Generic Scorecard - Hospitality Services Manager

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Key Performance Areas

My Name
Park or


Park Specific

My Role
My Objective

Develop and grow a

sustainable nature-based
tourism business

Become the Nature

Based tourism
destination of choice

Transform the
domestic guest profile,
through growth to be
representative of
South African society
Grow Revenue

Grow Black visitor

numbers through
Improve Gross
Operating (Tourism)
Grow Wild Card sales

Generic KPA 1

Effective Leadership and

Human Capital Management

Share & provide

access to information
& knowledge

% obtained in audits (corporate)

Service Quality Assessment

All complaints - feedback provided to

Regional Manager within 10 days
improved performance obtained in
audits (corporate) (%)

Grading of establishment

Grading as per agreed upon targets

for accomodation facilities in the park

Guests to Park

Increased number of paying guests

through park gates (yr on yr)
Increased overnight occupancy
(occupied units over physical units)


Increased utilization of activities


Improved customer satisfaction and

revenue from concessions

Increased Revenue received from

Shop and Restaurant (yr on yr)
Customer Satisfaction at
Concessions as per Service Quality
Assessments and Guest feedback

% of Black visitors as a percentage

of total.

% Black day visitors of total

% Growth in Gross Operating

(Tourism) Revenue

% Black overnight visitors of total

% Growth in Gross Operating
(Tourism) Revenue

% Growth in number and value of

Wild Cards sold
Number of Park Imbizo's

% Growth in number and value of

Wild Cards sold
Number of Park Imbizo's attended

Share & provide

access to information
& knowledge

% employees who have been

involved in anonymous surveys
Ensure Best Practices Ensure Best Practices % employees who know their status
in Managing HIV/ Aids in Managing HIV/ Aids
and associated
and associated
% of employees in LMP vs the %
achieved in anonymous surveys
Change in budget to forecast
allocation of training spend
% of Staff who achieved set goals as
per individual development plans
Generic KPA 2 Management of the Financial
Number of budget and forecast
Health of the Division
submissions on time according to
Effective Management Effective Management schedule
of Revenue and
of Revenue and
Hospitality Services Manager
Create a Culture of
Learning and

My Personal Initiative

Improvements in number of
Complaint and Complimentary letters
received at Corporate level and Park

Increased utilization of Overnights Guests

park and existing
Tourism products

Ensure effective
Management of
concession partners

Park /Regional Manager My Personal Target


Mystery Customer Assessment

Ratio of Service Quality Assessments
received to total overnight bookings

Ensure effective
delivery of Customer

Ensure Compliance to
Tourism Standards,
Policies & Procedures

Hospitality Services Manager

Park /Regional Manager My Personal Measure

Customer satisfaction index


Create a Culture of
Learning and

% employees who have been

involved in anonymous surveys
% employees who know their status
% of employees in LMP vs the %
achieved in anonymous surveys
Change in budget to forecast
allocation of training spend
% of Staff who achieved set goals as
per individual development plans
Number of budget and forecast
submissions on time according to
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Key Performance Areas

My Name

Generic KPA 2 Management of the Financial

Health of the Division

My Role
Park or

My Objective

Improve Income to
Cost Ratio
Generic KPA 3

Create and maintain a

culture of good corporate
governance and proactive
risk management

Build Purposeful
Relationships with Key

Hospitality Services Manager

Park /Regional Manager My Personal Target


My Personal Initiative

Extent of budget change to forecast

and actual and reasons why

Project Management
Income to Cost Ratio (monthly,
quarterly and annually)

Project Management
Income to Cost Ratio (monthly &

% of resolved medium to high noncompliant issues in the time agreed

% of resolved medium to high noncompliant issues in the time agreed

Adherence to Audit Plan and requirements thereof compliance to PFMA

Improved overall residual risk profile

for each division
% of BEE procurement value per

Improved overall residual risk profile

for the tourism function in the park
% of BEE procurement value for the
tourism function

Risk Activist Programme including Best Practice

% of Equity Plan Implemented

Number and value of Honorary
Ranger projects

% of Equity Plan Implemented

Number and value of Honorary
Ranger projects

Employment Equity Plan

Relationship Management Programme

Achieve Good
Achieve Good
Corporate Governance Corporate Governance

Generic KPA 4 Ensure the effective delivery

of broad based black
Implement broad
economic empowerment
based Transformation
Generic KPA 5

Improve Income to
Cost Ratio

Hospitality Services Manager

Park /Regional Manager My Personal Measure


Effective Management Effective Management

of Revenue and
of Revenue and
Extent of budget change to forecast
and actual and reasons why


Utilize Honorary

Implement broad
based Transformation

Utilize Honorary

Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE)

including Expanded Public Works Programme, SMME
Development & Support, Capacity Building mechanisms and
Implementation of Tourism Scorecard

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