Bio Chip Seminar Report
Bio Chip Seminar Report
Bio Chip Seminar Report
Seminar Report
Dept. OfEEE
The development of biochips is a major thrust of the rapidly growing biotechnology industry, which
encompasses a very diverse range of research efforts including genomics, proteomics, computational
biology, and pharmaceuticals, among other activities. Advances in these areas are giving scientists
new methods for unraveling the complex biochemical processes occurring inside cells, with the larger
goal of understanding and treating human diseases. At the same time, the semiconductor industry has
been steadily perfecting the science of microminiaturization. The merging of these two fields in recent
years has enabled biotechnologists to begin packing their traditionally bulky sensing tools into smaller
and smaller spaces, onto so-called biochips. These chips are essentially miniaturized laboratories that
can perform hundreds or thousands of simultaneous biochemical reactions. Biochips enable
researchers to quickly screen large numbers of biological analytes for a variety of purposes, from
disease diagnosis to detection of bioterrorism agents
Dept. OfEEE
Most of us won't like the idea of implanting a biochip in our body that identifies us uniquely and can
be used to track our location. That would be a major loss of privacy. But there is a flip side to this!
Such biochips could help agencies to locate lost children, downed soldiers and wandering Alzheimer's
The human body is the next big target of chipmakers. It won't be long before biochip implants will
come to the rescue of sick, or those who are handicapped in someway. Large amount of money and
research has already gone into this area of technology. Anyway, such implants have already
experimented with. A few US companies are selling both chips and their detectors. The chips are of
size of an uncooked grain of rice, small enough to be injected under the skin using a syringe needle.
They respond to a signal from the detector, held just a few feet away, by transmitting an identification
number. This number is then compared with the database listings of register pets. Daniel Man, a
plastic surgeon in private practice in Florida, holds the patent on a more powerful device: a chip that
would enable lost humans to be tracked by satellite.
Dept. OfEEE
A biochip is a collection of miniaturized test sites (micro arrays) arranged on a solid substrate that
permits many tests to be performed at the same time in order to get higher throughput and speed.
Typically, a biochip's surface area is not longer than a fingernail. Like a computer chip that can
perform millions of mathematical operation in one second, a biochip can perform thousands of
biological operations, such as decoding genes, in a few seconds.
A genetic biochip is designed to "freeze" into place the structures of many short strands of DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid), the basic chemical instruction that determines the characteristics of an
organism. Effectively, it is used as a kind of "test tube" for real chemical samples. A specifically
designed microscope can determine where the sample hybridized with DNA strands in the biochip.
Biochips helped to dramatically increase the speed of the identification of the estimated 80,000 genes
in human DNA, in the world wide research collaboration known as the Human Genome Project. The
microchip is described as a sort of "word search" function that can quickly sequence DNA.
In addition to genetic applications, the biochip is being used in toxicological, protein, and biochemical
research. Biochips can also be used to rapidly detect chemical agents used in biological warfare so that
defensive measures can be taken. Motorola, Hitachi, IBM, Texas Instruments have entered into the
biochip business.
The biochip implants system consists of two components: a transponder and a reader or scanner.
The transponder is the actual biochip implant. The biochip system is radio frequency identification
(RFID) system, using low-frequency radio signals to communicate between the biochip and reader.
The reading range or activation range, between reader and biochip is small, normally between 2 and
12 inches.
The transponder
The transponder is the actual biochip implant. It is a passive transponder, meaning it contains no
battery or energy of its own. In comparison, an active transponder would provide its own energy
source, normally a small battery. Because the passive contains no battery, or nothing to wear out, it
has a very long life up to 99 years, and no maintenance. Being passive, it is inactive until the reader
activates it by sending it a low-power electrical charge. The reader reads or scans the implanted
biochip and receives back data (in this case an identification number) from the biochips. The
communication between biochip and reader is via low-frequency radio waves. Since the
communication is via very low frequency radio waves it is nit at all harmful to the human body.
The biochip-transponder consists of four parts; computer microchip, antenna coil, capacitor and
the glass capsule.
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Computer microchips
The microchip stores a unique identification number from 10 to 15 digits long. The storage capacity of
the current microchips is limited, capable of storing only a single ID number. AVID (American
Veterinary Identification Devices), claims their chips, using an nnn-nnn-nnn format, has the capability
of over 70 trillion unique numbers. The unique ID number is "etched" or encoded via a laser onto the
surface of the microchip before assembly. Once the number is encoded it is impossible to alter. The
microchip also contains the electronic circuitry necessary to transmit the ID number to the "reader".
Antenna Coil
This is normally a simple, coil of copper wire around a ferrite or iron core. This tiny, primitive, radio
antenna receives and sends signals from the reader or scanner.
Tuning Capacitor
The capacitor stores the small electrical charge (less than 1/1000 of a watt) sent by the reader or
scanner, which activates the transponder. This "activation" allows the transponder to send back the ID
number encoded in the computer chip. Because "radio waves" are utilized to communicate between
the transponder and reader, the capacitor is tuned to the same frequency as the reader.
Glass Capsule
The glass capsule "houses" the microchip, antenna coil and capacitor. It is a small capsule, the smallest
measuring 11 mm in length and 2 mm in diameter, about the size of an uncooked grain of rice. The
capsule is made of biocompatible material such as soda lime glass.
After assembly, the capsule is hermetically (air-tight) sealed, so no bodily fluids can touch the
electronics inside. Because the glass is very smooth and susceptible to movement, a material such as a
polypropylene polymer sheath is attached to one end of the capsule. This sheath provides a compatible
surface which the boldly tissue fibres bond or interconnect, resulting in a permanent placement of
the biochip. The biochip is inserted into the subject with a hypodermic syringe. Injection is safe and
simple, comparable to common vaccines. Anaesthesia is not required nor recommended. In dogs and
cats, the biochip is usually injected behind the neck between the shoulder blades.
Dept. OfEEE
The reader
The reader consists of an "exciter coil" which creates an electromagnetic field that, via radio signals,
provides the necessary energy (less than 1/1000 of a watt) to "excite" or "activate" the implanted
biochip. The reader also carries a receiving coil that receives the transmitted code or ID number sent
back from the "activated" implanted biochip. This all takes place very fast, in milliseconds. The reader
also contains the software and components to decode the received code and display the result in an
LCD display. The reader can include a RS-232 port to attach a computer.
How it works
The reader generates a low-power, electromagnetic field, in this case via radio signals, which
"activates'' the implanted biochip. This "activation" enables the biochip to send the ID code back to the
reader via radio signals. The reader amplifies the received code, converts it to digital format, decodes
and displays the ID number on the reader's LCD display. The reader must normally be between 2 and
12 inches near the biochip to communicate. The reader and biochip can communicate through most
materials, except metal.
Dept. OfEEE
The civil liberties debate over biochips has obscured their more ethically benign and medically useful
applications. Medical researchers have been working to integrate chips and people for many years,
often plucking devices from well known electronic appliances. Jaffrey Hausdorff of the Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Centre in Boston has used the type of pressure sensitive resistors found in the
buttons of a microwave oven as stride timers. He places one sensor in the heel of a shoe, and one in
the toe, adds a computer to the ankle to calculate the duration of each stride. "Young, healthy subjects
can regulate the duration of each step very accurately," he says. But elderly patients prone to frequent
falls have extremely variable stride times, a flag that could indicate the need for more strengthening
exercises or a change in medication. Hausdorff is also using the system to determine the success of a
treatment for congestive heart failure. By monitoring the number of strides that a person takes, can
directly measure the patient's activity level, bypassing the often-flowed estimate made by the patient.
Diabetics currently use a skin prick and a handheld blood test, and then medicate themselves with the
required amount of insulin. The system is simple and works well, but the need to draw blood means
that most diabetics do not test themselves as often as they should. The new S4MS chip will simply sit
under the skin, sense the glucose level, and send the result back out by radio frequency
Dept. OfEEE
A light emitting diode starts off the detection process. The light that it produces hits a fluorescent
chemical: one that absorbs the incoming light and re-emits it at a longer wavelength. The longer
wavelength of light is detected, and the result is send to a control panel outside the body. Glucose is
detected because the sugar reduces the amount of light that a fluorescent chemical re-emits. The more
glucose is there the less light that is detected.
S4MS is still developing the perfect fluorescent chemical, but the key design innovation of the S4MS
chip has been fully worked out. The idea is simple: the LED is sitting in a sea of fluorescent
molecules. In most detectors the light source is far away from the fluorescent molecules, and the
inefficiencies that come with that mean more power and larger devices. The prototype S4MS chip uses
a 22 microwatt LED, almost forty times less powerful than a tiny power-on buttons on a computer
keyboard. The low power requirements mean that energy can be supplied from outside, by a process
called induction. The fluorescent detection itself does not consume any chemicals or proteins, so the
device is self sustaining.
Dept. OfEEE
A working model of an oxy sensor uses the same layout. With its current circuitry, it is about the size of a
large shirt button but the final silicon wafer will be less than a millimeter square. The oxygen sensors will
be useful not only to monitor breathing inside intensive care units, but also to check that packages of food,
or containers of semiconductors stored under nitrogen gas remain airtight.
Another version of an oxygen sensing chip currently under development sends light pulses out into the
body. The light absorbed to varying extends, depending on how much oxygen is carried in the blood, and
this chip detects the light that is left. The rushes of blood pumped by the heart are also detected, so the
same chip is a pulse monitor. A number of companies already make large scale versions of such detectors.
The transition of certain semiconductors to their conducting state is inherently sensitive to temperature, so
designing the sensor was simple enough. With some miniature radio frequency transmitters, and foamrubber earplugs to hold the chip in place, the device is
complete. Applications range from sick children, to chemotherapy patients who can be plagued by sudden
rises in body temperature in response to their anti-cancer drugs.
Sensing and measuring is one thing, but can we switch the body on and off? Heart pacemakers use the
crude approach: large jolts of electricity to synchronize the pumping of the heart. The electric pulses of
Activa implant, made by US-based Medtronic's Inc., are directed not at the heart but at the brain. They turn
off brain signals that cause the uncontrolled movements, or tremors, associated with disease such as
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Dept. OfEEE
Drug therapy of Parkinson's disease aims to replace the brain messenger dopamine, a product of brain
cells that are dying. But eventually the drug's effects wear off, and the erratic movements come charging
The Activa implant is a new alternative that uses high-frequency electric pulses to reversibly shut off the
thalamus. The implantation surgery is far less traumatic than thalamatomy, and if there are any postoperative problems the stimulator can simply be turned off. The implant primarily interferes with
aberrant brain functioning.
the cochlear implant is for patients who have lost the hair cells that detect sound waves. For these
Dept. OfEEE
The cochlear implant delivers electrical pulses directly to the nerve cells in the cochlea, the spiralshaped structure that translates sound in to nerve pulses. In normal hearing individuals, sound
waves set up vibrations in the walls of the cochlea, and hair cells detect these vibrations. Highfrequency notes vibrate nearer the base of cochlea, while low frequency notes nearer the top of
the spiral. The implant mimics the job of the hair cells. It splits the incoming noises into a number
of channels (typically eight) and then stimulates the appropriate part of the cochlea.
The two most successful cochlear implants are 'Clarion' and 'Nucleus'.
Dept. OfEEE
pigmentosa, a genetic disease and in age related macular degeneration, the most common reason for
loss sight in the developed world. Joseph Rizzo of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear
Infirmary, and John Wyatt of Massachusetts Institute of Technology have made a twenty electrode
lmm-square chip, and implanted it at the back of rabbit's eyes. The original chip, with the thickness of
human hair, put too much stress on the eye, so the new version is ten times thinner. The final setup
will include a fancy camera mounted a pair of glasses. The camera will detect and encode the scene,
then send it into the eye as a laser pulse, with the laser also providing the energy to drive the chip.
Rizzo has conformed that his tiny array of light receivers (photodiodes) can generate enough
electricity needed to run the chip. He has also found that the amount of electricity needed to fire a
nerve cell into action is 100-fold lower than in the ear, so the currents can be smaller, and the
electrodes more closely spaced. For now the power supply comes from a wire inserted directly in the
eye and, using this device, signals reaches the brain. Eugene de Jaun of Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute
is trying electrodes, electrodes inserted directly in to the eyes, are large and somewhat crude. But his
result has been startling. Completely blind patients have seen well-defined flashes, which change in
position and brightness as de Jaun changes the position of the electrode or amount of current. In his
most recent experiments, patients have identified simple shapes outlined by multiple electrodes. In one
US project chips are implanted on the surface of the retina, the structure at the back of the eyes. The
project is putting its implants at the back of the retina, where the photoreceptors are normally found.
Dept. OfEEE
The process is simple: load sample, run analysis, and view data. The 2100 bio analyzer is designed to
streamline the processes of RNA isolation, gene expression analysis, protein expression, protein
purification and more. One platform for entire workflow!
Dept. OfEEE
analytics present in mixtures at extremely low concentrations. Mixtures create limitations for the
optical detection methods typically used with biochips, while low concentrations present problems
when traditional separation techniques, such as 2D electrophoresis, are applied.
Surface Enhanced Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectroscopy (SELDI-TOF MS)
was developed in the last decade as a powerful tool for overcoming these limitations, and is now being
commercialized by several companies. With a SELDI protein biochip, proteins are captured at a target
site using techniques that are similar to traditional chromatographic techniques, the analysis of the
biochips, however, is quite different. Instead of optical detection, the bound proteins are combined
with a charge and energy transfer molecule and assayed using laser desorption ionization time-offlight mass spectroscopy. With TOF MS, it becomes possible to simultaneously identify hundreds or
thousands of proteins and peptides bound to a single site. TOF MS is also capable of detecting
analytics present in nanomole to sub-femtomole quantities, corresponding to mill molar to Pico
Molar concentrations in a typical biological sample. Because of these capabilities, SELDI biochip
surfaces can be prepared with diverse chemistries that have varying degrees of protein-binding
specificity, and their selectivity may be further enhanced through variations in protein capture and
retention protocols.
Dept. OfEEE
Protein maps are rich descriptions of the biological sample, which characterize the psychological state
of a patient. Their information destiny and complexity often defies simpler linear analysis. In order to
best utilize this data, LumiCyte has developed software that incorporates the latest techniques for data
base mining, pattern recognition, and artificial intelligence. Some of the challenges include managing
large volume data sets, searching for reproducible patters in data, which has variable alignment and
instrument artefacts, and dealing with the inherent variability present in biological samples.
Classification and analysis methods that have been successful include both trained artificial
intelligence tools, such as support vector machines and genetic algorithms, as well as unsupervised
cluster analysis. Applying these tools to the differential analysis of protein maps rapidly uncovers the
extent and nature of protein variations. This analysis can be applied to samples from multiple patients
of differing phenotypes, where it leads to early detection of disease, even in asymptomatic patients. It
also provides a powerful tool for discriminating between physiologically distinct diseases that present
similar or even identical symptoms. With samples from a single patient, analysis of protein maps
reveals early onset of disease, disease progression, and the patient's response to therapy.
Dept. OfEEE
A new DNA biochip developed by Tuan Vo-Dinh and colleagues at the Department of Energy's
(DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) could revolutionize the way the medical profession
performs tests on blood. Instead of patient having to wait several days for the results form a
laboratory, they are virtually immediate with the matchbox-sized biochip. And it requires less blood
with no sacrifice on accuracy. In addition to time savings, the DNA biochip eliminates the needs for
radioactive labels used for detection. This greatly reduces cost and potential health effects to
technicians and lab workers handling samples and performing tests. It also reduces disposal costs
because chemically labelled blood must be handled according to strict regulations. To be useful for
detecting compounds in a real-life sample, a biosensor must be extremely sensitive and able to
distinguish between, for example, a bacteria, virus or chemical or biological species. ORNL's DNA
biochip does that. Unlike other biosensors based on enzyme and antibody probes, The DNA biochip is
a gene probe-based biosensor.
Within ten years you will have a biochip implanted in your head consisting of financial status,
employment and medical records. Even in a grocery store, sensor will read the credit chip and will
automatically debit the account for purchase. A biochip implanted in our body can serve as a
combination of credit ca5rd, passport, driver's license and personal diary. And there is nothing to
worry about losing them. It is said that by 2008, all members of typical American family including
there pets will have microchips under their skin with ID and medical data