1. John Milton is known as
Ans: a puritan poet
2. What is the masterpiece of Milton?
Ans: Paradise Lost ( 1667)
3. What kind of poem is Miltons On His Blindness?
Ans: A sonnet
4. What kind of sonnet is Miltons On His Blindness?
Ans: An Italian or Petrarchan sonnet
5. What is the rhyme pattern of Miltons On His Blindness?
Ans: abbaabbacdecde
6. What is personified in the poem?
Ans: Patience
7. What is the complaint of the poet?
Ans: Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?
(or) The poet is embittered by his blindness and questions why God made him
blind and kindle his creative spirit to write his masterpiece.
8. Who answers the questions of Milton in the sonnet?
Ans: Patience, which is personified.
9. What is Patiences answer to the questions of Milton?
Ans: Who best / Bear His mild yoke, they serve Him best.
10. What is the theme of the sonnet?
Ans: The cosmic religious idealism acceptance is the best service to God.
11. Exemplify Miltons classicism.
Ans: Miltons adoption of the Italian sonnet to deal with the cosmic religious theme.
12. State the period of two civil wars fought during the 17 century in England.
Ans: Civil War I 1642-1646; Civil War II 1648-1651