Robusta Cupping Protocols
Robusta Cupping Protocols
Robusta Cupping Protocols
Well lighted
Clean, no interfering
Cupping tables
Comfortable temperature
Limited distractions (no
phones, etc.)
Cupping Preparation
Balance (Scale)
Cupping glasses with lids
Cupping spoons
Hot water equipment
Forms and other paperwork
Pencils and clipboards
June 2010
To determine measurement:
The optimum ratio is 8.75 grams per 150 ml of water, as this conforms to the
mid-point of the optimum balance recipes for the Robusta Golden Cup.
Determine the volume of water in the selected cupping glass and adjust weight
of coffee to this ratio within +/- .25 grams.
Cupping Preparation:
Sample should be ground immediately prior to cupping, no more than 15
minutes before infusion with water. If this is not possible, samples should be
covered and infused not more than 30 minutes after grinding.
Samples should be weighed out AS WHOLE BEANS to the predetermined
ratio (see above for ratio) for the appropriate cup fluid volume.
Grind particle size should be slightly coarser than typically used for paper
filter drip brewing, with 70% to 75% of the particles passing through a U.S.
Standard size 20 mesh sieve.
At least 5 cups from each sample should be prepared to evaluate sample
Each cup of sample should be ground by running a cleansing quantity of the
sample through the grinder, and then grinding each cup's batch individually
into the cupping glasses, ensuring that the whole and consistent quantity of
sample gets deposited into each cup. A lid should be placed on each cup
immediately after grinding.
Water used for cupping should be clean and odor free, but not distilled or
softened. Ideal Total Dissolve Solids are 125-175 ppm, but should not be less
than 100 ppm or more than 250 ppm.
The water should be freshly drawn and brought to approximately 200 F
(93C) at the time it is poured onto the ground coffee.
The hot water should be poured directly onto the measured grounds in the cup
to the rim of the cup, making sure to wet all of the grounds.
As the coffee degasses, the cap may sink below the rim of the cup. When
this occurs immediately pour additional water into the cup so that the cap
again rises to the rim of the glass
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June 2010
Sample Evaluation
Sensory testing is done for three reasons:
To determine the actual sensory differences between the samples
To describe the flavor of the samples
To determine the cuppers preference for the samples
No single test can effectively address all of the above, but they do have common aspects.
It is important for the evaluator to know the purpose of the test and how results will be
used. The purpose of this cupping protocol is the determination of the cuppers
preference. The quality of specific flavor attributes is analyzed, and then drawing on the
cuppers previous experience, each flavor attribute is rated on a numeric scale. The scores
between samples can then be compared. Coffees that receive higher scores should be
noticeably better than coffees that receive lower scores.
The Cupping Form provides a systematic means of recording 10 important flavor
attributes for Robusta coffee: Fragrance/Aroma, Flavor, Aftertaste, Salt/Acid Aspect
Ratio, Bitter/Sweet Aspect Ratio, Mouthfeel, Balance, Uniform Cups, Clean Cups, and
Overall. Defects, both Taints and Faults, can also be recorded on the form. The specific
flavor attributes are positive scores of quality reflecting a judgment rating of the cupper;
the defects are negative scores denoting unpleasant flavor sensations; the Overall score is
based on the flavor experience of the individual cupper as a personal appraisal. These are
rated on a 16-point scale representing levels of quality in quarter point increments
between numeric values from 6 to 10. These levels are:
Quality scale:
6.00 - Good 7.00 - Very Good
8.00 - Fine
9.00 - Outstanding
Theoretically the above scale ranges from a minimum value of 0 to a maximum value of
10 points. The lower end of the scale (.25 to 5.75) is applicable to commercial coffees,
which are cupped primarily for the assessment of defect types and intensities.
Evaluation Procedure
Samples should first be visually inspected for roast color. This is marked on the left hand
side of the form and may be used as a reference during the rating of specific flavor
attributes, particularly if the sample is roasted too light or too dark. The sequence of
rating each attribute is based on the flavor perception changes caused by decreasing
temperature of the coffee as it cools:
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Step #1 Fragrance/Aroma
1. Within 15 minutes after samples have been ground, the dry fragrance of the
samples should be evaluated by lifting the lid and sniffing the dry grounds.
a. Both the type and intensity of the dry fragrance is rated on a scale of 1 to
6, and then marked on the vertical scale in the box provided.
b. The cupper should also note the type of dry fragrance on the small
horizontal line. The type of dry fragrance will range from flowery to
fruity to herbal.
2. After infusing with water, the crust is left unbroken for at least 3 minutes but not
more than 5 minutes. Breaking of the crust is done by stirring 3 times, then
allowing the foam to run down the back of the spoon while gently sniffing.
a. Both the type and intensity of the wet aroma is rated on a scale of 1 to 6,
and then marked on the vertical scale in the box provided.
b. The cupper should also note the type of wet aroma on the small horizontal
line. The type of dry fragrance will range from fruity to herbal to nut-like.
In addition caramel and/or cocoa may be detected in the wet aroma.
3. The score of the dry fragrance and wet aroma are totaled and the combined
Fragrance/Aroma score is then marked on the form, with the maximum score
being 10.
Step #2 Flavor, Aftertaste, Salt/Acid, Bitter/Sweet, and Mouthfeel
4. When the sample has cooled to 160 F (about 70 C, 8-10 minutes from infusion),
evaluation of the liquor should begin. The liquor is aspirated into the mouth in
such a way as to cover as much area as possible, especially the tongue and upper
palate. Because the retro nasal vapors are at their maximum intensity at these
elevated temperatures, Flavor and Aftertaste are rated at this point.
a. Flavor represents the coffees principal character, the mid-range notes
combining taste and aroma.
b. Aftertaste is defined as the length of positive flavor (taste and aroma
qualities emanating from the back of the palate and remaining in the
mouth after the coffee is expectorated or swallowed.
5. As the coffee continues to cool (160 F - 140 F), the Salt/Acid Aspect Ratio,
Bitter/Sweet Aspect Ratio and Mouthfeel are rated next.
a. Salt/Acid Aspect Ration is the relative balance between the salt sensations,
principally driven by the higher potassium levels of Robusta coffees in
contrast to the normally lower levels of organic acids, particularly citric
acid. Fine Robusta coffees are noted for their lower levels of salt,
producing a harsh taste in the cup and their higher levels of organic
acids producing a soft taste in the cup. Low saltiness is rated on the
vertical scale of 1 to 6, with the higher number representing a low saltiness
perception. High acid is rated on the vertical scale of 1 to 6, with the
higher number representing a perceived high level of acidity. The two
scores are added together for the total Bitter/Sweet rating, with the
maximum score of 10.
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June 2010
b. Bitter/Sweet Aspect Ratio is the relative balance between the bitter and
sweet taste sensations, with the optimum result coming from a low
bitterness and high sweet combination. Low bitterness is rated on the
vertical scale of 1 to 6, with the higher number representing a low
bitterness perception. High sweet is rated on the vertical scale of 1 to 6,
with the higher number representing a high sweet perception. The two
scores are added together for the total Bitter/Sweet rating, with the
maximum score of 10.
c. Mouthfeel is a combination of weight and texture. The weight comes
from micro-fine fiber particles swept off the ground up beans and the
texture comes from the oils extracted from the coffee particles and
suspended in the brew. Both the weight (heft on the tongue compared to
pure water) and texture (slipperiness compared to pure water) are rated on
the vertical scales from 1 to 6. The two scores are added together for the
total Mouthfeel rating, with the maximum score of 10.
6. The cuppers preference for each of the attributes is evaluated at several different
temperatures (2 or 3 times) as the sample cools. To rate the sample on the 16point scale circle the appropriate tick-mark on the cupping form. If a change is
made (if a sample gains or loses some of its perceived quality due to temperature
changes), re-mark the horizontal scale and draw an arrow to indicate the direction
of the final score.
Step #3 Balance, Uniform Cups, and Clean Cups
7. As the brew approaches room temperature (below 100 F) Softness, Uniform
Cups, and Clean Cups are evaluated.
a. Balance is the cuppers assessment of how well the Flavor, Aftertaste,
Mouthfeel, and Bitter/Sweet Aspect Ratio fit together in a synergistic
combination. All four attributes should be present in equal intensities in
order to achieve balance in the cup. The greater the intensity, while still
maintaining balance in the cup, the higher the rating.
b. Uniform Cups and Clean Cups are rated on a cup-by-cup basis. For these
attributes, the cupper makes a judgment on each individual cup, awarding
2 points per cup for each Uniform cup and 2 points per cup for each Clean
cup (10 points maximum score).
Step #4 Overall and Total Score
8. Evaluation of the liquor should cease when the sample reaches 70 F (16 C) and
the Overall score is determined by the cupper and given to the sample as
Cuppers Points based on ALL of the combined attributes.
9. All of the scores from each of the ten attributes are then totaled and entered into
the box on the right hand side of the form marked Total Score.
Step #5 Final Score
10. Once the Total Score has been calculated, points are deducted for defects in the
following manner:
a. Taints are minor defects commonly found in the aromatic properties of the
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June 2010
coffee. Each cup is evaluated and any cup in which a taint is found has 2
points deducted from the total score.
b. Faults are major defects commonly found in the taste properties of the
coffee. Each cup is evaluated and any cup in which a fault is found has 4
points deducted from the total score.
11. The Final Score is calculated by deducting any taints or faults in any of the five
cups and recorded in the box marked Final Score.
Individual Component Scores
On some of the positive attributes, there are two tick-mark scales. The vertical (up and
down) scales are used to rank the intensity of the listed sensory component and are
marked for the evaluators record. The horizontal (left to right) scales are used to rate the
panelists preference of the particular component based upon their perception of the
sample and experiential understanding of quality. The attribute score is recorded in the
appropriate box on the cupping form.
Each of these attributes is described more fully as follows:
Fragrance/Aroma: The aromatic aspects include Dry Fragrance (defined as the smell of
the ground coffee when still dry) and Wet Aroma (the smell of the coffee when infused
with hot water). One can evaluate this at three distinct steps in the cupping process: (1)
sniffing the grounds placed into the cup before pouring water onto the coffee; (2) sniffing
the aromas released while breaking the crust; and (3) sniffing the aromas released as the
coffee steeps. Specific aromas can be noted under qualities and the intensity of the dry
fragrance, break, and wet aroma aspects noted on the 6-point vertical scales. The score
finally given is calculated by summing the vertical scales and should reflect the
preference of all three aspects of a samples Fragrance/Aroma.
Enzymatic notes commonly found in Fine Robusta coffees include: Tea Rose,
Lemon, Coffee Blossom, and Honey; while those commonly found in
Commercial Robusta coffees include Potato and Garden Peas.
Sugar Browning notes commonly found in Fine Robusta coffees include: Vanilla,
Butter, Caramel, Cocoa and Walnuts; while those commonly found in
Commercial Robusta coffees include Toasted Bread and Roasted Peanuts.
Dry Distillation notes commonly found in Fine Robusta coffees include Malt;
while those commonly found in Commercial Robusta coffees include Pepper,
Cedar, and Pipe Tobacco.
Aromatic Taints commonly found in Fine Robusta coffees include Coffee Pulp;
while those commonly found in Commercial Robusta coffees include Earthy,
Medicinal, Smoke, Rubber, and Straw.
Flavor: Flavor represents the coffee's principal character, the "mid-range" notes, in
between the first impressions given by the coffee's first aroma and taste to its final
aftertaste. It is a combined impression of all the gustatory (taste bud) sensations and retro
nasal aromas that go from the mouth to nose. The score given for Flavor should account
for the intensity, quality and complexity of its combined taste and aroma, experienced
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when the coffee is slurped into the mouth vigorously so as to involve the entire palate in
the evaluation.
Flavor notes found in Fine Robusta coffees commonly include:
o Fruit-like: cherry, black currant, raisin, raspberry, berry, dry fig, lemon,
and prunes.
o Nut-like: walnut, almond, and malt
o Spice-like: clove, coriander and allspice
o Sweet-like: molasses, syrupy, caramel, honey, dark chocolate, cocoa, and
o Overall: rounded, complex, complete, mellow, deep and delicate.
Flavor notes found in Commercial Robusta coffees commonly include:
o Vegetable-like: grassy, hay, grain-like, barley-like, legume, potato, pealike, silage, jackfruit, popcorn, and biscuit-like
o Phenol-like: medicinal, metallic, rubbery, smoky, burnt, woody
o Astringent-like: uric, salty, briny, brackish
o Overall: dull, lifeless, flat, uneven, neutral, harsh, soapy
Aftertaste: Aftertaste is defined as the length of positive flavor (taste and aroma)
qualities emanating from the back of the palate and remaining after the coffee is
expectorated or swallowed. If the aftertaste were short or unpleasant, a lower score
would be given. In Robusta coffees it is often driven by the potassium level found in the
coffee, with high levels resulting in brackish (high saltiness and displeasing aromas)
aftertastes and with low levels resulting in savory (low saltiness and pleasing aromas)
Salt/Acid Aspect Ratio: the Salt/Acid Aspect Ratio is responsible for the pleasing and
delicate taste that is derived from distinguishable acidity and sweetness in Robusta
coffees, stemming from the presence of fruit acids and sugars. It is also recognized
because of lower levels of potassium and caffeine that make the Robusta coffee tastes
coarse or harsh are absent from Fine Robusta coffees. This attribute is comparable to
the strictly soft / strictly hard categorization of Brazilian coffees. The noticeable
perception of acidity is one of the striking taste differences between Fine Robusta and
Commercial Robusta coffees.
Bitter/Sweet Aspect Ratio: Both bitter and sweet taste sensations are present in Robusta
coffees. The bitter component stems principally from the caffeine and potassium levels
present in the coffee, while the sweet component is derived from the fruit acids,
chlorogenic acid, and sugars levels in the coffee. Fine Robusta coffees have a low bitter
and high sweet aspect in their taste, which Commercial Robusta coffees have a high bitter
and low sweet aspect in their taste. In determining the Bitter/Sweet Aspect Ratio Score,
the cupper rates the relative bitterness on a scale of 1 to 6, giving the higher score to the
lower perceived bitterness, while at the same the cupper rates the relative sweetness on a
scale of 1 to 6, giving the higher score to the higher perceived sweetness. The two scores
are then added to determine the Bitter/Sweet score.
Mouthfeel: The quality of Mouthfeel is based upon the tactile feeling of the liquid in the
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mouth, especially as perceived between the tongue and roof of the mouth. Most samples
with heavy Mouthfeel may also receive a high score in terms of quality due to the
presence of brew colloids. Brew colloids are formed as the oils extracted from the
ground coffee coagulate around the micro-fine bean fibers suspend in the brew.
Mouthfeel has two distinct aspects: 1) weight and 2) texture.
Balance: How all the various aspects of Flavor, Aftertaste, Salt/Acid Aspect Ratio,
Bitter/Sweet Aspect Ratio, and Mouthfeel of the sample work together and complement
or contrast to each other is Balance. As the intensity of each of these attributes
increases, it is more difficult for all the attributes to remain in balance. If each attribute
increases equally in intensity, then the Balance score is high. If the sample is lacking in
one or more attributes or if some attributes are overpowering, the Balance score would be
Uniform Cups: Uniform Cups refers to consistency of flavor of the different cups of the
sample tasted. If a single sour, ferment, phenolic or other off-tasting bean is present in
any of the cups, one or more of the cups will exhibit a different taste. This inconsistency
in the flavor of the coffee is a very negative attribute. This type of inconsistency should
be so distinct that the cupper can easily identify the off-cup in a triangulation with the
other cups in the sample set. The rating of this attribute is calculated on a cup-by-cup
basis. 2 points are awarded for each cup in the sample that is uniform (tastes like the
other cups), with a maximum of 10 points if all 5 cups are the same.
Clean Cups: Clean Cups refers to a lack of interfering negative impressions from first
ingestion to final aftertaste, a transparency of cup. In evaluating this attribute, notice
the total flavor experience from the time of the initial ingestion to final swallowing or
expectoration. If a single moldy, dirty, baggy or other off-tasting bean is present in any
of the cups, one or more of the cups will exhibit a non-coffee taste. Any non-coffee like
tastes or aromas will disqualify an individual cup. 2 points are awarded for each cup in
the sample that is free from a non-coffee like taste or aroma.
Overall: The overall score attribute is meant to reflect the holistically integrated rating
of the sample as perceived by the individual cupper. A sample with many highly pleasant
attributes, but not quite measuring up to the cuppers expectation would receive a lower
rating. A coffee that met expectations as to its character and reflected particular origin
flavor qualities would receive a high score. An exemplary example of preferred
characteristics not fully reflected in the individual score of the individual attributes might
receive an even higher score. This is the step where the cuppers make their personal
appraisal of the coffee. Good cuppers do not allow their personal preference for a coffee
to interfere with the rating of the other flavor attributes of the sample.
Defects: Defects are negative or poor flavors that detract from the quality of the coffee.
These are classified in 2 ways. A taint is an off-flavor that is noticeable, but not
overwhelming, usually found in the aromatic aspects. A taint is given a 2 in intensity.
A fault is an off-flavor, usually found in the taste aspects, that is either overwhelming or
renders the sample unpalatable and is given an intensity rating of 4. The defect must
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first be classified (as a taint or a fault), then described (sour, rubbery, ferment,
phenolic for example) and the description written down. The number of cups in which
the defect was found is then noted, and the intensity of the defect is recorded as either a 2
or 4. The defect score is multiplied by the number of cups in which it is found and
subtracted from the total score in calculating the Final Score, following to directions on
the cupping form.
Final Scoring
The Final Score is calculated by first summing the individual scores given for each of the
primary attributes in the box marked Total Score. Defects are then subtracted from the
Total Score to arrive at a Final Score. The following Scoring Key has proven to be a
meaningful way to describe the range of coffee quality for the Final Score, with scores
above 80 equating to Fine Robusta coffees.
Total Score
< 40
< 30
< 20
< 10
Quality Description
Very Good
Very Fine
Usual Good Quality
Usual Good Quality
Exchange Grade
Below Grade
Off Grade
Uganda Coffee Development Authority
June 2010