
where I saw Rebenu zl standing.
He was so happy. He said, I am as proud of you as one of my finest students for though you live in the recesses of
the world, you have learned so much of my teachings and have studied with my teachers.[1784] It is impossible to
describe the joy he felt and I felt to reach him. I asked Rabbenu zl to help me with a question and he put his hands
upon my head to know the situation. I asked him what he is doing at this level and he said, you should continue to
learn my teachings and you will understand, but for now it is beyond you.[1785] All of a sudden, I felt a vacuum pulling
me down and I descended through the Tree in rapid progression through all of the sefirot and upper worlds.
Meditation 18-2: Adam Kadmon
May 4th, 2001
Regressed myself back to the point of conception and witnessed a spark of light like a shooting star back to its
place in the heavens waiting to be born. As I followed the white star back into the night sky, I found its stationary
location in the right wrist of Adam Kadmon. Like the rest of the sparks, it was motionless waiting to be reborn. I felt
the incredible longing in the spark for the chance at life again, for the chance to improve its station. How long it
waited to be born. Such a longing, the other sparks felt the same. All were waiting for suitable parents to provide a
chance in life.[1786]
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distinguished tree)[1790] To see oneself as a tree is a very elevating image for character improvement. Created in
the image of G-d is the 2nd reference to the Tzaddik Emet while the first is the Ruach over the waters. The Tree of
Life[1791] containing the sefirot presents the qualities of G-d, reflected down into creation. This wondrous tree is also
the Tree of Life that is the image of G-d that is Adam Kadmon. The published versions of the Shaarei Orah have as
their cover picture, a kabbalist holding onto the Tree of Life.[1792] For some the Tree of Life is Atzulut, the sefirot and
her pathways, while for others she is the Torah, the Tzaddik, or the Messiah.
R. Eleazar began here with the verse, Ask thee a sign [Tr. note: The Hebrew word is oth, which in Talmudic Hebrew
commonly means letter] of the Lord thy God, ask it either in the depth or in the height above (Isa. VII, 11). He said:
We have compared the former with the latter generations, and found that the former were conversant with a higher
wisdom by which they knew how to combine the letters that were given to Moses on Mount Sinai, and even the
sinners of Israel knew a deep wisdom contained in the letters and the difference between higher and lower letters,
and how to do things with them in this world. For every letter that was transmitted to Moses used to ascend as a
crown upon the heads of the holy celestial Chayot, who with them flitted through the ether which is under the refined
and unknowable supernal ether. There were large letters and small letters; the large letters came from the most high
and hidden Temple (hekhal) and the smaller letters from another lower Temple; and both kinds were transmitted to
Moses on Sinai, along with their occult combinations.. [Tr. note: The rest of this passage up to 3b [And he called...]
deals mainly with the occult powers of various letters. The whole is omitted from the editiones majores of Mantua,
Cremona, and Lublin.][Note:The last fifteen lines of the Hebrew text do not appear in the translation as explained in
the previous translator's note]
Meditation 18-3: Astral Travel
Astral Travel May 19, 1997 27th Day of Omer 8 PM
Today is influenced by Yesod in Netzah which brings righteous foundation to eternal visions. I visited Berkeley and
the Hochmat HaLev meditation center for their weekly meditation. I took the BART up to Berkeley from Fremont and
read a little of Crowleys book on Magic. I had been trying to decipher the mystery of the Astral plane. I was late and
jettisoned myself into the silent meditation.
I saw forms of the archangels descend and they pushed me higher from Malchuts to Yesod. The angels passed me
to other angels in a chain fashion each pushing me higher. Each complained about my state of impurity and quickly
pushed me to the next angel. Eventually something had to be done about the impure state and I beheld a boiling pool
of water and sulfuric acid. There was a small sense of fear and then I was tossed into the pool. I sank into the waters
and felt myself suffocating. As I sank, I noticed an angelic mermaid form near the bottom of the pool and she spoke
to me, You are safe here. I began to breath and I noticed that the bottom of the pool was pure acid. The color was a
blue-green. Quickly, the acid burned away my clothes. I asked the angel where I was and I was informed that I was in
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the Lower Plane of Water between the sefirot of Netzah and Hod. There are different types of liquids in the lower
planes and this was a place of acid. I asked who she was and she said that her name would be the Hebrew word for
acid with the suffix of an angel.[1795] I asked if she was an angel. She said that most beings are messengers of
Hashem but that her role was more of an acid elemental. I noticed my skin was burning and pealing away and I
beheld a pure white form of light emerging from the shell.
She told me that this was my Astral body and that I would be able to enter the Astral plane with it, while she watched
over the remains of my physical form. I traveled quickly out of the pool and noticed a new perspective on the Sefirotic
Tree. I was outside of the tree now looking in while connected with a line of white light to my body in the Lower Plane
of Water. I noticed that I could look into any world yet I could not be a part of any of them. I glanced into Tiferet and
descended into the world. I saw Jacob there in discussion with other religious sages. None of them noticed me
because I was not really in that world. I moved out of the sphere and then gazed into Hesed and saw Abraham and
Sarah there performing eternal chores associated with their meeting tent and they too could not see me. I popped
out and then gazed into Binah and beheld the great angelic mother transmitting light energy and above her chains of
other angels in an eternal dance. Though I wanted to dance with the angels, they could not see me and I understood
the limitations of the Astral plane.
I asked about the Ethereal plane and found that I could enter it invisibly with the Astral body. I saw many dream souls
within the beatific scenes of the ethereal world. Finally, I returned to Binah and asked what it would take to be seen
so that I could dance with the angels. I understood that I could merge back with the physical body while within the
sphere of Binah. I drew my body up from the Plane of Water and wrapped my body around my Astral form.
Immediately I became physical in the World of Binah and the angels saw me and descended. I began to dance with
them in great joy. I joined with their ascent to the world of Keter and we entered this world carrying the prayers of
those singing into the realm of Will. I began to fall through a center column of the angels, each one closing its wings
around me in a salute of departure. I unwrapped back into the astral body and the angels departed.
Nevertheless, all alone, I heard the Voice of G-d,
and I knew before G-d we are never invisible.
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he created it with justice; in so doing, He necessitated the principle of mercy in the world.[1798]
One should be a good example to others. One should develop a center of gravity. With a center of gravity one can
travel in other circles and be without personal conflict.[1799] Developing a center of gravity requires a commitment to
ones principles. It is harder to keep ones principles than to know them.
[1794] Soncino translation of Zohar, Vayikra, Section 3, page 2a on the small aleph on the first word of the Torah
[1795] Acid is humetz, the word for vinegar is hometz that which we must remove from our household and soul to
purify ourselves. The angels name is Humzahel
[1796] Yah associates with Hochmah which is nearest Keter. Crown here refers to the location of the three highest
sefira in general.
[1797] Adam Walton, October 26, 2002
[1798] Adam Walton, October 26, 2002
[1799] Micha Baruch at Shaare Tefilah in Salt Lake City
18.1 Primordial planes
18.2 Astral and Ethereal Planes
18.3 Space Travel
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