Folder Accomodation Units
Folder Accomodation Units
Folder Accomodation Units
Keppel Verolme’s strategic location, our excellent facilities and the
availability of ample resources and maker’s specialists, in combination
with the expertise and experience of our skilled workforce form the basis
of a successful project execution.
Several accommodation units were dry docked for general class renewal
surveys, including all inspections, overhauls and repairs. Subsequently, the
yard carried out various refurbishment programs. Such as, the increasing
of the capacity of existing accommodation and renewal of the facilities.
During these works other activities carried out were renewal of main
engines and refurbishment of alternators and installation of new ICCP
systems, as well as blasting and recoating of the units.
The Keppel Verolme yard can accommodate any seagoing vessel
and floating offshore unit and is easily accessible within the Port of
Rotterdam. Our main services are dry docking, repair and maintenance,
modifications, conversions and constructions. We offer a fully equipped
yard with virtually unlimited possibilities geared for the needs of today
and to those of the future.
The location of a yard is almost as important as the
facilities it can offer. We are the first available yard for
any ship entering the main waterway from either English
Channel or North Sea. The yard is located in sheltered
water and the sailing distance to the open sea is only
10 nautical miles, with no overhead obstacles/locks.
鼂 Amsterdam Airport 85 km
鼄 Rotterdam Central Trainstation 30 km
Harbour number 4550
200 m
waterdepth -6 m
-12,5 m 4561
-10,5 m K
The reparrbeth numbers are marked at the 4560
watersides as indicated on this plan. J
-8.65 m
A Steel section fabrication/assembling shop, M Trainingschool/ancillary construction shop waterdepth
crane cap. 2 x 40 T
N Drydock 405 x 90 m * 11.06 m
B Steel preparation shop, crane cap. 15 T 4564
O Construction/assembling area, open storage areas O
C Pipe shop, crane cap. 3 T
570 m
P Parking -10 m
D Machine shop, crane cap. 60 T 4558
Q Watertreatment installation 4565
E Project offices, restaurant and medical services 4566 waterdepth
R Project offices 4567 L
-4 m
F Safety & Environmental Department
S Intermediate removable wall M
G Main office G 4556
T Yard facilities D L
H Porter’s lodge, subcontractors registration office C B
I Warehouse P
* Depth of water over keelblocks
J Drydock 230 x 35.5 m * 8.00 m at mean high water E I
R 4551
Drydock details
20 T 20 T 80 T 20 T 30 T
N 35 T 45 T
S Dock V Dock VI Dock VII
O 4548
Drydock (3)
-10 m
405 m length overall open depth of water
4547 in m width width over keelblocks
O in m in m in m at mean
high water