Jurnal Malaria Tes
Jurnal Malaria Tes
Jurnal Malaria Tes
DOI 10.1007/s00277-008-0486-8
Received: 2 January 2008 / Accepted: 8 March 2008 / Published online: 22 April 2008
# Springer-Verlag 2008
H. J. Huh : S. L. Chae
Department of Laboratory Medicine, College of Medicine,
Dongguk University,
Goyang, Republic of Korea
G. Y. Oh
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Eone Reference Laboratory,
Seoul, Republic of Korea
J. W. Huh
Department of Laboratory Medicine, College of Medicine,
Ewha Womans University,
Seoul, Republic of Korea
S. L. Chae (*)
Department of Laboratory Medicine,
Dongguk University International Hospital,
Siksa-dong, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si,
Gyeonggi-do 411-773, Republic of Korea
e-mail: rocky@duih.org
samples with pseudoeosinophilia or abnormal WBC scattergrams showed significantly higher parasite counts than the
samples without pseudoeosinophilia or an abnormal WBC
scattergram (P<0.05). All 24 samples from patients for
whom the malaria smear was repeated after malaria
treatment was initiated showed a normalized eosinophil
count and a normal WBC histogram. In conclusion,
attention to differential count and WBC scattergrams
provided by the Sysmex XE-2100 would be a valuable
tool in malaria detection.
Keywords Malaria . Pseudoeosinophilia . Abnormal WBC
scattergram . Sysmex XE-2100 hematology analyzer
Malaria is diagnosed using a combination of clinical
observations, case history, and diagnostic tests, principally
microscopic examination of stained slides. However,
classical microscopic examination is labor intensive and
time consuming. Limitations of malaria diagnosis using this
method have led to the development of several new
techniques that simplify and speed up diagnosis and
increase sensitivity [1]. However, these all rely on clinical
suspicion and, consequently, a clinical request. Although
some methods lend themselves to automation (e.g., polymerase chain reaction) [2], no technique can yet be used for
routine clinical automated screening.
There is growing interest in the use of routine hematological blood analysis as a component of measurement for
the presumptive diagnosis of malaria infection [1, 3]. It has
been reported that abnormal depolarizing patterns detected
by a Cell-Dyn hematology analyzer (Abbott Diagnostics,
Santa, CA, USA) showed high sensitivity for malaria
Pseudoeosinophilia and abnormal WBC scattergrams
Of the 144 samples from malaria patients, 56 (38.9%)
showed pseudoeosinophilia. In samples with pseudoeosinophilia, the mean (standard deviation (SD)) neutrophil count
by microscopic examination and Sysmex XE-2100 analyzer
were 67.1% (17.9) and 56.4% (15.1), respectively. The
mean (SD) eosinophil counts determined by microscopic
examination and Sysmex XE-2100 analyzer were 0.6%
(1.0) and 15.9% (9.5), respectively.
When compared to the normal WBC differential scattergram (Fig. 1a), 75 samples from malaria patients showed
various abnormal features. The most strikingly noted
abnormal WBC scattergram was a nonclassified plot
extending from neutrophils toward the area of eosinophils
(n=33; Fig. 1b). In these cases, neutrophils and eosinophil
counts are displayed as bars on the Sysmex XE-2100
analyzer. Other features encountered in malaria-positive
samples were two atypical eosinophil populations (n=31;
Fig. 1c), overlapping neutrophil and eosinophil populations
(n=7; Fig. 1d), and two neutrophil populations (n=4;
Fig. 1e). Among the 31 samples with two atypical
eosinophil populations, four samples simultaneously
showed two neutrophil populations (Fig. 1c).
Sensitivity and specificity
Using the abnormal WBC scattergrams for the initial
diagnosis, the sensitivity and specificity were 52.1% and
100%, respectively (Table 1). Using pseudoeosinophilia for
the initial diagnosis, the sensitivity and specificity were
38.9% and 100%, respectively. Overall, pseudoeosinophilia
or an abnormal WBC scattergram was detected in 100 of
144 malaria-positive samples (sensitivity 69.4%, specificity
Abnormal WBC scattergram
Pseudoeosinophilia or abnormal WBC scattergram
Table 2 Comparison of
parasite counts between
samples with and without
atypical features on the
Sysmex XE-2100 analyzer
Positive (n=56)
Negative (n=88)
Abnormal WBC scattergram
Positive (n=75)
Negative (n=69)
Pseudoeosinophilia or abnormal WBC scattergram
Positive (n=100)
Negative (n=44)
Automated blood cell analyzers can detect cases of malaria
in the absence of clinical suspicion [1, 8]. Suspicious plots
should be checked by stained blood film. The Cell-Dyn
3500 was the first autoanalyzer that allowed the detection
of malaria during routine investigation by complete blood
cell analysis [5]. The Cell-Dyn 3500 appears to detect
hemozoin-containing leukocytes according to their depolarizing properties [3]. It is believed that hemozoin-laden
monocytes, which have ingested parasites, are the major
component of the defining abnormal population identified
using the Cell-Dyn method [8, 9]. Hemozoin-containing
neutrophils seemed to be misidentified as eosinophils [9].
Moreover, it was suggested that the Cell-Dyn 3500 could
detect intraerythrocytic pigmented malarial parasites in rare
circumstances, such as relatively high parasitemia or
osmotic resistance [3].
Pseudoeosinophilia was detected in samples from malaria patients using the Sysmex XE-2100 analyzer [6, 10].
The Sysmex XE-2100 analyzer cannot differentiate hemozoin-containing monocytes from normal monocytes. However, the instrument detects hemozoin-containing
neutrophils and classifies them incorrectly as eosinophils
due to considerable side light scattering, which causes a
diagnosis of pseudoeosinophilia [6]. In this study, the mean
difference in neutrophil counts between microscopic examination and the Sysmex XE-2100 analyzer was 11%, and
the mean difference in eosinophil counts was 15%. This
difference could be explained by the incorrect classification
of neutrophils as eosinophils. Eleven samples with a normal
P value
Table 3 Comparison of pseudoeosinophilia and abnormal WBC scattergram between the low parasitemia group and the high parasitemia group
Pseudoeosinophilia (%)
Abnormal WBC scattergram (%)
Pseudoeosinophilia or abnormal WBC scattergram (%)
17.8 (15/56)
17.8 (15/56)
39.3 (22/56)
34.1 (30/88)
68.2 (60/88)
88.6 (78/88)
P value
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