Theory of The Streaming Current Monitor
Theory of The Streaming Current Monitor
Theory of The Streaming Current Monitor
A streaming current (SC) meter is an instrument for measuring the charge that exists
on small, suspended particles in liquid. A streaming current meter (SCM) is the only
online instrument that can be used to measure coagulated particle stability for the
feedback control of coagulant dosage.
The streaming current meter (SCM) is also referred to as the streaming current
detector (SCD) or streaming potential detector (SPD) as well as streaming current
monitor and streaming current analyser (SCA) in various works. The word detector
is used in earlier literature instead of the words meter, monitor or analyser
because earlier SCMs were considered to only provide a qualitative indication of the
presence and sign of charge, rather than a useful quantitative measurement. The words
1: Meter, 2: Monitor and 3: Analyser all mean the same thing in this context,
except that the implication of sophistication increases in this order.
The difference between streaming potential and the more useful streaming current
will be explained in the following section.
This paper uses the more modern and descriptive term streaming current meter for all
of these instruments.
Colloidal Particles
Turbidity is caused by suspended particles in water in the size range of approximately
0.01 to 100 um in size. The larger fraction can easily be removed by settling. The
smaller particles, with sizes of less than 5 um are referred to as colloidal particles (or
colloids) and have extremely slow settling velocities and so cannot be practically
removed by settling. The behaviour of colloidal particles in water is strongly
influenced by their electrostatic charge. This colloidal charge comes about because of
the uneven surface characteristics of the particles and in most solids is negative,
particularly the alumino-silicate clays typically suspended in surface water. The
charge on each particle will repel others and prevent significant flocculation from
occurring. Neutralising this charge is the main purpose of coagulation.
Figure 1 Ways to visualise the Double Layer model and the potential as a
function of distance from the colloids charged surface.
In fresh water suitable for treatment, the diffuse layer is large compared to the stern
layer and so zeta potential gives a good indication of surface potential, which is
directly related to surface charge. Zeta potential can be measured quite easily. This is
done by using a microscope to observe turbidity particles inside a thin chamber called
an electrophoresis cell. An electric field is applied along the cell, if the particles are
negatively charged they will move towards the positive end of the cell, carrying their
stern layer ions with them. The average speed with which these particles move
depends on the zeta-potential, as it is this that determines the net electrical force
operating on the particle and its stern layer ions.
In practice, the relationship between zeta-potential and this average speed is not
always straightforward to calculate, as it is dependant on the fluids viscosity,
dielectric constant, conductivity and temperature. As a result, zeta potential, which
should have units of mV, is often expressed in terms of electrophoretic mobility. This
has rather confusing units in velocity per electric field strength, typically um/s per
Other disadvantages of measuring zeta-potential in this way include:
It can only be determined for particles that are large enough to be detected and
tracked through a microscope.
It requires a lab technician to operate the apparatus and to observe the particles
through a microscope. Therefore, Zeta potential measurement is slow, labour
intensive and cannot be used online.
It is not very accurate near zero, which unfortunately is the point of greatest
interest, because of the difficulty in tracking the particle motion.
As the piston and chamber surfaces are coated with charged particles, the water
flowing rapidly up and down through the annulus results in displacement of the
counter-ions. The SC signal measured by electrodes in the annulus is proportional to
the water velocity and therefore alternates in time with the piston. This signal is
typically in the range of 0.05uA to 5uA depending on the particular conditions.
Measurement of SC in a closed chamber has several advantages compared to
measurement directly in a flowing stream:
The closed end is electrically isolated and removes problems caused by large
potentials in the process stream from other sources.
Theoretical Description
Unfortunately, a complete, quantitative and verified mathematical description of the
sensor does not exist.
Several attempts have been made at modelling the SC sensor. The original approach
by Gerdes (1966a) was based on a simplified triangular fluid velocity profile within
the annulus. Later work (Elicker et al 1992) used a more appropriate fluid profile
model. The most complete work to date also considered inertial effects within the
annulus and compared the solutions with those found by earlier methods (Walker et
al. 1996). They found that for the geometries used by typical SCMs, the earlier
approximate solutions produce very similar results to their more complete model.
All of these models have the following form:
I = k.s....f(r,R)
Where I=average current magnitude, s=piston stroke length, =motor cycles per
second, =dielectric constant of solution, =zeta potential, r= piston radius,
R=chamber radius, k=electronics gain constant, f()=a function of the annulus shape
which depends on the model used.
Experimental results show that the linear relationships with s and exist as predicted
(and, of course, k). Likewise, results have shown that I is generally linearly related to
. However the models predictions of the actual I measured are generally poor.
All the models assume that the surface of the piston is completely and uniformly
coated by the colloidal particles and by any coagulant in solution in a representative
manner. This is not necessarily a valid assumption and probably goes a long way
towards explaining the poor predictive abilities of this theory (Barron et al. 1994;
Dentel and Kingery 1989; Dentel et al. 1989a). Gerdes acknowledged the poor
predictive abilities of this type of model, and acknowledged the existence of double-
equilibrium theory. This states that the charge on a particle surface is the result of an
equilibrium between the ions on the surface and in the solution. The charge on the
piston surface depends on another but similar equilibrium between the same
concentrations in the liquid and a different adsorbed density on the piston surface. The
charge on the two different types of surfaces, which are both in equilibrium with the
same liquid, will be related to one another in a way that depends on their respective
equilibrium constants. Using this theory, it is only possible to predict that any change
in the colloidal system that changes zeta-potential will change SC in the same
The modern colloidal-science theory works implicitly reject this equilibrium-based
theory and provide no discussion of how, or at what rate, the measurement surfaces
take on the zeta-potential characteristics of the sample. If an equilibrium does exist
between the charge on the particles in solution and the charge on the measurement
surfaces then it would influence the rate at which measured SC responds to changes in
coagulant dosage. Indeed it can be shown that by starting with this assumption it is
possible to develop a simple dynamic model that is a good fit for the sensors
observed dynamic response (Edney 2005).
Even if a perfect theoretical model of the SC sensor was possible and did exist, it
would still be of limited practical use. This is because it would require complete
characterisation of the piston surface and the precise geometry of the annulus. Surface
characteristics and the tight tolerances are easily altered by physical wear and tear,
even over relatively short time frames. It is quite possible to calibrate an SCM so that
it reads directly in units of zeta-potential over a limited range or in units matching
another SCM (Elicker et al 1992; Dentel et al 1989a), however it will not stay
calibrated like this when in continuous use as the condition of the surfaces changes
with time.
The unit of SC should properly be the unit of current (the Ampere). However, the lack
of a consistent relationship between this and any useful physical or chemical
parameters means that SCMs normally use arbitrary units. Their scales are designed
to be adjusted for convenience and can be arbitrarily set by their users. This thesis
will follow this convention and use the term SC units to refer to arbitrary units used
to measure SC.
As the raw water turbidity changes, the coagulant to residual turbidity graph shifts
considerably, while the relationship between SC and residual turbidity stays much
more constant. Controlling the coagulant dose such that the SC is constant at the
desired set point will result in a much more consistent residual turbidity. Often
coagulant chemical savings can be achieved because conservative over dosing under
manual control is avoided.
Desired SC SP
Desired Turbidity
Minimum Turbidity Point
Alum dose (ppm)
Caution and a lack of understanding kept the SCM from being used in most plants
until the early 1980s. The study most widely cited, and credited with bringing
widespread acceptance for use of the SCM in water treatment is the work of Dentel
and Kingery (for a summary, see Dentel and Kingery 1989). This includes the result
that SCM use resulted in generally improving water quality and consistency, as well
as decreased chemical usage by 12% during stable operation and 23% during
changing raw water conditions. A survey of plants using an SCM showing 80% of
them regarded it as useful. It is likely that these percentages would be higher today,
even though many more SCMs are in use, due to better understanding by both users
and manufacturers. One of the most common problems experienced is clogging of
sample lines due to floc build-up. This can normally be minimised by use of an
appropriate sample point and sampling design.
Another significant issue that has been widely identified since then is the effects of
wear and tear on the measurement surfaces and the mechanisms. Any unevenness in
the stroke due to misalignment or looseness in the mechanical drive will translate
directly into a distortion of the SC signal. Changes in the condition of the sensing
surfaces will change the manner in which they become coated with colloidal material
and the equilibrium constants between the surfaces and the solution. These effects are
normally the most significant on the surface of the piston. Once the wear reaches a
certain level the reading produced becomes unstable, and commonly drifts in an
unpredictable manner. It is not always possible to tell by inspection if a particular unit
is in this condition.
The successful operation of a SCM has developed a (in the authors opinion,
unjustified) reputation among some WTP operators for being more of an art than a
science. The reasons include the difficulty in detecting failure, the arbitrary nature of
the measured units and the inconsistency between different plants and different
However, the instruments usefulness is no longer in question. For example, the New
Zealand Ministry of Health requires plants supplying more than 5000 people to have
automatic control of their coagulant dosage in order to achieve either of the highest 2
grades, required to be graded more than merely satisfactory (Public Health Grading
Drinking Water Supplies 2003). Currently, a SCM is the only technology that can
provide this.
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